diff --git a/.env b/.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786f93e2274be154065ab3b3f4e9f937c8a2c102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 7cdc2157784919724ef7e210b7f1bf9789334397..ab31bc6b429207e32c03ee700e536ca6bc77fd5e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-  - build
   - test
+  - build
+  - coverage_report
   BUILD_ENV_DOCKER_IMAGE: docker-registry.ebrains.eu/esd/tmp:latest
+  before_script:
+    - chmod +x dedal/utils/bootstrap.sh
+    - ./dedal/utils/bootstrap.sh
+    - pip install -e .[test]
   stage: build
@@ -20,19 +27,63 @@ build-wheel:
       - dist/*.tar.gz
     expire_in: 1 week
+  stage: test
+  tags:
+    - docker-runner
+  image: ubuntu:22.04
+  script:
+    - coverage run -m pytest -s --tb=short --junitxml=test-results.xml ./dedal/tests/unit_tests
+    - mv .coverage .coverage.unit  # Rename to avoid overwriting
+  artifacts:
+    when: always
+    reports:
+      junit: test-results.xml
+    paths:
+      - test-results.xml
+      - .dedal.log
+      - .generate_cache.log
+      - .coverage.unit
+    expire_in: 1 week
   stage: test
     - docker-runner
-  image: python:latest
+  image: ubuntu:22.04
-    - pip install -e .
-    - pytest ./dedal/tests/ --junitxml=test-results.xml
+    - coverage run -m pytest -s --tb=short --junitxml=test-results.xml ./dedal/tests/integration_tests
+    - mv .coverage .coverage.integration  # Rename to avoid overwriting
+  needs: ["unit_tests"]
     when: always
       junit: test-results.xml
       - test-results.xml
-    expire_in: 1 week
\ No newline at end of file
+      - .dedal.log
+      - .generate_cache.log
+      - .coverage.integration
+    expire_in: 1 week
+  stage: coverage_report
+  tags:
+    - docker-runner
+  image: ubuntu:22.04
+  script:
+    - coverage combine .coverage.unit .coverage.integration
+    - coverage report
+    - coverage xml -o coverage.xml
+    - coverage html -d coverage_html
+  artifacts:
+    reports:
+      coverage_report:
+        coverage_format: cobertura
+        path: coverage.xml
+    paths:
+      - coverage.xml
+      - coverage_html
+    expire_in: 1 week
+  coverage: '/TOTAL.*?(\d+\%)$/'
diff --git a/MANIFEST.ini b/MANIFEST.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e62be46716825eab56feaa6d891b2f5d0bcf314d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MANIFEST.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include README.md
+recursive-include yashchiki/dedal *.*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 62e00c689da73463a22bb85cc9671f8634b25c06..299377a1782b473cb83c568160bfd4c2daa077bb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,146 @@
-# ~~Yashchiki~~Koutakia
+# Dedal
+![Coverage Badge](https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/ri/tech-hub/platform/esd/yashchiki/badges/koutakia/coverage.svg)
+This repository provides functionalities to easily ```managed spack environments``` and
+```helpers for the container image build flow```.
+**Setting up the needed environment variables**
+The ````<checkout path>\dedal\.env```` file contains the environment variables required for OCI registry used for
+Ensure that you edit the ````<checkout path>\dedal\.env```` file to match your environment.
+The following provides an explanation of the various environment variables:
+       # OCI Registry Configuration Sample for concretization caches
+       # =============================
+       # The following variables configure the Harbor docker OCI registry (EBRAINS) used for caching.
+       # The hostname of the OCI registry. e.g. docker-registry.ebrains.eu
+       CONCRETIZE__OCI_HOST="docker-registry.ebrains.eu"
+       # The project name in the Docker registry.
+       CONCRETIZE__OCI_PROJECT="concretize_caches"
+       # The username used for authentication with the Docker registry.
+       CONCRETIZE__OCI_USERNAME="robot$concretize-cache-test+user"
+       # The password used for authentication with the Docker registry.
+       # OCI Registry Configuration Sample for binary caches
+       # =============================
+       # The following variables configure the Harbor docker OCI registry (EBRAINS) used for caching.
+       # The hostname of the OCI registry. e.g. docker-registry.ebrains.eu
+       BUILDCACHE_OCI_HOST="docker-registry.ebrains.eu"
+       # The project name in the Docker registry.
+       BUILDCACHE_OCI_PROJECT="binary-cache-test"
+       # The username used for authentication with the Docker registry.
+       BUILDCACHE_OCI_USERNAME="robot$binary-cache-test+user"
+       # The password used for authentication with the Docker registry.
+For both concretization and binary caches, the cache version can be changed via the attributes
+```cache_version_concretize``` and ```cache_version_build```.
+The default values are ```v1```.
+Before using this library, the following tool must be installed on Linux distribution:
+    apt install -y bzip2 ca-certificates g++ gcc gfortran git gzip lsb-release patch python3 python3-pip tar unzip xz-utils zstd
+    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
+# Dedal library installation
+  pip install dedal
+# Dedal CLI Commands
+The following commands are available in this CLI tool. You can view detailed explanations by using the `--help` option
+with any command.
+### 1. `dedal install-spack`
+Install spack in the install_dir folder.
+- `--spack_version <TEXT>` : Specifies the Spack version to be installed (default: v0.23.0).
+- `--bashrc_path <TEXT>` : Defines the path to .bashrc.
+### 2. `dedal set-config`
+Sets configuration parameters for the session.
+- `--use_cache`                     Enables cashing
+- `--use_spack_global`              Uses spack installed globally on the os
+- `--env_name <TEXT>`                 Environment name
+- `--env_path <TEXT>`                 Environment path to download locally
+- `--env_git_path <TEXT>`             Git path to download the environment
+- `--install_dir <TEXT>`              Install directory for installing spack;
+  spack environments and repositories are
+  stored here
+- `--upstream_instance <TEXT>`        Upstream instance for spack environment
+- `--system_name <TEXT>`              System name; it is used inside the spack
+  environment
+- `--concretization_dir <TEXT>`       Directory where the concretization caching
+  (spack.lock) will be downloaded
+- `--buildcache_dir <TEXT>`           Directory where the binary caching is
+  downloaded for the spack packages
+- `--gpg_name <TEXT>`                 Gpg name
+- `--gpg_mail <TEXT>`                 Gpg mail contact address
+- `--cache_version_concretize <TEXT>`
+  Cache version for concretizaion data
+- `--cache_version_build <TEXT>`      Cache version for binary caches data
+- `--view <SpackViewEnum>`            Spack environment view
+- `--update_cache <bool>`             Flag for overriding existing cache
+### 3. `dedal show-config`
+Show the current configuration.
+### 4. `dedal clear-config`
+Clears stored configuration
+### 5. `dedal add-spack-repo`
+Adds a spack repository to the spack environments.
+- `--repo_name <TEXT>`  Repository name  [required]
+- `--path <TEXT>`       Repository path to download locally  [required]
+- `--git_path <TEXT>`   Git path to download the repository  [required]
+### 6. `dedal setup-spack-env`
+Setups a spack environment according to the given configuration.
+### 7. `dedal concretize`
+Spack concretization step.
+### 9. `dedal install-packages`
+Installs spack packages present in the spack environment defined in configuration.
+- `--jobs <INTEGER>`  Number of parallel jobs for spack installation
+# Dedal's UML diagram
-For now, this repository provides helpers for the EBRAINS container image build flow.
diff --git a/dedal/bll/SpackManager.py b/dedal/bll/SpackManager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5fae221c7093bff86a4adf541e4664fda353dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/bll/SpackManager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import os
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreator import SpackOperationCreator
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+class SpackManager:
+    """
+    This class defines the logic used by the CLI
+    """
+    def __init__(self, spack_config: SpackConfig = None, use_cache=False):
+        self._spack_config = spack_config
+        self._use_cache = use_cache
+    def _get_spack_operation(self):
+        return SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(self._spack_config, self._use_cache)
+    def install_spack(self, version: str, bashrc_path=os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc")):
+        self._get_spack_operation().install_spack(spack_version=f'v{version}', bashrc_path=bashrc_path)
+    def add_spack_repo(self, repo: SpackDescriptor):
+        """
+        After additional repo was added, setup_spack_env must be invoked
+        """
+        self._spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    def setup_spack_env(self):
+        self._get_spack_operation().setup_spack_env()
+    def concretize_spack_env(self):
+        self._get_spack_operation().concretize_spack_env()
+    def install_packages(self, jobs: int):
+        self._get_spack_operation().install_packages(jobs=jobs)
diff --git a/dedal/bll/__init__.py b/dedal/bll/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/bll/cli_utils.py b/dedal/bll/cli_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfc74ed0262aa944c88d722a558a88fccaad0687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/bll/cli_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import jsonpickle
+import os
+def save_config(spack_config_data, config_path: str):
+    """Save config to JSON file."""
+    with open(config_path, "w") as data_file:
+        data_file.write(jsonpickle.encode(spack_config_data))
+def load_config(config_path: str):
+    """Load config from JSON file."""
+    if os.path.exists(config_path):
+        with open(config_path, "r") as data_file:
+            data = jsonpickle.decode(data_file.read())
+            return data
+    return {}
+def clear_config(config_path: str):
+    """Delete the JSON config file."""
+    if os.path.exists(config_path):
+        os.remove(config_path)
diff --git a/dedal/build_cache/BuildCacheManager.py b/dedal/build_cache/BuildCacheManager.py
index 2da39e252c8ebc3e0b9aa6d6a5612d9f1f4ee02e..98fd234de0ec5282dbde338608371a09fb49d049 100644
--- a/dedal/build_cache/BuildCacheManager.py
+++ b/dedal/build_cache/BuildCacheManager.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
+import glob
 import os
-import oras.client
+from os.path import join
 from pathlib import Path
+import oras.client
 from dedal.build_cache.BuildCacheManagerInterface import BuildCacheManagerInterface
 from dedal.logger.logger_builder import get_logger
-from dedal.utils.utils import clean_up
 class BuildCacheManager(BuildCacheManagerInterface):
@@ -12,49 +14,64 @@ class BuildCacheManager(BuildCacheManagerInterface):
         This class aims to manage the push/pull/delete of build cache files
-    def __init__(self, auth_backend='basic', insecure=False):
-        self.logger = get_logger(__name__, BuildCacheManager.__name__)
-        self.home_path = Path(os.environ.get("HOME_PATH", os.getcwd()))
-        self.registry_project = os.environ.get("REGISTRY_PROJECT")
+    def __init__(self, registry_host, registry_project, registry_username, registry_password, cache_version='cache',
+                 auth_backend='basic',
+                 insecure=False):
+        self._logger = get_logger(__name__, BuildCacheManager.__name__)
+        self._registry_project = registry_project
-        self._registry_username = str(os.environ.get("REGISTRY_USERNAME"))
-        self._registry_password = str(os.environ.get("REGISTRY_PASSWORD"))
+        self._registry_username = registry_username
+        self._registry_password = registry_password
-        self.registry_host = str(os.environ.get("REGISTRY_HOST"))
+        self._registry_host = registry_host
         # Initialize an OrasClient instance.
         # This method utilizes the OCI Registry for container image and artifact management.
         # Refer to the official OCI Registry documentation for detailed information on the available authentication methods.
         # Supported authentication types may include basic authentication (username/password), token-based authentication,
-        self.client = oras.client.OrasClient(hostname=self.registry_host, auth_backend=auth_backend, insecure=insecure)
-        self.client.login(username=self._registry_username, password=self._registry_password)
-        self.oci_registry_path = f'{self.registry_host}/{self.registry_project}/cache'
+        self._client = oras.client.OrasClient(hostname=self._registry_host, auth_backend=auth_backend,
+                                              insecure=insecure)
+        self._client.login(username=self._registry_username, password=self._registry_password)
+        self.cache_version = cache_version
+        self._oci_registry_path = f'{self._registry_host}/{self._registry_project}/{self.cache_version}'
-    def upload(self, out_dir: Path):
+    def upload(self, upload_dir: Path, update_cache=True):
             This method pushed all the files from the build cache folder into the OCI Registry
+            Args:
+                upload_dir (Path): directory with the local binary caches
+                update_cache (bool): Updates the cache from the OCI Registry with the same tag
-        build_cache_path = self.home_path / out_dir
+        build_cache_path = upload_dir.resolve()
         # build cache folder must exist before pushing all the artifacts
         if not build_cache_path.exists():
-            self.logger.error(f"Path {build_cache_path} not found.")
+            self._logger.error(f"Path {build_cache_path} not found.")
+        tags = self.list_tags()
         for sub_path in build_cache_path.rglob("*"):
             if sub_path.is_file():
-                rel_path = str(sub_path.relative_to(build_cache_path)).replace(str(sub_path.name), "")
-                target = f"{self.registry_host}/{self.registry_project}/cache:{str(sub_path.name)}"
-                try:
-                    self.logger.info(f"Pushing folder '{sub_path}' to ORAS target '{target}' ...")
-                    self.client.push(
-                        files=[str(sub_path)],
-                        target=target,
-                        # save in manifest the relative path for reconstruction
-                        manifest_annotations={"path": rel_path},
-                        disable_path_validation=True,
-                    )
-                    self.logger.info(f"Successfully pushed {sub_path.name}")
-                except Exception as e:
-                    self.logger.error(
-                        f"An error occurred while pushing: {e}")
+                tag = str(sub_path.name)
+                rel_path = str(sub_path.relative_to(build_cache_path)).replace(tag, "")
+                target = f"{self._registry_host}/{self._registry_project}/{self.cache_version}:{tag}"
+                upload_file  = True
+                if update_cache is False and tag in tags:
+                    upload_file = False
+                if upload_file:
+                    try:
+                        self._logger.info(f"Pushing file '{sub_path}' to ORAS target '{target}' ...")
+                        self._client.push(
+                            files=[str(sub_path)],
+                            target=target,
+                            # save in manifest the relative path for reconstruction
+                            manifest_annotations={"path": rel_path},
+                            disable_path_validation=True,
+                        )
+                        self._logger.info(f"Successfully pushed {tag}")
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        self._logger.error(
+                            f"An error occurred while pushing: {e}")
+                else:
+                    self._logger.info(f"File '{sub_path}' already uploaded ...")
         # todo to be discussed hot to delete the build cache after being pushed to the OCI Registry
         # clean_up([str(build_cache_path)], self.logger)
@@ -63,37 +80,38 @@ class BuildCacheManager(BuildCacheManagerInterface):
             This method retrieves all tags from an OCI Registry
-            return self.client.get_tags(self.oci_registry_path)
+            return self._client.get_tags(self._oci_registry_path)
         except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.error(f"Failed to list tags: {e}")
+            self._logger.error(f"Failed to list tags: {e}")
         return None
-    def download(self, in_dir: Path):
+    def download(self, download_dir: Path):
             This method pulls all the files from the OCI Registry into the build cache folder
-        build_cache_path = self.home_path / in_dir
+        build_cache_path = download_dir.resolve()
         # create the buildcache dir if it does not exist
         os.makedirs(build_cache_path, exist_ok=True)
         tags = self.list_tags()
         if tags is not None:
             for tag in tags:
-                ref = f"{self.registry_host}/{self.registry_project}/cache:{tag}"
+                ref = f"{self._registry_host}/{self._registry_project}/{self.cache_version}:{tag}"
                 # reconstruct the relative path of each artifact by getting it from the manifest
                 cache_path = \
-                    self.client.get_manifest(f'{self.registry_host}/{self.registry_project}/cache:{tag}')[
+                    self._client.get_manifest(
+                        f'{self._registry_host}/{self._registry_project}/{self.cache_version}:{tag}')[
-                    self.client.pull(
+                    self._client.pull(
                         # missing dirs to output dir are created automatically by OrasClient pull method
                         outdir=str(build_cache_path / cache_path),
-                    self.logger.info(f"Successfully pulled artifact {tag}.")
+                    self._logger.info(f"Successfully pulled artifact {tag}.")
                 except Exception as e:
-                    self.logger.error(
+                    self._logger.error(
                         f"Failed to pull artifact {tag} : {e}")
     def delete(self):
@@ -106,8 +124,46 @@ class BuildCacheManager(BuildCacheManagerInterface):
         tags = self.list_tags()
         if tags is not None:
-                self.client.delete_tags(self.oci_registry_path, tags)
-                self.logger.info(f"Successfully deleted all artifacts form OCI registry.")
+                self._client.delete_tags(self._oci_registry_path, tags)
+                self._logger.info("Successfully deleted all artifacts form OCI registry.")
             except RuntimeError as e:
-                self.logger.error(
+                self._logger.error(
                     f"Failed to delete artifacts: {e}")
+    def __log_warning_if_needed(self, warn_message: str, items: list[str]) -> None:
+        """Logs a warning message if the number of items is greater than 1. (Private function)
+           This method logs a warning message using the provided message and items if the list of items has more than one element.
+        Args:
+            warn_message (str): The warning message to log.
+            items (list[str]): The list of items to include in the log message.
+        """
+        if len(items) > 1:
+            self._logger.warning(warn_message, items, items[0])
+    def get_public_key_from_cache(self, build_cache_dir: str | None) -> str | None:
+        """Retrieves the public key from the build cache.
+            This method searches for the public key within the specified build cache directory.
+        Args:
+            build_cache_dir (str | None): The path to the build cache directory.
+        Returns:
+            str | None: The path to the public key file if found, otherwise None.
+        """
+        if not build_cache_dir or not os.path.exists(build_cache_dir):
+            self._logger.warning("Build cache directory does not exist!")
+            return None
+        pgp_folders = glob.glob(f"{build_cache_dir}/**/_pgp", recursive=True)
+        if not pgp_folders:
+            self._logger.warning("No _pgp folder found in the build cache!")
+            return None
+        self.__log_warning_if_needed(
+            "More than one PGP folders found in the build cache: %s, using the first one in the list: %s", pgp_folders)
+        pgp_folder = pgp_folders[0]
+        key_files = glob.glob(join(pgp_folder, "**"))
+        if not key_files:
+            self._logger.warning("No PGP key files found in the build cache!")
+            return None
+        self.__log_warning_if_needed(
+            "More than one PGP key files found in the build cache: %s, using the first one in the list: %s", key_files)
+        return key_files[0]
diff --git a/dedal/cli/spack_manager_api.py b/dedal/cli/spack_manager_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5f5a9f05e2098fb47878a360fe833edcc7fb862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/cli/spack_manager_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import click
+import jsonpickle
+from dedal.bll.SpackManager import SpackManager
+from dedal.bll.cli_utils import save_config, load_config
+from dedal.configuration.GpgConfig import GpgConfig
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.enum.SpackViewEnum import SpackViewEnum
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.utils.utils import resolve_path
+SESSION_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser('/tmp/dedal/dedal_session.json')
+os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH), exist_ok=True)
+def cli(ctx: click.Context):
+    config = load_config(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    if ctx.invoked_subcommand not in ['set-config', 'install-spack'] and not config:
+        click.echo('No configuration set. Use `set-config` first.')
+        ctx.exit(1)
+    if config:
+        config['env_path'] = resolve_path(config['env_path'])
+        env = SpackDescriptor(config['env_name'], config['env_path'], config['env_git_path'])
+        gpg = GpgConfig(config['gpg_name'], config['gpg_mail']) if config['gpg_name'] and config['gpg_mail'] else None
+        spack_config = SpackConfig(env=env, repos=None, install_dir=config['install_dir'],
+                                   upstream_instance=config['upstream_instance'],
+                                   concretization_dir=config['concretization_dir'],
+                                   buildcache_dir=config['buildcache_dir'],
+                                   system_name=config['system_name'], gpg=gpg,
+                                   use_spack_global=config['use_spack_global'],
+                                   view=config['view'],
+                                   update_cache=config['update_cache'])
+        ctx.obj = SpackManager(spack_config, use_cache=config['use_cache'])
+@click.option('--use_cache', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Enables cashing')
+@click.option('--use_spack_global', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Uses spack installed globally on the os')
+@click.option('--env_name', type=str, default=None, help='Environment name')
+@click.option('--env_path', type=str, default=None, help='Environment path to download locally')
+@click.option('--env_git_path', type=str, default=None, help='Git path to download the environment')
+@click.option('--install_dir', type=str,
+              help='Install directory for installing spack; spack environments and repositories are stored here')
+@click.option('--upstream_instance', type=str, default=None, help='Upstream instance for spack environment')
+@click.option('--system_name', type=str, default=None, help='System name; it is used inside the spack environment')
+@click.option('--concretization_dir', type=str, default=None,
+              help='Directory where the concretization caching (spack.lock) will be downloaded')
+@click.option('--buildcache_dir', type=str, default=None,
+              help='Directory where the binary caching is downloaded for the spack packages')
+@click.option('--gpg_name', type=str, default=None, help='Gpg name')
+@click.option('--gpg_mail', type=str, default=None, help='Gpg mail contact address')
+@click.option('--cache_version_concretize', type=str, default='v1', help='Cache version for concretizaion data')
+@click.option('--cache_version_build', type=str, default='v1', help='Cache version for binary caches data')
+@click.option('--view', type=SpackViewEnum, default=SpackViewEnum.VIEW, help='Spack environment view')
+@click.option('--update_cache', is_flag=True, default=True, help='Flag for overriding existing cache')
+def set_config(use_cache, env_name, env_path, env_git_path, install_dir, upstream_instance, system_name,
+               concretization_dir,
+               buildcache_dir, gpg_name, gpg_mail, use_spack_global, cache_version_concretize, cache_version_build,
+               view, update_cache):
+    """Sets configuration parameters for the session."""
+    spack_config_data = {
+        'use_cache': use_cache,
+        'env_name': env_name,
+        'env_path': env_path,
+        'env_git_path': env_git_path,
+        'install_dir': install_dir,
+        'upstream_instance': upstream_instance,
+        'system_name': system_name,
+        'concretization_dir': Path(concretization_dir) if concretization_dir else None,
+        'buildcache_dir': Path(buildcache_dir) if buildcache_dir else None,
+        'gpg_name': gpg_name,
+        'gpg_mail': gpg_mail,
+        'use_spack_global': use_spack_global,
+        'repos': [],
+        'cache_version_concretize': cache_version_concretize,
+        'cache_version_build': cache_version_build,
+        'view': view,
+        'update_cache': update_cache,
+    }
+    save_config(spack_config_data, SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    click.echo('Configuration saved.')
+def show_config():
+    """Show the current configuration."""
+    config = load_config(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    if config:
+        click.echo(jsonpickle.encode(config, indent=2))
+    else:
+        click.echo('No configuration set. Use `set-config` first.')
+@click.option('--spack_version', type=str, default='0.23.0',
+              help='Specifies the Spack version to be installed (default: v0.23.0).')
+@click.option('--bashrc_path', type=str, default="~/.bashrc", help='Defines the path to .bashrc.')
+def install_spack(ctx: click.Context, spack_version: str, bashrc_path: str):
+    """Install spack in the install_dir folder"""
+    bashrc_path = os.path.expanduser(bashrc_path)
+    if ctx.obj is None:
+        SpackManager().install_spack(spack_version, bashrc_path)
+    else:
+        ctx.obj.install_spack(spack_version, bashrc_path)
+@click.option('--repo_name', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='Repository name')
+@click.option('--path', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='Repository path to download locally')
+@click.option('--git_path', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='Git path to download the repository')
+def add_spack_repo(repo_name: str, path: str, git_path: str = None):
+    """Adds a spack repository to the spack environments. The setup command must be rerun."""
+    path = resolve_path(path)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor(repo_name, path, git_path)
+    config = load_config(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    config['repos'].append(repo)
+    save_config(config, SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+    click.echo('dedal setup_spack_env must be reran after each repo is added for the environment.')
+def setup_spack_env(ctx: click.Context):
+    """Setups a spack environment according to the given configuration."""
+    ctx.obj.setup_spack_env()
+def concretize(ctx: click.Context):
+    """Spack concretization step."""
+    ctx.obj.concretize_spack_env()
+@click.option('--jobs', type=int, default=2, help='Number of parallel jobs for spack installation')
+def install_packages(ctx: click.Context, jobs):
+    """Installs spack packages present in the spack environment defined in configuration."""
+    ctx.obj.install_packages(jobs=jobs)
+def clear_config():
+    """Clears stored configuration."""
+    if os.path.exists(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH):
+        os.remove(SESSION_CONFIG_PATH)
+        click.echo('Configuration cleared!')
+    else:
+        click.echo('No configuration to clear.')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    cli()
diff --git a/dedal/configuration/GpgConfig.py b/dedal/configuration/GpgConfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8f0c2d3bc0f39db8c5b251d9ffc6f6fa3a577ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/configuration/GpgConfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class GpgConfig:
+    """
+    Configuration for gpg key used by spack
+    """
+    def __init__(self, gpg_name='example', gpg_mail='example@example.com'):
+        self.name = gpg_name
+        self.mail = gpg_mail
diff --git a/dedal/configuration/SpackConfig.py b/dedal/configuration/SpackConfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7945e848be6b6655f65118afb0e6b2bff2c5112a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/configuration/SpackConfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from dedal.configuration.GpgConfig import GpgConfig
+from dedal.enum.SpackViewEnum import SpackViewEnum
+from dedal.model import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.utils.utils import resolve_path
+class SpackConfig:
+    def __init__(self, env: SpackDescriptor = None, repos: list[SpackDescriptor] = None,
+                 install_dir=Path(os.getcwd()).resolve(), upstream_instance=None, system_name=None,
+                 concretization_dir: Path = None, buildcache_dir: Path = None, gpg: GpgConfig = None,
+                 use_spack_global=False, cache_version_concretize='v1',
+                 cache_version_build='v1', view=SpackViewEnum.VIEW, update_cache=True):
+        self.env = env
+        if repos is None:
+            self.repos = []
+        else:
+            self.repos = repos
+        self.upstream_instance = upstream_instance
+        self.system_name = system_name
+        self.concretization_dir = concretization_dir if concretization_dir is None else resolve_path(concretization_dir)
+        self.buildcache_dir = buildcache_dir if buildcache_dir is None else resolve_path(buildcache_dir)
+        self.install_dir = resolve_path(install_dir)
+        self.gpg = gpg
+        self.use_spack_global = use_spack_global
+        self.cache_version_concretize = cache_version_concretize
+        self.cache_version_build = cache_version_build
+        self.view = view
+        self.update_cache = update_cache
+    def add_repo(self, repo: SpackDescriptor):
+        if self.repos is None:
+            self.repos = []
+        else:
+            self.repos.append(repo)
diff --git a/dedal/configuration/__init__.py b/dedal/configuration/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/docs/resources/dedal_UML.png b/dedal/docs/resources/dedal_UML.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e970d08690dc6f53f95c5088ad3933b9bae6f15
Binary files /dev/null and b/dedal/docs/resources/dedal_UML.png differ
diff --git a/dedal/enum/SpackConfigCommand.py b/dedal/enum/SpackConfigCommand.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e7b69292492120cec413f8cf410309f2800ad3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/enum/SpackConfigCommand.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class SpackConfigCommand(Enum):
+    GET = 'get'
+    BLAME = 'blame'
+    EDIT = 'edit'
+    LIST = 'list'
+    ADD = 'add'
+    CHANGE = 'change'
+    PREFER_UPSTREAM = 'prefer-upstream'
+    REMOVE = 'remove'
+    UPDATE = 'update'
+    REVERT = 'revert'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dedal/enum/SpackViewEnum.py b/dedal/enum/SpackViewEnum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc6c01c19572dfadc77de1b119eb1bce365d2e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/enum/SpackViewEnum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class SpackViewEnum(Enum):
+    VIEW = ''
+    WITHOUT_VIEW = '--without-view'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dedal/enum/__init__.py b/dedal/enum/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/error_handling/__init__.py b/dedal/error_handling/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/error_handling/exceptions.py b/dedal/error_handling/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85398df060dc8248372d273c2f6f35d65cf16696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/error_handling/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+class SpackException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        super().__init__(message)
+        self.message = str(message)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.message
+class BashCommandException(SpackException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when a bash command has failed
+    """
+class NoSpackEnvironmentException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when an operation on a spack environment is executed without the environment being activated or existent
+    """
+class SpackConcertizeException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack concretization step fails
+    """
+class SpackInstallPackagesException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack fails to install spack packages
+    """
+class SpackMirrorException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack add mirror command fails
+    """
+class SpackGpgException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack fails to create gpg keys
+    """
+class SpackRepoException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack fails to add a repo
+    """
+class SpackReindexException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack reindex step fails
+    """
+class SpackSpecException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack spec for a package fails
+    """
+class SpackConfigException(BashCommandException):
+    """
+    To be thrown when the spack config command fails
+    """
diff --git a/dedal/model/SpackDescriptor.py b/dedal/model/SpackDescriptor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..939164a0653cf8724e28b7adc6702a4b28d6bb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/model/SpackDescriptor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+class SpackDescriptor:
+    """"
+    Provides details about the spack environment
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name: str, path: Path = Path(os.getcwd()).resolve(), git_path: str = None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.path = path.resolve() if isinstance(path, Path) else Path(path).resolve()
+        self.git_path = git_path
diff --git a/dedal/model/__init__.py b/dedal/model/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperation.py b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0c0a78b8fd75cca7f989eb838c71f5ed574b444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.enum.SpackConfigCommand import SpackConfigCommand
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import BashCommandException, NoSpackEnvironmentException, \
+    SpackInstallPackagesException, SpackConcertizeException, SpackMirrorException, SpackGpgException, \
+    SpackRepoException, SpackReindexException, SpackSpecException, SpackConfigException
+from dedal.logger.logger_builder import get_logger
+from dedal.tests.testing_variables import SPACK_VERSION
+from dedal.utils.utils import run_command, git_clone_repo, log_command, set_bashrc_variable, get_first_word
+from dedal.wrapper.spack_wrapper import check_spack_env
+import glob
+class SpackOperation:
+    """
+    This class should implement the methods necessary for installing spack, set up an environment, concretize and install packages.
+    Factory design pattern is used because there are 2 cases: creating an environment from scratch or creating an environment from the buildcache.
+    Attributes:
+    -----------
+    env : SpackDescriptor
+        spack environment details
+    repos : list[SpackDescriptor]
+    upstream_instance : str
+        path to Spack instance to use as upstream (optional)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, spack_config: SpackConfig = SpackConfig(), logger=get_logger(__name__)):
+        self.spack_config = spack_config
+        self.spack_config.install_dir = spack_config.install_dir
+        os.makedirs(self.spack_config.install_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        self.spack_dir = self.spack_config.install_dir / 'spack'
+        self.spack_setup_script = "" if self.spack_config.use_spack_global else f"source {self.spack_dir / 'share' / 'spack' / 'setup-env.sh'}"
+        self.logger = logger
+        self.spack_config.concretization_dir = spack_config.concretization_dir
+        if self.spack_config.concretization_dir:
+            os.makedirs(self.spack_config.concretization_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        self.spack_config.buildcache_dir = spack_config.buildcache_dir
+        if self.spack_config.buildcache_dir:
+            os.makedirs(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir, exist_ok=True)
+        if self.spack_config.env and spack_config.env.name:
+            self.env_path: Path = spack_config.env.path / spack_config.env.name
+            self.spack_command_on_env = f'{self.spack_setup_script} && spack env activate -p {spack_config.view.value} {self.env_path}'
+        else:
+            self.spack_command_on_env = self.spack_setup_script
+        if self.spack_config.env and spack_config.env.path:
+            self.spack_config.env.path = spack_config.env.path
+            self.spack_config.env.path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    def create_fetch_spack_environment(self):
+        """Fetches a spack environment if the git path is defined, otherwise creates it."""
+        if self.spack_config.env and self.spack_config.env.git_path:
+            git_clone_repo(self.spack_config.env.name, self.spack_config.env.path / self.spack_config.env.name,
+                           self.spack_config.env.git_path,
+                           logger=self.logger)
+        else:
+            os.makedirs(self.spack_config.env.path / self.spack_config.env.name, exist_ok=True)
+            run_command("bash", "-c",
+                        f'{self.spack_setup_script} && spack env create -d {self.env_path}',
+                        check=True, logger=self.logger,
+                        info_msg=f"Created {self.spack_config.env.name} spack environment",
+                        exception_msg=f"Failed to create {self.spack_config.env.name} spack environment",
+                        exception=BashCommandException)
+    def setup_spack_env(self):
+        """
+        This method prepares a spack environment by fetching/creating the spack environment and adding the necessary repos
+        """
+        bashrc_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc")
+        if self.spack_config.system_name:
+            set_bashrc_variable('SYSTEMNAME', self.spack_config.system_name, bashrc_path, logger=self.logger)
+            os.environ['SYSTEMNAME'] = self.spack_config.system_name
+        if self.spack_dir.exists() and self.spack_dir.is_dir():
+            set_bashrc_variable('SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH', str(self.spack_dir / ".spack"), bashrc_path,
+                                logger=self.logger)
+            set_bashrc_variable('SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH', str(self.spack_dir / ".spack"), bashrc_path,
+                                logger=self.logger)
+            self.logger.debug('Added env variables SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH and SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH')
+        else:
+            self.logger.error(f'Invalid installation path: {self.spack_dir}')
+        # Restart the bash after adding environment variables
+        if self.spack_config.env:
+            self.create_fetch_spack_environment()
+        if self.spack_config.install_dir.exists():
+            for repo in self.spack_config.repos:
+                repo_dir = self.spack_config.install_dir / repo.path / repo.name
+                git_clone_repo(repo.name, repo_dir, repo.git_path, logger=self.logger)
+                if not self.spack_repo_exists(repo.name):
+                    self.add_spack_repo(repo.path, repo.name)
+                    self.logger.debug(f'Added spack repository {repo.name}')
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug(f'Spack repository {repo.name} already added')
+    def spack_repo_exists(self, repo_name: str) -> bool | None:
+        """Check if the given Spack repository exists.
+        Returns:
+            True if spack repository exists, False otherwise.
+        """
+        if self.spack_config.env is None:
+            result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                                 f'{self.spack_setup_script} && spack repo list',
+                                 check=True,
+                                 capture_output=True, text=True, logger=self.logger,
+                                 info_msg=f'Checking if {repo_name} exists')
+            if result is None:
+                return False
+        else:
+            if self.spack_env_exists():
+                result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                                     f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack repo list',
+                                     check=True,
+                                     capture_output=True, text=True, logger=self.logger,
+                                     info_msg=f'Checking if repository {repo_name} was added').stdout
+            else:
+                self.logger.debug('No spack environment defined')
+                raise NoSpackEnvironmentException('No spack environment defined')
+            if result is None:
+                return False
+        return any(line.strip().endswith(repo_name) for line in result.splitlines())
+    def spack_env_exists(self):
+        """Checks if a spack environments exists.
+        Returns:
+            True if spack environments exists, False otherwise.
+        """
+        result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                             self.spack_command_on_env,
+                             check=True,
+                             capture_output=True, text=True, logger=self.logger,
+                             info_msg=f'Checking if environment {self.spack_config.env.name} exists')
+        return result is not None
+    def add_spack_repo(self, repo_path: Path, repo_name: str):
+        """Add the Spack repository if it does not exist."""
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack repo add {repo_path}/{repo_name}',
+                    check=True, logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg=f"Added {repo_name} to spack environment {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                    exception_msg=f"Failed to add {repo_name} to spack environment {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                    exception=SpackRepoException)
+    @check_spack_env
+    def get_compiler_version(self):
+        """Returns the compiler version
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                             f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack compiler list',
+                             check=True, logger=self.logger,
+                             capture_output=True, text=True,
+                             info_msg=f"Checking spack environment compiler version for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                             exception_msg=f"Failed to checking spack environment compiler version for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                             exception=BashCommandException)
+        if result.stdout is None:
+            self.logger.debug(f'No gcc found for {self.spack_config.env.name}')
+            return None
+        # Find the first occurrence of a GCC compiler using regex
+        match = re.search(r"gcc@([\d\.]+)", result.stdout)
+        gcc_version = match.group(1)
+        self.logger.debug(f'Found gcc for {self.spack_config.env.name}: {gcc_version}')
+        return gcc_version
+    def get_spack_installed_version(self):
+        """Returns the spack installed version"""
+        spack_version = run_command("bash", "-c", f'{self.spack_setup_script} && spack --version',
+                                    capture_output=True, text=True, check=True,
+                                    logger=self.logger,
+                                    info_msg=f"Getting spack version",
+                                    exception_msg=f"Error retrieving Spack version")
+        if spack_version:
+            return spack_version.stdout.strip().split()[0]
+        return None
+    @check_spack_env
+    def concretize_spack_env(self, force=True, test=None):
+        """Concretization step for a spack environment
+            Args:
+                force (bool): TOverrides an existing concretization when set to True
+                test: which test dependencies should be included
+            Raises:
+                NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        force = '--force' if force else ''
+        test = f'--test {test}' if test else ''
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack concretize {force} {test}',
+                    check=True,
+                    logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg=f'Concertization step for {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                    exception_msg=f'Failed the concertization step for {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                    exception=SpackConcertizeException)
+    def reindex(self):
+        """Reindex step for a spack environment
+            Raises:
+                SpackReindexException: If the spack reindex command fails.
+        """
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack reindex',
+                    check=True,
+                    logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg=f'Reindex step.',
+                    exception_msg=f'Failed the reindex.',
+                    exception=SpackReindexException)
+    def spec_pacakge(self, package_name: str):
+        """Reindex step for a spack environment
+            Raises:
+                SpackSpecException: If the spack spec command fails.
+        """
+        try:
+            spec_output = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                                      f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack spec {package_name}',
+                                      check=True,
+                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                      stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                      text=True,
+                                      logger=self.logger,
+                                      info_msg=f'Spack spec {package_name}.',
+                                      exception_msg=f'Failed to spack spec {package_name}.',
+                                      exception=SpackSpecException).stdout
+            pattern = r'^\s*-\s*([\w.-]+@[\d.]+)'
+            match = re.search(pattern, spec_output)
+            if match:
+                return match.group(1)
+            return None
+        except SpackSpecException:
+            return None
+    def create_gpg_keys(self):
+        """Creates GPG keys (which can be used when creating binary cashes) and adds it to the trusted keyring."""
+        if self.spack_config.gpg:
+            run_command("bash", "-c",
+                        f'{self.spack_setup_script} && spack gpg init && spack gpg create {self.spack_config.gpg.name} {self.spack_config.gpg.mail}',
+                        check=True,
+                        logger=self.logger,
+                        info_msg=f'Created pgp keys for {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                        exception_msg=f'Failed to create pgp keys mirror {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                        exception=SpackGpgException)
+        else:
+            raise SpackGpgException('No GPG configuration was defined is spack configuration')
+    def add_mirror(self, mirror_name: str, mirror_path: Path, signed=False, autopush=False, global_mirror=False):
+        """Adds a Spack mirror.
+        Adds a new mirror to the Spack configuration, either globally or to a specific environment.
+        Args:
+            mirror_name (str): The name of the mirror.
+            mirror_path (str): The path or URL of the mirror.
+            signed (bool): Whether to require signed packages from the mirror.
+            autopush (bool): Whether to enable autopush for the mirror.
+            global_mirror (bool): Whether to add the mirror globally (True) or to the current environment (False).
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If mirror_name or mirror_path are empty.
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If global_mirror is False and no environment is defined.
+        """
+        autopush = '--autopush' if autopush else ''
+        signed = '--signed' if signed else ''
+        spack_add_mirror = f'spack mirror add {autopush} {signed} {mirror_name} {mirror_path}'
+        if global_mirror:
+            run_command("bash", "-c",
+                        f'{self.spack_setup_script} && {spack_add_mirror}',
+                        check=True,
+                        logger=self.logger,
+                        info_msg=f'Added mirror {mirror_name}',
+                        exception_msg=f'Failed to add mirror {mirror_name}',
+                        exception=SpackMirrorException)
+        else:
+            check_spack_env(
+                run_command("bash", "-c",
+                            f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && {spack_add_mirror}',
+                            check=True,
+                            logger=self.logger,
+                            info_msg=f'Added mirror {mirror_name}',
+                            exception_msg=f'Failed to add mirror {mirror_name}',
+                            exception=SpackMirrorException))
+    @check_spack_env
+    def trust_gpg_key(self, public_key_path: str):
+        """Adds a GPG public key to the trusted keyring.
+        This method attempts to add the provided GPG public key to the
+        Spack trusted keyring.
+        Args:
+            public_key_path (str): Path to the GPG public key file.
+        Returns:
+            bool: True if the key was added successfully, False otherwise.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If public_key_path is empty.
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        if not public_key_path:
+            raise ValueError("public_key_path is required")
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack gpg trust {public_key_path}',
+                    check=True,
+                    logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg=f'Trusted GPG key for {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                    exception_msg=f'Failed to trust GPG key for {self.spack_config.env.name}',
+                    exception=SpackGpgException)
+    def config(self, config_type: SpackConfigCommand, config_parameter):
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack config {config_type.value} {config_parameter}',
+                    check=True,
+                    logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg='Spack config command',
+                    exception_msg='Spack config command failed',
+                    exception=SpackConfigException)
+    def mirror_list(self):
+        """Returns of available mirrors. When an environment is activated it will return the mirrors associated with it,
+           otherwise the mirrors set globally"""
+        mirrors = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                              f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack mirror list',
+                              check=True,
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                              text=True,
+                              logger=self.logger,
+                              info_msg=f'Listing mirrors',
+                              exception_msg=f'Failed list mirrors',
+                              exception=SpackMirrorException).stdout
+        return list(map(get_first_word, list(mirrors.strip().splitlines())))
+    def remove_mirror(self, mirror_name: str):
+        """Removes a mirror from an environment (if it is activated), otherwise removes the mirror globally."""
+        if not mirror_name:
+            raise ValueError("mirror_name is required")
+        run_command("bash", "-c",
+                    f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack mirror rm {mirror_name}',
+                    check=True,
+                    logger=self.logger,
+                    info_msg=f'Removing mirror {mirror_name}',
+                    exception_msg=f'Failed to remove mirror {mirror_name}',
+                    exception=SpackMirrorException)
+    @check_spack_env
+    def install_packages(self, jobs: int, signed=True, fresh=False, debug=False, test=None):
+        """Installs all spack packages.
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        signed = '' if signed else '--no-check-signature'
+        fresh = '--fresh' if fresh else ''
+        debug = '--debug' if debug else ''
+        test = f'--test {test}' if test else ''
+        install_result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                                     f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack {debug} install -v {signed} -j {jobs} {fresh} {test}',
+                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                     text=True,
+                                     logger=self.logger,
+                                     info_msg=f"Installing spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                                     exception_msg=f"Error installing spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                                     exception=SpackInstallPackagesException)
+        log_command(install_result, str(Path(os.getcwd()).resolve() / ".generate_cache.log"))
+        return install_result
+    def install_spack(self, spack_version=f'v{SPACK_VERSION}', spack_repo='https://github.com/spack/spack',
+                      bashrc_path=os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc")):
+        """Install spack.
+            Args:
+                spack_version (str): spack version
+                spack_repo (str): Git path to the Spack repository.
+                bashrc_path (str): Path to the .bashrc file.
+        """
+        try:
+            user = os.getlogin()
+        except OSError:
+            user = None
+        self.logger.info(f"Starting to install Spack into {self.spack_dir} from branch {spack_version}")
+        if not self.spack_dir.exists():
+            run_command(
+                "git", "clone", "--depth", "1",
+                "-c", "advice.detachedHead=false",
+                "-c", "feature.manyFiles=true",
+                "--branch", spack_version, spack_repo, self.spack_dir
+                , check=True, logger=self.logger)
+            self.logger.debug("Cloned spack")
+        else:
+            self.logger.debug("Spack already cloned.")
+        # ensure the file exists before opening it
+        if not os.path.exists(bashrc_path):
+            open(bashrc_path, "w").close()
+        # add spack setup commands to .bashrc
+        with open(bashrc_path, "a") as bashrc:
+            bashrc.write(f'export PATH="{self.spack_dir}/bin:$PATH"\n')
+            spack_setup_script = f"source {self.spack_dir / 'share' / 'spack' / 'setup-env.sh'}"
+            bashrc.write(f"{spack_setup_script}\n")
+        self.logger.info("Added Spack PATH to .bashrc")
+        if user:
+            run_command("chown", "-R", f"{user}:{user}", self.spack_dir, check=True, logger=self.logger,
+                        info_msg='Adding permissions to the logged in user')
+        self.logger.info("Spack install completed")
+        if self.spack_config.use_spack_global is True:
+            # Restart the bash only of the spack is used globally
+            self.logger.info('Restarting bash')
+            run_command("bash", "-c", f"source {bashrc_path}", check=True, logger=self.logger, info_msg='Restart bash')
+            os.system("exec bash")
+        # Configure upstream Spack instance if specified
+        if self.spack_config.upstream_instance:
+            search_path = os.path.join(self.spack_config.upstream_instance, 'spack', 'opt', 'spack', '**', '.spack-db')
+            spack_db_dirs = glob.glob(search_path, recursive=True)
+            upstream_prefix = [os.path.dirname(dir) for dir in spack_db_dirs]
+            for prefix in upstream_prefix:
+                self.config(SpackConfigCommand.ADD, f':upstream-spack-instance:install_tree:{prefix}')
+            self.logger.info("Added upstream spack instance")
diff --git a/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreateCache.py b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreateCache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45e0e7441a874d2ed09057ea889a064aab77f087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreateCache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import os
+from dedal.utils.utils import copy_file
+from dedal.wrapper.spack_wrapper import check_spack_env
+from dedal.build_cache.BuildCacheManager import BuildCacheManager
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.logger.logger_builder import get_logger
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+class SpackOperationCreateCache(SpackOperation):
+    """
+    This class creates caching for the concretization step and for the installation step.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, spack_config: SpackConfig = SpackConfig()):
+        super().__init__(spack_config, logger=get_logger(__name__))
+        self.cache_dependency = BuildCacheManager(os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_HOST'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_PROJECT'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_USERNAME'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_PASSWORD'),
+                                                  cache_version=spack_config.cache_version_concretize)
+        self.build_cache = BuildCacheManager(os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_HOST'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_PROJECT'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_USERNAME'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_PASSWORD'),
+                                             cache_version=spack_config.cache_version_build)
+    @check_spack_env
+    def concretize_spack_env(self, test=None):
+        """Concretization step for a spack environment. After the concretization step is complete, the concretization file is uploaded to the OCI casing.
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        super().concretize_spack_env(force=True, test=test)
+        dependency_path = self.spack_config.env.path / self.spack_config.env.name / 'spack.lock'
+        copy_file(dependency_path, self.spack_config.concretization_dir, logger=self.logger)
+        self.cache_dependency.upload(self.spack_config.concretization_dir, update_cache=self.spack_config.update_cache)
+        self.logger.info(f'Created new spack concretization for create cache: {self.spack_config.env.name}')
+    @check_spack_env
+    def install_packages(self, jobs: int = 2, debug=False, test=None):
+        """Installs all spack packages. After the installation is complete, all the binary cashes are pushed to the defined OCI registry
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        signed = False
+        if self.spack_config.gpg:
+            signed = True
+            self.create_gpg_keys()
+        self.add_mirror('local_cache',
+                        str(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir),
+                        signed=signed,
+                        autopush=signed,
+                        global_mirror=False)
+        self.logger.info(f'Added mirror for {self.spack_config.env.name}')
+        super().install_packages(jobs=jobs, signed=signed, debug=debug, fresh=True, test=test)
+        self.logger.info(f'Installed spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}')
+        self.build_cache.upload(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir, update_cache=self.spack_config.update_cache)
+        self.logger.info(f'Pushed spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}')
diff --git a/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreator.py b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdc929d34866dcb254a775e9e8f8a24ee893029d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationCreator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreateCache import SpackOperationCreateCache
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache import SpackOperationUseCache
+class SpackOperationCreator:
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_spack_operator(spack_config: SpackConfig = None, use_cache: bool = False) -> SpackOperation:
+        if spack_config is None:
+            return SpackOperation()
+        elif spack_config.concretization_dir is None and spack_config.buildcache_dir is None:
+            return SpackOperation(spack_config)
+        elif (spack_config.concretization_dir and spack_config.buildcache_dir) and not use_cache:
+            return SpackOperationCreateCache(spack_config)
+        elif (spack_config.concretization_dir and spack_config.buildcache_dir) and use_cache:
+            return SpackOperationUseCache(spack_config)
+        else:
+            return SpackOperation(SpackConfig())
diff --git a/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationUseCache.py b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationUseCache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..751945980f0fdd98923f43182ea89b2a639774f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/spack_factory/SpackOperationUseCache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+from dedal.build_cache.BuildCacheManager import BuildCacheManager
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import SpackInstallPackagesException
+from dedal.logger.logger_builder import get_logger
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+from dedal.utils.utils import file_exists_and_not_empty, run_command, log_command, copy_file
+from dedal.wrapper.spack_wrapper import check_spack_env
+class SpackOperationUseCache(SpackOperation):
+    """
+    This class uses caching for the concretization step and for the installation step.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, spack_config: SpackConfig = SpackConfig()):
+        super().__init__(spack_config, logger=get_logger(__name__))
+        self.cache_dependency = BuildCacheManager(os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_HOST'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_PROJECT'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_USERNAME'),
+                                                  os.environ.get('CONCRETIZE_OCI_PASSWORD'),
+                                                  cache_version=spack_config.cache_version_concretize)
+        self.build_cache = BuildCacheManager(os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_HOST'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_PROJECT'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_USERNAME'),
+                                             os.environ.get('BUILDCACHE_OCI_PASSWORD'),
+                                             cache_version=spack_config.cache_version_build)
+    def setup_spack_env(self) -> None:
+        """Set up the spack environment for using the cache.
+        Downloads the build cache, adds the public key to trusted keys,
+        and adds the build cache mirror.
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        super().setup_spack_env()
+        # Download concretization cache from OCI Registry
+        self.cache_dependency.download(self.spack_config.concretization_dir)
+        # Download build cache from OCI Registry and add public key to trusted keys
+        self.build_cache.download(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir)
+        cached_public_key = self.build_cache.get_public_key_from_cache(str(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir))
+        signed = cached_public_key is not None
+        if signed:
+            self.trust_gpg_key(cached_public_key)
+        # Add build cache mirror
+        self.add_mirror('local_cache',
+                        str(self.spack_config.buildcache_dir),
+                        signed=signed,
+                        autopush=True,
+                        global_mirror=False)
+    @check_spack_env
+    def concretize_spack_env(self, test=None):
+        """Concretization step for spack environment for using the concretization cache (spack.lock file).
+        Downloads the concretization cache and moves it to the spack environment's folder
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        concretization_redo = False
+        self.cache_dependency.download(self.spack_config.concretization_dir)
+        if file_exists_and_not_empty(self.spack_config.concretization_dir / 'spack.lock'):
+            concretization_file_path = self.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+            copy_file(self.spack_config.concretization_dir / 'spack.lock', self.env_path)
+            # redo the concretization step if spack.lock file was not downloaded from the cache
+            if not file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path):
+                super().concretize_spack_env(force=True, test=test)
+                concretization_redo = True
+        else:
+            # redo the concretization step if spack.lock file was not downloaded from the cache
+            super().concretize_spack_env(force=True, test=test)
+            concretization_redo = True
+        return concretization_redo
+    @check_spack_env
+    def install_packages(self, jobs: int, signed=True, debug=False, test=None):
+        """Installation step for spack environment for using the binary caches.
+        Raises:
+            NoSpackEnvironmentException: If the spack environment is not set up.
+        """
+        signed = '' if signed else '--no-check-signature'
+        debug = '--debug' if debug else ''
+        test = f'--test {test}' if test else ''
+        install_result = run_command("bash", "-c",
+                                     f'{self.spack_command_on_env} && spack {debug} install -v --reuse {signed} -j {jobs} {test}',
+                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                     text=True,
+                                     logger=self.logger,
+                                     info_msg=f"Installing spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                                     exception_msg=f"Error installing spack packages for {self.spack_config.env.name}",
+                                     exception=SpackInstallPackagesException)
+        log_command(install_result, str(Path(os.getcwd()).resolve() / ".generate_cache.log"))
+        return install_result
diff --git a/dedal/spack_factory/__init__.py b/dedal/spack_factory/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/__init__.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_create_cache_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_create_cache_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ae70502e0db3548ba08ded83645bec7957ea773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_create_cache_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from dedal.configuration.GpgConfig import GpgConfig
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreateCache import SpackOperationCreateCache
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreator import SpackOperationCreator
+from dedal.tests.testing_variables import test_spack_env_git, ebrains_spack_builds_git
+Before running those tests, the repositories where the caching is stored must be cleared after each run. 
+Ebrains Harbour does not support deletion via API, so the clean up must be done manually
+    reason="Skipping until an OCI registry which supports via API deletion; Clean up for OCI registry repo must be added before this test.")
+def test_spack_create_cache_concretization(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    concretization_dir = install_dir / 'concretization'
+    buildcache_dir = install_dir / 'buildcache'
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    gpg = GpgConfig(gpg_name='test-gpg', gpg_mail='test@test.com')
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir, concretization_dir=concretization_dir,
+                         buildcache_dir=buildcache_dir, gpg=gpg)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperationCreateCache)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env()
+    assert len(spack_operation.cache_dependency.list_tags()) > 0
+    return spack_operation
+    reason="Skipping until an OCI registry which supports via API deletion; Clean up for OCI registry repo must be added before this test.")
+def test_spack_create_cache_installation(tmp_path):
+    spack_operation = test_spack_create_cache_concretization(tmp_path)
+    spack_operation.install_packages()
+    assert len(spack_operation.build_cache.list_tags()) > 0
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_cache_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_cache_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42ecf3b7bf52c478299e41f270fa0d58000f5ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_cache_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreator import SpackOperationCreator
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache import SpackOperationUseCache
+from dedal.utils.utils import file_exists_and_not_empty, count_files_in_folder
+from dedal.utils.variables import test_spack_env_git, ebrains_spack_builds_git
+def test_spack_from_cache_setup(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    concretization_dir = install_dir / 'concretize'
+    buildcache_dir = install_dir / 'buildcache'
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(env, install_dir=install_dir, concretization_dir=concretization_dir,
+                               buildcache_dir=buildcache_dir)
+    spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config, use_cache=True)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperationUseCache)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    num_tags = len(spack_operation.build_cache.list_tags())
+    concretization_download_file_path = concretization_dir / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_download_file_path) == True
+    assert count_files_in_folder(buildcache_dir) == num_tags
+    assert 'local_cache' in spack_operation.mirror_list()
+    return spack_operation
+def test_spack_from_cache_concretize(tmp_path):
+    spack_operation = test_spack_from_cache_setup(tmp_path)
+    assert spack_operation.concretize_spack_env() == False
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+    return spack_operation
+def test_spack_from_cache_install_1(tmp_path):
+    spack_operation = test_spack_from_cache_concretize(tmp_path)
+    install_result = spack_operation.install_packages(jobs=2, signed=True, debug=False)
+    assert install_result.returncode == 0
+def test_spack_from_cache_install_2(tmp_path):
+    spack_operation = test_spack_from_cache_concretize(tmp_path)
+    install_result = spack_operation.install_packages(jobs=2, signed=True, debug=False, test='root')
+    assert install_result.returncode == 0
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_scratch_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_scratch_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50b19faab603232f0ebc9d19503b5303e16604ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_from_scratch_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import BashCommandException, NoSpackEnvironmentException
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreator import SpackOperationCreator
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.tests.testing_variables import test_spack_env_git, ebrains_spack_builds_git
+from dedal.utils.utils import file_exists_and_not_empty
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+def test_spack_repo_exists_1(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    with pytest.raises(NoSpackEnvironmentException):
+        spack_operation.spack_repo_exists(env.name)
+def test_spack_repo_exists_2(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    assert spack_operation.spack_repo_exists(env.name) == False
+def test_spack_from_scratch_setup_1(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    assert spack_operation.spack_repo_exists(env.name) == False
+def test_spack_reindex(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    config = SpackConfig(install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.reindex()
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="It does nopt work on bare metal operating systems")
+def test_spack_spec(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    config = SpackConfig(install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    assert spack_operation.spec_pacakge('aida') == 'aida@3.2.1'
+def test_spack_from_scratch_setup_2(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    assert spack_operation.spack_repo_exists(env.name) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_setup_3(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('new_env1', install_dir)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    with pytest.raises(BashCommandException):
+        spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+def test_spack_from_scratch_setup_4(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('new_env2', install_dir)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    assert spack_operation.spack_env_exists() == True
+def test_spack_not_a_valid_repo():
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', Path(), None)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab')
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    with pytest.raises(BashCommandException):
+        spack_operation.add_spack_repo(repo.path, repo.name)
+    reason="Skipping the concretization step because it may freeze when numerous Spack packages are added to the environment.")
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_1(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+    reason="Skipping the concretization step because it may freeze when numerous Spack packages are added to the environment.")
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_2(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=False)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_3(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    repo = env
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, system_name='ebrainslab', install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == False
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_4(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=False)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_5(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_6(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=False)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_7(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+    def test_spack_from_scratch_concretize_8(tmp_path):
+        install_dir = tmp_path
+        env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+        repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+        config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+        config.add_repo(repo)
+        spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+        assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+        spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+        spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+        spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True, test='root')
+        concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+        assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+def test_spack_from_scratch_install(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True)
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+    install_result = spack_operation.install_packages(jobs=2, signed=False, fresh=True, debug=False)
+    assert install_result.returncode == 0
+def test_spack_from_scratch_install_2(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    config = SpackConfig(env=env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    spack_operation.concretize_spack_env(force=True, test='root')
+    concretization_file_path = spack_operation.env_path / 'spack.lock'
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(concretization_file_path) == True
+    install_result = spack_operation.install_packages(jobs=2, signed=False, fresh=True, debug=False, test='root')
+    assert install_result.returncode == 0
+def test_spack_mirror_env(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    mirror_dir = tmp_path / Path('./mirror_dir')
+    mirror_name = 'mirror_tests'
+    spack_operation.add_mirror(mirror_name=mirror_name, mirror_path=mirror_dir)
+    assert mirror_name in spack_operation.mirror_list()
+    spack_operation.remove_mirror(mirror_name=mirror_name)
+    assert mirror_name not in spack_operation.mirror_list()
+def test_spack_mirror_global(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(bashrc_path=str(tmp_path / Path('.bashrc')))
+    spack_operation.setup_spack_env()
+    mirror_dir = tmp_path / Path('./mirror_dir')
+    mirror_name = 'mirror_test'
+    spack_operation.add_mirror(mirror_name=mirror_name, mirror_path=mirror_dir)
+    assert mirror_name in spack_operation.mirror_list()
+    spack_operation.remove_mirror(mirror_name=mirror_name)
+    assert mirror_name not in spack_operation.mirror_list()
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_install_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_install_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c6cf1273cf57b5ccb82e4c4cd79fc913aebeaaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_install_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+from dedal.tests.testing_variables import SPACK_VERSION
+def test_spack_install_scratch(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperation(spack_config)
+    spack_operation.install_spack(spack_version=f'v{SPACK_VERSION}')
+    installed_spack_version = spack_operation.get_spack_installed_version()
+    assert SPACK_VERSION == installed_spack_version
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_operation_creator_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_operation_creator_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..226184b00a5c7136c97f5ef12761ac44c71286a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/spack_operation_creator_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreateCache import SpackOperationCreateCache
+from dedal.configuration.SpackConfig import SpackConfig
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperation import SpackOperation
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationCreator import SpackOperationCreator
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache import SpackOperationUseCache
+from dedal.tests.testing_variables import ebrains_spack_builds_git, test_spack_env_git
+def test_spack_creator_scratch_1(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(env, install_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+def test_spack_creator_scratch_2(tmp_path):
+    spack_config = None
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+def test_spack_creator_scratch_3():
+    spack_config = SpackConfig()
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperation)
+def test_spack_creator_create_cache(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(env, install_dir=install_dir, concretization_dir=install_dir, buildcache_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperationCreateCache)
+def test_spack_creator_use_cache(tmp_path):
+    install_dir = tmp_path
+    env = SpackDescriptor('test-spack-env', install_dir, test_spack_env_git)
+    repo = SpackDescriptor('ebrains-spack-builds', install_dir, ebrains_spack_builds_git)
+    spack_config = SpackConfig(env, install_dir=install_dir, concretization_dir=install_dir, buildcache_dir=install_dir)
+    spack_config.add_repo(repo)
+    spack_operation = SpackOperationCreator.get_spack_operator(spack_config, use_cache=True)
+    assert isinstance(spack_operation, SpackOperationUseCache)
diff --git a/dedal/tests/integration_tests/utils_test.py b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/utils_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7923e175d0a37b54ac0d0edfca0495c63ebdcb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/integration_tests/utils_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from dedal.utils.utils import set_bashrc_variable
+def test_add_new_variable(tmp_path):
+    var_name = 'TEST_VAR'
+    value = 'test_value'
+    bashrc_path = tmp_path / ".bashrc"
+    bashrc_path.touch()
+    set_bashrc_variable(var_name, value, bashrc_path=str(bashrc_path))
+    content = bashrc_path.read_text()
+    assert f'export {var_name}={value}' in content
+def test_update_existing_variable(tmp_path):
+    var_name = 'TEST_VAR'
+    value = 'test_value'
+    updated_value = 'new_value'
+    bashrc_path = tmp_path / ".bashrc"
+    bashrc_path.write_text(f'export {var_name}={value}\n')
+    set_bashrc_variable(var_name, updated_value, bashrc_path=str(bashrc_path), update_variable=True)
+    content = bashrc_path.read_text()
+    assert f'export {var_name}={updated_value}' in content
+    assert f'export {var_name}={value}' not in content
+def test_do_not_update_existing_variable(tmp_path):
+    var_name = 'TEST_VAR'
+    value = 'test_value'
+    new_value = 'new_value'
+    bashrc_path = tmp_path / ".bashrc"
+    bashrc_path.write_text(f'export {var_name}={value}\n')
+    set_bashrc_variable(var_name, new_value, bashrc_path=str(bashrc_path), update_variable=False)
+    content = bashrc_path.read_text()
+    assert f'export {var_name}={value}' in content
+    assert f'export {var_name}={new_value}' not in content
+def test_add_variable_with_special_characters(tmp_path):
+    var_name = 'TEST_VAR'
+    value = 'value_with_$pecial_chars'
+    escaped_value = 'value_with_\\$pecial_chars'
+    bashrc_path = tmp_path / ".bashrc"
+    bashrc_path.touch()
+    set_bashrc_variable(var_name, value, bashrc_path=str(bashrc_path))
+    content = bashrc_path.read_text()
+    assert f'export {var_name}={escaped_value}' in content
diff --git a/dedal/tests/testing_variables.py b/dedal/tests/testing_variables.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e441a2864497edbca5e1f50619befe0c1a90863e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/testing_variables.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import os
+ebrains_spack_builds_git = 'https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/ri/tech-hub/platform/esd/ebrains-spack-builds.git'
+SPACK_VERSION = "0.23.0"
+test_spack_env_git = f'https://oauth2:{SPACK_ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN}@gitlab.ebrains.eu/ri/projects-and-initiatives/virtualbraintwin/tools/test-spack-env.git'
diff --git a/dedal/tests/unit_tests/__init__.py b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/tests/unit_tests/build_cache_manager_test.py b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/build_cache_manager_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bce09480c4c70f41f6435291bdcbede8bd5bd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/build_cache_manager_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import pytest
+from _pytest.fixtures import fixture
+from dedal.build_cache.BuildCacheManager import BuildCacheManager
+class TestBuildCacheManager:
+    @fixture(scope="function")
+    def mock_build_cache_manager(self, mocker):
+        mocker.patch("dedal.build_cache.BuildCacheManager.get_logger")
+    def test_get_public_key_from_cache_success_path(self, mock_build_cache_manager, tmp_path):
+        # Arrange
+        build_cache_dir = tmp_path / "build_cache"
+        pgp_folder = build_cache_dir / "project" / "_pgp"
+        pgp_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
+        key_file = pgp_folder / "key.pub"
+        key_file.write_text("public key content")
+        # Act
+        result = mock_build_cache_manager.get_public_key_from_cache(str(build_cache_dir))
+        # Assert
+        assert result == str(key_file)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_id, num_pgp_folders, num_key_files, expected_log_message", [
+        ("more_than_one_gpg_folder", 2, 1,
+         "More than one PGP folders found in the build cache: %s, using the first one in the list: %s"),
+        ("more_than_one_key_file", 1, 2,
+         "More than one PGP key files found in the build cache: %s, using the first one in the list: %s"),
+    ])
+    def test_get_public_key_from_cache_multiple_files_or_folders(self, mock_build_cache_manager, test_id,
+                                                                 tmp_path, num_pgp_folders,
+                                                                 num_key_files, expected_log_message):
+        # Arrange
+        pgp_folders = []
+        key_files = []
+        build_cache_dir = tmp_path / "build_cache"
+        for i in range(num_pgp_folders):
+            pgp_folder = build_cache_dir / f"project{i}" / "_pgp"
+            pgp_folders.append(str(pgp_folder))
+            pgp_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
+            for j in range(num_key_files):
+                key_file = pgp_folder / f"key{j}.pub"
+                key_files.append(str(key_file))
+                key_file.write_text(f"public key {j} content")
+        # Act
+        result = mock_build_cache_manager.get_public_key_from_cache(str(build_cache_dir))
+        # Assert
+        # Cannot assure the order in which the OS returns the files,
+        # hence check if the result is in the expected list
+        assert result in [str(build_cache_dir / "project0" / "_pgp" / "key0.pub"),
+                          str(build_cache_dir / "project0" / "_pgp" / "key1.pub"),
+                          str(build_cache_dir / "project1" / "_pgp" / "key0.pub")]
+        assert mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.call_args[0][0] == expected_log_message
+        assert set(mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.call_args[0][1]) == set(
+            pgp_folders) if test_id == "more_than_one_gpg_folder" else set(key_files)
+        assert mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.call_args[0][
+                   2] in pgp_folders if test_id == "more_than_one_gpg_folder" else key_files
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("build_cache_dir, expected_log_message", [
+        (None, 'Build cache directory does not exist!'),
+        ("non_existent_dir", 'Build cache directory does not exist!'),
+    ])
+    def test_get_public_key_from_cache_no_build_cache(self, mock_build_cache_manager, build_cache_dir,
+                                                      expected_log_message, tmp_path):
+        # Arrange
+        build_cache_dir = str(tmp_path / build_cache_dir) if build_cache_dir else None
+        # Act
+        result = mock_build_cache_manager.get_public_key_from_cache(build_cache_dir)
+        # Assert
+        assert result is None
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with(expected_log_message)
+        # Assert
+        assert result is None
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with(expected_log_message)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("build_cache_dir, expected_log_message", [
+        ("non_existent_dir", "No _pgp folder found in the build cache!"),
+    ])
+    def test_get_public_key_from_cache_no_pgp_folder(self, mock_build_cache_manager, build_cache_dir,
+                                                     expected_log_message, tmp_path):
+        # Arrange
+        if build_cache_dir == "non_existent_dir":
+            build_cache_dir = tmp_path / build_cache_dir
+            build_cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+        # Act
+        result = mock_build_cache_manager.get_public_key_from_cache(build_cache_dir)
+        # Assert
+        assert result is None
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with(expected_log_message)
+        # Assert
+        assert result is None
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with(expected_log_message)
+    def test_get_public_key_from_cache_empty_pgp_folder(self, mock_build_cache_manager, tmp_path):
+        # Arrange
+        build_cache_dir = tmp_path / "build_cache"
+        pgp_folder = build_cache_dir / "project" / "_pgp"
+        pgp_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
+        # Act
+        result = mock_build_cache_manager.get_public_key_from_cache(str(build_cache_dir))
+        # Assert
+        assert result is None
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with("No PGP key files found in the build cache!")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("items, expected_log_message", [
+        (["item1", "item2"], "test message item1 item2 item1"),
+        (["item1", "item2", "item3"], "test message item1 item2 item3 item1"),
+    ])
+    def test_log_warning_if_needed_multiple_items(self, mock_build_cache_manager, items, expected_log_message):
+        # Test ID: multiple_items
+        # Arrange
+        warn_message = "test message"
+        # Act
+        mock_build_cache_manager._BuildCacheManager__log_warning_if_needed(warn_message, items)
+        # Assert
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_called_once_with(warn_message, items, items[0])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("items", [
+        [],
+        ["item1"],
+    ])
+    def test_log_warning_if_needed_no_warning(self, mock_build_cache_manager, items):
+        # Test ID: no_warning
+        # Arrange
+        warn_message = "test message"
+        # Act
+        mock_build_cache_manager._BuildCacheManager__log_warning_if_needed(warn_message, items)
+        # Assert
+        mock_build_cache_manager._logger.warning.assert_not_called()
diff --git a/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_manager_api_test.py b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_manager_api_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2037a502565d47ea19498aee7802e0ea6c30e73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_manager_api_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+import os
+import pytest
+from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+from dedal.cli.spack_manager_api import show_config, clear_config, install_spack, add_spack_repo, install_packages, \
+    setup_spack_env, concretize, set_config
+from dedal.enum.SpackViewEnum import SpackViewEnum
+from dedal.model.SpackDescriptor import SpackDescriptor
+def runner():
+    return CliRunner()
+def mocked_session_path():
+    return '/mocked/tmp/session.json'
+def mock_spack_manager():
+    mock_spack_manager = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_manager.install_spack = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_manager.add_spack_repo = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_manager.setup_spack_env = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_manager.concretize_spack_env = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_manager.install_packages = MagicMock()
+    return mock_spack_manager
+def mock_load_config():
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.load_config') as mock_load:
+        yield mock_load
+def mock_save_config():
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.save_config') as mock_save:
+        yield mock_save
+def mock_clear_config():
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.clear_config') as mock_clear:
+        yield mock_clear
+def test_show_config_no_config(runner, mock_load_config):
+    mock_load_config.return_value = None
+    result = runner.invoke(show_config)
+    assert 'No configuration set. Use `set-config` first.' in result.output
+def test_show_config_with_config(runner, mock_load_config):
+    """Test the show_config command when config is present."""
+    mock_load_config.return_value = {"key": "value"}
+    result = runner.invoke(show_config)
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert '"key": "value"' in result.output
+def test_clear_config(runner, mock_clear_config):
+    """Test the clear_config command."""
+    with patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True), patch('os.remove') as mock_remove:
+        result = runner.invoke(clear_config)
+        assert 'Configuration cleared!' in result.output
+        mock_remove.assert_called_once()
+def test_install_spack_no_context_1(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_spack with no context, using SpackManager."""
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.SpackManager', return_value=mock_spack_manager):
+        result = runner.invoke(install_spack, ['--spack_version', '0.24.0'])
+    mock_spack_manager.install_spack.assert_called_once_with('0.24.0', os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc"))
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_install_spack_no_context_2(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_spack with no context, using SpackManager and the default value for spack_version."""
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.SpackManager', return_value=mock_spack_manager):
+        result = runner.invoke(install_spack)
+    mock_spack_manager.install_spack.assert_called_once_with('0.23.0', os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc"))
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_install_spack_with_mocked_context_1(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_spack with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager."""
+    result = runner.invoke(install_spack, ['--spack_version', '0.24.0', '--bashrc_path', '/home/.bahsrc'], obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.install_spack.assert_called_once_with('0.24.0', '/home/.bahsrc')
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_install_spack_with_mocked_context_2(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_spack with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager and the default value for spack_version."""
+    result = runner.invoke(install_spack, obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.install_spack.assert_called_once_with('0.23.0', os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc"))
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_setup_spack_env(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test setup_spack_env with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager."""
+    result = runner.invoke(setup_spack_env, obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.setup_spack_env.assert_called_once_with()
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_concretize(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_spack with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager."""
+    result = runner.invoke(concretize, obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.concretize_spack_env.assert_called_once_with()
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_install_packages_1(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_packages with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager."""
+    result = runner.invoke(install_packages, obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.install_packages.assert_called_once_with(jobs=2)
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_install_packages(runner, mock_spack_manager):
+    """Test install_packages with a mocked context, using ctx.obj as SpackManager."""
+    result = runner.invoke(install_packages, ['--jobs', 3], obj=mock_spack_manager)
+    mock_spack_manager.install_packages.assert_called_once_with(jobs=3)
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+def test_add_spack_repo(mock_spack_descriptor, mock_resolve_path, mock_load_config, mock_save_config,
+                        mocked_session_path, runner):
+    """Test adding a spack repository with mocks."""
+    expected_config = {'repos': [SpackDescriptor(name='test-repo')]}
+    repo_name = 'test-repo'
+    path = '/path'
+    git_path = 'https://example.com/repo.git'
+    mock_resolve_path.return_value = '/resolved/path'
+    mock_load_config.return_value = expected_config
+    mock_repo_instance = MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_descriptor.return_value = mock_repo_instance
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.SESSION_CONFIG_PATH', mocked_session_path):
+        result = runner.invoke(add_spack_repo, ['--repo_name', repo_name, '--path', path, '--git_path', git_path])
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert 'dedal setup_spack_env must be reran after each repo is added' in result.output
+    mock_resolve_path.assert_called_once_with(path)
+    mock_spack_descriptor.assert_called_once_with(repo_name, '/resolved/path', git_path)
+    assert mock_repo_instance in expected_config['repos']
+    mock_save_config.assert_called_once_with(expected_config, mocked_session_path)
+def test_set_config(runner, mock_save_config, mocked_session_path):
+    """Test set_config."""
+    with patch('dedal.cli.spack_manager_api.SESSION_CONFIG_PATH', mocked_session_path):
+        result = runner.invoke(set_config, ['--env_name', 'test', '--system_name', 'sys'])
+    expected_config = {
+        'use_cache': False,
+        'env_name': 'test',
+        'env_path': None,
+        'env_git_path': None,
+        'install_dir': None,
+        'upstream_instance': None,
+        'system_name': 'sys',
+        'concretization_dir': None,
+        'buildcache_dir': None,
+        'gpg_name': None,
+        'gpg_mail': None,
+        'use_spack_global': False,
+        'repos': [],
+        'cache_version_concretize': 'v1',
+        'cache_version_build': 'v1',
+        'view': SpackViewEnum.VIEW,
+        'update_cache': True,
+    }
+    mock_save_config.assert_called_once()
+    saved_config, saved_path = mock_save_config.call_args[0]
+    assert saved_path == mocked_session_path
+    assert saved_config == expected_config
+    assert result.exit_code == 0
+    assert 'Configuration saved.' in result.output
diff --git a/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_operation_use_cache_test.py b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_operation_use_cache_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fad549bf8c8b07543da45fba7c5b86141bcb3666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/spack_operation_use_cache_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import NoSpackEnvironmentException
+from dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache import SpackOperationUseCache
+def spack_operation_use_cache_mock(mocker):
+    super_mock = mocker.patch("dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache.super")
+    super_mock.return_value.setup_spack_env = mocker.MagicMock()
+    mocker.patch("dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache.BuildCacheManager")
+    mock_spack_operation_use_cache = SpackOperationUseCache()
+    mock_spack_operation_use_cache.build_cache = mocker.MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_operation_use_cache.spack_config = mocker.MagicMock()
+    mock_spack_operation_use_cache.spack_config.buildcache_dir = Path("path/to/buildcache")
+    mock_spack_operation_use_cache.logger = mocker.MagicMock()
+    return mock_spack_operation_use_cache
+class TestSpackOperationUseCache:
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_id, signed, key_path", [
+        ("key_path_exists", True, "path/to/key.gpg"),
+        ("key_path_does_not_exist", False, None)])
+    def test_setup_spack_env(self, mocker, spack_operation_use_cache_mock, test_id, signed, key_path):
+        # Test ID: setup_spack_env_success
+        super_mock = mocker.patch("dedal.spack_factory.SpackOperationUseCache.super")
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key = mocker.MagicMock()
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.add_mirror = mocker.MagicMock()
+        # Arrange
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.build_cache.get_public_key_from_cache.return_value = key_path
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key.return_value = signed
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.add_mirror.return_value = None
+        # Act
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.setup_spack_env()
+        # Assert
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.build_cache.download.assert_called_once_with(
+            spack_operation_use_cache_mock.spack_config.buildcache_dir)
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.build_cache.get_public_key_from_cache.assert_called_once_with(
+            str(spack_operation_use_cache_mock.spack_config.buildcache_dir))
+        if key_path:
+            spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key.assert_called_once_with(key_path)
+        else:
+            spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key.assert_not_called()
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.add_mirror.assert_called_once_with(
+            'local_cache',
+            str(spack_operation_use_cache_mock.spack_config.buildcache_dir),
+            signed=signed,
+            autopush=True,
+            global_mirror=False
+        )
+        super_mock.return_value.setup_spack_env.assert_called_once()  # call original method
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("exception_type", [NoSpackEnvironmentException])
+    def test_setup_spack_env_exceptions(self, mocker, spack_operation_use_cache_mock, exception_type):
+        # Test ID: setup_spack_env_exceptions
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key = mocker.MagicMock()
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.add_mirror = mocker.MagicMock()
+        # Arrange
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.build_cache.get_public_key_from_cache.return_value = "path/to/key.gpg"
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.trust_gpg_key.return_value = True
+        exception = exception_type("test exception")
+        spack_operation_use_cache_mock.add_mirror.side_effect = exception
+        # Act & Assert
+        with pytest.raises(exception_type):
+            spack_operation_use_cache_mock.setup_spack_env()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dedal/tests/unit_tests/utils_test.py b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/utils_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f2b2a82a8942a6f874de6cceea12456aef99555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/tests/unit_tests/utils_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+import pytest
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import mock_open, patch, MagicMock
+from dedal.utils.utils import clean_up, file_exists_and_not_empty, log_command, run_command, get_first_word, \
+    count_files_in_folder, resolve_path, delete_file
+def temp_directories(tmp_path):
+    """
+    Create temporary directories with files and subdirectories for testing.
+    """
+    test_dirs = []
+    for i in range(3):
+        dir_path = tmp_path / f"test_dir_{i}"
+        dir_path.mkdir()
+        test_dirs.append(str(dir_path))
+        # Add a file to the directory
+        file_path = dir_path / f"file_{i}.txt"
+        file_path.write_text(f"This is a test file in {dir_path}")
+        # Add a subdirectory with a file
+        sub_dir = dir_path / f"subdir_{i}"
+        sub_dir.mkdir()
+        sub_file = sub_dir / f"sub_file_{i}.txt"
+        sub_file.write_text(f"This is a sub file in {sub_dir}")
+    return test_dirs
+def test_clean_up(temp_directories, mocker):
+    """
+    Test the clean_up function to ensure directories and contents are removed.
+    """
+    # Mock the logger using pytest-mock's mocker fixture
+    mock_logger = mocker.MagicMock()
+    # Ensure directories exist before calling clean_up
+    for dir_path in temp_directories:
+        assert Path(dir_path).exists()
+    clean_up(temp_directories, mock_logger)
+    for dir_path in temp_directories:
+        assert not Path(dir_path).exists()
+    for dir_path in temp_directories:
+        mock_logger.info.assert_any_call(f"Removing {Path(dir_path).resolve()}")
+def test_clean_up_nonexistent_dirs(mocker):
+    """
+    Test the clean_up function with nonexistent directories.
+    """
+    # Mock the logger using pytest-mock's mocker fixture
+    mock_logger = mocker.MagicMock()
+    nonexistent_dirs = ["nonexistent_dir_1", "nonexistent_dir_2"]
+    clean_up(nonexistent_dirs, mock_logger)
+    for dir_path in nonexistent_dirs:
+        mock_logger.info.assert_any_call(f"{Path(dir_path).resolve()} does not exist")
+def test_file_does_not_exist(tmp_path: Path):
+    non_existent_file = tmp_path / "non_existent.txt"
+    assert not file_exists_and_not_empty(non_existent_file)
+def test_file_exists_but_empty(tmp_path: Path):
+    empty_file = tmp_path / "empty.txt"
+    # Create an empty file
+    empty_file.touch()
+    assert not file_exists_and_not_empty(empty_file)
+def test_file_exists_and_not_empty(tmp_path: Path):
+    non_empty_file = tmp_path / "non_empty.txt"
+    non_empty_file.write_text("Some content")
+    assert file_exists_and_not_empty(non_empty_file)
+def test_log_command():
+    results = MagicMock()
+    results.stdout = "Test output"
+    results.stderr = "Test error"
+    mock_file = mock_open()
+    with patch("builtins.open", mock_file):
+        log_command(results, "logfile.log")
+    mock_file.assert_called_once_with("logfile.log", "w")
+    handle = mock_file()
+    handle.write.assert_any_call("Test output")
+    handle.write.assert_any_call("\n--- STDERR ---\n")
+    handle.write.assert_any_call("Test error")
+def test_run_command_success(mocker):
+    mock_subprocess = mocker.patch("subprocess.run", return_value=MagicMock(returncode=0))
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    result = run_command('bash', '-c', 'echo hello', logger=mock_logger, info_msg="Running echo")
+    mock_logger.info.assert_called_with("Running echo: args: ('bash', '-c', 'echo hello')")
+    mock_subprocess.assert_called_once_with(('bash', '-c', 'echo hello'))
+    assert result.returncode == 0
+def test_run_command_not_found(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=FileNotFoundError)
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("invalid_command", logger=mock_logger)
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("Command not found. Please check the command syntax.")
+def test_run_command_permission_error(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=PermissionError)
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("restricted_command", logger=mock_logger)
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("Permission denied. Try running with appropriate permissions.")
+def test_run_command_timeout(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=subprocess.TimeoutExpired(cmd="test", timeout=5))
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("test", logger=mock_logger)
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("Command timed out. Try increasing the timeout duration.")
+def test_run_command_os_error(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=OSError("OS Error"))
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("test", logger=mock_logger)
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("OS error occurred: OS Error")
+def test_run_command_unexpected_exception(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=Exception("Unexpected Error"))
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("test", logger=mock_logger)
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("An unexpected error occurred: Unexpected Error")
+def test_run_command_called_process_error(mocker):
+    mocker.patch("subprocess.run", side_effect=subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "test"))
+    mock_logger = MagicMock()
+    run_command("test", logger=mock_logger, exception_msg="Process failed")
+    mock_logger.error.assert_called_with("Process failed: Command 'test' returned non-zero exit status 1.")
+def test_get_first_word_basic():
+    assert get_first_word("Hello world") == "Hello"
+def test_get_first_word_single_word():
+    assert get_first_word("word") == "word"
+def test_get_first_word_leading_whitespace():
+    assert get_first_word("   leading spaces") == "leading"
+def test_get_first_word_empty_string():
+    assert get_first_word("") == ""
+def test_get_first_word_whitespace_only():
+    assert get_first_word("   \t  ") == ""
+def test_get_first_word_with_punctuation():
+    assert get_first_word("Hello, world!") == "Hello,"
+def test_get_first_word_newline_delimiter():
+    assert get_first_word("First line\nSecond line") == "First"
+def test_count_files_in_folder_counts_files_only(tmp_path):
+    # create files and subdirectories
+    file1 = tmp_path / "a.txt"
+    file2 = tmp_path / "b.txt"
+    file3 = tmp_path / "c.txt"
+    subdir = tmp_path / "subfolder"
+    subdir_file = subdir / "d.txt"
+    file1.write_text("data1")
+    file2.write_text("data2")
+    file3.write_text("data3")
+    subdir.mkdir()
+    subdir_file.write_text("data4")
+    count = count_files_in_folder(tmp_path)
+    assert count == 4
+def test_count_files_in_folder_empty(tmp_path):
+    count = count_files_in_folder(tmp_path)
+    assert count == 0
+def test_count_files_in_folder_only_dirs(tmp_path):
+    (tmp_path / "dir1").mkdir()
+    (tmp_path / "dir2").mkdir()
+    count = count_files_in_folder(tmp_path)
+    assert count == 0
+def test_count_files_in_folder_path_is_file(tmp_path):
+    file_path = tmp_path / "single.txt"
+    file_path.write_text("content")
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        count_files_in_folder(file_path)
+def test_delete_file_success(tmp_path, caplog):
+    # monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path)
+    target = tmp_path / "temp.txt"
+    target.write_text("to be deleted")
+    logger = logging.getLogger("delete_success_test")
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger=logger.name)
+    result = delete_file(str(target), logger)
+    assert result is True
+    assert not target.exists()
+    assert any(rec.levelno == logging.DEBUG for rec in caplog.records)
+    assert "deleted" in " ".join(rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.records).lower()
+def test_delete_file_not_found(tmp_path, caplog):
+    missing = tmp_path / "no_such_file.txt"
+    logger = logging.getLogger("delete_notfound_test")
+    caplog.set_level(logging.ERROR, logger=logger.name)
+    result = delete_file(str(missing), logger)
+    assert result is False
+    assert any(rec.levelno >= logging.WARNING for rec in caplog.records)
+    combined_logs = " ".join(rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.records).lower()
+    assert "not found" in combined_logs or "no such file" in combined_logs
+def test_delete_file_directory_input(tmp_path, caplog):
+    dir_path = tmp_path / "dir_to_delete"
+    dir_path.mkdir()
+    logger = logging.getLogger("delete_dir_test")
+    caplog.set_level(logging.ERROR, logger=logger.name)
+    result = delete_file(str(dir_path), logger)
+    assert result is False
+    assert any(rec.levelno == logging.ERROR for rec in caplog.records)
+    combined_logs = " ".join(rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.records).lower()
+    assert "directory" in combined_logs or "is a directory" in combined_logs
+def test_delete_file_empty_path(caplog):
+    logger = logging.getLogger("delete_empty_test")
+    caplog.set_level(logging.ERROR, logger=logger.name)
+    result = delete_file("", logger)
+    assert result is False
+    assert any(rec.levelno == logging.ERROR for rec in caplog.records)
+    combined_logs = " ".join(rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.records).lower()
+    assert "invalid" in combined_logs or "no such file" in combined_logs or "not found" in combined_logs
+def test_resolve_path_relative(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path)
+    relative_path = "subfolder/test.txt"
+    (tmp_path / "subfolder").mkdir()
+    result = resolve_path(relative_path)
+    expected_path = tmp_path / "subfolder" / "test.txt"
+    assert result == expected_path
+def test_resolve_path_absolute_identity(tmp_path):
+    absolute = tmp_path / "file.txt"
+    result = resolve_path(str(absolute))
+    assert isinstance(result, Path)
+    assert str(result) == str(absolute)
+def test_resolve_path_nonexistent():
+    fake_path = "/some/path/that/does/not/exist.txt"
+    result = resolve_path(fake_path)
+    assert isinstance(result, Path)
+    assert str(result) == fake_path or str(result) == os.path.abspath(fake_path)
diff --git a/dedal/tests/utils_test.py b/dedal/tests/utils_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 14795726ce81896eb03d9862a9c096d78123815c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dedal/tests/utils_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-from pathlib import Path
-from dedal.utils.utils import clean_up
-def temp_directories(tmp_path):
-    """
-    Create temporary directories with files and subdirectories for testing.
-    """
-    test_dirs = []
-    for i in range(3):
-        dir_path = tmp_path / f"test_dir_{i}"
-        dir_path.mkdir()
-        test_dirs.append(str(dir_path))
-        # Add a file to the directory
-        file_path = dir_path / f"file_{i}.txt"
-        file_path.write_text(f"This is a test file in {dir_path}")
-        # Add a subdirectory with a file
-        sub_dir = dir_path / f"subdir_{i}"
-        sub_dir.mkdir()
-        sub_file = sub_dir / f"sub_file_{i}.txt"
-        sub_file.write_text(f"This is a sub file in {sub_dir}")
-    return test_dirs
-def test_clean_up(temp_directories, mocker):
-    """
-    Test the clean_up function to ensure directories and contents are removed.
-    """
-    # Mock the logger using pytest-mock's mocker fixture
-    mock_logger = mocker.MagicMock()
-    # Ensure directories exist before calling clean_up
-    for dir_path in temp_directories:
-        assert Path(dir_path).exists()
-    clean_up(temp_directories, mock_logger)
-    for dir_path in temp_directories:
-        assert not Path(dir_path).exists()
-    for dir_path in temp_directories:
-        mock_logger.info.assert_any_call(f"Removing {Path(dir_path).resolve()}")
-def test_clean_up_nonexistent_dirs(mocker):
-    """
-    Test the clean_up function with nonexistent directories.
-    """
-    # Mock the logger using pytest-mock's mocker fixture
-    mock_logger = mocker.MagicMock()
-    nonexistent_dirs = ["nonexistent_dir_1", "nonexistent_dir_2"]
-    clean_up(nonexistent_dirs, mock_logger)
-    for dir_path in nonexistent_dirs:
-        mock_logger.info.assert_any_call(f"{Path(dir_path).resolve()} does not exist")
diff --git a/dedal/utils/bootstrap.sh b/dedal/utils/bootstrap.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cd2e1e11b4ab82fd301cc86179de7ba373f5d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/utils/bootstrap.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Minimal prerequisites for installing the esd_library
+# pip must be installed on the OS
+echo "Bootstrapping..."
+set -euo pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+apt update
+apt install -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -y -q --reinstall \
+                  bzip2 ca-certificates g++ gcc make gfortran git gzip lsb-release \
+                  patch python3 python3-pip tar unzip xz-utils zstd gnupg2 vim curl rsync
+python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
diff --git a/dedal/utils/utils.py b/dedal/utils/utils.py
index 811d258e7e5856f4b666bc3196996f3b24571112..29c6a2a622b9d2e6503da697b8d91be948102aee 100644
--- a/dedal/utils/utils.py
+++ b/dedal/utils/utils.py
@@ -1,20 +1,168 @@
+import logging
+import os
 import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
 from pathlib import Path
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import BashCommandException
+import re
-def clean_up(dirs: list[str], logging, ignore_errors=True):
+def clean_up(dirs: list[str], logger: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__), ignore_errors=True):
         All the folders from the list dirs are removed with all the content in them
     for cleanup_dir in dirs:
         cleanup_dir = Path(cleanup_dir).resolve()
         if cleanup_dir.exists():
-            logging.info(f"Removing {cleanup_dir}")
+            logger.info(f"Removing {cleanup_dir}")
             except OSError as e:
-                logging.error(f"Failed to remove {cleanup_dir}: {e}")
+                logger.error(f"Failed to remove {cleanup_dir}: {e}")
                 if not ignore_errors:
                     raise e
-            logging.info(f"{cleanup_dir} does not exist")
+            logger.info(f"{cleanup_dir} does not exist")
+def run_command(*args, logger=logging.getLogger(__name__), info_msg: str = '', exception_msg: str = None,
+                exception=None, **kwargs):
+    try:
+        logger.info(f'{info_msg}: args: {args}')
+        return subprocess.run(args, **kwargs)
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        if exception_msg is not None:
+            logger.error(f"{exception_msg}: {e}")
+        if exception is not None:
+            raise exception(f'{exception_msg} : {e}')
+        else:
+            return None
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        logger.error(f"Command not found. Please check the command syntax.")
+    except PermissionError:
+        logger.error(f"Permission denied. Try running with appropriate permissions.")
+    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+        logger.error(f"Command timed out. Try increasing the timeout duration.")
+    except ValueError:
+        logger.error(f"Invalid argument passed to subprocess. Check function parameters.")
+    except OSError as e:
+        logger.error(f"OS error occurred: {e}")
+    except Exception as e:
+        logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
+def git_clone_repo(repo_name: str, dir: Path, git_path: str, logger: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)):
+    if not dir.exists():
+        run_command(
+            "git", "clone", "--depth", "1",
+            "-c", "advice.detachedHead=false",
+            "-c", "feature.manyFiles=true",
+            git_path, dir
+            , check=True, logger=logger,
+            info_msg=f'Cloned repository {repo_name}',
+            exception_msg=f'Failed to clone repository: {repo_name}',
+            exception=BashCommandException)
+    else:
+        logger.info(f'Repository {repo_name} already cloned.')
+def file_exists_and_not_empty(file: Path) -> bool:
+    return file.is_file() and file.stat().st_size > 0
+def log_command(results, log_file: str):
+    with open(log_file, "w") as log_file:
+        log_file.write(results.stdout)
+        log_file.write("\n--- STDERR ---\n")
+        log_file.write(results.stderr)
+def copy_to_tmp(file_path: Path) -> Path:
+    """
+    Creates a temporary directory and copies the given file into it.
+    :param file_path: Path to the file that needs to be copied.
+    :return: Path to the copied file inside the temporary directory.
+    """
+    if not file_path.is_file():
+        raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {file_path}")
+    tmp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
+    tmp_file_path = tmp_dir / file_path.name
+    shutil.copy(file_path, tmp_file_path)
+    return tmp_file_path
+def set_bashrc_variable(var_name: str, value: str, bashrc_path: str = os.path.expanduser("~/.bashrc"),
+                        logger: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__), update_variable=False):
+    """Update or add an environment variable in ~/.bashrc."""
+    value = value.replace("$", r"\$")
+    with open(bashrc_path, "r") as file:
+        lines = file.readlines()
+    pattern = re.compile(rf'^\s*export\s+{var_name}=.*$')
+    found_variable = False
+    # Modify the existing variable if found
+    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+        if pattern.match(line):
+            if update_variable:
+                lines[i] = f'export {var_name}={value}\n'
+            found_variable = True
+            break
+    if not found_variable:
+        lines.append(f'\nexport {var_name}={value}\n')
+        logger.info(f"Added in {bashrc_path} with: export {var_name}={value}")
+    else:
+        logger.info(f"Updated {bashrc_path} with: export {var_name}={value}")
+    with open(bashrc_path, "w") as file:
+        file.writelines(lines)
+def copy_file(src: Path, dst: Path, logger: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)) -> None:
+    """
+    Copy a file from src to dest.
+    """
+    if not os.path.exists(src):
+        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Source file '{src}' does not exist.")
+    src.resolve().as_posix()
+    dst.resolve().as_posix()
+    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
+    shutil.copy2(src, dst)
+    logger.debug(f"File copied from '{src}' to '{dst}'")
+def delete_file(file_path: str, logger: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)) -> bool:
+    """
+    Deletes a file at the given path. Returns True if successful, False if the file doesn't exist.
+    """
+    try:
+        os.remove(file_path)
+        logger.debug(f"File '{file_path}' deleted.")
+        return True
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        logger.error(f"File not found: {file_path}")
+        return False
+    except PermissionError:
+        logger.error(f"Permission denied: {file_path}")
+        return False
+    except Exception as e:
+        logger.error(f"Error deleting file {file_path}: {e}")
+        return False
+def resolve_path(path: str):
+    if path is None:
+        path = Path(os.getcwd()).resolve()
+    else:
+        path = Path(path).resolve()
+    return path
+def count_files_in_folder(folder_path: Path) -> int:
+    if not folder_path.is_dir():
+        raise ValueError(f"{folder_path} is not a valid directory")
+    return sum(1 for sub_path in folder_path.rglob("*") if sub_path.is_file())
+def get_first_word(s: str) -> str:
+    return s.split()[0] if s.strip() else ''
diff --git a/dedal/utils/variables.py b/dedal/utils/variables.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..553ccf97992ca2dcd06970f82fdbbb26f5f1db23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/utils/variables.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import os
+test_spack_env_git = f'https://oauth2:{SPACK_ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN}@gitlab.ebrains.eu/ri/projects-and-initiatives/virtualbraintwin/tools/test-spack-env.git'
+ebrains_spack_builds_git = 'https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/ri/tech-hub/platform/esd/ebrains-spack-builds.git'
diff --git a/dedal/wrapper/__init__.py b/dedal/wrapper/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/dedal/wrapper/spack_wrapper.py b/dedal/wrapper/spack_wrapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccfd50df0acc76f41515cc21a0e7ef13230b98ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dedal/wrapper/spack_wrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import functools
+from dedal.error_handling.exceptions import NoSpackEnvironmentException
+def check_spack_env(method):
+    @functools.wraps(method)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.spack_env_exists():
+            return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            self.logger.debug('No spack environment defined')
+            raise NoSpackEnvironmentException('No spack environment defined')
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 757f370c12a7602c9b7011c98c8aae416087ca24..7b82909769b161d8777cadd560899ba827cea941 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
-requires = ["setuptools", "setuptools-scm"]
+requires = ["setuptools>=64", "wheel"]
 build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 name = "dedal"
+version = "0.1.0"
 authors = [
-    {name = "Eric Müller", email = "mueller@kip.uni-heidelberg.de"},
-    {name = "Adrian Ciu", email = "adrian.ciu@codemart.ro"},
+    { name = "Eric Müller", email = "mueller@kip.uni-heidelberg.de" },
+    { name = "Adrian Ciu", email = "adrian.ciu@codemart.ro" },
+    { name = "Jithu Murugan", email = "j.murugan@fz-juelich.de" }
-description = "This package provides all the necessary tools to create an Ebrains Software Distribution environment"
-version = "0.1.0"
+description = "This package includes all the essential tools required to set up an EBRAINS Software Distribution environment."
 readme = "README.md"
 requires-python = ">=3.10"
 dependencies = [
-    "pytest",
-    "pytest-mock",
+    "click",
+    "jsonpickle",
+dedal = "dedal.cli.spack_manager_api:cli"
-"dedal" = ["dedal/logger/logging.conf"]
\ No newline at end of file
+"dedal" = ["dedal/logger/logging.conf"]
+test = ["pytest", "pytest-mock", "pytest-ordering", "coverage"]
\ No newline at end of file