import pytest, sys, os, ast # Version from Pip install from pyunicoremanager.core import * token = os.environ['my_token'] setup = ast.literal_eval(os.environ["project_setup"]) def create_env(verbose=False): # Authentication for running jobs on the HPC system authentication = Authentication(token=token, access=Method.ACCESS_COLLAB, server=setup['server']) env = Environment_UNICORE(auth=authentication, env_from_user= setup) pym = PyUnicoreManager(environment=env, clean_job_storages=False, verbose=verbose) return pym def create_test_file(name): filename = name with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("this is some testdata for PyUnicoreManager") return filename class TestPyUnicoreManager(): def test_project_access(self): pym = create_env() job_steps = ["cd $HOME" , "ls -la"] job, result= pym.one_run(job_steps, setup["JobArguments"]) assert len(result["stderr"]) == 0 assert len(result["stdout"].split('\n')[1:-1]) > 1 #it keeps only the 1. 2.. and 3files def test_endpoints_number(self): pym = create_env() assert len(pym.getStorage()) < 200 # reaching this number jobs endpoint will hidde the important ones: PROJECT, SCRATCH, HOME def test_getJobs(self): pym = create_env() list_jobs = pym.getJobs() assert list_jobs is not None assert len(list_jobs) >=0 def test_cleanJobsEndpoints(self): pym = create_env() pym.clean_storages(endswith="-uspace") # Every Unicore job creates a Endpoint in a limited list of Endpoints. assert pym is not None def test_upload_file(self): pym = create_env() file="test_file.txt" file_localpath = create_test_file(name = "testcases/"+file) username = pym.client.access_info()['xlogin']['UID'] filesToUpload = [[file_localpath, os.path.join(username,file)]] # [[A -> B],...] assert pym.uploadFiles(filesToUpload) == True def test_download_file(self): pym = create_env() file="test_file.txt" file_localpath = "testcases/"+file username = pym.client.access_info()['xlogin']['UID'] filesToUpload = [[file_localpath, os.path.join(username,file)]] # [[B <- A],...] assert pym.uploadFiles(filesToUpload) == True