diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 491667075a4a27dfec14a0a4693c05ac17bab5d1..a2ed139c5d747a35ef3c5ed5d8db25138d6831cb 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
   "license": "ISC",
   "devDependencies": {
     "@angular/animations": "^7.2.15",
+    "@angular/cdk": "^7.3.7",
     "@angular/common": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/compiler": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/compiler-cli": "^7.2.15",
@@ -31,8 +32,10 @@
     "@angular/forms": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/http": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/language-service": "^7.2.15",
+    "@angular/material": "^7.3.7",
     "@angular/platform-browser": "^7.2.15",
     "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^7.2.15",
+    "@angular/router": "^7.2.15",
     "@ngrx/effects": "^7.4.0",
     "@ngrx/store": "^6.0.1",
     "@ngtools/webpack": "^6.0.5",
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@
     "core-js": "^3.0.1",
     "css-loader": "^3.2.0",
     "file-loader": "^1.1.11",
+    "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
     "html-webpack-plugin": "^3.2.0",
     "jasmine": "^3.1.0",
     "jasmine-core": "^3.4.0",
@@ -78,11 +82,7 @@
     "webpack-closure-compiler": "^2.1.6",
     "webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.4",
     "webpack-merge": "^4.1.2",
-    "@angular/cdk": "^7.3.7",
-    "@angular/material": "^7.3.7",
-    "@angular/router": "^7.2.15",
     "zone.js": "^0.9.1"
-  "dependencies": {
-  }
+  "dependencies": {}
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.pluginService.service.ts b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.pluginService.service.ts
index 66d7a3ff527cd84d8c11af520c3bd82cdf3741e3..84f5e30d687124fd8ebc5b457c70929385de1a62 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.pluginService.service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.pluginService.service.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 import { Injectable, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentFactory } from "@angular/core";
+import { PluginInitManifestInterface, PLUGIN_STATE_ACTION_TYPES } from "src/services/state/pluginState.store";
 import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'
-import { PluginInitManifestInterface, ACTION_TYPES } from "src/services/state/pluginState.store";
 import { isDefined } from 'src/services/stateStore.service'
 import { AtlasViewerAPIServices } from "./atlasViewer.apiService.service";
 import { PluginUnit } from "./pluginUnit/pluginUnit.component";
 import { WidgetServices } from "./widgetUnit/widgetService.service";
 import '../res/css/plugin_styles.css'
-import { interval, BehaviorSubject, Observable, merge, of } from "rxjs";
-import { take, takeUntil, map, shareReplay } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, merge, of } from "rxjs";
+import { map, shareReplay } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { WidgetUnit } from "./widgetUnit/widgetUnit.component";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "./atlasViewer.constantService.service";
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export class PluginServices{
       map(set => {
-        const returnSet = new Set()
+        const returnSet = new Set<string>()
         for (let [pluginName, wu] of this.mapPluginNameToWidgetUnit) {
           if (set.has(wu)) {
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ export class PluginServices{
           : null
         handler.setInitManifestUrl = (url) => this.store.dispatch({
           manifest : {
             name : plugin.name,
             initManifestUrl : url
diff --git a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
index 1a4876f532732f6415988deb76849f926ab3377a..f8d3522472ea1c736ea56850db0091c8b536d69a 100644
--- a/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
+++ b/src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.template.html
@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@
-      <mat-tab label="Settings">
-        <config-component>
-        </config-component>
-      </mat-tab>
       <mat-tab label="Privacy Policy">
         <!-- TODO make tab container scrollable -->
diff --git a/src/main.module.ts b/src/main.module.ts
index e9de0e721ce376f8f19bf89659b86d51f1ccb957..b557d69b45e03f6990b3ea808e6470ba210462e1 100644
--- a/src/main.module.ts
+++ b/src/main.module.ts
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ import { ViewerStateControllerUseEffect } from "./ui/viewerStateController/viewe
 import { ConfirmDialogComponent } from "./components/confirmDialog/confirmDialog.component";
 import { ViewerStateUseEffect } from "./services/state/viewerState.store";
+import 'hammerjs'
   imports : [
diff --git a/src/res/css/extra_styles.css b/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
index 65124d1b299482a6debd5e37450293da4391fe49..d5b2c296496bf6c94cd3127c620dcc1812176f36 100644
--- a/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
+++ b/src/res/css/extra_styles.css
@@ -286,6 +286,15 @@ markdown-dom pre code
   white-space: initial!important;
+  width: 5em!important;
+  width: 10em!important;
   max-width: 400px!important;
@@ -346,9 +355,26 @@ markdown-dom pre code
   pointer-events: none;
-  height:100%;
+  height: 5em!important;
+  height:7em!important;
+  height:10em!important;
+  height:15em!important;
+  height:20em!important;
diff --git a/src/services/state/ngViewerState.store.ts b/src/services/state/ngViewerState.store.ts
index d1dd8b27a79daa1b2a73ad56df959cac71f87636..289489d7e549bd4266aac0a57ffd67c877aa2804 100644
--- a/src/services/state/ngViewerState.store.ts
+++ b/src/services/state/ngViewerState.store.ts
@@ -1,32 +1,58 @@
 import { Action } from '@ngrx/store'
+export const FOUR_PANEL = 'FOUR_PANEL'
+export const V_ONE_THREE = 'V_ONE_THREE'
+export const H_ONE_THREE = 'H_ONE_THREE'
 export interface NgViewerStateInterface{
   layers : NgLayerInterface[]
   forceShowSegment : boolean | null
   nehubaReady: boolean
+  panelMode: string
+  panelOrder: string
 export interface NgViewerAction extends Action{
   layer : NgLayerInterface
   forceShowSegment : boolean
   nehubaReady: boolean
+  payload: any
-const defaultState:NgViewerStateInterface = {layers:[], forceShowSegment:null, nehubaReady: false}
+const defaultState:NgViewerStateInterface = {
+  layers:[],
+  forceShowSegment:null,
+  nehubaReady: false,
+  panelMode: FOUR_PANEL,
+  panelOrder: `0123`
 export function ngViewerState(prevState:NgViewerStateInterface = defaultState, action:NgViewerAction):NgViewerStateInterface{
+      const { payload } = action
+      const { panelOrder } = payload
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
+        panelOrder
+      }
+    }
+      const { payload } = action
+      const { panelMode } = payload
+      if (SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES.indexOf(panelMode) < 0) return prevState
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
+        panelMode
+      }
+    }
     case ADD_NG_LAYER:
-      return Object.assign({}, prevState, {
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
         /* this configration hides the layer if a non mixable layer already present */
-        layers : action.layer.constructor === Array 
-          ? prevState.layers.concat(action.layer)
-          : prevState.layers.concat(
-              Object.assign({}, action.layer, 
-                action.layer.mixability === 'nonmixable' && prevState.layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0
-                  ? {visible: false}
-                  : {}))
         /* this configuration does not the addition of multiple non mixable layers */
         // layers : action.layer.mixability === 'nonmixable' && prevState.layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0
         //   ? prevState.layers
@@ -34,39 +60,47 @@ export function ngViewerState(prevState:NgViewerStateInterface = defaultState, a
         /* this configuration allows the addition of multiple non mixables */
         // layers : prevState.layers.map(l => mapLayer(l, action.layer)).concat(action.layer)
-      })
+        layers : action.layer.constructor === Array 
+          ? prevState.layers.concat(action.layer)
+          : prevState.layers.concat({
+            ...action.layer,
+            ...( action.layer.mixability === 'nonmixable' && prevState.layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0
+                  ? {visible: false}
+                  : {})
+          })
+      } 
     case REMOVE_NG_LAYER:
-      return Object.assign({}, prevState, {
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
         layers : prevState.layers.filter(l => l.name !== action.layer.name)
-      } as NgViewerStateInterface)
+      }
     case SHOW_NG_LAYER:
-      return Object.assign({}, prevState, {
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
         layers : prevState.layers.map(l => l.name === action.layer.name
-          ? Object.assign({}, l, {
-              visible : true
-            } as NgLayerInterface)
+          ? { ...l, visible: true }
           : l)
-      })
+      }
     case HIDE_NG_LAYER:
-      return Object.assign({}, prevState, {
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
         layers : prevState.layers.map(l => l.name === action.layer.name
-          ? Object.assign({}, l, {
-              visible : false
-            } as NgLayerInterface)
+          ? { ...l, visible: false }
           : l)
-        })
+      }
-      return Object.assign({}, prevState, {
+      return {
+        ...prevState,
         forceShowSegment : action.forceShowSegment
-      }) as NgViewerStateInterface
+      }
     case NEHUBA_READY: 
       const { nehubaReady } = action
       return {
-    default:
-      return prevState
+    default: return prevState
@@ -84,4 +118,19 @@ interface NgLayerInterface{
   visible : boolean
   shader? : string
   transform? : any
\ No newline at end of file
+const ACTION_TYPES = {
+export const SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES = [
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/services/state/pluginState.store.ts b/src/services/state/pluginState.store.ts
index 93d6b1e9678128b624fbe146c26afb08f494306b..e9a80cc8d3b180b847ec8e6b86294093e8a7f903 100644
--- a/src/services/state/pluginState.store.ts
+++ b/src/services/state/pluginState.store.ts
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ export interface PluginInitManifestActionInterface extends Action{
-export const ACTION_TYPES = {
+const ACTION_TYPES = {
 export function pluginState(prevState:PluginInitManifestInterface = {initManifests : new Map()}, action:PluginInitManifestActionInterface):PluginInitManifestInterface{
diff --git a/src/ui/config/config.component.ts b/src/ui/config/config.component.ts
index 12a3a700a6f84bdf71fa77699c0be0b772756385..6f6f0b4f4a06b7110d9481dc9324b3947bb2106d 100644
--- a/src/ui/config/config.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/config/config.component.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'
 import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
 import { ViewerConfiguration, ACTION_TYPES } from 'src/services/state/viewerConfig.store'
-import { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
-import { map, distinctUntilChanged, debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { MatSlideToggleChange } from '@angular/material';
+import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
+import { map, distinctUntilChanged, startWith, shareReplay } from 'rxjs/operators';
+import { MatSlideToggleChange, MatSliderChange } from '@angular/material';
+import { NG_VIEWER_ACTION_TYPES, SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES } from 'src/services/state/ngViewerState.store';
+const ROOT_TEXT_ORDER = ['Coronal', 'Sagittal', 'Axial', '3D']
   selector: 'config-component',
@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ export class ConfigComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
+  public supportedPanelModes = SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES
    * in MB
@@ -27,12 +30,17 @@ export class ConfigComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   public gpuLimit$: Observable<number>
   public animationFlag$: Observable<boolean>
-  public keydown$: Subject<Event> = new Subject()
   private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
   public gpuMin : number = 100
   public gpuMax : number = 1000
+  public panelMode$: Observable<string>
+  private panelOrder: string
+  private panelOrder$: Observable<string>
+  public panelTexts$: Observable<[string, string, string, string]>
   constructor(private store: Store<ViewerConfiguration>) {
     this.gpuLimit$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -45,24 +53,27 @@ export class ConfigComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
       map((config:ViewerConfiguration) => config.animation),
+    this.panelMode$ = this.store.pipe(
+      select('ngViewerState'),
+      select('panelMode'),
+      startWith(SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES[0])
+    )
+    this.panelOrder$ = this.store.pipe(
+      select('ngViewerState'),
+      select('panelOrder')
+    )
+    this.panelTexts$ = this.panelOrder$.pipe(
+      map(string => string.split('').map(s => Number(s))),
+      map(arr => arr.map(idx => ROOT_TEXT_ORDER[idx]) as [string, string, string, string])
+    )
-      this.keydown$.pipe(
-        debounceTime(250)
-      ).subscribe(ev => {
-        /**
-         * maybe greak in FF. ev.srcElement is IE non standard property
-         */
-        const val = (<HTMLInputElement>ev.srcElement).value
-        const numVal = val && Number(val)
-        if (isNaN(numVal) || numVal < this.gpuMin || numVal > this.gpuMax )
-          return
-        this.setGpuPreset({
-          value: numVal
-        })
-      })
+      this.panelOrder$.subscribe(panelOrder => this.panelOrder = panelOrder)
@@ -70,14 +81,6 @@ export class ConfigComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
     this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe())
-  public wheelEvent(ev:WheelEvent) {
-    const delta = ev.deltaY * -1e5
-    this.store.dispatch({
-      payload: { delta }
-    })
-  }
   public toggleAnimationFlag(ev: MatSlideToggleChange ){
     const { checked } = ev
@@ -88,12 +91,53 @@ export class ConfigComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
-  public setGpuPreset({value}: {value: number}) {
+  public handleMatSliderChange(ev:MatSliderChange){
       config: {
-        gpuLimit: value * 1e6
+        gpuLimit: ev.value * 1e6
+  usePanelMode(panelMode: string){
+    this.store.dispatch({
+      payload: { panelMode }
+    })
+  }
+  handleDrop(event:DragEvent){
+    const droppedAttri = (event.target as HTMLElement).getAttribute('panel-order')
+    const draggedAttri = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain')
+    if (droppedAttri === draggedAttri) return
+    const idx1 = Number(droppedAttri)
+    const idx2 = Number(draggedAttri)
+    const arr = this.panelOrder.split('');
+    [arr[idx1], arr[idx2]] = [arr[idx2], arr[idx1]]
+    this.store.dispatch({
+      payload: { panelOrder: arr.join('') }
+    })
+  }
+  handleDragOver(event:DragEvent){
+    event.preventDefault()
+    const target = (event.target as HTMLElement)
+    target.classList.add('onDragOver')
+  }
+  handleDragLeave(event:DragEvent){
+    (event.target as HTMLElement).classList.remove('onDragOver')
+  }
+  handleDragStart(event:DragEvent){
+    const target = (event.target as HTMLElement)
+    const attri = target.getAttribute('panel-order')
+    event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', attri)
+  }
+  handleDragend(event:DragEvent){
+    const target = (event.target as HTMLElement)
+    target.classList.remove('onDragOver')
+  }
+  public stepSize: number = 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/config.style.css b/src/ui/config/config.style.css
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..907391412ce3868cca03f2b38599f2f551238085 100644
--- a/src/ui/config/config.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/config/config.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  transition: background-color ease-in-out 200ms;
+  background-color: rgba(128,128,128,0.1);
+  background-color: rgba(128,128,128,0.2);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/config.template.html b/src/ui/config/config.template.html
index dca3b164d0fbe6bd4235e50e856073835acb13d0..20927120dd97ec7f77e783ae3fcabfbcdc6243b6 100644
--- a/src/ui/config/config.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/config/config.template.html
@@ -1,42 +1,190 @@
-<div class="input-group mb-2">
-  <span class="input-group-prepend">
-    <span class="input-group-text">
-      GPU Limit
-      <small tooltipClass="z-1060" [matTooltip]="GPU_TOOLTIP" class="ml-2 fas fa-question"></small>
-    </span>
-  </span>
-  <input
-    (wheel)="wheelEvent($event)"
-    type="number"
-    [min]="100"
-    [max]="1000"
-    [step]="0.1"
-    class="form-control"
-    (input)="keydown$.next($event)"
-    [value]="gpuLimit$ | async ">
-  <div class="input-group-append">
-    <div (click)="setGpuPreset({ value: 100 })" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
-      100
+  <!-- viewer preference -->
+  <mat-tab label="Viewer Preference">
+    <div class="m-2">
+      <div class="mat-h2">
+        Rearrange Viewports
+      </div>
+      <div class="mat-h4 text-muted">
+        Click and drag to rearrange viewport positions
+      </div>
+      <current-layout class="d-flex w-20em h-15em p-2">
+        <div
+          matRipple
+          (dragstart)="handleDragStart($event)"
+          (dragover)="handleDragOver($event)"
+          (dragleave)="handleDragLeave($event)"
+          (dragend)="handleDragend($event)"
+          (drop)="handleDrop($event)"
+          class="w-100 h-100 config-transition"
+          cell-i>
+          <div
+            [attr.panel-order]="0"
+            class="config-transition w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center border"
+            draggable="true">
+            {{ (panelTexts$ | async)[0] }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div
+          matRipple
+          (dragstart)="handleDragStart($event)"
+          (dragover)="handleDragOver($event)"
+          (dragleave)="handleDragLeave($event)"
+          (dragend)="handleDragend($event)"
+          (drop)="handleDrop($event)"
+          class="w-100 h-100 config-transition"
+          cell-ii>
+          <div
+            [attr.panel-order]="1"
+            class="config-transition w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center border"
+            draggable="true">
+            {{ (panelTexts$ | async)[1] }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div
+          matRipple
+          (dragstart)="handleDragStart($event)"
+          (dragover)="handleDragOver($event)"
+          (dragleave)="handleDragLeave($event)"
+          (dragend)="handleDragend($event)"
+          (drop)="handleDrop($event)"
+          class="w-100 h-100 config-transition"
+          cell-iii>
+          <div
+            [attr.panel-order]="2"
+            class="config-transition w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center border"
+            draggable="true">
+            {{ (panelTexts$ | async)[2] }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div
+          matRipple
+          (dragstart)="handleDragStart($event)"
+          (dragover)="handleDragOver($event)"
+          (dragleave)="handleDragLeave($event)"
+          (dragend)="handleDragend($event)"
+          (drop)="handleDrop($event)"
+          class="w-100 h-100 config-transition"
+          cell-iv>
+          <div
+            [attr.panel-order]="3"
+            class="config-transition w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center border"
+            draggable="true">
+            {{ (panelTexts$ | async)[3] }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </current-layout>
+      <div class="mat-body text-muted font-italic">
+        Plane designation refers to default orientation (without oblique rotation).
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!-- scroll window -->
+    <div class="m-2">
+      <div class="mat-h2">
+        Select a viewports configuration
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-nowrap p-2">
+      <!-- Four Panel Card -->
+      <button
+        class="m-2 p-2"
+        mat-flat-button
+        (click)="usePanelMode(supportedPanelModes[0])"
+        [color]="(panelMode$ | async) === supportedPanelModes[0] ? 'primary' : null">
+        <layout-four-panel class="d-block w-10em h-7em">
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-i></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-ii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iv></div>
+        </layout-four-panel>
+      </button>
+      <!-- horizontal 1 3 card -->
+      <button
+        class="m-2 p-2"
+        mat-flat-button
+        (click)="usePanelMode(supportedPanelModes[1])"
+        [color]="(panelMode$ | async) === supportedPanelModes[1] ? 'primary' : null">
+        <layout-horizontal-one-three class="d-block w-10em h-7em">
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-i></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-ii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iv></div>
+        </layout-horizontal-one-three>
+      </button>
+      <!-- vertical 1 3 card -->
+      <button
+        class="m-2 p-2"
+        mat-flat-button
+        (click)="usePanelMode(supportedPanelModes[2])"
+        [color]="(panelMode$ | async) === supportedPanelModes[2] ? 'primary' : null">
+        <layout-vertical-one-three class="d-block w-10em h-7em">
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-i></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-ii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iv></div>
+        </layout-vertical-one-three>
+      </button>
+      <!-- single -->
+      <button
+        class="m-2 p-2"
+        mat-flat-button
+        (click)="usePanelMode(supportedPanelModes[3])"
+        [color]="(panelMode$ | async) === supportedPanelModes[3] ? 'primary' : null">
+        <layout-single-panel class="d-block w-10em h-7em">
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-i></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-ii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iii></div>
+          <div class="border w-100 h-100" cell-iv></div>
+        </layout-single-panel>
+      </button>
-    <div (click)="setGpuPreset({ value: 500 })" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
-      500
+  </mat-tab>
+  <!-- hard ware -->
+  <mat-tab label="Hardware">
+    <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
+      <mat-slide-toggle
+        [checked]="animationFlag$ | async"
+        (change)="toggleAnimationFlag($event)">
+        Enable Animation
+      </mat-slide-toggle>
+      <small [matTooltip]="ANIMATION_TOOLTIP" class="ml-2 fas fa-question"></small>
-    <div (click)="setGpuPreset({ value: 1000 })" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
-      1000
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row align-items-center justify-content start">
+      <label
+        class="m-0 d-inline-block flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0"
+        for="gpuLimitSlider">
+        GPU Limit
+        <small [matTooltip]="GPU_TOOLTIP" class="ml-2 fas fa-question"></small>
+      </label>
+      <mat-slider
+        class="flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 ml-2 mr-2"
+        id="gpuLimitSlider"
+        name="gpuLimitSlider"
+        thumbLabel="true"
+        min="100"
+        max="1000"
+        [step]="stepSize"
+        (change)="handleMatSliderChange($event)"
+        [value]="gpuLimit$ | async">
+      </mat-slider>
+      <span class="d-inline-block flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 w-10em">
+        {{ gpuLimit$ | async }} MB
+      </span>
-    <span class="input-group-text">
-      MB
-    </span>
-  </div>
-<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
-  <mat-slide-toggle
-    [checked]="animationFlag$ | async"
-    (change)="toggleAnimationFlag($event)">
-    Enable Animation
-  </mat-slide-toggle>
-  <small [matTooltip]="ANIMATION_TOOLTIP" class="ml-2 fas fa-question"></small>
\ No newline at end of file
+  </mat-tab>
diff --git a/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.component.ts b/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df40022f719efb0d9cce84fa1a8bcdfbe6512b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
+import { Observable } from "rxjs";
+import { SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState.store";
+import { startWith } from "rxjs/operators";
+  selector: 'current-layout',
+  templateUrl: './currentLayout.template.html',
+  styleUrls: [
+    './currentLayout.style.css'
+  ]
+export class CurrentLayout{
+  public supportedPanelModes = SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES
+  public panelMode$: Observable<string>
+  constructor(private store$: Store<any>){
+    this.panelMode$ = this.store$.pipe(
+      select('ngViewerState'),
+      select('panelMode'),
+      startWith(SUPPORTED_PANEL_MODES[0])
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.style.css b/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.template.html b/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3d04c104239b9e81f3ff0552c892e86c444ba0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/currentLayout/currentLayout.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<div [ngSwitch]="panelMode$ | async" class="w-100 h-100 d-flex flex-row">
+  <layout-four-panel
+    *ngSwitchCase="supportedPanelModes[0]"
+    class="d-block w-100 h-100">
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-i>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celli"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-ii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="cellii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iv>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliv"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </layout-four-panel>
+  <layout-horizontal-one-three
+    *ngSwitchCase="supportedPanelModes[1]"
+    class="d-block w-100 h-100">
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-i>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celli"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-ii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="cellii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iv>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliv"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </layout-horizontal-one-three>
+  <layout-vertical-one-three
+    *ngSwitchCase="supportedPanelModes[2]"
+    class="d-block w-100 h-100">
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-i>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celli"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-ii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="cellii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iv>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliv"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </layout-vertical-one-three>
+  <layout-single-panel
+    *ngSwitchCase="supportedPanelModes[3]"
+    class="d-block w-100 h-100">
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-i>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celli"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-ii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="cellii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iii>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliii"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="w-100 h-100" cell-iv>
+      <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="celliv"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </layout-single-panel>
+  <div *ngSwitchDefault>
+    A panel mode which I have never seen before ...
+  </div>
+<ng-template #celli>
+  <ng-content select="[cell-i]"></ng-content>
+<ng-template #cellii>
+  <ng-content select="[cell-ii]"></ng-content>
+<ng-template #celliii>
+  <ng-content select="[cell-iii]"></ng-content>
+<ng-template #celliv>
+  <ng-content select="[cell-iv]"></ng-content>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.component.ts b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7a22a241e08a3862385b7e7704bf20f0adfded7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+  selector: 'layout-four-panel',
+  templateUrl: './fourPanel.template.html',
+  styleUrls: [
+    './fourPanel.style.css'
+  ]
+export class FourPanelLayout{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.style.css b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03169dfb4b9564f62c86ca9250303c5337927861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  flex: 0 0 50%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.template.html b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddb10f1f6a34adda68f578625dd843baf536dfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<div class="w-100 h-100 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-stretch">
+  <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1">
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row four-panel-cell align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-i]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row four-panel-cell align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-ii]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="d-flex flex-row flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1">
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row four-panel-cell align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-iii]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex flex-row four-panel-cell align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-iv]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </div>
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.component.ts b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eccf98f96c6e49993db2a2ac609bfbc05e9a6bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+  selector: 'layout-horizontal-one-three',
+  templateUrl: './h13.template.html',
+  styleUrls: [
+    './h13.style.css'
+  ]
+export class HorizontalOneThree{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.style.css b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be83c538297487ff9c330ba551ac85e2badfd309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  flex: 0 0 67%;
+  flex: 0 0 33%;
+  flex: 0 0 33.33%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.template.html b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d389ce304f6671f2610920c5c6c3d7780b63ac1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/h13/h13.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<div class="w-100 h-100 d-flex flex-row justify-content-center align-items-stretch">
+  <div class="d-flex flex-column major-column">
+    <div class="overflow-hidden flex-grow-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-i]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="d-flex flex-column minor-column">
+    <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-ii]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+      <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-iii]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+      <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-iv]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.component.ts b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25101d27a9462b37e4072a912bd281126fdb7500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+  selector: 'layout-single-panel',
+  templateUrl: './single.template.html',
+  styleUrls: [
+    './single.style.css'
+  ]
+export class SinglePanel{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.style.css b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19615b37060256eef0194131b901b11e89b01b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  flex: 0 0 100%;
+  flex: 0 0 0%;
+  flex: 0 0 33%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.template.html b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..561a6363b701518ec5d27b1f0d78507e02afe30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/single/single.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<div class="w-100 h-100 d-flex flex-row justify-content-center align-items-stretch">
+    <div class="d-flex flex-column major-column">
+      <div class="overflow-hidden flex-grow-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-i]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="d-flex flex-column minor-column">
+      <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+          <ng-content select="[cell-ii]"></ng-content>
+        </div>
+        <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+          <ng-content select="[cell-iii]"></ng-content>
+        </div>
+        <div class="overflow-hidden layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+          <ng-content select="[cell-iv]"></ng-content>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.component.ts b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c650ac701de3fff14118a9487403410ae89e72ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+  selector: 'layout-vertical-one-three',
+  templateUrl: './v13.template.html',
+  styleUrls: [
+    './v13.style.css'
+  ]
+export class VerticalOneThree{
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.style.css b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be83c538297487ff9c330ba551ac85e2badfd309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  flex: 0 0 67%;
+  flex: 0 0 33%;
+  flex: 0 0 33.33%;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.template.html b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..148f70cb596d2df0183f25d012bb9d948b610f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/config/layouts/v13/v13.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<div class="w-100 h-100 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-stretch">
+  <div class="d-flex flex-column major-column">
+    <div class="flex-grow-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+      <ng-content select="[cell-i]"></ng-content>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="d-flex flex-row minor-column">
+    <div class="layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-ii]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+      <div class="layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-iii]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+      <div class="layout-31-cell d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
+        <ng-content select="[cell-iv]"></ng-content>
+      </div>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
index 66dd73300d5b6bface0a36c5c844c2b9f56d0aa9..3112fa91a944a0766c871af90034af33c989a715 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.component.ts
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "./nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component";
 import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { ViewerStateInterface, safeFilter, CHANGE_NAVIGATION, isDefined, USER_LANDMARKS, ADD_NG_LAYER, REMOVE_NG_LAYER, NgViewerStateInterface, MOUSE_OVER_LANDMARK, SELECT_LANDMARKS, Landmark, PointLandmarkGeometry, PlaneLandmarkGeometry, OtherLandmarkGeometry, getNgIds, getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMap, generateLabelIndexId, DataEntry } from "../../services/stateStore.service";
 import { Observable, Subscription, fromEvent, combineLatest, merge } from "rxjs";
-import { filter,map, take, scan, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, skip, withLatestFrom, buffer, tap, throttleTime, bufferTime, startWith } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { filter,map, take, scan, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, skip, withLatestFrom, buffer, tap, switchMapTo, shareReplay, throttleTime, bufferTime, startWith } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { AtlasViewerAPIServices, UserLandmark } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.apiService.service";
 import { timedValues } from "../../util/generator";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "../../atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
 import { ViewerConfiguration } from "src/services/state/viewerConfig.store";
 import { pipeFromArray } from "rxjs/internal/util/pipe";
-import { NEHUBA_READY } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState.store";
+import { NEHUBA_READY, H_ONE_THREE, V_ONE_THREE, FOUR_PANEL, SINGLE_PANEL } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState.store";
 import { MOUSE_OVER_SEGMENTS } from "src/services/state/uiState.store";
+import { getHorizontalOneThree, getVerticalOneThree, getFourPanel, getSinglePanel } from "./util";
 import { SELECT_REGIONS_WITH_ID, NEHUBA_LAYER_CHANGED, VIEWERSTATE_ACTION_TYPES } from "src/services/state/viewerState.store";
 import { MatBottomSheet, MatButton } from "@angular/material";
 import { DATASETS_ACTIONS_TYPES } from "src/services/state/dataStore.store";
@@ -89,10 +90,6 @@ const scanFn : (acc:[boolean, boolean, boolean], curr: CustomEvent) => [boolean,
 export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   @ViewChild('container',{read:ViewContainerRef}) container : ViewContainerRef
-  @ViewChild('[pos00]',{read:ElementRef}) topleft : ElementRef
-  @ViewChild('[pos01]',{read:ElementRef}) topright : ElementRef
-  @ViewChild('[pos10]',{read:ElementRef}) bottomleft : ElementRef
-  @ViewChild('[pos11]',{read:ElementRef}) bottomright : ElementRef
   private nehubaViewerFactory : ComponentFactory<NehubaViewerUnit>
@@ -145,6 +142,9 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
   public nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn : Function[] = []
   private viewerConfig : Partial<ViewerConfiguration> = {}
+  private viewPanels: [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement] = [null, null, null, null]
+  public panelMode$: Observable<string>
+  private redrawLayout$: Observable<[string, string]>
   public favDataEntries$: Observable<DataEntry[]>
@@ -173,6 +173,25 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
       filter(() => isDefined(this.nehubaViewer) && isDefined(this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer))
+    this.redrawLayout$ = this.store.pipe(
+      select('ngViewerState'),
+      select('nehubaReady'),
+      distinctUntilChanged(),
+      filter(v => !!v),
+      switchMapTo(combineLatest(
+        this.store.pipe(
+          select('ngViewerState'),
+          select('panelMode'),
+          distinctUntilChanged()
+        ),
+        this.store.pipe(
+          select('ngViewerState'),
+          select('panelOrder'),
+          distinctUntilChanged()
+        )
+      ))
+    )
     this.nehubaViewerFactory = this.csf.resolveComponentFactory(NehubaViewerUnit)
     this.newViewer$ = this.store.pipe(
@@ -340,24 +359,10 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
       map(results => results[1] === null ? results[0] : '')
-    /* each time a new viewer is initialised, take the first event to get the translation function */
-    this.newViewer$.pipe(
-      // switchMap(() => fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')
-      //   .pipe(
-      //     ...takeOnePipe
-      //   )
-      // )
-      switchMap(() => pipeFromArray([...takeOnePipe])(fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')))
-    ).subscribe((events)=>{
-      [0,1,2].forEach(idx=>this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[idx] = (events[idx] as any).detail.nanometersToOffsetPixels)
-    })
     this.sliceViewLoadingMain$ = fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent').pipe(
       scan(scanFn, [null, null, null]),
+      shareReplay(1)
     this.sliceViewLoading0$ = this.sliceViewLoadingMain$
@@ -408,14 +413,90 @@ export class NehubaContainer implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
         ? state.layers.findIndex(l => l.mixability === 'nonmixable') >= 0
         : false)
+    this.panelMode$ = this.store.pipe(
+      select('ngViewerState'),
+      select('panelMode'),
+      distinctUntilChanged(),
+    )
   get isMobile(){
     return this.constantService.mobile
+  private removeExistingPanels() {
+    const element = this.nehubaViewer.nehubaViewer.ngviewer.layout.container.componentValue.element as HTMLElement
+    while (element.childElementCount > 0) {
+      element.removeChild(element.firstElementChild)
+    }
+    return element
+  }
+    /* each time a new viewer is initialised, take the first event to get the translation function */
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+      this.newViewer$.pipe(
+        switchMap(() => pipeFromArray([...takeOnePipe])(fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'sliceRenderEvent')))
+      ).subscribe((events)=>{
+        for (const idx in [0,1,2]) {
+          const ev = events[idx] as CustomEvent
+          this.viewPanels[idx] = ev.target as HTMLElement
+          this.nanometersToOffsetPixelsFn[idx] = ev.detail.nanometersToOffsetPixels
+        }
+      })
+    )
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+      this.newViewer$.pipe(
+        switchMapTo(fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'perpspectiveRenderEvent').pipe(
+          take(1)
+        )),
+      ).subscribe(ev => this.viewPanels[3] = ((ev as CustomEvent).target) as HTMLElement)
+    )
+    this.subscriptions.push(
+      this.redrawLayout$.subscribe(([mode, panelOrder]) => {
+        const viewPanels = panelOrder.split('').map(v => Number(v)).map(idx => this.viewPanels[idx]) as [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement]
+        /**
+         * TODO be smarter with event stream
+         */
+        if (!this.nehubaViewer) return
+        switch (mode) {
+          case H_ONE_THREE:{
+            const element = this.removeExistingPanels()
+            const newEl = getHorizontalOneThree(viewPanels)
+            element.appendChild(newEl)
+            break;
+          }
+          case V_ONE_THREE:{
+            const element = this.removeExistingPanels()
+            const newEl = getVerticalOneThree(viewPanels)
+            element.appendChild(newEl)
+            break;
+          }
+          case FOUR_PANEL: {
+            const element = this.removeExistingPanels()
+            const newEl = getFourPanel(viewPanels)
+            element.appendChild(newEl)
+            break;
+          }
+          case SINGLE_PANEL: {
+            const element = this.removeExistingPanels()
+            const newEl = getSinglePanel(viewPanels)
+            element.appendChild(newEl)
+            break;
+          }
+          default: 
+        }
+        for (const panel of viewPanels){
+          (panel as HTMLElement).classList.add('neuroglancer-panel')
+        }
+      })
+    )
       this.viewerPerformanceConfig$.subscribe(config => {
@@ -1202,7 +1283,6 @@ export const takeOnePipe = [
      * 4 ???
     const key = identifySrcElement(target)
     const _ = {}
     _[key] = event
     return Object.assign({},acc,_)
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.style.css b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.style.css
index 34ff8d48462b2598d695c404f6500f84a75535a1..57a6ad380921978025fdb9692967d716743d5eab 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.style.css
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.style.css
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ input[navigateInput]
   box-shadow: inset 0px 2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ hr
-div[landmarkMasterContainer] > div > [landmarkContainer] > div.loadingIndicator
   left: auto;
   top: auto;
@@ -75,6 +80,7 @@ div[landmarkMasterContainer] > div > [landmarkContainer] > div.loadingIndicator
   margin-right: 0.2em;
   margin-bottom: 0.2em;
   width: 100%;
+  position:absolute;
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row-reverse;
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
index 96aae5f78873ebdda17a9887d51265f87d25ddd0..6ba9a1443ce3e189057eac4e8c347a48fd0a6b52 100644
--- a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/nehubaContainer.template.html
@@ -4,70 +4,23 @@
 <ui-splashscreen (contextmenu)="$event.stopPropagation();" *ngIf="!viewerLoaded">
-<div landmarkMasterContainer>
+<!-- spatial landmarks overlay -->
+<!-- loading indicator -->
-  <div>
-    <layout-floating-container pos00 landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
-        [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
-        [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(0,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(0,spatialData)"
-        [positionZ]="getPositionZ(0,spatialData)">
-      </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
-      <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading0$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
-        <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </layout-floating-container>
+<current-layout class="position-absolute w-100 h-100 d-block pe-none">
+  <div class="w-100 h-100 position-relative" cell-i>
+    <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="overlayi"></ng-content>
-  <div>
-    <layout-floating-container pos01 landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
-        [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
-        [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(1,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(1,spatialData)"
-        [positionZ]="getPositionZ(1,spatialData)">
-      </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
-      <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading1$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
-        <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </layout-floating-container>
+  <div class="w-100 h-100 position-relative" cell-ii>
+    <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="overlayii"></ng-content>
-  <div>
-    <layout-floating-container pos10 landmarkContainer>
-      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
-        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
-        [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
-        [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
-        [positionX]="getPositionX(2,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(2,spatialData)"
-        [positionZ]="getPositionZ(2,spatialData)">
-      </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
-      <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading2$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
-        <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </layout-floating-container>
+  <div class="w-100 h-100 position-relative" cell-iii>
+    <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="overlayiii"></ng-content>
-  <div>
-    <layout-floating-container pos11 landmarkContainer>
-      <div *ngIf="perspectiveViewLoading$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
-        <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle"></div>
-        <div perspectiveLoadingText>
-          {{ perspectiveViewLoading$ | async }}
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </layout-floating-container>
+  <div class="w-100 h-100 position-relative" cell-iv>
+    <ng-content *ngTemplateOutlet="overlayiv"></ng-content>
 <layout-floating-container *ngIf="viewerLoaded && !isMobile">
@@ -87,8 +40,11 @@
   <!-- StatusCard container-->
-  <ui-status-card [selectedTemplate]="selectedTemplate" [isMobile]="isMobile"
-    [onHoverSegmentName]="onHoverSegmentName$ | async" [nehubaViewer]="nehubaViewer">
+  <ui-status-card
+    [selectedTemplate]="selectedTemplate"
+    [isMobile]="isMobile"
+    [onHoverSegmentName]="onHoverSegmentName$ | async"
+    [nehubaViewer]="nehubaViewer">
@@ -96,7 +52,10 @@
-<mobile-overlay *ngIf="isMobile && viewerLoaded" [tunableProperties]="tunableMobileProperties"
+<!-- mobile nub, allowing for ooblique slicing in mobile -->
+  *ngIf="isMobile && viewerLoaded"
+  [tunableProperties]="tunableMobileProperties"
   <div class="base" delta>
     <div mobileObliqueGuide class="p-2 mb-4 shadow">
@@ -104,7 +63,9 @@
   <div class="base" guide>
-    <div mobileObliqueGuide class="p-2 mb-4 shadow">
+    <div
+      mobileObliqueGuide
+      class="p-2 mb-4 shadow">
         <i class="fas fa-arrows-alt-v"></i> oblique mode
@@ -113,11 +74,84 @@
-  <div (contextmenu)="$event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefaul();" mobileObliqueCtrl initiator>
-    <i class="fas fa-globe"></i>
+  <div
+    (contextmenu)="$event.stopPropagation(); $event.preventDefaul();"
+    [ngStyle]="panelMode$ | async | mobileControlNubStylePipe"
+    mobileObliqueCtrl
+    initiator>
+    <button mat-mini-fab color="primary">
+      <i class="fas fa-globe"></i>
+    </button>
+<!-- overlay templates -->
+<!-- inserted using ngTemplateOutlet -->
+<ng-template #overlayi>
+  <layout-floating-container pos00 landmarkContainer>
+    <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+      (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+      [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
+      [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
+      [positionX]="getPositionX(0,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(0,spatialData)"
+      [positionZ]="getPositionZ(0,spatialData)">
+    </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
+    <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading0$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
+      <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </layout-floating-container>
+<ng-template #overlayii>
+  <layout-floating-container pos01 landmarkContainer>
+      <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+        (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+        [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
+        [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
+        [positionX]="getPositionX(1,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(1,spatialData)"
+        [positionZ]="getPositionZ(1,spatialData)">
+      </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
+      <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading1$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
+        <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </layout-floating-container>
+<ng-template #overlayiii>
+  <layout-floating-container pos10 landmarkContainer>
+    <nehuba-2dlandmark-unit *ngFor="let spatialData of (selectedPtLandmarks$ | async)"
+      (mouseenter)="handleMouseEnterLandmark(spatialData)" (mouseleave)="handleMouseLeaveLandmark(spatialData)"
+      [highlight]="spatialData.highlight ? spatialData.highlight : false"
+      [fasClass]="spatialData.type === 'userLandmark' ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-map-marker'"
+      [positionX]="getPositionX(2,spatialData)" [positionY]="getPositionY(2,spatialData)"
+      [positionZ]="getPositionZ(2,spatialData)">
+    </nehuba-2dlandmark-unit>
+    <div *ngIf="sliceViewLoading2$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
+      <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle">
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </layout-floating-container>
+<ng-template #overlayiv>
+  <layout-floating-container pos11 landmarkContainer>
+    <div *ngIf="perspectiveViewLoading$ | async" class="loadingIndicator">
+      <div class="spinnerAnimationCircle"></div>
+      <div perspectiveLoadingText>
+        {{ perspectiveViewLoading$ | async }}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </layout-floating-container>
 <ng-template #savedDatasets>
   <mat-list rol="list">
     <h3 mat-subheader>Favourite Datasets</h3>
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/pipes/mobileControlNubStyle.pipe.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/pipes/mobileControlNubStyle.pipe.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4566c470506588e39edc79f005843a24be80c748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/pipes/mobileControlNubStyle.pipe.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from "@angular/core";
+import { FOUR_PANEL, H_ONE_THREE, V_ONE_THREE, SINGLE_PANEL } from "src/services/state/ngViewerState.store";
+  name: 'mobileControlNubStylePipe'
+export class MobileControlNubStylePipe implements PipeTransform{
+  public transform(panelMode: string): any{
+    switch (panelMode) {
+      case SINGLE_PANEL:
+        return {
+          top: '80%',
+          left: '95%'
+        }
+      case V_ONE_THREE:
+      case H_ONE_THREE:
+        return {
+          top: '66.66%',
+          left: '66.66%'
+        }
+      case FOUR_PANEL: 
+      default:
+        return {
+          top: '50%',
+          left: '50%'
+        }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/nehubaContainer/util.ts b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/util.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edd3a98f8fea9b48e40fe7cd16702f469a95ca93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/nehubaContainer/util.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+const flexContCmnCls = ['w-100', 'h-100', 'd-flex', 'justify-content-center', 'align-items-stretch']
+const makeRow = (...els:HTMLElement[]) => {
+  const container = document.createElement('div')
+  container.classList.add(...flexContCmnCls, 'flex-row')
+  for (const el of els){
+    container.appendChild(el)
+  }
+  return container
+const makeCol = (...els:HTMLElement[]) => {
+  const container = document.createElement('div')
+  container.classList.add(...flexContCmnCls, 'flex-column')
+  for (const el of els){
+    container.appendChild(el)
+  }
+  return container
+export const getHorizontalOneThree = (panels:[HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement]) => {
+  for (let panel of panels){
+    panel.className = ''
+  }
+  const majorContainer = makeCol(panels[0])
+  const minorContainer = makeCol(panels[1], panels[2], panels[3])
+  majorContainer.style.flexBasis = '67%'
+  minorContainer.style.flexBasis = '33%'
+  return makeRow(majorContainer, minorContainer)
+export const getVerticalOneThree = (panels:[HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement]) => {
+  for (let panel of panels){
+    panel.className = ''
+  }
+  const majorContainer = makeRow(panels[0])
+  const minorContainer = makeRow(panels[1], panels[2], panels[3])
+  majorContainer.style.flexBasis = '67%'
+  minorContainer.style.flexBasis = '33%'
+  return makeCol(majorContainer, minorContainer)
+export const getFourPanel = (panels:[HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement]) => {
+  for (let panel of panels){
+    panel.className = ''
+  }
+  const majorContainer = makeRow(panels[0], panels[1])
+  const minorContainer = makeRow(panels[2], panels[3])
+  majorContainer.style.flexBasis = '50%'
+  minorContainer.style.flexBasis = '50%'
+  return makeCol(majorContainer, minorContainer)
+export const getSinglePanel = (panels:[HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement]) => {
+  for (let panel of panels){
+    panel.className = ''
+  }
+  const majorContainer = makeRow(panels[0])
+  const minorContainer = makeRow(panels[1], panels[2], panels[3])
+  majorContainer.style.flexBasis = '100%'
+  minorContainer.style.flexBasis = '0%'
+  minorContainer.className = ''
+  minorContainer.style.height = '0px'
+  return makeCol(majorContainer, minorContainer)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts b/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
index 225b90104e30d3c0b8495d723826295757198066..9967e80d64279a7ef9e9b760a1c784593926c3b3 100644
--- a/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
+++ b/src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
+  MatRippleModule
 } from '@angular/material';
 import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
+    MatRippleModule
   exports: [
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
+    MatRippleModule
 export class AngularMaterialModule { }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
index f559248fe9f5b47382e39b0cb7f3d52da6e7b705..abd1eb3397f1c1a3e7ada69d3ead390f29bfbed7 100644
--- a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
+++ b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.components.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, OnDestroy, OnInit, Input, ViewChild, TemplateRef } from "@angular/core";
+import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, TemplateRef } from "@angular/core";
 import { AtlasViewerConstantsServices } from "src/atlasViewer/atlasViewer.constantService.service";
 import { AuthService, User } from "src/services/auth.service";
-import { Store} from "@ngrx/store";
-import { ViewerConfiguration } from "src/services/state/viewerConfig.store";
-import { safeFilter, isDefined, NEWVIEWER, SELECT_REGIONS, SELECT_PARCELLATION, CHANGE_NAVIGATION } from "src/services/stateStore.service";
+import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material";
   selector: 'signin-banner',
@@ -24,15 +23,30 @@ export class SigninBanner{
     private constantService: AtlasViewerConstantsServices,
     private authService: AuthService,
-    private store: Store<ViewerConfiguration>
+    private dialog: MatDialog
     this.isMobile = this.constantService.mobile
+  /**
+   * move the templates to signin banner when pluginprettify is merged
+   */
   showHelp() {
+  /**
+   * move the templates to signin banner when pluginprettify is merged
+   */
+  showSetting(settingTemplate:TemplateRef<any>){
+    this.dialog.open(settingTemplate, {
+      autoFocus: false
+    })
+  }
+  /**
+   * move the templates to signin banner when pluginprettify is merged
+   */
   showSignin() {
diff --git a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
index 5636dc1707484127091201d0d09e7bae552e1152..1da0fb01da873392fbe79901047520aaff3bf699 100644
--- a/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
+++ b/src/ui/signinBanner/signinBanner.template.html
@@ -14,6 +14,19 @@
+  <!-- setting btn -->
+  <div class="btnWrapper">
+    <button
+      #settingBtn
+      matTooltip="Settings"
+      matTooltipPosition="below"
+      (click)="showSetting(settingTemplate)" 
+      mat-icon-button
+      color="basic">
+      <i class="fas fa-cog"></i>
+    </button>
+  </div>
   <!-- signin -->
   <div class="btnWrapper">
diff --git a/src/ui/ui.module.ts b/src/ui/ui.module.ts
index d4a8a3efd7d2bfb3f8c7ca06947ff12d068b62ac..ae129d6220403450c0ebc00cff530c85e1cf842c 100644
--- a/src/ui/ui.module.ts
+++ b/src/ui/ui.module.ts
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ import { KGToS } from "./kgtos/kgtos.component";
 import { AngularMaterialModule } from 'src/ui/sharedModules/angularMaterial.module'
 import { TemplateParcellationsDecorationPipe } from "src/util/pipes/templateParcellationDecoration.pipe";
 import { AppendtooltipTextPipe } from "src/util/pipes/appendTooltipText.pipe";
-import { MatRippleModule } from "@angular/material";
-import { AppendtooltipTextPipe } from "src/util/pipes/appendTooltipText.pipe"
+import { FourPanelLayout } from "./config/layouts/fourPanel/fourPanel.component";
+import { HorizontalOneThree } from "./config/layouts/h13/h13.component";
+import { VerticalOneThree } from "./config/layouts/v13/v13.component";
+import { SinglePanel } from "./config/layouts/single/single.component";
+import { CurrentLayout } from "./config/currentLayout/currentLayout.component";
+import { MobileControlNubStylePipe } from "./nehubaContainer/pipes/mobileControlNubStyle.pipe";
 import { ScrollingModule } from "@angular/cdk/scrolling"
 import { HttpClientModule } from "@angular/common/http";
 import { GetFilenamePipe } from "src/util/pipes/getFilename.pipe";
@@ -72,12 +76,6 @@ import { KgSearchBtnColorPipe } from "src/util/pipes/kgSearchBtnColor.pipe";
-    /**
-     * TODO
-     * move to angular material module 
-     */
-    MatRippleModule,
@@ -103,6 +101,11 @@ import { KgSearchBtnColorPipe } from "src/util/pipes/kgSearchBtnColor.pipe";
+    FourPanelLayout,
+    HorizontalOneThree,
+    VerticalOneThree,
+    SinglePanel,
+    CurrentLayout,
@@ -119,6 +122,7 @@ import { KgSearchBtnColorPipe } from "src/util/pipes/kgSearchBtnColor.pipe";
+    MobileControlNubStylePipe,