diff --git a/python/example/single_cell_swc.py b/python/example/single_cell_swc.py
index 07609347a5f70e8dab940552d21fa18b934336f1..7203919ed096b692225182311561f7f37ea40be2 100755
--- a/python/example/single_cell_swc.py
+++ b/python/example/single_cell_swc.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import pandas, seaborn
 import sys
 # Load a cell morphology from an swc file.
-# Example present here: morph.swc
+# Example present here: single_cell_detailed.swc
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     print("No SWC file passed to the program")
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defs = {'soma': '(tag 1)',  # soma has tag 1 in swc files.
         'axon': '(tag 2)',  # axon has tag 2 in swc files.
         'dend': '(tag 3)',  # dendrites have tag 3 in swc files.
         'root': '(root)',   # the start of the soma in this morphology is at the root of the cell.
-        'stim_site': '(location 0 0.5)', # site for the stimulus, in the middle of branch 1.
+        'stim_site': '(location 0 0.5)', # site for the stimulus, in the middle of branch 0.
         'axon_end': '(restrict (terminal) (region "axon"))'} # end of the axon.
 labels = arbor.label_dict(defs)