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20.1.0rc1 (March 23, 2020)
The first release candidate of the *fMRIPrep* 20.1.x series. This release introduces a configuration
file to easily distinguish which options were selected for each participant, along with other enhancements.

  * DOC: Add FAQ about reusing work directory (#2045)
  * ENH: Config module (#2018)
  * ENH: Add option to ignore T2w / FLAIR images (#2015)
  * ENH: Ensure subcortical volume in CIFTI is in LAS orientation (`nipreps/niworkflows#484`_)
  * ENH: Add option to skip brain extraction (#2039)
  * MAINT: Bump minimum Python to 3.7 (#2017)

.. _`nipreps/niworkflows#484`: