diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index d2c79591555f008795b9312b409fdd3e8dc45cab..6669982c05bf6e40696cd8e3e117dae1085122d7 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ dist : trusty
 sudo : required 
 group : edge
+language: ruby
+    - 2.2
@@ -19,15 +23,18 @@ install:
     - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install python-qt4 python-pip graphviz
     - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install python-h5py python-scipy python-pygraphviz
     - sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install moose 
-    - sudo pip install python-libsbml python-networkx
+    - sudo pip install python-libsbml networkx
+    - gem install travis
+    - nvm use stable
     - # Making sure no python3 incompatible file.
     - python3 -m compileall -q .
     - python2 -m compileall -q .
     - /usr/bin/python -c 'import moose'
     - /usr/bin/python -c 'import moogli'
     - cd _travis && ./find_scripts_to_run.sh && ./run_scripts.sh 
+    - cd _travis && ./download_and_run_doqcs.sh
 exclude : [vendor]
@@ -35,7 +42,6 @@ deploy:
     provider : pages
     skip_cleanup : true
     github_token : $GHI_TOKEN
-    local_dir : _travis/_site
         branch : master
diff --git a/_travis/BLACKLISTED b/_travis/BLACKLISTED
index 212f84d3bb891ad4f44431f9a1cffe763c82a8c0..c152d9cc066f1d9b31ecfad0f4adc95235660c73 100644
--- a/_travis/BLACKLISTED
+++ b/_travis/BLACKLISTED
@@ -1,799 +1,225 @@
-- [ ] ./../snippets/recurrentIntFire.py
-  1 7 7
-  1 1
-  1 6 6
-  <moose.ZombieReac: id=476, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/kinetics[0]/endo[0]>
-  <moose.ZombieReac: id=474, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/compartment_1[0]/exo[0]>
-  Elements under /model[0]/compartment_1[0]
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/mesh
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/P
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/M
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/M_p
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/basal
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/exo
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/stoich
-  /model[0]/compartment_1[0]/ksolve
-- [ ] ./../snippets/switchKineticSolvers.py
-  [ 0.  0.]
-  106384558.575
-  7-06-27T10:40:46.203398
-  World: current time: 2017-06-27T10:40:46.203604
-  Init <moose.PyRun: id=468, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/Hello[0]>
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 0
-  Init World
-  Running World
-  World count = 0
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 1
-  Running World
-  World count = 1
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 2
-  Running World
-  World count = 2
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 3
-  Running World
-  World count = 3
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 4
-  Running World
-  World count = 4
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 5
-  Running World
-  World count = 5
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 6
-  Running World
-  World count = 6
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 7
-  Running World
-  World count = 7
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 8
-  Running World
-  World count = 8
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 9
-  Running World
-  World count = 9
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 10
-  Running World
-  World count = 10
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 11
-  Running World
-  World count = 11
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 12
-  Running World
-  World count = 12
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 13
-  Running World
-  World count = 13
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 14
-  Running World
-  World count = 14
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 15
-  Running World
-  World count = 15
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 16
-  Running World
-  World count = 16
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 17
-  Running World
-  World count = 17
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 18
-  Running World
-  World count = 18
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 19
-  Running World
-  World count = 19
-  Running Hello
-  Hello count = 20
-  Running World
-  World count = 20
-  Init World
-  Running World
-  World count = 0
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 1
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 2
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 3
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 4
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 5
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 6
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 7
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 8
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 9
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 10
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 11
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 12
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 13
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 14
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 15
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 16
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 17
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 18
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 19
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 20
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 21
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 22
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 23
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 24
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 25
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 26
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 27
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 28
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 29
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 30
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 31
-  input = 3.0
-  output = 9.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 32
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 33
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 34
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 35
-  input = 0.0
-  output = 0.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 36
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 37
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 38
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 39
-  input = 1.0
-  output = 1.0
-  Running World
-  World count = 40
-  input = 2.0
-  output = 4.0
-- [ ] ./../snippets/twocells.py
-    [ 0.  0.]
-    106384558.575
-    7-06-27T10:40:46.203398
-    World: current time: 2017-06-27T10:40:46.203604
-    Init <moose.PyRun: id=468, dataIndex=0, path=/model[0]/Hello[0]>
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 0
-    Init World
-    Running World
-    World count = 0
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 1
-    Running World
-    World count = 1
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 2
-    Running World
-    World count = 2
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 3
-    Running World
-    World count = 3
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 4
-    Running World
-    World count = 4
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 5
-    Running World
-    World count = 5
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 6
-    Running World
-    World count = 6
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 7
-    Running World
-    World count = 7
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 8
-    Running World
-    World count = 8
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 9
-    Running World
-    World count = 9
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 10
-    Running World
-    World count = 10
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 11
-    Running World
-    World count = 11
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 12
-    Running World
-    World count = 12
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 13
-    Running World
-    World count = 13
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 14
-    Running World
-    World count = 14
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 15
-    Running World
-    World count = 15
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 16
-    Running World
-    World count = 16
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 17
-    Running World
-    World count = 17
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 18
-    Running World
-    World count = 18
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 19
-    Running World
-    World count = 19
-    Running Hello
-    Hello count = 20
-    Running World
-    World count = 20
-    Init World
-    Running World
-    World count = 0
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 1
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 2
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 3
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 4
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 5
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 6
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 7
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 8
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 9
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 10
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 11
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 12
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 13
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 14
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 15
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 16
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 17
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 18
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 19
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 20
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 21
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 22
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 23
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 24
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 25
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 26
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 27
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 28
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 29
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 30
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 31
-    input = 3.0
-    output = 9.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 32
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 33
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 34
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 35
-    input = 0.0
-    output = 0.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 36
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 37
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 38
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 39
-    input = 1.0
-    output = 1.0
-    Running World
-    World count = 40
-    input = 2.0
-    output = 4.0
-- [ ] ./../snippets/stimtable.py
-- [ ] ./../snippets/function.py
-  0.1
-  ('dt = ', 0.1, ', Total simulation time = ', 10.0)
-  ('Running simulation for', 10.0, 'seconds')
-  ('Simulator time:', 10.0)
-  9
-  ('Simulator time at end of simulation', 40.0)
-  omp')
-  Elements on tick 1
-  (' ->', '/comp')
-  ('/comp[0]/chan[0]', 'has been scheduled')
-  Elements on tick 1
-  (' ->', '/comp')
-  (' ->', '/comp[0]/chan')
-  ('Ticks connected to `process` method of', '/comp[0]')
-  (' ->', '/clock')
-- [ ] ./../snippets/pulsegen2.py
-    0.1
-    ('dt = ', 0.1, ', Total simulation time = ', 10.0)
-    ('Running simulation for', 10.0, 'seconds')
-    ('Simulator time:', 10.0)
-    9
-    ('Simulator time at end of simulation', 40.0)
-    omp')
-    Elements on tick 1
-    (' ->', '/comp')
-    ('/comp[0]/chan[0]', 'has been scheduled')
-    Elements on tick 1
-    (' ->', '/comp')
-    (' ->', '/comp[0]/chan')
-    ('Ticks connected to `process` method of', '/comp[0]')
-    (' ->', '/clock')
-- [ ] ./../snippets/gssaCylinderDiffusion.py
-- [ ] ./../snippets/findChemSteadyState.py
-  Totals:	2.98096e+08	6.02214e+06	
-  > /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[1].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[2].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[0].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[3].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[4].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[5].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[1].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[6].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[7].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[8].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[5].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[3].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[2].addSpike
-  Messages from /net1[9].spikeOut
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[5].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[4].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[5].addSpike
-  	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[2].addSpike
-- [ ] ./../snippets/GraupnerBrunel2012_STDPfromCaPlasticity.py
-    Totals:	2.98096e+08	6.02214e+06	
-    > /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[1].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[2].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[0].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[3].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[4].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[5].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[1].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[6].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[7].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[9]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[8].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[1]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[4]/synapse[5].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[5]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[6]/synapse[3].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[8]/synapse[2].addSpike
-    Messages from /net1[9].spikeOut
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[0]/synapse[5].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[2]/synapse[4].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[3]/synapse[5].addSpike
-    	--> /net1[0]/sh[7]/synapse[2].addSpike
-- [ ] ./../snippets/traub_naf.py
-  No parallel ksolve
-- [ ] ./../snippets/hhcomp.py
+- [ ] ./../cuda/testHsolve.py
-    No parallel ksolve
+  moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file CA1soma.net.xml 
+  moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file CA1soma.net.xml 
+  moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+  moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+  Reinit MOOSE ... 
+  Solver: ee
+  Using exp euler
+  Using exp euler
+  Running ... 
+  Showing plots ...
-- [ ] ./../snippets/recurrentLIF.py
+- [ ] ./../kinetics/test_ksolve.py
-  Elements under /model[0]/compartment[0]
-  /model[0]/compartment[0]/mesh
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file CA1soma.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file CA1soma.net.xml 
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
+    Reinit MOOSE ... 
+    Solver: ee
+    Using exp euler
+    Using exp euler
+    Running ... 
+    Showing plots ...
-- [ ] ./../snippets/HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014_LifetimeCaPlasticity.py
+- [ ] ./../neuroml/allChannelsCell/allChannelsCell.py
-    Elements under /model[0]/compartment[0]
-    /model[0]/compartment[0]/mesh
+  Selecting a channel randomly form ['CaT_STG', 'Na_STG', 'CaS_STG', 'H_STG', 'Kd_STG', 'KA_STG']
+  Selected CaT_STG
+  Running for 0
+  Running for 1
+  .nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population PY of cell type PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population PY of cell type PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population LP of cell type LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population LP of cell type LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_LP
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PYReinit MOOSE.
+  Solver: ee
+  Using exp euler
+  Running now...
+  ('Spiketimes :', array([ 0.07185,  0.16435,  0.25685,  0.34935,  0.44185,  0.53435,
+          0.62685,  0.71935,  0.81185,  0.90435,  0.9969 ,  1.0894 ,
+          1.1819 ,  1.2744 ,  1.3669 ,  1.4594 ,  1.5519 ,  1.6444 ,
+          1.7369 ,  1.8294 ,  1.9219 ]))
+  oose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
+  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
-- [ ] ./../snippets/multiscaleOneCompt.py
+- [ ] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/STG_net.py
-  ReadKkit::setMethod: option  not known, using Exponential Euler (ee)
-  Written to file testsave.g
-  True
+    Selecting a channel randomly form ['CaT_STG', 'Na_STG', 'CaS_STG', 'H_STG', 'Kd_STG', 'KA_STG']
+    Selected CaT_STG
+    Running for 0
+    Running for 1
+    .nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population PY of cell type PY
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population PY of cell type PY
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population LP of cell type LP
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population LP of cell type LP
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_LP
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_LP
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PYReinit MOOSE.
+    Solver: ee
+    Using exp euler
+    Running now...
+    ('Spiketimes :', array([ 0.07185,  0.16435,  0.25685,  0.34935,  0.44185,  0.53435,
+            0.62685,  0.71935,  0.81185,  0.90435,  0.9969 ,  1.0894 ,
+            1.1819 ,  1.2744 ,  1.3669 ,  1.4594 ,  1.5519 ,  1.6444 ,
+            1.7369 ,  1.8294 ,  1.9219 ]))
+    oose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
+    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
-- [ ] ./../unsorted/ksolve_with_heavy_load.py
+- [ ] ./../parallelSolver/Fig2_v4.py
-  .
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tuftedrs.py
+  tau = 0.004 lambda = 0.000316227766017
+  0
+  -----------------
+  4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
+  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 
+  2
+  -----------------
+  0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
+  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 
+  4
+  -----------------
+  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 
+  0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
+  6
+  -----------------
+  0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 
+  4.9672941329e-10 4.9672941329e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/dump_f_i_curves.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
-    .
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supbasket.py
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
-        import networkx as nx
-    ImportError: No module named networkx
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepbasket.py
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-        File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
-          import networkx as nx
-      ImportError: No module named networkx
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]'.
+    _0[0]/SpinyStellate_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepBasket_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepLTS_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/SpinyStellate_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepBasket_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepLTS_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/SpinyStellate_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepBasket_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepLTS_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/SpinyStellate_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepBasket_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepLTS_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/SpinyStellate_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepBasket_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]'.
+    _0[0]/SpinyStellate_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepBasket_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepLTS_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/SpinyStellate_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepBasket_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepLTS_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/SpinyStellate_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepBasket_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepLTS_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/SpinyStellate_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepBasket_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepLTS_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/SpinyStellate_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepBasket_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
+    ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
+    ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]'.
+    _0[0]/SpinyStellate_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepBasket_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepLTS_0[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/SpinyStellate_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepBasket_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepLTS_1[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/SpinyStellate_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepBasket_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepLTS_2[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/SpinyStellate_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepBasket_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepLTS_3[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/SpinyStellate_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepBasket_4[0]'.
+    Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
 - [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a3.py
-        Traceback (most recent call last):
-          File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
-            import networkx as nx
-        ImportError: No module named networkx
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a2_fs.py
-  .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-  ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-  ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
-  ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-  ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-  ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
-  ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
-  Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrfrb.py
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrrs.py
-      .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
       ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
       ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
       ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
@@ -808,155 +234,193 @@
       ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
       ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
       ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
-      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]'.
+      _0[0]/SpinyStellate_0[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepBasket_0[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_0[0]/DeepLTS_0[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/SpinyStellate_1[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepBasket_1[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_1[0]/DeepLTS_1[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/SpinyStellate_2[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepBasket_2[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_2[0]/DeepLTS_2[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/SpinyStellate_3[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepBasket_3[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_3[0]/DeepLTS_3[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/SpinyStellate_4[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepBasket_4[0]'.
+      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tuftedib.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a4c.py
-      .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-      ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
-      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-      ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-      ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
-      ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
-      Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+  ......
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 6 tests in 0.001s
+  OK
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 107994510161836698292770853737592796521L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaL_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaL_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaL_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 113868246900925919479974366892001443855L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 6968112391088963906305439967133196117L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_A_Vm.dat')
+  (1401, 1401)
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_A_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/CaT_A_Ik.dat')
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaT_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaT_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaT_A_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaT_A_Vm.dat.gz'
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepaxoaxonic.py
+  .```
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deeplts.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepbasket.py
-        .'data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-        ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-        ReadCell: 74 compartments, 772 channels, 69 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 539 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 50 compartments, 448 channels, 45 others
-        ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-        ReadCell: 61 compartments, 594 channels, 56 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 501 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 283 channels, 54 others
-        ReadCell: 137 compartments, 1345 channels, 132 others
-        ReadCell: 59 compartments, 607 channels, 54 others
-        Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/deepbasket[0]'.
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_hsolve_tcr.py
+    .    .```
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
-  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+      .```
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nontuftedrs.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nrt.py
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 221160974367696030614095733078257065670L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 161960867808673258750941327888061564420L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 238598849937293373804186882451093882450L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 139931537324603362871431717753493813398L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 255078710148271345867433384651488255421L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 137364228230556122433750901550615303055L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 289535226617074381573672567763395314604L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 187414707464618056364930354075464769989L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 41672354994817370858545542288716004975L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 328843709217768268196843393005840550745L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 333649882596489859996035936355031933525L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 287783968685182135182785054009559002100L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 241966303683427254741879992202970345342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 36686195806297229170283937037925775002L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ik.dat')
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ca.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Ca.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 130450161180299445574837519754651687762L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 79384975590958590213321850542543884827L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 18842490944915776732376550489652988216L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 296162494787471209258159843493076114769L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /cl......................
-  Ran 22 tests in 0.003s
+  Ran 22 tests in 0.002s
-  ('Starting simulation', 235856058615413177557427067191149088011L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 267510748745697699773752264704284678310L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ik.dat')
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ca.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Ca.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 98799431063718451575710705734600675591L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 41473520916524199632398594697217851832L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Gk.dat.gz'
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Vm.dat.gz'
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Gk.dat.gz'
@@ -979,444 +443,171 @@
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Vm.dat.gz'
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Gk.dat.gz'
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Vm.dat.gz'
+  K
+  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or..
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 32 tests in 0.003s
+  OK
+   directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
+  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  OK
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_hsolve_tcr.py
-    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 221160974367696030614095733078257065670L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 238598849937293373804186882451093882450L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 255078710148271345867433384651488255421L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 289535226617074381573672567763395314604L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 41672354994817370858545542288716004975L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/K2_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 333649882596489859996035936355031933525L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KM_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 241966303683427254741879992202970345342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ik.dat')
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_Ca.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 130450161180299445574837519754651687762L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 18842490944915776732376550489652988216L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /cl......................
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Ran 22 tests in 0.003s
-    OK
-    ock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 235856058615413177557427067191149088011L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ik.dat')
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_Ca.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 98799431063718451575710705734600675591L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Vm.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Vm.dat.gz'
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/dump_f_i_curves.py
-  ....('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 325561820975165195210620629298811943342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 161960867808673258750941327888061564420L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 133550198806683723771222885143050316901L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 139931537324603362871431717753493813398L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KDR_FS_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 138324612508380380818594088259496070176L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 137364228230556122433750901550615303055L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 229700919589343978344821737547583707019L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 187414707464618056364930354075464769989L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KA_IB_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 159958170493697466714674449253856976136L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 328843709217768268196843393005840550745L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_0Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
-  ]
-  ('Starting simulation', 214485281330192688028260113592459302111L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/K2_Ik.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 287783968685182135182785054009559002100L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Vm.dat')
   (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KM_Ik.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 147702062391583136608377857220262504825L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 36686195806297229170283937037925775002L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat')
-  (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_Ca.dat')
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 112351602507443325731809884597663945629L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  ('Starting simulation', 79384975590958590213321850542543884827L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
   Finished simulation
   ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat')
-  (1401, 1401)
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Ik.dat')
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...
-  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...
-  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [E..........................rrno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
-  OK
-  Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_SLOWER_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 296162494787471209258159843493076114769L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KAHP_DP_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /cl......................
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Ran 22 tests in 0.002s
+  ock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 267510748745697699773752264704284678310L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_Ca.dat')
+  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
+  Elements under /clock[0]
+  ('Starting simulation', 41473520916524199632398594697217851832L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
+  Finished simulation
+  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
+  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Vm.dat')
+  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Gk.dat')
+  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Ik.dat')
+  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29/KC_FAST_Ca.dat')
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/K2_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_DP_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KAHP_SLOWER_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KA_IB_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KC_FAST_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KDR_FS_Vm.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Gk.dat.gz'
+  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/KM_Vm.dat.gz'
+  K
   Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file..
+  Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or..
-  Ran 32 tests in 0.004s
+  Ran 32 tests in 0.003s
-   or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
+   directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
   Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/fig_a4c.py
-    ....('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 325561820975165195210620629298811943342L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 133550198806683723771222885143050316901L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF_TCR_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 138324612508380380818594088259496070176L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 229700919589343978344821737547583707019L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaF2_nRT_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 159958170493697466714674449253856976136L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaP_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_0Warning: HSolve::setPath(): No compartments found at or below '/model[0]/mc_4[0]/DeepLTS_4[0]'.
-    ]
-    ('Starting simulation', 214485281330192688028260113592459302111L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 147702062391583136608377857220262504825L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_SS_Ik.dat')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 112351602507443325731809884597663945629L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat')
-    (1401, 1401)
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/NaPF_TCR_Ik.dat')
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [E..........................rrno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF2_nRT_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaP_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_SS_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Gk  ... [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Gk  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Gk.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing MOOSE Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file..
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Ran 32 tests in 0.004s
-    OK
-     or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/testdata/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-    Testing NEURON Vm  ...[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/NaPF_TCR_Vm.dat.gz'
-    OK
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supaxoaxonic.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_spinystellate.py
-  Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+  Ran 1 test in 3.110s
-  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-  ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+  ('/test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
-  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+  [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
   Ek                   = -0.1
   Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
   Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1430,18 +621,18 @@
   className            = HHChannel
   dt                   = 5e-05
   fieldIndex           = 0
-  idValue              = 594
+  idValue              = 607
   index                = 0
   instant              = 0
   modulation           = 1.0
   name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
   numData              = 1
   numField             = 1
-  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+  path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
   tick                 = 2
   useConcentration     = 1
-  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+  [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
   Ek                   = -0.1
   Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
   Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1455,18 +646,18 @@
   className            = HHChannel
   dt                   = 5e-05
   fieldIndex           = 0
-  idValue              = 601
+  idValue              = 614
   index                = 0
   instant              = 4
   modulation           = 1.0
   name                 = KC_FAST
   numData              = 1
   numField             = 1
-  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+  path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
   tick                 = 2
   useConcentration     = 1
-  [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+  [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
   Ek                   = 0.125
   Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
   Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1480,33 +671,33 @@
   className            = HHChannel
   dt                   = 5e-05
   fieldIndex           = 0
-  idValue              = 643
+  idValue              = 656
   index                = 0
   instant              = 0
   modulation           = 1.0
   name                 = CaL
   numData              = 1
   numField             = 1
-  path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+  path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
   tick                 = 2
   useConcentration     = 0
   ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
   Elements under /clock[0]
-  Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+  Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.127953 s
   [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_spinystellate.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supaxoaxonic.py
-    Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+    Ran 1 test in 3.110s
-    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-    ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+    ('/test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
-    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+    [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
     Ek                   = -0.1
     Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
     Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1520,18 +711,18 @@
     className            = HHChannel
     dt                   = 5e-05
     fieldIndex           = 0
-    idValue              = 594
+    idValue              = 607
     index                = 0
     instant              = 0
     modulation           = 1.0
     name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
     numData              = 1
     numField             = 1
-    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+    path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
     tick                 = 2
     useConcentration     = 1
-    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+    [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
     Ek                   = -0.1
     Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
     Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1545,18 +736,18 @@
     className            = HHChannel
     dt                   = 5e-05
     fieldIndex           = 0
-    idValue              = 601
+    idValue              = 614
     index                = 0
     instant              = 4
     modulation           = 1.0
     name                 = KC_FAST
     numData              = 1
     numField             = 1
-    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+    path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
     tick                 = 2
     useConcentration     = 1
-    [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+    [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
     Ek                   = 0.125
     Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
     Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1570,33 +761,33 @@
     className            = HHChannel
     dt                   = 5e-05
     fieldIndex           = 0
-    idValue              = 643
+    idValue              = 656
     index                = 0
     instant              = 0
     modulation           = 1.0
     name                 = CaL
     numData              = 1
     numField             = 1
-    path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+    path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
     tick                 = 2
     useConcentration     = 0
     ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
     Elements under /clock[0]
-    Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+    Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.127953 s
     [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nontuftedrs.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_supbasket.py
-      Ran 1 test in 3.803s
+      Ran 1 test in 3.110s
-      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-      ('/test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
+      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_29')
+      ('/test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaPool[0]', 2.758685680259519e+16, 0.05)
-      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
+      [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0] ]
       Ek                   = -0.1
       Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-10
       Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1610,18 +801,18 @@
       className            = HHChannel
       dt                   = 5e-05
       fieldIndex           = 0
-      idValue              = 594
+      idValue              = 607
       index                = 0
       instant              = 0
       modulation           = 1.0
       name                 = KAHP_SLOWER
       numData              = 1
       numField             = 1
-      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
+      path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KAHP_SLOWER[0]
       tick                 = 2
       useConcentration     = 1
-      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
+      [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0] ]
       Ek                   = -0.1
       Gbar                 = 9.42477796077e-08
       Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1635,18 +826,18 @@
       className            = HHChannel
       dt                   = 5e-05
       fieldIndex           = 0
-      idValue              = 601
+      idValue              = 614
       index                = 0
       instant              = 4
       modulation           = 1.0
       name                 = KC_FAST
       numData              = 1
       numField             = 1
-      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
+      path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/KC_FAST[0]
       tick                 = 2
       useConcentration     = 1
-      [ /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
+      [ /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0] ]
       Ek                   = 0.125
       Gbar                 = 4.71238898038e-09
       Gk                   = 0.0
@@ -1660,272 +851,34 @@
       className            = HHChannel
       dt                   = 5e-05
       fieldIndex           = 0
-      idValue              = 643
+      idValue              = 656
       index                = 0
       instant              = 0
       modulation           = 1.0
       name                 = CaL
       numData              = 1
       numField             = 1
-      path                 = /test95289067419864544275597697099366924074[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
+      path                 = /test161932173425002043168685567420602996843[0]/model[0]/soma[0]/CaL[0]
       tick                 = 2
       useConcentration     = 0
       ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 2.5e-05, 'plotdt', 2.5e-05)
       Elements under /clock[0]
-      Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.189301 s
+      Simulation of 0.35 s finished in 0.127953 s
       [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/nrn/data/singlecomp_Vm.dat'
 - [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suplts.py
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrfrb.py
-  ...
-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
-  OK
-  ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-  ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-  Elements under /clock[0]
-  ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-  Finished simulation
-  ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-  ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
-  ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
-  ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
-  ('>>', 1401)
-  ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
-  (1401,)
-  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
-  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
-  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/vclamptest.py
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deepaxoaxonic.py
-    ...
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
-    OK
-    ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-    ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-    Elements under /clock[0]
-    ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-    Finished simulation
-    ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-    ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
-    ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
-    ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
-    ('>>', 1401)
-    ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
-    (1401,)
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
-    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
-      ...
-      ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
-      OK
-      ('data_dir =', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27')
-      ('Setting up clocks: simdt', 5e-06, 'plotdt', 0.00025)
-      Elements under /clock[0]
-      ('Starting simulation', 263479175017974185993903802204725680007L, 'for', 0.35, 's')
-      Finished simulation
-      ('Vm:', 1401, 'Gk', 1401, 'Ik', 1401)
-      ('Saved Vm in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Vm.dat')
-      ('Saved Gk in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Gk.dat')
-      ('Saved Ik in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ik.dat')
-      ('>>', 1401)
-      ('Saved [Ca2+] in', '/tmp/traub2005_data/2017_06_27/CaPool_Ca.dat')
-      (1401,)
-      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaPool_Ca.dat.gz'
-      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Gk.dat.gz'
-      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home1/dilawars/SVN/GITHUB/BhallaLab/moose-examples/traub_2005/py/../nrn/data/CaL_Vm.dat.gz'
-- [ ] ./../parallelSolver/Fig2_v4.py
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_deeplts.py
-    .aking Bistable model
-    x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
-    x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
-    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
-    Making FHN model
-    x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
-    x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
-    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-    Making Negative Feedback model
-    x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-    x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-    Making Negative Feedforward model
-    x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-    x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-    x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nrt.py
-      .aking Bistable model
-      x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
-      x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
-      Making FHN model
-      x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
-      x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-      Making Negative Feedback model
-      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-      x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-      Making Negative Feedforward model
-      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-      x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-      .aking Bistable model
-      x3*( 0.1 + -5.0*x1 + 5.0*x1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x1*x1 + 10.0*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + -5.0*x1*x2) 
-      x2*( 0.1*x0*x0 + -0.01*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 25.0) ) 
-      Making FHN model
-      x3*( 5.0*(x1 - 2.0 - (x1-2.0)^3/3 - (x2-0.8) + x0)) 
-      x2*( (x0-2.0 + 0.7 - 0.8*(x1-0.8))/2.5) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-      Making Negative Feedback model
-      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -0.2*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-      x2*( 0.2*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-      Making Negative Feedforward model
-      x3*( -0.1*x1 + -1.0*x1*x2 + 10.0*x0) 
-      x2*( 2.0*x0 + -0.1*x1) 
-      x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* 1.0) ) 
-- [ ] ./../kinetics/test_ksolve.py
-- [ ] ./../cuda/testHsolve.py
-- [ ] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/STG_net.py
-  Selecting a channel randomly form ['CaT_STG', 'Na_STG', 'CaS_STG', 'H_STG', 'Kd_STG', 'KA_STG']
-  Selected CaT_STG
-  Running for 0
-  Running for 1
-  .nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population AB_PD of cell type AB_PD
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population CA1group of cell type CA1soma
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-  Reinit MOOSE ... 
-  Solver: ee
-  Using exp euler
-  Using exp euler
-  Running ... 
-  Showing plots ...
-  unning ... 
-  Showing plots ...
-  ing PY_LP
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PY_LP
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_PY
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_PY
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_LP
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting AB_LP
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_PY
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_PY
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting LP_ABPD
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Setting PD_PY
-- [ ] ./../neuroml/allChannelsCell/allChannelsCell.py
-- [ ] ./../neuroml/GranuleCell/Granule98.py
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-    [INFO] Loading Ca pool Gran_CaPool_98 into /library . 
-    Reinit MOOSE ... 
-    Solver: hsolve
-    Using hsolve
-    Using hsolve
-    Running ... 
-    Showing plots ...
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_suppyrrs.py
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Loading neuroml file GranuleCell.net.xml 
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
-    moose.nml.neuroml: INFO     Using default temperature of 32.0 degree Celsius
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating population Gran of cell type Granule_98
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-    moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-    [INFO] Loading Ca pool Gran_CaPool_98 into /library . 
-    Reinit MOOSE ... 
-    Solver: hsolve
-    Using hsolve
-    Using hsolve
-    Running ... 
-    Showing plots ...
-- [ ] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/doseResponse.py
+      .      .
-  tau = 0.004 lambda = 0.00031gamma[2, 5] = 
-      -1    -1    -2     1     0
-       1     1     2     0     1
-  Nr[3, 4] = 
-      -1     0     0     1
-       0     2    -1    -1
-       0     0  -0.5   0.5
-  LU[5, 9] = 
-      -1     0     0     1     1     0     0     0     0
-       0     2    -1    -1    -1     1     0     0     0
-       0     0  -0.5   0.5   0.5   0.5     1     0     0
-       0     0     0     0    -1    -1    -2     1     0
-       0     0     0     0     1     1     2     0     1
-  -20
-  Warning: SteadyState iteration failed, status = input domain error, nIter = 3
-  e-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
-  ml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-  moose.nml.networkml: INFO     Creating input under /elec 
-  Reinit MOOSE.
-  Solver: ee
-  Using exp euler
-  Running now...
-  ('Spiketimes :', array([ 0.07185,  0.16435,  0.25685,  0.34935,  0.44185,  0.53435,
-          0.62685,  0.71935,  0.81185,  0.90435,  0.9969 ,  1.0894 ,
-          1.1819 ,  1.2744 ,  1.3669 ,  1.4594 ,  1.5519 ,  1.6444 ,
-          1.7369 ,  1.8294 ,  1.9219 ]))
-- [ ] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/mapkFB.py
-  just plotting old results for Fig 5.
-  To simulate and save, give sim as commandline argument.
-  You need to simulate first before loading data file.
-  re-run with sim as a command line argument.
-- [ ] ./../tutorials/ExcInhNet/ExcInhNet_Ostojic2014_Brunel2000.py
+      .```
+- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/test_tcr.py
+        .```
diff --git a/_travis/BROKEN b/_travis/BROKEN
index a0f5bf6c372a15c0b83228b1f5f700127dc3d7d2..813cba09a2aba4e0078bd842c796275ec2fc5425 100644
--- a/_travis/BROKEN
+++ b/_travis/BROKEN
@@ -8,3 +8,18 @@
diff --git a/_travis/FAILED b/_travis/FAILED
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ed7623ca71f255bc340d303e090c299f627cf6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/_travis/FAILED
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- [ ] ./../snippets/reacDiffConcGradient.py
-  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
-- [ ] ./../snippets/loadSbmlmodel.py
-  [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
-  This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
-  	 easy_install python-libsbml
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
-      modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
-    File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
-      elif sbmlId.path != '/':
-  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
-- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReac.py
-    [FATAL] Module python-libsbml is not found.
-    This module can be installed by following command in terminal:
-    	 easy_install python-libsbml
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 122, in <module>
-        modelPath, modelpathexist,msg = main()
-      File "loadSbmlmodel.py", line 84, in main
-        elif sbmlId.path != '/':
-    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'path'
-- [ ] ./../snippets/crossComptSimpleReacGSSA.py
-  timeout: the monitored command dumped core
-- [ ] ./../traub_2005/py/display_morphology.py
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    File "display_morphology.py", line 52, in <module>
-      import networkx as nx
-  ImportError: No module named networkx
diff --git a/_travis/GUISCRIPTS b/_travis/GUISCRIPTS
index 03841e38d9ce8342b30887489c8518c72ee37281..90e9b9ece1ba90116f7ee677bd4d1240c7f9dfc9 100644
--- a/_travis/GUISCRIPTS
+++ b/_travis/GUISCRIPTS
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/_travis/INTERACTIVE b/_travis/INTERACTIVE
index cc578f67a416e90298db63aa8666827421cee872..93a701c2cc31be6d8a7b16c0496b124b665a2e8f 100644
--- a/_travis/INTERACTIVE
+++ b/_travis/INTERACTIVE
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/_travis/SUCCEEDED b/_travis/SUCCEEDED
index 679a4494329c164f6ac7a15b69daf2f77b38a111..e7cbcce1d53b7e33b39af35388c53ca7cba4c976 100644
--- a/_travis/SUCCEEDED
+++ b/_travis/SUCCEEDED
@@ -1,91 +1,21 @@
-- [x] ./../snippets/wildcard.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/nsdf.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/scriptGssaSolver.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/rxdFuncDiffusionStoch.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/vectors.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/cylinderMotor.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/funcRateHarmonicOsc.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/STDP.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/interpol2d.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/loadCspaceModel.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/cubeMeshSigNeur.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/multicomp_lif.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/pyrun1.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/neuronFromDotp.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/rxdFuncDiffusion.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/synapse.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/lifcomp.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/synapse_tutorial.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/bidirectionalPlasticity.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/hdfdemo.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/threading_demo.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/crossComptOscillator.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/pyrun.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/changeFuncExpression.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/compartment_net.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/tweakingParameters.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/multiComptSigNeur.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/showclocks.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/startstop.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/convert_Genesis2Sbml.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/funcReacLotkaVolterra.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/intfire.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/analogStimTable.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/lif.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/chemDoseResponse.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/tabledemo.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/symcompartment.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/loadKineticModel.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/showmsg.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/onetoonemsg.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/ionchannel.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/scriptKineticSolver.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/vclamp.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/mgblock.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/scriptKineticModel.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/gapjunction.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/diffusion_using_Gillespie.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/singlemsgcross.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/diffEqSolution.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/HsolveInstability.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/interpol.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/randomspike.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/func.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/cspaceSteadyState.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/timetable.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/funcInputToPools.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/savemodel.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/compartment_net_no_array.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/stochasticLotkaVolterra.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/pulsegen.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/RandSpikeStats.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/rxdReacDiffusion.py
-- [x] ./../MemoryNetworks/bidirectional_plastic_switch.py
-- [x] ./../snippets/helloMoose.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nachans.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
-- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
-- [x] ./../parallelSolver/abstrModelEqns2.py
 - [x] ./../cuda/testScript.py
-- [x] ./../passive/passive_soma.py
-- [x] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/channels/ChannelTest.py
-- [x] ./../neuroml/CA1PyramidalCell/CA1_hsolve.py
 - [x] ./../neuroml/CA1PyramidalCell/CA1.py
 - [x] ./../neuroml/LIF/LIFxml_firing.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/CA1PyramidalCell/CA1_hsolve.py
 - [x] ./../neuroml/GranuleCell/Granule98_hsolve.py
-- [x] ./../rall_1964/rall64.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/GranuleCell/Granule98.py
 - [x] ./../neuroml/LIF/twoLIFxml_firing.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/strongBis.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ExcInhNetCaPlasticity/ExcInhNet_HigginsGraupnerBrunel2014.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/simpleBis.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalBistables/findSteadyState.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/repressillator.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/slowFbOsc.py
-- [x] ./../tutorials/ChemicalOscillators/relaxationOsc.py
+- [x] ./../neuroml/lobster_pyloric/channels/ChannelTest.py
+- [x] ./../parallelSolver/abstrModelEqns2.py
+- [x] ./../passive/passive_soma.py
+- [x] ./../rall_1964/rall64.py
 - [x] ./../squid/squid.py
 - [x] ./../squid/squid_setup.py
-- [x] ./../symcomp/symcomp_readcell.py
 - [x] ./../symcomp/symcomp.py
+- [x] ./../symcomp/symcomp_readcell.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_capool.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_archan.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_cachans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_nachans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_kchans.py
+- [x] ./../traub_2005/py/test_singlecomp.py
diff --git a/_travis/TORUN b/_travis/TORUN
index 2bc4f44cc8d27ae2cf30a5afe04d7ca265825f94..681ea28eb2e7e243a6486eaa23e0c286b10ccbf0 100644
--- a/_travis/TORUN
+++ b/_travis/TORUN
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
diff --git a/_travis/__temp__ b/_travis/__temp__
index f9d6c6b18049350555f554c5a1e5c3f2fd003139..2639784b25f200a9bcdc30b30f5bb2183c63a320 100644
--- a/_travis/__temp__
+++ b/_travis/__temp__
@@ -1,6 +1 @@
-(0.942477796076938, 0.2827433388230814)
-('CuReadCell: 3 compartments, 0 channels, 0 others
-, dataIndex=2, path=/Msgs[0]/singleMsg[2]>)
-Vm saved to Vm.dat
-K conductance saved to gK.dat
-Na conductance saved to gNa.dat
+        .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py b/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py
index 788b54c9e0c0ffbfbfb6ecf53b77a93906ef4ca9..ecf7e86d588465456b425aac6502ee9e6f6547e5 100755
--- a/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py
+++ b/_travis/deploy_gh_pages.py
@@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ def write_to_file( filename, lines ):
         f.write( '\n'.join( lines ) )
 def create_static_site( ):
-    subprocess.call( [ 'jekyll', 'b' ], shell = False )
+    try:
+        subprocess.call( [ 'timeout', '240', 'jekyll', 'b' ], shell = False )
+    except Exception as e:
+        print( 'Failed to generate static pages' )
+        print( '\tError was %s' % e )
 def main( ):
     global failedTxt_
@@ -39,6 +43,5 @@ def main( ):
     create_static_site( )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/_travis/download_and_run_doqcs.sh b/_travis/download_and_run_doqcs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ce69a628671ec533c5e592bcd4432ac4aa5a54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_travis/download_and_run_doqcs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Definitions of colors in bash
+function coloredPrint
+    case $1 in 
+        "WARN")
+            echo -e "[WARN] ${LRED} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        "INFO")
+            echo -e "[INFO] ${LGREEN} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        "ERROR")
+            echo -e "[ERROR] ${RED} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        "DEBUG")
+            echo -e "[DEBUG] ${YELLOW} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        "STEP")
+            echo -e "[STEP] ${BLUE} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        "TODO")
+            echo -e "[TODO] ${CYAN} $2 ${RESTORE} $3"
+            ;;
+        *)
+            echo -e "[$1] $2 $3"
+            ;;
+    esac
+coloredPrint "INFO" "Downloading DOQCS database silently"
+# Download all models.
+wget -q -A"*.g" -r https://doqcs.ncbs.res.in/database/simfile/
+coloredPrint "INFO" "Done downloading"
+echo '' > __UNCLEAN__DOQCS__
+MODELS=`find . -type f -name "*.g"`
+for _model in ${MODELS}; do
+    echo "===================================================================="
+    coloredPrint "INFO" "Running $_model for 1 sec"
+    T1=$(date +%s.%N)
+    OUT=$(timeout 10 python -c "
+import moose
+moose.loadModel( '${_model}', '/model', 'gsl' )
+moose.reinit( )
+moose.start( 1 )
+    T2=$(date +%s.%N)
+    DT=$(echo "$T2-$T1" | bc)
+    OUTTRIMMED=`echo $OUT | xargs`
+    coloredPrint "INFO" "TOOK $DT seconds to run 1 sec."
+    if [[ ! -z $OUTTRIMMED ]]; then 
+        coloredPrint "WARN" "$_model did not load/run cleanly"
+        echo "[] ${_model} \n" >> __UNCLEAN__DOQCS__
+        echo "\`\`\`" >> __UNCLEAN__DOQCS__ 
+        echo "$OUTTRIMMED" >> __UNCLEAN__DOQCS__ 
+        echo "\n\`\`\`" >> __UNCLEAN__DOQCS__ 
+        echo $OUTTRIMMED
+    else
+        coloredPrint "INFO" "$_model loaded just fine. We did NOT check output results"
+    fi
+coloredPrint "INFO" "Following scripts did not run cleanly"
diff --git a/_travis/index.md b/_travis/index.md
index c2da132da49a8961f7aadd1678449ef33b545be3..ea4e052cb0e6ffb41f68b5b5474598adf8cdb9c8 100644
--- a/_travis/index.md
+++ b/_travis/index.md
@@ -321,3 +321,4 @@ The final element.
       import networkx as nx
   ImportError: No module named networkx
+# Following scripts failed 
diff --git a/_travis/run_scripts.sh b/_travis/run_scripts.sh
index ffe27fe22549542b2a1d96f7b779072ed9f3230a..5842fe00a48b03c42df4741fe1c2263351636789 100755
--- a/_travis/run_scripts.sh
+++ b/_travis/run_scripts.sh
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if [ ! -f $MATPLOTRC ]; then
+TIMEOUT=${1:-60}     # default timeout is 60 secs.
 for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
     d=`dirname $f`
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
             echo "|| Timed-out status: $status" 
             echo "- [ ] $f" >> $BLACKLISTED
             sed -i 's/^/\ \ /' $TEMP
-            printf "\n\`i\`\`\n" >> $BLACKLISTED 
+            printf "\n\`\`\`\n" >> $BLACKLISTED 
             cat $TEMP >> $BLACKLISTED 
             printf "\`\`\`\n" >> $BLACKLISTED 
         else                                    # Failed
@@ -65,12 +65,10 @@ for f in `cat ./TORUN`; do
     ) & 
 # Auto deploy to README.md file
-python ./deploy_gh_pages.py || echo "failed to generated site"
+python ./deploy_gh_pages.py 
 echo "Following scripts were successful"
@@ -87,5 +85,3 @@ if [ -f $FAILED ]; then
     cat $FAILED
     exit 1