diff --git a/moose-core/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/moose-core/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 5eccd7a7ee9cc0f150c876dff4905a98545b0306..f8aa18ad4cd7e81f73c6436ad0071e89de8ddce5 100644
--- a/moose-core/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/moose-core/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 -   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
-    sha: v0.8.0
+    sha: v1.2.1
     - id: check-added-large-files
     - id: check-ast
diff --git a/moose-core/.travis.yml b/moose-core/.travis.yml
index f38c78cc58ebcdb6b26d6b499187f9e0cc48e36a..d1de05b822fc17bd41eb64d523a7a150ee23d96b 100644
--- a/moose-core/.travis.yml
+++ b/moose-core/.travis.yml
@@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
 language: cpp
-dist: trusty
 sudo: required
 group: edge
-    - linux
-    - osx
+    - docker
+- linux
+- osx
-    email:
-        recipients:
-            - bhalla@ncbs.res.in
-            - dilawar.s.rajput@gmail.com
-            - hrani@ncbs.res.in
-        on_success: change
-        on_failure: always
-before_script :
-    - echo "OSX related"
-    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then nvm get head || true; fi
-    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_prepare_osx.sh; fi
-    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo ./.travis/travis_prepare_linux.sh; fi
+  email:
+    recipients:
+    - bhalla@ncbs.res.in
+    - dilawar.s.rajput@gmail.com
+    - hrani@ncbs.res.in
+    on_success: change
+    on_failure: always
+- echo "OSX related"
+- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then nvm get head || true; fi
+- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_prepare_osx.sh; fi
+- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo ./.travis/travis_prepare_linux.sh;
+  fi
-    - # checking if any python3 incompatible file is in the source tree.
-    - python2 -m compileall -q .
-    - if type python3 > /dev/null; then python3 -m compileall -q . ; fi
-    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_build_osx.sh; fi
-    - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_build_linux.sh; fi
-    - set +e
+- python2 -m compileall -q .
+- if type python3 > /dev/null; then python3 -m compileall -q . ; fi
+- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_build_osx.sh; fi
+- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then ./.travis/travis_build_linux.sh; fi
+- set +e
+  on: tags
+  provider: script
+  script: ./.travis/deploy_pypi.sh
diff --git a/moose-core/.travis/deploy_pypi.sh b/moose-core/.travis/deploy_pypi.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed7c978d94670761a90d4427abc71ef9c664ba2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moose-core/.travis/deploy_pypi.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/bin/bash -
+#          FILE: deploy_pypi.sh
+#         USAGE: ./deploy_pypi.sh
+#   DESCRIPTION:  Build docker image and deploy on PyPI.
+#       OPTIONS: ---
+#          BUGS: ---
+#         NOTES: ---
+#        AUTHOR: Dilawar Singh (), dilawars@ncbs.res.in
+#       CREATED: Sunday 04 February 2018 11:46:32  IST
+#      REVISION:  ---
+set -o nounset                                  # Treat unset variables as an error
+git clone https://github.com/BhallaLab/pymoose-wheels
+cd pymoose-wheels && docker build -t bhallalab/wheels .
diff --git a/moose-core/CMakeLists.txt b/moose-core/CMakeLists.txt
index f91b68e213f79a13762f83b5446734edfa703129..8737681d2a56b3d7eb57a3537f985075dda561b5 100644
--- a/moose-core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/moose-core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,18 +16,28 @@ set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules")
+# getgit revision number
+find_program( GIT_EXEC git )
+    execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXEC} rev-parse --short HEAD 
+        )
 # If from command line, version info is not passed, use the git to generate a
 # version file. If GIT fails, use the previous known version.
-set(MOOSE_VERSION 3.2-git)
-add_definitions( -DMOOSE_VERSION="${MOOSE_VERSION}")
-message( STATUS "MOOSE Version ${MOOSE_VERSION}" )
+    set(VERSION_MOOSE "3.2.0rc1-${GIT_HEAD}")
+endif( )
+add_definitions( -DMOOSE_VERSION="${VERSION_MOOSE}")
+message( STATUS "MOOSE Version ${VERSION_MOOSE}" )
-# Write VERSION to a file VERSION so that setup.py can use it.
-message(STATUS "+ Writing ${MOOSE_VERSION} to ${VERSION_FILE}" )
+# Write VERSION to a file VERSION so that setup.cmake.py can use it.
+message(STATUS "+ Writing ${VERSION_MOOSE} to ${VERSION_FILE}" )
 # This snippet is from LLVM project.
 # Sanity check our source directory to make sure that we are not trying to
@@ -268,19 +278,24 @@ endif(WITH_BOOST)
 # these two types because of --whole-archive option. See
 # BhallaLab/moose-core#66,
-    message(STATUS "Using gsl libraries: ${GSL_LIBRARIES}")
-    foreach(GSL_LIB ${GSL_LIBRARIES} )
-        if(GSL_LIB)
-            get_filename_component( GSL_LIB_EXT ${GSL_LIB} EXT )
-            if(GSL_LIB_EXT)
-                if(GSL_LIB_EXT STREQUAL ".a" )
-                    list(APPEND STATIC_LIBRARIES ${GSL_LIB})
-                else()
-                    list(APPEND SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBS ${GSL_LIB})
-                endif( )
-            endif( )
-        endif( )
-    endforeach( )
+       message( STATUS "Using static libraries ${GSL_STATIC_LIBRARIES}" )
+    else( )
+       message(STATUS "Using gsl libraries: ${GSL_LIBRARIES}")
+       foreach(GSL_LIB ${GSL_LIBRARIES} )
+           if(GSL_LIB)
+               get_filename_component( GSL_LIB_EXT ${GSL_LIB} EXT )
+               if(GSL_LIB_EXT)
+                   if(GSL_LIB_EXT STREQUAL ".a" )
+                       list(APPEND STATIC_LIBRARIES ${GSL_LIB})
+                   else()
+                       list(APPEND SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBS ${GSL_LIB})
+                   endif( )
+               endif( )
+           endif( )
+       endforeach( )
+   endif( )
@@ -374,6 +389,7 @@ if(DEBUG)
     endif( WITH_BOOST )
 ######################### BUILD PYMOOSE ########################################
 add_subdirectory( pymoose )
@@ -434,8 +450,6 @@ if(${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL} MATCHES "make")
 ############################ CTEST ######################################
 include( CTest )
 # If CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE environment variable is set, the output is printed
diff --git a/moose-core/Jenkinsfile b/moose-core/Jenkinsfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8f686e173b685a42466d93da4128042eeca188..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/moose-core/Jenkinsfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-pipeline {
-    agent any 
-    stages {
-        stage('Build') { 
-            steps { 
-                sh 'mkdir -p _build && cd _build && cmake .. && make -j4' 
-            }
-        }
-        stage('Test'){
-            steps {
-                sh 'cd _build && ctest --output-on-failure'
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/moose-core/README.md b/moose-core/README.md
index 90d19144aadc5d514300fe7acb7805020739d400..dd8e63621de6d0da31186fdb10fd7f940c15e276 100644
--- a/moose-core/README.md
+++ b/moose-core/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
-[![Build Status - master](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-core.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-core)
+[![Build Status - master](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-core.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-core) | [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/pymoose.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/pymoose)
 This is the core computational engine of [MOOSE simulator](https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose). This repository contains
-C++ codebase and python interface. For more details about MOOSE simulator, see https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose/blob/master/README.md
+C++ codebase and python interface called `pymoose`. For more details about MOOSE simulator, visit https://moose.ncbs.res.in .
-This repository is sufficient for using MOOSE as a python module. If you just want to build moose python module, follow instructions given here at https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core/blob/master/INSTALL.md .
+# Download and Install
+This repository is sufficient for using MOOSE as a python module. We provide python package via `pip`.
+    $ pip install pymoose --user 
+`pymoose` is part of [MOOSE simulator](https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose). We also provide linux packages of 
+MOOSE simlulator. It can be downloaded from [Open Build Service](https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3Amoose&package=moose). 
+In addition to `pymoose`, it also contain a `GUI` to create and visualize chemical network, and `moogli`, a visualizer of neural activity.  
+# Build 
+To build `pymoose`, follow instructions given here at https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core/blob/master/INSTALL.md 
diff --git a/moose-core/builtins/Function.cpp b/moose-core/builtins/Function.cpp
index 54224b27fc2a8c0bc3b04fb961cf3a02703f013d..79413c1bb0fea17bee2ebaff277423c278421456 100644
--- a/moose-core/builtins/Function.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/builtins/Function.cpp
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ const Cinfo * Function::initCinfo()
         "log2        1       logarithm to the base 2\n"
         "log10       1       logarithm to the base 10\n"
         "log         1       logarithm to the base 10\n"
-        "ln  1       logarithm to base e (2.71828...)\n"
+        "ln  	     1       logarithm to base e (2.71828...)\n"
         "exp         1       e raised to the power of x\n"
         "sqrt        1       square root of a value\n"
         "sign        1       sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0\n"
@@ -166,32 +166,34 @@ const Cinfo * Function::initCinfo()
         "                    if seed = -1, a 'random' seed is created using either\n"
         "                    by random_device or by reading system clock\n"
-        "Op  meaning         priority\n"
-        "=   assignment     -1\n"
-        "&&  logical and     1\n"
-        "||  logical or      2\n"
-        "<=  less or equal   4\n"
-        ">=  greater or equal        4\n"
-        "!=  not equal       4\n"
-        "==  equal   4\n"
-        ">   greater than    4\n"
-        "<   less than       4\n"
-        "+   addition        5\n"
-        "-   subtraction     5\n"
-        "*   multiplication  6\n"
-        "/   division        6\n"
-        "^   raise x to the power of y       7\n"
-        "%   floating point modulo         7\n"
+        "Op  meaning         		priority\n"
+        "=   assignment     		-1\n"
+        "&&  logical and     		1\n"
+        "||  logical or      		2\n"
+        "<=  less or equal   		4\n"
+        ">=  greater or equal  		4\n"
+        "!=  not equal         		4\n"
+        "==  equal   			4\n"
+        ">   greater than    		4\n"
+        "<   less than       		4\n"
+        "+   addition        		5\n"
+        "-   subtraction     		5\n"
+        "*   multiplication  		6\n"
+        "/   division        		6\n"
+        "^   raise x to the power of y  7\n"
+        "%   floating point modulo      7\n"
-        "?:  if then else operator   C++ style syntax\n",
+        "?:  if then else operator   	C++ style syntax\n",
-        &Function::getExpr);
+        &Function::getExpr
+    );
     static ValueFinfo< Function, unsigned int > numVars(
         "Number of variables used by Function.",
-        &Function::getNumVar);
+        &Function::getNumVar
+    );
     static FieldElementFinfo< Function, Variable > inputs(
@@ -199,7 +201,8 @@ const Cinfo * Function::initCinfo()
-        &Function::getNumVar);
+        &Function::getNumVar
+    );
     static LookupValueFinfo < Function, string, double > constants(
@@ -229,10 +232,7 @@ const Cinfo * Function::initCinfo()
     static DestFinfo reinit( "reinit",
                              "Handles reinit call.",
                              new ProcOpFunc< Function >( &Function::reinit ) );
-    static Finfo* processShared[] =
-            {
-		&process, &reinit
-            };
+    static Finfo* processShared[] = { &process, &reinit };
     static SharedFinfo proc( "proc",
                              "This is a shared message to receive Process messages "
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ Function::Function(const Function& rhs): _numVar(rhs._numVar),
 Function& Function::operator=(const Function rhs)
-	static Eref er;
+    static Eref er;
     _mode = rhs._mode;
     _lastValue = rhs._lastValue;
diff --git a/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake b/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ab03bc5f0b766462e05edb6afbe9c20e8115b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# - Returns a version string from Git
+# These functions force a re-configure on each git commit so that you can
+# trust the values of the variables in your build system.
+#  get_git_head_revision(<refspecvar> <hashvar> [<additional arguments to git describe> ...])
+# Returns the refspec and sha hash of the current head revision
+#  git_describe(<var> [<additional arguments to git describe> ...])
+# Returns the results of git describe on the source tree, and adjusting
+# the output so that it tests false if an error occurs.
+#  git_get_exact_tag(<var> [<additional arguments to git describe> ...])
+# Returns the results of git describe --exact-match on the source tree,
+# and adjusting the output so that it tests false if there was no exact
+# matching tag.
+#  git_local_changes(<var>)
+# Returns either "CLEAN" or "DIRTY" with respect to uncommitted changes.
+# Uses the return code of "git diff-index --quiet HEAD --".
+# Does not regard untracked files.
+# Requires CMake 2.6 or newer (uses the 'function' command)
+# Original Author:
+# 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik <rpavlik@iastate.edu> <abiryan@ryand.net>
+# http://academic.cleardefinition.com
+# Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC
+# Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010.
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+	return()
+set(__get_git_revision_description YES)
+# We must run the following at "include" time, not at function call time,
+# to find the path to this module rather than the path to a calling list file
+get_filename_component(_gitdescmoddir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH)
+function(get_git_head_revision _refspecvar _hashvar)
+	set(GIT_DIR "${GIT_PARENT_DIR}/.git")
+	while(NOT EXISTS "${GIT_DIR}")	# .git dir not found, search parent directories
+		get_filename_component(GIT_PARENT_DIR ${GIT_PARENT_DIR} PATH)
+			# We have reached the root directory, we are not in git
+			set(${_refspecvar} "GITDIR-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE)
+			set(${_hashvar} "GITDIR-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE)
+			return()
+		endif()
+		set(GIT_DIR "${GIT_PARENT_DIR}/.git")
+	endwhile()
+	# check if this is a submodule
+		file(READ ${GIT_DIR} submodule)
+		string(REGEX REPLACE "gitdir: (.*)\n$" "\\1" GIT_DIR_RELATIVE ${submodule})
+		get_filename_component(SUBMODULE_DIR ${GIT_DIR} PATH)
+		get_filename_component(GIT_DIR ${SUBMODULE_DIR}/${GIT_DIR_RELATIVE} ABSOLUTE)
+	endif()
+	set(GIT_DATA "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/git-data")
+	endif()
+		return()
+	endif()
+	configure_file("${GIT_DIR}/HEAD" "${HEAD_FILE}" COPYONLY)
+	configure_file("${_gitdescmoddir}/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in"
+		"${GIT_DATA}/grabRef.cmake"
+		@ONLY)
+	include("${GIT_DATA}/grabRef.cmake")
+	set(${_refspecvar} "${HEAD_REF}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+	set(${_hashvar} "${HEAD_HASH}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(git_describe _var)
+		find_package(Git QUIET)
+	endif()
+	get_git_head_revision(refspec hash)
+		return()
+	endif()
+	if(NOT hash)
+		return()
+	endif()
+	# TODO sanitize
+	#if((${ARGN}" MATCHES "&&") OR
+	#	(ARGN MATCHES "||") OR
+	#	(ARGN MATCHES "\\;"))
+	#	message("Please report the following error to the project!")
+	#	message(FATAL_ERROR "Looks like someone's doing something nefarious with git_describe! Passed arguments ${ARGN}")
+	#endif()
+	#message(STATUS "Arguments to execute_process: ${ARGN}")
+	execute_process(COMMAND
+		describe
+		${hash}
+		${ARGN}
+		res
+		out
+	if(NOT res EQUAL 0)
+		set(out "${out}-${res}-NOTFOUND")
+	endif()
+	set(${_var} "${out}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(git_get_exact_tag _var)
+	git_describe(out --exact-match ${ARGN})
+	set(${_var} "${out}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(git_local_changes _var)
+		find_package(Git QUIET)
+	endif()
+	get_git_head_revision(refspec hash)
+		return()
+	endif()
+	if(NOT hash)
+		return()
+	endif()
+	execute_process(COMMAND
+		diff-index --quiet HEAD --
+		res
+		out
+	if(res EQUAL 0)
+		set(${_var} "CLEAN" PARENT_SCOPE)
+	else()
+		set(${_var} "DIRTY" PARENT_SCOPE)
+	endif()
diff --git a/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in b/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d8b708efe56a66852752a7a30ec5c16b51cdc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moose-core/cmake_modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Internal file for GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake
+# Requires CMake 2.6 or newer (uses the 'function' command)
+# Original Author:
+# 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik <rpavlik@iastate.edu> <abiryan@ryand.net>
+# http://academic.cleardefinition.com
+# Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC
+# Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010.
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+	# named branch
+	string(REPLACE "ref: " "" HEAD_REF "${HEAD_CONTENTS}")
+		configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/${HEAD_REF}" "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" COPYONLY)
+	else()
+		configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/packed-refs" "@GIT_DATA@/packed-refs" COPYONLY)
+		file(READ "@GIT_DATA@/packed-refs" PACKED_REFS)
+		if(${PACKED_REFS} MATCHES "([0-9a-z]*) ${HEAD_REF}")
+			set(HEAD_HASH "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+		endif()
+	endif()
+	# detached HEAD
+	configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/HEAD" "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" COPYONLY)
+	file(READ "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" HEAD_HASH LIMIT 1024)
diff --git a/moose-core/cmake_moose_cpack.cmake b/moose-core/cmake_moose_cpack.cmake
index 985c3fc40307d6a50c52680e8d9459e5d51b5d83..05e7f11498ea91f8b752601bdf5c4ac723e69199 100644
--- a/moose-core/cmake_moose_cpack.cmake
+++ b/moose-core/cmake_moose_cpack.cmake
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ if(APPLE)
+    if(DEBUG)
+    endif(DEBUG)
diff --git a/moose-core/pymoose/CMakeLists.txt b/moose-core/pymoose/CMakeLists.txt
index d7c5c3c93f13d06713473e8537397fb9ee64f888..713ade07302e224a9600177fce2952d0a61dc791 100644
--- a/moose-core/pymoose/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/moose-core/pymoose/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ ELSE(MACOSX)
+        # ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}
diff --git a/moose-core/python/moose/SBML/readSBML.py b/moose-core/python/moose/SBML/readSBML.py
index ff7b7dbc5d9bcefb3754ba172b17618f51ed396b..06de82bc3a7317fa1d8525be13e86fb1013d3026 100644
--- a/moose-core/python/moose/SBML/readSBML.py
+++ b/moose-core/python/moose/SBML/readSBML.py
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ def createRules(model, specInfoMap, globparameterIdValue):
         if (rule.isAssignment()):
             rule_variable = rule.getVariable()
-            if specInfoMap.has_key(rule_variable):
+            if rule_variable in specInfoMap:
                 #In assignment rule only if pool exist, then that is conveted to moose as 
                 # this can be used as summation of pool's, P1+P2+P3 etc 
                 rule_variable = parentSp = str(idBeginWith(rule_variable))
@@ -993,10 +993,9 @@ def createRules(model, specInfoMap, globparameterIdValue):
                     if found:
                         allPools = True
                         for i in ruleMemlist:
-                            if specInfoMap.has_key(i):
-                                pass
-                            else:
+                            if i not in specInfoMap:
                                 allPools = False
+                                break
                         if allPools:
                             #only if addition then summation works, only then I create a function in moose
                             # which is need to get the summation's output to a pool
diff --git a/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rdesigneur.py b/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rdesigneur.py
index 8665281d89c7954d9828930c5e492c18c59e5930..30906a2502bbe8143afb96d91bd8cc9ff3211af5 100644
--- a/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rdesigneur.py
+++ b/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rdesigneur.py
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ class rdesigneur:
             elecDt= 50e-6,          # Same default as from MOOSE
             chemPlotDt = 1.0,       # Same default as from MOOSE
             elecPlotDt = 0.1e-3,    # Same default as from MOOSE
+            funcDt = 0.1e-3,        # Used when turnOffElec is False.
+                                    # Otherwise system uses chemDt.
             cellProto = [],
             spineProto = [],
             chanProto = [],
@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ class rdesigneur:
         self.diffDt= diffDt
         self.elecDt= elecDt
         self.elecPlotDt= elecPlotDt
+        self.funcDt= funcDt
         self.chemPlotDt= chemPlotDt
         self.cellProtoList = cellProto
@@ -640,8 +643,8 @@ class rdesigneur:
     # Here we display the plots and moogli
-    def displayMoogli( self, moogliDt, runtime, rotation = math.pi/500.0):
-        rmoogli.displayMoogli( self, moogliDt, runtime, rotation )
+    def displayMoogli( self, moogliDt, runtime, rotation = math.pi/500.0, fullscreen = False):
+        rmoogli.displayMoogli( self, moogliDt, runtime, rotation, fullscreen )
     def display( self ):
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -925,12 +928,14 @@ class rdesigneur:
             elecPlotDt = self.elecPlotDt
         diffDt = self.diffDt
         chemDt = self.chemDt
-        for i in range( 0, 9 ):
+        for i in range( 0, 9 ):     # Assign elec family of clocks
             moose.setClock( i, elecDt )
-        moose.setClock( 8, elecPlotDt )
-        moose.setClock( 10, diffDt )
-        for i in range( 11, 18 ):
+        moose.setClock( 8, elecPlotDt ) 
+        moose.setClock( 10, diffDt )# Assign diffusion clock.
+        for i in range( 11, 18 ):   # Assign the chem family of clocks.
             moose.setClock( i, chemDt )
+        if not self.turnOffElec:    # Assign the Function clock
+            moose.setClock( 12, self.funcDt )
         moose.setClock( 18, self.chemPlotDt )
         hsolve = moose.HSolve( self.elecid.path + '/hsolve' )
         hsolve.dt = elecDt
diff --git a/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rmoogli.py b/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rmoogli.py
index bd4ad97927876d076fb2c3c3610d80e036b66ed4..fcb1a1209f03b4f542f63b0fee38f169588dabb0 100644
--- a/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rmoogli.py
+++ b/moose-core/python/rdesigneur/rmoogli.py
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def makeMoogli( rd, mooObj, moogliEntry, fieldInfo ):
     return viewer
-def displayMoogli( rd, _dt, _runtime, _rotation ):
+def displayMoogli( rd, _dt, _runtime, _rotation, fullscreen = False ):
     if not hasMoogli:
         return None
     global runtime
@@ -167,7 +167,10 @@ def displayMoogli( rd, _dt, _runtime, _rotation ):
     moogliDt = _dt
     rotation = _rotation
     for i in rd.moogNames:
-        i.show()
+        if fullscreen:
+            i.showMaximized()
+        else:
+            i.show()
diff --git a/moose-core/python/setup.cmake.py b/moose-core/python/setup.cmake.py
index 8cd9faf17329584b8eb251b51428567130a53b7c..ebce90693b110574df448678fab379642e644880 100644
--- a/moose-core/python/setup.cmake.py
+++ b/moose-core/python/setup.cmake.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Script to install python targets. 
+Script to install python targets.
 NOTE: This script is to be called by CMake. Not intended to be used standalone.
@@ -19,12 +19,17 @@ __status__           = "Development"
 import os
 import sys
-from distutils.core import setup
+	from setuptools import setup
+except Exception as e:
+	from distutils.core import setup
 script_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
-version = '3.2.git'
+version = '3.2pre1'
-    with open( os.path.join( script_dir, '..', '..', 'VERSION'), 'r' ) as f:
+    with open( os.path.join( script_dir, 'VERSION'), 'r' ) as f:
         version = f.read( )
 except Exception as e:
     print( 'Failed to read VERSION %s' % e )
@@ -38,9 +43,9 @@ except Exception as e:
     suffix = '.so'
-        name='moose',
+        name='pymoose',
-        description='MOOSE python scripting module.',
+        description='Python scripting interface of MOOSE Simulator (https://moose.ncbs.res.in)',
         maintainer='Dilawar Singh',
@@ -56,9 +61,9 @@ setup(
             , 'moose.chemUtil'
             , 'moose.chemMerge'
+	install_requires = [ 'python-libsbml', 'numpy' ],
         package_dir = {
-            'moose' : 'moose'
-            , 'rdesigneur' : 'rdesigneur'
+            'moose' : 'moose', 'rdesigneur' : 'rdesigneur'
         package_data = { 'moose' : ['_moose' + suffix, 'neuroml2/schema/NeuroMLCoreDimensions.xml'] },
diff --git a/moose-core/scripts/setup.py b/moose-core/setup.py
similarity index 97%
rename from moose-core/scripts/setup.py
rename to moose-core/setup.py
index 746ba5a078982dc72b6b08f694ee5adcce5bfb62..f7eec4a35346b44bb6c2a30ccf08369c151cfbe2 100755
--- a/moose-core/scripts/setup.py
+++ b/moose-core/setup.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class InstallCommand(_install):
         self.new_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'python')
-            ds.spawn(["python", "setup.py", "install"])
+            ds.spawn(["python", "setup.cmake.py", "install"])
         except ds.DistutilsExecError as e:
             print("Can't install PyMOOSE")
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ setup(
         , description = description
         , license = "LGPL"
         , url = url
-        , long_description = read('README')
+        , long_description = read('./README.md')
         , ext_modules = [
             Extension('_moose', [ '*' ])
diff --git a/moose-core/setup_/__init__.py b/moose-core/setup_/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 50aca64a597d87ddbda39b60ac2ed743b7ccb993..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/moose-core/setup_/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-sources = [
-	'basecode/consts.cpp',
-	'basecode/Element.cpp',
-	'basecode/Qinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/DataHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/ZeroDimHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/ZeroDimParallelHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/BlockHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/OneDimHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/TwoDimHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/AnyDimHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/DataHandlerWrapper.cpp',
-	'basecode/FieldDataHandlerBase.cpp',
-	'basecode/MsgDataHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/ZombieHandler.cpp',
-	'basecode/Eref.cpp',
-	'basecode/Finfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/DestFinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/Cinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/SrcFinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/ValueFinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/SharedFinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/FieldElementFinfo.cpp',
-	'basecode/Id.cpp',
-	'basecode/ObjId.cpp',
-	'basecode/DataId.cpp',
-	'basecode/SetGet.cpp',
-	'basecode/OpFunc.cpp',
-	'basecode/FieldOpFunc.cpp',
-	'basecode/SparseMatrix.cpp',
-	'basecode/PrepackedBuffer.cpp',
-	'basecode/FuncBarrier.cpp',
-	'basecode/doubleEq.cpp',
-	'basecode/ReduceBase.cpp',
-	'basecode/main.cpp',
-	'basecode/testAsync.cpp',
-	'biophysics/SynBase.cpp',
-	'biophysics/IntFire.cpp',
-	'biophysics/IzhikevichNrn.cpp',
-	'biophysics/LeakyIaF.cpp',
-	'biophysics/Synapse.cpp',
-	'biophysics/Compartment.cpp',
-	'biophysics/SymCompartment.cpp',
-	'biophysics/ChanBase.cpp',
-	'biophysics/SynChanBase.cpp',
-	'biophysics/HHChannel.cpp',
-	'biophysics/HHGate.cpp',
-	'biophysics/SynChan.cpp',
-	'biophysics/SpikeGen.cpp',
-	'biophysics/CaConc.cpp',
-	'biophysics/Nernst.cpp',
-	'biophysics/GHK.cpp',
-	'biophysics/NMDAChan.cpp',
-	'biophysics/HHGate2D.cpp',
-	'biophysics/HHChannel2D.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MgBlock.cpp',
-	'biophysics/VectorTable.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MarkovRateTable.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MarkovChannel.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MarkovGslSolver.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MatrixOps.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MarkovSolverBase.cpp',
-	'biophysics/MarkovSolver.cpp',
-	'biophysics/ReadCell.cpp',
-	'biophysics/testBiophysics.cpp',
-	'builtins/Arith.cpp',
-	'builtins/Group.cpp',
-	'builtins/Mdouble.cpp',
-	'builtins/Mstring.cpp',
-	'builtins/TableBase.cpp',
-	'builtins/TableEntry.cpp',
-	'builtins/Table.cpp',
-	'builtins/StimulusTable.cpp',
-	'builtins/Stats.cpp',
-	'builtins/Interpol2D.cpp',
-	'builtins/HDF5WriterBase.cpp',
-	'builtins/HDF5DataWriter.cpp',
-	'builtins/testBuiltins.cpp',
-	'device/PulseGen.cpp',
-	'device/DiffAmp.cpp',
-	'device/PIDController.cpp',
-	'device/RC.cpp',
-	'geom/Geometry.cpp',
-	'geom/Surface.cpp',
-	'geom/Panel.cpp',
-	'geom/CylPanel.cpp',
-	'geom/SpherePanel.cpp',
-	'geom/HemispherePanel.cpp',
-	'geom/DiskPanel.cpp',
-	'geom/RectPanel.cpp',
-	'geom/TriPanel.cpp',
-	'geom/testGeom.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolveStruct.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HinesMatrix.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolvePassive.cpp',
-	'hsolve/RateLookup.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolveActive.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolveActiveSetup.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolveInterface.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolve.cpp',
-	'hsolve/HSolveUtils.cpp',
-	'hsolve/testHSolve.cpp',
-	'hsolve/ZombieCompartment.cpp',
-	'hsolve/ZombieCaConc.cpp',
-	'hsolve/ZombieHHChannel.cpp',
-	'kinetics/PoolBase.cpp',
-	'kinetics/Pool.cpp',
-	'kinetics/BufPool.cpp',
-	'kinetics/FuncPool.cpp',
-	'kinetics/Reac.cpp',
-	'kinetics/Enz.cpp',
-	'kinetics/MMenz.cpp',
-	'kinetics/Species.cpp',
-	'kinetics/ReadKkit.cpp',
-	'kinetics/ReadCspace.cpp',
-	'kinetics/MathFunc.cpp',
-	'kinetics/SumFunc.cpp',
-	'kinetics/lookupSizeFromMesh.cpp',
-	'kinetics/testKinetics.cpp',
-	'ksolve/Port.cpp',
-	'ksolve/Stoich.cpp',
-	'ksolve/KinSparseMatrix.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombiePool.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieBufPool.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieFuncPool.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieReac.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieEnz.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieMMenz.cpp',
-	'ksolve/ZombieSumFunc.cpp',
-	'ksolve/RateTerm.cpp',
-	'ksolve/FuncTerm.cpp',
-	'ksolve/GssaStoich.cpp',
-	'ksolve/testKsolve.cpp',
-	'manager/SimManager.cpp',
-	'manager/testSimManager.cpp',
-	'mesh/ChemMesh.cpp',
-	'mesh/MeshEntry.cpp',
-	'mesh/CylMesh.cpp',
-	'mesh/CubeMesh.cpp',
-	'mesh/Boundary.cpp',
-	'mesh/Stencil.cpp',
-	'mesh/testMesh.cpp',
-	'msg/Msg.cpp',
-	'msg/DiagonalMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/OneToAllMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/OneToOneMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/SingleMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/SparseMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/ReduceMsg.cpp',
-	'msg/testMsg.cpp',
-	'pymoose/moosemodule.cpp',
-	'randnum/mt19937ar.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/regressionTest.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/rtTable.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/rtReadKkit.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/rtHHnetwork.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/rtReacDiff.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/perfTestMarkovSolver.cpp',
-	'regressionTests/benchmarkTests.cpp',
-	'scheduling/Clock.cpp',
-	'scheduling/Tick.cpp',
-	'scheduling/TickMgr.cpp',
-	'scheduling/testScheduling.cpp',
-	'shell/Shell.cpp',
-	'shell/ShellCopy.cpp',
-	'shell/ShellSetGet.cpp',
-	'shell/ShellThreads.cpp',
-	'shell/ProcessLoop.cpp',
-	'shell/LoadModels.cpp',
-	'shell/Neutral.cpp',
-	'shell/Wildcard.cpp',
-	'shell/testShell.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolSim.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolPool.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolMol.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolReac.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolEnz.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/SmolMMenz.cpp',
-	#~ 'smol/testSmol.cpp',
-	'utility/strutil.cpp',
-	'utility/types.cpp',
-	'utility/setupenv.cpp',
-	'utility/numutil.cpp',
-	'utility/Annotator.cpp',
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.cpp b/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.cpp
index 6734a574b696f169131f02acab90247a8788db69..835dc72b7d31f24c95d585567dee6439a33eb3c2 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.cpp
@@ -305,6 +305,15 @@ void GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler::addSpike(
 	delayDPreEvents_.push( PreSynEvent( index, time+delayD_, weight ) );
+double GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler::getTopSpike( 
+				unsigned int index ) const
+	if ( events_.empty() )
+		return 0.0;
+	return events_.top().time;
 void GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler::addPostSpike( const Eref& e, double time )
 	postEvents_.push( PostSynEvent( time ) );
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.h b/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.h
index 2c3055593acdba3bae06331e45b6a4cb2f5b1f8b..f7888602545b6b9742369e12dca5a4fcbbbb44be 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler.h
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ class GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler: public SynHandlerBase
 		unsigned int addSynapse();
 		void dropSynapse( unsigned int droppedSynNumber );
 		void addSpike( unsigned int index, double time, double weight );
+		double getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const;
 		void addPostSpike( const Eref& e, double time );
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.cpp b/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.cpp
index 372e6d66dc60267e8f0997afd95fac722f0cb9bb..a414913b23b3d41d605158671d53c2a3fc0b53a6 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.cpp
@@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ void STDPSynHandler::addSpike(
 	events_.push( PreSynEvent( index, time, weight ) );
+double STDPSynHandler::getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const
+	if ( events_.empty() )
+		return 0.0;
+	return events_.top().time;
 void STDPSynHandler::addPostSpike( const Eref& e, double time )
 	postEvents_.push( PostSynEvent( time ) );
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.h b/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.h
index 947db5f13387af002c573e35dfb5affca8dbd672..c0f1446eff724a4f72b0283b9f3640da0fb6e6de 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/STDPSynHandler.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ class STDPSynHandler: public SynHandlerBase
 		unsigned int addSynapse();
 		void dropSynapse( unsigned int droppedSynNumber );
 		void addSpike( unsigned int index, double time, double weight );
+		double getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const;
 		void addPostSpike( const Eref& e, double time );
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.cpp b/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.cpp
index 0f29f3d4fe21bc6e4cc1930c065b2749f115fdaa..cb8bb0b69f0670f156fb70bf9525cec45590b62b 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.cpp
@@ -513,6 +513,13 @@ void SeqSynHandler::addSpike(unsigned int index, double time, double weight)
 	latestSpikes_[ synapseOrder_[index] ] += weight;
+double SeqSynHandler::getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const
+	if ( events_.empty() )
+		return 0.0;
+	return events_.top().time;
 unsigned int SeqSynHandler::addSynapse()
 	unsigned int newSynIndex = synapses_.size();
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.h b/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.h
index 58ede36a4ef3042c185b803740ed56fb0c644baf..97b4800f507cdf133f91d480983da05e21b28b16 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/SeqSynHandler.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class SeqSynHandler: public SynHandlerBase
 		unsigned int addSynapse();
 		void dropSynapse( unsigned int droppedSynNumber );
 		void addSpike( unsigned int index, double time, double weight );
+		double getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const;
 		// New fields.
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.cpp b/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.cpp
index b1323cb101783a530a8545f25849eb404f36841c..51100cd28bd0a3badb3ca8476356fa5e3ece8cfc 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.cpp
@@ -104,6 +104,13 @@ void SimpleSynHandler::addSpike(
 	events_.push( SynEvent( time, weight ) );
+double SimpleSynHandler::getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const
+	if ( events_.empty() )
+		return 0.0;
+	return events_.top().time;
 void SimpleSynHandler::vProcess( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
 	double activation = 0.0;
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.h b/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.h
index 9b3138bf0337783f9b4bfd95c800ab5aa6991d14..22ee6c90e8eb366da221254d9fc6a82dc0c3d0d2 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/SimpleSynHandler.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class SimpleSynHandler: public SynHandlerBase
 		unsigned int addSynapse();
 		void dropSynapse( unsigned int droppedSynNumber );
 		void addSpike( unsigned int index, double time, double weight );
+		double getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const;
 		static const Cinfo* initCinfo();
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/SynHandlerBase.h b/moose-core/synapse/SynHandlerBase.h
index 660da06d6c8b7d63bcd70878b0d05d2c21839099..e3b3a3834c9008cff8e217a75c7580aa51d2f4d7 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/SynHandlerBase.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/SynHandlerBase.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ class SynHandlerBase
 		virtual void addSpike(
 			unsigned int index, double time, double weight ) = 0;
+		virtual double getTopSpike( unsigned int index ) const = 0;
 		// Virtual func definitions for fields.
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.cpp b/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.cpp
index 17aa5a0daeb64bdcc31efb1cfc5c5ebc27f88186..30c97b1b8021622966b72b3320602e76dfdeb1dd 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.cpp
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "header.h"
+#include "ElementValueFinfo.h"
 #include "SynHandlerBase.h"
 #include "Synapse.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,13 @@ const Cinfo* Synapse::initCinfo()
+		static ElementValueFinfo< Synapse, double > spikeTime(
+			"spikeTime",
+			"Value field interface to add spike (by assignment) and to "
+			"read the value of the spike on top of the queue.",
+			&Synapse::addSpike,
+			&Synapse::getTopSpike
+		);
 		static DestFinfo addSpike( "addSpike",
 			"Handles arriving spike messages, inserts into event queue.",
@@ -34,6 +42,7 @@ const Cinfo* Synapse::initCinfo()
 	static Finfo* synapseFinfos[] = {
 		&weight,		// Field
 		&delay,			// Field
+		&spikeTime,		// ElementField
 		&addSpike,		// DestFinfo
@@ -103,6 +112,11 @@ void Synapse::addSpike( const Eref& e, double time )
 	handler_->addSpike( e.fieldIndex(), time + delay_, weight_ );
+double Synapse::getTopSpike( const Eref& e ) const
+	return handler_->getTopSpike( e.fieldIndex() );
 // Callbacks for message add/drop
diff --git a/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.h b/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.h
index 12e5915de832eab23cf8eaa5cb2d3af6c0a8d10b..4ac1593c8fd7a19a205099904a5d1fc9b90b1471 100644
--- a/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.h
+++ b/moose-core/synapse/Synapse.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class Synapse
 		double getDelay() const;
 		void addSpike( const Eref& e, double time );
+		double getTopSpike( const Eref& e ) const;
 		void setHandler( SynHandlerBase* h );
diff --git a/moose-core/wheels/Dockerfile b/moose-core/wheels/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cec973ab7386cb5fb611c360b6f4152ee026359b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moose-core/wheels/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+FROM quay.io/pypa/manylinux1_x86_64
+MAINTAINER Dilawar Singh <dilawar.s.rajput@gmail.com>
+# If you are behind proxy,  uncomment the following lines with appropriate
+# values. Otherwise comment them out.
+ENV http_proxy http://proxy.ncbs.res.in:3128
+ENV https_proxy http://proxy.ncbs.res.in:3128
+ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
+RUN yum update
+RUN yum install -y cmake28 && ln -sf /usr/bin/cmake28 /usr/bin/cmake
+RUN yum install -y wget  
+RUN if [ ! -f /usr/local/lib/libgsl.a ]; then \
+    wget --no-check-certificate ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-2.4.tar.gz && \
+    tar xvf gsl-2.4.tar.gz && cd gsl-2.4 && ./configure && make -j2 && \
+    make install && cd; fi 
+RUN ./build_wheels.sh
diff --git a/moose-core/wheels/build_wheels.sh b/moose-core/wheels/build_wheels.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5509ea8530b8a80b009d79fd8db29de334ef8fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moose-core/wheels/build_wheels.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+# Clone git or update.
+if [ ! -d $MOOSE_SOURCE_DIR ]; then
+    git clone -b wheels https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core --depth 10 $MOOSE_SOURCE_DIR
+    cd $MOOSE_SOURCE_DIR && git pull && git merge master -X theirs && cd -
+# Try to link statically.
+mkdir -p $WHEELHOUSE
+for PYDIR in /opt/python/cp27-cp27m/ /opt/python/cp34-cp34m/ /opt/python/cp36-cp36m/; do
+    PYVER=$(basename $PYDIR)
+    mkdir -p $PYVER
+    (
+        cd $PYVER
+        echo "Building using $PYDIR in $PYVER"
+        PYTHON=$(ls $PYDIR/bin/python?.?)
+        $PYTHON -m pip install numpy
+            -DMOOSE_VERSION="3.2rc1" ${MOOSE_SOURCE_DIR}
+        make -j4
+        # Now build bdist_wheel
+        cd python
+        cp setup.cmake.py setup.py
+        $PYDIR/bin/pip wheel . -w $WHEELHOUSE
+    )
+# now check the wheels.
+for whl in $WHEELHOUSE/*.whl; do
+    #auditwheel repair "$whl" -w $WHEELHOUSE
+    auditwheel show "$whl"
+ls -lh $WHEELHOUSE/*.whl