.. _tutorialsinglecellcable: A simple dendrite ============================== In this example, we will set up a single dendrite represented by a passive cable. On one end the dendrite is stimulated by a short current pulse. We will investigate how this pulse travels along the dendrite and calculate the conduction velocity. .. Note:: **Concepts covered in this example:** 1. Creating a simulation recipe of a single dendrite. 2. Placing probes on the morphology. 3. Running the simulation and extracting the results. 4. Investigating the influence of control volume policies. The full code ************* You can find the full code of the example at ``python/examples/single_cell_cable.py`` Executing the script will run the simulation with default parameters. Walk-through ************ We set up a recipe for the simulation of a single dendrite with some parameters. .. literalinclude:: ../../python/example/single_cell_cable.py :language: python :lines: 11-71 Implementing the ``cell_description`` member function constructs the morphology and sets the properties of the dendrite as well as the current stimulus and the discretization policy. .. literalinclude:: ../../python/example/single_cell_cable.py :language: python :lines: 72-113 We parse the command line arguments, instantiate the recipe, run the simulation, extract results, and plot: .. literalinclude:: ../../python/example/single_cell_cable.py :language: python :lines: 151-226 The output plot below shows how the current pulse is attenuated and gets broader the further it travels along the dendrite from the current clamp. .. figure:: single_cell_cable_result.svg :width: 800 :align: center The conduction velocity in simulation is calculated from the time of the maximum of the membrane potential. .. literalinclude:: ../../python/example/single_cell_cable.py :language: python :lines: 228-243 Keep in mind that the calculated (idealized) conduction velocity is only correct for an infinite cable. :: calculated conduction velocity: 0.47 m/s simulated conduction velocity: 0.50 m/s When we set the control volume policy to cover the full dendrite, all probes will see the same voltage. .. code-block:: bash ./single_cell_cable.py --length 1000 --cv_policy_max_extent 1000 Output: .. figure:: single_cell_cable_result_cv_policy.svg :width: 800 :align: center