import os from os.path import join from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method from waflib.extras import test_base from waflib.extras.test_base import summary from waflib.extras.symwaf2ic import get_toplevel_path def depends(dep): dep("haldls") if getattr(dep.options, 'with_libnux_test_hostcode', True): dep("libnux", "test/with_hostcode") def options(opt): opt.load('nux_assembler') opt.load('nux_compiler') opt.load('test_base') opt.load('pytest') hopts = opt.add_option_group('libnux options') hopts.add_option("--enable-stack-protector", default=False, action='store_true', dest='stack_protector', help="Enable stack frame overflow check.") hopts.add_option("--enable-stack-redzone", default=False, action='store_true', dest='stack_redzone', help="Enable stack redzone check towards the program memory region.") hopts.add_option("--disable-mailbox", default=False, action='store_true', dest='disable_mailbox', help="Disable mailbox memory region.") hopts.add_withoption('libnux-test-hostcode', default=True, help='Toggle the generation and build of with_hostcode tests') def configure(conf): if getattr(conf.options, 'with_libnux_test_hostcode', True): # host-based python stuff also needed for cross-env tests conf.load('pytest') # now configure for nux cross compiler env = conf.env conf.setenv('nux') conf.load('nux_assembler') conf.load('nux_compiler') conf.load('test_base') conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-T%s' % conf.path.find_node('libnux/elf32nux.x').abspath()) conf.env.append_value('ASLINKFLAGS', '-T%s' % conf.path.find_node('libnux/elf32nux.x').abspath()) if(conf.options.stack_protector): conf.define("LIBNUX_STACK_PROTECTOR", True) conf.env.append_value('LIBNUX_STACK_PROTECTOR_ENABLED', 'True') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-fstack-protector-all') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-fstack-protector-all') else: conf.env.append_value('LIBNUX_STACK_PROTECTOR_ENABLED', 'False') if(conf.options.stack_redzone): conf.define("LIBNUX_STACK_REDZONE", True) conf.env.append_value('LIBNUX_STACK_REDZONE_ENABLED', 'True') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-fstack-limit-symbol=stack_redzone') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-fstack-limit-symbol=stack_redzone') else: conf.env.append_value('LIBNUX_STACK_REDZONE_ENABLED', 'False') if(not conf.options.disable_mailbox): conf.env.append_value('ASLINKFLAGS', '--defsym=mailbox_size=4096') conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-Wl,--defsym=mailbox_size=4096') # specialize for vx-v1 conf.setenv('nux_vx_v1', env=conf.all_envs['nux']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-mcpu=s2pp_hx') # specialize for vx-v2 conf.setenv('nux_vx_v2', env=conf.all_envs['nux']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-mcpu=s2pp_hx') # restore env conf.setenv('', env=env) def build(bld): bld.env.cube_partition = "cube" == os.environ.get("SLURM_JOB_PARTITION") chip_revision_list = ["vx"] chip_version_list = [["v1", "v2"]] for chip_idx, chip_revision in enumerate(chip_revision_list): for chip_version in chip_version_list[chip_idx]: env = bld.all_envs["nux_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version] bld( target = "nux_inc_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, export_includes = ["."], env = env, ) bld.stlib( target = "nux_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, source = bld.path.ant_glob("src/" + chip_revision + "/*.cpp") + bld.path.ant_glob("src/" + chip_revision + "/" + chip_version + "/*.cpp"), use = ["nux_inc_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version], env = env, ) bld( features = "cxx", name = "nux_runtime_obj_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, source = ["src/start.cpp", "src/initdeinit.cpp", "src/cxa_pure_virtual.cpp"], use = "nux_inc_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, env = env, ) bld( name = "nux_runtime_shutdown_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, target = "crt_shutdown.o", source = ["src/crt_shutdown.s"], features = "use asm", env = env, ) bld( name = "nux_runtime_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, target = "crt.o", source = ["src/crt.s"], features = "use asm", use = ["nux_runtime_obj_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, "nux_runtime_shutdown_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version], env=env, ) program_list = [] program_list += ["test/" + chip_revision + "/" + os.path.basename(str(f)) for f in bld.path.ant_glob("test/" + chip_revision + "/*.cpp")] program_list += ["test/" + chip_revision + "/" + chip_version + "/" + os.path.basename(str(f)) for f in bld.path.ant_glob("test/" + chip_revision + "/" + chip_version + "/*.cpp")] program_list += ["examples/stdp.cpp"] for program in program_list: bld.program( features = "cxx", target = program.replace(".cpp", "") + "_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version + ".bin", source = [program], use = ["nux_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, "nux_runtime_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version], env = bld.all_envs["nux_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version], ) def max_size_empty(): stack_protector = env.LIBNUX_STACK_PROTECTOR_ENABLED[0].lower() == "true" stack_redzone = env.LIBNUX_STACK_REDZONE_ENABLED[0].lower() == "true" build_profile = bld.options.build_profile if not stack_protector and not stack_redzone: if build_profile == 'release': return 400 else: return 544 if stack_protector and not stack_redzone: if build_profile == 'release': return 816 else: return 864 if not stack_protector and stack_redzone: if build_profile == 'release': return 496 else: return 608 if stack_protector and stack_redzone: if build_profile == 'release': return 928 else: return 1008 bld.program( features = "cxx check_size", check_size_max = max_size_empty(), target = "test_empty_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version + ".bin", source = ["test/helpers/test_empty.cpp"], use = ["nux_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, "nux_runtime_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version], env = env, ) bld( name = "libnux_hwsimtests_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, tests = "test/test_hwsimtests_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version + ".py", features = "use pytest pylint pycodestyle", use = "dlens_" + chip_revision + "_" + chip_version, install_path = "${PREFIX}/bin/tests", skip_run = not (bld.env.cube_partition or ("FLANGE_SIMULATION_RCF_PORT" in os.environ)), env = bld.all_envs[''], test_environ = dict(STACK_PROTECTION=env.LIBNUX_STACK_PROTECTOR_ENABLED[0], STACK_REDZONE=env.LIBNUX_STACK_REDZONE_ENABLED[0], TEST_BINARY_PATH=os.path.join(bld.env.PREFIX, "build", "libnux", "test")), pylint_config = join(get_toplevel_path(), "code-format", "pylintrc"), pycodestyle_config = join(get_toplevel_path(), "code-format", "pycodestyle"), test_timeout = 20000 ) bld.add_post_fun(summary) class check_size(test_base.TestBase): def run(self): test = self.inputs[0] test_abspath = test.abspath() xmlfile_abspath = self.getXMLFile(test).abspath() max_size = self.generator.check_size_max cmd = ['python test/helpers/ {} {} {}'.format( test_abspath, xmlfile_abspath, max_size)] self.runTest(test, cmd) @feature('check_size') @after_method('apply_link', 'process_use', 'propagate_uselib_vars') def check_size_run_test(self): if self.testsDisabled(): return if self.isTestExecutionEnabled() and getattr(self, 'link_task', None): t = self.create_task('check_size', self.link_task.outputs) self.bld.env = self.env t.init(self)