import { Component, Inject, ViewChild, ChangeDetectionStrategy, inject, HostListener } from "@angular/core"; import { FormControl } from "@angular/forms"; import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, concat, merge, NEVER, Observable, of, Subject } from "rxjs"; import { switchMap, distinctUntilChanged, map, debounceTime, shareReplay, take, withLatestFrom, filter, takeUntil, tap } from "rxjs/operators"; import { SxplrTemplate } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes" import { selectedTemplate } from "src/state/atlasSelection/selectors"; import { panelMode, panelOrder } from "src/state/userInterface/selectors"; import { ResizeObserverDirective } from "src/util/windowResize"; import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component"; import { EnumPanelMode } from "../../store/store"; import { NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN } from "../../util"; import { EnumClassicalView } from "src/atlasComponents/constants" import { atlasSelection } from "src/state"; import { floatEquality } from "common/util" import { CURRENT_TEMPLATE_DIM_INFO, TemplateInfo } from "../../layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.util"; import { DestroyDirective } from "src/util/directives/destroy.directive"; import { isNullish, isWheelEvent, switchMapWaitFor } from "src/util/fn" const MAX_DIM = 200 type AnatomicalOrientation = 'ap' | 'si' | 'rl' // anterior-posterior, superior-inferior, right-left type RangeOrientation = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' const anatOriToIdx: Record<AnatomicalOrientation, number> = { 'rl': 0, 'ap': 1, 'si': 2 } const anaOriAltAxis: Record<AnatomicalOrientation, (templateInfo: TemplateInfo, ratio: {x: number, y: number}) => {idx: number, value: number}> = { 'rl': (templateInfo, { y }) => ({ idx: 2, value: templateInfo.real[0] * (0.5 - y) }), 'ap': (templateInfo, { y }) => ({ idx: 2, value: templateInfo.real[1] * (0.5 - y) }), 'si': (templateInfo, { y }) => ({ idx: 0, value: templateInfo.real[2] * (y - 0.5) }) } function getDim(triplet: number[], view: EnumClassicalView) { if (view === EnumClassicalView.AXIAL) { return [triplet[0], triplet[1]] } if (view === EnumClassicalView.CORONAL) { return [triplet[0], triplet[2]] } if (view === EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL) { return [triplet[1], triplet[2]] } } type ModArr = { idx: number value: number } @Component({ selector: 'nehuba-perspective-view-slider', templateUrl: './perspectiveViewSlider.template.html', styleUrls: ['./'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, hostDirectives: [ DestroyDirective, ] }) export class PerspectiveViewSlider { #xr = new BehaviorSubject(null) #yr = new BehaviorSubject(null) #xyRatio = combineLatest([ this.#xr.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()), this.#yr.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()), ]).pipe( map(([ x, y ]) => ({ x, y })) ) mousemove(ev: MouseEvent){ const target = ( as HTMLInputElement) / target.clientWidth) / target.clientHeight) } #mousemove = new Subject() #mousedown = new Subject() #mouseup = new Subject() #dragging = this.#mousedown.pipe( switchMap(() => this.#mousemove.pipe( takeUntil(this.#mouseup) )) ) mousedown(){ } @HostListener('document:mouseup') mouseup(){ } #zoom = new Subject<number>() mousewheel(ev: Event){ if (!isWheelEvent(ev)) { return } } #destroy$ = inject(DestroyDirective).destroyed$ @ViewChild(ResizeObserverDirective) resizeDirective: ResizeObserverDirective public minimapControl = new FormControl<number>(0) public recalcViewportSize$ = new Subject() private selectedTemplate$ =$.pipe( select(selectedTemplate), distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o?.id === n?.id), ) private maximisedPanelIndex$ = combineLatest([$.pipe( select(panelMode), distinctUntilChanged(), ),$.pipe( select(panelOrder), distinctUntilChanged(), ), ]).pipe( map(([ mode, order ]) => { // TODO order can potentially be nullish if (!([EnumPanelMode.PIP_PANEL, EnumPanelMode.SINGLE_PANEL].includes(mode as EnumPanelMode))) { return null } return Number(order[0]) }) ) private viewportSize$ = concat( of(null), // emit on init this.recalcViewportSize$, ).pipe( debounceTime(160), map(() => { const panel = document.getElementsByClassName('neuroglancer-panel') as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement> if (!(panel?.[0])) { return null } return { width: panel[0].offsetWidth, height: panel[0].offsetHeight } }), shareReplay(1), ) private navPosition$: Observable<{real: [number, number, number], voxel: [number, number, number]}> = this.nehubaViewer$.pipe( switchMap(viewer => { if (!viewer) return of(null) return combineLatest([ viewer.viewerPosInReal$, viewer.viewerPosInVoxel$, ]).pipe( map(([ real, voxel ]) => { return { real, voxel } }) ) }), shareReplay(1) ) private rangeControlSetting$ = this.maximisedPanelIndex$.pipe( map(maximisedPanelIndex => { let anatomicalOrientation: AnatomicalOrientation = null let rangeOrientation: RangeOrientation = null let minimapView: EnumClassicalView let sliceView: EnumClassicalView if (maximisedPanelIndex === 0) { anatomicalOrientation = 'ap' rangeOrientation = 'horizontal' minimapView = EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL sliceView = EnumClassicalView.CORONAL } if (maximisedPanelIndex === 1) { anatomicalOrientation = 'rl' rangeOrientation = 'horizontal' minimapView = EnumClassicalView.CORONAL sliceView = EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL } if (maximisedPanelIndex === 2) { anatomicalOrientation = 'si' rangeOrientation = 'vertical' minimapView = EnumClassicalView.CORONAL sliceView = EnumClassicalView.AXIAL } return { anatomicalOrientation, rangeOrientation, minimapView, sliceView } }) ) public rangeControlIsVertical$ = this.rangeControlSetting$.pipe( map(ctrl => ctrl?.rangeOrientation === "vertical") ) private currentTemplateSize$ = this.tmplInfo$.pipe( filter(val => !!val) ) private useMinimap$: Observable<EnumClassicalView> = this.maximisedPanelIndex$.pipe( map(maximisedPanelIndex => { if (maximisedPanelIndex === 0) return EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL if (maximisedPanelIndex === 1) return EnumClassicalView.CORONAL if (maximisedPanelIndex === 2) return EnumClassicalView.CORONAL return null }) ) // this crazy hack is required since firefox support vertical-orient // do not and -webkit-slider-thumb#apperance cannot be used to hide the thumb public rangeInputStyle$ = this.rangeControlIsVertical$.pipe( withLatestFrom(this.currentTemplateSize$, this.useMinimap$), map(([ isVertical, templateSizes, useMinimap ]) => { if (!isVertical) return {} const { real } = templateSizes const [ width, height ] = getDim(real, useMinimap) const max = Math.max(width, height) const useHeight = width/max*MAX_DIM const useWidth = height/max*MAX_DIM const xformOriginVal = Math.min(useHeight, useWidth)/2 const transformOrigin = `${xformOriginVal}px ${xformOriginVal}px` return { height: `${useHeight}px`, width: `${useWidth}px`, transformOrigin, } }) ) public rangeControlMinMaxValue$ = this.currentTemplateSize$.pipe( switchMap(templateSize => { return this.rangeControlSetting$.pipe( switchMap(orientation => this.navPosition$.pipe( switchMap( switchMapWaitFor({ condition: nav => !!nav && !!nav.real }) ), take(1), map(nav => { if (!nav || !orientation || !templateSize) return null const { real: realPos } = nav const { anatomicalOrientation: anatOri } = orientation const idx = anatOriToIdx[anatOri] const { real, transform } = templateSize if (!transform || !transform[idx]) return null const min = Math.round(transform[idx][3]) const max = Math.round(real[idx] + transform[idx][3]) return { min, max, value: realPos[idx] } }) )) ) }), ) public previewImageUrl$ = combineLatest([ this.selectedTemplate$, this.useMinimap$, this.navPosition$, ]).pipe( map(([template, view, nav]) => { let useImgIdx = 0 if (view === EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL) { const { real } = nav || {} const xPos = real?.[0] || 0 useImgIdx = xPos < 0 ? 0 : 1 } const url = getScreenshotUrl(template, view, useImgIdx) if (!url) return null return `assets/images/persp-view/${url}` }), distinctUntilChanged() ) public sliceviewIsNormal$ =$.pipe( select(atlasSelection.selectors.navigation), map(navigation => { // if navigation in store is nullish, assume starting position, ie slice view is normal if (!navigation) return true return [0, 0, 0, 1].every((v, idx) => floatEquality(navigation.orientation[idx], v, 1e-3))}) ) public textToDisplay$ = combineLatest([ this.sliceviewIsNormal$, this.navPosition$, this.maximisedPanelIndex$, ]).pipe( map(([ sliceviewIsNormal, nav, maximisedIdx ]) => { if (!sliceviewIsNormal) return null if (!(nav?.real) || (maximisedIdx === null)) return null return `${(nav.real[maximisedIdx === 0? 1 : maximisedIdx === 1? 0 : 2] / 1e6).toFixed(3)}mm` }) ) public scrubberPosition$ = this.rangeControlMinMaxValue$.pipe( switchMap(minmaxval => concat( of(null as number), this.minimapControl.valueChanges, ).pipe( map(newval => { if (!minmaxval) return null const { min, max, value } = minmaxval if (min === null || max === null) return null const useValue = newval ?? value if (useValue === null) return null const translate = 100 * (useValue - min) / (max - min) return `translateX(${translate}%)` }) )) ) public scrubberHighlighter$ = this.nehubaViewer$.pipe( switchMap(viewer => combineLatest([ // on component init, the viewerPositionChange would not have fired // in this case. So we get the zoom from the store as the first value concat($.pipe( select(atlasSelection.selectors.navigation), take(1) ), viewer ? viewer.viewerPositionChange : NEVER, ), this.viewportSize$, this.rangeControlSetting$, this.currentTemplateSize$, this.rangeControlIsVertical$, ]).pipe( map(([ navigation, viewportSize, ctrl, templateSize, ..._rest ]) => { if (!ctrl || !(templateSize?.real) || !navigation) return null const { zoom, position } = navigation let translate: number = null const { sliceView } = ctrl const getTranslatePc = (idx: number) => { const trueCenter = templateSize.real[idx] / 2 const compensate = trueCenter + templateSize.transform[idx][3] return (position[idx] - compensate) / templateSize.real[idx] } let scale: number = 2 const sliceviewDim = getDim(templateSize.real, sliceView) if (!sliceviewDim) return null if (sliceView === EnumClassicalView.CORONAL) { // minimap is sagittal view, so interested in superior-inferior axis translate = getTranslatePc(2) scale = Math.min(scale, viewportSize.height * zoom / sliceviewDim[1]) } if (sliceView === EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL) { // minimap is coronal view, so interested in superior-inferior axis translate = getTranslatePc(2) scale = Math.min(scale, viewportSize.height * zoom / sliceviewDim[1]) } if (sliceView === EnumClassicalView.AXIAL) { // minimap is in coronal view, so interested in left-right axis translate = getTranslatePc(0) * -1 scale = Math.min(scale, viewportSize.width * zoom / sliceviewDim[0]) } /** * calculate scale */ const scaleString = `scaleY(${scale})` /** * calculate translation */ const translateString = `translateY(${translate * -100}%)` return `${translateString} ${scaleString}` }) )) ) constructor( private store$: Store, @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) private nehubaViewer$: Observable<NehubaViewerUnit>, @Inject(CURRENT_TEMPLATE_DIM_INFO) private tmplInfo$: Observable<TemplateInfo>, ) { const posMod$ = this.rangeControlSetting$.pipe( switchMap(rangeCtrl => this.#dragging.pipe( withLatestFrom( this.minimapControl.valueChanges, this.currentTemplateSize$, this.#xyRatio, ), map(([_, newValue, currTmplSize, xyRatio]) => { const positionMod: ModArr[] = [] const { anatomicalOrientation } = rangeCtrl if (!isNullish(anatomicalOrientation) && !isNullish(newValue)) { const idx = anatOriToIdx[anatomicalOrientation] positionMod.push({ idx, value: newValue }) } if (!isNullish(xyRatio.x) && !isNullish(xyRatio.y)) { const { idx, value } = anaOriAltAxis[anatomicalOrientation](currTmplSize, xyRatio) positionMod.push({ idx, value }) } return { positionMod, zoom: null as number } }) )) ) const zoom$ = this.nehubaViewer$.pipe( switchMap(nehubaViewer => this.#zoom.pipe( withLatestFrom(nehubaViewer ? nehubaViewer.viewerPositionChange : NEVER), map(([zoom, posChange]) => { const { zoom: currZoom } = posChange return { zoom: zoom > 0 ? currZoom * 1.2 : currZoom * 0.8, positionMod: null as ModArr[] } }) )) ) this.nehubaViewer$.pipe( switchMap(nehubaViewer => merge( posMod$, zoom$, ).pipe( map(({ positionMod, zoom }) => ({ nehubaViewer, positionMod, zoom })) ) ), withLatestFrom( this.navPosition$.pipe( map(value => value?.real) ), ), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(([{ nehubaViewer, positionMod, zoom }, currentPosition]) => { const newNavPosition = [...currentPosition] if (!isNullish(positionMod)) { for (const { idx, value } of positionMod) { newNavPosition[idx] = value } } nehubaViewer.setNavigationState({ position: newNavPosition, ...(isNullish(zoom) ? {} : { zoom }), positionReal: true }) }) combineLatest([ this.sliceviewIsNormal$, this.navPosition$, this.maximisedPanelIndex$, ]).pipe( filter(([ sliceViewIsNormal ]) => sliceViewIsNormal), map(([ _, ]) => rest), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(([ navPos, maximisedIdx]) => { const realPos = navPos?.real if (!realPos) { return } const pos = navPos.real[maximisedIdx === 0? 1 : maximisedIdx === 1? 0 : 2] const diff = Math.abs(this.minimapControl.value - pos) if (diff > 1e6) { this.minimapControl.setValue(pos) } }) } resetSliceview() {$.dispatch( atlasSelection.actions.navigateTo({ animation: true, navigation: { orientation: [0, 0, 0, 1] } }) ) } } const spaceIdToPrefix = { "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/dafcffc5-4826-4bf1-8ff6-46b8a31ff8e2": "mni152", "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/7f39f7be-445b-47c0-9791-e971c0b6d992": "colin27", "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/a1655b99-82f1-420f-a3c2-fe80fd4c8588": "bigbrain", "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/MEBRAINS": "mebrains", "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/265d32a0-3d84-40a5-926f-bf89f68212b9": "allen", "minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/d5717c4a-0fa1-46e6-918c-b8003069ade8": "waxholm" } const viewToSuffix = { [EnumClassicalView.SAGITTAL]: 'sagittal', [EnumClassicalView.AXIAL]: 'axial', [EnumClassicalView.CORONAL]: 'coronal', } function getScreenshotUrl(space: SxplrTemplate, requestedView: EnumClassicalView, imgIdx: number = 0): string { const prefix = spaceIdToPrefix[space?.id] if (!prefix) return null const suffix = viewToSuffix[requestedView] if (!suffix) return null return `${prefix}_${suffix}_${imgIdx}.png` }