diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/core/region/region/rich/region.rich.template.html b/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/core/region/region/rich/region.rich.template.html
index c3acb2dfb3de57075448fc2e25615408f24bf6f5..a8814bb6a035b6a5135a5167cc7730df51f8e05a 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/core/region/region/rich/region.rich.template.html
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/core/region/region/rich/region.rich.template.html
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+    [template]="template"
diff --git a/src/environments/environment.common.ts b/src/environments/environment.common.ts
index a8511509d93b2e4b80abadfc5b814006f4a56611..75284adf0db83a1213cfb5f2b94293b46330e9b5 100644
--- a/src/environments/environment.common.ts
+++ b/src/environments/environment.common.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export const environment = {
   GIT_HASH: 'unknown hash',
   VERSION: 'unknown version',
-  PRODUCTION: true,
+  PRODUCTION: false,
   BACKEND_URL: null,
   SIIBRA_API_ENDPOINTS: 'https://siibra-api-latest.apps-dev.hbp.eu/v3_0', //'https://siibra-api-stable.apps.hbp.eu/v2_0,https://siibra-api-stable.apps.jsc.hbp.eu/v2_0,https://siibra-api-stable-ns.apps.hbp.eu/v2_0',
   SPATIAL_TRANSFORM_BACKEND: 'https://hbp-spatial-backend.apps.hbp.eu',
diff --git a/src/features/category-acc.directive.ts b/src/features/category-acc.directive.ts
index b998efb0a8cd27b8260424ee8928bf7a3f2efbd9..d578d36dabcfa260822a9208e4e276637f32f117 100644
--- a/src/features/category-acc.directive.ts
+++ b/src/features/category-acc.directive.ts
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import { ListComponent } from './list/list.component';
 export class CategoryAccDirective implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {
-  constructor() { }
   public isBusy$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false)
   public total$ = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0)
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts
similarity index 86%
rename from tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts
rename to src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts
index 084a7ed862896c530146930484e131b488b06470..8f67e9bc822dfc07d3a954b2ac5daf0e18ce04e0 100644
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.spec.ts
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import {MockStore, provideMockStore} from "@ngrx/store/testing";
 import {Observable, of} from "rxjs";
 import {SAPI} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi";
 import {AngularMaterialModule} from "src/sharedModules";
-import { SapiAtlasModel, SapiModalityModel, SapiParcellationFeatureModel, SapiParcellationModel } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type";
 import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from "@angular/common/http/testing";
+import { SxplrAtlas, SxplrParcellation } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes";
  * injecting databrowser module is bad idea
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ describe('ConnectivityComponent', () => {
     let httpTestingController: HttpTestingController;
     let req
-    const types: SapiModalityModel[] = [{
+    const types: any[] = [{
         name: 'StreamlineCounts',
         types: ['siibra/features/connectivity/streamlineCounts']
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ describe('ConnectivityComponent', () => {
         types: ['siibra/features/connectivity/functional']
-    let datasetList: SapiParcellationFeatureModel[] = [
+    let datasetList: SxplrParcellation[] = [
-            '@id': 'id1',
+            id: 'id1',
             name: 'id1',
             cohort: 'HCP',
             subject: '100',
             '@type': 'siibra/features/connectivity/streamlineCounts',
-        } as SapiParcellationFeatureModel, {
-            '@id': 'id2',
+        } as any, {
+            id: 'id2',
             name: 'id2',
             cohort: '1000BRAINS',
             subject: 'average',
-        } as SapiParcellationFeatureModel
+        } as any
     beforeEach(async () => {
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ describe('ConnectivityComponent', () => {
             const parcellation = 'minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-290'
             const endp = await SAPI.BsEndpoint$.toPromise()
-            component.atlas = { '@id': atlas } as SapiAtlasModel
-            component.parcellation = { '@id': parcellation } as SapiParcellationModel
+            component.atlas = { id: atlas } as SxplrAtlas
+            component.parcellation = { id: parcellation } as any
             component.types = types
-            const url = `${endp}/atlases/${encodeURIComponent(atlas)}/parcellations/${encodeURIComponent(parcellation)}/features?type=${component.selectedTypeId}&size=${100}&page=${1}`
+            const url = `${endp}/atlases/${encodeURIComponent(atlas)}/parcellations/${encodeURIComponent(parcellation)}/features?type=${component.selectedType.id}&size=${100}&page=${1}`
             req = httpTestingController.expectOne(`${url}`);
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ describe('ConnectivityComponent', () => {
-        it('> Cohorts are set correctly', () => {
-            expect(datasetList.map(d => d.cohort)).toEqual(component.cohorts)
-        })
+        // it('> Cohorts are set correctly', () => {
+        //     expect(datasetList.map(d => d.cohort)).toEqual(component.cohorts)
+        // })
diff --git a/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ad528f325b6a0c1b109c98b010ded4e03d65a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, OnDestroy, ViewChild, Input, ChangeDetectorRef} from "@angular/core";
+import {select, Store} from "@ngrx/store";
+import {fromEvent, Subscription, BehaviorSubject, Observable} from "rxjs";
+import {catchError, take, switchMap} from "rxjs/operators";
+import { atlasAppearance } from "src/state";
+import {SAPI} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sapi.service";
+import { of } from "rxjs";
+import {CustomLayer} from "src/state/atlasAppearance";
+import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
+import { SxplrAtlas, SxplrParcellation, SxplrRegion, SxplrTemplate } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes";
+import { actions, selectors } from "src/state/atlasSelection";
+import { translateV3Entities } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/translateV3";
+  selector: 'sxplr-features-connectivity-browser',
+  templateUrl: './connectivityBrowser.template.html',
+  styleUrls: ['./connectivityBrowser.style.scss']
+export class ConnectivityBrowserComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
+    @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-atlas')
+    atlas: SxplrAtlas
+    @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-template')
+    template: SxplrTemplate
+    @Input('sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-parcellation')
+    parcellation: SxplrParcellation
+    /**
+     * accordion expansion should only toggle the clearviewqueue state
+     * which should be the single source of truth
+     * setcolormaps$ is set by the presence/absence of clearviewqueue[CONNECTIVITY_NAME_PLATE]
+     */
+    private _isFirstUpdate = true
+    @Input()
+    set accordionExpanded(flag: boolean) {
+      /**
+         * ignore first update
+         */
+      if (this._isFirstUpdate) {
+        this._isFirstUpdate = false
+        return
+      }
+      if (this.types.length && !this.selectedType) this.selectType(this._types[0])
+      if (flag) {
+        if (this.selectedSubjectIndex >= 0 && this.allRegions.length) {
+          this.setCustomLayer()
+        } else {
+          this.setCustomLayerOnLoad = true
+        }
+      } else {
+        this.removeCustomLayer()
+      }
+    }
+    private _region: SxplrRegion
+    @Input()
+    set region(region) {
+      this._region = region
+      this.regionName = region.name
+    }
+    get region() {
+      return this._region
+    }
+    private _types: any[] = []
+    @Input()
+    set types(val) {
+      this._types = val.map(t => ({...t, shortName: t.name.split('.').pop()}))
+    }
+    get types() {
+      return this._types
+    }
+    public selectedType: any
+    public selectedCohort: string
+    public cohortDatasets: any[]
+    public selectedSubjectIndex = null
+    public selectedCohortDatasetIndex: any
+    public selectedCohortSubjects: any
+    public fetchedItems: any[] = []
+    public cohorts: string[]
+    public selectedView: 'subject' | 'average' | null
+    public averageDisabled: boolean = true
+    public subjectsDisabled: boolean = true
+    public regionName: string
+    public selectedDataset: any
+    public connectionsString: string
+    public pureConnections: { [key: string]: number }
+    public connectedAreas: BehaviorSubject<ConnectedArea[]> = new BehaviorSubject([])
+    public noConnectivityForRegion: boolean
+    private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
+    public allRegions: SxplrRegion[] = []
+    private regionIndexInMatrix = -1
+    public defaultColorMap: Map<string, Map<number, { red: number, green: number, blue: number }>>
+    public matrixString: string
+    public fetchingPreData: boolean
+    public fetching: boolean
+    public connectivityLayerId = 'connectivity-colormap-id'
+    private setCustomLayerOnLoad = false
+    private customLayerEnabled: boolean
+    public logDisabled: boolean = true
+    public logChecked: boolean = true
+    private endpoint: string
+    @ViewChild('connectivityComponent') public connectivityComponentElement: ElementRef<any>
+    @ViewChild('fullConnectivityGrid') public fullConnectivityGridElement: ElementRef<any>
+    constructor(
+        private store$: Store,
+        private http: HttpClient,
+        private changeDetectionRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
+        protected sapi: SAPI
+    ) {
+      SAPI.BsEndpoint$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(en => this.endpoint = `${en}/feature/RegionalConnectivity`)
+    }
+    public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
+      this.subscriptions.push(
+        this.store$.pipe(
+          select(selectors.selectedParcAllRegions)
+        ).subscribe(flattenedRegions => {
+          this.defaultColorMap = null
+          this.allRegions = flattenedRegions
+          if (this.setCustomLayerOnLoad) {
+            this.setCustomLayer()
+            this.setCustomLayerOnLoad = false
+          }
+        }),
+      )
+      this.subscriptions.push(
+        fromEvent(this.connectivityComponentElement.nativeElement, 'connectedRegionClicked', {capture: true})
+          .subscribe((e: CustomEvent) => {
+            this.navigateToRegion(e.detail.name)
+          }),
+      )
+    }
+    setCustomLayer() {
+      if (this.customLayerEnabled) {
+        this.removeCustomLayer()
+      }
+      const map = new Map<SxplrRegion, number[]>()
+      const areas = this.connectedAreas.value
+      for (const region of this.allRegions) {
+        const area = areas.find(a => a.name === region.name)
+        if (area) {
+          map.set(region, Object.values(area.color))
+        } else {
+          map.set(region, [255,255,255,0.1])
+        }
+      }
+      this.customLayerEnabled = true
+      const customLayer: CustomLayer = {
+        clType: 'customlayer/colormap',
+        id: this.connectivityLayerId,
+        colormap: map
+      }
+      this.store$.dispatch(
+        atlasAppearance.actions.addCustomLayer({customLayer})
+      )
+    }
+    removeCustomLayer() {
+      this.store$.dispatch(
+        atlasAppearance.actions.removeCustomLayer({
+          id: this.connectivityLayerId
+        })
+      )
+    }
+    clearCohortSelection() {
+      this.fetchedItems = []
+      this.selectedCohort = null
+      this.cohorts = []
+      this.selectedCohort = null
+      this.selectedCohortDatasetIndex = null
+      this.selectedCohortSubjects = null
+      this.selectedSubjectIndex = null
+    }
+    selectType(type) {
+      this.clearCohortSelection()
+      this.selectedType = type
+      this.removeCustomLayer()
+      this.getModality()
+    }
+    getModality() {
+      this.fetchingPreData = true
+      this.fetchModality().subscribe((res: any) => {
+        this.fetchedItems.push(...res.items)
+        this.cohorts = [...new Set(this.fetchedItems.map(item => item.cohort))]
+        this.fetchingPreData = false
+        this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
+        this.selectCohort(this.cohorts[0])
+      })
+    }
+    public fetchModality = (): Observable<any> => {
+      const url = `${this.endpoint}?parcellation_id=${encodeURIComponent(this.parcellation.id)}&type=${encodeURIComponent(this.selectedType.shortName)}`
+      return this.http.get(url)
+    }
+    selectCohort(cohort: string) {
+      this.selectedCohort = cohort
+      this.averageDisabled = !this.fetchedItems.find(s => s.cohort === this.selectedCohort && !s.subjects.length)
+      this.subjectsDisabled = !this.fetchedItems.find(s => s.cohort === this.selectedCohort && s.subjects.length > 0)
+      this.selectedView = !this.averageDisabled? 'average' : 'subject'
+      this.cohortDatasets = this.fetchedItems.filter(i => this.selectedCohort === i.cohort)
+      this.selectedCohortDatasetChanged(0)
+    }
+    selectedCohortDatasetChanged(index) {
+      this.selectedCohortDatasetIndex = index
+      this.selectedCohortSubjects = this.cohortDatasets[index].subjects
+      this.selectedDataset = this.cohortDatasets[index].datasets[0]
+      const keepSubject = this.selectedSubjectIndex >= 0 && this.cohortDatasets[this.selectedCohortDatasetIndex].subjects
+        .includes(this.selectedCohortSubjects[this.selectedSubjectIndex])
+      this.subjectSliderChanged(keepSubject? this.selectedSubjectIndex : 0)
+    }
+    subjectSliderChanged(index: number) {
+      this.selectedSubjectIndex = index
+      this.fetchConnectivity()
+    }
+    fetchConnectivity() {
+      const subject = this.selectedCohortSubjects[this.selectedSubjectIndex]
+      const dataset = this.cohortDatasets[this.selectedCohortDatasetIndex]
+      this.fetching = true
+      const url = `${this.endpoint}/${dataset.id}?parcellation_id=${this.parcellation.id}&subject=${subject}&type=${this.selectedType.shortName}`
+      this.http.get(url).pipe(catchError(() => {
+        this.fetching = false
+        return of(null)
+      })).subscribe(ds => {
+        this.fetching = false
+        this.setMatrixData(ds.matrices[subject])
+      })
+    }
+    setMatrixData(data) {
+      this.regionIndexInMatrix = data.columns.findIndex(re => this.region.id === re['@id'])
+      if (this.regionIndexInMatrix < 0) {
+        this.noConnectivityForRegion = true
+        this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
+        return
+      } else if (this.noConnectivityForRegion) {
+        this.noConnectivityForRegion = false
+      }
+      const regionProfile = data.data[this.regionIndexInMatrix]
+      const maxStrength = Math.max(...regionProfile)
+      this.logChecked = maxStrength > 1
+      this.logDisabled = maxStrength <= 1
+      const areas = regionProfile.reduce((p, c, i) => {
+        return {
+          ...p,
+          [data.columns[i].name]: c
+        }
+      }, {})
+      this.pureConnections = areas
+      this.connectionsString = JSON.stringify(areas)
+      this.connectedAreas.next(this.formatConnections(areas))
+      this.setCustomLayer()
+      this.matrixString = JSON.stringify(data.columns.map((mc, i) => ([mc.name, ...data.data[i]])))
+      this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
+      return data
+    }
+    changeLog(checked: boolean) {
+      this.logChecked = checked
+      this.connectedAreas.next(this.formatConnections(this.pureConnections))
+      this.connectivityComponentElement.nativeElement.toggleShowLog()
+      this.setCustomLayer()
+    }
+    navigateToRegion(regionName: string) {
+        this.sapi.v3Get("/regions/{region_id}", {
+          path: {region_id: regionName},
+          query: {
+            parcellation_id: this.parcellation.id,
+            space_id: this.template.id
+          }
+        }).pipe(
+          switchMap(r => translateV3Entities.translateRegion(r))
+        ).subscribe(region => {
+          const centroid = region.centroid?.loc
+          if (centroid) {
+            this.store$.dispatch(
+              actions.navigateTo({
+                navigation: {
+                  position: centroid.map(v => v*1e6),
+                },
+                animation: true
+              })
+            )
+          }
+        })
+    }
+    getRegionWithName(region: string) {
+      return this.allRegions.find(r => r.name === region)
+    }
+    exportConnectivityProfile() {
+      const a = document.querySelector('hbp-connectivity-matrix-row');
+      (a as any).downloadCSV()
+    }
+    public exportFullConnectivity() {
+      this.fullConnectivityGridElement?.nativeElement['downloadCSV']()
+    }
+    public ngOnDestroy(): void {
+      this.removeCustomLayer()
+      this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe())
+    }
+    private formatConnections(areas: { [key: string]: number }) {
+      const cleanedObj = Object.keys(areas)
+        .map(key => ({name: key, numberOfConnections: areas[key]}))
+        .filter(f => f.numberOfConnections > 0)
+        .sort((a, b) => +b.numberOfConnections - +a.numberOfConnections)
+      const logMax = this.logChecked ? Math.log(cleanedObj[0].numberOfConnections) : cleanedObj[0].numberOfConnections
+      const colorAreas = []
+      cleanedObj.forEach((a) => {
+        colorAreas.push({
+          ...a,
+          color: {
+            r: this.colormap_red((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax ),
+            g: this.colormap_green((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax ),
+            b: this.colormap_blue((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax )
+          },
+        })
+      })
+      return colorAreas
+    }
+    private clamp = val => Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(1.0, val)) * 255)
+    private colormap_red = x => x < 0.7? this.clamp(4.0 * x - 1.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 4.5)
+    private colormap_green = x => x < 0.5? this.clamp(4.0 * x - 0.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 3.5)
+    private colormap_blue = x => x < 0.3? this.clamp(4.0 * x + 0.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 2.5)
+type ConnectedArea = {
+    color: {r: number, g: number, b: number}
+    name: string
+    numberOfConnections: number
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts
rename to src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts
index 870492b96ef2ef98bc6657c01e3b78652a23c945..2ce655aa057240574a16d6f4b8b1493cb03185bd 100644
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.stories.ts
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import { SAPI, SapiAtlasModel, SapiParcellationModel } from "src/atlasComponents
 import { getJba29Features, getHumanAtlas, getJba29 } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/stories.base"
 import {SapiParcellationFeatureMatrixModel, SapiParcellationFeatureModel} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type"
 import { AngularMaterialModule } from "src/sharedModules"
-import {ConnectivityBrowserComponent} from "src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/features/connectivity";
 import {PARSE_TYPEDARRAY} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sapi.service";
 import {catchError, take} from "rxjs/operators"
 import {of} from "rxjs";
+import { ConnectivityBrowserComponent } from "./connectivityBrowser.component"
   selector: 'autoradiograph-wrapper-cmp',
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.style.scss b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.style.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.style.scss
rename to src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.style.scss
diff --git a/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87e51584a0f6b4daf50190cf72221eec4ba185d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<div class="w-100 h-100 d-block d-flex flex-column sxplr-pb-2">
+    <div>
+        <div *ngIf="types && types.length"
+            class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-row flex-nowrap d-flex flex-column">
+            <mat-form-field class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
+                <mat-label>
+                    Modality
+                </mat-label>
+                <mat-select [value]="selectedType" (selectionChange)="selectType($event.value)">
+                    <mat-option *ngFor="let type of types" [value]="type">
+                        {{ type.shortName }}
+                    </mat-option>
+                </mat-select>
+            </mat-form-field>
+            <mat-form-field *ngIf="!fetchingPreData && selectedType" class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
+                <mat-label>
+                    Cohort
+                </mat-label>
+                <mat-select [value]="selectedCohort" (selectionChange)="selectCohort($event.value)">
+                    <mat-option *ngFor="let cohort of cohorts" [value]="cohort">
+                        {{ cohort }}
+                    </mat-option>
+                </mat-select>
+            </mat-form-field>
+        </div>
+        <mat-radio-group *ngIf="selectedCohort" [(ngModel)]="selectedView">
+            <mat-radio-button value="average" class="m-2" [disabled]="averageDisabled" color="primary">
+                Average
+            </mat-radio-button>
+            <mat-radio-button value="subject" class="m-2" [disabled]="subjectsDisabled" color="primary">
+                Subject
+            </mat-radio-button>
+        </mat-radio-group>
+        <div *ngIf="cohortDatasets && cohortDatasets.length > 1"
+            class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center">
+            <div class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
+                <mat-label>
+                    Dataset
+                </mat-label>
+                <mat-slider [min]="0" [max]="cohortDatasets.length - 1" (change)="selectedCohortDatasetChanged($event.value)"
+                    [value]="selectedCohortDatasetIndex" thumbLabel step="1" class="w-100">
+                </mat-slider>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <div *ngIf="selectedCohortDatasetIndex >= 0 && selectedCohortSubjects"
+            class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center">
+            <div class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
+                <mat-label>
+                    Subject
+                </mat-label>
+                <mat-slider [min]="0" [max]="selectedCohortSubjects.length - 1"
+                    (change)="subjectSliderChanged($event.value)" [value]="selectedSubjectIndex"
+                    thumbLabel step="1" class="w-100">
+                </mat-slider>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
+        <mat-spinner *ngIf="fetching"></mat-spinner>
+    </div>
+    <div *ngIf="regionName && !fetching"
+        [style.visibility]="selectedCohort && (selectedSubjectIndex >= 0 || !averageDisabled)? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
+        class="d-flex align-items-center">
+        <mat-checkbox class="mr-2" [checked]="logChecked" (change)="changeLog($event.checked)"
+            [disabled]="logDisabled || noConnectivityForRegion">Log 10</mat-checkbox>
+        <button mat-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="exportMenu" [disabled]="!connectedAreas.value">
+            <i class="fas fa-download mr-2"></i>
+            <span>Export</span>
+        </button>
+        <button *ngIf="selectedDataset" iav-stop="mousedown click" class="icons" mat-icon-button sxplr-dialog
+            [sxplr-dialog-size]="null" [sxplr-dialog-data]="{
+                  title: selectedDataset?.name,
+                  descMd: selectedDataset?.description + '' + (selectedDataset?.authors && selectedDataset?.authors.join()),
+                  actions: [selectedDataset.ebrains_page]
+                }">
+            <i class="fas fa-info"></i>
+        </button>
+    </div>
+    <hbp-connectivity-matrix-row #connectivityComponent
+        [style.visibility]="regionName && !fetching && !noConnectivityForRegion && selectedCohort
+                             && (selectedSubjectIndex >= 0 || !averageDisabled)? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
+        [region]="regionName"
+        [connections]="connectionsString"
+        show-export="true" hide-export-view="true" theme="dark">
+    </hbp-connectivity-matrix-row>
+    <div *ngIf="noConnectivityForRegion">No connectivity for the region.</div>
+    <full-connectivity-grid #fullConnectivityGrid [matrix]="matrixString" [datasetName]="selectedDataset?.name"
+        [datasetDescription]="selectedDataset?.description" only-export="true">
+    </full-connectivity-grid>
+    <mat-menu #exportMenu="matMenu">
+        <button mat-menu-item [disabled]="noConnectivityForRegion"
+            (click)="exportConnectivityProfile()">Regional</button>
+        <button mat-menu-item (click)="exportFullConnectivity()">Dataset</button>
+    </mat-menu>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/features/connectivity/excludeConnectivity.pipe.ts b/src/features/connectivity/excludeConnectivity.pipe.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..829679fa1f2fc5bd2bdcd6c82b2ccd70ed752894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/excludeConnectivity.pipe.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core"
+import { Input } from "postcss"
+    name: 'isConnectivity',
+    pure: true
+export class ExcludeConnectivityPipe implements PipeTransform {
+    public transform(datasets: any[], isConnectivity: boolean): any[] {
+        return datasets? isConnectivity? [datasets.find(d => d.key === 'connectivity')]
+                           : datasets.filter(d => d.key !== 'connectivity')
+                        : null
+    }
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/index.ts b/src/features/connectivity/index.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tmpFeatures/connectivity/index.ts
rename to src/features/connectivity/index.ts
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/module.ts b/src/features/connectivity/module.ts
similarity index 63%
rename from tmpFeatures/connectivity/module.ts
rename to src/features/connectivity/module.ts
index d796c5f22ce7b132574eadbcda22f8a4f672d949..96f346ac8a8938f8a2405315ce91874d4a3d231d 100644
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/module.ts
+++ b/src/features/connectivity/module.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
 import {CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule} from "@angular/core";
 import { SAPI } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi";
-import {ConnectivityBrowserComponent} from "src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/features/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component";
-import {HasConnectivity} from "src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/features/connectivity/hasConnectivity.directive";
 import {AngularMaterialModule} from "src/sharedModules";
 import {FormsModule} from "@angular/forms";
 import { DialogModule } from "src/ui/dialogInfo";
-import { ConnectivityDoiPipe } from "./connectivityDoi.pipe";
+import { ConnectivityBrowserComponent } from "./connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component";
+import { ExcludeConnectivityPipe } from "./excludeConnectivity.pipe";
   imports: [
@@ -17,12 +18,11 @@ import { ConnectivityDoiPipe } from "./connectivityDoi.pipe";
   declarations: [
-    HasConnectivity,
-    ConnectivityDoiPipe
+    ExcludeConnectivityPipe
   exports: [
-    HasConnectivity
+    ExcludeConnectivityPipe
   providers: [
diff --git a/src/features/entry/entry.component.html b/src/features/entry/entry.component.html
index bd413fc42578e9e81770dcfb62a677fcd70da7f8..97802ff5f431881e22e9e20ba78169cd48db088f 100644
--- a/src/features/entry/entry.component.html
+++ b/src/features/entry/entry.component.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-        <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let keyvalue of (cateogryCollections$ | async | keyvalue)"
+        <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let keyvalue of (cateogryCollections$ | async | keyvalue | isConnectivity : false)"
@@ -23,23 +23,18 @@
             <div class="c3-outer">
                 <div class="c3-inner">
                     <mat-card class="c3 mat-elevation-z4"
                         *ngFor="let feature of keyvalue.value"
                             'sxplr-d-none': (list.state$ | async) === 'noresult'
                                 <span class="category-title sxplr-white-space-nowrap">
                                     {{ feature.name | featureNamePipe }}
@@ -51,15 +46,35 @@
                             <spinner-cmp *ngIf="(list.state$ | async) === 'busy'"></spinner-cmp>
-    </mat-accordion>
+        <mat-expansion-panel sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-check
+            #connectivityAccordion
+            *ngIf="(cateogryCollections$ | async | keyvalue | isConnectivity : true) as connectivity">
+            <mat-expansion-panel-header>
+                <mat-panel-title>
+                    {{ connectivity[0].key }}
+                </mat-panel-title>
+            </mat-expansion-panel-header>
+            <sxplr-features-connectivity-browser class="pe-all flex-shrink-1" 
+                [region]="region"
+                [sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-atlas]="atlas | async"
+                [sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-template]="template"
+                [sxplr-features-connectivity-browser-parcellation]="parcellation"
+                [accordionExpanded]="connectivityAccordion.expanded"
+                [types]="connectivity[0].value">
+            </sxplr-features-connectivity-browser>
+        </mat-expansion-panel>
+        </mat-accordion>
diff --git a/src/features/entry/entry.component.ts b/src/features/entry/entry.component.ts
index e2bb436d012072e10c44060a60f4d8f4c2bf7096..691f65ff4e64b7b7ae427267c7b5cbad9912e07b 100644
--- a/src/features/entry/entry.component.ts
+++ b/src/features/entry/entry.component.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { SAPI } from 'src/atlasComponents/sapi';
 import { Feature } from 'src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes';
 import { FeatureBase } from '../base';
 import * as userInteraction from "src/state/userInteraction"
+import { atlasSelection } from 'src/state';
 const categoryAcc = <T extends Record<string, unknown>>(categories: T[]) => {
   const returnVal: Record<string, T[]> = {}
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ export class EntryComponent extends FeatureBase {
+  public atlas = this.store.select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedAtlas)
   private featureTypes$ = this.sapi.v3Get("/feature/_types", {}).pipe(
     switchMap(resp => 
diff --git a/src/features/fetch.directive.ts b/src/features/fetch.directive.ts
index eb40e4fd0b1c5bd5c8f33156272eab8598f7c3a2..d020b3caf173893ca79dc9b7061f3210da7cb032 100644
--- a/src/features/fetch.directive.ts
+++ b/src/features/fetch.directive.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { SxplrParcellation, SxplrRegion, SxplrTemplate } from 'src/atlasComponen
 import { FeatureType, SapiRoute } from 'src/atlasComponents/sapi/typeV3';
 import { Feature, CorticalFeature, VoiFeature, TabularFeature } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes"
-type ObservableOf<Obs extends Observable<unknown>> = Parameters<Obs['subscribe']>[0] extends Function
+type ObservableOf<Obs extends Observable<unknown>> = Parameters<Obs['subscribe']>[0] extends () => void
 ? Parameters<Parameters<Obs['subscribe']>[0]>[0]
 : never
diff --git a/src/features/module.ts b/src/features/module.ts
index 16214d8b14c72d81c28ffc8d3b1e5cc74eace3d0..7de3d6ea36a0404f869ca7a8a0b8663815b1e750 100644
--- a/src/features/module.ts
+++ b/src/features/module.ts
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { FeatureNamePipe } from "./featureName.pipe";
 import { FetchDirective } from "./fetch.directive";
 import { ListComponent } from './list/list.component';
 import { CategoryAccDirective } from './category-acc.directive';
+import { SapiViewsFeatureConnectivityModule } from "./connectivity";
   imports: [
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import { CategoryAccDirective } from './category-acc.directive';
+    SapiViewsFeatureConnectivityModule
   declarations: [
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.effects.ts b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.effects.ts
index 39ddf875d79ecfdec692831dfacfaef290b6505e..a12d8fcfd2ad87cb8c2e545f7c43e657b4fcd70c 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.effects.ts
+++ b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.effects.ts
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ export class LayerCtrlEffects {
      * TODO implement
     throw new Error(`IMPLEMENT ME`)
-    for (const volumeFormat in volumeModel.providedVolumes) {
+    // for (const volumeFormat in volumeModel.providedVolumes) {
-    }
+    // }
     return []
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts b/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 579e34570f4bb3d2abf69fe7af7d60ea9eefe433..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.component.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-import {AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, OnDestroy, ViewChild, Input, ChangeDetectorRef} from "@angular/core";
-import {select, Store} from "@ngrx/store";
-import {fromEvent, Subscription, BehaviorSubject, Observable} from "rxjs";
-import {catchError, take} from "rxjs/operators";
-import {
-  SAPI,
-  SapiAtlasModel,
-  SapiParcellationModel,
-  SapiRegionModel
-} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi";
-import { atlasAppearance, atlasSelection } from "src/state";
-import {PARSE_TYPEDARRAY} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sapi.service";
-import {SapiModalityModel, SapiParcellationFeatureMatrixModel, SapiParcellationFeatureModel} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type";
-import { of } from "rxjs";
-import {CustomLayer} from "src/state/atlasAppearance";
-import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
-  selector: 'sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-browser',
-  templateUrl: './connectivityBrowser.template.html',
-  styleUrls: ['./connectivityBrowser.style.scss']
-export class ConnectivityBrowserComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
-    @Input('sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-browser-atlas')
-    atlas: SapiAtlasModel
-    @Input('sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-browser-parcellation')
-    parcellation: SapiParcellationModel
-    /**
-     * accordion expansion should only toggle the clearviewqueue state
-     * which should be the single source of truth
-     * setcolormaps$ is set by the presence/absence of clearviewqueue[CONNECTIVITY_NAME_PLATE]
-     */
-    private _isFirstUpdate = true
-    @Input()
-    set accordionExpanded(flag: boolean) {
-      /**
-         * ignore first update
-         */
-      if (this._isFirstUpdate) {
-        this._isFirstUpdate = false
-        return
-      }
-      if (flag) {
-        if (this.selectedSubjectDatasetIndex >= 0 && this.allRegions.length) {
-          this.setCustomLayer()
-        } else {
-          this.setCustomLayerOnLoad = true
-        }
-      } else {
-        this.removeCustomLayer()
-      }
-    }
-    public selectedType: string
-    public selectedTypeId: string
-    public selectedCohort: string
-    public cohortSubjects: string[]
-    public selectedSubjectIndex: number
-    public selectedSubjectsDatasets: string[]
-    public selectedSubjectDatasetIndex: number
-    public fetchedItems: SapiParcellationFeatureModel[] = []
-    public cohorts: string[]
-    public selectedView: 'subject' | 'average' | null
-    public averageDisabled: boolean = true
-    public subjectsDisabled: boolean = true
-    @Input()
-    set region(val) {
-      const newRegionName = val && val.name
-      if (val.status
-          && !val.name.includes('left hemisphere')
-          && !val.name.includes('right hemisphere')) {
-        this.regionHemisphere = val.status
-      }
-      this.regionName = newRegionName
-    }
-    public regionName: string
-    public regionHemisphere: string = null
-    public selectedDataset: SapiParcellationFeatureModel
-    public connectionsString: string
-    public pureConnections: { [key: string]: number }
-    public connectedAreas: BehaviorSubject<ConnectedArea[]> = new BehaviorSubject([])
-    public noConnectivityForRegion: boolean
-    private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
-    public allRegions: SapiRegionModel[] = []
-    private regionIndexInMatrix = -1
-    public defaultColorMap: Map<string, Map<number, { red: number, green: number, blue: number }>>
-    public matrixString: string
-    public fetching: boolean
-    public connectivityLayerId = 'connectivity-colormap-id'
-    private setCustomLayerOnLoad = false
-    private customLayerEnabled: boolean
-    public logDisabled: boolean = true
-    public logChecked: boolean = true
-    private _types: SapiModalityModel[] = []
-    @Input()
-    set types(val) {
-      this._types = val
-      if (val && val.length) this.selectType(val[0].name)
-    }
-    get types() {
-      return this._types
-    }
-    @ViewChild('connectivityComponent', {read: ElementRef}) public connectivityComponentElement: ElementRef<any>
-    @ViewChild('fullConnectivityGrid') public fullConnectivityGridElement: ElementRef<any>
-    constructor(
-        private store$: Store,
-        private sapi: SAPI,
-        private http: HttpClient,
-        private changeDetectionRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
-    ) {}
-    public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        this.store$.pipe(
-          select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedParcAllRegions)
-        ).subscribe(flattenedRegions => {
-          this.defaultColorMap = null
-          this.allRegions = flattenedRegions
-          if (this.setCustomLayerOnLoad) {
-            this.setCustomLayer()
-            this.setCustomLayerOnLoad = false
-          }
-        }),
-      )
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        fromEvent(this.connectivityComponentElement?.nativeElement, 'customToolEvent', {capture: true})
-          .subscribe((e: CustomEvent) => {
-            if (e.detail.name === 'export csv') {
-              // ToDo Fix in future to use component
-              const a = document.querySelector('hbp-connectivity-matrix-row');
-              (a as any).downloadCSV()
-            }
-          }),
-        fromEvent(this.connectivityComponentElement?.nativeElement, 'connectedRegionClicked', {capture: true})
-          .subscribe((e: CustomEvent) => {
-            this.navigateToRegion(this.getRegionWithName(e.detail.name))
-          }),
-      )
-    }
-    setCustomLayer() {
-      if (this.customLayerEnabled) {
-        this.removeCustomLayer()
-      }
-      const map = new Map<SapiRegionModel, number[]>()
-      const areas = this.connectedAreas.value
-      for (const region of this.allRegions) {
-        const area = areas.find(a => a.name === region.name)
-        if (area) {
-          map.set(region, Object.values(area.color))
-        } else {
-          map.set(region, [255,255,255,0.1])
-        }
-      }
-      this.customLayerEnabled = true
-      const customLayer: CustomLayer = {
-        clType: 'customlayer/colormap',
-        id: this.connectivityLayerId,
-        colormap: map
-      }
-      this.store$.dispatch(
-        atlasAppearance.actions.addCustomLayer({customLayer})
-      )
-    }
-    removeCustomLayer() {
-      this.store$.dispatch(
-        atlasAppearance.actions.removeCustomLayer({
-          id: this.connectivityLayerId
-        })
-      )
-    }
-    clearCohortSelection() {
-      this.fetchedItems = []
-      this.selectedCohort = null
-      this.cohorts = []
-      this.selectedCohort = null
-      this.cohortSubjects = []
-      this.selectedSubjectIndex = null
-      this.selectedSubjectsDatasets = null
-      this.selectedSubjectDatasetIndex = null
-    }
-    selectType(typeName) {
-      this.clearCohortSelection()
-      this.selectedType = typeName
-      this.selectedTypeId = this.types.find(t => t.name === typeName).types[0]
-      this.removeCustomLayer()
-      this.getModality()
-    }
-    getModality(size: number = 100, page: number = 1) {
-      this.fetching = true
-      this.fetchModality(size, page).subscribe((res: any) => {
-        this.fetchedItems.push(...res.items)
-        if (res.total > size*page) {
-          this.getModality(100, page+1)
-        } else {
-          this.cohorts = [...new Set(this.fetchedItems.map(item => item.cohort))]
-          this.fetching = false
-          this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
-          this.selectCohort(this.cohorts[0])
-        }
-      })
-    }
-    public fetchModality = (size: number, page: number): Observable<any> => {
-      let endp
-      SAPI.BsEndpoint$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(en => endp = en)
-      return this.http.get(`${endp}/atlases/${encodeURIComponent(this.atlas['@id'])}/parcellations/${encodeURIComponent(this.parcellation['@id'])}/features?type=${this.selectedTypeId}&size=${size}&page=${page}`,)
-        .pipe(take(1))
-    }
-    selectCohort(cohort: string) {
-      this.selectedCohort = cohort
-      this.averageDisabled = !this.fetchedItems.find(s => s.cohort === this.selectedCohort && s.subject === 'average')
-      this.subjectsDisabled = !this.fetchedItems.find(s => s.cohort === this.selectedCohort && s.subject !== 'average')
-      this.selectedView = !this.averageDisabled? 'average' : 'subject'
-      this.cohortSubjects = [...new Set(
-        this.fetchedItems
-          .filter(i => this.selectedView === 'average'? i.subject === 'average' : i.subject !== 'average')
-          .map(item => item.subject)
-      )]
-      this.subjectSliderChanged(0)
-    }
-    subjectSliderChanged(index: number) {
-      this.selectedSubjectIndex = index
-      this.selectedSubjectsDatasets = this.fetchedItems
-        .filter(fi => fi.cohort === this.selectedCohort && fi.subject === this.cohortSubjects[this.selectedSubjectIndex])
-        .map(i => i['@id'])
-      this.selectedSubjectDatasetIndex = 0
-      this.loadSubjectConnectivity()
-    }
-    subjectDatasetSliderChanged(index) {
-      this.selectedSubjectDatasetIndex = index
-      this.loadSubjectConnectivity()
-    }
-    loadSubjectConnectivity() {
-      this.fetching = true
-      this.fetchConnectivity(this.selectedSubjectsDatasets[this.selectedSubjectDatasetIndex])
-    }
-    // ToDo this temporary fix is for the bug existing on siibra api https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/siibra-api/issues/100
-    private fixDatasetFormat = (ds) =>  ds.name.includes('{')? ({
-      ...ds,
-      ...JSON.parse(ds.name.substring(ds.name.indexOf('{')).replace(/'/g, '"'))
-    }) : ds
-    fetchConnectivity(datasetId=null) {
-      const parcellation = this.sapi.getParcellation(this.atlas["@id"], this.parcellation["@id"])
-      if (parcellation) {
-        parcellation.getFeatureInstance(datasetId || this.selectedDataset['@id'])
-          .pipe(catchError(() => {
-            this.fetching = false
-            return of(null)
-          }))
-          .subscribe(ds => {
-            this.selectedDataset = this.fixDatasetFormat(ds)
-            this.setMatrixData(ds)
-            this.fetching = false
-          })
-      }
-    }
-    // ToDo need to be fixed on configuration side
-    fixHemisphereNaming(area: string) {
-      if (area.includes(' - left hemisphere')) {
-        return area.replace('- left hemisphere', 'left')
-      } else if (area.includes(' - right hemisphere')) {
-        return area.replace('- right hemisphere', 'right')
-      } else {
-        return area
-      }
-    }
-    setMatrixData(data) {
-      const matrixData = data as SapiParcellationFeatureMatrixModel
-      this.regionIndexInMatrix = (matrixData.columns as Array<string>).findIndex(md => {
-        return this.fixHemisphereNaming(md) === this.regionName
-      })
-      if (this.regionIndexInMatrix < 0) {
-        this.fetching = false
-        this.noConnectivityForRegion = true
-        this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
-        return
-      } else if (this.noConnectivityForRegion) {
-        this.noConnectivityForRegion = false
-      }
-      this.sapi.processNpArrayData<PARSE_TYPEDARRAY.RAW_ARRAY>(matrixData.matrix, PARSE_TYPEDARRAY.RAW_ARRAY)
-        .then(matrix => {
-          const regionProfile = matrix.rawArray[this.regionIndexInMatrix]
-          const maxStrength = Math.max(...regionProfile)
-          this.logChecked = maxStrength > 1
-          this.logDisabled = maxStrength <= 1
-          const areas = regionProfile.reduce((p, c, i) => {
-            return {
-              ...p,
-              [this.fixHemisphereNaming(matrixData.columns[i])]: c
-            }
-          }, {})
-          this.pureConnections = areas
-          this.connectionsString = JSON.stringify(areas)
-          this.connectedAreas.next(this.formatConnections(areas))
-          this.setCustomLayer()
-          this.matrixString = JSON.stringify(matrixData.columns.map((mc, i) => ([mc, ...matrix.rawArray[i]])))
-          this.changeDetectionRef.detectChanges()
-        })
-    }
-    changeLog(checked: boolean) {
-      this.logChecked = checked
-      this.connectedAreas.next(this.formatConnections(this.pureConnections))
-      this.connectivityComponentElement.nativeElement.toggleShowLog()
-      this.setCustomLayer()
-    }
-    //ToDo bestViewPoint is null for the most cases
-    navigateToRegion(region: SapiRegionModel) {
-      const regionCentroid = this.region.hasAnnotation?.bestViewPoint?.coordinates
-      if (regionCentroid)
-        this.store$.dispatch(
-          atlasSelection.actions.navigateTo({
-            navigation: {
-              position: regionCentroid.map(v => v.value*1e6),
-            },
-            animation: true
-          })
-        )
-    }
-    getRegionWithName(region: string) {
-      return this.allRegions.find(r => r.name === region)
-    }
-    exportConnectivityProfile() {
-      const a = document.querySelector('hbp-connectivity-matrix-row');
-      (a as any).downloadCSV()
-    }
-    public exportFullConnectivity() {
-      this.fullConnectivityGridElement?.nativeElement['downloadCSV']()
-    }
-    public ngOnDestroy(): void {
-      this.removeCustomLayer()
-      this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe())
-    }
-    private formatConnections(areas: { [key: string]: number }) {
-      const cleanedObj = Object.keys(areas)
-        .map(key => ({name: key, numberOfConnections: areas[key]}))
-        .filter(f => f.numberOfConnections > 0)
-        .sort((a, b) => +b.numberOfConnections - +a.numberOfConnections)
-      const logMax = this.logChecked ? Math.log(cleanedObj[0].numberOfConnections) : cleanedObj[0].numberOfConnections
-      const colorAreas = []
-      cleanedObj.forEach((a) => {
-        colorAreas.push({
-          ...a,
-          color: {
-            r: this.colormap_red((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax ),
-            g: this.colormap_green((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax ),
-            b: this.colormap_blue((this.logChecked ? Math.log(a.numberOfConnections) : a.numberOfConnections) / logMax )
-          },
-        })
-      })
-      return colorAreas
-    }
-    private clamp = val => Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(1.0, val)) * 255)
-    private colormap_red = x => x < 0.7? this.clamp(4.0 * x - 1.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 4.5)
-    private colormap_green = x => x < 0.5? this.clamp(4.0 * x - 0.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 3.5)
-    private colormap_blue = x => x < 0.3? this.clamp(4.0 * x + 0.5) : this.clamp(-4.0 * x + 2.5)
-type ConnectedArea = {
-    color: {r: number, g: number, b: number}
-    name: string
-    numberOfConnections: number
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html b/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html
deleted file mode 100644
index df2a233d6349bfe8de3b4e06ebca492e2d4695fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityBrowser/connectivityBrowser.template.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-<div class="w-100 h-100 d-block d-flex flex-column sxplr-pb-2">
-    <div>
-        <div *ngIf="types && types.length"
-             class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-row flex-nowrap d-flex flex-column">
-            <mat-form-field class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
-                <mat-label>
-                    Modality
-                </mat-label>
-                <mat-select
-                        [value]="selectedType"
-                        (selectionChange)="selectType($event.value)">
-                    <mat-option
-                            *ngFor="let type of types"
-                            [value]="type.name">
-                        {{ type.name }}
-                    </mat-option>
-                </mat-select>
-            </mat-form-field>
-            <mat-form-field *ngIf="!fetching && selectedType" class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
-                <mat-label>
-                    Cohort
-                </mat-label>
-                <mat-select
-                        [value]="selectedCohort"
-                        (selectionChange)="selectCohort($event.value)">
-                    <mat-option
-                            *ngFor="let cohort of cohorts"
-                            [value]="cohort">
-                        {{ cohort }}
-                    </mat-option>
-                </mat-select>
-            </mat-form-field>
-        </div>
-        <mat-radio-group *ngIf="selectedCohort" [(ngModel)]="selectedView">
-            <mat-radio-button value="average" class="m-2" [disabled]="averageDisabled" color="primary">
-                Average
-            </mat-radio-button>
-            <mat-radio-button value="subject" class="m-2" [disabled]="subjectsDisabled"  color="primary">
-                Subject
-            </mat-radio-button>
-        </mat-radio-group>
-        <div *ngIf="selectedView !== 'average' && selectedCohort && cohortSubjects"
-             class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-column">
-            <div class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
-                <mat-label>
-                    Subject
-                </mat-label>
-                <mat-slider [min]="0"
-                            [max]="cohortSubjects.length - 1"
-                            (change)="subjectSliderChanged($event.value)"
-                            [value]="selectedSubjectIndex"
-                            thumbLabel
-                            step="1"
-                            class="w-100">
-                </mat-slider>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="selectedSubjectsDatasets && selectedSubjectsDatasets.length > 1"
-                 class="flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center">
-                <div class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 w-100">
-                    <mat-label>
-                        Dataset
-                    </mat-label>
-                    <mat-slider [min]="0"
-                                [max]="selectedSubjectsDatasets.length - 1"
-                                (change)="subjectDatasetSliderChanged($event.value)"
-                                [value]="selectedSubjectDatasetIndex"
-                                thumbLabel
-                                step="1"
-                                class="w-100">
-                    </mat-slider>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
-        <mat-spinner *ngIf="fetching"></mat-spinner>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="regionName && !fetching"
-         [style.visibility]="selectedCohort && (selectedSubjectDatasetIndex >= 0 || !averageDisabled)? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
-         class="d-flex align-items-center">
-        <mat-checkbox class="mr-2"
-                      [checked]="logChecked"
-                      (change)="changeLog($event.checked)"
-                      [disabled]="logDisabled || noConnectivityForRegion">Log 10</mat-checkbox>
-        <button mat-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="exportMenu"
-                [disabled]="!connectedAreas.value">
-            <i class="fas fa-download mr-2"></i>
-            <span>Export</span>
-        </button>
-        <button *ngIf="selectedDataset" iav-stop="mousedown click" class="icons" mat-icon-button sxplr-dialog [sxplr-dialog-size]="null"
-            [sxplr-dialog-data]="{
-                  title: selectedDataset?.name,
-                  descMd: selectedDataset?.description + '' + selectedDataset?.authors.join(),
-                  actions: selectedDataset | connectivityDoiPipe
-                }">
-            <i class="fas fa-info"></i>
-        </button>
-    </div>
-    <hbp-connectivity-matrix-row
-        #connectivityComponent
-        [style.visibility]="selectedCohort && (selectedSubjectDatasetIndex >= 0 || !averageDisabled)? 'visible' : 'hidden'"
-        *ngIf="regionName && !fetching && !noConnectivityForRegion"
-        [region]="regionName + (regionHemisphere? ' - ' + regionHemisphere : '')"
-        [connections]="connectionsString"
-        show-export="true" hide-export-view="true"
-        theme="dark">
-    </hbp-connectivity-matrix-row>
-    <div *ngIf="noConnectivityForRegion">No connectivity for the region.</div>
-    <full-connectivity-grid #fullConnectivityGrid
-                            [matrix]="matrixString"
-                            [datasetName]="selectedDataset?.name"
-                            [datasetDescription]="selectedDataset?.description"
-                            only-export="true">
-    </full-connectivity-grid>
-    <mat-menu #exportMenu="matMenu">
-        <button mat-menu-item [disabled]="noConnectivityForRegion" (click)="exportConnectivityProfile()">Regional</button>
-        <button mat-menu-item (click)="exportFullConnectivity()">Dataset</button>
-    </mat-menu>
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityDoi.pipe.ts b/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityDoi.pipe.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ee527989cefa890fb8af7f1cf2fd8bc52411912b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/connectivityDoi.pipe.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core"
-import { SapiParcellationFeatureModel } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type"
-    name: 'connectivityDoiPipe',
-    pure: true
-  })
-  export class ConnectivityDoiPipe implements PipeTransform {
-    public transform(dataset: SapiParcellationFeatureModel): string[] {
-      const url = `https://search.kg.ebrains.eu/instances/${dataset['dataset_id']}`
-      return [url]
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/hasConnectivity.directive.ts b/tmpFeatures/connectivity/hasConnectivity.directive.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 89168b6ada70caa0ac9de83c32edf9a2f0c0d856..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tmpFeatures/connectivity/hasConnectivity.directive.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import {Directive, Input, OnDestroy} from "@angular/core";
-import {Subscription} from "rxjs";
-import {map, take} from "rxjs/operators";
-import {SAPI} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sapi.service";
-import {
-  SapiAtlasModel, SapiModalityModel,
-  SapiParcellationFeatureModel,
-  SapiParcellationModel,
-  SapiRegionModel
-} from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type";
-  selector: '[sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-check]',
-  exportAs: 'hasConnectivityDirective'
-export class HasConnectivity implements OnDestroy {
-    private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
-    @Input('sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-check-atlas')
-    atlas: SapiAtlasModel
-    @Input('sxplr-sapiviews-features-connectivity-check-parcellation')
-    parcellation: SapiParcellationModel
-    private _region: SapiRegionModel
-    @Input()
-    set region(val: SapiRegionModel) {
-      this._region = val
-      if (val) {
-        if (!this.connectivityModalities.length) {
-          this.waitForModalities = true
-        } else {
-          this.checkConnectivity()
-        }
-      } else {
-        this.connectivityNumber = 0
-      }
-    }
-    get region() {
-      return this._region
-    }
-    public hasConnectivity = false
-    public connectivityNumber = 0
-    private connectivityModalities: SapiModalityModel[] = []
-    private waitForModalities = false
-    public defaultProfile: DefaultProfile
-    public availableModalities: SapiModalityModel[] = []
-    public numberOfDatasets: number = 0
-    constructor(private sapi: SAPI) {
-      this.getModalities()            
-    }
-    getModalities() {        
-      this.sapi.getModalities()
-        .pipe(map((mod: SapiModalityModel[]) => mod.filter((m: SapiModalityModel) => m.types && m.types.find(t => t.includes('siibra/features/connectivity')))))
-        .subscribe(modalities => {
-          this.connectivityModalities = modalities
-          if (this.waitForModalities) {
-            this.waitForModalities = false
-            this.checkConnectivity()
-          } 
-        })
-    }
-    private checkConnectivity() {
-      if (this.region.name) {
-        this.connectivityModalities.forEach(m => {
-          const type = m.types[0]
-          this.sapi.getParcellation(this.atlas["@id"], this.parcellation["@id"])
-            .getFeatures({type, page: 1, size: 1}).pipe(take(1))
-            .subscribe((res: SapiParcellationFeatureModel[] | any) => {
-              if (res && res.items) {
-                this.availableModalities.push(m)
-                const firstDataset = res.items[0]
-                if (firstDataset) {
-                  this.hasConnectivity = true
-                } else {
-                  this.hasConnectivity = false
-                  this.connectivityNumber = 0
-                }
-              }
-            })
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    ngOnDestroy(){
-      while (this.subscriptions.length > 0) this.subscriptions.pop().unsubscribe()
-    }
-type DefaultProfile = {
-    type: string
-    selectedDataset: SapiParcellationFeatureModel
-    matrix: SapiParcellationFeatureModel
-    numberOfDatasets: number
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tmpFeatures/module.ts b/tmpFeatures/module.ts
index 3df348c72f79be4b53c3050e30627c896e8b93f2..54651dc2803d82c80fb2f025d45dc3a0cbe11fda 100644
--- a/tmpFeatures/module.ts
+++ b/tmpFeatures/module.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import { FeatureBadgeFlagPipe } from "./featureBadgeFlag.pipe"
 import { FeatureBadgeNamePipe } from "./featureBadgeName.pipe"
 import * as ieeg from "./ieeg"
 import * as receptor from "./receptors"
-import {SapiViewsFeatureConnectivityModule} from "src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/features/connectivity";
 import * as voi from "./voi"
 import { OrderFilterFeaturesPipe } from "./orderFilterFeatureList.pipe"
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ const { SapiViewsFeaturesVoiModule } = voi
-    SapiViewsFeatureConnectivityModule,
   declarations: [
@@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ const { SapiViewsFeaturesVoiModule } = voi
-    SapiViewsFeatureConnectivityModule,