diff --git a/docs/releases/v2.14.0.md b/docs/releases/v2.14.0.md
index e683b6817dc225c3d38e0bb1038c777a79d797c6..83c1b578309aa024c556ec0920977031dcaf306c 100644
--- a/docs/releases/v2.14.0.md
+++ b/docs/releases/v2.14.0.md
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
 - experimental support for `deepzoom://` source format
 - quick search now show branches in addition to leaves
 - added context in region hierarchy view
+- added coordinate entry dialog
 ## Bugfix
 - fixed keyframe mode not activating on second attempt
+- on selecting a new point while point assignment is minimized, will maximize the point assignment panel
 ## Behind the scenes
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/volumes/point-assignment/point-assignment.component.html b/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/volumes/point-assignment/point-assignment.component.html
index 2691032bb97317125bc1179257a61f61f2f27cb5..dc06da4db017ebb5ffd92ad66fb17378f8309405 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/volumes/point-assignment/point-assignment.component.html
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/sapiViews/volumes/point-assignment/point-assignment.component.html
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+<ng-template [ngIf]="point$ | async | sandsToNum" let-coordinates>
+    <button mat-icon-button class="sxplr-m-2"
+        (click)="navigateToPoint(coordinates.coords)"
+        [matTooltip]="'Navigate To ' + (coordinates.coords | numbers : 2 | addUnitAndJoin : '')">
+        <i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i>
+    </button>
 <div class="sxplr-m-2" *ngIf="busy$ | async as busyMessage">
     <spinner-cmp class="sxplr-d-inline-block"></spinner-cmp>
@@ -13,14 +22,6 @@
 <ng-template [ngIf]="df$ | async" let-df>
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="point$ | async | sandsToNum" let-coordinates>
-        <button mat-icon-button class="sxplr-m-2"
-            (click)="navigateToPoint(coordinates.coords)"
-            [matTooltip]="'Navigate To ' + (coordinates.coords | numbers : 2 | addUnitAndJoin : '')">
-            <i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i>
-        </button>
-    </ng-template>
     <button mat-raised-button
@@ -36,11 +37,14 @@
         <ng-container matColumnDef="region">
             <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header>
-                region
+                <span class="sxplr-m-1">
+                    region
+                </span>
             <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">
                 <!-- {{ element | json }} -->
-                <button mat-button (click)="selectRegion(element['region'], $event)">
+                <button mat-button (click)="selectRegion(element['region'], $event)"
+                    class="ws-no-wrap">
                     {{ element['region'].name }}
@@ -73,7 +77,8 @@
                 <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">
-                    <button mat-button (click)="selectRegion(element['region'], $event)">
+                    <button mat-button (click)="selectRegion(element['region'], $event)"
+                        class="ws-no-wrap">
                         {{ element['region'].name }}
diff --git a/src/components/tab/tab.components.ts b/src/components/tab/tab.components.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..655208dcf79030e793920d0b2fa5db160f020c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tab/tab.components.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
+import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from "@angular/core";
+import { AngularMaterialModule } from "src/sharedModules";
+  selector: 'sxplr-tab',
+  standalone: true,
+  imports: [
+    CommonModule,
+    AngularMaterialModule,
+  ],
+  templateUrl: "./tab.template.html",
+  styleUrls: [
+    "./tab.style.scss"
+  ]
+export class TabComponent{
+  @Input("sxplr-tab-icon")
+  icon: string = "fas fa-file"
+  @Input("sxplr-tab-badge")
+  badge: number
+  @Input("sxplr-tab-badge-color")
+  badgeColor: "primary" | "warn" = "primary"
+  @Input("sxplr-tab-color")
+  color: "primary" | "warn" | "danger"
+  @Input("sxplr-tab-override-color")
+  overrideColor: string
+  @Input('sxplr-tab-override-class')
+  overrideCls: string
+  @Output('sxplr-tab-click')
+  click = new EventEmitter<MouseEvent>()
diff --git a/src/components/tab/tab.style.scss b/src/components/tab/tab.style.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57dc6a4331909688c9ee18c9012715eb166a8b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tab/tab.style.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    margin-left:0.5rem;
+    margin-right:-0.5rem;
diff --git a/src/components/tab/tab.template.html b/src/components/tab/tab.template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b25457076c97feeff3e73b97b4dcae502d0de85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/tab/tab.template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<button mat-raised-button
+    [matBadge]="badge"
+    [matBadgeColor]="badgeColor"
+    [color]="color"
+    [style.backgroundColor]="overrideColor"
+    [class]="overrideCls"
+    (click)="click.next($event)">
+    <i [class]="icon"></i>
diff --git a/src/extra_styles.css b/src/extra_styles.css
index 795f053415d65c0e6ff85df9bf6030c14adcad3f..44453c5327e96f98b63b57d52476bf45a3d3e87b 100644
--- a/src/extra_styles.css
+++ b/src/extra_styles.css
@@ -383,16 +383,6 @@ markdown-dom p
   pointer-events: all;
-  transition: all ease 200ms;
-  transition: all ease 500ms;
   height: 0px;
@@ -775,11 +765,6 @@ body::after
   padding-top: 16px!important;
-  top: unset!important;
   padding: 16px;
diff --git a/src/util/pipes/getProperty.pipe.ts b/src/util/pipes/getProperty.pipe.ts
index 2132c83f2de36cf5b09b257b2fcd22f887be100c..b11e762e3e56ade9cac8405d6e8a59cf668f1f87 100644
--- a/src/util/pipes/getProperty.pipe.ts
+++ b/src/util/pipes/getProperty.pipe.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
   pure: true
-export class GetPropertyPipe implements PipeTransform{
-  public transform(input: any, property: any = '@id') {
+export class GetPropertyPipe<R extends Record<string|number, unknown>> implements PipeTransform{
+  public transform(input: R, property: keyof R) {
     return input && input[property]
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/module.ts b/src/viewerModule/module.ts
index 01c177127a43b261585b42d7ad491bbbb89a0723..e2b3b4589e09d1342be273a0f2c1a5cb4044c204 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/module.ts
+++ b/src/viewerModule/module.ts
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import { BottomMenuModule } from "src/ui/bottomMenu";
 import { CURRENT_TEMPLATE_DIM_INFO, TemplateInfo, Z_TRAVERSAL_MULTIPLIER } from "./nehuba/layerCtrl.service/layerCtrl.util";
 import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { atlasSelection, userPreference } from "src/state";
+import { TabComponent } from "src/components/tab/tab.components";
   imports: [
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ import { atlasSelection, userPreference } from "src/state";
+    TabComponent,
     ...(environment.ENABLE_LEAP_MOTION ? [LeapModule] : [])
   declarations: [
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/module.ts b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/module.ts
index 682fae0bb9cf878ebd3ff18007a1ad26eb8cbfb0..485c478b8078df06a5d660dd1838f6aac68c32f8 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/module.ts
+++ b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/module.ts
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import { NgAnnotationService } from "./annotation/service";
 import { NgAnnotationEffects } from "./annotation/effects";
 import { NehubaViewerContainer } from "./nehubaViewerInterface/nehubaViewerContainer.component";
 import { NehubaUserLayerModule } from "./userLayers";
+import { DialogModule } from "src/ui/dialogInfo";
   imports: [
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ import { NehubaUserLayerModule } from "./userLayers";
+    DialogModule,
   declarations: [
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
index 599720814d262e8ac924146ee52c993f5561fcff..da0efe192ead8500dec3e88916e901707b0f9f06 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
+++ b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.component.ts
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
 import {
-  OnInit,
-  OnChanges,
-  Optional,
+  inject,
 } from "@angular/core";
 import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { LoggingService } from "src/logging";
 import { NehubaViewerUnit } from "../nehubaViewer/nehubaViewer.component";
-import { Observable, Subscription, of, combineLatest } from "rxjs";
-import { map, filter, startWith, throttleTime } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { Observable, combineLatest } from "rxjs";
+import { map, filter, startWith, throttleTime, takeUntil, switchMap, shareReplay, debounceTime } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { Clipboard, MatBottomSheet, MatDialog, MatSnackBar } from "src/sharedModules/angularMaterial.exports"
 import { ARIA_LABELS, QUICKTOUR_DESC } from 'common/constants'
-import { UntypedFormControl } from "@angular/forms";
+import { FormControl, FormGroup, UntypedFormControl } from "@angular/forms";
 import { NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN } from '../util'
 import { IQuickTourData } from "src/ui/quickTour/constrants";
@@ -22,35 +20,100 @@ import { actions } from "src/state/atlasSelection";
 import { atlasSelection } from "src/state";
 import { SxplrTemplate } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes";
 import { NEHUBA_CONFIG_SERVICE_TOKEN, NehubaConfigSvc } from "../config.service";
+import { DestroyDirective } from "src/util/directives/destroy.directive";
+import { getUuid } from "src/util/fn";
   selector : 'iav-cmp-viewer-nehuba-status',
   templateUrl : './statusCard.template.html',
   styleUrls : ['./statusCard.style.css'],
+  hostDirectives: [
+    DestroyDirective,
+  ],
-export class StatusCardComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges{
+export class StatusCardComponent {
-  private _nehubaViewer: NehubaViewerUnit;
+  readonly #destroy$ = inject(DestroyDirective).destroyed$
-  get nehubaViewer(): NehubaViewerUnit{
-    return this._nehubaViewer
-  }
-  set nehubaViewer(v: NehubaViewerUnit) {
-    this._nehubaViewer = v
-    this.ngOnChanges()
-  }
+  public nehubaViewer: NehubaViewerUnit
   public arialabel = ARIA_LABELS.STATUS_PANEL
   public showFull = false
+  public dialogForm = new FormGroup({
+    x: new FormControl<string>(null),
+    y: new FormControl<string>(null),
+    z: new FormControl<string>(null),
+  })
   private selectedTemplate: SxplrTemplate
-  private currentNavigation: any
-  private subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
+  private currentNavigation: {
+    position: number[];
+    orientation: number[];
+    zoom: number;
+    perspectiveOrientation: number[];
+    perspectiveZoom: number;
-  public navVal$: Observable<string>
-  public mouseVal$: Observable<string>
+  public readonly navVal$ = this.nehubaViewer$.pipe(
+    filter(v => !!v),
+    switchMap(nehubaViewer => 
+      combineLatest([
+        this.statusPanelRealSpace$,
+        nehubaViewer.viewerPosInReal$.pipe(
+          filter(v => !!v)
+        ),
+        nehubaViewer.viewerPosInVoxel$.pipe(
+          filter(v => !!v)
+        ),
+      ]).pipe(
+        map(([realFlag, real, voxel]) => realFlag
+          ? real.map(v => `${ (v / 1e6).toFixed(3) }mm`).join(', ')
+          : voxel.map(v => v.toFixed(3)).join(', ') ),
+        startWith(`nehubaViewer initialising`),
+        throttleTime(16),
+      )
+    ),
+    shareReplay(1),
+  )
+  public readonly mouseVal$ = this.nehubaViewer$.pipe(
+    filter(v => !!v),
+    switchMap(nehubaViewer => 
+      combineLatest([
+        this.statusPanelRealSpace$,
+        nehubaViewer.mousePosInReal$.pipe(
+          filter(v => !!v),
+        ),
+        nehubaViewer.mousePosInVoxel$.pipe(
+          filter(v => !!v)
+        ),
+      ]).pipe(
+        map(([realFlag, real, voxel]) => realFlag
+          ? real.map(v => `${ (v/1e6).toFixed(3) }mm`).join(', ')
+          : voxel.map(v => v.toFixed(3)).join(', ')),
+        startWith(``),
+      )
+    )
+  )
+  public readonly dialogInputState$ = this.dialogForm.valueChanges.pipe(
+    map(({ x, y, z }) => {
+      const allEntries = [x, y, z].map(v => this.#parseString(v))
+      return {
+        validated: allEntries.every(entry =>
+          (
+            entry.length === 1
+            && !Number.isNaN(entry[0])
+          )
+        ),
+        valueMm: allEntries.map(entry => entry[0]),
+        valueNm: allEntries.map(entry => entry[0]).map(v => v*1e6),
+        string: allEntries.map(entry => `${entry[0]}mm`).join(", "),
+      }
+    }),
+    shareReplay(1)
+  )
   public quickTourData: IQuickTourData = {
@@ -69,82 +132,71 @@ export class StatusCardComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges{
     private clipboard: Clipboard,
     private snackbar: MatSnackBar,
     @Inject(NEHUBA_CONFIG_SERVICE_TOKEN) private nehubaConfigSvc: NehubaConfigSvc,
-    @Optional() @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) nehubaViewer$: Observable<NehubaViewerUnit>,
+    @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) private nehubaViewer$: Observable<NehubaViewerUnit>,
   ) {
-    if (nehubaViewer$) {
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        nehubaViewer$.subscribe(
-          viewer => this.nehubaViewer = viewer
-        )
-      )
-    } else {
-      this.log.warn(`NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN not injected!`)
-    }
-  }
-  ngOnInit(): void {
-    this.subscriptions.push(
-      this.statusPanelFormCtrl.valueChanges.subscribe(val => {
-        this.statusPanelRealSpace = val
-      })
+    nehubaViewer$.pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(
+      viewer => this.nehubaViewer = viewer
+    this.statusPanelFormCtrl.valueChanges.pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(val => {
+      this.statusPanelRealSpace = val
+    })
+    this.store$.pipe(
+      select(atlasSelection.selectors.navigation)
+    ).pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(nav => this.currentNavigation = nav)
-    this.subscriptions.push(
-      this.store$.pipe(
-        select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedTemplate)
-      ).subscribe(n => this.selectedTemplate = n)
-    )
+    this.nehubaViewer$.pipe(
+      filter(nv => !!nv),
+      switchMap(nv => nv.viewerPosInReal$.pipe(
+        filter(pos => !!pos),
+        debounceTime(120),
+      )),
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(val => {
+      const [x, y, z] = val.map(v => (v/1e6).toFixed(3))
+      this.dialogForm.setValue({ x, y, z })
+    })
-    this.subscriptions.push(
-      this.store$.pipe(
-        select(atlasSelection.selectors.navigation)
-      ).subscribe(nav => this.currentNavigation = nav)
-    )
-  }
+    this.store$.pipe(
+      select(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedTemplate)
+    ).pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(n => this.selectedTemplate = n)
-  ngOnChanges(): void {
-    if (this.nehubaViewer?.viewerPosInReal$ && this.nehubaViewer?.viewerPosInVoxel$) {
-      this.navVal$ = combineLatest([
-        this.statusPanelRealSpace$,
-        this.nehubaViewer.viewerPosInReal$.pipe(
-          filter(v => !!v)
-        ),
-        this.nehubaViewer.viewerPosInVoxel$.pipe(
-          filter(v => !!v)
-        )
-      ]).pipe(
-        map(([realFlag, real, voxel]) => realFlag
-          ? real.map(v => `${ (v / 1e6).toFixed(3) }mm`).join(', ')
-          : voxel.map(v => v.toFixed(3)).join(', ') ),
-        startWith(`nehubaViewer initialising`)
-      )
-    } else {
-      this.navVal$ = of(`neubaViewer is undefined`)
-    }
+    this.dialogInputState$.pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe()
-    if ( this.nehubaViewer?.mousePosInReal$ && this.nehubaViewer?.mousePosInVoxel$ ) {
+    this.dialogForm.valueChanges.pipe(
+      map(({ x, y, z }) => [x, y, z].map(v => this.#parseString(v))),
+      map(allEntries => allEntries.find(val => val.length === 3)),
+      filter(fullEntry => !!fullEntry && fullEntry.every(entry => !Number.isNaN(entry))),
+      takeUntil(this.#destroy$)
+    ).subscribe(fullEntry => {
+      this.dialogForm.setValue({
+        x: `${fullEntry[0]}`,
+        y: `${fullEntry[1]}`,
+        z: `${fullEntry[2]}`,
+      })
+    })
-      this.mouseVal$ = combineLatest([
-        this.statusPanelRealSpace$,
-        this.nehubaViewer.mousePosInReal$.pipe(
-          filter(v => !!v),
-          throttleTime(16)
-        ),
-        this.nehubaViewer.mousePosInVoxel$.pipe(
-          filter(v => !!v),
-          throttleTime(16)
-        )
-      ]).pipe(
-        map(([realFlag, real, voxel]) => realFlag
-          ? real.map(v => `${ (v/1e6).toFixed(3) }mm`).join(', ')
-          : voxel.map(v => v.toFixed(3)).join(', ')),
-        startWith(``)
-      )
-    } else {
-      this.mouseVal$ = of(`neubaViewer is undefined`)
-    }
+  }
+  #parseString(input: string): number[]{
+    return input
+      .split(/[\s|,]+/)
+      .map(v => {
+        if (/mm$/.test(v)) {
+          return v.replace(/mm$/, "")
+        }
+        return v
+      })
+      .map(Number)
   public statusPanelFormCtrl = new UntypedFormControl(true, [])
@@ -165,6 +217,41 @@ export class StatusCardComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges{
+  public selectPoint(pos: number[]) {
+    this.store$.dispatch(
+      atlasSelection.actions.selectPoint({
+        point: {
+          "@type": "https://openminds.ebrains.eu/sands/CoordinatePoint",
+          "@id": getUuid(),
+          coordinateSpace: {
+            "@id": this.selectedTemplate.id
+          },
+          coordinates: pos.map(v => ({
+            "@id": getUuid(),
+            "@type": "https://openminds.ebrains.eu/core/QuantitativeValue",
+            unit: {
+              "@id": "id.link/mm"
+            },
+            value: v * 1e6,
+            uncertainty: [0, 0]
+          }))
+        }
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  public navigateTo(pos: number[], positionReal=true) {
+    this.store$.dispatch(
+      atlasSelection.actions.navigateTo({
+        navigation: {
+          position: pos
+        },
+        physical: positionReal,
+        animation: true
+      })
+    )
+  }
   showBottomSheet(tmpl: TemplateRef<any>): void{
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.style.css b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.style.css
index a731c42cd30010291fafbd631db8deb9de5257ee..62feb3a8f17faecbd6dff3d1d0782afdfc0002e6 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.style.css
+++ b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.style.css
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-  display:inline-block;
-  margin-left:1em;
-  padding-left:1em;
-  margin-left:2em;
   width: 26rem;
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.template.html b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
index 4d6ca08573c522ac291a9d0cb219449a8d65cf95..274b4473881cbbba4c266fb506e6947597aa80b7 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
+++ b/src/viewerModule/nehuba/statusCard/statusCard.template.html
@@ -45,22 +45,6 @@
-      <!-- space -->
-      <div class="d-flex">
-        <span class="d-flex align-items-center">
-          Voxel space
-        </span>
-        <mat-slide-toggle
-          [formControl]="statusPanelFormCtrl"
-          class="sxplr-pl-2 sxplr-pr-2">
-        </mat-slide-toggle>
-        <span class="d-flex align-items center">
-          Physical space
-        </span>
-      </div>
       <!-- coord -->
       <div class="d-flex">
@@ -121,15 +105,11 @@
       {{ navVal$ | async }}
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="navVal$ | async" let-navVal>
-      <button mat-icon-button
-        [attr.aria-label]="COPY_NAVIGATION_STRING"
-        (click)="copyString(navVal)">
-        <i class="fas fa-copy"></i>
-      </button>
-    </ng-template>
+    <button mat-icon-button
+      [sxplr-dialog-size]="null"
+      [sxplr-dialog]="pointTmpl">
+      <i class="fas fa-pen"></i>
+    </button>
     <button mat-icon-button
@@ -138,3 +118,49 @@
+<ng-template #pointTmpl>
+  <h1 mat-dialog-title>
+    Navigation Coordinate
+  </h1>
+  <div mat-dialog-content>
+    <form [formGroup]="dialogForm">
+      <ng-template ngFor [ngForOf]="['x', 'y', 'z']" let-pos>
+        <mat-form-field>
+          <mat-label>{{ pos }} (mm)</mat-label>
+          <input type="text" matInput [formControlName]="pos">
+        </mat-form-field>
+      </ng-template>
+    </form>
+  </div>
+  <div mat-dialog-actions align="end">
+    <ng-template [ngIf]="dialogInputState$ | async" let-state>
+      <button mat-raised-button color="primary"
+        (click)="selectPoint(state.valueMm)"
+        [disabled]="!state.validated">
+        select point
+      </button>
+      <button mat-button color="primary"
+        (click)="navigateTo(state.valueNm)"
+        [disabled]="!state.validated">
+        navigate to point
+      </button>
+      <button mat-button color="primary"
+        [attr.aria-label]="COPY_NAVIGATION_STRING"
+        (click)="copyString(state.string)"
+        [disabled]="!state.validated">
+        copy point
+      </button>
+    </ng-template>
+    <button mat-button mat-dialog-close>
+      cancel
+    </button>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.component.ts b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.component.ts
index eb91a6b8b31ce641966d34374d6dbc28282cce31..4b3b162667a8ab30883abf5e86cb35ac1ed79249 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.component.ts
+++ b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.component.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, TemplateRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
+import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnDestroy, TemplateRef, ViewChild, inject } from "@angular/core";
 import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store";
-import { combineLatest, Observable, of, Subscription } from "rxjs";
-import { debounceTime, map, shareReplay, switchMap } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Observable, of, Subscription } from "rxjs";
+import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, map, shareReplay, switchMap, takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";
 import { CONST, ARIA_LABELS, QUICKTOUR_DESC } from 'common/constants'
-import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from "@angular/animations";
+import { AnimationEvent, animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from "@angular/animations";
 import { IQuickTourData } from "src/ui/quickTour";
 import { EnumViewerEvt, TContextArg, TSupportedViewers, TViewerEvent } from "../viewer.interface";
 import { ContextMenuService, TContextMenuReg } from "src/contextMenuModule";
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import { SxplrTemplate } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/sxplrTypes";
 import { EntryComponent } from "src/features/entry/entry.component";
 import { TFace, TSandsPoint, getCoord } from "src/util/types";
 import { wait } from "src/util/fn";
+import { DestroyDirective } from "src/util/directives/destroy.directive";
+import { MatDrawer } from "@angular/material/sidenav";
 interface HasName {
   name: string
@@ -44,29 +46,20 @@ interface HasName {
         animate('200ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')
-    trigger('openCloseAnchor', [
-      state('open', style({
-        transform: 'translateY(0)'
-      })),
-      state('closed', style({
-        transform: 'translateY(100vh)'
-      })),
-      transition('open => closed', [
-        animate('200ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')
-      ]),
-      transition('closed => open', [
-        animate('200ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')
-      ])
-    ]),
   providers: [
-  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
+  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
+  hostDirectives: [
+    DestroyDirective
+  ]
 export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
+  public readonly destroy$ = inject(DestroyDirective).destroyed$
   @ViewChild('voiFeatureEntryCmp', { read: EntryComponent })
   voiCmp: EntryComponent
@@ -149,7 +142,9 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
     switchMap(([tmpl, parc]) => tmpl && parc ? this.sapi.getLabelledMap(parc, tmpl) : of(null))
+  #fullNavBarSwitch$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false)
+  #halfNavBarSwitch$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(true)
   #view0$ = combineLatest([
@@ -167,9 +162,11 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
   #view1$ = combineLatest([
+    this.#fullNavBarSwitch$,
+    this.#halfNavBarSwitch$,
-    map(( [ currentMap, allAvailableRegions ] ) => ({
-      currentMap, allAvailableRegions
+    map(( [ currentMap, allAvailableRegions, fullSidenavExpanded, halfSidenavExpanded ] ) => ({
+      currentMap, allAvailableRegions, fullSidenavExpanded, halfSidenavExpanded
@@ -178,7 +175,7 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
     map(([v0, v1]) => ({ ...v0, ...v1 })),
-    map(({ selectedRegions, viewerMode, selectedFeature, selectedPoint, selectedTemplate, selectedParcellation, currentMap, allAvailableRegions }) => {
+    map(({ selectedRegions, viewerMode, selectedFeature, selectedPoint, selectedTemplate, selectedParcellation, currentMap, allAvailableRegions, fullSidenavExpanded, halfSidenavExpanded }) => {
       let spatialObjectTitle: string
       let spatialObjectSubtitle: string
       if (selectedPoint) {
@@ -221,7 +218,9 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
          * and the full left side bar should not be expandable
          * if it is already expanded, it should collapse
-        onlyShowMiniTray: selectedRegions.length === 0 && !viewerMode && !selectedFeature && !selectedPoint
+        onlyShowMiniTray: selectedRegions.length === 0 && !viewerMode && !selectedFeature && !selectedPoint,
+        fullSidenavExpanded,
+        halfSidenavExpanded,
@@ -237,7 +236,6 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
   private viewerStatusRegionCtxMenu: TemplateRef<any>
   private templateSelected: SxplrTemplate
-  #parcellationSelected: SxplrParcellation
     private store$: Store<any>,
@@ -247,11 +245,59 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
     private sapi: SAPI,
+    this.view$.pipe(
+      takeUntil(this.destroy$),
+      map(({ selectedFeature, selectedPoint, selectedRegions, viewerMode }) => ({
+        selectedFeature,
+        selectedPoint,
+        selectedRegions,
+        viewerMode,
+      })),
+      distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => {
+        if (o.viewerMode !== n.viewerMode) {
+          return false
+        }
+        if (o.selectedFeature?.id !== n.selectedFeature?.id) {
+          return false
+        }
+        if (o.selectedPoint?.["@type"] !== n.selectedPoint?.["@type"]) {
+          return false
+        }
+        if (
+          n.selectedPoint?.["@type"] === "https://openminds.ebrains.eu/sands/CoordinatePoint"
+          && o.selectedPoint?.["@type"] === "https://openminds.ebrains.eu/sands/CoordinatePoint"
+        ) {
+          const newCoords = n.selectedPoint.coordinates.map(v => v.value)
+          const oldCoords = o.selectedPoint.coordinates.map(v => v.value)
+          if ([0, 1, 2].some(idx => newCoords[idx] !== oldCoords[idx])) {
+            return false
+          }
+        }
+        if (o.selectedRegions.length !== n.selectedRegions.length) {
+          return false
+        }
+        const oldRegNames = o.selectedRegions.map(r => r.name)
+        const newRegName = n.selectedRegions.map(r => r.name)
+        if (oldRegNames.some(name => !newRegName.includes(name))) {
+          return false
+        }
+        return true
+      }),
+      debounceTime(16),
+      map(({ selectedFeature, selectedRegions, selectedPoint, viewerMode }) => {
+        return !!viewerMode
+        || !!selectedFeature
+        || selectedRegions.length > 0
+        || !!selectedPoint
+      })
+    ).subscribe(flag => {
+      this.#fullNavBarSwitch$.next(flag)
+    })
         t => this.templateSelected = t
-      this.#parcellationSelected$.subscribe(parc => this.#parcellationSelected = parc),
@@ -530,6 +576,25 @@ export class ViewerCmp implements OnDestroy {
+  controlFullNav(flag: boolean){
+    this.#fullNavBarSwitch$.next(flag)
+  }
+  controlHalfNav(flag: boolean) {
+    this.#halfNavBarSwitch$.next(flag)
+    if (flag && this.#fullyRestoreToken) {
+      this.#fullNavBarSwitch$.next(flag)
+      this.#fullyRestoreToken = false
+    }
+  }
+  #fullyRestoreToken = false
+  fullyClose(){
+    this.#fullyRestoreToken = true
+    this.controlFullNav(false)
+    this.controlHalfNav(false)
+  }
   nameEql(a: HasName, b: HasName){
     return a.name === b.name
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.style.css b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.style.css
index 13f9f9906cce4a7d44d78ea843912dd5083fb4ab..d72febea43178d6447b9c113f66ccb4ca905e2e3 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.style.css
+++ b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.style.css
@@ -10,24 +10,6 @@
   top: 0.5rem;
-  margin-top: 1.5rem;
-.tab-toggle-container > *
-  display: block;
-  margin-left: -1rem;
-  padding-right: 0.75rem;
-  margin-right: 1rem;
-  text-align: right;
@@ -90,10 +72,25 @@ mat-drawer
   pointer-events: none;
-  height: 2rem;
+  position: fixed;
+  left: 50%;
+  bottom: 8rem;
+  width: 0;
+  height: 0;
+  pointer-events: none;
   opacity: 0.2;
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: center;
+  overflow: visible;
+.logo-container > logo-container
+  width: 2rem;
+  height: 2rem;
+  display: block;
@@ -158,11 +155,6 @@ sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-region-list-item
   align-items: center;
-  margin: 0 -16px;
   display: flex;
@@ -181,3 +173,25 @@ sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-region-list-item
   display: flex;
   align-items: center;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  padding: 0;
+  pointer-events: all;
+  margin-left: -1rem;
+  margin-top: 2rem;
+  margin-right: 1rem;
+  display: inline-block;
+  display: inline-flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
index 118e5c2892d7498ddb47bb3d5d740666aee18160..a2fa3860b81f087d43109dc92fba2ef1cb696c5e 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
+++ b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
   <div class="floating-ui">
-    <div *ngIf="(media.mediaBreakPoint$ | async) < 2"
-      class="fixed-bottom sxplr-pe-none sxplr-mb-10 d-flex justify-content-center">
-      <logo-container></logo-container>
-    </div>
+    <ng-template [ngIf]="(media.mediaBreakPoint$ | async) < 2">
+      <div class="logo-container">
+        <logo-container></logo-container>
+      </div>
+    </ng-template>
     <div *ngIf="(media.mediaBreakPoint$ | async) < 2"
@@ -29,126 +31,109 @@
 <!-- master draw container -->
 <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
-  *ngIf="viewerLoaded"
-  iav-switch
-  [iav-switch-state]="!(view.onlyShowMiniTray)"
-  #showFullSidenavSwitch="iavSwitch"
-  class="position-absolute w-100 h-100 mat-drawer-content-overflow-visible invisible"
-  [hasBackdrop]="false">
-  <!-- master drawer -->
-  <mat-drawer
-    mode="side"
-    #drawer="matDrawer"
-    [opened]="!(view.onlyShowMiniTray)"
-    [@openClose]="showFullSidenavSwitch && (showFullSidenavSwitch.switchState$ | async) ? 'open' : 'closed'"
-    (@openClose.start)="$event.toState === 'open' && drawer.open()"
-    (@openClose.done)="$event.toState === 'closed' && drawer.close()"
-    [autoFocus]="false"
-    [disableClose]="true"
-    class="sxplr-custom-cmp darker-bg sxplr-p-0 pe-all col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-5 col-lg-4 col-xl-3 col-xxl-2 z-index-10">
-    <!-- entry template -->
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="regularTmpl">
-      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="alternateModeDrawerTmpl"
-        [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-          mode: mode
-        }"></ng-template>
-    </ng-template>
+  <mat-drawer-container
+    *ngIf="viewerLoaded"
+    class="position-absolute w-100 h-100 mat-drawer-content-overflow-visible invisible"
+    [hasBackdrop]="false">
+    <!-- master drawer -->
+    <mat-drawer
+      mode="side"
+      #drawer="matDrawer"
+      [@openClose]="view.fullSidenavExpanded ? 'open' : 'closed'"
+      (@openClose.start)="$event.toState === 'open' && drawer.open()"
+      (@openClose.done)="$event.toState === 'closed' && drawer.close()"
+      [autoFocus]="false"
+      [disableClose]="true"
+      class="sxplr-custom-cmp darker-bg sxplr-p-0 pe-all col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-5 col-lg-4 col-xl-3 col-xxl-2 z-index-10">
+      <!-- entry template -->
+      <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="regularTmpl">
+        <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="alternateModeDrawerTmpl"
+          [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
+            mode: mode
+          }"></ng-template>
+      </ng-template>
-    <!-- regular mode  -->
-    <ng-template #regularTmpl>
-      <ng-template
-        [ngTemplateOutlet]="regularModeDrawerTmpl"
-        [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-          drawer: drawer,
-          showFullSidenavSwitch: showFullSidenavSwitch
-        }">
+      <!-- regular mode  -->
+      <ng-template #regularTmpl>
+        <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="regularModeDrawerTmpl">
+        </ng-template>
-    </ng-template>
-  </mat-drawer>
+    </mat-drawer>
-  <!-- master content -->
-  <mat-drawer-content class="visible sxplr-pe-none position-relative">
-    <iav-layout-fourcorners>
+    <!-- master content -->
+    <mat-drawer-content class="visible sxplr-pe-none position-relative">
+      <iav-layout-fourcorners>
-      <!-- top left -->
-      <div iavLayoutFourCornersTopLeft class="ws-no-wrap align-items-start d-inline-flex">
+        <!-- top left -->
+        <div iavLayoutFourCornersTopLeft class="ws-no-wrap align-items-start d-inline-flex">
-        <!-- special mode -->
-        <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="defaultTopLeftTmpl">
-          <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="specialModeTopLeftTmpl"
-            [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-              mode: mode,
-              toggleMatDrawer: drawer.toggle.bind(drawer)
-            }">
+          <!-- special mode -->
+          <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="defaultTopLeftTmpl">
+            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="specialModeTopLeftTmpl"
+              [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ mode: mode }">
+            </ng-template>
-        </ng-template>
-        <!-- default mode top left tmpl -->
-        <ng-template #defaultTopLeftTmpl>
-          <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="defaultMainContentTopLeft"
-            [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-              isOpen: drawer.opened,
-              drawer: drawer,
-              showFullSidenavSwitch: showFullSidenavSwitch
-            }">
+          <!-- default mode top left tmpl -->
+          <ng-template #defaultTopLeftTmpl>
+            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="defaultMainContentTopLeft"
+              [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
+                isOpen: drawer.opened,
+                drawer: drawer,
+                view: view
+              }">
+            </ng-template>
-        </ng-template>
-      </div>
+        </div>
-      <!-- top right -->
-      <div iavLayoutFourCornersTopRight class="ws-no-wrap">
+        <!-- top right -->
+        <div iavLayoutFourCornersTopRight class="ws-no-wrap">
-        <!-- exit special mode -->
-        <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="defaultTopRightTmpl">
-          <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="specialTopRightTmpl"
-            [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-              mode: mode
-            }">
+          <!-- exit special mode -->
+          <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="defaultTopRightTmpl">
+            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="specialTopRightTmpl"
+              [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
+                mode: mode
+              }">
+            </ng-template>
-        </ng-template>
-        <!-- default mode top right tmpl -->
-        <ng-template #defaultTopRightTmpl>
-          <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="minDefaultMainContentTopRight">
+          <!-- default mode top right tmpl -->
+          <ng-template #defaultTopRightTmpl>
+            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="minDefaultMainContentTopRight">
+            </ng-template>
-        </ng-template>
-      </div>
+        </div>
-      <!-- bottom left -->
-      <div iavLayoutFourCornersBottomLeft class="ws-no-wrap d-inline-flex w-100vw sxplr-pe-none align-items-center mb-4">
-        <!-- special bottom left -->
-        <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="localBottomLeftTmpl"></ng-template>
-        <!-- default mode bottom left tmpl -->
-        <ng-template #localBottomLeftTmpl>
+        <!-- bottom left -->
+        <div iavLayoutFourCornersBottomLeft class="ws-no-wrap d-inline-flex w-100vw sxplr-pe-none align-items-center mb-4">
-          <!-- not the most elegant, but it's a hard problem to solve -->
-          <!-- on the one hand, showFullSidenavSwitch can be of two states -->
-          <!-- and drawer.opened can be of two states -->
-          <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="bottomLeftTmpl"
-            [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-              showFullSideNav: (showFullSidenavSwitch.switchState$ | async)
-                ? drawer.open.bind(drawer)
-                : showFullSidenavSwitch.open.bind(showFullSidenavSwitch)
-            }">
+          <!-- special bottom left -->
+          <ng-template [ngIf]="view.viewerMode" let-mode [ngIfElse]="localBottomLeftTmpl"></ng-template>
+          <!-- default mode bottom left tmpl -->
+          <ng-template #localBottomLeftTmpl>
+            <!-- not the most elegant, but it's a hard problem to solve -->
+            <!-- on the one hand, showFullSidenavSwitch can be of two states -->
+            <!-- and drawer.opened can be of two states -->
+            <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="bottomLeftTmpl">
+            </ng-template>
-        </ng-template>
-      </div>
+        </div>
-      <!-- buttom right -->
-      <div iavLayoutFourCornersBottomRight>
-        <div class="leap-control-wrapper">
-          <div leap-control-view-ref></div>
+        <!-- buttom right -->
+        <div iavLayoutFourCornersBottomRight>
+          <div class="leap-control-wrapper">
+            <div leap-control-view-ref></div>
+          </div>
-      </div>
-    </iav-layout-fourcorners>
-  </mat-drawer-content>
+      </iav-layout-fourcorners>
+    </mat-drawer-content>
@@ -166,9 +151,7 @@
 <!-- regular mode drawer tmpl -->
-<ng-template #regularModeDrawerTmpl
-  let-drawer="drawer"
-  let-showFullSidenavSwitch="showFullSidenavSwitch">
+<ng-template #regularModeDrawerTmpl>
   <!-- selectedFeature || selectedRegion -->
   <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
@@ -198,10 +181,7 @@
     <ng-template  [ngIf]="!view.selectedFeature && !view.selectedPoint">
-        [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-          view: view,
-          showFullSidenavSwitch: showFullSidenavSwitch
-        }">
+        [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ view: view }">
@@ -210,25 +190,20 @@
 <!-- minimal default drawer content -->
-<ng-template #minSearchTray
-  let-showFullSidenav="showFullSidenav"
-  let-drawer="drawer">
+<ng-template #minSearchTray>
+  <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
-  <div class="mt-2 d-inline-block vw-col-10 vw-col-sm-10 vw-col-md-5 vw-col-lg-4 vw-col-xl-3 vw-col-xxl-2"
-    iav-switch
-    [iav-switch-state]="true"
-    #minTrayVisSwitch="iavSwitch"
-    [ngClass]="{
-      'vw-col-10-nm vw-col-sm-10-nm vw-col-md-5-nm vw-col-lg-4-nm vw-col-xl-3-nm vw-col-xxl-2-nm': !(minTrayVisSwitch.switchState$ | async),
-      'transition-margin-left': !drawer.opened
-    }">
+    <div class="mt-2 d-inline-block vw-col-10 vw-col-sm-10 vw-col-md-5 vw-col-lg-4 vw-col-xl-3 vw-col-xxl-2 z-index-1"
+      [ngClass]="{
+        'vw-col-10-nm vw-col-sm-10-nm vw-col-md-5-nm vw-col-lg-4-nm vw-col-xl-3-nm vw-col-xxl-2-nm': !view.halfSidenavExpanded,
+        'transition-margin-left': !view.fullSidenavExpanded
+      }">
-    <!-- collapsed side bar view -->
-    <div class="h-0 w-100 region-text-search-autocomplete-position">
-      <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="autocompleteTmpl; context: { showTour: true }">
-      </ng-container>
-      <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
+      <!-- collapsed side bar view -->
+      <div class="h-0 w-100 region-text-search-autocomplete-position">
+        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="autocompleteTmpl; context: { showTour: true }">
+        </ng-container>
         <!-- if no selected regions, show spatial search -->
         <div *ngIf="(view.selectedRegions || []).length === 0" class="sxplr-mt-1 w-100">
@@ -238,12 +213,10 @@
-      </ng-template>
-    </div>
+      </div>
-    <!-- such a gross implementation -->
-    <!-- TODO fix this -->
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
+      <!-- such a gross implementation -->
+      <!-- TODO fix this -->
       <div class="min-tray-explr-btn"
@@ -258,7 +231,7 @@
         <button mat-raised-button
           *ngIf="!(view$ | async | getProperty : 'onlyShowMiniTray')"
-          (click)="showFullSidenav()"
+          (click)="controlFullNav(!view.fullSidenavExpanded)"
           class="sxplr-mt-9 sxplr-pe-all w-100"
             'darktheme': sapiRegion.regionDarkmode,
@@ -266,51 +239,45 @@
           <span class="text sxplr-custom-cmp">
-            Explore Foo
+            Explore
-    </ng-template>
-  </div>
-  <!-- tab to minimize mini tray -->
-  <div class="tab-toggle-container" [ngClass]="(minTrayVisSwitch.switchState$ | async) ? '' : 'd-none'">
-    <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-      fontIcon: 'fas fa-chevron-left',
-      matColor: null,
-      click: minTrayVisSwitch.toggle.bind(minTrayVisSwitch)
-    }">
-    </ng-template>
-  </div>
-  <div class="tab-toggle-container" [ngClass]="(minTrayVisSwitch.switchState$ | async) ? 'd-none' : ''">
+    </div>
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="voiFeatureEntryCmp && (voiFeatureEntryCmp.totals$ | async)"
-      [ngIfElse]="noBadgeTmpl"
-      let-totals>
+    <!-- tab to minimize mini tray -->
-      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-        fontIcon: 'fas fa-search',
-        matColor: 'primary',
-        click: minTrayVisSwitch.toggle.bind(minTrayVisSwitch),
-        badge: totals
-      }">
+    <div [ngClass]="view.halfSidenavExpanded ? '' : 'd-none'">
+      <sxplr-tab
+        sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-chevron-left"
+        (sxplr-tab-click)="controlHalfNav(!view.halfSidenavExpanded)">
+      </sxplr-tab>
+    </div>
+    <div [ngClass]="view.halfSidenavExpanded ? 'd-none' : ''">
+      <ng-template [ngIf]="voiFeatureEntryCmp && (voiFeatureEntryCmp.totals$ | async)"
+        [ngIfElse]="noBadgeTmpl"
+        let-totals>
+        <sxplr-tab
+          sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-search"
+          sxplr-tab-color="primary"
+          (sxplr-tab-click)="controlHalfNav(!view.halfSidenavExpanded)"
+          [sxplr-tab-badge]="totals">
+        </sxplr-tab>
-    </ng-template>
-    <ng-template #noBadgeTmpl>
+      <ng-template #noBadgeTmpl>
-      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-        fontIcon: 'fas fa-search',
-        matColor: 'primary',
-        click: minTrayVisSwitch.toggle.bind(minTrayVisSwitch)
-      }">
+        <sxplr-tab
+          sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-search"
+          sxplr-tab-color="primary"
+          (sxplr-tab-click)="controlHalfNav(!view.halfSidenavExpanded)">
+        </sxplr-tab>
-    </ng-template>
-  </div>
+    </div>
+  </ng-template>
@@ -318,37 +285,27 @@
 <!-- top left -->
 <!-- default top left -->
 <ng-template #defaultMainContentTopLeft
-  let-isOpen="isOpen"
-  let-showFullSidenavSwitch="showFullSidenavSwitch">
+  let-view="view">
   <!-- min search tray -->
-  <ng-template [ngIf]="!(showFullSidenavSwitch.switchState$ | async)">
-    <ng-template
-      [ngTemplateOutlet]="minSearchTray"
-      [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-        showFullSidenav: showFullSidenavSwitch.open.bind(showFullSidenavSwitch),
-        drawer: drawer
-      }">
+  <ng-template [ngIf]="!(view.fullSidenavExpanded)">
+    <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="minSearchTray">
   <!-- pullable tab top left corner -->
-  <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
-    <div *ngIf="showFullSidenavSwitch.switchState$ | async"
-      class="v-align-top pe-all tab-toggle-container d-inline-block"
-      (click)="drawer.toggle()"
+  <ng-template [ngIf]="view.fullSidenavExpanded">
+    <sxplr-tab
+      (sxplr-tab-click)="fullyClose()"
+      sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-brain"
-      <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl; context: {
-        isOpen: isOpen,
-        view: view
-      }">
-      </ng-container>
-    </div>
+    </sxplr-tab>
   <!-- status panel for (for nehuba viewer) -->
@@ -366,41 +323,36 @@
 <!-- special mode top left -->
-<ng-template #specialModeTopLeftTmpl
-  let-mode="mode"
-  let-toggleMatDrawer="toggleMatDrawer">
-  <div class="tab-toggle-container">
-    <ng-container [ngSwitch]="mode">
-      <!-- annotating top left -->
-      <ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_ANNOTATING">
-        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
-          matColor: 'primary',
-          fontIcon: 'fa-list',
-          tooltip: 'Annotation list',
-          click: toggleMatDrawer,
-          badge: toolPanel?.annBadges$ | async
-        }">
-        </ng-container>
-        <annotating-tools-panel class="z-index-10 leave-me-alone"
-          #toolPanel="annoToolsPanel">
-        </annotating-tools-panel>
-      </ng-template>
-      <ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_KEYFRAME">
+<ng-template #specialModeTopLeftTmpl let-mode="mode">
+  <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
-        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
-          matColor: 'primary',
-          fontIcon: 'fa-play',
-          tooltip: 'Annotation list',
-          click: toggleMatDrawer
-        }">
-        </ng-container>
-      </ng-template>
-    </ng-container>
-  </div>
+    <div class="special-mode-topleft-wrapper">
+      <ng-container [ngSwitch]="mode">
+        <!-- annotating top left -->
+        <ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_ANNOTATING">
+          <sxplr-tab
+            sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-list"
+            sxplr-tab-color="primary"
+            (sxplr-tab-click)="controlFullNav(!view.fullSidenavExpanded)"
+            [sxplr-tab-badge]="toolPanel?.annBadges$ | async">
+          </sxplr-tab>
+          <annotating-tools-panel class="z-index-10 leave-me-alone"
+            #toolPanel="annoToolsPanel">
+          </annotating-tools-panel>
+        </ng-template>
+        <ng-template [ngSwitchCase]="ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_KEYFRAME">
+          <sxplr-tab
+            sxplr-tab-icon="fas fa-play"
+            sxplr-tab-color="primary"
+            (sxplr-tab-click)="controlFullNav(!view.fullSidenavExpanded)">
+          </sxplr-tab>
+        </ng-template>
+      </ng-container>
+    </div>
+  </ng-template>
@@ -440,7 +392,7 @@
 <!-- bottom left -->
-<ng-template #bottomLeftTmpl let-showFullSideNav="showFullSideNav">
+<ng-template #bottomLeftTmpl>
   <ng-template [ngIf]="view$ | async" let-view>
@@ -453,7 +405,7 @@
-      <sxplr-bottom-menu (onRegionClick)="showFullSideNav()"></sxplr-bottom-menu>
+      <sxplr-bottom-menu (onRegionClick)="controlHalfNav(true); controlFullNav(true)"></sxplr-bottom-menu>
@@ -591,119 +543,8 @@
-<!-- template for rendering tab -->
-<ng-template #tabTmpl
-  let-isOpen="isOpen"
-  let-iavAdditionallayers="iavAdditionallayers"
-  let-click="click"
-  let-badge="badge"
-  let-view="view">
-  <!-- if mat drawer is open -->
-  <ng-template [ngIf]="isOpen" [ngIfElse]="tabTmpl_closedTmpl">
-    <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl"
-      [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-        fontIcon: 'fa-chevron-left',
-        click: click,
-        badge: badge
-      }">
-    </ng-template>
-  </ng-template>
-  <!-- if matdrawer is closed -->
-  <ng-template #tabTmpl_closedTmpl>
-    <!-- if additional layers are being shown -->
-    <ng-template [ngIf]="iavAdditionallayers?.length > 0" [ngIfElse]="tabTmpl_noAdditionalLayers">
-      <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
-        matColor: 'accent',
-        fontIcon: 'fa-database',
-        tooltip: 'Explore dataset preview',
-        click: click
-      }">
-      </ng-container>
-    </ng-template>
-    <!-- if additional layers not not being shown -->
-    <ng-template #tabTmpl_noAdditionalLayers>
-      <!-- if region selected === 1 -->
-      <ng-template [ngIf]="view.regionSelected?.length === 1" [ngIfElse]="tabTmpl_nothingSelected">
-        <div sxplr-sapiviews-core-region
-          [sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-detail-flag]="true"
-          [sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-atlas]="selectedAtlas$ | async"
-          [sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-template]="view.selectedTemplate"
-          [sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-parcellation]="view.selectedParcellation"
-          [sxplr-sapiviews-core-region-region]="view.regionSelected[0]"
-          #tabTmpl_iavRegion="sapiViewsCoreRegion">
-        </div>
-        <!-- TODO fix with sapiView/core/region directive -->
-        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
-          matColor: 'accent',
-          customColor: tabTmpl_iavRegion.regionRgbString,
-          customColorDarkmode: tabTmpl_iavRegion.regionDarkmode,
-          fontIcon: 'fa-brain',
-          tooltip: 'Explore ' + view.regionSelected[0].name,
-          click: click
-        }">
-        </ng-container>
-      </ng-template>
-      <!-- nothing is selected -->
-      <ng-template #tabTmpl_nothingSelected>
-        <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
-          matColor: 'primary',
-          fontIcon: 'fa-sitemap',
-          tooltip: 'Explore regions',
-          click: click,
-          badge: badge
-        }">
-        </ng-container>
-      </ng-template>
-    </ng-template>
-  </ng-template>
-<ng-template #tabTmpl_defaultTmpl
-  let-matColor="matColor"
-  let-fontIcon="fontIcon"
-  let-customColor="customColor"
-  let-customColorDarkmode="customColorDarkmode"
-  let-tooltip="tooltip"
-  let-badge="badge"
-  let-badgeColor="badgeColor"
-  let-click="click">
-  <!-- (click)="sideNavMasterSwitch.toggle()" -->
-  <button mat-raised-button
-    [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL"
-    [matTooltip]="tooltip"
-    class="pe-all tab-toggle"
-    [ngClass]="{
-      'darktheme': customColorDarkmode === true,
-      'lighttheme': customColorDarkmode === false
-    }"
-    (click)="click && click()"
-    [style.backgroundColor]="customColor"
-    [color]="(!customColor && matColor) ? matColor : null"
-    [matBadge]="badge"
-    [matBadgeColor]="badgeColor || 'warn'">
-    <span [ngClass]="{'sxplr-custom-cmp  text': !!customColor}">
-      <i class="fas" [ngClass]="fontIcon || 'fa-question'"></i>
-    </span>
-  </button>
 <!-- region sidenav tmpl -->
 <ng-template #sidenavRegionTmpl
-  let-showFullSidenavSwitch="showFullSidenavSwitch"
   <!-- region search autocomplete  -->
@@ -759,11 +600,19 @@
   <!-- collapse btn -->
-  <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="collapseBtn"
-    [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{
-      collapse: showFullSidenavSwitch.close.bind(showFullSidenavSwitch)
-    }">
-  </ng-template>
+  <div class="h-0 w-100 collapse-position d-flex flex-column justify-content-end align-items-center">
+    <button mat-raised-button class="mat-elevation-z8"
+      [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.COLLAPSE"
+      (click)="controlFullNav(false)">
+      <i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i>
+      <span>
+        collapse
+      </span>
+    </button>
+  </div>
@@ -838,22 +687,6 @@
-<!-- collapse btn -->
-<ng-template #collapseBtn let-collapse="collapse">
-  <div class="h-0 w-100 collapse-position d-flex flex-column justify-content-end align-items-center">
-    <button mat-raised-button class="mat-elevation-z8"
-      [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.COLLAPSE"
-      (click)="collapse()">
-      <i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i>
-      <span>
-        collapse
-      </span>
-    </button>
-  </div>
 <!-- region tmpl placeholder -->
 <ng-template #regionPlaceholderTmpl>
   <div class="placeholder-region-detail bs-border-box ml-15px-n mr-15px-n mat-elevation-z4">
@@ -870,10 +703,9 @@
-    <mat-card-content class="d-flex flex-column">
+    <mat-card-content class="context-menu-container">
       <div *ngFor="let tmplRef of tmplRefs"
-        [ngStyle]="{ order: tmplRef.order || 0 }"
-        class="context-menu-container">
+        [ngStyle]="{ order: tmplRef.order || 0 }">
         <ng-template [ngIf]="tmplRef.tmpl"
@@ -892,9 +724,16 @@
 <ng-template #lastViewedPointTmpl let-data>
+  <mat-divider></mat-divider>
+  <mat-list class="sxplr-p-0">
+    <mat-list-item>
+      Last selected spatial object
+    </mat-list-item>
+  </mat-list>
   <mat-action-list class="sxplr-p-0">
-    <mat-divider></mat-divider>
-    <div mat-subheader>Last selected spatial object</div>
     <ng-template [ngIf]="data?.point">
       <button mat-list-item (click)="selectPoint(data, data.template)">