import { Component, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { Subject } from "rxjs"; import { ngViewerActionAddNgLayer } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState/actions"; import { getNgIds, getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap } from "../constants"; import { IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "../../viewer.interface"; import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component"; import { NehubaViewerContainerDirective } from "../nehubaViewerInterface/nehubaViewerInterface.directive"; interface INgLayerInterface { name: string // displayName source: string mixability: string // base | mixable | nonmixable annotation?: string // id?: string // unique identifier visible?: boolean shader?: string transform?: any } @Component({ selector: 'iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-glue', templateUrl: './nehubaViewerGlue.template.html', styleUrls: [ './' ] }) export class NehubaGlueCmp implements IViewer, OnChanges{ @ViewChild(NehubaViewerContainerDirective, { static: true }) public nehubaContainerDirective: NehubaViewerContainerDirective public viewerEvents$ = new Subject<TViewerEvent>() private viewerUnit: NehubaViewerUnit private ngLayersRegister: {layers: INgLayerInterface[]} = { layers: [] } private multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap: Map<string, Map<number, any>> @Input() public selectedParcellation: any @Input() public selectedTemplate: any ngOnChanges(sc: SimpleChanges){ const { selectedParcellation, selectedTemplate } = sc if (selectedTemplate.currentValue !== selectedTemplate.previousValue) { this.loadTmpl(selectedTemplate.currentValue, selectedParcellation.currentValue) } else if (selectedParcellation.currentValue !== selectedParcellation.previousValue) { } } private loadParc(parcellation: any) { /** * parcellaiton may be undefined */ if ( !(parcellation && parcellation.regions)) { return } /** * first, get all all the ngIds, including parent id from parcellation (if defined) */ const ngIds = getNgIds(parcellation.regions).concat( parcellation.ngId ? parcellation.ngId : []) this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap = getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap(parcellation) this.viewerUnit.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap = this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap this.viewerUnit.auxilaryMeshIndices = parcellation.auxillaryMeshIndices || [] /* TODO replace with proper KG id */ /** * need to set unique array of ngIds, or else workers will be overworked */ this.viewerUnit.ngIds = Array.from(new Set(ngIds)) } private async loadTmpl(template: any, parcellation: any) { this.nehubaContainerDirective.createNehubaInstance(template) this.viewerUnit = this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance const foundParcellation = parcellation && template?.parcellations?.find(p => === this.loadParc(foundParcellation || template.parcellations[0]) const nehubaConfig = template.nehubaConfig const initialSpec = nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState const {layers} = initialSpec const dispatchLayers = Object.keys(layers).map(key => { const layer = { name : key, source : layers[key].source, mixability : layers[key].type === 'image' ? 'base' : 'mixable', visible : typeof layers[key].visible === 'undefined' ? true : layers[key].visible, transform : typeof layers[key].transform === 'undefined' ? null : layers[key].transform, } this.ngLayersRegister.layers.push(layer) return layer }){ layer: dispatchLayers })) } constructor( private store: Store<any> ){ this.viewerEvents$.next({ type: 'MOUSEOVER_ANNOTATION', data: {} }) } handleViewerLoadedEvent(flag: boolean) { this.viewerEvents$.next({ type: 'VIEWERLOADED', data: flag }) } }