# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ setup.cmake.py: Script to install python targets by cmake. DO NOT USE IT DIRECTLY. Only `cmake` build system should use it directly. """ __author__ = "Dilawar Singh" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Dilawar Singh and NCBS Bangalore" __credits__ = ["NCBS Bangalore"] __license__ = "GNU GPL" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "Dilawar Singh" __email__ = "dilawars@ncbs.res.in" __status__ = "Development" import os import sys try: from setuptools import setup except Exception as e: from distutils.core import setup # Read version from VERSION created by cmake file. This file must be present for # setup.cmake.py to work perfectly. script_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) version = None with open( os.path.join( script_dir, 'VERSION'), 'r' ) as f: version = f.read( ) try: import importlib.machinery suffix = importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES[0] except Exception as e: print( '[WARN] Failed to determine importlib suffix due to %s' % e ) suffix = '.so' setup( name='pymoose', version=version, description='Python scripting interface of MOOSE Simulator (https://moose.ncbs.res.in)', author='See AUTHORS.md at https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose', author_email='bhalla@ncbs.res.in', maintainer='Dilawar Singh', maintainer_email='dilawars@ncbs.res.in', url='http://moose.ncbs.res.in', packages=[ 'rdesigneur' , 'moose' , 'moose.SBML' , 'moose.neuroml' , 'moose.neuroml2' , 'moose.genesis' , 'moose.chemUtil' , 'moose.chemMerge' ], install_requires = [ 'python-libsbml', 'numpy' ], package_dir = { 'moose' : 'moose', 'rdesigneur' : 'rdesigneur' }, package_data = { 'moose' : ['_moose' + suffix, 'neuroml2/schema/NeuroMLCoreDimensions.xml'] }, )