From b37fc40e43985e5f49bcdf05a8cbf98b049a7571 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xiao Gui <>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2019 14:48:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] chore: removed unnecessary imports bugfix: onhoversegment

 .../nehubaContainer.component.ts              |  28 +--
 .../nehubaContainer.template.html             |  63 ++----
 .../statusCard/statusCard.component.ts        | 197 +++++++++---------
 .../statusCard/statusCard.template.html       |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
index 2e99ceb89..a6e6e99da 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
@@ -193,20 +193,20 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     // TODO hack, even though octant is hidden, it seems with VTK, one can highlight
     this.onHoverSegmentName$ = combineLatest(
-          select('uiState'),
-          filter(state=>isDefined(state)),
-          map(state=>state.mouseOverSegment ?
-            state.mouseOverSegment.constructor === Number ? 
-              state.mouseOverSegment.toString() : 
-     :
-            '' ),
-          distinctUntilChanged()
-        ),
-        this.onHoverLandmark$
-      ).pipe(
-        map(results => results[1] === null ? results[0] : '')
-      )
+        select('uiState'),
+        filter(state=>isDefined(state)),
+        map(state=>state.mouseOverSegment ?
+          state.mouseOverSegment.constructor === Number ? 
+            state.mouseOverSegment.toString() : 
+   :
+          '' ),
+        distinctUntilChanged()
+      ),
+      this.onHoverLandmark$
+    ).pipe(
+      map(results => results[1] === null ? results[0] : '')
+    )
     /* each time a new viewer is initialised, take the first event to get the translation function */
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
index 912caf023..9174725ee 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
@@ -7,17 +7,12 @@
 <div landmarkMasterContainer>
-    <layout-floating-container
-      pos00 
-      landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit 
-        *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)"
-        (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+    <layout-floating-container pos00 landmarkContainer>
+      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
         [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
         [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(0,spatialData)"
-        [positionY]="getPositionY(0,spatialData)"
+        [positionX]="getPositionX(0,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(0,spatialData)"
@@ -29,20 +24,15 @@
-    <layout-floating-container  
-      pos01 
-      landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit 
-        *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)"
-        (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+    <layout-floating-container pos01 landmarkContainer>
+      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
         [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
         [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(1,spatialData)"
-        [positionY]="getPositionY(1,spatialData)"
+        [positionX]="getPositionX(1,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(1,spatialData)"
       <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading1$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
         <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
@@ -51,20 +41,15 @@
-    <layout-floating-container  
-      pos10 
-      landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit 
-        *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)"
-        (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+    <layout-floating-container pos10 landmarkContainer>
+      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
         [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
         [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(2,spatialData)"
-        [positionY]="getPositionY(2,spatialData)"
+        [positionX]="getPositionX(2,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(2,spatialData)"
       <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading2$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
         <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
@@ -73,9 +58,7 @@
-    <layout-floating-container  
-      pos11 
-      landmarkContainer>
+    <layout-floating-container pos11 landmarkContainer>
       <div *ngIf="perspectiveViewLoading$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
         <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle"></div>
         <div perspectiveLoadingText>
@@ -88,20 +71,16 @@
 <layout-floating-container *ngIf="viewerLoaded">
   <!-- StatusCard container-->
-  <ui-status-card 
-    [selectedTemplate] = "selectedTemplate" 
-    [isMobile] = "isMobile" 
-    [nehubaViewer] = "nehubaViewer"> 
+  <ui-status-card [selectedTemplate]="selectedTemplate" [isMobile]="isMobile"
+    [onHoverSegmentName]="onHoverSegmentName$ | async" [nehubaViewer]="nehubaViewer">
 <div id="scratch-pad">
-  *ngIf="isMobile && viewerLoaded"
-  [tunableProperties]="tunableMobileProperties" 
+<mobile-overlay *ngIf="isMobile && viewerLoaded" [tunableProperties]="tunableMobileProperties"
   <div class="base" delta>
     <div mobileObliqueGuide class="p-2 mb-4 shadow">
@@ -111,7 +90,7 @@
   <div class="base" guide>
     <div mobileObliqueGuide class="p-2 mb-4 shadow">
-        <i class="fas fa-arrows-alt-v"></i> oblique mode 
+        <i class="fas fa-arrows-alt-v"></i> oblique mode
         <i class="fas fa-arrows-alt-h"></i> rotate slice
@@ -121,4 +100,4 @@
   <div mobileObliqueCtrl initiator>
     <i class="fas fa-globe"></i>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
index ce6bbfa5e..875154f70 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, OnInit, Input } from "@angular/core";
-import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
+import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";
 import { CHANGE_NAVIGATION, ViewerStateInterface } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
 import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component";
@@ -9,108 +8,104 @@ import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component";
     templateUrl : './statusCard.template.html',
     styleUrls : ['./']
-export class StatusCardComponent implements OnInit {
-    @Input() selectedTemplate: any;
-    @Input() isMobile: boolean;
-    @Input() nehubaViewer: NehubaViewerUnit;
-    constructor(
-        private constantService : AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
-        private store : Store<ViewerStateInterface>,
-    ) {}
-    ngOnInit() {
-    }
-    statusPanelRealSpace : boolean = true
-    get mouseCoord():string{
-      return this.nehubaViewer ?
-        this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 
-          this.nehubaViewer.mousePosReal ? 
-            Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n/1e6))
-              .map(n=>n.toFixed(3)+'mm').join(' , ') : 
-            '0mm , 0mm , 0mm (mousePosReal not yet defined)' :
-          this.nehubaViewer.mousePosVoxel ? 
-            this.nehubaViewer.mousePosVoxel.join(' , ') :
-            '0 , 0 , 0 (mousePosVoxel not yet defined)' :
-        '0 , 0 , 0 (nehubaViewer not defined)'
-    }
-    editingNavState : boolean = false
-    textNavigateTo(string:string){
-      if(string.split(/[\s|,]+/).length>=3 && string.split(/[\s|,]+/).slice(0,3).every(entry=>!isNaN(Number(entry.replace(/mm/,''))))){
-        const pos = (string.split(/[\s|,]+/).slice(0,3).map((entry)=>Number(entry.replace(/mm/,''))*(this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 1000000 : 1)))
-        this.nehubaViewer.setNavigationState({
-          position : (pos as [number,number,number]),
-          positionReal : this.statusPanelRealSpace
-        })
-      }else{
-        console.log('input did not parse to coordinates ',string)
-      }
-    }
-    navigationValue(){
-      return this.nehubaViewer ? 
-        this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 
-          Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n/1e6))
-            .map(n=>n.toFixed(3)+'mm').join(' , ') :
-          Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n)).join(' , ') :
-        `[0,0,0] (neubaViewer is undefined)`
-    }
-    get showCitation(){
-        return this.selectedTemplate && && && === Array
+export class StatusCardComponent{
+  @Input() selectedTemplate: any;
+  @Input() isMobile: boolean;
+  @Input() nehubaViewer: NehubaViewerUnit;
+  @Input() onHoverSegmentName: String;
+  constructor(
+    private store : Store<ViewerStateInterface>,
+  ) {}
+  statusPanelRealSpace : boolean = true
+  get mouseCoord():string{
+    return this.nehubaViewer ?
+      this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 
+        this.nehubaViewer.mousePosReal ? 
+          Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n/1e6))
+            .map(n=>n.toFixed(3)+'mm').join(' , ') : 
+          '0mm , 0mm , 0mm (mousePosReal not yet defined)' :
+        this.nehubaViewer.mousePosVoxel ? 
+          this.nehubaViewer.mousePosVoxel.join(' , ') :
+          '0 , 0 , 0 (mousePosVoxel not yet defined)' :
+      '0 , 0 , 0 (nehubaViewer not defined)'
+  }
+  editingNavState : boolean = false
+  textNavigateTo(string:string){
+    if(string.split(/[\s|,]+/).length>=3 && string.split(/[\s|,]+/).slice(0,3).every(entry=>!isNaN(Number(entry.replace(/mm/,''))))){
+      const pos = (string.split(/[\s|,]+/).slice(0,3).map((entry)=>Number(entry.replace(/mm/,''))*(this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 1000000 : 1)))
+      this.nehubaViewer.setNavigationState({
+        position : (pos as [number,number,number]),
+        positionReal : this.statusPanelRealSpace
+      })
+    }else{
+      console.log('input did not parse to coordinates ',string)
+  }
+  navigationValue(){
+    return this.nehubaViewer ? 
+      this.statusPanelRealSpace ? 
+        Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n/1e6))
+          .map(n=>n.toFixed(3)+'mm').join(' , ') :
+        Array.from(> isNaN(n) ? 0 : n)).join(' , ') :
+      `[0,0,0] (neubaViewer is undefined)`
+  }
+  /**
+   * TODO
+   * maybe have a nehuba manager service
+   * so that reset navigation logic can stay there
+   * 
+   * When that happens, we don't even need selectTemplate input
+   * 
+   * the info re: nehubaViewer can stay there, too
+   */
+  resetNavigation({rotation: rotationFlag = false, position: positionFlag = false, zoom : zoomFlag = false} : {rotation: boolean, position: boolean, zoom: boolean}){
+    const initialNgState = this.selectedTemplate.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState
-    resetNavigation({rotation: rotationFlag = false, position: positionFlag = false, zoom : zoomFlag = false} : {rotation: boolean, position: boolean, zoom: boolean}){
-        const initialNgState = this.selectedTemplate.nehubaConfig.dataset.initialNgState
-        const perspectiveZoom = initialNgState ? initialNgState.perspectiveZoom : undefined
-        const perspectiveOrientation = initialNgState ? initialNgState.perspectiveOrientation : undefined
-        const zoom = (zoomFlag
-          && initialNgState
-          && initialNgState.navigation
-          && initialNgState.navigation.zoomFactor)
-          || undefined
-        const position = (positionFlag
-          && initialNgState
-          && initialNgState.navigation
-          && initialNgState.navigation.pose
-          && initialNgState.navigation.pose.position.voxelCoordinates
-          && initialNgState.navigation.pose.position.voxelCoordinates)
-          || undefined
-        const orientation = rotationFlag
-          ? [0,0,0,1]
-          : undefined
-          type : CHANGE_NAVIGATION,
-          navigation : Object.assign({},
-            {
-              perspectiveZoom,
-              perspectiveOrientation,
-              zoom,
-              position,
-              orientation
-            },{
-              positionReal : false,
-              animation : {
-              }
-            })
-        })
+    const perspectiveZoom = initialNgState ? initialNgState.perspectiveZoom : undefined
+    const perspectiveOrientation = initialNgState ? initialNgState.perspectiveOrientation : undefined
+    const zoom = (zoomFlag
+      && initialNgState
+      && initialNgState.navigation
+      && initialNgState.navigation.zoomFactor)
+      || undefined
+    const position = (positionFlag
+      && initialNgState
+      && initialNgState.navigation
+      && initialNgState.navigation.pose
+      && initialNgState.navigation.pose.position.voxelCoordinates
+      && initialNgState.navigation.pose.position.voxelCoordinates)
+      || undefined
+    const orientation = rotationFlag
+      ? [0,0,0,1]
+      : undefined
+      type : CHANGE_NAVIGATION,
+      navigation : {
+        ...{
+          perspectiveZoom,
+          perspectiveOrientation,
+          zoom,
+          position,
+          orientation
+        },
+        ...{
+          positionReal : false,
+          animation : {}
+        }
+    })
+  }
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.template.html b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
index 7a0c90fa5..c5e3f8541 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 <div statusCard>
-    <hr *ngIf="showCitation && !isMobile" />
     <div linksContainer>
@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@
       <br *ngIf="!isMobile" />
       <small onHoverSegment>
-        {{ onHoverSegmentName$ | async }}
+        {{ onHoverSegmentName }}
\ No newline at end of file