import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, Optional, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { asyncScheduler, combineLatest, fromEvent, interval, merge, Observable, of, Subject } from "rxjs"; import { ngViewerActionAddNgLayer, ngViewerActionRemoveNgLayer, ngViewerActionToggleMax } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState/actions"; import { ClickInterceptor, CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR } from "src/util"; import { uiStateMouseOverSegmentsSelector } from "src/services/state/uiState/selectors"; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, mapTo, scan, shareReplay, startWith, switchMap, switchMapTo, take, tap, throttleTime, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators"; import { viewerStateAddUserLandmarks, viewerStateChangeNavigation, viewerStateMouseOverCustomLandmark, viewerStateSelectRegionWithIdDeprecated, viewerStateSetSelectedRegions, viewreStateRemoveUserLandmarks } from "src/services/state/viewerState/actions"; import { ngViewerSelectorLayers, ngViewerSelectorClearView, ngViewerSelectorPanelOrder, ngViewerSelectorPanelMode } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState/selectors"; import { viewerStateCustomLandmarkSelector, viewerStateNavigationStateSelector, viewerStateSelectedRegionsSelector } from "src/services/state/viewerState/selectors"; import { serialiseParcellationRegion } from 'common/util' import { ARIA_LABELS, IDS } from 'common/constants' import { PANELS } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState/constants"; import { LoggingService } from "src/logging"; import { getNgIds, getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap, SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD } from "../constants"; import { IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "../../viewer.interface"; import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component"; import { NehubaViewerContainerDirective } from "../nehubaViewerInterface/nehubaViewerInterface.directive"; import { cvtNavigationObjToNehubaConfig, getFourPanel, getHorizontalOneThree, getSinglePanel, getVerticalOneThree, NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN, scanSliceViewRenderFn, takeOnePipe } from "../util"; import { API_SERVICE_SET_VIEWER_HANDLE_TOKEN, TSetViewerHandle } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service"; import { MouseHoverDirective } from "src/mouseoverModule"; import { NehubaMeshService } from "../mesh.service"; interface INgLayerInterface { name: string // displayName source: string mixability: string // base | mixable | nonmixable annotation?: string // id?: string // unique identifier visible?: boolean shader?: string transform?: any } @Component({ selector: 'iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-glue', templateUrl: './nehubaViewerGlue.template.html', styleUrls: [ './' ], exportAs: 'iavCmpViewerNehubaGlue', providers: [ { provide: SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD, useFactory: (meshService: NehubaMeshService) => meshService.loadMeshes$, deps: [ NehubaMeshService ] }, NehubaMeshService ] }) export class NehubaGlueCmp implements IViewer, OnChanges, OnDestroy{ public ARIA_LABELS = ARIA_LABELS public IDS = IDS @ViewChild(NehubaViewerContainerDirective, { static: true }) public nehubaContainerDirective: NehubaViewerContainerDirective @ViewChild(MouseHoverDirective, { static: true }) private mouseoverDirective: MouseHoverDirective public viewerLoaded: boolean = false private onhoverSegments = [] private onDestroyCb: Function[] = [] private viewerUnit: NehubaViewerUnit private ngLayersRegister: {layers: INgLayerInterface[]} = { layers: [] } private multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap: Map<string, Map<number, any>> @Input() public selectedParcellation: any @Input() public selectedTemplate: any private navigation: any private newViewer$ = new Subject() public showPerpsectiveScreen$: Observable<string> public sliceViewLoadingMain$: Observable<[boolean, boolean, boolean]> private sliceRenderEvent$: Observable<CustomEvent> public perspectiveViewLoading$: Observable<string|null> public hoveredPanelIndices$: Observable<number> private viewPanelWeakMap = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, number>() public viewPanels: [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement] = [null, null, null, null] private findPanelIndex = (panel: HTMLElement) => this.viewPanelWeakMap.get(panel) public nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn: Array<(...arg) => any> = [] public customLandmarks$: Observable<any> =$.pipe( select(viewerStateCustomLandmarkSelector), map(lms => => ({ ...lm, geometry: { position: lm.position } }))), ) public panelOrder$ =$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorPanelOrder), distinctUntilChanged(), shareReplay(1), ) ngOnChanges(sc: SimpleChanges){ const { selectedParcellation, selectedTemplate } = sc if (selectedTemplate) { if (selectedTemplate?.currentValue?.['@id'] !== selectedTemplate?.previousValue?.['@id']) { if (selectedTemplate?.previousValue) { this.unloadTmpl(selectedTemplate?.previousValue) } if (selectedTemplate?.currentValue?.['@id']) { this.loadTmpl(selectedTemplate.currentValue, selectedParcellation.currentValue) } } }else if (selectedParcellation && selectedParcellation.currentValue !== selectedParcellation.previousValue) { this.loadParc(selectedParcellation.currentValue) } } ngOnDestroy() { while (this.onDestroyCb.length) this.onDestroyCb.pop()() } private loadParc(parcellation: any) { /** * parcellaiton may be undefined */ if ( !(parcellation && parcellation.regions)) { return } /** * first, get all all the ngIds, including parent id from parcellation (if defined) */ const ngIds = getNgIds(parcellation.regions).concat( parcellation.ngId ? parcellation.ngId : []) this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap = getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap(parcellation) this.viewerUnit.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap = this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap this.viewerUnit.auxilaryMeshIndices = parcellation.auxillaryMeshIndices || [] /* TODO replace with proper KG id */ /** * need to set unique array of ngIds, or else workers will be overworked */ this.viewerUnit.ngIds = Array.from(new Set(ngIds)) } private unloadTmpl(tmpl: any) { /** * clear existing container */ this.viewerUnit = null this.nehubaContainerDirective.clear() /* on selecting of new template, remove additional nglayers */ const baseLayerNames = Object.keys(tmpl.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState.layers) this.ngLayersRegister.layers .filter(layer => baseLayerNames?.findIndex(l => l === >= 0) .map(l => .forEach(layerName => {$.dispatch(ngViewerActionRemoveNgLayer({ layer: { name: layerName } })) }) } private async loadTmpl(_template: any, parcellation: any) { if (!_template) return /** * recalcuate zoom */ const template = (() => { const deepCopiedState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_template)) const initialNgState = deepCopiedState.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState if (!initialNgState || !this.navigation) { return deepCopiedState } const overwritingInitState = this.navigation ? cvtNavigationObjToNehubaConfig(this.navigation, initialNgState) : {} deepCopiedState.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState = { ...initialNgState, ...overwritingInitState, } return deepCopiedState })() this.nehubaContainerDirective.createNehubaInstance(template) this.viewerUnit = this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance this.sliceRenderEvent$.pipe( takeOnePipe() ).subscribe(ev => { for (const idx of [0, 1, 2]) { const e = ev[idx] as CustomEvent const el = as HTMLElement this.viewPanelWeakMap.set(el, idx) this.viewPanels[idx] = el this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[idx] = e.detail.nanometersToOffsetPixels } }) const foundParcellation = parcellation && template?.parcellations?.find(p => === this.loadParc(foundParcellation || template.parcellations[0]) const nehubaConfig = template.nehubaConfig const initialSpec = nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState const {layers} = initialSpec const dispatchLayers = Object.keys(layers).map(key => { const layer = { name : key, source : layers[key].source, mixability : layers[key].type === 'image' ? 'base' : 'mixable', visible : typeof layers[key].visible === 'undefined' ? true : layers[key].visible, transform : typeof layers[key].transform === 'undefined' ? null : layers[key].transform, } this.ngLayersRegister.layers.push(layer) return layer }) this.newViewer$.next(true)$.dispatch(ngViewerActionAddNgLayer({ layer: dispatchLayers })) } @Output() public viewerEvent = new EventEmitter<TViewerEvent>() constructor( private store$: Store<any>, private el: ElementRef, private log: LoggingService, @Optional() @Inject(CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR) clickInterceptor: ClickInterceptor, @Optional() @Inject(API_SERVICE_SET_VIEWER_HANDLE_TOKEN) setViewerHandle: TSetViewerHandle, ){ this.viewerEvent.emit({ type: 'MOUSEOVER_ANNOTATION', data: {} }) /** * define onclick behaviour */ if (clickInterceptor) { const { deregister, register } = clickInterceptor const selOnhoverRegion = this.selectHoveredRegion.bind(this) register(selOnhoverRegion, { last: true }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => deregister(selOnhoverRegion)) } /** * on layout change */ const redrawLayoutSub = combineLatest([$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorPanelMode), distinctUntilChanged(), shareReplay(1), ), this.panelOrder$, ]).pipe( switchMap(this.waitForNehuba.bind(this)) ).subscribe(([mode, panelOrder]) => { const viewPanels = panelOrder.split('').map(v => Number(v)).map(idx => this.viewPanels[idx]) as [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement] /** * TODO smarter with event stream */ if (!viewPanels.every(v => !!v)) { this.log.error(`on relayout, not every view panel is populated. This should not occur!`) return } switch (mode) { case PANELS.H_ONE_THREE: { const element = this.removeExistingPanels() const newEl = getHorizontalOneThree(viewPanels) element.appendChild(newEl) break; } case PANELS.V_ONE_THREE: { const element = this.removeExistingPanels() const newEl = getVerticalOneThree(viewPanels) element.appendChild(newEl) break; } case PANELS.FOUR_PANEL: { const element = this.removeExistingPanels() const newEl = getFourPanel(viewPanels) element.appendChild(newEl) break; } case PANELS.SINGLE_PANEL: { const element = this.removeExistingPanels() const newEl = getSinglePanel(viewPanels) element.appendChild(newEl) break; } default: } for (const panel of viewPanels) { (panel as HTMLElement).classList.add('neuroglancer-panel') } // TODO needed to redraw? // see // further investigaation required this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.redraw() }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => redrawLayoutSub.unsubscribe()) /** * on hover segment */ const onhovSegSub =$.pipe( select(uiStateMouseOverSegmentsSelector), distinctUntilChanged(), ).subscribe(arr => { const segments ={ segment }) => segment).filter(v => !!v) this.onhoverSegments = segments }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => onhovSegSub.unsubscribe()) /** * subscribe to when ngLayer gets updated, and add/remove layer as necessary */ const addRemoveAdditionalLayerSub =$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorLayers), switchMap(this.waitForNehuba.bind(this)), ).subscribe((ngLayers: INgLayerInterface[]) => { const newLayers = ngLayers.filter(l => this.ngLayersRegister.layers?.findIndex(ol => === < 0) const removeLayers = this.ngLayersRegister.layers.filter(l => ngLayers?.findIndex(nl => === < 0) if (newLayers?.length > 0) { const newLayersObj: any = {} newLayers.forEach(({ name, source, }) => newLayersObj[name] = {, source, // source: getProxyUrl(source), // ...getProxyOther({source}) }) this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.loadLayer(newLayersObj) /** * previous miplementation... if nehubaViewer has not yet be instantiated, add it to the queue * may no longer be necessary * or implement proper queue'ing rather than ... this... half assed queue'ing */ // if (!this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer || !this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer.ngviewer) { // this.nehubaViewer.initNiftiLayers.push(newLayersObj) // } else { // this.nehubaViewer.loadLayer(newLayersObj) // } this.ngLayersRegister.layers = this.ngLayersRegister.layers.concat(newLayers) } if (removeLayers?.length > 0) { removeLayers.forEach(l => { if (this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.removeLayer({ name :, })) { this.ngLayersRegister.layers = this.ngLayersRegister.layers.filter(rl => !== } }) } }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => addRemoveAdditionalLayerSub.unsubscribe()) /** * define when shown segments should be updated */ const regSelectSub = combineLatest([ /** * selectedRegions */$.pipe( select(viewerStateSelectedRegionsSelector) ), /** * if layer contains non mixable layer */$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorLayers), map(layers => layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0), ), /** * clearviewqueue, indicating something is controlling colour map * show all seg */$.pipe( select(ngViewerSelectorClearView), distinctUntilChanged() ) ]).pipe( switchMap(this.waitForNehuba.bind(this)), ).subscribe(([ regions, nonmixableLayerExists, clearViewFlag ]) => { if (nonmixableLayerExists) { this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.hideAllSeg() return } const { ngId: defaultNgId } = this.selectedParcellation || {} /* selectedregionindexset needs to be updated regardless of forceshowsegment */ const selectedRegionIndexSet = new Set<string>({ngId = defaultNgId, labelIndex}) => serialiseParcellationRegion({ ngId, labelIndex }))) if (selectedRegionIndexSet.size > 0 && !clearViewFlag) { this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.showSegs([...selectedRegionIndexSet]) } else { this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.showAllSeg() } }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => regSelectSub.unsubscribe()) const perspectiveRenderEvSub = this.newViewer$.pipe( switchMapTo(fromEvent<CustomEvent>(this.el.nativeElement, 'perpspectiveRenderEvent').pipe( take(1) )) ).subscribe(ev => { const perspPanel = as HTMLElement this.viewPanels[3] = perspPanel this.viewPanelWeakMap.set(perspPanel, 3) }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => perspectiveRenderEvSub.unsubscribe()) this.sliceRenderEvent$ = fromEvent<CustomEvent>(this.el.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent') this.sliceViewLoadingMain$ = this.sliceRenderEvent$.pipe( scan(scanSliceViewRenderFn, [null, null, null]), startWith([true, true, true] as [boolean, boolean, boolean]), shareReplay(1), ) this.perspectiveViewLoading$ = fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'perpspectiveRenderEvent').pipe( filter((event: CustomEvent) => event?.detail?.lastLoadedMeshId ), map(event => { /** * TODO dig into event detail to see if the exact mesh loaded */ const { meshesLoaded, meshFragmentsLoaded, lastLoadedMeshId } = (event as any).detail return meshesLoaded >= this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.numMeshesToBeLoaded ? null : 'Loading meshes ...' }), distinctUntilChanged() ) this.showPerpsectiveScreen$ = this.newViewer$.pipe( switchMapTo(this.sliceRenderEvent$.pipe( scan((acc, curr) => { /** * if at any point, all chunks have been loaded, always return loaded state */ if (acc.every(v => v === 0)) return [0, 0, 0] const { detail = {}, target } = curr || {} const { missingChunks = -1, missingImageChunks = -1 } = detail const idx = this.findPanelIndex(target as HTMLElement) const returnAcc = [...acc] if (idx >= 0) { returnAcc[idx] = missingChunks + missingImageChunks } return returnAcc }, [-1, -1, -1]), map(arr => { let sum = 0 let uncertain = false for (const num of arr) { if (num < 0) { uncertain = true } else { sum += num } } return sum > 0 ? `Loading ${sum}${uncertain ? '+' : ''} chunks ...` : null }), distinctUntilChanged(), startWith('Loading ...'), throttleTime(100, asyncScheduler, { leading: true, trailing: true }), shareReplay(1), )) ) this.hoveredPanelIndices$ = fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'mouseover').pipe( switchMap((ev: MouseEvent) => merge( of(this.findPanelIndex( as HTMLElement)), fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'mouseout').pipe( mapTo(null), ), )), debounceTime(20), shareReplay(1), ) const setupViewerApiSub = this.newViewer$.pipe( tap(() => { setViewerHandle && setViewerHandle(null) }), switchMap(this.waitForNehuba.bind(this)) ).subscribe(() => { setViewerHandle && setViewerHandle({ setNavigationLoc : (coord, realSpace?) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.setNavigationState({ position : coord, positionReal : typeof realSpace !== 'undefined' ? realSpace : true, }), /* TODO introduce animation */ moveToNavigationLoc : (coord, realSpace?) => {$.dispatch( viewerStateChangeNavigation({ navigation: { position: coord, animation: {}, } }) ) }, setNavigationOri : (quat) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.setNavigationState({ orientation : quat, }), /* TODO introduce animation */ moveToNavigationOri : (quat) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.setNavigationState({ orientation : quat, }), showSegment : (_labelIndex) => { /** * TODO reenable with updated select_regions api */ this.log.warn(`showSegment is temporarily disabled`) // if(!this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)) //{ // type : SELECT_REGIONS, // selectRegions : [labelIndex, ...this.selectedRegionIndexSet] // }) }, add3DLandmarks : landmarks => { // TODO check uniqueness of ID if (!landmarks.every(l => !! { throw new Error('every landmarks needs to be identified with the id field') } if (!landmarks.every(l => !!l.position)) { throw new Error('every landmarks needs to have position defined') } if (!landmarks.every(l => l.position.constructor === Array) || !landmarks.every(l => l.position.every(v => !isNaN(v))) || !landmarks.every(l => l.position.length == 3)) { throw new Error('position needs to be a length 3 tuple of numbers ') }$.dispatch(viewerStateAddUserLandmarks({ landmarks })) }, remove3DLandmarks : landmarkIds => {$.dispatch(viewreStateRemoveUserLandmarks({ payload: { landmarkIds } })) }, hideSegment : (_labelIndex) => { /** * TODO reenable with updated select_regions api */ this.log.warn(`hideSegment is temporarily disabled`) // if(this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)){ //{ // type :SELECT_REGIONS, // selectRegions : [...this.selectedRegionIndexSet].filter(num=>num!==labelIndex) // }) // } }, showAllSegments : () => { const selectRegionIds = [] this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap.forEach((map, ngId) => { Array.from(map.keys()).forEach(labelIndex => { selectRegionIds.push(serialiseParcellationRegion({ ngId, labelIndex })) }) })$.dispatch(viewerStateSelectRegionWithIdDeprecated({ selectRegionIds })) }, hideAllSegments : () => {$.dispatch(viewerStateSelectRegionWithIdDeprecated({ selectRegionIds: [] })) }, segmentColourMap : new Map(), getLayersSegmentColourMap: () => { const newMainMap = new Map() for (const [key, colormap] of this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.multiNgIdColorMap.entries()) { const newColormap = new Map() newMainMap.set(key, newColormap) for (const [lableIndex, entry] of colormap.entries()) { newColormap.set(lableIndex, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry))) } } return newMainMap }, applyColourMap : (_map) => { throw new Error(`apply color map has been deprecated. use applyLayersColourMap instead`) }, applyLayersColourMap: (map) => { this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.setColorMap(map) }, loadLayer : (layerObj) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.loadLayer(layerObj), removeLayer : (condition) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.removeLayer(condition), setLayerVisibility : (condition, visible) => this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.setLayerVisibility(condition, visible), mouseEvent : merge( fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'click').pipe( map((ev: MouseEvent) => ({eventName : 'click', event: ev})), ), fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'mousemove').pipe( map((ev: MouseEvent) => ({eventName : 'mousemove', event: ev})), ), /** * neuroglancer prevents propagation, so use capture instead */ Observable.create(observer => { this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('mousedown', event =>{eventName: 'mousedown', event}), true) }) as Observable<{eventName: string, event: MouseEvent}>, fromEvent(this.el.nativeElement, 'mouseup').pipe( map((ev: MouseEvent) => ({eventName : 'mouseup', event: ev})), ), ) , mouseOverNehuba : of(null).pipe( tap(() => console.warn('mouseOverNehuba observable is becoming deprecated. use mouseOverNehubaLayers instead.')), ), mouseOverNehubaLayers: this.mouseoverDirective.currentOnHoverObs$.pipe( map(({ segments }) => segments) ), mouseOverNehubaUI: this.mouseoverDirective.currentOnHoverObs$.pipe( map(({ landmark, segments, userLandmark: customLandmark }) => ({ segments, landmark, customLandmark })), shareReplay(1), ), getNgHash : this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.getNgHash, }) }) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => setupViewerApiSub.unsubscribe()) // listen to navigation change from store const navSub =$.pipe( select(viewerStateNavigationStateSelector) ).subscribe(nav => this.navigation = nav) this.onDestroyCb.push(() => navSub.unsubscribe()) } handleViewerLoadedEvent(flag: boolean) { this.viewerEvent.emit({ type: 'VIEWERLOADED', data: flag }) this.viewerLoaded = flag } private selectHoveredRegion(ev: any, next: Function){ /** * If label indicies are not defined by the ontology, it will be a string in the format of `{ngId}#{labelIndex}` */ const trueOnhoverSegments = this.onhoverSegments && this.onhoverSegments.filter(v => typeof v === 'object') if (!trueOnhoverSegments || (trueOnhoverSegments.length === 0)) return next()$.dispatch( viewerStateSetSelectedRegions({ selectRegions: trueOnhoverSegments.slice(0, 1) }) ) next() } private waitForNehuba(arg: unknown) { return interval(16).pipe( filter(() => !!(this.nehubaContainerDirective?.isReady())), take(1), mapTo(arg), ) } public toggleMaximiseMinimise(index: number) {$.dispatch(ngViewerActionToggleMax({ payload: { index } })) } public zoomNgView(panelIndex: number, factor: number) { const ngviewer = this.nehubaContainerDirective?.nehubaViewerInstance?.nehubaViewer?.ngviewer if (!ngviewer) throw new Error(`ngviewer not defined!`) /** * panelIndex < 3 === slice view */ if (panelIndex < 3) { /** * factor > 1 === zoom out */ ngviewer.navigationState.zoomBy(factor) } else { ngviewer.perspectiveNavigationState.zoomBy(factor) } } private removeExistingPanels() { const element = this.nehubaContainerDirective.nehubaViewerInstance.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layout.container.componentValue.element as HTMLElement while (element.childElementCount > 0) { element.removeChild(element.firstElementChild) } return element } public returnTruePos(quadrant: number, data: any) { const pos = quadrant > 2 ? [0, 0, 0] : this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn && this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[quadrant] ? this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[quadrant]( => n * 1e6)) : [0, 0, 0] return pos } public getPositionX(quadrant: number, data: any) { return this.returnTruePos(quadrant, data)[0] } public getPositionY(quadrant: number, data: any) { return this.returnTruePos(quadrant, data)[1] } public getPositionZ(quadrant: number, data: any) { return this.returnTruePos(quadrant, data)[2] } public handleMouseEnterCustomLandmark(lm) {$.dispatch( viewerStateMouseOverCustomLandmark({ payload: { userLandmark: lm } }) ) } public handleMouseLeaveCustomLandmark(lm) {$.dispatch( viewerStateMouseOverCustomLandmark({ payload: { userLandmark: null } }) ) } }