# ------------------------------------------------------ # THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED (DO NOT MODIFY) # ------------------------------------------------------ type Category { id: String! label: String } type Group { id: String! label: String description: String groups: [String!] """List of variable's ids""" variables: [String!] } type Variable { id: String! label: String type: String description: String enumerations: [Category!] groups: [Group!] } type Domain { id: String! label: String description: String groups: [Group!]! variables: [Variable!]! datasets: [Category!]! rootGroup: Group! } type AlgorithmParameter { id: String! value: [String!] label: String description: String defaultValue: String isMultiple: Boolean isRequired: Boolean min: String max: String type: String } type Algorithm { id: String! parameters: [AlgorithmParameter!] label: String type: String description: String } type GroupResult { name: String! description: String results: [ResultUnion!]! } union ResultUnion = TableResult | RawResult | GroupsResult | HeatMapResult | LineChartResult type TableResult { name: String! data: [[String!]!]! headers: [Header!]! } type RawResult { rawdata: JSON } """ The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). """ scalar JSON @specifiedBy(url: "http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf") type GroupsResult { groups: [GroupResult!]! } type HeatMapResult { name: String! xAxis: ChartAxis yAxis: ChartAxis matrix: [[Float!]!]! } type LineChartResult { name: String! xAxis: ChartAxis yAxis: ChartAxis lines: [LineResult!]! } type ChartAxis { label: String categories: [String!] } type ExtraLineInfo { label: String! values: [String!]! } type LineResult { label: String! x: [Float!]! y: [Float!]! extraLineInfos: [ExtraLineInfo!] type: LineType } enum LineType { NORMAL DASHED } type Header { name: String! type: String! } type Author { username: String fullname: String } type Experiment { id: String! name: String! author: Author createdAt: Float updateAt: Float finishedAt: Float viewed: Boolean status: String shared: Boolean! results: [ResultUnion!] datasets: [String!]! filter: String domain: String! variables: [String!]! coVariables: [String!] filterVariables: [String!] algorithm: Algorithm! } type PartialExperiment { id: String name: String author: Author createdAt: Float updateAt: Float finishedAt: Float viewed: Boolean status: String shared: Boolean results: [ResultUnion!] datasets: [String!] filter: String domain: String variables: [String!] coVariables: [String!] filterVariables: [String!] algorithm: Algorithm } type ListExperiments { currentPage: Float totalPages: Float totalExperiments: Float experiments: [Experiment!]! } type Query { domains(ids: [String!] = []): [Domain!]! experimentList(name: String = "", page: Float = 0): ListExperiments! experiment(id: String!): Experiment! algorithms: [Algorithm!]! } type Mutation { createExperiment(isTransient: Boolean = false, data: ExperimentCreateInput!): Experiment! editExperiment(data: ExperimentEditInput!, id: String!): Experiment! removeExperiment(id: String!): PartialExperiment! } input ExperimentCreateInput { datasets: [String!]! filter: String domain: String! variables: [String!]! coVariables: [String!] = [] algorithm: AlgorithmInput! name: String! transformations: [FormulaTransformation!] interactions: [[String!]!] } input AlgorithmInput { id: String! parameters: [AlgorithmParamInput!] = [] type: String! } input AlgorithmParamInput { id: String! type: ParamType = STRING value: [String!]! } enum ParamType { STRING NUMBER } input FormulaTransformation { name: String! operation: String! } input ExperimentEditInput { name: String shared: Boolean viewed: Boolean }