{ "@context": "https://doi.org/10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0", "type": "SoftwareSourceCode", "author": [ { "id": "_:author_1", "type": "Person", "affiliation": { "type": "Organization", "name": "Forschungszentrum Juelich" }, "email": "x.gui@fz-juelich.de", "familyName": "Gui", "givenName": "Xiaoyun" }, { "id": "_:author_2", "type": "Person", "affiliation": { "type": "Organization", "name": "Forshungszentrum Juelich" }, "familyName": "Gogshelidze", "givenName": "Daviti" }, { "id": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9051-3701", "type": "Person", "affiliation": { "type": "Organization", "name": "Forschungszentrum Juelich" }, "email": "t.dickscheid@fz-juelich.de", "familyName": "Dickscheid", "givenName": "Timo" } ], "codeRepository": "git+https://github.com/fzj-inm1-bda/siibra-explorer.git", "dateCreated": "2024-08-28", "dateModified": "2024-08-28", "datePublished": "2019-04-26", "description": "`siibra-explorer` is a browser based 3D viewer for exploring brain atlases that cover different spatial resolutions and modalities. It is built around an interactive 3D view of the brain displaying a unique selection of detailed templates and parcellation maps for the human, macaque, rat or mouse brain, including BigBrain as a microscopic resolution human brain model at its full resolution of 20 micrometers. ", "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0", "name": "siibra-explorer", "programmingLanguage": [ "python 3", "typescript" ], "schema:releaseNotes": "# v2.14.13\n\n## Feature\n\n- Added an example of setting up a proxy for access-controlled content\n- Added free-mode (access via `?free=true`)\n- Added hint for drag-n-drop nifti file (in helper one pager and quick tour)\n- Allow nifti to be added as a labelled volume by using `.label.nii.gz` or `.label.nii` extension\n\n## Bugfix\n\n- Fixed layout issues when user drag-n-dropped nifti has irregularities\n- Fixed picture-in-picture minimap in maximized axial view\n\n## Behind the scene\n\n- Added script to automatically create release metadata files\n", "runtimePlatform": "docker", "version": "2.14.13", "contIntegration": "https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/siibra-explorer/actions", "codemeta:continuousIntegration": { "id": "https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/siibra-explorer/actions" }, "issueTracker": "https://github.com/fzj-inm1-bda/siibra-explorer/issues" }