# hbpmip/portal-backend

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## Docker image for the MIP portal backend.

To use this image, you need a running PostgreSQL database.
You need to configure a few things using some environment variables.

Environment variables:

* DB_URL: JDBC URL to connect to the database, for example "jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/portal"
* DB_SERVER: optional, address of the database server, for example DB_SERVER="db:5432". Used to wait for the database to be up and running.
* DB_USER: User to use when connecting to the database
* DB_PASSWORD: Password to use when connecting to the database
* CONTEXT_PATH:  context path appended to all services running in this container. Default to "/services"
* AUTHENTICATION: 0 to disable authentication or 1 to enable authentication.
* CLIENT_ID: required when authentication is turned on, client ID for the [OpenID server of HBP](https://services.humanbrainproject.eu/oidc/)
* CLIENT_SECRET: required when authentication is turned on, client secret for the [OpenID server of HBP](https://services.humanbrainproject.eu/oidc/)
* TOKEN_URI: default to "https://services.humanbrainproject.eu/oidc/token"
* AUTH_URI: default to "https://services.humanbrainproject.eu/oidc/authorize"
* USER_INFO_URI: default to "https://services.humanbrainproject.eu/oidc/userinfo"
* FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL: URL to redirect to when login is required. Default to "http://frontend/services/login/hbp"
* FRONTEND_AFTER_LOGIN_URL: URL to redirect after login. Default to "http://frontend/home"
* FRONTEND_AFTER_LOGOUT_URL: URL to redirect to after logout. Default to "http://frontend/services/login/hbp"
* WOKEN_URL: URL to woken machine learning server.
* EXAREME_URL: URL to Exareme server.
* LOGGING_LEVEL_WEB: log level for the web layer of the application. Default to "DEBUG"
* LOGGING_LEVEL_HIBERNATE: log level for the Hibernate layer of the application. Default to "DEBUG"
* SESSION_TIMEOUT: Timeout in milliseconds for session expiration. Default to 2592000