import { Component, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, NgZone } from "@angular/core"; import * as export_nehuba from 'third_party/export_nehuba/main.bundle.js' import 'third_party/export_nehuba/chunk_worker.bundle.js' import { fromEvent, interval } from 'rxjs' import { AtlasWorkerService } from "../../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service"; import { buffer, map, filter } from "rxjs/operators"; @Component({ templateUrl : './nehubaViewer.template.html', styleUrls : [ './' ] }) export class NehubaViewerUnit implements AfterViewInit,OnDestroy{ @Output() debouncedViewerPositionChange : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter() @Output() mouseoverSegmentEmitter : EventEmitter<any | number | null> = new EventEmitter() @Output() regionSelectionEmitter : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter() /* only used to set initial navigation state */ initNav : any initRegions : any[] initNiftiLayers : any[] = [] config : any nehubaViewer : any _s1$ : any _s2$ : any _s3$ : any _s4$ : any _s5$ : any _s6$ : any _s7$ : any _s8$ : any _s$ : any[] = [ this._s1$, this._s2$, this._s3$, this._s4$, this._s5$, this._s6$, this._s7$, this._s8$ ] ondestroySubscriptions: any[] = [] constructor( public elementRef:ElementRef, private workerService : AtlasWorkerService, private zone : NgZone ){ this.patchNG() this.ondestroySubscriptions.push( fromEvent(this.workerService.worker,'message').pipe( filter((message:any) => { if(!message){ // console.error('worker response message is undefined', message) return false } if(!{ // console.error('worker response is undefined', return false } if( !== 'CHECKED_MESH'){ /* worker responded with not checked mesh, no need to act */ return false } return true }), map(e =>, buffer(interval(1000)), map(arr => arr.reduce((acc:Map<string,Set<number>>,curr)=> { const newMap = new Map(acc) const set = newMap.get(curr.baseUrl) if(set){ set.add(curr.checkedIndex) }else{ newMap.set(curr.baseUrl,new Set([curr.checkedIndex])) } return newMap }, new Map())) ).subscribe(map => { Array.from(map).forEach(item => { const baseUrl : string = item[0] const set : Set<number> = item[1] /* validation passed, add to safeMeshSet */ const oldset = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(baseUrl) if(oldset){ this.workerService.safeMeshSet.set(baseUrl, new Set([...oldset, ...set])) }else{ this.workerService.safeMeshSet.set(baseUrl, new Set([...set])) } /* if the active parcellation is the current parcellation, load the said mesh */ if(baseUrl === this._baseUrl){ this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(this._baseUrl)], { name : this.parcellationId }) } }) }) ) } private _baseUrl : string get numMeshesToBeLoaded():number{ if(!this._baseUrl) return 0 const set = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(this._baseUrl) return set ? set.size : 0 } private _parcellationId : string get parcellationId(){ return this._parcellationId } set parcellationId(id:string){ if(this._parcellationId && this.nehubaViewer){ const oldlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(this._parcellationId) if(oldlayer)oldlayer.setVisible(false) else console.warn('could not find old layer',this.parcellationId) } this._parcellationId = id if(this.nehubaViewer) this.loadNewParcellation() } regionsLabelIndexMap : Map<number,any> navPosReal : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0] navPosVoxel : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0] mousePosReal : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0] mousePosVoxel : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0] viewerState : ViewerState private defaultColormap : Map<number,{red:number,green:number,blue:number}> public mouseOverSegment : number | null ngAfterViewInit(){ this.nehubaViewer = export_nehuba.createNehubaViewer(this.config, (err)=>{ /* print in debug mode */ }); if(this.regionsLabelIndexMap){ const managedLayers = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.managedLayers managedLayers.slice(1).forEach(layer=>layer.setVisible(false)) this.nehubaViewer.redraw() } this.newViewerInit() this.loadNewParcellation() window['nehubaViewer'] = this.nehubaViewer } ngOnDestroy(){ this._s$.forEach(_s$=>{ if(_s$) _s$.unsubscribe() }) this.ondestroySubscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe()) this.nehubaViewer.dispose() } private patchNG(){ const { LayerManager, UrlHashBinding } = export_nehuba.getNgPatchableObj() UrlHashBinding.prototype.setUrlHash = () => { // console.log('seturl hash') // console.log('setting url hash') } UrlHashBinding.prototype.updateFromUrlHash = () => { // console.log('update hash binding') } /* TODO find a more permanent fix to disable double click */ LayerManager.prototype.invokeAction = (arg) => { const region = this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(this.mouseOverSegment) if (arg === 'select' && region) { this.regionSelectionEmitter.emit(region) } } } private filterLayers(l:any,layerObj:any):boolean{ return Object.keys(layerObj).length == 0 && layerObj.constructor == Object ? true : Object.keys(layerObj).every(key=> !(<Object>l).hasOwnProperty(key) ? false : layerObj[key] instanceof RegExp ? layerObj[key].test(l[key]) : layerObj[key] == l[key]) } public addUserLandmarks(landmarks:any[]){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return const _ = {} landmarks.forEach(lm => { _[`user-${}`] = { type : 'mesh', source : `vtk://${ICOSAHEDRON_VTK_URL}`, transform : [ [2 ,0 ,0 , lm.position[0]*1e6], [0 ,2 ,0 , lm.position[1]*1e6], [0 ,0 ,2 , lm.position[2]*1e6], [0 ,0 ,0 , 1 ], ], shader : FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE } }) this.loadLayer(_) } public removeUserLandmarks(){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return this.removeLayer({ name : /^user\-/ }) } public removeSpatialSearch3DLandmarks(){ this.removeLayer({ name : /vtk-[0-9]/ }) } public addSpatialSearch3DLandmarks(poss:[number,number,number][],scale?:number,type?:'icosahedron'){ const _ = {} poss.forEach((pos,idx)=>{ _[`vtk-${idx}`] = { type : 'mesh', source : `vtk://${ICOSAHEDRON_VTK_URL}`, transform : [ [2 ,0 ,0 , pos[0]*1e6], [0 ,2 ,0 , pos[1]*1e6], [0 ,0 ,2 , pos[2]*1e6], [0 ,0 ,0 , 1 ], ], shader : FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE } }) /* load layer triggers navigation view event, results in infinite loop */ this.loadLayer(_) } public setLayerVisibility(condition:{name:string|RegExp},visible:boolean){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return false const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer viewer.layerManager.managedLayers .filter(l=>this.filterLayers(l,condition)) .map(layer=>layer.setVisible(visible)) } public removeLayer(layerObj:any){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return false const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer const removeLayer = (i) => (viewer.layerManager.removeManagedLayer(i), return viewer.layerManager.managedLayers .filter(l=>this.filterLayers(l,layerObj)) .map(removeLayer) } public loadLayer(layerObj:any){ const viewer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer return Object.keys(layerObj) .filter(key=> /* if the layer exists, it will not be loaded */ !viewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(key)) .map(key=>{ viewer.layerManager.addManagedLayer( viewer.layerSpecification.getLayer(key,layerObj[key])) return layerObj[key] }) } public hideAllSeg(){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return Array.from(this.regionsLabelIndexMap.keys()).forEach(idx=> this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(idx,{ name : this.parcellationId })) this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(0,{ name : this.parcellationId }) } public showAllSeg(){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return this.hideAllSeg() this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0,{ name : this.parcellationId }) } public showSegs(array:number[]){ if(!this.nehubaViewer) return this.hideAllSeg() this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0,{ name : this.parcellationId }) array.forEach(idx=> this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(idx,{ name : this.parcellationId })) } private vec3(pos:[number,number,number]){ return export_nehuba.vec3.fromValues(...pos) } public setNavigationState(newViewerState:Partial<ViewerState>){ if(!this.nehubaViewer){ console.warn('setNavigationState > this.nehubaViewer is not yet defined') return } const { orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, position, positionReal, zoom } = newViewerState if( perspectiveZoom ) this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.perspectiveNavigationState.zoomFactor.restoreState(perspectiveZoom) if( zoom ) this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.zoomFactor.restoreState(zoom) if( perspectiveOrientation ) this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.perspectiveNavigationState.pose.orientation.restoreState( perspectiveOrientation ) if( orientation ) this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.orientation.restoreState( orientation ) if( position ) this.nehubaViewer.setPosition( this.vec3(position) , positionReal ? true : false ) } private updateColorMap(arrayIdx:number[]){ const set = new Set(arrayIdx) const newColorMap = new Map( Array.from(this.defaultColormap.entries()) .map(v=> set.has(v[0]) || set.size === 0 ? v : [v[0],{red:255,green:255,blue:255}]) as any ) this.nehubaViewer.batchAddAndUpdateSegmentColors(newColorMap,{ name:this.parcellationId }) } private newViewerInit(){ /* isn't this layer specific? */ /* TODO this is layer specific. need a way to distinguish between different segmentation layers */ this._s2$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment .subscribe(obj=>this.mouseOverSegment = obj.segment) if(this.initNav){ this.setNavigationState(this.initNav) } if(this.initRegions){ this.hideAllSeg() this.showSegs(this.initRegions) } if(this.initNiftiLayers.length > 0){ this.initNiftiLayers.forEach(layer => this.loadLayer(layer)) this.hideAllSeg() } this._s8$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment.subscribe(({segment})=>{ if( segment && segment < 65500 ) { const region = this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(segment) this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit(region ? region : segment) }else{ this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit(null) } }) this._s3$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.all .debounceTime(300) .subscribe(({ orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, position, zoom })=>{ this.viewerState = { orientation, perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom, zoom, position, positionReal : false } this.debouncedViewerPositionChange.emit({ orientation : Array.from(orientation), perspectiveOrientation : Array.from(perspectiveOrientation), perspectiveZoom, zoom, position, positionReal : true }) }) this._s4$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.position.inRealSpace .filter(v=>typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v=>this.navPosReal=v) this._s5$ = this.nehubaViewer.navigationState.position.inVoxels .filter(v=>typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v=>this.navPosVoxel=v) this._s6$ = this.nehubaViewer.mousePosition.inRealSpace .filter(v=>typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v=>(this.mousePosReal=v)) this._s7$ = this.nehubaViewer.mousePosition.inVoxels .filter(v=>typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) .subscribe(v=>(this.mousePosVoxel=v)) } private loadNewParcellation(){ /* show correct segmentation layer */ const newlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(this.parcellationId) if(newlayer)newlayer.setVisible(true) else console.warn('could not find new layer',this.parcellationId) const regex = /^(\S.*?)\:\/\/(.*?)$/.exec(newlayer.sourceUrl) if(!regex || !regex[2]){ console.error('could not parse baseUrl') return } if(regex[1] !== 'precomputed'){ console.error('sourceUrl is not precomputed') return } const baseUrl = regex[2] this._baseUrl = baseUrl /* load meshes */ /* TODO could be a bug where user loads new parcellation, but before the worker could completely populate the list */ const set = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(baseUrl) if(set){ this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...set],{ name : this.parcellationId }) }else{ if(newlayer){ => this.workerService.worker.postMessage({ type : 'CHECK_MESHES', parcellationId : this.parcellationId, baseUrl, indices : [ ...Array.from(this.regionsLabelIndexMap.keys()), ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices() ] }) ) } } this.defaultColormap = new Map( Array.from( [ ...this.regionsLabelIndexMap.entries(), ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices().map(i=>([ i, {} ])) ] ).map((val:[number,any])=>([val[0],this.getRgb(val[0],val[1].rgb)])) as any) /* load colour maps */ this.nehubaViewer.batchAddAndUpdateSegmentColors( this.defaultColormap, { name : this.parcellationId }) this._s$.forEach(_s$=>{ if(_s$) _s$.unsubscribe() }) if(this._s1$)this._s1$.unsubscribe() this._s1$ = this.nehubaViewer.getShownSegmentsObservable({ name : this.parcellationId }).subscribe(arrayIdx=>this.updateColorMap(arrayIdx)) } private getRgb(labelIndex:number,rgb?:number[]):{red:number,green:number,blue:number}{ if(typeof rgb === 'undefined' || rgb === null){ const arr = intToColour(Number(labelIndex)) return { red : arr[0], green: arr[1], blue : arr[2] } } return { red : rgb[0], green: rgb[1], blue : rgb[2] } } } /** * * */ const intToColour = function(int) { if(int >= 65500){ return [255,255,255] } const str = String(int*65535) let hash = 0 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); } const returnV = [] for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const value = (hash >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF; returnV.push(value) } return returnV } export interface ViewerState{ orientation : [number,number,number,number] perspectiveOrientation : [number,number,number,number] perspectiveZoom : number position : [number,number,number] positionReal : boolean zoom : number } export function getAuxilliaryLabelIndices(){ return [65535] // return Array.from(Array(36)).map((_,i)=>65500+i) } export const ICOSAHEDRON = `# vtk DataFile Version 2.0 Converted using ASCII DATASET POLYDATA POINTS 12 float -525731.0 0.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 0.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 -525731.0 850651.0 525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 525731.0 0.0 850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 -850651.0 -525731.0 0.0 POLYGONS 20 80 3 1 4 0 3 4 9 0 3 4 5 9 3 8 5 4 3 1 8 4 3 1 10 8 3 10 3 8 3 8 3 5 3 3 2 5 3 3 7 2 3 3 10 7 3 10 6 7 3 6 11 7 3 6 0 11 3 6 1 0 3 10 1 6 3 11 0 9 3 2 11 9 3 5 2 9 3 11 2 7` declare const TextEncoder export const _encoder = new TextEncoder() export const ICOSAHEDRON_VTK_URL = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([ _encoder.encode(ICOSAHEDRON) ],{type : 'application/octet-stream'} )) export const FRAGMENT_MAIN_WHITE = `void main(){emitRGB(vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0));}`