import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Inject, Optional, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from "@angular/core"; import { fromEvent, Subscription, ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, Observable, race, timer, Subject } from 'rxjs' import { debounceTime, filter, map, scan, startWith, mapTo, switchMap, take, skip, tap, distinctUntilChanged } from "rxjs/operators"; import { AtlasWorkerService } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service"; import { StateInterface as ViewerConfiguration } from "src/services/state/"; import { LoggingService } from "src/logging"; import { bufferUntil, getExportNehuba, getViewer, setNehubaViewer, switchMapWaitFor } from "src/util/fn"; import { deserializeSegment, NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN, scanSliceViewRenderFn } from "../util"; import { arrayOrderedEql } from 'common/util' import { IMeshesToLoad, SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD } from "../constants"; import { IColorMap, SET_COLORMAP_OBS, SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY } from "../layerCtrl.service"; /** * import of nehuba js files moved to angular.json */ import { INgLayerCtrl, NG_LAYER_CONTROL, SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY, TNgLayerCtrl } from "../layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.util"; const NG_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME = 'spatial landmark layer' const NG_USER_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME = 'user landmark layer' /** * optimized for nehubaConfig.layout.useNehubaPerspective.fixedZoomPerspectiveSlices * sliceZoom * sliceViewportWidth * sliceViewportHeight */ const NG_LANDMARK_CONSTANT = 1e-8 export const IMPORT_NEHUBA_INJECT_TOKEN = `IMPORT_NEHUBA_INJECT_TOKEN` interface LayerLabelIndex { layer: { name: string } labelIndicies: number[] } export interface INehubaLifecycleHook{ onInit?: () => void } export const scanFn = (acc: LayerLabelIndex[], curr: LayerLabelIndex) => { const found = acc.find(layerLabelIndex => { return === }) if (!found) { return [ ...acc, curr ] } return => { return === ? curr : layerLabelIndex }) } /** * no selector is needed, as currently, nehubaviewer is created dynamically */ @Component({ templateUrl : './nehubaViewer.template.html', styleUrls : [ './', ], // OnPush seems to improve performance significantly changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public ngIdSegmentsMap: Record<string, number[]> = {} private sliceviewLoading$: Observable<boolean> public overrideShowLayers: string[] = [] public lifecycle: INehubaLifecycleHook public viewerPosInVoxel$ = new BehaviorSubject(null) public viewerPosInReal$ = new BehaviorSubject(null) public mousePosInVoxel$ = new BehaviorSubject(null) public mousePosInReal$ = new BehaviorSubject(null) private exportNehuba: any private subscriptions: Subscription[] = [] @Output() public nehubaReady: EventEmitter<null> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public layersChanged: EventEmitter<null> = new EventEmitter() private layersChangedHandler: any @Output() public viewerPositionChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public mouseoverSegmentEmitter: EventEmitter<{ segmentId: number | null layer: { name?: string url?: string } }> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public mouseoverLandmarkEmitter: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public mouseoverUserlandmarkEmitter: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public regionSelectionEmitter: EventEmitter<{ segment: number, layer: { name?: string, url?: string }}> = new EventEmitter() @Output() public errorEmitter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter() /* only used to set initial navigation state */ public initNav: any public initRegions: any[] public initNiftiLayers: any[] = [] public config: any public nehubaViewer: any private _dim: [number, number, number] get dim() { return this._dim ? this._dim : [1.5e9, 1.5e9, 1.5e9] } public _s2$: any = null public _s3$: any = null public _s4$: any = null public _s5$: any = null public _s6$: any = null public _s7$: any = null public _s8$: any = null public _s$: any[] = [ this._s2$, this._s3$, this._s4$, this._s5$, this._s6$, this._s7$, this._s8$, ] public ondestroySubscriptions: Subscription[] = [] private createNehubaPromiseRs: () => void private createNehubaPromise = new Promise<void>(rs => { this.createNehubaPromiseRs = rs }) public nehubaLoaded: boolean = false public landmarksLoaded: boolean = false constructor( public elementRef: ElementRef, private workerService: AtlasWorkerService, private log: LoggingService, @Inject(IMPORT_NEHUBA_INJECT_TOKEN) getImportNehubaPr: () => Promise<any>, @Optional() @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) private nehubaViewer$: Subject<NehubaViewerUnit>, @Optional() @Inject(SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD) private injSetMeshesToLoad$: Observable<IMeshesToLoad>, @Optional() @Inject(SET_COLORMAP_OBS) private setColormap$: Observable<IColorMap>, @Optional() @Inject(SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY) private layerVis$: Observable<string[]>, @Optional() @Inject(SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY) private segVis$: Observable<string[]>, @Optional() @Inject(NG_LAYER_CONTROL) private layerCtrl$: Observable<TNgLayerCtrl<keyof INgLayerCtrl>>, ) { if (this.nehubaViewer$) { this.nehubaViewer$.next(this) } getImportNehubaPr() .then(() => { this.nehubaLoaded = true this.exportNehuba = getExportNehuba() const fixedZoomPerspectiveSlices = this.config && this.config.layout && this.config.layout.useNehubaPerspective && this.config.layout.useNehubaPerspective.fixedZoomPerspectiveSlices if (fixedZoomPerspectiveSlices) { const { sliceZoom, sliceViewportWidth, sliceViewportHeight } = fixedZoomPerspectiveSlices const dim = Math.min(sliceZoom * sliceViewportWidth, sliceZoom * sliceViewportHeight) this._dim = [dim, dim, dim] } this.patchNG() this.loadNehuba() this.layersChangedHandler = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.layersChanged.add(() => this.layersChanged.emit(null)) this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.registerDisposer(this.layersChangedHandler) }) .then(() => { // all mutation to this.nehubaViewer should await createNehubaPromise this.createNehubaPromiseRs() }) .catch(e => this.errorEmitter.emit(e)) /** * TODO move to layerCtrl.service */ this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( fromEvent(this.workerService.worker, 'message').pipe( filter((message: any) => { if (!message) { // this.log.error('worker response message is undefined', message) return false } if (! { // this.log.error('worker response is undefined', return false } if ( !== 'ASSEMBLED_USERLANDMARKS_VTK') { /* worker responded with not assembled landmark, no need to act */ return false } /** * nb url may be undefined * if undefined, user have removed all user landmarks, and all that needs to be done * is remove the user landmark layer * * */ return true }), debounceTime(100), map(e =>, ).subscribe(url => { this.landmarksLoaded = !!url this.removeuserLandmarks() /** * url may be null if user removes all landmarks */ if (!url) { /** * remove transparency from meshes in current layer(s) */ this.setMeshTransparency(false) return } const _ = {} _[NG_USER_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME] = { type: 'mesh', source: `vtk://${url}`, shader: this.userLandmarkShader, } this.loadLayer(_) /** * adding transparency to meshes in current layer(s) */ this.setMeshTransparency(true) }), ) if (this.setColormap$) { this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.setColormap$.pipe( switchMap(switchMapWaitFor({ condition: () => !!(this.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer) })), debounceTime(160), ).subscribe(v => { const map = new Map() for (const key in v) { const m = new Map() map.set(key, m) for (const lblIdx in v[key]) { m.set(lblIdx, v[key][lblIdx]) } } this.setColorMap(map) }) ) } else { this.log.error(`SET_COLORMAP_OBS not provided`) } if (this.layerVis$) { this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.layerVis$.pipe( switchMap(switchMapWaitFor({ condition: () => !!(this.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer) })), distinctUntilChanged(arrayOrderedEql), debounceTime(160), ).subscribe((layerNames: string[]) => { /** * debounce 160ms to set layer invisible etc * on switch from freesurfer -> volumetric viewer, race con results in managed layer not necessarily setting layer visible correctly */ const managedLayers = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.managedLayers managedLayers.forEach(layer => layer.setVisible(false)) for (const layerName of layerNames) { const layer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(layerName) if (layer) { layer.setVisible(true) } else { this.log.log('layer unavailable', layerName) } } }) ) } else { this.log.error(`SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY not provided`) } if (this.segVis$) { this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.segVis$.pipe( switchMap( switchMapWaitFor({ condition: () => this.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer, leading: true, }) ) ).subscribe(val => { console.log(val) // null === hide all seg if (val === null) { this.hideAllSeg() return } // empty array === show all seg if (val.length === 0) { this.showAllSeg() return } // show limited seg this.showSegs(val) }) ) } else { this.log.error(`SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY not provided`) } if (this.layerCtrl$) { this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.layerCtrl$.pipe( bufferUntil(({ condition: () => !!this.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer })) ).subscribe(messages => { for (const message of messages) { if (message.type === 'add') { const p = message as TNgLayerCtrl<'add'> this.loadLayer(p.payload) } if (message.type === 'remove') { const p = message as TNgLayerCtrl<'remove'> for (const name of p.payload.names){ this.removeLayer({ name }) } } if (message.type === 'update') { const p = message as TNgLayerCtrl<'update'> this.updateLayer(p.payload) } if (message.type === 'setLayerTransparency') { const p = message as TNgLayerCtrl<'setLayerTransparency'> for (const key in p.payload) { this.setLayerTransparency(key, p.payload[key]) } } } }) ) } else { this.log.error(`NG_LAYER_CONTROL not provided`) } } public numMeshesToBeLoaded: number = 0 public applyPerformanceConfig({ gpuLimit }: Partial<ViewerConfiguration>) { if (gpuLimit && this.nehubaViewer) { const limit = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.state.children.get('gpuMemoryLimit') if (limit && limit.restoreState) { limit.restoreState(gpuLimit) } } } public spatialLandmarkSelectionChanged(labels: number[]) { const getCondition = (label: number) => `if(label > ${label - 0.1} && label < ${label + 0.1} ){${FRAGMENT_EMIT_RED}}` const newShader = `void main(){ ${'else ')}else {${FRAGMENT_EMIT_WHITE}} }` if (!this.nehubaViewer) { this.log.warn('setting special landmark selection changed failed ... nehubaViewer is not yet defined') return } const landmarkLayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(NG_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME) if (!landmarkLayer) { this.log.warn('landmark layer could not be found ... will not update colour map') return } if (labels.length === 0) { landmarkLayer.layer.displayState.fragmentMain.restoreState(FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE) } else { landmarkLayer.layer.displayState.fragmentMain.restoreState(newShader) } } public navPosReal: [number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0] public navPosVoxel: [number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0] public mousePosReal: [number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0] public mousePosVoxel: [number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0] public viewerState: ViewerState private _multiNgIdColorMap: Map<string, Map<number, {red: number, green: number, blue: number}>> get multiNgIdColorMap() { return this._multiNgIdColorMap } set multiNgIdColorMap(val) { this._multiNgIdColorMap = val } private loadMeshes$: ReplaySubject<{labelIndicies: number[], layer: { name: string }}> = new ReplaySubject() public mouseOverSegment: number | null public mouseOverLayer: {name: string, url: string}| null public getNgHash: () => string = () => this.exportNehuba ? this.exportNehuba.getNgHash() : null public redraw() { this.nehubaViewer.redraw() } public loadNehuba() { this.nehubaViewer = this.exportNehuba.createNehubaViewer(this.config, (err) => { /* print in debug mode */ this.log.error(err) }) /** * Hide all layers except the base layer (template) * Then show the layers referenced in multiNgIdLabelIndexMap */ this.redraw() /* creation of the layout is done on next frame, hence the settimeout */ setTimeout(() => { getViewer().display.panels.forEach(patchSliceViewPanel) this.nehubaReady.emit(null) }) this.newViewerInit() this.loadNewParcellation() setNehubaViewer(this.nehubaViewer) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => setNehubaViewer(null)) } public ngOnInit() { this.sliceviewLoading$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent').pipe( scan(scanSliceViewRenderFn, [ null, null, null ]), map(arrOfFlags => arrOfFlags.some(flag => flag)), startWith(true), ) this.subscriptions.push( (this.injSetMeshesToLoad$ || this.loadMeshes$).pipe( scan(scanFn, []), debounceTime(100), switchMap(layerLabelIdx => /** * sometimes (e.g. when all slice views are minimised), sliceviewlaoding will not emit * so if sliceviewloading does not emit another value (except the initial true value) * force start loading of mesh */ race( this.sliceviewLoading$.pipe( skip(1) ), timer(500).pipe( mapTo(false) ) ).pipe( filter(flag => !flag), take(1), mapTo(layerLabelIdx), ) ), ).subscribe(layersLabelIndex => { let totalMeshes = 0 for (const layerLayerIndex of layersLabelIndex) { const { layer, labelIndicies } = layerLayerIndex totalMeshes += labelIndicies.length this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad(labelIndicies, layer) } // TODO implement total mesh to be loaded and mesh loading UI this.numMeshesToBeLoaded = totalMeshes }), ) const { onInit } = this.lifecycle || {} onInit && } public ngOnDestroy() { if (this.nehubaViewer$) { this.nehubaViewer$.next(null) } while (this.subscriptions.length > 0) { this.subscriptions.pop().unsubscribe() } this._s$.forEach(_s$ => { if (_s$) { _s$.unsubscribe() } }) this.ondestroySubscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe()) while (this.onDestroyCb.length > 0) { this.onDestroyCb.pop()() } this.nehubaViewer && this.nehubaViewer.dispose() } private onDestroyCb: Array<() => void> = [] private patchNG() { const { LayerManager, UrlHashBinding } = this.exportNehuba.getNgPatchableObj() UrlHashBinding.prototype.setUrlHash = () => { // this.log.log('seturl hash') // this.log.log('setting url hash') } UrlHashBinding.prototype.updateFromUrlHash = () => { // this.log.log('update hash binding') } /* TODO find a more permanent fix to disable double click */ LayerManager.prototype.invokeAction = (arg) => { /** * The emitted value does not affect the region selection * the region selection is taken care of in nehubaContainer */ if (arg === 'select') { this.regionSelectionEmitter.emit({ segment: this.mouseOverSegment, layer: this.mouseOverLayer }) } } /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */ this.onDestroyCb.push(() => LayerManager.prototype.invokeAction = (_arg) => { /** in default neuroglancer, this function is invoked when selection occurs */ }) } private filterLayers(l: any, layerObj: any): boolean { /** * if selector is an empty object, select all layers */ return layerObj instanceof Object && Object.keys(layerObj).every(key => /** * the property described by the selector must exist and ... */ !!l[key] && /** * if the selector is regex, test layer property */ ( layerObj[key] instanceof RegExp ? layerObj[key].test(l[key]) /** * if selector is string, test for strict equality */ : typeof layerObj[key] === 'string' ? layerObj[key] === l[key] /** * otherwise do not filter */ : false ), ) } private userLandmarkShader: string = FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE // TODO single landmark for user landmark public updateUserLandmarks(landmarks: any[]) { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { return } this.workerService.worker.postMessage({ type : 'GET_USERLANDMARKS_VTK', scale: Math.min( => v * NG_LANDMARK_CONSTANT)), landmarks : => => coord * 1e6)), }) const parseLmColor = lm => { if (!lm) return null const { color } = lm if (!color) return null if (!Array.isArray(color)) return null if (color.length !== 3) return null const parseNum = num => (num >= 0 && num <= 255 ? num / 255 : 1).toFixed(3) return `emitRGB(vec3(${',')}));` } const appendConditional = (frag, idx) => frag && `if (label > ${idx - 0.01} && label < ${idx + 0.01}) { ${frag} }` if (landmarks.some(parseLmColor)) { this.userLandmarkShader = `void main(){ ${ => !!v).join('else ')} else {${FRAGMENT_EMIT_WHITE}} }` } else { this.userLandmarkShader = FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE } } public removeSpatialSearch3DLandmarks() { this.removeLayer({ name : NG_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME, }) } public removeuserLandmarks() { this.removeLayer({ name : NG_USER_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME, }) } public setLayerVisibility(condition: {name: string|RegExp}, visible: boolean) { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { return false } const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer viewer.layerManager.managedLayers .filter(l => this.filterLayers(l, condition)) .map(layer => layer.setVisible(visible)) } public removeLayer(layerObj: any) { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { return false } const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer const removeLayer = (i) => (viewer.layerManager.removeManagedLayer(i), return viewer.layerManager.managedLayers .filter(l => this.filterLayers(l, layerObj)) .map(removeLayer) } public loadLayer(layerObj: any) { const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer return Object.keys(layerObj) .filter(key => /* if the layer exists, it will not be loaded */ !viewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(key)) .map(key => { viewer.layerManager.addManagedLayer( viewer.layerSpecification.getLayer(key, layerObj[key])) return layerObj[key] }) } public updateLayer(layerObj: INgLayerCtrl['update']) { const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer for (const layerName in layerObj) { const layer = viewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(layerName) if (!layer) continue const { visible } = layerObj[layerName] layer.setVisible(!!visible) } } public hideAllSeg() { if (!this.nehubaViewer) return for (const ngId in this.ngIdSegmentsMap) { for (const idx of this.ngIdSegmentsMap[ngId]) { this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(idx, { name: ngId, }) } this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(0, { name: ngId, }) } } public showAllSeg() { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { return } for (const ngId in this.ngIdSegmentsMap) { console.log(ngId) for (const idx of this.ngIdSegmentsMap[ngId]) { this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(idx, { name: ngId, }) } this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0, { name: ngId, }) } } public showSegs(array: (number|string)[]) { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { return } this.hideAllSeg() if (array.length === 0) { return } /** * TODO tobe deprecated */ if (typeof array[0] === 'number') { this.log.warn(`show seg with number indices has been deprecated`) return } const reduceFn: (acc: Map<string, number[]>, curr: string) => Map<string, number[]> = (acc, curr) => { const newMap = new Map(acc) const { ngId, label: labelIndex } = deserializeSegment(curr) const exist = newMap.get(ngId) if (!exist) { newMap.set(ngId, [Number(labelIndex)]) } else { newMap.set(ngId, [...exist, Number(labelIndex)]) } return newMap } const newMap: Map<string, number[]> = array.reduce(reduceFn, new Map()) /** * TODO * ugh, ugly code. cleanify */ /** * TODO * sometimes, ngId still happends to be undefined */ newMap.forEach((segs, ngId) => { this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0, { name: ngId, }) segs.forEach(seg => { this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(seg, { name: ngId, }) }) }) } private vec3(pos: number[]) { return this.exportNehuba.vec3.fromValues(...pos) } public setNavigationState(newViewerState: Partial<ViewerState>) { if (!this.nehubaViewer) { this.log.warn('setNavigationState > this.nehubaViewer is not yet defined') return } const { orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, position, positionReal, zoom, } = newViewerState if ( perspectiveZoom ) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.perspectiveNavigationState.zoomFactor.restoreState(perspectiveZoom) } if ( zoom ) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.zoomFactor.restoreState(zoom) } if ( perspectiveOrientation ) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.perspectiveNavigationState.pose.orientation.restoreState( perspectiveOrientation ) } if ( orientation ) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.orientation.restoreState( orientation ) } if ( position ) { this.nehubaViewer.setPosition( this.vec3(position) , positionReal ? true : false ) } } public obliqueRotateX(amount: number) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.rotateRelative(this.vec3([0, 1, 0]), -amount / 4.0 * Math.PI / 180.0) } public obliqueRotateY(amount: number) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.rotateRelative(this.vec3([1, 0, 0]), amount / 4.0 * Math.PI / 180.0) } public obliqueRotateZ(amount: number) { this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.rotateRelative(this.vec3([0, 0, 1]), amount / 4.0 * Math.PI / 180.0) } public toggleOctantRemoval(flag?: boolean) { const ctrl = this.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer?.showPerspectiveSliceViews if (!ctrl) { this.log.error(`toggleOctantRemoval failed. this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer?.showPerspectiveSliceViews returns falsy`) return } const newVal = typeof flag === 'undefined' ? !ctrl.value : flag ctrl.restoreState(newVal) if (this.landmarksLoaded) { /** * showPerspectSliceView -> ! meshTransparency */ this.setMeshTransparency(!newVal) } } private setLayerTransparency(layerName: string, alpha: number) { const layer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(layerName) if (!layer) return layer.layer.displayState.objectAlpha.restoreState(alpha) } public setMeshTransparency(flag: boolean){ /** * remove transparency from meshes in current layer(s) */ for (const layerKey in this.ngIdSegmentsMap) { const layer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(layerKey) if (layer) { layer.layer.displayState.objectAlpha.restoreState(flag ? 0.2 : 1.0) } } } private newViewerInit() { /* isn't this layer specific? */ /* TODO this is layer specific. need a way to distinguish between different segmentation layers */ this._s2$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment .subscribe(({ segment, layer }) => { this.mouseOverSegment = segment this.mouseOverLayer = { ...layer } }) if (this.initNav) { this.setNavigationState(this.initNav) this.initNav = null } if (this.initRegions && this.initRegions.length > 0) { this.hideAllSeg() this.showSegs(this.initRegions) } if (this.initNiftiLayers.length > 0) { this.initNiftiLayers.forEach(layer => this.loadLayer(layer)) this.hideAllSeg() } this._s8$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment.subscribe(({segment: segmentId, layer }) => { this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit({ layer, segmentId, }) }) // nehubaViewer.navigationState.all emits every time a new layer is added or removed from the viewer this._s3$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.all .distinctUntilChanged((a, b) => { const { orientation: o1, perspectiveOrientation: po1, perspectiveZoom: pz1, position: p1, zoom: z1, } = a const { orientation: o2, perspectiveOrientation: po2, perspectiveZoom: pz2, position: p2, zoom: z2, } = b return [0, 1, 2, 3].every(idx => o1[idx] === o2[idx]) && [0, 1, 2, 3].every(idx => po1[idx] === po2[idx]) && pz1 === pz2 && [0, 1, 2].every(idx => p1[idx] === p2[idx]) && z1 === z2 }) .filter(() => !this.initNav) .subscribe(({ orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, position, zoom }) => { this.viewerState = { orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, zoom, position, positionReal : false, } this.viewerPositionChange.emit({ orientation : Array.from(orientation), perspectiveOrientation : Array.from(perspectiveOrientation), perspectiveZoom, zoom, position: Array.from(position), positionReal : true, }) }) // TODO bug: mouseoverlandmarkemitter does not emit empty for VTK layer when user mouse click this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.layer .filter(obj => === NG_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME) .subscribe(obj => this.mouseoverLandmarkEmitter.emit(obj.value)), ) this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.layer .filter(obj => === NG_USER_LANDMARK_LAYER_NAME) .subscribe(obj => this.mouseoverUserlandmarkEmitter.emit(obj.value)), ) this._s4$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.position.inRealSpace .filter(v => typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v => { this.navPosReal = Array.from(v) as [number, number, number] this.viewerPosInReal$.next(Array.from(v)) }) this._s5$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.position.inVoxels .filter(v => typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v => { this.navPosVoxel = Array.from(v) as [number, number, number] this.viewerPosInVoxel$.next(Array.from(v)) }) this._s6$ = this.nehubaViewer.mousePosition.inRealSpace .filter(v => typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v => { this.mousePosReal = Array.from(v) as [number, number, number] this.mousePosInReal$.next(Array.from(v)) }) this._s7$ = this.nehubaViewer.mousePosition.inVoxels .filter(v => typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v => { this.mousePosVoxel = Array.from(v) as [number, number, number] this.mousePosInVoxel$.next(Array.from(v)) }) } private loadNewParcellation() { this._s$.forEach(_s$ => { if (_s$) { _s$.unsubscribe() } }) } private setColorMap(map: Map<string, Map<number, {red: number, green: number, blue: number}>>) { this.multiNgIdColorMap = map for (const [ ngId, cMap ] of map.entries()) { const nMap = new Map() for (const [ key, cm ] of cMap.entries()) { nMap.set(Number(key), cm) } this.nehubaViewer.batchAddAndUpdateSegmentColors( nMap, { name : ngId }) } } } const patchSliceViewPanel = (sliceViewPanel: any) => { const originalDraw = sliceViewPanel.draw sliceViewPanel.draw = function(this) { if (this.sliceView) { const viewportToDataEv = new CustomEvent('viewportToData', { bubbles: true, detail: { viewportToData : this.sliceView.viewportToData, }, }) this.element.dispatchEvent(viewportToDataEv) } } } export interface ViewerState { orientation: number[] perspectiveOrientation: number[] perspectiveZoom: number position: number[] positionReal: boolean zoom: number } export const ICOSAHEDRON = `# vtk DataFile Version 2.0 Converted using ASCII DATASET POLYDATA POINTS 12 float -525731.0 0.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 0.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 -525731.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 POLYGONS 20 80 3 1 4 0 3 4 9 0 3 4 5 9 3 8 5 4 3 1 8 4 3 1 10 8 3 10 3 8 3 8 3 5 3 3 2 5 3 3 7 2 3 3 10 7 3 10 6 7 3 6 11 7 3 6 0 11 3 6 1 0 3 10 1 6 3 11 0 9 3 2 11 9 3 5 2 9 3 11 2 7` declare const TextEncoder export const _encoder = new TextEncoder() export const ICOSAHEDRON_VTK_URL = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([ _encoder.encode(ICOSAHEDRON) ], {type : 'application/octet-stream'} )) export const FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE = `void main(){emitRGB(vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0));}` export const FRAGMENT_EMIT_WHITE = `emitRGB(vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));` export const FRAGMENT_EMIT_RED = `emitRGB(vec3(1.0, 0.1, 0.12));` export const computeDistance = (pt1: [number, number], pt2: [number, number]) => ((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5