diff --git a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/adapters/testadapter3.py b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/adapters/testadapter3.py
index 97fe09e89bdc7c45413bc926ea8f6dc00a00da9c..0b44c0b010f0a72df30851ce2d14846be4a51539 100644
--- a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/adapters/testadapter3.py
+++ b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/adapters/testadapter3.py
@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ class TestAdapter3(abcadapter.ABCAsynchronous):
     def get_view_model():
         return TestModel
+    def load_view_model(self, operation):
+        return TestModel
     def get_form_class(self):
         return TestAdapter3Form
diff --git a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/conftest.py b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/conftest.py
index f0f39a92fd711116b9e45c9c7cd4e0f818ae5021..23c3cdc061d685538d6ddeb8009eaac3e1e17acb 100644
--- a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/conftest.py
+++ b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/conftest.py
@@ -502,36 +502,24 @@ def datatype_measure_factory():
 def datatype_group_factory(time_series_index_factory, datatype_measure_factory, project_factory, user_factory,
     def build(subject="Datatype Factory User", state="RAW_DATA", project=None):
+        # TODO This is not real, we miss a ViewModel stored
         # there store the name and the (hi, lo, step) value of the range parameters
         range_1 = ["row1", [1, 2, 10]]
         range_2 = ["row2", [0.1, 0.3, 0.5]]
         # there are the actual numbers in the interval
         range_values_1 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
         range_values_2 = [0.1, 0.4]
         user = user_factory()
         if project is None:
             project = project_factory(user)
-        # Create an algorithm
-        alg_category = AlgorithmCategory('one', True)
-        dao.store_entity(alg_category)
-        ad = Algorithm(IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_MODULE, IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_CLASS,
-                       alg_category.id)
         algorithm = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_MODULE,
-        if algorithm is None:
-            algorithm = dao.store_entity(ad)
-        # Create meta
+        # Create operation
         meta = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT: "Datatype Factory User",
                 DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}
-        # Create operation
         operation = operation_factory(algorithm=algorithm, test_user=user, test_project=project, meta=meta)
         group = OperationGroup(project.id, ranges=[json.dumps(range_1), json.dumps(range_2)])
@@ -542,10 +530,11 @@ def datatype_group_factory(time_series_index_factory, datatype_measure_factory,
         datatype_group = DataTypeGroup(group, subject=subject, state=state, operation_id=operation.id)
         datatype_group.no_of_ranges = 2
         datatype_group.count_results = 10
         datatype_group = dao.store_entity(datatype_group)
         dt_group_ms = DataTypeGroup(group_ms, subject=subject, state=state, operation_id=operation.id)
+        datatype_group.no_of_ranges = 2
+        datatype_group.count_results = 10
         # Now create some data types and add them to group
diff --git a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/burst_service_test.py b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/burst_service_test.py
index c2a80cd117defb4d5792870d129d8f50bb30ca19..cc0ec79c0abc1bcd125178e12e13f493da4095a4 100644
--- a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/burst_service_test.py
+++ b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/burst_service_test.py
@@ -31,31 +31,16 @@
 .. moduleauthor:: bogdan.neacsa <bogdan.neacsa@codemart.ro>
-import uuid
-from copy import deepcopy
-from time import sleep
-import numpy
-from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.mapped_value import DatatypeMeasureIndex
-from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.simulation_history import SimulationHistoryIndex
+from uuid import UUID
+from tvb.core.entities.file.simulator.view_model import SimulatorAdapterModel
+from tvb.core.services.burst_service import BurstService
 from tvb.config.init.introspector_registry import IntrospectionRegistry
-from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapter
-from tvb.core.entities.file.files_helper import FilesHelper
-from tvb.core.entities.file.simulator.datatype_measure_h5 import DatatypeMeasureH5
 from tvb.core.entities.model.model_burst import *
-from tvb.core.entities.model.model_datatype import *
-from tvb.core.entities.model.model_operation import STATUS_STARTED, OperationPossibleStatus, STATUS_FINISHED
 from tvb.core.entities.storage import dao
-from tvb.core.entities.transient.structure_entities import DataTypeMetaData
-from tvb.core.neocom import h5
+from tvb.core.entities.file.files_helper import FilesHelper
 from tvb.core.services.algorithm_service import AlgorithmService
-from tvb.core.services.burst_service import BurstService, STATUS_FOR_OPERATION
-from tvb.core.services.operation_service import OperationService
 from tvb.core.services.project_service import ProjectService
-from tvb.datatypes.connectivity import Connectivity
-from tvb.datatypes.time_series import TimeSeriesRegion
-# from tvb.tests.framework.adapters.simulator.simulator_adapter_test import SIMULATOR_PARAMETERS
-from tvb.tests.framework.adapters.storeadapter import StoreAdapter
 from tvb.tests.framework.core.base_testcase import BaseTestCase
 from tvb.tests.framework.core.factory import TestFactory
 from tvb.tests.framework.datatypes.datatype1 import Datatype1
@@ -68,16 +53,9 @@ class TestBurstService(BaseTestCase):
     we launch operations in different threads and the transactional operator only rolls back 
     sessions bounded to the current thread transaction.
-    PORTLET_ID = "TA1TA2"
-    # This should not be present in portlets.xml
-    INVALID_PORTLET_ID = "this_is_not_a_non_existent_test_portlet_ID"
     burst_service = BurstService()
-    algorithm_service = AlgorithmService()
-    operation_service = OperationService()
-    sim_algorithm = algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_MODULE,
-                                                                        IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_CLASS)
-    # local_simulation_params = deepcopy(SIMULATOR_PARAMETERS)
+    sim_algorithm = AlgorithmService().get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_MODULE,
+                                                                         IntrospectionRegistry.SIMULATOR_CLASS)
     def setup_method(self):
@@ -148,14 +126,14 @@ class TestBurstService(BaseTestCase):
         returned_second_project_bursts = [burst.id for burst in
-        assert len(test_project_bursts) == len(returned_test_project_bursts),\
-                         "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % self.test_project
-        assert len(second_project_bursts) == len(returned_second_project_bursts),\
-                         "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % second_project
-        assert set(second_project_bursts) == set(returned_second_project_bursts),\
-                         "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % second_project
-        assert set(test_project_bursts) == set(returned_test_project_bursts),\
-                         "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % self.test_project
+        assert len(test_project_bursts) == len(returned_test_project_bursts), \
+            "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % self.test_project
+        assert len(second_project_bursts) == len(returned_second_project_bursts), \
+            "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % second_project
+        assert set(second_project_bursts) == set(returned_second_project_bursts), \
+            "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % second_project
+        assert set(test_project_bursts) == set(returned_test_project_bursts), \
+            "Incorrect bursts retrieved for project %s." % self.test_project
     def test_rename_burst(self, operation_factory):
@@ -167,303 +145,65 @@ class TestBurstService(BaseTestCase):
         loaded_burst = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_config.id)
         assert loaded_burst.name == "new_burst_name", "Burst was not renamed properly."
-    def test_branch_burst(self):
-        """
-        Test the branching of an existing burst.
-        """
-        burst_config = self._prepare_and_launch_async_burst(wait_to_finish=60)
-        burst_config.prepare_after_load()
-        launch_params = self._prepare_simulation_params(4)
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(launch_params)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, self.sim_algorithm.id,
-                                                      self.test_user.id, "branch")
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config)
-        ts_regions = self.count_all_entities(TimeSeriesRegion)
-        sim_states = self.count_all_entities(SimulationHistoryIndex)
-        assert 2 == ts_regions, "An operation group should have been created for each step."
-        assert 2 == sim_states, "An dataType group should have been created for each step."
     def test_burst_delete_with_project(self):
         Test that on removal of a project all burst related data is cleared.
-        self._prepare_and_launch_sync_burst()
+        TestFactory.store_burst(self.test_project.id)
-    def test_sync_burst_launch(self):
-        """
-        A full test for launching a burst.
-        First create the workflow steps and launch the burst.
-        Then check that only operation created is for the first adapter from the portlet. The
-        second should be viewed as a visualizer.
-        After that load the burst and check that the visualizer and analyzer are loaded in the
-        corresponding tab and that all the parameters are still the same. Finally check that burst
-        status updates corresponding to final operation status.
-        """
-        loaded_burst, workflow_step_list = self._prepare_and_launch_sync_burst()
-        finished, started, error, _, _ = dao.get_operation_numbers(self.test_project.id)
-        assert finished == 1, "One operations should have been generated for this burst."
-        assert started == 0, "No operations should remain started since workflow was launched synchronous."
-        assert error == 0, "No operations should return error status."
-        assert loaded_burst.tabs[0].portlets[0] is not None, "Portlet not loaded from config!"
-        portlet_config = loaded_burst.tabs[0].portlets[0]
-        analyzers = portlet_config.analyzers
-        assert len(analyzers) == 0, "Only have 'simulator' and a visualizer. No analyzers should be loaded."
-        visualizer = portlet_config.visualizer
-        assert visualizer is not None, "Visualizer should not be none."
-        assert visualizer.fk_algorithm == workflow_step_list[0].fk_algorithm,\
-                         "Different ids after burst load for visualizer."
-        assert visualizer.static_param == workflow_step_list[0].static_param,\
-                         "Different static params after burst load for visualizer."
-        assert visualizer.dynamic_param == workflow_step_list[0].dynamic_param,\
-                         "Different static params after burst load for visualizer."
-    def test_launch_burst(self):
-        """
-        Test the launch burst method from burst service.
-        """
-        first_step_algo = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(
-            'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1', 'TestAdapter1')
-        adapter_interface = self.algorithm_service.prepare_adapter(self.test_project.id, first_step_algo)
-        ui_submited_simulator_iface_replica = {}
-        kwargs_replica = {}
-        for entry in adapter_interface:
-            ui_submited_simulator_iface_replica[entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]] = {KEY_PARAMETER_CHECKED: True,
-                                                                               KEY_SAVED_VALUE: entry[
-                                                                                   ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT]}
-            kwargs_replica[entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]] = entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT]
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        burst_config.simulator_configuration = ui_submited_simulator_iface_replica
-        test_portlet = dao.get_portlet_by_identifier(self.PORTLET_ID)
-        tab_config = {test_portlet.id: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)]}
-        self._add_portlets_to_burst(burst_config, tab_config)
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(kwargs_replica)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, first_step_algo.id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        assert burst_config.status in (BurstConfiguration.BURST_FINISHED, BurstConfiguration.BURST_RUNNING),\
-                        "Burst not launched successfully!"
-        # Wait maximum x seconds for burst to finish
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config)
-    def test_load_group_burst(self):
-        """
-        Launch a group adapter and load it afterwards and check that a group_id is properly loaded.
-        """
-        launch_params = self._prepare_simulation_params(1, True, 3)
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(launch_params)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, self.sim_algorithm.id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        # Wait maximum x seconds for burst to finish
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config)
-        launched_workflows = dao.get_workflows_for_burst(burst_id, is_count=True)
-        assert 3 == launched_workflows, "3 workflows should have been launched due to group parameter."
-        group_id = self.burst_service.load_burst(burst_id)[1]
-        assert group_id >= 0, "Should be part of group."
-        datatype_measures = self.count_all_entities(DatatypeMeasureIndex)
-        assert 3 == datatype_measures
-    def test_launch_burst_invalid_simulator_parameters(self):
+    def test_load_burst_configuration(self):
-        Test that burst is marked as error if invalid data is passed to the first step.
+        Test that loads the burst configuration based non the stored config id
-        algo_id = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1',
-                                                                      'TestAdapter1').id
-        #Passing invalid kwargs to the 'simulator' component
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        kwargs_replica = {'test1_val1_invalid': '0', 'test1_val2': '0'}
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(kwargs_replica)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, algo_id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        #Wait maximum x seconds for burst to finish
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config, error_expected=True)
+        stored_burst = TestFactory.store_burst(self.test_project.id)
+        burst_config = self.burst_service.load_burst_configuration(stored_burst.id)
+        assert burst_config.id == stored_burst.id, "The loaded burst does not have the same ID"
-    def test_launch_burst_invalid_simulator_data(self):
+    def test_update_simulation_fields(self, tmph5factory):
-        Test that burst is marked as error if invalid data is passed to the first step.
+        Test that updates the simulation fields of the burst
-        algo_id = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1',
-                                                                      'TestAdapter1').id
-        #Adapter tries to do an int(test1_val1) so this should fail
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        kwargs_replica = {'test1_val1': 'asa', 'test1_val2': '0'}
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(kwargs_replica)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, algo_id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        #Wait maximum x seconds for burst to finish
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config, error_expected=True)
+        stored_burst = TestFactory.store_burst(self.test_project.id)
-    def test_launch_group_burst_happy_flow(self):
-        """
-        Happy flow of launching a burst with a range parameter. Expect to get both and operation
-        group and a DataType group for the results of the simulations and for the metric steps.
-        """
-        burst_config = self._prepare_and_launch_async_burst(length=1, is_range=True, nr_ops=4, wait_to_finish=120)
-        if burst_config.status != BurstConfiguration.BURST_FINISHED:
-            self.burst_service.stop_burst(burst_config)
-            raise AssertionError("Burst should have finished successfully.")
+        connectivity = TestFactory.import_zip_connectivity(self.test_user, self.test_project)
+        op = TestFactory.create_operation(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project)
+        simulation = SimulatorAdapterModel()
+        simulation.connectivity = UUID(connectivity.gid)
-        op_groups = self.count_all_entities(OperationGroup)
-        dt_groups = self.get_all_entities(DataTypeGroup)
-        assert 2 == op_groups, "An operation group should have been created for each step."
-        assert len(dt_groups) == 2, "An dataType group should have been created for each step."
-        for datatype in dt_groups:
-            assert 4 == datatype.count_results, "Should have 4 datatypes in group"
+        burst_config = self.burst_service.update_simulation_fields(stored_burst.id, op.id, simulation.gid)
+        assert burst_config.id == stored_burst.id, "The loaded burst does not have the same ID"
+        assert burst_config.fk_simulation == op.id, "The loaded burst does not have the fk simulation that it was given"
+        assert burst_config.simulator_gid == simulation.gid.hex, "The loaded burst does not have the simulation gid that it was given"
-    def test_launch_group_burst_no_metric(self):
+    def test_prepare_name(self):
-        Test the launch burst method from burst service. Try to launch a burst with test adapter which has
-        no metrics associated. This should fail.
+        Test prepare burst name
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        algo_id = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1',
-                                                                      'TestAdapter1').id
-        kwargs_replica = {'test1_val1': '[0, 1, 2]', 'test1_val2': '0', RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'test1_val1'}
-        test_portlet = dao.get_portlet_by_identifier(self.PORTLET_ID)
-        tab_config = {test_portlet.id: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)]}
-        self._add_portlets_to_burst(burst_config, tab_config)
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(kwargs_replica)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, algo_id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        # Wait maximum x seconds for burst to finish
-        self._wait_for_burst(burst_config, error_expected=True)
+        stored_burst = TestFactory.store_burst(self.test_project.id)
+        simulation_tuple = self.burst_service.prepare_name(stored_burst, self.test_project.id)
+        assert simulation_tuple[0] == 'simulation_' + str(dao.get_number_of_bursts(self.test_project.id) + 1), \
+            "The default simulation name is not the defined one"
-        launched_workflows = dao.get_workflows_for_burst(burst_id, is_count=True)
-        assert 3 == launched_workflows, "3 workflows should have been launched due to group parameter."
+        busrt_test_name = "Burst Test Name"
+        stored_burst.name = busrt_test_name
+        stored_burst = dao.store_entity(stored_burst)
+        simulation_tuple = self.burst_service.prepare_name(stored_burst, self.test_project.id)
+        assert simulation_tuple[0] == busrt_test_name, "The burst name is not the given one"
-        op_groups = self.count_all_entities(OperationGroup)
-        dt_groups = self.count_all_entities(DataTypeGroup)
-        assert 5 == op_groups, "An operation group should have been created for each step."
-        assert 5 == dt_groups, "An dataType group should have been created for each step."
-    def test_load_tab_configuration(self):
+    def test_prepare_burst_for_pse(self):
-        Create a burst with some predefined portlets in some known positions. Check that the
-        load_tab_configuration method does what it is expected, and we get the portlets in the
-        corresponding tab positions.
+        Test prepare burst for pse
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        SIMULATOR_MODULE = 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1'
-        SIMULATOR_CLASS = 'TestAdapter1'
-        algo_id = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(SIMULATOR_MODULE, SIMULATOR_CLASS).id
-        kwargs_replica = {'test1_val1': '0', 'test1_val2': '0'}
-        test_portlet = dao.get_portlet_by_identifier(self.PORTLET_ID)
-        # Add test_portlet to positions (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0)
-        tab_config = {test_portlet.id: [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)]}
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(kwargs_replica)
-        burst_id, _ = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, algo_id, self.test_user.id)
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        burst_config = self._wait_for_burst(burst_config)
-        burst_wf = dao.get_workflows_for_burst(burst_config.id)[0]
-        wf_step = dao.get_workflow_steps(burst_wf.id)[0]
-        burst_config.prepare_after_load()
-        for tab in burst_config.tabs:
-            for portlet in tab.portlets:
-                assert portlet is None, "Before loading the tab configuration all portlets should be none."
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.load_tab_configuration(burst_config, wf_step.fk_operation)
-        for tab_idx, tab in enumerate(burst_config.tabs):
-            for portlet_idx, portlet in enumerate(tab.portlets):
-                if (tab_idx == 0 and portlet_idx in [0, 1]) or (tab_idx == 1 and portlet_idx == 0):
-                    assert portlet is not None, "portlet gonfiguration not set"
-                    assert test_portlet.id == portlet.portlet_id, "Unexpected portlet entity loaded."
-                else:
-                    assert portlet is None, "Before loading the tab configuration all portlets should be none"
+        burst = BurstConfiguration(self.test_project.id)
+        assert burst.fk_metric_operation_group == None, "The fk for the metric operation group is not None"
+        assert burst.fk_operation_group == None, "The fk for the operation group is not None"
+        assert burst.operation_group == None, "The operation group is not None"
-    def _wait_for_burst(self, burst_config, error_expected=False, timeout=500):
-        """
-        Method that just waits until a burst configuration is finished or a maximum timeout is reached.
-        :param burst_config: the burst configuration that should be waited on
-        :param timeout: the maximum number of seconds to wait after the burst
-        """
-        waited = 0
-        while burst_config.status == BurstConfiguration.BURST_RUNNING and waited <= timeout:
-            sleep(0.5)
-            waited += 0.5
-            burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_config.id)
-        if waited > timeout:
-            self.burst_service.stop_burst(burst_config)
-            raise AssertionError("Timed out waiting for simulations to finish. We will cancel it")
-        if error_expected and burst_config.status != BurstConfiguration.BURST_ERROR:
-            self.burst_service.stop_burst(burst_config)
-            raise AssertionError("Burst should have failed due to invalid input data.")
-        if (not error_expected) and burst_config.status != BurstConfiguration.BURST_FINISHED:
-            msg = "Burst status should have been FINISH. Instead got %s %s" % (burst_config.status,
-                                                                               burst_config.error_message)
-            self.burst_service.stop_burst(burst_config)
-            raise AssertionError(msg)
-        return burst_config
-    def _prepare_and_launch_async_burst(self, length=4, is_range=False, nr_ops=0, wait_to_finish=0):
-        """
-        Launch an asynchronous burst with a simulation having all the default parameters, only the length received as
-        a parameters. This is launched with actual simulator and not with a dummy test adapter as replacement.
-        :param length: the length of the simulation in milliseconds. This is also used in case we need
-            a group burst, in which case we will have `nr_ops` simulations with lengths starting from
-            `length` to `length + nr_ops` milliseconds
-        :param is_range: a boolean which switches between a group burst and a non group burst.
-            !! even if `is_range` is `True` you still need a non-zero positive `nr_ops` to have an actual group burst
-        :param nr_ops: the number of operations in the group burst
-        """
-        launch_params = self._prepare_simulation_params(length, is_range, nr_ops)
-        burst_config = self.burst_service.new_burst_configuration(self.test_project.id)
-        burst_config.update_simulator_configuration(launch_params)
-        burst_id = self.burst_service.launch_burst(burst_config, 0, self.sim_algorithm.id, self.test_user.id)[0]
-        burst_config = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst_id)
-        __timeout = 15
-        __waited = 0
-        # Wait a maximum of 15 seconds for the burst launch to be performed
-        while dao.get_workflows_for_burst(burst_config.id, is_count=True) == 0 and __waited < __timeout:
-            sleep(0.5)
-            __waited += 0.5
-        if wait_to_finish:
-            burst_config = self._wait_for_burst(burst_config, timeout=wait_to_finish)
-        return burst_config
-    def _prepare_and_launch_sync_burst(self):
-        """
-        Private method to launch a dummy burst. Return the burst loaded after the launch finished
-        as well as the workflow steps that initially formed the burst.
-        NOTE: the burst launched by this method is a `dummy` one, meaning we do not use an actual
-        simulation, but instead test adapters.
-        """
-        burst_config = TestFactory.store_burst(self.test_project.id)
-        workflow_step_list = []
-        stored_dt = datatypes_factory.DatatypesFactory()._store_datatype(Datatype1())
-        first_step_algorithm = self.algorithm_service.get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(
-            "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1", "TestAdapterDatatypeInput")
-        metadata = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_BURST: burst_config.id}
-        kwargs = {"test_dt_input": stored_dt.gid, 'test_non_dt_input': '0'}
-        operations, group = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project,
-                                                                      first_step_algorithm,
-                                                                      first_step_algorithm.algorithm_category,
-                                                                      metadata, **kwargs)
-        ### Now fire the workflow and also update and store the burst configuration ##
-        self.operation_service.launch_operation(operations[0].id, False)
-        loaded_burst, _ = self.burst_service.load_burst(burst_config.id)
-        import_operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(stored_dt.fk_from_operation)
-        dao.remove_entity(import_operation.__class__, import_operation.id)
-        dao.remove_datatype(stored_dt.gid)
-        return loaded_burst, workflow_step_list
+        pse_burst = self.burst_service.prepare_burst_for_pse(burst)
+        assert pse_burst.metric_operation_group != None, "The fk for the operation group is None"
+        assert pse_burst.operation_group != None, "The operation group is None"
     def _check_burst_removed(self):
@@ -481,113 +221,3 @@ class TestBurstService(BaseTestCase):
         datatype2_stored = self.count_all_entities(Datatype2)
         assert 0 == datatype1_stored, "Specific datatype entries for DataType1 were not deleted."
         assert 0 == datatype2_stored, "Specific datatype entries for DataType2 were not deleted."
-    def _prepare_simulation_params(self, length, is_range=False, no_ops=0):
-        connectivity = self._burst_create_connectivity()
-        launch_params = self.local_simulation_params
-        launch_params['connectivity'] = connectivity.gid
-        if is_range:
-            launch_params['simulation_length'] = str(list(range(length, length + no_ops)))
-            launch_params[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = 'simulation_length'
-        else:
-            launch_params['simulation_length'] = str(length)
-            launch_params[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = None
-        return launch_params
-    def _burst_create_connectivity(self):
-        """
-        Create a connectivity that will be used in "non-dummy" burst launches (with the actual simulator).
-        """
-        meta = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT: "John Doe", DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}
-        self.operation = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, self.sim_algorithm.id,
-                                         json.dumps(''), meta=json.dumps(meta), status=STATUS_STARTED)
-        self.operation = dao.store_entity(self.operation)
-        storage_path = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, str(self.operation.id))
-        connectivity = Connectivity(storage_path=storage_path)
-        connectivity.weights = numpy.ones((74, 74))
-        connectivity.centres = numpy.ones((74, 3))
-        adapter_instance = StoreAdapter([connectivity])
-        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(self.operation, adapter_instance, {})
-        return connectivity
-    def test_prepare_metrics_operation(self, operation_factory, pse_burst_configuration_factory):
-        burst = pse_burst_configuration_factory(self.test_project)
-        op = operation_factory(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project)
-        op.fk_operation_group = burst.fk_operation_group
-        op = dao.store_entity(op)
-        db_ops = dao.get_operations_in_group(burst.fk_metric_operation_group)
-        assert len(db_ops) == 0
-        metric_op_dir, metric_op = self.burst_service.prepare_metrics_operation(op)
-        assert metric_op.status == STATUS_FINISHED
-        assert metric_op.fk_operation_group == burst.fk_metric_operation_group
-        db_ops = dao.get_operations_in_group(burst.fk_metric_operation_group)
-        assert len(db_ops) == 1
-        assert metric_op.fk_launched_in == op.fk_launched_in
-        assert metric_op.visible is False
-    def test_prepare_index_for_metric_result(self, operation_factory, pse_burst_configuration_factory):
-        burst = pse_burst_configuration_factory(self.test_project)
-        op = operation_factory(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project)
-        op.fk_operation_group = burst.fk_metric_operation_group
-        op = dao.store_entity(op)
-        op_dir = FilesHelper().get_operation_folder(op.project.name, op.id)
-        dm_gid = uuid.uuid4()
-        dm_h5_file = h5.path_for(op_dir, DatatypeMeasureH5, dm_gid)
-        with DatatypeMeasureH5(dm_h5_file) as dm_h5:
-            dm_h5.gid.store(dm_gid)
-            dm_h5.metrics.store({'a': 0, 'b': 1})
-            dm_h5.analyzed_datatype.store(dm_gid)
-        db_measures = dao.get_generic_entity(DatatypeMeasureIndex, dm_gid.hex, 'gid')
-        assert len(db_measures) == 0
-        metric_dt_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(burst.fk_metric_operation_group)
-        nr_dts_in_group = dao.count_datatypes_in_group(metric_dt_group.id)
-        assert nr_dts_in_group == 0
-        index = self.burst_service.prepare_index_for_metric_result(op, dm_h5_file, burst)
-        dao.store_entity(index)
-        db_measures = dao.get_generic_entity(DatatypeMeasureIndex, dm_gid.hex, 'gid')
-        assert len(db_measures) > 0
-        metric_dt_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(burst.fk_metric_operation_group)
-        nr_dts_in_group = dao.count_datatypes_in_group(metric_dt_group.id)
-        assert nr_dts_in_group == 1
-    def test_update_finished_burst_status(self, operation_factory, pse_burst_configuration_factory):
-        for status in OperationPossibleStatus:
-            burst = pse_burst_configuration_factory(self.test_project)
-            op = operation_factory(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project)
-            op.fk_operation_group = burst.fk_operation_group
-            dao.store_entity(op)
-            op_metric = operation_factory(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project,
-                                          operation_status=status)
-            op_metric.fk_operation_group = burst.fk_metric_operation_group
-            dao.store_entity(op_metric)
-            assert burst.status == BurstConfiguration.BURST_RUNNING
-            self.burst_service.update_burst_status(burst)
-            burst = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst.id)
-            assert burst.status == STATUS_FOR_OPERATION[op_metric.status]
-    def test_update_finished_burst_status_simple_simulation(self, operation_factory, pse_burst_configuration_factory):
-        for status in OperationPossibleStatus:
-            op = operation_factory(test_user=self.test_user, test_project=self.test_project, operation_status=status)
-            dao.store_entity(op)
-            burst = pse_burst_configuration_factory(self.test_project)
-            burst.fk_operation_group = None
-            burst.fk_simulation = op.id
-            dao.store_entity(burst)
-            assert burst.status == BurstConfiguration.BURST_RUNNING
-            self.burst_service.update_burst_status(burst)
-            burst = dao.get_burst_by_id(burst.id)
-            assert burst.status == STATUS_FOR_OPERATION[status]
diff --git a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/project_structure_test.py b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/project_structure_test.py
index 7055535eb28f0db42f5631593453735e6baabdb5..00c3c63fd31de823faa94356393c9b541d1ee48d 100644
--- a/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/project_structure_test.py
+++ b/framework_tvb/tvb/tests/framework/core/services/project_structure_test.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 .. moduleauthor:: Ionel Ortelecan <ionel.ortelecan@codemart.ro>
 .. moduleauthor:: Bogdan Neacsa <bogdan.neacsa@codemart.ro>
 import os
 import numpy
 import pytest
@@ -48,9 +49,9 @@ from tvb.core.entities.storage import dao
 from tvb.core.entities.file.files_helper import FilesHelper
 from tvb.core.entities.transient.structure_entities import DataTypeMetaData
 from tvb.core.entities.filters.factory import StaticFiltersFactory
+from tvb.core.services.operation_service import OperationService
 from tvb.core.services.project_service import ProjectService
 from tvb.datatypes.graph import ConnectivityMeasure
-from tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3 import TestAdapter3
 from tvb.tests.framework.core.base_testcase import TransactionalTestCase
 from tvb.tests.framework.core.factory import TestFactory
 from tvb.tests.framework.core.services.algorithm_service_test import TEST_ADAPTER_VALID_MODULE, TEST_ADAPTER_VALID_CLASS
@@ -324,11 +325,12 @@ class TestProjectStructure(TransactionalTestCase):
         view_model = BaseBCTModel()
         view_model.connectivity = conn.gid
         adapter = ABCAdapter.build_adapter_from_class(TransitivityBinaryDirected)
-        value_wrapper = TestFactory.launch_synchronously(self.test_user, self.test_project, adapter, view_model)[0]
+        result = OperationService().fire_operation(adapter, self.test_user, self.test_project.id,
+                                                   view_model=view_model)
         conn.visible = False
-        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(value_wrapper.fk_from_operation)
+        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(result[0].id)
         inputs = self.project_service.get_datatype_and_datatypegroup_inputs_for_operation(operation.gid,
@@ -339,92 +341,49 @@ class TestProjectStructure(TransactionalTestCase):
         assert len(inputs) == 1, "Incorrect number of inputs."
         assert conn.id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong input dataType."
-    def test_get_inputs_for_op_group(self, datatype_group_factory, test_adapter_factory):
+    def test_get_inputs_for_group(self, datatype_group_factory, test_adapter_factory):
         Tests method get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group.
-        The DataType inputs will be from a DataType group.
-        group = datatype_group_factory(project=self.test_project)
-        datatypes = dao.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(group.id)
+        zip_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tvb_data.__file__), 'connectivity', 'connectivity_66.zip')
+        conn = TestFactory.import_zip_connectivity(self.test_user, self.test_project, zip_path)
+        conn.visible = False
+        dao.store_entity(conn)
+        group = OperationGroup(self.test_project.id, "group", "range1[1..2]")
+        group = dao.store_entity(group)
-        datatypes[0].visible = False
-        dao.store_entity(datatypes[0])
-        datatypes[1].visible = False
-        dao.store_entity(datatypes[1])
+        view_model = BaseBCTModel()
+        view_model.connectivity = conn.gid
+        adapter = ABCAdapter.build_adapter_from_class(TransitivityBinaryDirected)
+        algorithm = adapter.stored_adapter
-        op_group = OperationGroup(self.test_project.id, "group", "range1[1..2]")
-        op_group = dao.store_entity(op_group)
-        params_1 = json.dumps({"param_5": "1", "param_1": datatypes[0].gid, "param_6": "2"})
-        params_2 = json.dumps({"param_5": "1", "param_4": datatypes[1].gid, "param_6": "5"})
+        operation1 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algorithm.id,
+                               json.dumps({'gid': view_model.gid.hex}), op_group_id=group.id)
+        operation2 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algorithm.id,
+                               json.dumps({'gid': view_model.gid.hex}), op_group_id=group.id)
+        dao.store_entities([operation1, operation2])
-        algo = test_adapter_factory(adapter_class=TestAdapter3)
-        op1 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo.id, params_1, op_group_id=op_group.id)
-        op2 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo.id, params_2, op_group_id=op_group.id)
-        dao.store_entities([op1, op2])
+        OperationService()._store_view_model(operation1, dao.get_project_by_id(self.test_project.id), view_model)
+        OperationService()._store_view_model(operation2, dao.get_project_by_id(self.test_project.id), view_model)
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.relevant_filter)
+        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(group.id, self.relevant_filter)
         assert len(inputs) == 0
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.full_filter)
+        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(group.id, self.full_filter)
         assert len(inputs) == 1, "Incorrect number of dataTypes."
-        assert not datatypes[0].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert not datatypes[1].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
         assert group.id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        datatypes[0].visible = True
-        dao.store_entity(datatypes[0])
+        conn.visible = True
+        dao.store_entity(conn)
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.relevant_filter)
+        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(group.id, self.relevant_filter)
         assert len(inputs) == 1, "Incorrect number of dataTypes."
-        assert not datatypes[0].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert not datatypes[1].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert group.id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.full_filter)
+        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(group.id, self.full_filter)
         assert len(inputs) == 1, "Incorrect number of dataTypes."
-        assert not datatypes[0].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert not datatypes[1].id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
         assert group.id == inputs[0].id, "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-    def test_get_inputs_for_op_group_simple_inputs(self, array_factory, test_adapter_factory):
-        """
-        Tests method get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group.
-        The dataType inputs will not be part of a dataType group.
-        """
-        # it's a list of 3 elem.
-        array_wrappers = array_factory(self.test_project)
-        array_wrapper_ids = []
-        for datatype in array_wrappers:
-            array_wrapper_ids.append(datatype[0])
-        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(array_wrapper_ids[0])
-        datatype.visible = False
-        dao.store_entity(datatype)
-        op_group = OperationGroup(self.test_project.id, "group", "range1[1..2]")
-        op_group = dao.store_entity(op_group)
-        params_1 = json.dumps({"param_5": "2", "param_1": array_wrappers[0][2],
-                               "param_2": array_wrappers[1][2], "param_6": "7"})
-        params_2 = json.dumps({"param_5": "5", "param_3": array_wrappers[2][2],
-                               "param_2": array_wrappers[1][2], "param_6": "6"})
-        algo = test_adapter_factory(adapter_class=TestAdapter3)
-        op1 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo.id, params_1, op_group_id=op_group.id)
-        op2 = Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo.id, params_2, op_group_id=op_group.id)
-        dao.store_entities([op1, op2])
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.relevant_filter)
-        assert len(inputs) == 2
-        assert not array_wrapper_ids[0] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id], "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert array_wrapper_ids[1] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id], "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        assert array_wrapper_ids[2] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id], "Retrieved wrong dataType."
-        inputs = self.project_service.get_datatypes_inputs_for_operation_group(op_group.id, self.full_filter)
-        assert len(inputs) == 3, "Incorrect number of dataTypes."
-        assert array_wrapper_ids[0] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id, inputs[2].id]
-        assert array_wrapper_ids[1] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id, inputs[2].id]
-        assert array_wrapper_ids[2] in [inputs[0].id, inputs[1].id, inputs[2].id]
     def test_remove_datatype(self, array_factory):
         Tests the deletion of a datatype.