diff --git a/CREDITS.md b/CREDITS.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/CREDITS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Primary Authors
+- Upinder S. Bhalla - Primary Architect, Chemical kinetic solvers
+- Niraj Dudani - Neuronal solver
+- Subhasis Ray - PyMOOSE Design and Documentation, Python Plugin Interface, NSDF Format
+- G.V.HarshaRani - MOOSE website design (https://moose.ncbs.res.in), SBML support, Kinetikit Plugin Development
+- Aditya Gilra - NeuroML, integrate-and-fire neurons/networks, STDP
+- Dilawar Singh - Packaging, Boost solvers, Maintenance
+# Major Contributions
+- Aviral Goel - Moogli/Neurokit Development
+- Padraig Gleeson - NeurML2 support
+- Dhruva Gowda Storz - Documentation
+- Malav Shah - Documentation
+# Other contributions
+Please see https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose/graphs/contributors and https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core/graphs/contributors 
+for all contributions made to MOOSE project since 2015.
+# Credits 
+We thank [Google Summer of Code](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/) via [INCF](https://incf.org)
+for funding developmennt activities, and [Open Build Service](https://build.opensuse.org] for building and 
+hosting our packages.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7d4dcccf846e6fe66ec79e4d5853a6c02a9ff0f7..6bba8cc1e06fcc534ca4c8041f1e7c731ec985fe 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ interface with Python, graphical displays with Matplotlib, PyQt, and OpenGL, and
 support for many model formats. These include SBML, NeuroML, GENESIS kkit and
 cell.p formats, HDF5 and NSDF for data writing.
+# Documentation
+MOOSE Documentation can be found at https://moose.ncbs.res.in/?q=documentation .  
@@ -43,27 +46,15 @@ Python-based SBML reader , improved handling of reaction-diffusion systems, and
 substantial refinements to the rdesigneur interface for setting up multiscale
 models.  Several additional rdesigneur tutorials have been implemented. 
-MOOSE is released under the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-your option) any later version.
+# Installing
-# Building and installing
-See the file `INSTALL.md`.
+See the file  [NSTALL.md](INSTALL.md).
-- Upinder S. Bhalla     -   Primary Architect, Chemical kinetic solvers
-- Niraj Dudani          -   Neuronal solver
-- Subhasis Ray          -   PyMOOSE Design and Documentation, Python Plugin Interface, NSDF Format
-- G.V.HarshaRani        -   Web page design, SBML support, Kinetikit Plugin Development
-- Aditya Gilra          -   NeuroML reader development, integrate-and-fire neurons/networks, STDP
-- Aviral Goel           -   Moogli/Neurokit Development
-- Dilawar Singh         -   Packaging
+See the file [CREDITS](CREDITS.md)
-# Examples, tutorials and Demos: 
+## Examples, tutorials and Demos: 
 Look in the [moose-examples repository](https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-examples) for sample code. 
@@ -79,7 +70,7 @@ Look in the [moose-examples repository](https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-examp
   all meant to run as individual files.
-# Supported file formats.
+## Supported file formats.
 MOOSE comes with a NeuroML reader. Demos/neuroml has some python scripts showing
 how to load NeuroML models.
@@ -97,7 +88,8 @@ need to have all the channels used in the .p file preloaded in /library:
 MOOSE can also read .swc files from NeuroMorpho.org.
-# Documentation
-Complete MOOSE Documentation can be found at -
+MOOSE is released under the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
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--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
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+copyright = u'2018, Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray, ' + \
+        'Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel, Dilawar Singh,' + \
+        'Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda Storz'
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 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
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-   u'Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray, Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel, Dilawar Singh, Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda storz', 'manual'),
+  ('index', 'MOOSE.tex', u'MOOSE User Manual',
+   r'Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray \\Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel \\ Dilawar Singh, Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda Storz' 
+   , 'manual'
+   ),
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@@ -219,13 +230,13 @@ latex_logo = 'images/moose_logo.png'
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-     [u'Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray, Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel, Dilawar Singh, Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda storz'], 1)
+    ('index', 'moose', u'MOOSE User Manual',
+     [u'Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray, Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel, Dilawar Singh, Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda Storz'], 1)
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+   u'Upinder Bhalla, Niraj Dudani, Subhasis Ray, Aditya Gilra,Harsha Rani, Aviral Goel, Dilawar Singh, Malav Shah, Dhruva Gowda Storz'
+   , 'MOOSE'
+   , 'MOOSE is the Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment.',
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 62dfb486b3f34d5a187cbaaba46a51c3d1642ca0..55a9f2f5dd2ad707f20bdc31bb1d2c895ca76e27 100644
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+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -2,29 +2,10 @@
    sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 31 14:57:39 2017.
    You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
    contain the root `toctree` directive.
-What is MOOSE and what is it good for?
-MOOSE is the **Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment**. It is designed to simulate neural systems ranging from subcellular components and biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, circuits, and large networks. MOOSE can operate at many levels of detail, from stochastic chemical computations, to multicompartment single-neuron models, to spiking neuron network models.
-.. figure:: images/Gallery_Moose_Multiscale.png
-   :scale: 75%
-   :alt: **multiple scales in moose**
-   *Multiple scales can be modelled and simulated in MOOSE*
-MOOSE is multiscale: It can do all these calculations together. One of its major uses is to make biologically detailed models that combine electrical and chemical signaling.
-MOOSE is object-oriented. Biological concepts are mapped into classes, and a model is built by creating instances of these classes and connecting them by messages. MOOSE also has numerical classes whose job is to take over difficult computations in a certain domain, and do them fast. There are such solver classes for stochastic and deterministic chemistry, for diffusion, and for multicompartment neuronal models.
-MOOSE is a simulation environment, not just a numerical engine: It provides data representations and solvers (of course!), but also a scripting interface with Python, graphical displays with Matplotlib, PyQt, and OpenGL, and support for many model formats. These include SBML, NeuroML, GENESIS kkit and cell.p formats, HDF5 and NSDF for data writing.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   /introduction/index_introduction
diff --git a/docs/source/introduction/index_introduction.rst b/docs/source/introduction/index_introduction.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/introduction/index_introduction.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   introduction
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbb554a17bc3c78961db4a316e459fa973a675fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/introduction/introduction.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+What is MOOSE and what is it good for?
+MOOSE is the **Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment**. It is
+designed to simulate neural systems ranging from subcellular components and
+biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, circuits, and large
+networks. MOOSE can operate at many levels of detail, from stochastic chemical
+computations, to multicompartment single-neuron models, to spiking neuron
+network models.
+.. figure:: ../images/Gallery_Moose_Multiscale.png
+   :scale: 75%
+   :alt: **multiple scales in moose**
+   *Multiple scales can be modelled and simulated in MOOSE*
+MOOSE is multiscale: It can do all these calculations together. One of its major
+uses is to make biologically detailed models that combine electrical and
+chemical signaling.
+MOOSE is object-oriented. Biological concepts are mapped into classes, and a
+model is built by creating instances of these classes and connecting them by
+messages. MOOSE also has numerical classes whose job is to take over difficult
+computations in a certain domain, and do them fast. There are such solver
+classes for stochastic and deterministic chemistry, for diffusion, and for
+multicompartment neuronal models.
+MOOSE is a simulation environment, not just a numerical engine: It provides data
+representations and solvers (of course!), but also a scripting interface with
+Python, graphical displays with Matplotlib, PyQt, and OpenGL, and support for
+many model formats. These include SBML, NeuroML, GENESIS kkit and cell.p
+formats, HDF5 and NSDF for data writing.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1