import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, OnDestroy, Output } from "@angular/core"; import { IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "../../viewer.interface"; import { NehubaMeshService } from "../mesh.service"; import { NehubaLayerControlService, SET_COLORMAP_OBS, SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY } from "../layerCtrl.service"; import { EXTERNAL_LAYER_CONTROL, NG_LAYER_CONTROL, SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY } from "../layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.util"; import { NehubaConfig } from "../config.service"; import { SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD } from "../constants"; @Component({ selector: 'iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-glue', templateUrl: './nehubaViewerGlue.template.html', styleUrls: [ './' ], exportAs: 'iavCmpViewerNehubaGlue', providers: [ { provide: SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD, useFactory: (meshService: NehubaMeshService) => meshService.loadMeshes$, deps: [ NehubaMeshService ] }, { provide: EXTERNAL_LAYER_CONTROL, useValue: NehubaLayerControlService }, NehubaMeshService, { provide: SET_COLORMAP_OBS, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.setColorMap$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.visibleLayer$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: SET_SEGMENT_VISIBILITY, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.segmentVis$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, { provide: NG_LAYER_CONTROL, useFactory: (layerCtrl: NehubaLayerControlService) => layerCtrl.ngLayersController$, deps: [ NehubaLayerControlService ] }, NehubaLayerControlService, NehubaMeshService, ], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class NehubaGlueCmp implements IViewer<'nehuba'>, OnDestroy { private onDestroyCb: (() => void)[] = [] public nehubaConfig: NehubaConfig public QUICKTOUR_DND_MD = `Drag and drop any \`.nii\` or \`.nii.gz\` on top of the template to co-visualize.` ngOnDestroy(): void { while (this.onDestroyCb.length) this.onDestroyCb.pop()() } @Output() public viewerEvent = new EventEmitter<TViewerEvent<'nehuba'>>() constructor(){ this.onResize() } public quickTourOverwritingPos = { 'dialog': { left: '0px', top: '0px', }, 'arrow': { left: '0px', top: '0px', } } public onResize(){ const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window this.quickTourOverwritingPos = { 'dialog': { left: `${innerWidth * 0.55}px`, top: `${innerHeight * 0.55}px`, }, 'arrow': { left: `${innerWidth * 0.55 - 48}px`, top: `${innerHeight * 0.55 - 48}px`, } } } }