# executables *.exe *.out # compiler output *.o *.a *.so # intermediate python files __pycache__ *.pyc # python dev env files .python-version # graphviz files generated by executables *.dot # vim temporaries *.swp *.swo *.swn *.swq *.swm *.swl *~ .cache # tar files *.tar # generated when making on os x *.dSYM # output of visualizing cell structures *.dot *.pdf *.jpg *.dat # latex output *.aux *.log *.out *.pdf *.toc *.blg *.fdb_latexmk *.fls *.bbl # cmake CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake /compile_commands.json # install path used in gitpod /install # mechanisms generated from .mod files mechanisms/multicore/*.hpp mechanisms/gpu/*.hpp mechanisms/gpu/*.cu # build path build/* commit.msg # eclipse remote sync folders .ptp-sync-folder # Mac default files .DS_Store # generated documentation images doc/gen-images # by product of generating a source distribution for pip *.egg-info dist # generated by YouCompleteMe Vim plugin with clangd engine support. .clangd # generated image files by Python examples python/example/*.svg python/example/*.csv # made by direnv .direnv .envrc # build/compile caches _skbuild .ccls-cache