diff --git a/src/glue.spec.ts b/src/glue.spec.ts
index f5ee1d2f46b0321c522dab6f574b6fcd6edc378f..e3b6d940d851d5dad9e0e5b6da28c044c05e9abc 100644
--- a/src/glue.spec.ts
+++ b/src/glue.spec.ts
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import { provideMockStore, MockStore } from "@ngrx/store/testing"
 import { getRandomHex } from 'common/util'
 import { EnumWidgetTypes, TypeOpenedWidget, uiActionSetPreviewingDatasetFiles } from "./services/state/uiState.store.helper"
 import { hot } from "jasmine-marbles"
-import * as DATABROWSER_MODULE_EXPORTS from 'src/ui/databrowserModule'
 import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from "@angular/common/http/testing"
 import { glueActionToggleDatasetPreview } from './glue'
 import { getIdObj } from 'common/util'
 import { DS_PREVIEW_URL } from 'src/util/constants'
+import { NgLayersService } from "./ui/layerbrowser/ngLayerService.service"
+import { EnumColorMapName } from "./util/colorMaps"
 const mockActionOnSpyReturnVal0 = { 
   id: getRandomHex(),
@@ -32,7 +33,14 @@ let actionOnWidgetSpy
 const nifti = {
   mimetype: "application/nifti",
   url: "http://abc.xyz",
-  referenceSpaces: []
+  referenceSpaces: [],
+  volumeMetadata: {
+    min: 0.1,
+    max: 0.45,
+    colormap: 'viridis'
+  },
+  name: 'helloworld',
+  filename: 'foobar'
 const chart = {
@@ -88,7 +96,8 @@ describe('> glue.ts', () => {
             provide: ACTION_TO_WIDGET_TOKEN,
             useValue: actionOnWidgetSpy
-          }
+          },
+          NgLayersService
@@ -247,6 +256,42 @@ describe('> glue.ts', () => {
         const req = ctrl.expectOne(`${DS_PREVIEW_URL}/${datasetId}/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`)
+      it('> on previewing nifti, thresholds, colormap and remove bg flag set properly', fakeAsync(() => {
+        const store = TestBed.inject(MockStore)
+        const ctrl = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController)
+        const layerService = TestBed.inject(NgLayersService)
+        const highThresholdMapSpy = spyOn(layerService.highThresholdMap, 'set').and.callThrough()
+        const lowThresholdMapSpy = spyOn(layerService.lowThresholdMap, 'set').and.callThrough()
+        const colorMapMapSpy = spyOn(layerService.colorMapMap, 'set').and.callThrough()
+        const bgFlagSpy = spyOn(layerService.removeBgMap, 'set').and.callThrough()
+        const glue = TestBed.inject(DatasetPreviewGlue)
+        store.setState({
+          uiState: {
+            previewingDatasetFiles: [ file1 ]
+          }
+        })
+        const { datasetId, filename } = file1
+        // debounce at 100ms
+        tick(200)
+        const req = ctrl.expectOne(`${DS_PREVIEW_URL}/${datasetId}/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`)
+        req.flush(nifti)
+        const { name, volumeMetadata } = nifti
+        const { min, max } = volumeMetadata
+        expect(highThresholdMapSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(name, max)
+        expect(lowThresholdMapSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(name, min)
+        expect(colorMapMapSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(name, EnumColorMapName.VIRIDIS)
+        expect(bgFlagSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(name, true)
+      }))
     describe('> #actionOnWidget', () => {
diff --git a/src/glue.ts b/src/glue.ts
index 7be1c6b576e6cd9fa9df0354567110892428b251..696129f96f5558c4e0c36cd3ce5523c7059bc53b 100644
--- a/src/glue.ts
+++ b/src/glue.ts
@@ -449,15 +449,6 @@ export const SAVE_USER_DATA = new InjectionToken<TypeSaveUserData>('SAVE_USER_DA
 type TypeSaveUserData = (key: string, value: string) => void
-  providedIn: 'root'
-export class DatasetUserGlue {
 export const gluActionFavDataset = createAction(
   '[glue] favDataset',
   props<{dataentry: Partial<IKgDataEntry>}>()
diff --git a/third_party/catchSyntaxError.js b/third_party/catchSyntaxError.js
index 4b6ef2f0d3cc71ef3677c946ff34e390e3052dc4..09218b04f306b7584e57d8342c106100ea372432 100644
--- a/third_party/catchSyntaxError.js
+++ b/third_party/catchSyntaxError.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(() => {
-  window.onerror = e => {
-    if (/^SyntaxError/.test(e)) {
+  window.onerror = function(e) {
+    if (/^SyntaxError/.test(e) || /^Syntax\serror/.test(e)) {
       console.log('Caught SyntaxError')
       const warning = 'Your browser cannot display the interactive viewer. Please use either Chrome >= 56 and/or Firefox >= 51'