From 07302a865885e734bdfa13358d6adf9672c81ddf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xiao Gui <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 18:42:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] chore: cleaning up refactored code

 common/constants.js                           |   5 +-
 .../annotationList.component.ts               | 123 -----
 .../annotationList.template.html              | 212 +-------
 .../annotationMessage.component.ts            |  21 -
 .../annotationMode.component.ts               | 511 ++----------------
 .../annotationMode/   |  18 +-
 .../annotationMode.template.html              |  62 +--
 .../directives/annotationSwitch.directive.ts  |  24 +-
 src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/index.ts  |   1 -
 src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/module.ts |   3 -
 .../userAnnotations/tools/delete.ts           |  73 +++
 .../userAnnotations/tools/point.ts            |   8 +-
 .../userAnnotations/tools/select.ts           |  76 +++
 .../userAnnotations/tools/service.ts          |  68 ++-
 .../userAnnotations/tools/type.ts             |  26 +-
 .../viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html         |  79 +--
 16 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 931 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component.ts
 create mode 100644 src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/delete.ts
 create mode 100644 src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/select.ts

diff --git a/common/constants.js b/common/constants.js
index b39325bc3..5054d2ede 100644
--- a/common/constants.js
+++ b/common/constants.js
@@ -60,15 +60,14 @@
     VIEWER_MODE_ANNOTATING: 'annotating',
     // Annotations
-    USER_ANNOTATION_VIEWER: 'user annotations viewer',
     USER_ANNOTATION_LIST: 'user annotations footer',
     USER_ANNOTATION_IMPORT: 'user annotations import',
     USER_ANNOTATION_EXPORT: 'user annotations export',
     USER_ANNOTATION_EXPORT_SINGLE: 'Export annotation',
     USER_ANNOTATION_HIDE: 'user annotations hide',
     USER_ANNOTATION_DELETE: 'Delete annotation',
-    GOTO_ANNOTATION_ROI: 'Navigate to annotation location of interest'
+    GOTO_ANNOTATION_ROI: 'Navigate to annotation location of interest',
+    EXIT_ANNOTATION_MODE: 'Exit annotation mode'
   exports.IDS = {
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.component.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.component.ts
index 0dccb5411..fd16cedee 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.component.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.component.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 import {Component} from "@angular/core";
 import {AnnotationService} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationService.service";
-import {viewerStateChangeNavigation} from "src/services/state/viewerState/actions";
-import {Store} from "@ngrx/store";
 import {ARIA_LABELS} from "common/constants";
 import { ModularUserAnnotationToolService } from "../tools/service";
 import { TExportFormats } from "../tools/type";
@@ -19,12 +17,9 @@ import { ComponentStore } from "src/viewerModule/componentStore";
 export class AnnotationList {
-  public identifier = (index: number, item: any) =>
   public managedAnnotations$ = this.annotSvc.managedAnnotations$
-    private store$: Store<any>,
-    public ans: AnnotationService,
     private annotSvc: ModularUserAnnotationToolService,
     cStore: ComponentStore<{ useFormat: TExportFormats }>,
   ) {
@@ -33,124 +28,6 @@ export class AnnotationList {
-  toggleAnnotationVisibility(annotation) {
-    if (annotation.type === 'polygon') {
-      // ToDo Change when mainList will be groupedAnnotations
-      const annotationIndex = this.ans.groupedAnnotations.findIndex(a => ===
-      this.ans.groupedAnnotations[annotationIndex].annotationVisible = !this.ans.groupedAnnotations[annotationIndex].annotationVisible
-      this.ans.refreshFinalAnnotationList()
-      this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.filter(an =>'_')[0] ==='_')[0])
-        .forEach(a => this.toggleVisibility(a))
-    } else {
-      this.toggleVisibility(annotation)
-    }
-  }
-  private toggleVisibility = (annotation) => {
-    const annotationIndex = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.findIndex(a => ===
-    if (this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer[annotationIndex].annotationVisible) {
-      this.ans.removeAnnotationFromViewer(
-      this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer[annotationIndex].annotationVisible = false
-    } else {
-      this.ans.addAnnotationOnViewer(this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer[annotationIndex])
-      this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer[annotationIndex].annotationVisible = true
-    }
-    this.ans.storeToLocalStorage()
-  }
-  removeAnnotation(annotation) {
-    if (annotation.type === 'polygon') {
-      this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.filter(an =>'_')[0] ==='_')[0])
-        .forEach(a => this.ans.removeAnnotation(
-    } else {
-      this.ans.removeAnnotation(
-    }
-  }
-  navigate(position: number[]) {
-    // Convert to nm before navigate
-    position = => +p * 1e6)
-    if (position && position.length === 3) {
-        viewerStateChangeNavigation({
-          navigation: {
-            position,
-            positionReal: true
-          },
-        })
-      )
-    }
-  }
-  saveAnnotation(annotation) {
-    if (annotation.type !== 'polygon') {
-      // Convert to Number Array
-      if (annotation.position1 && (typeof annotation.position1 === 'string')) {
-        annotation.position1 = this.positionToNumberArray(annotation.position1)
-      }
-      if (annotation.position2 && (typeof annotation.position2 === 'string')) {
-        annotation.position2 = this.positionToNumberArray(annotation.position2)
-      }
-      // Return if positions are valid
-      if (annotation.position1.length !== 3 || !annotation.position1.every(e => !isNaN(e))
-          || (annotation.position2 && (annotation.position2.length !== 3 || !annotation.position2.every(e => !isNaN(e))))) {
-        return
-      } else {
-        // Convert to Voxel
-        annotation.position1 = this.ans.mmToVoxel(annotation.position1)
-        annotation.position2 = annotation.position2 && this.ans.mmToVoxel(annotation.position2)
-      }
-      // Save annotation
-      this.ans.saveAnnotation(annotation)
-    } else {
-      // if (! {
-      // = this.ans.generateNameByType('polygon')
-      // }
-      const toUpdateFirstAnnotation = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => === `${}_0`)
- =
-      toUpdateFirstAnnotation.description = annotation.description
-      this.ans.saveAnnotation(toUpdateFirstAnnotation)
-      //ToDo Change when main list will be groupedAnnotations
-      const toUpdate = this.ans.groupedAnnotations.findIndex(a => ===
-      this.ans.groupedAnnotations[toUpdate].name =
-      this.ans.groupedAnnotations[toUpdate].description = annotation.description
-      this.ans.refreshFinalAnnotationList()
-    }
-  }
-  positionToNumberArray(position) {
-    return position.split(',').map(n => parseFloat(n))
-  }
-  savePolygonPosition(id, position, inputVal) {
-    inputVal = this.positionToNumberArray(inputVal)
-    if (inputVal.length !== 3 || !inputVal.every(e => !isNaN(e))) {
-      return
-    } else {
-      inputVal = this.ans.mmToVoxel(inputVal)
-    }
-    position.lines.forEach(l => {
-      if (l.point === 2) {
-        const annotation = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-        annotation.position2 = inputVal
-        this.ans.saveAnnotation(annotation, true)
-      } else {
-        const annotation = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-        annotation.position1 = inputVal
-        this.ans.saveAnnotation(annotation, true)
-      }
-    })
-  }
   public hiddenAnnotations$ = this.annotSvc.hiddenAnnotations$
   toggleManagedAnnotationVisibility(id: string) {
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.template.html b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.template.html
index 2b06e3ade..fcfea4ae4 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.template.html
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.template.html
@@ -1,195 +1,26 @@
-<div [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_VIEWER" class="w-100">
+<!-- header -->
-    <!-- header section -->
-    <div class="overflow-hidden mt-3 mr-2 ml-2 d-flex justify-content-between">
-        <div>
-            <button class="mr-1 ml-1" mat-icon-button
-                    [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_IMPORT"
-                    matTooltip="Import JSON"
-                    [matMenuTriggerFor]="importMenu">
-                <i class="fas fa-file-import"></i>
-            </button>
-            <input type="file" #importInput [import-annotations]="{sands: false}" hidden/>
-            <input type="file" #importInputSands [import-annotations]="{sands: true}" hidden/>
-            <mat-menu #importMenu="matMenu">
-                <button mat-menu-item (click)="">
-                    SANDS format
-                </button>
-                <button mat-menu-item (click)="">
-                    Siibra explorer format
-                </button>
-            </mat-menu>
-            <button class="mr-1 ml-1" mat-icon-button
-                    [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_EXPORT"
-                    matTooltip="Export"
-                    [matMenuTriggerFor]="exportAllMenu">
-                <i class="fas fa-file-export"></i>
-            </button>
-            <mat-menu #exportAllMenu="matMenu">
-                <button mat-menu-item [export-annotations]="{annotations: ans.finalAnnotationList, sands: true}">
-                    SANDS format
-                </button>
-                <button mat-menu-item [export-annotations]="{annotations: ans.finalAnnotationList, sands: false}">
-                    Siibra explorer format
-                </button>
-            </mat-menu>
-        </div>
-        <div class="d-flex flex-column">
-            <small [ngClass]="[ans.annotationFilter !== 'all'? 'text-muted' : '']"
-                   class="cursor-pointer" (click)="ans.refreshFinalAnnotationList('all')">
-                All landmarks
-            </small>
-            <small [ngClass]="[ans.annotationFilter !== 'current'? 'text-muted' : '']"
-                   class="cursor-pointer" (click)="ans.refreshFinalAnnotationList('current')">
-                Current template
-            </small>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <mat-divider class="m-2"></mat-divider>
-    <!-- list of annotations -->
-    <mat-accordion [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_LIST"
-                   class="h-100 d-flex flex-column overflow-auto">
-        <mat-expansion-panel hideToggle
-                             *ngFor="let annotation of ans.finalAnnotationList; let i = index; trackBy: identifier">
-            <mat-expansion-panel-header
-                    [ngClass]="ans.hoverAnnotation?.id.includes( && 'highlight'">
-                <mat-panel-title>
-                    <small class="cursor-pointer mr-3 ml-1 d-flex align-items-center"
-                           [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_HIDE"
-                           [matTooltip]="annotation.annotationVisible? 'Hide' : 'Show'"
-                           (click)="$event.stopPropagation(); toggleAnnotationVisibility(annotation)">
-                        <i class="fas far fa-check-circle" *ngIf="annotation.annotationVisible; else notVisible"></i>
-                        <ng-template #notVisible><i class="far fa-circle"></i></ng-template>
-                    </small>
-                    <div class="color-inherit">{{}}</div>
-                </mat-panel-title>
-                <mat-panel-description class="w-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end"
-                                       [matTooltip]="annotation.type">
-                    <small><i [ngClass]="annotation.type === 'line'? 'fas fa-slash'
-                        : annotation.type === 'bounding box'? 'far fa-square'
-                        : annotation.type === 'ellipsoid'? 'fas fa-bullseye'
-                        : annotation.type === 'polygonParent' || annotation.type === 'polygon'? 'fas fa-draw-polygon'
-                         : 'fas fa-circle'"></i></small>
-                </mat-panel-description>
-            </mat-expansion-panel-header>
-            <div class="d-flex flex-column">
-                <mat-form-field class="w-100">
-                    <input matInput class="font-italic color-inherit"
-                           placeholder="Name"
-                           [(ngModel)]=""
-                           ("$event.stopPropagation();"
-                           annotation-list-key-listener
-                           (keyup)="this.saveAnnotation(annotation)"/>
-                </mat-form-field>
-                <p class="mt-2 mb-4">{{}}</p>
-                <div *ngIf="annotation.type !== 'polygon'"
-                     class="w-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mt-2">
-                    <mat-form-field class="w-100">
-                        <input matInput class="w-100 font-italic color-inherit flex-grow-1"
-                               placeholder="Position 1"
-                               [ngModel]="(annotation.position1 | coordinateInputText)"
-                               (ngModelChange)="annotation.position1 = positionToNumberArray($event)"
-                               annotation-list-key-listener
-                               (keyup)="this.saveAnnotation(annotation)"/>
-                    </mat-form-field>
-                    <small class="d-flex align-items-center flex-grow-0"> <i
-                            class="fas fa-map-marked-alt mr-2 ml-2 cursor-pointer"
-                            (click)="navigate(annotation.position1)"></i></small>
-                </div>
-                <div *ngIf="annotation.type !== 'polygon' && annotation.position2"
-                     class="w-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mb-2">
-                    <mat-form-field class="w-100">
-                        <input matInput
-                               placeholder="Position 2"
-                               class="w-100 font-italic d-flex align-items-center color-inherit"
-                               [ngModel]="(annotation.position2 | coordinateInputText)"
-                               (ngModelChange)="annotation.position2 = positionToNumberArray($event)"
-                               annotation-list-key-listener
-                               (keyup)="this.saveAnnotation(annotation)"/>
-                    </mat-form-field>
-                    <small class="d-flex align-items-center"> <i
-                            class="fas fa-map-marked-alt mr-2 ml-2 cursor-pointer"
-                            (click)="navigate(annotation.position2)"></i></small>
-                </div>
-                <div *ngIf="annotation.type === 'polygon'">
-                    <div *ngFor="let position of annotation.positions; let positionIndex = index"
-                         class="w-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mb-2">
-                        <mat-form-field class="w-100">
-                            <input matInput
-                                   [placeholder]="'Position' + (+positionIndex + 1)"
-                                   class="w-100 font-italic d-flex align-items-center color-inherit"
-                                   [value]="(position?.position | coordinateInputText)"
-                                   #polygonPositionInput
-                                   annotation-list-key-listener
-                                   (keyup)="this.savePolygonPosition(, position, polygonPositionInput.value)"/>
-                        </mat-form-field>
-                        <small class="d-flex align-items-center"> <i
-                                class="fas fa-map-marked-alt mr-2 ml-2 cursor-pointer"
-                                (click)="navigate(position?.position)"></i></small>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-                <div class="w-100">
-                    <mat-form-field class="w-100">
-                        <textarea matInput class="w-100 color-inherit"
-                                  placeholder="Description"
-                                  cdkTextareaAutosize
-                                  #autosize="cdkTextareaAutosize"
-                                  cdkAutosizeMinRows="1" cdkAutosizeMaxRows="5"
-                                  [(ngModel)]="annotation.description"
-                                  annotation-list-key-listener
-                                  (keyup)="this.saveAnnotation(annotation)">
-                        </textarea></mat-form-field>
-                </div>
+<div class="d-flex">
+    <h2 class="mat-h2 mt-4 text-muted">
+        Annotations
+    </h2>
-                <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end w-100">
-                    <button class="mr-1 ml-1" mat-icon-button
-                            [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_EXPORT_SINGLE"
-                            matTooltip="Export"
-                            [matMenuTriggerFor]="exportSingleMenu">
-                        <i class="fas fa-file-export"></i>
-                    </button>
-                    <mat-menu #exportSingleMenu="matMenu">
-                        <button mat-menu-item [export-annotations]="{annotations: [annotation], sands: true}">
-                            SANDS format
-                        </button>
-                        <button mat-menu-item [export-annotations]="{annotations: [annotation], sands: false}">
-                            Siibra explorer format
-                        </button>
-                    </mat-menu>
-                    <button class="mr-1 ml-1" mat-icon-button
-                            [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_DELETE"
-                            (click)="removeAnnotation(annotation)">
-                        <i class="fas fa-trash"></i>
-                    </button>
-                </div>
-            </div>
+<!-- list of annotations -->
+<ng-template [ngIf]="managedAnnotations$ | async" [ngIfElse]="placeholderTmpl" let-managedAnnotations>
-        </mat-expansion-panel>
+    <mat-accordion *ngIf="managedAnnotations.length > 0; else placeholderTmpl"
+        [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.USER_ANNOTATION_LIST"
+        class="h-100 d-flex flex-column overflow-auto">
         <!-- expansion panel -->
-        <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let managedAnnotation of managedAnnotations$ | async"
+        <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let managedAnnotation of managedAnnotations"
-            <mat-expansion-panel-header>
+            <mat-expansion-panel-header [ngClass]="{'highlight': managedAnnotation.highlighted }">
                 <mat-panel-title class="d-flex align-items-center">
                     <!-- toggle visibility -->
@@ -214,5 +45,16 @@
+<!-- place holder when no annotations exist -->
+<ng-template #placeholderTmpl>
+    <mat-card>
+        <span>
+            No annotations visible yet. 
+        </span>
+        <span>
+            Start by adding an annotion, or import an existing annotation.
+        </span>
+    </mat-card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1c198e0..000000000
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import {Component} from "@angular/core";
-import {AnnotationService} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationService.service";
-  selector: 'annotation-message',
-  template: `<mat-card class="pe-all position-absolute d-flex align-items-center  annotation-mode-message-panel">
-          <mat-panel-title>Annotation mode</mat-panel-title>
-          <button mat-icon-button
-                  color="warn"
-                  (click)="ans.disable()"
-                  type="button"
-                  class="mb-2 mt-2"
-                  matTooltip="Exit annotation mode">
-              <i class="fas fa-times"></i>
-          </button>
-      </mat-card>`,
-  styles: [`.annotation-mode-message-panel {height: 30px;top: 20px;right: 0;}`]
-export class AnnotationMessage {
-  constructor(public ans: AnnotationService) {}
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.component.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.component.ts
index 7321b4de4..ee03a1d8d 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.component.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.component.ts
@@ -1,483 +1,42 @@
-import {Component, HostListener, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit, Optional} from "@angular/core";
-import {select, Store} from "@ngrx/store";
-import { ARIA_LABELS } from "common/constants";
-import { Observable, Subscription} from "rxjs";
-import {getUuid} from "src/util/fn";
-import {VIEWER_INJECTION_TOKEN} from "src/ui/layerbrowser/layerDetail/layerDetail.component";
-import {buffer, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, switchMapTo, take, takeUntil, tap} from "rxjs/operators";
-import {
-  viewerStateGetSelectedAtlas,
-  viewerStateNavigationStateSelector,
-  viewerStateSelectedTemplateSelector, viewerStateViewerModeSelector,
-} from "src/services/state/viewerState/selectors";
-import {AnnotationService} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationService.service";
-import {NehubaViewerUnit} from "src/viewerModule/nehuba";
-import {NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN} from "src/viewerModule/nehuba/util";
-import {CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR, ClickInterceptor} from "src/util";
+import { Component } from "@angular/core";
+import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
 import { ModularUserAnnotationToolService } from "../tools/service";
+import { viewerStateSetViewerMode } from "src/services/state/";
+import { ARIA_LABELS } from 'common/constants'
-  selector: 'annotating-mode',
+  selector: 'annotating-tools-panel',
   templateUrl: './annotationMode.template.html',
   styleUrls: ['./']
-export class AnnotationMode implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
-    public moduleAnnotationTypes: {instance: { name: string, iconClass: string }, onClick: Function} [] = []
-    public selectedType = 0
-    public position1: number[]
-    public position2: number[]
-    public editingAnnotationId: string
-    public selecting = 'position1'
-    public mousePos: number[]
-    public navState: any = {}
-    private hoverAnnotation$: Observable<{id: string, partIndex: number}>
-    // public hoverAnnotation: {id: string, partIndex: number}
-    private onDestroyCb: Function[] = []
-    public subscriptions: Subscription[] = []
-    private get viewer(){
-      return this.injectedViewer || (window as any).viewer
-    }
-    private _nehubaViewer: NehubaViewerUnit;
-    get nehubaViewer(){
-      return this._nehubaViewer
-    }
-    set nehubaViewer(v: NehubaViewerUnit) {
-      this._nehubaViewer = v
-    }
-    get interactiveViewer() {
-      return (window as any).interactiveViewer
-    }
-    constructor(
-        private store$: Store<any>,
-        public ans: AnnotationService,
-        private modularToolSvc: ModularUserAnnotationToolService,
-        @Optional() @Inject(VIEWER_INJECTION_TOKEN) private injectedViewer,
-        @Optional() @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) nehubaViewer$: Observable<NehubaViewerUnit>,
-        @Optional() @Inject(CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR) clickInterceptor: ClickInterceptor
-    ) {
-      this.moduleAnnotationTypes = this.modularToolSvc.moduleAnnotationTypes
-      if (clickInterceptor) {
-        const { register, deregister } = clickInterceptor
-        const onMouseClick = this.onMouseClick.bind(this)
-        register(onMouseClick)
-        this.onDestroyCb.push(() => deregister(onMouseClick))
-      }
-      if (nehubaViewer$) {
-        this.subscriptions.push(
-          nehubaViewer$.subscribe(
-            viewer => this.nehubaViewer = viewer
-          )
-        )
-      }
-    }
-    onMouseClick(e: any) {
-      let viewerMode: string
-        select(viewerStateViewerModeSelector),
-        take(1)
-      ).subscribe(vm => viewerMode = vm)
-      if (viewerMode === ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_ANNOTATING) return false
-    }
-    ngOnInit(): void {
-      // Load annotation layer on init
-      this.ans.loadAnnotationLayer()
-      this.hoverAnnotation$ = new Observable<{id: string, partIndex: number}>(obs => {
-        const mouseState = this.viewer.mouseState
-        const cb: () => void = mouseState.changed.add(() => {
-          if ( && mouseState.pickedAnnotationLayer === this.ans.addedLayer.layer.annotationLayerState.value) {
-  {
-              id: mouseState.pickedAnnotationId,
-              partIndex: mouseState.pickedOffset
-            })
-          } else {
-          }
-        })
-        this.onDestroyCb.push(() => {
-          cb()
-          obs.complete()
-        })
-      }).pipe(
-        distinctUntilChanged((o, n) => {
-          if (o === n) return true
-          return `${o?.id || ''}${o?.partIndex || ''}` === `${n?.id || ''}${n?.partIndex || ''}`
-        })
-      )
-      this.subscriptions.push(this.hoverAnnotation$.subscribe(ha => {
-        this.ans.hoverAnnotation = ha
-      }))
-      const mouseDown$ = this.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.mouseEvent.pipe(
-        filter((e: any) => e.eventName === 'mousedown')
-      )
-      const mouseUp$ = this.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.mouseEvent.pipe(
-        filter((e: any) => e.eventName === 'mouseup')
-      )
-      const mouseMove$ = this.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.mouseEvent.pipe(
-        filter((e: any) => e.eventName === 'mousemove')
-      )
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        // Trigger mouse click on viewer (avoid dragging)
-        mouseDown$.pipe(
-          switchMapTo(
-            mouseUp$.pipe(
-              takeUntil(mouseMove$),
-            ),
-          ),
-        ).subscribe(event => {
-          if (event.event.button === 2) {
-            if (this.selecting === 'position2' && this.mousePos) {
-              this.ans.removeAnnotation(this.editingAnnotationId)
-              this.editingAnnotationId = null
-              this.selecting = 'position1'
-            }
-          } else {
-            this.mouseClick()
-          }
-        })
-      )
-      // Dragging - edit hovering annotations while dragging
-      let hovering: any
-      let hoveringType: string
-      let hoveringName: string
-      let hoveringPosition1: number[]
-      let hoveringPosition2: number[]
-      let draggingStartPosition: any[]
-      let hoveringPolygonAnnotations: any[]
-      let dragging = false
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        mouseDown$.pipe(
-          tap(() => {
-            hovering = this.ans.hoverAnnotation
-            if (hovering) {
-              draggingStartPosition = this.mousePos
-              const hoveringAnnotation = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-              if (hoveringAnnotation) {
-                hoveringPosition1 = hoveringAnnotation.position1
-                hoveringPosition2 = hoveringAnnotation.position2 ? hoveringAnnotation.position2 : null
-                hoveringType = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-                if (hoveringAnnotation.type === 'polygon') {
-                  hoveringPolygonAnnotations = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.filter(a =>'_')[0] ==='_')[0])
-                }
-                hoveringName = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-              }
-            }
-          }),
-          switchMapTo(
-            mouseMove$.pipe(
-              takeUntil(mouseUp$.pipe(tap(() => {
-                if (dragging) {
-                  this.ans.storeBackup()
-                  dragging = false
-                }
-              })
-              )),
-            ),
-          ),
-        ).subscribe(event => {
-          if (hovering && this.selecting !== 'position2') {
-            dragging = true
-            // keep navigation while dragging
-            // this.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.setNavigationLoc(this.navState)
-            this.nehubaViewer.setNavigationState({
-              position: this.navState.position,
-              perspectiveOrientation: this.navState.perspectiveOrientation,
-              positionReal: true
-            })
-            // make changes to annotations by type
-            //  - when line is hovered move full annotation -
-            //  - when line point is hovered move only point
-            if (this.mousePos) {
-              const dragRange =, i) => mp - +draggingStartPosition[i])
-              if (hoveringType === 'point') {
-                this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:, position1: this.mousePos, name: hoveringName, type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-              } else if (hoveringType === 'line') {
-                if (hovering.partIndex === 0) {
-                  this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                    position1:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                    position2:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                    name: hoveringName,
-                    type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-                } else if (hovering.partIndex === 1) {
-                  this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                    position1: this.mousePos,
-                    position2: hoveringPosition2,
-                    name: hoveringName,
-                    type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-                } else if (hovering.partIndex === 2) {
-                  this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                    position1: hoveringPosition1,
-                    position2: this.mousePos,
-                    name: hoveringName,
-                    type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-                }
-              } else if (hoveringType === 'bounding box') {
-                this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                  position1:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                  position2:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                  name: hoveringName,
-                  type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-              } else if (hoveringType === 'ellipsoid') {
-                this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                  position1:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                  position2: hoveringPosition2,
-                  name: hoveringName,
-                  type: hoveringType}, false, true)
-              } else if (hoveringType === 'polygon') {
-                if (hovering.partIndex === 0) {
-                  hoveringPolygonAnnotations.forEach(pa => {
-                    this.ans.saveAnnotation({
-                      id:,
-                      position1:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                      position2:, i) => +hp + dragRange[i]),
-                      name:,
-                      description: pa.description,
-                      type: pa.type
-                    }, false, true)
-                  })
-                } else {
-                  let samePos1: any[]
-                  let samePos2: any[]
-                  const name = hoveringPolygonAnnotations[0].name
-                  const description = hoveringPolygonAnnotations[0].description
-                  if (hovering.partIndex === 2) {
-                    samePos1 = hoveringPolygonAnnotations.filter(hp => !== && hp.position1.join() === hoveringPosition2.join())
-                    samePos2 = hoveringPolygonAnnotations.filter(hp => !== && hp.position2.join() === hoveringPosition2.join())
-                    this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                      position1: hoveringPosition1,
-                      position2: this.mousePos,
-                      name,
-                      description,
-                      type: hoveringType}, true, false)
-                  } else if (hovering.partIndex === 1) {
-                    samePos1 = hoveringPolygonAnnotations.filter(hp => !== && hp.position1.join() === hoveringPosition1.join())
-                    samePos2 = hoveringPolygonAnnotations.filter(hp => !== && hp.position2.join() === hoveringPosition1.join())
-                    this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                      position1: this.mousePos,
-                      position2: hoveringPosition2,
-                      name,
-                      description,
-                      type: hoveringType}, true, false)
-                  }
-                  samePos1.forEach(a => {
-                    this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                      position1: this.mousePos,
-                      position2: a.position2,
-                      name,
-                      description,
-                      type: a.type}, true, false)
-                  })
-                  samePos2.forEach(a => {
-                    this.ans.saveAnnotation({id:,
-                      position1: a.position1,
-                      position2: this.mousePos,
-                      name,
-                      description,
-                      type: a.type}, true, false)
-                  })
-                  this.ans.addPolygonsToGroupedAnnotations(
-                    this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.filter(a =>'_')[0] ==='_')[0])
-                  )
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        })
-      )
-      this.subscriptions.push(
-        this.nehubaViewer.mousePosInVoxel$
-          .subscribe(floatArr => {
-            this.mousePos = floatArr && floatArr
-            if (this.selecting === 'position1' && this.mousePos) {
-              this.position1 = this.mousePos
-            } else if (this.selecting === 'position2' && this.mousePos) {
-              if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name === 'Ellipsoid') {
-                this.position2 = this.ans.getRadii(this.position1, this.mousePos)
-              } else {
-                this.position2 = this.mousePos
-              }
-              if (this.position1
-                            && (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'doubleCoordinate'
-                                || this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'polygon')
-                            && this.position2) {
-                if (!this.editingAnnotationId) {
-                  this.editingAnnotationId = getUuid()
-                  if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'polygon') {
-                    this.editingAnnotationId += '_0'
-                  }
-                }
-                this.ans.saveAnnotation({id: this.editingAnnotationId, position1: this.position1,
-                  position2: this.position2,
-                  type: this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name}, false)
-              }
-            }
-          }),
-        // Double click - end creating polygon
-        mouseUp$.pipe(
-          buffer(mouseUp$.pipe(debounceTime(250))),
-          map((list: any) => list.length),
-          filter(x => x === 2)
-        ).subscribe(() => {
-          if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'polygon') {
-            // this.ans.removeAnnotation(this.editingAnnotationId)
-            this.ans.saveEditList = this.ans.saveEditList.filter(se => !== this.editingAnnotationId)
-            this.ans.removeAnnotationFromViewer(this.editingAnnotationId)
-            const annIdObj = this.editingAnnotationId.split('_')
-            const prevAnnotation = this.ans.saveEditList.find(a => === `${annIdObj[0]}_${+annIdObj[1] - 1}`)
-            if (prevAnnotation && {
-              this.ans.saveEditList = this.ans.saveEditList.filter(se => !==
-              this.ans.removeAnnotationFromViewer(
-            }
-            this.ans.storeBackup()
-            this.changeToDefaultTool()
-            this.editingAnnotationId = null
-            this.selecting = 'position1'
-          }
-        }),
-          select(viewerStateNavigationStateSelector),
-        ).subscribe(nav => {
-          this.navState.position = nav.position
-          this.navState.perspectiveOrientation = nav.perspectiveOrientation
-        }),
-          select(viewerStateGetSelectedAtlas)
-        ).subscribe(atlas => {
-          this.ans.selectedAtlas = {name:, id: atlas['@id']}
-        }),
-          select(viewerStateSelectedTemplateSelector),
-          take(1)
-        ).subscribe(tmpl => {
-          this.ans.selectedTemplate = {
-            name:,
-            id: tmpl['@id']
-          }
-          this.ans.voxelSize = this.ans.getVoxelFromSpace(tmpl.fullId)
-          this.ans.loadAnnotationsOnInit()
-          // Set get annotations from the local storage and add them to the viewer
-        })
-      )
-    }
-    ngOnDestroy(): void {
-      while (this.onDestroyCb.length > 0) this.onDestroyCb.pop()()
-      this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe())
-      if (this.ans.addedLayer) {
-        this.viewer.layerManager.removeManagedLayer(this.ans.addedLayer)
-      }
-    }
-    onKeydownHandler() {
-      this.modularToolSvc.deselectTools()
-      if (this.selecting === 'position2' && this.mousePos) {
-        this.ans.removeAnnotation(this.editingAnnotationId)
-        this.ans.storeBackup()
-        this.editingAnnotationId = null
-        this.selecting = 'position1'
-      }
-    }
-    @HostListener('contextmenu', ['$event'])
-    onClickListener(ev: MouseEvent){
-      if (this.selecting === 'position2' && this.mousePos) {
-        this.ans.removeAnnotation(this.editingAnnotationId)
-        this.editingAnnotationId = null
-        this.selecting = 'position1'
-      }
-    }
-    mouseClick() {
-      // Remove annotation
-      if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'remove' && this.ans.hoverAnnotation) {
-        const hoveringAnnotationObj = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.find(a => ===
-        if (hoveringAnnotationObj.type === 'polygon') {
-          const polygonAnnotations = this.ans.pureAnnotationsForViewer.filter(a =>'_')[0] ==='_')[0])
-          polygonAnnotations.forEach(pa => this.ans.removeAnnotation(
-        } else {
-          this.ans.removeAnnotation(
-        }
-        this.changeToDefaultTool()
-      }
-      // save annotation by selected annotation type
-      if (this.selecting === 'position1' && this.position1) {
-        if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'singleCoordinate') {
-          this.ans.saveAnnotation({name: this.ans.generateNameByType(this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name),
-            position1: this.position1,
-            type: this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name})
-          this.changeToDefaultTool()
-        } else if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'doubleCoordinate'
-                        || this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'polygon') {
-          this.selecting = 'position2'
-        }
-      } else if (this.selecting === 'position2' && this.position2 && this.mousePos) {
-        if (this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].type === 'polygon') {
-          this.ans.saveAnnotation({id: this.editingAnnotationId,
-            position1: this.position1,
-            position2: this.position2,
-            type: this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name}, false, true)
-          this.position1 = this.position2
-          const splitEditingAnnotationId = this.editingAnnotationId.split('_')
-          this.editingAnnotationId = splitEditingAnnotationId[0] + '_' + (+splitEditingAnnotationId[1]+1)
-        } else {
-          this.ans.saveAnnotation({id: this.editingAnnotationId,
-            name: this.ans.generateNameByType(this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name),
-            position1: this.position1,
-            position2: this.position2,
-            type: this.ans.annotationTypes[this.selectedType].name})
-          this.changeToDefaultTool()
-          this.editingAnnotationId = null
-          this.selecting = 'position1'
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    changeToDefaultTool() {
-      this.selectedType = 0
-    }
-    public selectAnnotationType = (typeIndex) => {
-      this.selectedType = typeIndex
-      this.editingAnnotationId = null
-      this.mousePos = null
-      this.position2 = null
-      this.position1 = null
-      this.selecting = 'position1'
-    }
+export class AnnotationMode {
+  public moduleAnnotationTypes: {
+    instance: {
+      name: string
+      iconClass: string
+    }
+    onClick: Function
+  }[] = []
+  constructor(
+    private store$: Store<any>,
+    private modularToolSvc: ModularUserAnnotationToolService,
+  ) {
+    this.moduleAnnotationTypes = this.modularToolSvc.moduleAnnotationTypes
+  }
+  exitAnnotationMode(){
+      viewerStateSetViewerMode({
+        payload: null
+      })
+    )
+  }
+  deselectTools(){
+    console.log('deselect tools')
+    this.modularToolSvc.deselectTools()
+  }
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/
index 89e110ea0..66ea5da79 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
-.annotation-toolbar {
-    z-index: 100;
-    width: 40px;
-.annotation-toolbar-content {
-    margin-bottom: 20px;
+  margin-left: -3rem;
+  padding-top: 0;
+  padding-bottom: 0;
+  margin: 0.25rem -1rem 0.25rem 0rem;
+  padding-right: 1rem;
+  text-align: right;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.template.html b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.template.html
index 3158ce368..a21e682b0 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.template.html
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.template.html
@@ -1,41 +1,25 @@
-<div class="pe-all d-flex flex-column justify-content-content z-index-10 w-3em"
-    [iav-key-listener]="[{ type: 'keydown', key: 'Escape', target: 'document' }]"
-    (iav-key-event)="onKeydownHandler()">
+<mat-card class="d-inline-flex flex-column pe-all tab-toggle-container"
+    [iav-key-listener]="[{ type: 'keydown', key: 'Escape', target: 'document', capture: true }]"
+    (iav-key-event)="deselectTools()">
-    <mat-card class="d-flex flex-column flex-grow-0 panel-default p-0">
+    <button
+        *ngFor="let moduleAnnotType of moduleAnnotationTypes"
+        mat-button
+        class="tab-toggle"
+        (click)="moduleAnnotType.onClick()"
+        [color]="(moduleAnnotType.instance.toolSelected$ | async) ? 'primary' : 'basic'"
+        type="button">
+        <i [class]="moduleAnnotType.instance.iconClass"></i>
+    </button>
-        <div *ngFor="let type of ans.annotationTypes; let i = index; let last = last">
-            <button
-                    mat-icon-button
-                    type="button"
-                    (click)="selectAnnotationType(i)"
-                    class="mb-2 mt-2"
-                    [matTooltip]=""
-                    [color]="selectedType === i? 'primary' : 'secondary'">
-                <i [ngClass]="type.class"></i>
-            </button>
-            <mat-divider *ngIf="last || type.action !== ans.annotationTypes[i+1].action"></mat-divider>
-        </div>
-        <button
-                mat-icon-button
-                (click)="ans.disable()"
-                type="button"
-                class="mb-2 mt-2"
-                matTooltip="Exit annotation mode"
-                color="warn">
-            <i class="fas fa-times"></i>
-        </button>
-        <div>
-            <mat-divider></mat-divider>
-            <button 
-                *ngFor="let moduleAnnotType of moduleAnnotationTypes"
-                mat-icon-button
-                (click)="moduleAnnotType.onClick()"
-                class="mt-2 mb-2"
-                [color]="(moduleAnnotType.instance.toolSelected$ | async) ? 'primary' : 'basic'"
-                type="button">
-                <i [class]="moduleAnnotType.instance.iconClass"></i>
-            </button>
-        </div>
-    </mat-card>
+    <mat-divider class="d-block"></mat-divider>
+    <button
+        mat-button
+        (click)="exitAnnotationMode()"
+        class="tab-toggle"
+        color="warn">
+        <i class="fas fa-times"></i>
+    </button>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/annotationSwitch.directive.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/annotationSwitch.directive.ts
index 3ff35b28a..88a2b9d47 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/annotationSwitch.directive.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/annotationSwitch.directive.ts
@@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
-import {Directive, HostListener} from "@angular/core";
-import {viewerStateSetViewerMode} from "src/services/state/viewerState/actions";
-import {ARIA_LABELS} from "common/constants";
-import {Store} from "@ngrx/store";
+import { Directive, HostListener } from "@angular/core";
+import { viewerStateSetViewerMode } from "src/services/state/viewerState/actions";
+import { ARIA_LABELS } from "common/constants";
+import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
   selector: '[annotation-switch]'
 export class AnnotationSwitch {
-  constructor(private store$: Store<any>) {
-  }
+  constructor(private store$: Store<any>) {}
   onClick() {
-    this.setAnnotatingMode()
-  }
-  private setAnnotatingMode() {
-$.dispatch(viewerStateSetViewerMode({payload: ARIA_LABELS.VIEWER_MODE_ANNOTATING}))
+      viewerStateSetViewerMode({
+      })
+    )
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/index.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/index.ts
index d5c0a00d0..6da0cda7d 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/index.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/index.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 export { AnnotationMode } from "./annotationMode/annotationMode.component";
 export { AnnotationList } from "./annotationList/annotationList.component";
-export { AnnotationMessage } from "./annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component";
 export { UserAnnotationsModule } from "./module";
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/module.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/module.ts
index f79e3e2f9..e3c764001 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/module.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/module.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";
 import {AnnotationMode} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMode/annotationMode.component";
 import {AnnotationList} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationList/annotationList.component";
 import {AnnotationService} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationService.service";
-import {AnnotationMessage} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/annotationMessage/annotationMessage.component";
 import { UserAnnotationToolModule } from "./tools/module";
 import {AnnotationSwitch} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/annotationSwitch.directive";
 import {ExportAnnotation} from "src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/directives/exportAnnotation.directive";
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ import { AnnotationVisiblePipe } from "./annotationVisible.pipe";
   declarations: [
-    AnnotationMessage,
@@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ import { AnnotationVisiblePipe } from "./annotationVisible.pipe";
   exports: [
-    AnnotationMessage,
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/delete.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/delete.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..155651978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/delete.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import { OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
+import { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from "rxjs";
+import { filter, switchMapTo, takeUntil, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { Point } from "./point";
+import { AbsToolClass, IAnnotationEvents, IAnnotationGeometry, IAnnotationTools, TAnnotationEvent, TCallbackFunction, TNgAnnotationPoint, TToolType } from "./type";
+export class ToolDelete extends AbsToolClass implements IAnnotationTools, OnDestroy {
+  public subs: Subscription[] = []
+  toolType: TToolType = 'deletion'
+  iconClass = 'fas fa-trash'
+  name = 'Delete'
+  onMouseMoveRenderPreview(){
+    return []
+  }
+  removeAnnotation(){
+  }
+  managedAnnotations$ = new Subject<Point[]>()
+  private allManAnnotations: IAnnotationGeometry[] = []
+  allNgAnnotations$ = new Subject<TNgAnnotationPoint[]>()
+  constructor(
+    annotationEv$: Observable<TAnnotationEvent<keyof IAnnotationEvents>>,
+    callback: TCallbackFunction
+  ){
+    super(annotationEv$, callback)
+    this.init()
+  }
+  init(){
+    if (this.callback) {
+      const obs$ = this.callback({ type: 'requestManAnnStreeam' })
+      if (!obs$) throw new Error(`Error requestManAnnStreeam`)
+      const toolDeselect$ = this.toolSelected$.pipe(
+        filter(flag => !flag)
+      )
+      const toolSelThenClick$ = this.toolSelected$.pipe(
+        filter(flag => !!flag),
+        switchMapTo(this.mouseClick$.pipe(
+          takeUntil(toolDeselect$)
+        ))
+      )
+      this.subs.push(
+        /**
+         * Get stream of all managed annotations
+         */
+        obs$.subscribe(manAnn => {
+          this.allManAnnotations = manAnn
+        }),
+        toolSelThenClick$.pipe(
+          withLatestFrom(this.hoverAnnotation$)
+        ).subscribe(([ _, ev ]) => {
+          const annId = ev?.detail?.pickedAnnotationId
+          if (!annId) return
+          for (const manan of this.allManAnnotations) {
+            if (manan.getNgAnnotationIds().indexOf(annId) >= 0) {
+              manan.remove()
+              return
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  ngOnDestroy(){
+    while (this.subs.length > 0) this.subs.pop().unsubscribe()
+  }
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/point.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/point.ts
index 21cc0deb9..0b7d51d5e 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/point.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/point.ts
@@ -119,7 +119,11 @@ export class ToolPoint extends AbsToolClass implements IAnnotationTools, OnDestr
         pt.remove = () => this.removeAnnotation(id)
+        /**
+         * force refresh of ng annotation
+         */
+        this.forceRefresh$.next(null)
          * deselect on selecting a point
@@ -142,9 +146,9 @@ export class ToolPoint extends AbsToolClass implements IAnnotationTools, OnDestr
        * evts which forces redraw of ng annotations
-        toolSelThenClick$,
       ).subscribe(() => {
+        console.log('emit... here?')
         let out: INgAnnotationTypes['point'][] = []
         for (const managedAnn of this.managedAnnotations) {
           if (['@id'] ===['@id']) {
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/select.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/select.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34ee2b2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/select.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import { OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
+import { Observable, Subject, Subscription } from "rxjs";
+import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'
+import { Point } from "./point";
+import { AbsToolClass, IAnnotationEvents, IAnnotationGeometry, IAnnotationTools, TAnnotationEvent, TCallbackFunction, TNgAnnotationPoint, TToolType } from "./type";
+export class ToolSelect extends AbsToolClass implements IAnnotationTools, OnDestroy {
+  public subs: Subscription[] = []
+  toolType: TToolType = 'selecting'
+  iconClass = 'fas fa-mouse-pointer'
+  name = 'Select'
+  onMouseMoveRenderPreview(){
+    return []
+  }
+  removeAnnotation(){
+  }
+  managedAnnotations$ = new Subject<Point[]>()
+  allNgAnnotations$ = new Subject<TNgAnnotationPoint[]>()
+  constructor(
+    annotationEv$: Observable<TAnnotationEvent<keyof IAnnotationEvents>>,
+    callback: TCallbackFunction
+  ){
+    super(annotationEv$, callback)
+    this.init()
+  }
+  private highLightedAnnotation: IAnnotationGeometry
+  private allManAnnotations: IAnnotationGeometry[] = []
+  init(){
+    if (this.callback) {
+      const obs$ = this.callback({ type: 'requestManAnnStreeam' })
+      if (!obs$) throw new Error(`Error requestManAnnStreeam`)
+      this.subs.push(
+        /**
+         * Get stream of all managed annotations
+         */
+        obs$.subscribe(manAnn => {
+          this.allManAnnotations = manAnn
+        }),
+        /**
+         * on hover ng annotatoin
+         */
+        this.hoverAnnotation$.subscribe(ev => {
+          this.highLightedAnnotation?.setHighlighted(false)
+          const annId = ev?.detail?.pickedAnnotationId
+          if (!annId) return
+          for (const manan of this.allManAnnotations) {
+            if (manan.getNgAnnotationIds().indexOf(annId) >= 0) {
+              manan.setHighlighted(true)
+              this.highLightedAnnotation = manan
+              return
+            }
+          }
+        }),
+        /**
+         * on deselect tool
+         */
+        this.toolSelected$.pipe(
+          filter(flag => !flag)
+        ).subscribe(() => {
+          this.highLightedAnnotation?.setHighlighted(false)
+        })
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  ngOnDestroy(){
+    while (this.subs.length > 0) this.subs.pop().unsubscribe()
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/service.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/service.ts
index 76d41728a..9cc72aa5a 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/service.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/service.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import { PolyUpdateCmp } from './poly/poly.component'
 import { Point, ToolPoint } from "./point";
 import { PointUpdateCmp } from "./point/point.component";
 import { LineUpdateCmp } from "./line/line.component";
+import { ToolSelect } from "./select";
+import { ToolDelete } from "./delete";
   'minds/core/referencespace/v1.0.0/265d32a0-3d84-40a5-926f-bf89f68212b9': [25000, 25000, 25000],
@@ -94,9 +96,9 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
   private registeredTools: {
     name: string
     iconClass: string
+    toolInsance: AbsToolClass
     target?: ClassInterface<IAnnotationGeometry>
     editCmp?: ClassInterface<any>
-    onMouseMoveRenderPreview: (pos: [number, number, number]) => INgAnnotationTypes[keyof INgAnnotationTypes][]
     onDestoryCallBack: () => void
   }[] = []
   private mousePosReal: [number, number, number]
@@ -107,6 +109,9 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
+    case 'requestManAnnStreeam': {
+      return this.managedAnnotations$
+    }
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
     toolCls: ClassInterface<T>
     target?: ClassInterface<IAnnotationGeometry>
     editCmp?: ClassInterface<any>
-  }){
+  }): AbsToolClass{
     const { toolCls: Cls, target, editCmp } = arg
     const newTool = new Cls(this.annotnEvSubj, arg => this.handleToolCallback(arg)) as AbsToolClass & { ngOnDestroy?: Function }
     const { name, iconClass, onMouseMoveRenderPreview } = newTool
@@ -145,27 +150,35 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
     const toolSubscriptions: Subscription[] = []
-    toolSubscriptions.push(
-      newTool.allNgAnnotations$.subscribe(ann => {
-        this.ngAnnotations$.next({
-          tool: name,
-          annotations: ann
-        })
-      }),
-      newTool.managedAnnotations$.subscribe(ann => {
-        this.managedAnnotationsStream$.next({
-          annotations: ann,
-          tool: name
+    const { allNgAnnotations$, managedAnnotations$ } = newTool
+    if ( allNgAnnotations$ ) {
+      toolSubscriptions.push(
+        newTool.allNgAnnotations$.subscribe(ann => {
+          this.ngAnnotations$.next({
+            tool: name,
+            annotations: ann
+          })
+        }),
+      )
+    }
+    if ( managedAnnotations$ ){
+      toolSubscriptions.push(
+        managedAnnotations$.subscribe(ann => {
+          this.managedAnnotationsStream$.next({
+            annotations: ann,
+            tool: name
+          })
-      })
-    )
+      )
+    }
-      onMouseMoveRenderPreview: onMouseMoveRenderPreview.bind(newTool),
+      toolInsance: newTool,
       onDestoryCallBack: () => {
         newTool.ngOnDestroy && newTool.ngOnDestroy()
@@ -175,6 +188,8 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
         while(toolSubscriptions.length > 0) toolSubscriptions.pop().unsubscribe()
+    return newTool
@@ -199,6 +214,11 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
     @Optional() @Inject(NEHUBA_INSTANCE_INJTKN) nehubaViewer$: Observable<NehubaViewerUnit>,
+    const selTool = this.registerTool({
+      toolCls: ToolSelect
+    })
+    this.defaultTool = selTool
       toolCls: ToolPoint,
       target: Point,
@@ -217,6 +237,10 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
       editCmp: PolyUpdateCmp,
+    this.registerTool({
+      toolCls: ToolDelete
+    })
      * listen to mouse event on nehubaViewer, and emit as TAnnotationEvent
@@ -345,8 +369,10 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
           console.warn(`cannot find tool ${selectedToolName}`)
-        const { onMouseMoveRenderPreview } = selectedTool
-        const previewNgAnnotation = onMouseMoveRenderPreview([ngMouseEvent.x, ngMouseEvent.y, ngMouseEvent.z])
+        const { toolInsance } = selectedTool
+        const previewNgAnnotation = toolInsance.onMouseMoveRenderPreview
+          ? toolInsance.onMouseMoveRenderPreview([ngMouseEvent.x, ngMouseEvent.y, ngMouseEvent.z])
+          : []
         if (this.previewNgAnnIds.length !== previewNgAnnotation.length) {
@@ -505,7 +531,7 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
   public getEditAnnotationCmp(annotation: IAnnotationGeometry): ClassInterface<any>{
-    const foundTool = this.registeredTools.find(t => annotation instanceof
+    const foundTool = this.registeredTools.find(t => && annotation instanceof
     return foundTool && foundTool.editCmp
@@ -522,14 +548,14 @@ export class ModularUserAnnotationToolService implements OnDestroy{
+  private defaultTool: AbsToolClass
   public deselectTools(){
-    // TODO refactor
     this.activeToolName = null{
       type: 'toolSelect',
       detail: {
-        name: null
+        name: || null
diff --git a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/type.ts b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/type.ts
index 65edbdd41..e8be65981 100644
--- a/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/type.ts
+++ b/src/atlasComponents/userAnnotations/tools/type.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import { getUuid } from "src/util/fn"
  * base class to be extended by all annotation tools
+ * TODO perhaps split into drawing subclass/utility subclass
 export abstract class AbsToolClass {
   public abstract name: string
@@ -153,16 +155,20 @@ export abstract class AbsToolClass {
-export type TToolType = 'translation' | 'drawing' | 'deletion'
+export type TToolType = 'selecting' | 'drawing' | 'deletion'
 export type TCallback = {
   paintingEnd: {
     callArg: {}
     returns: void
+  requestManAnnStreeam: {
+    callArg: {}
+    returns: Observable<IAnnotationGeometry[]>
+  }
-export type TCallbackFunction = <T extends keyof TCallback>(arg: TCallback[T]['callArg'] & { type: T }) => TCallback[T] | void
+export type TCallbackFunction = <T extends keyof TCallback>(arg: TCallback[T]['callArg'] & { type: T }) => TCallback[T]['returns'] | void
 export type TBaseAnnotationGeomtrySpec = {
   id?: string
@@ -229,7 +235,20 @@ export interface ISandsAnnotation {
   polyline: TSandsPolyLine
-export abstract class IAnnotationGeometry {
+export abstract class Highlightable {
+  public highlighted = false
+  constructor(defaultFlag?: boolean){
+    if (typeof defaultFlag !== 'undefined') {
+      this.highlighted = defaultFlag
+    }
+  }
+  setHighlighted(flag: boolean){
+    this.highlighted = flag
+  }
+export abstract class IAnnotationGeometry extends Highlightable {
   public id: string
   public name: string
@@ -249,6 +268,7 @@ export abstract class IAnnotationGeometry {
   public updateSignal$ = new Subject()
   constructor(spec?: TBaseAnnotationGeomtrySpec){
+    super() = spec && || getUuid() = spec?.space = spec?.name
diff --git a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
index 6e2d0bcda..5ae2b7d4c 100644
--- a/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
+++ b/src/viewerModule/viewerCmp/viewerCmp.template.html
@@ -5,35 +5,45 @@
 <layout-floating-container [zIndex]="10">
   <!-- Annotation mode -->
   <div *ngIf="hideUi$ | async">
     <mat-drawer-container class="mat-drawer-content-overflow-visible w-100 h-100 position-absolute invisible"
-                          [hasBackdrop]="false">
-      <mat-drawer #drawer [mode]="'push'" [disableClose]="true" class="box-shadow-none border-0 pe-all col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-5 col-lg-4 col-xl-3 col-xxl-2">
+      [hasBackdrop]="false">
+      <mat-drawer #annotationDrawer
+        [mode]="'push'"
+        [disableClose]="true"
+        class="box-shadow-none border-0 pe-all col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-5 col-lg-4 col-xl-3 col-xxl-2">
       <mat-drawer-content class="visible position-relative pe-none">
-        <!-- pullable tab top right corner -->
-        <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-nowrap w-100">
-          <!-- top left -->
-          <div class="flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-nowrap mb-2">
-            <div (click)="drawer.toggle()" class="mt-3">
-              <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl;
-              context: {matColor: 'primary',fontIcon: 'fa-list',tooltip: 'Annotation list'}">
+        <iav-layout-fourcorners>
+          <!-- pullable tab top right corner -->
+          <div iavLayoutFourCornersTopLeft class="mt-5">
+            <div>
+              <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tabTmpl_defaultTmpl; context: {
+                matColor: 'primary',
+                fontIcon: 'fa-list',
+                tooltip: 'Annotation list',
+                click: annotationDrawer.toggle.bind(annotationDrawer)
+              }">
+            <annotating-tools-panel class="z-index-10">
+            </annotating-tools-panel>
-          <annotating-mode #annotationMode>
-          </annotating-mode>
-        </div>
+        </iav-layout-fourcorners>
-    <annotation-message></annotation-message>
+    <!-- <annotation-message></annotation-message> -->
   <!-- top drawer -->
     [hidden]="hideUi$ | async"
@@ -632,27 +642,28 @@
 <ng-template #tabTmpl_defaultTmpl
-             let-matColor="matColor"
-             let-fontIcon="fontIcon"
-             let-customColor="customColor"
-             let-customColorDarkmode="customColorDarkmode"
-             let-tooltip="tooltip">
+  let-matColor="matColor"
+  let-fontIcon="fontIcon"
+  let-customColor="customColor"
+  let-customColorDarkmode="customColorDarkmode"
+  let-tooltip="tooltip"
+  let-click="click">
   <!-- (click)="sideNavMasterSwitch.toggle()" -->
   <button mat-raised-button
-          [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL"
-          [matTooltip]="tooltip"
-          class="pe-all tab-toggle"
-          [ngClass]="{
-        'darktheme': customColorDarkmode === true,
-        'lighttheme': customColorDarkmode === false
-      }"
-          [style.backgroundColor]="customColor"
-          [color]="(!customColor && matColor) ? matColor : null">
-      <span [ngClass]="{'iv-custom-comp  text': !!customColor}">
-        <i class="fas" [ngClass]="fontIcon || 'fa-question'"></i>
-      </span>
+    [attr.aria-label]="ARIA_LABELS.TOGGLE_SIDE_PANEL"
+    [matTooltip]="tooltip"
+    class="pe-all tab-toggle"
+    [ngClass]="{
+      'darktheme': customColorDarkmode === true,
+      'lighttheme': customColorDarkmode === false
+    }"
+    (click)="click && click()"
+    [style.backgroundColor]="customColor"
+    [color]="(!customColor && matColor) ? matColor : null">
+    <span [ngClass]="{'iv-custom-comp  text': !!customColor}">
+      <i class="fas" [ngClass]="fontIcon || 'fa-question'"></i>
+    </span>