diff --git a/src/ui/help/helpOnePager/helpOnePager.template.html b/src/ui/help/helpOnePager/helpOnePager.template.html
index c309155ae5174ca4c62034fc8ab758913cbc71a3..5deb0814295c1c67a71fc641dd6698e47795b7cd 100644
--- a/src/ui/help/helpOnePager/helpOnePager.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/help/helpOnePager/helpOnePager.template.html
@@ -3,6 +3,16 @@
 <div mat-dialog-actions align="center">
+  <button mat-button color="primary" mat-dialog-close quick-tour>
+    <span class="d-flex align-items-center">
+      Take a tour
+      <mat-icon fontSet="far" fontIcon="fa-play-circle">
+      </mat-icon>
+    </span>
+  </button>
   <a *ngIf="extQuickStarter"
@@ -16,4 +26,4 @@
   <button mat-button mat-dialog-close cdkFocusInitial>close</button>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/help/module.ts b/src/ui/help/module.ts
index 4a34ab43a3cf9efa449eb2edcd2150921a53e744..9decffaa2985077251f945e7a55c20b1924390d7 100644
--- a/src/ui/help/module.ts
+++ b/src/ui/help/module.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { UtilModule } from "src/util";
 import { AngularMaterialModule } from "../sharedModules/angularMaterial.module";
 import { AboutCmp } from './about/about.component'
 import { HelpOnePager } from "./helpOnePager/helpOnePager.component";
+import {QuickTourModule} from "src/ui/quickTour/module";
   imports: [
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ import { HelpOnePager } from "./helpOnePager/helpOnePager.component";
+    QuickTourModule
   declarations: [
@@ -23,4 +25,4 @@ import { HelpOnePager } from "./helpOnePager/helpOnePager.component";
-export class HelpModule{}
\ No newline at end of file
+export class HelpModule{}
diff --git a/src/ui/quickTour/module.ts b/src/ui/quickTour/module.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b027e558fccd92fd39d2491193a96b0e8cbe52e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/quickTour/module.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { FullscreenOverlayContainer, OverlayContainer } from "@angular/cdk/overlay";
+import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
+import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
+import { UtilModule } from "src/util";
+import { AngularMaterialModule } from "../sharedModules/angularMaterial.module";
+import {QuickTourComponent} from "src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.component";
+import {QuickTourDirective} from "src/ui/quickTour/quickTour.directive";
+  imports: [
+    CommonModule,
+    AngularMaterialModule,
+    UtilModule,
+  ],
+  declarations:[
+    QuickTourDirective,
+    QuickTourComponent,
+  ],
+  exports: [
+    QuickTourDirective,
+  ],
+  providers:[{
+    provide: OverlayContainer,
+    useClass: FullscreenOverlayContainer
+  }]
+export class QuickTourModule{}
diff --git a/src/ui/quickTour/quickTour.directive.ts b/src/ui/quickTour/quickTour.directive.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ca41054593adf91776d3ef19a572a572c6f0224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/quickTour/quickTour.directive.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { Overlay, OverlayRef } from "@angular/cdk/overlay";
+import { ComponentPortal } from "@angular/cdk/portal";
+import {ComponentRef, Directive, HostListener} from "@angular/core";
+import { take } from "rxjs/operators";
+import {QuickTourComponent} from "src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.component";
+  selector: '[quick-tour]'
+export class QuickTourDirective {
+    public touring = false
+    private overlayRef: OverlayRef
+    private cmpRef: ComponentRef<QuickTourComponent>
+    @HostListener('window:keydown', ['$event'])
+    keyListener(ev: KeyboardEvent){
+      if (ev.key === 'Escape') {
+        if (this.overlayRef) this.dispose()
+      }
+    }
+    @HostListener('click')
+    onClick(){
+      this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create({
+        height: '0px',
+        width: '0px',
+        hasBackdrop: false,
+        positionStrategy: this.overlay.position().global(),
+        // panelClass: ['w-100', 'h-100'],
+      })
+      this.cmpRef = this.overlayRef.attach(
+        new ComponentPortal(QuickTourComponent)
+      )
+      this.cmpRef.instance.destroy.pipe(
+        take(1)
+      ).subscribe(
+        () => {
+          this.dispose()
+        }
+      )
+    }
+    dispose(){
+      this.cmpRef = null
+      if (this.overlayRef) this.overlayRef.dispose()
+      this.overlayRef = null
+    }
+    reset(){
+      this.touring = true
+    }
+    clear(){
+      this.touring = false
+    }
+    constructor(private overlay: Overlay){}
diff --git a/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.component.ts b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c5e051665b813fb060ab6042c48c421f041c98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+import {AfterViewInit, Component, EventEmitter, HostListener, OnDestroy, Output} from "@angular/core";
+  selector : 'quick-tour',
+  templateUrl : './quickTour.temlate.html',
+  styleUrls : ['./quickTour.style.css',],
+export class QuickTourComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
+  @Output() destroy = new EventEmitter()
+  public currentTip = 0
+  public numberOfSteps = null
+  private observers: any[] = []
+  public slides: any[] = [
+    {
+      description: 'This is the atlas selector. Click here to choose between EBRAINS reference atlases of different species.',
+      tooltipRight: '10px',
+      tooltipTop: '65px',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrowMargin: '0 0 0 60%',
+      arrow: 'arrow1',
+      step: 1,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'The planar views allow you to zoom in to full resolution (mouse wheel), pan the view (click+drag), and select oblique sections (shift+click+drag). You can double-click brain regions to select them.',
+      tooltipLeft: 'calc(50% - 50px)',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(50% - 50px)',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrow: 'arrow5',
+      textMargin: '-60px 0px 0px 45px',
+      step: 2,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'The 3D view gives an overview of the brain with limited resolution. It can be independently rotated. Click the „eye“ icon on the bottom left to toggle pure surface view.',
+      tooltipLeft: 'calc(50% - 300px)',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(50% - 160px)',
+      arrowPosition: 'bottom',
+      arrow: 'arrow6',
+      arrowMargin: '-10 0 0 calc(100% + 10px)',
+      arrowTransform: 'rotate(130deg)',
+      step: 3,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'Use these icons in any of the views to maximize it and zoom in/out.',
+      tooltipRight: '122px',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(50% - 28px)',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrowMargin: '0 100% -8px calc(100% + 5px)',
+      arrow: 'arrow6',
+      arrowTransform: 'rotate(40deg)',
+      step: 4,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'This is the atlas layer browser. If an atlas supports multiple template spaces or parcellation maps, you will find them here.',
+      tooltipLeft: '18px',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(100vh - 230px)',
+      arrow: 'arrow2',
+      arrowMargin: '100% 0px 0px 0px',
+      arrowPosition: 'left',
+      autoNext: 'layerSelectorOpened',
+      viewAttached: 'sidebarRegion',
+      step: 5,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'Choose other available templates or parcellations here.',
+      tooltipLeft: '300px',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(100vh - 550px)',
+      arrow: 'arrow6',
+      arrowMargin: '30px 14px 0px 15px',
+      arrowTransform: 'rotate(-120deg)',
+      arrowPosition: 'left',
+      viewAttached: 'sidebarRegion',
+      documentClickOnNext: true,
+      step: 5,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'These „chips“ indicate the currently selected parcellation map as well as selected region. Click the chip to see different versions, if any. Click (i) to read more about a selected item. Click (x) to clear a selection.',
+      tooltipLeft: '18px',
+      tooltipTop: 'calc(100vh - 340px)',
+      arrow: 'arrow1',
+      arrowTransform: 'scaleX(-1) rotate(170deg)',
+      arrowMargin: '0 0 0 100px',
+      arrowPosition: 'bottom',
+      viewAttached: 'sidebarRegion',
+      documentClickOnNext: true,
+      step: 6,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'This is the coordinate navigator. Expand it to manipulate voxel and physical coordinates, to reset the view, or to create persistent links to the current view for sharing.',
+      tooltipLeft: '50px',
+      tooltipTop: '55px',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrow: 'arrow1',
+      autoNext: 'viewerStatusOpened',
+      viewAttached: 'sidebar',
+      step: 7,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'You can to manipulate voxel and physical coordinates, to reset the view, or to create persistent links to the current view for sharing.',
+      tooltipLeft: '30px',
+      tooltipTop: '130px',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrow: 'arrow6',
+      arrowMargin: '0 0 0 50%',
+      viewAttached: 'sidebar',
+      step: 7,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'Open sidebar to find the region quick search.',
+      tooltipTop: '80px',
+      arrow: 'arrow2',
+      arrowMargin: '-40px 0 0 0',
+      arrowTransform: 'scaleX(-1) rotate(180deg)',
+      arrowPosition: 'arrow2',
+      autoNext: 'sidebarOpened',
+      step: 8,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'Use the region quick search for finding, selecting and navigating brain regions in the selected parcellation map.',
+      tooltipTop: '65px',
+      arrow: 'arrow6',
+      arrowMargin: '-50px 10px 0 40px',
+      arrowTransform: 'rotate(-55deg)',
+      arrowPosition: 'left',
+      documentClickOnNext: true,
+      step: 8,
+    },
+    {
+      description: 'These icons provide access to plugins, pinned datasets, and user documentation. Use the profile icon to login with your EBRAINS account.',
+      tooltipRight: '125px',
+      tooltipTop: '55px',
+      arrowPosition: 'top',
+      arrowMargin: '0 0 0 50%',
+      arrowTransform: 'scaleX(-1)',
+      arrow: 'arrow1',
+      step: 9,
+    },
+  ]
+  constructor() {
+    this.numberOfSteps = new Array([...this.slides].filter(s => s.step).pop()['step'])
+  }
+  ngAfterViewInit() {
+    const layerSelectorEl = document.querySelector('atlas-layer-selector')
+    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
+      mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
+        if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.autoNext === 'layerSelectorOpened' && mutation.target['dataset']['opened'] === 'true') {
+          this.currentTip += 1
+        } else if (this.slides[this.currentTip-1]?.autoNext === 'layerSelectorOpened' && mutation.target['dataset']['opened'] === 'false') {
+          this.currentTip -= 1
+        }
+      })
+    })
+    const observerConfig = {
+      attributes: true,
+      childList: true,
+      characterData: true
+    }
+    observer.observe(layerSelectorEl, observerConfig)
+    this.observers.push(observer)
+  }
+  @HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
+  documentClick(event) {
+    // Auto change view when nehuba navigation status is opened
+    const nehubaStatus = document.querySelector('iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-status')
+    const nehubaStatusContainer = nehubaStatus? nehubaStatus.querySelector('mat-card.expandedContainer') : null
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.autoNext === 'viewerStatusOpened' && nehubaStatusContainer) {
+      this.currentTip += 1
+    } else if(this.slides[this.currentTip-1]?.autoNext === 'viewerStatusOpened' && !nehubaStatusContainer) {
+      this.currentTip -= 1
+    }
+    // Auto move to region search tip when sidebar is opened
+    const drawerElement = document.getElementsByTagName('mat-drawer')[0] as HTMLElement
+    const drawerOpened = drawerElement.getAttribute('data-mat-drawer-top-open') === 'true'
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.autoNext === 'sidebarOpened' && drawerOpened) {
+      const drawerWidth = drawerElement.offsetWidth
+      this.currentTip += 1
+      this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft = drawerWidth-100 + 'px'
+    } else if(this.slides[this.currentTip-1]?.autoNext === 'sidebarOpened' && !drawerOpened) {
+      this.currentTip -= 1
+    }
+    // Check sidebar status when on open/close
+    const clickInsideCdkOverlay = document.querySelector('.cdk-overlay-container')?.contains(event.target)
+    if (!clickInsideCdkOverlay) {
+      this.checkSidebarStatus()
+    }
+  }
+  goBack() {
+    // Click document for closing menu
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.documentClickOnNext) {
+      document.body.click()
+    }
+    // Moeve to prev tip
+    this.currentTip = this.slides.findIndex(s => s.step === this.slides[this.currentTip].step-1)
+    //Checks
+    //// Layer selector status
+    this.checkAtlasLayerSelectorState()
+    //// Sidebar status
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebar' || this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebarRegion') {
+      this.checkSidebarStatus()
+    }
+  }
+  goForward() {
+    // Click document for closing menu
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.documentClickOnNext) {
+      document.body.click()
+    }
+    // Moeve to next tip
+    this.currentTip = this.slides.findIndex(s => s.step === this.slides[this.currentTip].step+1)
+    // Checks
+    //// Layer selector status
+    this.checkAtlasLayerSelectorState()
+    //// Sidebar status
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebar' || this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebarRegion') {
+      this.checkSidebarStatus()
+    }
+  }
+  moveToTipByIndex(index) {
+    // Click document for closing menu
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.documentClickOnNext) {
+      document.body.click()
+    }
+    // Moeve to next tip
+    this.currentTip = this.slides.findIndex(s => s.step === index+1)
+    // Checks
+    //// Layer selector status
+    this.checkAtlasLayerSelectorState()
+    //// Sidebar status
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebar' || this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebarRegion') {
+      this.checkSidebarStatus()
+    }
+  }
+  checkAtlasLayerSelectorState() {
+    const layerSelectorEl = document.querySelector('atlas-layer-selector')
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.autoNext === 'layerSelectorOpened' && layerSelectorEl['dataset']['opened'] === 'true') {
+      this.currentTip += 1
+    }
+  }
+  private lastTipForSidebar = null
+  private drawerOpened = false
+  private drawerExpanded = false
+  checkSidebarStatus() {
+    const drawerElement = document.getElementsByTagName('mat-drawer')[0] as HTMLElement
+    const expandDrawer = document.getElementsByTagName('mat-drawer')[1] as HTMLElement
+    const drawerOpened = drawerElement.getAttribute('data-mat-drawer-top-open') === 'true'
+    const drawerExpanded = expandDrawer.getAttribute('data-mat-drawer-fullleft-open') === 'true'
+    const drawerWidth = drawerElement.offsetWidth
+    if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebar' || this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebarRegion'
+        && this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft) {
+      if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebar') {
+        if (drawerOpened
+            && (!this.drawerOpened || this.lastTipForSidebar !== this.currentTip)
+            && !this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar) {
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft = (parseInt(this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft) + drawerWidth) + 'px'
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar = true
+        } else if (!drawerOpened
+            && (this.drawerOpened || this.lastTipForSidebar !== this.currentTip)
+            && this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar) {
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft = (parseInt(this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft) - drawerWidth) + 'px'
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar = false
+        }
+      } else if (this.slides[this.currentTip]?.viewAttached === 'sidebarRegion') {
+        if (drawerExpanded
+            && (!this.drawerExpanded || this.lastTipForSidebar !== this.currentTip)
+            && !this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar) {
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft = (parseInt(this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft) + drawerWidth) + 'px'
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar = true
+        } else if (!drawerExpanded
+            && (this.drawerExpanded || this.lastTipForSidebar !== this.currentTip)
+            && this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar) {
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft = (parseInt(this.slides[this.currentTip].tooltipLeft) - drawerWidth) + 'px'
+          this.slides[this.currentTip].movedForSidebar = false
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    this.drawerOpened = drawerOpened
+    this.drawerExpanded = drawerExpanded
+    this.lastTipForSidebar = this.currentTip
+  }
+  ngOnDestroy(): void {
+    this.observers.forEach(o => {
+      o.disconnect()
+    })
+  }
diff --git a/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.style.css b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3813b0c5273313fa3b1e00cfd16aa90007f3343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+:host {
+    /*z-index: 9999;*/
+    display: block;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+::ng-deep .cdk-global-overlay-wrapper {
+    z-index: 900;
+::ng-deep .mat-stroked-button[disabled] {
+    color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.41) !important;
+::ng-deep .mat-stroked-button:not([disabled]) {
+    border-color: #222529 !important;
+.stokeColor {
+    stroke-width: 3px;
+    stroke-linecap: round;
+    stroke-linejoin: round;
+    fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+:host-context([darktheme="true"]) .stokeColor {
+    stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255);
+:host-context([darktheme="false"]) .stokeColor {
+    stroke: rgb(66,66,66);
+/*::ng-deep .mat-stroked-button:not([disabled]) {*/
+/* color: #1a1a1a;*/
+.tour-help {
+    /*background-color: #efefef;*/
+    z-index: 901;
+.tipCard {
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    max-width: 300px;
+    text-align: left;
+:host-context([darktheme="true"]) .tipCard {
+    background-color: #424242;
+    color: white;
+:host-context([darktheme="false"]) .tipCard {
+    background-color: #FFFFFF;
+    border: 1px solid rgba(66, 66, 66, 0.26);
+    color: #424242;
+.cover {
+    background-color: rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);
+    width: 100vw;
+    height: 100vh;
+    z-index: 899;
+    /*display: block;*/
+    top: 0;
+    left: 0;
+.box {
+    box-sizing: content-box;
+    width: 0;
+    height: 0;
+    transform-origin: top left;
+    border: 10000px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+.inner-box {
+    border: 1px white solid;
+.stepCircle {
+    width: 10px;
+    height: 10px;
+    border-radius: 5px;
+/*.cover {*/
+/*    pointer-events: none; z-index: 900;*/
diff --git a/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.temlate.html b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.temlate.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27cc13ef130fcfbeb0ef8a7474e6e757df7ee004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/quickTour/quickToutCmp/quickTour.temlate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<div class="tour-help position-fixed pt-3 pr-3 pl-3 pb-1 d-flex"
+     [ngStyle]="{
+        top: slides[currentTip]?.tooltipTop || null,
+        bottom: slides[currentTip].tooltipBottom || null,
+        left: slides[currentTip]?.tooltipLeft || null,
+        right: slides[currentTip]?.tooltipRight || null}"
+    [ngClass]="[slides[currentTip]?.arrowPosition === 'right'? 'flex-row-reverse' : '',
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrowPosition === 'left'? 'flex-row' : '',
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrowPosition === 'top'? 'flex-column' : '',
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrowPosition === 'bottom'? 'flex-column-reverse' : '']">
+    <div *ngIf="slides[currentTip]?.arrow">
+        <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="arrow"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center h-100 tipCard pt-3 pr-3 pl-3"
+         [ngStyle]="{margin: slides[currentTip]?.textMargin? slides[currentTip].textMargin : null,
+                    maxWidth: slides[currentTip]?.textWidth? slides[currentTip].textWidth : null}">
+        <div class="iv-custom-comp d-flex flex-column">
+            <h6 class="mb-2">
+                {{slides[currentTip].description}}
+            </h6>
+            <div class="text-center">
+                 <button mat-button iav-stop="mousedown mouseup"
+                     (click)="goBack()"
+                     *ngIf="currentTip">
+                   <i class="fas fa-angle-left"></i>
+                   <span class="ml-1">BACK</span>
+                </button>
+                <button mat-button iav-stop="mousedown mouseup"
+                    (click)="goForward()"
+                    *ngIf="currentTip < slides.length - 1">
+                    <span class="mr-1">NEXT</span>
+                    <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>
+                </button>
+                <button iav-stop="mousedown mouseup"
+                    (click)="destroy.emit();"
+                    mat-button>CLOSE</button>
+            </div>
+            <div class="d-flex align-self-end mb-1 mt-1">
+                <div *ngFor="let stepCircle of numberOfSteps; let i = index"
+                     class="border mr-1 stepCircle"
+                     [ngStyle]="{background: slides[currentTip]?.step === i+1? 'currentColor' : ''}"
+                     (click)="moveToTipByIndex(i)">
+                    {{stepCircle}}
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+<ng-template #arrow>
+    <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow1'? arrow1 :
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow2'? arrow2:
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow3'? arrow3:
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow5'? arrow5:
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow6'? arrow6:
+                slides[currentTip]?.arrow === 'arrow4'? arrow4: null"></ng-content>
+<ng-template #arrow1>
+    <svg [ngStyle]="{transform: slides[currentTip]?.arrowTransform? slides[currentTip]?.arrowTransform : null,
+                     margin: slides[currentTip]?.arrowMargin? slides[currentTip]?.arrowMargin : null}"
+         height="80px" class="overflow-visible" viewBox="166.586 231.427 12.015 71.497" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+        <path class="stokeColor" style="fill-opacity: 0; paint-order: stroke markers; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 3px;" d="M 183.239 326.14 C 176.831 309.209 176.634 285.376 182.647 254.643" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -9.368863, -23.215925)"/>
+        <path class="stokeColor" d="M 187.97 263.39 C 187.12 262.245 184.536 259.536 182.665 254.732" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -9.368863, -23.215925)"/>
+        <path class="stokeColor" d="M 182.791 254.976 C 181.626 254.227 174.925 262.146 176.09 262.895" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -9.368863, -23.215925)"/>
+    </svg>
+<ng-template #arrow2>
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