diff --git a/deploy/datasets/testData/bigbrain.js b/deploy/datasets/testData/bigbrain.js
index 66156fbfbcd435f8c5a975f2876283277517ad0a..ca8e64871a35dcdc8685f64faf14c1a982c23868 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/testData/bigbrain.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/testData/bigbrain.js
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module.exports = [
     "parcellationAtlas": [
         "name": "Jülich Cytoarchitechtonic Brain Atlas (human)",
-        "fullId": "https://nexus.humanbrainproject.org/v0/data/minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
+        "fullId": "https://nexus.humanbrainproject.org/v0/data/minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
         "id": [
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/testData/colin27.js b/deploy/datasets/testData/colin27.js
index b7f11f1608db7a22c0b84558eb02ab547dfad6c1..44957a98138564316f0cfd01be4cd58d4e12c4ae 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/testData/colin27.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/testData/colin27.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module.exports = [
     "parcellationAtlas": [
         "name": "Jülich Cytoarchitechtonic Brain Atlas (human)",
-        "fullId": "https://nexus.humanbrainproject.org/v0/data/minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
+        "fullId": "https://nexus.humanbrainproject.org/v0/data/minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
         "id": [
diff --git a/deploy/datasets/util.js b/deploy/datasets/util.js
index a0bf8f2b1e12a1a54e5199980ab8c0e408296c76..22fbb56ad84098f3a6b70854919e17916b72f71e 100644
--- a/deploy/datasets/util.js
+++ b/deploy/datasets/util.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const KG_IDS = {
     LONG_BUNDLE: 'juelich/iav/atlas/v1.0.0/5',
     SHORT_BUNDLE: 'juelich/iav/atlas/v1.0.0/6',
     JULICH_BRAIN: 'minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579',
+    JULICH_BRAIN_V25: 'minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25',
     JULICH_BRAIN_V24_BIGBRAIN: 'juelich/iav/atlas/v1.0.0/7'
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ initPrArray.push(
       const longBundle = flattenRegions(json.parcellations.find(({ ['@id']: id }) => id === KG_IDS.PARCELLATIONS.LONG_BUNDLE).regions)
       const shortBundle = flattenRegions(json.parcellations.find(({ ['@id']: id }) =>  id === KG_IDS.PARCELLATIONS.SHORT_BUNDLE).regions)
-      const jubrain = flattenRegions(json.parcellations.find(({ ['@id']: id }) => id === KG_IDS.PARCELLATIONS.JULICH_BRAIN).regions)
+      const jubrain = flattenRegions(json.parcellations.find(({ ['@id']: id }) => id === KG_IDS.PARCELLATIONS.JULICH_BRAIN_V25).regions)
       longBundleSet = populateSet(longBundle)
       shortBundleSet = populateSet(shortBundle)
       juBrainSet = populateSet(jubrain)
diff --git a/src/res/ext/MNI152.json b/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
index 4ff6635b1263ae0cf56f78c00f762747e866dda6..a32f860320e553f682bc2d909ff3138c1fc7ada7 100644
--- a/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
+++ b/src/res/ext/MNI152.json
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
   "nehubaConfigURL": "nehubaConfig/MNI152NehubaConfig",
   "parcellations": [
-      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25-1",
-      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25-1",
+      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
+      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
       "name": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps - v2.5.1",
+      "displayName": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps",
       "auxillaryMeshIndices": [
@@ -9835,19512 +9836,6 @@
       "_": {
         "@src": "https://gin.g-node.org/FZJ-INM1-BDA/20201204_JulichBrainV3_0_hemisphereSplit_metadata/src/eebf8ef90078fb722456eb5e77eb000ae09db776/output/nehubaUI/julich-brain-v3.0-icbm152.json"
-    },
-    {
-      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
-      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
-      "name": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps - v2.5",
-      "auxillaryMeshIndices": [
-        65535
-      ],
-      "hasAdditionalViewMode": [],
-      "originDatasets": [
-        {
-          "kgSchema": "minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0",
-          "kgId": "5249afa7-5e04-4ffd-8039-c3a9231f717c"
-        }
-      ],
-      "properties": {
-        "description": "This dataset contains the whole-brain parcellation of the JuBrain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (Amunts and Zilles, 2015) in the MNI ICBM 2009c Asymmetric as well as the MNI ICBM 152 2009c nonlinear asymmetric reference space. The parcellation is derived from the individual probability maps (PMs) of the cytoarchitectonic regions released in the JuBrain Atlas, that are further combined into a Maximum Probability Map (MPM). The MPM is calculated by considering for each voxel the probability of all cytoarchitectonic areas released in the atlas, and determining the most probable assignment (Eickhoff 2005). Note that methodological improvements and integration of new brain structures may lead to small deviations in earlier released datasets.",
-        "publications": [
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2776",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145 "
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.037",
-            "citation": "Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065"
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-012693019-1/50023-X",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602."
-          }
-        ]
-      },
-      "regions": [
-        {
-          "name": "telencephalon",
-          "children": [
-            {
-              "name": "cerebral nuclei",
-              "children": [
-                {
-                  "name": "basal forebrain",
-                  "children": [
-                    {
-                      "name": "magnocellular group within septum",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 79,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "79"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 79,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "79"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "arealabel": "Ch-123",
-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "286",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/7SEP-P2V",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        }
-                      ],
-                      "_": {
-                        "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                          "name": "magnocellular group within septum",
-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    },
-                    {
-                      "name": "sublenticular part of basal forebrain",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 13,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "13"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 13,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "13"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "Ch 4 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "arealabel": "Ch-4",
-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "264",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/VZJ5-8WJ",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        }
-                      ],
-                      "_": {
-                        "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                          "name": "sublenticular part of basal forebrain",
-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    },
-                    {
-                      "name": "magnocellular group within horizontal limb of diagnoal band",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 79,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "79"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "labelIndex": 79,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                                  "gray": "79"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "Ch 123 (Basal Forebrain)",
-                              "arealabel": "Ch-123",
-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "286",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/7SEP-P2V",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        }
-                      ],
-                      "_": {
-                        "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                          "name": "magnocellular group within horizontal limb of diagnoal band",
-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    }
-                  ],
-                  "_": {
-                    "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                      "name": "basal forebrain",
-                      "status": null,
-                      "labelIndex": null,
-                      "synonyms": [],
-                      "rgb": null
-                    }
-                  }
-                },
-                {
-                  "name": "amygdala",
-                  "children": [
-                    {
-                      "name": "laterobasal group",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 94,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "94"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 94,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "94"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "LB (Amygdala)",
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-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "187",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/C3X0-NV3",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        }
-                      ],
-                      "_": {
-                        "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                          "name": "laterobasal group",
-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    },
-                    {
-                      "name": "superficial group",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 44,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "44"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 44,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "44"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
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-                              "labelIndex": "290",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/36FR-C95",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        },
-                        {
-                          "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
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-                            {
-                              "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 111,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
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-                                }
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-                            },
-                            {
-                              "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 110,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "110"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "SF (Amygdala)",
-                              "arealabel": "SF",
-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "185",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/WD31-SEA",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        }
-                      ],
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-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    },
-                    {
-                      "name": "fiber masses",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "VTM (Amygdala)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "VTM (Amygdala)",
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-                              "name": "VTM (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 83,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
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-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "VTM (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "83"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "VTM (Amygdala)",
-                              "arealabel": "VTM",
-                              "status": "publicP",
-                              "labelIndex": "228",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/99HN-XRE",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
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-                          "name": "IF (Amygdala)",
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-                              "name": "IF (Amygdala)",
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-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "IF (Amygdala)",
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-                                }
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-                            {
-                              "name": "IF (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 61,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
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-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "IF (Amygdala)",
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-                                }
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-                              "labelIndex": "237",
-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/GWPR-G6K",
-                              "synonyms": [],
-                              "rgb": null
-                            }
-                          }
-                        },
-                        {
-                          "name": "MF (Amygdala)",
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-                            {
-                              "name": "MF (Amygdala)",
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-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
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-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "MF (Amygdala)",
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-                                }
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-                              "name": "MF (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 104,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
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-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "MF (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "104"
-                                }
-                              }
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-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
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-                              "doi": "https://doi.org/10.25493/9375-55V",
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-                      ],
-                      "_": {
-                        "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
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-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    },
-                    {
-                      "name": "centromedial group",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 44,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "44"
-                                }
-                              }
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-                            {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                              "labelIndex": 44,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_RIGHT_NG",
-                              "_": {
-                                "xml": {
-                                  "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
-                                  "gray": "44"
-                                }
-                              }
-                            }
-                          ],
-                          "_": {
-                            "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                              "name": "CM (Amygdala)",
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-                              "labelIndex": "290",
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-                          "status": null,
-                          "labelIndex": null,
-                          "synonyms": [],
-                          "rgb": null
-                        }
-                      }
-                    }
-                  ],
-                  "_": {
-                    "julichbrain-ontology_25.json": {
-                      "name": "amygdala",
-                      "status": null,
-                      "labelIndex": null,
-                      "synonyms": [],
-                      "rgb": null
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-              ],
-              "_": {
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-                  "name": "cerebral nuclei",
-                  "status": null,
-                  "labelIndex": null,
-                  "synonyms": [],
-                  "rgb": null
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "name": "cerebral cortex",
-              "children": [
-                {
-                  "name": "parietal lobe",
-                  "children": [
-                    {
-                      "name": "superior parietal lobule",
-                      "children": [
-                        {
-                          "name": "Area 5L (SPL)",
-                          "children": [
-                            {
-                              "name": "Area 5L (SPL)",
-                              "labelIndex": 97,
-                              "ngId": "ICBM152_V25_LEFT_NG",
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-      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
-      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
-      "name": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps - v2.4",
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-      "originDatasets": [
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-          "kgSchema": "minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0",
-          "kgId": "5249afa7-5e04-4ffd-8039-c3a9231f717c"
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-      ],
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-        "description": "This dataset contains the whole-brain parcellation of the JuBrain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (Amunts and Zilles, 2015) in the MNI ICBM 2009c Asymmetric as well as the MNI ICBM 152 2009c nonlinear asymmetric reference space. The parcellation is derived from the individual probability maps (PMs) of the cytoarchitectonic regions released in the JuBrain Atlas, that are further combined into a Maximum Probability Map (MPM). The MPM is calculated by considering for each voxel the probability of all cytoarchitectonic areas released in the atlas, and determining the most probable assignment (Eickhoff 2005). Note that methodological improvements and integration of new brain structures may lead to small deviations in earlier released datasets.",
-        "publications": [
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2776",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145 "
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.037",
-            "citation": "Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065"
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-012693019-1/50023-X",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602."
-          }
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--- a/src/res/ext/colin.json
+++ b/src/res/ext/colin.json
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
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+      "displayName": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps",
       "auxillaryMeshIndices": [
@@ -9834,19512 +9835,6 @@
       "_": {
         "@src": "https://gin.g-node.org/FZJ-INM1-BDA/20201204_JulichBrainV3_0_hemisphereSplit_metadata/src/eebf8ef90078fb722456eb5e77eb000ae09db776/output/nehubaUI/julich-brain-v3.0-colin.json"
-    },
-    {
-      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
-      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25",
-      "name": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps - v2.5",
-      "auxillaryMeshIndices": [
-        65535
-      ],
-      "hasAdditionalViewMode": [],
-      "originDatasets": [
-        {
-          "kgSchema": "minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0",
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-      "properties": {
-        "description": "This dataset contains the whole-brain parcellation of the JuBrain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (Amunts and Zilles, 2015) in the MNI Colin 27 as well as the MNI ICBM 152 2009c nonlinear asymmetric reference space. The parcellation is derived from the individual probability maps (PMs) of the cytoarchitectonic regions released in the JuBrain Atlas, that are further combined into a Maximum Probability Map (MPM). The MPM is calculated by considering for each voxel the probability of all cytoarchitectonic areas released in the atlas, and determining the most probable assignment (Eickhoff 2005). Note that methodological improvements and integration of new brain structures may lead to small deviations in earlier released datasets.",
-        "publications": [
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2776",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145 "
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.037",
-            "citation": "Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065"
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-012693019-1/50023-X",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602."
-          }
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-      "_": {
-        "@src": "https://gin.g-node.org/FZJ-INM1-BDA/20201202_JulichBrainHierarchy/src/07a76da90bdbd35e56a01de817befbe6c12f91da/output/nehubaUI/colin_regions.json"
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-    },
-    {
-      "fullId": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
-      "@id": "minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579",
-      "name": "Cytoarchitectonic Maps - v2.4",
-      "auxillaryMeshIndices": [
-        65535
-      ],
-      "hasAdditionalViewMode": [],
-      "originDatasets": [
-        {
-          "kgSchema": "minds/core/dataset/v1.0.0",
-          "kgId": "5249afa7-5e04-4ffd-8039-c3a9231f717c"
-        }
-      ],
-      "properties": {
-        "description": "This dataset contains the whole-brain parcellation of the JuBrain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (Amunts and Zilles, 2015) in the MNI Colin 27 as well as the MNI ICBM 152 2009c nonlinear asymmetric reference space. The parcellation is derived from the individual probability maps (PMs) of the cytoarchitectonic regions released in the JuBrain Atlas, that are further combined into a Maximum Probability Map (MPM). The MPM is calculated by considering for each voxel the probability of all cytoarchitectonic areas released in the atlas, and determining the most probable assignment (Eickhoff 2005). Note that methodological improvements and integration of new brain structures may lead to small deviations in earlier released datasets.",
-        "publications": [
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2776",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Amunts K (2010) Centenary of Brodmann’s map – conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(2): 139-145 "
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.02.037",
-            "citation": "Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K (2007) Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex – more than localization. Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065"
-          },
-          {
-            "doi": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-012693019-1/50023-X",
-            "citation": "Zilles K, Schleicher A, Palomero-Gallagher N, Amunts K (2002) Quantitative analysis of cyto- and receptor architecture of the human brain. In: /Brain Mapping: The Methods/, J. C. Mazziotta and A. Toga (eds.), USA: Elsevier, 2002, p. 573-602."
-          }
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diff --git a/src/services/effect/effect.spec.ts b/src/services/effect/effect.spec.ts
index a65e40146f7f9be14f93f6cd7a780d806aca00c5..a414cb18e56ecaabce80113fb72a096f2819a4d6 100644
--- a/src/services/effect/effect.spec.ts
+++ b/src/services/effect/effect.spec.ts
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import { defaultRootState } from '../stateStore.service'
 const colinsJson = require('!json-loader!../../res/ext/colin.json')
-const COLIN_V24_ID = 'minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579'
+const COLIN_V25_ID = 'minds/core/parcellationatlas/v1.0.0/94c1125b-b87e-45e4-901c-00daee7f2579-25'
 describe('effect.ts', () => {
   describe('getGetRegionFromLabelIndexId', () => {
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ describe('effect.ts', () => {
       const getRegionFromlabelIndexId = getGetRegionFromLabelIndexId({
         parcellation: {
-          ...colinsJson.parcellations.find(p => p['@id'] === COLIN_V24_ID),
+          ...colinsJson.parcellations.find(p => p['@id'] === COLIN_V25_ID),
           updated: true,
       const fetchedRegion = getRegionFromlabelIndexId({ labelIndexId: `${COLIN_JULICHBRAIN_LAYER_NAME}#116` })
-      expect(fetchedRegion.fullId.kg.kgId).toEqual('b09aaa77-f41b-4008-b8b9-f984b0417cf3')
+      expect(fetchedRegion.fullId.kg.kgId).toEqual('c9753e82-80ca-4074-a704-9dd2c4c0d58b')