diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1278fe7eab77d49c0340f2ff492c77c8121364cf..383fd21c639c75b1cbbdcc8002bef28be69ec4c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ package-lock.json
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7073e92f60c04685964761920c916969cee8c876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+    "version": "0.2.0",
+    "configurations": [
+        {
+            "type": "node",
+            "request": "launch",
+            "name": "Launch Program",
+            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service.ts",
+            "outFiles": [
+                "${workspaceFolder}/**/*.js"
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deploy/app.js b/deploy/app.js
index 7f77c725f5eaed6f71cc70dbc79466ebf24e61e0..e2260239c9dc507b9079e7a510b2750c20c5d27d 100644
--- a/deploy/app.js
+++ b/deploy/app.js
@@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ const templateRouter = require('./templates')
 const nehubaConfigRouter = require('./nehubaConfig')
 const datasetRouter = require('./datasets')
 const pluginRouter = require('./plugins')
+const previewRouter = require('./preview')
 app.use('/templates', templateRouter)
 app.use('/nehubaConfig', nehubaConfigRouter)
 app.use('/datasets', datasetRouter)
 app.use('/plugins', pluginRouter)
+app.use('/preview', previewRouter)
 const catchError = require('./catchError')
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/index.js b/deploy/datasets/index.js
index 0eb0b18e955f4d6e77c25061caae26a04bde6a79..abb1ef174225f58b62f5e9afdb3c9696589a5f05 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/index.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ const path = require('path')
 const fs = require('fs')
 const datasetsRouter = express.Router()
 const { init, getDatasets, getPreview } = require('./query')
+const url = require('url')
+const qs = require('querystring')
+const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
+datasetsRouter.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
 init().catch(e => {
   console.warn(`dataset init failed`, e)
@@ -13,6 +20,8 @@ datasetsRouter.use((req, res, next) => {
 datasetsRouter.use('/spatialSearch', require('./spatialRouter'))
 datasetsRouter.get('/templateName/:templateName', (req, res, next) => {
@@ -49,7 +58,10 @@ datasetsRouter.get('/parcellationName/:parcellationName', (req, res, next) => {
 datasetsRouter.get('/preview/:datasetName', (req, res, next) => {
   const { datasetName } = req.params
-  getPreview({ datasetName })
+  const ref = url.parse(req.headers.referer)
+  const { templateSelected, parcellationSelected } = qs.parse(ref.query)
+  getPreview({ datasetName, templateSelected })
     .then(preview => {
       if (preview) {
@@ -95,4 +107,47 @@ datasetsRouter.get('/previewFile', (req, res) => {
+var JSZip = require("jszip");
+datasetsRouter.post("/downloadParcellationThemself", (req,res, next) => {
+  //ToDo We can add termsOfUse Text file somewhere - will be better
+  const termsOfUse = 'Access to the data and metadata provided through HBP Knowledge Graph Data Platform ' +
+      '("KG") requires that you cite and acknowledge said data and metadata according to the Terms and' +
+      ' Conditions of the Platform.\r\n## Citation requirements are outlined - https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/explore-the-brain/search-terms-of-use#citations' +
+      '\r\n## Acknowledgement requirements are outlined - https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/explore-the-brain/search-terms-of-use#acknowledgements' +
+      '\r\n## These outlines are based on the authoritative Terms and Conditions are found - https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/explore-the-brain/search-terms-of-use' +
+      '\r\n## If you do not accept the Terms & Conditions you are not permitted to access or use the KG to search for, to submit, to post, or to download any materials found there-in.'
+  var zip = new JSZip();
+  zip.file("credits.txt", req.body['publicationsText'])
+  zip.file("Terms of use.txt", termsOfUse)
+  //ToDo: Need to download files dynamically. Nii folder should be removed
+  if (req.body['niiFiles']) {
+    var nii = zip.folder("nifti")
+    const filepath = process.env.STORAGE_PATH || path.join(__dirname, 'nii')
+    req.body['niiFiles'].forEach(file => {
+      nii.file(file['file'], fs.readFileSync(path.join(filepath, file['file'])))
+    })
+  }
+  zip.generateAsync({type:"base64"})
+      .then(function (content) {
+        // location.href="data:application/zip;base64,"+content;
+        res.end(content)
+      });
 module.exports = datasetsRouter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/nii/jubrain-max-pmap-v22c_space-mnicolin27.nii b/deploy/datasets/nii/jubrain-max-pmap-v22c_space-mnicolin27.nii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..502dcb1e31b901ea3191c86717795d91880b9e3e
Binary files /dev/null and b/deploy/datasets/nii/jubrain-max-pmap-v22c_space-mnicolin27.nii differ
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/query.js b/deploy/datasets/query.js
index d35fd789deef6c8d57478671fe0cdca069f9e8da..17ee2c7b7832b51017d247ea667c9ccffe57d91d 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/query.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/query.js
@@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ exports.init = async () => {
 exports.getDatasets = ({ templateName, parcellationName, user }) => getDs({ user })
     .then(json => filter(json, {templateName, parcellationName}))
-exports.getPreview = ({ datasetName }) => getPreviewFile({ datasetName })
+exports.getPreview = ({ datasetName, templateSelected }) => getPreviewFile({ datasetName, templateSelected })
  * TODO
  * change to real spatial query
 const cachedMap = new Map()
-const fetchSpatialDataFromKg = async ({ templateName }) => {
-  const cachedResult = cachedMap.get(templateName)
-  if (cachedResult) 
-    return cachedResult
+const fetchSpatialDataFromKg = async ({ templateName, queryArg }) => {
+  // const cachedResult = cachedMap.get(templateName)
+  // if (cachedResult) 
+  //   return cachedResult
   try {
     const filename = path.join(STORAGE_PATH, templateName + '.json')
@@ -210,8 +210,14 @@ const fetchSpatialDataFromKg = async ({ templateName }) => {
     const data = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8')
     const json = JSON.parse(data)
-    cachedMap.set(templateName, json)
-    return json
+    var splitQueryArg = queryArg.split('__');
+    const cubeDots = []    
+    splitQueryArg.forEach(element => {
+      cubeDots.push(element.split('_'))
+    });
+    // cachedMap.set(templateName, json.filter(filterByqueryArg(cubeDots)))
+    return json.filter(filterByqueryArg(cubeDots))
   } catch (e) {
     console.log('datasets#query.js#fetchSpatialDataFromKg', 'read file and parse json failed', e)
     return []
@@ -219,5 +225,21 @@ const fetchSpatialDataFromKg = async ({ templateName }) => {
 exports.getSpatialDatasets = async ({ templateName, queryGeometry, queryArg }) => {
-  return await fetchSpatialDataFromKg({ templateName })
\ No newline at end of file
+  return await fetchSpatialDataFromKg({ templateName, queryArg })
+function filterByqueryArg(cubeDots) {
+  return function (item) {
+    const px = item.geometry.position[0]
+    const py = item.geometry.position[1]
+    const pz = item.geometry.position[2]
+    if (cubeDots[0][0] <= px && px <= cubeDots[1][0] 
+      && cubeDots[0][1] <= py && py <= cubeDots[1][1] 
+      && cubeDots[0][2] <= pz && pz <= cubeDots[1][2]) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  } 
+  return false;   
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/supplements/data/pmapJuBrainV17Preview.json b/deploy/datasets/supplements/data/pmapJuBrainV17Preview.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b75b00c83a118e77f837d3c76282e328ffb7819e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/datasets/supplements/data/pmapJuBrainV17Preview.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3599 @@
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fp2 (FPole) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_b8d8440ba6ff4ee72e8184b4a71d44d2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_15ceb771b7ce41cf5db287ca4d09ef13.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_78d77928de1e288d9fc00d23eee7de12.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_8590239cbabdbb022a92cf2d783b5525.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fp1 (FPole) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_21db93ae699b350d3f7fe2e9637a09d3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_649d51f8daede7444548e13722b688ef.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_640c94e1dcb94d8921a6e6236ea90243.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fp1 (FPole) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/FrontalPole_Fp1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_aaf0923c7315332fd3c14bbe15360aca.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP1 (IPS) (v6.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_5c0b00a1393dc8c54505db7207f1097c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_828db42625a675c3a954c6be2e2b3b88.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_a411667d98b0ebc9b772565131414de1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP1 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_667c85bcddc6c019b2bdd45fc499737a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP2 (IPS) (v6.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_1ae25994cd5faa62178a54a4110cac1e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_1c0b051794d33c3042124e8ff29838a0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_fff0207eaabf4a9e3e019f94a7782922.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP2 (IPS) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_ddcac02713410823e3545a59be530553.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP3 (IPS) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_b125d0e714a3b435ecb517fb1af63842.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_5894ab3681e1b909971d902f17707d8a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/AIPS_IP3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_2d3134fd35e30da41ab4395a8f120b31.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP3 (IPS) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/AIPS_IP3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_c74eb8ebcf63468f544e4086d2b21348.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of CM (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_CM_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_7f0156fe3f198f6502765e260d0fc906.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_CM_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_8d55f13bab6c2faa29a1d3754369254a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_CM_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_eb34fb429d4eb1a6d86d0afda626e456.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "CM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_CM_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_77b53c30c9eeccd49eacfeabf1b1749b.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Id6 (Insula) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id6_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_f9be3b6ea62c4a0e9ee3b360c504be5b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id6_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_faf17b46bcdda12944790fc12f5f91ff.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id6_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_dc6814386bbab79325bc1bfb4ca9aa1e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id6 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id6_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_13a51145c04f8ff160009f50c312b834.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Id7 (Insula) (v6.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id7_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicDOI_ff4f0b96f9355bd5e924191a126e7faa.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id7_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicDOI_f2f17c06c0a643ce49d98b126a619601.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id7_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicDOI_02b5d10dbbb00b886a864301521bdd9c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id7 (Insula) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id7_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicDOI_683c76c33eaea809fcf576f4e8dcbbb3.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of IF (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_IF_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_7ed573bb867fd5b59b89ff3fe66f934a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_IF_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_84f75af1298ba054b19f5c5b437cd279.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_IF_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_74b5ee9c4204b0512afa6ce3199a033a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "IF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_IF_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_547c4687931539b4eab1883219f1eeed.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Ig1 (Insula) (v13.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ig1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_b659cb9b754d41229061b52f2dbeeff0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ig1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_c2f1f49fa6544f1c6386897250d0b3cf.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ig1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_1bf5001025e34de9da6ff59cd3ba048e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ig1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ig1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_3143abb5953077f77f51e2f2231e557e.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of LB (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_LB_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_b636640a2282a29523d1e1d531b866d3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_LB_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_c0f3b866f2fbd0e69e19594e2b49bc87.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_LB_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_2f610b4be8af8aff267024117f550ddf.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "LB (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_LB_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_d5f2f1207c0d4990e06267f0c8262d53.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Ig2 (Insula) (v13.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ig2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_e1defc10cb006c64ad31bf10ddb5b1a1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ig2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_f02dd3446cff31f94e4f75b1dd145122.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ig2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_cf1b3cc5b32d89ea8937c189f218f726.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ig2 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ig2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_d7cbe960f4d01de62a6621ba53084fae.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of MF (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_MF_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_f7f3ec6cff03ca0a9e6556fab15e0d86.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_MF_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_68bfc4e1ca51ebd1e8f37cd28b43a2c1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_MF_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_ef50d13c143d16b3e1f06cfdd57badbc.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "MF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_MF_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_39ae43f234d7908175c30bda61f59d55.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 4a (PreCG) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Motor_4a_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_01413787435fa644af34b2913b9771ed.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Motor_4a_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_967ad34852b2b9fe3c92d8c17097a66a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Motor_4a_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_f91dc988bd91110bcc58057f905dfd3c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Motor_4a_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_a8ae6146c4f0e1a7062686fd8828c149.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of SF (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_SF_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_e0f70d4f3183532bad53cc9b7ab096dd.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_SF_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_a9119350394bdd2f70dfebe720f5128b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_SF_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_7e65240d20a4c28139b3012d401c3bb0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "SF (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_SF_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_abd7559e74f7167161273c1c394027d4.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 4p (PreCG) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Motor_4p_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_647ca28e87fc9be073617bbe8b5bad86.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Motor_4p_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_fae2f48dfd8b980f3818a7145d0d4dde.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Motor_4p_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_2725e886a126b53cfe63447ade13fa56.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 4p (PreCG) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Motor_4p_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_b99378d72b97c81ef4f4f2f9e7c6ac19.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of VTM (Amygdala) (v6.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_VTM_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_3b1ee29b8db55ee9a9bf4229bf24d656.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_VTM_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_e9cc71b8b7cadcb07a9fb45099934d06.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Amygdala_VTM_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.4_publicP_8607d965d235dfa99b8c3f060676bd14.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "VTM (Amygdala) [v6.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Amygdala_VTM_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.4_publicP_dbfa70d00d5a54048d9ca8d94aadd1c2.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo1 (OFC) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_b76752e4ec43a64644f4a66658fed730.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_960a53948ed107f3d09f6adf79cbb80a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_dc994a89413230daa7a59d4104903cb9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo1 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_aaa29c0e90498575ad47fb91c00248ad.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area STS1 (STS) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_STS1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_35e08e97ab66dad36d8f02ac0c9b1dd5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_STS1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_08e75c6446f93d9bc7c39fa4a2a715da.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_STS1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_e3f43aa517e0b1ccee53510ac28d73f7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area STS1 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_STS1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_63fc6556f6555e1eb5cf57200a7a6677.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo2 (OFC) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_9057b123cfeca54e02e5e9efc5a04dc9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_51dd6cb82eb566bb0a87a2bd61ba549f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_abfaca459f6612336d3c6bda36e4d1db.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo2 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_2993d715ed11871738e21953c1b93134.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area STS2 (STS) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_STS2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_9863d498fad2329d136af9b25e10a93f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_STS2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_4bab85dc8ab1547e1dcf842a06ed1efa.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_STS2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_7a0524e4cf9b00435a6a8171436b8100.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area STS2 (STS) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_STS2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_cd667b25d5535ff74ce57baecd64a272.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo3 (OFC) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_b35caf53bd38ac05bc10de2a73ec516a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_e314f4e0944f6f0dc273af9a69645b35.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_c326c00231994112cd4d31e430e76ae5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo3 (OFC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_765b825bdf19beaade700c86b65a27ac.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te10_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_f5231652a1e4874e2b5aefb147324d99.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te10_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_be05cf2a0b23ccd1cdf2271345cbe45d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te10_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_6c782e3d47b34522a2c7c86736785154.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te10_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_12e3532cc654e44a531eadb30caf0051.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo4 (OFC) (v2.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_859db429081144422ef1ebe055725a08.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_2df70e06cfd5cfa015ca9558ff732dae.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_71a978cf4004bbc4a5e82338412b2e08.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo4 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_b61321e1759cee1e45c2208e678a3943.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te11_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_581d86297fa5d38371013e6c8fd0dddf.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te11_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_7bb30fe3a0a0cf415780103440b15dbe.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te11_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_ecf57e88c589320863218aa0e19dd47f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te11_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_6eb19b3b79d6ff1f27500016ed215dc1.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo5 (OFC) (v2.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo5_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_80964dd50cce23aa6e01dfe8e0467452.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo5_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_74ea50aa11cb4d70f5f8e76e595c2e30.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo5_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_6e4b48db27652889ee3d45efbe0b0465.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo5 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo5_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_d31f76f366fcbce1ecefd0d1c681c0fe.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te12_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_bda66ce8906251c75ef771084941709f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te12_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_ae0c6a3a2c11d13f70e25df33dde9f86.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te12_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_c4445d58dc84a7f8214f0888cf46c153.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te12_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_1e94be7f543a6aa668fb776361b6e58a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo6 (OFC) (v2.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo6_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_374b5da5692230b1dde61b8f24e5a869.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo6_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_e0280f196fcc134583b19342a2b4b407.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo6_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_af30bdb7baf3287cd9f417c9e70992e2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo6 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo6_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_db7ea44b1acf9a9a11c471874ae702cf.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area TE 3 (STG) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_20343504909e5d586f6c6afb53aede2d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_ee94f5c173aaf6496d93f5ebc621a740.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Auditory_Te3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicP_7f5ec1e2a1b9f2ce861d5b99273925b6.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area TE 3 (STG) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Auditory_Te3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicP_83d1cf7a0c3717f030a7c8920887bc00.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Fo7 (OFC) (v2.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo7_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_964a532cb5853aa4d2c7a059559902cc.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo7_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_297152bbde864baaf7a26011d61a93df.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/OFC_Fo7_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.1_publicDOI_233826baa502af5501d24aa815fa91ee.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Fo7 (OFC) [v2.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/OFC_Fo7_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.1_publicDOI_14d60086cddf17c0923499b5197b374a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) (v4.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Bforebrain_123_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.2_publicP_2ee34ae3e4b3d88ead80c2ca66cbd91a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Bforebrain_123_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.2_publicP_276e61aa375a96aa30727b96fdbcb359.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Bforebrain_123_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.2_publicP_5150e72146b5a751407c4dc28ba1703b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Bforebrain_123_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.2_publicP_08a22f59a0ef477bcd6839aa94654d41.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) (v4.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Bforebrain_4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.2_publicP_29a2440c314f295d548cbb0996fe3252.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Bforebrain_4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.2_publicP_b92bf6270f6426059d719a6ff4d46aa7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Bforebrain_4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.2_publicP_aca0b12b3a3f42b5ae08fb7d1e8d43c5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain) [v4.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Bforebrain_4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.2_publicP_a38a48076577c2c94ed7aad80c625952.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP1 (POperc) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_09f37b8616fa6fa74f59826ece9ba380.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_45c04bd91a3a2027b2d3c6c266bb90e7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_8b2c48b662c5e6df1958feb0fc6976c3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP1 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_30c32326b70316dcb9ddea7b64c3adfe.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 44 (IFG) (v7.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Broca_44_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.4_publicP_1a7ee2bd006ecd2b0afec1294b1edc4f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Broca_44_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.4_publicP_e59cf54b21c0c5b6bc9f28238caca480.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Broca_44_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.4_publicP_ecd680988f3750c6003e02836832a9c9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 44 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Broca_44_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.4_publicP_a654ac4a5ffb29e71ea8ba6607d8d636.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP2 (POperc) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_8eb1862721707ee0a0d09c3492b947ca.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_1e664b1d4576c31315365aad04e9dc25.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_9ab95451711065d019b3a27312213d18.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP2 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_ede1b5a176315095e131e0791a00f1f5.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 45 (IFG) (v7.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Broca_45_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.4_publicP_6d43de9c7bb9817691ec792334a3152c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Broca_45_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.4_publicP_08da4129fea7c04d5608bded93dfda10.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Broca_45_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.4_publicP_45869e9e77064496f151048475e0716d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 45 (IFG) [v7.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Broca_45_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.4_publicP_b9da1fa5cada59f4d42bac9f59e8eafe.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP3 (POperc) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_4ce38061bc18f309b8195c6dcf1ef1be.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_c92d37026fafed1a509eb680c6503d7c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_56be809cb09e6ec59bf5331f228a2ae1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP3 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_d42f39d7978a6678b4778dba5fae7718.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) (v6.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentd_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_3a764725c01a90a232d8cf70bdbc7add.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentd_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_e4005dbb191bf6e7d186a59d7054f585.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentd_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_4211130f95a204cfd747f2cbed179536.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Dorsal Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentd_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_1f16cdf30a2b987c7f6dd013b08b73ad.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP4 (POperc) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_0a5b380ef43ab7bc87198206a1a02353.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_d23daf7663d8febb3aa0d092e350f570.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_748101beb3152bc7f2991094971c1f3a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP4 (POperc) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_82f74a89a06e43d8e64ffec0b6ef473f.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) (v6.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentv_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_0cb86cca6476c331a50318f46208a2a9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentv_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_66c0eabf5055063dc9c4e26745bc39d0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentv_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_fc8be37b4b948d2aa1a7e94d00e3310e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Ventral Dentate Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ndentv_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_0a940b0c0455d9073942ab515304ead9.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP8_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicDOI_cac2827254edba301e8dc491d78df49a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP8_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicDOI_1d25df23892ebedebbf9ffe115a0f202.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP8_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicDOI_3ca7868161d7378b7b3493e7b9eab16d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP8_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicDOI_a3118794ab13bf97592444a1eeca8f9f.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) (v6.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Nfast_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_d42e05acf865e8478e5fe97385a78d00.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Nfast_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_c18475ec9af75fe8a1f5dce004278e55.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Nfast_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_6d0b43f4d2b4981735164ac4d52a4d6d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Fastigial Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Nfast_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_6745e48df4cef0ef4cd9c1e9f9d114b3.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) (v6.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ninterp_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_be17425dcfd546aaf5ec80e315d642d9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ninterp_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_2f9237309b1e61c190196401e9a11c7f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ninterp_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.2_publicP_793abbe42c2a952e6e728f8250f1f54c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) [v6.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cerebellum_Ninterp_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.2_publicP_58293b82b27045ef76bc1a0ef3428afc.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) (v5.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP9_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicDOI_45982890da26f7e740fc6bc2e9325ff3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP9_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicDOI_ec9bf05b99fa3460ea63073a38693826.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Operculum_OP9_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_5.1_publicDOI_1ec9370a2dc7b55a2a26d86da01d88e5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area OP9 (Frontal Operculum) [v5.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Operculum_OP9_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_5.1_publicDOI_6f622eda1620ccab62d46c4d95b396bb.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 25 (sACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_25_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_bc3b69f445a7d6db586b15476c88b2de.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_25_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_84abfca40abffa2dffd2e7743f8a6ab3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_25_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_6e2e70f1c2693df95f1f8c65d9ab6cef.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 25 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_25_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_976b0f40ea5674a178c1c4560b4d56e7.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 33 (ACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_33_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_9832e9c4ee8ed764f11c12e68e84f790.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_33_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_9effbeac2461fdf77b2d49619f168d75.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_33_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_0a2943971f268fce0cc9e5f59e6fe55c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 33 (ACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_33_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_94750db9a4bede8ee6b6970d7ccd8f17.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP4 (IPS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_95a503dc474773d76ea6bc295bb14cb1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_511ed7fad34d51f367f33e8938e47ba4.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_0c36e58e56b65c803270b83dc677c35e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP4 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_6fd00fe205e860d895e79132747d2713.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area p24ab (pACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p24ab_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_b004997e409abb7655a9f4a52d352e6c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p24ab_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_444aa7585813722d798a82dbe79e1c9a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p24ab_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_d5ca48b6f8408bcc485e957c01499681.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p24ab (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p24ab_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.16c52469cebca3f350d92d20020c62e87.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP5 (IPS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP5_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_76c140b3be6a72b8c969ee82d3427019.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP5_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_f4d4897056aa0e68c6f79d32dd059b0d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP5_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_dd7a3a18d34fa1294a1c0691a9540d9a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP5 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP5_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_70cec9386200f81db1eca7667ce0e208.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area p24c (pACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p24c_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_e440a4a4eee9203abcc4aac8f6381216.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p24c_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_9c9d82fb9bfe36b1bce38672bdb4740a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p24c_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_795c9d7ed029f33449d4d41098cd51dc.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p24c (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p24c_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_beb8c3fb63fe05540e87a2007acc40af.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP6 (IPS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP6_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_1032d08a95d8735b03b41de55118631a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP6_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_ba9a8054c3e2430d74d51b88da896aef.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP6_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_c339fe027afa1f985af1f062b0a03014.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP6 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP6_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_e268e88709a2c36a2861204c3566f63b.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area p32 (pACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p32_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_bce14f798627873c1f117df0141f35ca.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p32_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_0f60df84cc5f99ea1dd97d1b025707a6.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_p32_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_0431a46ee288499cc60db2685889b56d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area p32 (pACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_p32_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_84d50c4187b65ff997e92bd334553f98.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area s24 (sACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_s24_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_6194d2467924e498b62b367a118db468.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_s24_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_4c14280cc9c6d43bb5b7c25981828311.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_s24_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_cc3351d4b652a47f4e23c9fe980f55ed.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area s24 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_s24_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_ae32c2acd10da0c3cba50800ced302e6.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP7 (IPS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP7_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_01279b11f7257b593960584b6e3a567a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP7_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_7e7b8d7878cc99b15f8f1515966166e1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP7_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_77a72d8d813cf367572aa6841e360f00.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP7 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP7_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_07b80edd2afed887351766ddc6cfbcfa.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area s32 (sACC) (v16.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_s32_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_c123300e746ae0b2a68198747b7c8b39.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_s32_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_cfdb1e6e4d0f7f0636e30669917bd3b8.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Cingulum_s32_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_16.1_publicP_670b2d5859f33ce2264adf0864930347.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area s32 (sACC) [v16.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Cingulum_s32_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_16.1_publicP_af05582934888efe929b28dda1b672ec.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hIP8 (IPS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP8_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_a759b709141aecb734964c73df1cce45.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP8_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_7defaa4bb2de378b12a92982ffaabfa9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hIP8_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_57d552da2aaefda7bb6c70e40ca43aab.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hIP8 (IPS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hIP8_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_cd21b04dab60b31f1b7c409a60bd8144.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of CA (Hippocampus) (v11.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_CA_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_fd49776deee300e6dd94db513592d716.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_CA_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_171cb45e2e19686d663f24ede52ef4d5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_CA_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_15fe605957c7968f858481c082673d8f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "CA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_CA_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_0852971ef836a0f321ed9f16ef1a26db.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hPO1 (POS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hPO1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_20a70c234cb120fb4a7ed16b9a23cdfb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hPO1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_1756f24793fb8a34d206aa15ae8c1031.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PIPS_hPO1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_f137efe6e7e30006a286764b0708afd4.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hPO1 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PIPS_hPO1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_4dbcc62e2fb44101eb2c4d032be1ba5b.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of DG (Hippocampus) (v11.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_DG_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_f56d6af9b18d378060c91acd2189f5b2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_DG_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_4d4162b28b535e77fe7ef3d85ee658cb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_DG_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_6fe4e1ff07604e82573426ff9d507757.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "DG (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_DG_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_e3fa939acecddade8c39c1c55a421c28.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 1 (PostCG) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_a9fedffac41cadad59359dc8b602ef95.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_8ffb7eeab7118f647e972259c9d3247d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_e8d32d9779cbacab28b0a21d92e5c098.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 1 (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_9456a4c195570c19d6d8cf9fd9e964d1.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Entorhinal Cortex (v11.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_EC_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_67c7cc903d9847c1e0ba7b2bd042de48.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_EC_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_dc4cead53434d7d9cc2545815a575a37.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_EC_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_239306c24449da501573917ad567a9de.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Entorhinal Cortex [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_EC_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_63cabbcc6e81767942bee38595ebb234.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 2 (PostCS) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_2_l_N9_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_7526b786324a9bc0d0cf4b2942cacad7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_2_l_N9_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_e6e0da89a546443ab761cc23fafdaa92.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_2_r_N9_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_c529c51f6c6e6ed10e8b2f46ebb8550a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 2 (PostCS) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_2_r_N9_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_6494012cddba7185bab87cb36ea8f69c.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of HATA (Hippocampus) (v11.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_HATA_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_cd1178d271dfb2a4fe7c26cd21c76cab.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_HATA_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_69c99510ed9618dcf2dec7f75c7097e5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_HATA_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_b68796684358ad9cec6b7ca719575e48.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "HATA (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_HATA_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_e32109435541023150892d6244db83a8.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 3a (PostCG) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_3a_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_21c814255639c5a26e2e67ee4201f3a3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_3a_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_9312aac3b742096e56db0acecf0dfd37.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_3a_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_4a0f0ebb63caf309c661bd550229a26e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 3a (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_3a_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_207f7b2221c3112d391d19c3932ec0f2.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 3b (PostCG) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_3b_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_e77fb21b2a8fa6b90a791acdd0c8f690.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_3b_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_5286409024d66bf87a9033052b3169bf.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/PSC_3b_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_789bbc4124edc3f32b9058473b70ce62.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 3b (PostCG) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/PSC_3b_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_4b88129088fd1b5dabcab0dffc15a2e7.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Subiculum (Hippocampus) (v11.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_Subc_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_febae932d584834b5365ece4a3a311cc.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_Subc_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_b049e4690de44f9cf0e0091f2f1ae328.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Hippocampus_Subc_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_11.1_publicP_e6c2e76f622d20d65d1021f6d1a89eef.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Subiculum (Hippocampus) [v11.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Hippocampus_Subc_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_11.1_publicP_386adc58f1ebd7a13ef6eb64978fef65.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 6d1 (PreCG) (v4.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_13de44a2c2d75bdc01f4e4f3c33ab70c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_d53dd5b69506097a3c256cdd50ffd0a6.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_2a4509c2f0c6bdc52863e376049c3fde.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d1 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_4d0ff72e36020299b349d8a494917373.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifj1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_51cf544971b79d4b9a10fe5b9da00576.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifj1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_cb45fad7eaa1423aa4dd807529a3f689.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifj1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_00c617b20263b7e98ba4f25e5cf11a1f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifj1 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifj1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_c09b6c65860aecdd6c7243bf89270e75.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifj2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_0c3fa7a162ff6d09b5d7127d68750969.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifj2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_86b9e91d54b288198f3604075196534f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifj2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_a988cbde839a0399e767be7ef02cc95c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreCS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifj2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_346dca14e393e290b70807d4e30cd835.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 6d2 (PreCG) (v4.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_e8a157e7d4005c001c54b0ea29378393.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_3ace355865b7a75fb43f17e1d6807219.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_d027403f16747e0ac6f67dc3649f84a8.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d2 (PreCG) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_8a089876227dcbbd0b5223446ac46263.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifs1 (IFS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_77901443edc477e83f2bb6b47a363873.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_2fbed54a956057637fdba19857b48e9f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_144113cffdeb98e2b16d713a6b7502e4.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs1 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_baf7f7a7c7d00a2044f409b92b78b926.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 6d3 (SFS) (v4.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_285f0f08aca736a967a265f27b78f267.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_20d31470e7af79c7af8918d842904696.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Premotor_6d3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_4.1_publicDOI_49949fbd2006bb6a9f3f6032f79fc1e7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6d3 (SFS) [v4.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Premotor_6d3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_4.1_publicDOI_1087f075fb1d7c254046f74f77f67bc5.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifs2 (IFS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_3b1bdcf898eaa037f9cfed73620493e0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_5ca6ef9bbc75f8785f3ca7701919d6d2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_022d278402aab813fcb610330f53c4e7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs2 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_fa175bc55a78d67a6b90011fecd7ade5.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifs3 (IFS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_163dfd8bdc1ea401267827a07fe3c938.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_a6839437711ba9eb50fd17baf7c6a562.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_e664da66c465b00af07d0d53e6300b17.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs3 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_634ba65855c32e73a6d9848f6512f62a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 5Ci (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5Ci_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_c87b6ceb439d4f1598d5c77cb8479a1e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5Ci_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_19a32582858cc57b7fe1834b22bd118a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5Ci_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_6b7ea73932bf60acbe2bf9c395381f55.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5Ci (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5Ci_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_b9fefdaa91a8382c7839fd5182e37f5c.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area ifs4 (IFS) (v2.2)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_57c4832619f167ab18995996c02d8295.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_9c0d663426f3c3fe44dc19c2e4c524f7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IFS_ifs4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.2_publicDOI_0d57128ee2cd1878ec1c0b36a390ea82.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area ifs4 (IFS) [v2.2, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IFS_ifs4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.2_publicDOI_9dc7b73fc32e0ace1895b041827fa134.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 5L (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5L_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_ee264b92d11f2a43b0ed49f9e7bfffd4.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5L_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_b200762900ac415160ab4f0ea4c97ff8.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5L_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_86b905ed83404e843f135f497cf484a9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5L (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5L_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_51222bf8c65bb707a787a659fbdbc655.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PF (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PF_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_a10eb8515cb0f7b434137ce6f04eb00b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PF_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_74d941df6a0b70295896125e27f1072b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PF_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_d8f88811f56dbc28045070aaf370d0ed.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PF (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PF_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_d715b06e48a51a04939d084ce5a3d7c1.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 5M (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5M_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_b8d9fc804f57f2a6bd1116f02acffec8.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5M_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_3531d80a4f71b30b4c45468af8fa3307.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_5M_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_21ee1551a3c30324f42ca0bb903eaae1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 5M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_5M_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_e6d90903b848aebfa656c909f1766a66.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PFcm (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFcm_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_e4c354cb14a007545e1c43189fb196e2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFcm_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_de6698f167f750bb781dc1d94ac9c428.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFcm_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_e83b1b144fa6d3e72e61b29a4757001d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFcm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFcm_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_da886451f173415a44331d3eb80a2386.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PFm (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFm_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_c82d509502b39957d20e5aa6989c8ca0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFm_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_e1feae26309f20f208adf341fe5db53f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFm_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_7758af8727da3ced2d840afdef6f2495.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFm (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFm_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_99fefc475d6c934e896cb0a5055f8c1b.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 7A (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7A_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_0120e6ac53deea83a5203a7368a35b31.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7A_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_8d57d1cf5be46a085868adc403ad297f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7A_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_b5a68034a7ab7caabf5fe1909cbb87dd.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7A (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7A_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_1c5f7d8bdc2a3fcce61ed23e3ed2e292.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PFop (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFop_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_35417f04bfb29680c7afe881261e9105.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFop_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_9088f650ae3c0cc599550c9ad9e7c2fa.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFop_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_bd4eaecba1988bc31a745cf4e1f85ef5.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFop (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFop_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_08ee99acfb5bc508cfbf18685554bd3d.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 7M (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7M_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_46e88581204e26ce7ba9e597c08f9901.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7M_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_28a7a8c33070d0e9b3c1d5dcf17e85e3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7M_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_9bd981fd9aae90aa1751a39c62cb1f57.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7M (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7M_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_a9c108b2081c8086b63d247c2f8942ef.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PFt (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFt_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_2f30461bc406dfda445b68b5edd8950f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFt_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_ae4814e8e10a39f2226cbe0e40d5898d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PFt_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_28f7d67ec4042c21c459d44566c13c5c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PFt (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PFt_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_fbac57b455b0c33989a35f2201126cb2.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PGa (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PGa_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_aefd1d612523c56e9d11b1b33d2d1373.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PGa_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_655596fcf8594262ae9c7f305b2b4b30.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PGa_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_a381916e2df422a0c89db5471c9c4d41.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PGa (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PGa_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_4e7ecd6470da24e8ec1545022ba7bf4c.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 7PC (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7PC_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_cad4c9dd53f23303d2a4528613035cd7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7PC_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_483e2a5a539829e9649282df4d175613.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7PC_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_d49e9f09d2c83787b8b287b7799b2288.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7PC (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7PC_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_00436b9550b3a0706826b44a31e38b01.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area PGp (IPL) (v9.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PGp_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_65aec0498dabf336f51f1ab5a5e1e173.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PGp_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_147e4c8a390add242ab474108811d45e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/IPL_PGp_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.4_publicP_94fab0bde3d23f23ff0554b7d426c912.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area PGp (IPL) [v9.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/IPL_PGp_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.4_publicP_43784aadc4d7a4f7f853ed4a09253161.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 7P (SPL) (v8.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7P_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_39e6e34f2218b19b39dc7fae4d00b548.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7P_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_273286deb524b6db60c55aef828b39b7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/SPL_7P_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_8.4_publicP_bc14a93165a26089f5ca0150f3116b02.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 7P (SPL) [v8.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/SPL_7P_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_8.4_publicP_4985145e131f3b2db24765767d8ad833.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Ia (Insula) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ia_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_3ecba4e28455cd52544127ad4efce4ca.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ia_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_a1dc222eaef902176bb1a87e51cb57a9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Ia_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_190a0e68cec5c6c22f8afca48aa861c8.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Ia (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Ia_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_75c6474e570337081abb1929e73752a2.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) (v9.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_presma_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.1_publicP_64a7846e7444bfc427baffe0d5dd606f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_presma_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.1_publicP_c4e110a68942904a829ce1a6abb28bd1.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_presma_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.1_publicP_e6a4f1fe3062ba205a426d5f759a95f9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6ma (preSMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_presma_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.1_publicP_d7e68149ee548516d2e3f63158253c5f.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Id1 (Insula) (v13.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_d5d83b0e83b5f1315d7c452f48475a08.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_4849992227f5c257e1a9f7666fe1ad7b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_13.1_publicP_91c85673b4f142ddaca21d81c9b487ec.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id1 (Insula) [v13.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_13.1_publicP_a053eee829eb22d5266c402ad29f98cb.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Id4 (Insula) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_e96ae430032349aac6a4a61aaee79b4d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_f18ef7c60cb32c3641014f0909f93e02.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_5389bc4c23b416171b9f8defacac1a0a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id4 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_2a6668950e5a00f4a74bf38acca581aa.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) (v9.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_sma_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.1_publicP_70b04cf0590767ac0261524c4f4c791a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_sma_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.1_publicP_1d38ab9abb3e1e48cca85f22de5b6336.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_sma_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_9.1_publicP_9f44531c44b109bd3899ee4c5c654a12.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area 6mp (SMA, mesial SFG) [v9.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Supplementarymotor_sma_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_9.1_publicP_a587671b8f0fbf0a2b8f3ae5d75ec32a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area Id5 (Insula) (v3.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id5_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_c4cac3c40faf5b360f496c93d228a5f7.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id5_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_b2b955819205633599cce414a0175604.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Insula_Id5_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.1_publicDOI_9c6734478af4d58b09478ea8a0f4f2ca.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area Id5 (Insula) [v3.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Insula_Id5_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.1_publicDOI_2baf1d46de3dc9859c78fc1b034d1855.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area FG1 (FusG) (v1.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_1.4_publicP_bce8572815ce38ebf2348113c526316b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_1.4_publicP_f15aef925b85cdda07a24cd5df5bb2fa.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_1.4_publicP_0d97288189f30b47b6d46a4641c6aaca.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG1 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_1.4_publicP_db04aa33e7871003968694b1876d0a54.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area FG2 (FusG) (v1.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_1.4_publicP_f4ec7bdd50b94de8e24d588f921fe24f.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_1.4_publicP_795615fc9a62df9aabc1b4184fc26b60.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_1.4_publicP_c1ec4350fea589df56fdcdc451202997.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG2 (FusG) [v1.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_1.4_publicP_b6d8306c22a2872d2010aaaed2a09e7a.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area FG3 (FusG) (v6.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG3_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_821be84fb0820b15066242a2e9bfd144.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG3_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_cf55dcdaad33d8a1b493fb6e74b44588.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG3_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_6471455ff336127c39e73465265c8dae.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG3 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG3_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_06d27f91c81bee534e4fe646b1cbbbc1.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area FG4 (FusG) (v6.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG4_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_2cd9d3a99ed5b800e8c27ab6dd33a5de.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG4_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_1c321f02425aa7828dce7a5b042bda82.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_FG4_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_6.1_publicP_f0a0c573824a033925bd4af891146e5c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area FG4 (FusG) [v6.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_FG4_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_6.1_publicP_683f9ce4bb17648f79caaafb95e3a967.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc1_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_d3045ee3c0c4de9820eb1516d2cc72bb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc1_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_788fe1ea663b1fa4e7e9a8b5cf26c5d6.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc1_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_a48ca5d938781ebaf1eaa25f59df74d0.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc1_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_b3b742528b1d1a933c89b2604d23028d.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc2 (V2, 18) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc2_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_df81c453f3cf5b8092f52723b348b1e9.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc2_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_107c22563c6a2e866be63e0fa46dc438.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc2_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_ce802616d4367d2869dd4bbd3f11f1cb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc2 (V2, 18) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc2_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_a06dd5eab4720f7e81c5940c36f9af41.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc3d (Cuneus) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc3d_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_a79ba6482dee871a17b26451912fc724.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc3d_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_635ec81714dba724ca5da95e03ff2f40.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc3d_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_1a84fb38fc980635c9428b549b3c510c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc3d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc3d_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_9263f0e0b2aafbd5e3f8eb672ab49353.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc3v (LingG) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc3v_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_65e888ad8a2a691d651f0404947518fb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc3v_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_1a697c6ce10e7244d6a934a45c5dc79c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc3v_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_8ce4868d81d4785cc2ac6a8d0b7a670b.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc3v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc3v_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_5ac50d54d3501d4acffbbe89b8b3521b.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc4d (Cuneus) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4d_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_85c7f5168facd3330e23ac4af64a4275.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4d_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_61837c79a744d456c34d3af946b676a3.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4d_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_cb49cab793d13a0886b57da4d8585e53.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4d (Cuneus) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4d_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_d4018904740da8830742474d5e8f94e0.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc4la (LOC) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4la_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_4b22039a9e6b5d46c63af27028c3eb2c.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4la_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_16f642398096ac1344ca8f41bcd72cfe.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4la_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_4216964f14a3201ed0e59f698e071935.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4la (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4la_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_18a6ea6984f712e91c0de10b2bb9a407.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc4lp (LOC) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4lp_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_505d832a41fdf69427cedbbca146705e.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4lp_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_fabcd708723f7c86e6cac4e4128e2c4d.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4lp_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_fa5a9ca0badef71585a2c9ab40ce1ddf.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4lp (LOC) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4lp_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_1b5e1b3ae596329a1cdbb2d93d525507.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc4v (LingG) (v3.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4v_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_411fef399d0549ef7e4b5a717fdd4c23.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4v_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_45fabb5f075b26870141ef823fa15afb.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc4v_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_3.4_publicP_520fad8687876ce9cbbb2d4ef43de4d2.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc4v (LingG) [v3.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc4v_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_3.4_publicP_82034ecd08bd39b16df0f465c94ceac0.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc5 (LOC) (v2.4)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc5_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_8711958bf427c07b36e28d6687bd7003.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc5_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_6ed980373c276947f90f58eefe410f96.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc5_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_2.4_publicP_f5d20a1ad3db354a5b9a6f13beb905b6.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc5 (LOC) [v2.4, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc5_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_2.4_publicP_7542c361d311176986f0dbab9561b2f6.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ],
+  [
+    "Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc6 (POS) (v7.1)",
+    [
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc6_l_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_768ea7470e377af487c4bab30b5e3f5a.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, left hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc6_l_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_be904a3989a71a4a202110ff3c6bc446.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric",
+        "name": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, ICBM 2009c Asymmetric, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/icbm152casym/pmaps/Visual_hOc6_r_N10_nlin2MNI152ASYM2009C_7.1_publicP_abac2ae4767d3c4a3dbf7d9558d9f789.nii.gz"
+      },
+      {
+        "filename": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "templateSpace": "MNI Colin 27",
+        "name": "Area hOc6 (POS) [v7.1, Colin 27, right hemisphere]",
+        "mimetype": "application/nifti",
+        "url": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.eu/precomputed/JuBrain/17/colin27/pmaps/Visual_hOc6_r_N10_nlin2Stdcolin27_7.1_publicP_d39518619b83c18a818916c2d96bca68.nii.gz"
+      }
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js b/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
index dcdf4db88c076e45b4f11cf10c82eba348b82238..ea178530c1ed118387393dd8754f325b2ff521a2 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/supplements/previewFile.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const path = require('path')
 const HOSTNAME = process.env.HOSTNAME || 'http://localhost:3000'
@@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ const readFile = (filename) => new Promise((resolve) => {
   DISABLE_RECEPTOR_PREVIEW ? Promise.resolve([]) : readFile('receptorPreview.json'),
   DISABLE_JUBRAIN_PMAP ? Promise.resolve([]) : readFile('pmapJubrainPreview.json'),
-  DISABLE_DWM_PMAP ? Promise.resolve([]) : readFile('pmapDWMPreview.json')
+  DISABLE_DWM_PMAP ? Promise.resolve([]) : readFile('pmapDWMPreview.json'),
+  DISABLE_JUBRAIN_PMAP_V17 ? Promise.resolve([]) : readFile('pmapJuBrainV17Preview.json')
   .then(arrOfA => arrOfA.reduce((acc, item) => acc.concat(item), []))
   .then(iterable => {
@@ -33,8 +35,13 @@ Promise.all([
     console.error('preview file error', e)
-exports.getPreviewFile = ({ datasetName }) => Promise.resolve(
+exports.getPreviewFile = ({ datasetName, templateSelected }) => Promise.resolve(
+    .filter(({ templateSpace }) => {
+      if (!templateSpace) return true
+      if (!templateSelected) return true
+      return templateSpace === templateSelected
+    })
     .map(file => {
       return {
diff --git a/deploy/package.json b/deploy/package.json
index e76b3d9bbe32d2aae33a3d7ae39d7ae3740f50e1..72d3c417e28cb9541e4f1c1b0d947875dcda953b 100644
--- a/deploy/package.json
+++ b/deploy/package.json
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
   "author": "",
   "license": "ISC",
   "dependencies": {
+    "body-parser": "^1.19.0",
     "express": "^4.16.4",
     "express-session": "^1.15.6",
+    "jszip": "^3.2.1",
     "jwt-decode": "^2.2.0",
     "memorystore": "^1.6.1",
     "openid-client": "^2.4.5",
diff --git a/deploy/preview/index.js b/deploy/preview/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..508cae3bb79b1a947ffcc748b2f8b1fd69eb6eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/preview/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+const router = require('express').Router()
+const request = require('request')
+const url = require('url')
+const stream = require('stream')
+const whiteList = new Set([
+  'object.cscs.ch',
+router.get('/file', (req, res) => {
+  const { fileUrl } = req.query
+  const f = url.parse(fileUrl)
+  if(f && f.hostname && whiteList.has(f.hostname))
+    return request(fileUrl).pipe(res)
+  else res.status(400).send()
+module.exports = router
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index b49118e6391468c7484a242ccf1757fdb1c90abd..2acb48676fed72ee9fa9639abe26b48488e7a0f4 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
     "@angular/language-service": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/platform-browser": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^7.2.15",
+    "@ngrx/effects": "^7.4.0",
     "@ngrx/store": "^6.0.1",
     "@ngtools/webpack": "^6.0.5",
     "@types/chart.js": "^2.7.20",
@@ -79,7 +80,6 @@
     "@angular/cdk": "^7.3.7",
     "@angular/material": "^7.3.7",
     "@angular/router": "^7.2.15",
-    "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
     "zone.js": "^0.9.1"
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service.ts
index bdaf63c10763e0cf58075995cb2f570262a40552..5173ec7a7825790bb058a09b56aa5cf0cb8c6c11 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service.ts
@@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ export interface InteractiveViewerInterface{
     mouseEvent : Observable<{eventName:string,event:MouseEvent}>
     mouseOverNehuba : Observable<{labelIndex : number, foundRegion : any | null}>
+    /**
+     * TODO add to documentation
+     */
+    mouseOverNehubaLayers: Observable<{layer:{name:string}, segment: any | number }[]>
     getNgHash : () => string
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.component.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.component.ts
index c220280cf6e8e3619d89bbb45e5f0d6251beae87..f2dac903f512b6be381c220af79f39029407cc6f 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.component.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.component.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { Component, HostBinding, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, OnDestroy, OnInit, TemplateRef, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core";
+import { Component, HostBinding, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, OnDestroy, OnInit, TemplateRef, AfterViewInit, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
 import { Store, select, ActionsSubject } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { ViewerStateInterface, isDefined, FETCHED_SPATIAL_DATA, UPDATE_SPATIAL_DATA, TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL, safeFilter, UIStateInterface, OPEN_SIDE_PANEL, CLOSE_SIDE_PANEL } from "../services/stateStore.service";
-import { Observable, Subscription, combineLatest, interval, merge, of } from "rxjs";
-import { map, filter, distinctUntilChanged, delay, concatMap, debounceTime, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { Observable, Subscription, combineLatest, interval, merge, of, fromEvent } from "rxjs";
+import { map, filter, distinctUntilChanged, delay, concatMap, debounceTime, withLatestFrom, switchMap, takeUntil, scan, takeLast } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { AtlasViewerDataService } from "./atlasViewer.dataService.service";
 import { WidgetServices } from "./widgetUnit/widgetService.service";
 import { LayoutMainSide } from "../layouts/mainside/mainside.component";
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ import { FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective } from "src/util/directives/Fixe
 import { DatabrowserService } from "src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
 import { AGREE_COOKIE, AGREE_KG_TOS, SHOW_KG_TOS } from "src/services/state/uiState.store";
 import { TabsetComponent } from "ngx-bootstrap/tabs";
+import { ToastService } from "src/services/toastService.service";
+ * TODO
+ * check against auxlillary mesh indicies, to only filter out aux indicies
+ */
+const filterFn = (segment) => typeof segment.segment !== 'string'
   selector: 'atlas-viewer',
@@ -45,6 +52,8 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
   @ViewChild(FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective) rClContextualMenu: FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective
   @ViewChild('mobileMenuTabs') mobileMenuTabs: TabsetComponent
+  @ViewChild('publications') publications: TemplateRef<any>
+  @ViewChild('sidenav', { read: ElementRef} ) mobileSideNav: ElementRef
    * required for styling of all child components
@@ -67,8 +76,8 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
   private showHelp$: Observable<any>
   public dedicatedView$: Observable<string | null>
-  public onhoverSegment$: Observable<string>
-  public onhoverSegmentForFixed$: Observable<string>
+  public onhoverSegments$: Observable<string[]>
+  public onhoverSegmentsForFixed$: Observable<string[]>
   public onhoverLandmark$ : Observable<string | null>
   private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
@@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
   public sidePanelOpen$: Observable<boolean>
   get toggleMessage(){
     return this.constantsService.toggleMessage
@@ -98,7 +108,8 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     public apiService: AtlasViewerAPIServices,
     private modalService: BsModalService,
     private databrowserService: DatabrowserService,
-    private dispatcher$: ActionsSubject
+    private dispatcher$: ActionsSubject,
+    private toastService: ToastService,
   ) {
     this.ngLayerNames$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -179,23 +190,28 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     // TODO temporary hack. even though the front octant is hidden, it seems if a mesh is present, hover will select the said mesh
-    this.onhoverSegment$ = combineLatest(
+    this.onhoverSegments$ = combineLatest(
+        select('mouseOverSegments'),
+        filter(v => !!v),
+        distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o.length === n.length && n.every(segment => o.find(oSegment => oSegment.layer.name === segment.layer.name && oSegment.segment === segment.segment) ) )
         /* cannot filter by state, as the template expects a default value, or it will throw ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError */
-        map(state => state
-            && state.mouseOverSegment
-            && (isNaN(state.mouseOverSegment)
-              ? state.mouseOverSegment
-              : state.mouseOverSegment.toString())),
-        distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o === n || (o && n && o.name && n.name && o.name === n.name))
-      map(([segment, onhoverLandmark]) => onhoverLandmark ? null : segment )
+      map(([segments, onhoverLandmark]) => onhoverLandmark ? null : segments ),
+      map(segments => {
+        if (!segments)
+          return null
+        const filteredSeg = segments.filter(filterFn)
+        return filteredSeg.length > 0
+          ? segments.map(s => s.segment) 
+          : null
+        })
     this.selectedParcellation$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -203,15 +219,35 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
-      this.selectedParcellation$.subscribe(parcellation => this.selectedParcellation = parcellation)
+      this.newViewer$.subscribe(template => this.selectedTemplate = template)
-      this.newViewer$.subscribe(template => this.selectedTemplate = template)
+      this.selectedParcellation$.subscribe(parcellation => {
+        this.selectedParcellation = parcellation
+        this.niiFileSize = 0
+        if ((this.selectedParcellation['properties'] &&
+            (this.selectedParcellation['properties']['publications'] || this.selectedParcellation['properties']['description']))
+            || (this.selectedTemplate['properties'] &&
+                (this.selectedTemplate['properties']['publications'] || this.selectedTemplate['properties']['description']))) {
+          if (this.handleToast) {
+            this.handleToast()
+            this.handleToast = null
+          }
+          this.handleToast = this.toastService.showToast(this.publications, {
+              timeout: 7000
+          })
+        }
+      })
   private selectedParcellation$: Observable<any>
   private selectedParcellation: any
@@ -338,10 +374,12 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
-    this.onhoverSegmentForFixed$ = this.rClContextualMenu.onShow.pipe(
-      withLatestFrom(this.onhoverSegment$),
-      map(([_flag, onhoverSegment]) => onhoverSegment)
+    this.onhoverSegmentsForFixed$ = this.rClContextualMenu.onShow.pipe(
+      withLatestFrom(this.onhoverSegments$),
+      map(([_flag, onhoverSegments]) => onhoverSegments || [])
+    this.closeMenuWithSwipe(this.mobileSideNav)
@@ -457,6 +495,30 @@ export class AtlasViewer implements OnDestroy, OnInit, AfterViewInit {
       type: TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL
+  closeMenuWithSwipe(documentToSwipe: ElementRef) {
+    if (documentToSwipe && documentToSwipe.nativeElement) {
+      const swipeDistance = 150; // swipe distance
+      const swipeLeft$ = fromEvent(documentToSwipe.nativeElement, 'touchstart')
+          .pipe(
+              switchMap(startEvent =>
+                  fromEvent(documentToSwipe.nativeElement, 'touchmove')
+                      .pipe(
+                          takeUntil(fromEvent(documentToSwipe.nativeElement, 'touchend')),
+                          map(event => event['touches'][0].pageX),
+                          scan((acc, pageX) => Math.round(startEvent['touches'][0].pageX - pageX), 0),
+                          takeLast(1),
+                          filter(difference => difference >= swipeDistance)
+                      )))
+      this.subscriptions.push(
+        swipeLeft$.subscribe(() => {
+          this.changeMenuState({close: true})
+        })
+      )
+    }
+  }
 export interface NgLayerInterface{
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.dataService.service.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.dataService.service.ts
index 149b02e0ab80a488c0781cbc4a23e9c9ba5c1c46..b974d8536374bc1d38c467e935d5543ee2691352 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.dataService.service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.dataService.service.ts
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ export class AtlasViewerDataService implements OnDestroy{
     if (templateSpace === 'MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric'){
       return Promise.all([
-        fetch('res/json/***REMOVED***.json').then(res=>res.json()),
-        fetch('res/json/***REMOVED***.json').then(res=>res.json())
+        fetch('res/json/**removed**.json').then(res=>res.json()),
+        fetch('res/json/**removed**.json').then(res=>res.json())
         .then(arr => {
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.style.css b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.style.css
index b56b1579651b45235cf8f5cc43f5c4f5a2f05be9..75604388751f3a6d86c5f39da18550cadd18c118 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.style.css
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.style.css
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-/* @import '~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css'; */
 :host, :host > .atlas-container
@@ -21,9 +19,10 @@ ui-nehuba-container
+/* zindex of banner wrapper needs to be lower than zindex of floating layer */
-  z-index:1000;
+  z-index:12;
@@ -174,6 +173,6 @@ mat-sidenav {
   box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.16), 0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.23);
-.mpobileMenuTabs {
+.mobileMenuTabs {
   margin: 40px 0 0 5px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
index aff1c05c70a4f41d8355a9d54188b323f47306af..045fe85dfe3b204a3a2f70ac37bacf1013a54682 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
@@ -23,9 +23,17 @@
         <button mat-button style="height: 0; position: absolute;"></button>
         <logo-container class="logoContainerMobile"></logo-container>
-        <tabset #mobileMenuTabs [justified]="true" class="mpobileMenuTabs" >
+        <tabset #mobileMenuTabs [justified]="true" class="mobileMenuTabs" >
           <tab heading="Template">
             <signin-banner [darktheme] = "darktheme" signinWrapper></signin-banner>
+            <layout-floating-container *ngIf="this.nehubaContainer && this.nehubaContainer.nehubaViewer">
+              <ui-status-card 
+                  [selectedTemplate]="selectedTemplate" 
+                  [isMobile]="isMobile"
+                  [onHoverSegmentName]="this.nehubaContainer.onHoverSegmentName$ | async"
+                  [nehubaViewer]="this.nehubaContainer.nehubaViewer">
+              </ui-status-card>
+            </layout-floating-container>
           <tab heading="Containers">
             <menu-icons iconWrapper hidden #MenuIcons>
@@ -119,7 +127,7 @@
     <ui-nehuba-container (contextmenu)="nehubaClickHandler($event)">
-    <div *ngIf="!isMobile" bannerWrapper>
+    <div *ngIf="!isMobile && selectedTemplate" bannerWrapper>
       <menu-icons iconWrapper>
       <signin-banner signinWrapper>
@@ -127,7 +135,7 @@
-      zIndex = "9"
+      zIndex="13"
       <div floatingContainerDirective>
@@ -141,26 +149,38 @@
         <div body>
+          <div
+            *ngIf="(onhoverSegmentsForFixed$ | async)?.length > 0 || (selectedRegions$ | async)?.length > 0"
+            class="p-2">
+            Search for data relating to:
+          </div>
-            *ngIf="onhoverSegmentForFixed$ | async; let onhoverSegmentFixed"
+            *ngFor="let onhoverSegmentFixed of (onhoverSegmentsForFixed$ | async)"
-            class="ws-no-wrap text-left pe-all btn btn-sm btn-secondary btn-block"
+            class="ws-no-wrap text-left pe-all btn btn-sm btn-secondary btn-block mt-0"
-            Search for data related to {{ onhoverSegmentFixed.name }}
+            <small class="text-semi-transparent">(hovering)</small> {{ onhoverSegmentFixed.name }}
             *ngIf="(selectedRegions$ | async)?.length > 0 && (selectedRegions$ | async); let selectedRegions"
             class="ws-no-wrap text-left pe-all mt-0 btn btn-sm btn-secondary btn-block">
-            Search for data related to all {{ selectedRegions && selectedRegions.length }} selected regions
+            <ng-container *ngIf="selectedRegions.length > 1">
+              <small class="text-semi-transparent">(selected)</small> {{ selectedRegions.length }} selected regions
+            </ng-container>
+            <ng-container *ngIf="selectedRegions.length === 1">
+              <small class="text-semi-transparent">(selected)</small> {{ selectedRegions[0].name }}
+            </ng-container>
             class="p-2 text-muted"
-            *ngIf="!(onhoverSegmentForFixed$ | async) && (selectedRegions$ | async)?.length === 0">
+            *ngIf="(onhoverSegmentsForFixed$ | async)?.length === 0 && (selectedRegions$ | async)?.length === 0">
             Right click on a parcellation region or select parcellation regions to search KG for associated datasets.
@@ -182,9 +202,13 @@
           {{ onhoverLandmark$ | async }} <i><small class = "mute-text">{{ toggleMessage }}</small></i>
-          *ngIf="onhoverSegment$ | async; let onhoverSegment" 
+          *ngIf="onhoverSegments$ | async; let onhoverSegments"
-          {{ onhoverSegment.name }} <i><small class = "mute-text">{{ toggleMessage }}</small></i>
+          <div
+            *ngFor="let segment of onhoverSegments"
+            [innerHtml]="segment | transformOnhoverSegment">
+          </div>
+          <i><small class = "mute-text">{{ toggleMessage }}</small></i>
         <!-- TODO Potentially implementing plugin contextual info -->
@@ -209,7 +233,8 @@
           <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Unsupported browser detected
-          We recommend using the latest version of <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/chrome/">Google Chrome</a> or <a target="_blank" href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/">Mozilla Firefox</a> for viewing the interactive viewer.
+          We recommend using the latest version of <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/chrome/">Google Chrome</a>
+          or <a target="_blank" href="https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/">Mozilla Firefox)</a> for viewing the interactive viewer.
         <div class="col-6 d-inline-block text-left">
@@ -232,4 +257,16 @@
+<ng-template #publications >
+  <reference-toast-component
+          [templateName] = "selectedTemplate['name']? selectedTemplate['name'] : null"
+          [parcellationName] = "selectedParcellation['name']? selectedParcellation['name'] : null"
+          [templateDescription] = "selectedTemplate['properties'] && selectedTemplate['properties']['description']? selectedTemplate['properties']['description'] : null"
+          [parcellationDescription] = "selectedParcellation['properties'] && selectedParcellation['properties']['description']? selectedParcellation['properties']['description'] : null"
+          [templatePublications] = "selectedTemplate['properties'] && selectedTemplate['properties']['publications']? selectedTemplate['properties']['publications']: null"
+          [parcellationPublications] = "selectedParcellation['properties'] && selectedParcellation['properties']['publications']? selectedParcellation['properties']['publications']: null"
+          [parcellationNifti] = "selectedParcellation['properties'] && selectedParcellation['properties']['nifti']? selectedParcellation['properties']['nifti'] : null">
+  </reference-toast-component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.urlService.service.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.urlService.service.ts
index 5cd06b1ba499e34537cce32dc2caa872250c53a3..b548c96f292bfa89fa808beccd7b2c5b16778a2a 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.urlService.service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.urlService.service.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
 import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
-import { ViewerStateInterface, isDefined, NEWVIEWER, getLabelIndexMap, SELECT_REGIONS, CHANGE_NAVIGATION, ADD_NG_LAYER } from "../services/stateStore.service";
+import { ViewerStateInterface, isDefined, NEWVIEWER, CHANGE_NAVIGATION, ADD_NG_LAYER, generateLabelIndexId } from "../services/stateStore.service";
 import { PluginInitManifestInterface } from 'src/services/state/pluginState.store'
 import { Observable,combineLatest } from "rxjs";
 import { filter, map, scan, distinctUntilChanged, skipWhile, take } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { PluginServices } from "./atlasViewer.pluginService.service";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "./atlasViewer.constantService.service";
 import { ToastService } from "src/services/toastService.service";
+import { SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID } from "src/services/state/viewerState.store";
 declare var window
@@ -147,14 +148,13 @@ export class AtlasViewerURLService{
          * either or both parcellationToLoad and .regions maybe empty
-        const labelIndexMap = getLabelIndexMap(parcellationToLoad.regions)
-        const selectedRegions = searchparams.get('regionsSelected')
-        if(selectedRegions){
+        const selectedRegionsParam = searchparams.get('regionsSelected')
+        if(selectedRegionsParam){
+          const ids = selectedRegionsParam.split('_')
-            type : SELECT_REGIONS,
-            selectRegions : selectedRegions.split('_')
-              .map(labelIndex=>labelIndexMap.get(Number(labelIndex)))
-              .filter(region => !!region)
+            type : SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID,
+            selectRegionIds: ids
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ export class AtlasViewerURLService{
                 case 'regionsSelected':
-                  _[key] = state[key].map(region=>region.labelIndex).join('_')
+                  _[key] = state[key].map(({ ngId, labelIndex })=> generateLabelIndexId({ ngId,labelIndex })).join('_')
                 case 'templateSelected':
                 case 'parcellationSelected':
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service.ts
index 304b291958d3cb37f952fa2d7c13eceaf18ca27f..aefcfa162bae82f253c2325cfaf198712bcf39f7 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
 import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
+ * export the worker, so that services that does not require dependency injection can import the worker
+ */
+export const worker = new Worker('worker.js')
 export class AtlasWorkerService{
-  public worker = new Worker('worker.js')
+  public worker = worker
   public safeMeshSet : Map<string, Set<number>> = new Map()
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/onhoverSegment.pipe.ts b/src/atlasViewer/onhoverSegment.pipe.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..baff7b9d5d1de04b0d6c5327aabf2a41a532ff4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/onhoverSegment.pipe.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import { PipeTransform, Pipe, SecurityContext } from "@angular/core";
+import { DomSanitizer } from "@angular/platform-browser";
+  name: 'transformOnhoverSegment'
+export class TransformOnhoverSegmentPipe implements PipeTransform{
+  constructor(private sanitizer:DomSanitizer){
+  }
+  private getStatus(text:string) {
+    return ` <span class="text-muted">(${this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.HTML, text)})</span>`
+  }
+  public transform(segment: any | number){
+    return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml((
+      (segment.name || segment) +
+      (segment.status
+        ? this.getStatus(segment.status)
+        : '')
+    ))
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/components.module.ts b/src/components/components.module.ts
index deeed608e8648a00074b0aae7edc17119613e5b0..e435687fd0541445a7989f8f87f1bb3eb392bae9 100644
--- a/src/components/components.module.ts
+++ b/src/components/components.module.ts
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import { TimerComponent } from './timer/timer.component';
 import { PillComponent } from './pill/pill.component';
 import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
 import { RadioList } from './radiolist/radiolist.component';
+import { AngularMaterialModule } from 'src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module';
+import { FilterCollapsePipe } from './flatTree/filterCollapse.pipe';
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ import { RadioList } from './radiolist/radiolist.component';
+    AngularMaterialModule
   declarations : [
     /* components */
@@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ import { RadioList } from './radiolist/radiolist.component';
-    ClusteringPipe
+    ClusteringPipe,
+    FilterCollapsePipe
   exports : [
diff --git a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.component.ts b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.component.ts
index 2300de68002fbf970b03de45c1e746679537ca84..78ca10f1e31f217ebb9bbc25f79a76ab9ed540c6 100644
--- a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.component.ts
+++ b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.component.ts
@@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ export class DropdownComponent{
   @Input() inputArray : any[] = []
   @Input() selectedItem : any | null = null
+  @Input() checkSelected: (selectedItem:any, item:any) => boolean = (si,i) => si === i
   @Input() listDisplay : (obj:any)=>string = (obj)=>obj.name
   @Input() activeDisplay : (obj:any|null)=>string = (obj)=>obj ? obj.name : `Please select an item.`
-  @Input() isMobile: boolean
-  @Input() darktheme: boolean
   @Output() itemSelected : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
+  @Output() listItemButtonClicked: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
   @ViewChild('dropdownToggle',{read:ElementRef}) dropdownToggle : ElementRef
diff --git a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.style.css b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.style.css
index e13bd32eb58f18b15d6de37040e1547df1360f30..4391abae2dda2103486cc847912b72b533b40adb 100644
--- a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.style.css
+++ b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.style.css
@@ -56,3 +56,21 @@ radio-list
+.dropdownTitle {
+  border: 1px solid !important;
+.dropdownTitleOpen {
+  border: solid !important;
+  border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px !important;
+:host-context([darktheme="true"][isMobile="true"]) .dropdownTitle {
+  border-color: white !important;
+:host-context([darktheme="false"][isMobile="true"]) .dropdownTitle {
+  border-color: black !important;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.template.html b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.template.html
index e448400b8324b98dcfc159263517856732694cfc..0f5866d162c27ff2c8dd284985bf73ac640c05ab 100644
--- a/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.template.html
+++ b/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.template.html
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 <!-- TODO remove dependency on ismobile -->
-  class = "btn btn-default"
-  [innerHTML] = "activeDisplay(selectedItem)"
-  hoverable
+  class="btn btn-default dropdownTitle"
+  [innerHTML]="activeDisplay(selectedItem)"
+  [hoverable]="{translateY:-2}"
-  [ngStyle]="{'border': isMobile? 'none' : 'none', 'border-color': darktheme? 'white' : 'black', 'border-width': openState? '1px 1px 0 1px' : ''}">
+  [ngClass]="openState ? 'dropdownTitleOpen' : 'dropdownTitle'">
 <!-- needed to ensure dropdown width matches  -->
@@ -20,10 +18,9 @@
   [ulClass]="'dropdown-menu shadow'"
+  [checkSelected]="checkSelected"
   [@showState]="openState ? 'show' : 'hide'"
-  [isMobile] = "isMobile"
-  [darktheme] = "darktheme">
+  (listItemButtonClicked) = listItemButtonClicked.emit($event)>
diff --git a/src/components/flatTree/filterCollapse.pipe.ts b/src/components/flatTree/filterCollapse.pipe.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00ce53d406e06c316d6b9027b5570f068578e69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/flatTree/filterCollapse.pipe.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from "@angular/core";
+  name: 'filterCollapsePipe'
+export class FilterCollapsePipe implements PipeTransform{
+  public transform(array: any[], collapsedLevels: Set<string>, uncollapsedLevels: Set<string>, defaultCollapse: boolean ){
+    const isCollapsedById = (id) => {
+      return collapsedLevels.has(id) 
+      ? true
+      : uncollapsedLevels.has(id)
+        ? false
+        : !defaultCollapse
+    }
+    const returnArray =  array.filter(item => {
+      return !item.lvlId.split('_')
+        .filter((v,idx,arr) => idx < arr.length -1 )
+        .reduce((acc,curr) => acc
+          .concat(acc.length === 0 
+            ? curr 
+            : acc[acc.length -1].concat(`_${curr}`)), [])
+        .some(id => isCollapsedById(id))
+    })
+    return returnArray
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.component.ts b/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.component.ts
index bf1efd663bf2bb3f9af5615fb5284057f341be7c..d6002b13089f56e10b96b5b49463b4b3e7694b68 100644
--- a/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.component.ts
+++ b/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.component.ts
@@ -43,9 +43,15 @@ export class FlatTreeComponent{
   uncollapsedLevels : Set<string> = new Set()
-    this.isCollapsed(flattenedItem)
-      ? (this.collapsedLevels.delete(flattenedItem.lvlId), this.uncollapsedLevels.add(flattenedItem.lvlId))
-      : (this.collapsedLevels.add(flattenedItem.lvlId), this.uncollapsedLevels.delete(flattenedItem.lvlId))
+    if (this.isCollapsed(flattenedItem)) {
+      this.collapsedLevels.delete(flattenedItem.lvlId)
+      this.uncollapsedLevels.add(flattenedItem.lvlId)
+    } else {
+      this.collapsedLevels.add(flattenedItem.lvlId)
+      this.uncollapsedLevels.delete(flattenedItem.lvlId)
+    }
+    this.collapsedLevels = new Set(this.collapsedLevels)
+    this.uncollapsedLevels = new Set(this.uncollapsedLevels)
diff --git a/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.template.html b/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.template.html
index 6340f50b7992ab68a9b01213699fb5cd2db666a5..3dc5601046cb636f23482dbe2025df86a6c7c4c1 100644
--- a/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.template.html
+++ b/src/components/flatTree/flatTree.template.html
@@ -4,13 +4,12 @@
-    *cdkVirtualFor="let flattenedItem of (inputItem | flattenTreePipe : findChildren | filterRowsByVisbilityPipe : findChildren : searchFilter | appendSiblingFlagPipe )" 
+    *cdkVirtualFor="let flattenedItem of (inputItem | flattenTreePipe : findChildren | filterRowsByVisbilityPipe : findChildren : searchFilter | appendSiblingFlagPipe | filterCollapsePipe : collapsedLevels : uncollapsedLevels : childrenExpanded )" 
     [attr.collapsed]="flattenedItem.collapsed ? flattenedItem.collapsed : false"
-    [hidden]="collapseRow(flattenedItem) "
     <span class="padding-block-container">
diff --git a/src/components/hoverableBlock.directive.ts b/src/components/hoverableBlock.directive.ts
index e05dc260d0f2693500c98318b5deb2c7350c56d3..bc0da29e43f6b99d73108d3db6f63633a659e922 100644
--- a/src/components/hoverableBlock.directive.ts
+++ b/src/components/hoverableBlock.directive.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Directive, HostListener, HostBinding } from "@angular/core";
+import { Directive, HostListener, HostBinding, Input } from "@angular/core";
 import { DomSanitizer } from "@angular/platform-browser";
@@ -15,6 +15,26 @@ import { DomSanitizer } from "@angular/platform-browser";
 export class HoverableBlockDirective{
+  @Input('hoverable')
+  config:any = {
+    disable: false,
+    translateY: -5
+  }
+  private _disable = false
+  private _translateY = -5
+  ngOnChanges(){
+    this._disable = this.config && !!this.config.disable
+    /**
+     * 0 is evaluated as falsy, but a valid number
+     * conditional tests for whether we need to fall back to default
+     */
+    this._translateY = this.config && this.config.translateY !== 0 && !!Number(this.config.translateY)
+      ? Number(this.config.translateY)
+      : -5
+  }
   opacity : number = 0.9
@@ -26,13 +46,19 @@ export class HoverableBlockDirective{
+    if (this._disable) return
     this.opacity = 1.0
     this.boxShadow = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`0 4px 6px 0 rgba(5,5,5,0.25)`)
-    this.transform = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`translateY(-2%)`)
+    /**
+     * n.b. risk of XSS. But sincle translate Y is passed through Number, and corerced into a number,
+     * and using 5 as a fallback, it should be safe
+     */
+    this.transform = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`translateY(${this._translateY}px)`)
+    if (this._disable) return
     this.opacity = 0.9
     this.boxShadow = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`0 4px 6px 0 rgba(5,5,5,0.1)`)
     this.transform = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(`translateY(0px)`)
diff --git a/src/components/panel/panel.template.html b/src/components/panel/panel.template.html
index a510270894b020794b9f010fc683d7c1ce27ab4c..d2c55e22b6daed1c0b223e86492e6429e34a143d 100644
--- a/src/components/panel/panel.template.html
+++ b/src/components/panel/panel.template.html
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-      hoverable>
+      [hoverable]="{disable:!bodyCollapsable}">
       <ng-content select="[heading]">
diff --git a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.component.ts b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.component.ts
index 62859b0dc588ba6102b61e93770c25fcccd8ae58..7b0314f06bb7be2d6230e385465a1a31b216ded0 100644
--- a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.component.ts
+++ b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.component.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from "@angular/core";
+import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, ViewChild, TemplateRef } from "@angular/core";
   selector: 'radio-list',
@@ -6,22 +6,6 @@ import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from
   styleUrls: [
-  styles: [
-    `
-    ul > li.selected > span:before
-    {
-      content: '\u2022';
-      width : 1em;
-      display:inline-block;
-    }
-    ul > li:not(.selected) > span:before
-    {
-      content: ' ';
-      width : 1em;
-      display:inline-block;
-    }  
-    `
-  ],
   changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
@@ -40,8 +24,16 @@ export class RadioList{
   ulClass: string = ''
+  @Input() checkSelected: (selectedItem:any, item:any) => boolean = (si,i) => si === i
+  @Output() listItemButtonClicked = new EventEmitter<string>();
-  @Input() isMobile: boolean
-  @Input() darktheme: boolean
+  clickListButton(i) {
+    this.listItemButtonClicked.emit(i)
+  }
+  overflowText(event) {
+    return (event.offsetWidth < event.scrollWidth)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.style.css b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.style.css
index d264f83b0676a602570939980e60c9abc93c2294..c6ee787207299fff88b50d856d84dcfb0fd0621d 100644
--- a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.style.css
+++ b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.style.css
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/*@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";*/
 :host-context([darktheme="true"]) ul
@@ -54,4 +55,34 @@ ul,span.dropdown-item-1
   white-space: nowrap;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis
+.infoIcon {
+  margin-left: 5px;
+  display: inline-block;
+  border: 1px solid gray;
+  border-radius: 15px;
+  width: 24px;
+  height: 24px;
+  min-width: 24px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  text-align: center;
+:host-context([darktheme="true"]) .radioListMenu {
+  border-color: white;
+:host-context([darktheme="false"]) .radioListMenu {
+  border-color: black;
+:host-context([isMobile="true"]) .radioListMenu {
+  opacity: 1;
+  border-style: solid;
+  border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px;
+:host-context([isMobile="false"]) radioListMenu {
+  opacity: 0.8;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.template.html b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.template.html
index 3562d8685015d63191472420e4bf47423df80d5c..eb1d111ba65c6fef07f5e135905ea1af38621c20 100644
--- a/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.template.html
+++ b/src/components/radiolist/radiolist.template.html
@@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
-  [ngStyle]="{'opacity': isMobile? '1' : '0.8', 'border-color': darktheme? 'white' : 'black'}"
+  class="radioListMenu"
-  <li 
-    *ngFor="let input of inputArray" 
-    [ngClass]="selectedItem === input ? 'selected' : 'notselected'" 
-    (click)="itemSelected.emit({previous: selectedItem, current: input})" 
-    role="menuitem">
+  <li
+    *ngFor="let input of inputArray; let i = index"
+    class="d-flex justify-content-between"
+    [ngClass]="checkSelected(selectedItem, input) ? 'selected' : 'notselected'"
+    role="menuitem"
+    (click)="itemSelected.emit({previous: selectedItem, current: input})">
-    <span 
-      class="dropdown-item-1" 
-      [innerHTML] = "listDisplay(input)">
+    <span class="dropdown-item-1 textSpan"
+          #DropDownText
+          [innerHTML] = "listDisplay(input)"
+          [style.fontWeight] = "checkSelected(selectedItem, input)? 'bold' : ''"
+          [matTooltip]="overflowText(DropDownText)? DropDownText.innerText: ''">
+    </span>
+    <span *ngIf="input['properties'] && (input['properties']['publications'] || input['properties']['description'])"
+          class="infoIcon align-self-end" (click)="clickListButton(i);$event.stopPropagation()">
+      i
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/readmoore/readmore.template.html b/src/components/readmoore/readmore.template.html
index 8572b5e2e175f1d3e068a989f6c6ddd9f7e4c75f..20fdb98aeca3cfb760d23090d3cde70888b5c63c 100644
--- a/src/components/readmoore/readmore.template.html
+++ b/src/components/readmoore/readmore.template.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-  hoverable>
+  [hoverable]="{translateY:-1}">
     [ngClass] = "show ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'" 
diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html
index 3a45da9bca5a8f7038f93470f1089bdfe3d696b6..3cd64e66e8db5f00b99f0cdf2a6a97b985fc9a92 100644
--- a/src/index.html
+++ b/src/index.html
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.1/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous">
   <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "extra_styles.css">
   <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "plugin_styles.css">
+  <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css">
   <title>Interactive Atlas Viewer</title>
diff --git a/src/main.module.ts b/src/main.module.ts
index 78bbdebe0dc0280d92f9154caa701ce51879a321..daf52879997c91f152b4e8d66cf0b921dd82ad24 100644
--- a/src/main.module.ts
+++ b/src/main.module.ts
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ import { AuthService } from "./services/auth.service";
 import { ViewerConfiguration } from "./services/state/viewerConfig.store";
 import { FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective } from "./util/directives/FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective.directive";
 import { DatabrowserService } from "./ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
+import { TransformOnhoverSegmentPipe } from "./atlasViewer/onhoverSegment.pipe";
+import { ZipFileDownloadService } from "./services/zipFileDownload.service";
+import {HttpClientModule} from "@angular/common/http";
+import { EffectsModule } from "@ngrx/effects";
+import { UseEffects } from "./services/effect/effect";
   imports : [
@@ -50,6 +55,9 @@ import { DatabrowserService } from "./ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
+    EffectsModule.forRoot([
+      UseEffects
+    ]),
@@ -58,7 +66,8 @@ import { DatabrowserService } from "./ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
-    })
+    }),
+    HttpClientModule
   declarations : [
@@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ import { DatabrowserService } from "./ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
     /* pipes */
+    TransformOnhoverSegmentPipe,
@@ -102,7 +112,8 @@ import { DatabrowserService } from "./ui/databrowserModule/databrowser.service";
+    ZipFileDownloadService,
      * TODO
      * once nehubacontainer is separated into viewer + overlay, migrate to nehubaContainer module
diff --git a/src/res/css/extra_styles.css b/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
index 1f176a851b20e3cf30cd70b363cc1c2730eefa4c..2269aed7e731b97f5f97020cce0911ca1df34ea0 100644
--- a/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
+++ b/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ div.scale-bar-container
   padding: 2px;
   font-weight: 700;
   pointer-events: none;
+  user-select: none;
@@ -325,7 +326,18 @@ markdown-dom pre code
+  opacity : 0.5!important;
+  opacity: 0.5;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/res/cvtPtsToSpatial.js b/src/res/cvtPtsToSpatial.js
index 6765f731841cfbdbdb78313cf9824ab8d8b2fd71..903a1b8dba05c0fdf5f53c016651a1fd12de75b0 100644
--- a/src/res/cvtPtsToSpatial.js
+++ b/src/res/cvtPtsToSpatial.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 const fs = require('fs')
 const filenames = [
-  '***REMOVED***_MNI.pts',
-  '***REMOVED***_MNI.pts'
+  '**removed**.pts',
+  '**removed**.pts'
 const descContactPts = 'This spatial point represent a contact point in an electrode. Brain activity was recorded while the subject conduct several tasks.'
diff --git a/src/res/ext/MNI152.json b/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
index 204f5bb8f44a11e7819ce0c1f2ccbd3d891c4159..657e54448a563c3824f615d880f980a6abeac658 100644
--- a/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
+++ b/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
@@ -1 +1,6921 @@
-{"name":"MNI 152 ICBM 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric","type":"template","species":"Human","useTheme":"dark","ngId":"mni152","nehubaConfigURL":"nehubaConfig/MNI152NehubaConfig","parcellations":[{"ngId":"fibre bundle long","type":"parcellation","surfaceParcellation":true,"ngData":null,"name":"Fibre Bundle Atlas - Long Bundle","regions":[{"name":"Arcuate - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"1"},{"name":"Arcuate - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"31"},{"name":"Arcuate_Anterior - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"2"},{"name":"Arcuate_Anterior - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"32"},{"name":"Arcuate_Posterior - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"3"},{"name":"Arcuate_Posterior - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"33"},{"name":"Cingulum_Long - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"4"},{"name":"Cingulum_Long - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"34"},{"name":"Cingulum_Short - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"5"},{"name":"Cingulum_Short - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"35"},{"name":"Cingulum_Temporal - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"6"},{"name":"Cingulum_Temporal - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"36"},{"name":"CorpusCallosum_Body","children":[],"labelIndex":"7"},{"name":"CorpusCallosum_Genu","children":[],"labelIndex":"8"},{"name":"CorpusCallosum_Rostrum","children":[],"labelIndex":"9"},{"name":"CorpusCallosum_Splenium","children":[],"labelIndex":"10"},{"name":"CorticoSpinalTract - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"11"},{"name":"CorticoSpinalTract - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"41"},{"name":"ExternalCapsule - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"12"},{"name":"ExternalCapsule - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"42"},{"name":"Fornix - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"13"},{"name":"Fornix - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"43"},{"name":"InferiorFrontoOccipital - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"14"},{"name":"InferiorFrontoOccipital - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"44"},{"name":"InferiorLongitudinal - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"15"},{"name":"InferiorLongitudinal - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"45"},{"name":"InferiorLongitudinal_Lateral - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"16"},{"name":"InferiorLongitudinal_Lateral - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"46"},{"name":"MediumLongitudinal - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"17"},{"name":"MediumLongitudinal - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"47"},{"name":"SpinoThalamicTract - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"18"},{"name":"SpinoThalamicTract - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"48"},{"name":"ThalamicRadiations_Anterior - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"19"},{"name":"ThalamicRadiations_Anterior - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"49"},{"name":"ThalamicRadiations_Posterior - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"20"},{"name":"ThalamicRadiations_Posterior - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"50"},{"name":"Uncinate - Left","children":[],"labelIndex":"21"},{"name":"Uncinate - Right","children":[],"labelIndex":"51"}]},{"ngId":"fibre bundle short","type":"parcellation","surfaceParcellation":true,"ngData":null,"name":"Fibre Bundle Atlas - Short Bundle","regions":[{"name":"Left Hemisphere","children":[{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal - Precuneus","children":[{"name":"lh_CAC-PrCu_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"38","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CAC-PrCu_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal – Pars Opercularis","children":[{"name":"lh_CMF-Op_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"37","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-Op_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal - Poscentral","children":[{"name":"lh_CMF-PoC_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"62","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-PoC_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal - Precentral","children":[{"name":"lh_CMF-PrC_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"97","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-PrC_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_CMF-PrC_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"99","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-PrC_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal – Rostral Middle Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_CMF-RMF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"49","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-RMF_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_CMF-SF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"68","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-SF_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Fusiform – Lateral Occipital","children":[{"name":"lh_Fu-LO_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"51","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Fu-LO_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Isthmus Cingulate - Precuneus","children":[{"name":"lh_IC-PrCu_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"40","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IC-PrCu_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Parietal – Inferior Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_IP-IT_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"59","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-IT_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Parietal – Lateral Occipital","children":[{"name":"lh_IP-LO_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"86","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-LO_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Parietal – Middle Temporal\t","children":[{"name":"lh_IP-MT_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"33","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-MT_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Parietal - Supramarginal","children":[{"name":"lh_IP-SM_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"80","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-SM_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Pariertal – Superior Parietal","children":[{"name":"lh_IP-SP_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"82","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-SP_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_IP-SP_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"84","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-SP_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Inferior Temporal – Middle Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_IT-MT_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"89","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IT-MT_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Lateral Orbitofrontal – Pars Orbitalis","children":[{"name":"lh_LOF-Or_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"48","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_LOF-Or_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Lateral Orbitofrontal – Rostral Middle Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_LOF-RMF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"29","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_LOF-RMF_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_LOF-RMF_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"31","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_LOF-RMF_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Lateral Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_LOF-ST_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"25","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_LOF-ST_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Middle Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_MOF-ST_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"12","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_MOF-ST_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Middle Temporal - Supramarginal","children":[{"name":"lh_MT-SM_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"72","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_MT-SM_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Middle Temporal – Superior Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_MT-ST_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"95","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_MT-ST_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Opercularis - Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_Op-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"27","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Op-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Opercularis - Precentral`","children":[{"name":"lh_Op-PrC_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"18","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Op-PrC_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Opercularis – Superior Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_Op-SF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"42","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Op-SF_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Orbitalis - Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_Or-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"16","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Or-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Postcentral - Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_PoC-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"53","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Poscentral - Precuneus","children":[{"name":"lh_PoCi-PrCu_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"44","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoCi-PrCu_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_PoCi-PrCu_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"45","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoCi-PrCu_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Posterior Cingulate – Rostral Anterior Cingulate","children":[{"name":"lh_PoCi-RAC_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"10","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoCi-RAC_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Posterior Cingulate – Superior Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_PoCi-SF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"79","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoCi-SF_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Poscentral - Precentral","children":[{"name":"lh_PoC-PrC_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"1","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-PrC_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_PoC-PrC_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"3","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-PrC_1.nii"},{"name":"lh_PoC-PrC_2","children":[],"labelIndex":"5","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-PrC_2.nii"},{"name":"lh_PoC-PrC_3","children":[],"labelIndex":"7","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-PrC_3.nii"}]},{"name":"Poscentral - Supramarginal","children":[{"name":"lh_PoC-SM_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"74","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-SM_0.nii"},{"name":"lh_PoC-SM_1","children":[],"labelIndex":"76","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoC-SM_1.nii"}]},{"name":"Precentral - 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Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_SM-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"57","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_SM-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Superior Parietal - Supramarginal","children":[{"name":"lh_SP-SM_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"93","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_SP-SM_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Superior Temporal - Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_ST-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"92","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_ST-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Superior Temporal – Transverse Temporal","children":[{"name":"lh_ST-TT_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"35","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_ST-TT_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Triangularis - Insula","children":[{"name":"lh_Tr-Ins_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"64","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Tr-Ins_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Pars Triangularis – Superior Frontal","children":[{"name":"lh_Tr-SF_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"55","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Tr-SF_0.nii"}]}]},{"name":"Right Hemisphere","children":[{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal – Posterior Cingulate","children":[{"name":"rh_CAC-PoCi_0","children":[],"labelIndex":"8","PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CAC-PoCi_0.nii"}]},{"name":"Caudal Middle Frontal - 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+                              "ngId": "jubrain v17 left",
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+                                -16167826,
+                                3331479,
+                                67316412
+                              ]
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+                              "rgb": [
+                                170,
+                                151,
+                                180
+                              ],
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+                              "position": [
+                                13586847,
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+                            204,
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+                                204,
+                                108,
+                                222
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain v17 right",
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+                                5128280,
+                                6328025,
+                                57073758
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+                      "name": "superior frontal sulcus",
+                      "status": null,
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+                                -24754304,
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+                              "rgb": [
+                                55,
+                                239,
+                                21
+                              ],
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+                              "children": [],
+                              "position": [
+                                23956070,
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+                                53205165
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+                          ]
+                        }
+                      ]
+                    },
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+                      "name": "frontal pole",
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+                      "synonyms": [],
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+                                17092523,
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+                              ]
+                            }
+                          ]
+                        },
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+                          "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-Fp2",
+                          "status": "publicP",
+                          "labelIndex": null,
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+                            239,
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+                                -6503595,
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+                              "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole) - right hemisphere",
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+                                211
+                              ],
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+                      "name": "precentral gyrus ",
+                      "status": null,
+                      "labelIndex": null,
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+                        {
+                          "name": "Area 4p (PreCG)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-4p",
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+                            116,
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+                                -37145015,
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+                                116,
+                                92,
+                                124
+                              ],
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+                                36616185,
+                                -18949518,
+                                46248351
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+                          ]
+                        },
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+                          "name": "Area 4a (PreCG)",
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+                            118,
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+                              "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) - left hemisphere",
+                              "rgb": [
+                                118,
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+                                183
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+                              "labelIndex": 124,
+                              "ngId": "jubrain v17 left",
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+                                -17759520,
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+                                118,
+                                239,
+                                183
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+                              "position": [
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+                        }
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+                    },
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+                      "name": "mesial precentral gyrus",
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+                      "synonyms": [],
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+                                87
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+                                87
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+                                4281209,
+                                -12118010,
+                                56050065
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+                      "name": "medial orbitofrontal cortex",
+                      "status": null,
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+                        },
+                        {
+                          "name": "Area Fo1 (OFC)",
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+                                255,
+                                179
+                              ],
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+                          "synonyms": [],
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+                            0,
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+                            0
+                          ],
+                          "children": [
+                            {
+                              "name": "Area Fo2 (OFC) - left hemisphere",
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+                            123,
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+                                175,
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+                                34
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+                              "labelIndex": 273,
+                              "ngId": "jubrain v17 left",
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+                                5519733
+                              ]
+                            },
+                            {
+                              "name": "Area OP8 (Frontal Operculum) - right hemisphere",
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+                                29,
+                                76,
+                                168
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+                                -39738252,
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+                              "rgb": [
+                                219,
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+                                91
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+                                -13535015
+                              ]
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+                            53
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+                                -29237908,
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+                            199,
+                            156,
+                            187
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+                                187
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+          "labelIndex": "2"
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+        {
+          "name": "Arcuate_Anterior - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "32"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Arcuate_Posterior - Left",
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+          "labelIndex": "3"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Arcuate_Posterior - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "33"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Long - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "4"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Long - Right",
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+          "labelIndex": "34"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Short - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "5"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Short - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "35"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Temporal - Left",
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+          "labelIndex": "6"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Cingulum_Temporal - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "36"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "CorpusCallosum_Body",
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+          "labelIndex": "7"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "CorpusCallosum_Genu",
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+          "labelIndex": "8"
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+          "name": "CorpusCallosum_Rostrum",
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+          "labelIndex": "9"
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+          "name": "CorpusCallosum_Splenium",
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+          "labelIndex": "11"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "CorticoSpinalTract - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "41"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "ExternalCapsule - Left",
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+          "labelIndex": "12"
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+        {
+          "name": "ExternalCapsule - Right",
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+          "labelIndex": "42"
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+        {
+          "name": "Fornix - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "13"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Fornix - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "43"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorFrontoOccipital - Left",
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+          "labelIndex": "14"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorFrontoOccipital - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "44"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorLongitudinal - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "15"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorLongitudinal - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "45"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorLongitudinal_Lateral - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "16"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "InferiorLongitudinal_Lateral - Right",
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+          "labelIndex": "46"
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+        {
+          "name": "MediumLongitudinal - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "17"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "MediumLongitudinal - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "47"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "SpinoThalamicTract - Left",
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+          "labelIndex": "18"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "SpinoThalamicTract - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "48"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "ThalamicRadiations_Anterior - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "19"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "ThalamicRadiations_Anterior - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "49"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "ThalamicRadiations_Posterior - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "20"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "ThalamicRadiations_Posterior - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "50"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Uncinate - Left",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "21"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Uncinate - Right",
+          "children": [],
+          "labelIndex": "51"
+        }
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+    {
+      "ngId": "fibre bundle short",
+      "type": "parcellation",
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+      "name": "Fibre Bundle Atlas - Short Bundle",
+      "regions": [
+        {
+          "name": "Left Hemisphere",
+          "children": [
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal - Precuneus",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CAC-PrCu_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "38",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Pars Opercularis",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CMF-Op_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "37",
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+                }
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal - Poscentral",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CMF-PoC_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "62",
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+                }
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+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal - Precentral",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CMF-PrC_0",
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+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-PrC_0.nii"
+                },
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+                  "name": "lh_CMF-PrC_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "99",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_CMF-PrC_1.nii"
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+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Rostral Middle Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CMF-RMF_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "49",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_CMF-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "68",
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+                }
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+            {
+              "name": "Fusiform – Lateral Occipital",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_Fu-LO_0",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Isthmus Cingulate - Precuneus",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IC-PrCu_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "40",
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+                }
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Inferior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IP-IT_0",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Lateral Occipital",
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+                  "name": "lh_IP-LO_1",
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+                  "labelIndex": "86",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Middle Temporal\t",
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+                  "name": "lh_IP-MT_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "33",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-MT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IP-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "80",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Pariertal – Superior Parietal",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IP-SP_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "82",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IP-SP_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IP-SP_1",
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+                  "labelIndex": "84",
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+                }
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Temporal – Middle Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_IT-MT_0",
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+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_IT-MT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Pars Orbitalis",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_LOF-Or_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "48",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_LOF-Or_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Rostral Middle Frontal",
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+                  "children": [],
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_LOF-RMF_1",
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+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
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+                  "name": "lh_LOF-ST_0",
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+                }
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+            {
+              "name": "Middle Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_MOF-ST_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "12",
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+                }
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+            {
+              "name": "Middle Temporal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_MT-SM_0",
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+                }
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+            {
+              "name": "Middle Temporal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_MT-ST_0",
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+                }
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_Op-Ins_0",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis - Precentral`",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_Op-PrC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "18",
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+                }
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
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+                  "labelIndex": "42",
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+                }
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+            {
+              "name": "Pars Orbitalis - Insula",
+              "children": [
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+                  "name": "lh_Or-Ins_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "16",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Or-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
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+            {
+              "name": "Postcentral - Insula",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-Ins_0",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Poscentral - Precuneus",
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+                  "name": "lh_PoCi-PrCu_0",
+                  "children": [],
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+                  "name": "lh_PoCi-PrCu_1",
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+            {
+              "name": "Posterior Cingulate – Rostral Anterior Cingulate",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoCi-RAC_0",
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+            {
+              "name": "Posterior Cingulate – Superior Frontal",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoCi-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
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+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PoCi-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Poscentral - Precentral",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-PrC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "1",
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+                  "labelIndex": "3",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-PrC_2",
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+                  "labelIndex": "5",
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+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-PrC_3",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "7",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Poscentral - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "74",
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+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PoC-SM_1",
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+                  "labelIndex": "76",
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PrC-Ins_0",
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+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PrC-SF_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "20",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_PrC-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_PrC-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "15",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Rostral Anterior Cingulate – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_RAC-SF_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "78",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_RAC-SF_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Rostral Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_RMF-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "21",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_RMF-SF_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_RMF-SF_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "23",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Supramarginal - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_SM-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "57",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_SM-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Superior Parietal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_SP-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "93",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_SP-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Superior Temporal - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_ST-Ins_0",
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+                  "labelIndex": "92",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Superior Temporal – Transverse Temporal",
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+                {
+                  "name": "lh_ST-TT_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "35",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_ST-TT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Triangularis - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_Tr-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "64",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Tr-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Triangularis – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "lh_Tr-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "55",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/lh_Tr-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "Right Hemisphere",
+          "children": [
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Posterior Cingulate",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CAC-PoCi_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "8",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CAC-PoCi_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal - Precuneus",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CAC-PrCu_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "39",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CAC-PrCu_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal - Precentral",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CMF-PrC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "98",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CMF-PrC_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CMF-PrC_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "100",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CMF-PrC_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Rostral Middle Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CMF-RMF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "50",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CMF-RMF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CMF-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "69",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CMF-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Caudal Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal\t\t",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_CMF-SF_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "70",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_CMF-SF_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Cuneus - Lingual",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Cu-Li_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "61",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Cu-Li_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Fusiform – Lateral Occipital",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Fu-LO_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "52",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Fu-LO_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Isthmus Cingulate - Precuneus",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IC-PrCu_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "41",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IC-PrCu_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Inferior Temporal ",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IP-IT_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "60",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IP-IT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Lateral Occipital",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IP-LO_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "85",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IP-LO_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Middle Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IP-MT_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "34",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IP-MT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IP-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "81",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IP-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Parietal – Superior Parietal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IP-SP_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "83",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IP-SP_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Inferior Temporal – Middle Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IT-MT_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "90",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IT-MT_1.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_IT-MT_2",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "91",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_IT-MT_2.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Middle Orbitofrontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_LOF-MOF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "71",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_LOF-MOF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Rostral Middle Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_LOF-RMF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "30",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_LOF-RMF_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_LOF-RMF_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "32",
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+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_LOF-ST_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "26",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_LOF-ST_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Lateral Orbitofrontal – Superior Parietal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_LO-SP_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "54",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_LO-SP_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Middle Orbitofrontal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_MOF-ST_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "13",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_MOF-ST_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Middle Temporal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_MT-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "73",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_MT-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Middle Temporal – Superior Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_MT-ST_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "96",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_MT-ST_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Op-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "28",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Op-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis - Precentral",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Op-PrC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "19",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Op-PrC_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Op-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "43",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Op-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Opercularis – Pars Triangularis",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Op-Tr_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "63",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Op-Tr_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Orbitalis - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Or-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "17",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Or-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Posterior Cingulate - Precuneus",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoCi-PrCu_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "46",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoCi-PrCu_1.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoCi-PrCu_2",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "47",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoCi-PrCu_2.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Posterior Cingulate – Rostral Anterior Cingulate",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoCi-RAC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "11",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoCi-RAC_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Poscentral - Precentral",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-PrC_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "2",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-PrC_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-PrC_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "4",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-PrC_1.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-PrC_2",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "6",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-PrC_2.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Postcentral - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "75",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Postcentral – Superior Parietal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-SP_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "87",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-SP_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PoC-SP_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "88",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PoC-SP_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PrC-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "67",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PrC-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral - Supramarginal\t",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PrC-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "14",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PrC-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Precentral – Superior Parietal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_PrC-SP_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "9",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_PrC-SP_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Rostral Anterior Cingulate",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_RAC-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "77",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_RAC-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Rostral Middle Frontal – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_RMF-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "22",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_RMF-SF_0.nii"
+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_RMF-SF_1",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "24",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_RMF-SF_1.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Supramarginal - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_SM-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "58",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_SM-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Superior Parietal - Supramarginal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_SP-SM_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "94",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_SP-SM_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Superior Temporal – Transverse Temporal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_ST-TT_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "36",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_ST-TT_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Triangularis - Insula",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Tr-Ins_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "65",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Tr-Ins_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "Pars Triangularis – Superior Frontal",
+              "children": [
+                {
+                  "name": "rh_Tr-SF_0",
+                  "children": [],
+                  "labelIndex": "56",
+                  "PMapURL": "https://neuroglancer.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/Fiber_Bundle/ProbabilityMaps/rh_Tr-SF_0.nii"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "properties": {
+    "name": "MNI 152",
+    "description": "An unbiased non-linear average of multiple subjects from the MNI152 database, which provides high-spatial resolution and signal-to-noise while not being biased towards a single brain (Fonov et al., 2011). This template space is widely used as a reference space in neuroimaging. HBP provides the JuBrain probabilistic cytoarchitectonic atlas (Amunts/Zilles, 2015) as well as a probabilistic atlas of large fibre bundles (Guevara, Mangin et al., 2017) in this space."
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
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-        "name": "Big Brain (Histology)",
-        "description": "An ultrahigh resolution 3D model of a complete human brain (20 micron isotropic resolution), developed in a collaborative effort between the teams of Dr. Katrin Amunts and Dr. Karl Zilles (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and Dr. Alan Evans (Montreal Neurological Institute). Based on 7404 digitized histological brain sections, this so far unique reconstruction provides unprecedented neuroanatomical insight. The dataset contains a complete gray and white matter classification with corresponding surface reconstructions",
-        "publications": [
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-                "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1235381",
-                "citation": "K. Amunts, A. Evans et al.: BigBrain: An Ultrahigh-Resolution 3D Human Brain Model. Science 2013"
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-                "citation": "http://bigbrain.loris.ca"
-            }
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\ No newline at end of file
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They were then transformed to the sections of the 3D reconstructed BigBrain space using the transformations used in Amunts et al. 2013, which were provided by Claude Lepage (McGill). Only a few cytoarchitectonic maps in the Big Brain are currently **fully mapped**, based on a workflow that automatically fills in missing sections based on expert annotations. Other 3D maps are available in a preliminary version, in which the expert annotations in the Big Brain space were simply **interpolated**."},"regions":[{"name":"telencephalon","children":[{"name":"cerebral cortex","children":[{"name":"temporal lobe","children":[{"name":"Heschl's gyrus","children":[{"name":"Area TE 1.0 (HESCHL)","ngId":"interpolated","status":"interpolated","labelIndex":4,"rgb":[0,146,63],"children":[],"position":[4363384,836825,4887117]},{"name":"Area TE 1.1 (HESCHL)","ngId":"interpolated","status":"interpolated","labelIndex":5,"rgb":[132,194,37],"children":[],"position":[-11860944,-3841071,6062770]},{"name":"Area TE 1.2 (HESCHL)","ngId":"interpolated","status":"interpolated","labelIndex":6,"rgb":[117,197,240],"children":[],"position":[19474750,7932494,3511322]}]},{"name":"superior temporal gyrus","children":[{"name":"Area TE 3 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This datasets provides a 3D segmentation of all cortical and laminar surfaces in the BigBrain, a high-resolution, 3D histological model of the human brain. The segmentation has been computed automatically based on histological intensities along 3D cortical profiles which were sampled between the pial and white matter throughout the dataset. These cortical profiles were segmented into layers using a convolutional neural network. Training profiles were generated from examples of manually segmented layers on cortical regions from 2D histological sections of the BigBrain. From the segmented intensity profiles, surface meshes and voxel masks of all six cortical layers in the space of the Big Brain have been computed.","publications":[{"doi":"https://doi.org/10.1101/580597","citation":"Konrad Wagstyl, Stéphanie Larocque, Guillem Cucurull, Claude Lepage, Joseph Paul Cohen, Sebastian Bludau, Nicola Palomero-Gallagher, Thomas Funck, Hannah Spitzer, Timo Dicksheid, Paul C Fletcher, Adriana Romero, Karl Zilles, Katrin Amunts, Yoshua Bengio, Alan C. Evans (2019) Automated segmentation of cortical layers in BigBrain reveals divergent cortical and laminar thickness gradients in sensory and motor cortices. bioRxiv 580597; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/580597"}]},"regions":[{"name":"telencephalon","children":[{"name":"cortical layer 1","labelIndex":1,"rgb":[128,128,0],"children":[]},{"name":"cortical layer 2","labelIndex":2,"rgb":[250,190,190],"children":[]},{"name":"cortical layer 3","labelIndex":3,"rgb":[255,215,180],"children":[]},{"name":"cortical layer 4","labelIndex":4,"rgb":[255,250,200],"children":[]},{"name":"cortical layer 5","labelIndex":5,"rgb":[0,128,128],"children":[]},{"name":"cortical layer 6","labelIndex":6,"rgb":[230,190,255],"children":[]},{"name":"non-cortical structures","labelIndex":7,"rgb":[255,255,255],"children":[]}]}]}],"properties":{"name":"Big Brain (Histology)","description":"A microscopic resolution 3D model of a complete human brain, based on a 3D reconstruction from 7404 digitized histological brain sections (Amunts, Evans et al., Science 2013). The BigBrain model provides a highly detailed anatomical reference space which resolves individual cortical layers and large cell bodies. Maps of cytoarchitectonic areas (Amunts et al.) and cortical layers (Wagstyl et al.) are available.","publications":[{"doi":"https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1235381","citation":"K. Amunts, A. Evans et al.: BigBrain: An Ultrahigh-Resolution 3D Human Brain Model. Science 2013"},{"doi":"http://bigbrain.loris.ca","citation":"http://bigbrain.loris.ca"}]}}
\ No newline at end of file
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nucleus","acronym":"Ninterp","brodmann":"unknown","functionality":"unknown"},"PMapURL":"https://neuroglancer-dev.humanbrainproject.org/precomputed/JuBrain/v2.2c/PMaps/Cerebellum_Ninterp.nii","position":[-8600000,-60400000,-26300000]}],"ontologyMetadata":{"value":"JBA","name":"cerebellar nuclei","acronym":""},"PMapURL":null,"position":null}],"ontologyMetadata":{"value":"JBA","full name":"cerebellum","acronym":"Cb"},"PMapURL":null,"position":null}],"ontologyMetadata":{"value":"JBA","full name":"metencephalon","acronym":"Met"},"PMapURL":null,"position":null}],"ontologyMetadata":{"value":"JBA","version":"v22c","full name":"Jülich Cytoarchitechtonic Brain Atlas","name":"JuBrain","acronym":"JuBrain"},"PMapURL":null,"position":null}],"properties":{"publications":[{"doi":"https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2776","citation":"Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145 "},{"doi":"https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.037","citation":"Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065"},{"doi":"http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-012693019-1/50023-X","citation":"Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602."}]}}],"properties":{"name":"MNI Colin 27","description":"This is a stereotaxic average of 27 T1-weighted MRI scans of the same individual. In 1998, a new atlas with much higher definition than MNI305s was created at the MNI. One individual (CJH) was scanned 27 times and the images linearly registered to create an average with high SNR and structure definition (Holmes et al., 1998). This average was linearly registered to the average 305. Ironically, this dataset was not originally intended for use as a stereotaxic template but as the sub- strate for an ROI parcellation scheme to be used with ANIMAL non-linear spatial normalization (Collins et al., 1995), i.e. it was intended for the purpose of segmentation, NOT stereotaxy. As a single brain atlas, it did not capture anatomical variability and was, to some degree, a reversion to the Talairach approach. However, the high definition proved too attractive to the community and, after non-linear mapping to fit the MNI305 space, it has been adopted by many groups as a stereotaxic template (e.g., AFNI, Cox,; Brainstorm, Tadel et al., 2011; SPM, Litvak et al., 2011; Fieldtrip, Oostenveld et al., 2011)."}}
\ No newline at end of file
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+    {
+      "name": "JuBrain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas",
+      "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 left",
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+        "version": "1.0",
+        "description": "not yet",
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+              "name": "cerebral nuclei",
+              "status": null,
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+                                167
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+                              ],
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+                                12
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                                17655072,
+                                263768,
+                                -11539130
+                              ]
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+                              ]
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+                            },
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+                      "status": null,
+                      "labelIndex": null,
+                      "synonyms": [],
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+                        {
+                          "name": "Area hOc5 (LOC)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-hOc5",
+                          "status": "publicP",
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+                          "synonyms": [],
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+                              ],
+                              "labelIndex": 6,
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 left",
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+                                -71486486,
+                                1795676
+                              ]
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+                                255,
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+                          "labelIndex": null,
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+                            189
+                          ],
+                          "children": [
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+                              "name": "Area hOc4la (LOC) - left hemisphere",
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+                                189
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+                              "labelIndex": 118,
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+                              "children": [],
+                              "position": [
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+                                38538256,
+                                -86375516,
+                                4086228
+                              ]
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+                    }
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+                },
+                {
+                  "name": "frontal lobe",
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+                                71,
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+                                160
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+                                160
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
+                              "labelIndex": 248,
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+                                44950769,
+                                13790769,
+                                27640000
+                              ]
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+                        {
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+                          "synonyms": [],
+                          "rgb": [
+                            172,
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+                                20,
+                                136
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+                          ],
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+                            {
+                              "name": "Area ifj2 (IFS/PreS) - left hemisphere",
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+                                14,
+                                247,
+                                132
+                              ],
+                              "labelIndex": 249,
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+                              "position": [
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+                              ]
+                            },
+                            {
+                              "name": "Area ifs2 (IFS) - right hemisphere",
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+                                126
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+                                18494749,
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+                                -54242820,
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+                        },
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+                                -54903012,
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+                                167,
+                                103,
+                                146
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+                      "name": "dorsal precentral gyrus",
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+                      "rgb": null,
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+                          "name": "Area 6d1 (PreG)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-6d1",
+                          "status": "publicDOI",
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+                            45,
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+                            27
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+                                45,
+                                33,
+                                27
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+                                -20332759,
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+                            },
+                            {
+                              "name": "Area 6d1 (PreG) - right hemisphere",
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+                                45,
+                                33,
+                                27
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                                20258981,
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+                                170,
+                                151,
+                                180
+                              ],
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+                              "position": [
+                                14562976,
+                                2312675,
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+                        }
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+                    },
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+                      "name": "posterior medial superior frontal gyrus",
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+                                204,
+                                108,
+                                222
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+                                222
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                                5230140,
+                                4042128,
+                                58355079
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+                      "name": "superior frontal sulcus",
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+                          ]
+                        }
+                      ]
+                    },
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+                      "name": "frontal pole",
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+                      "synonyms": [],
+                      "rgb": null,
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+                                -317043
+                              ]
+                            }
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+                        },
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+                          "name": "Area Fp2 (FPole)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-Fp2",
+                          "status": "publicP",
+                          "labelIndex": null,
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+                            239,
+                            137,
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+                                239,
+                                137,
+                                211
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+                                -509606
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+                      "status": null,
+                      "labelIndex": null,
+                      "synonyms": [],
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+                          "name": "Area 4p (PreCG)",
+                          "arealabel": "Area-4p",
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+                                116,
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+                                124
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+                                -36140917,
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+                                116,
+                                92,
+                                124
+                              ],
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+                                37510795,
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+                            118,
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+                              "name": "Area 4a (PreCG) - left hemisphere",
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+                                118,
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+                                183
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+                                -17367391,
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+                                118,
+                                239,
+                                183
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                              "position": [
+                                9609157,
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+                          ]
+                        }
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+                      "name": "mesial precentral gyrus",
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+                                75,
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+                                87
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                                4949202,
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+                                57534028
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+                            0
+                          ],
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+                                168
+                              ],
+                              "labelIndex": 273,
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+                                -41777921,
+                                17183344,
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+                      "status": null,
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+                                186
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+                          "labelIndex": null,
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+                                199,
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+                                202,
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+                                192
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+                          "labelIndex": null,
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+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 left",
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+                                120
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+                                111,
+                                125,
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+                                9
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+                              ],
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+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 left",
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+                                200,
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+                                10
+                              ],
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+                    {
+                      "name": "emboliform nucleus",
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+                          "rgb": [
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+                            {
+                              "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) - left hemisphere",
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+                                10
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+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 left",
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+                              "position": [
+                                -8457921,
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+                              "name": "Interposed Nucleus (Cerebellum) - right hemisphere",
+                              "rgb": [
+                                170,
+                                29,
+                                10
+                              ],
+                              "ngId": "jubrain colin v17 right",
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+                              "children": [],
+                              "position": [
+                                7917989,
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+                    }
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+          ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "properties": {
+    "name": "MNI Colin 27",
+    "description": "A stereotaxic average of 27 T1-weighted MRI scans of the same individual. (Holmes et al., 1998), mapped to fit the MNI305 space.  Although not capturing brain variability, it is well established in neuroscience due to its high definition. HBP provides the JuBrain probabilistic cytoarchitectonic atlas (Amunts et al.) in this space."
+  }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/effect/effect.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
+import { Effect, Actions, ofType } from "@ngrx/effects";
+import { Observable, Subscription, merge, fromEvent, combineLatest } from "rxjs";
+import { SHOW_KG_TOS } from "../state/uiState.store";
+import { withLatestFrom, map, tap, switchMap, filter } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
+import { worker } from 'src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.workerService.service'
+import { getNgIdLabelIndexFromId, generateLabelIndexId, recursiveFindRegionWithLabelIndexId } from '../stateStore.service';
+  providedIn: 'root'
+export class UseEffects implements OnDestroy{
+  constructor(
+    private actions$: Actions,
+    private store$: Store<any>
+  ){
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+      this.newParcellationSelected$.subscribe(parcellation => {
+        worker.postMessage({
+          type: `PROPAGATE_NG_ID`,
+          parcellation
+        })
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  ngOnDestroy(){
+    while(this.subscriptions.length > 0) {
+      this.subscriptions.pop().unsubscribe()
+    }
+  }
+  private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
+  private parcellationSelected$ = this.actions$.pipe(
+  )
+  private newViewer$ = this.actions$.pipe(
+    ofType(NEWVIEWER)
+  )
+  private newParcellationSelected$ = merge(
+    this.newViewer$,
+    this.parcellationSelected$
+  ).pipe(
+    map(({selectParcellation}) => selectParcellation)
+  )
+  private updatedParcellation$ = this.store$.pipe(
+    select('viewerState'),
+    select('parcellationSelected'),
+    filter(p => !!p && !!p.regions)
+  )
+  /**
+   * for backwards compatibility.
+   * older versions of atlas viewer may only have labelIndex as region identifier
+   */
+  @Effect()
+  onSelectRegionWithId = this.actions$.pipe(
+    withLatestFrom(this.updatedParcellation$),
+    map(([action, parcellation]) => {
+      const { selectRegionIds } = action
+      const { ngId: defaultNgId } = parcellation
+      const selectRegions = (<any[]>selectRegionIds)
+        .map(labelIndexId => getNgIdLabelIndexFromId({ labelIndexId }))
+        .map(({ ngId, labelIndex }) => {
+          return {
+            labelIndexId: generateLabelIndexId({
+              ngId: ngId || defaultNgId,
+              labelIndex 
+            })
+          }
+        })
+        .map(({ labelIndexId }) => {
+          return recursiveFindRegionWithLabelIndexId({ 
+            regions: parcellation.regions,
+            labelIndexId,
+            inheritedNgId: defaultNgId
+          })
+        })
+        .filter(v => {
+          if (!v) console.log(`SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID, some ids cannot be parsed intto label index`)
+          return !!v
+        })
+      return {
+        type: SELECT_REGIONS,
+        selectRegions
+      }
+    })
+  )
+  /**
+   * side effect of selecting a parcellation means deselecting all regions
+   */
+  @Effect()
+  onParcellationSelected$ = this.newParcellationSelected$.pipe(
+    map(() => ({
+      type: SELECT_REGIONS,
+      selectRegions: []
+    }))
+  )
+  /**
+   * calculating propagating ngId from worker thread
+   */
+  @Effect()
+  updateParcellation$ = fromEvent(worker, 'message').pipe(
+    filter((message: MessageEvent) => message && message.data && message.data.type === 'UPDATE_PARCELLATION_REGIONS'),
+    map(({data}) => data.parcellation),
+    withLatestFrom(this.newParcellationSelected$),
+    filter(([ propagatedP, selectedP ] : [any, any]) => propagatedP.name === selectedP.name),
+    map(([ propagatedP, _ ]) => propagatedP),
+    map(parcellation => ({
+      updatedParcellation: parcellation
+    }))
+  )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/services/state/uiState.store.ts b/src/services/state/uiState.store.ts
index bdf52506daf64fe0cc2d9da4352dad9fe25fbcee..fadd5b87fcc506e504ff011a429675648d85c303 100644
--- a/src/services/state/uiState.store.ts
+++ b/src/services/state/uiState.store.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const agreedCookieKey = 'agreed-cokies'
 const aggredKgTosKey = 'agreed-kg-tos'
 const defaultState : UIStateInterface = {
+  mouseOverSegments: [],
   mouseOverSegment: null,
   mouseOverLandmark: null,
   focusedSidePanel: null,
@@ -18,6 +19,12 @@ const defaultState : UIStateInterface = {
 export function uiState(state:UIStateInterface = defaultState,action:UIAction){
+      const { segments } = action
+      return {
+        ...state,
+        mouseOverSegments: segments
+      }
       return {
@@ -71,6 +78,12 @@ export function uiState(state:UIStateInterface = defaultState,action:UIAction){
 export interface UIStateInterface{
+  mouseOverSegments: {
+    layer: {
+      name: string
+    }
+    segment: any | null
+  }[]
   sidePanelOpen : boolean
   mouseOverSegment : any | number
   mouseOverLandmark : any 
@@ -81,12 +94,19 @@ export interface UIStateInterface{
 export interface UIAction extends Action{
-  segment : any | number
-  landmark : any
+  segment: any | number
+  landmark: any
   focusedSidePanel? : string
+  segments?:{
+    layer: {
+      name: string
+    }
+    segment: any | null
+  }[]
diff --git a/src/services/state/viewerState.store.ts b/src/services/state/viewerState.store.ts
index a8ff3fdaade1c41dbd7b6f46215f7caabc400526..57ea4802e57cb243e34ac70bd50cd6eefa3ab97c 100644
--- a/src/services/state/viewerState.store.ts
+++ b/src/services/state/viewerState.store.ts
@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ export interface AtlasAction extends Action{
   selectTemplate? : any
   selectParcellation? : any
-  selectRegions? : any[]
+  selectRegions?: any[]
+  selectRegionIds: string[]
   deselectRegions? : any[]
   dedicatedView? : string
+  updatedParcellation? : any
   landmarks : UserLandmark[]
   deselectLandmarks : UserLandmark[]
@@ -57,11 +60,18 @@ export function viewerState(
           : []
     case NEWVIEWER:
+      const { selectParcellation: parcellation } = action
+      // const parcellation = propagateNgId( selectParcellation ): parcellation
+      const { regions, ...parcellationWORegions } = parcellation
       return {
         templateSelected : action.selectTemplate,
-        parcellationSelected : action.selectParcellation,
-        regionsSelected : [],
+        parcellationSelected : {
+          ...parcellationWORegions,
+          regions: null
+        },
+        // taken care of by effect.ts
+        // regionsSelected : [],
         landmarksSelected : [],
         navigation : {},
         dedicatedView : null
@@ -79,29 +89,28 @@ export function viewerState(
+      const { selectParcellation:parcellation } = action
+      const { regions, ...parcellationWORegions } = parcellation
       return {
-        parcellationSelected : action.selectParcellation,
-        regionsSelected : []
+        parcellationSelected: parcellationWORegions,
+        // taken care of by effect.ts
+        // regionsSelected: []
-    case DESELECT_REGIONS : {
+      const { updatedParcellation } = action
       return {
-        regionsSelected : state.regionsSelected.filter(re => action.deselectRegions.findIndex(dRe => dRe.name === re.name) < 0)
+        parcellationSelected: updatedParcellation
-    case SELECT_REGIONS : {
+      const { selectRegions } = action
       return {
-        regionsSelected : action.selectRegions.map(region => {
-          return {
-            ...region,
-            labelIndex: Number(region.labelIndex)
-          }
-        })
+        regionsSelected: selectRegions
-    }
       return {
@@ -134,8 +143,10 @@ export const FETCHED_TEMPLATE = 'FETCHED_TEMPLATE'
diff --git a/src/services/stateStore.service.ts b/src/services/stateStore.service.ts
index 7b08459e9ec56405aaf739997a2de4767fc86b63..96048ec2192d311c34a01528e4e24ee52ffa5dce 100644
--- a/src/services/stateStore.service.ts
+++ b/src/services/stateStore.service.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
 export { viewerConfigState } from './state/viewerConfig.store'
 export { pluginState } from './state/pluginState.store'
 export { NgViewerAction, NgViewerStateInterface, ngViewerState, ADD_NG_LAYER, FORCE_SHOW_SEGMENT, HIDE_NG_LAYER, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, SHOW_NG_LAYER } from './state/ngViewerState.store'
 export { DataEntry, ParcellationRegion, DataStateInterface, DatasetAction, FETCHED_DATAENTRIES, FETCHED_SPATIAL_DATA, Landmark, OtherLandmarkGeometry, PlaneLandmarkGeometry, PointLandmarkGeometry, Property, Publication, ReferenceSpace, dataStore, File, FileSupplementData } from './state/dataStore.store'
 export { CLOSE_SIDE_PANEL, MOUSE_OVER_LANDMARK, MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENT, OPEN_SIDE_PANEL, TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL, UIAction, UIStateInterface, uiState } from './state/uiState.store'
 export { SPATIAL_GOTO_PAGE, SpatialDataEntries, SpatialDataStateInterface, UPDATE_SPATIAL_DATA, spatialSearchState } from './state/spatialSearchState.store'
@@ -25,6 +25,63 @@ export function extractLabelIdx(region:any):number[]{
   },[]).concat( region.labelIndex ? Number(region.labelIndex) : [] )
+const inheritNgId = (region:any) => {
+  const {ngId = 'root', children = []} = region
+  return {
+    ngId,
+    ...region,
+    ...(children && children.map
+      ? {
+        children: children.map(c => inheritNgId({
+          ngId,
+          ...c
+        }))
+      }
+      : {})
+  }
+export function getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap(parcellation: any = {}):Map<string,Map<number, any>>{
+  const map:Map<string,Map<number, any>> = new Map()
+  const { ngId = 'root'} = parcellation
+  const processRegion = (region:any) => {
+    const { ngId } = region
+    const existingMap = map.get(ngId)
+    const labelIndex = Number(region.labelIndex)
+    if (labelIndex) {
+      if (!existingMap) {
+        const newMap = new Map()
+        newMap.set(labelIndex, region)
+        map.set(ngId, newMap)
+      } else {
+        existingMap.set(labelIndex, region)
+      }
+    }
+    if (region.children && region.children.forEach) {
+      region.children.forEach(child => {
+        processRegion({
+          ngId,
+          ...child
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }
+  if (parcellation && parcellation.regions && parcellation.regions.forEach) {
+    parcellation.regions.forEach(r => processRegion({
+      ngId,
+      ...r
+    }))
+  }
+  return map
+ * labelIndexMap maps label index to region
+ */
 export function getLabelIndexMap(regions:any[]):Map<number,any>{
   const returnMap = new Map()
@@ -36,9 +93,23 @@ export function getLabelIndexMap(regions:any[]):Map<number,any>{
-  reduceRegions(regions)
+  if (regions && regions.forEach) reduceRegions(regions)
   return returnMap
+ * 
+ * @param regions regions to deep iterate to find all ngId 's, filtering out falsy values
+ * n.b. returns non unique list
+ */
+export function getNgIds(regions: any[]): string[]{
+  return regions && regions.map
+    ? regions
+        .map(r => [r.ngId, ...getNgIds(r.children)])
+        .reduce((acc, item) => acc.concat(item), [])
+        .filter(ngId => !!ngId)
+    : []
 export interface DedicatedViewState{
   dedicatedView : string | null
@@ -47,3 +118,38 @@ export interface DedicatedViewState{
 export function isDefined(obj){
   return typeof obj !== 'undefined' && obj !== null
+export function generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex }) {
+  return `${ngId}#${labelIndex}`
+export function getNgIdLabelIndexFromId({ labelIndexId } = {labelIndexId: ''}) {
+  const _ = labelIndexId && labelIndexId.split && labelIndexId.split('#') || []
+  const ngId = _.length > 1
+    ? _[0]
+    : null
+  const labelIndex = _.length > 1
+    ? Number(_[1])
+    : _.length === 0
+      ? null
+      : Number(_[0])
+  return { ngId, labelIndex }
+const recursiveFlatten = (region, {ngId}) => {
+  return [{
+    ngId,
+    ...region
+  }].concat(
+    ...((region.children && region.children.map && region.children.map(c => recursiveFlatten(c, { ngId : region.ngId || ngId })) )|| [])
+  )
+export function recursiveFindRegionWithLabelIndexId({ regions, labelIndexId, inheritedNgId = 'root' }: {regions: any[], labelIndexId: string, inheritedNgId:string}) {
+  const { ngId, labelIndex } = getNgIdLabelIndexFromId({ labelIndexId })
+  const fr1 = regions.map(r => recursiveFlatten(r,{ ngId: inheritedNgId }))
+  const fr2 = fr1.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(...curr), [])
+  const found = fr2.find(r => r.ngId === ngId && Number(r.labelIndex) === Number(labelIndex))
+  if (found) return found
+  return null
diff --git a/src/services/zipFileDownload.service.ts b/src/services/zipFileDownload.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68131c4bf6932e0dd8df8691936b3bd0d3563738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/zipFileDownload.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
+import {HttpClient} from "@angular/common/http";
+import {AtlasViewerConstantsServices} from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
+import {map} from "rxjs/operators";
+@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
+export class ZipFileDownloadService {
+    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient, private constantService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices) {}
+    downloadZip(publicationsText, fileName, niiFiles) {
+        const correctedName = fileName.replace(/[|&;$%@"<>()+,/]/g, "")
+        return this.httpClient.post(this.constantService.backendUrl + 'datasets/downloadParcellationThemself', {
+                fileName: correctedName,
+                publicationsText: publicationsText,
+                niiFiles: niiFiles === 0 ? null : niiFiles
+            },{responseType: "text"}
+        ).pipe(
+            map (data => {
+                this.downloadFile(data, correctedName)
+            })
+        )
+    }
+    downloadFile(data, fileName) {
+        const contentType = 'application/zip';
+        const b64Data = data
+        const b64toBlob = (b64Data, contentType='', sliceSize=512) => {
+            const byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);
+            const byteArrays = [];
+            for (let offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
+                const slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);
+                const byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
+                for (let i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
+                    byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);
+                }
+                const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
+                byteArrays.push(byteArray);
+            }
+            const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});
+            return blob;
+        }
+        const blob = b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType);
+        const url= window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+        const anchor = document.createElement("a");
+        anchor.download = fileName + '.zip';
+        anchor.href = url;
+        anchor.click();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser/databrowser.style.css b/src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser/databrowser.style.css
index eb0ddb2feb9c3f789cbafbc75c3a7956455303e7..cbed0d7d4ce53d523971d02ff5bf1f3d6323de87 100644
--- a/src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser/databrowser.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/databrowserModule/databrowser/databrowser.style.css
@@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ div[noSelectedRegion]
   display: block;
-  padding: 0.3em 1em;
-  background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2);
@@ -223,4 +221,10 @@ radio-list
   display: inline-block;
   border-radius: 50%;
+  max-height: 4em;
+  overflow:hidden;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.component.ts b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.component.ts
index d042842f54da23ceb81d56a4eca1ee3a9f398a0c..7be8d563234f7e854b1bda067e07a1a758471718 100644
--- a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.component.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from "@angular/core";
+import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
 import { DataEntry } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
@@ -11,15 +11,20 @@ export class DatasetViewerComponent{
   @Input() dataset : DataEntry
   @Output() showPreviewDataset: EventEmitter<{datasetName:string, event:MouseEvent}> = new EventEmitter()
+  @ViewChild('kgrRef', {read:ElementRef}) kgrRef: ElementRef
+    if (!this.dataset.preview) return
       datasetName: this.dataset.name
+    event.stopPropagation()
+  clickMainCard(event:MouseEvent) {
+    if (this.kgrRef) this.kgrRef.nativeElement.click()
+  }
   get methods(): string[]{
     return this.dataset.activity.reduce((acc, act) => {
@@ -27,6 +32,10 @@ export class DatasetViewerComponent{
     }, [])
+  get hasKgRef(): boolean{
+    return this.kgReference.length > 0
+  }
   get kgReference(): string[] {
     return this.dataset.kgReference.map(ref => `https://doi.org/${ref}`)
diff --git a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.style.css b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.style.css
index 5c38860fd0db7140609c87ab55fb6039de22f32c..17836b855bb96876f0781e7a30e4974aca789d72 100644
--- a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.style.css
@@ -12,4 +12,15 @@ flat-tree-component
+  background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2);
+  flex: 0 0 2em;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.template.html b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.template.html
index ec0e41cf8e078b5640e2fb16fd16975d0ae0e378..c1248259e4ac13b17b3395b63ef41d1d3396b277 100644
--- a/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/databrowserModule/datasetViewer/datasetViewer.template.html
@@ -1,42 +1,34 @@
-<div *ngIf = "dataset; else defaultDisplay">
-  <ng-content select="[regionTagsContainer]">
+<div class="d-flex">
+  <div
+    *ngIf="dataset; else defaultDisplay"
+    (click)="clickMainCard($event)"
+    [ngClass]="{'muted': !hasKgRef}"
+    class="p-2 ds-container main-container"
+    [hoverable]="{translateY:-2,disable:!hasKgRef}">
+    <ng-content select="[regionTagsContainer]">
-  </ng-content>
-  <div title>
-    {{ dataset.name }}
-  </div>
-  <div class="btn-group">
+    </ng-content>
+    <div title>
+      {{ dataset.name }}
+    </div>
       *ngFor="let kgr of kgReference"
-      class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary"
+      class="btn btn-sm btn-link"
-      tooltip="show in knowledge graph"
-      [href]="kgr">
-      <i class="fas fa-brain"></i>
-    </a>
-    <a
-      *ngIf="dataset.preview"
-      class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary"
-      (click)="previewDataset($event)"
-      tooltip="preview dataset"
-      href="#">
-      <i class="fas fa-chart-pie"></i>
+      [href]="kgr"
+      hidden
+      #kgrRef>
+      Show more info on this dataset <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>
-  <!-- <kg-entry-viewer [dataset]="dataset">
-  </kg-entry-viewer> -->
-  <div *ngIf="false">
-    <hr />
-    <h5>
-      Preview Dataset
-    </h5>
-    <hr />
+  <div
+    *ngIf="dataset.preview"
+    (click)="previewDataset($event)"
+    class="ds-container ml-1 p-2 preview-container text-muted d-flex align-items-center"
+    [hoverable]="{translateY:-3}">
+    <i class="fas fa-eye"></i>
diff --git a/src/ui/databrowserModule/util/filterDataEntriesByRegion.pipe.ts b/src/ui/databrowserModule/util/filterDataEntriesByRegion.pipe.ts
index ac73e32cc06694bc8aaa0c5d179b002b6a5630a9..3f45fa9d105f4a34e47dd2d1e1f428670467aa13 100644
--- a/src/ui/databrowserModule/util/filterDataEntriesByRegion.pipe.ts
+++ b/src/ui/databrowserModule/util/filterDataEntriesByRegion.pipe.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
 import { DataEntry } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
-const isSubRegion = (high, low) => high.name === low.name
+const isSubRegion = (high, low) => (high.id && low.id && high.id === low.id) || high.name === low.name
   ? true
   : high.children && high.children.some
     ? high.children.some(r => isSubRegion(r, low))
diff --git a/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.component.ts b/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.component.ts
index 8a8cdbd4a952a73e8e05a0b8cba3d2ac08e19cb5..ca537076ad572f367913f0e6ce0dc93df8391ba8 100644
--- a/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.component.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Component,  OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
 import { NgLayerInterface } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.component";
 import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
-import { ViewerStateInterface, isDefined, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, FORCE_SHOW_SEGMENT, safeFilter } from "../../services/stateStore.service";
+import { ViewerStateInterface, isDefined, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, FORCE_SHOW_SEGMENT, safeFilter, getNgIds } from "../../services/stateStore.service";
 import { Subscription, Observable } from "rxjs";
 import { filter, distinctUntilChanged, map, delay, buffer } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
@@ -42,12 +42,28 @@ export class LayerBrowser implements OnDestroy{
     this.ngLayers$ = store.pipe(
-      map(templateSelected => (templateSelected && !this.advancedMode && [
-        templateSelected.ngId,
-        ...templateSelected.parcellations.map(p => p.ngId)
-      ]) || [])
+      map(templateSelected => {
+        if (!templateSelected) return []
+        if (this.advancedMode) return []
+        return [
+          templateSelected.ngId,
+          ...templateSelected.parcellations.reduce((acc, curr) => {
+            return acc.concat([
+              curr.ngId,
+              ...getNgIds(curr.regions)
+            ])
+          }, [])
+        ]
+      }),
+      /**
+       * get unique array
+       */
+      map(nonUniqueArray => Array.from(new Set(nonUniqueArray))),
+      /**
+       * remove falsy values
+       */
+      map(arr => arr.filter(v => !!v))
      * TODO
      * this is no longer populated
@@ -73,6 +89,7 @@ export class LayerBrowser implements OnDestroy{
         distinctUntilChanged((o,n) => o.templateSelected.name === n.templateSelected.name),
+        filter(templateSelected => !!templateSelected),
         map(templateSelected => Object.keys(templateSelected.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState.layers)),
diff --git a/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.style.css b/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.style.css
index dc597ad085a5b4f8f21dc3d786a49086a97a5dc5..83bf14bb66993088b1d86f607e24784f07926bd4 100644
--- a/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/layerbrowser/layerbrowser.style.css
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@ div[body]
   background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-  opacity : 0.5;
   text-decoration: line-through;
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
index 146d7a44649df836cdbbc57bf6b93d38e3fcda59..74849c89679efbafd7a776c58dabed4306d8f5b6 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,78 @@
 import { Component, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentFactory, ComponentRef, OnInit, OnDestroy, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
 import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "./nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component";
 import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
-import { ViewerStateInterface, safeFilter, SELECT_REGIONS, getLabelIndexMap, CHANGE_NAVIGATION, isDefined, MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENT, USER_LANDMARKS, ADD_NG_LAYER, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, NgViewerStateInterface, MOUSE_OVER_LANDMARK, SELECT_LANDMARKS, Landmark, PointLandmarkGeometry, PlaneLandmarkGeometry, OtherLandmarkGeometry } from "../../services/stateStore.service";
+import { ViewerStateInterface, safeFilter, CHANGE_NAVIGATION, isDefined, USER_LANDMARKS, ADD_NG_LAYER, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, NgViewerStateInterface, MOUSE_OVER_LANDMARK, SELECT_LANDMARKS, Landmark, PointLandmarkGeometry, PlaneLandmarkGeometry, OtherLandmarkGeometry, getNgIds, getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap, generateLabelIndexId } from "../../services/stateStore.service";
 import { Observable, Subscription, fromEvent, combineLatest, merge } from "rxjs";
-import { filter,map, take, scan, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, skip, withLatestFrom, buffer, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { filter,map, take, scan, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, skip, withLatestFrom, buffer, tap, throttleTime, bufferTime } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { AtlasViewerAPIServices, UserLandmark } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service";
 import { timedValues } from "../../util/generator";
-import { AtlasViewerDataService } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.dataService.service";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
 import { ViewerConfiguration } from "src/services/state/viewerConfig.store";
 import { pipeFromArray } from "rxjs/internal/util/pipe";
 import { NEHUBA_READY } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState.store";
+import { MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENTS } from "src/services/state/uiState.store";
+import { SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID } from "src/services/state/viewerState.store";
+const getProxyUrl = (ngUrl) => `nifti://${BACKEND_URL}preview/file?fileUrl=${encodeURIComponent(ngUrl.replace(/^nifti:\/\//,''))}`
+const getProxyOther = ({source}) => /AUTH_227176556f3c4bb38df9feea4b91200c/.test(source)
+? {
+  transform: [
+    [
+      1e6,
+      0,
+      0,
+      0
+    ],
+    [
+      0,
+      1e6,
+      0,
+      0
+    ],
+    [
+      0,
+      0,
+      1e6,
+      0
+    ],
+    [
+      0,
+      0,
+      0,
+      1
+    ]
+  ]
+}: {}
+const isFirstRow = (cell: HTMLElement) => {
+  const { parentElement:row } = cell
+  const { parentElement:container } = row
+  return container.firstElementChild === row
+const isFirstCell = (cell:HTMLElement) => {
+  const { parentElement:row } = cell
+  return row.firstElementChild === cell
+const scanFn : (acc:[boolean, boolean, boolean], curr: CustomEvent) => [boolean, boolean, boolean] = (acc, curr) => {
+  const target = <HTMLElement>curr.target
+  const targetIsFirstRow = isFirstRow(target)
+  const targetIsFirstCell = isFirstCell(target)
+  const idx = targetIsFirstRow
+    ? targetIsFirstCell
+      ? 0
+      : 1
+    : targetIsFirstCell
+      ? 2
+      : null
+  const returnAcc = [...acc]
+  const num1 = typeof curr.detail.missingChunks === 'number' ? curr.detail.missingChunks : 0
+  const num2 = typeof curr.detail.missingImageChunks === 'number' ? curr.detail.missingImageChunks : 0
+  returnAcc[idx] = Math.max(num1, num2) > 0
+  return returnAcc as [boolean, boolean, boolean]
   selector : 'ui-nehuba-container',
@@ -34,6 +96,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   private viewerPerformanceConfig$: Observable<ViewerConfiguration>
+  private sliceViewLoadingMain$: Observable<[boolean, boolean, boolean]>
   public sliceViewLoading0$: Observable<boolean>
   public sliceViewLoading1$: Observable<boolean>
   public sliceViewLoading2$: Observable<boolean>
@@ -50,6 +113,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   private userLandmarks$ : Observable<UserLandmark[]>
   public onHoverSegmentName$ : Observable<string>
   public onHoverSegment$ : Observable<any>
+  public onHoverSegments$: Observable<any[]>
   private onHoverLandmark$ : Observable<any|null>
   private navigationChanges$ : Observable<any>
@@ -57,7 +121,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   private spatialResultsVisible : boolean = false
   private selectedTemplate : any | null
-  private selectedRegionIndexSet : Set<number> = new Set()
+  private selectedRegionIndexSet : Set<string> = new Set()
   public fetchedSpatialData : Landmark[] = []
   private ngLayersRegister : Partial<NgViewerStateInterface> = {layers : [], forceShowSegment: null}
@@ -67,7 +131,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   private cr : ComponentRef<NehubaViewerUnit>
   public nehubaViewer : NehubaViewerUnit
-  private regionsLabelIndexMap : Map<number,any> = new Map()
+  private multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap: Map<string, Map<number, any>> = new Map()
   private landmarksLabelIndexMap : Map<number, any> = new Map()
   private landmarksNameMap : Map<string,number> = new Map()
@@ -81,7 +145,6 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     private constantService : AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
-    private atlasViewerDataService : AtlasViewerDataService,
     private apiService :AtlasViewerAPIServices,
     private csf:ComponentFactoryResolver,
     private store : Store<ViewerStateInterface>,
@@ -118,8 +181,8 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     this.selectedRegions$ = this.store.pipe(
-      safeFilter('regionsSelected'),
-      map(state=>state.regionsSelected)
+      select('regionsSelected'),
+      filter(rs => !!rs)
     this.selectedLandmarks$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -166,25 +229,86 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
-    const segmentsUnchangedChanged = (s1,s2)=>
-      !(typeof s1 === typeof s2 ?
-        typeof s2 === 'undefined' ?
-          false :
-          typeof s2 === 'number' ?
-            s2 !== s1 :
-            s1 === s2 ?
-              false :
-              s1 === null || s2 === null ?
-                true :
-                s2.name !== s1.name :
-        true)
-    this.onHoverSegment$ = this.store.pipe(
+    this.onHoverSegments$ = this.store.pipe(
-      filter(state=>isDefined(state)),
-      map(state=>state.mouseOverSegment),
-      distinctUntilChanged(segmentsUnchangedChanged)
+      select('mouseOverSegments'),
+      filter(v => !!v),
+      distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o.length === n.length
+        && n.every(segment =>
+          o.find(oSegment => oSegment.layer.name === segment.layer.name
+            && oSegment.segment === segment.segment)))
+    )
+    const sortByFreshness: (acc: any[], curr: any[]) => any[] = (acc, curr) => {
+      const getLayerName = ({layer} = {layer:{}}) => {
+        const { name } = <any>layer
+        return name
+      }
+      const newEntries = curr.filter(entry => {
+        const name = getLayerName(entry)
+        return acc.map(getLayerName).indexOf(name) < 0
+      })
+      const entryChanged: (itemPrevState, newArr) => boolean = (itemPrevState, newArr) => {
+        const layerName = getLayerName(itemPrevState)
+        const { segment } = itemPrevState
+        const foundItem = newArr.find((_item) =>
+          getLayerName(_item) === layerName)
+        if (foundItem) {
+          const { segment:foundSegment } = foundItem
+          return segment !== foundSegment 
+        } else {
+          /**
+           * if item was not found in the new array, meaning hovering nothing
+           */
+          return segment !== null
+        }
+      }
+      const getItemFromLayerName = (item, arr) => {
+        const foundItem = arr.find(i => getLayerName(i) === getLayerName(item))
+        return foundItem
+          ? foundItem
+          : {
+            layer: item.layer,
+            segment: null
+          }
+      }
+      const getReduceExistingLayers = (newArr) => ([changed, unchanged], _curr) => {
+        const changedFlag = entryChanged(_curr, newArr)
+        return changedFlag
+          ? [ changed.concat( getItemFromLayerName(_curr, newArr) ), unchanged ]
+          : [ changed, unchanged.concat(_curr) ]
+      }
+      /**
+       * now, for all the previous layers, separate into changed and unchanged layers
+       */
+      const [changed, unchanged] = acc.reduce(getReduceExistingLayers(curr), [[], []])
+      return [...newEntries, ...changed, ...unchanged]
+    } 
+    this.onHoverSegment$ = this.onHoverSegments$.pipe(
+      scan(sortByFreshness, []),
+      /**
+       * take the first element after sort by freshness
+       */
+      map(arr => arr[0]),
+      /**
+       * map to the older interface
+       */
+      filter(v => !!v),
+      map(({ segment }) => {
+        return {
+          labelIndex: (isNaN(segment) && Number(segment.labelIndex)) || null,
+          foundRegion: (isNaN(segment) && segment) || null
+        }
+      })
     this.onHoverLandmark$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -225,37 +349,23 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
       [0,1,2].forEach(idx=>this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[idx] = (events[idx] as any).detail.nanometersToOffsetPixels)
-    this.sliceViewLoading0$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')
+    this.sliceViewLoadingMain$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent').pipe(
+      scan(scanFn, [null, null, null]),
+    )
+    this.sliceViewLoading0$ = this.sliceViewLoadingMain$
-        filter((event:Event) => (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetLeft < 5 && (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetTop < 5),
-        map(event => {
-          const e = (event as any);
-          const num1 = typeof e.detail.missingChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingChunks : 0
-          const num2 = typeof e.detail.missingImageChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingImageChunks : 0
-          return Math.max(num1, num2) > 0
-        })
+        map(arr => arr[0])
-    this.sliceViewLoading1$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')
+    this.sliceViewLoading1$ = this.sliceViewLoadingMain$
-        filter((event:Event) => (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetLeft > 5 && (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetTop < 5),
-        map(event => {
-          const e = (event as any);
-          const num1 = typeof e.detail.missingChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingChunks : 0
-          const num2 = typeof e.detail.missingImageChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingImageChunks : 0
-          return Math.max(num1, num2) > 0
-        })
+        map(arr => arr[1])
-    this.sliceViewLoading2$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')
+    this.sliceViewLoading2$ = this.sliceViewLoadingMain$
-        filter((event:Event) => (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetLeft < 5 && (event.target as HTMLElement).offsetTop > 5),
-        map(event => {
-          const e = (event as any);
-          const num1 = typeof e.detail.missingChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingChunks : 0
-          const num2 = typeof e.detail.missingImageChunks === 'number' ? e.detail.missingImageChunks : 0
-          return Math.max(num1, num2) > 0
-        })
+        map(arr => arr[2])
     /* missing chunk perspective view */
@@ -267,15 +377,18 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
           const e = (event as any)
           const lastLoadedIdString = e.detail.lastLoadedMeshId.split(',')[0]
           const lastLoadedIdNum = Number(lastLoadedIdString)
+          /**
+           * TODO dig into event detail to see if the exact mesh loaded
+           */
           return e.detail.meshesLoaded >= this.nehubaViewer.numMeshesToBeLoaded
             ? null
             : isNaN(lastLoadedIdNum)
               ? 'Loading unknown chunk'
               : lastLoadedIdNum >= 65500
                 ? 'Loading auxiliary chunk'
-                : this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(lastLoadedIdNum)
-                  ? `Loading ${this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(lastLoadedIdNum).name}`
-                  : 'Loading unknown chunk ...'
+                // : this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(lastLoadedIdNum)
+                //   ? `Loading ${this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(lastLoadedIdNum).name}`
+                  : 'Loading meshes ...'
@@ -452,7 +565,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
           if(!this.nehubaViewer) return
           /* selectedregionindexset needs to be updated regardless of forceshowsegment */
-          this.selectedRegionIndexSet = new Set(regions.map(r=>Number(r.labelIndex)))
+          this.selectedRegionIndexSet = new Set(regions.map(({ngId, labelIndex})=>generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex })))
           if( forceShowSegment === false || (forceShowSegment === null && hideSegmentFlag) ){
@@ -476,7 +589,12 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
         if(newLayers.length > 0){
           const newLayersObj:any = {}
-          newLayers.forEach(obj => newLayersObj[obj.name] = obj)
+          newLayers.forEach(({ name, source, ...rest }) => newLayersObj[name] = {
+            ...rest,
+            source
+            // source: getProxyUrl(source),
+            // ...getProxyOther({source})
+          })
           if(!this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer || !this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer.ngviewer){
@@ -506,7 +624,7 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
           positionReal : true
-      this.nehubaViewer.initRegions = regions.map(re=>re.labelIndex)
+      this.nehubaViewer.initRegions = regions.map(({ ngId, labelIndex }) =>generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex }))
@@ -652,11 +770,21 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     if ( !(parcellation && parcellation.regions)) {
-    this.regionsLabelIndexMap = getLabelIndexMap(parcellation.regions)
-    this.nehubaViewer.regionsLabelIndexMap = this.regionsLabelIndexMap
+    /**
+     * first, get all all the ngIds, including parent id from parcellation (if defined)
+     */
+    const ngIds = getNgIds(parcellation.regions).concat( parcellation.ngId ? parcellation.ngId : [])
+    this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap = getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap(parcellation)
+    this.nehubaViewer.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap = this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap
     /* TODO replace with proper KG id */
-    this.nehubaViewer.parcellationId = parcellation.ngId
+    /**
+     * need to set unique array of ngIds, or else workers will be overworked
+     */
+    this.nehubaViewer.ngIds = Array.from(new Set(ngIds))
     this.selectedParcellation = parcellation
@@ -718,11 +846,34 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
+    const accumulatorFn: (
+      acc:Map<string, { segment: string | null, segmentId: number | null }>,
+      arg: {layer: {name: string}, segmentId: number|null, segment: string | null}
+    ) => Map<string, {segment: string | null, segmentId: number|null}>
+    = (acc, arg) => {
+      const { layer, segment, segmentId } = arg
+      const { name } = layer
+      const newMap = new Map(acc)
+      newMap.set(name, {segment, segmentId})
+      return newMap
+    }
-      this.nehubaViewer.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.subscribe(emitted => {
+      this.nehubaViewer.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.pipe(
+        scan(accumulatorFn, new Map()),
+        map(map => Array.from(map.entries()).filter(([_ngId, { segmentId }]) => segmentId))
+      ).subscribe(arrOfArr => {
-          type : MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENT,
-          segment : emitted
+          type: MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENTS,
+          segments: arrOfArr.map( ([ngId, {segment, segmentId}]) => {
+            return {
+              layer: {
+                name: ngId,
+              },
+              segment: segment || `${ngId}#${segmentId}`
+            }
+          } )
@@ -741,21 +892,29 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
         filter(results => results[1] === null),
-        map(results => results[0])
-      ).subscribe((region:any) => {
-        /**
-         * TODO
-         * region may have labelIndex as well as children
-         */
-        this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(region.labelIndex) ?
-          this.store.dispatch({
-            type : SELECT_REGIONS,
-            selectRegions : [...this.selectedRegionIndexSet].filter(idx=>idx!==region.labelIndex).map(idx=>this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(idx))
-          }) :
-          this.store.dispatch({
-            type : SELECT_REGIONS,
-            selectRegions : [...this.selectedRegionIndexSet].map(idx=>this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(idx)).concat(region)
+        withLatestFrom(this.onHoverSegments$),
+        map(results => results[1]),
+        filter(arr => arr.length > 0),
+        map(arr => {
+          return arr.map(({ layer, segment }) => {
+            const ngId = segment.ngId || layer.name
+            const labelIndex = segment.labelIndex
+            return generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex })
+        })
+      ).subscribe((ids:string[]) => {
+        const deselectFlag = ids.some(id => this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(id))
+        const set = new Set(this.selectedRegionIndexSet)
+        if (deselectFlag) {
+          ids.forEach(id => set.delete(id))
+        } else {
+          ids.forEach(id => set.add(id))
+        }
+        this.store.dispatch({
+          type: SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID,
+          selectRegionIds: [...set]
+        })
@@ -781,11 +940,16 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
         orientation : quat
       showSegment : (labelIndex) => {
-        if(!this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)) 
-          this.store.dispatch({
-            type : SELECT_REGIONS,
-            selectRegions :  [labelIndex, ...this.selectedRegionIndexSet]
-          })
+        /**
+         * TODO reenable with updated select_regions api
+         */
+        console.warn(`showSegment is temporarily disabled`)
+        // if(!this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)) 
+        //   this.store.dispatch({
+        //     type : SELECT_REGIONS,
+        //     selectRegions :  [labelIndex, ...this.selectedRegionIndexSet]
+        //   })
       add3DLandmarks : landmarks => {
         // TODO check uniqueness of ID
@@ -807,22 +971,33 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
       hideSegment : (labelIndex) => {
-        if(this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)){
-          this.store.dispatch({
-            type :SELECT_REGIONS,
-            selectRegions : [...this.selectedRegionIndexSet].filter(num=>num!==labelIndex)
-          })
-        }
+        /**
+         * TODO reenable with updated select_regions api
+         */
+        console.warn(`hideSegment is temporarily disabled`)
+        // if(this.selectedRegionIndexSet.has(labelIndex)){
+        //   this.store.dispatch({
+        //     type :SELECT_REGIONS,
+        //     selectRegions : [...this.selectedRegionIndexSet].filter(num=>num!==labelIndex)
+        //   })
+        // }
       showAllSegments : () => {
+        const selectRegionIds = []
+        this.multiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap.forEach((map, ngId) => {
+          Array.from(map.keys()).forEach(labelIndex => {
+            selectRegionIds.push(generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex }))
+          })
+        })
-          type : SELECT_REGIONS,
-          selectRegions : this.regionsLabelIndexMap.keys()
+          type : SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID,
+          selectRegionIds 
       hideAllSegments : () => {
-          type : SELECT_REGIONS,
+          type : SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID,
           selectRegions : []
@@ -850,7 +1025,10 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
           map((ev:MouseEvent)=>({eventName :'mouseup',event:ev}))
       ) ,
-      mouseOverNehuba : this.onHoverSegment$,
+      mouseOverNehuba : this.onHoverSegment$.pipe(
+        tap(() => console.warn('mouseOverNehuba observable is becoming deprecated. use mouseOverNehubaLayers instead.'))
+      ),
+      mouseOverNehubaLayers: this.onHoverSegments$,
       getNgHash : this.nehubaViewer.getNgHash
@@ -970,15 +1148,18 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
 export const identifySrcElement = (element:HTMLElement) => {
-  return element.offsetLeft < 5 && element.offsetTop < 5 ?
-  0 :
-  element.offsetLeft > 5 && element.offsetTop < 5 ?
-    1 :
-    element.offsetLeft < 5 && element.offsetTop > 5 ?
-    2 :
-      element.offsetLeft > 5 && element.offsetTop > 5 ?
-      3 :
-      4
+  const elementIsFirstRow = isFirstRow(element)
+  const elementIsFirstCell = isFirstCell(element)
+  return elementIsFirstCell && elementIsFirstRow
+    ? 0
+    : !elementIsFirstCell && elementIsFirstRow
+    ? 1
+    : elementIsFirstCell && !elementIsFirstRow
+      ? 2
+      : !elementIsFirstCell && !elementIsFirstRow
+        ? 3
+        : 4
 export const takeOnePipe = [
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
index 4356da032ab0fb41b1761d4ac770ed3cbfb31e4a..c453d302cb382720296e778641c7ef05465fab9f 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-<layout-floating-container *ngIf="viewerLoaded">
+<layout-floating-container *ngIf="viewerLoaded && !isMobile">
   <!-- StatusCard container-->
   <ui-status-card [selectedTemplate]="selectedTemplate" [isMobile]="isMobile"
     [onHoverSegmentName]="onHoverSegmentName$ | async" [nehubaViewer]="nehubaViewer">
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component.ts
index a15fd44271abe3d06b0db3fcd667ce6ae0a6b6b2..b0dbdd4c142815150892d2c7117fedc39287eded 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "../../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.c
 import { takeOnePipe, identifySrcElement } from "../nehubaContainer.component";
 import { ViewerConfiguration } from "src/services/state/viewerConfig.store";
 import { pipeFromArray } from "rxjs/internal/util/pipe";
+import { getNgIdLabelIndexFromId } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
+ * no selector is needed, as currently, nehubaviewer is created dynamically
+ */
   templateUrl : './nehubaViewer.template.html',
   styleUrls : [
@@ -20,9 +24,17 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
   @Output() nehubaReady: EventEmitter<null> = new EventEmitter()
   @Output() debouncedViewerPositionChange : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
-  @Output() mouseoverSegmentEmitter : EventEmitter<any | number | null> = new EventEmitter()
+  @Output() mouseoverSegmentEmitter: 
+    EventEmitter<{
+      segmentId: number | null,
+      segment:string | null,
+      layer:{
+        name?: string,
+        url?: string
+      }
+    }> = new EventEmitter()
   @Output() mouseoverLandmarkEmitter : EventEmitter<number | null> = new EventEmitter()
-  @Output() regionSelectionEmitter : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
+  @Output() regionSelectionEmitter : EventEmitter<{segment:number, layer:{name?: string, url?: string}}> = new EventEmitter()
   @Output() errorEmitter : EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
   /* only used to set initial navigation state */
@@ -47,6 +59,7 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
   _s6$ : any
   _s7$ : any
   _s8$ : any
+  _s9$ : any
   _s$ : any[] = [
@@ -56,7 +69,8 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
-    this._s8$
+    this._s8$,
+    this._s9$
   ondestroySubscriptions: any[] = []
@@ -223,9 +237,11 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
           /* if the active parcellation is the current parcellation, load the said mesh */
-          if(baseUrl === this._baseUrl){
-            this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(this._baseUrl)], {
-              name : this.parcellationId
+          const baseUrlIsInLoadedBaseUrlList = new Set([...this._baseUrls]).has(baseUrl)
+          const baseUrlParcellationId = this._baseUrlToParcellationIdMap.get(baseUrl)
+          if( baseUrlIsInLoadedBaseUrlList && baseUrlParcellationId){
+            this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(baseUrl)], {
+              name : baseUrlParcellationId
@@ -233,15 +249,17 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
-  private _baseUrl : string 
+  private _baseUrlToParcellationIdMap:Map<string, string> = new Map()
+  private _baseUrls: string[] = []
   get numMeshesToBeLoaded():number{
-    if(!this._baseUrl)
+    if(!this._baseUrls || this._baseUrls.length === 0)
       return 0
-    const set = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(this._baseUrl)
-    return set
-      ? set.size
-      : 0
+    return this._baseUrls.reduce((acc, curr) => {
+      const mappedSet = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(curr)
+      return acc + ((mappedSet && mappedSet.size) || 0)
+    } ,0)
   public applyPerformanceConfig ({ gpuLimit }: Partial<ViewerConfiguration>) {
@@ -262,23 +280,28 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
     this._templateId = id
-  /* required to check if the correct meshes are being loaded */
-  private _parcellationId : string
-  get parcellationId(){
-    return this._parcellationId
+  /** compatible with multiple parcellation id selection */
+  private _ngIds: string[] = []
+  get ngIds(){
+    return this._ngIds
-  set parcellationId(id:string){
-    if(this._parcellationId && this.nehubaViewer){
-      const oldlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(this._parcellationId)
-      if(oldlayer)oldlayer.setVisible(false)
-      else console.warn('could not find old layer',this.parcellationId)
+  set ngIds(val:string[]){
+    if(this.nehubaViewer){
+      this._ngIds.forEach(id => {
+        const oldlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(id)
+        if(oldlayer)oldlayer.setVisible(false)
+        else console.warn('could not find old layer', id)
+      })
-    this._parcellationId = id
+    this._ngIds = val
-    if(this.nehubaViewer)
+    if(this.nehubaViewer){
+      this.showAllSeg()
+    }
@@ -302,7 +325,7 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
-  regionsLabelIndexMap : Map<number,any>
+  multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap: Map<string, Map<number, any>>
   navPosReal : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0]
   navPosVoxel : [number,number,number] = [0,0,0]
@@ -312,8 +335,9 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
   viewerState : ViewerState
-  private defaultColormap : Map<number,{red:number,green:number,blue:number}>
-  public mouseOverSegment : number | null
+  private multiNgIdColorMap: Map<string, Map<number, {red: number, green:number, blue: number}>>
+  public mouseOverSegment: number | null
+  public mouseOverLayer: {name:string,url:string}| null
   private viewportToDatas : [any, any, any] = [null, null, null]
@@ -327,11 +351,18 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
-    if(this.regionsLabelIndexMap){
-      const managedLayers = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.managedLayers
-      managedLayers.slice(1).forEach(layer=>layer.setVisible(false))
-      this.nehubaViewer.redraw()
-    }
+    /**
+     * Hide all layers except the base layer (template)
+     * Then show the layers referenced in multiNgIdLabelIndexMap
+     */
+    const managedLayers = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.managedLayers
+    managedLayers.slice(1).forEach(layer=>layer.setVisible(false))
+    Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.keys()).forEach(ngId => {
+      const layer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(ngId)
+      if (layer) layer.setVisible(true)
+      else console.log('layer unavailable', ngId)
+    })
+    this.nehubaViewer.redraw()
     /* creation of the layout is done on next frame, hence the settimeout */
     setTimeout(() => {
@@ -470,9 +501,15 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
     /* TODO find a more permanent fix to disable double click */
     LayerManager.prototype.invokeAction = (arg) => {
-      const region = this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(this.mouseOverSegment)
-      if (arg === 'select' && region) {
-        this.regionSelectionEmitter.emit(region)
+      /**
+       * The emitted value does not affect the region selection
+       * the region selection is taken care of in nehubaContainer
+       */
+      const map = this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.get(this.mouseOverLayer.name)
+      const region = map && map.get(this.mouseOverSegment)
+      if (arg === 'select') {
+        this.regionSelectionEmitter.emit({ segment: region, layer: this.mouseOverLayer })
@@ -582,35 +619,78 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
   public hideAllSeg(){
     if(!this.nehubaViewer) return
-    Array.from(this.regionsLabelIndexMap.keys()).forEach(idx=>
-      this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(idx,{
-        name : this.parcellationId
-      }))
-    this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(0,{
-      name : this.parcellationId
+    Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.keys()).forEach(ngId => {
+      Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.get(ngId).keys()).forEach(idx => {
+        this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(idx, {
+          name: ngId
+        })
+      })
+      this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(0, {
+        name: ngId
+      })
   public showAllSeg(){
     if(!this.nehubaViewer) return
-    this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0,{
-      name : this.parcellationId
+    Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.keys()).forEach(ngId => {
+      this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0,{
+        name: ngId
+      })
-  public showSegs(array:number[]){
+  public showSegs(array: number[] | string[]){
     if(!this.nehubaViewer) return
-    this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0,{
-      name : this.parcellationId
-    })
+    if (array.length === 0) return
+    /**
+     * TODO tobe deprecated
+     */
+    if (typeof array[0] === 'number') {
+      console.warn(`show seg with number indices has been deprecated`)
+      return
+    } 
+    const reduceFn:(acc:Map<string,number[]>,curr:string)=>Map<string,number[]> = (acc, curr) => {
-    array.forEach(idx=>
-      this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(idx,{
-        name : this.parcellationId
-      }))
+      const newMap = new Map(acc)
+      const { ngId, labelIndex } = getNgIdLabelIndexFromId({ labelIndexId: curr })
+      const exist = newMap.get(ngId)
+      if (!exist) newMap.set(ngId, [Number(labelIndex)])
+      else newMap.set(ngId, [...exist, Number(labelIndex)])
+      return newMap
+    }
+    /**
+     * TODO 
+     */
+    //@ts-ignore
+    const newMap:Map<string, number[]> = array.reduce(reduceFn, new Map())
+    /**
+     * TODO
+     * ugh, ugly code. cleanify
+     */
+    newMap.forEach((segs, ngId) => {
+      this.nehubaViewer.hideSegment(0, {
+        name: ngId
+      })
+      segs.forEach(seg => {
+        this.nehubaViewer.showSegment(seg, {
+          name: ngId
+        })
+      })
+    })
   private vec3(pos:[number,number,number]){
@@ -658,17 +738,22 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
     this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.navigationState.pose.rotateRelative(this.vec3([0, 0, 1]), amount / 4.0 * Math.PI / 180.0)
-  private updateColorMap(arrayIdx:number[]){
+  /**
+   * 
+   * @param arrayIdx label indices of the shown segment(s)
+   * @param ngId segmentation layer name
+   */
+  private updateColorMap(arrayIdx:number[], ngId: string){
     const set = new Set(arrayIdx)
     const newColorMap = new Map(
-      Array.from(this.defaultColormap.entries())
+      Array.from(this.multiNgIdColorMap.get(ngId).entries())
         .map(v=> set.has(v[0]) || set.size === 0 ? 
           v :
           [v[0],{red:255,green:255,blue:255}]) as any
-      name:this.parcellationId
+      name: ngId
@@ -677,7 +762,10 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
     /* isn't this layer specific? */
     /* TODO this is layer specific. need a way to distinguish between different segmentation layers */
     this._s2$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment
-      .subscribe(obj=>this.mouseOverSegment = obj.segment)
+      .subscribe(({ segment, layer })=>{
+        this.mouseOverSegment = segment
+        this.mouseOverLayer = { ...layer }
+      })
@@ -693,12 +781,23 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
-    this._s8$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment.subscribe(({segment, ...rest})=>{
-      if( segment && segment < 65500 ) {
-        const region = this.regionsLabelIndexMap.get(segment)
-        this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit(region ? region : segment)
+    this._s8$ = this.nehubaViewer.mouseOver.segment.subscribe(({segment: segmentId, layer, ...rest})=>{
+      const {name = 'unnamed'} = layer
+      if( segmentId && segmentId < 65500 ) {
+        const map = this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.get(name)
+        const region = map && map.get(segmentId)
+        this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit({
+          layer,
+          segment: region,
+          segmentId
+        })
-        this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit(null)
+        this.mouseoverSegmentEmitter.emit({
+          layer,
+          segment: null,
+          segmentId
+        })
@@ -770,72 +869,97 @@ export class NehubaViewerUnit implements OnDestroy{
   private loadNewParcellation(){
     /* show correct segmentation layer */
-    const newlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(this.parcellationId)
-    if(newlayer)newlayer.setVisible(true)
-    else console.warn('could not find new layer',this.parcellationId)
-    const regex = /^(\S.*?)\:\/\/(.*?)$/.exec(newlayer.sourceUrl)
-    if(!regex || !regex[2]){
-      console.error('could not parse baseUrl')
-      return
-    }
-    if(regex[1] !== 'precomputed'){
-      console.error('sourceUrl is not precomputed')
-      return
-    }
-    const baseUrl = regex[2]
-    this._baseUrl = baseUrl
-    /* load meshes */
-    /* TODO could be a bug where user loads new parcellation, but before the worker could completely populate the list */
-    const set = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(baseUrl)
-    if(set){
-      this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...set],{
-        name : this.parcellationId
-      })
-    }else{
-      if(newlayer){
-        this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => 
-          this.workerService.worker.postMessage({
-            type : 'CHECK_MESHES',
-            parcellationId : this.parcellationId,
-            baseUrl,
-            indices : [
-              ...Array.from(this.regionsLabelIndexMap.keys()),
-              ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices()
-            ]
-          })
-        )
+    this._baseUrls = []
+    this.ngIds.map(id => {
+      const newlayer = this.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layerManager.getLayerByName(id)
+      if(newlayer)newlayer.setVisible(true)
+      else console.warn('could not find new layer',id)
+      const regex = /^(\S.*?)\:\/\/(.*?)$/.exec(newlayer.sourceUrl)
+      if(!regex || !regex[2]){
+        console.error('could not parse baseUrl')
+        return
-    }
+      if(regex[1] !== 'precomputed'){
+        console.error('sourceUrl is not precomputed')
+        return
+      }
+      const baseUrl = regex[2]
+      this._baseUrls.push(baseUrl)
+      this._baseUrlToParcellationIdMap.set(baseUrl, id)
+      /* load meshes */
+      /* TODO could be a bug where user loads new parcellation, but before the worker could completely populate the list */
+      const set = this.workerService.safeMeshSet.get(baseUrl)
+      if(set){
+        this.nehubaViewer.setMeshesToLoad([...set],{
+          name : id
+        })
+      }else{
+        if(newlayer){
+          this.zone.runOutsideAngular(() => 
+            this.workerService.worker.postMessage({
+              type : 'CHECK_MESHES',
+              parcellationId : id,
+              baseUrl,
+              indices : [
+                ...Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.get(id).keys()),
+                ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices()
+              ]
+            })
+          )
+        }
+      }
+    })
-    this.defaultColormap = new Map(
-      Array.from(
-        [
-          ...this.regionsLabelIndexMap.entries(),
-          ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices().map(i=>([
-              i, {}
-            ]))
-        ]
-      ).map((val:[number,any])=>([val[0],this.getRgb(val[0],val[1].rgb)])) as any)
+    const obj = Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.keys()).map(ngId => {
+      return [
+        ngId, 
+        new Map(Array.from(
+          [
+            ...this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.get(ngId).entries(),
+            ...getAuxilliaryLabelIndices().map(i => {
+              return [i, {}]
+            })
+          ]
+        ).map((val:[number,any])=>([val[0],this.getRgb(val[0],val[1].rgb)])) as any)
+      ]
+    }) as [string, Map<number, {red:number, green: number, blue: number}>][]
+    this.multiNgIdColorMap = new Map(obj)
     /* load colour maps */
-    this.nehubaViewer.batchAddAndUpdateSegmentColors(
-      this.defaultColormap,
-      { name : this.parcellationId })
+    Array.from(this.multiNgIdColorMap.entries()).forEach(([ngId, map]) => {
+      this.nehubaViewer.batchAddAndUpdateSegmentColors(
+        map,
+        { name : ngId })
+    })
       if(_s$) _s$.unsubscribe()
-    this._s1$ = this.nehubaViewer.getShownSegmentsObservable({
-      name : this.parcellationId
-    }).subscribe(arrayIdx=>this.updateColorMap(arrayIdx))
+    if(this._s9$)this._s9$.unsubscribe()
+    const arr = Array.from(this.multiNgIdsLabelIndexMap.keys()).map(ngId => {
+      return this.nehubaViewer.getShownSegmentsObservable({
+        name: ngId
+      }).subscribe(arrayIdx => this.updateColorMap(arrayIdx, ngId))
+    })
+    this._s9$ = {
+      unsubscribe: () => {
+        while(arr.length > 0) {
+          arr.pop().unsubscribe()
+        }
+      }
+    }
   private getRgb(labelIndex:number,rgb?:number[]):{red:number,green:number,blue:number}{
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.component.ts
index f1178af037d26f65036bc8c02d54d6218f00a567..eb27393a77f1c284743cc34314d09db21040946f 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.component.ts
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ export class SplashScreen{
   loadedTemplate$ : Observable<any[]>
     private store:Store<ViewerStateInterface>,
-    private constanceService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices  
-  ){
+    private constanceService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
+    private constantsService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
     this.loadedTemplate$ = this.store.pipe(
       filter((state:ViewerStateInterface)=> typeof state !== 'undefined' && typeof state.fetchedTemplates !== 'undefined' && state.fetchedTemplates !== null),
@@ -36,4 +37,12 @@ export class SplashScreen{
   get totalTemplates(){
     return this.constanceService.templateUrls.length
+  correctString(name){
+    return name.replace(/[|&;$%@()+,\s./]/g, '')
+  }
+  get isMobile(){
+    return this.constantsService.mobile
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.style.css b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.style.css
index d08929f3d9aaa5df9529eaf14714e71c60d7ca2a..23f295b2ea0e74248e2ac37b796d450b8215e034 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.style.css
@@ -1,8 +1,118 @@
-  height:100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display:flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: flex-start;
+  align-items: center;
+  overflow-y:auto;
+div[splashScreenHeader] {
+  min-height: 90px;
+  max-height: 100px;
+  width: 100%;
+  background-color: #EF5450;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+  color: #FFFFFF;
+.splashScreenHeaderTitle {
+  font-size: 45px;
+.splashScreenHeaderLogoContainer {
+  flex: 1;
+.splashScreenHeaderLogo {
+  margin-left: 50px;
+  width: 100px;
+  height: auto;
+.spaceForFill {
+  flex: 1;
+div[splashScreenTemplate] {
+  width: 100%;
+  margin: 20px 20px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  justify-content: center;
+div[splashScreenTemplateItem] {
+  max-width: 600px;
+  width: 400px;
+  margin: 20px 20px;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  justify-content: center;
+div[splashScreenTemplateHeader] {
+  align-self: center;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 30px;
+  margin: 0 0 20px 0;
+div[splashScreenTemplateBody] {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+div[splashScreenTemplateBodyDescription] {
+  flex: 1;
+  text-align: justify;
+  margin: 0 10px 10px 10px;
+div[splashScreenTemplateBodyImage] {
+  flex: 1;
+.template-image {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: auto;
+.template-card {
+  width: 100%;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  background: #fff;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
+  transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);
+.template-card:hover {
+  box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.22);
+@media screen and (max-width: 670px) {
+  .splashScreenHeaderTitle {
+    visibility: hidden;
+  }
+  div[splashScreenTemplate] {
+    margin: 20px 20px;
+  }
+  div[splashScreenTemplateBody] {
+    flex-direction: column;
+  }
@@ -10,13 +120,10 @@ div[templateCardContainer]
   flex-direction: row;
   align-items: center;
   flex: 0 1 25em;
   min-width: 20em;
@@ -25,12 +132,10 @@ div[templateCard]
   padding: 0em 1em;
   margin : 0em 1em;
   box-sizing: border-box;
   box-shadow: 0 4px 6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.12);
\ No newline at end of file
+} */
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.template.html b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.template.html
index 5ccf9fcc70d27efb6d52b2f8da7dc415691fa8b2..a59505918f5c5c1b253d35af8e1bbc244e9a99fb 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/splashScreen/splashScreen.template.html
@@ -1,14 +1,48 @@
+<div splashScreenContainer>
+  <div splashScreenHeader>
+    <div class="splashScreenHeaderLogoContainer"><img class="splashScreenHeaderLogo " src="./res/image/HBP_Primary_RGB_WhiteText.png"> </div>
+    <span class="splashScreenHeaderTitle" media="screen and (min-width: 670px)">HBP Atlas Viewer</span>
+    <div class="spaceForFill">
+      <signin-banner *ngIf="!isMobile">
+      </signin-banner>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div splashScreenTemplate>
+    <div *ngFor="let template of loadedTemplate$ | async | filterNull" splashScreenTemplateItem>
+      <div class="template-card" (click) = "selectTemplate(template)">
+        <div splashScreenTemplateHeader>
+          {{template.properties.name}}
+        </div>
+        <div splashScreenTemplateBody>
+          <div splashScreenTemplateBodyImage>
+            <img class="template-image" [src]="'./res/image/' + correctString(template.properties.name) + '.png'">
+          </div>
+          <div splashScreenTemplateBodyDescription>
+            {{template.properties.description}}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
 <div class = "container-fluid" splashScreenContainer>
-  <div 
-    class = "row" 
+  <div
+    class = "row"
-      *ngFor = "let template of loadedTemplate$ | async | filterNull" 
+      *ngFor = "let template of loadedTemplate$ | async | filterNull"
       (click) = "selectTemplate(template)"
       <h2>{{ template.properties.name }}</h2>
         <small>{{ template.properties.description }}</small>
@@ -25,4 +59,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+</div> -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.component.ts b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b68e7dcd4d449704f96147a42e4341ef3d1d410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { Component, Input, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
+import { ZipFileDownloadService } from "src/services/zipFileDownload.service";
+    selector : 'reference-toast-component',
+    templateUrl : './referenceToast.template.html',
+    styleUrls : [
+        `./referenceToast.style.css`
+    ],
+export class ReferenceToastComponent implements OnInit{
+    @Input() templateName? : string
+    @Input() parcellationName? : string
+    @Input() templateDescription? : string
+    @Input() parcellationDescription? : string
+    @Input() templatePublications? : any
+    @Input() parcellationPublications? : any
+    @Input() parcellationNifti? : any
+    downloadingProcess = false
+    niiFileSize = 0
+    constructor(private zipFileDownloadService: ZipFileDownloadService) {}
+    ngOnInit(): void {
+        if (this.parcellationNifti) {
+            this.parcellationNifti.forEach(nii => {
+                this.niiFileSize += nii['size']
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    downloadPublications() {
+        this.downloadingProcess = true
+        let fileName = ''
+        let publicationsText = ''
+        if (this.templatePublications || this.templateDescription) {
+            fileName += this.templateName? this.templateName : 'Template'
+            if (this.templateDescription) {
+                publicationsText += this.templateName + '\r\n'
+                this.templateDescription.split(" ").forEach((word, index) => {
+                    publicationsText += word + ' '
+                    if (index && index%15 === 0) publicationsText += '\r\n'
+                })
+                publicationsText += '\r\n'
+            }
+            if (this.templatePublications) {
+                if (!this.templateDescription) publicationsText += this.templateName
+                publicationsText += ' Publications:\r\n'
+                this.templatePublications.forEach((tp, i) => {
+                    publicationsText += '\t' + (i+1) + '. ' + tp['citation'] + ' - ' + tp['doi'] + '\r\n'
+                })
+            }
+        }
+        if (this.parcellationPublications || this.parcellationDescription) {
+            if (this.templateName) fileName += ' - '
+            fileName += this.parcellationName? this.parcellationName : 'Parcellation'
+            if (this.templateDescription || this.templatePublications) publicationsText += '\r\n\r\n'
+            if (this.parcellationDescription) {
+                publicationsText += this.parcellationName + '\r\n'
+                this.parcellationDescription.split(" ").forEach((word, index) => {
+                    publicationsText += word + ' '
+                    if (index && index%15 === 0) publicationsText += '\r\n'
+                })
+                publicationsText += '\r\n'
+            }
+            if (this.parcellationPublications) {
+                if (!this.parcellationDescription) publicationsText += this.parcellationName
+                publicationsText += ' Publications:\r\n'
+                this.parcellationPublications.forEach((pp, i) => {
+                    publicationsText += '\t' + (i+1) + '. ' + pp['citation'] + ' - ' + pp['doi'] + '\r\n'
+                })
+            }
+        }
+        this.zipFileDownloadService.downloadZip(
+            publicationsText,
+            fileName,
+            this.parcellationNifti? this.parcellationNifti : 0).subscribe(data => {
+            this.downloadingProcess = false
+        })
+        publicationsText = ''
+    }
diff --git a/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.style.css b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf52094f562a63ff2034df2ee50b64240b889c00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+.timerToast {
+    max-width: 700px;
+    max-height: 500px;
+    padding-right: 10px;
+    overflow-y: auto;
+.download-buttons-panel {
+    align-self: flex-end;
+.downloadPublications {
+    margin: 5px;
+    outline: none;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.template.html b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7db995f2b15468c795a0b31d404475a16fa8ee0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<div class="timerToast d-flex flex-column">
+    <div *ngIf="templateDescription">
+        <p *ngIf="templateName">{{templateName}}</p>
+        <p class="text-justify">{{templateDescription}}</p>
+    </div>
+    <div *ngIf="templatePublications">
+        <p>Publication(s)</p>
+        <div *ngFor="let tp of templatePublications" class="text-justify">
+            <a [href]="tp['doi']" target="_blank">{{tp['citation']}}</a>
+        </div>
+        <hr *ngIf="parcellationPublications">
+    </div>
+    <div *ngIf="parcellationDescription">
+        <p *ngIf="parcellationName">{{parcellationName}}</p>
+        <p class="text-justify">{{parcellationDescription}}</p>
+    </div>
+    <div *ngIf="parcellationPublications">
+        <p>Publication(s)</p>
+        <div *ngFor="let pp of parcellationPublications" class="text-justify">
+            <a [href]="pp['doi']" target="_blank">{{pp['citation']}}</a>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="align-self-end">
+        <button mat-raised-button color="primary" class="downloadPublications" (click)="downloadPublications()">Explore &nbsp;<i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></button>
+        <button mat-raised-button color="primary" class="downloadPublications" (click)="downloadPublications()" [disabled] = "downloadingProcess" >
+            Download &nbsp;
+            <span *ngIf="niiFileSize > 0">(.nii {{niiFileSize/1000000 | number:'.1-2'}} Mb) &nbsp;</span>
+            <i class="fas" [ngClass]="!downloadingProcess? 'fa-download' :'fa-spinner fa-pulse'"></i>
+        </button>
+    </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/regionHierachy/regionHierarchy.component.ts b/src/ui/regionHierachy/regionHierarchy.component.ts
index 0555327a6837ba8b66db4e4d1d934f06803cc02e..f04dc7b1b501c71e5b5cc48ce5181cab4275e896 100644
--- a/src/ui/regionHierachy/regionHierarchy.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/regionHierachy/regionHierarchy.component.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { EventEmitter, Component, ElementRef, ViewChild, HostListener, OnInit, C
 import {  Subscription, Subject, fromEvent } from "rxjs";
 import { buffer, debounceTime } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { FilterNameBySearch } from "./filterNameBySearch.pipe";
+import { generateLabelIndexId } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
 const insertHighlight :(name:string, searchTerm:string) => string = (name:string, searchTerm:string = '') => {
   const regex = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'gi')
@@ -10,13 +11,17 @@ const insertHighlight :(name:string, searchTerm:string) => string = (name:string
     name.replace(regex, (s) => `<span class = "highlight">${s}</span>`)
-const getDisplayTreeNode : (searchTerm:string, selectedRegions:any[]) => (item:any) => string = (searchTerm:string = '', selectedRegions:any[] = []) => (item:any) =>  {
-  return typeof item.labelIndex !== 'undefined' && selectedRegions.findIndex(re => re.labelIndex === Number(item.labelIndex)) >= 0 ?
-    `<span class = "regionSelected">${insertHighlight(item.name, searchTerm)}</span>` :
-    `<span class = "regionNotSelected">${insertHighlight(item.name, searchTerm)}</span>`
+const getDisplayTreeNode : (searchTerm:string, selectedRegions:any[]) => (item:any) => string = (searchTerm:string = '', selectedRegions:any[] = []) => ({ ngId, name, status, labelIndex }) =>  {
+  return !!labelIndex
+    && !!ngId
+    && selectedRegions.findIndex(re =>
+      generateLabelIndexId({ labelIndex: re.labelIndex, ngId: re.ngId }) === generateLabelIndexId({ ngId, labelIndex })
+    ) >= 0
+      ? `<span class="regionSelected">${insertHighlight(name, searchTerm)}</span>` + (status ? ` <span class="text-muted">(${insertHighlight(status, searchTerm)})</span>` : ``)
+      : `<span class="regionNotSelected">${insertHighlight(name, searchTerm)}</span>` + (status ? ` <span class="text-muted">(${insertHighlight(status, searchTerm)})</span>` : ``)
-const getFilterTreeBySearch = (pipe:FilterNameBySearch, searchTerm:string) => (node:any) => pipe.transform([node.name], searchTerm)
+const getFilterTreeBySearch = (pipe:FilterNameBySearch, searchTerm:string) => (node:any) => pipe.transform([node.name, node.status], searchTerm)
   selector: 'region-hierarchy',
@@ -100,6 +105,8 @@ export class RegionHierarchy implements OnInit, AfterViewInit{
+    this.displayTreeNode = getDisplayTreeNode(this.searchTerm, this.selectedRegions)
+    this.filterTreeBySearch = getFilterTreeBySearch(this.filterNameBySearchPipe, this.searchTerm)
@@ -113,6 +120,20 @@ export class RegionHierarchy implements OnInit, AfterViewInit{
+    /**
+     * TODO
+     * bandaid fix on
+     * when region search loses focus, the searchTerm is cleared,
+     * but hierarchy filter does not reset
+     */
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+      fromEvent(this.searchTermInput.nativeElement, 'focus').pipe(
+      ).subscribe(() => {
+        this.displayTreeNode = getDisplayTreeNode(this.searchTerm, this.selectedRegions)
+        this.filterTreeBySearch = getFilterTreeBySearch(this.filterNameBySearchPipe, this.searchTerm)
+      })
+    )
       fromEvent(this.searchTermInput.nativeElement, 'input').pipe(
diff --git a/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts b/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
index f5b4938579625c01795ae85e04c85adac4f6529e..b63e2dfaa5a37e5caa567efebe4bf1c135e00a4b 100644
--- a/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
+++ b/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-import {MatButtonModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatSidenavModule, MatCardModule, MatTabsModule} from '@angular/material';
+import {
+  MatButtonModule,
+  MatCheckboxModule,
+  MatSidenavModule,
+  MatCardModule,
+  MatTabsModule,
+  MatTooltipModule
+} from '@angular/material';
 import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
-  imports: [MatButtonModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatSidenavModule, MatCardModule, MatTabsModule],
-  exports: [MatButtonModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatSidenavModule, MatCardModule, MatTabsModule],
+  imports: [MatButtonModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatSidenavModule, MatCardModule, MatTabsModule, MatTooltipModule],
+  exports: [MatButtonModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatSidenavModule, MatCardModule, MatTabsModule, MatTooltipModule],
 export class AngularMaterialModule { }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
index 798b5f1f157af82ca00c17f265ae55379bf7ede7..80fc79fb55464aaabb80b0afdaf40b06e70f46a3 100644
--- a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
+++ b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, OnDestroy, OnInit, Input } from "@angular/core";
+import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, OnDestroy, OnInit, Input, ViewChild, TemplateRef} from "@angular/core";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
 import { AuthService, User } from "src/services/auth.service";
 import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import { map, filter, distinctUntilChanged } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { regionFlattener } from "src/util/regionFlattener";
 import { ToastService } from "src/services/toastService.service";
+const compareParcellation = (o, n) => o.name === n.name
   selector: 'signin-banner',
   templateUrl: './signinBanner.template.html',
@@ -21,14 +23,23 @@ import { ToastService } from "src/services/toastService.service";
 export class SigninBanner implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
+  public compareParcellation = compareParcellation
   private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
   public loadedTemplates$: Observable<any[]>
   public selectedTemplate$: Observable<any>
   public selectedParcellation$: Observable<any>
   public selectedRegions$: Observable<any[]>
   private selectedRegions: any[] = []
+  selectedTemplate: any
   @Input() darktheme: boolean
+  @ViewChild('publicationTemplate', {read:TemplateRef}) publicationTemplate: TemplateRef<any>
+  dismissToastHandler: any
+  chosenTemplateIndex: number
+  chosenParcellationIndex: number
     private constantService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
     private authService: AuthService,
@@ -50,9 +61,7 @@ export class SigninBanner implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     this.selectedParcellation$ = this.store.pipe(
-      safeFilter('parcellationSelected'),
-      map(state => state.parcellationSelected),
-      distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => o === n || (o && n && o.name === n.name)),
+      select('parcellationSelected'),
     this.selectedRegions$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -70,6 +79,9 @@ export class SigninBanner implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
         this.selectedRegions = regions
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+        this.selectedTemplate$.subscribe(template => this.selectedTemplate = template)
+    )
@@ -168,6 +180,19 @@ export class SigninBanner implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
+  showInfoToast($event, toastType) {
+    this.chosenTemplateIndex = toastType === 'template'? $event : null
+    this.chosenParcellationIndex = toastType === 'parcellation'? $event : null
+    if (this.dismissToastHandler) {
+      this.dismissToastHandler()
+      this.dismissToastHandler = null
+    }
+    this.dismissToastHandler = this.toastService.showToast(this.publicationTemplate, {
+      timeout: 7000
+    })
+  }
   get isMobile(){
     return this.constantService.mobile
diff --git a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.style.css b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.style.css
index 126c598d6d8544ae5e1727d105ac6e20dd089c26..1d53a9f509d6124afce0b454cc5826c211b4cfa6 100644
--- a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.style.css
@@ -46,12 +46,26 @@ dropdown-component
 .login-button-panel-mobile {
   order: -1;
-  align-self: flex-start; 
+  align-self: flex-start;
   width: 100%;
   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between;
+.login-button-panel-splash {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  text-align: right
+.login-button-splash > button {
+  color: #FFFFFF;
+  outline: none;
+  background-color: coral;
+  margin: 5px;
 .login-button-mobile > button {
   outline: none;
   background-color: transparent;
diff --git a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
index 56856ec3daebcd4f3dd2d01c9267b24e86d823e4..d5991ef576160478525ef34583ca6ef697dae914 100644
--- a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
@@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
   [ngClass]="{ 'flex-column w-100 align-items-stretch' : isMobile}" >
+    *ngIf="selectedTemplate || isMobile"
     [selectedItem]="selectedTemplate$ | async"
     [inputArray]="loadedTemplates$ | async | filterNull"
-    [isMobile] = "isMobile"
     [ngClass]="isMobile ? flexItemIsMobileClass : flexItemIsDesktopClass"
-    [darktheme] ="darktheme">
+    (listItemButtonClicked)="showInfoToast($event, 'template')">
   <ng-container *ngIf="selectedTemplate$ | async as selectedTemplate">
       *ngIf="selectedParcellation$ | async as selectedParcellation"
+      [checkSelected]="compareParcellation"
-      [isMobile] = "isMobile"
       [ngClass]="isMobile ? flexItemIsMobileClass : flexItemIsDesktopClass"
-      [darktheme] ="darktheme">
+      (listItemButtonClicked)="showInfoToast($event, 'parcellation')">>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   <!-- help btn -->
   <div class="btnWrapper">
-      *ngIf="!isMobile" 
+      *ngIf="!isMobile && selectedTemplate"
       class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm rounded-circle login-icon">
       <i class="fas fa-question-circle"></i>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
   <div class="btnWrapper">
-      *ngIf="!isMobile" 
+      *ngIf="!isMobile && selectedTemplate"
       class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm rounded-circle login-icon">
@@ -74,4 +74,28 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+<ng-template #publicationTemplate>
+  <div *ngIf="loadedTemplates$ | async as loadedTemplates">
+    <div *ngIf="chosenTemplateIndex !== null; else parcellationToast">
+      <reference-toast-component *ngIf="loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties'] && (loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['description'] || loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['publications'])"
+                               [templateName] = "loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['name'] ? loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['name'] : null"
+                               [templateDescription] = "loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['description']? loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['description'] : null"
+                               [templatePublications] = "loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['publications']? loadedTemplates[chosenTemplateIndex]['properties']['publications']: null">
+      </reference-toast-component>
+    </div>
+    <ng-template #parcellationToast>
+      <div *ngIf="(selectedTemplate$ | async) as selectedTemplate">
+        <div *ngIf="selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties'] && (selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['description'] || selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['publications'])">
+        <reference-toast-component
+              [parcellationName] = "selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['name']? selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['name'] : null"
+              [parcellationDescription] = "selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['description']? selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['description'] : null"
+              [parcellationPublications] = "selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['publications']? selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['publications']: null"
+              [parcellationNifti] = "selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['nifti']? selectedTemplate.parcellations[chosenParcellationIndex]['properties']['nifti'] : null">
+        </reference-toast-component>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </ng-template>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/ui.module.ts b/src/ui/ui.module.ts
index f385e39f89b37fa536cde92a2dae0ae215f1def3..868912b551cb0c72e77aac85ebca80204d0abf5d 100644
--- a/src/ui/ui.module.ts
+++ b/src/ui/ui.module.ts
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import { StatusCardComponent } from "./nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.com
 import { CookieAgreement } from "./cookieAgreement/cookieAgreement.component";
 import { KGToS } from "./kgtos/kgtos.component";
 import { AngularMaterialModule } from "./sharedModules/angularMaterial.module";
+import {ReferenceToastComponent} from "src/ui/referenceToast/referenceToast.component";
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ import { AngularMaterialModule } from "./sharedModules/angularMaterial.module";
+    ReferenceToastComponent,
     /* pipes */
@@ -125,7 +127,9 @@ import { AngularMaterialModule } from "./sharedModules/angularMaterial.module";
-    AngularMaterialModule
+    AngularMaterialModule,
+    StatusCardComponent,
+    ReferenceToastComponent
diff --git a/src/util/directives/FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective.directive.ts b/src/util/directives/FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective.directive.ts
index 47d15bb36b0b40d1a9c9f9f5f4a187ef6591d1d9..89409b75a48ac9cb797d4064e0e73887c6f21587 100644
--- a/src/util/directives/FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective.directive.ts
+++ b/src/util/directives/FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective.directive.ts
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ export class FixedMouseContextualContainerDirective {
   public show(){
+    if ((window.innerWidth - this.mousePos[0]) < 220) {
+      this.mousePos[0] = window.innerWidth-220
+    }
     this.transform = `translate(${this.mousePos.map(v => v.toString() + 'px').join(', ')})`
     this.styleDisplay = 'block'
     this.isShown = true
diff --git a/src/util/pipes/filterNull.pipe.ts b/src/util/pipes/filterNull.pipe.ts
index 31a2f0c5c74313313720777f248e630fa109d26d..c9e28146f52756671270c82402db12a76efe0a89 100644
--- a/src/util/pipes/filterNull.pipe.ts
+++ b/src/util/pipes/filterNull.pipe.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
 export class FilterNullPipe implements PipeTransform{
   public transform(arr:any[]){
-    return arr.filter(obj => obj !== null)
+    return (arr && arr.filter(obj => obj !== null)) || []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/worker.js b/src/util/worker.js
index 293d0908b1b145a0283f8bf51e9370c332854db3..44eeeeb5144cdee87833e80c3fb76c525551868d 100644
--- a/src/util/worker.js
+++ b/src/util/worker.js
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
+const validTypes = [
+const validOutType = [
 const checkMeshes = (action) => {
@@ -7,9 +20,12 @@ const checkMeshes = (action) => {
   const baseUrl = action.baseUrl
     .then(res => res.json())
-    .then(json => json.mesh
-      ? json.mesh
-      : new Error(`mesh does not exist on fetched info file: ${JSON.stringify(json)}`))
+    .then(({mesh}) => {
+      if (mesh)
+        return mesh
+      else 
+        throw new Error('mesh does not exist')
+    })
     .then(meshPath => action.indices.forEach(index => {
         .then(res => res.json())
@@ -29,7 +45,7 @@ const checkMeshes = (action) => {
     .catch(error => {
-      console.error('parsing info json error', error)
+      // console.error('parsing info json error', error)
@@ -268,6 +284,39 @@ const rebuildSelectedRegion = (payload) => {
+const propagateNgId = (parcellation) => {
+  const recursivePropagateNgId = (region, {ngId}) => {
+    return {
+      ngId,
+      ...region,
+      ...( region.children && region.children.map
+        ? {
+          children: region.children.map(c => recursivePropagateNgId(c, { ngId: region.ngId || ngId }))
+        }
+        : {} )
+    }
+  }
+  const regions = parcellation.regions && parcellation.regions.map
+    ? parcellation.regions.map(r => recursivePropagateNgId(r, { ngId: parcellation.ngId }))
+    : []
+  return {
+    ...parcellation,
+    regions
+  }
+const processPropagateNgId = (payload) => {
+  const { parcellation } = payload
+  const p = parcellation.ngId
+    ? parcellation
+    : propagateNgId(parcellation)
+  postMessage({
+    parcellation: p
+  })
 onmessage = (message) => {
   if(validTypes.findIndex(type => type === message.data.type) >= 0){
@@ -284,8 +333,13 @@ onmessage = (message) => {
+      case 'PROPAGATE_NG_ID':
+        processPropagateNgId(message.data)
+        return
         console.warn('unhandled worker action', message)
+  } else {
+    console.warn('unhandled worker action', message)
diff --git a/third_party/export_nehuba/main.bundle.js b/third_party/export_nehuba/main.bundle.js
index 389df5d3214b606b69d46bc804ecd4d0d8d115a2..d2405e400e269303b2fe1ff742d074069b0b3764 100644
--- a/third_party/export_nehuba/main.bundle.js
+++ b/third_party/export_nehuba/main.bundle.js
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ y,n.viewer.visibleLayerRoles,n);n.offscreenFramebuffer=n.registerDisposer(new r.
 b,c,0);t.s.transformMat4(d,d,n.sliceView.viewportToData);a.changed.dispatch()})});Object(k.c)(b,"rotate-via-mouse-drag",function(a){var b=n.viewer.mouseState;if(b.updateUnconditionally()){var c=t.s.clone(b.position);Object(m.a)(a.detail,function(a,b,d){a=n.sliceView.viewportAxes;n.viewer.navigationState.pose.rotateAbsolute(a[1],b/4*Math.PI/180,c);n.viewer.navigationState.pose.rotateAbsolute(a[0],d/4*Math.PI/180,c)})}});n.registerDisposer(h);n.registerDisposer(v.crossSectionBackgroundColor.changed.add(function(){return n.scheduleRedraw()}));
 n.registerDisposer(h.visibility.add(n.visibility));n.registerDisposer(h.viewChanged.add(function(){n.visible&&a.scheduleRedraw()}));n.registerDisposer(v.showAxisLines.changed.add(function(){n.visible&&n.scheduleRedraw()}));n.registerDisposer(v.showScaleBar.changed.add(function(){n.visible&&n.context.scheduleRedraw()}));n.registerDisposer(v.scaleBarOptions.changed.add(function(){n.visible&&n.context.scheduleRedraw()}));return n}n(f,a);v(f,[{key:"isReady",value:function(){if(!this.visible||!this.sliceView.isReady())return!1;
 var a=this.visibleLayerTracker.getVisibleLayers();a=$jscomp.makeIterator(a);for(var b=a.next();!b.done;b=a.next())if(!b.value.isReady())return!1;return!0}},{key:"draw",value:function(){var a=this.sliceView;this.onResize();a.updateRendering();if(a.hasValidViewport){var c=this.gl,e=a.width,g=a.height,k=a.dataToDevice;this.offscreenFramebuffer.bind(e,g);c.disable(WebGL2RenderingContext.SCISSOR_TEST);this.gl.clearColor(0,0,0,0);c.clear(WebGL2RenderingContext.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);var l=t.k.create(),m=this.viewer.crossSectionBackgroundColor.value;
-x[0]=m[0];x[1]=m[1];x[2]=m[2];x[3]=1;this.sliceViewRenderHelper.draw(a.offscreenFramebuffer.colorBuffers[0].texture,t.d,this.colorFactor,x,0,0,1,1);m=this.visibleLayerTracker.getVisibleLayers();var r=this.pickIDs;r.clear();this.offscreenFramebuffer.bindSingle(w.COLOR);r={dataToDevice:a.dataToDevice,pickIDs:r,emitter:d,emitColor:!0,emitPickID:!1,viewportWidth:e,viewportHeight:g,sliceView:a};c.enable(WebGL2RenderingContext.BLEND);c.blendFunc(WebGL2RenderingContext.SRC_ALPHA,WebGL2RenderingContext.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+x[0]=m[0];x[1]=m[1];x[2]=m[2];x[3]=1;this.offscreenFramebuffer.bindSingle(w.COLOR);this.sliceViewRenderHelper.draw(a.offscreenFramebuffer.colorBuffers[0].texture,t.d,this.colorFactor,x,0,0,1,1);m=this.visibleLayerTracker.getVisibleLayers();var r=this.pickIDs;r.clear();r={dataToDevice:a.dataToDevice,pickIDs:r,emitter:d,emitColor:!0,emitPickID:!1,viewportWidth:e,viewportHeight:g,sliceView:a};c.enable(WebGL2RenderingContext.BLEND);c.blendFunc(WebGL2RenderingContext.SRC_ALPHA,WebGL2RenderingContext.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
 for(var f=$jscomp.makeIterator(m),u=f.next();!u.done;u=f.next())u.value.draw(r);c.disable(WebGL2RenderingContext.BLEND);this.offscreenFramebuffer.bindSingle(w.PICK);r.emitColor=!1;r.emitPickID=!0;r.emitter=b;m=$jscomp.makeIterator(m);for(u=m.next();!u.done;u=m.next())u.value.draw(r);if(this.viewer.showAxisLines.value||this.viewer.showScaleBar.value){if(this.viewer.showAxisLines.value){t.k.copy(l,k);for(k=0;3>k;++k)l[12+k]=0;for(k=0;4>k;++k)l[2+4*k]=0;g=Math.min(e,g)/4*1.5;k=a.pixelSize;for(m=0;12>
 l.scaleFactor,l.bottomPixelOffset*l.scaleFactor,g.width,g.height),this.scaleBarCopyHelper.draw(g.texture),c.disable(WebGL2RenderingContext.BLEND))}this.offscreenFramebuffer.unbind();this.setGLViewport();this.offscreenCopyHelper.draw(this.offscreenFramebuffer.colorBuffers[w.COLOR].texture)}}},{key:"onResize",value:function(){this.sliceView.setViewportSizeDebounced(this.element.clientWidth,this.element.clientHeight)}},{key:"updateMouseState",value:function(a){a.pickedRenderLayer=null;var b=this.sliceView;
@@ -1442,71 +1442,71 @@ b){if("function"!==typeof b&&null!==b)throw new TypeError("Super expression must
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@@ -1749,8 +1749,8 @@ typeof b);a.prototype=Object.create(b&&b.prototype,{constructor:{value:a,enumera
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@@ -1759,9 +1759,9 @@ Object.getPrototypeOf(a),null!==a)return u(a,b,c)}else{if("value"in d)return d.v
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