diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e5b7a7b2c0b43ab46b68a35faa8e59b9989974b2..a6c762757b71bd98e94d102e2a3a255ea9339340 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,103 +7,204 @@ Interactive Atlas Viewer is an frontend module wrapping around [nehuba](https://
 A live version of the Interactive Atlas Viewer is available at [https://interactive-viewer.apps.hbp.eu](https://interactive-viewer.apps.hbp.eu). This section is useful for developers who would like to develop this project.
 ### General information
-Interactive atlas viewer is built with [Angular (v6.0)](https://angular.io/), [Bootstrap (v4)](http://getbootstrap.com/), and [fontawesome icons](https://fontawesome.com/). Some other notable packages used are [ngrx/store](https://github.com/ngrx/platform) for state management. 
+Interactive atlas viewer is built with [Angular (v9.0)](https://angular.io/), [Bootstrap (v4)](http://getbootstrap.com/), and [fontawesome icons](https://fontawesome.com/). Some other notable packages used are [ngrx/store](https://github.com/ngrx/platform) for state management. 
 Releases newer than [v0.2.9](https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/interactive-viewer/tree/v0.2.9) also uses a nodejs backend, which uses [passportjs](http://www.passportjs.org/) for user authentication, [express](https://expressjs.com/) as a http framework.
-### Prerequisites
+### Develop viewer
+#### Prerequisites
 - node >= 12
-### Develop Interactive Viewer
+#### Buildtime environments
+It is recommended to manage your environments with `.env` file.
+As interactive atlas viewer uses [webpack define plugin](https://webpack.js.org/plugins/define-plugin/), where necessary, the environmental variables are `JSON.stringify`'ed and directly replaced in the code.
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `VERSION` | printed in console on viewer startup | `GIT_HASH` \|\| unspecificed hash | v2.2.2 |
+| `PRODUCTION` | if the build is for production, toggles optimisations such as minification | `undefined` | true |
+| `BACKEND_URL` | backend that the viewer calls to fetch available template spaces, parcellations, plugins, datasets | `null` | https://interactive-viewer.apps.hbp.eu/ |
+| `DATASET_PREVIEW_URL` | dataset preview url used by component <https://github.com/fzj-inm1-bda/kg-dataset-previewer>. Useful for diagnosing issues with dataset previews.| https://hbp-kg-dataset-previewer.apps.hbp.eu/datasetPreview | http://localhost:1234/datasetPreview |
+| `MATOMO_URL` | base url for matomo analytics | `null` | https://example.com/matomo/ |
+| `MATOMO_ID` | application id for matomo analytics | `null` | 6 |
+| `USE_LOGO` | possible values are `hbp`, `ebrains`, `fzj` | `hbp` | `ebrains` |
+| `STRICT_LOCAL` | hides **Explore** and **Download** buttons. Useful for offline demo's | `false` | `true` |
+| `KIOSK_MODE` | after 5 minutes of inactivity, shows overlay inviting users to interact | `false` | `true` |
+| `BUILD_TEXT` | overlay text at bottom right of the viewer. set to `''` to hide. | |
+#### Deploy environments
+It is recommended to manage your environments with `.env` file.
+##### Application
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `PORT` | port to listen on | 3000 |
+| `HOST_PATHNAME` | pathname to listen on, restrictions: leading slash, no trailing slash | `''` | `/viewer` |
+| `SESSIONSECRET` | session secret for cookie session |
+| `NODE_ENV` | determines where the built viewer will be served from | | `production` |
+| `PRECOMPUTED_SERVER` | redirect data uri to another server. Useful for offline demos | | `http://localhost:8080/precomputed/` |
+| `LOCAL_CDN` | rewrite cdns to local server. useful for offlnie demo | | `http://localhost:7080/` |
+| `PLUGIN_URLS` | semi colon separated urls to be returned when user queries plugins | `''`
+| `STAGING_PLUGIN_URLS` | semi colon separated urls to be returned when user queries plugins | `''`
+##### ebrains user authentication
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `HOSTNAME` | 
+| `HBP_CLIENTID_V2` | `{HOSTNAME}{HOST_PATHNAME}/hbp-oidc-v2/cb`
+##### Querying ebrains knowledge graph
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `ACCESS_TOKEN` | **nb** as access tokens are usually short lived, this should only be set for development purposes 
+| `CACHE_DATASET_FILENAME` | | `deploy/dataset/cachedKgDataset.json` |
+| `KG_ROOT` | | `https://kg.humanbrainproject.eu/query` |
+| `KG_SEARCH_VOCAB` | | `https://schema.hbp.eu/myQuery/` |
+| `KG_DATASET_SEARCH_QUERY_NAME` | | `interactiveViewerKgQuery-v0_3` |
+| `KG_DATASET_SEARCH_PATH` | | `/minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0` |
+| `KG_SEARCH_SIZE` | | `1000` |
+| `KG_SPATIAL_DATASET_SEARCH_QUERY_NAME` | | `iav-spatial-query-v2` |
+| `KG_SPATIAL_DATASET_SEARCH_PATH` | | `/neuroglancer/seeg/coordinate/v1.0.0` | 
+##### Logging
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `FLUENT_PROTOCOL` | protocol for fluent logging | `http` |
+| `FLUENT_HOST` | host for fluent logging | `localhost` |
+| `FLUENT_PORT` | port for fluent logging | 24224 |
+| `IAV_NAME` | application name to be logged | `IAV` | 
+| `IAV_STAGE` | deploy of the application | `unnamed-stage` |
+##### CSP
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `DISABLE_CSP` | disable csp | | `true` |
+| `CSP_REPORT_URI` | report uri for csp violations | `/report-violation` |
+| `NODE_ENV` | set to `production` to disable [`reportOnly`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only) | `null` |
+| `SCRIPT_SRC` | `JSON.stringify`'ed array of allowed scriptSrc | `[]` |
+| `DATA_SRC` | `JSON.stringify`'ed array of allowed dataSrc | `[]` |
+| `WHITE_LIST_SRC` | `JSON.stringify`'ed array of allowed src | `[]` |
+##### Rate limiting
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `DISABLE_LIMITER` | disable rate limiting (maybe required for automated tests) |
+##### SaneUrl
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+##### Test deploy denvironments
+| name | description | default | example |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `SKIP_RETRY_TEST` | retry tests contains some timeouts, which may slow down tests | 
+#### Start dev server
 To run a dev server, run:
 $ git clone https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/interactive-viewer
 $ cd interactive-viewer
 $ npm i
-$ npm run dev
+$ npm run dev-server
-### Develop Plugins
-For releases newer than [v0.2.9](https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/interactive-viewer/tree/v0.2.9), Interactive Atlas Viewer attempts to fetch `GET {BACKEND_URL}/plugins` to retrieve a list of URLs. The interactive atlas viewer will then perform a `GET` request for each of the listed URLs, parsing them as [manifests](src/plugin_examples/README.md#Manifest%20JSON).
+Start backend (in a separate terminal):
-The backend reads the environment variable `PLUGIN_URLS` and separate the string with `;` as a delimiter. In order to return a response akin to the following:
+$ cd deploy
+$ node server.js
-Plugin developers may choose to do any of the following:
-set env var every time
+#### Build
-$ PLUGIN_URLS=http://localhost:3001/manifest.json;http://localhost:9001/manifest.json npm run dev
+$ npm run build-aot
+### Develop plugins
-set a `.env` file in `./deploy/` once
+Below demonstrates an example workflow for developing plugins:
-$ echo `PLUGIN_URLS=http://localhost:3001/manifest.json;http://localhost:9001/manifest.json` > ./deploy/.env
-then, simple start the dev process with
-$ npm run dev
+$ # build aot version of the atlas viewer
+$ npm run build-aot
+$ cd deploy
+$ # run server with PLUGIN_URLS
+$ PLUGIN_URLS=http://localhost:3333/manifest.json;http://localhost:3334/manifest.json node server.js
-Plugin developers can start their own webserver, use [interactive-viewer-plugin-template](https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/interactive-viewer-plugin-template), or (coming soon) provide link to a github repository.
-[plugin readme](src/plugin_examples/README.md)
-[plugin api](src/plugin_examples/plugin_api.md)
-[plugin migration guide](src/plugin_examples/migrationGuide.md)
+Interactive Atlas Viewer attempts to fetch list of manifests:
+GET {BACKEND_URL}/plugins
-## Compilation
+The response from this endpoint will be:
-`package.json` provide with two ways of building the interactive atlas viewer, `JIT` or `AOT` compilation. In general, `AOT` compilation produces a smaller package and has better performance. 
+  "http://localhost:3333/manifest.json",
+  "http://localhost:3334/manifest.json"
-### AOT compilation
+When user launches the viewer, the atlas viewer will attempt to fetch the metadata of the plugins:
-npm run build-aot
+GET http://localhost:3333/manifest.json
+GET http://localhost:3334/manifest.json
-### JIT Compilation
-npm run build
-/* OR */
+The response from these endpoints are expected to adhere to [manifests](src/plugin_examples/README.md#Manifest%20JSON).
-npm run build-min
+When the user launches the plugin, the viewer will fetch `templateUrl` and `scriptUrl`, if necessary.
-### Docker
+Plugin developers can start their own webserver, use [interactive-viewer-plugin-template](https://github.com/HumanBrainProject/interactive-viewer-plugin-template), or (coming soon) provide link to a github repository.
-The repository also provides a `Dockerfile`. Here are the environment variables used:
-_build time_
-- __BACKEND_URL__ : same as `HOSTNAME` during run time. Needed as root URL when fetching templates / datasets etc. If left empty, will fetch without hostname.
+[plugin readme](src/plugin_examples/README.md)
-_run time_
+[plugin api](src/plugin_examples/plugin_api.md)
-- __SESSION_SECRET__ : needed for session
-- __HOSTNAME__ : needed for OIDC redirect
-- __HBP_CLIENTID__ : neded for OIDC authentication
-- __HBP_CLIENTSECRET__ : needed for OIDC authentication
-- __PLUGIN_URLS__ : optional. Allows plugins to be populated
-- __REFRESH_TOKEN__ : needed for access of public data
+[plugin migration guide](src/plugin_examples/migrationGuide.md)
 ## Contributing
@@ -115,4 +216,4 @@ Commit history prior to v0.2.0 is available in the [legacy-v0.2.0](https://githu
 ## License
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js b/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
index 976d646879e7ab6ecb4ff3acba8d61eb4dedec7d..8a48ef0170861cf3e378f6fb7c04118ef5f297a2 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * TODO deprecate?
+ */
 const fs = require('fs')
 const path = require('path')
 const { reconfigureFlag, reconfigureUrl } = require('../../util/reconfigPrecomputedServer')
diff --git a/docs/releases/v2.2.2.md b/docs/releases/v2.2.2.md
index 575e922d91ea0efbd3b713f3a27f27d3290174cf..53f7ad660fa278288f711ab6659c575f9e68d9d3 100644
--- a/docs/releases/v2.2.2.md
+++ b/docs/releases/v2.2.2.md
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # v2.2.2
+7 June 2020
 ## Bugfixes
 - Fixed PMap color map reset colormap (#523)
diff --git a/docs/releases/v2.3.0.md b/docs/releases/v2.3.0.md
index d66a43f06b15a5a2573a5c45310cdc7a3917a276..396db42327544c2bc94914ac71ad524ec242fbdd 100644
--- a/docs/releases/v2.3.0.md
+++ b/docs/releases/v2.3.0.md
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 # v2.3.0
-## New feature
+## New features
 - update dataset preview functionality, allow the previewing of png
 - improved the previewing of maps
   - parse min and max, if these metadata are provided
   - allowing for color maps other than jet
+- Updated `README.md`
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 29ba287e69721c55b018ed947eee23c821b2c17b..5374d29f1719113e57762405cb0996ec8e5c8c50 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
     "build-aot": "PRODUCTION=true GIT_HASH=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` webpack --config webpack.aot.js && node ./third_party/matomo/processMatomo.js",
     "plugin-server": "node ./src/plugin_examples/server.js",
     "dev-server": "BACKEND_URL=${BACKEND_URL:-http://localhost:3000/} webpack-dev-server --config webpack.dev.js --mode development",
-    "dev": "npm run dev-server & (cd deploy; node server.js)",
     "dev-server-aot": "BACKEND_URL=${BACKEND_URL:-http://localhost:3000/} PRODUCTION=true GIT_HASH=`git log --pretty=format:'%h' --invert-grep --grep=^.ignore -1` webpack-dev-server --config webpack.dev-aot.js",
     "dev-server-all-interfaces": "webpack-dev-server --config webpack.dev.js --mode development --hot --host",
     "test": "karma start spec/karma.conf.js",
diff --git a/typings/index.d.ts b/typings/index.d.ts
index 2fb1dc3a178d16dd8fdabb97eac85d03b031c875..72134378c71db282c8e63ab3472e6666354df982 100644
--- a/typings/index.d.ts
+++ b/typings/index.d.ts
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ declare module '*.css' {
 declare module '*.md'
-declare var PLUGINDEV : string
-declare var BUNDLEDPLUGINS : string[]
 declare var VERSION : string
 declare var PRODUCTION: boolean
 declare var BACKEND_URL: string
diff --git a/webpack.staticassets.js b/webpack.staticassets.js
index b5801554328eeb705ff5d5e92a2c644c5afd7a04..0f2617f68ea7db7d6695a9866ee644eb981471b1 100644
--- a/webpack.staticassets.js
+++ b/webpack.staticassets.js
@@ -55,16 +55,8 @@ module.exports = {
       filename: 'theme.css'
     new webpack.DefinePlugin({
-      // TODO deprecate
-      PLUGINDEV : process.env.PLUGINDEV
-        ? JSON.stringify(process.env.PLUGINDEV)
-        : false,
-      // TODO deprecate
-        ? JSON.stringify(process.env.BUNDLEDPLUGINS.split(','))
-        : JSON.stringify([]),
-      VERSION : process.env.VERSION 
+      VERSION: process.env.VERSION 
         ? JSON.stringify(process.env.VERSION) 
         : process.env.GIT_HASH
           ? JSON.stringify(process.env.GIT_HASH)