import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild, Input, SimpleChanges, HostListener, OnChanges, inject } from "@angular/core"; import { Store, select} from "@ngrx/store"; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, merge, concat, NEVER} from "rxjs"; import { switchMap, map, shareReplay, distinctUntilChanged, withLatestFrom, filter, finalize, debounceTime, takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators"; import { atlasAppearance, atlasSelection } from "src/state"; import { SAPI } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sapi.service"; import { of } from "rxjs"; import { SxplrAtlas, SxplrParcellation, SxplrRegion, SxplrTemplate } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes"; import { actions } from "src/state/atlasSelection"; import { translateV3Entities } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/translateV3"; import { DS } from "src/features/filterCategories.pipe"; import { FormControl, FormGroup } from "@angular/forms"; import { PathReturn } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/typeV3"; import { arrayEqual } from "src/util/array"; import { switchMapWaitFor } from "src/util/fn"; import { DestroyDirective } from "src/util/directives/destroy.directive"; type PathParam = DS['value'][number] type ConnFeat = PathReturn<"/feature/RegionalConnectivity/{feature_id}"> @Component({ selector: 'sxplr-features-connectivity-browser', templateUrl: './connectivityBrowser.template.html', styleUrls: ['./'], hostDirectives: [ DestroyDirective ] }) export class ConnectivityBrowserComponent implements OnChanges { #destroy$ = inject(DestroyDirective).destroyed$ @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-atlas') atlas: SxplrAtlas @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-template') template: SxplrTemplate @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-parcellation') parcellation: SxplrParcellation parcellation$ = new BehaviorSubject<SxplrParcellation>(null) #accordionExpanded$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(null) @Input() set accordionExpanded(flag: boolean) { this.#accordionExpanded$.next(flag) } region$ = new BehaviorSubject<SxplrRegion>(null) @Input() set region(region: SxplrRegion) { this.region$.next(region) } types$ = new BehaviorSubject<PathParam[]>(null) @Input() types: PathParam[] connectivityFilterForm = new FormGroup({ selectedType: new FormControl<PathParam>(null), selectedView: new FormControl<'average'|'subject'>('subject'), selectedCohort: new FormControl<string>(null), selectedDatasetIndex: new FormControl<number>(0), selectedSubjectIndex: new FormControl<number>(0), }) displayForm = new FormGroup({ logChecked: new FormControl<boolean>(false) }) formValue$ = this.connectivityFilterForm.valueChanges.pipe( debounceTime(160), shareReplay(1), ) static LayerId = 'connectivity-colormap-id' @ViewChild('connectivityComponent') public connectivityComponentElement: ElementRef<any> @ViewChild('fullConnectivityGrid') public fullConnectivityGridElement: ElementRef<any> constructor( private store$: Store, protected sapi: SAPI ) { /** * on accordion expansion, if nothing is selected, select default (0) type */ combineLatest([ this.#accordionExpanded$, this.types$, concat( of(null as PathParam), this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedType), distinctUntilChanged((n, o) => === ) ), ]).pipe( takeUntil(this.#destroy$), ).subscribe(([flag, types, selectedType]) => { if (flag && !selectedType) { this.connectivityFilterForm.patchValue({ selectedType: types[0] }) } }) /** * on set log */ this.displayForm.valueChanges.pipe( map(v => v.logChecked), switchMap(switchMapWaitFor({ condition: () => !!this.connectivityComponentElement, leading: true })), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(flag => { const el = this.connectivityComponentElement el.nativeElement.setShowLog(flag) }) /** * on type selection, select first cohort */ this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedType), distinctUntilChanged((n, o) => ===, switchMap(() => this.cohorts$.pipe( /** * it's important to not use distinctUntilChanged * new corhots emit should always trigger this flow */ ) ), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(cohorts => { if (cohorts.length > 0) { this.connectivityFilterForm.patchValue({ selectedCohort: cohorts[0] }) } }) /** * on select cohort */ this.selectedCohort$.pipe( switchMap(() => this.cohortDatasets$.pipe( map(dss => dss.length), distinctUntilChanged(), filter(length => length > 0), )), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(() => { this.connectivityFilterForm.patchValue({ selectedDatasetIndex: 0, selectedSubjectIndex: 0, }) }) /** * on update colormap, add new custom layer */ combineLatest([ this.#accordionExpanded$, this.colormap$, ]).pipe( withLatestFrom($.pipe( select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedParcAllRegions) ) ), takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(([[accordionExpanded, conn], allregions]) => { if (!accordionExpanded || !conn) { return } const map = new Map<SxplrRegion, number[]>() for (const region of allregions) { const area = conn.find(a => === if (area) { map.set(region, Object.values(area.color)) } else { map.set(region, [255,255,255,0.1]) } }$.dispatch( atlasAppearance.actions.addCustomLayer({ customLayer: { clType: 'customlayer/colormap', id: ConnectivityBrowserComponent.LayerId, colormap: map } }) ) }) /** * on * - accordion update * - colormap change * - fetching matrix flag is true * remove custom layer */ merge( this.#accordionExpanded$, this.colormap$, this.#fetchingMatrix$.pipe( filter(flag => !!flag) ), ).pipe( takeUntil(this.#destroy$), ).subscribe(() => { this.removeCustomLayer() }) /** * on pure connection update, update logchecked box */ this.#pureConnections$.pipe( takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(v => { if (!v) return for (const val of Object.values(v)) { if (val > 1) { this.displayForm.get("logChecked").enable() return } } this.displayForm.get("logChecked").patchValue(false) this.displayForm.get("logChecked").disable() }) this.selectedDataset$.pipe( takeUntil(this.#destroy$) ).subscribe(selectedDs => { this.selectedDataset = selectedDs }) this.#destroy$.subscribe({ complete: () => { this.removeCustomLayer() } }) } selectedDataset: PathReturn<"/feature/RegionalConnectivity/{feature_id}"> public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { const { parcellation, types } = changes if (parcellation) { this.parcellation$.next(parcellation.currentValue) } if (types) [ this.types$.next(types.currentValue) ] } removeCustomLayer() {$.dispatch( atlasAppearance.actions.removeCustomLayer({ id: ConnectivityBrowserComponent.LayerId }) ) } busy$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false) #selectedType$ = this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedType), distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o?.name === n?.name), shareReplay(1), ) #connFeatures$ = this.parcellation$.pipe( switchMap(parc => concat( of(null as PathParam), this.#selectedType$, ).pipe( switchMap(selectedType => { if (!selectedType || !parc) { return of([] as ConnFeat[]) } const typedName = getType( const query = { parcellation_id:, type: typedName } this.busy$.next(true) return concat( of( [] as PathReturn<"/feature/RegionalConnectivity/{feature_id}">[], ), this.sapi.v3Get( "/feature/RegionalConnectivity", { query } ).pipe( switchMap(resp => this.sapi.iteratePages( resp, page => this.sapi.v3Get( "/feature/RegionalConnectivity", { query: { ...query, page } } ) ) ), finalize(() => { this.busy$.next(false) }) ) ) }) )), ) cohorts$ = this.#connFeatures$.pipe( map(v => { const cohorts: string[] = [] for (const item of v) { if (!cohorts.includes(item.cohort)) { cohorts.push(item.cohort) } } return cohorts }) ) selectedCohort$ = this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedCohort), distinctUntilChanged() ) cohortDatasets$ = combineLatest([ this.#connFeatures$, this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedCohort), distinctUntilChanged() ), ]).pipe( map(([ features, selectedCohort ]) => features.filter(f => f.cohort === selectedCohort)), distinctUntilChanged( arrayEqual((o, n) => o?.id === n?.id) ), shareReplay(1), ) selectedDataset$ = this.cohortDatasets$.pipe( switchMap(features => this.formValue$.pipe( map(v => v.selectedDatasetIndex), distinctUntilChanged(), map(dsIdx => features[dsIdx]), shareReplay(1), )), ) subjectDisplayWith(subId: number): string { return this.selectedDataset?.subjects[subId] || `${subId}` } selectedDatasetAdditionalInfos$ = this.selectedDataset$.pipe( map(ds => ds ? ds.datasets : []) ) #fetchingMatrix$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false) #matrixInput$ = combineLatest([ this.parcellation$, this.formValue$, this.cohortDatasets$, ]).pipe( map(([ parcellation, form, dss ]) => { const { selectedDatasetIndex: dsIdx, selectedSubjectIndex: subIdx, selectedView } = form const ds = dss[dsIdx] if (!ds) { return null } const subject = ds.subjects[subIdx] if (!subject) { return null } return { parcellation, feature_id:, subject, selectedView } }), distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o?.feature_id === n?.feature_id && o?.subject === n?.subject && o?.selectedView === n?.selectedView && o?.parcellation?.id === n?.parcellation?.id), shareReplay(1), ) #selectedMatrix$ = this.#matrixInput$.pipe( switchMap(input => { if (!input) { return NEVER } const { parcellation, feature_id, subject } = input this.#fetchingMatrix$.next(true) return this.sapi.v3Get( "/feature/RegionalConnectivity/{feature_id}", { query: { parcellation_id:, ...(input.selectedView === "average" ? {} : { subject }) }, path: { feature_id } } ).pipe( finalize(() => { this.#fetchingMatrix$.next(false) }) ) }), shareReplay(1), ) #pureConnections$ = this.#matrixInput$.pipe( switchMap(matrixInput => this.#selectedMatrix$.pipe( withLatestFrom(this.region$), map(([ v, region ]) => { const matrixKey = matrixInput?.selectedView === "average" ? "_average" : matrixInput?.subject if (!v || !matrixInput || !v.matrices?.[matrixKey]) { return null } const b = v.matrices[matrixKey] const foundIdx = b.columns.findIndex(v => v['name'] === if (typeof foundIdx !== 'number') { return null } const profile =[foundIdx] if (!profile) { return null } const rObj: Record<string, number> = {} b.columns.reduce((acc, curr, idx) => { const rName = curr['name'] as string acc[rName] = profile[idx] as number return acc }, rObj) return rObj }) ), ), ) colormap$ = this.#matrixInput$.pipe( switchMap(() => concat( of(null as ConnectedArea[]), combineLatest([ this.#pureConnections$, this.displayForm.valueChanges.pipe( map(v => v.logChecked), distinctUntilChanged() ) ]).pipe( filter(conn => !!conn), map(([ conn, flag ]) => processProfile(conn, flag)) ) )) ) view$ = combineLatest([ this.busy$, this.selectedDataset$, this.formValue$, this.#fetchingMatrix$, concat( of(null as Record<string, number>), this.#pureConnections$, ), this.region$, ]).pipe( map(([busy, sDs, form, fetchingMatrix, pureConnections, region]) => { return { showSubject: sDs && form.selectedView === "subject", numSubjects: sDs?.subjects.length, connections: pureConnections, region, showAverageToggle: form.selectedCohort !== null && typeof form.selectedCohort !== "undefined", busy: busy || fetchingMatrix, selectedSubject: (sDs?.subjects || [])[form.selectedSubjectIndex], selectedDataset: form?.selectedDatasetIndex } }), shareReplay(1), ) @HostListener('connectedRegionClicked', ['$event']) onRegionClicked(event: CustomEvent) { const regionName = as string this.sapi.v3Get("/regions/{region_id}", { path: {region_id: regionName}, query: { parcellation_id:, space_id: } }).pipe( switchMap(r => translateV3Entities.translateRegion(r)) ).subscribe(region => { const centroid = region.centroid?.loc if (centroid) {$.dispatch( actions.navigateTo({ navigation: { position: => v*1e6), }, animation: true }) ) } }) } exportConnectivityProfile() { const a = document.querySelector('hbp-connectivity-matrix-row'); (a as any).downloadCSV() } public exportFullConnectivity() { this.fullConnectivityGridElement?.nativeElement['downloadCSV']() } } function clamp(min: number, max: number) { return function(val: number) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val)) } } const clamp01 = clamp(0, 1) function interpolate255(val: number) { return Math.round(clamp01(val) * 255) } function jet(val: number) { return { r: val < 0.7 ? interpolate255(4 * val - 1.5) : interpolate255(-4.0 * val + 4.5), g: val < 0.5 ? interpolate255(4.0 * val - 0.5) : interpolate255(-4.0 * val + 3.5), b: val < 0.3 ? interpolate255(4.0 * val + 0.5) : interpolate255(-4.0 * val + 2.5) } } function processProfile(areas: Record<string, number>, logFlag=false): ConnectedArea[] { const returnValue: Omit<ConnectedArea, "color">[] = [] for (const areaname in areas) { returnValue.push({ name: areaname, numberOfConnections: areas[areaname], }) } returnValue.sort((a, b) => b.numberOfConnections - a.numberOfConnections) if (returnValue.length === 0) { return [] } const preprocess = (v: number) => logFlag ? Math.log10(v) : v return => ({ ...v, color: jet( preprocess(v.numberOfConnections) / preprocess(returnValue[0].numberOfConnections) ) })) } function getType(name: string) { return name.split(".").slice(-1)[0] } type ConnectedArea = { color: {r: number, g: number, b: number} name: string numberOfConnections: number }