diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ba74660506d90c514ee1d32bf4eb5ecb0af14075..60ea1e5fd225c34fa04e42a3020b254dbe9e60bc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ __pycache__/
 # C extensions
+#generated output files in snippets
 # Distribution / packaging
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 8534d5d56d248f845566a8d5a1979f549df71ed3..d2c79591555f008795b9312b409fdd3e8dc45cab 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 dist : trusty
 sudo : required 
 group : edge
             - dilawar.s.rajput@gmail.com
-            - upi.bhalla@gmail.com
-            - malavs@ncbs.res.in
+            - bhalla@ncbs.res.in
             - hrani@ncbs.res.in
+            - malavs@ncbs.res.in
@@ -15,9 +16,11 @@ install:
     - sudo apt-key add - < Release.key  
     - sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/moose/xUbuntu_14.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/moose.list"
     - sudo apt-get -y update
-    - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install python-qt4 python-pip 
+    - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install python-qt4 python-pip graphviz
+    - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install python-h5py python-scipy python-pygraphviz
     - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install moose 
-    - sudo pip install python-libsbml
+    - sudo pip install python-libsbml python-networkx
     - # Making sure no python3 incompatible file.
     - python3 -m compileall -q .
@@ -25,3 +28,14 @@ script:
     - /usr/bin/python -c 'import moose'
     - /usr/bin/python -c 'import moogli'
     - cd _travis && ./find_scripts_to_run.sh && ./run_scripts.sh 
+exclude : [vendor]
+    provider : pages
+    skip_cleanup : true
+    github_token : $GHI_TOKEN
+    local_dir : _travis/_site
+    on:
+        branch : master
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 30797ae531b43cccee4cc1b5e93e0d85688926f4..a7e2e1098456ca9f30020559f581104821752a39 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-examples.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-examples).
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-examples.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-examples).
 Examples, tutorial and demo scripts.
+# Blacklisted 
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f7efbeab578c8042531ea7908ee8ffd7589fe46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_travis/BLACKLISTED b/_travis/BLACKLISTED
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..212f84d3bb891ad4f44431f9a1cffe763c82a8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/BLACKLISTED
@@ -0,0 +1,1931 @@
+- [ ] ./../snippets/recurrentIntFire.py
+  1 7 7
+  1 1
+  1 6 6
+  <moose.ZombieReac: id=476, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/kinetics[0]/endo[0]>
+  <moose.ZombieReac: id=474, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/compartment_1[0]/exo[0]>
+  Elements under /model[0]/compartment_1[0]
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/mesh
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/P
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/M
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/M_p
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/basal
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/exo
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/stoich
+  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/ksolve
+- [ ] ./../snippets/switchKineticSolvers.py
+  [ 0.  0.]
+  106384558.575
+  7-06-27T10:40:46.203398
+  World: current time: 2017-06-27T10:40:46.203604
+  Init <moose.PyRun: id=468, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/Hello[0]>
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 0
+  Init World
+  Running World
+  World count = 0
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 1
+  Running World
+  World count = 1
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 2
+  Running World
+  World count = 2
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 3
+  Running World
+  World count = 3
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 4
+  Running World
+  World count = 4
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 5
+  Running World
+  World count = 5
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 6
+  Running World
+  World count = 6
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 7
+  Running World
+  World count = 7
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 8
+  Running World
+  World count = 8
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 9
+  Running World
+  World count = 9
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 10
+  Running World
+  World count = 10
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 11
+  Running World
+  World count = 11
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 12
+  Running World
+  World count = 12
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 13
+  Running World
+  World count = 13
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 14
+  Running World
+  World count = 14
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 15
+  Running World
+  World count = 15
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 16
+  Running World
+  World count = 16
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 17
+  Running World
+  World count = 17
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 18
+  Running World
+  World count = 18
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 19
+  Running World
+  World count = 19
+  Running Hello
+  Hello count = 20
+  Running World
+  World count = 20
+  Init World
+  Running World
+  World count = 0
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 1
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 2
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 3
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 4
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 5
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 6
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 7
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 8
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 9
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 10
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 11
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 12
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 13
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 14
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 15
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 16
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 17
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 18
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 19
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 20
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 21
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 22
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 23
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 24
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 25
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 26
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 27
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 28
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 29
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 30
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 31
+  input = 3.0
+  output = 9.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 32
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 33
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 34
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 35
+  input = 0.0
+  output = 0.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 36
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 37
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 38
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 39
+  input = 1.0
+  output = 1.0
+  Running World
+  World count = 40
+  input = 2.0
+  output = 4.0
+- [ ] ./../snippets/twocells.py
+    [ 0.  0.]
+    106384558.575
+    7-06-27T10:40:46.203398
+    World: current time: 2017-06-27T10:40:46.203604
+    Init <moose.PyRun: id=468, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/Hello[0]>
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 0
+    Init World
+    Running World
+    World count = 0
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 1
+    Running World
+    World count = 1
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 2
+    Running World
+    World count = 2
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 3
+    Running World
+    World count = 3
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 4
+    Running World
+    World count = 4
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 5
+    Running World
+    World count = 5
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 6
+    Running World
+    World count = 6
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 7
+    Running World
+    World count = 7
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 8
+    Running World
+    World count = 8
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 9
+    Running World
+    World count = 9
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 10
+    Running World
+    World count = 10
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 11
+    Running World
+    World count = 11
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 12
+    Running World
+    World count = 12
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 13
+    Running World
+    World count = 13
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 14
+    Running World
+    World count = 14
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 15
+    Running World
+    World count = 15
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 16
+    Running World
+    World count = 16
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 17
+    Running World
+    World count = 17
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 18
+    Running World
+    World count = 18
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 19
+    Running World
+    World count = 19
+    Running Hello
+    Hello count = 20
+    Running World
+    World count = 20
+    Init World
+    Running World
+    World count = 0
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 1
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 2
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 3
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 4
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 5
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 6
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 7
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 8
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 9
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 10
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 11
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 12
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 13
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 14
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 15
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 16
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 17
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 18
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 19
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 20
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 21
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 22
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 23
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 24
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 25
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 26
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 27
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 28
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 29
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 30
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 31
+    input = 3.0
+    output = 9.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 32
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 33
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 34
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 35
+    input = 0.0
+    output = 0.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 36
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 37
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 38
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 39
+    input = 1.0
+    output = 1.0
+    Running World
+    World count = 40
+    input = 2.0
+    output = 4.0
+- [ ] ./../snippets/stimtable.py
+- [ ] ./../snippets/function.py
+  0.1
+  ('dt = ', 0.1, ', Total simulation time = ', 10.0)
+  ('Running simulation for', 10.0, 'seconds')
+  ('Simulator time:', 10.0)
+  9
+  ('Simulator time at end of simulation', 40.0)
+  omp')
+  Elements on tick 1
+  (' ->', '/comp')
+  ('/comp[0]/chan[0]', 'has been scheduled')
+  Elements on tick 1
+  (' ->', '/comp')
+  (' ->', '/comp[0]/chan')
+  ('Ticks connected to `process` method of', '/comp[0]')
+  (' ->', '/clock')
+- [ ] ./../snippets/pulsegen2.py
+    0.1
+    ('dt = ', 0.1, ', Total simulation time = ', 10.0)
+    ('Running simulation for', 10.0, 'seconds')
+    ('Simulator time:', 10.0)
+    9
+    ('Simulator time at end of simulation', 40.0)
+    omp')
+    Elements on tick 1
+    (' ->', '/comp')
+    ('/comp[0]/chan[0]', 'has been scheduled')
+    Elements on tick 1
+    (' ->', '/comp')
+    (' ->', '/comp[0]/chan')
+    ('Ticks connected to `process` method of', '/comp[0]')
+    (' ->', '/clock')
+- [ ] ./../snippets/gssaCylinderDiffusion.py
+- [ ] ./../snippets/findChemSteadyState.py
+  Totals:	2.98096e+08	6.02214e+06	
+  > /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[1].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[2].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[0].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[3].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[4].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[5].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[1].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[6].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[7].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[8].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[5].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[3].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[2].addSpike
+  Messages from /net1[9].spikeOut
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[5].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[4].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[5].addSpike
+  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[2].addSpike
+- [ ] ./../snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py
+    Totals:	2.98096e+08	6.02214e+06	
+    > /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[1].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[2].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[0].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[3].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[4].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[5].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[1].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[6].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[7].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[8].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[5].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[3].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[2].addSpike
+    Messages from /net1[9].spikeOut
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[5].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[4].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[5].addSpike
+    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[2].addSpike
+- [ ] ./../snippets/traub_naf.py
+  No parallel ksolve
+- [ ] ./../snippets/hhcomp.py
+    No parallel ksolve
+- [ ] ./../snippets/recurrentLIF.py
+  Elements under /model[0]/compartment[0]
+  /model[0]/compartment[0]/mesh
+- [ ] ./../snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py
+    Elements under /model[0]/compartment[0]
+    /model[0]/compartment[0]/mesh
+- [ ] ./../snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py
+  ReadKkit::setMethod: option  not known, using Exponential Euler (ee)
+  Written to file testsave.g
+  True
+- [ ] ./../unsorted/ksolve_with_heavy_load.py
+  .
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tuftedrs.py
+    .
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supbasket.py
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+        import networkx as nx
+    ImportError: No module named networkx
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepbasket.py
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+        File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+          import networkx as nx
+      ImportError: No module named networkx
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+          File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+            import networkx as nx
+        ImportError: No module named networkx
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
+  .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+  ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+  ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+  ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+  ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+  Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrfrb.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrrs.py
+      .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tuftedib.py
+      .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+      ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+        .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+        ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+        ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+        ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+        ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+        ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+        Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 221160974367696030614095733078257065670L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 238598849937293373804186882451093882450L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 255078710148271345867433384651488255421L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 289535226617074381573672567763395314604L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 41672354994817370858545542288716004975L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 333649882596489859996035936355031933525L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 241966303683427254741879992202970345342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 130450161180299445574837519754651687762L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 18842490944915776732376550489652988216L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /cl......................
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 22 tests in 0.003s
+  OK
+  ock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 235856058615413177557427067191149088011L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 98799431063718451575710705734600675591L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Vm.dat.gz'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_hsolve_tcr.py
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 221160974367696030614095733078257065670L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 238598849937293373804186882451093882450L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 255078710148271345867433384651488255421L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 289535226617074381573672567763395314604L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 41672354994817370858545542288716004975L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 333649882596489859996035936355031933525L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 241966303683427254741879992202970345342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ik.dat')
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ca.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 130450161180299445574837519754651687762L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 18842490944915776732376550489652988216L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /cl......................
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Ran 22 tests in 0.003s
+    OK
+    ock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 235856058615413177557427067191149088011L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ik.dat')
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ca.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 98799431063718451575710705734600675591L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Vm.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Vm.dat.gz'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/dump_f_i_curves.py
+  ....('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 325561820975165195210620629298811943342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 133550198806683723771222885143050316901L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 138324612508380380818594088259496070176L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 229700919589343978344821737547583707019L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 159958170493697466714674449253856976136L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_0Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
+  ]
+  ('Starting simulation', 214485281330192688028260113592459302111L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 147702062391583136608377857220262504825L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 112351602507443325731809884597663945629L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Ik.dat')
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [E..........................rrno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file..
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 32 tests in 0.004s
+  OK
+   or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a4c.py
+    ....('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 325561820975165195210620629298811943342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 133550198806683723771222885143050316901L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 138324612508380380818594088259496070176L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 229700919589343978344821737547583707019L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 159958170493697466714674449253856976136L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_0Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
+    ]
+    ('Starting simulation', 214485281330192688028260113592459302111L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 147702062391583136608377857220262504825L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Ik.dat')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 112351602507443325731809884597663945629L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat')
+    (1401, 1401)
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Ik.dat')
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [E..........................rrno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file..
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Ran 32 tests in 0.004s
+    OK
+     or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+    OK
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supaxoaxonic.py
+  .
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+  OK
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+  Ek                   = -0.1
+  Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
+  Gk                   = 0.0
+  Ik                   = 0.0
+  X                    = 0.0
+  Xpower               = 0.0
+  Y                    = 0.0
+  Ypower               = 0.0
+  Z                    = 0.0
+  Zpower               = 1.0
+  className            = HHChannel
+  dt                   = 5e-05
+  fieldIndex           = 0
+  idValue              = 594
+  index                = 0
+  instant              = 0
+  modulation           = 1.0
+  name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
+  numData              = 1
+  numField             = 1
+  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+  tick                 = 2
+  useConcentration     = 1
+  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+  Ek                   = -0.1
+  Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
+  Gk                   = 0.0
+  Ik                   = 0.0
+  X                    = 0.0
+  Xpower               = 1.0
+  Y                    = 0.0
+  Ypower               = 0.0
+  Z                    = 0.0
+  Zpower               = 1.0
+  className            = HHChannel
+  dt                   = 5e-05
+  fieldIndex           = 0
+  idValue              = 601
+  index                = 0
+  instant              = 4
+  modulation           = 1.0
+  name                 = KC_FAST
+  numData              = 1
+  numField             = 1
+  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+  tick                 = 2
+  useConcentration     = 1
+  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+  Ek                   = 0.125
+  Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
+  Gk                   = 0.0
+  Ik                   = 0.0
+  X                    = 0.0
+  Xpower               = 2.0
+  Y                    = 0.0
+  Ypower               = 0.0
+  Z                    = 0.0
+  Zpower               = 0.0
+  className            = HHChannel
+  dt                   = 5e-05
+  fieldIndex           = 0
+  idValue              = 643
+  index                = 0
+  instant              = 0
+  modulation           = 1.0
+  name                 = CaL
+  numData              = 1
+  numField             = 1
+  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+  tick                 = 2
+  useConcentration     = 0
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_spinystellate.py
+    .
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+    OK
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+    ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+    Ek                   = -0.1
+    Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
+    Gk                   = 0.0
+    Ik                   = 0.0
+    X                    = 0.0
+    Xpower               = 0.0
+    Y                    = 0.0
+    Ypower               = 0.0
+    Z                    = 0.0
+    Zpower               = 1.0
+    className            = HHChannel
+    dt                   = 5e-05
+    fieldIndex           = 0
+    idValue              = 594
+    index                = 0
+    instant              = 0
+    modulation           = 1.0
+    name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
+    numData              = 1
+    numField             = 1
+    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+    tick                 = 2
+    useConcentration     = 1
+    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+    Ek                   = -0.1
+    Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
+    Gk                   = 0.0
+    Ik                   = 0.0
+    X                    = 0.0
+    Xpower               = 1.0
+    Y                    = 0.0
+    Ypower               = 0.0
+    Z                    = 0.0
+    Zpower               = 1.0
+    className            = HHChannel
+    dt                   = 5e-05
+    fieldIndex           = 0
+    idValue              = 601
+    index                = 0
+    instant              = 4
+    modulation           = 1.0
+    name                 = KC_FAST
+    numData              = 1
+    numField             = 1
+    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+    tick                 = 2
+    useConcentration     = 1
+    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+    Ek                   = 0.125
+    Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
+    Gk                   = 0.0
+    Ik                   = 0.0
+    X                    = 0.0
+    Xpower               = 2.0
+    Y                    = 0.0
+    Ypower               = 0.0
+    Z                    = 0.0
+    Zpower               = 0.0
+    className            = HHChannel
+    dt                   = 5e-05
+    fieldIndex           = 0
+    idValue              = 643
+    index                = 0
+    instant              = 0
+    modulation           = 1.0
+    name                 = CaL
+    numData              = 1
+    numField             = 1
+    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+    tick                 = 2
+    useConcentration     = 0
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nontuftedrs.py
+      .
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+      OK
+      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+      Ek                   = -0.1
+      Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
+      Gk                   = 0.0
+      Ik                   = 0.0
+      X                    = 0.0
+      Xpower               = 0.0
+      Y                    = 0.0
+      Ypower               = 0.0
+      Z                    = 0.0
+      Zpower               = 1.0
+      className            = HHChannel
+      dt                   = 5e-05
+      fieldIndex           = 0
+      idValue              = 594
+      index                = 0
+      instant              = 0
+      modulation           = 1.0
+      name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
+      numData              = 1
+      numField             = 1
+      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+      tick                 = 2
+      useConcentration     = 1
+      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+      Ek                   = -0.1
+      Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
+      Gk                   = 0.0
+      Ik                   = 0.0
+      X                    = 0.0
+      Xpower               = 1.0
+      Y                    = 0.0
+      Ypower               = 0.0
+      Z                    = 0.0
+      Zpower               = 1.0
+      className            = HHChannel
+      dt                   = 5e-05
+      fieldIndex           = 0
+      idValue              = 601
+      index                = 0
+      instant              = 4
+      modulation           = 1.0
+      name                 = KC_FAST
+      numData              = 1
+      numField             = 1
+      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+      tick                 = 2
+      useConcentration     = 1
+      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+      Ek                   = 0.125
+      Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
+      Gk                   = 0.0
+      Ik                   = 0.0
+      X                    = 0.0
+      Xpower               = 2.0
+      Y                    = 0.0
+      Ypower               = 0.0
+      Z                    = 0.0
+      Zpower               = 0.0
+      className            = HHChannel
+      dt                   = 5e-05
+      fieldIndex           = 0
+      idValue              = 643
+      index                = 0
+      instant              = 0
+      modulation           = 1.0
+      name                 = CaL
+      numData              = 1
+      numField             = 1
+      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+      tick                 = 2
+      useConcentration     = 0
+      ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
+      Elements under /clock[0]
+      Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suplts.py
+  ...
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
+  OK
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
+  ('>>', 1401)
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
+  (1401,)
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepaxoaxonic.py
+    ...
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
+    OK
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+    Elements under /clock[0]
+    ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+    Finished simulation
+    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
+    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
+    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
+    ('>>', 1401)
+    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
+    (1401,)
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
+    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
+      ...
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
+      OK
+      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+      Elements under /clock[0]
+      ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+      Finished simulation
+      ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+      ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
+      ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
+      ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
+      ('>>', 1401)
+      ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
+      (1401,)
+      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
+      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
+      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
+- [ ] ./../parallelSolver/Fig2_v4.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deeplts.py
+    .aking Bistable model
+    x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
+    x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
+    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
+    Making FHN model
+    x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
+    x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
+    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+    Making Negative Feedback model
+    x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+    x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+    Making Negative Feedforward model
+    x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+    x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nrt.py
+      .aking Bistable model
+      x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
+      x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
+      Making FHN model
+      x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
+      x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+      Making Negative Feedback model
+      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+      x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+      Making Negative Feedforward model
+      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+      x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+      .aking Bistable model
+      x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
+      x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
+      Making FHN model
+      x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
+      x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+      Making Negative Feedback model
+      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+      x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+      Making Negative Feedforward model
+      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
+      x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
+      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
+- [ ] ./../kinetics/test_ksolve.py
+- [ ] ./../cuda/testHsolve.py
+- [ ] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/STG_net.py
+  Selecting a channel randomly form ['CaT_STG', 'Na_STG', 'CaS_STG', 'H_STG', 'Kd_STG', 'KA_STG']
+  Selected CaT_STG
+  Running for 0
+  Running for 1
+  .nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  Reinit MOOSE ... 
+  Solver: ee
+  Using exp euler
+  Using exp euler
+  Running ... 
+  Showing plots ...
+  unning ... 
+  Showing plots ...
+  ing PY_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PY_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
+- [ ] ./../neuroml/allChannelsCell/allChannelsCell.py
+- [ ] ./../neuroml/GranuleCell/Granule98.py
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    [INFO] Loading Ca pool Gran_CaPool_98 into /library . 
+    Reinit MOOSE ... 
+    Solver: hsolve
+    Using hsolve
+    Using hsolve
+    Running ... 
+    Showing plots ...
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    [INFO] Loading Ca pool Gran_CaPool_98 into /library . 
+    Reinit MOOSE ... 
+    Solver: hsolve
+    Using hsolve
+    Using hsolve
+    Running ... 
+    Showing plots ...
+- [ ] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/doseResponse.py
+  tau = 0.004 lambda = 0.00031gamma[2, 5] = 
+      -1    -1    -2     1     0
+       1     1     2     0     1
+  Nr[3, 4] = 
+      -1     0     0     1
+       0     2    -1    -1
+       0     0  -0.5   0.5
+  LU[5, 9] = 
+      -1     0     0     1     1     0     0     0     0
+       0     2    -1    -1    -1     1     0     0     0
+       0     0  -0.5   0.5   0.5   0.5     1     0     0
+       0     0     0     0    -1    -1    -2     1     0
+       0     0     0     0     1     1     2     0     1
+  -20
+  Warning: SteadyState iteration failed, status = input domain error, nIter = 3
+  e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
+  ml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  Reinit MOOSE.
+  Solver: ee
+  Using exp euler
+  Running now...
+  ('Spiketimes :', array([ 0.07185,  0.16435,  0.25685,  0.34935,  0.44185,  0.53435,
+          0.62685,  0.71935,  0.81185,  0.90435,  0.9969 ,  1.0894 ,
+          1.1819 ,  1.2744 ,  1.3669 ,  1.4594 ,  1.5519 ,  1.6444 ,
+          1.7369 ,  1.8294 ,  1.9219 ]))
+- [ ] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/mapkFB.py
+  just plotting old results for Fig 5.
+  To simulate and save, give sim as commandline argument.
+  You need to simulate first before loading data file.
+  re-run with sim as a command line argument.
+- [ ] ./../tutorials/ExcInhNet/ExcInhNet_Ostojic2014_Brunel2000.py
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+  address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+  professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at https://github.com/contact/report-abuse. All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
+[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
+[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/
diff --git a/_travis/CONTRIBUTING.md b/_travis/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05ada8ab43de6ea3030ad8adf1cb7869f91d38d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## Contributing
+Hi there! We're thrilled that you'd like to contribute to this project. Your help is essential for keeping it great.
+Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+## Submitting a pull request
+0. [Fork][fork] and clone the repository
+0. Configure and install the dependencies: `script/bootstrap`
+0. Make sure the tests pass on your machine: `script/cibuild`
+0. Create a new branch: `git checkout -b my-branch-name`
+0. Make your change, add tests, and make sure the tests still pass
+0. Push to your fork and [submit a pull request][pr]
+0. Pat your self on the back and wait for your pull request to be reviewed and merged.
+Here are a few things you can do that will increase the likelihood of your pull request being accepted:
+- Follow the [style guide][style].
+- Write tests.
+- Keep your change as focused as possible. If there are multiple changes you would like to make that are not dependent upon each other, consider submitting them as separate pull requests.
+- Write a [good commit message](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html).
+## Resources
+- [Contributing to Open Source on GitHub](https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/)
+- [Using Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/)
+- [GitHub Help](https://help.github.com)
+[fork]: https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal/fork
+[pr]: https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal/compare
+[style]: http://ben.balter.com/jekyll-style-guide/
+[code-of-conduct]: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
diff --git a/_travis/FAILED b/_travis/FAILED
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1ed7623ca71f255bc340d303e090c299f627cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/FAILED
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- [ ] ./../snippets/reacDiffConcGradient.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
diff --git a/_travis/GUISCRIPTS b/_travis/GUISCRIPTS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03841e38d9ce8342b30887489c8518c72ee37281
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/_travis/Gemfile b/_travis/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa75df15632305f9badb9a7ac0028e4b2ef4d221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
diff --git a/_travis/INTERACTIVE b/_travis/INTERACTIVE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc578f67a416e90298db63aa8666827421cee872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/INTERACTIVE
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..670154e3538863b2d9891fd5483160fbdfc89164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+CC0 1.0 Universal
+Statement of Purpose
+The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
+exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and
+subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
+authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
+Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the
+purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific
+works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later
+claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse
+and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any
+purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may
+contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the
+further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain
+reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and
+efforts of others.
+For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation
+of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a
+Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright
+and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work
+and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her
+Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal
+effect of CC0 on those rights.
+1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
+protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
+Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited
+to, the following:
+  i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate,
+  and translate a Work;
+  ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
+  iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness
+  depicted in a Work;
+  iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
+  subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
+  v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in
+  a Work;
+  vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
+  European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
+  protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof,
+  including any amended or successor version of such directive); and
+  vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the world
+  based on applicable law or treaty, and any national implementations thereof.
+2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of,
+applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently, irrevocably and
+unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of Affirmer's Copyright
+and Related Rights and associated claims and causes of action, whether now
+known or unknown (including existing as well as future claims and causes of
+action), in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum
+duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time
+extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of
+copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation
+commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes
+the Waiver for the benefit of each member of the public at large and to the
+detriment of Affirmer's heirs and successors, fully intending that such Waiver
+shall not be subject to revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or
+any other legal or equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work
+by the public as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be
+judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver
+shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account
+Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver
+is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free,
+non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and
+unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in
+the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration
+provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii)
+in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any
+purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or
+promotional purposes (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as
+of the date CC0 was applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the
+License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under
+applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not
+invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby
+affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining
+Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims
+and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to
+Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
+  a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
+  surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
+  b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties
+  of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise,
+  including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness
+  for a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or
+  other defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not
+  discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
+  c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
+  that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without limitation
+  any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work. Further, Affirmer
+  disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary consents, permissions
+  or other rights required for any use of the Work.
+  d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
+  party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this
+  CC0 or use of the Work.
+For more information, please see
diff --git a/_travis/README.md b/_travis/README.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# The Minimal theme
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pages-themes/minimal.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pages-themes/minimal) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-minimal.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-minimal)
+*Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages. You can [preview the theme to see what it looks like](http://pages-themes.github.io/minimal), or even [use it today](#usage).*
+![Thumbnail of minimal](thumbnail.png)
+## Usage
+To use the Minimal theme:
+1. Add the following to your site's `_config.yml`:
+    ```yml
+    theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
+    ```
+2. Optionally, if you'd like to preview your site on your computer, add the following to your site's `Gemfile`:
+    ```ruby
+    gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
+    ```
+## Customizing
+### Configuration variables
+Minimal will respect the following variables, if set in your site's `_config.yml`:
+title: [The title of your site]
+description: [A short description of your site's purpose]
+Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables:
+show_downloads: ["true" or "false" to indicate whether to provide a download URL]
+google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID]
+### Stylesheet
+If you'd like to add your own custom styles:
+1. Create a file called `/assets/css/style.scss` in your site
+2. Add the following content to the top of the file, exactly as shown:
+    ```scss
+    ---
+    ---
+    @import "{{ site.theme }}";
+    ```
+3. Add any custom CSS (or Sass, including imports) you'd like immediately after the `@import` line
+### Layouts
+If you'd like to change the theme's HTML layout:
+1. [Copy the original template](https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal/blob/master/_layouts/default.html) from the theme's repository<br />(*Pro-tip: click "raw" to make copying easier*)
+2. Create a file called `/_layouts/default.html` in your site
+3. Paste the default layout content copied in the first step
+4. Customize the layout as you'd like
+## Roadmap
+See the [open issues](https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal/issues) for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
+## Project philosophy
+The Minimal theme is intended to make it quick and easy for GitHub Pages users to create their first (or 100th) website. The theme should meet the vast majority of users' needs out of the box, erring on the side of simplicity rather than flexibility, and provide users the opportunity to opt-in to additional complexity if they have specific needs or wish to further customize their experience (such as adding custom CSS or modifying the default layout). It should also look great, but that goes without saying.
+## Contributing
+Interested in contributing to Minimal? We'd love your help. Minimal is an open source project, built one contribution at a time by users like you. See [the CONTRIBUTING file](CONTRIBUTING.md) for instructions on how to contribute.
+### Previewing the theme locally
+If you'd like to preview the theme locally (for example, in the process of proposing a change):
+1. Clone down the theme's repository (`git clone https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal`)
+2. `cd` into the theme's directory
+3. Run `script/bootstrap` to install the necessary dependencies
+4. Run `bundle exec jekyll serve` to start the preview server
+5. Visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) in your browser to preview the theme
+### Running tests
+The theme contains a minimal test suite, to ensure a site with the theme would build successfully. To run the tests, simply run `script/cibuild`. You'll need to run `script/bootstrap` one before the test script will work.
diff --git a/_travis/SUCCEEDED b/_travis/SUCCEEDED
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+- [x] ./../snippets/wildcard.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/nsdf.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/scriptGssaSolver.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/rxdFuncDiffusionStoch.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/vectors.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/cylinderMotor.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/funcRateHarmonicOsc.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/STDP.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/interpol2d.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/loadCspaceModel.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/multicomp_lif.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/pyrun1.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/neuronFromDotp.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/rxdFuncDiffusion.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/synapse.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/lifcomp.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/synapse_tutorial.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/hdfdemo.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/threading_demo.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/crossComptOscillator.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/pyrun.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/changeFuncExpression.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/compartment_net.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/tweakingParameters.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/showclocks.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/startstop.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/intfire.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/analogStimTable.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/lif.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/chemDoseResponse.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/tabledemo.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/symcompartment.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/loadKineticModel.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/showmsg.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/onetoonemsg.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/ionchannel.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/scriptKineticSolver.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/vclamp.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/mgblock.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/scriptKineticModel.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/gapjunction.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/diffusion_using_Gillespie.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/singlemsgcross.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/diffEqSolution.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/HsolveInstability.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/interpol.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/randomspike.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/func.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/timetable.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/funcInputToPools.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/savemodel.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/pulsegen.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/RandSpikeStats.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/rxdReacDiffusion.py
+- [x] ./../MemoryNetworks/bidirectional_plastic_switch.py
+- [x] ./../snippets/helloMoose.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nachans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
+- [x] ./../parallelSolver/abstrModelEqns2.py
+- [x] ./../cuda/testScript.py
+- [x] ./../passive/passive_soma.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/channels/ChannelTest.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/CA1PyramidalCell/CA1_hsolve.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/CA1PyramidalCell/CA1.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/LIF/LIFxml_firing.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/GranuleCell/Granule98_hsolve.py
+- [x] ./../rall_1964/rall64.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/LIF/twoLIFxml_firing.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/strongBis.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ExcInhNetCaPlasticity/ExcInhNet_HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/simpleBis.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/findSteadyState.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/repressillator.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/slowFbOsc.py
+- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/relaxationOsc.py
+- [x] ./../squid/squid.py
+- [x] ./../squid/squid_setup.py
+- [x] ./../symcomp/symcomp_readcell.py
+- [x] ./../symcomp/symcomp.py
diff --git a/_travis/TORUN b/_travis/TORUN
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(0.942477796076938, 0.2827433388230814)
+('CuReadCell: 3 compartments, 0 channels, 0 others
+, dataIndex=2, path=/Msgs[0]/singleMsg[2]>)
+Vm saved to Vm.dat
+K conductance saved to gK.dat
+Na conductance saved to gNa.dat
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+        document.addEventListener("touchstart", gestureStart, false);
+        document.addEventListener("touchend", gestureEnd, false);
+    }
diff --git a/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py b/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..788b54c9e0c0ffbfbfb6ecf53b77a93906ef4ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Created markdown file and run jekyll.
+__author__           = "Dilawar Singh"
+__copyright__        = "Copyright 2016, Dilawar Singh"
+__credits__          = ["NCBS Bangalore"]
+__license__          = "GNU GPL"
+__version__          = "1.0.0"
+__maintainer__       = "Dilawar Singh"
+__email__            = "dilawars@ncbs.res.in"
+__status__           = "Development"
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+indexMd = 'index.md'
+failedTxt_ = ''
+if os.path.isfile( 'FAILED' ):
+    with open( 'FAILED' ) as f:
+        failedTxt_ = f.read( )
+def write_to_file( filename, lines ):
+    with open( filename, 'a' ) as f:
+        f.write( '\n'.join( lines ) )
+def create_static_site( ):
+    subprocess.call( [ 'jekyll', 'b' ], shell = False )
+def main( ):
+    global failedTxt_
+    write_to_file( indexMd, [ '# Following scripts failed ', failedTxt_ ] )
+    create_static_site( )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/_travis/index.html b/_travis/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4a30ba0be58a64ebbcc6d017e4fe503cdc57cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
diff --git a/_travis/index.md b/_travis/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2da132da49a8961f7aadd1678449ef33b545be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+layout: default
+Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~.
+[Link to another page](another-page).
+There should be whitespace between paragraphs.
+There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project.
+# [](#header-1)Header 1
+This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.
+## [](#header-2)Header 2
+> This is a blockquote following a header.
+> When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
+### [](#header-3)Header 3
+// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
+var fun = function lang(l) {
+  dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l)
+  return true;
+# Ruby code with syntax highlighting
+GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version|
+  s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}")
+#### [](#header-4)Header 4
+*   This is an unordered list following a header.
+*   This is an unordered list following a header.
+*   This is an unordered list following a header.
+##### [](#header-5)Header 5
+1.  This is an ordered list following a header.
+2.  This is an ordered list following a header.
+3.  This is an ordered list following a header.
+###### [](#header-6)Header 6
+| head1        | head two          | three |
+| ok           | good swedish fish | nice  |
+| out of stock | good and plenty   | nice  |
+| ok           | good `oreos`      | hmm   |
+| ok           | good `zoute` drop | yumm  |
+### There's a horizontal rule below this.
+* * *
+### Here is an unordered list:
+*   Item foo
+*   Item bar
+*   Item baz
+*   Item zip
+### And an ordered list:
+1.  Item one
+1.  Item two
+1.  Item three
+1.  Item four
+### And a nested list:
+- level 1 item
+  - level 2 item
+  - level 2 item
+    - level 3 item
+    - level 3 item
+- level 1 item
+  - level 2 item
+  - level 2 item
+  - level 2 item
+- level 1 item
+  - level 2 item
+  - level 2 item
+- level 1 item
+### Small image
+### Large image
+### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax.
+Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.
+The final element.
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
+- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+  	 easy_install python-libsbml
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
+    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
+    	 easy_install python-libsbml
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
+        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
+      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
+        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
+    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
+- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
+  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
+      import networkx as nx
+  ImportError: No module named networkx
diff --git a/_travis/jekyll-theme-minimal.gemspec b/_travis/jekyll-theme-minimal.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0718e190a942980e49aed0eec93d6b8a5d2dbb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/jekyll-theme-minimal.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+  s.name          = "jekyll-theme-minimal"
+  s.version       = "0.0.4"
+  s.license       = "CC0-1.0"
+  s.authors       = ["Steve Smith", "GitHub, Inc."]
+  s.email         = ["opensource+jekyll-theme-minimal@github.com"]
+  s.homepage      = "https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal"
+  s.summary       = "Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages"
+  s.files         = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select do |f|
+    f.match(%r{^((_includes|_layouts|_sass|assets)/|(LICENSE|README)((\.(txt|md|markdown)|$)))}i)
+  end
+  s.platform      = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+  s.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll", "~> 3.3"
diff --git a/_travis/matplotlibrc b/_travis/matplotlibrc
index 51779199a48853e48b1cedd5f4153c69f91ba25d..066b1bc8a27fdb4492dbd2bad3b47bf5eedf3f27 100644
--- a/_travis/matplotlibrc
+++ b/_travis/matplotlibrc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # This configuration file does the followings:
 # - plt.show() function become non-blocking.
-backend : TkAgg
+backend : agg
 # This makes all plots non-blocking.
 interactive : True
diff --git a/_travis/run_scripts.sh b/_travis/run_scripts.sh
index 4d971503f29cc09798360443335ded89e3d79522..ffe27fe22549542b2a1d96f7b779072ed9f3230a 100755
--- a/_travis/run_scripts.sh
+++ b/_travis/run_scripts.sh
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ if [ ! -f $MATPLOTRC ]; then
 for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
     d=`dirname $f`
     fn=`basename $f`
@@ -37,15 +37,17 @@ for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
         cp $MATPLOTRC $d/
         cd $d
         echo "++ Executing script $f"
-        # Do not run more than 2 minutes. 
+        # Do not run more than $TIMEOUT
         timeout $TIMEOUT $PYC $fn &> $TEMP
         if [ "$status" -eq "0" ]; then                   # success
             echo "|| Success. Written to $SUCCEEDED"
             echo "- [x] $f" >> $SUCCEEDED
-        elif [ "$status" -gt "128" ]; then               # timeout
             # If there is timeout then add to BLACKLISTED
-            echo "|| Killed by signal status: $status" 
+            # For return status See 
+            # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/tree/src/timeout.c
+        elif [ "$status" -eq "124" ]; then               # timeout. 
+            echo "|| Timed-out status: $status" 
             echo "- [ ] $f" >> $BLACKLISTED
             sed -i 's/^/\ \ /' $TEMP
             printf "\n\`i\`\`\n" >> $BLACKLISTED 
@@ -63,15 +65,22 @@ for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
     ) & 
+# Auto deploy to README.md file
+python ./deploy_gh_pages.py || echo "failed to generated site"
 echo "Following scripts were successful"
 if [ -f $BLACKLISTED ]; then
     echo "Following scripts were blacklisted due to timeout or singal interrupt"
     cat $BLACKLISTED 
+    echo "# Blacklisted " >> ../README.md
 if [ -f $FAILED ]; then 
     echo "=========================================="
     echo "Following scripts failed."
@@ -79,4 +88,4 @@ if [ -f $FAILED ]; then
     exit 1
-## If less than 84 files passed, raise and error.
diff --git a/_travis/script/bootstrap b/_travis/script/bootstrap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..492e5535f187441911852349a3659e4ce90cf2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/script/bootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set -e
+gem install bundler
+bundle install
diff --git a/_travis/script/cibuild b/_travis/script/cibuild
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59f0425174228ee03978298f02cef1b0c9ecab41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/script/cibuild
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set -e
+bundle exec jekyll build
+gem build jekyll-theme-minimal.gemspec
diff --git a/_travis/script/release b/_travis/script/release
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdbcf9db724d9e9e54c493aad64858199cc063de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/script/release
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Tag and push a release.
+set -e
+# Make sure we're in the project root.
+cd $(dirname "$0")/..
+# Make sure the darn thing works
+bundle update
+# Build a new gem archive.
+rm -rf jekyll-theme-minimal-*.gem
+gem build -q jekyll-theme-minimal.gemspec
+# Make sure we're on the master branch.
+(git branch | grep -q 'master') || {
+  echo "Only release from the master branch."
+  exit 1
+# Figure out what version we're releasing.
+tag=v`ls jekyll-theme-minimal-*.gem | sed 's/^jekyll-theme-minimal-\(.*\)\.gem$/\1/'`
+# Make sure we haven't released this version before.
+git fetch -t origin
+(git tag -l | grep -q "$tag") && {
+  echo "Whoops, there's already a '${tag}' tag."
+  exit 1
+# Tag it and bag it.
+gem push jekyll-theme-minimal-*.gem && git tag "$tag" &&
+  git push origin master && git push origin "$tag"
diff --git a/cuda/testScript.py b/cuda/testScript.py
index c7285e77c1e1974a8c517f43e2b06deda9fd48ab..15fe22fd2e75ee852bdb734c0d2669e78e245bb6 100644
--- a/cuda/testScript.py
+++ b/cuda/testScript.py
@@ -1,3 +1,41 @@
+# testHsolve.py ---
+# Upi Bhalla, NCBS Bangalore, 9 June 2013.
+# Commentary:
+# Also have a look at what happens without the useInterpolate flag for
+# the ion channels, even though the voltage range is subdivided into 3000
+# intervals.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Code:
+A small compartmental model that demonstrates
+a) how to set up a multicompartmental model using SymCompartments
+b) Solving this with the default Exponential Euler (EE) method
+c) Solving this with the Hsolver.
+d) What happens at different timesteps.
 import sys
 import os
diff --git a/genesis/Kholodenko_tosbml.xml b/genesis/Kholodenko_tosbml.xml
index 156e579f9d2bde7f19a5560e374ff25164c68f36..01fff65db14ef03c96649d15d08ba481652fa9ed 100644
--- a/genesis/Kholodenko_tosbml.xml
+++ b/genesis/Kholodenko_tosbml.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:moose="http://www.moose.ncbs.res.in" xmlns:groups="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/groups/version1" level="3" version="1" groups:required="false">
-  <model id="Kholodenko_tosbml" substanceUnits="substance" timeUnits="time" volumeUnits="volume" areaUnits="area" lengthUnits="length" extentUnits="substance">
+<sbml xmlns:moose="http://www.moose.ncbs.res.in" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core" xmlns:addedPrefix="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1" level="3" version="1">
+  <model id="Kholodenko_tosbml" substanceUnits="substance" timeUnits="second" extentUnits="substance">
       <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the oscillatory MAPK model from Kholodenko 2000 Eur J. Biochem 267:1583-1588 The original model is formulated in terms of idealized Michaelis-Menten enzymes and the enzyme-substrate complex concentrations are therefore assumed negligible. The current implementation of the model uses explicit enzyme reactions involving substrates and is therefore an approximation to the Kholodenko model. The approximation is greatly improved if the enzyme is flagged as Available which is an option in Kinetikit. This flag means that the enzyme protein concentration is not reduced even when it is involved in a complex. However, the substrate protein continues to participate in enzyme-substrate complexes and its concentration is therefore affected. Overall, this model works almost the same as the Kholodenko model but the peak MAPK-PP amplitudes are a little reduced and the period of oscillations is about 10% longer. If the enzymes are not flagged as Available then the oscillations commence only when the Km for enzyme 1 is set to 0.1 uM.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
         <moose:simdt>0.005 </moose:simdt>
         <moose:plotdt> 10.0 </moose:plotdt>
-        <moose:plots> /kinetics[0]/MAPK[0]/Ras_dash_MKKKK[0]; /kinetics[0]/MAPK[0]/MKKK_dash_P[0]; /kinetics[0]/MAPK[0]/MKK_dash_PP[0]; /kinetics[0]/MAPK[0]/MAPK_dash_PP[0]</moose:plots>
+        <moose:plots> /kinetics/Ras_dash_MKKKK; /kinetics/MKKK_dash_P; /kinetics/MKK_dash_PP; /kinetics/MAPK_dash_PP</moose:plots>
@@ -26,21 +26,6 @@
           <unit kind="mole" exponent="1" scale="-3" multiplier="1"/>
-      <unitDefinition id="length">
-        <listOfUnits>
-          <unit kind="metre" exponent="1" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
-        </listOfUnits>
-      </unitDefinition>
-      <unitDefinition id="area">
-        <listOfUnits>
-          <unit kind="metre" exponent="2" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
-        </listOfUnits>
-      </unitDefinition>
-      <unitDefinition id="time">
-        <listOfUnits>
-          <unit kind="second" exponent="1" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
-        </listOfUnits>
-      </unitDefinition>
       <unitDefinition id="litre_per_mmole_per_second">
           <unit kind="litre" exponent="1" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
@@ -53,18 +38,12 @@
           <unit kind="second" exponent="-1" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
-      <unitDefinition id="mmole_per_litre">
-        <listOfUnits>
-          <unit kind="litre" exponent="-1" scale="0" multiplier="1"/>
-          <unit kind="mole" exponent="1" scale="-3" multiplier="1"/>
-        </listOfUnits>
-      </unitDefinition>
-      <compartment id="kinetics_479_0_" name="kinetics" spatialDimensions="3" size="1.66666666666667e-18" units="volume" constant="true"/>
+      <compartment id="kinetics_481_0_" name="kinetics" spatialDimensions="3" size="1.66666666666667e-18" units="volume" constant="true"/>
-      <species id="MAPK_487_0_" name="MAPK" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0.0003" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MAPK_489_0_" name="MAPK" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0.0003" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The total concn. of MAPK is 300nM from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -72,6 +51,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -79,7 +59,7 @@
-      <species id="MKKK_489_0_" name="MKKK" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0.0001" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MKKK_491_0_" name="MKKK" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0.0001" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The total concn. of MKKK is 100nM from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -87,6 +67,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -94,7 +75,7 @@
-      <species id="MKK_491_0_" name="MKK" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0.0003" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MKK_493_0_" name="MKK" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0.0003" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The total concn. of MKK is 300nM from Kholodenko,2000
@@ -102,6 +83,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -109,7 +91,7 @@
-      <species id="int1_493_0_" name="int1" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="int1_495_0_" name="int1" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the intermediate enzyme which catalyses the dephosphorylation of MKKK-P to MKKK. The concentration is set to 1 nM based on from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -117,6 +99,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -124,7 +107,7 @@
-      <species id="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_" name="MKKK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MKKK_dash_P_499_0_" name="MKKK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the phosphorylated form of MKKK which converts MKK to MKK-P and then to MKK-PP from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -132,6 +115,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -139,7 +123,7 @@
-      <species id="int3_503_0_" name="int3" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="int3_505_0_" name="int3" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This intermediate enzyme catalyses the dephosphorylation of MKK-P to MKK. The concentration is 1nM from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -147,6 +131,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -154,7 +139,7 @@
-      <species id="int5_507_0_" name="int5" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="int5_509_0_" name="int5" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This catalyses the conversion of MAPK-P to MAPK. The concenration is 1nM. from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -162,6 +147,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -169,7 +155,7 @@
-      <species id="MKK_dash_P_511_0_" name="MKK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MKK_dash_P_513_0_" name="MKK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the single phoshorylated form of MKK. from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -177,6 +163,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -184,7 +171,7 @@
-      <species id="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_" name="MAPK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MAPK_dash_P_515_0_" name="MAPK_dash_P" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the single phopshorylated form of MAPK from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -192,6 +179,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -199,7 +187,7 @@
-      <species id="int2_515_0_" name="int2" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="int2_517_0_" name="int2" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This intermediate enzyme which catalyses the dephosphorylation of MKK-PP to MKK-P. The concentration is 1nM. from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -207,6 +195,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -214,7 +203,7 @@
-      <species id="int4_519_0_" name="int4" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="int4_521_0_" name="int4" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This intermediate enzyme catalyses the dephosphorylation of MAPK-PP to MAPK-P. The concentration is 1nM. from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -222,6 +211,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -229,7 +219,7 @@
-      <species id="Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_" name="Ras_dash_MKKKK" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_" name="Ras_dash_MKKKK" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="1e-06" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The concn. of Ras-MKKKK* is set to 1 nM implicitly from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -237,6 +227,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -244,7 +235,7 @@
-      <species id="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_527_0_" name="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_529_0_" name="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the inactive form of Ras-MKKK. Based on the reaction scheme from Kholodenko 2000, this is equivalent to a binding of the MAPK-PP to the Ras. The amount of Ras in the model is small enough that negligible amounts of MAPK are involved in this reaction. So it is a fair approximation to the negative feedback mechanism from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -252,6 +243,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -259,7 +251,7 @@
-      <species id="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_" name="MKK_dash_PP" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MKK_dash_PP_533_0_" name="MKK_dash_PP" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the double phosphorylated and active form of MKK from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -267,6 +259,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -274,7 +267,7 @@
-      <species id="MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_" name="MAPK_dash_PP" compartment="kinetics_479_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
+      <species id="MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_" name="MAPK_dash_PP" compartment="kinetics_481_0_" initialConcentration="0" substanceUnits="substance" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	This is the double phosphorylated and active form of MAPK. from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -282,6 +275,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -291,7 +285,7 @@
-      <reaction id="Neg_feedback_529_0_" name="Neg_feedback" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="Neg_feedback_531_0_" name="Neg_feedback" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	From Kholodenko, 2000 Eur J Biochem 267 the Kd is 9 nM. We use a rather fast Kf of 1/sec/uM so that equilibrium is maintained.
@@ -299,6 +293,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -306,16 +301,16 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_527_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_529_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * Neg_feedback_529_0__Kf * MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_*Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_-kinetics_479_0_ * Neg_feedback_529_0__Kb * inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_527_0_
+		kinetics_481_0_ * Neg_feedback_531_0__Kf * MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_*Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_-kinetics_481_0_ * Neg_feedback_531_0__Kb * inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_529_0_
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
@@ -323,26 +318,26 @@
-                <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
-                <ci> Neg_feedback_529_0__Kf </ci>
-                <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_ </ci>
-                <ci> Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> Neg_feedback_531_0__Kf </ci>
+                <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_ </ci>
-                <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
-                <ci> Neg_feedback_529_0__Kb </ci>
-                <ci> inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_527_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> Neg_feedback_531_0__Kb </ci>
+                <ci> inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_529_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Neg_feedback_529_0__Kf" value="1000" units="litre_per_mmole_per_second"/>
-            <localParameter id="Neg_feedback_529_0__Kb" value="0.009" units="per_second"/>
+            <localParameter id="Neg_feedback_531_0__Kf" value="1000" units="litre_per_mmole_per_second"/>
+            <localParameter id="Neg_feedback_531_0__Kb" value="0.009" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_2_495_0_" name="2" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_2_497_0_" name="2" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	Km is 8nM and Vmax is 0.25nM.s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -350,6 +345,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -357,47 +353,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_499_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKKK_489_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKKK_491_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int1_493_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int1_495_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ * int1_493_0_ / ( Km + MKKK_dash_P_497_0_))
+		kcat *MKKK_dash_P_499_0_*int1_495_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKKK_dash_P_499_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> int1_493_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKKK_dash_P_499_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> int1_495_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKKK_dash_P_499_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="8e-06" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="8e-06" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.25" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_3_499_0_" name="3" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_3_501_0_" name="3" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	Km is 15 nM and Vmax is 0.025s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -405,6 +401,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -412,47 +409,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_491_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_493_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_511_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_499_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKK_491_0_ * MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ / ( Km + MKK_491_0_))
+		kcat *MKK_493_0_*MKKK_dash_P_499_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKK_493_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_491_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_493_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> MKKK_dash_P_499_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_491_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKK_493_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.025" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_4_501_0_" name="4" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_4_503_0_" name="4" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	Km is 15nM and Vmax is 0.025s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -460,6 +457,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -467,47 +465,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_511_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_533_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_499_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKK_dash_P_511_0_ * MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ / ( Km + MKK_dash_P_511_0_))
+		kcat *MKK_dash_P_513_0_*MKKK_dash_P_499_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKK_dash_P_513_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_511_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_dash_P_497_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> MKKK_dash_P_499_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_511_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.025" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_6_505_0_" name="6" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_6_507_0_" name="6" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM and the Vmax is 0.75nM.s-1 from Kholodenko 2000.
@@ -515,6 +513,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -522,47 +521,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_511_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_491_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_493_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int3_503_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int3_505_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKK_dash_P_511_0_ * int3_503_0_ / ( Km + MKK_dash_P_511_0_))
+		kcat *MKK_dash_P_513_0_*int3_505_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKK_dash_P_513_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_511_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> int3_503_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> int3_505_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_511_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.5e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.5e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.75" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_10_509_0_" name="10" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_10_511_0_" name="10" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM and Vmax is 0.5nM.s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -570,6 +569,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -577,47 +577,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_515_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_487_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_489_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int5_507_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int5_509_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ * int5_507_0_ / ( Km + MAPK_dash_P_513_0_))
+		kcat *MAPK_dash_P_515_0_*int5_509_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MAPK_dash_P_515_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> int5_507_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MAPK_dash_P_515_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> int5_509_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_515_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.49997000059999e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.49997000059999e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.5" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_5_517_0_" name="5" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_5_519_0_" name="5" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM and Vmax is 0.75nM.s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -632,47 +633,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_533_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_511_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int2_515_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int2_517_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ * int2_515_0_ / ( Km + MKK_dash_PP_531_0_))
+		kcat *MKK_dash_PP_533_0_*int2_517_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKK_dash_PP_533_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> int2_515_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_dash_PP_533_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> int2_517_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKK_dash_PP_533_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.5e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.5e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.75" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_9_521_0_" name="9" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_9_523_0_" name="9" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM and Vmax is 0.5nM.s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -680,6 +681,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -687,47 +689,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_515_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int4_519_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="int4_521_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_ * int4_519_0_ / ( Km + MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_))
+		kcat *MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_*int4_521_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> int4_519_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> int4_521_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.49997000059999e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.49997000059999e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.5" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_1_525_0_" name="1" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_1_527_0_" name="1" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 10nM and Vmax is 2.5nM sec^-1. We assume that there is 1 nM of the Ras-MKKKK. From Kholodenko, 2000. If the enzymes are not flagged as Available, then this Km should be set to 0.1 to obtain oscillations.
@@ -735,6 +737,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -742,47 +745,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MKKK_489_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKKK_491_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MKKK_dash_P_499_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MKKK_489_0_ * Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_ / ( Km + MKKK_489_0_))
+		kcat *MKKK_491_0_*Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MKKK_491_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_489_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MKKK_491_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> Ras_dash_MKKKK_525_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MKKK_489_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MKKK_491_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="2.5" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_7_533_0_" name="7" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_7_535_0_" name="7" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM which is 0.015uM Vmax is 0.025s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000.
@@ -790,6 +793,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -797,47 +801,47 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_487_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_489_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_515_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_533_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MAPK_487_0_ * MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ / ( Km + MAPK_487_0_))
+		kcat *MAPK_489_0_*MKK_dash_PP_533_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MAPK_489_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_487_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MAPK_489_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_dash_PP_533_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_487_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MAPK_489_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.025" units="per_second"/>
-      <reaction id="_8_535_0_" name="8" reversible="true" fast="false">
+      <reaction id="_8_537_0_" name="8" reversible="true" fast="false">
           <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  	 	The Km is 15nM which is 0.015uM and Vmax is 0.025s-1 from Kholodenko, 2000
@@ -845,6 +849,7 @@
+            <moose:Group>MAPK</moose:Group>
@@ -852,84 +857,46 @@
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_P_515_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
+          <speciesReference species="MAPK_dash_PP_539_0_" stoichiometry="1" constant="false"/>
-          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_"/>
+          <modifierSpeciesReference species="MKK_dash_PP_533_0_"/>
             <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-		kinetics_479_0_ * ( kcat * MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ * MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ / ( Km + MAPK_dash_P_513_0_))
+		kcat *MAPK_dash_P_515_0_*MKK_dash_PP_533_0_/(kinetics_481_0_ * (Km+MAPK_dash_P_515_0_))
           <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
-              <times/>
-              <ci> kinetics_479_0_ </ci>
+              <divide/>
-                <divide/>
-                <apply>
-                  <times/>
-                  <ci> kcat </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
-                  <ci> MKK_dash_PP_531_0_ </ci>
-                </apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kcat </ci>
+                <ci> MAPK_dash_P_515_0_ </ci>
+                <ci> MKK_dash_PP_533_0_ </ci>
+              </apply>
+              <apply>
+                <times/>
+                <ci> kinetics_481_0_ </ci>
                   <ci> Km </ci>
-                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_513_0_ </ci>
+                  <ci> MAPK_dash_P_515_0_ </ci>
-            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="mmole_per_litre"/>
+            <localParameter id="Km" value="1.500006000024e-05" units="substance"/>
             <localParameter id="kcat" value="0.025" units="per_second"/>
-    <groups:listOfGroups>
-      <groups:group groups:id="MAPK" groups:kind="collection">
-        <annotation>
-          <moose:GroupAnnotation>
-            <moose:Compartment>kinetics</moose:Compartment>
-            <moose:bgColor>yellow</moose:bgColor>
-          </moose:GroupAnnotation>
-        </annotation>
-        <groups:listOfMembers>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MAPK_487_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MKKK_489_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MKK_491_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="int1_493_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MKKK_dash_P_497_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="int3_503_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="int5_507_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MKK_dash_P_511_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MAPK_dash_P_513_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="int2_515_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="int4_519_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="Ras_dash_MKKKK_523_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="inactiveRas_dash_MKKK_527_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MKK_dash_PP_531_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="MAPK_dash_PP_537_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="Neg_feedback_529_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_2_495_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_3_499_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_4_501_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_6_505_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_10_509_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_5_517_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_9_521_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_1_525_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_7_533_0_"/>
-          <groups:member groups:idRef="_8_535_0_"/>
-        </groups:listOfMembers>
-      </groups:group>
-    </groups:listOfGroups>
diff --git a/paper-2015/Fig4_ReacDiff/rxdSpineSize.py b/paper-2015/Fig4_ReacDiff/rxdSpineSize.py
index 544adc56cca8b4a302b2457358323c1e384fac28..8ddcadec12d70414932246186ebf67c752fa27aa 100644
--- a/paper-2015/Fig4_ReacDiff/rxdSpineSize.py
+++ b/paper-2015/Fig4_ReacDiff/rxdSpineSize.py
@@ -10,12 +10,10 @@
 ## wave. Products diffuse into the spine and cause it to get bigger.
 import math
-import pylab
 import numpy
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import moose
 import sys
-sys.path.append( '../util' )
 import rdesigneur as rd
 from PyQt4 import QtGui
 import moogli
@@ -134,9 +132,9 @@ def displayPlots():
     for x in moose.wildcardFind( '/graphs/#[0]' ):
         tab = moose.vec( x )
         for i in range( len( tab ) ):
-            pylab.plot( tab[i].vector, label=x.name[:-3] + " " + str( i ) )
-        pylab.legend()
-        pylab.figure()
+            plt.plot( tab[i].vector, label=x.name[:-3] + " " + str( i ) )
+        plt.legend()
+        plt.figure()
 def main():
@@ -172,10 +170,10 @@ def main():
     moose.start( runtime )
-    pylab.plot( oldDia, label = 'old Diameter' )
-    pylab.plot( [ i.diameter for i in eHead ], label = 'new Diameter' )
-    pylab.legend()
-    pylab.show()
+    plt.plot( oldDia, label = 'old Diameter' )
+    plt.plot( [ i.diameter for i in eHead ], label = 'new Diameter' )
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.show()
     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
     #widget = mv.MoogliViewer( '/model' )
diff --git a/snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py b/snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py
index 556639dbfb2c0477f3bbe56316ad4d3fca1bce19..fa54d07e7ae03af92c7cc306acb0b4528e259716 100644
--- a/snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py
+++ b/snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py
@@ -1,195 +1,203 @@
+#** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
+#** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
+#**           Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
+#** It is made available under the terms of the
+#** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
+#** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
 import moose
 from pylab import *
-# ###########################################
-# Neuron models
-# ###########################################
-## Leaky integrate and fire neuron
-Vrest = -65e-3 # V      # resting potential
-Vt_base = -45e-3 # V    # threshold
-Vreset = -55e-3 # V     # in current steps, Vreset is same as pedestal
-R = 1e8 # Ohm
-tau = 10e-3 # s
-refrT = 2e-3 # s
-# ###########################################
-# Initialize neuron group
-# ###########################################
-## two neurons: index 0 will be presynaptic, 1 will be postsynaptic
-network = moose.LIF( 'network', 2 );
-moose.le( '/network' )
-network.vec.Em = Vrest
-network.vec.thresh = Vt_base
-network.vec.refractoryPeriod = refrT
-network.vec.Rm = R
-network.vec.vReset = Vreset
-network.vec.Cm = tau/R
-network.vec.inject = 0.
-network.vec.initVm = Vrest
-# Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)
-### Cortical slice values -- Table Suppl 2 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
-### Also used in Higgins et al 2014
-#tauCa = 22.6936e-3      # s # Ca decay time scale
-#tauSyn = 346.3615       # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
-### in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
-#CaPre = 0.56175         # mM
-#CaPost = 1.2964         # mM
-### in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
-##CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
-##CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
-#delayD = 4.6098e-3      # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
-                        ## proxy for rise-time of NMDA
-#thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
-#thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
-#gammaD = 331.909        # factor for depression term
-#gammaP = 725.085        # factor for potentiation term
-#J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
-#weight = 0.43           # initial synaptic weight
-                        ## gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
-                        ## see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
-                        ## but doesn't work here,
-                        ## weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
-#bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
-#noisy = False          # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
-#noiseSD = 3.3501        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)
-## DP STDP curve (Fig 2C) values -- Table Suppl 1 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
-tauCa = 20e-3           # s # Ca decay time scale
-tauSyn = 150.0          # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
-CaPre = 1.0             # arb
-CaPost = 2.0            # arb
-delayD = 13.7e-3        # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
-                        # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
-thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
-thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
-gammaD = 200.0          # factor for depression term
-gammaP = 321.808        # factor for potentiation term
-J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
-weight = 0.5            # initial synaptic weight
-                        # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
-                        # see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
-                        # but doesn't work here,
-                        # weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
-bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
-noisy = False          # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
-noiseSD = 2.8284        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 in Higgins et al 2014)
-syn = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler( '/network/syn' )
-syn.numSynapses = 1     # 1 synapse
-                        # many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse
-# synapse onto postsynaptic neuron
-moose.connect( syn, 'activationOut', network.vec[1], 'activation' )
-# synapse from presynaptic neuron
-moose.connect( network.vec[0],'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')
-# post-synaptic spikes also needed for STDP
-moose.connect( network.vec[1], 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike')
-syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0
-syn.synapse[0].weight = weight
-syn.CaInit = 0.0
-syn.tauCa = tauCa
-syn.tauSyn = tauSyn
-syn.CaPre = CaPre
-syn.CaPost = CaPost
-syn.delayD = delayD
-syn.thetaD = thetaD
-syn.thetaP = thetaP
-syn.gammaD = gammaD
-syn.gammaP = gammaP
-syn.weightScale = J        # weight ~1, weightScale ~ J
-                           # weight*weightScale is activation,
-                           # i.e. delta-fn added to postsynaptic Vm
-syn.weightMax = 1.0        # bounds on the weight
-syn.weightMin = 0.
-syn.noisy = noisy
-syn.noiseSD = noiseSD
-syn.bistable = bistable
-# ###########################################
-# Setting up tables
-# ###########################################
-Vms = moose.Table( '/plotVms', 2 )
-moose.connect( network, 'VmOut', Vms, 'input', 'OneToOne')
-spikes = moose.Table( '/plotSpikes', 2 )
-moose.connect( network, 'spikeOut', spikes, 'input', 'OneToOne')
-CaTable = moose.Table( '/plotCa', 1 )
-moose.connect( CaTable, 'requestOut', syn, 'getCa')
-WtTable = moose.Table( '/plotWeight', 1 )
-moose.connect( WtTable, 'requestOut', syn.synapse[0], 'getWeight')
-# ###########################################
-# Simulate the STDP curve with spaced pre-post spike pairs
-# ###########################################
-dt = 1e-3 # s
-# moose simulation
-moose.useClock( 0, '/network/syn', 'process' )
-moose.useClock( 1, '/network', 'process' )
-moose.useClock( 2, '/plotSpikes', 'process' )
-moose.useClock( 3, '/plotVms', 'process' )
-moose.useClock( 3, '/plotCa', 'process' )
-moose.useClock( 3, '/plotWeight', 'process' )
-moose.setClock( 0, dt )
-moose.setClock( 1, dt )
-moose.setClock( 2, dt )
-moose.setClock( 3, dt )
-moose.setClock( 9, dt )
-# function to make the aPlus and aMinus settle to equilibrium values
-settletime = 100e-3 # s
-def reset_settle():
+def main():
-Call this between every pre-post pair
-to reset the neurons and make them settle to rest.
+    Simulate a pseudo-STDP protocol and plot the STDP kernel
+    that emerges from Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
+    Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
+    # ###########################################
+    # Neuron models
+    # ###########################################
+    ## Leaky integrate and fire neuron
+    Vrest = -65e-3 # V      # resting potential
+    Vt_base = -45e-3 # V    # threshold
+    Vreset = -55e-3 # V     # in current steps, Vreset is same as pedestal
+    R = 1e8 # Ohm
+    tau = 10e-3 # s
+    refrT = 2e-3 # s
+    # ###########################################
+    # Initialize neuron group
+    # ###########################################
+    ## two neurons: index 0 will be presynaptic, 1 will be postsynaptic
+    network = moose.LIF( 'network', 2 );
+    moose.le( '/network' )
+    network.vec.Em = Vrest
+    network.vec.thresh = Vt_base
+    network.vec.refractoryPeriod = refrT
+    network.vec.Rm = R
+    network.vec.vReset = Vreset
+    network.vec.Cm = tau/R
+    network.vec.inject = 0.
+    network.vec.initVm = Vrest
+    #############################################
+    # Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)
+    #############################################
+    ### Cortical slice values -- Table Suppl 2 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
+    ### Also used in Higgins et al 2014
+    #tauCa = 22.6936e-3      # s # Ca decay time scale
+    #tauSyn = 346.3615       # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
+    ### in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
+    #CaPre = 0.56175         # mM
+    #CaPost = 1.2964         # mM
+    ### in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
+    ##CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
+    ##CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
+    #delayD = 4.6098e-3      # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
+                            ## proxy for rise-time of NMDA
+    #thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
+    #thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
+    #gammaD = 331.909        # factor for depression term
+    #gammaP = 725.085        # factor for potentiation term
+    #J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
+    #weight = 0.43           # initial synaptic weight
+                            ## gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
+                            ## see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
+                            ## but doesn't work here,
+                            ## weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
+    #bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
+    #noisy = False          # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
+    #noiseSD = 3.3501        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)
+    ########################################
+    ## DP STDP curve (Fig 2C) values -- Table Suppl 1 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
+    tauCa = 20e-3           # s # Ca decay time scale
+    tauSyn = 150.0          # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
+    CaPre = 1.0             # arb
+    CaPost = 2.0            # arb
+    delayD = 13.7e-3        # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
+                            # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
+    thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
+    thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
+    gammaD = 200.0          # factor for depression term
+    gammaP = 321.808        # factor for potentiation term
+    J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
+    weight = 0.5            # initial synaptic weight
+                            # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
+                            # see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
+                            # but doesn't work here,
+                            # weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
+    bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
+    noisy = False          # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
+    noiseSD = 2.8284        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 in Higgins et al 2014)
+    ##########################################
+    syn = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler( '/network/syn' )
+    syn.numSynapses = 1     # 1 synapse
+                            # many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse
+    # synapse onto postsynaptic neuron
+    moose.connect( syn, 'activationOut', network.vec[1], 'activation' )
+    # synapse from presynaptic neuron
+    moose.connect( network.vec[0],'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')
+    # post-synaptic spikes also needed for STDP
+    moose.connect( network.vec[1], 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike')
+    syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0
     syn.synapse[0].weight = weight
-    syn.Ca = 0.0
-    moose.start(settletime)
-    # Ca gets a jump at pre-spike+delayD
-    # So this event can occur during settletime
-    # So set Ca and weight once more after settletime
-    syn.synapse[0].weight = weight
-    syn.Ca = 0.0
+    syn.CaInit = 0.0
+    syn.tauCa = tauCa
+    syn.tauSyn = tauSyn
+    syn.CaPre = CaPre
+    syn.CaPost = CaPost
+    syn.delayD = delayD
+    syn.thetaD = thetaD
+    syn.thetaP = thetaP
+    syn.gammaD = gammaD
+    syn.gammaP = gammaP
+    syn.weightScale = J        # weight ~1, weightScale ~ J
+                               # weight*weightScale is activation,
+                               # i.e. delta-fn added to postsynaptic Vm
+    syn.weightMax = 1.0        # bounds on the weight
+    syn.weightMin = 0.
+    syn.noisy = noisy
+    syn.noiseSD = noiseSD
+    syn.bistable = bistable
-# function to inject a sharp current pulse to make neuron spike
-# immediately at a given time step
-def make_neuron_spike(nrnidx,I=1e-7,duration=1e-3):
-    """
-Inject a brief current pulse to
-make a neuron spike
-    """
-    network.vec[nrnidx].inject = I
-    moose.start(duration)
-    network.vec[nrnidx].inject = 0.
+    # ###########################################
+    # Setting up tables
+    # ###########################################
-def main():
-    """
-Simulate a pseudo-STDP protocol and plot the STDP kernel
-that emerges from Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
-Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
+    Vms = moose.Table( '/plotVms', 2 )
+    moose.connect( network, 'VmOut', Vms, 'input', 'OneToOne')
+    spikes = moose.Table( '/plotSpikes', 2 )
+    moose.connect( network, 'spikeOut', spikes, 'input', 'OneToOne')
+    CaTable = moose.Table( '/plotCa', 1 )
+    moose.connect( CaTable, 'requestOut', syn, 'getCa')
+    WtTable = moose.Table( '/plotWeight', 1 )
+    moose.connect( WtTable, 'requestOut', syn.synapse[0], 'getWeight')
+    # ###########################################
+    # Simulate the STDP curve with spaced pre-post spike pairs
+    # ###########################################
+    dt = 1e-3 # s
+    # moose simulation
+    moose.useClock( 0, '/network/syn', 'process' )
+    moose.useClock( 1, '/network', 'process' )
+    moose.useClock( 2, '/plotSpikes', 'process' )
+    moose.useClock( 3, '/plotVms', 'process' )
+    moose.useClock( 3, '/plotCa', 'process' )
+    moose.useClock( 3, '/plotWeight', 'process' )
+    moose.setClock( 0, dt )
+    moose.setClock( 1, dt )
+    moose.setClock( 2, dt )
+    moose.setClock( 3, dt )
+    moose.setClock( 9, dt )
+    moose.reinit()
+    # function to make the aPlus and aMinus settle to equilibrium values
+    settletime = 100e-3 # s
+    def reset_settle():
+        """ Call this between every pre-post pair
+        to reset the neurons and make them settle to rest.
+        """
+        syn.synapse[0].weight = weight
+        syn.Ca = 0.0
+        moose.start(settletime)
+        # Ca gets a jump at pre-spike+delayD
+        # So this event can occur during settletime
+        # So set Ca and weight once more after settletime
+        syn.synapse[0].weight = weight
+        syn.Ca = 0.0
+    # function to inject a sharp current pulse to make neuron spike
+    # immediately at a given time step
+    def make_neuron_spike(nrnidx,I=1e-7,duration=1e-3):
+        """ Inject a brief current pulse to
+        make a neuron spike
+        """
+        network.vec[nrnidx].inject = I
+        moose.start(duration)
+        network.vec[nrnidx].inject = 0.
-    """
     dwlist_neg = []
     ddt = 2e-3 # s
     # since CaPlasticitySynHandler is event based
@@ -307,4 +315,4 @@ Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
+    main()
diff --git a/snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py b/snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py
index 6acef833fc706bcb4e3a7c0ab0ac4e9a717738ed..6e79f5699650cd9f1a5ead1475300566908588c5 100644
--- a/snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py
+++ b/snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py
@@ -1,59 +1,68 @@
+#** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
+#** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
+#**           Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
+#** It is made available under the terms of the
+#** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
+#** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
 import moose
 from pylab import *
-numrepeats = 10         # repeat runtime for numrepeats
-frate = 1.0             # pre- and post-synaptic firing rate
-                        # 1 Hz gives ~300s lifetime, ~0.2 efficacy (weight)
-                        # 10 Hz gives ~10s lifetime, ~0.5 efficacy (weight)
-                        # high firing rates make synaptic efficacy go to 0.5.
-runtime = 600.0/frate   # s
-# Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)
-## Cortical slice values -- Table Suppl 2 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
-## Also used in Higgins et al 2014
-tauCa = 22.6936e-3      # s # Ca decay time scale
-tauSyn = 346.3615       # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
-## in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
-CaPre = 0.56175         # mM
-CaPost = 1.2964         # mM
-## in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
-#CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
-#CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
-delayD = 4.6098e-3      # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
-                        # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
-thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
-thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
-gammaD = 331.909        # factor for depression term
-gammaP = 725.085        # factor for potentiation term
-J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
-weight = 0.43           # initial synaptic weight
-                        # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
-                        # see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
-                        # but doesn't work here,
-                        # weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
-bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
-noisy = True           # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
-noiseSD = 3.3501        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)
 def main():
-Simulate pre and post Poisson firing for a synapse with
-Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
-See the trace over time (lifetime) for the synaptic efficacy,
-similar to figure 2A of Higgins, Graupner, Brunel, 2014.
-Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
+    Simulate pre and post Poisson firing for a synapse with
+    Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
+    See the trace over time (lifetime) for the synaptic efficacy,
+    similar to figure 2A of Higgins, Graupner, Brunel, 2014.
+    Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
+    numrepeats = 10         # repeat runtime for numrepeats
+    frate = 1.0             # pre- and post-synaptic firing rate
+                            # 1 Hz gives ~300s lifetime, ~0.2 efficacy (weight)
+                            # 10 Hz gives ~10s lifetime, ~0.5 efficacy (weight)
+                            # high firing rates make synaptic efficacy go to 0.5.
+    runtime = 600.0/frate   # s
+    #############################################
+    # Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)
+    #############################################
+    ## Cortical slice values -- Table Suppl 2 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
+    ## Also used in Higgins et al 2014
+    tauCa = 22.6936e-3      # s # Ca decay time scale
+    tauSyn = 346.3615       # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
+    ## in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
+    CaPre = 0.56175         # mM
+    CaPost = 1.2964         # mM
+    ## in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
+    #CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
+    #CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
+    delayD = 4.6098e-3      # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
+                            # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
+    thetaD = 1.0            # mM # depression threshold for Ca
+    thetaP = 1.3            # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
+    gammaD = 331.909        # factor for depression term
+    gammaP = 725.085        # factor for potentiation term
+    J = 5e-3 # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
+    weight = 0.43           # initial synaptic weight
+                            # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
+                            # see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
+                            # but doesn't work here,
+                            # weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!
+    bistable = True        # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
+    noisy = True           # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
+    noiseSD = 3.3501        # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)
+    ##########################################
     prePoisson = moose.RandSpike('/pre')
     prePoisson.rate = frate
     postPoisson = moose.RandSpike('/post')
diff --git a/snippets/HsolveInstability.py b/snippets/HsolveInstability.py
index a0b54828fbd973b1c8ac7507789b51db35286228..ec0c3a066710acb194469e071ae214449d0e837c 100644
--- a/snippets/HsolveInstability.py
+++ b/snippets/HsolveInstability.py
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 # Commentary:
+# A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model that causes bad things
+# to happen to the hsolver, as of 28 May 2013. Hopefully this will
+# become irrelevant soon.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
@@ -259,9 +263,9 @@ def make_spiny_compt():
 def main():
     A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model that causes bad things
-    to happen to the hsolver, as of 28 May 2013. Hopefully this will
-    become irrelevant soon
+    to happen to the hsolver, as of 28 May 2013.
+    Hopefully this will become irrelevant soon
     fineDt = 1e-5
     coarseDt = 5e-5
diff --git a/snippets/IntegrateFireZoo.py b/snippets/IntegrateFireZoo.py
index 8707a5e8cda202975180eb566a1a6ac046350fa1..0fe761a09a8909f97339c0ffe329670c7bd75801 100644
--- a/snippets/IntegrateFireZoo.py
+++ b/snippets/IntegrateFireZoo.py
@@ -11,51 +11,7 @@
 #### Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.
-import moose
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
-# ###########################################
-# Neuron model parameters (definitions above)
-# ###########################################
-# Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron (common to all IFs)
-Vrest = -65e-3 # V      # resting potential
-Vt_base = -45e-3 # V    # threshold
-Vreset = -55e-3 # V     # Vreset need not be same as Vrest
-R = 1e8 # Ohm
-tau = 10e-3 # s
-refrT = 1e-3 # s
-# for QIF
-vCritical = -54e-3 # V  # critical voltage above
-                        # which Vm rises fast quadratically
-a0 = 1e3 # V^-1         # parameter in equation
-# for ExIF
-deltaThresh = 10e-3 # V
-vPeak = 30e-3 # V       # for ExpIF & IzhIF, reset is from vPeak, not thresh.
-                        # I also use vPeak for adding spikes post-simulation
-                        # to LIF, QIF, etc.
-# for AdExIF
-a0AdEx = 0.0 # unitless # voltage-dependent adaptation factor
-b0 = 5e-10 # Amp        # current step added to the adaptation current at each spike
-tauW = 20e-3 # s        # decay time constant of the adaptation current
-# for AdThreshIF
-a0AdTh = 0.0 # unitless # voltage-dependent adaptation factor
-threshJump = 5e-3 # V   # voltage step added to the threshold at each spike
-tauThresh = 20e-3 # s   # decay time constant of the adaptative threshold
-# for IzhIF
-a = 50.0 # s^-1         # d u / dt = a * ( b * Vm - u )
-b = 246.15 # s^-1       # to obtain Em = -65mV at rest, set b = (a0*Em^2 + b0*Em + c0)/Em
-                        # b = (4×10⁴×(−65×10⁻³)^2 + 5×10³×(−65×10⁻³) + 140) ÷ (−65×10⁻³)
-uRest = -16 # V/s       # uRest = b*Em = -16 V/s
-d = 10 # V/s            # d is added to u at every spike
-def main():
-    """
 Simulate current injection into various Integrate and Fire neurons.
 All integrate and fire (IF) neurons are subclasses of compartment,
@@ -107,10 +63,56 @@ The fields of the MOOSE objects are named exactly as the parameters in the equat
            Rm from Compartment is not used here, vReset is same as c in the usual formalism.
            At rest, u0 = b V0, and V0 = ( -(-b0-b) +/- sqrt((b0-b)^2 - 4*a0*c0)) / (2*a0).
-On the command-line, in moose-examples/snippets directory, run ``python IntegrateFireZoo.py``.
-The script will ask you which neuron you want to simulate and you can choose and run what you want.
-Play with the parameters of the IF neurons in the source code.
+import moose
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+# ###########################################
+# Neuron model parameters (definitions above)
+# ###########################################
+# Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron (common to all IFs)
+Vrest = -65e-3 # V      # resting potential
+Vt_base = -45e-3 # V    # threshold
+Vreset = -55e-3 # V     # Vreset need not be same as Vrest
+R = 1e8 # Ohm
+tau = 10e-3 # s
+refrT = 1e-3 # s
+# for QIF
+vCritical = -54e-3 # V  # critical voltage above
+                        # which Vm rises fast quadratically
+a0 = 1e3 # V^-1         # parameter in equation
+# for ExIF
+deltaThresh = 10e-3 # V
+vPeak = 30e-3 # V       # for ExpIF & IzhIF, reset is from vPeak, not thresh.
+                        # I also use vPeak for adding spikes post-simulation
+                        # to LIF, QIF, etc.
+# for AdExIF
+a0AdEx = 0.0 # unitless # voltage-dependent adaptation factor
+b0 = 5e-10 # Amp        # current step added to the adaptation current at each spike
+tauW = 20e-3 # s        # decay time constant of the adaptation current
+# for AdThreshIF
+a0AdTh = 0.0 # unitless # voltage-dependent adaptation factor
+threshJump = 5e-3 # V   # voltage step added to the threshold at each spike
+tauThresh = 20e-3 # s   # decay time constant of the adaptative threshold
+# for IzhIF
+a = 50.0 # s^-1         # d u / dt = a * ( b * Vm - u )
+b = 246.15 # s^-1       # to obtain Em = -65mV at rest, set b = (a0*Em^2 + b0*Em + c0)/Em
+                        # b = (4×10⁴×(−65×10⁻³)^2 + 5×10³×(−65×10⁻³) + 140) ÷ (−65×10⁻³)
+uRest = -16 # V/s       # uRest = b*Em = -16 V/s
+d = 10 # V/s            # d is added to u at every spike
+def main():
+    """
+    On the command-line, in moose-examples/snippets directory, run ``python IntegrateFireZoo.py``.
+    The script will ask you which neuron you want to simulate and you can choose and run what you want.
+    Play with the parameters of the IF neurons in the source code.
     neuronChoices = {'LIF':moose.LIF, 'QIF':moose.QIF, 'ExIF':moose.ExIF, 'AdExIF':moose.AdExIF,
                     'AdThreshIF':moose.AdThreshIF, 'IzhIF':moose.IzhIF}
@@ -221,5 +223,7 @@ Play with the parameters of the IF neurons in the source code.
 # Run below if script is executed standalone.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-#    The main function to simulate an integrate and fire neuron.
+    """The main function to simulate an integrate and fire neuron."""
+# end of IntegrateFireZoo.py
diff --git a/snippets/RandSpikeStats.py b/snippets/RandSpikeStats.py
index 03626f90ec8fe34ba50bc7026c6cba525cbf1290..4cff115ce9722973e42b7d2cc42f21aa2d0a1122 100644
--- a/snippets/RandSpikeStats.py
+++ b/snippets/RandSpikeStats.py
@@ -6,7 +6,13 @@
 #** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
 #** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
+# This snippet shows the use of several objects.
+# This snippet sets up a StimulusTable to control a RandSpike which
+# sends its outputs to two places: to a SimpleSynHandler on an IntFire,
+# which is used to monitor spike arrival, and to various Stats objects.
+# I record and plot each of these.
+# The StimulusTable has a sine-wave waveform
 import numpy
 import pylab
 import moose
@@ -71,8 +77,11 @@ def main():
     This snippet shows the use of several objects.
     This snippet sets up a StimulusTable to control a RandSpike which
-    sends its outputs to two places: to a SimpleSynHandler on an IntFire, 
-    which is used to monitor spike arrival, and to various Stats objects.
+    sends its outputs to two places:
+    to a SimpleSynHandler on an IntFire, which is used to monitor spike arrival,
+    and to various Stats objects.
     I record and plot each of these.
     The StimulusTable has a sine-wave waveform
diff --git a/snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py b/snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py
index e60616d427c296d0464e9da7065c69a1494c6c71..c28174e585e5397fd6b62e91849228d34c46af22 100644
--- a/snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py
+++ b/snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def displayPlots():
 def main():
     This is a toy model of synaptic bidirectional plasticity. The model has
-    a small a bistable chemical switch, and a small set of reactions that
+    a small bistable chemical switch, and a small set of reactions that
     decode calcium input. One can turn the switch on with short high
     calcium pulses (over 2 uM for about 10 sec). One can turn it back off
     again using a long, lower calcium pulse (0.2 uM, 2000 sec).
diff --git a/snippets/compartment_net.py b/snippets/compartment_net.py
index be91b5477bceeb23fd8198aadca295efb59552a1..55b95f546fb4c434bf58cf02e6a4b5e9116a5b8e 100644
--- a/snippets/compartment_net.py
+++ b/snippets/compartment_net.py
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
+# Commentary:
+# A demo to create a network of single compartmental neurons connected
+# via alpha synapses.
 # Change log:
@@ -55,7 +62,7 @@ def create_population(container, size):
     connected to these which can act as plug points for setting up
     synapses later.
-    This uses ..ref::`ionchannel.create_1comp_neuron`.
+    This uses **ionchannel.create_1comp_neuron**.
     path = container.path
@@ -78,22 +85,23 @@ def create_population(container, size):
             synchan, 'synhandler': synhandler}
 def make_synapses(spikegen, synhandler, connprob=1.0, delay=5e-3):
-    """Create synapses from spikegen array to synchan array.
+    """
+    Create synapses from spikegen array to synchan array.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    spikegen : vec of SpikGen elements
-        Spike generators from neurons.
+spikegen:   vec of SpikGen elements
+            Spike generators from neurons.
-    synhandler : vec of SynHandler elements
-        Handles presynaptic spike event inputs to synchans.
+synhandler: vec of SynHandler elements
+            Handles presynaptic spike event inputs to synchans.
-    connprob: float in range (0, 1]
-        connection probability between any two neurons
+connprob:   float in range (0, 1]
+            connection probability between any two neurons
-    delay: float
-        mean delay of synaptic transmission. Individual delays are
-        normally distributed with sd=0.1*mean.
+delay:      float (mean delay of synaptic transmission)
+            Individual delays are normally distributed with sd=0.1*mean.
     for sh in synhandler:
         scount = len(spikegen)
@@ -169,8 +177,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # compartment_net.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py b/snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py
index 84c9492f4f90ac95cf181007943bdf22e2b67bbf..8ecb85d4012010eb7046a43f401d15480cd9a168 100644
--- a/snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py
+++ b/snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
 # URL:
 # Keywords:
 # Compatibility:
+# Commentary:
 # Change log:
@@ -36,6 +43,11 @@
 # Code:
+Following, is a demo to create a network of single compartmental neurons connected
+via alpha synapses. This is same as compartment_net.py except that
+we avoid ematrix and use single melements.
 import sys
@@ -228,17 +240,18 @@ def create_population(container, size):
             'synchan': synchans}
 def make_synapses(spikegen, synchan, delay=5e-3):
-    """Create synapses from spikegens to synchans in a manner similar to
+    """
+    Create synapses from spikegens to synchans in a manner similar to
     OneToAll connection.
-    spikegen: list of spikegen objects - these are sources of synaptic
-    event messages.
+spikegen:   list of spikegen objects
+            These are sources of synaptic event messages.
-    synchan: list of synchan objects - these are the targets of the
-    synaptic event messages.
+synchan:    list of synchan objects
+            These are the targets of the synaptic event messages.
-    delay: mean delay of synaptic transmission. Individual delays are
-    normally distributed with sd=0.1*mean.
+delay:      mean delay of synaptic transmission.
+            Individual delays are normally distributed with sd=0.1*mean.
     scount = len(spikegen)
@@ -319,7 +332,8 @@ def single_population(size=2):
 inited = False
 def assign_clocks(model_container_list, simdt, plotdt):
-    """Assign clocks to elements under the listed paths.
+    """
+    Assign clocks to elements under the listed paths.
     This should be called only after all model components have been
     created. Anything created after this will not be scheduled.
@@ -399,7 +413,6 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # compartment_net_no_array.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py b/snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py
index 0843dcd23800a1a6f83a3f38dce6754abd6d8a5b..73312993e9c5671f0c9e03267d175a37017e4626 100644
--- a/snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py
+++ b/snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ def main():
     """This example illustrates loading a kinetic model defined in Genesis format
     into Moose using loadModel function and using writeSBML function
     one can save the model into SBML format. \n
-    libsbml should be installed 
+    **libsbml should be installed.**
     #This command loads the file into the path '/Kholodenko'
     #Writes model to xml file
     written = moose.mooseWriteSBML('/Kholodenko','../genesis/Kholodenko_tosbml.xml')
diff --git a/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py b/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py
index 032c944a8d484feb37e270dd05969452e93915ee..a96081392c3f4127b807f7dbe70b6a15aedc1155 100644
--- a/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py
+++ b/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-# crossComptNeuroMesh.py --- 
+# crossComptNeuroMesh.py ---
 # Filename:  crossComptNeuroMesh.py
 # Author: Upinder S. Bhalla
-# Maintainer: 
+# Maintainer:
 # Created: Oct  12 16:26:05 2014 (+0530)
-# Version: 
+# Version:
 # Last-Updated: May 15 2017
-#           By: 
-#     Update #: 
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
+#           By:
+#     Update #:
+# URL:
+# Keywords:
+# Compatibility:
-# Commentary: 
+# Commentary:
 # Change log: Indentation clean up
 ## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
@@ -198,26 +198,22 @@ def makeModel():
 def main():
-This example illustrates how to define a kinetic model embedded in
-a NeuroMesh, and undergoing cross-compartment reactions. It is
-completely self-contained and does not use any external model definition
-files.  Normally one uses standard model formats like
-SBML or kkit to concisely define kinetic and neuronal models.
-This example creates a simple reaction::
-    a <==> b <==> c
-in which
-**a, b**, and **c** are in the dendrite, spine head, and PSD
-The model is set up to run using the Ksolve for integration. Although
-a diffusion solver is set up, the diff consts here are set to zero.
-The display has two parts:
-Above is a line plot of concentration against compartment#.
-Below is a time-series plot that appears after # the simulation has
-ended. The plot is for the last (rightmost) compartment.
-Concs of **a**, **b**, **c** are plotted for both graphs.
+    This example illustrates how to define a kinetic model embedded in
+    a NeuroMesh, and undergoing cross-compartment reactions. It is
+    completely self-contained and does not use any external model definition
+    files.  Normally one uses standard model formats like
+    SBML or kkit to concisely define kinetic and neuronal models.
+    This example creates a simple reaction::
+        a <==> b <==> c
+    in which **a, b**, and **c** are in the dendrite, spine head, and PSD
+    respectively.
+    The model is set up to run using the Ksolve for integration. Although
+    a diffusion solver is set up, the diff consts here are set to zero.
+    The display has two parts:
+    Above is a line plot of concentration against compartment#.
+    Below is a time-series plot that appears after # the simulation has
+    ended. The plot is for the last (rightmost) compartment.
+    Concentrations of **a**, **b**, **c** are plotted for both graphs.
     simdt = 0.01
     plotdt = 0.01
diff --git a/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py.png b/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 130c8446d0a064cbdff9f09228c633b6d1a2e6f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/snippets/crossComptNeuroMesh.py.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py b/snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
index ca428766dd61ad1e7f6b999d44aa5a525f7e0af8..db2d139aac5fcdd68dbdc0f3b59de204343ebba2 100644
--- a/snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
+++ b/snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 # crossComptSimpleReac.py
 # Filename:crossComptSimpleReac.py
 # Author: Upinder S. Bhalla
-# Maintainer: 
+# Maintainer:
 # Created: Oct  12 16:26:05 2014 (+0530)
-# Version: 
+# Version:
 # Last-Updated: May 16 2017
 #           By: Upinder S. Bhalla
-#     Update #: 
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
-# Commentary: 
-# Change log: 
+#     Update #:
+# URL:
+# Keywords:
+# Compatibility:
+# Commentary:
+# Change log:
 ## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
 ## Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
 ##           Copyright (C) 2013 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def main():
         a <===> b <===> c
     Here each molecule is in a different compartment.
-    The initial conditions are such that the end conc on all compartments
+    The initial conditions are such that the end concentrations on all compartments
     should be 2.0.
     The time course depends on which compartment the Reac object is
     embedded in.
diff --git a/snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py b/snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py
index 2a5c7ad188b5397a28a1578f673999da651ccbae..9b4dfee17391f615508d7600b40aae76b028f557 100644
--- a/snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py
+++ b/snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-# crossComptOscillator.py --- 
+# crossComptOscillator.py ---
 # Filename:  crossComptOscillator.py
 # Author: Upinder S. Bhalla
-# Maintainer: 
+# Maintainer:
 # Created: Oct  12 16:26:05 2014 (+0530)
-# Version: 
+# Version:
 # Last-Updated: May 15 2017
-#           By: 
-#     Update #: 
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
-# Commentary: 
+#           By:
+#     Update #:
+# URL:
+# Keywords:
+# Compatibility:
+# Commentary:
 # Change log: Indentation clean up
 ## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
@@ -56,7 +56,44 @@ def getState( ksolve, state ):
 def main():
-    """ This example sets up the kinetic solver and steady-state finder, on a bistable model.
+    """
+This example sets up the kinetic solver and steady-state finder, on
+a bistable model.
+It looks for the fixed points 100 times, as follows:
+- Set up the random initial condition that fits the conservation laws
+- Run for 2 seconds. This should not be mathematically necessary, but
+  for obscure numerical reasons it is much more likely that the
+  steady state solver will succeed in finding a state.
+- Find the fixed point
+- Print out the fixed point vector and various diagnostics.
+- Run for 10 seconds. This is completely unnecessary, and is done here
+  just so that the resultant graph will show what kind of state has been
+  found.
+After it does all this, the program runs for 100 more seconds on the last
+found fixed point (which turns out to be a saddle node), then
+is hard-switched in the script to the first attractor basin from which
+it runs for another 100 seconds till it settles there, and then
+is hard-switched yet again to the second attractor and runs for 100
+Looking at the output you will see many features of note:
+- the first attractor (stable point) and the saddle point
+  (unstable fixed point) are both found quite often. But the second
+  attractor is found just once. Has a very small basin of attraction.
+- The values found for each of the fixed points match well with the
+  values found by running the system to steady-state at the end.
+- There are a large number of failures to find a fixed point. These are
+  found and reported in the diagnostics. They show up on the plot
+  as cases where the 10-second runs are not flat.
+If you wanted to find fixed points in a production model, you would
+not need to do the 10-second runs, and you would need to eliminate the
+cases where the state-finder failed. Then you could identify the good
+points and keep track of how many of each were found.
+There is no way to guarantee that all fixed points have been found using
+this algorithm!
+You may wish to sample concentration space logarithmically rather than
     # The wildcard uses # for single level, and ## for recursive.
     #compartment = makeModel()
@@ -84,7 +121,7 @@ def main():
     for i in range( 0, 100 ):
         getState( ksolve, state )
     moose.start( 100.0 ) # Run the model for 100 seconds.
     b = moose.element( '/model/compartment/b' )
diff --git a/snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py b/snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py
index 38671bcf01fdc345c7bed5da1e63d4177ac2d6ea..b3714d88d2c9ebff103457219bc691fcc9700044 100644
--- a/snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py
+++ b/snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # Commentary:
+# A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model in just a cubic volume
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ def testCubeMultiscale( useSolver ):
 def main():
-    """ A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model in just a cubic volume """
+    """ A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model in just a cubic volume !"""
     testCubeMultiscale( 1 ) # change argument to 0 to run without solver.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/snippets/cylinderDiffusion.py b/snippets/cylinderDiffusion.py
index 799e0230cb79d19a711b3322d0c6e5ace4133671..a2c215704222b4434a70d0cc946ae71183a1798b 100644
--- a/snippets/cylinderDiffusion.py
+++ b/snippets/cylinderDiffusion.py
@@ -122,22 +122,22 @@ def updatePlots( plotlist, time ):
 def main():
-    This example illustrates how to set up a diffusion/transport model with 
-    a simple reaction-diffusion system in a tapering cylinder: 
+    This example illustrates how to set up a diffusion/transport model with
+    a simple reaction-diffusion system in a tapering cylinder:
-    | Molecule **a** diffuses with diffConst of 10e-12 m^2/s. 
-    | Molecule **b** diffuses with diffConst of 5e-12 m^2/s. 
-    | Molecule **b** also undergoes motor transport with a rate of 10e-6 m/s
-    |   Thus it 'piles up' at the end of the cylinder.
+    | Molecule **a** diffuses with diffConst of 10e-12 m^2/s.
+    | Molecule **b** diffuses with diffConst of 5e-12 m^2/s.
+    | Molecule **b** also undergoes motor transport with a rate of 10e-6 m/s,
+    | Thus it 'piles up' at the end of the cylinder.
     | Molecule **c** does not move: diffConst = 0.0
-    | Molecule **d** does not move: diffConst = 10.0e-12 but it is buffered. 
-    |   Because it is buffered, it is treated as non-diffusing.
+    | Molecule **d** does not move: diffConst = 10.0e-12 but it is buffered.
+    | Because it is buffered, it is treated as non-diffusing.
     All molecules other than **d** start out only in the leftmost (first)
     voxel, with a concentration of 1 mM. **d** is present throughout
     at 0.2 mM, except in the last voxel, where it is at 1.0 mM.
-    The cylinder has a starting radius of 2 microns, and end radius of 
+    The cylinder has a starting radius of 2 microns, and end radius of
     1 micron. So when the molecule undergoing motor transport gets to the
     narrower end, its concentration goes up.
diff --git a/snippets/findChemSteadyState.py b/snippets/findChemSteadyState.py
index bbf19453e2cf509ab640fc8c40393d1e8c5caf6f..008af946fe5a851a10c989d02b5deb88fb951b1c 100644
--- a/snippets/findChemSteadyState.py
+++ b/snippets/findChemSteadyState.py
@@ -7,6 +7,57 @@
 ## See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
+This example sets up the kinetic solver and steady-state finder, on
+a bistable model of a chemical system. The model is set up within the
+The algorithm calls the steady-state finder 50 times with different
+(randomized) initial conditions, as follows:
+* Set up the random initial condition that fits the conservation laws
+* Run for 2 seconds. This should not be mathematically necessary, but
+  for obscure numerical reasons it is much more likely that the
+  steady state solver will succeed in finding a state.
+* Find the fixed point
+* Print out the fixed point vector and various diagnostics.
+* Run for 10 seconds. This is completely unnecessary, and is done here
+  just so that the resultant graph will show what kind of state has
+  been  found.
+After it does all this, the program runs for 100 more seconds on the
+last found fixed point (which turns out to be a saddle node), then
+is hard-switched in the script to the first attractor basin from which
+it runs for another 100 seconds till it settles there, and then
+is hard-switched yet again to the second attractor and runs for 400
+Looking at the output you will see many features of note:
+* the first attractor (stable point) and the saddle point (unstable
+  fixed point) are both found quite often. But the second
+  attractor is found just once.
+  It has a very small basin of attraction.
+* The values found for each of the fixed points match well with the
+  values found by running the system to steady-state at the end.
+* There are a large number of failures to find a fixed point. These are
+  found and reported in the diagnostics. They show up on the plot
+  as cases where the 10-second runs are not flat.
+If you wanted to find fixed points in a production model, you would
+not need to do the 10-second runs, and you would need to eliminate the
+cases where the state-finder failed. Then you could identify the good
+points and keep track of how many of each were found.
+There is no way to guarantee that all fixed points have been found
+using this algorithm! If there are points in an obscure corner of state
+space (as for the singleton second attractor convergence in this
+example) you may have to iterate very many times to find them.
+You may wish to sample concentration space logarithmically rather than
 from __future__ import print_function
 import math
@@ -15,55 +66,6 @@ import numpy
 import moose
 def main():
-    """
-    This example sets up the kinetic solver and steady-state finder, on
-    a bistable model of a chemical system. The model is set up within the
-    script.
-    The algorithm calls the steady-state finder 50 times with different
-    (randomized) initial conditions, as follows:
-    * Set up the random initial condition that fits the conservation laws
-    * Run for 2 seconds. This should not be mathematically necessary, but
-      for obscure numerical reasons it makes it much more likely that the
-      steady state solver will succeed in finding a state.
-    * Find the fixed point
-    * Print out the fixed point vector and various diagnostics.
-    * Run for 10 seconds. This is completely unnecessary, and is done here
-      just so that the resultant graph will show what kind of state has
-      been  found.
-    After it does all this, the program runs for 100 more seconds on the
-    last found fixed point (which turns out to be a saddle node), then
-    is hard-switched in the script to the first attractor basin from which
-    it runs for another 100 seconds till it settles there, and then
-    is hard-switched yet again to the second attractor and runs for 400
-    seconds.
-    Looking at the output you will see many features of note:
-    * the first attractor (stable point) and the saddle point (unstable
-      fixed point) are both found quite often. But the second
-      attractor is found just once.
-      It has a very small basin of attraction.
-    * The values found for each of the fixed points match well with the
-      values found by running the system to steady-state at the end.
-    * There are a large number of failures to find a fixed point. These are
-      found and reported in the diagnostics. They show up on the plot
-      as cases where the 10-second runs are not flat.
-    If you wanted to find fixed points in a production model, you would
-    not need to do the 10-second runs, and you would need to eliminate the
-    cases where the state-finder failed. Then you could identify the good
-    points and keep track of how many of each were found.
-    There is no way to guarantee that all fixed points have been found
-    using this algorithm! If there are points in an obscure corner of state
-    space (as for the singleton second attractor convergence in this
-    example) you may have to iterate very many times to find them.
-    You may wish to sample concentration space logarithmically rather than
-    linearly.
-    """
     compartment = makeModel()
     ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/model/compartment/ksolve' )
     stoich = moose.Stoich( '/model/compartment/stoich' )
diff --git a/snippets/funcInputToPools.py b/snippets/funcInputToPools.py
index 9b17fe8c7bad776ca29e5c217060a1fd54c700a7..0d25adcb8ae8f6b491e370ffe2b90751b333e797 100644
--- a/snippets/funcInputToPools.py
+++ b/snippets/funcInputToPools.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def makeModel():
     compartment.volume = 1e-22
     # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
     moose.le( '/model/compartment' )
-    mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' ) 
+    mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' )
     # create molecules and reactions
     a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
@@ -68,37 +68,37 @@ def makeModel():
-    # We need a finer timestep than the default 0.1 seconds, 
+    # We need a finer timestep than the default 0.1 seconds,
     # in order to get numerical accuracy.
     for i in range (10, 19 ):
         moose.setClock( i, 0.1 ) # for computational objects
 def main():
-    This example describes the special (and discouraged) use case where 
+    This example describes the special (and discouraged) use case where
     functions provide input to a reaction system. Here we have two functions of
-    time which control the pool # and pool rate of change, respectively:
+    time which control the pool # and pool rate of change, respectively::
-    number of molecules of a = 1 + sin(t)
-    rate of change of number of molecules of b = 10 * cos(t)
+        number of molecules of a = 1 + sin(t)
+        rate of change of number of molecules of b = 10 * cos(t)
-    In the stochastic case one must set a special flag *useClockedUpdate* 
+    In the stochastic case one must set a special flag *useClockedUpdate*
     in order to achieve clock-triggered updates from the functions. This is
     needed because the functions do not have reaction events to trigger them,
     and even if there were reaction events they might not be frequent enough to
     track the periodic updates. The use of this flag slows down the calculations,
     so try to use a table to control a pool instead.
-    To run in stochastic mode: 
+    To run in stochastic mode::
-    python funcInputToPools.py
+        >>> python funcInputToPools.py
-    To run in deterministic mode: 
+    To run in deterministic mode::
-    python funcInputToPools.py false
+        >>> python funcInputToPools.py false
diff --git a/snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py b/snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py
index 7c702b97666d2fbdb46a9f7669164d8634ae5ca0..acd4c28546b382075770d18d75c7af89830703c5 100644
--- a/snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py
+++ b/snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py
@@ -60,32 +60,31 @@ def makeModel():
 def main():
-The funcReacLotkaVolterra example shows how to use function objects
-as part of differential equation systems in the framework of the MOOSE
-kinetic solvers. Here the system is set up explicitly using the
-scripting, in normal use one would expect to use SBML.
+    The funcReacLotkaVolterra example shows how to use function objects
+    as part of differential equation systems in the framework of the MOOSE
+    kinetic solvers. Here the system is set up explicitly using the
+    scripting, in normal use one would expect to use SBML.
-In this example we set up a Lotka-Volterra system. The equations
-are readily expressed as a pair of reactions each of whose rate is
-governed by a function::
+    In this example we set up a Lotka-Volterra system. The equations
+    are readily expressed as a pair of reactions each of whose rate is
+    governed by a function::
-        x' = x( alpha - beta.y )
-        y' = -y( gamma - delta.x )
+            x' = x( alpha - beta.y )
+            y' = -y( gamma - delta.x )
-This translates into two reactions::
+    This translates into two reactions::
-        x ---> z        Kf = beta.y - alpha
-        y ---> z        Kf = gamma - delta.x
+            x ---> z        Kf = beta.y - alpha
+            y ---> z        Kf = gamma - delta.x
-Here z is a dummy molecule whose concentration is buffered to zero.
-The model first runs using default Exponential Euler integration.
-This is not particularly accurate even with a small timestep.
-The model is then converted to use the deterministic Kinetic solver
-Ksolve. This is accurate and faster.
-Note that we cannot use the stochastic GSSA solver for this system, it
-cannot handle a reaction term whose rate keeps changing.
+    Here z is a dummy molecule whose concentration is buffered to zero.
+    The model first runs using default Exponential Euler integration.
+    This is not particularly accurate even with a small timestep.
+    The model is then converted to use the deterministic Kinetic solver
+    Ksolve. This is accurate and faster.\n
+    Note that we cannot use the stochastic GSSA solver for this system, it
+    cannot handle a reaction term whose rate keeps changing.
diff --git a/snippets/function.py b/snippets/function.py
index 2bd87c5770d4d7cee9ac1259f0315f31927c1946..6db3eb732c778b11da89f9138377fdcf7e85d3e3 100644
--- a/snippets/function.py
+++ b/snippets/function.py
@@ -54,6 +54,55 @@ import moose
 simtime = 1.0
 def example():
+    """Function objects can be used to evaluate expressions with arbitrary
+    number of variables and constants. We can assign expression of the
+    form::
+        f(c0, c1, ..., cM, x0, x1, ..., xN, y0,..., yP )
+    where `c_i`'s are constants and `x_i`'s and `y_i`'s are variables.
+    The constants must be defined before setting the expression and
+    variables are connected via messages. The constants can have any
+    name, but the variable names must be of the form x{i} or y{i}
+    where i is increasing integer starting from 0.
+    The `x_i`'s are field elements and you have to set their number
+    first (function.x.num = N). Then you can connect any source field
+    sending out double to the 'input' destination field of the
+    `x[i]`.
+    The `y_i`'s are useful when the required variable is a value field
+    and is not available as a source field. In that case you connect
+    the `requestOut` source field of the function element to the
+    `get{Field}` destination field on the target element. The `y_i`'s
+    are automatically added on connecting. Thus, if you call::
+       moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', a, 'getSomeField')
+       moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', b, 'getSomeField')
+    then ``a.someField`` will be assigned to ``y0`` and
+    ``b.someField`` will be assigned to ``y1``.
+    In this example we evaluate the expression: ``z = c0 * exp(c1 *
+    x0) * cos(y0)``
+    with x0 ranging from -1 to +1 and y0 ranging from -pi to
+    +pi. These values are stored in two stimulus tables called xtab
+    and ytab respectively, so that at each timestep the next values of
+    x0 and y0 are assigned to the function.
+    Along with the value of the expression itself we also compute its
+    derivative with respect to y0 and its derivative with respect to
+    time (rate). The former uses a five-point stencil for the
+    numerical differentiation and has a glitch at y=0. The latter uses
+    backward difference divided by dt.
+    Unlike Func class, the number of variables and constants are
+    unlimited in Function and you can set all the variables via
+    messages.
+    """
     demo = moose.Neutral('/model')
     function = moose.Function('/model/function')
     function.c['c0'] = 1.0
@@ -137,62 +186,8 @@ def example():
-def main():
-    """
-        Function objects can be used to evaluate expressions with arbitrary
-        number of variables and constants. We can assign expression of the
-        form::
-            f(c0, c1, ..., cM, x0, x1, ..., xN, y0,..., yP )
-        where `ci`'s are constants and `xi`'s and `yi`'s are variables.
-        The constants must be defined before setting the expression and
-        variables are connected via messages. The constants can have any
-        name, but the variable names must be of the form x{i} or y{i}
-        where i is increasing integer starting from 0.
-        The `xi`'s are field elements and you have to set their number
-        first (function.x.num = N). Then you can connect any source field
-        sending out double to the 'input' destination field of the
-        `x[i]`.
-        The `yi`'s are useful when the required variable is a value field
-        and is not available as a source field. In that case you connect
-        the `requestOut` source field of the function element to the
-        `get{Field}` destination field on the target element. The `yi`'s
-        are automatically added on connecting. Thus, if you call::
-           moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', a, 'getSomeField')
-           moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', b, 'getSomeField')
-        then ``a.someField`` will be assigned to ``y0`` and
-        ``b.someField`` will be assigned to ``y1``.
-        In this example we evaluate the expression: ``z = c0 * exp(c1 *
-        x0) * cos(y0)``
-        with x0 ranging from -1 to +1 and y0 ranging from -pi to
-        +pi. These values are stored in two stimulus tables called xtab
-        and ytab respectively, so that at each timestep the next values of
-        x0 and y0 are assigned to the function.
-        Along with the value of the expression itself we also compute its
-        derivative with respect to y0 and its derivative with respect to
-        time (rate). The former uses a five-point stencil for the
-        numerical differentiation and has a glitch at y=0. The latter uses
-        backward difference divided by dt.
-        Unlike Func class, the number of variables and constants are
-        unlimited in Function and you can set all the variables via
-        messages.
-    """
-    example()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
+    example()
diff --git a/snippets/gapjunction.py b/snippets/gapjunction.py
index 7afb339c82904f2ff726a62c7113cd4cb77babf1..d28f05904ad2107963efc8100f41a3af49a9f677 100644
--- a/snippets/gapjunction.py
+++ b/snippets/gapjunction.py
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ def make_compartment(path):
     return comp
 def gapjunction_demo():
-    Demo for gap junction
+    Demonstration of medelling gap junction using MOOSE.
     model = moose.Neutral('model')
@@ -102,13 +102,16 @@ def gapjunction_demo():
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    gapjunction_demo()
 def main():
 This example is to demonstrate, how gap junction can be modeled using MOOSE.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
 # gapjunction.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/insertSpines.py b/snippets/insertSpines.py
index efd9e2ce2001ae7471e03c4b5f265b5d8358eb70..c78f8e88509e82923fe3a78864d2ff63003ad596 100644
--- a/snippets/insertSpines.py
+++ b/snippets/insertSpines.py
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-# insertSpines.py --- 
+# insertSpines.py ---
 # Filename:  insertSpines.py
 # Author: Upinder S. Bhalla
-# Maintainer: 
+# Maintainer:
 # Created: Oct  12 16:26:05 2014 (+0530)
-# Version: 
+# Version:
 # Last-Updated: May 15 2017
 #           By: Upinder S. Bhalla
-#     Update #: 
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
-# Commentary: 
+#     Update #:
+# URL:
+# Keywords:
+# Compatibility:
+# Commentary:
 # Change log: updated with current API
 ## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
@@ -33,33 +33,33 @@
 import moogli
 import moose
-from matplotlib.cm import gnuplot
+from matplotlib import cm
 from PyQt4 import Qt, QtCore, QtGui
 import sys
 import os
 import rdesigneur as rd
-PI = 3.14159265358979
-frameRunTime = 0.0002
-runtime = 1.0
-inject = 5e-10
-simdt = 5e-5
-RM = 1.0
-RA = 1.0
-CM = 0.01
-spineSpacing = 2.0e-6
-minSpacing = 0.2e-6
-spineSize = 1.0
-spineSizeDistrib = 0.5
-spineAngle = 0
-spineAngleDistrib = 2*PI
 def main():
 This example illustrates loading a model from an SWC file, inserting
 spines, and viewing it.
+    PI = 3.14159265358979
+    frameRunTime = 0.0002
+    runtime = 1.0
+    inject = 5e-10
+    simdt = 5e-5
+    RM = 1.0
+    RA = 1.0
+    CM = 0.01
+    spineSpacing = 2.0e-6
+    minSpacing = 0.2e-6
+    spineSize = 1.0
+    spineSizeDistrib = 0.5
+    spineAngle = 0
+    spineAngleDistrib = 2*PI
     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
     filename = 'barrionuevo_cell1zr.CNG.swc'
     #filename = 'h10.CNG.swc'
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ spines, and viewing it.
     compts[0].inject = inject
     ecomptPath = [x.path for x in compts]
     morphology = moogli.extensions.moose.read(path = "/model/elec", vertices=15)
     #morphology = moogli.read_morphology_from_moose(name = "", path = "/model/elec")
     #morphology.create_group( "group_all", ecomptPath, -0.08, 0.02, \
     #        [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9] )
diff --git a/snippets/interpol.py b/snippets/interpol.py
index 67a31b0c5c56cbca46d36423c675517b58da8852..0bb4092eff479f9bd6f96a1ed3b0372b21370fcf 100644
--- a/snippets/interpol.py
+++ b/snippets/interpol.py
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 # Code:
+__author__ = 'Subhasis Ray'
 import sys
 import math
 import numpy as np
@@ -53,7 +55,9 @@ sys.path.append('../../python')
 import moose
 def main():
-    """Example of Interpol object."""
+    """
+    Example of Interpol object.
+    """
     simtime = 1.0
     simdt = 0.001
     model = moose.Neutral('/model')
@@ -89,6 +93,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # interpol.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/interpol2d.py b/snippets/interpol2d.py
index b4642cae49a38e8e0e9c860b2953af3f3f63aae2..7202f2df6ebec97cef6fdd5ceaf5fecfb41ddb3c 100644
--- a/snippets/interpol2d.py
+++ b/snippets/interpol2d.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import moose
 def interpolation_demo():
+    """ Example of Interpol object in 2-dimension."""
     interpol = moose.Interpol2D('/interpol2D')
     interpol.xmin = 0.0
     interpol.xmax = 1.0
diff --git a/snippets/intfire.py b/snippets/intfire.py
index ac81c7bc30efe9754edccd7a42e1ebbc223632c1..e62b23df8e25ff67a6aa61f6b0b17423c67bc21d 100644
--- a/snippets/intfire.py
+++ b/snippets/intfire.py
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
 # Code:
+    Demonstrates connection between 2 IntFire neurons to observe spike generation.
 import moose
 def connect_two_intfires():
@@ -102,7 +105,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # intfire.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/lif.py b/snippets/lif.py
index 0bc941e095c26dacb83ea492435db4501af7660e..657f3b501ba4b89ca54c07333b78f7c48f77ebd0 100644
--- a/snippets/lif.py
+++ b/snippets/lif.py
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 # Commentary:
+# Demonstrates use of Leaky Integrate and Fire (LeakyIaf class) in
+# moose.
 # Change log:
@@ -44,7 +47,7 @@
 # Code:
-Demonstrates use of Leaky Integrate and Fire (LeakyIaf class) in moose.
+    Demonstrates use of Leaky Integrate and Fire (LeakyIaf class) in moose.
 import sys
diff --git a/snippets/loadMorphology.py b/snippets/loadMorphology.py
index 7bb19aa993081ce0abb029e96552afbcb216dc01..dcd694c24b752e7d70858cbf3cdafe968bf0d063 100644
--- a/snippets/loadMorphology.py
+++ b/snippets/loadMorphology.py
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-# loadMorphology.py --- 
+# loadMorphology.py ---
 # Filename:  loadMorphology.py
 # Author: Upinder S. Bhalla
-# Maintainer: 
+# Maintainer:
 # Created: Oct  12 16:26:05 2014 (+0530)
-# Version: 
+# Version:
 # Last-Updated: May 16 2017
 #           By: Upinder S. Bhalla
-#     Update #: 
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
-# Commentary: 
+#     Update #:
+# URL:
+# Keywords:
+# Compatibility:
+# Commentary:
 # Change log: updated with current API
 ## This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
 ## Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ inject = 5e-10
 simdt = 5e-5
 def main():
+    """
+    Demonstrates how one can visualise morphology of a neuron using the MOOSE.
+    """
     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
     filename = 'barrionuevo_cell1zr.CNG.swc'
     moose.Neutral( '/library' )
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ def main():
     viewer.attach_view( view )
     # morphology = moogli.read_morphology_from_moose(name = "", path = "/model/testSwc")
     # morphology.create_group( "group_all", ecomptPath, -0.08, 0.02, \
-    #         [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9] ) 
+    #         [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9] )
     # viewer = moogli.DynamicMorphologyViewerWidget(morphology)
     def callback( morphology, viewer ):
diff --git a/snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py b/snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
index 53ebd078f317da80b6923c1dc5eb6be9e0aa2fa9..3237cfedacbe68cef50f32640b9485081a5b012b 100644
--- a/snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
+++ b/snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import numpy as np
 import pylab
 import moose
-from moose.SBML import *
 from moose.chemUtil.add_Delete_ChemicalSolver import *
 def main():
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ If someone wants to load anyother file then
         runtime = float(sys.argv[2])
     sbmlId = moose.element('/')
     # Loading the sbml file into MOOSE, models are loaded in path/model
-    sbmlId = mooseReadSBML(filepath,'/sbml')
+    sbmlId = moose.mooseReadSBML(filepath,'/sbml')
     if isinstance(sbmlId, (list, tuple)):
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ If someone wants to load anyother file then
         moose.connect( outputs2,'requestOut', s2, 'getConc' );
         # gsl solver is added, default is ee
-        mooseaddChemSolver(sbmlId.path,"ee")
+        moose.mooseaddChemSolver(sbmlId.path,"ee")
         # Reset and Run
diff --git a/snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py b/snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py
index d79cba5b076f4b19078e0a4445066bc854421198..6e6f814bc10fe151cc9284118d0a9ecc2553a434 100644
--- a/snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py
+++ b/snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # multiComptSigNeur.py ---
 # Upi Bhalla NCBS Bangalore 2013.
 # Commentary:
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ def createChemModel( neuroCompt, spineCompt, psdCompt ):
 # Just for printf debugging
 def printMolVecs( title ):
-    '''    
+    """
     nCa = moose.vec( '/model/chem/neuroMesh/Ca' )
     sCa = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/Ca' )
     sR = moose.vec( '/model/chem/spineMesh/headGluR' )
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ def printMolVecs( title ):
     print 'sRconcInit=', sR.concInit, ', pR=', pR.concInit
     #print 'nCaSize=', nCa.volume, ', sCa=', sCa.volume, ', sR=', sR.n, ', pR=', pR.n
-    '''
+    """
 def makeChemInCubeMesh():
     dendSide = 10.8e-6
@@ -504,19 +504,20 @@ def testCubeMultiscale( useSolver ):
 def main():
-    A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model. The neuronal model is in
-    a dendrite and five dendritic spines. The chemical model is in three
-    compartments: one for the dendrite,
-    one for the spine head, and one for the postsynaptic density. However,
-    the spatial geometry of the neuronal model is ignored and the chemical
-    model just has three cubic volumes for each compartment. So there
-    is a functional mapping but spatial considerations are lost.
-    The electrical model contributes the incoming calcium flux to the
-    chemical model. This comes from the synaptic channels.
-    The signalling here does two things to the electrical model. First, the
-    amount of receptor in the chemical model controls the amount of glutamate
-    receptor in the PSD. Second, there is a small kinase reaction that
-    phosphorylates and inactivates the dendritic potassium channel.
+A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model. The neuronal model is in
+a dendrite and five dendritic spines. The chemical model is in three
+compartments: one for the dendrite, one for the spine head, and one for the postsynaptic density.
+However, the spatial geometry of the neuronal model is ignored and the chemical
+model just has three cubic volumes for each compartment. So there
+is a functional mapping but spatial considerations are lost.
+The electrical model contributes the incoming calcium flux to the
+chemical model. This comes from the synaptic channels.
+The signalling here does two things to the electrical model.
+- First, the amount of receptor in the chemical model controls the amount of glutamate
+receptor in the PSD.
+- Second, there is a small kinase reaction that phosphorylates and inactivates the dendritic potassium channel.
     testCubeMultiscale( 1 )
diff --git a/snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py b/snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py
index 5f0ff65e63483cd663e7c22d5d986daa008dfe3c..8f7ccd409228bcd703561811193f0fa4d93d5529 100644
--- a/snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py
+++ b/snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ def main():
         moose.setClock( i, elecDt )
     for i in range( 10, 18 ):
         moose.setClock( i, chemDt )
     graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' )
     caplot = addPlot( '/model/elec/soma/Ca_conc', 'getCa', 'somaCa', 8 )
     vmplot = addPlot( '/model/elec/soma', 'getVm', 'somaVm', 8 )
@@ -182,4 +183,4 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-        main()
+    main()
diff --git a/snippets/neuronFromDotp.py b/snippets/neuronFromDotp.py
index 2e9ce7bb200d62fc413b4a6c71358725a9ca97a8..30bba7f0ea3009a3e141ba5becf85968c76c7484 100644
--- a/snippets/neuronFromDotp.py
+++ b/snippets/neuronFromDotp.py
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 # Author: Upi Bhalla NCBS Bangalore 2014.
 # Commentary:
+# Demonstrates how to load a simple neuronal model in GENESIS dotp format.
+# The model has branches and a few spines.
+# It is adorned just with classic HH squid channels.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
@@ -29,13 +33,6 @@ import moose
 EREST_ACT = -70e-3
-# Gate equations have the form:
-# y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F))
-# where x is membrane voltage and y is the rate constant for gate
-# closing or opening
 Na_m_params = [1e5 * (25e-3 + EREST_ACT),   # 'A_A':
                 -1e5,                       # 'A_B':
                 -1.0,                       # 'A_C':
@@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ def makeChannelPrototypes():
     compt.Ra = 7639.44e3
     nachan = moose.HHChannel( '/library/Na' )
     nachan.Xpower = 3
-    xGate = moose.HHGate(nachan.path + '/gateX')        
+    xGate = moose.HHGate(nachan.path + '/gateX')
     xGate.setupAlpha(Na_m_params + [VDIVS, VMIN, VMAX])
     xGate.useInterpolation = 1
     nachan.Ypower = 1
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@ def makeChannelPrototypes():
     kchan = moose.HHChannel( '/library/K' )
     kchan.Xpower = 4.0
-    xGate = moose.HHGate(kchan.path + '/gateX')        
+    xGate = moose.HHGate(kchan.path + '/gateX')
     xGate.setupAlpha(K_n_params + [VDIVS, VMIN, VMAX])
     xGate.useInterpolation = 1
     kchan.Gbar = 0.2836e-3
@@ -146,8 +143,15 @@ def testModel( useSolver ):
 def main():
     Demonstrates how to load a simple neuronal model in GENESIS dotp format.
-    The model has branches and a few spines.
-    It is adorned just with classic HH squid channels.
+    The model has branches and a few spines.\n
+    It is adorned just with classic HH squid channels.\n
+    Gate equations have the form::
+        y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F))
+    where x is membrane voltage and y is the rate constant for gate closing or opening.
     testModel( 1 )
diff --git a/snippets/nsdf.py b/snippets/nsdf.py
index 7c8765f2be0233a0834308c99a29b97ff23f05e5..3886e7f14be5da7eb4a919d4768942751d1b9829 100644
--- a/snippets/nsdf.py
+++ b/snippets/nsdf.py
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 # Code:
 NSDF : Neuroscience Simulation Data Format
 NSDF is an HDF5 based format for storing data from neuroscience
diff --git a/snippets/nsdf_demo.h5 b/snippets/nsdf_demo.h5
index 9ddf7c02668ba77d8a6640a102222b57cb227237..fa7ff131c1b16ea44955ec5ae791a6e115121736 100644
Binary files a/snippets/nsdf_demo.h5 and b/snippets/nsdf_demo.h5 differ
diff --git a/snippets/nsdf_vec.py b/snippets/nsdf_vec.py
index ae25942576f9680e7b16eded8096beeb3f6a6fe0..bf50ff5701d94da8ed5b810052454a78d0b92ce7 100644
--- a/snippets/nsdf_vec.py
+++ b/snippets/nsdf_vec.py
@@ -154,21 +154,21 @@ def read_nsdf(fname):
 def main():
-    Example code to dump data from multiple elements in a vector.
+Example code to dump data from multiple elements in a vector.
-    In this demo we create a PulseGen vector where each element has a
-    different set of pulse parameters. After saving the output vector
-    directly using MOOSE NSDFWriter we open the NSDF file using h5py and
-    plot the saved data.
+In this demo we create a PulseGen vector where each element has a
+different set of pulse parameters. After saving the output vector
+directly using MOOSE NSDFWriter we open the NSDF file using h5py and
+plot the saved data.
-    You need h5py module installed to run this simulation.
+You need h5py module installed to run this simulation.
-    References:
-    Ray, Chintaluri, Bhalla and Wojcik. NSDF: Neuroscience Simulation Data
-    Format, Neuroinformatics, 2015.
+Ray, Chintaluri, Bhalla and Wojcik. NSDF: Neuroscience Simulation Data
+Format, Neuroinformatics, 2015.
-    http://nsdf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
     fname = write_nsdf()
diff --git a/snippets/onetoonemsg.py b/snippets/onetoonemsg.py
index 6d8391397c1fd9708ccef3cbc751c81801285c1f..212e6fe821a7df7da2744dc4bf9d76c5b84f266a 100644
--- a/snippets/onetoonemsg.py
+++ b/snippets/onetoonemsg.py
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ sys.path.append('../../python')
 import moose
 def test_one_to_one(size=2):
+    """
+    Demonstrates one-to-one connection using the 'connect' function of MOOSE.
+    """
     pg = moose.PulseGen('pulsegen', size)
     for ix, ii in enumerate(pg.vec):
         pulse = moose.element(ii)
@@ -73,8 +76,5 @@ Demonstrates one-to-one connection between objects through ''moose.connect''.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # onetoonemsg.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/output_hdfdemo.h5 b/snippets/output_hdfdemo.h5
index 118b31168b10062921e6e62aaaba64ce7ca087ae..d6d16dde301302be3d45c9b0d032ae47d2dc61a7 100644
Binary files a/snippets/output_hdfdemo.h5 and b/snippets/output_hdfdemo.h5 differ
diff --git a/snippets/pulsegen2.py b/snippets/pulsegen2.py
index dbe15cbc1472684950d7a50d7f30e3ea15dfba18..4c3a8a8df4428119c74911da00b4d92805b7b15d 100644
--- a/snippets/pulsegen2.py
+++ b/snippets/pulsegen2.py
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
 # Code:
 import moose
 import pylab
 import numpy
@@ -56,27 +54,24 @@ SIMDT = 1.0
 def main():
-    Pulse generator example
-    This example shows the full range of operations of PulseGen objects
-    with a reimplementation of corresponding GENESIS demo.
+This example shows the full range of operations of PulseGen objects
+with a reimplementation of corresponding GENESIS demo.
-    A PulseGen object can be run in three modes: free running
-    (trigMode=0), triggered (trigMode=1) and gated (trigMode=2).
+A PulseGen object can be run in three modes: free running
+(trigMode=0), triggered (trigMode=1) and gated (trigMode=2).
-    In the free running mode it keeps repeating the pulse series
-    indefinitely.
+In the free running mode it keeps repeating the pulse series
-    In triggered mode, it generates a pulse series on the leading edge of
-    the trigger signal coming to its `input` field. The trigger can be the
-    `output` of another PulseGen as in this example.
+In triggered mode, it generates a pulse series on the leading edge of
+the trigger signal coming to its `input` field. The trigger can be the
+`output` of another PulseGen as in this example.
-    In gated mode, the PulseGen acts as if it was free-running as long as
-    the `input` remains high.
+In gated mode, the PulseGen acts as if it was free-running as long as
+the `input` remains high.
     # Pulse generator with trigger mode = 0 This is free running - and
     # creates a series of pulses
     pulse0 = moose.PulseGen("/pulse0")
@@ -169,6 +164,5 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # pulsegen2.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/pyrun.py b/snippets/pyrun.py
index 80bcaf38680756f0a862952c21acb1e87d5c09e0..ac15a2a6d588e0747db6e6d01fa3c082e791d971 100644
--- a/snippets/pyrun.py
+++ b/snippets/pyrun.py
@@ -13,12 +13,19 @@
 # Keywords:
 # Compatibility:
 # Commentary:
 # Change log:
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
@@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ def run_sequence():
     In the `runString` we put a couple of print statements to indicate
-    the name fof the object which is running and the current
+    the name of the object which is running and the current
     count. Then we increase the count directly.
     When we call ``moose.start()``, the `runString` gets executed at
@@ -209,7 +216,10 @@ Python and MOOSE. You can also use this for debugging simulations.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
+    run_sequence()
+    moose.delete('/model')
+    input_output()
diff --git a/snippets/pyrun1.py b/snippets/pyrun1.py
index 312cdf5c46d43da3989833015503f598d1f49941..4325c043ed970d4ecb56d63c53be01147912c59d 100644
--- a/snippets/pyrun1.py
+++ b/snippets/pyrun1.py
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@
 # Code:
+You can use the PyRun class to run Python statements from MOOSE at
+runtime. This opens up many possibilities of interleaving computing in
+Python and MOOSE. You can also use this for debugging simulations.
 import numpy as np
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
@@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ def run_sequence():
     In the `runString` we put a couple of print statements to indicate
-    the name fof the object which is running and the current
+    the name of the object which is running and the current
     count. Then we increase the count directly.
     When we call ``moose.start()``, the `runString` gets executed at
@@ -123,6 +129,42 @@ incr_count()
 def input_output():
+    """The PyRun class can take a double input through `trigger`
+    field. Whenever another object sends an input to this field, the
+    `runString` is executed.
+    The fun part of this is that you can use the input value in your
+    python statements in `runString`. This is stored in a local
+    variable called `input_`. You can rename this by setting `inputVar`
+    field.
+    Things become even more interesting when you can send out a value
+    computed using Python. PyRun objects allow you to define a local
+    variable called `output` and whatever value you assign to this,
+    will be sent out through the source field `output` on successful
+    execution of the `runString`.
+    You can rename the output variable by setting `outputVar` field.
+    In this example, we send the output of a pulsegen object sending
+    out the values 1, 2, 3 during each pulse and compute the square of
+    these numbers in Python and set output to this square.
+    The calculated value is assigned to the `output` variable and in
+    turn sent out to a Table object's input and gets recorded.
+    By default PyRun executes the `runString` whenever a `trigger`
+    message is received and when its process method is called at each
+    timestep. In both cases it sends out the `output` value. Since
+    this may cause inaccuracies depending on what the Python
+    statements in `runString` do, a `mode` can be specified to disable
+    one of the above. We set ``mode = 2`` to disable the `process`
+    method. Note that this could also have been done by setting its
+    ``tick = -1``.
+    ``mode = 1`` will disable `trigger` message and ``mode = 0``, the
+    default, enables both.
+    """
     model = moose.Neutral('/model')
     input_pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/pulse')
     #: set the baseline output 0
@@ -217,5 +259,6 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # pyrun.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/scriptKineticModel.py b/snippets/scriptKineticModel.py
index 2227c16baed21fcd1558452abf325e6b7f0228a1..753bfb928a572e57a34031569b308ae9a241f9c9 100644
--- a/snippets/scriptKineticModel.py
+++ b/snippets/scriptKineticModel.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def main():
     This example creates a bistable model having two enzymes and a reaction.
     One of the enzymes is autocatalytic.
     The model is set up to run using default Exponential Euler integration.
-    The snippet scriptKineticSolver.py uses the much better GSL
+    The snippet **scriptKineticSolver.py** uses the much better GSL 
     Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg integration scheme on this same model.
diff --git a/snippets/showclocks.py b/snippets/showclocks.py
index 4523630796af077a736d1a6afe2796936d1fc735..ec78a535974450586fd3a46ed2e96ee5693d305d 100644
--- a/snippets/showclocks.py
+++ b/snippets/showclocks.py
@@ -3,49 +3,50 @@
 # Date: Mon Jun 10 16:23:41 IST 2013
 import moose
+import moose
 def main():
-This snippet shows various ways of displaying scheduling
-information of moose model components.
+    This snippet shows various ways of displaying scheduling
+    information of moose model components.
-The `/clock/tick` ematrix has 10 elements, any of which can be setup
-by using the `moose.setClock(tickNo, dt)` function. This sets the
-interval between the ticking events for it to `dt` time.
+    The `/clock/tick` ematrix has 10 elements, any of which can be setup
+    by using the `moose.setClock(tickNo, dt)` function. This sets the
+    interval between the ticking events for it to `dt` time.
-Individual model components can be assigned ticks by
-`moose.useClock(tickNo, targetPath, targetFinfo)`. Commonly used
-target finfo is `process`, which causes the function of the same name
-in the ematrix at target path to be called at each ticking event of
-tick `tickNo`. Thus displaying the neighbors of `process` finfo of an
-element will show the tick assigned to it.
+    Individual model components can be assigned ticks by
+    `moose.useClock(tickNo, targetPath, targetFinfo)`. Commonly used
+    target finfo is `process`, which causes the function of the same name
+    in the ematrix at target path to be called at each ticking event of
+    tick `tickNo`. Thus displaying the neighbors of `process` finfo of an
+    element will show the tick assigned to it.
-On the other hand, the tick ematrix has 10 finfos, `proc0` ... `proc9`
-which connect to all the targets of the corresponding `tickNo`. You
-can display the neighbors of these finfos also to see what is
-scheduled on each tick.
+    On the other hand, the tick ematrix has 10 finfos, `proc0` ... `proc9`
+    which connect to all the targets of the corresponding `tickNo`. You
+    can display the neighbors of these finfos also to see what is
+    scheduled on each tick.
     comp = moose.Compartment('/comp')
-# Setup the ticks
+    # Setup the ticks
     moose.setClock(0, 1e-6)
     moose.setClock(1, 1e-6)
-# Schedule the element.
+    # Schedule the element.
     moose.useClock(0, '/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'init')
     moose.useClock(1, '/##[ISA=Compartment]', 'process')
-# List the ticks connected to an element.
+    # List the ticks connected to an element.
     print(('Ticks connected to `process` method of', comp.path))
     for tick in comp.neighbors['process']:
         print((' ->',tick.path))
-# Different ticks can be connected to different fields.
+    # Different ticks can be connected to different fields.
     print(('Ticks connected to `init` method of', comp.path))
     for tick in comp.neighbors['init']:
         print((' ->',tick.path))
-# View the scheduled elements using the tick nos.
+    # View the scheduled elements using the tick nos.
     t = moose.element('/clock')
     print('Elements on tick 0')
     for e in t.neighbors['proc0']:
@@ -61,8 +62,8 @@ scheduled on each tick.
     for e in t.neighbors['proc1']:
         print((' ->', e.path))
-# Go through elements by wildcard search and list the ticks connected.
-# This can be slow when the model is too big.
+    # Go through elements by wildcard search and list the ticks connected.
+    # This can be slow when the model is too big.
     for el in moose.wildcardFind('/##[ISA=Compartment]'):
         print(('Ticks connected to `process` method of', el.path))
         for t in moose.element(el).neighbors['process']:
@@ -70,5 +71,4 @@ scheduled on each tick.
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # <codecell>
diff --git a/snippets/showmsg.py b/snippets/showmsg.py
index 757db1205d58659b78117ca4874770baf6ca84e6..ea780e5079763181a39063e372a18447b0e97a11 100644
--- a/snippets/showmsg.py
+++ b/snippets/showmsg.py
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ sys.path.append('../../python')
 import moose
 def main():
-    """This is to show a _raw_ way of traversing messages."""
+    """This is to show a 'raw' way of traversing messages."""
     connectionProbability = 0.5
     net = moose.IntFire('/net1', 10)
     syn = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/net1/sh', 10 )
@@ -20,4 +21,4 @@ def main():
             print(('\t--> %s.%s' % (dest.path, df)))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-        main()
+    main()
diff --git a/snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py b/snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py
index 04921a1c9c5c1d1b4560b2bde33c57196d47ba42..0f97bc93228ddd514bd67528a3c4d82ff92a9a22 100644
--- a/snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py
+++ b/snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py
@@ -60,40 +60,38 @@ def makeModel():
 def main():
-The stochasticLotkaVolterra example is almost identical to the
-funcReacLotkaVolterra. It shows how to use function objects
-as part of differential equation systems in the framework of the MOOSE
-kinetic solvers. Here the difference is that we use a a stochastic
-solver. The system is interesting because it illustrates the
-instability of Lotka-Volterra systems in stochastic conditions. Here we
-see exctinction of one of the species and runaway buildup of the other.
-The simulation has to be halted at this point.
-Here the system is set up explicitly using the
-scripting, in normal use one would expect to use SBML.
-In this example we set up a Lotka-Volterra system. The equations
-are readily expressed as a pair of reactions each of whose rate is
-governed by a function::
-        x' = x( alpha - beta.y )
-        y' = -y( gamma - delta.x )
-This translates into two reactions::
-        x ---> z        Kf = beta.y - alpha
-        y ---> z        Kf = gamma - delta.x
-Here z is a dummy molecule whose concentration is buffered to zero.
-The model first runs using default Exponential Euler integration.
-This is not particularly accurate even with a small timestep.
-The model is then converted to use the deterministic Kinetic solver
-Ksolve. This is accurate and faster.
-Note that we cannot use the stochastic GSSA solver for this system, it
-cannot handle a reaction term whose rate keeps changing.
+    The stochasticLotkaVolterra example is almost identical to the
+    funcReacLotkaVolterra. It shows how to use function objects
+    as part of differential equation systems in the framework of the MOOSE
+    kinetic solvers. Here the difference is that we use a a stochastic
+    solver. The system is interesting because it illustrates the
+    instability of Lotka-Volterra systems in stochastic conditions. Here we
+    see exctinction of one of the species and runaway buildup of the other.
+    The simulation has to be halted at this point.
+    Here the system is set up explicitly using the
+    scripting, in normal use one would expect to use SBML.
+    In this example we set up a Lotka-Volterra system. The equations
+    are readily expressed as a pair of reactions each of whose rate is
+    governed by a function::
+            x' = x( alpha - beta.y )
+            y' = -y( gamma - delta.x )
+    This translates into two reactions::
+            x ---> z        Kf = beta.y - alpha
+            y ---> z        Kf = gamma - delta.x
+    Here z is a dummy molecule whose concentration is buffered to zero.
+    The model first runs using default Exponential Euler integration.
+    This is not particularly accurate even with a small timestep.
+    The model is then converted to use the deterministic Kinetic solver
+    Ksolve. This is accurate and faster.\n
+    Note that we cannot use the stochastic GSSA solver for this system, it
+    cannot handle a reaction term whose rate keeps changing.
diff --git a/snippets/symcompartment.py b/snippets/symcompartment.py
index 85fff9b689f094e948b073636d4da0c7e8a0c6e7..240cdd7ec6647f792b13ab69836343e14b959096 100644
--- a/snippets/symcompartment.py
+++ b/snippets/symcompartment.py
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ simdt = 1e-6
 simtime = 100e-3
 def test_symcompartment():
+    """This example demonstrates the use of SymCompartment class of MOOSE."""
     model = moose.Neutral('model')
     soma = moose.SymCompartment('%s/soma' % (model.path))
     soma.Em = -60e-3
@@ -109,5 +110,6 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # symcompartment.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/synapse_tutorial.py b/snippets/synapse_tutorial.py
index 212bdff5d83c4173e7d89a0bee743dc30962335d..7199b4d335e5101a9ce0e5dfa664673a1b14ce78 100644
--- a/snippets/synapse_tutorial.py
+++ b/snippets/synapse_tutorial.py
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# synapse_tutorial.py ---
+# Filename: synapse_tutorial.py
 # Description:
 # Author: Subhasis Ray
 # Maintainer:
@@ -47,16 +50,20 @@ import moose
 import random # We need this for random number generation
 from numpy import random as nprand
+import moose
+import random # We need this for random number generation
+from numpy import random as nprand
 def main():
-In this example we walk through creation of a vector of IntFire
-elements and setting up synaptic connection between them. Synapse on
-IntFire elements is an example of ElementField - elements that do not
-exist on their own, but only as part of another element. This example
-also illustrates various operations on `vec` objects and
+    In this example we walk through creation of a vector of IntFire
+    elements and setting up synaptic connection between them. Synapse on
+    IntFire elements is an example of ElementField - elements that do not
+    exist on their own, but only as part of another element. This example
+    also illustrates various operations on `vec` objects and
+    ElementFields.
     size = 1024     # number of IntFire objects in a vec
     delayMin = 0
     delayMax = 4
@@ -65,29 +72,37 @@ ElementFields.
     refractoryPeriod = 0.4
     connectionProbability = 0.1
     weightMax = 0.5
     # The above sets the constants we shall use in this example. Now we create a vector of IntFire elements of size `size`.
     net = moose.IntFire('/network', size)
     # This creates a `vec` of `IntFire`  elements of size 1024 and returns the first `element`, i.e. "/network[0]".
     net = moose.element('/network[0]')
     # You need now to provide synaptic input to the network
     synh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/network/synh', size )
     # These need to be connected to the nodes in the network
     moose.connect( synh, 'activationOut', net, 'activation', 'OneToOne' )
     # You can access the underlying vector of elements using the `vec` field on any element. This is very useful for vectorized field access:
     net.vec.Vm = [thresh / 2.0] * size
     # The right part of the assigment creates a Python list of length `size` with each element set to `thresh/2.0`, which is 0.4. You can index into the `vec` to access individual elements' field:
     # `SimpleSynHandler` class has an `ElementField` called `synapse`. It is just like a `vec` above in terms of field access, but by default its size is 0.
     # To actually create synapses, you can explicitly assign the `num` field of this, or set the `numSynapses` field of the `IntFire` element. There are some functions which can implicitly set the size of the `ElementField`.
     synh.numSynapses = 3
@@ -95,32 +110,35 @@ ElementFields.
     # Now you can index into `net.synapse` as if it was an array.
     print(('Before:', synh.synapse[0].delay))
     synh.synapse[0].delay = 1.0
     print(('After:', synh.synapse[0].delay))
     # You could do the same vectorized assignment as with `vec` directly:
     synh.synapse.weight = [0.2] * len(synh.synapse)
     # You can create the synapses and assign the weights and delays using loops:
     for syn in synh.vec:
-        syn.synapse.num = random.randint(1,10)
-    # create synapse fields with random size between 1 and 10, end points included
-    # Below is one (inefficient) way of setting the individual weights of the elements in 'synapse'
-    for ii in range(len(syn.synapse)):
-        syn.synapse[ii].weight = random.random() * weightMax
-    # This is a more efficient way - rhs of `=` is list comprehension in Python and rather fast
-    syn.synapse.delay = [delayMin + random.random() * delayMax for ii in range(len(syn.synapse))]
-    # An even faster way will be to use numpy.random.rand(size) which produces array of random numbers uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
-    syn.synapse.delay = delayMin + nprand.rand(len(syn.synapse)) * delayMax
+        syn.synapse.num = random.randint(1,10) # create synapse fields with random size between 1 and 10, end points included
+        # Below is one (inefficient) way of setting the individual weights of the elements in 'synapse'
+        for ii in range(len(syn.synapse)):
+            syn.synapse[ii].weight = random.random() * weightMax
+        # This is a more efficient way - rhs of `=` is list comprehension in Python and rather fast
+        syn.synapse.delay = [delayMin + random.random() * delayMax for ii in range(len(syn.synapse))]
+        # An even faster way will be to use numpy.random.rand(size) which produces array of random numbers uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
+        syn.synapse.delay = delayMin + nprand.rand(len(syn.synapse)) * delayMax
     # Now display the results, we use slice notation on `vec` to show the values of delay and weight for the first 5 elements in `/network`
     for syn in synh.vec[:5]:
         print(('Delays for synapses on ', syn.path, ':', syn.synapse.delay))
         print(('Weights for synapses on ', syn.path, ':', syn.synapse.weight))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # synapse_tutorial.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/tabledemo.py b/snippets/tabledemo.py
index 31874deb8ca5f15805efe5f75dc5c2c3b86a533d..82db5dabe8d5bc59bf85785d79aea0f185ef1906 100644
--- a/snippets/tabledemo.py
+++ b/snippets/tabledemo.py
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ def main():
     5. We set tick-interval of ticks 0 and 1 to 0.01 and schedule
        `pulse` on tick 0 and `tab` on tick 1.
-    5. Run the simulation for 5 s and save data to the ascii file
+    6. Run the simulation for 5 s and save data to the ascii file
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
+    example()
diff --git a/snippets/testRdesigneur.py b/snippets/testRdesigneur.py
index 856b905e58caf52b46bde701018ef3d7cc7fe363..5e2b6efdf263f97eb298bc96cdd3c6b849344984 100644
--- a/snippets/testRdesigneur.py
+++ b/snippets/testRdesigneur.py
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ spineSpacing = 2.0e-6
 spineSpacingDistrib = 0.0
 spineSize = 1.0
 spineSizeDistrib = 0.2
-spineAngle= 0.0
-spineAngleDistrib = 2*numpy.pi
 # Here we define a function that is used to make a cell prototype. Normally
 # it would load in a model from a file.
@@ -60,6 +57,9 @@ def makeChemProto( name ):
 def makeModel():
+    spineAngle= 0.0
+    spineAngleDistrib = 2*numpy.pi
     moose.Neutral( '/library' )
     # Here we illustrate building the chem proto directly. This is not
     # good practice as it takes the model definition away from the
diff --git a/snippets/testSigNeur.py b/snippets/testSigNeur.py
index 6114d277c0a35c707bdc3bf6cf84e97b80ee7603..0c308152248c3ed26efab361bf0d884f378bcb1b 100644
--- a/snippets/testSigNeur.py
+++ b/snippets/testSigNeur.py
@@ -24,6 +24,23 @@
 # Code:
+A toy compartmental neuronal + chemical model. The neuronal model
+geometry sets up the chemical volume to match the parent dendrite
+and five dendritic spines, each with a shaft and head. This volume
+mapping uses the NeuroMesh, SpineMesh and PsdMesh classes from MOOSE.
+There is a 3-compartment chemical model to go with this: one for the dendrite,
+one for the spine head, and one for the postsynaptic density. Note
+that the three mesh classes distribute the chemical model appropriately
+to all the respective spines, and set up the diffusion to the dendrite.
+The electrical model contributes the incoming calcium flux to the
+chemical model. This comes from the synaptic channels.
+The signalling here does two things to the electrical model. First, the
+amount of receptor in the chemical model controls the amount of glutamate
+receptor in the PSD. Second, there is a small kinase reaction that
+phosphorylates and inactivates the dendritic potassium channel.
 import sys
 import os
diff --git a/snippets/testWigglySpines.py b/snippets/testWigglySpines.py
index 7576d934638e1e77319bde392fcad00c1cf08236..48c1e6986064dfd34e29272f36ef18e1ee893215 100644
--- a/snippets/testWigglySpines.py
+++ b/snippets/testWigglySpines.py
@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ spineSpacing = 1.5e-6
 spineSpacingDistrib = 1e-10
 spineSize = 1.0
 spineSizeDistrib = 0
-spineAngle= numpy.pi / 2.0
-spineAngleDistrib = 0.0
 def makeCellProto( name ):
     elec = moose.Neuron( '/library/' + name )
@@ -53,6 +50,9 @@ def makeSpineProto2( name ):
     moose.connect( shaft, 'axial', head, 'raxial' )
 def makeModel():
+    spineAngle= numpy.pi / 2.0
+    spineAngleDistrib = 0.0
     moose.Neutral( '/library' )
     makeCellProto( 'cellProto' )
     makeChemProto( 'cProto' )
@@ -96,11 +96,10 @@ def assertEq( a, b ):
 def main():
-This illustrates the use of rdesigneur to build a simple dendrite with
-spines, and then to resize them using spine fields. These are the
-fields that would be changed dynamically in a simulation with reactions
-that affect spine geometry.
+    This illustrates the use of rdesigneur to build a simple dendrite with
+    spines, and then to resize them using spine fields. These are the
+    fields that would be changed dynamically in a simulation with reactions
+    that affect spine geometry.
     elec = moose.element( '/model/elec' )
diff --git a/snippets/threading_demo.dat b/snippets/threading_demo.dat
index 41b6f5566167995c0c119b5abf65fad0a89cade9..768d1406bf923590d789c62bef9893f86c777fed 100644
--- a/snippets/threading_demo.dat
+++ b/snippets/threading_demo.dat
@@ -70026,3 +70026,90039 @@
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
+/plotname pulsegen_output
diff --git a/snippets/threading_demo.py b/snippets/threading_demo.py
index 9ae93e102f4c080770d86b36e93906908f7e85ed..af38deda27835597647628cd41eede540f862ad7 100644
--- a/snippets/threading_demo.py
+++ b/snippets/threading_demo.py
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 # Commentary:
 # Change log:
@@ -25,6 +26,12 @@
 # Code:
+Example of using multithreading to run a MOOSE simulation in
+parallel with querying MOOSE objects involved. See the documentatin
+of the classes to get an idea of this demo's function.
 import sys
 import threading
@@ -90,12 +97,7 @@ class StatusThread(threading.Thread):
                         , len(self.table.vector)
-def main():
-    """
-    Example of using multithreading to run a MOOSE simulation in
-    parallel with querying MOOSE objects involved. See the documentatin
-    of the classes to get an idea of this demo's function.
-    """
+if __name__ == '__main__':
     pg = moose.PulseGen('pg')
     pg.firstDelay = 10.0
     pg.firstLevel = 10.0
@@ -112,7 +114,5 @@ def main():
     tab.xplot('threading_demo.dat', 'pulsegen_output')
     print(('Ending threading_demo: final length of table', len(tab.vector)))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # threading_demo.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/timetable.py b/snippets/timetable.py
index 9a4d03ca7ef7aebb592cb1cad1ffd1b4b62d3e84..407ca4627fb811461cd4c033f6a7ad04b46a6874 100644
--- a/snippets/timetable.py
+++ b/snippets/timetable.py
@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@
 # Code:
+"""Demonstrates the use of TimeTable elements in MOOSE.
+This script creates two time tables, #1 is filled with entries in a
+numpy array and #2 is filled from a text file containing the event
+The `state` field of #1, which becomes 1 when an event occurs and 0
+otherwise, is recorded.
+On the other hand, #2 is connected to a synapse (in a SynChan element)
+to demonstrate artificial spike event generation.
 import os
 import numpy as np
@@ -155,9 +168,6 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/snippets/transportBranchingNeuron.py b/snippets/transportBranchingNeuron.py
index 2970862cee5472cd8f491e61711cf5b6d0004059..b18656e1d66a735a0a3d595138b2a9cf3586135d 100644
--- a/snippets/transportBranchingNeuron.py
+++ b/snippets/transportBranchingNeuron.py
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ def makeChemModel( compt ):
 def main():
-    transportBranchingNeuron:
     This example illustrates bidirectional transport
     embedded in the branching pseudo 1-dimensional geometry of a neuron.
     This means that diffusion and transport only happen along the axis of
@@ -182,8 +181,8 @@ def main():
         a. Animated pseudo-3D plot of neuronal geometry, where each point
            represents a diffusive voxel and moves in the y-axis to show
-           changes in concentration of molecule a.
-        b. Similar animated pseudo-3D plot for molecule b.
+           changes in concentration of molecule **a**.
+        b. Similar animated pseudo-3D plot for molecule **b**.
         c. Time-series plot that appears after the simulation has
            ended. The plots are for the first and last diffusive voxel,
            that is, the soma and the tip of one of the apical dendrites.
diff --git a/snippets/traub_naf.py b/snippets/traub_naf.py
index 62bfa40865f1e6ed72c2ba6841e76aa0f8aaf2b1..834574272babaea9d7cd2cf9989a6f883d8d1eef 100644
--- a/snippets/traub_naf.py
+++ b/snippets/traub_naf.py
@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@
 # Code:
+This is an example showing pymoose implementation of the NaF
+channel in Traub et al 2005
 Author: Subhasis Ray
@@ -62,13 +66,14 @@ vdivs = 640
 v_array = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, vdivs+1)
 def create_naf_proto():
-    """Create an NaF channel prototype in /library. You can copy it later
+    """
+    Create an NaF channel prototype in /library. You can copy it later
     into any compartment or load a .p file with this channel using
-    This channel has the conductance form:
+    This channel has the conductance form::
-    Gk(v) = Gbar * m^3 * h (V - Ek)
+        Gk(v) = Gbar * m^3 * h (V - Ek)
     We are using all SI units
@@ -175,8 +180,7 @@ def do_iclamp(vclamp, iclamp, pid):
     iclamp.gain = 1.0
 def setup_model():
-    """Setup the model and the electronic circuit. Also creates the data
-    container."""
+    """Setup the model and the electronic circuit. Also creates the data container."""
     model = moose.Neutral('model')
     data =moose.Neutral('/data')
     comp = create_compartment(model.path, 'soma')
@@ -192,17 +196,12 @@ inited = False
 def run_sim(model, data, simtime=100e-3, simdt=1e-6, plotdt=1e-4, solver='ee'):
     """Reset and run the simulation.
-    model: model container element
-    data: data container element
-    simtime: simulation run time
-    simdt: simulation timestep
-    plotdt: plotting time step
-    solver: neuronal solver to use.
+        model: model container element \n
+        data: data container element \n
+        simtime: simulation run time \n
+        simdt: simulation timestep \n
+        plotdt: plotting time step \n
+        solver: neuronal solver to use \n
     global inited
@@ -217,34 +216,28 @@ def run_clamp(model_dict, clamp, levels, holding=0.0, simtime=100e-3):
     """Run either voltage or current clamp for default timing settings
     with multiple levels of command input.
-    model_dict: dictionary containing the model components -
-                `vlcamp` - the voltage clamp amplifier\n
-                `iclamp` - the current clamp amplifier\n
-                `model` - the model container
-                `data` - the data container
+    model_dict: dictionary containing the model components - \n
+        `vlcamp` - the voltage clamp amplifier \n
+        `iclamp` - the current clamp amplifier \n
+        `model` - the model container \n
+        `data` - the data container \n
+        `inject_tab` - table recording membrane \n
+        `command_tab` - table recording command input for voltage or current clamp \n
+        `vm_tab` - table recording membrane potential \n
-                `inject_tab` - table recording membrane
+    clamp: string specifying clamp mode, either `voltage` or `current` \n
-                `command_tab` - table recording command input for voltage or current clamp
+    levels: sequence of values for command input levels to be simulated \n
-                `vm_tab` - table recording membrane potential
-    clamp: string specifying clamp mode, either `voltage` or `current`
-    levels: sequence of values for command input levels to be
-            simulated.
-    holding: holding current or voltage
+    holding: holding current or voltage \n
     a dict containing the following lists of time series:
-    `command` - list of  command input time series
-    `inject` - list of of membrane current (includes injected current) time series
-    `vm` - list of membrane voltage time series
-    `t` - list of time points for all of the above
+        `command` - list of  command input time series \n
+        `inject` - list of of membrane current (includes injected current) time series \n
+        `vm` - list of membrane voltage time series \n
+        `t` - list of time points for all of the above
     if clamp == 'voltage':
@@ -274,11 +267,9 @@ def run_clamp(model_dict, clamp, levels, holding=0.0, simtime=100e-3):
             'gk': gvec,
             't': tvec}
-def main():
-    """
-    This is an example showing pymoose implementation of the NaF
-    channel in Traub et al 2005
-    """
+if __name__ == '__main__':
     mdict = setup_model()
     current_levels = (-0.3e-8, 0.1e-8, 0.3e-8, 0.5e-8)
     iclamp_data = run_clamp(mdict, 'current', current_levels)
@@ -330,7 +321,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # traub_naf.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/tweakingParameters.py b/snippets/tweakingParameters.py
index c7b852bb9470473c885eb32a21a19d0c8e9da288..fe186783f92ece9d8cd4584ec17478a552c75557 100644
--- a/snippets/tweakingParameters.py
+++ b/snippets/tweakingParameters.py
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ def main():
     and exo forward rates and run it further to show that the period becomes
     nearly twice as fast. Then we restore endo and exo, and instead double
     the initial amounts of M. We run it further again to see what happens.
-    This model takes several seconds to run.
     mfile = '../genesis/OSC_Cspace.g'
     runtime = 4000.0
diff --git a/snippets/vclamp.py b/snippets/vclamp.py
index 2c0409431ae07a75f76fddbdea13c19a95141e41..c535980bc9a7585a1d8bd4e0c58d63cd3bf3f5de 100644
--- a/snippets/vclamp.py
+++ b/snippets/vclamp.py
@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ from squid import SquidAxon
 from pylab import *
 def vclamp_demo(simtime=50.0, dt=1e-2):
-    ## It is good practice to modularize test elements inside a
-    ## container
+    """
+    Demonstration of voltage clamping in a neuron.
+    """
+    ## It is good practice to modularize test elements inside a container
     container = moose.Neutral('/vClampDemo')
     ## Create a compartment with properties of a squid giant axon
     comp = SquidAxon('/vClampDemo/axon')
@@ -130,8 +132,6 @@ This snippet is to demonstrate modelling of voltage clamping.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
 # vclamp.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/vectors.py b/snippets/vectors.py
index eda73d08e235fbbbf060b7bd45b23f2d1432f886..9a3be1af362f02fe5f9c9ccf14f3cb61b1c40759 100644
--- a/snippets/vectors.py
+++ b/snippets/vectors.py
@@ -61,6 +61,5 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # vectors.py ends here
diff --git a/snippets/wildcard.py b/snippets/wildcard.py
index 8e1139a62a386f60168d5e76951ddf5a104a3a81..ee2aee82c34485fc6be99dcd76cce4603b164cc4 100644
--- a/snippets/wildcard.py
+++ b/snippets/wildcard.py
@@ -158,6 +158,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 # wildcard.py ends here
diff --git a/traub_2005/.ignore_on_travis b/traub_2005/.ignore_on_travis
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/cell_test_util.py b/traub_2005/py/cell_test_util.py
index 6e7d29c45154644a890382e2996ee5871b3683c1..f38b43319f3f3c1d0bd0681a6d519824422d1cc2 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/cell_test_util.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/cell_test_util.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Mon Oct 15 15:03:09 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:33:12 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 16:04:13 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 303
+#     Update #: 309
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -215,11 +215,13 @@ class SingleCellCurrentStepTest(unittest.TestCase):
         pylab.plot(self.tseries*1e3, self.injectionTab.vector * 1e9,
                    label='Stimulus (nA)')
-            nrn_data = np.loadtxt('../nrn/data/%s_presynaptic_Vm.dat' % \
-                                      (self.celltype))
-            nrn_indices = np.nonzero(nrn_data[:, 0] <= self.tseries[-1]*1e3)[0]
-            pylab.plot(nrn_data[nrn_indices,0], nrn_data[nrn_indices,1], 
-                       label='Vm (mV) - neuron')
+            fname = os.path.join(config.mydir, '..', 'nrn', 'data',
+                                 '%s_presynaptic_Vm.dat' % (self.celltype))
+            nrn_data = np.loadtxt( fname)
+            nrn_indices = np.nonzero(nrn_data[:, 0] <=
+                                     self.tseries[-1]*1e3)[0]
+            pylab.plot(nrn_data[nrn_indices,0],
+                       nrn_data[nrn_indices,1], label='Vm (mV) - neuron')
         except IOError:
             print('No neuron data found.')
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/cells.py b/traub_2005/py/cells.py
index ab10380b714b2b8e3617dc1d3036372553afdf7f..5f3f20d13c7b0cbbc83c4d472c225a8f6588db22 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/cells.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/cells.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Fri Mar  9 23:17:17 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:25:57 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 10:08:16 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 694
+#     Update #: 699
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import archan
 import cachans
 import capool
 from channelinit import init_chanlib
+import metafix
 channel_types = ['ar',
@@ -194,7 +195,9 @@ class CellMeta(type):
         return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, cdict)
-class CellBase(moose.Neuron, CellMeta):
+class CellBase(moose.Neuron):
+    # __metaclass__ = CellMeta  # This is incompatible with Python3
     annotation = {'cno': 'cno_0000020'}
     def __init__(self, path):
         if not moose.exists(path):
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/channel_test_util.py b/traub_2005/py/channel_test_util.py
index 95a0049b6ad46db0cb1333055d7cb0bc0d24f8de..7d87242d76972707e92f2d4c51deac7e63814349 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/channel_test_util.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/channel_test_util.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Wed May 30 23:51:58 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:26:45 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:45:33 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 125
+#     Update #: 135
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@
 # Code:
+import os
 import uuid
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
 import moose
+import config
 import channelbase
 import testutils
@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ def run_single_channel(channelname, Gbar, simtime, simdt=testutils.SIMDT, plotdt
     print('Starting simulation', testId, 'for', simtime, 's')
     print('Finished simulation')
-    vm_file = 'data/%s_Vm.dat' % (channelname)
-    gk_file = 'data/%s_Gk.dat' % (channelname)
-    ik_file = 'data/%s_Ik.dat' % (channelname)
+    vm_file = '%s/%s_Vm.dat' % (config.data_dir, channelname)
+    gk_file = '%s/%s_Gk.dat' % (config.data_dir, channelname)
+    ik_file = '%s/%s_Ik.dat' % (config.data_dir, channelname)
     tseries = np.array(list(range(len(vm_data.vector)))) * simdt
     print(('Vm:', len(vm_data.vector), 'Gk', len(gk_data.vector), 'Ik', len(ik_data.vector)))
     data = np.c_[tseries, vm_data.vector]
@@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ def run_single_channel(channelname, Gbar, simtime, simdt=testutils.SIMDT, plotdt
     print(('Saved Gk in', gk_file))
     data = np.c_[tseries, ik_data.vector]
     np.savetxt(ik_file, data)
-    print('Saved Gk in', ik_file)
+    print('Saved Ik in', ik_file)
     return params
 def compare_channel_data(series, channelname, param, simulator, x_range=None, plot=False):
     if simulator == 'moose':
-        ref_file = 'testdata/%s_%s.dat.gz' % (channelname, param)
+        ref_file = os.path.join(config.mydir, 'testdata', '%s_%s.dat.gz' % (channelname, param))
     elif simulator == 'neuron':
-        ref_file = '../nrn/data/%s_%s.dat.gz' % (channelname, param)
+        ref_file = os.path.join(config.mydir, '..', 'nrn', 'data', '%s_%s.dat.gz' % (channelname, param))
         raise ValueError('Unrecognised simulator: %s' % (simulator))
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/channelbase.py b/traub_2005/py/channelbase.py
index 20ba21c5b8276830bc45f08668830ffed6614dde..76e98fee7d8fb97d738e9377af86d9e793af0fad 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/channelbase.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/channelbase.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Fri May  4 14:55:52 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Fri May  3 11:45:07 2013 (+0530)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 10:08:35 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 337
+#     Update #: 347
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from warnings import warn
 import numpy as np
 import moose
 import config
+import metafix
 vmin = -120e-3
 vmax = 40e-3
@@ -162,7 +163,9 @@ class ChannelMeta(type):
         return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, cdict)
-class ChannelBase(moose.HHChannel, ChannelMeta):
+class ChannelBase(moose.HHChannel):
+    # __metaclass__ = ChannelMeta  # This is incompatible with Python3
     annotation = {'cno': 'cno_0000047'}
     abstract = True
     def __init__(self, path, xpower=1, ypower=0, Ek=0.0):
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/config.py b/traub_2005/py/config.py
index 02fd52b975adbc76c489ab4b4ac7e986032d1f6a..ed4c39a5e71a90823d1d85c9666b14895da83fc5 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/config.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/config.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Wed May 23 11:31:40 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:25:16 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:34:25 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 130
+#     Update #: 141
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
 import settings
 import os
+mydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 # These settings are to imitate sedml entities for configuring simulation
 simulationSettings = settings.SimulationSettings()
 modelSettings = settings.ModelSettings()
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ simulationSettings.endTime = 10.0
 modelSettings.container = '/network'
 modelSettings.libpath = '/library'
-modelSettings.protodir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'proto')
+modelSettings.protodir = os.path.join(mydir, 'proto')
 modelSettings.morph_has_postion = False
 modelSettings.populationSize['SupPyrRS'] = 1000
@@ -115,15 +117,17 @@ import logging
 timestamp = datetime.now()
 mypid = os.getpid()
-data_dir_prefix = 'data'
+data_dir_prefix = os.path.join(mydir, 'data')
 if not os.access(data_dir_prefix, os.W_OK):
     data_dir_prefix = '/tmp/traub2005_data'
 if not os.access(data_dir_prefix, os.F_OK):
-    os.mkdir(data_dir_prefix)
+    os.makedirs(data_dir_prefix)
 data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir_prefix, timestamp.strftime('%Y_%m_%d'))
 if not os.access(data_dir, os.F_OK):
-    os.mkdir(data_dir)
+    os.makedirs(data_dir)
 print('data_dir =', data_dir)
 filename_suffix = '_%s_%d' % (timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), mypid)
 def handleError(self, record):
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/deadlock_bug.py b/traub_2005/py/deadlock_bug.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 760a6cefbda9aa18ddda0cc0e1f4d1dd555f68cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/traub_2005/py/deadlock_bug.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# deadlock_bug.py --- 
-# Filename: deadlock_bug.py
-# Description: 
-# Author: Subhasis Ray
-# Maintainer: 
-# Created: Mon Jul 16 22:34:26 2012 (+0530)
-# Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:32:49 2016 (-0400)
-#           By: subha
-#     Update #: 22
-# URL: 
-# Keywords: 
-# Compatibility: 
-# Commentary: 
-# This isolates a single celltype for testing.  In some runs, the
-# control never returns from ReadCell and I suspected it to be a
-# thread deadlock. Hence this file to isolate the issue.
-# Change log:
-# Code:
-from collections import defaultdict
-import moose
-import config
-from config import logger
-import nachans
-import kchans
-import archan
-import cachans
-import capool
-from channelinit import init_chanlib
-def read_keyvals(filename):
-    """Read the mapping between key value pairs from file.
-    The file filename should have two columns:
-    key value
-    """
-    ret = defaultdict(set)
-    try:
-        with(open(filename, 'r')) as level_file:
-            for line in level_file:
-                tokens = line.split()
-                if not tokens:
-                    continue
-                if len(tokens) != 2:
-                    print(filename, ' - Tokens: ', tokens, len(tokens))
-                    return None
-                ret[tokens[1]].add(tokens[0])
-    except IOError:
-        config.logger.info('No such file %s' % (filename))
-    return ret
-def adjust_chanlib(cdict):
-    """Update the revarsal potentials for channels. Set the initial X
-    value for AR channel. Set the tau for Ca pool."""
-    channel_dict = init_chanlib()
-    for ch in list(channel_dict.values()):
-        if isinstance(ch, kchans.KChannel):
-            ch.Ek = cdict['EK']
-        elif isinstance(ch, nachans.NaChannel):
-            ch.Ek = cdict['ENa']
-        elif isinstance(ch, cachans.CaChannel):
-            ch.Ek = cdict['ECa']
-        elif isinstance(ch, archan.AR):
-            ch.Ek = cdict['EAR']
-            if 'X_AR' in cdict:
-                ch.X = cdict['X_AR']        
-        elif isinstance(ch, capool.CaPool):
-            ch.tau = cdict['TauCa']            
-def read_prototype(celltype, cdict):
-    """Read the cell prototype file for the specified class. The
-    channel properties are updated using values in cdict."""
-    filename = '%s/%s.p' % (config.modelSettings.protodir, celltype)
-    logger.debug('Reading prototype file %s' % (filename))
-    adjust_chanlib(cdict)
-    cellpath = '%s/%s' % (config.modelSettings.libpath, celltype)
-    if moose.exists(cellpath):
-        return moose.element(cellpath)
-    for handler in logger.handlers:
-        handler.flush()
-    proto = moose.loadModel(filename, cellpath)
-    # If prototype files do not have absolute compartment positions,
-    # set the compartment postions to origin. This will avoid
-    # incorrect assignemnt of position when the x/y/z values in
-    # prototype file is just for setting the compartment length.
-    if not config.modelSettings.morph_has_postion:
-        for comp in moose.wildcardFind('%s/#[ISA=Compartment]' % (proto.path)):
-            comp.x = 0.0
-            comp.y = 0.0
-            comp.z = 0.0
-    leveldict = read_keyvals('%s/%s.levels' % (config.modelSettings.protodir, celltype))
-    depths = read_keyvals('%s/%s.depths' % (config.modelSettings.protodir, celltype))
-    depthdict = {}
-    for level, depthset in list(depths.items()):
-        if len(depthset) != 1:
-            raise Exception('Depth set must have only one entry.')
-        depthdict[level] = depthset.pop()
-    assign_depths(proto, depthdict, leveldict)
-    return proto
-def assign_depths(cell, depthdict, leveldict):
-    """Assign depths to the compartments in the cell. The original
-    model assigns sets of compartments to particular levels and a
-    depth is specified for each level. This should not be required if
-    we have the z value in prototype file.
-    cell : (prototype) cell instance
-    depth : dict mapping level no. to physical depth
-    level : dict mapping level no. to compartment nos. belonging to
-    that level.
-    """
-    if not depthdict:
-        return
-    for level, depth in list(depthdict.items()):
-        z = float(depth)
-        complist = leveldict[level]
-        for comp_number in complist:
-            comp = moose.element('%s/comp_%s' % (cell.path, comp_number))
-            comp.z = z
-class CellMeta(type):
-    def __new__(cls, name, bases, cdict):
-        if name != 'CellBase':
-            proto = read_prototype(name, cdict)
-            if 'soma_tauCa' in cdict:
-                moose.element(proto.path + '/comp_1/CaPool').tau = cdict['soma_tauCa']
-            cdict['prototype'] = proto
-        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, cdict)
-class CellBase(moose.Neutral, CellMeta):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        if not moose.exists(path):
-            path_tokens = path.rpartition('/')
-            moose.copy(self.prototype, path_tokens[0], path_tokens[-1])
-        moose.Neutral.__init__(self, path)
-    def comp(self, number):
-        return moose.element('%s/comp_%d' % (self.path, number))
-    @property
-    def soma(self):
-        return self.comp(1)
-    @property
-    def presynaptic(self):
-        """Presynaptic compartment. Each subclass should define
-        _presynaptic as the index of this compartment."""
-        return self.comp[self.__class__._presynaptic]
-class TCR(CellBase):
-    _presynaptic = 135
-    ENa = 50e-3
-    EK = -95e-3
-    EAR = -35e-3
-    ECa = 125e-3
-    EGABA = -81e-3
-    TauCa = 20e-3
-    X_AR = 0.25
-    soma_tauCa = 50e-3
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        CellBase.__init__(self, path)
-import os
-os.environ['NUMPTHREADS'] = '1'
-import sys
-import time
-import unittest
-import uuid
-import moose
-def setupClocks(dt):
-    print('Setting up clocks')
-    for ii in range(10):
-        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
-def setupCurrentStepModel(testId, celltype, pulsearray, dt):
-    """Setup a single cell simulation.
-    simid - integer identifying the model
-    celltype - str cell type
-    pulsearray - an nx3 array with row[i] = (delay[i], width[i], level[i]) of current injection.
-    """
-    modelContainer = moose.Neutral('/test%d' % (testId))
-    dataContainer = moose.Neutral('/data%d' % (testId))
-    cell = TCR('%s/TCR' % (modelContainer.path)) # moose.copy(cells.TCR.prototype, modelContainer.path)#
-    pulsegen = moose.PulseGen('%s/pulse' % (modelContainer.path))
-    pulsegen.count = len(pulsearray)
-    for ii in range(len(pulsearray)):
-        pulsegen.delay[ii] = pulsearray[ii][0]
-        pulsegen.width[ii] = pulsearray[ii][1]
-        pulsegen.level[ii] = pulsearray[ii][2]
-    moose.connect(pulsegen, 'output', cell.soma, 'injectMsg')
-    somaVm = moose.Table('%s/vm' % (dataContainer.path))
-    moose.connect(somaVm, 'requestOut', cell.soma, 'getVm')
-    pulseTable = moose.Table('%s/pulse' % (dataContainer.path))
-    moose.connect(pulseTable, 'requestOut', pulsegen, 'getOutputValue')
-    setupClocks(dt)
-    moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]' % (cell.path), 'init')
-    moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]' % (cell.path), 'process')
-    moose.useClock(7, pulsegen.path, 'process')
-    moose.useClock(8, '%s/##' % (dataContainer.path), 'process')
-    return {'cell': cell,
-            'stimulus': pulsegen,
-            'vmTable': somaVm,
-            'stimTable': pulseTable
-            }
-def runsim(simtime, steplength=0.01):
-    moose.reinit()
-    clock = moose.element('/clock')
-    while clock.currentTime < simtime:
-        moose.start(steplength)
-        print('Current simulation time:', clock.currentTime)
-        time.sleep(0.05)
-pulsearray = [[.05, 100e-3, 0.9e-9],
-              [1e9, 10e-3, 0.3e-9], # This will block stimulation after the first one
-              [0.05, 10e-3, 0.1e-9],
-              [0.05, 10e-3, -0.1e-9],
-              [0.05, 10e-3, -0.3e-9]]
-simdt = 0.25e-4
-simtime = 0.1
-class TestTCR(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.testId = uuid.uuid4().int
-        params = setupCurrentStepModel(self.testId, 'TCR', pulsearray, simdt)
-        print('Starting simulation')
-        runsim(simtime)
-    def testDefault(self):
-        pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
-# deadlock_bug.py ends here
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py b/traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
index 72cdbbbbd893c16e56966277739138041c27e505..471d2ec569aa232535936f323abd83fd86e741a9 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Fri Mar  8 11:26:13 2013 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Thu Aug 11 11:29:36 2016 (-0400)
-#           By: Subhasis Ray
-#     Update #: 389
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:09:55 2017 (-0400)
+#           By: subha
+#     Update #: 390
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def node_sizes(g):
     sizes = []
-    comps = [moose.Compartment(n) for n in g.nodes()]
+    comps = [moose.element(n) for n in g.nodes()]
     sizes = np.array([c.length * c.diameter for c in comps])
     soma_i = [ii for ii in range(len(comps)) if comps[ii].path.endswith('comp_1')]
     sizes[soma_i] *= np.pi/4 # for soma, length=diameter. So area is dimater^2 * pi / 4
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def cell_to_graph(cell, label=False):
         raise Exception('No neighbors on raxial or distal')
     es = [(c1.path, c2[0].path, {'weight': 2/ (c1.Ra + c2[0].Ra)}) \
               for c1 in moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[ISA=CompartmentBase]' % (cell.path)) \
-              for c2 in moose.Compartment(c1).neighbors[msg]]
+              for c2 in moose.element(c1).neighbors[msg]]
     g = nx.Graph()
     if label:
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py b/traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
index db7bd2223baceced6698e141ef514b2239fb9178..e48860015b9efce202a4d15e79254aa8c90432ef 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Thu Jun 27 12:06:52 2013 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:28:07 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:09:51 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 30
+#     Update #: 31
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def setup_model(root='/', hsolve=True):
     model = moose.Neutral('model')
     data = moose.Neutral('data')
     cell = DeepBasket('%s/deepbasket' % (model.path))
-    soma = moose.Compartment('%s/comp_1' % (cell.path))
+    soma = moose.element('%s/comp_1' % (cell.path))
     if hsolve:
         solver = moose.HSolve('%s/solve' % (cell.path))
         solver.dt = simdt
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py b/traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py
index dfeecea8f793f25d8372b53a2ebb6c7a501e59b7..1c22dcf7d2f933f283da2073bef9bcec347d4ac9 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Wed Jun 26 17:07:59 2013 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:46:14 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:09:46 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 161
+#     Update #: 162
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -64,11 +64,13 @@ def setup_model(root='/', hsolve=True):
     model = moose.Neutral('model')
     data = moose.Neutral('data')
     cell = SpinyStellate('%s/spinystellate' % (model.path))
-    soma = moose.Compartment('%s/comp_1' % (cell.path))
+    soma = moose.element('%s/comp_1' % (cell.path))
     if hsolve:
         solver = moose.HSolve('%s/solve' % (cell.path))
         solver.dt = simdt
-        solver.target = cell.path
+        solver.target = model.path
     pulse = moose.PulseGen('%s/stimulus' % (model.path))
     moose.connect(pulse, 'output', soma, 'injectMsg')
     tab_vm = moose.Table('%s/spinystellate_soma_Vm' % (data.path))
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/metafix.py b/traub_2005/py/metafix.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ef66587ccc7687cd3cfe40d06e7802a687dbba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traub_2005/py/metafix.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# metafix.py --- 
+# Filename: metafix.py
+# Description: 
+# Author: subha
+# Maintainer: 
+# Created: Sun Jun 25 09:56:51 2017 (-0400)
+# Version: 
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 10:00:23 2017 (-0400)
+#           By: subha
+#     Update #: 3
+# URL: 
+# Keywords: 
+# Compatibility: 
+# Commentary: 
+# Change log:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Code:
+"""Fix to avoid metaclass incompatibility between Python 2 and 3.
+Borrowed from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22409540/508222
+def with_metaclass(mcls):
+    def decorator(cls):
+        body = vars(cls).copy()
+        # clean out class body
+        body.pop('__dict__', None)
+        body.pop('__weakref__', None)
+        return mcls(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, body)
+    return decorator
+# metafix.py ends here
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/nachans.py b/traub_2005/py/nachans.py
index 3eb8a5885dc1323a11620b190bb2eaf658fa6907..b61b7f9d7a49c190bf75a15f1babbc026b5d33b4 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/nachans.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/nachans.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Fri Apr 17 23:58:13 2009 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Dec  8 15:51:51 2012 (+0530)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 01:54:48 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 402
+#     Update #: 403
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ class NaPF(NaChannel):
 class NaPF_SS(NaPF):
     abstract = False
     shift = -2.5e-3
-    v = v_array + shift
     tau_x = where((v_array + shift) < -30e-3, \
                        1.0e-3 * (0.025 + 0.14 * exp(((v_array + shift)  + 30.0e-3) / 10.0e-3)), \
                        1.0e-3 * (0.02 + 0.145 * exp((- (v_array + shift) - 30.0e-3) / 10.0e-3)))
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_archan.py b/traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
index 56719ed61af187fd402ff47bbbf8a7290a60bb61..fa840cadb2e5a99a7d4ba37d5797bfb337e1292d 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Sat Jun  2 11:05:22 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Jun  2 11:06:52 2012 (+0530)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 16:19:47 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 5
+#     Update #: 8
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -48,13 +48,20 @@ class TestAR(ChannelTestBase):
     def testAR_Vm_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testAR_Gk_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py b/traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
index 8da8d2564d81f854a967ae7798371cc9b542efb1..8e86b34510449efdd2f44d11ae1af08d52fc80fc 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Sat Jun  2 11:07:05 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Jun  2 15:27:15 2012 (+0530)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 16:17:20 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 9
+#     Update #: 15
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -48,13 +48,19 @@ class TestCaL(ChannelTestBase):
     def testCAL_Vm_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testCAL_Gk_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestCaT(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -66,13 +72,19 @@ class TestCaT(ChannelTestBase):
     def testCaT_Vm_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testCaT_Gk_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestCaT_A(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -84,13 +96,19 @@ class TestCaT_A(ChannelTestBase):
     def testCaT_Vm_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testCaT_Gk_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_capool.py b/traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
index 672b243f248d7122005866bb80c84356281fec91..6bb47e9a6e0f94adefc94d1cf7377a363d64f5e0 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Sun Jun  3 20:31:03 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:27:45 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:48:08 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 70
+#     Update #: 76
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 # Code:
+import os
 import uuid
 import numpy as np
 import testutils
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ def run_capool(poolname, Gbar, simtime):
     print('Starting simulation', testId, 'for', simtime, 's')
     print('Finished simulation')
-    vm_file = 'data/%s_Vm.dat' % (poolname)
-    gk_file = 'data/%s_Gk.dat' % (poolname)
-    ik_file = 'data/%s_Ik.dat' % (poolname)
-    ca_file = 'data/%s_Ca.dat' % (poolname)
+    vm_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Vm.dat' % (poolname))
+    gk_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Gk.dat' % (poolname))
+    ik_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Ik.dat' % (poolname))
+    ca_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Ca.dat' % (poolname))
     tseries = np.array(list(range(len(vm_data.vector)))) * simdt
     print(('Vm:', len(vm_data.vector), 'Gk', len(gk_data.vector), 'Ik', len(ik_data.vector)))
     data = np.c_[tseries, vm_data.vector]
@@ -103,24 +103,33 @@ class TestCaPool(ChannelTestBase):
     vm = np.array(params['Vm'].vector)
     gk = np.array(params['Gk'].vector)
     ca = np.array(params['Ca'].vector)
-    print(le(ca))
     tseries = np.arange(0, len(vm), 1.0) * simdt
     def testCaPool_Vm_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testCaPool_Gk_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testCaPool_Ca_Neuron(self):
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.ca]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.poolname, 'Ca', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.poolname, 'Ca', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py b/traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
index 416e4a83961b3914fa9adbb8fd42e7a48981f0e2..30327f73432a7b7358b7c6fb8350d930188de610 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Wed May 30 23:51:58 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:30:28 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 16:16:01 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 120
+#     Update #: 135
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 # Code:
+import os
 import uuid
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ def run_cadep_channel(channelname, Gbar, simtime):
     print('Starting simulation', testId, 'for', simtime, 's')
     print('Finished simulation')
-    vm_file = 'data/%s_Vm.dat' % (channelname)
-    gk_file = 'data/%s_Gk.dat' % (channelname)
-    ik_file = 'data/%s_Ik.dat' % (channelname)
-    ca_file = 'data/%s_Ca.dat' % (channelname)
+    vm_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Vm.dat' % (channelname))
+    gk_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Gk.dat' % (channelname))
+    ik_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Ik.dat' % (channelname))
+    ca_file = os.path.join(config.data_dir, '%s_Ca.dat' % (channelname))
     tseries = np.array(list(range(len(vm_data.vector)))) * simdt
     print(('Vm:', len(vm_data.vector), 'Gk', len(gk_data.vector), 'Ik', len(ik_data.vector)))
     data = np.c_[tseries, vm_data.vector]
@@ -221,13 +221,19 @@ class TestKAHP(ChannelTestBase):
     def testKAHP_Vm_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testKAHP_Gk_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestKAHP_SLOWER(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -239,13 +245,19 @@ class TestKAHP_SLOWER(ChannelTestBase):
     def testKAHP_SLOWER_Vm_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testKAHP_SLOWER_Gk_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestKAHP_DP(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -257,13 +269,19 @@ class TestKAHP_DP(ChannelTestBase):
     def testKAHP_DP_Vm_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testKAHP_DP_Gk_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestKC(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -280,8 +298,11 @@ class TestKC(ChannelTestBase):
     def testKC_Gk_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 class TestKC_FAST(ChannelTestBase):
@@ -293,13 +314,19 @@ class TestKC_FAST(ChannelTestBase):
     def testKC_FAST_Vm_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.vm]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Vm', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime))
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
     def testKC_FAST_Gk_Neuron(self):        
         data = np.c_[self.tseries, self.gk]
-        err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
-        self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        try:
+            err = compare_channel_data(data, self.channelname, 'Gk', 'neuron', x_range=(simtime/10.0, simtime), plot=True)
+            self.assertLess(err, 0.01)
+        except IOError:
+            print('Could not find NRN data')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py b/traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
index 3412806ced9ff7f67154fae3e6e0befcb703f1ed..6c6b87e24a2057c1bd6e898b855aecc7a719363b 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Tue Jul 17 21:01:14 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:46:37 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 15:37:21 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 317
+#     Update #: 320
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ class TestSingleComp(unittest.TestCase):
         vm_axis = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
         ca_axis = plt.subplot(2,1,2)
-            nrndata = np.loadtxt('../nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat')
+            fname = os.path.join(config.mydir, 'nrn', 'data', 'singlecomp_Vm.dat')
+            nrndata = np.loadtxt(fname)
             vm_axis.plot(nrndata[:,0], nrndata[:,1], label='Vm (mV) - nrn')
             ca_axis.plot(nrndata[:,0], nrndata[:,2], label='Ca (mM) - nrn')
         except IOError as e:
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ class TestSingleComp(unittest.TestCase):
         data = np.vstack((tseries*1e-3, 
-        np.savetxt('data/singlecomp_Vm.dat', 
+        np.savetxt(os.path.join(config.data_dir, 'singlecomp_Vm.dat'), 
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py b/traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
index c6d1c4999b93e0b7bf9bd2799520e4e0ad5d98d7..ea6b9ab80c600caee0cbf9e36165d1595d14b45b 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Mon Jul 16 16:12:55 2012 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Sat Aug  6 15:29:42 2016 (-0400)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 16:30:03 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 530
+#     Update #: 531
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TestTCR(SingleCellCurrentStepTest):
         self.pulsegen.delay[0] = 100e-3
         self.pulsegen.width[0] = 100e-3
         self.pulsegen.level[0] = -10e-3
-        moose.connect(self.pulsegen, 'output', clamp, 'setCommand')
+        moose.connect(self.pulsegen, 'output', clamp, 'commandIn')
         tab = moose.Table('%s/command' % (self.data_container.path))
         moose.connect(tab, 'requestOut', clamp, 'getCommand')
         for ii in moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=VClamp]'):
diff --git a/traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py b/traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py
index 1fabd7ec6bcfbb65a7c2be3914fe29762801a1bc..69e4264e7b7c83d4bcb716f306a1461011a35295 100644
--- a/traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py
+++ b/traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # Maintainer: 
 # Created: Wed Feb  6 16:25:52 2013 (+0530)
 # Version: 
-# Last-Updated: Tue Jun 11 17:30:34 2013 (+0530)
+# Last-Updated: Sun Jun 25 14:47:22 2017 (-0400)
 #           By: subha
-#     Update #: 148
+#     Update #: 149
 # URL: 
 # Keywords: 
 # Compatibility: 
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ def vclamptest(compartment, vclamp, duration=50e-3, delay=150e-3, solver='ee', v
         command.width[ii] = duration
         command.level[ii] = clamping_voltage
     injected = moose.Table('%s/Iinject' % (dc.path))
-    moose.connect(injected, 'requestData', clamp, 'getCurrent')
+    moose.connect(injected, 'requestOut', clamp, 'getCurrent')
     voltage = moose.Table('%s/Vcommand' % (dc.path))
-    moose.connect(voltage, 'requestData', command, 'getOutputValue')
+    moose.connect(voltage, 'requestOut', command, 'getOutputValue')
     vm = moose.Table('%s/Vm' % (dc.path))
-    moose.connect(vm, 'requestData', compartment, 'getVm')
+    moose.connect(vm, 'requestOut', compartment, 'getVm')
     utils.resetSim([mc.path, dc.path], simdt, plotdt, simmethod=solver)
     ivec = np.asarray(injected.vector)