import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from "@angular/core"; import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store"; import { combineLatest, merge, Observable, Subject, Subscription } from "rxjs"; import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, pairwise, shareReplay, startWith, switchMap, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators"; import { IColorMap, INgLayerCtrl, TNgLayerCtrl } from "./layerCtrl.util"; import { annotation, atlasAppearance, atlasSelection } from "src/state"; import { serializeSegment } from "../util"; import { LayerCtrlEffects } from "./layerCtrl.effects"; import { arrayEqual } from "src/util/array"; import { SxplrRegion } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes"; import { AnnotationLayer } from "src/atlasComponents/annotations"; import { PMAP_LAYER_NAME } from "../constants" import { getShader } from "src/util/constants"; import { BaseService } from "../base.service/base.service"; export const BACKUP_COLOR = { red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255 } @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class NehubaLayerControlService implements OnDestroy{ private selectedRegion$ =$.pipe( select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedRegions), shareReplay(1), ) private defaultNgLayers$ = this.layerEffects.onATPDebounceNgLayers$ public selectedATPR$ = this.baseService.selectedATPR$ private customLayers$ =$.pipe( select(atlasAppearance.selectors.customLayers), distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o, n) => ===, shareReplay(1) ) public completeNgIdLabelRegionMap$ = this.baseService.completeNgIdLabelRegionMap$ private activeColorMap$ = combineLatest([ combineLatest([ this.completeNgIdLabelRegionMap$, this.customLayers$, this.selectedRegion$, ]).pipe( map(([record, layers, selectedRegions]) => { const returnVal: IColorMap = {} const cmCustomLayers = layers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/colormap") as atlasAppearance.const.ColorMapCustomLayer[] const cmBaseLayers = layers.filter(l => l.clType === "baselayer/colormap") as atlasAppearance.const.ColorMapCustomLayer[] const usingCustomCM = cmCustomLayers.length > 0 const useCm = (() => { /** * if custom layer exist, use the last custom layer */ if (cmCustomLayers.length > 0) return cmCustomLayers[cmCustomLayers.length - 1].colormap /** * otherwise, use last baselayer */ if (cmBaseLayers.length > 0) return cmBaseLayers[cmBaseLayers.length - 1].colormap /** * fallback color map */ return { set: () => { throw new Error(`cannot set`) }, get: (r: SxplrRegion) => r.color } })() const selectedRegionNameSet = new Set( => for (const [ngId, labelRecord] of Object.entries(record)) { for (const [label, region] of Object.entries(labelRecord)) { if (!region.color) continue /** * if custom color map is used, do *not* selectively paint selected region * custom color map can choose to subscribe to selected regions, and update the color map accordingly, * if they wish to respect the selected regions */ const [ red, green, blue ] = usingCustomCM || selectedRegionNameSet.size === 0 || selectedRegionNameSet.has( ? useCm.get(region) || [200, 200, 200] : [255, 255, 255] if (!returnVal[ngId]) { returnVal[ngId] = {} } returnVal[ngId][label] = { red, green, blue } } } return returnVal }) ), this.defaultNgLayers$.pipe( map(({ tmplAuxNgLayers }) => { const returnVal: IColorMap = {} for (const ngId in tmplAuxNgLayers) { returnVal[ngId] = {} const { auxMeshes } = tmplAuxNgLayers[ngId] for (const auxMesh of auxMeshes) { const { labelIndicies } = auxMesh for (const lblIdx of labelIndicies) { returnVal[ngId][lblIdx] = BACKUP_COLOR } } } return returnVal }) ) ]).pipe( map(([cmParc, cmAux]) => ({ ...cmParc, ...cmAux })) ) private sub: Subscription[] = [] ngOnDestroy(): void{ while (this.sub.length > 0) this.sub.pop().unsubscribe() } constructor( private store$: Store<any>, private layerEffects: LayerCtrlEffects, private baseService: BaseService, ){ this.sub.push( /** * on store showdelin * toggle parcnglayers visibility */$.pipe( select(atlasAppearance.selectors.showDelineation), withLatestFrom(this.defaultNgLayers$) ).subscribe(([flag, { parcNgLayers }]) => { const layerObj = {} for (const key in parcNgLayers) { layerObj[key] = { visible: flag } } this.manualNgLayersControl$.next({ type: 'update', payload: layerObj }) }), ) this.sub.push( this.ngLayers$.subscribe(({ customLayers }) => { this.ngLayersRegister = customLayers }) ) /** * on custom landmarks loaded, set mesh transparency */ this.sub.push( merge($.pipe( select(annotation.selectors.annotations), map(landmarks => landmarks.length > 0), ),$.pipe( select(atlasAppearance.selectors.customLayers), map(customLayers => customLayers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer" && /^swc:\/\//.test(l.source)).length > 0), ) ).pipe( startWith(false), withLatestFrom(this.defaultNgLayers$) ).subscribe(([flag, { tmplAuxNgLayers }]) => { const payload: { [key: string]: number } = {} const alpha = flag ? 0.2 : 1.0 for (const ngId in tmplAuxNgLayers) { payload[ngId] = alpha } this.manualNgLayersControl$.next({ type: 'setLayerTransparency', payload }) }) ) } public setColorMap$: Observable<IColorMap> = this.activeColorMap$.pipe( debounceTime(16), ).pipe( shareReplay(1) ) public expectedLayerNames$ = this.defaultNgLayers$.pipe( map(({ parcNgLayers, tmplAuxNgLayers, tmplNgLayers }) => { return [ ...Object.keys(parcNgLayers), ...Object.keys(tmplAuxNgLayers), ...Object.keys(tmplNgLayers), ] }) ) /** * define when shown segments should be updated */ public segmentVis$: Observable<string[]> = combineLatest([ /** * selectedRegions */ this.selectedRegion$, this.customLayers$.pipe( map(layers => layers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/colormap").length > 0), ), /** * if layer contains non mixable layer */ this.customLayers$.pipe( map(layers => layers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer").length > 0), ), ]).pipe( switchMap(( [ selectedRegions, customMapExists, nonmixableLayerExists ] ) => this.completeNgIdLabelRegionMap$.pipe( map(completeNgIdLabelRegion => { /** * if non mixable layer exist (e.g. pmap) * and no custom color map exist * hide all segmentations */ if (!customMapExists && nonmixableLayerExists) { return null } /** * if custom map exists, roi is all regions * otherwise, roi is only selectedRegions */ const selectedRegionNameSet = new Set( => const roiIndexSet = new Set<string>() for (const ngId in completeNgIdLabelRegion) { for (const label in completeNgIdLabelRegion[ngId]) { const val = completeNgIdLabelRegion[ngId][label] if (!customMapExists && !selectedRegionNameSet.has( { continue } roiIndexSet.add(serializeSegment(ngId, label)) } } if (roiIndexSet.size > 0) { return [...roiIndexSet] } else { return [] } }), )), ) /** * ngLayers controller */ private ngLayersRegister: atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer[] = [] private getUpdatedCustomLayer(isSameLayer: (o: atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer, n: atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer) => boolean){ return$.pipe( select(atlasAppearance.selectors.customLayers), map(customLayers => customLayers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer") as atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer[]), pairwise(), map(([ oldCustomLayers, newCustomLayers ]) => { return newCustomLayers.filter(n => oldCustomLayers.some(o => === && !isSameLayer(o, n))) }), filter(arr => arr.length > 0), ) } private updateCustomLayerTransparency$ = this.getUpdatedCustomLayer((o, n) => o.opacity === n.opacity) private updateCustomLayerColorMap$ = this.getUpdatedCustomLayer((o, n) => o.shader === n.shader) private ngLayers$ = this.customLayers$.pipe( map(customLayers => customLayers.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer") as atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer[]), distinctUntilChanged( arrayEqual((o, n) => === ), map(customLayers => { const newLayers = customLayers.filter(l => { const registeredLayerNames = => return !registeredLayerNames.includes( }) const removeLayers = this.ngLayersRegister.filter(l => { const stateLayerNames = => return !stateLayerNames.includes( }) return { newLayers, removeLayers, customLayers } }), shareReplay(1) ) private manualNgLayersControl$ = new Subject<TNgLayerCtrl<keyof INgLayerCtrl>>() ngLayersController$: Observable<TNgLayerCtrl<keyof INgLayerCtrl>> = merge( this.ngLayers$.pipe( map(({ newLayers }) => newLayers), filter(layers => layers.length > 0), map(newLayers => { const newLayersObj: any = {} newLayers.forEach(({ id, source, }) => newLayersObj[id] = {, source, }) return { type: 'add', payload: newLayersObj } as TNgLayerCtrl<'add'> }) ), this.ngLayers$.pipe( map(({ removeLayers }) => removeLayers), filter(layers => layers.length > 0), map(removeLayers => { const removeLayerNames = => return { type: 'remove', payload: { names: removeLayerNames } } as TNgLayerCtrl<'remove'> }) ), this.updateCustomLayerTransparency$.pipe( map(layers => { const payload: Record<string, number> = {} for (const layer of layers) { const opacity = layer.opacity ?? 0.8 payload[] = opacity } return { type: 'setLayerTransparency', payload } as TNgLayerCtrl<'setLayerTransparency'> }) ), this.updateCustomLayerColorMap$.pipe( map(layers => { const payload: Record<string, string> = {} for (const layer of layers) { const shader = layer.shader ?? getShader() payload[] = shader } return { type: 'updateShader', payload } as TNgLayerCtrl<'updateShader'> }) ), this.manualNgLayersControl$, ).pipe( ) public visibleLayer$: Observable<string[]> = combineLatest([ this.expectedLayerNames$.pipe( map(expectedLayerNames => { const ngIdSet = new Set<string>([...expectedLayerNames]) return Array.from(ngIdSet) }) ), this.ngLayers$.pipe( map(({ customLayers }) => customLayers), startWith([] as atlasAppearance.const.NgLayerCustomLayer[]), map(customLayers => { /** * pmap control has its own visibility controller */ return customLayers .map(l => .filter(name => name !== PMAP_LAYER_NAME) }) ), this.customLayers$.pipe( map(cl => { const otherColormapExist = cl.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/colormap").length > 0 const otherLayerNames = cl.filter(l => l.clType === "customlayer/nglayer").map(l => return otherColormapExist ? [] : otherLayerNames }), ) ]).pipe( map(([ expectedLayerNames, customLayerNames, pmapName ]) => [...expectedLayerNames, ...customLayerNames, ...pmapName, ...AnnotationLayer.Map.keys()]) ) static ExternalLayerNames = new Set<string>() /** * @description Occationally, a layer can be managed by external components. Register the name of such layers so it will be ignored. * @param layername */ static RegisterLayerName(layername: string) { NehubaLayerControlService.ExternalLayerNames.add(layername) } /** * @description Once external component is done with the layer, return control back to the service * @param layername */ static DeregisterLayerName(layername: string) { NehubaLayerControlService.ExternalLayerNames.delete(layername) } }