packages: all: # collab-specific settings target: [x86_64] compiler: [gcc@10.3.0] python: # collab-specific settings require: "@3.8.11" r: # EM: +X fixes build for collab require: "@4.1.3+X" py-torch: # ECM: keep at latest w.r.t. tracked upstream spack version: [1.11.0] # ECM: No cuda nor rocm in collab VMs. # I did not try to minimize the specification any further. variants: [~cuda~rocm~valgrind~mkldnn~mpi~gloo+tensorpipe~onnx_ml] py-jax: # ECM: No cuda in collab VMs. variants: [~cuda] py-jaxlib: # ECM: No cuda in collab VMs. variants: [~cuda]