import { AfterContentChecked, AfterViewInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, Inject, OnDestroy, Optional, Output, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { ClickInterceptor, CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR } from "src/util"; import { distinctUntilChanged, filter, map } from "rxjs/operators"; import { ARIA_LABELS, CONST } from 'common/constants' import { IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "../../viewer.interface"; import { NehubaMeshService } from "../mesh.service"; import { NehubaLayerControlService, SET_COLORMAP_OBS, SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY } from "../layerCtrl.service"; import { getExportNehuba, getUuid } from "src/util/fn"; import { NG_LAYER_CONTROL, SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY } from "../layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.util"; import { MatSnackBar } from "@angular/material/snack-bar"; import { getShader } from "src/util/constants"; import { EnumColorMapName } from "src/util/colorMaps"; import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"; import { AtlasWorkerService } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service"; import { SapiRegionModel } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi"; import { NehubaConfig } from "../config.service"; import { SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD } from "../constants"; import { atlasAppearance, atlasSelection, userInteraction } from "src/state"; import { linearTransform, TVALID_LINEAR_XFORM_DST, TVALID_LINEAR_XFORM_SRC } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/core/space/interspaceLinearXform"; import { CustomLayer, NgLayerCustomLayer } from "src/state/atlasAppearance"; import { arrayEqual } from "src/util/array"; export const INVALID_FILE_INPUT = `Exactly one (1) file is required!` @Component({ selector: 'iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-glue', templateUrl: './nehubaViewerGlue.template.html', styleUrls: [ './' ], exportAs: 'iavCmpViewerNehubaGlue', providers: [ { provide: SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD, useFactory: (meshService: NehubaMeshService) => meshService.loadMeshes$, deps: [ NehubaMeshService ] }, NehubaMeshService, { provide: SET_COLORMAP_OBS, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.setColorMap$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.visibleLayer$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.segmentVis$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: NG_LAYER_CONTROL, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.ngLayersController$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, NehubaLayerControlService, NehubaMeshService, ], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class NehubaGlueCmp implements IViewer<'nehuba'>, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('layerCtrlTmpl', { static: true }) layerCtrlTmpl: TemplateRef<any> public ARIA_LABELS = ARIA_LABELS public CONST = CONST private onhoverSegments: SapiRegionModel[] = [] private onDestroyCb: (() => void)[] = [] public nehubaConfig: NehubaConfig ngOnDestroy(): void { while (this.onDestroyCb.length) this.onDestroyCb.pop()() } @Output() public viewerEvent = new EventEmitter<TViewerEvent<'nehuba'>>() constructor( private store$: Store<any>, private snackbar: MatSnackBar, private dialog: MatDialog, private worker: AtlasWorkerService, @Optional() @Inject(CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR) clickInterceptor: ClickInterceptor, ){ /** * define onclick behaviour */ if (clickInterceptor) { const { deregister, register } = clickInterceptor const selOnhoverRegion = this.selectHoveredRegion.bind(this) register(selOnhoverRegion, { last: true }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => deregister(selOnhoverRegion)) } /** * on hover segment */ const onhovSegSub =$.pipe( select(userInteraction.selectors.mousingOverRegions), distinctUntilChanged(), ).subscribe(arr => { this.onhoverSegments = arr }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => onhovSegSub.unsubscribe()) } private selectHoveredRegion(_ev: any): boolean{ /** * If label indicies are not defined by the ontology, it will be a string in the format of `{ngId}#{labelIndex}` */ const trueOnhoverSegments = this.onhoverSegments && this.onhoverSegments.filter(v => typeof v === 'object') if (!trueOnhoverSegments || (trueOnhoverSegments.length === 0)) return true$.dispatch( atlasSelection.actions.selectRegion({ region: trueOnhoverSegments[0] }) ) return true } ngAfterViewInit(): void { const customLayer =$.pipe( select(atlasAppearance.selectors.customLayers), distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o: NgLayerCustomLayer, n) => ===, map(cl => { const customLayers = cl.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer/controller" && l.controllable) return customLayers }), filter(r => !!r), distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o: NgLayerCustomLayer, n) => o.source === n.source)), ).subscribe((l: NgLayerCustomLayer[]) => { console.log(l) if (l && l.length === 1) { this.openLayerController({layerName: l[0].id, fileName: l[0].source.split(',').pop()}) } }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => customLayer.unsubscribe()) } private droppedLayerNames: { layerName: string resourceUrl: string }[] = [] private dismissAllAddedLayers(){ while (this.droppedLayerNames.length) { const { resourceUrl, layerName } = this.droppedLayerNames.pop()$.dispatch( atlasAppearance.actions.removeCustomLayer({ id: layerName }) ) URL.revokeObjectURL(resourceUrl) } } public async handleFileDrop(files: File[]): Promise<void> { if (files.length !== 1) {, 'Dismiss', { duration: 5000 }) return } const randomUuid = getUuid() const file = files[0] /** * TODO check extension? */ this.dismissAllAddedLayers() if (/\.swc$/i.test( { let message = `The swc rendering is experimental. Please contact us on any feedbacks. ` const swcText = await file.text() let src: TVALID_LINEAR_XFORM_SRC const dst: TVALID_LINEAR_XFORM_DST = "NEHUBA" if (/ccf/i.test(swcText)) { src = "CCF" message += `CCF detected, applying known transformation.` } if (!src) { message += `no known space detected. Applying default transformation.` } const xform = await linearTransform(src, dst) const url = URL.createObjectURL(file) this.droppedLayerNames.push({ layerName: randomUuid, resourceUrl: url })$.dispatch( atlasAppearance.actions.addCustomLayer({ customLayer: { id: randomUuid, source: `swc://${url}`, segments: ["1"], transform: xform, clType: 'customlayer/nglayer' as const } }) ), "Dismiss", { duration: 10000 }) return } // Get file, try to inflate, if files, use original array buffer const buf = await file.arrayBuffer() let outbuf try { outbuf = getExportNehuba().pako.inflate(buf).buffer } catch (e) { console.log('unpack error', e) outbuf = buf } try { const { result } = await this.worker.sendMessage({ method: 'PROCESS_NIFTI', param: { nifti: outbuf }, transfers: [ outbuf ] }) const { meta, buffer } = result const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([ buffer ])) this.droppedLayerNames.push({ layerName: randomUuid, resourceUrl: url })$.dispatch( atlasAppearance.actions.addCustomLayer({ customLayer: { id: randomUuid, source: `nifti://${url}`, shader: getShader({ colormap: EnumColorMapName.MAGMA, lowThreshold: meta.min || 0, highThreshold: meta.max || 1 }), clType: 'customlayer/nglayer' } }) ) this.openLayerController({layerName: randomUuid, fileName:, min: meta.min || 0, max: meta.max || 1, warning: meta.warning || []}) } catch (e) { console.error(e)`Error loading nifti: ${e.toString()}`, 'Dismiss', { duration: 5000 }) } } openLayerController(meta: {layerName: string, fileName: string, min?: number, max?: number, warning?: any[]}) { this.layerCtrlTmpl, { data: { layerName: meta.layerName, filename: meta.fileName, moreInfoFlag: false, min: meta.min || 0, max: meta.max || 1, warning: meta.warning || [] }, hasBackdrop: false, disableClose: true, position: { top: '0em' }, autoFocus: false, panelClass: [ 'no-padding-dialog', 'w-100' ] } ).afterClosed().subscribe( () => this.dismissAllAddedLayers() ) } }