import { Inject, Injectable, OnDestroy, Optional } from "@angular/core"; import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, from, merge, Observable, of, Subject, Subscription } from "rxjs"; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, shareReplay, switchMap, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators"; import { viewerStateCustomLandmarkSelector, viewerStateSelectedParcellationSelector, viewerStateSelectedRegionsSelector, viewerStateSelectedTemplateSelector } from "src/services/state/viewerState/selectors"; import { getRgb, IColorMap, INgLayerCtrl, INgLayerInterface, TNgLayerCtrl } from "./layerCtrl.util"; import { getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap } from "../constants"; import { IAuxMesh } from '../store' import { REGION_OF_INTEREST } from "src/util/interfaces"; import { TRegionDetail } from "src/util/siibraApiConstants/types"; import { EnumColorMapName } from "src/util/colorMaps"; import { getShader, PMAP_DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "src/util/constants"; import { ngViewerActionAddNgLayer, ngViewerActionRemoveNgLayer, ngViewerSelectorClearView, ngViewerSelectorLayers } from "src/services/state/"; import { serialiseParcellationRegion } from 'common/util' export const BACKUP_COLOR = { red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255 } export function getAuxMeshesAndReturnIColor(auxMeshes: IAuxMesh[]): IColorMap{ const returnVal: IColorMap = {} for (const auxMesh of auxMeshes as IAuxMesh[]) { const { ngId, labelIndicies, rgb = [255, 255, 255] } = auxMesh const auxMeshColorMap = returnVal[ngId] || {} for (const lblIdx of labelIndicies) { auxMeshColorMap[lblIdx as number] = { red: rgb[0] as number, green: rgb[1] as number, blue: rgb[2] as number, } } returnVal[ngId] = auxMeshColorMap } return returnVal } @Injectable() export class NehubaLayerControlService implements OnDestroy{ static PMAP_LAYER_NAME = 'regional-pmap' private selectedRegion$ =$.pipe( select(viewerStateSelectedRegionsSelector), shareReplay(1), ) private selectedParcellation$ =$.pipe( select(viewerStateSelectedParcellationSelector) ) private selectedTemplateSelector$ =$.pipe( select(viewerStateSelectedTemplateSelector) ) private selParcNgIdMap$ = this.selectedParcellation$.pipe( map(parc => getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap(parc)), shareReplay(1), ) private activeColorMap$: Observable<IColorMap> = combineLatest([ this.selParcNgIdMap$.pipe( map(map => { const returnVal: IColorMap = {} for (const [ key, val ] of map.entries()) { returnVal[key] = {} for (const [ lblIdx, region ] of val.entries()) { const rgb = getRgb(lblIdx, region) returnVal[key][lblIdx] = rgb } } return returnVal }) ), this.selectedRegion$, this.selectedTemplateSelector$.pipe( map(template => { const { auxMeshes = [] } = template || {} return getAuxMeshesAndReturnIColor(auxMeshes) }) ), this.selectedParcellation$.pipe( map(parc => { const { auxMeshes = [] } = parc || {} return getAuxMeshesAndReturnIColor(auxMeshes) }) ), ]).pipe( map(([ regions, selReg, ...auxMeshesArr ]) => { const returnVal: IColorMap = {} if (selReg.length === 0) { for (const key in regions) { returnVal[key] = regions[key] } } else { /** * if selected regions are non empty * set the selected regions to show color, * but the rest to show white */ for (const key in regions) { const colorMap = {} returnVal[key] = colorMap for (const lblIdx in regions[key]) { if (selReg.some(r => r.ngId === key && r.labelIndex === Number(lblIdx))) { colorMap[lblIdx] = regions[key][lblIdx] } else { colorMap[lblIdx] = BACKUP_COLOR } } } } for (const auxMeshes of auxMeshesArr) { for (const key in auxMeshes) { const existingObj = returnVal[key] || {} returnVal[key] = { ...existingObj, ...auxMeshes[key], } } } this.activeColorMap = returnVal return returnVal }) ) private auxMeshes$: Observable<IAuxMesh[]> = combineLatest([ this.selectedTemplateSelector$, this.selectedParcellation$, ]).pipe( map(([ tmpl, parc ]) => { const { auxMeshes: tmplAuxMeshes = [] as IAuxMesh[] } = tmpl || {} const { auxMeshes: parclAuxMeshes = [] as IAuxMesh[] } = parc || {} return [...tmplAuxMeshes, ...parclAuxMeshes] }) ) private sub: Subscription[] = [] ngOnDestroy(){ while (this.sub.length > 0) this.sub.pop().unsubscribe() } constructor( private store$: Store<any>, @Optional() @Inject(REGION_OF_INTEREST) roi$: Observable<TRegionDetail> ){ if (roi$) { this.sub.push( roi$.pipe( switchMap(roi => { if (!roi || !roi.hasRegionalMap) { // clear pmap return of(null) } const { links } = roi const { regional_map: regionalMapUrl, regional_map_info: regionalMapInfoUrl } = links return from(fetch(regionalMapInfoUrl).then(res => res.json())).pipe( map(regionalMapInfo => { return { roi, regionalMapUrl, regionalMapInfo } }) ) }) ).subscribe(processedRoi => { if (!processedRoi) {$.dispatch( ngViewerActionRemoveNgLayer({ layer: { name: NehubaLayerControlService.PMAP_LAYER_NAME } }) ) return } const { roi, regionalMapUrl, regionalMapInfo } = processedRoi const { min, max, colormap = EnumColorMapName.VIRIDIS } = regionalMapInfo || {} as any const shaderObj = { ...PMAP_DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...{ colormap }, ...( typeof min !== 'undefined' ? { lowThreshold: min } : {} ), ...( max ? { highThreshold: max } : { highThreshold: 1 } ) } const layer = { name: NehubaLayerControlService.PMAP_LAYER_NAME, source : `nifti://${regionalMapUrl}`, mixability : 'nonmixable', shader : getShader(shaderObj), }$.dispatch( ngViewerActionAddNgLayer({ layer }) ) // this.layersService.highThresholdMap.set(layerName, highThreshold) // this.layersService.lowThresholdMap.set(layerName, lowThreshold) // this.layersService.colorMapMap.set(layerName, cmap) // this.layersService.removeBgMap.set(layerName, removeBg) }) ) } this.sub.push( this.ngLayers$.subscribe(({ ngLayers }) => { this.ngLayersRegister.layers = ngLayers }) ) this.sub.push($.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorClearView), distinctUntilChanged() ).subscribe(flag => { const pmapLayer = this.ngLayersRegister.layers.find(l => === NehubaLayerControlService.PMAP_LAYER_NAME) if (!pmapLayer) return const payload = { type: 'update', payload: { [NehubaLayerControlService.PMAP_LAYER_NAME]: { visible: !flag } } } as TNgLayerCtrl<'update'> this.manualNgLayersControl$.next(payload) }) ) /** * on custom landmarks loaded, set mesh transparency */ this.sub.push($.pipe( select(viewerStateCustomLandmarkSelector), withLatestFrom(this.auxMeshes$) ).subscribe(([landmarks, auxMeshes]) => { const payload: { [key: string]: number } = {} const alpha = landmarks.length > 0 ? 0.2 : 1.0 for (const auxMesh of auxMeshes) { payload[auxMesh.ngId] = alpha } this.manualNgLayersControl$.next({ type: 'setLayerTransparency', payload }) }) ) } public activeColorMap: IColorMap public overwriteColorMap$ = new BehaviorSubject<IColorMap>(null) public setColorMap$: Observable<IColorMap> = merge( this.activeColorMap$.pipe( // TODO this is a dirty fix // it seems, sometimes, overwritecolormap and activecolormap can emit at the same time // (e.g. when reg selection changes) // this ensures that the activecolormap emits later, and thus take effect over overwrite colormap debounceTime(16), ), this.overwriteColorMap$.pipe( filter(v => !!v), ) ).pipe( shareReplay(1) ) public visibleLayer$: Observable<string[]> = combineLatest([ this.selectedTemplateSelector$, this.auxMeshes$, this.selParcNgIdMap$ ]).pipe( map(([ tmpl, auxMeshes, parcNgIdMap ]) => { const ngIdSet = new Set<string>() const { ngId } = tmpl ngIdSet.add(ngId) for (const auxMesh of auxMeshes) { const { ngId } = auxMesh ngIdSet.add(ngId as string) } for (const ngId of parcNgIdMap.keys()) { ngIdSet.add(ngId) } return Array.from(ngIdSet) }) ) /** * define when shown segments should be updated */ public segmentVis$: Observable<string[]> = combineLatest([ /** * selectedRegions */ this.selectedRegion$, /** * if layer contains non mixable layer */$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorLayers), map(layers => layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0), ), /** * clearviewqueue, indicating something is controlling colour map * show all seg */$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorClearView), distinctUntilChanged() ) ]).pipe( withLatestFrom(this.selectedParcellation$), map(([[ regions, nonmixableLayerExists, clearViewFlag ], selParc]) => { if (nonmixableLayerExists && !clearViewFlag) { return null } const { ngId: defaultNgId } = selParc || {} /* selectedregionindexset needs to be updated regardless of forceshowsegment */ const selectedRegionIndexSet = new Set<string>({ngId = defaultNgId, labelIndex}) => serialiseParcellationRegion({ ngId, labelIndex }))) if (selectedRegionIndexSet.size > 0 && !clearViewFlag) { return [...selectedRegionIndexSet] } else { return [] } }) ) /** * ngLayers controller */ private ngLayersRegister: {layers: INgLayerInterface[]} = { layers: [] } public removeNgLayers(layerNames: string[]) { this.ngLayersRegister.layers .filter(layer => layerNames?.findIndex(l => l === >= 0) .map(l => .forEach(layerName => {$.dispatch(ngViewerActionRemoveNgLayer({ layer: { name: layerName } })) }) } public addNgLayer(layers: INgLayerInterface[]){$.dispatch(ngViewerActionAddNgLayer({ layer: layers })) } private ngLayers$ =$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorLayers), map((ngLayers: INgLayerInterface[]) => { const newLayers = ngLayers.filter(l => { const registeredLayerNames = => return !registeredLayerNames.includes( }) const removeLayers = this.ngLayersRegister.layers.filter(l => { const stateLayerNames = => return !stateLayerNames.includes( }) return { newLayers, removeLayers, ngLayers } }), shareReplay(1) ) private manualNgLayersControl$ = new Subject<TNgLayerCtrl<keyof INgLayerCtrl>>() ngLayersController$: Observable<TNgLayerCtrl<keyof INgLayerCtrl>> = merge( this.ngLayers$.pipe( map(({ newLayers }) => newLayers), filter(layers => layers.length > 0), map(newLayers => { const newLayersObj: any = {} newLayers.forEach(({ name, source, }) => newLayersObj[name] = {, source, // source: getProxyUrl(source), // ...getProxyOther({source}) }) return { type: 'add', payload: newLayersObj } as TNgLayerCtrl<'add'> }) ), this.ngLayers$.pipe( map(({ removeLayers }) => removeLayers), filter(layers => layers.length > 0), map(removeLayers => { const removeLayerNames = => return { type: 'remove', payload: { names: removeLayerNames } } as TNgLayerCtrl<'remove'> }) ), this.manualNgLayersControl$, ).pipe( ) }