diff --git a/arbor/tree.hpp b/arbor/tree.hpp
index af0fb4bbee783cde19114480247d6006cb9700eb..5adb6f6d92995ec8064ac975daf03120954713d1 100644
--- a/arbor/tree.hpp
+++ b/arbor/tree.hpp
@@ -18,15 +18,12 @@ public:
     using int_type   = cell_lid_type;
     using size_type  = cell_local_size_type;
-    using iarray = memory::host_vector<int_type>;
-    using view_type  = typename iarray::view_type;
-    using const_view_type = typename iarray::const_view_type;
+    using iarray = std::vector<int_type>;
     static constexpr int_type no_parent = (int_type)-1;
     tree() = default;
     tree& operator=(tree&& other) {
-        std::swap(data_, other.data_);
         std::swap(child_index_, other.child_index_);
         std::swap(children_, other.children_);
         std::swap(parents_, other.parents_);
@@ -34,8 +31,9 @@ public:
     tree& operator=(tree const& other) {
-        data_ = other.data_;
-        set_ranges(other.num_segments());
+        children_ = other.children_;
+        child_index_ = other.child_index_;
+        parents_ = other.child_index_;
         return *this;
@@ -92,22 +90,24 @@ public:
     /// return the child index
-    const_view_type child_index() {
+    const iarray& child_index() {
         return child_index_;
     /// return the list of all children
-    const_view_type children() const {
+    const iarray& children() const {
         return children_;
-    /// return the list of all children of branch b
-    const_view_type children(size_type b) const {
-        return children_(child_index_[b], child_index_[b+1]);
+    /// return the list of all children of branch i
+    auto children(size_type i) const {
+        const auto b = child_index_[i];
+        const auto e = child_index_[i+1];
+        return util::subrange_view(children_, b, e);
     /// return the list of parents
-    const_view_type parents() const {
+    const iarray& parents() const {
         return parents_;
@@ -121,166 +121,29 @@ public:
     /// memory used to store tree (in bytes)
     std::size_t memory() const {
-        return sizeof(int_type)*data_.size() + sizeof(tree);
-    }
-    iarray change_root(size_t b) {
-        assert(b<num_segments());
-        // no need to rebalance if the root node has been requested
-        if(b==0) {
-            return iarray();
-        }
-        // create new tree with memory allocated
-        tree new_tree;
-        new_tree.init(num_segments());
-        // add the root node
-        new_tree.parents_[0] = no_parent;
-        new_tree.child_index_[0] = 0;
-        // allocate space for the permutation vector that
-        // will represent the permutation performed on the branches
-        // during the rebalancing
-        iarray p(num_segments(), -1);
-        // recersively rebalance the tree
-        new_tree.add_children(0, b, 0, p, *this);
-        // renumber the child indexes
-        std::transform(
-            new_tree.children_.begin(), new_tree.children_.end(),
-            new_tree.children_.begin(), [&p] (int i) {return p[i];}
-        );
-        // copy in new data with a move because the information in
-        // new_tree is not kept
-        std::swap(data_, new_tree.data_);
-        set_ranges(new_tree.num_segments());
-        return p;
+        return sizeof(int_type)*(children_.size()+child_index_.size()+parents_.size())
+            + sizeof(tree);
     void init(size_type nnode) {
-        auto nchild = nnode - 1;
-        data_ = iarray(nchild + (nnode + 1) + nnode);
-        set_ranges(nnode);
-    }
-    void set_ranges(size_type nnode) {
         if (nnode) {
             auto nchild = nnode - 1;
-            // data_ is partitioned as follows:
-            // data_ = [children_[nchild], child_index_[nnode+1], parents_[nnode]]
-            assert(data_.size() == unsigned(nchild + (nnode+1) + nnode));
-            children_    = data_(0, nchild);
-            child_index_ = data_(nchild, nchild+nnode+1);
-            parents_     = data_(nchild+nnode+1, memory::end);
-            // check that arrays have appropriate size
-            // this should be moved into a unit test
-            assert(children_.size()    == unsigned(nchild));
-            assert(child_index_.size() == unsigned(nnode+1));
-            assert(parents_.size()     == unsigned(nnode));
+            children_.resize(nchild);
+            child_index_.resize(nnode+1);
+            parents_.resize(nnode);
         else {
-            children_    = data_(0, 0);
-            child_index_ = data_(0, 0);
-            parents_     = data_(0, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    /// Renumber the sub-tree with old_node as its root with new_node as
-    /// the new index of old_node. This is a helper function for the
-    /// renumbering required when a new root node is chosen to improve
-    /// the balance of the tree.
-    /// Optionally add the parent of old_node as a child of new_node, which
-    /// will be applied recursively until the old root has been processed,
-    /// which indicates that the renumbering is finished.
-    ///
-    /// precondition - the node new_node has already been placed in the tree
-    /// precondition - all of new_node's children have been added to the tree
-    ///     new_node : the new index of the node whose children are to be added
-    ///                to the tree
-    ///     old_node : the index of new_node in the original tree
-    ///     parent_node : equals index of old_node's parent in the original tree
-    ///                   should be a child of new_node
-    ///                 : equals -1 if the old_node's parent is not a child of
-    ///                   new_node
-    ///     p : permutation vector, p[i] is the new index of node i in the old
-    ///         tree
-    int_type add_children(
-        int_type new_node,
-        int_type old_node,
-        int_type parent_node,
-        view_type p,
-        tree const& old_tree
-    )
-    {
-        // check for the sentinel that indicates that the old root has
-        // been processed
-        if (old_node==no_parent) {
-            return new_node;
+            children_.resize(0);
+            child_index_.resize(0);
+            parents_.resize(0);
-        p[old_node] = new_node;
-        // the list of the children of the original node
-        auto old_children = old_tree.children(old_node);
-        auto this_node = new_node;
-        auto pos = child_index_[this_node];
-        auto add_parent_as_child = parent_node!=no_parent && old_node>0;
-        //
-        // STEP 1 : add the child indexes for this_node
-        //
-        // first add the children of the node
-        for(auto b : old_children) {
-            if(b != parent_node) {
-                children_[pos++] = b;
-                parents_[pos] = new_node;
-            }
-        }
-        // then add the node's parent as a child if applicable
-        if(add_parent_as_child) {
-            children_[pos++] = old_tree.parent(old_node);
-            parents_[pos] = new_node;
-        }
-        child_index_[this_node+1] = pos;
-        //
-        // STEP 2 : recursively add each child's children
-        //
-        new_node++;
-        for (auto b : old_children) {
-            if (b != parent_node) {
-                new_node = add_children(new_node, b, no_parent, p, old_tree);
-            }
-        }
-        if (add_parent_as_child) {
-            new_node =
-                add_children(
-                    new_node, old_tree.parent(old_node), old_node, p, old_tree
-                );
-        }
-        return new_node;
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
     // state
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    iarray data_;
-    // provide default parameters so that tree type can
-    // be default constructed
-    view_type children_   = data_(0, 0);
-    view_type child_index_= data_(0, 0);
-    view_type parents_    = data_(0, 0);
+    iarray children_;
+    iarray child_index_;
+    iarray parents_;
 template <typename C>
diff --git a/test/unit/test_tree.cpp b/test/unit/test_tree.cpp
index 9fea9278f3a6d265560d7c24671a78379483ad85..e23cc8ed7d9e2b1c5240b3a685001414b93da0a1 100644
--- a/test/unit/test_tree.cpp
+++ b/test/unit/test_tree.cpp
@@ -164,6 +164,13 @@ TEST(tree, from_segment_index) {
         EXPECT_EQ(tree.num_children(4), 2u);
         EXPECT_EQ(tree.num_children(5), 0u);
         EXPECT_EQ(tree.num_children(6), 0u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(0)[0], 1u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(0)[1], 2u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(1)[0], 3u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(1)[1], 4u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(4)[0], 5u);
+        EXPECT_EQ(tree.children(4)[1], 6u);