From 68135148b5e947a3023dd8201746b851214df126 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam Yates <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2018 12:30:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Mechanism Refactor: multicore and simd  (#484)
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First commit of two for mechanism refactor work (refer to PR #484 and PR #483).

FVM/mechanism code:
* Refactor mechanism data structures to decouple backend-specific implementations and mechanism metadata.
* Add mechanism catalogue for managing mechanism metadata and concrete implementation prototypes.
* Add fingerprint-checking to mechanism metadata and implementations to confirm they come from the same NMODL source (fingerprint is not yet computed, but tests are in place).
* Split FVM discretization work out from FVM integrator code.
* Use abstract base class over backend-templated FVM integrator class `fvm_lowered_cell_impl` to allow separate compilation of `mc_cell_group` and to remove the dummy backend code.
* Add a new FVM-specific scalar type `fvm_index_type` that is an alias for `int` to replace
`fvm_size_type` in fvm layouts and mechanisms. This was chosen as an alternative
to making `unsigned` versions of all our SIMD implementation classes.
* Extend `cable1d_neuron` global data to encompass: mechanism catalogue; default ion concentrations and charges; global temperature (only for Nernst); initial membrane potential.

* Collect printer sources in modcc under `printer/`.
* Move common functionality across printers into `printer/printerutil.{hpp,cpp}`.
* Add string to file I/O implemented in routines read_all and write_all in `io/bulkio.hpp`.
* Implement indent-friendly source code generation via a `std::streambuf` filter `io::prefixbuf` defined in `io/prefixbuf.hpp`, together with manipulators and a corresponding std::ostream-derived wrapper.
* Rewrite printers to use new infrastructure: cpu target incorporates SIMD printing options; CUDA printer at this point produces only stubs for CUDA kernel wrappers.
* Modify SIMD printing command line options for modcc: `-s` enables explicit vectorization using the SIMD classes;  `-S <N>` allows a specific data width to be prescribed.
* Fix problem in `test_ca.mod` with uninitialized ion current.
* Add infrastructure support to allow future pre-computation of SIMD index conflict cases for (hopefully) faster scatters and updates.
* Simplify `IndexedVariable` expressions in the AST, making data source explicit via a `sourceKind` enum, and leaving the indexing method and index names up to the printers.
* Allow state variables in the AST to 'shadow' an ion concentration — these are assigned in the
generated `write_ions` method.

SIMD classes:
* Add `simd_cast` operation between SIMD value types of the same width, and with `std::array`. (Note: this was tested and used in an early development version of the code, but not in this version. It was still a lacuna in the original SIMD wrappers, so it has been left in.)
* Restructure SIMD gather/scatter API to use a `simd::indirect` expression,  which encapsulates a pointer and SIMD offset.
* Add `simd::index_constraint` scoped enum to describe knowledge of contention in indirect indices, so that we can branch on this to the appropriate implementation.
* Add SIMD concrete implementation routines `reduce_add` for horizontal reduction and `element0` for access to first lane scalar value.
* Add SIMD value method `sum()` that exposes implementation `reduce_add`.
* Add SIMD concrete implementation routine `compound_indexed_add` that provides the implementation for `indirect(p, simd_indices) += simd_value` construction.
* Fix SIMD `implbase` bug where some static methods were using the `implbase` fall-back functions instead of the derived class specialized implementations.
* Move SIMD mathematical functions into friend routines of `simd_impl` in order to resolve implicit conversions from scalars in mixed SIMD-scalar operations.
* Use a templated `tag` class to dispatch on SIMD concrete implementation types, to avoid problems with incomplete types in method signatures.
* Remove old SIMD intrinsics.

CMake infrastructure:
* Downcase some variables in `CMakeLists.txt` files to  distinguish them visually from CMake keywords and variables.
* Split arbor modcc vectorization option (now `ARB_VECTORIZE`) and target-architecture optimization (now `ARB_ARCH`).
* For `arbor` and `arbormech` targets, and in particular not the `modcc` target, use `ARB_ARCH` to generate corresponding target-appropriate binaries, including, for example, appropriate SIMD support.
* Extend `CompilerOptions.cmake` to map as best as able between the various target architecture names (we use the gcc names) and the correct option to pass to the compiler based on the compiler and platform.
* Add work-around for misidentification by CMake of XL C as Clang.
* As a temporary work-around, include `arbormech` library twice on link line to resolve circular arbor–arbormech dependencies.

Unit tests:
* Extend repertoire of generic sequence equality/near equality testing support  in `common.hpp`.
* Add warning suppression for icc for the malloc instrumentation code.
* SIMD unit tests for indirect expressions, compound indirect add, reduction.
* Make some exact tests into floating point 'near' tests when comparing computed areas and lengths in swc and fvm layout tests, to account for compiler (e.g. icc) performing semantically inequivalent floating point operation reordering or fusion at `-O3`.
* Split out some of the CUDA tests into separate .cpp/.cu files for  separate-compilation purposes.

* The `padded_allocator` has been modified to propagate alignment/padding on move and copy (these semantics make their use much easier and safer in the multicore mechanism instantiation code).
* Map/table searching utilities in `util/maputil.hpp`.
* Fixes for correct sequence type categorization and `begin/end` ADL.
* Fixes for type guards for range methods that take universal references.
* Removal of some redundant code in range utilities through the use of universal references.
* Add new range view `reverse_view` for ranges delineated by bidirectional iterators.
* Add single argument form of `make_span` to count up from zero, and associated helper `count_along` that gives a span that indexes a supplied container.
* Moved `prefixbuf` to `modcc` source.
* Make sequence positive and negative tests in algorithms generic.
* Add `private`-subverting helper code/macro to `tests/unit/common.hpp` to reduce the number of public testing-only interfaces in the library code.
* Add virtual destructors for virtual base classes.
* Add new arb::math:: functions: `next_pow2` for unsigned integral types, `round_up` to round a number away from zero to next largest magnitude multiple.
* New `index_into` implementation that supports bidirectional access (moved to `util::` namespace).
* Fix problem in `test_ca.mod` with uninitialized ion current.
* Rework dangerous `memory::array(Iter, Iter)` constructor to be less dangerous (and do the expected thing).
* Allow ranges to be constructed from other ranges if the iterators are compatible.
 CMakeLists.txt                                |   28 +-
 cmake/CompilerOptions.cmake                   |  116 +-
 cmake/dummy.cpp                               |    3 +
 example/generators/event_gen.cpp              |    3 +-
 example/miniapp/miniapp.cpp                   |    1 -
 example/miniapp/miniapp_recipes.cpp           |    2 +-
 mechanisms/CMakeLists.txt                     |   72 +-
 mechanisms/generate_default_catalogue         |  130 ++
 mechanisms/mod/test_ca.mod                    |    4 +
 modcc/CMakeLists.txt                          |   14 +-
 modcc/blocks.hpp                              |   18 +-
 modcc/cprinter.cpp                            |  740 ----------
 modcc/cprinter.hpp                            |  122 --
 modcc/cudaprinter.cpp                         | 1012 -------------
 modcc/cudaprinter.hpp                         |  124 --
 modcc/expression.cpp                          |   14 +-
 modcc/expression.hpp                          |   94 +-
 modcc/identifier.hpp                          |   36 +-
 modcc/io/bulkio.hpp                           |   41 +-
 modcc/io/ostream_wrappers.hpp                 |   57 +
 {src/util => modcc/io}/prefixbuf.cpp          |   12 +-
 {src/util => modcc/io}/prefixbuf.hpp          |   14 +-
 modcc/modcc.cpp                               |  111 +-
 modcc/module.cpp                              |  267 ++--
 modcc/module.hpp                              |   80 +-
 modcc/parser.cpp                              |    4 +-
 modcc/{ => printer}/backends/avx2.hpp         |    0
 modcc/{ => printer}/backends/avx512.hpp       |    2 +-
 modcc/{ => printer}/backends/base.hpp         |    2 +-
 modcc/{ => printer}/backends/simd.hpp         |    0
 modcc/{ => printer}/cexpr_emit.cpp            |   45 +-
 modcc/{ => printer}/cexpr_emit.hpp            |   25 +-
 modcc/printer/cprinter.cpp                    |  618 ++++++++
 modcc/printer/cprinter.hpp                    |   63 +
 modcc/printer/cudaprinter.cpp                 |  255 ++++
 modcc/printer/cudaprinter.hpp                 |    8 +
 modcc/printer/infoprinter.cpp                 |  133 ++
 modcc/printer/infoprinter.hpp                 |   11 +
 modcc/printer/printerutil.cpp                 |  102 ++
 modcc/printer/printerutil.hpp                 |  102 ++
 modcc/printer/simd.hpp                        |   25 +
 modcc/scope.hpp                               |   12 +-
 modcc/simd_printer.hpp                        |  602 --------
 modcc/textbuffer.cpp                          |   56 -
 modcc/textbuffer.hpp                          |   48 -
 modcc/visitor.hpp                             |    2 -
 modcc/writeback.hpp                           |   21 -
 src/CMakeLists.txt                            |   64 +-
 src/algorithms.hpp                            |  153 +-
 src/backends.hpp                              |    1 -
 src/backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp           |   35 +
 src/backends/fvm.hpp                          |   43 -
 src/backends/fvm_types.hpp                    |   12 +
 .../gpu/{intrinsics.hpp => cuda_atomic.hpp}   |   21 -
 src/backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp              |   30 +
 src/backends/gpu/fvm.cpp                      |   32 -
 src/backends/gpu/fvm.hpp                      |  164 +--
 src/backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp          |   26 +
 src/backends/gpu/ions.hpp                     |   25 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/              |   67 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/      |   48 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/      |   46 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/take_samples.hpp     |   19 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/test_thresholds.hpp  |   18 -
 src/backends/gpu/kernels/          |   78 -
 src/backends/gpu/math.hpp                     |   32 +
 .../ =>} |   17 +-
 .../{kernels/detail.hpp => matrix_common.hpp} |   31 +-
 .../ =>}    |   21 +-
 .../interleave.hpp => matrix_interleave.hpp}  |    3 +-
 .../ =>}       |   20 +-
 src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp        |   22 +-
 src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp |   58 +-
 src/backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp                |  162 +++
 src/backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp                |  125 ++
 src/backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp     |   42 +
 src/backends/gpu/        |   55 +-
 src/backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp       |   11 +-
 .../gpu/{kernels => }/reduce_by_key.hpp       |    4 +-
 src/backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp             |  189 +++
 src/backends/gpu/              |  141 ++
 src/backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp             |  128 ++
 src/backends/gpu/stack.hpp                    |    2 +-
 .../gpu/{kernels/stack.hpp => stack_cu.hpp}   |    2 +-
 .../{stack_common.hpp => stack_storage.hpp}   |   10 -
 src/backends/gpu/stim_current.hpp             |   16 -
 src/backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp                 |   66 +
 src/backends/gpu/                  |   34 +
 src/backends/gpu/stimulus.hpp                 |  108 +- =>} |   58 +-
 src/backends/gpu/threshold_watcher.hpp        |  120 +-
 src/backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp                 |   23 -
 src/backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp     |   12 +-
 src/backends/multicore/fvm.cpp                |   32 -
 src/backends/multicore/fvm.hpp                |  194 +--
 src/backends/multicore/intrin.hpp             |   67 -
 src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx2.hpp        |  396 ------
 src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx512.hpp      |   80 --
 src/backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp       |   32 +-
 src/backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp          |  178 +++
 src/backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp          |  133 ++
 src/backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp |   23 +-
 src/backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp   |   33 +
 src/backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp       |  258 ++++
 src/backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp       |  152 ++
 src/backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp           |   67 +
 src/backends/multicore/stimulus.hpp           |  111 --
 src/backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp  |   94 +-
 src/builtin_mechanisms.cpp                    |   34 +
 src/builtin_mechanisms.hpp                    |    9 +
 src/cell.cpp                                  |  176 +--
 src/cell.hpp                                  |  111 +-
 src/cell_group_factory.cpp                    |   12 +-
 src/communication/gathered_vector.hpp         |    6 +-
 src/constants.hpp                             |    4 +-
 src/domain_decomposition.hpp                  |    3 +-
 src/epoch.hpp                                 |    1 +
 src/event_generator.hpp                       |    4 +-
 src/fvm_layout.cpp                            |  587 ++++++++
 src/fvm_layout.hpp                            |  140 ++
 src/fvm_lowered_cell.hpp                      |   48 +
 src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp                 |   27 +
 src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp                 |  429 ++++++
 src/fvm_multicell.hpp                         | 1256 -----------------
 src/io/exporter.hpp                           |    2 +
 src/ion.hpp                                   |  155 +-
 src/math.hpp                                  |   48 +
 src/matrix.hpp                                |   24 +-
 src/mc_cell_group.cpp                         |  205 +++
 src/mc_cell_group.hpp                         |  229 +--
 src/mechanism.hpp                             |  202 +--
 src/mechcat.cpp                               |  184 +++
 src/mechcat.hpp                               |  125 ++
 src/mechinfo.hpp                              |  145 +-
 src/memory/array.hpp                          |   21 +-
 src/memory/device_coordinator.hpp             |    5 +-
 src/{backends/gpu => memory}/          |    0
 src/{backends/gpu => memory}/fill.hpp         |    0
 src/memory/memory.hpp                         |    4 +
 src/profiling/meter_manager.cpp               |    1 +
 src/recipe.hpp                                |    3 +-
 src/schedule.hpp                              |    2 +-
 src/segment.hpp                               |   84 +-
 src/simd/avx.hpp                              |   76 +-
 src/simd/avx512.hpp                           |   64 +-
 src/simd/implbase.hpp                         |  113 +-
 src/simd/simd.hpp                             |  276 ++--
 src/simd/simd_io.hpp                          |   28 +
 src/stimulus.hpp                              |   52 -
 src/tree.hpp                                  |    2 +-
 src/util/compat.hpp                           |    8 +-
 src/util/index_into.hpp                       |  154 ++
 src/util/maputil.hpp                          |  138 ++
 src/util/meta.hpp                             |  124 +-
 src/util/padded_alloc.hpp                     |   20 +-
 src/util/range.hpp                            |   33 +-
 src/util/rangeutil.hpp                        |  137 +-
 src/util/simple_table.hpp                     |   44 -
 src/util/span.hpp                             |   14 +
 tests/common_cells.hpp                        |    2 +-
 tests/global_communication/CMakeLists.txt     |    3 +-
 .../test_communicator.cpp                     |   14 +-
 tests/modcc/CMakeLists.txt                    |    3 +
 tests/{unit => modcc}/test_prefixbuf.cpp      |   37 +-
 tests/modcc/test_printers.cpp                 |   61 +-
 tests/modcc/test_simd_backend.cpp             |    4 +
 tests/performance/io/disk_io.cpp              |    1 -
 tests/simple_recipes.hpp                      |   21 +-
 tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt                     |   37 +-
 tests/unit/common.hpp                         |   97 +-
 tests/unit/instrument_malloc.hpp              |   20 +
 tests/unit/test_algorithms.cpp                |  249 ++--
 tests/unit/test_backend.cpp                   |   23 +-
 tests/unit/test_cell.cpp                      |    2 +-
 tests/unit/test_fvm_layout.cpp                |  579 ++++++++
 tests/unit/test_fvm_lowered.cpp               |  439 ++++++
 tests/unit/test_fvm_multi.cpp                 |  953 -------------
 tests/unit/                  |    2 +-
 tests/unit/                     |    9 +-
 tests/unit/test_maputil.cpp                   |  190 +++
 tests/unit/test_math.cpp                      |   83 ++
 tests/unit/test_matrix.cpp                    |   49 +-
 tests/unit/                     |  117 +-
 tests/unit/test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp           |  131 ++
 tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group.cpp             |   40 +-
 tests/unit/              |   34 -
 tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp         |   37 +
 tests/unit/test_mechanisms.cpp                |    5 +
 tests/unit/test_mechcat.cpp                   |  312 ++++
 tests/unit/test_mechinfo.cpp                  |   15 +- => test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp} |   23 +-
 tests/unit/     |   40 +
 tests/unit/test_padded.cpp                    |   33 +-
 tests/unit/test_path.cpp                      |    4 +-
 tests/unit/test_probe.cpp                     |   47 +-
 tests/unit/test_range.cpp                     |  100 +-
 tests/unit/              |    2 +-
 tests/unit/test_schedule.cpp                  |    2 +-
 tests/unit/test_simd.cpp                      |  294 +++-
 tests/unit/test_spikes.cpp                    |   10 +-
 .../{ => test_spikes_gpu.cpp}   |    0
 tests/unit/test_stimulus.cpp                  |   33 -
 tests/unit/test_swcio.cpp                     |    6 +-
 tests/unit/test_synapses.cpp                  |  224 +--
 tests/validation/convergence_test.hpp         |    4 +-
 tests/validation/validate_synapses.cpp        |    2 +-
 206 files changed, 10289 insertions(+), 9168 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cmake/dummy.cpp
 create mode 100755 mechanisms/generate_default_catalogue
 delete mode 100644 modcc/cprinter.cpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/cprinter.hpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/cudaprinter.cpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/cudaprinter.hpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/io/ostream_wrappers.hpp
 rename {src/util => modcc/io}/prefixbuf.cpp (94%)
 rename {src/util => modcc/io}/prefixbuf.hpp (91%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/backends/avx2.hpp (100%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/backends/avx512.hpp (99%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/backends/base.hpp (99%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/backends/simd.hpp (100%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/cexpr_emit.cpp (73%)
 rename modcc/{ => printer}/cexpr_emit.hpp (54%)
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/cprinter.cpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/cprinter.hpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/cudaprinter.cpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/cudaprinter.hpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/infoprinter.cpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/infoprinter.hpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/printerutil.cpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/printerutil.hpp
 create mode 100644 modcc/printer/simd.hpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/simd_printer.hpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/textbuffer.cpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/textbuffer.hpp
 delete mode 100644 modcc/writeback.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/fvm.hpp
 rename src/backends/gpu/{intrinsics.hpp => cuda_atomic.hpp} (77%)
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/fvm.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/ions.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/take_samples.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/test_thresholds.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/kernels/
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/math.hpp
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/ =>} (94%)
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/detail.hpp => matrix_common.hpp} (62%)
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/ =>} (62%)
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/interleave.hpp => matrix_interleave.hpp} (98%)
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/ =>} (86%)
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels => }/reduce_by_key.hpp (98%)
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/stack.hpp => stack_cu.hpp} (96%)
 rename src/backends/gpu/{stack_common.hpp => stack_storage.hpp} (72%)
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/stim_current.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/
 rename src/backends/gpu/{kernels/ =>} (51%)
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/fvm.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/intrin.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx2.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx512.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/backends/multicore/stimulus.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/builtin_mechanisms.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/builtin_mechanisms.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/fvm_layout.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/fvm_layout.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/fvm_lowered_cell.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/fvm_multicell.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/mc_cell_group.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/mechcat.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/mechcat.hpp
 rename src/{backends/gpu => memory}/ (100%)
 rename src/{backends/gpu => memory}/fill.hpp (100%)
 create mode 100644 src/simd/simd_io.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/stimulus.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/util/index_into.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/util/maputil.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/util/simple_table.hpp
 rename tests/{unit => modcc}/test_prefixbuf.cpp (83%)
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_fvm_layout.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_fvm_lowered.cpp
 delete mode 100644 tests/unit/test_fvm_multi.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_maputil.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp
 delete mode 100644 tests/unit/
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/test_mechcat.cpp
 rename tests/unit/{ => test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp} (92%)
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/
 rename tests/unit/{ => test_spikes_gpu.cpp} (100%)
 delete mode 100644 tests/unit/test_stimulus.cpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 02d70e06..39c99a77 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@ set(ARB_WITH_CUDA FALSE)
     find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
+        -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=integer_sign_change
+        -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero)
     include_directories(SYSTEM ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
@@ -154,7 +159,7 @@ endif()
 # Cray/BGQ/Generic Linux/other flag?
     "Choose a system type to customize flags")
@@ -213,20 +218,17 @@ if(ARB_WITH_PROFILING)
-# vectorization target
+# Modcc vectorization target
-set(ARB_VECTORIZE_TARGET "none" CACHE STRING "CPU target for vectorization {none,KNL,AVX2,AVX512}")
-# Note: this option conflates modcc code generation options and
-# the target architecture for compilation of Arbor. TODO: fix!
+option(ARB_VECTORIZE "use explicit SIMD code in generated mechanisms" OFF)
+# Target microarchitecture for building arbor libraries
+set(ARB_ARCH "" CACHE STRING "Target architecture for arbor libraries")
+    # Sets CXXOPT_ARCH variable accordingly:
+    set_arch_target("${ARB_ARCH}")
diff --git a/cmake/CompilerOptions.cmake b/cmake/CompilerOptions.cmake
index 8e51dddb..b892417f 100644
--- a/cmake/CompilerOptions.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CompilerOptions.cmake
@@ -5,17 +5,28 @@ set(CXXOPT_PTHREAD "-pthread")
 set(CXXOPT_CXX11 "-std=c++11")
 set(CXXOPT_WALL "-Wall")
+# CMake (at least sometimes) misidentifies XL 13 for Linux as Clang.
+    try_compile(ignore ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/dummy.cpp COMPILE_DEFINITIONS --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE cc_out)
+    string(REPLACE "\n" ";" cc_out "${cc_out}")
+    foreach(line ${cc_out})
+        if(line MATCHES "^IBM XL C")
+            set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID "XL")
+        endif()
+    endforeach(line)
     # Disable 'missing-braces' warning: this will inappropriately
     # flag initializations such as
     #     std::array<int,3> a={1,2,3};
     set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -Wno-missing-braces")
     # CMake, bless its soul, likes to insert this unsupported flag. Hilarity ensues.
-    string(REPLACE "-qhalt=e" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS})
+    string(REPLACE "-qhalt=e" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
     set(CXXOPT_KNL "-march=knl")
     set(CXXOPT_AVX2 "-mavx2 -mfma")
     set(CXXOPT_AVX512 "-mavx512f -mavx512cd")
@@ -25,6 +36,11 @@ if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "Clang")
     #     std::array<int,3> a={1,2,3};
     set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -Wno-missing-braces")
+    # Disable 'potentially-evaluated-expression' warning: this warns
+    # on expressions of the form `typeid(expr)` when `expr` has side
+    # effects.
+    set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -Wno-potentially-evaluated-expression")
     # Clang is erroneously warning that T is an 'unused type alias' in code like this:
     # struct X {
     #     using T = decltype(expression);
@@ -36,27 +52,95 @@ if(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "Clang")
     set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -Wno-format-security")
-    # Compiler flags for generating KNL-specific AVX512 instructions
-    # supported in gcc 4.9.x and later.
-    set(CXXOPT_KNL "-march=knl")
-    set(CXXOPT_AVX2 "-mavx2 -mfma")
-    set(CXXOPT_AVX512 "-mavx512f -mavx512cd")
     # Disable 'maybe-uninitialized' warning: this will be raised
     # inappropriately in some uses of util::optional<T> when T
     # is a primitive type.
     set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -Wno-maybe-uninitialized")
-    # Compiler flags for generating KNL-specific AVX512 instructions.
-    set(CXXOPT_KNL "-xMIC-AVX512")
-    set(CXXOPT_AVX2 "-xCORE-AVX2")
-    set(CXXOPT_AVX512 "-xCORE-AVX512")
     # Disable warning for unused template parameter
     # this is raised by a templated function in the json library.
     set(CXXOPT_WALL "${CXXOPT_WALL} -wd488")
+# Set CXXOPT_ARCH in parent scope according to requested architecture.
+# Architectures are given by the same names that GCC uses for its
+# -mcpu or -march options.
+function(set_arch_target arch)
+        # Correct compiler option unfortunately depends upon the target architecture family.
+        # Extract this information from running the configured compiler with --verbose.
+        try_compile(ignore ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/dummy.cpp COMPILE_DEFINITIONS --verbose OUTPUT_VARIABLE cc_out)
+        string(REPLACE "\n" ";" cc_out "${cc_out}")
+        set(target)
+        foreach(line ${cc_out})
+            if(line MATCHES "^Target:")
+                string(REGEX REPLACE "^Target: " "" target "${line}")
+            endif()
+        endforeach(line)
+        string(REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" target_model "${target}")
+        # Use -mcpu for all supported targets _except_ for x86, where it should be -march.
+        if(target_model MATCHES "x86" OR target_model MATCHES "amd64")
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-march=${arch}")
+        else()
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-mcpu=${arch}")
+        endif()
+        # Translate target architecture names to Intel-compatible names.
+        # icc 17 recognizes the following specific microarchitecture names for -mtune:
+        #     broadwell, haswell, ivybridge, knl, sandybridge, skylake
+        if(arch MATCHES "sandybridge")
+            set(tune "${arch}")
+            set(arch "AVX")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "ivybridge")
+            set(tune "${arch}")
+            set(arch "CORE-AVX-I")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "broadwell|haswell|skylake")
+            set(tune "${arch}")
+            set(arch "CORE-AVX2")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "knl")
+            set(tune "${arch}")
+            set(arch "MIC-AVX512")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "nehalem|westmere")
+            set(tune "corei7")
+            set(arch "SSE4.2")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "core2")
+            set(tune "core2")
+            set(arch "SSSE3")
+        elseif(arch MATCHES "native")
+            unset(tune)
+            set(arch "Host")
+        else()
+            set(tune "generic")
+            set(arch "SSE2") # default for icc
+        endif()
+        if(tune)
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-x${arch};-mtune=${tune}")
+        else()
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-x${arch}")
+        endif()
+        # xlC 13 for Linux uses -mcpu. Not even attempting to get xlC 12 for BG/Q right
+        # at this point: use CXXFLAGS as required!
+        #
+        # xlC, gcc, and clang all recognize power8 and power9 as architecture keywords.
+        if(arch MATCHES "native")
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-qarch=auto")
+        else()
+            set(CXXOPT_ARCH "-mcpu=${arch}")
+        endif()
+    endif()
diff --git a/cmake/dummy.cpp b/cmake/dummy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c20ecf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/dummy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// Used to extract system model family from gnu or clang.
+int main() { return 0; }
diff --git a/example/generators/event_gen.cpp b/example/generators/event_gen.cpp
index 145802bd..0eac3718 100644
--- a/example/generators/event_gen.cpp
+++ b/example/generators/event_gen.cpp
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ public:
         // Add one synapse at the soma.
         // This synapse will be the target for all events, from both
         // event_generators.
-        auto syn_spec = arb::mechanism_spec("expsyn");
-        c.add_synapse({0, 0.5}, syn_spec);
+        c.add_synapse({0, 0.5}, "expsyn");
         return std::move(c);
diff --git a/example/miniapp/miniapp.cpp b/example/miniapp/miniapp.cpp
index 2ef4ef72..1aecbf49 100644
--- a/example/miniapp/miniapp.cpp
+++ b/example/miniapp/miniapp.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include <communication/communicator.hpp>
 #include <communication/global_policy.hpp>
 #include <cell.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
 #include <hardware/gpu.hpp>
 #include <hardware/node_info.hpp>
 #include <io/exporter_spike_file.hpp>
diff --git a/example/miniapp/miniapp_recipes.cpp b/example/miniapp/miniapp_recipes.cpp
index 69690387..443df8e4 100644
--- a/example/miniapp/miniapp_recipes.cpp
+++ b/example/miniapp/miniapp_recipes.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ cell make_basic_cell(
-    arb::mechanism_spec syn_default(syn_type);
+    arb::mechanism_desc syn_default(syn_type);
     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_synapses; ++i) {
         unsigned id = terminals[i%terminals.size()];
         cell.add_synapse({id, distribution(rng)}, syn_default);
diff --git a/mechanisms/CMakeLists.txt b/mechanisms/CMakeLists.txt
index a4a62da7..b08342c6 100644
--- a/mechanisms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mechanisms/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,59 +7,69 @@ set(mod_srcdir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod")
 # Generate mechanism implementations for host/cpu environment
-set(mech_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/multicore")
+set(mech_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated")
 file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${mech_dir}")
-    set(modcc_simd "")
-    set(modcc_simd "-s avx512")
-    set(modcc_simd "-s avx512")
-    set(modcc_simd "-s avx2")
-    message(SEND_ERROR "Unrecognized architecture for ARB_VECTORIZE_TARGET")
-    set(modcc_simd "")
+    set(modcc_simd "-s")
     SOURCE_DIR "${mod_srcdir}"
     DEST_DIR "${mech_dir}"
-    MODCC_FLAGS -t cpu ${modcc_simd}
-    GENERATES _cpu.hpp
+    MODCC_FLAGS -t cpu -t gpu ${modcc_simd}
+    GENERATES .hpp _cpu.cpp _gpu.cpp
     TARGET build_all_mods
-# Generate mechanism implementations for gpu
+# Generate source for default mechanism catalogue
-set(mech_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gpu")
-file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${mech_dir}")
-    ${mechanisms}
-    SOURCE_DIR "${mod_srcdir}"
-    DEST_DIR "${mech_dir}"
-    MODCC_FLAGS -t gpu
-    GENERATES _gpu.hpp _gpu_impl.hpp
-    TARGET build_all_gpu_mods
+set(catsrc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/default_catalogue.cpp)
+set(default_catalogue_options -I ${mech_dir} -o ${catsrc} -B multicore)
+    list(APPEND default_catalogue_options -B gpu)
+    OUTPUT ${catsrc}
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/generate_default_catalogue ${default_catalogue_options} ${mechanisms}
+    DEPENDS build_all_mods generate_default_catalogue
-# Make a library with the implementations of the mechanism kernels
+# Make libraries with the implementations of the mechanism kernels.
+foreach(mech ${mechanisms})
+    list(APPEND cpu_mech_sources ${mech_dir}/${mech}_cpu.cpp)
+add_library(arbormech ${cpu_mech_sources} ${catsrc})
+target_compile_options(arbormech PRIVATE ${CXXOPT_ARCH})
+set(mech_libs arbormech)
+    add_dependencies(arbormech build_all_mods)
-    # make list of the .cu files that implement the mechanism kernels
     foreach(mech ${mechanisms})
-        list(APPEND cuda_mech_sources ${mech_dir}/${mech}
+        list(APPEND cuda_mech_sources "${mech_dir}/${mech}_gpu.cpp" "${mech_dir}/${mech}")
-    # compile the .cu files into a library
     cuda_add_library(arbormechcu ${cuda_mech_sources})
+    set(mech_libs arbormech arbormechcu)
     # force recompilation on changes to modcc or the underlying .mod files
-        add_dependencies(arbormechcu build_all_gpu_mods)
+        add_dependencies(arbormechcu build_all_mods)
-    list(APPEND ARB_LIBRARIES arbormechcu)
+# Until we merge our myriad static libraries, we prepend mech libs and also append mech libs
+# to capture generated default catalogue code interdependencies with arbor lib.
+list(INSERT ARB_LIBRARIES 0 ${mech_libs})
+list(APPEND ARB_LIBRARIES ${mech_libs})
diff --git a/mechanisms/generate_default_catalogue b/mechanisms/generate_default_catalogue
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1f7cba51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mechanisms/generate_default_catalogue
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Note: compatible with Python2.7 and Python3.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import string
+import argparse
+def parse_arguments():
+    def append_slash(s):
+        return s+'/' if s and not s.endswith('/') else s
+    class ConciseHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
+        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+            super(ConciseHelpFormatter, self).__init__(max_help_position=20, **kwargs)
+        def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
+            if not action.option_strings:
+                return super(ConciseHelpFormatter, self)._format_action_invocation(action)
+            else:
+                optstr = ', '.join(action.option_strings)
+                if action.nargs==0:
+                    return optstr
+                else:
+                    return optstr+' '+self._format_args(action, action.dest.upper())
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description = 'Generate global default catalogue source for Arbor build.',
+        usage = '%(prog)s [options] [module...]',
+        add_help = False,
+        formatter_class = ConciseHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        'modules',
+        nargs = '*',
+        help = argparse.SUPPRESS)
+    group = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
+    group.add_argument(
+        '-I', '--module-prefix',
+        default = 'mechanisms',
+        metavar = 'PATH',
+        dest = 'modpfx',
+        type = append_slash,
+        help = 'directory prefix for module includes, default "%(default)s"')
+    group.add_argument(
+        '-A', '--arbor-prefix',
+        default = '',
+        metavar = 'PATH',
+        dest = 'arbpfx',
+        type = append_slash,
+        help = 'directory prefix for arbor includes, default "%(default)s"')
+    group.add_argument(
+        '-B', '--backend',
+        default = [],
+        action = 'append',
+        dest = 'backends',
+        metavar = 'BACKEND',
+        help = 'register implementations for back-end %(metavar)s')
+    group.add_argument(
+        '-o', '--output',
+        default = [],
+        dest = 'output',
+        metavar = 'FILE',
+        help = 'save output to %(metavar)s (default is to print to stdout)')
+    group.add_argument(
+        '-h', '--help',
+        action = 'help',
+        help = 'display this help and exit')
+    return vars(parser.parse_args())
+def generate(modpfx='', arbpfx='', modules=[], backends=[], **rest):
+    src = string.Template(\
+r'''// Automatically generated by:
+// $cmdline
+#include <${arbpfx}mechcat.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+mechanism_catalogue build_default_catalogue() {
+    mechanism_catalogue cat;
+    $add_modules
+    $register_modules
+    return cat;
+const mechanism_catalogue& global_default_catalogue() {
+    static mechanism_catalogue cat = build_default_catalogue();
+    return cat;
+} // namespace arb''')
+    def indent(n, lines):
+        return '{{:<{0!s}}}'.format(n+1).format('\n').join(lines)
+    return src.safe_substitute(dict(
+        cmdline = " ".join(sys.argv),
+        arbpfx = arbpfx,
+        backend_includes = indent(0,
+            ['#include <{}backends/{}/fvm.hpp>'.format(arbpfx, b) for b in backends]),
+        module_includes = indent(0,
+            ['#include <{}{}.hpp>'.format(modpfx, m) for m in modules]),
+        add_modules = indent(4,
+            ['cat.add("{0}", mechanism_{0}_info());'.format(m) for m in modules]),
+        register_modules = indent(4,
+            ['cat.register_implementation("{0}", make_mechanism_{0}<{1}::backend>());'.format(m, b)
+             for m in modules for b in backends])
+        ))
+args = parse_arguments()
+code = generate(**args)
+if args['output']:
+    print(code, file = open(args['output'],'w'))
+    print(code)
diff --git a/mechanisms/mod/test_ca.mod b/mechanisms/mod/test_ca.mod
index 67d09c02..09630f43 100644
--- a/mechanisms/mod/test_ca.mod
+++ b/mechanisms/mod/test_ca.mod
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ PARAMETER {
+    cai = cai0
     cai (mM)
diff --git a/modcc/CMakeLists.txt b/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
index 286c6729..360c66cd 100644
--- a/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-    cexpr_emit.cpp
-    cprinter.cpp
-    cudaprinter.cpp
@@ -14,10 +11,19 @@ set(MODCC_SOURCES
-    textbuffer.cpp
+    io/prefixbuf.cpp
+    printer/cexpr_emit.cpp
+    printer/cprinter.cpp
+    printer/cudaprinter.cpp
+    printer/infoprinter.cpp
+    printer/printerutil.cpp
 add_library(compiler ${MODCC_SOURCES})
 add_executable(modcc modcc.cpp)
diff --git a/modcc/blocks.hpp b/modcc/blocks.hpp
index 9256b8a6..ad31932e 100644
--- a/modcc/blocks.hpp
+++ b/modcc/blocks.hpp
@@ -18,33 +18,33 @@ struct IonDep {
     std::vector<Token> read;  // name of channels parameters to write
     std::vector<Token> write; // name of channels parameters to read
-    bool has_variable(std::string const& name) {
+    bool has_variable(std::string const& name) const {
         return writes_variable(name) || reads_variable(name);
-    bool uses_current() {
+    bool uses_current() const {
         return has_variable("i"+name);
-    bool uses_rev_potential() {
+    bool uses_rev_potential() const {
         return has_variable("e"+name);
-    bool uses_concentration_int() {
+    bool uses_concentration_int() const {
         return has_variable(name+"i");
-    bool uses_concentration_ext() {
+    bool uses_concentration_ext() const {
         return has_variable(name+"o");
-    bool writes_concentration_int() {
+    bool writes_concentration_int() const {
         return writes_variable(name+"i");
-    bool writes_concentration_ext() {
+    bool writes_concentration_ext() const {
         return writes_variable(name+"o");
-    bool reads_variable(const std::string& name) {
+    bool reads_variable(const std::string& name) const {
         return std::find_if(read.begin(), read.end(),
                 [&name](const Token& t) {return t.spelling==name;}) != read.end();
-    bool writes_variable(const std::string& name) {
+    bool writes_variable(const std::string& name) const {
         return std::find_if(write.begin(), write.end(),
                 [&name](const Token& t) {return t.spelling==name;}) != write.end();
diff --git a/modcc/cprinter.cpp b/modcc/cprinter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ace721..00000000
--- a/modcc/cprinter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,740 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include "cexpr_emit.hpp"
-#include "cprinter.hpp"
-#include "lexer.hpp"
-                              CPrinter driver
-std::string CPrinter::emit_source() {
-    // make a list of vector types, both parameters and assigned
-    // and a list of all scalar types
-    std::vector<VariableExpression*> scalar_variables;
-    std::vector<VariableExpression*> array_variables;
-    for(auto& sym: module_->symbols()) {
-        if(auto var = sym.second->is_variable()) {
-            if(var->is_range()) {
-                array_variables.push_back(var);
-            }
-            else {
-                scalar_variables.push_back(var);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    std::string module_name = module_->module_name();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    emit_headers();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    std::string class_name = "mechanism_" + module_name;
-    text_.add_line("namespace arb { namespace multicore {");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("using math::exprelr;");
-    text_.add_line("using math::min;");
-    text_.add_line("using math::max;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("template<class Backend>");
-    text_.add_line("class " + class_name + " : public mechanism<Backend> {");
-    text_.add_line("public:");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("using base = mechanism<Backend>;");
-    text_.add_line("using value_type  = typename base::value_type;");
-    text_.add_line("using size_type   = typename base::size_type;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("using array = typename base::array;");
-    text_.add_line("using iarray  = typename base::iarray;");
-    text_.add_line("using view   = typename base::view;");
-    text_.add_line("using iview  = typename base::iview;");
-    text_.add_line("using const_view = typename base::const_view;");
-    text_.add_line("using const_iview = typename base::const_iview;");
-    text_.add_line("using ion_type = typename base::ion_type;");
-    text_.add_line("using deliverable_event_stream_state = typename base::deliverable_event_stream_state;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    for(auto& ion: module_->neuron_block().ions) {
-        auto tname = "Ion" +;
-        text_.add_line("struct " + tname + " {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        for(auto& field : {
-            text_.add_line("view " + field.spelling + ";");
-        }
-        for(auto& field : ion.write) {
-            text_.add_line("view " + field.spelling + ";");
-        }
-        text_.add_line("iarray index;");
-        text_.add_line("std::size_t memory() const { return sizeof(size_type)*index.size(); }");
-        text_.add_line("std::size_t size() const { return index.size(); }");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("};");
-        text_.add_line(tname + " ion_" + + ";");
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // constructor
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    int num_vars = array_variables.size();
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line(class_name + "(size_type mech_id, const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, array&& weights, iarray&& node_index)");
-    text_.add_line(":   base(mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(node_index))");
-    text_.add_line("{");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_gutter() << "size_type num_fields = " << num_vars << ";";
-    text_.end_line();
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("// calculate the padding required to maintain proper alignment of sub arrays");
-    text_.add_line("auto alignment  = data_.alignment();");
-    text_.add_line("auto field_size_in_bytes = sizeof(value_type)*size();");
-    text_.add_line("auto remainder  = field_size_in_bytes % alignment;");
-    text_.add_line("auto padding    = remainder ? (alignment - remainder)/sizeof(value_type) : 0;");
-    text_.add_line("auto field_size = size()+padding;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("// allocate memory");
-    text_.add_line("data_ = array(field_size*num_fields, std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN());");
-    // assign the sub-arrays
-    // replace this : data_(1*n, 2*n);
-    //    with this : data_(1*field_size, 1*field_size+n);
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("// asign the sub-arrays");
-    for(int i=0; i<num_vars; ++i) {
-        char namestr[128];
-        sprintf(namestr, "%-15s", array_variables[i]->name().c_str());
-        text_.add_gutter() << namestr << " = data_("
-                           << i << "*field_size, " << i+1 << "*size());";
-        text_.end_line();
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    // copy in the weights
-    text_.add_line("// add the user-supplied weights for converting from current density");
-    text_.add_line("// to per-compartment current in nA");
-    text_.add_line("if (weights.size()) {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("memory::copy(weights, weights_(0, size()));");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line("else {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("memory::fill(weights_, 1.0);");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("// set initial values for variables and parameters");
-    for(auto const& var : array_variables) {
-        double val = var->value();
-        // only non-NaN fields need to be initialized, because data_
-        // is NaN by default
-        std::string pointer_name = var->name()+".data()";
-        if(val == val) {
-            text_.add_gutter() << "std::fill(" << pointer_name << ", "
-                                               << pointer_name << "+size(), "
-                                               << val << ");";
-            text_.end_line();
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("using base::size;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("std::size_t memory() const override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("auto s = std::size_t{0};");
-    text_.add_line("s += data_.size()*sizeof(value_type);");
-    for(auto& ion: module_->neuron_block().ions) {
-        text_.add_line("s += ion_" + + ".memory();");
-    }
-    text_.add_line("return s;");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("std::string name() const override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("return \"" + module_name + "\";");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    std::string kind_str = module_->kind() == moduleKind::density
-                            ? "mechanismKind::density"
-                            : "mechanismKind::point";
-    text_.add_line("mechanismKind kind() const override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("return " + kind_str + ";");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    // Implement `set_weights` method.
-    text_.add_line("void set_weights(array&& weights) override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("memory::copy(weights, weights_(0, size()));");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    /***************************************************************************
-     *
-     *   ion channels have the following fields :
-     *
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *       label   Ca      Na      K   name
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *       iX      ica     ina     ik  current
-     *       eX      eca     ena     ek  reversal_potential
-     *       Xi      cai     nai     ki  internal_concentration
-     *       Xo      cao     nao     ko  external_concentration
-     *       gX      gca     gna     gk  conductance
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *
-     **************************************************************************/
-    // ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override
-    text_.add_line("typename base::ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("bool uses = false;");
-    text_.add_line("bool writes_ext = false;");
-    text_.add_line("bool writes_int = false;");
-    for (auto k: {ionKind::Na, ionKind::Ca, ionKind::K}) {
-        if (module_->has_ion(k)) {
-            auto ion = *module_->find_ion(k);
-            text_.add_line("if (k==ionKind::" + + ") {");
-            text_.increase_indentation();
-            text_.add_line("uses = true;");
-            if (ion.writes_concentration_int()) text_.add_line("writes_int = true;");
-            if (ion.writes_concentration_ext()) text_.add_line("writes_ext = true;");
-            text_.decrease_indentation();
-            text_.add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line("return {uses, writes_int, writes_ext};");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    // void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i) override
-    text_.add_line("void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i, std::vector<size_type>const& index) override {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    for (auto k: {ionKind::Na, ionKind::Ca, ionKind::K}) {
-        if (module_->has_ion(k)) {
-            auto ion = *module_->find_ion(k);
-            text_.add_line("if (k==ionKind::" + + ") {");
-            text_.increase_indentation();
-            auto n =;
-            auto pre = "ion_"+n;
-            text_.add_line(pre+".index = memory::make_const_view(index);");
-            if (ion.uses_current())
-                text_.add_line(pre+".i"+n+" = i.current();");
-            if (ion.uses_rev_potential())
-                text_.add_line(pre+".e"+n+" = i.reversal_potential();");
-            if (ion.uses_concentration_int())
-                text_.add_line(pre+"."+n+"i = i.internal_concentration();");
-            if (ion.uses_concentration_ext())
-                text_.add_line(pre+"."+n+"o = i.external_concentration();");
-            text_.add_line("return;");
-            text_.decrease_indentation();
-            text_.add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line("throw std::domain_error(arb::util::pprintf(\"mechanism % does not support ion type\\n\", name()));");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    auto proctest = [] (procedureKind k) {
-        return is_in(k, {procedureKind::normal, procedureKind::api, procedureKind::net_receive});
-    };
-    bool override_deliver_events = false;
-    for(auto const& var: module_->symbols()) {
-        auto isproc = var.second->kind()==symbolKind::procedure;
-        if(isproc) {
-            auto proc = var.second->is_procedure();
-            if(proctest(proc->kind())) {
-                proc->accept(this);
-            }
-            override_deliver_events |= proc->kind()==procedureKind::net_receive;
-        }
-    }
-    if(override_deliver_events) {
-        text_.add_line("void deliver_events(const deliverable_event_stream_state& events) override {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("auto ncell = events.n_streams();");
-        text_.add_line("for (size_type c = 0; c<ncell; ++c) {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("auto begin = events.begin_marked(c);");
-        text_.add_line("auto end = events.end_marked(c);");
-        text_.add_line("for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("if (p->mech_id==mech_id_) net_receive(p->mech_index, p->weight);");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-        text_.add_line();
-    }
-    if(module_->write_backs().size()) {
-        text_.add_line("void write_back() override {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("const size_type n_ = node_index_.size();");
-        for (auto& w: module_->write_backs()) {
-            auto& src = w.source_name;
-            auto tgt = w.target_name;
-            tgt.erase(tgt.begin(), tgt.begin()+tgt.find('_')+1);
-            auto istore = ion_store(w.ion_kind)+".";
-            text_.add_line();
-            text_.add_line("auto "+src+"_out_ = util::indirect_view("+istore+tgt+", "+istore+"index);");
-            text_.add_line("for (size_type i_ = 0; i_ < n_; ++i_) {");
-            text_.increase_indentation();
-            text_.add_line("// 1/10 magic number due to unit normalisation");
-            text_.add_line(src+"_out_[i_] += value_type(0.1)*weights_[i_]*"+src+"[i_];");
-            text_.decrease_indentation(); text_.add_line("}");
-        }
-        text_.decrease_indentation(); text_.add_line("}");
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    // TODO: replace field_info() generation implemenation with separate schema info generation
-    // as per #349.
-    auto field_info_string = [](const std::string& kind, const Id& id) {
-        return  "field_spec{field_spec::" + kind + ", " +
-                "\"" + id.unit_string() + "\", " +
-                (id.has_value()? id.value: "0") +
-                (id.has_range()? ", " + id.range.first.spelling + "," + id.range.second.spelling: "") +
-                "}";
-    };
-    std::unordered_set<std::string> scalar_set;
-    for (auto& v: scalar_variables) {
-        scalar_set.insert(v->name());
-    }
-    std::vector<Id> global_param_ids;
-    std::vector<Id> instance_param_ids;
-    for (const Id& id: module_->parameter_block().parameters) {
-        auto var = id.token.spelling;
-        (scalar_set.count(var)? global_param_ids: instance_param_ids).push_back(id);
-    }
-    const std::vector<Id>& state_ids = module_->state_block().state_variables;
-    text_.add_line("util::optional<field_spec> field_info(const char* id) const /* override */ {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("static const std::pair<const char*, field_spec> field_tbl[] = {");
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    for (const auto& id: global_param_ids) {
-        auto var = id.token.spelling;
-        text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", "+field_info_string("global",id )+"},");
-    }
-    for (const auto& id: instance_param_ids) {
-        auto var = id.token.spelling;
-        text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", "+field_info_string("parameter", id)+"},");
-    }
-    for (const auto& id: state_ids) {
-        auto var = id.token.spelling;
-        text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", "+field_info_string("state", id)+"},");
-    }
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("};");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("auto* info = util::table_lookup(field_tbl, id);");
-    text_.add_line("return info? util::just(*info): util::nullopt;");
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    if (!instance_param_ids.empty() || !state_ids.empty()) {
-        text_.add_line("view base::* field_view_ptr(const char* id) const override {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("static const std::pair<const char*, view "+class_name+"::*> field_tbl[] = {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        for (const auto& id: instance_param_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        for (const auto& id: state_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("};");
-        text_.add_line();
-        text_.add_line("auto* pptr = util::table_lookup(field_tbl, id);");
-        text_.add_line("return pptr? static_cast<view base::*>(*pptr): nullptr;");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-        text_.add_line();
-    }
-    if (!global_param_ids.empty()) {
-        text_.add_line("value_type base::* field_value_ptr(const char* id) const override {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("static const std::pair<const char*, value_type "+class_name+"::*> field_tbl[] = {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        for (const auto& id: global_param_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            text_.add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("};");
-        text_.add_line();
-        text_.add_line("auto* pptr = util::table_lookup(field_tbl, id);");
-        text_.add_line("return pptr? static_cast<value_type base::*>(*pptr): nullptr;");
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-        text_.add_line();
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    text_.add_line("array data_;");
-    for(auto var: array_variables) {
-        text_.add_line("view " + var->name() + ";");
-    }
-    for(auto var: scalar_variables) {
-        double val = var->value();
-        // test the default value for NaN
-        // useful for error propogation from bad initial conditions
-        if(val==val) {
-            text_.add_gutter() << "value_type " << var->name() << " = " << val << ";";
-            text_.end_line();
-        }
-        else {
-            text_.add_line("value_type " + var->name() + " = 0;");
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("using base::mech_id_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_ci_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_t_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_t_to_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_dt_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_v_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::vec_i_;");
-    text_.add_line("using base::node_index_;");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("};");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("}} // namespaces");
-    return text_.str();
-void CPrinter::emit_headers() {
-    text_.add_line("#pragma once");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("#include <cmath>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <limits>");
-    text_.add_line();
-    text_.add_line("#include <math.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <mechanism.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <algorithms.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <backends/event.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <util/pprintf.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line("#include <util/simple_table.hpp>");
-    text_.add_line();
-                              CPrinter
-void CPrinter::visit(Expression *e) {
-    throw compiler_exception(
-        "CPrinter doesn't know how to print " + e->to_string(),
-        e->location());
-void CPrinter::visit(LocalDeclaration *e) {
-void CPrinter::visit(Symbol *e) {
-    throw compiler_exception("I don't know how to print raw Symbol " + e->to_string(),
-                             e->location());
-void CPrinter::visit(LocalVariable *e) {
-    std::string const& name = e->name();
-    text_ << name;
-    if(is_ghost_local(e)) {
-        text_ << "[j_]";
-    }
-void CPrinter::visit(NumberExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, text_.text(), this);
-void CPrinter::visit(IdentifierExpression *e) {
-    e->symbol()->accept(this);
-void CPrinter::visit(VariableExpression *e) {
-    text_ << e->name();
-    if(e->is_range()) {
-        text_ << "[i_]";
-    }
-void CPrinter::visit(IndexedVariable *e) {
-    text_ << e->index_name() << "[i_]";
-void CPrinter::visit(CellIndexedVariable *e) {
-    text_ << e->index_name() << "[i_]";
-void CPrinter::visit(UnaryExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, text_.text(), this);
-void CPrinter::visit(BlockExpression *e) {
-    // ------------- declare local variables ------------- //
-    // only if this is the outer block
-    if(!e->is_nested()) {
-        std::vector<std::string> names;
-        for(auto& symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-            auto sym = symbol.second.get();
-            // input variables are declared earlier, before the
-            // block body is printed
-            if(is_stack_local(sym) && !is_input(sym)) {
-                names.push_back(sym->name());
-            }
-        }
-        if(names.size()>0) {
-            text_.add_gutter() << "value_type " << *(names.begin());
-            for(auto it=names.begin()+1; it!=names.end(); ++it) {
-                text_ << ", " << *it;
-            }
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-    // ------------- statements ------------- //
-    for(auto& stmt : e->statements()) {
-        if(stmt->is_local_declaration()) continue;
-        // these all must be handled
-        text_.add_gutter();
-        stmt->accept(this);
-        if (not stmt->is_if()) {
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-void CPrinter::visit(IfExpression *e) {
-    // for now we remove the brackets around the condition because
-    // the binary expression printer adds them, and we want to work
-    // around the -Wparentheses-equality warning
-    text_ << "if(";
-    e->condition()->accept(this);
-    text_ << ") {\n";
-    increase_indentation();
-    e->true_branch()->accept(this);
-    decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    // check if there is a false-branch, i.e. if
-    // there is an "else" branch to print
-    if (auto fb = e->false_branch()) {
-        text_.add_gutter() << "else ";
-        // use recursion for "else if"
-        if (fb->is_if()) {
-            fb->accept(this);
-        }
-        // otherwise print the "else" block
-        else {
-            text_ << "{\n";
-            increase_indentation();
-            fb->accept(this);
-            decrease_indentation();
-            text_.add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-// NOTE: net_receive() is classified as a ProcedureExpression
-void CPrinter::visit(ProcedureExpression *e) {
-    // print prototype
-    text_.add_gutter() << "void " << e->name() << "(int i_";
-    for(auto& arg : e->args()) {
-        text_ << ", value_type " << arg->is_argument()->name();
-    }
-    if(e->kind() == procedureKind::net_receive) {
-        text_.end_line(") override {");
-    }
-    else {
-        text_.end_line(") {");
-    }
-    if(!e->scope()) { // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "CPrinter attempt to print Procedure " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    // print body
-    increase_indentation();
-    e->body()->accept(this);
-    // close the function body
-    decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-void CPrinter::visit(APIMethod *e) {
-    // print prototype
-    text_.add_gutter() << "void " << e->name() << "() override {";
-    text_.end_line();
-    if(!e->scope()) { // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "CPrinter attempt to print APIMethod " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    // only print the body if it has contents
-    if(e->is_api_method()->body()->statements().size()) {
-        increase_indentation();
-        // create local indexed views
-        for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-            auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-            if (!var->is_indexed()) continue;
-            auto external = var->external_variable();
-            auto const& name = var->name();
-            auto const& index_name = external->index_name();
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            text_ << "auto " + index_name + " = ";
-            if(external->is_cell_indexed_variable()) {
-                text_ << "util::indirect_view(util::indirect_view(" + index_name + "_, vec_ci_), node_index_);\n";
-            }
-            else if(external->is_ion()) {
-                auto channel = external->ion_channel();
-                auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-                text_ << "util::indirect_view(" << iname << "." << name << ", " << ion_store(channel) << ".index);\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                text_ << "util::indirect_view(" + index_name + "_, node_index_);\n";
-            }
-        }
-        // get loop dimensions
-        text_.add_line("int n_ = node_index_.size();");
-        print_APIMethod(e);
-    }
-    // close up the loop body
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-void CPrinter::emit_api_loop(APIMethod* e,
-                             const std::string& start,
-                             const std::string& end,
-                             const std::string& inc) {
-    text_.add_gutter();
-    text_ << "for (" << start << "; " << end << "; " << inc << ") {";
-    text_.end_line();
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    // loads from external indexed arrays
-    for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if(is_input(var)) {
-            auto ext = var->external_variable();
-            text_.add_gutter() << "value_type ";
-            var->accept(this);
-            text_ << " = ";
-            ext->accept(this);
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-    // print the body of the loop
-    e->body()->accept(this);
-    // perform update of external variables (currents etc)
-    for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if(is_output(var)) {
-            auto ext = var->external_variable();
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            ext->accept(this);
-            text_ << (ext->op() == tok::plus ? " += " : " -= ");
-            var->accept(this);
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-void CPrinter::print_APIMethod(APIMethod* e) {
-    emit_api_loop(e, "int i_ = 0", "i_ < n_", "++i_");
-    decrease_indentation();
-    return;
-void CPrinter::visit(CallExpression *e) {
-    text_ << e->name() << "(i_";
-    for(auto& arg: e->args()) {
-        text_ << ", ";
-        arg->accept(this);
-    }
-    text_ << ")";
-void CPrinter::visit(BinaryExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, text_.text(), this);
diff --git a/modcc/cprinter.hpp b/modcc/cprinter.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c636322..00000000
--- a/modcc/cprinter.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <sstream>
-#include "module.hpp"
-#include "textbuffer.hpp"
-#include "visitor.hpp"
-class CPrinter: public Visitor {
-    CPrinter() {}
-    explicit CPrinter(Module &m): module_(&m) {}
-    void visit(Expression *e)           override;
-    void visit(UnaryExpression *e)      override;
-    void visit(BinaryExpression *e)     override;
-    void visit(NumberExpression *e)     override;
-    void visit(VariableExpression *e)   override;
-    void visit(Symbol *e)               override;
-    void visit(LocalVariable *e)        override;
-    void visit(IndexedVariable *e)      override;
-    void visit(CellIndexedVariable *e)  override;
-    void visit(IdentifierExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(CallExpression *e)       override;
-    void visit(ProcedureExpression *e)  override;
-    void visit(APIMethod *e)            override;
-    void visit(LocalDeclaration *e)     override;
-    void visit(BlockExpression *e)      override;
-    void visit(IfExpression *e)         override;
-    std::string text() const {
-        return text_.str();
-    }
-    void set_gutter(int w) {
-        text_.set_gutter(w);
-    }
-    void increase_indentation(){
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-    }
-    void decrease_indentation(){
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-    }
-    void clear_text() {
-        text_.clear();
-    }
-    virtual ~CPrinter() { }
-    virtual std::string emit_source();
-    virtual void emit_headers();
-    virtual void emit_api_loop(APIMethod* e,
-                               const std::string& start,
-                               const std::string& end,
-                               const std::string& inc);
-    void print_mechanism(Visitor *backend);
-    void print_APIMethod(APIMethod* e);
-    Module *module_ = nullptr;
-    TextBuffer text_;
-    bool aliased_output_ = false;
-    bool is_input(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l = s->is_local_variable() ) {
-            if(l->is_local()) {
-                if(l->is_indexed() && l->is_read()) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_output(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l = s->is_local_variable() ) {
-            if(l->is_local()) {
-                if(l->is_indexed() && l->is_write()) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_arg_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l=s->is_local_variable()) {
-            if(l->is_arg()) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_indexed_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l=s->is_local_variable()) {
-            if(l->is_indexed()) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_ghost_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(!is_point_process()) return false;
-        if(!aliased_output_)    return false;
-        if(is_arg_local(s))     return false;
-        return is_output(s);
-    }
-    bool is_stack_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(is_arg_local(s))    return false;
-        return !is_ghost_local(s);
-    }
-    bool is_point_process() {
-        return module_ && module_->kind() == moduleKind::point;
-    }
-    std::vector<LocalVariable*> aliased_vars(APIMethod* e);
diff --git a/modcc/cudaprinter.cpp b/modcc/cudaprinter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3ff2cd..00000000
--- a/modcc/cudaprinter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1012 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include "cexpr_emit.hpp"
-#include "cudaprinter.hpp"
-#include "lexer.hpp"
-std::string CUDAPrinter::pack_name() {
-    return module_name_ + "_ParamPack";
-CUDAPrinter::CUDAPrinter(Module &m, bool o)
-    :   module_(&m)
-    // make a list of vector types, both parameters and assigned
-    // and a list of all scalar types
-    std::vector<VariableExpression*> scalar_variables;
-    std::vector<VariableExpression*> array_variables;
-    for(auto& sym: m.symbols()) {
-        if(sym.second->kind()==symbolKind::variable) {
-            auto var = sym.second->is_variable();
-            if(var->is_range()) {
-                array_variables.push_back(var);
-            }
-            else {
-                scalar_variables.push_back(var) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    module_name_ = module_->module_name();
-    //
-    // Implementation header.
-    //
-    // Contains the parameter pack and protypes of c wrappers around cuda kernels.
-    //
-    set_buffer(impl_interface_);
-    // headers
-    buffer().add_line("#pragma once");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/event.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/gpu/kernels/detail.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <util/simple_table.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("namespace arb { namespace gpu{");
-    buffer().add_line("using deliverable_event_stream_state = multi_event_stream_state<deliverable_event_data>;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // definition of parameter pack type
-    std::vector<std::string> param_pack;
-    buffer().add_gutter() << "struct " << pack_name()  << " {";
-    buffer().end_line();
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("using T = arb::fvm_value_type;");
-    buffer().add_line("using I = arb::fvm_size_type;");
-    buffer().add_line("// array parameters");
-    for(auto const &var: array_variables) {
-        buffer().add_line("T* " + var->name() + ";");
-        param_pack.push_back(var->name() + ".data()");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("// scalar parameters");
-    for(auto const &var: scalar_variables) {
-        buffer().add_line("T " + var->name() + ";");
-        param_pack.push_back(var->name());
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("// ion channel dependencies");
-    for(auto& ion: m.neuron_block().ions) {
-        auto tname = "ion_" +;
-        for(auto& field : {
-            buffer().add_line("T* ion_" + field.spelling + ";");
-            param_pack.push_back(tname + "." + field.spelling + ".data()");
-        }
-        for(auto& field : ion.write) {
-            buffer().add_line("T* ion_" + field.spelling + ";");
-            param_pack.push_back(tname + "." + field.spelling + ".data()");
-        }
-        buffer().add_line("I* ion_" + + "_idx_;");
-        param_pack.push_back(tname + "");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("// cv index to cell mapping and cell time states");
-    buffer().add_line("const I* ci;");
-    buffer().add_line("const T* vec_t;");
-    buffer().add_line("const T* vec_t_to;");
-    buffer().add_line("const T* vec_dt;");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    buffer().add_line("// voltage and current state within the cell");
-    buffer().add_line("T* vec_v;");
-    buffer().add_line("T* vec_i;");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    buffer().add_line("// node index information");
-    buffer().add_line("I* ni;");
-    buffer().add_line("unsigned long n_;");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("};");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    param_pack.push_back("");
-    param_pack.push_back("node_index_.size()");
-    // kernel wrapper prototypes
-    for(auto const &var: m.symbols()) {
-        if (auto e = var.second->is_api_method()) {
-            buffer().add_line(APIMethod_prototype(e) + ";");
-        }
-        else if (var.second->is_net_receive()) {
-            buffer().add_line(
-                "void deliver_events_" + module_name_ +"(" + pack_name() + " params_, arb::fvm_size_type mech_id, deliverable_event_stream_state state);");
-        }
-    }
-    if(module_->write_backs().size()) {
-        buffer().add_line("void write_back_"+module_name_+"("+pack_name()+" params_);");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("}} // namespace arb::gpu");
-    //
-    // Implementation
-    //
-    set_buffer(impl_);
-    // kernels
-    buffer().add_line("#include \"" + module_name_ + "_gpu_impl.hpp\"");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/gpu/kernels/reduce_by_key.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("namespace arb { namespace gpu{");
-    buffer().add_line("namespace kernels {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    {
-        // forward declarations of procedures
-        for(auto const &var: m.symbols()) {
-            if( var.second->kind()==symbolKind::procedure &&
-                var.second->is_procedure()->kind() == procedureKind::normal)
-            {
-                print_device_function_prototype(var.second->is_procedure());
-                buffer().end_line(";");
-                buffer().add_line();
-            }
-        }
-        // print stubs that call API method kernels that are defined in the
-        // kernels::name namespace
-        for(auto const &var: m.symbols()) {
-            if (var.second->kind()==symbolKind::procedure &&
-                is_in(var.second->is_procedure()->kind(),
-                      {procedureKind::normal, procedureKind::api, procedureKind::net_receive}))
-            {
-                auto e = var.second->is_procedure();
-                e->accept(this);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // print the write_back kernel
-    if(module_->write_backs().size()) {
-        buffer().add_line("__global__");
-        buffer().add_line("void write_back_"+module_name_+"("+pack_name()+" params_) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("using value_type = arb::fvm_value_type;");
-        buffer().add_line("auto tid_ = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;");
-        buffer().add_line("auto const n_ = params_.n_;");
-        buffer().add_line("if(tid_<n_) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        for (auto& w: module_->write_backs()) {
-            auto& src = w.source_name;
-            auto& tgt = w.target_name;
-            auto idx = src + "_idx_";
-            buffer().add_line("auto "+idx+" = params_.ion_"+to_string(w.ion_kind)+"_idx_[tid_];");
-            buffer().add_line("// 1/10 magic number due to unit normalisation");
-            buffer().add_line("params_."+tgt+"["+idx+"] = value_type(0.1)*params_.weights_[tid_]*params_."+src+"[tid_];");
-        }
-        buffer().decrease_indentation(); buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation(); buffer().add_line("}");
-    }
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("} // kernel namespace");
-    // implementation of the kernel wrappers
-    buffer().add_line();
-    for(auto const &var : m.symbols()) {
-        if (auto e = var.second->is_api_method()) {
-            buffer().add_line(APIMethod_prototype(e) + " {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("auto n = params_.n_;");
-            buffer().add_line("constexpr int blockwidth = 128;");
-            buffer().add_line("dim3 dim_block(blockwidth);");
-            buffer().add_line("dim3 dim_grid(impl::block_count(n, blockwidth));");
-            buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::kernels::"+e->name()+"_"+module_name_+"<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>(params_);");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-            buffer().add_line();
-        }
-        else if (var.second->is_net_receive()) {
-            buffer().add_line("void deliver_events_" + module_name_
-                + "(" + pack_name() + " params_, arb::fvm_size_type mech_id, deliverable_event_stream_state state) {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("const int n = state.n;");
-            buffer().add_line("constexpr int blockwidth = 128;");
-            buffer().add_line("const auto nblock = impl::block_count(n, blockwidth);");
-            buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::kernels::deliver_events<<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(params_, mech_id, state);");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-            buffer().add_line();
-        }
-    }
-    // add the write_back kernel wrapper if required by this module
-    if(module_->write_backs().size()) {
-        buffer().add_line("void write_back_"+module_name_+"("+pack_name()+" params_) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("auto n = params_.n_;");
-        buffer().add_line("constexpr int blockwidth = 128;");
-        buffer().add_line("dim3 dim_block(blockwidth);");
-        buffer().add_line("dim3 dim_grid(impl::block_count(n, blockwidth));");
-        buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::kernels::write_back_"+module_name_+"<<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>(params_);");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("}} // namespace arb::gpu");
-    //
-    // Interface header
-    //
-    // Included in the front-end C++ code.
-    //
-    set_buffer(interface_);
-    buffer().add_line("#pragma once");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("#include <cmath>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <limits>");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("#include <mechanism.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <algorithms.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/event.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line("#include <util/pprintf.hpp>");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("#include \"" + module_name_ + "_gpu_impl.hpp\"");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("namespace arb { namespace gpu{");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    std::string class_name = "mechanism_" + module_name_;
-    buffer().add_line("template <typename Backend>");
-    buffer().add_line("class " + class_name + " : public mechanism<Backend> {");
-    buffer().add_line("public:");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("using base = mechanism<Backend>;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::value_type;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::size_type;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::array;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::view;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::iarray;");
-    buffer().add_line("using host_iarray = typename Backend::host_iarray;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::iview;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::const_iview;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::const_view;");
-    buffer().add_line("using typename base::ion_type;");
-    buffer().add_line("using deliverable_event_stream_state = typename base::deliverable_event_stream_state;");
-    buffer().add_line("using param_pack_type = " + pack_name() + ";");
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    for(auto& ion: m.neuron_block().ions) {
-        auto tname = "Ion" +;
-        buffer().add_line("struct " + tname + " {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        for(auto& field : {
-            buffer().add_line("view " + field.spelling + ";");
-        }
-        for(auto& field : ion.write) {
-            buffer().add_line("view " + field.spelling + ";");
-        }
-        buffer().add_line("iarray index;");
-        buffer().add_line("std::size_t memory() const { return sizeof(size_type)*index.size(); }");
-        buffer().add_line("std::size_t size() const { return index.size(); }");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("};");
-        buffer().add_line(tname + " ion_" + + ";");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    // constructor
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    int num_vars = array_variables.size();
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line(class_name + "(size_type mech_id, const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, array&& weights, iarray&& node_index):");
-    buffer().add_line("   base(mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(node_index))");
-    buffer().add_line("{");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_gutter() << "size_type num_fields = " << num_vars << ";";
-    buffer().end_line();
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("// calculate the padding required to maintain proper alignment of sub arrays");
-    buffer().add_line("auto alignment  = data_.alignment();");
-    buffer().add_line("auto field_size_in_bytes = sizeof(value_type)*size();");
-    buffer().add_line("auto remainder  = field_size_in_bytes % alignment;");
-    buffer().add_line("auto padding    = remainder ? (alignment - remainder)/sizeof(value_type) : 0;");
-    buffer().add_line("auto field_size = size()+padding;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("// allocate memory");
-    buffer().add_line("data_ = array(field_size*num_fields, std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN());");
-    // assign the sub-arrays
-    // replace this : data_(1*n, 2*n);
-    //    with this : data_(1*field_size, 1*field_size+n);
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("// asign the sub-arrays");
-    for(int i=0; i<num_vars; ++i) {
-        char namestr[128];
-        sprintf(namestr, "%-15s", array_variables[i]->name().c_str());
-        buffer().add_line(
-            array_variables[i]->name() + " = data_("
-            + std::to_string(i) + "*field_size, " + std::to_string(i+1) + "*field_size);");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line();
-    for(auto const& var : array_variables) {
-        double val = var->value();
-        // only non-NaN fields need to be initialized, because data_
-        // is NaN by default
-        if(val == val) {
-            buffer().add_line("memory::fill(" + var->name() + ", " + std::to_string(val) + ");");
-        }
-    }
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // copy in the weights
-    buffer().add_line("// add the user-supplied weights for converting from current density");
-    buffer().add_line("// to per-compartment current in nA");
-    buffer().add_line("if (weights.size()) {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("memory::copy(weights, weights_(0, size()));");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line("else {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("memory::fill(weights_, 1.0);");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    buffer().add_line("using base::size;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("std::size_t memory() const override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("auto s = std::size_t{0};");
-    buffer().add_line("s += data_.size()*sizeof(value_type);");
-    for(auto& ion: m.neuron_block().ions) {
-        buffer().add_line("s += ion_" + + ".memory();");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("return s;");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // print the member funtion that packs up the parameters for use on the GPU
-    buffer().add_line("void set_params() override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("param_pack_ =");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("param_pack_type {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    for(auto& str: param_pack) {
-        buffer().add_line(str + ",");
-    }
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("};");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // name member function
-    buffer().add_line("std::string name() const override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("return \"" + module_name_ + "\";");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    std::string kind_str = m.kind() == moduleKind::density
-                            ? "mechanismKind::density"
-                            : "mechanismKind::point";
-    buffer().add_line("mechanismKind kind() const override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("return " + kind_str + ";");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // Implement mechanism::set_weights method
-    buffer().add_line("void set_weights(array&& weights) override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("memory::copy(weights, weights_(0, size()));");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //  print ion channel interface
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    /***************************************************************************
-     *
-     *   ion channels have the following fields :
-     *
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *       label   Ca      Na      K   name
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *       iX      ica     ina     ik  current
-     *       eX      eca     ena     ek  reversal_potential
-     *       Xi      cai     nai     ki  internal_concentration
-     *       Xo      cao     nao     ko  external_concentration
-     *       gX      gca     gna     gk  conductance
-     *       ---------------------------------------------------
-     *
-     **************************************************************************/
-    // ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override
-    buffer().add_line("typename base::ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("bool uses = false;");
-    buffer().add_line("bool writes_ext = false;");
-    buffer().add_line("bool writes_int = false;");
-    for (auto k: {ionKind::Na, ionKind::Ca, ionKind::K}) {
-        if (module_->has_ion(k)) {
-            auto ion = *module_->find_ion(k);
-            buffer().add_line("if (k==ionKind::" + + ") {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("uses = true;");
-            if (ion.writes_concentration_int()) buffer().add_line("writes_int = true;");
-            if (ion.writes_concentration_ext()) buffer().add_line("writes_ext = true;");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("return {uses, writes_int, writes_ext};");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    // void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i) override
-    buffer().add_line("void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i, std::vector<size_type>const& index) override {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    for (auto k: {ionKind::Na, ionKind::Ca, ionKind::K}) {
-        if (module_->has_ion(k)) {
-            auto ion = *module_->find_ion(k);
-            buffer().add_line("if (k==ionKind::" + + ") {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            auto n =;
-            auto pre = "ion_"+n;
-            buffer().add_line(pre+".index = memory::make_const_view(index);");
-            if (ion.uses_current())
-                buffer().add_line(pre+".i"+n+" = i.current();");
-            if (ion.uses_rev_potential())
-                buffer().add_line(pre+".e"+n+" = i.reversal_potential();");
-            if (ion.uses_concentration_int())
-                buffer().add_line(pre+"."+n+"i = i.internal_concentration();");
-            if (ion.uses_concentration_ext())
-                buffer().add_line(pre+"."+n+"o = i.external_concentration();");
-            buffer().add_line("return;");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("throw std::domain_error(arb::util::pprintf(\"mechanism % does not support ion type\\n\", name()));");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    for(auto const &var : m.symbols()) {
-        if( var.second->kind()==symbolKind::procedure &&
-            var.second->is_procedure()->kind()==procedureKind::api)
-        {
-            auto proc = var.second->is_api_method();
-            auto name = proc->name();
-            buffer().add_line("void " + name + "() {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::"+name+"_"+module_name_+"(param_pack_);");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-            buffer().add_line();
-        }
-        else if( var.second->kind()==symbolKind::procedure &&
-                 var.second->is_procedure()->kind()==procedureKind::net_receive)
-        {
-            // Override `deliver_events`.
-            buffer().add_line("void deliver_events(const deliverable_event_stream_state& events) override {");
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::deliver_events_"+module_name_
-                              +"(param_pack_, mech_id_, events);");
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-            buffer().add_line();
-        }
-    }
-    if(module_->write_backs().size()) {
-        buffer().add_line("void write_back() override {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("arb::gpu::write_back_"+module_name_+"(param_pack_);");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation(); buffer().add_line("}");
-    }
-    buffer().add_line();
-    std::unordered_set<std::string> scalar_set;
-    for (auto& v: scalar_variables) {
-        scalar_set.insert(v->name());
-    }
-    std::vector<Id> global_param_ids;
-    std::vector<Id> instance_param_ids;
-    for (const Id& id: module_->parameter_block().parameters) {
-        auto var = id.token.spelling;
-        (scalar_set.count(var)? global_param_ids: instance_param_ids).push_back(id);
-    }
-    const std::vector<Id>& state_ids = module_->state_block().state_variables;
-    if (!instance_param_ids.empty() || !state_ids.empty()) {
-        buffer().add_line("view base::* field_view_ptr(const char* id) const override {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("static const std::pair<const char*, view "+class_name+"::*> field_tbl[] = {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        for (const auto& id: instance_param_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            buffer().add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        for (const auto& id: state_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            buffer().add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("};");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().add_line("auto* pptr = util::table_lookup(field_tbl, id);");
-        buffer().add_line("return pptr? static_cast<view base::*>(*pptr): nullptr;");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-    if (!global_param_ids.empty()) {
-        buffer().add_line("value_type base::* field_value_ptr(const char* id) const override {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("static const std::pair<const char*, value_type "+class_name+"::*> field_tbl[] = {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        for (const auto& id: global_param_ids) {
-            auto var = id.token.spelling;
-            buffer().add_line("{\""+var+"\", &"+class_name+"::"+var+"},");
-        }
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("};");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().add_line("auto* pptr = util::table_lookup(field_tbl, id);");
-        buffer().add_line("return pptr? static_cast<value_type base::*>(*pptr): nullptr;");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //////////////////////////////////////////////
-    buffer().add_line("array data_;");
-    for(auto var: array_variables) {
-        buffer().add_line("view " + var->name() + ";");
-    }
-    for(auto var: scalar_variables) {
-        double val = var->value();
-        // test the default value for NaN
-        // useful for error propogation from bad initial conditions
-        if(val==val) {
-            buffer().add_line("value_type " + var->name() + " = " + std::to_string(val) + ";");
-        }
-        else {
-            // the cuda compiler has a bug that doesn't allow initialization of
-            // class members with std::numer_limites<>. So simply set to zero.
-            buffer().add_line("value_type " + var->name() + " = value_type{0};");
-        }
-    }
-    buffer().add_line("using base::mech_id_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_ci_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_t_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_t_to_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_dt_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_v_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::vec_i_;");
-    buffer().add_line("using base::node_index_;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("param_pack_type param_pack_;");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("};");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("}} // namespaces");
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(Expression *e) {
-    throw compiler_exception(
-        "CUDAPrinter doesn't know how to print " + e->to_string(),
-        e->location());
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(LocalDeclaration *e) {
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(NumberExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, buffer().text(), this);
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(IdentifierExpression *e) {
-    e->symbol()->accept(this);
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(Symbol *e) {
-    buffer() << e->name();
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(VariableExpression *e) {
-    buffer() << "params_." << e->name();
-    if(e->is_range()) {
-        buffer() << "[" << index_string(e) << "]";
-    }
-std::string CUDAPrinter::index_string(Symbol *s) {
-    if(s->is_variable()) {
-        return "tid_";
-    }
-    else if(auto var = s->is_indexed_variable()) {
-        switch(var->ion_channel()) {
-            case ionKind::none :
-                return "gid_";
-            case ionKind::Ca   :
-                return "caid_";
-            case ionKind::Na   :
-                return "naid_";
-            case ionKind::K    :
-                return "kid_";
-            // a nonspecific ion current should never be indexed: it is
-            // local to a mechanism
-            case ionKind::nonspecific:
-                break;
-            default :
-                throw compiler_exception(
-                    "CUDAPrinter unknown ion type",
-                    s->location());
-        }
-    }
-    else if(s->is_cell_indexed_variable()) {
-        return "cid_";
-    }
-    return "";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(IndexedVariable *e) {
-    buffer() << "params_." << e->index_name() << "[" << index_string(e) << "]";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(CellIndexedVariable *e) {
-    buffer() << "params_." << e->index_name() << "[" << index_string(e) << "]";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(LocalVariable *e) {
-    std::string const& name = e->name();
-    buffer() << name;
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(UnaryExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, buffer().text(), this);
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(BlockExpression *e) {
-    // ------------- declare local variables ------------- //
-    // only if this is the outer block
-    if(!e->is_nested()) {
-        for(auto& var : e->scope()->locals()) {
-            auto sym = var.second.get();
-            // input variables are declared earlier, before the
-            // block body is printed
-            if(is_stack_local(sym) && !is_input(sym)) {
-                buffer().add_line("value_type " + var.first + ";");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // ------------- statements ------------- //
-    for(auto& stmt : e->statements()) {
-        if(stmt->is_local_declaration()) continue;
-        // these all must be handled
-        buffer().add_gutter();
-        stmt->accept(this);
-        if (not stmt->is_if()) {
-            buffer().end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(IfExpression *e) {
-    // for now we remove the brackets around the condition because
-    // the binary expression printer adds them, and we want to work
-    // around the -Wparentheses-equality warning
-    buffer() << "if(";
-    e->condition()->accept(this);
-    buffer() << ") {\n";
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    e->true_branch()->accept(this);
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    // check if there is a false-branch, i.e. if
-    // there is an "else" branch to print
-    if (auto fb = e->false_branch()) {
-        buffer().add_gutter() << "else ";
-        // use recursion for "else if"
-        if (fb->is_if()) {
-            fb->accept(this);
-        }
-        // otherwise print the "else" block
-        else {
-            buffer() << "{\n";
-            buffer().increase_indentation();
-            fb->accept(this);
-            buffer().decrease_indentation();
-            buffer().add_line("}");
-        }
-    }
-void CUDAPrinter::print_device_function_prototype(ProcedureExpression *e) {
-    buffer().add_line("__device__");
-    buffer().add_gutter() << "void " << e->name()
-                     << "(" << module_name_ << "_ParamPack const& params_,"
-                     << "const int tid_";
-    for(auto& arg : e->args()) {
-        buffer() << ", arb::fvm_value_type " << arg->is_argument()->name();
-    }
-    buffer() << ")";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(ProcedureExpression *e) {
-    // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-    if(!e->scope()) { // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "CUDAPrinter attempt to print Procedure " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    if(e->kind() != procedureKind::net_receive) {
-        // print prototype
-        print_device_function_prototype(e);
-        buffer().end_line(" {");
-        // print body
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("using value_type = arb::fvm_value_type;");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        e->body()->accept(this);
-        // close up
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-    else {
-        // net_receive() kernel is a special case, not covered by APIMethod visit.
-        // Core `net_receive` kernel is called device-side from `kernel::deliver_events`.
-        buffer().add_line(       "__device__");
-        buffer().add_gutter() << "void net_receive(const " << module_name_ << "_ParamPack& params_, "
-                           << "arb::fvm_size_type i_, arb::fvm_value_type weight) {";
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("using value_type = arb::fvm_value_type;");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().add_line("auto tid_ = i_;");
-        buffer().add_line("auto gid_ __attribute__((unused)) =[tid_];");
-        buffer().add_line("auto cid_ __attribute__((unused)) =[gid_];");
-        print_APIMethod_body(e);
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        // Global one-thread wrapper for `net_receive` kernel is used to implement the
-        // `mechanism::net_receive` method. This is not called in the normal course
-        // of event delivery.
-        buffer().add_line(       "__global__");
-        buffer().add_gutter() << "void net_receive_global("
-                           << module_name_ << "_ParamPack params_, "
-                           << "arb::fvm_size_type i_, arb::fvm_value_type weight) {";
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("if (threadIdx.x || blockIdx.x) return;");
-        buffer().add_line("net_receive(params_, i_, weight);");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().add_line(       "__global__");
-        buffer().add_gutter() << "void deliver_events("
-                           << module_name_ << "_ParamPack params_, "
-                           << "arb::fvm_size_type mech_id, deliverable_event_stream_state state) {";
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("auto tid_ = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;");
-        buffer().add_line("auto const ncell_ = state.n;");
-        buffer().add_line();
-        buffer().add_line("if(tid_<ncell_) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("auto begin = state.ev_data+state.begin_offset[tid_];");
-        buffer().add_line("auto end = state.ev_data+state.end_offset[tid_];");
-        buffer().add_line("for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("if (p->mech_id==mech_id) {");
-        buffer().increase_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("net_receive(params_, p->mech_index, p->weight);");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().decrease_indentation();
-        buffer().add_line("}");
-        buffer().add_line();
-    }
-std::string CUDAPrinter::APIMethod_prototype(APIMethod *e) {
-    return "void " + e->name() + "_" + module_name_
-        + "(" + pack_name() + " params_)";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(APIMethod *e) {
-    // print prototype
-    buffer().add_line("__global__");
-    buffer().add_line(APIMethod_prototype(e) + " {");
-    if(!e->scope()) { // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "CUDAPrinter attempt to print APIMethod " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("using value_type = arb::fvm_value_type;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("auto tid_ = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;");
-    buffer().add_line("auto const n_ = params_.n_;");
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("if(tid_<n_) {");
-    buffer().increase_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("auto gid_ __attribute__((unused)) =[tid_];");
-    buffer().add_line("auto cid_ __attribute__((unused)) =[gid_];");
-    print_APIMethod_body(e);
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().decrease_indentation();
-    buffer().add_line("}");
-    buffer().add_line();
-void CUDAPrinter::print_APIMethod_body(ProcedureExpression* e) {
-    // load indexes of ion channels
-    auto uses_k  = false;
-    auto uses_na = false;
-    auto uses_ca = false;
-    for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto ch = symbol.second->is_local_variable()->ion_channel();
-        if(!uses_k   && (uses_k  = (ch == ionKind::K)) ) {
-            buffer().add_line("auto kid_  = params_.ion_k_idx_[tid_];");
-        }
-        if(!uses_ca  && (uses_ca = (ch == ionKind::Ca)) ) {
-            buffer().add_line("auto caid_ = params_.ion_ca_idx_[tid_];");
-        }
-        if(!uses_na  && (uses_na = (ch == ionKind::Na)) ) {
-            buffer().add_line("auto naid_ = params_.ion_na_idx_[tid_];");
-        }
-    }
-    // shadows for indexed arrays
-    for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if(is_input(var)) {
-            auto ext = var->external_variable();
-            buffer().add_gutter() << "value_type ";
-            var->accept(this);
-            buffer() << " = ";
-            ext->accept(this);
-            buffer().end_line("; // indexed load");
-        }
-        else if (is_output(var)) {
-            buffer().add_gutter() << "value_type " << var->name() << ";";
-            buffer().end_line();
-        }
-    }
-    buffer().add_line();
-    buffer().add_line("// the kernel computation");
-    e->body()->accept(this);
-    // insert stores here
-    // take care to use atomic operations for the updates for point processes, where
-    // more than one thread may try add/subtract to the same memory location
-    auto has_outputs = false;
-    for(auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto in  = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        auto out = in->external_variable();
-        if(out==nullptr || !is_output(in)) continue;
-        if(!has_outputs) {
-            buffer().add_line();
-            buffer().add_line("// stores to indexed global memory");
-            has_outputs = true;
-        }
-        buffer().add_gutter();
-        if(!is_point_process()) {
-            out->accept(this);
-            buffer() << (out->op()==tok::plus ? " += " : " -= ");
-            in->accept(this);
-        }
-        else {
-            buffer() << "arb::gpu::reduce_by_key(";
-            if (out->op()==tok::minus) buffer() << "-";
-            in->accept(this);
-            // reduce_by_key() takes a pointer to the start of the target
-            // array as a parameter. This requires writing the index_name of out, which
-            // we can safely assume is an indexed_variable by this point.
-            buffer() << ", params_." << out->is_indexed_variable()->index_name() << ", gid_)";
-        }
-        buffer().end_line(";");
-    }
-    return;
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(CallExpression *e) {
-    buffer() << e->name() << "(params_, tid_";
-    for(auto& arg: e->args()) {
-        buffer() << ", ";
-        arg->accept(this);
-    }
-    buffer() << ")";
-void CUDAPrinter::visit(BinaryExpression *e) {
-    cexpr_emit(e, buffer().text(), this);
diff --git a/modcc/cudaprinter.hpp b/modcc/cudaprinter.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index af7d9d13..00000000
--- a/modcc/cudaprinter.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <sstream>
-#include "module.hpp"
-#include "textbuffer.hpp"
-#include "visitor.hpp"
-class CUDAPrinter : public Visitor {
-    CUDAPrinter() {}
-    CUDAPrinter(Module &m, bool o=false);
-    void visit(Expression *e)           override;
-    void visit(UnaryExpression *e)      override;
-    void visit(BinaryExpression *e)     override;
-    void visit(NumberExpression *e)     override;
-    void visit(VariableExpression *e)   override;
-    void visit(Symbol *e)               override;
-    void visit(LocalVariable *e)        override;
-    void visit(IndexedVariable *e)      override;
-    void visit(CellIndexedVariable *e)  override;
-    void visit(IdentifierExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(CallExpression *e)       override;
-    void visit(ProcedureExpression *e)  override;
-    void visit(APIMethod *e)            override;
-    void visit(LocalDeclaration *e)     override;
-    void visit(BlockExpression *e)      override;
-    void visit(IfExpression *e)         override;
-    std::string impl_header_text() const {
-        return impl_interface_.str();
-    }
-    std::string impl_text() const {
-        return impl_.str();
-    }
-    std::string interface_text() const {
-        return interface_.str();
-    }
-    // public for testing purposes:
-    void set_buffer(TextBuffer& buf) {
-        current_buffer_ = &buf;
-    }
-    bool is_input(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l = s->is_local_variable() ) {
-            if(l->is_local()) {
-                if(l->is_indexed() && l->is_read()) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_output(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l = s->is_local_variable() ) {
-            if(l->is_local()) {
-                if(l->is_indexed() && l->is_write()) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_indexed_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l=s->is_local_variable()) {
-            if(l->is_indexed()) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_arg_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(auto l=s->is_local_variable()) {
-            if(l->is_arg()) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool is_stack_local(Symbol *s) {
-        if(is_arg_local(s))    return false;
-        if(is_input(s))        return false;
-        if(is_output(s))       return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    bool is_point_process() const {
-        return module_->kind() == moduleKind::point;
-    }
-    void print_APIMethod_body(ProcedureExpression* e);
-    std::string APIMethod_prototype(APIMethod *e);
-    std::string pack_name();
-    void print_device_function_prototype(ProcedureExpression *e);
-    std::string index_string(Symbol *e);
-    std::string module_name_;
-    Module *module_ = nullptr;
-    TextBuffer interface_;
-    TextBuffer impl_;
-    TextBuffer impl_interface_;
-    TextBuffer* current_buffer_;
-    TextBuffer& buffer() {
-        if (!current_buffer_) {
-            throw std::runtime_error("CUDAPrinter buffer must be set via CUDAPrinter::set_buffer() before accessing via CUDAPrinter::buffer().");
-        }
-        return *current_buffer_;
-    }
diff --git a/modcc/expression.cpp b/modcc/expression.cpp
index 8a9da2a1..5689fe55 100644
--- a/modcc/expression.cpp
+++ b/modcc/expression.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void IdentifierExpression::semantic(scope_ptr scp) {
     // indexed variable is used in this procedure. In which case, we create
     // a local variable which refers to the indexed variable, which will be
     // found for any subsequent variable lookup inside the procedure
-    if(auto sym = s->is_abstract_indexed_variable()) {
+    if(auto sym = s->is_indexed_variable()) {
         auto var = new LocalVariable(location_, spelling_);
         s = scope_->add_local_symbol(spelling_, scope_type::symbol_ptr{var});
@@ -272,15 +272,6 @@ std::string IndexedVariable::to_string() const {
         + ", ion" + (ion_channel()==ionKind::none ? red(ch) : green(ch)) + ") ";
-  CellIndexedVariable
-std::string CellIndexedVariable::to_string() const {
-    auto ch = ::to_string(ion_channel());
-    return blue("cellindexed") + " " + yellow(name()) + "->" + yellow(index_name());
@@ -889,9 +880,6 @@ void VariableExpression::accept(Visitor *v) {
 void IndexedVariable::accept(Visitor *v) {
-void CellIndexedVariable::accept(Visitor *v) {
-    v->visit(this);
 void NumberExpression::accept(Visitor *v) {
diff --git a/modcc/expression.hpp b/modcc/expression.hpp
index db25ca0d..dd018629 100644
--- a/modcc/expression.hpp
+++ b/modcc/expression.hpp
@@ -45,9 +45,7 @@ class VariableExpression;
 class ProcedureExpression;
 class NetReceiveExpression;
 class APIMethod;
-class AbstractIndexedVariable;
 class IndexedVariable;
-class CellIndexedVariable;
 class LocalVariable;
 using expression_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Expression>;
@@ -226,9 +224,7 @@ public :
     virtual ProcedureExpression*  is_procedure()         {return nullptr;}
     virtual NetReceiveExpression* is_net_receive()       {return nullptr;}
     virtual APIMethod*            is_api_method()        {return nullptr;}
-    virtual AbstractIndexedVariable* is_abstract_indexed_variable()  {return nullptr;}
     virtual IndexedVariable*      is_indexed_variable()  {return nullptr;}
-    virtual CellIndexedVariable*  is_cell_indexed_variable()  {return nullptr;}
     virtual LocalVariable*        is_local_variable()    {return nullptr;}
 private :
@@ -268,6 +264,7 @@ public:
     void semantic(scope_ptr scp) override;
+    void symbol(Symbol* sym) { symbol_ = sym; }
     Symbol* symbol() { return symbol_; };
     void accept(Visitor *v) override;
@@ -463,6 +460,9 @@ public:
     void state(bool s) {
         is_state_ = s;
+    void shadows(Symbol* s) {
+        shadows_ = s;
+    }
     accessKind access() const {
         return access_;
@@ -477,6 +477,10 @@ public:
         return ion_channel_;
+    Symbol* shadows() const {
+        return shadows_;
+    }
     bool is_ion()       const {return ion_channel_ != ionKind::none;}
     bool is_state()     const {return is_state_;}
     bool is_range()     const {return range_kind_  == rangeKind::range;}
@@ -504,40 +508,24 @@ protected:
     rangeKind      range_kind_  = rangeKind::range;
     ionKind        ion_channel_ = ionKind::none;
     double         value_       = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
-// abstract base class for the two sorts of indexed externals
-class AbstractIndexedVariable: public Symbol {
-    AbstractIndexedVariable(Location loc, std::string name, symbolKind kind)
-    :   Symbol(std::move(loc), std::move(name), std::move(kind))
-    {}
-    virtual accessKind access() const = 0;
-    virtual ionKind ion_channel() const = 0;
-    virtual std::string const& index_name() const = 0;
-    virtual tok op() const = 0;
-    virtual bool is_ion()   const = 0;
-    virtual bool is_read()  const = 0;
-    virtual bool is_write() const = 0;
-    AbstractIndexedVariable* is_abstract_indexed_variable() override {return this;}
+    Symbol*        shadows_     = nullptr;
 // an indexed variable
-class IndexedVariable : public AbstractIndexedVariable {
+class IndexedVariable : public Symbol {
     IndexedVariable(Location loc,
                     std::string lookup_name,
                     std::string index_name,
+                    sourceKind data_source,
                     accessKind acc,
                     tok o=tok::eq,
                     ionKind channel=ionKind::none)
-    :   AbstractIndexedVariable(loc, std::move(lookup_name), symbolKind::indexed_variable),
+    :   Symbol(std::move(loc), std::move(lookup_name), symbolKind::indexed_variable),
-        index_name_(index_name),
+        index_name_(index_name), // (TODO: deprecate/remove this...)
+        data_source_(data_source),
         std::string msg;
@@ -568,14 +556,15 @@ public:
     std::string to_string() const override;
-    accessKind access() const override { return access_; }
-    ionKind ion_channel() const override { return ion_channel_; }
-    std::string const& index_name() const override { return index_name_; }
-    tok op() const override { return op_; }
+    accessKind access() const { return access_; }
+    ionKind ion_channel() const { return ion_channel_; }
+    sourceKind data_source() const { return data_source_; }
+    std::string const& index_name() const { return index_name_; }
+    tok op() const { return op_; }
-    bool is_ion()   const override { return ion_channel_ != ionKind::none; }
-    bool is_read()  const override { return access_ == accessKind::read;   }
-    bool is_write() const override { return access_ == accessKind::write;  }
+    bool is_ion()   const { return ion_channel_ != ionKind::none; }
+    bool is_read()  const { return access_ == accessKind::read;   }
+    bool is_write() const { return access_ == accessKind::write;  }
     void accept(Visitor *v) override;
     IndexedVariable* is_indexed_variable() override {return this;}
@@ -584,40 +573,11 @@ public:
     accessKind  access_;
     ionKind     ion_channel_;
-    std::string index_name_;
+    std::string index_name_; // hint to printer only
+    sourceKind  data_source_;
     tok op_;
-class CellIndexedVariable : public AbstractIndexedVariable {
-    CellIndexedVariable(Location loc,
-                    std::string lookup_name,
-                    std::string index_name)
-    :   AbstractIndexedVariable(loc, std::move(lookup_name), symbolKind::indexed_variable),
-        index_name_(std::move(index_name))
-    {}
-    std::string to_string() const override;
-    accessKind access() const override { return accessKind::read; }
-    ionKind ion_channel() const override { return ionKind::none; }
-    std::string const& index_name() const override { return index_name_; }
-    tok op() const override { return tok::plus; }
-    bool is_ion()   const override { return false; }
-    bool is_read()  const override { return true; }
-    bool is_write() const override { return false; }
-    void accept(Visitor *v) override;
-    CellIndexedVariable* is_cell_indexed_variable() override {return this;}
-    ~CellIndexedVariable() {}
-    std::string index_name_;
 class LocalVariable : public Symbol {
 public :
     LocalVariable(Location loc,
@@ -662,11 +622,11 @@ public :
         return kind_==localVariableKind::argument;
-    AbstractIndexedVariable* external_variable() {
+    IndexedVariable* external_variable() {
         return external_;
-    void external_variable(AbstractIndexedVariable *i) {
+    void external_variable(IndexedVariable *i) {
         external_ = i;
@@ -674,7 +634,7 @@ public :
     void accept(Visitor *v) override;
 private :
-    AbstractIndexedVariable *external_=nullptr;
+    IndexedVariable *external_=nullptr;
     localVariableKind kind_;
diff --git a/modcc/identifier.hpp b/modcc/identifier.hpp
index 78a8ce5d..6642caac 100644
--- a/modcc/identifier.hpp
+++ b/modcc/identifier.hpp
@@ -42,6 +42,18 @@ enum class ionKind {
     K         ///< potassium ion
+/// possible external data source for indexed variables
+enum class sourceKind {
+    voltage,
+    current,
+    dt,
+    ion_current,
+    ion_revpot,
+    ion_iconc,
+    ion_econc,
+    no_source
 inline std::string yesno(bool val) {
     return std::string(val ? "yes" : "no");
@@ -99,22 +111,18 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, linkageKind l) {
     return os << to_string(l);
-inline ionKind ion_kind_from_name(std::string field) {
-    if(field.substr(0,4) == "ion_") {
-        field = field.substr(4);
-    }
-    if(field=="ica" || field=="eca" || field=="cai" || field=="cao") {
-        return ionKind::Ca;
-    }
-    if(field=="ik" || field=="ek" || field=="ki" || field=="ko") {
-        return ionKind::K;
-    }
-    if(field=="ina" || field=="ena" || field=="nai" || field=="nao") {
-        return ionKind::Na;
-    }
-    return ionKind::none;
+/// ion variable to data source kind
+inline sourceKind ion_source(ionKind i, const std::string& var) {
+    std::string ion = to_string(i);
+    if (var=="i"+ion) return sourceKind::ion_current;
+    else if (var=="e"+ion) return sourceKind::ion_revpot;
+    else if (var==ion+"i") return sourceKind::ion_iconc;
+    else if (var==ion+"e") return sourceKind::ion_econc;
+    else return sourceKind::no_source;
+// TODO: deprecate; back-end dependent.
 inline std::string ion_store(ionKind k) {
     switch(k) {
         case ionKind::Ca:
diff --git a/modcc/io/bulkio.hpp b/modcc/io/bulkio.hpp
index e140843d..65e227b8 100644
--- a/modcc/io/bulkio.hpp
+++ b/modcc/io/bulkio.hpp
@@ -2,12 +2,21 @@
 // Read or write the contents of a file in toto.
-#include <string>
-#include <iterator>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
 namespace io {
+// Note: catching std::ios_base::failure is broken for gcc versions before 7
+// with C++11, owing to ABI issues.
+struct bulkio_error: std::runtime_error {
+    bulkio_error(std::string what): std::runtime_error(std::move(what)) {}
 template <typename HasAssign>
 void read_all(std::istream& in, HasAssign& A) {
     A.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
@@ -15,10 +24,15 @@ void read_all(std::istream& in, HasAssign& A) {
 template <typename HasAssign>
 void read_all(const std::string& filename, HasAssign& A) {
-    std::ifstream fs;
-    fs.exceptions(std::ios::failbit);
-    read_all(fs, A);
+    try {
+        std::ifstream fs;
+        fs.exceptions(std::ios::failbit);
+        read_all(fs, A);
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception&) {
+        throw bulkio_error("failure reading "+filename);
+    }
 inline std::string read_all(std::istream& in) {
@@ -40,10 +54,15 @@ void write_all(const Container& data, std::ostream& out) {
 template <typename Container>
 void write_all(const Container& data, const std::string& filename) {
-    std::ofstream fs;
-    fs.exceptions(std::ios::failbit);
-    write_all(data, fs);
+    try {
+        std::ofstream fs;
+        fs.exceptions(std::ios::failbit);
+        write_all(data, fs);
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception&) {
+        throw bulkio_error("failure writing "+filename);
+    }
+} // namespace io
diff --git a/modcc/io/ostream_wrappers.hpp b/modcc/io/ostream_wrappers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baf88a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/io/ostream_wrappers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#pragma once
+// Convenience wrappers for ostream formatting.
+#include <locale>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace io {
+template <typename T>
+struct quoted_item {
+    quoted_item(const T& item): item(item) {}
+    const T& item;
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const quoted_item<T>& q) {
+    return o << '"' << q.item << '"';
+// Print item enclosed in double quotes.
+template <typename T>
+quoted_item<T> quote(const T& item) { return quoted_item<T>(item); }
+// Separator which prints nothing or a prefix the first time it is used,
+// then prints the delimiter text each time thereafter.
+struct separator {
+    explicit separator(std::string d):
+        delimiter(std::move(d)) {}
+    separator(std::string p, std::string d):
+        prefix(std::move(p)),  delimiter(std::move(d)) {}
+    std::string prefix, delimiter;
+    bool visited = false;
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, separator& sep) {
+        o << (sep.visited? sep.delimiter: sep.prefix);
+        sep.visited = true;
+        return o;
+    }
+    void reset() { visited = false; }
+// Reset locale on a stream to 'classic' for locale-independent formatting
+// inline.
+inline std::ios_base& classic(std::ios_base& ios) {
+    ios.imbue(std::locale::classic());
+    return ios;
+} // namespace io
diff --git a/src/util/prefixbuf.cpp b/modcc/io/prefixbuf.cpp
similarity index 94%
rename from src/util/prefixbuf.cpp
rename to modcc/io/prefixbuf.cpp
index 71dfea84..916e7950 100644
--- a/src/util/prefixbuf.cpp
+++ b/modcc/io/prefixbuf.cpp
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include <util/prefixbuf.hpp>
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
-namespace arb {
-namespace util {
+namespace io {
 // prefixbuf implementation:
@@ -15,7 +14,9 @@ std::streamsize prefixbuf::xsputn(const char_type* s, std::streamsize count) {
     while (count>0) {
         if (bol_) {
-            inner_->sputn(&prefix[0], prefix.size());
+            if (prefix_empty_lines_ || s[0]!='\n') {
+                inner_->sputn(&prefix[0], prefix.size());
+            }
             bol_ = false;
@@ -140,5 +141,4 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, indent_manip in) {
     return os;
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace arb
+} // namespace io
diff --git a/src/util/prefixbuf.hpp b/modcc/io/prefixbuf.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from src/util/prefixbuf.hpp
rename to modcc/io/prefixbuf.hpp
index 5f4c342e..37687797 100644
--- a/src/util/prefixbuf.hpp
+++ b/modcc/io/prefixbuf.hpp
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
-namespace arb {
-namespace util {
+namespace io {
 // `prefixbuf` acts an output-only filter for another streambuf, inserting
 // the contents of the `prefix` string before the first character in a line.
@@ -25,10 +24,14 @@ namespace util {
 //     >>> hello
 //     >>> world
+// A flag determines if the prefixbuf should or should not emit the prefix
+// for empty lines.
 class prefixbuf: public std::streambuf {
-    explicit prefixbuf(std::streambuf* inner): inner_(inner) {}
+    explicit prefixbuf(std::streambuf* inner, bool prefix_empty_lines=false):
+        inner_(inner), prefix_empty_lines_(prefix_empty_lines) {}
     prefixbuf(prefixbuf&&) = default;
     prefixbuf(const prefixbuf&) = delete;
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ public:
     std::streambuf* inner_;
+    bool prefix_empty_lines_ = false;
     bool bol_ = true;
     std::streamsize xsputn(const char_type* s, std::streamsize count) override;
@@ -130,6 +134,4 @@ private:
     prefixbuf pbuf_;
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace arb
+} // namespace io
diff --git a/modcc/modcc.cpp b/modcc/modcc.cpp
index ea2dafc1..16d19d85 100644
--- a/modcc/modcc.cpp
+++ b/modcc/modcc.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 #include <exception>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
-#include "cprinter.hpp"
-#include "cudaprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/cprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/cudaprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/infoprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/simd.hpp"
 #include "modccutil.hpp"
 #include "module.hpp"
 #include "parser.hpp"
 #include "perfvisitor.hpp"
-#include "simd_printer.hpp"
 #include "io/bulkio.hpp"
@@ -38,13 +41,16 @@ enum class targetKind {
 std::unordered_map<std::string, targetKind> targetKindMap = {
     {"cpu", targetKind::cpu},
-    {"gpu", targetKind::gpu}
+    {"gpu", targetKind::gpu},
-std::unordered_map<std::string, simdKind> simdKindMap = {
-    {"none", simdKind::none},
-    {"avx2", simdKind::avx2},
-    {"avx512", simdKind::avx512}
+std::unordered_map<std::string, enum simd_spec::simd_abi> simdAbiMap = {
+    {"none", simd_spec::none},
+    {"avx",  simd_spec::avx},
+    {"avx2", simd_spec::avx2},
+    {"avx512", simd_spec::avx512},
+    {"default_abi", simd_spec::default_abi},
+    {"native", simd_spec::native}
 template <typename Map, typename V>
@@ -61,19 +67,28 @@ struct Options {
     std::string modulename;
     bool verbose = true;
     bool analysis = false;
-    simdKind simd_arch = simdKind::none;
+    simd_spec simd = simd_spec::none;
     std::unordered_set<targetKind, enum_hash> targets;
 // Helper for formatting tabulated output (option reporting).
 struct table_prefix { std::string text; };
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const table_prefix& tb) {
-    return out << cyan("| "+tb.text) << std::left << std::setw(61-tb.text.size());
+    return out << cyan("| "+tb.text) << std::right << std::setw(58-tb.text.size());
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, simd_spec simd) {
+    std::stringstream s;
+    s << key_by_value(simdAbiMap, simd.abi);
+    if (simd.width!=0) {
+        s << '/' << simd.width;
+    }
+    return out << s.str();
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Options& opt) {
     static const char* noyes[2] = {"no", "yes"};
-    static const std::string line_end = cyan("|") + "\n";
+    static const std::string line_end = cyan(" |") + "\n";
     static const std::string tableline = cyan("."+std::string(60, '-')+".")+"\n";
     std::string targets;
@@ -87,7 +102,7 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Options& opt) {
         table_prefix{"output"} << (opt.outprefix.empty()? "-": opt.outprefix) << line_end <<
         table_prefix{"verbose"} << noyes[opt.verbose] << line_end <<
         table_prefix{"targets"} << targets << line_end <<
-        table_prefix{"simd"} << key_by_value(simdKindMap, opt.simd_arch) << line_end <<
+        table_prefix{"simd"} << opt.simd << line_end <<
         table_prefix{"analysis"} << noyes[opt.analysis] << line_end <<
@@ -107,6 +122,37 @@ struct MapConstraint: private std::vector<std::string>, public TCLAP::ValuesCons
+simd_spec parse_simd_spec(std::string spec) {
+    auto npos = std::string::npos;
+    unsigned width = 0;
+    auto suffix = spec.find_last_of('/');
+    if (suffix!=npos) {
+        width = stoul(spec.substr(suffix+1));
+        spec = spec.substr(0, suffix);
+    }
+    return simd_spec(, width);
+struct SimdAbiConstraint: public TCLAP::Constraint<std::string> {
+    std::string description() const override {
+        return "simd_abi[/n]";
+    }
+    std::string shortID() const override {
+        return description();
+    }
+    bool check(const std::string& spec) const override {
+        try {
+            (void)parse_simd_spec(spec);
+            return true;
+        }
+        catch (...) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
     Options opt;
@@ -121,11 +167,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         MapConstraint targets_arg_constraint(targetKindMap);
-            target_arg("t", "target", "backend target={cpu, gpu}", false, &targets_arg_constraint, cmd);
+            target_arg("t", "target", "build module for cpu or gpu back-end", false, &targets_arg_constraint, cmd);
+        TCLAP::SwitchArg
+            simd_arg("s", "simd", "generate code with explicit SIMD vectorization", cmd, false);
-        MapConstraint simd_arg_constraint(simdKindMap);
+        SimdAbiConstraint simd_abi_constraint;
-            simd_arg("s", "simd", "use SIMD intrinsics={avx512, avx2}", false, "", &simd_arg_constraint, cmd);
+            simd_abi_arg("S", "simd-abi", "override SIMD ABI in generated code. Use /n suffix to force SIMD width to be size n. Examples: 'avx2', 'native/4', ...", false, "", &simd_abi_constraint, cmd);
         TCLAP::SwitchArg verbose_arg("V","verbose","toggle verbose mode", cmd, false);
@@ -142,8 +191,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         opt.verbose = verbose_arg.getValue();
         opt.analysis = analysis_arg.getValue();
-        if (!simd_arg.getValue().empty()) {
-            opt.simd_arch =;
+        if (simd_arg.getValue()) {
+            opt.simd = simd_spec(simd_spec::native);
+            if (!simd_abi_arg.getValue().empty()) {
+                opt.simd = parse_simd_spec(simd_abi_arg.getValue());
+            }
         for (auto& target: target_arg.getValue()) {
@@ -202,31 +254,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
         // If no output prefix given, use the module name.
         std::string prefix = opt.outprefix.empty()? m.module_name(): opt.outprefix;
+        io::write_all(build_info_header(m, "arb"), prefix+".hpp");
         for (targetKind target: opt.targets) {
             std::string outfile = prefix;
             switch (target) {
             case targetKind::gpu:
-                outfile += "_gpu";
-                {
-                    CUDAPrinter printer(m);
-                    io::write_all(printer.interface_text(), outfile+".hpp");
-                    io::write_all(printer.impl_header_text(), outfile+"_impl.hpp");
-                    io::write_all(printer.impl_text(), outfile+"");
-                }
+                io::write_all(emit_cuda_cpp_source(m, "arb"), outfile+"_gpu.cpp");
+                io::write_all(emit_cuda_cu_source(m, "arb"), outfile+"");
             case targetKind::cpu:
-                outfile += "_cpu.hpp";
-                switch (opt.simd_arch) {
-                case simdKind::none:
-                    io::write_all(CPrinter(m).emit_source(), outfile);
-                    break;
-                case simdKind::avx2:
-                    io::write_all(SimdPrinter<simdKind::avx2>(m).emit_source(), outfile);
-                    break;
-                case simdKind::avx512:
-                    io::write_all(SimdPrinter<simdKind::avx512>(m).emit_source(), outfile);
-                    break;
-                }
+                io::write_all(emit_cpp_source(m, "arb", opt.simd), outfile+"_cpu.cpp");
+                break;
diff --git a/modcc/module.cpp b/modcc/module.cpp
index 85030677..409845d4 100644
--- a/modcc/module.cpp
+++ b/modcc/module.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <set>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include "errorvisitor.hpp"
 #include "functionexpander.hpp"
@@ -50,14 +51,14 @@ public:
-                    id("weights_"),
+                    id("weight_"),
             for (auto& v: ion_current_vars_) {
-                        id("weights_"),
+                        id("weight_"),
@@ -114,6 +115,10 @@ std::string Module::warning_string() const {
     return str;
+void Module::add_callable(symbol_ptr callable) {
+    callables_.push_back(std::move(callable));
 bool Module::semantic() {
     // create the symbol table
@@ -152,17 +157,16 @@ bool Module::semantic() {
     // Add built in function that approximate exp use pade polynomials
-    functions_.push_back(
+    callables_.push_back(
         Parser{"FUNCTION exp_pade_11(z) { exp_pade_11=(1+0.5*z)/(1-0.5*z) }"}.parse_function());
-    functions_.push_back(
+    callables_.push_back(
             "FUNCTION exp_pade_22(z)"
             "{ exp_pade_22=(1+0.5*z+0.08333333333333333*z*z)/(1-0.5*z+0.08333333333333333*z*z) }"
     // move functions and procedures to the symbol table
-    if(!move_symbols(functions_))  return false;
-    if(!move_symbols(procedures_)) return false;
+    if(!move_symbols(callables_))  return false;
     // perform semantic analysis and inlining on function and procedure bodies
     if(auto errors = semantic_func_proc()) {
@@ -206,6 +210,49 @@ bool Module::semantic() {
         return std::make_pair(proc, source);
+    // ... except for write_ions(), which we construct by hand here.
+    expr_list_type ion_assignments;
+    auto sym_to_id = [](Symbol* sym) -> expression_ptr {
+        auto id = make_expression<IdentifierExpression>(sym->location(), sym->name());
+        id->is_identifier()->symbol(sym);
+        return id;
+    };
+    auto numeric_literal = [](double v) -> expression_ptr {
+        return make_expression<NumberExpression>(Location{}, v);
+    };
+    for (auto& sym: symbols_) {
+        Location loc;
+        auto state = sym.second->is_variable();
+        if (!state || !state->is_state()) continue;
+        auto shadowed = state->shadows();
+        if (!shadowed) continue;
+        auto ionvar = shadowed->is_indexed_variable();
+        if (!ionvar || !ionvar->is_ion() || !ionvar->is_write()) continue;
+        auto weight = symbols_["weight_"].get();
+        if (!weight) throw compiler_exception("missing weight_ global", loc);
+        ion_assignments.push_back(
+            make_expression<AssignmentExpression>(loc,
+                sym_to_id(ionvar),
+                make_expression<MulBinaryExpression>(loc,
+                    make_expression<MulBinaryExpression>(loc,
+                        numeric_literal(0.1),
+                        sym_to_id(weight)),
+                    sym_to_id(state))));
+    }
+    symbols_["write_ions"] = make_symbol<APIMethod>(Location{}, "write_ions",
+        std::vector<expression_ptr>(),
+        make_expression<BlockExpression>(Location{}, std::move(ion_assignments), false));
     // nrn_init : based on the INITIAL block (i.e. the 'initial' procedure
@@ -360,18 +407,18 @@ bool Module::semantic() {
 /// populate the symbol table with class scope variables
 void Module::add_variables_to_symbols() {
-    // add reserved symbols (not v, because for some reason it has to be added
-    // by the user)
-    auto create_variable = [this] (const char* name, rangeKind rng, accessKind acc) {
-        auto t = new VariableExpression(Location(), name);
-        t->state(false);
-        t->linkage(linkageKind::local);
-        t->ion_channel(ionKind::none);
-        t->range(rng);
-        t->access(acc);
-        t->visibility(visibilityKind::global);
-        symbols_[name] = symbol_ptr{t};
-    };
+    auto create_variable =
+        [this](const Token& token, accessKind a, visibilityKind v, linkageKind l,
+               rangeKind r, bool is_state = false) -> symbol_ptr&
+        {
+            auto var = new VariableExpression(token.location, token.spelling);
+            var->access(a);
+            var->visibility(v);
+            var->linkage(l);
+            var->range(r);
+            var->state(is_state);
+            return symbols_[var->name()] = symbol_ptr{var};
+        };
     // mechanisms use a vector of weights to:
     //  density mechs:
@@ -379,110 +426,65 @@ void Module::add_variables_to_symbols() {
     //      - density or proportion of a CV's area affected by the mechansim
     //  point procs:
     //      - convert current in nA to current densities in A.m^-2
-    create_variable("weights_", rangeKind::range, accessKind::read);
+    create_variable(Token(tok::identifier, "weight_"),
+        accessKind::read, visibilityKind::global, linkageKind::external, rangeKind::range);
     // add indexed variables to the table
     auto create_indexed_variable = [this]
-        (std::string const& name, std::string const& indexed_name,
-         tok op, accessKind acc, ionKind ch, Location loc)
+        (std::string const& name, std::string const& indexed_name, sourceKind data_source,
+         tok op, accessKind acc, ionKind ch, Location loc) -> symbol_ptr&
         if(symbols_.count(name)) {
             throw compiler_exception(
-                pprintf("the symbol % already exists", yellow(name)),
-                loc);
+                pprintf("the symbol % already exists", yellow(name)), loc);
-        symbols_[name] =
-            make_symbol<IndexedVariable>(loc, name, indexed_name, acc, op, ch);
+        return symbols_[name] =
+            make_symbol<IndexedVariable>(loc, name, indexed_name, data_source, acc, op, ch);
-    create_indexed_variable("current_", "vec_i", tok::plus,
+    create_indexed_variable("current_", "vec_i", sourceKind::current, tok::plus,
                             accessKind::write, ionKind::none, Location());
-    create_indexed_variable("v", "vec_v", tok::eq,
+    create_indexed_variable("v", "vec_v", sourceKind::voltage, tok::eq,
                             accessKind::read,  ionKind::none, Location());
-    create_indexed_variable("dt", "vec_dt", tok::eq,
+    create_indexed_variable("dt", "vec_dt", sourceKind::dt, tok::eq,
                             accessKind::read,  ionKind::none, Location());
-    // add cell-indexed variables to the table
-    auto create_cell_indexed_variable = [this]
-        (std::string const& name, std::string const& indexed_name, Location loc = Location())
-    {
-        if(symbols_.count(name)) {
-            throw compiler_exception(
-                "trying to insert a symbol that already exists",
-                loc);
-        }
-        symbols_[name] = make_symbol<CellIndexedVariable>(loc, name, indexed_name);
-    };
-    create_cell_indexed_variable("t", "vec_t");
-    create_cell_indexed_variable("t_to", "vec_t_to");
-    // add state variables
-    for(auto const &var : state_block()) {
-        VariableExpression *id = new VariableExpression(Location(),;
-        id->state(true);    // set state to true
-        // state variables are private
-        //      what about if the state variables is an ion concentration?
-        id->linkage(linkageKind::local);
-        id->visibility(visibilityKind::local);
-        id->ion_channel(ionKind::none);    // no ion channel
-        id->range(rangeKind::range);       // always a range
-        id->access(accessKind::readwrite);
+    // If we put back support for accessing cell time again from NMODL code,
+    // add indexed_variable also for "time" with appropriate cell-index based
+    // indirection in printers.
-        symbols_[] = symbol_ptr{id};
+    // Add state variables.
+    for (const Id& id: state_block_) {
+        create_variable(id.token,
+            accessKind::readwrite, visibilityKind::local, linkageKind::local, rangeKind::range, true);
-    // add the parameters
-    for(auto const& var : parameter_block()) {
-        auto name =;
-        if(name == "v") { // global voltage values
-            // ignore voltage, which is added as an indexed variable by default
+    // Add parameters, ignoring built-in voltage variable "v".
+    for (const Id& id: parameter_block_) {
+        if ( == "v") {
-        VariableExpression *id = new VariableExpression(Location(), name);
-        id->state(false);           // never a state variable
-        id->linkage(linkageKind::local);
-        // parameters are visible to Neuron
-        id->visibility(visibilityKind::global);
-        id->ion_channel(ionKind::none);
-        // scalar by default, may later be upgraded to range
-        id->range(rangeKind::scalar);
-        id->access(accessKind::read);
-        // check for 'special' variables
-        if(name == "celcius") { // global celcius parameter
-            id->linkage(linkageKind::external);
-        }
+        // Parameters are scalar by default, but may later be changed to range.
+        linkageKind linkage = linkageKind::local;
+        auto& sym = create_variable(id.token,
+            accessKind::read, visibilityKind::global, linkage, rangeKind::scalar);
         // set default value if one was specified
-        if(var.value.size()) {
-            id->value(std::stod(var.value));
+        if (id.has_value()) {
+            sym->is_variable()->value(std::stod(id.value));
-        symbols_[name] = symbol_ptr{id};
-    // add the assigned variables
-    for(auto const& var : assigned_block()) {
-        auto name =;
-        if(name == "v") { // global voltage values
-            // ignore voltage, which is added as an indexed variable by default
+    // Add 'assigned' variables, ignoring built-in voltage variable "v".
+    for (const Id& id: assigned_block_) {
+        if ( == "v") {
-        VariableExpression *id = new VariableExpression(var.token.location, name);
-        id->state(false);           // never a state variable
-        id->linkage(linkageKind::local);
-        // local visibility by default
-        id->visibility(visibilityKind::local);
-        id->ion_channel(ionKind::none); // can change later
-        // ranges because these are assigned to in loop
-        id->range(rangeKind::range);
-        id->access(accessKind::readwrite);
-        symbols_[name] = symbol_ptr{id};
+        create_variable(id.token,
+            accessKind::readwrite, visibilityKind::local, linkageKind::local, rangeKind::range);
@@ -494,58 +496,42 @@ void Module::add_variables_to_symbols() {
     auto update_ion_symbols = [this, create_indexed_variable]
             (Token const& tkn, accessKind acc, ionKind channel)
-        auto const& name = tkn.spelling;
-        if(has_symbol(name)) {
-            auto sym = symbols_[name].get();
-            //  if sym is an indexed_variable: error
-            //  else if sym is a state variable: register a writeback call
-            //  else if sym is a range (non parameter) variable: error
-            //  else if sym is a parameter variable: error
-            //  else it does not exist so make an indexed variable
-            // If an indexed variable has already been created with the same name
-            // throw an error.
-            if(sym->kind()==symbolKind::indexed_variable) {
+        std::string name = tkn.spelling;
+        sourceKind data_source = ion_source(channel, name);
+        // If the symbol already exists and is not a state variable,
+        // it is an error.
+        //
+        // Otherwise create an indexed variable and associate it
+        // with the state variable if present (via a different name)
+        // for ion state updates.
+        VariableExpression* state = nullptr;
+        if (has_symbol(name)) {
+            state = symbols_[name].get()->is_variable();
+            if (!state || !state->is_state()) {
                 error(pprintf("the symbol defined % at % can't be redeclared",
-                              sym->location(), yellow(name)),
-                      tkn.location);
-                return;
-            }
-            else if(sym->kind()==symbolKind::variable) {
-                auto var = sym->is_variable();
-                // state variable: register writeback
-                if(var->is_state()) {
-                    // create writeback
-                    write_backs_.push_back(WriteBack(name, "ion_"+name, channel));
-                    return;
-                }
-                // error: a normal range variable or parameter can't have the same
-                // name as an indexed ion variable
-                error(pprintf("the ion channel variable % at % can't be redeclared",
-                              yellow(name), sym->location()),
-                      tkn.location);
+                    state->location(), yellow(name)), tkn.location);
+            name += "_shadowed_";
-        // add the ion variable's indexed shadow
-        create_indexed_variable(name, "ion_"+name,
-                                acc==accessKind::read ? tok::eq : tok::plus,
-acc, channel, tkn.location);
+        auto& sym = create_indexed_variable(name, "ion_"+name, data_source,
+                acc==accessKind::read ? tok::eq : tok::plus, acc, channel, tkn.location);
+        if (state) {
+            state->shadows(sym.get());
+        }
     // check for nonspecific current
-    if( neuron_block().has_nonspecific_current() ) {
-        auto const& i = neuron_block().nonspecific_current;
+    if( neuron_block_.has_nonspecific_current() ) {
+        auto const& i = neuron_block_.nonspecific_current;
         update_ion_symbols(i, accessKind::write, ionKind::nonspecific);
-    for(auto const& ion : neuron_block().ions) {
+    for(auto const& ion : neuron_block_.ions) {
         for(auto const& var : {
             update_ion_symbols(var, accessKind::read, ion.kind());
@@ -555,7 +541,7 @@ acc, channel, tkn.location);
     // then GLOBAL variables
-    for(auto const& var : neuron_block().globals) {
+    for(auto const& var : neuron_block_.globals) {
         if(!symbols_[var.spelling]) {
             error( yellow(var.spelling) +
                    " is declared as GLOBAL, but has not been declared in the" +
@@ -575,7 +561,7 @@ acc, channel, tkn.location);
     // then RANGE variables
-    for(auto const& var : neuron_block().ranges) {
+    for(auto const& var : neuron_block_.ranges) {
         if(!symbols_[var.spelling]) {
             error( yellow(var.spelling) +
                    " is declared as RANGE, but has not been declared in the" +
@@ -710,3 +696,4 @@ int Module::semantic_func_proc() {
     return errors;
diff --git a/modcc/module.hpp b/modcc/module.hpp
index 8195caaa..8b650870 100644
--- a/modcc/module.hpp
+++ b/modcc/module.hpp
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <iterator>
 #include <string>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 #include "blocks.hpp"
 #include "error.hpp"
 #include "expression.hpp"
-#include "writeback.hpp"
 // wrapper around a .mod file
 class Module: public error_stack {
@@ -44,39 +45,35 @@ public:
     void title(const std::string& t) { title_ = t; }
     const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
-// TODO: are const and non-const methods necessary? check usage.
-    NeuronBlock &      neuron_block() {return neuron_block_;}
+    moduleKind kind() const { return kind_; }
+    void kind(moduleKind k) { kind_ = k; }
+    // only used for ion access - this will be done differently ...
     NeuronBlock const& neuron_block() const {return neuron_block_;}
-    StateBlock &       state_block()  {return state_block_;}
+    // Retrieve list of state variable ids.
     StateBlock const&  state_block()  const {return state_block_;}
-    UnitsBlock &       units_block()  {return units_block_;}
-    UnitsBlock const&  units_block()  const {return units_block_;}
-    ParameterBlock &       parameter_block()        {return parameter_block_;}
+    // Retrieve list of parameter variable ids.
     ParameterBlock const&  parameter_block()  const {return parameter_block_;}
-    AssignedBlock &       assigned_block()        {return assigned_block_;}
-    AssignedBlock const&  assigned_block()  const {return assigned_block_;}
+    // Retrieve list of ion dependencies.
+    const std::vector<IonDep>& ion_deps() const { return neuron_block_.ions; }
+    // Set top-level blocks (called from Parser).
     void neuron_block(const NeuronBlock& n) { neuron_block_ = n; }
     void state_block(const StateBlock& s) { state_block_ = s; }
     void units_block(const UnitsBlock& u) { units_block_ = u; }
     void parameter_block(const ParameterBlock& p) { parameter_block_ = p; }
     void assigned_block(const AssignedBlock& a) { assigned_block_ = a; }
-    // access to the AST
-    std::vector<symbol_ptr>& procedures() { return procedures_; }
-    const std::vector<symbol_ptr>& procedures() const { return procedures_; }
+    // Add global procedure or function, before semantic pass (called from Parser).
+    void add_callable(symbol_ptr callable);
-    std::vector<symbol_ptr>& functions() { return functions_; }
-    const std::vector<symbol_ptr>& functions() const { return functions_; }
-    symbol_map& symbols() { return symbols_; }
+    // Raw access to AST data.
     const symbol_map& symbols() const { return symbols_; }
-    // error handling
+    // Error and warning handling.
     using error_stack::error;
     void error(std::string const& msg, Location loc = Location{}) {
         error({msg, loc});
@@ -84,7 +81,6 @@ public:
     std::string error_string() const;
-    // warnings
     using error_stack::warning;
     void warning(std::string const& msg, Location loc = Location{}) {
         warning({msg, loc});
@@ -92,18 +88,10 @@ public:
     std::string warning_string() const;
-    moduleKind kind() const { return kind_; }
-    void kind(moduleKind k) { kind_ = k; }
-    // perform semantic analysis
-    void add_variables_to_symbols();
+    // Perform semantic analysis pass.
     bool semantic();
-    const std::vector<WriteBack>& write_backs() const {
-        return write_backs_;
-    }
-    auto find_ion(ionKind k) -> decltype(neuron_block().ions.begin()) {
+    auto find_ion(ionKind k) -> decltype(ion_deps().begin()) {
         auto& ions = neuron_block().ions;
         return std::find_if(
             ions.begin(), ions.end(),
@@ -121,24 +109,29 @@ private:
     std::string title_;
     std::string module_name_;
     std::string source_name_;
-    std::vector<char> buffer_; // character buffer loaded from file
+    std::vector<char> buffer_; // Holds module source, zero terminated.
-    bool generate_initial_api();
-    bool generate_current_api();
-    bool generate_state_api();
+    NeuronBlock neuron_block_;
+    StateBlock state_block_;
+    UnitsBlock units_block_;
+    ParameterBlock parameter_block_;
+    AssignedBlock assigned_block_;
-    // AST storage
-    std::vector<symbol_ptr> procedures_;
-    std::vector<symbol_ptr> functions_;
+    // AST storage.
+    std::vector<symbol_ptr> callables_;
-    // hash table for lookup of variable and call names
+    // Symbol name to symbol_ptr map.
     symbol_map symbols_;
-    /// tests if symbol is defined
+    bool generate_initial_api();
+    bool generate_current_api();
+    bool generate_state_api();
+    void add_variables_to_symbols();
     bool has_symbol(const std::string& name) {
         return symbols_.find(name) != symbols_.end();
-    /// tests if symbol is defined
     bool has_symbol(const std::string& name, symbolKind kind) {
         auto s = symbols_.find(name);
         return s == symbols_.end() ? false : s->second->kind() == kind;
@@ -147,13 +140,4 @@ private:
     // Perform semantic analysis on functions and procedures.
     // Returns the number of errors that were encountered.
     int semantic_func_proc();
-    // blocks
-    NeuronBlock neuron_block_;
-    StateBlock  state_block_;
-    UnitsBlock  units_block_;
-    ParameterBlock parameter_block_;
-    AssignedBlock assigned_block_;
-    std::vector<WriteBack> write_backs_;
diff --git a/modcc/parser.cpp b/modcc/parser.cpp
index 2c52fc4c..d912a441 100644
--- a/modcc/parser.cpp
+++ b/modcc/parser.cpp
@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ bool Parser::parse() {
                 auto p = parse_procedure();
                 if(!p) break;
-                module_->procedures().emplace_back(std::move(p));
+                module_->add_callable(std::move(p));
             case tok::function  :
                 auto f = parse_function();
                 if(!f) break;
-                module_->functions().emplace_back(std::move(f));
+                module_->add_callable(std::move(f));
             default :
diff --git a/modcc/backends/avx2.hpp b/modcc/printer/backends/avx2.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from modcc/backends/avx2.hpp
rename to modcc/printer/backends/avx2.hpp
diff --git a/modcc/backends/avx512.hpp b/modcc/printer/backends/avx512.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from modcc/backends/avx512.hpp
rename to modcc/printer/backends/avx512.hpp
index 97e3ecbc..2d856349 100644
--- a/modcc/backends/avx512.hpp
+++ b/modcc/printer/backends/avx512.hpp
@@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ struct simd_intrinsics<simdKind::avx512> {
-} // namespace modcc;
+} // namespace modcc
diff --git a/modcc/backends/base.hpp b/modcc/printer/backends/base.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from modcc/backends/base.hpp
rename to modcc/printer/backends/base.hpp
index 5149fe79..b0b9398e 100644
--- a/modcc/backends/base.hpp
+++ b/modcc/printer/backends/base.hpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <functional>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
 #include "token.hpp"
 #include "textbuffer.hpp"
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ static operand_fn_t arg_emitter(const operand_fn_t& arg) {
     return arg;
 template<simdKind Arch>
 struct simd_intrinsics {
     static std::string emit_headers();
diff --git a/modcc/backends/simd.hpp b/modcc/printer/backends/simd.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from modcc/backends/simd.hpp
rename to modcc/printer/backends/simd.hpp
diff --git a/modcc/cexpr_emit.cpp b/modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.cpp
similarity index 73%
rename from modcc/cexpr_emit.cpp
rename to modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.cpp
index cb5ee70d..49bf4974 100644
--- a/modcc/cexpr_emit.cpp
+++ b/modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,29 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iomanip>
 #include <ostream>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include "cexpr_emit.hpp"
 #include "error.hpp"
+#include "lexer.hpp"
+#include "io/ostream_wrappers.hpp"
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, as_c_double wrap) {
+    bool neg = std::signbit(wrap.value);
+    switch (std::fpclassify(wrap.value)) {
+    case FP_INFINITE:
+        return out << (neg? "-": "") << "INFINITY";
+    case FP_NAN:
+        return out << "NAN";
+    case FP_ZERO:
+        return out << (neg? "-0.": "0.");
+    default:
+        return out <<
+            (std::stringstream{} << io::classic << std::setprecision(17) << wrap.value).rdbuf();
+    }
 void CExprEmitter::emit_as_call(const char* sub, Expression* e) {
     out_ << sub << '(';
@@ -19,7 +40,7 @@ void CExprEmitter::emit_as_call(const char* sub, Expression* e1, Expression* e2)
 void CExprEmitter::visit(NumberExpression* e) {
-    out_ << " " << e->value();
+    out_ << " " << as_c_double(e->value());
 void CExprEmitter::visit(UnaryExpression* e) {
@@ -61,7 +82,7 @@ void CExprEmitter::visit(AssignmentExpression* e) {
 void CExprEmitter::visit(PowBinaryExpression* e) {
-    emit_as_call("std::pow", e->lhs(), e->rhs());
+    emit_as_call("pow", e->lhs(), e->rhs());
 void CExprEmitter::visit(BinaryExpression* e) {
@@ -120,3 +141,23 @@ void CExprEmitter::visit(BinaryExpression* e) {
         emit_as_call(op_spelling, lhs, rhs);
+void CExprEmitter::visit(IfExpression* e) {
+    out_ << "if (";
+    e->condition()->accept(this);
+    out_ << ") {\n" << io::indent;
+    e->true_branch()->accept(this);
+    out_ << io::popindent << "}\n";
+    if (auto fb = e->false_branch()) {
+        out_ << "else ";
+        if (fb->is_if()) {
+            fb->accept(this);
+        }
+        else {
+            out_ << "{\n" << io::indent;
+            fb->accept(this);
+            out_ << io::popindent << "}\n";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/modcc/cexpr_emit.hpp b/modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.hpp
similarity index 54%
rename from modcc/cexpr_emit.hpp
rename to modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.hpp
index e52c956b..099e3ed5 100644
--- a/modcc/cexpr_emit.hpp
+++ b/modcc/printer/cexpr_emit.hpp
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <iosfwd>
 #include "expression.hpp"
 #include "visitor.hpp"
 // Common functionality for generating source from binary expressions
-// as C expressions.
+// and conditional structures with C syntax.
 class CExprEmitter: public Visitor {
@@ -14,11 +16,12 @@ public:
     void visit(Expression* e) override { e->accept(fallback_); }
-    void visit(UnaryExpression *e)      override;
-    void visit(BinaryExpression *e)     override;
+    void visit(UnaryExpression *e) override;
+    void visit(BinaryExpression *e) override;
     void visit(AssignmentExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(PowBinaryExpression *e)  override;
-    void visit(NumberExpression *e)     override;
+    void visit(PowBinaryExpression *e) override;
+    void visit(NumberExpression *e) override;
+    void visit(IfExpression *e) override;
     std::ostream& out_;
@@ -29,6 +32,14 @@ protected:
 inline void cexpr_emit(Expression* e, std::ostream& out, Visitor* fallback) {
-    CExprEmitter renderer(out, fallback);
-    e->accept(&renderer);
+    CExprEmitter emitter(out, fallback);
+    e->accept(&emitter);
+// Helper for formatting of double-valued numeric constants.
+struct as_c_double {
+    double value;
+    as_c_double(double value): value(value) {}
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, as_c_double);
diff --git a/modcc/printer/cprinter.cpp b/modcc/printer/cprinter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b17184de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/cprinter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "expression.hpp"
+#include "io/ostream_wrappers.hpp"
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
+#include "printer/cexpr_emit.hpp"
+#include "printer/cprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/printerutil.hpp"
+using io::indent;
+using io::popindent;
+using io::quote;
+void emit_procedure_proto(std::ostream&, ProcedureExpression*, const std::string& qualified = "");
+void emit_simd_procedure_proto(std::ostream&, ProcedureExpression*, const std::string& qualified = "");
+void emit_api_body(std::ostream&, APIMethod*);
+void emit_simd_api_body(std::ostream&, APIMethod*, moduleKind);
+struct cprint {
+    Expression* expr_;
+    explicit cprint(Expression* expr): expr_(expr) {}
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const cprint& w) {
+        CPrinter printer(out);
+        return w.expr_->accept(&printer), out;
+    }
+struct simdprint {
+    Expression* expr_;
+    explicit simdprint(Expression* expr): expr_(expr) {}
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const simdprint& w) {
+        SimdPrinter printer(out);
+        return w.expr_->accept(&printer), out;
+    }
+static std::string ion_state_field(std::string ion_name) {
+    return "ion_"+ion_name+"_";
+static std::string ion_state_index(std::string ion_name) {
+    return "ion_"+ion_name+"_index_";
+std::string emit_cpp_source(const Module& module_, const std::string& ns, simd_spec simd) {
+    std::string name = module_.module_name();
+    std::string class_name = "mechanism_cpu_"+name;
+    auto ns_components = namespace_components(ns);
+    NetReceiveExpression* net_receive = find_net_receive(module_);
+    APIMethod* init_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_init");
+    APIMethod* state_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_state");
+    APIMethod* current_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_current");
+    APIMethod* write_ions_api = find_api_method(module_, "write_ions");
+    bool with_simd = simd.abi!=simd_spec::none;
+    // init_api, state_api, current_api methods are mandatory:
+    assert_has_scope(init_api, "nrn_init");
+    assert_has_scope(state_api, "nrn_state");
+    assert_has_scope(current_api, "nrn_current");
+    auto vars = local_module_variables(module_);
+    auto ion_deps = module_.ion_deps();
+    std::string fingerprint = "<placeholder>";
+    io::pfxstringstream out;
+    out <<
+        "#include <cmath>\n"
+        "#include <cstddef>\n"
+        "#include <memory>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "math.hpp>\n";
+    if (with_simd) {
+        out << "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "simd/simd.hpp>\n";
+    }
+    out <<
+        "\n" << namespace_declaration_open(ns_components) <<
+        "\n"
+        "using backend = ::arb::multicore::backend;\n"
+        "using base = ::arb::multicore::mechanism;\n"
+        "using value_type = base::value_type;\n"
+        "using size_type = base::size_type;\n"
+        "using index_type = base::index_type;\n"
+        "using ::std::abs;\n"
+        "using ::std::cos;\n"
+        "using ::std::exp;\n"
+        "using ::arb::math::exprelr;\n"
+        "using ::std::log;\n"
+        "using ::arb::math::max;\n"
+        "using ::arb::math::min;\n"
+        "using ::std::pow;\n"
+        "using ::std::sin;\n"
+        "\n";
+    if (with_simd) {
+        out <<
+            "namespace S = ::arb::simd;\n"
+            "static constexpr unsigned simd_width_ = ";
+        if (!simd.width) {
+            out << "S::simd_abi::native_width<fvm_value_type>::value;\n";
+        }
+        else {
+            out << simd.width << ";\n";
+        }
+        std::string abi = "S::simd_abi::";
+        switch (simd.abi) {
+        case simd_spec::avx:    abi += "avx";    break;
+        case simd_spec::avx2:   abi += "avx2";   break;
+        case simd_spec::avx512: abi += "avx512"; break;
+        case simd_spec::native: abi += "native"; break;
+        default:
+            abi += "default_abi"; break;
+        }
+        out <<
+            "using simd_value = S::simd<fvm_value_type, simd_width_, " << abi << ">;\n"
+            "using simd_index = S::simd<fvm_index_type, simd_width_, " << abi << ">;\n"
+            "\n";
+    }
+    out <<
+        "class " << class_name << ": public base {\n"
+        "public:\n" << indent <<
+        "const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {\n" << indent <<
+        "static mechanism_fingerprint hash = " << quote(fingerprint) << ";\n"
+        "return hash;\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n"
+        "std::string internal_name() const override { return " << quote(name) << "; }\n"
+        "mechanismKind kind() const override { return " << module_kind_str(module_) << "; }\n"
+        "mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new " << class_name << "()); }\n"
+        "\n"
+        "void nrn_init() override;\n"
+        "void nrn_state() override;\n"
+        "void nrn_current() override;\n"
+        "void write_ions() override;\n";
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state events) override;\n"
+        "void net_receive(int i_, value_type weight);\n";
+    out <<
+        "\n" << popindent <<
+        "protected:\n" << indent <<
+        "using ionKind = ::arb::ionKind;\n\n"
+        "std::size_t object_sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); }\n";
+    io::separator sep("\n", ",\n");
+    if (!vars.scalars.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_global_table global_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        for (const auto& scalar: vars.scalars) {
+            auto memb = scalar->name();
+            out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", &" << memb << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};\n" << popindent << "}\n";
+    }
+    if (!vars.arrays.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_field_table field_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+            auto memb = array->name();
+            out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", &" << memb << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+            auto memb = array->name();
+            auto dflt = array->value();
+            if (!std::isnan(dflt)) {
+                out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", " << as_c_double(dflt) << "}";
+            }
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+    }
+    if (!ion_deps.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_ion_state_table ion_state_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+            out << sep << "{ionKind::" << << ", &" << ion_state_field( << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+        sep.reset();
+        out << "mechanism_ion_index_table ion_index_table() override {\n" << indent << "return {" << indent;
+        for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+            out << sep << "{ionKind::" << << ", &" << ion_state_index( << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+    }
+    out << popindent << "\n"
+        "private:\n" << indent;
+    for (const auto& scalar: vars.scalars) {
+        out << "value_type " << scalar->name() <<  " = " << as_c_double(scalar->value()) << ";\n";
+    }
+    for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+        out << "value_type* " << array->name() << ";\n";
+    }
+    for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+        out << "ion_state_view " << ion_state_field( << ";\n";
+        out << "iarray " << ion_state_index( << ";\n";
+    }
+    for (auto proc: normal_procedures(module_)) {
+        emit_procedure_proto(out, proc);
+        out << ";\n";
+        if (with_simd) {
+            emit_simd_procedure_proto(out, proc);
+            out << ";\n";
+        }
+    }
+    out << popindent <<
+        "};\n\n"
+        "template <typename B> ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<B> make_mechanism_" <<name << "();\n"
+        "template <> ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<backend> make_mechanism_" << name << "<backend>() {\n" << indent <<
+        "return ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<backend>(new " << class_name << "());\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n";
+    // Nrn methods:
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "void " << class_name << "::deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state events) {\n" << indent <<
+        "auto ncell = events.n_streams();\n"
+        "for (size_type c = 0; c<ncell; ++c) {\n" << indent <<
+        "auto begin = events.begin_marked(c);\n"
+        "auto end = events.end_marked(c);\n"
+        "for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {\n" << indent <<
+        "if (p->mech_id==mechanism_id_) net_receive(p->mech_index, p->weight);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "::net_receive(int i_, value_type weight) {\n" << indent <<
+        cprint(net_receive->body()) << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n";
+    auto emit_body = [&](APIMethod *p) {
+        if (with_simd) {
+            emit_simd_api_body(out, p, module_.kind());
+        }
+        else {
+            emit_api_body(out, p);
+        }
+    };
+    out << "void " << class_name << "::nrn_init() {\n" << indent;
+    emit_body(init_api);
+    out << popindent << "}\n\n";
+    out << "void " << class_name << "::nrn_state() {\n" << indent;
+    emit_body(state_api);
+    out << popindent << "}\n\n";
+    out << "void " << class_name << "::nrn_current() {\n" << indent;
+    emit_body(current_api);
+    out << popindent << "}\n\n";
+    out << "void " << class_name << "::write_ions() {\n" << indent;
+    emit_body(write_ions_api);
+    out << popindent << "}\n\n";
+    // Mechanism procedures
+    for (auto proc: normal_procedures(module_)) {
+        emit_procedure_proto(out, proc, class_name);
+        out <<
+            " {\n" << indent <<
+            cprint(proc->body()) << popindent <<
+            "}\n\n";
+        if (with_simd) {
+            emit_simd_procedure_proto(out, proc, class_name);
+            out <<
+                " {\n" << indent <<
+                simdprint(proc->body()) << popindent <<
+                "}\n\n";
+        }
+    }
+    out << namespace_declaration_close(ns_components);
+    return out.str();
+struct indexed_variable_info {
+    std::string data_var;
+    std::string index_var;
+indexed_variable_info decode_indexed_variable(IndexedVariable* sym) {
+    std::string data_var, ion_pfx;
+    std::string index_var = "node_index_";
+    if (sym->is_ion()) {
+        ion_pfx = "ion_"+to_string(sym->ion_channel())+"_";
+        index_var = ion_pfx+"index_";
+    }
+    switch (sym->data_source()) {
+    case sourceKind::voltage:
+        data_var="vec_v_";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::current:
+        data_var="vec_i_";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::dt:
+        data_var="vec_dt_";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::ion_current:
+        data_var=ion_pfx+".current_density";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::ion_revpot:
+        data_var=ion_pfx+".reversal_potential";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::ion_iconc:
+        data_var=ion_pfx+".internal_concentration";
+        break;
+    case sourceKind::ion_econc:
+        data_var=ion_pfx+".external_concentration";
+        break;
+    default:
+        throw compiler_exception("unrecognized indexed data source", sym->location());
+    }
+    return {data_var, index_var};
+// Scalar printing:
+void CPrinter::visit(IdentifierExpression *e) {
+    e->symbol()->accept(this);
+void CPrinter::visit(LocalVariable* sym) {
+    out_ << sym->name();
+void CPrinter::visit(VariableExpression *sym) {
+    out_ << sym->name() << (sym->is_range()? "[i_]": "");
+void CPrinter::visit(IndexedVariable *sym) {
+    indexed_variable_info v = decode_indexed_variable(sym);
+    out_ << v.data_var << "[" << v.index_var << "[i_]]";
+void CPrinter::visit(CallExpression* e) {
+    out_ << e->name() << "(i_";
+    for (auto& arg: e->args()) {
+        out_ << ", ";
+        arg->accept(this);
+    }
+    out_ << ")";
+void CPrinter::visit(BlockExpression* block) {
+    // Only include local declarations in outer-most block.
+    if (!block->is_nested()) {
+        auto locals = pure_locals(block->scope());
+        if (!locals.empty()) {
+            out_ << "value_type ";
+            io::separator sep(", ");
+            for (auto local: locals) {
+                out_ << sep << local->name();
+            }
+            out_ << ";\n";
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto& stmt: block->statements()) {
+        if (!stmt->is_local_declaration()) {
+            stmt->accept(this);
+            out_ << (stmt->is_if()? "": ";\n");
+        }
+    }
+void emit_procedure_proto(std::ostream& out, ProcedureExpression* e, const std::string& qualified) {
+    out << "void " << qualified << (qualified.empty()? "": "::") << e->name() << "(int i_";
+    for (auto& arg: e->args()) {
+        out << ", value_type " << arg->is_argument()->name();
+    }
+    out << ")";
+void emit_state_read(std::ostream& out, LocalVariable* local) {
+    out << "value_type " << cprint(local) << " = ";
+    if (local->is_read()) {
+        out << cprint(local->external_variable()) << ";\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        out << "0;\n";
+    }
+void emit_state_update(std::ostream& out, Symbol* from, IndexedVariable* external) {
+    if (!external->is_write()) return;
+    const char* op = external->op()==tok::plus? " += ": " -= ";
+    out << cprint(external) << op << from->name() << ";\n";
+void emit_api_body(std::ostream& out, APIMethod* method) {
+    auto body = method->body();
+    auto indexed_vars = indexed_locals(method->scope());
+    if (!body->statements().empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "int n_ = width_;\n"
+            "for (int i_ = 0; i_ < n_; ++i_) {\n" << indent;
+        for (auto& sym: indexed_vars) {
+            emit_state_read(out, sym);
+        }
+        out << cprint(body);
+        for (auto& sym: indexed_vars) {
+            emit_state_update(out, sym, sym->external_variable());
+        }
+        out << popindent << "}\n";
+    }
+// SIMD printing:
+std::string index_i_name(const std::string& index_var) {
+    return index_var+"i_";
+std::string index_constraint_name(const std::string& index_var) {
+    return index_var+"constraint_";
+void SimdPrinter::visit(IdentifierExpression *e) {
+    e->symbol()->accept(this);
+void SimdPrinter::visit(LocalVariable* sym) {
+    out_ << sym->name();
+void SimdPrinter::visit(VariableExpression *sym) {
+    if (sym->is_range()) {
+        out_ << "simd_value(" << sym->name() << "+i_)";
+    }
+    else {
+        out_ << sym->name();
+    }
+void SimdPrinter::visit(AssignmentExpression* e) {
+    if (!e->lhs() || !e->lhs()->is_identifier() || !e->lhs()->is_identifier()->symbol()) {
+        throw compiler_exception("Expect symbol on lhs of assignment: "+e->to_string());
+    }
+    Symbol* lhs = e->lhs()->is_identifier()->symbol();
+    if (lhs->is_variable() && lhs->is_variable()->is_range()) {
+        out_ << "simd_value(";
+        e->rhs()->accept(this);
+        out_ << ").copy_to(" << lhs->name() << "+i_)";
+    }
+    else {
+        out_ << lhs->name() << " = ";
+        e->rhs()->accept(this);
+    }
+void SimdPrinter::visit(IndexedVariable *sym) {
+    indexed_variable_info v = decode_indexed_variable(sym);
+    out_ << "S::indirect(" << v.data_var
+         << ", " << index_i_name(v.index_var)
+         << ", " << index_constraint_name(v.index_var) << ")";
+void SimdPrinter::visit(CallExpression* e) {
+    out_ << e->name() << "(i_";
+    for (auto& arg: e->args()) {
+        out_ << ", ";
+        arg->accept(this);
+    }
+    out_ << ")";
+void SimdPrinter::visit(BlockExpression* block) {
+    // Only include local declarations in outer-most block.
+    if (!block->is_nested()) {
+        auto locals = pure_locals(block->scope());
+        if (!locals.empty()) {
+            out_ << "simd_value ";
+            io::separator sep(", ");
+            for (auto local: locals) {
+                out_ << sep << local->name();
+            }
+            out_ << ";\n";
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto& stmt: block->statements()) {
+        if (stmt->is_if()) {
+            throw compiler_exception("Conditionals not yet supported in SIMD printer: "+stmt->to_string());
+        }
+        if (!stmt->is_local_declaration()) {
+            stmt->accept(this);
+            out_ << ";\n";
+        }
+    }
+void emit_simd_procedure_proto(std::ostream& out, ProcedureExpression* e, const std::string& qualified) {
+    out << "void " << qualified << (qualified.empty()? "": "::") << e->name() << "(int i_";
+    for (auto& arg: e->args()) {
+        out << ", const simd_value& " << arg->is_argument()->name();
+    }
+    out << ")";
+void emit_simd_state_read(std::ostream& out, LocalVariable* local) {
+    out << "simd_value " << local->name();
+    if (local->is_read()) {
+        out << "(" << simdprint(local->external_variable()) << ");\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        out << " = 0;\n";
+    }
+void emit_simd_state_update(std::ostream& out, Symbol* from, IndexedVariable* external) {
+    if (!external->is_write()) return;
+    const char* op = external->op()==tok::plus? " += ": " -= ";
+    out << simdprint(external) << op << from->name() << ";\n";
+void emit_simd_api_body(std::ostream& out, APIMethod* method, moduleKind module_kind) {
+    auto body = method->body();
+    auto indexed_vars = indexed_locals(method->scope());
+    std::unordered_set<std::string> indices;
+    for (auto& sym: indexed_vars) {
+        indices.insert(decode_indexed_variable(sym->external_variable()).index_var);
+    }
+    // Note: expect to make index constraints non-constant for point mechanisms as
+    // an optimization in the near future.
+    // Another note: (TODO) can't actually use index_constraint::independent
+    // for density mechanisms because of collisions in the padded part of
+    // the indices. Work-arounds exist, but not yet implemented.
+    std::string common_constraint = module_kind==moduleKind::density?
+        //"S::index_constraint::independent":
+        "S::index_constraint::none":
+        "S::index_constraint::none";
+    for (auto& index: indices) {
+        out << "simd_index " << index_i_name(index) << ";\n";
+        out << "constexpr S::index_constraint " << index_constraint_name(index)
+            << " = " << common_constraint << ";\n";
+    }
+    if (!body->statements().empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "int n_ = width_;\n"
+            "for (int i_ = 0; i_ < n_; i_ += simd_width_) {\n" << indent;
+        for (auto& index: indices) {
+            out << index_i_name(index) << ".copy_from(" << index << ".data()+i_);\n";
+        }
+        for (auto& sym: indexed_vars) {
+            emit_simd_state_read(out, sym);
+        }
+        out << simdprint(body);
+        for (auto& sym: indexed_vars) {
+            emit_simd_state_update(out, sym, sym->external_variable());
+        }
+        out << popindent << "}\n";
+    }
diff --git a/modcc/printer/cprinter.hpp b/modcc/printer/cprinter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a92d014d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/cprinter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include "visitor.hpp"
+#include "printer/cexpr_emit.hpp"
+#include "printer/simd.hpp"
+std::string emit_cpp_source(const Module& m, const std::string& ns, simd_spec simd);
+// CPrinter and SimdPrinter visitors exposed in header for testing purposes only.
+class CPrinter: public Visitor {
+    CPrinter(std::ostream& out): out_(out) {}
+    void visit(Expression* e) override {
+        throw compiler_exception("CPrinter cannot translate expression "+e->to_string());
+    }
+    void visit(BlockExpression*) override;
+    void visit(CallExpression*) override;
+    void visit(IdentifierExpression*) override;
+    void visit(VariableExpression*) override;
+    void visit(LocalVariable*) override;
+    void visit(IndexedVariable*) override;
+    // Delegate low-level emits to cexpr_emit:
+    void visit(NumberExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    void visit(UnaryExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    void visit(BinaryExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    void visit(IfExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    std::ostream& out_;
+class SimdPrinter: public Visitor {
+    SimdPrinter(std::ostream& out): out_(out) {}
+    void visit(Expression* e) override {
+        throw compiler_exception("SimdPrinter cannot translate expression "+e->to_string());
+    }
+    void visit(BlockExpression*) override;
+    void visit(CallExpression*) override;
+    void visit(IdentifierExpression*) override;
+    void visit(VariableExpression*) override;
+    void visit(LocalVariable*) override;
+    void visit(IndexedVariable*) override;
+    void visit(AssignmentExpression*) override;
+    void visit(NumberExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    void visit(UnaryExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    void visit(BinaryExpression* e) override { cexpr_emit(e, out_, this); }
+    std::ostream& out_;
diff --git a/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.cpp b/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1272015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "expression.hpp"
+#include "io/ostream_wrappers.hpp"
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
+#include "printer/cexpr_emit.hpp"
+#include "printer/printerutil.hpp"
+using io::indent;
+using io::popindent;
+using io::quote;
+// Emit stream_stat alis, parameter pack struct.
+void emit_common_defs(std::ostream&, const Module& module_);
+std::string make_class_name(const std::string& module_name) {
+    return "mechanism_gpu_"+module_name;
+std::string make_ppack_name(const std::string& module_name) {
+    return make_class_name(module_name)+"_pp_";
+static std::string ion_state_field(std::string ion_name) {
+    return "ion_"+ion_name+"_";
+static std::string ion_state_index(std::string ion_name) {
+    return "ion_"+ion_name+"_index_";
+std::string emit_cuda_cpp_source(const Module& module_, const std::string& ns) {
+    std::string name = module_.module_name();
+    std::string class_name = make_class_name(name);
+    std::string ppack_name = make_ppack_name(name);
+    auto ns_components = namespace_components(ns);
+    NetReceiveExpression* net_receive = find_net_receive(module_);
+    auto vars = local_module_variables(module_);
+    auto ion_deps = module_.ion_deps();
+    std::string fingerprint = "<placeholder>";
+    io::pfxstringstream out;
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/event.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>\n";
+    out <<
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp>\n"
+        "\n" << namespace_declaration_open(ns_components) <<
+        "\n";
+    emit_common_defs(out, module_);
+    out <<
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_init_(int, " << ppack_name << "&);\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_state_(int, " << ppack_name << "&);\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_current_(int, " << ppack_name << "&);\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_write_ions_(int, " << ppack_name << "&);\n";
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "void " << class_name << "_deliver_events_(int, " << ppack_name << "&, deliverable_event_stream_state events);\n";
+    out <<
+        "\n"
+        "class " << class_name << ": public ::arb::gpu::mechanism {\n"
+        "public:\n" << indent <<
+        "const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {\n" << indent <<
+        "static mechanism_fingerprint hash = " << quote(fingerprint) << ";\n"
+        "return hash;\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n"
+        "std::string internal_name() const override { return " << quote(name) << "; }\n"
+        "mechanismKind kind() const override { return " << module_kind_str(module_) << "; }\n"
+        "mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new " << class_name << "()); }\n"
+        "\n"
+        "void nrn_init() override {\n" << indent <<
+        class_name << "_nrn_init_(width_, pp_);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n"
+        "void nrn_state() override {\n" << indent <<
+        class_name << "_nrn_state_(width_, pp_);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n"
+        "void nrn_current() override {\n" << indent <<
+        class_name << "_nrn_current_(width_, pp_);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n"
+        "void write_ions() override {\n" << indent <<
+        class_name << "_write_ions_(width_, pp_);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n";
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream_state events) override {\n" << indent <<
+        class_name << "_deliver_events_(width_, pp_, events);\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n";
+    out << popindent <<
+        "protected:\n" << indent <<
+        "using ionKind = ::arb::ionKind;\n\n"
+        "std::size_t object_sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); }\n"
+        "::arb::gpu::mechanism_ppack_base* ppack_ptr() { return &pp_; }\n\n";
+    io::separator sep("\n", ",\n");
+    if (!vars.scalars.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_global_table global_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        for (const auto& scalar: vars.scalars) {
+            auto memb = scalar->name();
+            out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", &pp_." << memb << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};\n" << popindent << "}\n";
+    }
+    if (!vars.arrays.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_field_table field_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+            auto memb = array->name();
+            out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", &pp_." << memb << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+            auto memb = array->name();
+            auto dflt = array->value();
+            if (!std::isnan(dflt)) {
+                out << sep << "{" << quote(memb) << ", " << as_c_double(dflt) << "}";
+            }
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+    }
+    if (!ion_deps.empty()) {
+        out <<
+            "mechanism_ion_state_table ion_state_table() override {\n" << indent <<
+            "return {" << indent;
+        sep.reset();
+        for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+            out << sep << "{ionKind::" << << ", &pp_." << ion_state_field( << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+        sep.reset();
+        out << "mechanism_ion_index_table ion_index_table() override {\n" << indent << "return {" << indent;
+        for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+            out << sep << "{ionKind::" << << ", &pp_." << ion_state_index( << "}";
+        }
+        out << popindent << "\n};" << popindent << "\n}\n";
+    }
+    out << popindent << "\n"
+        "private:\n" << indent <<
+        make_ppack_name(name) << " pp_;\n" << popindent <<
+        "};\n\n"
+        "template <typename B> ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<B> make_mechanism_" << name << "();\n"
+        "template <> ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<::arb::gpu::backend> make_mechanism_" << name << "<::arb::gpu::backend>() {\n" << indent <<
+        "return ::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<::arb::gpu::backend>(new " << class_name << "());\n" << popindent <<
+        "}\n\n";
+    out << namespace_declaration_close(ns_components);
+    return out.str();
+std::string emit_cuda_cu_source(const Module& module_, const std::string& ns) {
+    std::string name = module_.module_name();
+    std::string class_name = make_class_name(name);
+    std::string ppack_name = make_ppack_name(name);
+    auto ns_components = namespace_components(ns);
+    NetReceiveExpression* net_receive = find_net_receive(module_);
+    APIMethod* init_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_init");
+    APIMethod* state_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_state");
+    APIMethod* current_api = find_api_method(module_, "nrn_current");
+    APIMethod* write_ions_api = find_api_method(module_, "write_ions");
+    assert_has_scope(init_api, "nrn_init");
+    assert_has_scope(state_api, "nrn_state");
+    assert_has_scope(current_api, "nrn_current");
+    io::pfxstringstream out;
+    out <<
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/event.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix() << "backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp>\n"
+        "\n" << namespace_declaration_open(ns_components) <<
+        "\n";
+    emit_common_defs(out, module_);
+    out <<
+        "using value_type = ::arb::gpu::mechanism_ppack_base::value_type;\n"
+        "using index_type = ::arb::gpu::mechanism_ppack_base::index_type;\n"
+        "\n";
+    out <<
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_init_(int, " << ppack_name << "&) {};\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_state_(int, " << ppack_name << "&) {};\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_nrn_current_(int, " << ppack_name << "&) {};\n"
+        "void " << class_name << "_write_ions_(int, " << ppack_name << "&) {};\n";
+    net_receive && out <<
+        "void " << class_name << "_deliver_events_(int, " << ppack_name << "&, deliverable_event_stream_state events) {}\n";
+    (void)write_ions_api;
+    out << namespace_declaration_close(ns_components);
+    return out.str();
+void emit_common_defs(std::ostream& out, const Module& module_) {
+    std::string class_name = make_class_name(module_.module_name());
+    std::string ppack_name = make_ppack_name(module_.module_name());
+    auto vars = local_module_variables(module_);
+    auto ion_deps = module_.ion_deps();
+    find_net_receive(module_) && out <<
+        "using deliverable_event_stream_state = ::arb::multi_event_stream_state<::arb::deliverable_event_data>;\n"
+        "\n";
+    out <<
+        "struct " << ppack_name << ": ::arb::gpu::mechanism_ppack_base {\n" << indent;
+    for (const auto& scalar: vars.scalars) {
+        out << "value_type " << scalar->name() <<  " = " << as_c_double(scalar->value()) << ";\n";
+    }
+    for (const auto& array: vars.arrays) {
+        out << "value_type* " << array->name() << ";\n";
+    }
+    for (const auto& dep: ion_deps) {
+        out << "ion_state_view " << ion_state_field( << ";\n";
+        out << "const index_type* " << ion_state_index( << ";\n";
+    }
+    out << popindent << "};\n\n";
diff --git a/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.hpp b/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..767a4eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/cudaprinter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "module.hpp"
+std::string emit_cuda_cpp_source(const Module& m, const std::string& ns);
+std::string emit_cuda_cu_source(const Module& m, const std::string& ns);
diff --git a/modcc/printer/infoprinter.cpp b/modcc/printer/infoprinter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afeee159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/infoprinter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include <ostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include "blocks.hpp"
+#include "infoprinter.hpp"
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include "printerutil.hpp"
+#include "io/ostream_wrappers.hpp"
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
+using io::quote;
+struct id_field_info {
+    id_field_info(const Id& id, const char* kind): id(id), kind(kind) {}
+    const Id& id;
+    const char* kind;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const id_field_info& wrap) {
+    const Id& id =;
+    out << "{" << quote( << ", "
+        << "spec(spec::" << wrap.kind << ", " << quote(id.unit_string()) << ", "
+        << (id.has_value()? id.value: "0");
+    if (id.has_range()) {
+        out << ", " << id.range.first.spelling << "," << id.range.second.spelling;
+    }
+    out << ")}";
+    return out;
+struct ion_dep_info {
+    ion_dep_info(const IonDep& ion): ion(ion) {}
+    const IonDep& ion;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ion_dep_info& wrap) {
+    const char* boolalpha[2] = {"false", "true"};
+    const IonDep& ion = wrap.ion;
+    return out << "{ionKind::" << << ", {"
+        << boolalpha[ion.writes_concentration_int()] << ", "
+        << boolalpha[ion.writes_concentration_ext()] << "}}";
+std::string build_info_header(const Module& m, const std::string& qual_namespace) {
+    using io::indent;
+    using io::popindent;
+    // TODO: When arbor headers are moved into a named hierarchy, change this prefix.
+    const char* arb_header_prefix = "";
+    std::string name = m.module_name();
+    auto ids = public_variable_ids(m);
+    auto ns_components = namespace_components(qual_namespace);
+    io::pfxstringstream out;
+    out <<
+        "#pragma once\n"
+        "#include <memory>\n"
+        "\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix << "mechanism.hpp>\n"
+        "#include <" << arb_header_prefix << "mechinfo.hpp>\n"
+        "\n"
+        << namespace_declaration_open(ns_components) <<
+        "\n"
+        "template <typename Backend>\n"
+        "::arb::concrete_mech_ptr<Backend> make_mechanism_" << name << "();\n"
+        "\n"
+        "inline const ::arb::mechanism_info& mechanism_" << name << "_info() {\n"
+        << indent <<
+        "using ::arb::ionKind;\n"
+        "using spec = ::arb::mechanism_field_spec;\n"
+        "static mechanism_info info = {\n"
+        << indent <<
+        "// globals\n"
+        "{\n"
+        << indent;
+    io::separator sep(",\n");
+    for (const auto& id: ids.global_parameter_ids) {
+        out << sep << id_field_info(id, "global");
+    }
+    out << popindent <<
+        "\n},\n// parameters\n{\n"
+        << indent;
+    sep.reset();
+    for (const auto& id: ids.range_parameter_ids) {
+        out << sep << id_field_info(id, "parameter");
+    }
+    out << popindent <<
+        "\n},\n// state variables\n{\n"
+        << indent;
+    sep.reset();
+    for (const auto& id: ids.state_ids) {
+        out << sep << id_field_info(id, "state");
+    }
+    out << popindent <<
+        "\n},\n// ion dependencies\n{\n"
+        << indent;
+    sep.reset();
+    for (const auto& ion: m.ion_deps()) {
+        out << sep << ion_dep_info(ion);
+    }
+    std::string fingerprint = "<placeholder>";
+    out << popindent << "\n"
+        "},\n"
+        "// fingerprint\n" << quote(fingerprint) << "\n"
+        << popindent <<
+        "};\n"
+        "\n"
+        "return info;\n"
+        << popindent <<
+        "}\n"
+        "\n"
+        << namespace_declaration_close(ns_components);
+    return out.str();
diff --git a/modcc/printer/infoprinter.hpp b/modcc/printer/infoprinter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24ee11fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/infoprinter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "module.hpp"
+// Build header file comprising mechanism metadata
+// and declarations of backend-specific mechanism implementations.
+std::string build_info_header(const Module& m, const std::string& qual_namespace);
diff --git a/modcc/printer/printerutil.cpp b/modcc/printer/printerutil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17cd445d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/printerutil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <regex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "expression.hpp"
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include "printerutil.hpp"
+std::vector<std::string> namespace_components(const std::string& ns) {
+    static std::regex ns_regex("([^:]+)(?:::|$)");
+    std::vector<std::string> components;
+    auto i = std::sregex_iterator(ns.begin(), ns.end(), ns_regex);
+    while (i!=std::sregex_iterator()) {
+        components.push_back(i++->str(1));
+    }
+    return components;
+std::vector<LocalVariable*> indexed_locals(scope_ptr scope) {
+    std::vector<LocalVariable*> vars;
+    for (auto& entry: scope->locals()) {
+        LocalVariable* local = entry.second->is_local_variable();
+        if (local && local->is_indexed()) {
+            vars.push_back(local);
+        }
+    }
+    return vars;
+std::vector<LocalVariable*> pure_locals(scope_ptr scope) {
+    std::vector<LocalVariable*> vars;
+    for (auto& entry: scope->locals()) {
+        LocalVariable* local = entry.second->is_local_variable();
+        if (local && !local->is_arg() && !local->is_indexed()) {
+            vars.push_back(local);
+        }
+    }
+    return vars;
+std::vector<ProcedureExpression*> normal_procedures(const Module& m) {
+    std::vector<ProcedureExpression*> procs;
+    for (auto& sym: m.symbols()) {
+        auto proc = sym.second->is_procedure();
+        if (proc && proc->kind()==procedureKind::normal && !proc->is_api_method() && !proc->is_net_receive()) {
+            procs.push_back(proc);
+        }
+    }
+    return procs;
+public_variable_ids_t public_variable_ids(const Module& m) {
+    public_variable_ids_t ids;
+    ids.state_ids = m.state_block().state_variables;
+    std::unordered_set<std::string> range_varnames;
+    for (const auto& sym: m.symbols()) {
+        if (auto var = sym.second->is_variable()) {
+            if (var->is_range()) {
+                range_varnames.insert(var->name());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (const Id& id: m.parameter_block().parameters) {
+        if (range_varnames.count(id.token.spelling)) {
+            ids.range_parameter_ids.push_back(id);
+        }
+        else {
+            ids.global_parameter_ids.push_back(id);
+        }
+    }
+    return ids;
+module_variables_t local_module_variables(const Module& m) {
+    module_variables_t mv;
+    for (auto& sym: m.symbols()) {
+        auto v = sym.second->is_variable();
+        if (v && v->linkage()==linkageKind::local) {
+            (v->is_range()? mv.arrays: mv.scalars).push_back(v);
+        }
+    }
+    return mv;
+APIMethod* find_api_method(const Module& m, const char* which) {
+    auto it = m.symbols().find(which);
+    return  it==m.symbols().end()? nullptr: it->second->is_api_method();
+NetReceiveExpression* find_net_receive(const Module& m) {
+    auto it = m.symbols().find("net_receive");
+    return it==m.symbols().end()? nullptr: it->second->is_net_receive();
diff --git a/modcc/printer/printerutil.hpp b/modcc/printer/printerutil.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49cf97fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/printerutil.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#pragma once
+// Convenience routines/helpers for source printers.
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "blocks.hpp"
+#include "error.hpp"
+#include "expression.hpp"
+#include "module.hpp"
+std::vector<std::string> namespace_components(const std::string& qualified_namespace);
+inline const char* arb_header_prefix() {
+    static const char* prefix = "";
+    return prefix;
+struct namespace_declaration_open {
+    const std::vector<std::string>& ids;
+    namespace_declaration_open(const std::vector<std::string>& ids): ids(ids) {}
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const namespace_declaration_open& n) {
+        for (auto& id: n.ids) {
+            o << "namespace " << id << " {\n";
+        }
+        return o;
+    }
+struct namespace_declaration_close {
+    const std::vector<std::string>& ids;
+    namespace_declaration_close(const std::vector<std::string>& ids): ids(ids) {}
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const namespace_declaration_close& n) {
+        for (auto i = n.ids.rbegin(); i!=n.ids.rend(); ++i) {
+            o << "} // namespace " << *i << "\n";
+        }
+        return o;
+    }
+// Enum representation:
+inline const char* module_kind_str(const Module& m) {
+    return m.kind()==moduleKind::density?
+        "::arb::mechanismKind::density":
+        "::arb::mechanismKind::point";
+// Check expression non-null and scoped, or else throw.
+inline void assert_has_scope(Expression* expr, const std::string& context) {
+    return
+        !expr? throw compiler_exception("missing expression for "+context):
+        !expr->scope()? throw compiler_exception("printer invoked before semantic pass for "+context):
+        void();
+// Scope query functions:
+// All local variables in scope with `is_indexed()` true.
+std::vector<LocalVariable*> indexed_locals(scope_ptr scope);
+// All local variables in scope with `is_arg()` and `is_indexed()` false.
+std::vector<LocalVariable*> pure_locals(scope_ptr scope);
+// Module state query functions:
+// Normal (not API, net_receive) procedures in module:
+std::vector<ProcedureExpression*> normal_procedures(const Module&);
+struct public_variable_ids_t {
+    std::vector<Id> state_ids;
+    std::vector<Id> global_parameter_ids;
+    std::vector<Id> range_parameter_ids;
+// Public module variables by role.
+public_variable_ids_t public_variable_ids(const Module&);
+struct module_variables_t {
+    std::vector<VariableExpression*> scalars;
+    std::vector<VariableExpression*> arrays;
+// Scalar and array variables with local linkage.
+module_variables_t local_module_variables(const Module&);
+// Extract key procedures from module.
+APIMethod* find_api_method(const Module& m, const char* which);
+NetReceiveExpression* find_net_receive(const Module& m);
diff --git a/modcc/printer/simd.hpp b/modcc/printer/simd.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..800ddacc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modcc/printer/simd.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#pragma once
+struct simd_spec {
+    enum simd_abi { none, avx, avx2, avx512, native, default_abi } abi = none;
+    unsigned width = 0; // zero => use `simd::native_width` to determine.
+    simd_spec() = default;
+    simd_spec(enum simd_abi a, unsigned w = 0):
+        abi(a), width(w)
+    {
+        if (width==0) {
+            // Pick a width based on abi, if applicable.
+            switch (abi) {
+            case avx:
+            case avx2:
+                width = 4;
+                break;
+            case avx512:
+                width = 8;
+                break;
+            default: ;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/modcc/scope.hpp b/modcc/scope.hpp
index ef700400..831a3e6d 100644
--- a/modcc/scope.hpp
+++ b/modcc/scope.hpp
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ public:
     Scope(symbol_map& s);
     ~Scope() {};
     symbol_type* add_local_symbol(std::string const& name, symbol_ptr s);
-    symbol_type* find(std::string const& name);
-    symbol_type* find_local(std::string const& name);
-    symbol_type* find_global(std::string const& name);
+    symbol_type* find(std::string const& name) const;
+    symbol_type* find_local(std::string const& name) const;
+    symbol_type* find_global(std::string const& name) const;
     std::string to_string() const;
     symbol_map& locals();
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ Scope<Symbol>::add_local_symbol( std::string const& name,
 template<typename Symbol>
-Scope<Symbol>::find(std::string const& name) {
+Scope<Symbol>::find(std::string const& name) const {
     auto local = find_local(name);
     return local ? local : find_global(name);
 template<typename Symbol>
-Scope<Symbol>::find_local(std::string const& name) {
+Scope<Symbol>::find_local(std::string const& name) const {
     // search in local symbols
     auto local = local_symbols_.find(name);
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Scope<Symbol>::find_local(std::string const& name) {
 template<typename Symbol>
-Scope<Symbol>::find_global(std::string const& name) {
+Scope<Symbol>::find_global(std::string const& name) const {
     // search in global symbols
     if( global_symbols_ ) {
         auto global = global_symbols_->find(name);
diff --git a/modcc/simd_printer.hpp b/modcc/simd_printer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8208632b..00000000
--- a/modcc/simd_printer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "backends/simd.hpp"
-#include "cprinter.hpp"
-#include "modccutil.hpp"
-#include "textbuffer.hpp"
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#   define ANNOT_UNUSED "__attribute__((unused))"
-#   define ANNOT_UNUSED ""
-template <simdKind Arch>
-class SimdPrinter: public CPrinter {
-    using CPrinter::visit;
-    SimdPrinter(): cprinter_(make_unique<CPrinter>())
-    {}
-    explicit SimdPrinter(Module& m):
-        CPrinter(m),
-        cprinter_(make_unique<CPrinter>(m))
-    {}
-    void visit(NumberExpression *e) override {
-        simd_backend::emit_set_value(text_, e->value());
-    }
-    void visit(UnaryExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(BinaryExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(PowBinaryExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(AssignmentExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(ProcedureExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(VariableExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(LocalVariable *e) override {
-        const std::string& name = e->name();
-        text_ << name;
-    }
-    void visit(CellIndexedVariable *e) override;
-    void visit(IndexedVariable *e) override;
-    void visit(APIMethod *e) override;
-    void visit(BlockExpression *e) override;
-    void visit(CallExpression *e) override;
-    void emit_headers() override {
-        CPrinter::emit_headers();
-        text_.add_line("#include <climits>");
-        text_ << simd_backend::emit_headers();
-        text_.add_line();
-    }
-    void emit_api_loop(APIMethod* e,
-                       const std::string& start,
-                       const std::string& end,
-                       const std::string& inc) override;
-    using simd_backend = modcc::simd_intrinsics<Arch>;
-    void emit_indexed_view(LocalVariable* var, std::set<std::string>& decls);
-    void emit_indexed_view_simd(LocalVariable* var, std::set<std::string>& decls);
-    // variable naming conventions
-    std::string emit_member_name(const std::string& varname) {
-        return varname + "_";
-    }
-    std::string emit_rawptr_name(const std::string& varname) {
-        return "r_" + varname;
-    }
-    std::pair<std::string, std::string>
-    emit_rawptr_ion(const std::string& iname, const std::string& ifield) {
-        return std::make_pair(emit_rawptr_name(iname),
-                              emit_rawptr_name(iname + "_" + ifield));
-    }
-    std::string emit_vindex_name(const std::string& varname) {
-        return "v_" + varname + "_index";
-    }
-    std::string emit_vtmp_name(const std::string& varname) {
-        return "v_" + varname;
-    }
-    // CPrinter to delegate generation of unvectorised code
-    std::unique_ptr<CPrinter> cprinter_;
-    // Treat range access as loads
-    bool range_load_ = true;
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(APIMethod *e) {
-    text_.add_gutter() << "void " << e->name() << "() override {\n";
-    if (!e->scope()) { // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "SimdPrinter attempt to print APIMethod " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    // only print the body if it has contents
-    if (e->is_api_method()->body()->statements().size()) {
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        // First emit the raw pointer of node_index_ and vec_ci_
-        text_.add_line("constexpr int simd_width = " +
-                       simd_backend::emit_simd_width() +
-                       " / (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(value_type));");
-        text_.add_line("const size_type " ANNOT_UNUSED " *" +
-                       emit_rawptr_name("node_index_") +" =;");
-        text_.add_line("const size_type " ANNOT_UNUSED " *" +
-                       emit_rawptr_name("vec_ci_") + " =;");
-        text_.add_line();
-        // create local indexed views
-        std::set<std::string> index_decls;
-        for (auto const& symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-            auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-            if (var->is_indexed()) {
-                emit_indexed_view(var, index_decls);
-                emit_indexed_view_simd(var, index_decls);
-                text_.add_line();
-            }
-        }
-        // get loop dimensions
-        text_.add_line("int n_ = node_index_.size();");
-        // print the vectorized version of the loop
-        emit_api_loop(e, "int i_ = 0", "i_ < n_/simd_width", "++i_");
-        text_.add_line();
-        // delegate the printing of the remainder unvectorized loop
-        auto cprinter = cprinter_.get();
-        cprinter->clear_text();
-        cprinter->set_gutter(text_.get_gutter());
-        cprinter->emit_api_loop(e, "int i_ = n_ - n_ % simd_width", "i_ < n_", "++i_");
-        text_ << cprinter->text();
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-    }
-    text_.add_line("}\n");
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::emit_indexed_view(LocalVariable* var,
-                                          std::set<std::string>& decls) {
-    auto const& name = var->name();
-    auto external = var->external_variable();
-    auto const& index_name = external->index_name();
-    text_.add_gutter();
-    if (decls.find(index_name) == decls.cend()) {
-        text_ << "auto ";
-        decls.insert(index_name);
-    }
-    text_ << index_name << " = ";
-    if (external->is_cell_indexed_variable()) {
-        text_ << "util::indirect_view(util::indirect_view("
-              << emit_member_name(index_name) << ", vec_ci_), node_index_);\n";
-    }
-    else if (external->is_ion()) {
-        auto channel = external->ion_channel();
-        auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-        text_ << "util::indirect_view(" << iname << "." << name << ", "
-              << ion_store(channel) << ".index);\n";
-    }
-    else {
-        text_ << " util::indirect_view(" + emit_member_name(index_name) + ", node_index_);\n";
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::emit_indexed_view_simd(LocalVariable* var,
-                                               std::set<std::string>& decls) {
-    auto const& name = var->name();
-    auto external = var->external_variable();
-    auto const& index_name = external->index_name();
-    // We need to work with with raw pointers in the vectorized version
-    auto channel = var->external_variable()->ion_channel();
-    if (channel==ionKind::none) {
-        auto raw_index_name = emit_rawptr_name(index_name);
-        if (decls.find(raw_index_name) == decls.cend()) {
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            if (var->is_read())
-                text_ << "const ";
-            text_ << "value_type " ANNOT_UNUSED " *";
-            decls.insert(raw_index_name);
-            text_ << raw_index_name << " = "
-                  << emit_member_name(index_name) << ".data()";
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-        auto ion_var_names = emit_rawptr_ion(iname, name);
-        if (decls.find(ion_var_names.first) == decls.cend()) {
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            text_ << "size_type* ";
-            decls.insert(ion_var_names.first);
-            text_ << ion_var_names.first << " = " << iname << "";
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-        if (decls.find(ion_var_names.second) == decls.cend()) {
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            if (var->is_read())
-                text_ << "const ";
-            text_ << "value_type " ANNOT_UNUSED " *";
-            decls.insert(ion_var_names.second);
-            text_ << ion_var_names.second << " = " << iname << "."
-                  << name << ".data()";
-        }
-    }
-    text_.end_line(";");
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::emit_api_loop(APIMethod* e,
-                                      const std::string& start,
-                                      const std::string& end,
-                                      const std::string& inc) {
-    text_.add_gutter();
-    text_ << "for (" << start << "; " << end << "; " << inc << ") {";
-    text_.end_line();
-    text_.increase_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("int off_ = i_*simd_width;");
-    // First load the index vectors of all involved ions
-    std::set<std::string> declared_ion_vars;
-    for (auto& symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if (var->is_indexed()) {
-            auto external = var->external_variable();
-            auto channel = external->ion_channel();
-            std::string cast_type =
-                "(const " + simd_backend::emit_index_type() + " *) ";
-            std::string vindex_name, index_ptr_name;
-            if (channel == ionKind::none) {
-                vindex_name = emit_vtmp_name("node_index_");
-                index_ptr_name = emit_rawptr_name("node_index_");
-            }
-            else {
-                auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-                vindex_name = emit_vindex_name(iname);
-                index_ptr_name = emit_rawptr_name(iname);
-            }
-            if (declared_ion_vars.find(vindex_name) == declared_ion_vars.cend()) {
-                declared_ion_vars.insert(vindex_name);
-                text_.add_gutter();
-                text_ << simd_backend::emit_index_type() << " " ANNOT_UNUSED " "
-                      << vindex_name << " = ";
-                // FIXME: cast should better go inside `emit_load_index()`
-                simd_backend::emit_load_index(
-                    text_, cast_type + "&" + index_ptr_name + "[off_]");
-                text_.end_line(";");
-            }
-            if (external->is_cell_indexed_variable()) {
-                std::string vci_name = emit_vtmp_name("vec_ci_");
-                std::string ci_ptr_name = emit_rawptr_name("vec_ci_");
-                if (declared_ion_vars.find(vci_name) == declared_ion_vars.cend()) {
-                    declared_ion_vars.insert(vci_name);
-                    text_.add_gutter();
-                    text_ << simd_backend::emit_index_type() << " " ANNOT_UNUSED " "
-                          << vci_name << " = ";
-                    simd_backend::emit_gather_index(text_, "(int *)" + ci_ptr_name, vindex_name, "sizeof(size_type)");
-                    text_.end_line(";");
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    for (auto& symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if (is_input(var)) {
-            auto ext = var->external_variable();
-            text_.add_gutter() << simd_backend::emit_value_type() << " ";
-            var->accept(this);
-            text_ << " = ";
-            ext->accept(this);
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-    text_.add_line();
-    e->body()->accept(this);
-    std::vector<LocalVariable*> aliased_variables;
-    // perform update of external variables (currents etc)
-    for (auto &symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-        auto var = symbol.second->is_local_variable();
-        if (is_output(var)      &&
-            !is_point_process() &&
-            simd_backend::has_scatter()) {
-            // We can safely use scatter, but we need to fetch the variable
-            // first
-            text_.add_line();
-            auto ext = var->external_variable();
-            auto ext_tmpname = "_" + ext->index_name();
-            text_.add_gutter() << simd_backend::emit_value_type() << " "
-                               << ext_tmpname << " = ";
-            ext->accept(this);
-            text_.end_line(";");
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            text_ << ext_tmpname << " = ";
-            simd_backend::emit_binary_op(text_, ext->op(), ext_tmpname,
-                                         [this,var](TextBuffer& tb) {
-                                             var->accept(this);
-                                         });
-            text_.end_line(";");
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            // Build up the index name
-            std::string vindex_name, raw_index_name;
-            auto channel = ext->ion_channel();
-            if (channel != ionKind::none) {
-                auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-                vindex_name = emit_vindex_name(iname);
-                raw_index_name = emit_rawptr_ion(iname, ext->name()).second;
-            }
-            else {
-                vindex_name = emit_vtmp_name("node_index_");
-                raw_index_name = emit_rawptr_name(ext->index_name());
-            }
-            simd_backend::emit_scatter(text_, raw_index_name, vindex_name,
-                                       ext_tmpname, "sizeof(value_type)");
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-        else if (is_output(var)) {
-            // var is aliased; collect all the aliased variables and we will
-            // update them later in a fused loop all at once
-            aliased_variables.push_back(var);
-        }
-    }
-    // Emit update code for the aliased variables
-    // First, define their scalar equivalents
-    constexpr auto scalar_var_prefix = "s_";
-    for (auto& v: aliased_variables) {
-        text_.add_gutter();
-        text_ << "value_type* " << scalar_var_prefix << v->name()
-              << " = (value_type*) &" << v->name();
-        text_.end_line(";");
-    }
-    if (aliased_variables.size() > 0) {
-        // Update them all in a single loop
-        text_.add_line("for (int k_ = 0; k_ < simd_width; ++k_) {");
-        text_.increase_indentation();
-        for (auto& v: aliased_variables) {
-            auto ext = v->external_variable();
-            text_.add_gutter();
-            text_ << ext->index_name() << "[off_+k_]";
-            text_ << (ext->op() == tok::plus ? " += " : " -= ");
-            text_ << scalar_var_prefix << v->name() << "[k_]";
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-        text_.decrease_indentation();
-        text_.add_line("}");
-    }
-    text_.decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(IndexedVariable *e) {
-    std::string vindex_name, value_name;
-    auto channel = e->ion_channel();
-    if (channel != ionKind::none) {
-        auto iname = ion_store(channel);
-        vindex_name = emit_vindex_name(iname);
-        value_name = emit_rawptr_ion(iname, e->name()).second;
-    }
-    else {
-        vindex_name = emit_vtmp_name("node_index_");
-        value_name = emit_rawptr_name(e->index_name());
-    }
-    simd_backend::emit_gather(text_, value_name, vindex_name, "sizeof(value_type)");
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(CellIndexedVariable *e) {
-    std::string vindex_name, value_name;
-    vindex_name = emit_vtmp_name("vec_ci_");
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-    vindex_name += " __attribute__((unused))";
-    value_name = emit_rawptr_name(e->index_name());
-    simd_backend::emit_gather(text_, vindex_name, value_name, "sizeof(value_type)");
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(BlockExpression *e) {
-    if (!e->is_nested()) {
-        std::vector<std::string> names;
-        for(auto& symbol : e->scope()->locals()) {
-            auto sym = symbol.second.get();
-            // input variables are declared earlier, before the
-            // block body is printed
-            if (is_stack_local(sym) && !is_input(sym)) {
-                names.push_back(sym->name());
-            }
-        }
-        if (names.size() > 0) {
-            text_.add_gutter() << simd_backend::emit_value_type() << " "
-                               << *(names.begin());
-            for(auto it=names.begin()+1; it!=names.end(); ++it) {
-                text_ << ", " << *it;
-            }
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-    for (auto& stmt : e->statements()) {
-        if (stmt->is_local_declaration())
-            continue;
-        // these all must be handled
-        text_.add_gutter();
-        stmt->accept(this);
-        if (not stmt->is_if()) {
-            text_.end_line(";");
-        }
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(BinaryExpression *e) {
-    auto lhs = e->lhs();
-    auto rhs = e->rhs();
-    auto emit_lhs = [this, lhs](TextBuffer& tb) {
-        lhs->accept(this);
-    };
-    auto emit_rhs = [this, rhs](TextBuffer& tb) {
-        rhs->accept(this);
-    };
-    try {
-        simd_backend::emit_binary_op(text_, e->op(), emit_lhs, emit_rhs);
-    } catch (const std::exception& exc) {
-        // Rethrow it as a compiler_exception
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "SimdPrinter: " + std::string(exc.what()) + ": " +
-            yellow(token_string(e->op())), e->location());
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(AssignmentExpression *e) {
-    auto is_memop = [](Expression *e) {
-        auto ident = e->is_identifier();
-        auto var = (ident) ? ident->symbol()->is_variable() : nullptr;
-        return var != nullptr && var->is_range();
-    };
-    auto lhs = e->lhs();
-    auto rhs = e->rhs();
-    if (is_memop(lhs)) {
-        // that's a store; change printer's state so as not to emit a load
-        // instruction for the lhs visit
-        simd_backend::emit_store_unaligned(text_,
-                                           [this, lhs](TextBuffer&) {
-                                               auto range_load_save = range_load_;
-                                               range_load_ = false;
-                                               lhs->accept(this);
-                                               range_load_ = range_load_save;
-                                           },
-                                           [this, rhs](TextBuffer&) {
-                                               rhs->accept(this);
-                                           });
-    }
-    else {
-        // that's an ordinary assignment
-        lhs->accept(this);
-        text_ << " = ";
-        rhs->accept(this);
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(VariableExpression *e) {
-    if (e->is_range() && range_load_) {
-        simd_backend::emit_load_unaligned(text_, "&" + e->name() + "[off_]");
-    }
-    else if (e->is_range()) {
-        text_ << "&" << e->name() << "[off_]";
-    }
-    else {
-        simd_backend::emit_set_value(text_, e->name());
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(UnaryExpression *e) {
-    auto arg = e->expression();
-    auto emit_arg = [this, arg](TextBuffer& tb) { arg->accept(this); };
-    try {
-        simd_backend::emit_unary_op(text_, e->op(), emit_arg);
-    } catch (std::exception& exc) {
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "SimdPrinter: " + std::string(exc.what()) + ": " +
-            yellow(token_string(e->op())), e->location());
-    }
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(PowBinaryExpression *e) {
-    auto lhs = e->lhs();
-    auto rhs = e->rhs();
-    auto emit_lhs = [this, lhs](TextBuffer&) { lhs->accept(this); };
-    auto emit_rhs = [this, rhs](TextBuffer&) { rhs->accept(this); };
-    simd_backend::emit_pow(text_, emit_lhs, emit_rhs);
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(CallExpression *e) {
-    text_ << e->name() << "(off_";
-    for (auto& arg: e->args()) {
-        text_ << ", ";
-        arg->accept(this);
-    }
-    text_ << ")";
-template <simdKind Arch>
-void SimdPrinter<Arch>::visit(ProcedureExpression *e) {
-    auto emit_procedure_unvectorized = [this](ProcedureExpression* e) {
-        auto cprinter = cprinter_.get();
-        cprinter->clear_text();
-        cprinter->set_gutter(text_.get_gutter());
-        cprinter->visit(e);
-        text_ << cprinter->text();
-    };
-    if (e->kind() == procedureKind::net_receive) {
-        // Use non-vectorized printer for printing net_receive
-        emit_procedure_unvectorized(e);
-        return;
-    }
-    // Two versions of each procedure are needed: vectorized and unvectorized
-    text_.add_gutter() << "void " << e->name() << "(int off_";
-    for(auto& arg : e->args()) {
-        text_ << ", " << simd_backend::emit_value_type() << " "
-              << arg->is_argument()->name();
-    }
-    text_ << ") {\n";
-    if (!e->scope()) {
-        // error: semantic analysis has not been performed
-        throw compiler_exception(
-            "SimdPrinter attempt to print Procedure " + e->name()
-            + " for which semantic analysis has not been performed",
-            e->location());
-    }
-    // print body
-    increase_indentation();
-    e->body()->accept(this);
-    // close the function body
-    decrease_indentation();
-    text_.add_line("}");
-    text_.add_line();
-    // Emit also the unvectorised version of the procedure
-    emit_procedure_unvectorized(e);
diff --git a/modcc/textbuffer.cpp b/modcc/textbuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 658d20c4..00000000
--- a/modcc/textbuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#include "textbuffer.hpp"
-                              TextBuffer
-TextBuffer& TextBuffer::add_gutter() {
-    text_ << gutter_;
-    return *this;
-void TextBuffer::add_line(std::string const& line) {
-    text_ << gutter_ << line << std::endl;
-void TextBuffer::add_line() {
-    text_ << std::endl;
-void TextBuffer::end_line(std::string const& line) {
-    text_ << line << std::endl;
-void TextBuffer::end_line() {
-    text_ << std::endl;
-std::string TextBuffer::str() const {
-    return text_.str();
-void TextBuffer::set_gutter(int width) {
-    indent_ = width;
-    gutter_ = std::string(indent_, ' ');
-int TextBuffer::get_gutter() {
-    return indent_;
-void TextBuffer::increase_indentation() {
-    indent_ += indentation_width_;
-    if(indent_<0) {
-        indent_=0;
-    }
-    gutter_ = std::string(indent_, ' ');
-void TextBuffer::decrease_indentation() {
-    indent_ -= indentation_width_;
-    if(indent_<0) {
-        indent_=0;
-    }
-    gutter_ = std::string(indent_, ' ');
-std::stringstream& TextBuffer::text() {
-    return text_;
-void TextBuffer::clear() {
-    text_.str("");
diff --git a/modcc/textbuffer.hpp b/modcc/textbuffer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ade2f38c..00000000
--- a/modcc/textbuffer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <limits>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-class TextBuffer {
-    TextBuffer() {
-        text_.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10);
-    }
-    TextBuffer(const TextBuffer& other):
-        indent_(other.indent_),
-        indentation_width_(other.indentation_width_),
-        gutter_(other.gutter_),
-        text_(other.text_.str())
-    {}
-    TextBuffer& add_gutter();
-    void add_line(std::string const& line);
-    void add_line();
-    void end_line(std::string const& line);
-    void end_line();
-    std::string str() const;
-    void set_gutter(int width);
-    int get_gutter();
-    void increase_indentation();
-    void decrease_indentation();
-    std::stringstream& text();
-    void clear();
-    int indent_ = 0;
-    const int indentation_width_=4;
-    std::string gutter_ = "";
-    std::stringstream text_;
-template <typename T>
-TextBuffer& operator<<(TextBuffer& buffer, T const& v) {
-    buffer.text() << v;
-    return buffer;
diff --git a/modcc/visitor.hpp b/modcc/visitor.hpp
index 3ccbb938..8179b977 100644
--- a/modcc/visitor.hpp
+++ b/modcc/visitor.hpp
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ public:
     virtual void visit(StoichExpression *e)     { visit((Expression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(VariableExpression *e)   { visit((Expression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(IndexedVariable *e)      { visit((Expression*) e); }
-    virtual void visit(CellIndexedVariable *e)  { visit((Expression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(FunctionExpression *e)   { visit((Expression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(IfExpression *e)         { visit((Expression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(SolveExpression *e)      { visit((Expression*) e); }
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ public:
     virtual void visit(DivBinaryExpression *e)  { visit((BinaryExpression*) e); }
     virtual void visit(PowBinaryExpression *e)  { visit((BinaryExpression*) e); }
     virtual ~Visitor() {};
diff --git a/modcc/writeback.hpp b/modcc/writeback.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8da0210..00000000
--- a/modcc/writeback.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <expression.hpp>
-#include <identifier.hpp>
-// Holds the state required to generate a write_back call in a mechanism.
-struct WriteBack {
-    // Name of the symbol inside the mechanism used to store.
-    //      must be a state field
-    std::string source_name;
-    // Name of the field in the ion channel being written to.
-    std::string target_name;
-    // The ion channel being written to.
-    //      must not be ionKind::none
-    ionKind ion_kind;
-    WriteBack(std::string src, std::string tgt, ionKind k):
-        source_name(std::move(src)), target_name(std::move(tgt)), ion_kind(k)
-    {}
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 757fe245..b50e2586 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
-    backends/multicore/fvm.cpp
+    backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp
+    backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp
+    backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp
+    builtin_mechanisms.cpp
-    lif_cell_group.cpp
+    fvm_layout.cpp
+    fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp
+    lif_cell_group.cpp
+    mc_cell_group.cpp
+    mechcat.cpp
@@ -24,45 +31,56 @@ set(BASE_SOURCES
-    util/prefixbuf.cpp
-    backends/gpu/fvm.cpp
-    backends/gpu/
-    backends/gpu/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
-    backends/gpu/kernels/
+    list(APPEND arbor_cxx_sources
+        backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp
+        backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp
+        backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp
+        backends/gpu/
+        backends/gpu/
+    )
-    set(BASE_SOURCES ${BASE_SOURCES} communication/mpi.cpp)
+    list(APPEND arbor_cxx_sources
+        communication/mpi.cpp)
-    set(BASE_SOURCES ${BASE_SOURCES} communication/dryrun_global_policy.cpp)
+    list(APPEND arbor_cxx_sources
+        communication/dryrun_global_policy.cpp)
-    set(BASE_SOURCES ${BASE_SOURCES} threading/cthread.cpp)
+    list(APPEND arbor_cxx_sources
+        threading/cthread.cpp)
-add_library(arbor ${BASE_SOURCES})
+    memory/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+    backends/gpu/
+add_library(arbor ${arbor_cxx_sources})
+target_compile_options(arbor PRIVATE ${CXXOPT_ARCH})
-    cuda_add_library(arborcu ${CUDA_SOURCES})
+    cuda_add_library(arborcu ${arbor_cuda_sources})
     list(APPEND ARB_LIBRARIES arborcu)
     add_dependencies(arbor build_all_mods)
     if (ARB_WITH_CUDA)
-        add_dependencies(arborcu build_all_gpu_mods)
+        add_dependencies(arborcu build_all_mods)
diff --git a/src/algorithms.hpp b/src/algorithms.hpp
index 88f6ff94..43ec3dcb 100644
--- a/src/algorithms.hpp
+++ b/src/algorithms.hpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <util/debug.hpp>
 #include <util/meta.hpp>
 #include <util/range.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
  * Some simple wrappers around stl algorithms to improve readability of code
@@ -118,19 +119,30 @@ bool is_minimal_degree(C const& c)
     return it==c.end();
-template <typename C>
-bool is_positive(C const& c)
-    static_assert(
-        std::is_integral<typename C::value_type>::value,
-        "is_positive only applies to integral types"
-    );
-    for(auto v : c) {
-        if(v<1) {
-            return false;
-        }
+struct generic_is_positive {
+    template <typename V>
+    bool operator()(V v) const {
+        static V zero = V{};
+        return v>zero;
-    return true;
+struct generic_is_negative {
+    template <typename V>
+    bool operator()(V v) const {
+        static V zero = V{};
+        return v<zero;
+    }
+template <typename C>
+bool all_positive(const C& c) {
+    return util::all_of(c, generic_is_positive{});
+template <typename C>
+bool all_negative(const C& c) {
+    return util::all_of(c, generic_is_negative{});
 template<typename C>
@@ -296,126 +308,11 @@ std::vector<typename C::value_type> tree_reduce(
     return new_parent_index;
-template<typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<Seq>>
-bool is_sorted(const Seq& seq) {
-    return std::is_sorted(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq));
-template< typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<Seq>>
+template <typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<Seq&>>
 bool is_unique(const Seq& seq) {
     return std::adjacent_find(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq)) == std::end(seq);
-template <typename SubIt, typename SupIt, typename SupEnd>
-class index_into_iterator {
-    using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<SupIt>::difference_type;
-    using difference_type = value_type;
-    using pointer = const value_type*;
-    using reference = const value_type&;
-    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
-    using super_iterator = SupIt;
-    using super_senitel  = SupEnd;
-    using sub_iterator   = SubIt;
-    sub_iterator sub_it_;
-    mutable super_iterator super_it_;
-    const super_senitel super_end_;
-    mutable value_type super_idx_;
-    index_into_iterator(sub_iterator sub, super_iterator sup, super_senitel sup_end) :
-        sub_it_(sub),
-        super_it_(sup),
-        super_end_(sup_end),
-        super_idx_(0)
-    {}
-    value_type operator*() {
-        advance_super();
-        return super_idx_;
-    }
-    value_type operator*() const {
-        advance_super();
-        return super_idx_;
-    }
-    bool operator==(const index_into_iterator& other) {
-        return sub_it_ == other.sub_it_;
-    }
-    bool operator!=(const index_into_iterator& other) {
-        return !(*this == other);
-    }
-    index_into_iterator operator++() {
-        ++sub_it_;
-        return (*this);
-    }
-    index_into_iterator operator++(int) {
-        auto previous = *this;
-        ++(*this);
-        return previous;
-    }
-    static constexpr value_type npos = value_type(-1);
-    bool is_aligned() const {
-        return *sub_it_ == *super_it_;
-    }
-    void advance_super() {
-        while(super_it_!=super_end_ && !is_aligned()) {
-            ++super_it_;
-            ++super_idx_;
-        }
-        // this indicates that no match was found in super for a value
-        // in sub, which violates the precondition that sub is a subset of super
-        EXPECTS(!(super_it_==super_end_));
-        // set guard for users to test for validity if assertions are disabled
-        if (super_it_==super_end_) {
-            super_idx_ = npos;
-        }
-    }
-/// Return an index that maps entries in sub to their corresponding values in
-/// super, where sub is a subset of super.  /
-/// Both sets are sorted and have unique entries. Complexity is O(n), where n is
-/// size of super
-template<typename Sub, typename Super>
-auto index_into(const Sub& sub, const Super& super)
-    -> util::range<
-        index_into_iterator<
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Sub>::const_iterator,
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Super>::const_iterator,
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Super>::const_sentinel
-        >>
-    EXPECTS(is_unique(super) && is_unique(sub));
-    EXPECTS(is_sorted(super) && is_sorted(sub));
-    EXPECTS(util::size(sub) <= util::size(super));
-    using iterator = index_into_iterator<
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Sub>::const_iterator,
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Super>::const_iterator,
-            typename util::sequence_traits<Super>::const_sentinel >;
-    auto begin = iterator(std::begin(sub), std::begin(super), std::end(super));
-    auto end   = iterator(std::end(sub), std::end(super), std::end(super));
-    return util::make_range(begin, end);
 /// Binary search, because std::binary_search doesn't return information
 /// about where a match was found.
diff --git a/src/backends.hpp b/src/backends.hpp
index b4d9c1b3..e45f96e0 100644
--- a/src/backends.hpp
+++ b/src/backends.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <string>
-#include <backends/fvm.hpp>
 namespace arb {
diff --git a/src/backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp b/src/backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c08f6cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <mechinfo.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+// Stimulus
+inline const mechanism_info& builtin_stimulus_info() {
+    using spec = mechanism_field_spec;
+    static mechanism_info info = {
+        // globals
+        {},
+        // parameters
+        {
+            {"delay",     spec(spec::parameter, "ms", 0, 0)},
+            {"duration",  spec(spec::parameter, "ms", 0, 0)},
+            {"amplitude", spec(spec::parameter, "nA", 0, 0)}
+        },
+        // state
+        {},
+        // ions
+        {},
+        // fingerprint
+        "##builtin_stimulus"
+    };
+    return info;
+template <typename B>
+concrete_mech_ptr<B> make_builtin_stimulus();
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/fvm.hpp b/src/backends/fvm.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 42ba619c..00000000
--- a/src/backends/fvm.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-// A null back end used as a placeholder for back ends that are not supported
-// on the target platform.
-struct null_backend: public multicore::backend {
-    static bool is_supported() {
-        return false;
-    }
-    static mechanism_ptr make_mechanism(
-        const std::string&,
-        size_type,
-        const_iview,
-        const_view, const_view, const_view,
-        view, view,
-        const std::vector<value_type>&,
-        const std::vector<size_type>&)
-    {
-        throw std::runtime_error("attempt to use an unsupported back end");
-    }
-    static bool has_mechanism(const std::string& name) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    static std::string name() {
-        return "null";
-    }
-} // namespace arb
-#ifdef ARB_HAVE_GPU
-#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
-namespace arb {  namespace gpu {
-    using backend = null_backend;
-}} // namespace arb::gpu
diff --git a/src/backends/fvm_types.hpp b/src/backends/fvm_types.hpp
index 5252afb0..fdb8fdb7 100644
--- a/src/backends/fvm_types.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/fvm_types.hpp
@@ -8,5 +8,17 @@ namespace arb {
 using fvm_value_type = double;
 using fvm_size_type = cell_local_size_type;
+using fvm_index_type = int;
+// Stores a single crossing event.
+struct threshold_crossing {
+    fvm_size_type index;    // index of variable
+    fvm_value_type time;    // time of crossing
+    friend bool operator==(threshold_crossing l, threshold_crossing r) {
+        return l.index==r.index && l.time==r.time;
+    }
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/cuda_atomic.hpp
similarity index 77%
rename from src/backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/cuda_atomic.hpp
index 6f6cf46b..1ee9e53d 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/cuda_atomic.hpp
@@ -39,24 +39,3 @@ inline float cuda_atomic_sub(float* address, float val) {
     return atomicAdd(address, -val);
-inline double exprelr(double x) {
-    if (1.0+x == 1.0) {
-        return 1.0;
-    }
-    return x/expm1(x);
-// Return minimum of the two values
-template <typename T>
-inline T min(T lhs, T rhs) {
-    return lhs<rhs? lhs: rhs;
-// Return maximum of the two values
-template <typename T>
-inline T max(T lhs, T rhs) {
-    return lhs<rhs? rhs: lhs;
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3cad041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#pragma once
+#ifdef __CUDACC__
+#   define HOST_DEVICE_IF_CUDA __host__ __device__
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+namespace impl {
+// Number of threads per warp
+// This has always been 32, however it may change in future NVIDIA gpus
+constexpr inline unsigned threads_per_warp() {
+    return 32u;
+// The minimum number of bins required to store n values where the bins have
+// dimension of block_size.
+constexpr inline unsigned block_count(unsigned n, unsigned block_size) {
+    return (n+block_size-1)/block_size;
+} // namespace impl
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/fvm.cpp b/src/backends/gpu/fvm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e70b30cf..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/fvm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include "fvm.hpp"
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/hh_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/pas_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/expsyn_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/exp2syn_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/test_kin1_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/test_kinlva_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/test_ca_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/nax_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/kamt_gpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/gpu/kdrmt_gpu.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-std::map<std::string, backend::maker_type>
-backend::mech_map_ = {
-    { "pas",         maker<mechanism_pas> },
-    { "hh",          maker<mechanism_hh> },
-    { "expsyn",      maker<mechanism_expsyn> },
-    { "exp2syn",     maker<mechanism_exp2syn> },
-    { "test_kin1",   maker<mechanism_test_kin1> },
-    { "test_kinlva", maker<mechanism_test_kinlva> },
-    { "test_ca",     maker<mechanism_test_ca> },
-    { "nax",         maker<mechanism_nax> },
-    { "kamt",        maker<mechanism_kamt> },
-    { "kdrmt",       maker<mechanism_kdrmt> },
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/fvm.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/fvm.hpp
index 0a9a2c9a..a68661e8 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/fvm.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/fvm.hpp
@@ -3,166 +3,62 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <string>
-#include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <mechanism.hpp>
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
-#include "kernels/take_samples.hpp"
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp>
 #include "matrix_state_interleaved.hpp"
-#include "multi_event_stream.hpp"
-#include "ions.hpp"
-#include "stimulus.hpp"
 #include "threshold_watcher.hpp"
-#include "time_ops.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
 struct backend {
-    static bool is_supported() {
-        return true;
-    }
+    static bool is_supported() { return true; }
+    static std::string name() { return "gpu"; }
-    /// define the real and index types
     using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
     using size_type  = fvm_size_type;
-    /// define storage types
-    using array  = memory::device_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::device_vector<size_type>;
-    using view       = typename array::view_type;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    using iview       = typename iarray::view_type;
-    using const_iview = typename iarray::const_view_type;
-    using host_array  = typename memory::host_vector<value_type>;
-    using host_iarray = typename memory::host_vector<size_type>;
+    using array  = arb::gpu::array;
+    using iarray = arb::gpu::iarray;
-    using host_view   = typename host_array::view_type;
-    using host_iview  = typename host_iarray::const_view_type;
-    static std::string name() {
-        return "gpu";
-    }
-    // dereference a probe handle
-    static value_type dereference(probe_handle h) {
-        memory::const_device_reference<value_type> v(h); // h is a device-side pointer
-        return v;
+    static memory::host_vector<value_type> host_view(const array& v) {
+        return memory::on_host(v);
-    // matrix back end implementation
-    using matrix_state = matrix_state_interleaved<value_type, size_type>;
-    // backend-specific multi event streams.
-    using deliverable_event_stream = arb::gpu::multi_event_stream<deliverable_event>;
-    using sample_event_stream = arb::gpu::multi_event_stream<sample_event>;
-    // mechanism infrastructure
-    using ion_type = ion<backend>;
-    using stimulus = gpu::stimulus<backend>;
-    using mechanism = arb::mechanism<backend>;
-    using mechanism_ptr = std::unique_ptr<mechanism>;
-    static mechanism_ptr make_mechanism(
-        const std::string& name,
-        size_type mech_id,
-        const_iview vec_ci,
-        const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt,
-        view vec_v, view vec_i,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& weights,
-        const std::vector<size_type>& node_indices)
-    {
-        if (!has_mechanism(name)) {
-            throw std::out_of_range("no mechanism in database : " + name);
-        }
-        return mech_map_.find(name)->
-            second(mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, memory::make_const_view(weights), memory::make_const_view(node_indices));
-    }
-    static bool has_mechanism(const std::string& name) {
-        return mech_map_.count(name)>0;
+    static memory::host_vector<index_type> host_view(const iarray& v) {
+        return memory::on_host(v);
+    using matrix_state = arb::gpu::matrix_state_interleaved<value_type, index_type>;
     using threshold_watcher = arb::gpu::threshold_watcher;
-    // perform min/max reductions on 'array' type
-    template <typename V>
-    static std::pair<V, V> minmax_value(const memory::device_vector<V>& v) {
-        // TODO: consider/test replacement with CUDA kernel (or generic reduction kernel).
-        auto v_copy = memory::on_host(v);
-        return util::minmax_value(v_copy);
-    }
-    // perform element-wise comparison on 'array' type against `t_test`.
-    template <typename V>
-    static bool any_time_before(const memory::device_vector<V>& t, V t_test) {
-        // Note: ubbench benchmarking (on a P100) indicates that copying the
-        // time vectors to the host is faster than a device side
-        // implementation unless we're running over ten thousands of cells per
-        // cell group.
-        auto v_copy = memory::on_host(t);
-        return util::minmax_value(v_copy).first<t_test;
-    }
-    static void update_time_to(array& time_to, const_view time, value_type dt, value_type tmax) {
-        arb::gpu::update_time_to(time_to.size(),,, dt, tmax);
-    }
-    // set the per-cell and per-compartment dt_ from time_to_ - time_.
-    static void set_dt(array& dt_cell, array& dt_comp, const_view time_to, const_view time, const_iview cv_to_cell) {
-        size_type ncell = util::size(dt_cell);
-        size_type ncomp = util::size(dt_comp);
+    using deliverable_event_stream = arb::gpu::deliverable_event_stream;
+    using sample_event_stream = arb::gpu::sample_event_stream;
-        arb::gpu::set_dt(
-            ncell, ncomp,,,,,;
-    }
+    using shared_state = arb::gpu::shared_state;
-    // perform sampling as described by marked events in a sample_event_stream
-    static void take_samples(
-        const sample_event_stream::state& s,
-        const_view time,
-        array& sample_time,
-        array& sample_value)
+    static threshold_watcher voltage_watcher(
+        const shared_state& state,
+        const std::vector<index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<value_type>& thresholds)
-        arb::gpu::take_samples(s,,,;
-    }
-    // Calculate the reversal potential eX (mV) using Nernst equation
-    // eX = RT/zF * ln(Xo/Xi)
-    //      R: universal gas constant 8.3144598 J.K-1.mol-1
-    //      T: temperature in Kelvin
-    //      z: valency of species (K, Na: +1) (Ca: +2)
-    //      F: Faraday's constant 96485.33289 C.mol-1
-    //      Xo/Xi: ratio of out/in concentrations
-    static void nernst(int valency, value_type temperature, const_view Xo, const_view Xi, view eX) {
-        arb::gpu::nernst(eX.size(), valency, temperature,,,;
-    }
-    static void init_concentration(
-            view Xi, view Xo,
-            const_view weight_Xi, const_view weight_Xo,
-            value_type c_int, value_type c_ext)
-    {
-        arb::gpu::init_concentration(Xi.size(),,,,, c_int, c_ext);
-    }
-    using maker_type = mechanism_ptr (*)(size_type, const_iview, const_view, const_view, const_view, view, view, array&&, iarray&&);
-    static std::map<std::string, maker_type> mech_map_;
-    template <template <typename> class Mech>
-    static mechanism_ptr maker(size_type mech_id, const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, array&& weights, iarray&& node_indices) {
-        return arb::make_mechanism<Mech<backend>>
-            (mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(weights), std::move(node_indices));
+        return threshold_watcher(
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+            cv,
+            thresholds);
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eca723a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#pragma once
+// Storage classes and other common types across
+// gpu back-end implementations.
+// Defines array, iarray, and specialized multi-event stream classes.
+#include <memory/memory.hpp>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+using array  = memory::device_vector<fvm_value_type>;
+using iarray = memory::device_vector<fvm_index_type>;
+using deliverable_event_stream = arb::gpu::multi_event_stream<deliverable_event>;
+using sample_event_stream = arb::gpu::multi_event_stream<sample_event>;
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/ions.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/ions.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd18b04..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/ions.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-// prototype for nernst equation cacluation
-void nernst(std::size_t n, int valency,
-            fvm_value_type temperature,
-            const fvm_value_type* Xo,
-            const fvm_value_type* Xi,
-            fvm_value_type* eX);
-// prototype for inializing ion species concentrations
-void init_concentration(std::size_t n,
-            fvm_value_type* Xi, fvm_value_type* Xo,
-            const fvm_value_type* weight_Xi, const fvm_value_type* weight_Xo,
-            fvm_value_type c_int, fvm_value_type c_ext);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5061c5f..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <constants.hpp>
-#include "../ions.hpp"
-#include "detail.hpp"
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-namespace kernels {
-    template <typename T>
-    __global__
-    void nernst(std::size_t n, int valency, T temperature, const T* Xo, const T* Xi, T* eX) {
-        auto i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        // factor 1e3 to scale from V -> mV
-        constexpr T RF = 1e3*constant::gas_constant/constant::faraday;
-        T factor = RF*temperature/valency;
-        if (i<n) {
-            eX[i] = factor*std::log(Xo[i]/Xi[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    __global__
-    void init_concentration(std::size_t n, T* Xi, T* Xo, const T* weight_Xi, const T* weight_Xo, T c_int, T c_ext) {
-        auto i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        if (i<n) {
-            Xi[i] = c_int*weight_Xi[i];
-            Xo[i] = c_ext*weight_Xo[i];
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace kernels
-void nernst(std::size_t n,
-            int valency,
-            fvm_value_type temperature,
-            const fvm_value_type* Xo,
-            const fvm_value_type* Xi,
-            fvm_value_type* eX)
-    if (n>0) {
-        constexpr int block_dim = 128;
-        const int grid_dim = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
-        kernels::nernst<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
-            (n, valency, temperature, Xo, Xi, eX);
-    }
-void init_concentration(
-            std::size_t n,
-            fvm_value_type* Xi, fvm_value_type* Xo,
-            const fvm_value_type* weight_Xi, const fvm_value_type* weight_Xo,
-            fvm_value_type c_int, fvm_value_type c_ext)
-    if (n>0) {
-        constexpr int block_dim = 128;
-        const int grid_dim = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
-        kernels::init_concentration<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
-            (n, Xi, Xo, weight_Xi, weight_Xo, c_int, c_ext);
-    }
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93916439..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp>
-namespace arb{
-namespace gpu {
-namespace kernels {
-    template <typename T, typename I>
-    __global__
-    void stim_current(
-        const T* delay, const T* duration, const T* amplitude, const T* weights,
-        const I* node_index, int n, const I* cell_index, const T* time, T* current)
-    {
-        using value_type = T;
-        using iarray = I;
-        auto i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
-        if (i<n) {
-            auto t = time[cell_index[i]];
-            if (t>=delay[i] && t<delay[i]+duration[i]) {
-                // use subtraction because the electrode currents are specified
-                // in terms of current into the compartment
-                cuda_atomic_add(current+node_index[i], -weights[i]*amplitude[i]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace kernels
-void stim_current(
-    const fvm_value_type* delay, const fvm_value_type* duration,
-    const fvm_value_type* amplitude, const fvm_value_type* weights,
-    const fvm_size_type* node_index, int n,
-    const fvm_size_type* cell_index, const fvm_value_type* time,
-    fvm_value_type* current)
-    constexpr unsigned thread_dim = 192;
-    dim3 dim_block(thread_dim);
-    dim3 dim_grid((n+thread_dim-1)/thread_dim);
-    kernels::stim_current<fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type><<<dim_grid, dim_block>>>
-        (delay, duration, amplitude, weights, node_index, n, cell_index, time, current);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e85f0e3..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-namespace kernels {
-    __global__ void take_samples(
-	    multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info> s,
-	    const fvm_value_type* time,
-	    fvm_value_type* sample_time,
-	    fvm_value_type* sample_value)
-    {
-        int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        if (i<s.n) {
-            auto begin = s.ev_data+s.begin_offset[i];
-            auto end = s.ev_data+s.end_offset[i];
-            for (auto p = begin; p!=end; ++p) {
-                sample_time[p->offset] = time[i];
-                sample_value[p->offset] = *p->handle;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void take_samples(
-	const multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info>& s,
-	const fvm_value_type* time,
-	fvm_value_type* sample_time,
-	fvm_value_type* sample_value)
-    if (!s.n_streams()) {
-        return;
-    }
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(s.n_streams()-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::take_samples<<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(s, time, sample_time, sample_value);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/take_samples.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/take_samples.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f174c99c..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/take_samples.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-void take_samples(
-    const multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info>& s,
-    const fvm_value_type* time,
-    fvm_value_type* sample_time,
-    fvm_value_type* sample_value);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/test_thresholds.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/test_thresholds.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f9479e..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/test_thresholds.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include "stack.hpp"
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-extern void test_thresholds(
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
-    int size,
-    stack_storage<threshold_crossing>& stack,
-    fvm_size_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b781522..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-namespace kernels {
-    template <typename T, typename I>
-    __global__ void update_time_to(I n, T* time_to, const T* time, T dt, T tmax) {
-        int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        if (i<n) {
-            auto t = time[i]+dt;
-            time_to[i] = t<tmax? t: tmax;
-        }
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    struct less {
-        __device__ __host__
-        bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const { return a<b; }
-    };
-    // vector minus: x = y - z
-    template <typename T, typename I>
-    __global__ void vec_minus(I n, T* x, const T* y, const T* z) {
-        int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        if (i<n) {
-            x[i] = y[i]-z[i];
-        }
-    }
-    // vector gather: x[i] = y[index[i]]
-    template <typename T, typename I>
-    __global__ void gather(I n, T* x, const T* y, const I* index) {
-        int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
-        if (i<n) {
-            x[i] = y[index[i]];
-        }
-    }
-void update_time_to(fvm_size_type n,
-                    fvm_value_type* time_to,
-                    const fvm_value_type* time,
-                    fvm_value_type dt,
-                    fvm_value_type tmax)
-    if (!n) {
-        return;
-    }
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(n-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::update_time_to<<<nblock, blockwidth>>>
-        (n, time_to, time, dt, tmax);
-void set_dt(fvm_size_type ncell,
-            fvm_size_type ncomp,
-            fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
-            fvm_value_type* dt_comp,
-            const fvm_value_type* time_to,
-            const fvm_value_type* time,
-            const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell)
-    if (!ncell || !ncomp) {
-        return;
-    }
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(ncell-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::vec_minus<<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(ncell, dt_cell, time_to, time);
-    nblock = 1+(ncomp-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::gather<<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(ncomp, dt_comp, dt_cell, cv_to_cell);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/math.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/math.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13abd7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/math.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#pragma once
+// Implementations of mathematical operations required
+// by generated CUDA mechanisms.
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+inline double exprelr(double x) {
+    if (1.0+x == 1.0) {
+        return 1.0;
+    }
+    return x/expm1(x);
+// Return minimum of the two values
+template <typename T>
+inline T min(T lhs, T rhs) {
+    return lhs<rhs? lhs: rhs;
+// Return maximum of the two values
+template <typename T>
+inline T max(T lhs, T rhs) {
+    return lhs<rhs? rhs: lhs;
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/
similarity index 94%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/
rename to src/backends/gpu/
index 17146ebc..040724a3 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include "detail.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "matrix_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ void assemble_matrix_flat(
         const fvm_value_type* current,
         const fvm_value_type* cv_capacitance,
         const fvm_value_type* area,
-        const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell,
+        const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell,
         const fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
         unsigned n)
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ void assemble_matrix_flat(
     const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
-        <fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type>
+        <fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type>
         <<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
         (d, rhs, invariant_d, voltage, current, cv_capacitance,
          area, cv_to_cell, dt_cell, n);
@@ -176,13 +177,13 @@ void assemble_matrix_interleaved(
     const fvm_value_type* current,
     const fvm_value_type* cv_capacitance,
     const fvm_value_type* area,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
-    const fvm_size_type* matrix_to_cell,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* matrix_to_cell,
     const fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
     unsigned padded_size, unsigned num_mtx)
-    constexpr unsigned bd = impl::block_dim();
+    constexpr unsigned bd = impl::matrices_per_block();
     constexpr unsigned lw = impl::load_width();
     constexpr unsigned block_dim = bd*lw;
@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ void assemble_matrix_interleaved(
     const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(num_mtx*lw, block_dim);
-        <fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type, bd, lw, block_dim>
+        <fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type, bd, lw, block_dim>
         <<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
         (d, rhs, invariant_d, voltage, current, cv_capacitance, area,
          sizes, starts, matrix_to_cell,
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/detail.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_common.hpp
similarity index 62%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/detail.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/matrix_common.hpp
index 454dfe21..13b4e7c4 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/detail.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_common.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <cfloat>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
 #include <climits>
 #ifdef __CUDACC__
@@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ namespace gpu {
 namespace impl {
 // Number of matrices per block in block-interleaved storage
-constexpr inline unsigned block_dim() {
+constexpr inline unsigned matrices_per_block() {
     return 32u;
@@ -34,26 +32,6 @@ constexpr inline unsigned matrix_padding() {
     return load_width();
-// Number of threads per warp
-// This has always been 32, however it may change in future NVIDIA gpus
-constexpr inline unsigned threads_per_warp() {
-    return 32u;
-// The minimum number of bins required to store n values where the bins have
-// dimension of block_size.
-constexpr inline unsigned block_count(unsigned n, unsigned block_size) {
-    return (n+block_size-1)/block_size;
-// The smallest size of a buffer required to store n items in such that the
-// buffer has size that is a multiple of block_dim.
-constexpr inline unsigned padded_size(unsigned n, unsigned block_dim) {
-    return block_dim*block_count(n, block_dim);
 // Placeholders to use for mark padded locations in data structures that use
 // padding. Using such markers makes it easier to test that padding is
 // performed correctly.
@@ -78,13 +56,6 @@ constexpr bool is_npos(T v) {
     return v == npos<T>();
-/// Cuda lerp by u on [a,b]: (1-u)*a + u*b.
-template <typename T>
-inline T lerp(T a, T b, T u) {
-    return std::fma(u, b, std::fma(-u, a, a));
 } // namespace impl
 } // namespace gpu
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/
similarity index 62%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/
rename to src/backends/gpu/
index 4bf923f7..daad91f8 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include "detail.hpp"
-#include "interleave.hpp"
+#include "matrix_common.hpp"
+#include "matrix_interleave.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
@@ -9,16 +10,16 @@ namespace gpu {
 void flat_to_interleaved(
     const fvm_value_type* in,
     fvm_value_type* out,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
     unsigned padded_size,
     unsigned num_vec)
-    constexpr unsigned BlockWidth = impl::block_dim();
+    constexpr unsigned BlockWidth = impl::matrices_per_block();
     constexpr unsigned LoadWidth  = impl::load_width();
-        <fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type, BlockWidth, LoadWidth>
+        <fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type, BlockWidth, LoadWidth>
         (in, out, sizes, starts, padded_size, num_vec);
@@ -26,16 +27,16 @@ void flat_to_interleaved(
 void interleaved_to_flat(
     const fvm_value_type* in,
     fvm_value_type* out,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
     unsigned padded_size,
     unsigned num_vec)
-    constexpr unsigned BlockWidth = impl::block_dim();
+    constexpr unsigned BlockWidth = impl::matrices_per_block();
     constexpr unsigned LoadWidth  = impl::load_width();
-        <fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type, BlockWidth, LoadWidth>
+        <fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type, BlockWidth, LoadWidth>
         (in, out, sizes, starts, padded_size, num_vec);
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/interleave.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_interleave.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/interleave.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/matrix_interleave.hpp
index 76e41af6..dc9c5674 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/interleave.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_interleave.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "detail.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "matrix_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/
similarity index 86%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/
rename to src/backends/gpu/
index 30026e9f..eaf5724f 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <cassert>
-#include "detail.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "matrix_common.hpp"
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
 namespace arb {
@@ -89,14 +90,14 @@ void solve_matrix_flat(
     fvm_value_type* rhs,
     fvm_value_type* d,
     const fvm_value_type* u,
-    const fvm_size_type* p,
-    const fvm_size_type* cell_cv_divs,
+    const fvm_index_type* p,
+    const fvm_index_type* cell_cv_divs,
     int num_mtx)
     constexpr unsigned block_dim = 128;
     const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(num_mtx, block_dim);
-        <fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type>
+        <fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type>
         <<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
         (rhs, d, u, p, cell_cv_divs, num_mtx);
@@ -105,14 +106,15 @@ void solve_matrix_interleaved(
     fvm_value_type* rhs,
     fvm_value_type* d,
     const fvm_value_type* u,
-    const fvm_size_type* p,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* p,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
     int padded_size,
     int num_mtx)
-    const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(num_mtx, impl::block_dim());
-    kernels::solve_matrix_interleaved<fvm_value_type, fvm_size_type, impl::block_dim()>
-        <<<grid_dim, impl::block_dim()>>>
+    constexpr unsigned block_dim = impl::matrices_per_block();
+    const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(num_mtx, block_dim);
+    kernels::solve_matrix_interleaved<fvm_value_type, fvm_index_type, block_dim>
+        <<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>
         (rhs, d, u, p, sizes, padded_size, num_mtx);
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp
index 380ab804..b65d6efe 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp
@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
+// CUDA implementation entry points:
 void solve_matrix_flat(
     fvm_value_type* rhs,
     fvm_value_type* d,
     const fvm_value_type* u,
-    const fvm_size_type* p,
-    const fvm_size_type* cell_cv_divs,
+    const fvm_index_type* p,
+    const fvm_index_type* cell_cv_divs,
     int num_mtx);
 void assemble_matrix_flat(
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ void assemble_matrix_flat(
     const fvm_value_type* current,
     const fvm_value_type* cv_capacitance,
     const fvm_value_type* cv_area,
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell,
     const fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
     unsigned n);
@@ -34,10 +36,10 @@ void assemble_matrix_flat(
 template <typename T, typename I>
 struct matrix_state_flat {
     using value_type = T;
-    using size_type = I;
+    using index_type = I;
     using array  = memory::device_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::device_vector<size_type>;
+    using iarray = memory::device_vector<index_type>;
     using view = typename array::view_type;
     using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
@@ -59,8 +61,8 @@ struct matrix_state_flat {
     matrix_state_flat() = default;
-    matrix_state_flat(const std::vector<size_type>& p,
-                 const std::vector<size_type>& cell_cv_divs,
+    matrix_state_flat(const std::vector<index_type>& p,
+                 const std::vector<index_type>& cell_cv_divs,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& cv_cap,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& face_cond,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& area):
@@ -76,13 +78,13 @@ struct matrix_state_flat {
         EXPECTS(cv_cap.size() == size());
         EXPECTS(face_cond.size() == size());
         EXPECTS(area.size() == size());
-        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back() == size());
+        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back() == (index_type)size());
         EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.size() > 1u);
         using memory::make_const_view;
         auto n = d.size();
-        std::vector<size_type> cv_to_cell_tmp(n, 0);
+        std::vector<index_type> cv_to_cell_tmp(n, 0);
         std::vector<value_type> invariant_d_tmp(n, 0);
         std::vector<value_type> u_tmp(n, 0);
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ struct matrix_state_flat {
             invariant_d_tmp[p[i]] += gij;
-        size_type ci = 0;
+        index_type ci = 0;
         for (auto cv_span: util::partition_view(cell_cv_divs)) {
             util::fill(util::subrange_view(cv_to_cell_tmp, cv_span), ci);
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp
index c7db9c42..7463918c 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/debug.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
@@ -8,7 +9,8 @@
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
 #include <util/indirect.hpp>
-#include "kernels/detail.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "matrix_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
@@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ void assemble_matrix_interleaved(
     const fvm_value_type* current,
     const fvm_value_type* cv_capacitance,
     const fvm_value_type* area,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
-    const fvm_size_type* matrix_to_cell,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* matrix_to_cell,
     const fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
     unsigned padded_size, unsigned num_mtx);
@@ -33,8 +35,8 @@ void solve_matrix_interleaved(
     fvm_value_type* rhs,
     fvm_value_type* d,
     const fvm_value_type* u,
-    const fvm_size_type* p,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* p,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
     int padded_size,
     int num_mtx);
@@ -42,8 +44,8 @@ void solve_matrix_interleaved(
 void flat_to_interleaved(
     const fvm_value_type* in,
     fvm_value_type* out,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
     unsigned padded_size,
     unsigned num_vec);
@@ -51,8 +53,8 @@ void flat_to_interleaved(
 void interleaved_to_flat(
     const fvm_value_type* in,
     fvm_value_type* out,
-    const fvm_size_type* sizes,
-    const fvm_size_type* starts,
+    const fvm_index_type* sizes,
+    const fvm_index_type* starts,
     unsigned padded_size,
     unsigned num_vec);
@@ -85,10 +87,10 @@ std::vector<T> flat_to_interleaved(
 template <typename T, typename I>
 struct matrix_state_interleaved {
     using value_type = T;
-    using size_type = I;
+    using index_type = I;
     using array  = memory::device_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::device_vector<size_type>;
+    using iarray = memory::device_vector<index_type>;
     using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
@@ -137,15 +139,15 @@ struct matrix_state_interleaved {
     // of indexes and data structures in the constructor.
     //  cv_cap      // [pF]
     //  face_cond   // [μS]
-    matrix_state_interleaved(const std::vector<size_type>& p,
-                 const std::vector<size_type>& cell_cv_divs,
+    matrix_state_interleaved(const std::vector<index_type>& p,
+                 const std::vector<index_type>& cell_cv_divs,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& cv_cap,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& face_cond,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& area)
         EXPECTS(cv_cap.size()    == p.size());
         EXPECTS(face_cond.size() == p.size());
-        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back()  == p.size());
+        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back()  == (index_type)p.size());
         // Just because you never know.
         EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.size() <= UINT_MAX);
@@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ struct matrix_state_interleaved {
         using util::indirect_view;
         // Convenience for commonly used type in this routine.
-        using svec = std::vector<size_type>;
+        using svec = std::vector<index_type>;
         // Sort matrices in descending order of size.
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ struct matrix_state_interleaved {
         svec perm(num_mtx);
         std::iota(perm.begin(), perm.end(), 0);
         // calculate the permutation of matrices to put the in ascending size
-        util::stable_sort_by(perm, [&sizes](size_type i){ return sizes[i]; });
+        util::stable_sort_by(perm, [&sizes](index_type i){ return sizes[i]; });
         std::reverse(perm.begin(), perm.end());
         svec sizes_p = util::assign_from(indirect_view(sizes, perm));
@@ -182,31 +184,31 @@ struct matrix_state_interleaved {
         // Calculate dimensions required to store matrices.
-        using impl::block_dim;
+        constexpr unsigned block_dim = impl::matrices_per_block();
         using impl::matrix_padding;
         // To start, take simplest approach of assuming all matrices stored
         // in blocks of the same dimension: padded_size
-        padded_size = impl::padded_size(sizes_p[0], matrix_padding());
-        const auto num_blocks = impl::block_count(num_mtx, block_dim());
+        padded_size = math::round_up(sizes_p[0], matrix_padding());
+        const auto num_blocks = impl::block_count(num_mtx, block_dim);
-        const auto total_storage = num_blocks*block_dim()*padded_size;
+        const auto total_storage = num_blocks*block_dim*padded_size;
         // calculate the interleaved and permuted p vector
-        constexpr auto npos = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
-        std::vector<size_type> p_tmp(total_storage, npos);
+        constexpr auto npos = std::numeric_limits<index_type>::max();
+        std::vector<index_type> p_tmp(total_storage, npos);
         for (auto mtx: make_span(0, num_mtx)) {
-            auto block = mtx/block_dim();
-            auto lane  = mtx%block_dim();
+            auto block = mtx/block_dim;
+            auto lane  = mtx%block_dim;
             auto len = sizes_p[mtx];
             auto src = cell_to_cv_p[mtx];
-            auto dst = block*(block_dim()*padded_size) + lane;
+            auto dst = block*(block_dim*padded_size) + lane;
             for (auto i: make_span(0, len)) {
                 // the p indexes are always relative to the start of the p vector.
                 // the addition and subtraction of dst and src respectively is to convert from
                 // the original offset to the new padded and permuted offset.
-                p_tmp[dst+block_dim()*i] = dst + block_dim()*(p[src+i]-src);
+                p_tmp[dst+block_dim*i] = dst + block_dim*(p[src+i]-src);
@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ struct matrix_state_interleaved {
         // memory, for use as an rvalue in an assignemt to a device vector.
         auto interleave = [&] (std::vector<T>const& x) {
             return memory::on_gpu(
-                flat_to_interleaved(x, sizes_p, cell_to_cv_p, block_dim(), num_mtx, padded_size));
+                flat_to_interleaved(x, sizes_p, cell_to_cv_p, block_dim, num_mtx, padded_size));
         u              = interleave(u_tmp);
         invariant_d    = interleave(invariant_d_tmp);
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cf643cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <memory/memory.hpp>
+#include <util/index_into.hpp>
+#include <util/optional.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+#include <util/span.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+using memory::make_const_view;
+using util::value_by_key;
+using util::make_span;
+template <typename T>
+memory::device_view<T> device_view(T* ptr, std::size_t n) {
+    return memory::device_view<T>(ptr, n);
+template <typename T>
+memory::const_device_view<T> device_view(const T* ptr, std::size_t n) {
+    return memory::const_device_view<T>(ptr, n);
+// The derived class (typically generated code from modcc) holds pointers that need
+// to be set to point inside the shared state, or into the allocated parameter/variable
+// data block.
+void mechanism::instantiate(fvm_size_type id, backend::shared_state& shared, const layout& pos_data) {
+    mechanism_id_ = id;
+    width_ =;
+    unsigned alignment = std::max(array::alignment(), iarray::alignment());
+    auto width_padded_ = math::round_up(width_, alignment);
+    // Assign non-owning views onto shared state:
+    mechanism_ppack_base* pp = ppack_ptr(); // From derived class instance.
+    pp->vec_ci_   =;
+    pp->vec_t_    =;
+    pp->vec_t_to_ =;
+    pp->vec_dt_   =;
+    pp->vec_v_    =;
+    pp->vec_i_    =;
+    auto ion_state_tbl = ion_state_table();
+    n_ion_ = ion_state_tbl.size();
+    for (auto i: ion_state_tbl) {
+        util::optional<ion_state&> oion = value_by_key(shared.ion_data, i.first);
+        if (!oion) {
+            throw std::logic_error("mechanism holds ion with no corresponding shared state");
+        }
+        ion_state_view& ion_view = *i.second;
+        ion_view.current_density = oion->;
+        ion_view.reversal_potential = oion->;
+        ion_view.internal_concentration = oion->;
+        ion_view.external_concentration = oion->;
+    }
+    event_stream_ptr_ = &shared.deliverable_events;
+    // If there are no sites (is this ever meaningful?) there is nothing more to do.
+    if (width_==0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Allocate and initialize state and parameter vectors with default values.
+    // (First sub-array of data_ is used for width_.)
+    auto fields = field_table();
+    std::size_t n_field = fields.size();
+    data_ = array((1+n_field)*width_padded_, NAN);
+    memory::copy(make_const_view(pos_data.weight), device_view(, width_));
+    pp->weight_ =;
+    for (auto i: make_span(0, n_field)) {
+        // Take reference to corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value pointer member.
+        fvm_value_type*& field_ptr = *std::get<1>(fields[i]);
+        field_ptr =*width_padded_;
+        if (auto opt_value = value_by_key(field_default_table(), fields[i].first)) {
+            memory::fill(device_view(field_ptr, width_), *opt_value);
+        }
+    }
+    // Allocate and initialize index vectors, viz. node_index_ and any ion indices.
+    // (First sub-array of indices_ is used for node_index_.)
+    indices_ = iarray((1+n_ion_)*width_padded_);
+    memory::copy(make_const_view(, device_view(, width_));
+    pp->node_index_ =;
+    auto ion_index_tbl = ion_index_table();
+    EXPECTS(n_ion_==ion_index_tbl.size());
+    for (auto i: make_span(0, n_ion_)) {
+        util::optional<ion_state&> oion = value_by_key(shared.ion_data, ion_index_tbl[i].first);
+        if (!oion) {
+            throw std::logic_error("mechanism holds ion with no corresponding shared state");
+        }
+        auto indices = util::index_into(, memory::on_host(oion->node_index_));
+        std::vector<index_type> mech_ion_index(indices.begin(), indices.end());
+        // Take reference to derived (generated) mechanism ion index pointer.
+        auto& ion_index_ptr = *ion_index_tbl[i].second;
+        auto index_start =*width_padded_;
+        ion_index_ptr = index_start;
+        memory::copy(make_const_view(mech_ion_index), device_view(index_start, width_));
+    }
+void mechanism::set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& values) {
+    if (auto opt_ptr = value_by_key(field_table(), key)) {
+        if (values.size()!=width_) {
+            throw std::logic_error("internal error: mechanism parameter size mismatch");
+        }
+        if (width_>0) {
+            // Retrieve corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value pointer member.
+            value_type* field_ptr = *opt_ptr.value();
+            memory::copy(make_const_view(values), device_view(field_ptr, width_));
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        throw std::logic_error("internal error: no such mechanism parameter");
+    }
+void mechanism::set_global(const std::string& key, fvm_value_type value) {
+    if (auto opt_ptr = value_by_key(global_table(), key)) {
+        // Take reference to corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value member.
+        value_type& global = *opt_ptr.value();
+        global = value;
+    }
+    else {
+        throw std::logic_error("internal error: no such mechanism global");
+    }
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4adf68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+// Base class for all generated mechanisms for gpu back-end.
+class mechanism: public arb::concrete_mechanism<arb::gpu::backend> {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    using backend = arb::gpu::backend;
+    using deliverable_event_stream = backend::deliverable_event_stream;
+    using array  = arb::gpu::array;
+    using iarray = arb::gpu::iarray;
+    using ion_state_vuew = arb::gpu::ion_state_view;
+    std::size_t size() const override {
+        return width_;
+    }
+    std::size_t memory() const override {
+        std::size_t s = object_sizeof();
+        s += sizeof(value_type) * data_.size();
+        s += sizeof(index_type) * indices_.size();
+        return s;
+    }
+    void instantiate(fvm_size_type id, backend::shared_state& shared, const layout& w) override;
+    void deliver_events() override {
+        // Delegate to derived class, passing in event queue state.
+        deliver_events(event_stream_ptr_->marked_events());
+    }
+    void set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& values) override;
+    void set_global(const std::string& key, fvm_value_type value) override;
+    size_type width_ = 0;        // Instance width (number of CVs/sites)
+    size_type n_ion_ = 0;
+    // Returns pointer to (derived) parameter-pack object that holds:
+    // * pointers to shared cell state `vec_ci_` et al.,
+    // * pointer to mechanism weights `weight_`,
+    // * pointer to mechanism node indices `node_index_`,
+    // * mechanism global scalars and pointers to mechanism range parameters.
+    // * mechanism ion_state_view objects and pointers to mechanism ion indices.
+    virtual mechanism_ppack_base* ppack_ptr() = 0;
+    deliverable_event_stream* event_stream_ptr_;
+    // Bulk storage for index vectors and state and parameter variables.
+    iarray indices_;
+    array data_;
+    // Generated mechanism field, global and ion table lookup types.
+    // First component is name, second is pointer to corresponing member in 
+    // the mechanism's parameter pack, or for field_default_table,
+    // the scalar value used to initialize the field.
+    using global_table_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type*>;
+    using mechanism_global_table = std::vector<global_table_entry>;
+    using field_table_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type**>;
+    using mechanism_field_table = std::vector<field_table_entry>;
+    using field_default_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type>;
+    using mechanism_field_default_table = std::vector<field_default_entry>;
+    using ion_state_entry = std::pair<ionKind, ion_state_view*>;
+    using mechanism_ion_state_table = std::vector<ion_state_entry>;
+    using ion_index_entry = std::pair<ionKind, const index_type**>;
+    using mechanism_ion_index_table = std::vector<ion_index_entry>;
+    // Generated mechanisms must implement the following methods, together with
+    // fingerprint(), clone(), kind(), nrn_init(), nrn_state(), nrn_current()
+    // and deliver_events() (if required) from arb::mechanism.
+    // Member tables: introspection into derived mechanism fields, views etc.
+    // Default implementations correspond to no corresponding fields/globals/ions.
+    virtual mechanism_field_table field_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_global_table global_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_ion_state_table ion_state_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_ion_index_table ion_index_table() { return {}; }
+    // Report raw size in bytes of mechanism object.
+    virtual std::size_t object_sizeof() const = 0;
+    // Event delivery, given event queue state:
+    virtual void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state) {};
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68095dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#pragma once
+// Base class for parameter packs for GPU generated kernels:
+// will be included by .cu generated sources.
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+// Derived ppack structs may have ion_state_view fields:
+struct ion_state_view {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    value_type* current_density;
+    value_type* reversal_potential;
+    value_type* internal_concentration;
+    value_type* external_concentration;
+// Parameter pack base:
+struct mechanism_ppack_base {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using ion_state_view = ::arb::gpu::ion_state_view;
+    const index_type* vec_ci_;
+    const value_type* vec_t_;
+    const value_type* vec_t_to_;
+    const value_type* vec_dt_;
+    const value_type* vec_v_;
+    value_type* vec_i_;
+    const index_type* node_index_;
+    const value_type* weight_;
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/ b/src/backends/gpu/
index 7dac8501..349e9da8 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
 #include <memory/copy.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
 namespace kernels {
     template <typename T, typename I>
     __global__ void mark_until_after(
-        I n,
+        unsigned n,
         I* mark,
         const I* span_end,
         const T* ev_time,
         const T* t_until)
-        I i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+        unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
         if (i<n) {
             auto t = t_until[i];
             auto end = span_end[i];
@@ -31,13 +33,13 @@ namespace kernels {
     template <typename T, typename I>
     __global__ void mark_until(
-        I n,
+        unsigned n,
         I* mark,
         const I* span_end,
         const T* ev_time,
         const T* t_until)
-        I i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+        unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
         if (i<n) {
             auto t = t_until[i];
             auto end = span_end[i];
@@ -49,15 +51,15 @@ namespace kernels {
-    template <typename T, typename I>
+    template <typename I>
     __global__ void drop_marked_events(
-        I n,
+        unsigned n,
         I* n_nonempty,
         I* span_begin,
         const I* span_end,
         const I* mark)
-        I i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+        unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
         if (i<n) {
             bool emptied = (span_begin[i]<span_end[i] && mark[i]==span_end[i]);
             span_begin[i] = mark[i];
@@ -69,13 +71,13 @@ namespace kernels {
     template <typename T, typename I>
     __global__ void event_time_if_before(
-        I n,
+        unsigned n,
         const I* span_begin,
         const I* span_end,
         const T* ev_time,
         T* t_until)
-        I i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+        unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
         if (i<n) {
             if (span_begin[i]<span_end[i]) {
                 auto ev_t = ev_time[span_begin[i]];
@@ -99,37 +101,42 @@ void multi_event_stream_base::clear() {
 void multi_event_stream_base::mark_until_after(const_view t_until) {
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(n_stream_-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::mark_until_after<value_type, size_type><<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(
-        n_stream_,,,,;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    unsigned n = n_stream_;
+    int nblock = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernels::mark_until_after<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(
+        n,,,,;
 // Designate for processing events `ev` at head of each event stream `i`
 // while `t_until[i]` > `event_time(ev)`.
 void multi_event_stream_base::mark_until(const_view t_until) {
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(n_stream_-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::mark_until<value_type, size_type><<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(
-        n_stream_,,,,;
+    unsigned n = n_stream_;
+    int nblock = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernels::mark_until<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(
+        n,,,,;
 // Remove marked events from front of each event stream.
 void multi_event_stream_base::drop_marked_events() {
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(n_stream_-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::drop_marked_events<value_type, size_type><<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(
-        n_stream_,,,,;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    unsigned n = n_stream_;
+    int nblock = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernels::drop_marked_events<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(
+        n,,,,;
 // If the head of `i`th event stream exists and has time less than `t_until[i]`, set
 // `t_until[i]` to the event time.
 void multi_event_stream_base::event_time_if_before(view t_until) {
-    constexpr int blockwidth = 128;
-    int nblock = 1+(n_stream_-1)/blockwidth;
-    kernels::event_time_if_before<value_type, size_type><<<nblock, blockwidth>>>(
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    int nblock = impl::block_count(n_stream_, block_dim);
+    kernels::event_time_if_before<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp
index 3b9e28bf..842c88cd 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ class multi_event_stream_base {
     using size_type = cell_size_type;
     using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
     using array = memory::device_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::device_vector<size_type>;
+    using iarray = memory::device_vector<index_type>;
     using const_view = array::const_view_type;
     using view = array::view_type;
@@ -83,11 +84,11 @@ protected:
         size_type n_nonempty = 0;
-        size_type ev_begin_i = 0;
-        size_type ev_i = 0;
+        index_type ev_begin_i = 0;
+        index_type ev_i = 0;
         for (size_type s = 0; s<n_stream_; ++s) {
-            while (ev_i<n_ev && event_index(staged[ev_i])<s+1) ++ev_i;
+            while ((size_type)ev_i<n_ev && (size_type)event_index(staged[ev_i])<s+1) ++ev_i;
             // Within a subrange of events with the same index, events should
             // be sorted by time.
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ protected:
     // Host-side vectors for staging values in init():
     std::vector<value_type> tmp_ev_time_;
-    std::vector<size_type> tmp_divs_;
+    std::vector<index_type> tmp_divs_;
 template <typename Event>
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/reduce_by_key.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/reduce_by_key.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/reduce_by_key.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/reduce_by_key.hpp
index 29b054b1..f7e8e4c8 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/reduce_by_key.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/reduce_by_key.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <cstdint>
-#include "detail.hpp"
-#include <backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp>
+#include "cuda_atomic.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp b/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..183abd9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+#include <constants.hpp>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <memory/wrappers.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp>
+using arb::memory::make_const_view;
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+// CUDA implementation entry points:
+void init_concentration_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type* Xi, fvm_value_type* Xo, const fvm_value_type* weight_Xi,
+    const fvm_value_type* weight_Xo, fvm_value_type iconc, fvm_value_type econc);
+void nernst_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type factor,
+    const fvm_value_type* Xi, const fvm_value_type* Xo, fvm_value_type* eX);
+void update_time_to_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type* time_to, const fvm_value_type* time,
+    fvm_value_type dt, fvm_value_type tmax);
+void update_time_to_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type* time_to, const fvm_value_type* time,
+    fvm_value_type dt, fvm_value_type tmax);
+void set_dt_impl(
+    fvm_size_type ncell, fvm_size_type ncomp, fvm_value_type* dt_cell, fvm_value_type* dt_comp,
+    const fvm_value_type* time_to, const fvm_value_type* time, const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell);
+void take_samples_impl(
+    const multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info>& s,
+    const fvm_value_type* time, fvm_value_type* sample_time, fvm_value_type* sample_value);
+// GPU-side minmax: consider CUDA kernel replacement.
+std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> minmax_value_impl(fvm_size_type n, const fvm_value_type* v) {
+    auto v_copy = memory::on_host(memory::const_device_view<fvm_value_type>(v, n));
+    return util::minmax_value(v_copy);
+// Ion state methods:
+    ion_info info,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area,
+    unsigned // alignment/padding ignored.
+    node_index_(make_const_view(cv)),
+    iX_(cv.size(), NAN),
+    eX_(cv.size(), NAN),
+    Xi_(cv.size(), NAN),
+    Xo_(cv.size(), NAN),
+    weight_Xi_(make_const_view(iconc_norm_area)),
+    weight_Xo_(make_const_view(econc_norm_area)),
+    charge(info.charge),
+    default_int_concentration(info.default_int_concentration),
+    default_ext_concentration(info.default_ext_concentration)
+    EXPECTS(node_index_.size()==weight_Xi_.size());
+    EXPECTS(node_index_.size()==weight_Xo_.size());
+void ion_state::nernst(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    // Nernst equation: reversal potenial eX given by:
+    //     
+    //     eX = RT/zF * ln(Xo/Xi)
+    //
+    // where:
+    //     R: universal gas constant 8.3144598 J.K-1.mol-1
+    //     T: temperature in Kelvin
+    //     z: valency of species (K, Na: +1) (Ca: +2)
+    //     F: Faraday's constant 96485.33289 C.mol-1
+    //     Xo/Xi: ratio of out/in concentrations
+    // 1e3 factor required to scale from V -> mV.
+    constexpr fvm_value_type RF = 1e3*constant::gas_constant/constant::faraday;
+    fvm_value_type factor = RF*temperature_K/charge;
+    nernst_impl(Xi_.size(), factor,,,;
+void ion_state::init_concentration() {
+    init_concentration_impl(
+        Xi_.size(),
+        default_int_concentration, default_ext_concentration);
+void ion_state::zero_current() {
+    memory::fill(iX_, 0);
+// Shared state methods:
+    fvm_size_type n_cell,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_to_cell_vec,
+    unsigned // alignment parameter ignored.
+    n_cell(n_cell),
+    n_cv(cv_to_cell_vec.size()),
+    cv_to_cell(make_const_view(cv_to_cell_vec)),
+    time(n_cell),
+    time_to(n_cell),
+    dt_cell(n_cell),
+    dt_cv(n_cv),
+    voltage(n_cv),
+    current_density(n_cv),
+    deliverable_events(n_cell)
+void shared_state::add_ion(
+    ion_info info,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area)
+    ion_data.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
+        std::forward_as_tuple(info.kind),
+        std::forward_as_tuple(info, cv, iconc_norm_area, econc_norm_area, 1u));
+void shared_state::reset(fvm_value_type initial_voltage, fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    memory::fill(voltage, initial_voltage);
+    memory::fill(current_density, 0);
+    memory::fill(time, 0);
+    memory::fill(time_to, 0);
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.reset(temperature_K);
+    }
+void shared_state::zero_currents() {
+    memory::fill(current_density, 0);
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.zero_current();
+    }
+void shared_state::ions_init_concentration() {
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.init_concentration();
+    }
+void shared_state::ions_nernst_reversal_potential(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.nernst(temperature_K);
+    }
+void shared_state::update_time_to(fvm_value_type dt_step, fvm_value_type tmax) {
+    update_time_to_impl(n_cell,,, dt_step, tmax);
+void shared_state::set_dt() {
+    set_dt_impl(n_cell, n_cv,,,,,;
+std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> shared_state::time_bounds() const {
+    return minmax_value_impl(n_cell,;
+std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> shared_state::voltage_bounds() const {
+    return minmax_value_impl(n_cv,;
+void shared_state::take_samples(const sample_event_stream::state& s, array& sample_time, array& sample_value) {
+    take_samples_impl(s,,,;
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/ b/src/backends/gpu/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..995eeb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// CUDA kernels and wrappers for shared state methods.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+namespace kernel {
+template <typename T>
+void nernst_impl(unsigned n, T factor, const T* Xo, const T* Xi, T* eX) {
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<n) {
+        eX[i] = factor*std::log(Xo[i]/Xi[i]);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+void init_concentration_impl(unsigned n, T* Xi, T* Xo, const T* weight_Xi, const T* weight_Xo, T c_int, T c_ext) {
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<n) {
+        Xi[i] = c_int*weight_Xi[i];
+        Xo[i] = c_ext*weight_Xo[i];
+    }
+template <typename T>
+__global__ void update_time_to_impl(unsigned n, T* time_to, const T* time, T dt, T tmax) {
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<n) {
+        auto t = time[i]+dt;
+        time_to[i] = t<tmax? t: tmax;
+    }
+// Vector minus: x = y - z
+template <typename T>
+__global__ void vec_minus(unsigned n, T* x, const T* y, const T* z) {
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<n) {
+        x[i] = y[i]-z[i];
+    }
+// Vector gather: x[i] = y[index[i]]
+template <typename T, typename I>
+__global__ void gather(unsigned n, T* x, const T* y, const I* index) {
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<n) {
+        x[i] = y[index[i]];
+    }
+__global__ void take_samples_impl(
+    multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info> s,
+    const fvm_value_type* time, fvm_value_type* sample_time, fvm_value_type* sample_value)
+    unsigned i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<s.n) {
+        auto begin = s.ev_data+s.begin_offset[i];
+        auto end = s.ev_data+s.end_offset[i];
+        for (auto p = begin; p!=end; ++p) {
+            sample_time[p->offset] = time[i];
+            sample_value[p->offset] = *p->handle;
+        }
+    }
+} // namespace kernel
+using impl::block_count;
+void nernst_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type factor,
+    const fvm_value_type* Xo, const fvm_value_type* Xi, fvm_value_type* eX)
+    if (!n) return;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    int nblock = block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernel::nernst_impl<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(n, factor, Xo, Xi, eX);
+void init_concentration_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type* Xi, fvm_value_type* Xo, const fvm_value_type* weight_Xi,
+    const fvm_value_type* weight_Xo, fvm_value_type c_int, fvm_value_type c_ext)
+    if (!n) return;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    int nblock = block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernel::init_concentration_impl<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(n, Xi, Xo, weight_Xi, weight_Xo, c_int, c_ext);
+void update_time_to_impl(
+    std::size_t n, fvm_value_type* time_to, const fvm_value_type* time,
+    fvm_value_type dt, fvm_value_type tmax)
+    if (!n) return;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    const int nblock = block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernel::update_time_to_impl<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(n, time_to, time, dt, tmax);
+void set_dt_impl(
+    fvm_size_type ncell, fvm_size_type ncomp, fvm_value_type* dt_cell, fvm_value_type* dt_comp,
+    const fvm_value_type* time_to, const fvm_value_type* time, const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell)
+    if (!ncell || !ncomp) return;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    int nblock = block_count(ncell, block_dim);
+    kernel::vec_minus<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(ncell, dt_cell, time_to, time);
+    nblock = block_count(ncomp, block_dim);
+    kernel::gather<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(ncomp, dt_comp, dt_cell, cv_to_cell);
+void take_samples_impl(
+    const multi_event_stream_state<raw_probe_info>& s,
+    const fvm_value_type* time, fvm_value_type* sample_time, fvm_value_type* sample_value)
+    if (!s.n_streams()) return;
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    const int nblock = block_count(s.n_streams(), block_dim);
+    kernel::take_samples_impl<<<nblock, block_dim>>>(s, time, sample_time, sample_value);
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..642dd1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/shared_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <util/enumhash.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+ * Ion state fields correspond to NMODL ion variables, where X
+ * is replaced with the name of the ion. E.g. for calcium 'ca':
+ *
+ *     Field   NMODL variable   Meaning
+ *     -------------------------------------------------------
+ *     iX_     ica              calcium ion current density
+ *     eX_     eca              calcium ion channel reversal potential
+ *     Xi_     cai              internal calcium concentration
+ *     Xo_     cao              external calcium concentration
+ */
+struct ion_state {
+    iarray node_index_; // Instance to CV map.
+    array iX_;          // (nA) current
+    array eX_;          // (mV) reversal potential
+    array Xi_;          // (mM) internal concentration
+    array Xo_;          // (mM) external concentration
+    array weight_Xi_;   // (1) concentration weight internal
+    array weight_Xo_;   // (1) concentration weight external
+    int charge;    // charge of ionic species
+    fvm_value_type default_int_concentration; // (mM) default internal concentration
+    fvm_value_type default_ext_concentration; // (mM) default external concentration
+    ion_state() = default;
+    ion_state(
+        ion_info info,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area,
+        unsigned align
+    );
+    // Calculate the reversal potential eX (mV) using Nernst equation
+    void nernst(fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+    // Set ion concentrations to weighted proportion of default concentrations.
+    void init_concentration();
+    // Set ionic current density to zero.
+    void zero_current();
+    void reset(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+        zero_current();
+        init_concentration();
+        nernst(temperature_K);
+    }
+struct shared_state {
+    fvm_size_type n_cell = 0; // Number of distinct cells (integration domains).
+    fvm_size_type n_cv = 0;   // Total number of CVs.
+    iarray cv_to_cell;        // Maps CV index to cell index.
+    array  time;              // Maps cell index to integration start time [ms].
+    array  time_to;           // Maps cell index to integration stop time [ms].
+    array  dt_cell;           // Maps cell index to (stop time) - (start time) [ms].
+    array  dt_cv;             // Maps CV index to dt [ms].
+    array  voltage;           // Maps CV index to membrane voltage [mV].
+    array  current_density;   // Maps CV index to current density [A/m²].
+    std::unordered_map<ionKind, ion_state, util::enum_hash> ion_data;
+    deliverable_event_stream deliverable_events;
+    shared_state() = default;
+    shared_state(
+        fvm_size_type n_cell,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_to_cell_vec,
+        unsigned align
+    );
+    void add_ion(
+        ion_info info,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area);
+    void zero_currents();
+    void ions_init_concentration();
+    void ions_nernst_reversal_potential(fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+    // Set time_to to earliest of time+dt_step and tmax.
+    void update_time_to(fvm_value_type dt_step, fvm_value_type tmax);
+    // Set the per-cell and per-compartment dt from time_to - time.
+    void set_dt();
+    // Return minimum and maximum time value [ms] across cells.
+    std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> time_bounds() const;
+    // Return minimum and maximum voltage value [mV] across cells.
+    // (Used for solution bounds checking.)
+    std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> voltage_bounds() const;
+    // Take samples according to marked events in a sample_event_stream.
+    void take_samples(
+        const sample_event_stream::state& s,
+        array& sample_time,
+        array& sample_value);
+    void reset(fvm_value_type initial_voltage, fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+// For debugging only:
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const shared_state& s);
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/stack.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/stack.hpp
index 3c901f2e..2e19d329 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/stack.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/stack.hpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <backends/gpu/managed_ptr.hpp>
 #include <memory/allocator.hpp>
-#include "stack_common.hpp"
+#include "stack_storage.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/stack.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/stack_cu.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/stack.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/stack_cu.hpp
index b20f18c3..743835cd 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/stack.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/stack_cu.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "../stack_common.hpp"
+#include "stack_storage.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/stack_common.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/stack_storage.hpp
similarity index 72%
rename from src/backends/gpu/stack_common.hpp
rename to src/backends/gpu/stack_storage.hpp
index 1d58646f..fa586c6c 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/stack_common.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/stack_storage.hpp
@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
-// stores a single crossing event
-struct threshold_crossing {
-    fvm_size_type index;    // index of variable
-    fvm_value_type time;    // time of crossing
-    friend bool operator==(threshold_crossing l, threshold_crossing r) {
-        return l.index==r.index && l.time==r.time;
-    }
 // Concrete storage of gpu stack datatype.
 // The stack datatype resides in host memory, and holds a pointer to the
 // stack_storage in managed memory, which can be accessed by both host and
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/stim_current.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/stim_current.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 04bebdb4..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/stim_current.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-namespace arb{
-namespace gpu {
-void stim_current(
-    const fvm_value_type* delay, const fvm_value_type* duration,
-    const fvm_value_type* amplitude, const fvm_value_type* weights,
-    const fvm_size_type* node_index, int n,
-    const fvm_size_type* cell_index, const fvm_value_type* time,
-    fvm_value_type* current);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp b/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b08561e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/mechanism.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp>
+#include "stimulus.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+class stimulus: public arb::gpu::mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "##builtin_stimulus";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "_builtin_stimulus"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return ::arb::mechanismKind::point; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new stimulus()); }
+    void nrn_init() override {}
+    void nrn_state() override {}
+    void nrn_current() override {
+        stimulus_current_impl(size(), pp_);
+    }
+    void write_ions() override {}
+    void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state events) override {}
+    mechanism_ppack_base* ppack_ptr() override {
+        return &pp_;
+    }
+    std::size_t object_sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
+    mechanism_field_table field_table() override {
+        return {
+            {"delay", &pp_.delay},
+            {"duration", &pp_.duration},
+            {"amplitude", &pp_.amplitude}
+        };
+    }
+    mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() override {
+        return {
+            {"delay", 0},
+            {"duration", 0},
+            {"amplitude", 0}
+        };
+    }
+    stimulus_pp pp_;
+} // namespace gpu
+template <>
+concrete_mech_ptr<gpu::backend> make_builtin_stimulus() {
+    return concrete_mech_ptr<gpu::backend>(new arb::gpu::stimulus());
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/ b/src/backends/gpu/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a07f93f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include "cuda_atomic.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "stimulus.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace gpu {
+namespace kernel {
+    __global__
+    void stimulus_current_impl(int n, stimulus_pp pp) {
+        auto i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
+        if (i<n) {
+            auto t = pp.vec_t_[pp.vec_ci_[i]];
+            if (t>=pp.delay[i] && t<pp.delay[i]+pp.duration[i]) {
+                // use subtraction because the electrode currents are specified
+                // in terms of current into the compartment
+                cuda_atomic_add(pp.vec_i_+pp.node_index_[i], -pp.weight_[i]*pp.amplitude[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+} // namespace kernel
+void stimulus_current_impl(int n, const stimulus_pp& pp) {
+    constexpr unsigned block_dim = 128;
+    const unsigned grid_dim = impl::block_count(n, block_dim);
+    kernel::stimulus_current_impl<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>(n, pp);
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.hpp
index 72a3a3e0..b5d41dad 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/stimulus.hpp
@@ -1,109 +1,17 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
+#include <backends/gpu/mechanism_ppack_base.hpp>
-#include <mechanism.hpp>
-#include <algorithms.hpp>
-#include "stim_current.hpp"
-#include <util/pprintf.hpp>
-namespace arb{
+namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
-template<class Backend>
-class stimulus : public mechanism<Backend> {
-    using base = mechanism<Backend>;
-    using value_type  = typename base::value_type;
-    using size_type   = typename base::size_type;
-    using array = typename base::array;
-    using iarray  = typename base::iarray;
-    using view   = typename base::view;
-    using iview  = typename base::iview;
-    using const_view = typename base::const_view;
-    using const_iview = typename base::const_iview;
-    using ion_type = typename base::ion_type;
-    static constexpr size_type no_mech_id = (size_type)-1;
-    stimulus(const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, iarray&& node_index):
-        base(no_mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(node_index))
-    {}
-    using base::size;
-    std::size_t memory() const override {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    void set_params() override {}
-    std::string name() const override {
-        return "stimulus";
-    }
-    mechanismKind kind() const override {
-        return mechanismKind::point;
-    }
-    typename base::ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override {
-        return {false, false, false};
-    }
-    void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i, std::vector<size_type>const& index) override {
-        throw std::domain_error(
-            arb::util::pprintf("mechanism % does not support ion type\n", name()));
-    }
-    void nrn_init() override {}
-    void nrn_state() override {}
-    void net_receive(int i_, value_type weight) override {
-        throw std::domain_error("stimulus mechanism should never receive an event\n");
-    }
-    void set_parameters(
-        const std::vector<value_type>& amp,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& dur,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& del)
-    {
-        amplitude = memory::on_gpu(amp);
-        duration = memory::on_gpu(dur);
-        delay = memory::on_gpu(del);
-    }
-    void set_weights(array&& w) override {
-        EXPECTS(size()==w.size());
-        weights = w;
-    }
-    void nrn_current() override {
-        if (amplitude.size() != size()) {
-            throw std::domain_error("stimulus called with mismatched parameter size\n");
-        }
-        // don't launch a kernel if there are no stimuli
-        if (!size()) return;
-        stim_current(,,,,
-           , size(),,,
-           ;
-    }
-    array amplitude;
-    array duration;
-    array delay;
-    array weights;
-    using base::vec_ci_;
-    using base::vec_t_;
-    using base::vec_v_;
-    using base::vec_i_;
-    using base::node_index_;
+struct stimulus_pp: mechanism_ppack_base {
+    fvm_value_type* delay;
+    fvm_value_type* duration;
+    fvm_value_type* amplitude;
+void stimulus_current_impl(int n, const stimulus_pp&);
 } // namespace gpu
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/ b/src/backends/gpu/
similarity index 51%
rename from src/backends/gpu/kernels/
rename to src/backends/gpu/
index ce0ef688..12c43676 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/kernels/
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/
@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
+#include <cmath>
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include "detail.hpp"
-#include "stack.hpp"
+#include "cuda_common.hpp"
+#include "stack_cu.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
+namespace kernel {
+template <typename T>
+inline T lerp(T a, T b, T u) {
+    return std::fma(u, b, std::fma(-u, a, a));
 /// kernel used to test for threshold crossing test code.
 /// params:
 ///     t       : current time (ms)
@@ -17,12 +27,12 @@ namespace gpu {
 ///     values     : values at t_prev
 ///     thresholds : threshold values to watch for crossings
-void test_thresholds_kernel(
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
+void test_thresholds_impl(
     int size,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
     stack_storage<threshold_crossing>& stack,
-    fvm_size_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
+    fvm_index_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
     int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
@@ -42,7 +52,7 @@ void test_thresholds_kernel(
                 // The threshold has been passed, so estimate the time using
                 // linear interpolation
                 auto pos = (thresh - v_prev)/(v - v_prev);
-                crossing_time = impl::lerp(t_before[cell], t_after[cell], pos);
+                crossing_time = lerp(t_before[cell], t_after[cell], pos);
                 is_crossed[i] = 1;
                 crossed = true;
@@ -60,17 +70,39 @@ void test_thresholds_kernel(
-void test_thresholds(
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
+extern void reset_crossed_impl(
+    int size, fvm_index_type* is_crossed,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
+    int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
+    if (i<size) {
+        is_crossed[i] = values[cv_index[i]] >= thresholds[i];
+    }
+} // namespace kernel
+void test_thresholds_impl(
     int size,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
     stack_storage<threshold_crossing>& stack,
-    fvm_size_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
-    const fvm_size_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
+    fvm_index_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
+    constexpr int block_dim = 128;
+    const int grid_dim = impl::block_count(size, block_dim);
+    kernel::test_thresholds_impl<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>(
+        size, cv_to_cell, t_after, t_before, stack, is_crossed, prev_values, cv_index, values, thresholds);
+void reset_crossed_impl(
+    int size, fvm_index_type* is_crossed,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds)
     constexpr int block_dim = 128;
     const int grid_dim = impl::block_count(size, block_dim);
-    test_thresholds_kernel<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>(
-        cv_to_cell, t_after, t_before, size, stack, is_crossed, prev_values, cv_index, values, thresholds);
+    kernel::reset_crossed_impl<<<grid_dim, block_dim>>>(size, is_crossed, cv_index, values, thresholds);
 } // namespace gpu
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/threshold_watcher.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/threshold_watcher.hpp
index 6315fe32..b38e850f 100644
--- a/src/backends/gpu/threshold_watcher.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/gpu/threshold_watcher.hpp
@@ -4,49 +4,56 @@
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
-#include "managed_ptr.hpp"
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/gpu_store_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/managed_ptr.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/stack.hpp>
 #include "stack.hpp"
-#include "backends/fvm_types.hpp"
-#include "kernels/test_thresholds.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace gpu {
-/// threshold crossing logic
-/// used as part of spike detection back end
-class threshold_watcher {
-    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
-    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+// CUDA implementation entry point:
-    using array = memory::device_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::device_vector<size_type>;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    using const_iview = typename iarray::const_view_type;
+void test_thresholds_impl(
+    int size,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell, const fvm_value_type* t_after, const fvm_value_type* t_before,
+    stack_storage<threshold_crossing>& stack,
+    fvm_index_type* is_crossed, fvm_value_type* prev_values,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds);
+void reset_crossed_impl(
+    int size,
+    fvm_index_type* is_crossed,
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_index, const fvm_value_type* values, const fvm_value_type* thresholds);
+class threshold_watcher {
     using stack_type = stack<threshold_crossing>;
     threshold_watcher() = default;
     threshold_watcher(threshold_watcher&& other) = default;
     threshold_watcher& operator=(threshold_watcher&& other) = default;
-            const_iview vec_ci,
-            const_view vec_t_before,
-            const_view vec_t_after,
-            const_view values,
-            const std::vector<size_type>& index,
-            const std::vector<value_type>& thresh,
-            value_type t=0):
-        cv_to_cell_(vec_ci),
-        t_before_(vec_t_before),
-        t_after_(vec_t_after),
+        const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell,
+        const fvm_value_type* t_before,
+        const fvm_value_type* t_after,
+        const fvm_value_type* values,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_index,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& thresholds
+    ):
+        cv_to_cell_(cv_to_cell),
+        t_before_(t_before),
+        t_after_(t_after),
-        cv_index_(memory::make_const_view(index)),
-        thresholds_(memory::make_const_view(thresh)),
-        prev_values_(values),
-        is_crossed_(size()),
+        cv_index_(memory::make_const_view(cv_index)),
+        is_crossed_(cv_index.size()),
+        thresholds_(memory::make_const_view(thresholds)),
+        v_prev_(memory::const_host_view<fvm_value_type>(values, cv_index.size())),
         // TODO: allocates enough space for 10 spikes per watch.
         // A more robust approach might be needed to avoid overflows.
@@ -67,24 +74,11 @@ public:
     /// calling, because the values are used to determine the initial state
     void reset() {
-        // Make host-side copies of the information needed to calculate
-        // the initial crossed state
-        auto values = memory::on_host(values_);
-        auto thresholds = memory::on_host(thresholds_);
-        auto cv_index = memory::on_host(cv_index_);
-        // calculate the initial crossed state in host memory
-        std::vector<size_type> crossed(size());
-        for (auto i: util::make_span(0u, size())) {
-            crossed[i] = values[cv_index[i]] < thresholds[i] ? 0 : 1;
-        }
-        // copy the initial crossed state to device memory
-        memory::copy(crossed, is_crossed_);
+        reset_crossed_impl((int)size(),,, values_,;
-    bool is_crossed(size_type i) const {
+    // Testing-only interface.
+    bool is_crossed(int i) const {
         return is_crossed_[i];
@@ -101,12 +95,12 @@ public:
     /// crossed since current time t, and the last time the test was
     /// performed.
     void test() {
-        test_thresholds(
-  ,,,
-            size(),
+        test_thresholds_impl(
+            (int)size(),
+            cv_to_cell_, t_after_, t_before_,
-  ,,
-  ,,;
+  ,,
+  , values_,;
         // Check that the number of spikes has not exceeded capacity.
         // ATTENTION: requires cudaDeviceSynchronize to avoid simultaneous
@@ -119,21 +113,21 @@ public:
         return cv_index_.size();
-    /// Data type used to store the crossings.
-    /// Provided to make type-generic calling code.
-    using crossing_list =  std::vector<threshold_crossing>;
-    const_iview cv_to_cell_;    // index to cell mapping: on gpu
-    const_view t_before_;       // times per cell corresponding to prev_values_: on gpu
-    const_view t_after_;        // times per cell corresponding to values_: on gpu
-    const_view values_;         // values to watch: on gpu
-    iarray cv_index_;           // compartment indexes of values to watch: on gpu
-    array thresholds_;          // threshold for each watch: on gpu
-    array prev_values_;         // values at previous sample time: on gpu
-    iarray is_crossed_;         // bool flag for state of each watch: on gpu
+    /// Non-owning pointers to gpu-side cv-to-cell map, per-cell time data,
+    /// and the values for to test against thresholds.
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* t_before_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* t_after_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* values_ = nullptr;
+    // Threshold watch state, with data on gpu:
+    iarray cv_index_;           // Compartment indexes of values to watch.
+    iarray is_crossed_;         // Boolean flag for state of each watch.
+    array thresholds_;          // Threshold for each watch.
+    array v_prev_;              // Values at previous sample time.
+    // Hybrid host/gpu data structure for accumulating threshold crossings.
     stack_type stack_;
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp b/src/backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b38760f8..00000000
--- a/src/backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace gpu {
-void update_time_to(fvm_size_type n,
-                    fvm_value_type* time_to,
-                    const fvm_value_type* time,
-                    fvm_value_type dt,
-                    fvm_value_type tmax);
-void set_dt(fvm_size_type ncell,
-            fvm_size_type ncomp,
-            fvm_value_type* dt_cell,
-            fvm_value_type* dt_comp,
-            const fvm_value_type* time_to,
-            const fvm_value_type* time,
-            const fvm_size_type* cv_to_cell);
-} // namespace gpu
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp b/src/backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp
index b0ef0f47..303d4059 100644
--- a/src/backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
 // Pointer representation of multi-event stream marked event state,
 // common across CPU and GPU backends.
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ template <typename EvData>
 struct multi_event_stream_state {
     using value_type = EvData;
-    cell_size_type n;                     // number of streams
+    fvm_size_type n;                      // number of streams
     const value_type* ev_data;            // array of event data items
-    const cell_size_type* begin_offset;   // array of offsets to beginning of marked events
-    const cell_size_type* end_offset;     // array of offsets to end of marked events
+    const fvm_index_type* begin_offset;   // array of offsets to beginning of marked events
+    const fvm_index_type* end_offset;     // array of offsets to end of marked events
     fvm_size_type n_streams() const {
         return n;
-    const value_type* begin_marked(fvm_size_type i) const {
+    const value_type* begin_marked(fvm_index_type i) const {
         return ev_data+begin_offset[i];
-    const value_type* end_marked(fvm_size_type i) const {
+    const value_type* end_marked(fvm_index_type i) const {
         return ev_data+end_offset[i];
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/fvm.cpp b/src/backends/multicore/fvm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ea471917..00000000
--- a/src/backends/multicore/fvm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include "fvm.hpp"
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/hh_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/pas_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/expsyn_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/exp2syn_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/test_kin1_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/test_kinlva_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/test_ca_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/nax_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/kamt_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/kdrmt_cpu.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace multicore {
-std::map<std::string, backend::maker_type>
-backend::mech_map_ = {
-    { std::string("pas"),       maker<mechanism_pas> },
-    { std::string("hh"),        maker<mechanism_hh> },
-    { std::string("expsyn"),    maker<mechanism_expsyn> },
-    { std::string("exp2syn"),   maker<mechanism_exp2syn> },
-    { std::string("test_kin1"), maker<mechanism_test_kin1> },
-    { std::string("test_kinlva"), maker<mechanism_test_kinlva> },
-    { std::string("test_ca"),   maker<mechanism_test_ca> },
-    { std::string("nax"),       maker<mechanism_nax> },
-    { std::string("kamt"),      maker<mechanism_kamt> },
-    { std::string("kdrmt"),     maker<mechanism_kdrmt> },
-} // namespace multicore
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/fvm.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/fvm.hpp
index 4a0ff660..6dbb7a20 100644
--- a/src/backends/multicore/fvm.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/fvm.hpp
@@ -1,189 +1,61 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <map>
 #include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <constants.hpp>
-#include <event_queue.hpp>
-#include <mechanism.hpp>
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
-#include <memory/wrappers.hpp>
-#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
-#include <util/span.hpp>
-#include "matrix_state.hpp"
-#include "multi_event_stream.hpp"
-#include "stimulus.hpp"
-#include "threshold_watcher.hpp"
+#include <backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp>
 namespace arb {
 namespace multicore {
 struct backend {
-    static bool is_supported() {
-        return true;
-    }
+    static bool is_supported() { return true; }
+    static std::string name() { return "cpu"; }
-    /// define the real and index types
     using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
     using size_type  = fvm_size_type;
-    /// define storage types
-    using array  = memory::host_vector<value_type>;
-    using iarray = memory::host_vector<size_type>;
-    using view       = typename array::view_type;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    using iview       = typename iarray::view_type;
-    using const_iview = typename iarray::const_view_type;
-    using host_array  = array;
-    using host_iarray = iarray;
-    using host_view   = view;
-    using host_iview  = iview;
-    using matrix_state = arb::multicore::matrix_state<value_type, size_type>;
-    // backend-specific multi event streams.
-    using deliverable_event_stream = arb::multicore::multi_event_stream<deliverable_event>;
-    using sample_event_stream = arb::multicore::multi_event_stream<sample_event>;
-    //
-    // mechanism infrastructure
-    //
-    using ion_type = ion<backend>;
-    using stimulus = multicore::stimulus<backend>;
-    using mechanism = arb::mechanism<backend>;
-    using mechanism_ptr = std::unique_ptr<mechanism>;
+    using array  = arb::multicore::array;
+    using iarray = arb::multicore::iarray;
-    static mechanism_ptr make_mechanism(
-        const std::string& name,
-        size_type mech_id,
-        const_iview vec_ci,
-        const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt,
-        view vec_v, view vec_i,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& weights,
-        const std::vector<size_type>& node_indices)
-    {
-        if (!has_mechanism(name)) {
-            throw std::out_of_range("no mechanism in database : " + name);
-        }
-        return mech_map_.find(name)->second(mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, memory::make_const_view(weights), memory::make_const_view(node_indices));
-    }
-    static bool has_mechanism(const std::string& name) {
-        return mech_map_.count(name)>0;
+    static util::range<const value_type*> host_view(const array& v) {
+        return util::range_pointer_view(v);
-    static std::string name() {
-        return "cpu";
+    static util::range<const index_type*> host_view(const iarray& v) {
+        return util::range_pointer_view(v);
-    // dereference a probe handle
-    static value_type dereference(probe_handle h) {
-        return *h; // just a pointer!
-    }
-    /// threshold crossing logic
-    /// used as part of spike detection back end
-    using threshold_watcher =
-        arb::multicore::threshold_watcher<value_type, size_type>;
+    using matrix_state = arb::multicore::matrix_state<value_type, index_type>;
+    using threshold_watcher = arb::multicore::threshold_watcher;
+    using deliverable_event_stream = arb::multicore::deliverable_event_stream;
+    using sample_event_stream = arb::multicore::sample_event_stream;
-    // perform min/max reductions on 'array' type
-    template <typename V>
-    static std::pair<V, V> minmax_value(const memory::host_vector<V>& v) {
-        return util::minmax_value(v);
-    }
+    using shared_state = arb::multicore::shared_state;
-    // perform element-wise comparison on 'array' type against `t_test`.
-    template <typename V>
-    static bool any_time_before(const memory::host_vector<V>& t, V t_test) {
-        return minmax_value(t).first<t_test;
-    }
-    static void update_time_to(array& time_to, const_view time, value_type dt, value_type tmax) {
-        size_type ncell = util::size(time);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i<ncell; ++i) {
-            time_to[i] = std::min(time[i]+dt, tmax);
-        }
-    }
-    // set the per-cell and per-compartment dt_ from time_to_ - time_.
-    static void set_dt(array& dt_cell, array& dt_comp, const_view time_to, const_view time, const_iview cv_to_cell) {
-        size_type ncell = util::size(dt_cell);
-        size_type ncomp = util::size(dt_comp);
-        for (size_type j = 0; j<ncell; ++j) {
-            dt_cell[j] = time_to[j]-time[j];
-        }
-        for (size_type i = 0; i<ncomp; ++i) {
-            dt_comp[i] = dt_cell[cv_to_cell[i]];
-        }
-    }
-    // perform sampling as described by marked events in a sample_event_stream
-    static void take_samples(
-        const sample_event_stream::state& s,
-        const_view time,
-        array& sample_time,
-        array& sample_value)
-    {
-        for (size_type i = 0; i<s.n_streams(); ++i) {
-            auto begin = s.begin_marked(i);
-            auto end = s.end_marked(i);
-            for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {
-                sample_time[p->offset] = time[i];
-                sample_value[p->offset] = *p->handle;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Calculate the reversal potential eX (mV) using Nernst equation
-    // eX = RT/zF * ln(Xo/Xi)
-    //      R: universal gas constant 8.3144598 J.K-1.mol-1
-    //      T: temperature in Kelvin
-    //      z: valency of species (K, Na: +1) (Ca: +2)
-    //      F: Faraday's constant 96485.33289 C.mol-1
-    //      Xo/Xi: ratio of out/in concentrations
-    static void nernst(int valency, value_type temperature, const_view Xo, const_view Xi, view eX) {
-        // factor 1e3 to scale from V -> mV
-        constexpr value_type RF = 1e3*constant::gas_constant/constant::faraday;
-        value_type factor = RF*temperature/valency;
-        for (std::size_t i=0; i<Xi.size(); ++i) {
-            eX[i] = factor*std::log(Xo[i]/Xi[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    static void init_concentration(
-            view Xi, view Xo,
-            const_view weight_Xi, const_view weight_Xo,
-            value_type c_int, value_type c_ext)
+    static threshold_watcher voltage_watcher(
+        const shared_state& state,
+        const std::vector<index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<value_type>& thresholds)
-        for (std::size_t i=0u; i<Xi.size(); ++i) {
-            Xi[i] = c_int*weight_Xi[i];
-            Xo[i] = c_ext*weight_Xo[i];
-        }
-    }
-    using maker_type = mechanism_ptr (*)(value_type, const_iview, const_view, const_view, const_view, view, view, array&&, iarray&&);
-    static std::map<std::string, maker_type> mech_map_;
-    template <template <typename> class Mech>
-    static mechanism_ptr maker(value_type mech_id, const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, array&& weights, iarray&& node_indices) {
-        return arb::make_mechanism<Mech<backend>>
-            (mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(weights), std::move(node_indices));
+        return threshold_watcher(
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+            cv,
+            thresholds);
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/intrin.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/intrin.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 66fc2f5d..00000000
--- a/src/backends/multicore/intrin.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Custom transcendental intrinsics
-// Implementation inspired by the Cephes library:
-//    -
-#pragma once
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <immintrin.h>
-namespace arb {
-namespace multicore {
-namespace detail {
-constexpr double exp_limit = 708;
-// P/Q polynomial coefficients for the exponential function
-constexpr double P0exp = 9.99999999999999999910E-1;
-constexpr double P1exp = 3.02994407707441961300E-2;
-constexpr double P2exp = 1.26177193074810590878E-4;
-constexpr double Q0exp = 2.00000000000000000009E0;
-constexpr double Q1exp = 2.27265548208155028766E-1;
-constexpr double Q2exp = 2.52448340349684104192E-3;
-constexpr double Q3exp = 3.00198505138664455042E-6;
-// P/Q polynomial coefficients for the log function
-constexpr double P0log = 7.70838733755885391666E0;
-constexpr double P1log = 1.79368678507819816313e1;
-constexpr double P2log = 1.44989225341610930846e1;
-constexpr double P3log = 4.70579119878881725854e0;
-constexpr double P4log = 4.97494994976747001425e-1;
-constexpr double P5log = 1.01875663804580931796e-4;
-constexpr double Q0log = 2.31251620126765340583E1;
-constexpr double Q1log = 7.11544750618563894466e1;
-constexpr double Q2log = 8.29875266912776603211e1;
-constexpr double Q3log = 4.52279145837532221105e1;
-constexpr double Q4log = 1.12873587189167450590e1;
-constexpr double ln2inv = 1.4426950408889634073599; // 1/ln(2)
-// C1 + C2 = ln(2)
-constexpr double C1 = 6.93145751953125E-1;
-constexpr double C2 = 1.42860682030941723212E-6;
-// C4 - C3 = ln(2)
-constexpr double C3 = 2.121944400546905827679e-4;
-constexpr double C4 = 0.693359375;
-constexpr uint64_t dmant_mask = ((1UL<<52) - 1) | (1UL << 63); // mantissa + sign
-constexpr uint64_t dexp_mask  = ((1UL<<11) - 1) << 52;
-constexpr int exp_bias = 1023;
-constexpr double dsqrth = 0.70710678118654752440;
-#include "intrin_avx2.hpp"
-#if defined(SIMD_KNL) || defined(SIMD_AVX512)
-#include "intrin_avx512.hpp"
-} // end namespace multicore
-} // end namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx2.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx2.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index be8aa8b6..00000000
--- a/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx2.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace detail {
-    // Useful constants in vector registers
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_zero = _mm256_set1_pd(0.0);
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_one  = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0);
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_two  = _mm256_set1_pd(2.0);
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_nan  = _mm256_set1_pd(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_inf  = _mm256_set1_pd(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-    const __m256d arb_m256d_ninf = _mm256_set1_pd(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-inline void arb_mm256_print_pd(__m256d x, const char *name) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline void arb_mm256_print_epi32(__m128i x, const char *name) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline void arb_mm256_print_epi64x(__m256i x, const char *name) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_exp_pd(__m256d x) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_subnormal_pd(__m256d x) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_frexp_pd(__m256d x, __m128i *e) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_log_pd(__m256d x) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_abs_pd(__m256d x) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_pow_pd(__m256d x, __m256d y) __attribute__ ((unused));
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_abs_pd(__m256d x);
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_min_pd(__m256d x, __m256d y);
-inline __m256d arb_mm256_exprelr_pd(__m256d x);
-void arb_mm256_print_pd(__m256d x, const char *name) {
-    double *val = (double *) &x;
-    std::cout << name << " = { ";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        std::cout << val[i] << " ";
-    }
-    std::cout << "}\n";
-void arb_mm256_print_epi32(__m128i x, const char *name) {
-    int *val = (int *) &x;
-    std::cout << name << " = { ";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        std::cout << val[i] << " ";
-    }
-    std::cout << "}\n";
-void arb_mm256_print_epi64x(__m256i x, const char *name) {
-    uint64_t *val = (uint64_t *) &x;
-    std::cout << name << " = { ";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        std::cout << val[i] << " ";
-    }
-    std::cout << "}\n";
-// Calculates absolute value using AVX2 instructions
-//  Calculated as follows:
-//     abs(x) = max(x, 0-x)
-//  Other approaches that use a bitwise mask might be more efficient, but using
-//  max gives a simple one liner.
-__m256d arb_mm256_abs_pd(__m256d x) {
-    return _mm256_max_pd(x, _mm256_sub_pd(_mm256_set1_pd(0.), x));
-// Calculates minimum of two values using AVX2 instructions
-//  Caluclated as follows:
-//      min(x,y) = x>y? y: x
-__m256d arb_mm256_min_pd(__m256d x, __m256d y) {
-    // substitute values in x with values from y where x>y
-    return _mm256_blendv_pd(x, y, _mm256_cmp_pd(x, y, 30)); // 30 -> _CMP_GT_OQ
-// Calculates exprelr value using AVX2 instructions
-//  Calculated as follows:
-//     exprelr(x) = x / (exp(x)-1) = x / expm1(x)
-// TODO: currently calculates exp(x)-1 for the denominator, which will not be
-//       accurate for x≈0. A vectorized implementation of expm1(x) would fix this.
-//       An example of such an implementation is in Cephes.
-__m256d arb_mm256_exprelr_pd(__m256d x) {
-    const auto ones = _mm256_set1_pd(1);
-    return _mm256_blendv_pd(
-            _mm256_div_pd(x, _mm256_sub_pd(arb_mm256_exp_pd(x), ones)), // x / (exp(x)-1)
-            ones,                                                       // 1
-            _mm256_cmp_pd(ones, _mm256_add_pd(x, ones), 0));            // 1+x == 1
-// Calculates exponential using AVX2 instructions
-//  Exponential is calculated as follows:
-//     e^x = e^g * 2^n,
-//  where g in [-0.5, 0.5) and n is an integer. Obviously 2^n can be calculated
-//  fast with bit shift, whereas e^g is approximated using the following Pade'
-//  form:
-//     e^g = 1 + 2*g*P(g^2) / (Q(g^2)-P(g^2))
-//  The exponents n and g are calculated using the following formulas:
-//  n = floor(x/ln(2) + 0.5)
-//  g = x - n*ln(2)
-//  They can be derived as follows:
-//    e^x = 2^(x/ln(2))
-//        = 2^-0.5 * 2^(x/ln(2) + 0.5)
-//        = 2^r'-0.5 * 2^floor(x/ln(2) + 0.5)     (1)
-// Setting n = floor(x/ln(2) + 0.5),
-//    r' = x/ln(2) - n, and r' in [0, 1)
-// Substituting r' in (1) gives us
-//    e^x = 2^(x/ln(2) - n) * 2^n, where x/ln(2) - n is now in [-0.5, 0.5)
-//        = e^(x-n*ln(2)) * 2^n
-//        = e^g * 2^n, where g = x - n*ln(2)      (2)
-// NOTE: The calculation of ln(2) in (2) is split in two operations to
-// compensate for rounding errors:
-//   ln(2) = C1 + C2, where
-//   C1 = floor(2^k*ln(2))/2^k
-//   C2 = ln(2) - C1
-// We use k=32, since this is what the Cephes library does historically.
-// Theoretically, we could use k=52 to match the IEEE-754 double accuracy, but
-// the standard library seems not to do that, so we are getting differences
-// compared to std::exp() for large exponents.
-__m256d arb_mm256_exp_pd(__m256d x) {
-    __m256d x_orig = x;
-    __m256d px = _mm256_floor_pd(
-        _mm256_add_pd(
-            _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_set1_pd(detail::ln2inv), x),
-            _mm256_set1_pd(0.5)
-        )
-    );
-    __m128i n = _mm256_cvtpd_epi32(px);
-    x = _mm256_sub_pd(x, _mm256_mul_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::C1)));
-    x = _mm256_sub_pd(x, _mm256_mul_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::C2)));
-    __m256d xx = _mm256_mul_pd(x, x);
-    // Compute the P and Q polynomials.
-    // Polynomials are computed in factorized form in order to reduce the total
-    // numbers of operations:
-    //
-    // P(x) = P0 + P1*x + P2*x^2 = P0 + x*(P1 + x*P2)
-    // Q(x) = Q0 + Q1*x + Q2*x^2 + Q3*x^3 = Q0 + x*(Q1 + x*(Q2 + x*Q3))
-    // Compute x*P(x**2)
-    px = _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P2exp);
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, xx);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P1exp));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, xx);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P0exp));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    // Compute Q(x**2)
-    __m256d qx = _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q3exp);
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, xx);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q2exp));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, xx);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q1exp));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, xx);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q0exp));
-    // Compute 1 + 2*P(x**2) / (Q(x**2)-P(x**2))
-    x = _mm256_div_pd(px, _mm256_sub_pd(qx, px));
-    x = _mm256_add_pd(detail::arb_m256d_one,
-                      _mm256_mul_pd(detail::arb_m256d_two, x));
-    // Finally, compute x *= 2**n
-    __m256i n64 = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(n);
-    n64 = _mm256_add_epi64(n64, _mm256_set1_epi64x(1023));
-    n64 = _mm256_sll_epi64(n64, _mm_set_epi64x(0, 52));
-    x = _mm256_mul_pd(x, _mm256_castsi256_pd(n64));
-    // Treat exceptional cases
-    __m256d is_large = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::exp_limit), 30 /* _CMP_GT_OQ */
-    );
-    __m256d is_small = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, _mm256_set1_pd(-detail::exp_limit), 17 /* _CMP_LT_OQ */
-    );
-    __m256d is_nan = _mm256_cmp_pd(x_orig, x_orig, 3 /* _CMP_UNORD_Q */ );
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_inf, is_large);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_zero, is_small);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_nan, is_nan);
-    return x;
-__m256d arb_mm256_subnormal_pd(__m256d x) {
-    __m256i x_raw = _mm256_castpd_si256(x);
-    __m256i exp_mask = _mm256_set1_epi64x(detail::dexp_mask);
-    __m256d x_exp = _mm256_castsi256_pd(_mm256_and_si256(x_raw, exp_mask));
-    // Subnormals have a zero exponent
-    return _mm256_cmp_pd(x_exp, detail::arb_m256d_zero, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */);
-__m256d arb_mm256_frexp_pd(__m256d x, __m128i *e) {
-    __m256i exp_mask  = _mm256_set1_epi64x(detail::dexp_mask);
-    __m256i mant_mask = _mm256_set1_epi64x(detail::dmant_mask);
-    __m256d x_orig = x;
-    // we will work on the raw bits of x
-    __m256i x_raw  = _mm256_castpd_si256(x);
-    __m256i x_exp  = _mm256_and_si256(x_raw, exp_mask);
-    x_exp = _mm256_srli_epi64(x_exp, 52);
-    // We need bias-1 since frexp returns base values in (-1, -0.5], [0.5, 1)
-    x_exp = _mm256_sub_epi64(x_exp, _mm256_set1_epi64x(detail::exp_bias-1));
-    // IEEE-754 floats are in 1.<mantissa> form, but frexp needs to return a
-    // float in (-1, -0.5], [0.5, 1). We convert x_ret in place by adding it
-    // an 2^-1 exponent, i.e., 1022 in IEEE-754 format
-    __m256i x_ret = _mm256_and_si256(x_raw, mant_mask);
-    __m256i exp_bits = _mm256_slli_epi64(_mm256_set1_epi64x(detail::exp_bias-1), 52);
-    x_ret = _mm256_or_si256(x_ret, exp_bits);
-    x = _mm256_castsi256_pd(x_ret);
-    // Treat special cases
-    __m256d is_zero = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_zero, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */
-    );
-    __m256d is_inf = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_inf, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */
-    );
-    __m256d is_ninf = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_ninf, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */
-    );
-    __m256d is_nan = _mm256_cmp_pd(x_orig, x_orig, 3 /* _CMP_UNORD_Q */ );
-    // Denormalized numbers have a zero exponent. Here we expect -1022 since we
-    // have already prepared it as a power of 2
-    __m256i is_denorm = _mm256_cmpeq_epi64(x_exp, _mm256_set1_epi64x(-1022));
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_zero, is_zero);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_inf, is_inf);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_ninf, is_ninf);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_nan, is_nan);
-    // FIXME: We treat denormalized numbers as zero here
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_zero,
-                         _mm256_castsi256_pd(is_denorm));
-    x_exp = _mm256_blendv_epi8(x_exp, _mm256_set1_epi64x(0), is_denorm);
-    x_exp = _mm256_blendv_epi8(x_exp, _mm256_set1_epi64x(0),
-                               _mm256_castpd_si256(is_zero));
-    // We need to "compress" x_exp into the first 128 bits before casting it
-    // safely to __m128i and return to *e
-    x_exp = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(
-        x_exp, _mm256_set_epi32(7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 0)
-    );
-    *e = _mm256_castsi256_si128(x_exp);
-    return x;
-// Calculates natural logarithm using AVX2 instructions
-//   ln(x) = ln(x'*2^g), x' in [0,1), g in N
-//         = ln(x') + g*ln(2)
-// The logarithm in [0,1) is computed using the following Pade' form:
-//   ln(1+x) = x - 0.5*x^2 + x^3*P(x)/Q(x)
-__m256d arb_mm256_log_pd(__m256d x) {
-    __m256d x_orig = x;
-    __m128i x_exp;
-    // x := x', x_exp := g
-    x = arb_mm256_frexp_pd(x, &x_exp);
-    // convert x_exp to packed double
-    __m256d dx_exp = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(x_exp);
-    // blending
-    __m256d lt_sqrth = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::dsqrth), 17 /* _CMP_LT_OQ */);
-    // Adjust the argument and the exponent
-    //       | 2*x - 1; e := e -1 , if x < sqrt(2)/2
-    //  x := |
-    //       | x - 1, otherwise
-    // Precompute both branches
-    // 2*x - 1
-    __m256d x2m1 = _mm256_sub_pd(_mm256_add_pd(x, x), detail::arb_m256d_one);
-    // x - 1
-    __m256d xm1 = _mm256_sub_pd(x, detail::arb_m256d_one);
-    // dx_exp - 1
-    __m256d dx_exp_m1 = _mm256_sub_pd(dx_exp, detail::arb_m256d_one);
-    x = _mm256_blendv_pd(xm1, x2m1, lt_sqrth);
-    dx_exp = _mm256_blendv_pd(dx_exp, dx_exp_m1, lt_sqrth);
-    // compute P(x)
-    __m256d px = _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P5log);
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P4log));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P3log));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P2log));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P1log));
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_add_pd(px, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::P0log));
-    // xx := x^2
-    // px := P(x)*x^3
-    __m256d xx = _mm256_mul_pd(x, x);
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, x);
-    px = _mm256_mul_pd(px, xx);
-    // compute Q(x)
-    __m256d qx = x;
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q4log));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, x);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q3log));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, x);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q2log));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, x);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q1log));
-    qx = _mm256_mul_pd(qx, x);
-    qx = _mm256_add_pd(qx, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::Q0log));
-    // x^3*P(x)/Q(x)
-    __m256d ret = _mm256_div_pd(px, qx);
-    // x^3*P(x)/Q(x) - g*ln(2)
-    ret = _mm256_sub_pd(
-        ret, _mm256_mul_pd(dx_exp, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::C3))
-    );
-    // -.5*x^ + x^3*P(x)/Q(x) - g*ln(2)
-    ret = _mm256_sub_pd(ret, _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_set1_pd(0.5), xx));
-    // x -.5*x^ + x^3*P(x)/Q(x) - g*ln(2)
-    ret = _mm256_add_pd(ret, x);
-    // rounding error correction for ln(2)
-    ret = _mm256_add_pd(ret, _mm256_mul_pd(dx_exp, _mm256_set1_pd(detail::C4)));
-    // Treat exceptional cases
-    __m256d is_inf = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_inf, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */);
-    __m256d is_zero = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_zero, 0 /* _CMP_EQ_OQ */);
-    __m256d is_neg = _mm256_cmp_pd(
-        x_orig, detail::arb_m256d_zero, 17 /* _CMP_LT_OQ */);
-    __m256d is_denorm = arb_mm256_subnormal_pd(x_orig);
-    ret = _mm256_blendv_pd(ret, detail::arb_m256d_inf, is_inf);
-    ret = _mm256_blendv_pd(ret, detail::arb_m256d_ninf, is_zero);
-    // We treat denormalized cases as zeros
-    ret = _mm256_blendv_pd(ret, detail::arb_m256d_ninf, is_denorm);
-    ret = _mm256_blendv_pd(ret, detail::arb_m256d_nan, is_neg);
-    return ret;
-// Equivalent to exp(y*log(x))
-__m256d arb_mm256_pow_pd(__m256d x, __m256d y) {
-    return arb_mm256_exp_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(y, arb_mm256_log_pd(x)));
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx512.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx512.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef6354d..00000000
--- a/src/backends/multicore/intrin_avx512.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// vector types for avx512
-// double precision avx512 register
-using vecd_avx512  = __m512d;
-// 8 way mask for avx512 register (for use with double precision)
-using mask8_avx512 = __mmask8;
-inline vecd_avx512 set(double x) {
-    return _mm512_set1_pd(x);
-namespace detail {
-    // Useful constants in vector registers
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_zero = set(0.0);
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_one  = set(1.0);
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_two  = set(2.0);
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_nan  = set(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_inf  = set(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-    const vecd_avx512 vecd_avx512_ninf = set(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-// Operations on vector registers.
-// shorter, less verbose wrappers around intrinsics
-inline vecd_avx512 blend(mask8_avx512 m, vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_mask_blend_pd(m, x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 add(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_add_pd(x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 sub(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_sub_pd(x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 mul(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_mul_pd(x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 div(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_div_pd(x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 max(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_max_pd(x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 expm1(vecd_avx512 x) {
-    // Assume that we are using the Intel compiler, and use the vectorized expm1
-    // defined in the Intel SVML library.
-    return _mm512_expm1_pd(x);
-inline mask8_avx512 less(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(x, y, 0);
-inline mask8_avx512 greater(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    return _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(x, y, 30);
-inline vecd_avx512 abs(vecd_avx512 x) {
-    return max(x, sub(set(0.), x));
-inline vecd_avx512 min(vecd_avx512 x, vecd_avx512 y) {
-    // substitute values in x with values from y where x>y
-    return blend(greater(x, y), x, y);
-inline vecd_avx512 exprelr(vecd_avx512 x) {
-    const auto ones = set(1);
-    return blend(less(ones, add(x, ones)), div(x, expm1(x)), ones);
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp
index 45004231..67976ee4 100644
--- a/src/backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/matrix_state.hpp
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/partition.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
+#include "multicore_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace multicore {
@@ -11,11 +12,12 @@ template <typename T, typename I>
 struct matrix_state {
     using value_type = T;
-    using size_type = I;
+    using index_type = I;
+    using array = padded_vector<value_type>;
+    using const_view = const array&;
-    using array = memory::host_vector<value_type>;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    using iarray = memory::host_vector<size_type>;
+    using iarray = padded_vector<index_type>;
     iarray parent_index;
     iarray cell_cv_divs;
@@ -32,21 +34,21 @@ public:
     matrix_state() = default;
-    matrix_state(const std::vector<size_type>& p,
-                 const std::vector<size_type>& cell_cv_divs,
+    matrix_state(const std::vector<index_type>& p,
+                 const std::vector<index_type>& cell_cv_divs,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& cap,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& cond,
                  const std::vector<value_type>& area):
-        parent_index(memory::make_const_view(p)),
-        cell_cv_divs(memory::make_const_view(cell_cv_divs)),
+        parent_index(p.begin(), p.end()),
+        cell_cv_divs(cell_cv_divs.begin(), cell_cv_divs.end()),
         d(size(), 0), u(size(), 0), rhs(size()),
-        cv_capacitance(memory::make_const_view(cap)),
-        face_conductance(memory::make_const_view(cond)),
-        cv_area(memory::make_const_view(area))
+        cv_capacitance(cap.begin(), cap.end()),
+        face_conductance(cond.begin(), cond.end()),
+        cv_area(area.begin(), area.end())
         EXPECTS(cap.size() == size());
         EXPECTS(cond.size() == size());
-        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back() == size());
+        EXPECTS(cell_cv_divs.back() == (index_type)size());
         auto n = size();
         invariant_d = array(n, 0);
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ public:
     const_view solution() const {
         // In this back end the solution is a simple view of the rhs, which
         // contains the solution after the matrix_solve is performed.
-        return const_view(rhs);
+        return rhs;
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ public:
     //   current density [A.m^-2] (per compartment)
     void assemble(const_view dt_cell, const_view voltage, const_view current) {
         auto cell_cv_part = util::partition_view(cell_cv_divs);
-        const size_type ncells = cell_cv_part.size();
+        const index_type ncells = cell_cv_part.size();
         // loop over submatrices
         for (auto m: util::make_span(0, ncells)) {
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp b/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73f95529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <util/index_into.hpp>
+#include <util/optional.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+using util::make_range;
+using util::value_by_key;
+// Copy elements from source sequence into destination sequence,
+// and fill the remaining elements of the destination sequence
+// with the given fill value.
+// Assumes that the iterators for these sequences are at least
+// forward iterators.
+template <typename Source, typename Dest, typename Fill>
+void copy_extend(const Source& source, Dest&& dest, const Fill& fill) {
+    using std::begin;
+    using std::end;
+    auto dest_n = util::size(dest);
+    auto source_n = util::size(source);
+    auto n = source_n<dest_n? source_n: dest_n;
+    auto tail = std::copy_n(begin(source), n, begin(dest));
+    std::fill(tail, end(dest), fill);
+// The derived class (typically generated code from modcc) holds pointers that need
+// to be set to point inside the shared state, or into the allocated parameter/variable
+// data block.
+// In ths SIMD case, there may be a 'tail' of values that correspond to a partial
+// SIMD value when the width is not a multiple of the SIMD data width. In this
+// implementation we do not use SIMD masking to avoid tail values, but instead
+// extend the vectors to a multiple of the SIMD width: sites/CVs corresponding to
+// these past-the-end values are given a weight of zero, and any corresponding
+// indices into shared state point to the last valid slot.
+void mechanism::instantiate(fvm_size_type id, backend::shared_state& shared, const layout& pos_data) {
+    using util::make_range;
+    util::padded_allocator<> pad(shared.alignment);
+    mechanism_id_ = id;
+    width_ =;
+    // Assign non-owning views onto shared state:
+    vec_ci_   =;
+    vec_t_    =;
+    vec_t_to_ =;
+    vec_dt_   =;
+    vec_v_    =;
+    vec_i_    =;
+    auto ion_state_tbl = ion_state_table();
+    n_ion_ = ion_state_tbl.size();
+    for (auto i: ion_state_tbl) {
+        util::optional<ion_state&> oion = value_by_key(shared.ion_data, i.first);
+        if (!oion) {
+            throw std::logic_error("mechanism holds ion with no corresponding shared state");
+        }
+        ion_state_view& ion_view = *i.second;
+        ion_view.current_density = oion->;
+        ion_view.reversal_potential = oion->;
+        ion_view.internal_concentration = oion->;
+        ion_view.external_concentration = oion->;
+    }
+    event_stream_ptr_ = &shared.deliverable_events;
+    // If there are no sites (is this ever meaningful?) there is nothing more to do.
+    if (width_==0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Extend width to account for requisite SIMD padding.
+    width_padded_ = math::round_up(width_, shared.alignment);
+    // Allocate and initialize state and parameter vectors with default values.
+    auto fields = field_table();
+    std::size_t n_field = fields.size();
+    // (First sub-array of data_ is used for width_, below.)
+    data_ = array((1+n_field)*width_padded_, NAN, pad);
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i<n_field; ++i) {
+        // Take reference to corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value pointer member.
+        fvm_value_type*& field_ptr = *(fields[i].second);
+        field_ptr =*width_padded_;
+        if (auto opt_value = value_by_key(field_default_table(), fields[i].first)) {
+            std::fill(field_ptr, field_ptr+width_padded_, *opt_value);
+        }
+    }
+    weight_ =;
+    // Allocate and copy local state: weight, node indices, ion indices.
+    // The tail comprises those elements between width_ and width_padded_:
+    //
+    // * For entries in the padded tail of weight_, set weight to zero.
+    // * For indices in the padded tail of node_index_, set index to last valid CV index.
+    // * For indices in the padded tail of ion index maps, set index to last valid ion index.
+    node_index_ = iarray(width_padded_, pad);
+    copy_extend(, node_index_,;
+    copy_extend(pos_data.weight, make_range(,, 0);
+    for (auto i: ion_index_table()) {
+        util::optional<ion_state&> oion = value_by_key(shared.ion_data, i.first);
+        if (!oion) {
+            throw std::logic_error("mechanism holds ion with no corresponding shared state");
+        }
+        auto indices = util::index_into(node_index_, oion->node_index_);
+        // Take reference to derived (generated) mechanism ion index member.
+        auto& ion_index = *i.second;
+        ion_index = iarray(width_padded_, pad);
+        copy_extend(indices, ion_index, util::back(indices));
+    }
+void mechanism::set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& values) {
+    if (auto opt_ptr = value_by_key(field_table(), key)) {
+        if (values.size()!=width_) {
+            throw std::logic_error("internal error: mechanism parameter size mismatch");
+        }
+        if (width_>0) {
+            // Retrieve corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value pointer member.
+            value_type* field_ptr = *opt_ptr.value();
+            util::range<value_type*> field(field_ptr, field_ptr+width_padded_);
+            copy_extend(values, field, values.back());
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        throw std::logic_error("internal error: no such mechanism parameter");
+    }
+void mechanism::set_global(const std::string& key, fvm_value_type value) {
+    if (auto opt_ptr = value_by_key(global_table(), key)) {
+        // Take reference to corresponding derived (generated) mechanism value member.
+        value_type& global = *opt_ptr.value();
+        global = value;
+    }
+    else {
+        throw std::logic_error("internal error: no such mechanism global");
+    }
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..066e287f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+// Base class for all generated mechanisms for multicore back-end.
+class mechanism: public arb::concrete_mechanism<arb::multicore::backend> {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    using backend = arb::multicore::backend;
+    using deliverable_event_stream = backend::deliverable_event_stream;
+    using array  = arb::multicore::array;
+    using iarray = arb::multicore::iarray;
+    struct ion_state_view {
+        value_type* current_density;
+        value_type* reversal_potential;
+        value_type* internal_concentration;
+        value_type* external_concentration;
+    };
+    std::size_t size() const override {
+        return width_;
+    }
+    std::size_t memory() const override {
+        std::size_t s = object_sizeof();
+        s += sizeof(value_type) * data_.size();
+        s += sizeof(size_type) * width_padded_ * (n_ion_ + 1); // node and ion indices.
+        return s;
+    }
+    void instantiate(fvm_size_type id, backend::shared_state& shared, const layout& w) override;
+    void deliver_events() override {
+        // Delegate to derived class, passing in event queue state.
+        deliver_events(event_stream_ptr_->marked_events());
+    }
+    void set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& values) override;
+    void set_global(const std::string& key, fvm_value_type value) override;
+    size_type width_ = 0;        // Instance width (number of CVs/sites)
+    size_type width_padded_ = 0; // Width rounded up to multiple of pad/alignment.
+    size_type n_ion_ = 0;
+    // Non-owning views onto shared cell state, excepting ion state.
+    const index_type* vec_ci_;     // CV to cell index.
+    const value_type* vec_t_;     // Cell index to cell-local time.
+    const value_type* vec_t_to_;  // Cell index to cell-local integration step time end.
+    const value_type* vec_dt_;    // CV to integration time step.
+    const value_type* vec_v_;     // CV to cell membrane voltage.
+    value_type* vec_i_;           // CV to cell membrane current density.
+    deliverable_event_stream* event_stream_ptr_;
+    // Per-mechanism index and weight data, excepting ion indices.
+    iarray node_index_;
+    const value_type* weight_;    // Points within data_ after instantiation.
+    // Bulk storage for state and parameter variables.
+    array data_;
+    // Generated mechanism field, global and ion table lookup types.
+    // First component is name, second is pointer to corresponing member in 
+    // the mechanism's parameter pack, or for field_default_table,
+    // the scalar value used to initialize the field.
+    using global_table_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type*>;
+    using mechanism_global_table = std::vector<global_table_entry>;
+    using field_table_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type**>;
+    using mechanism_field_table = std::vector<field_table_entry>;
+    using field_default_entry = std::pair<const char*, value_type>;
+    using mechanism_field_default_table = std::vector<field_default_entry>;
+    using ion_state_entry = std::pair<ionKind, ion_state_view*>;
+    using mechanism_ion_state_table = std::vector<ion_state_entry>;
+    using ion_index_entry = std::pair<ionKind, iarray*>;
+    using mechanism_ion_index_table = std::vector<ion_index_entry>;
+    // Generated mechanisms must implement the following methods, together with
+    // fingerprint(), clone(), kind(), nrn_init(), nrn_state(), nrn_current()
+    // and deliver_events() (if required) from arb::mechanism.
+    // Member tables: introspection into derived mechanism fields, views etc.
+    // Default implementations correspond to no corresponding fields/globals/ions.
+    virtual mechanism_field_table field_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_global_table global_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_ion_state_table ion_state_table() { return {}; }
+    virtual mechanism_ion_index_table ion_index_table() { return {}; }
+    // Report raw size in bytes of mechanism object.
+    virtual std::size_t object_sizeof() const = 0;
+    // Event delivery, given event queue state:
+    virtual void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state) {};
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp
index dc6683fa..0b188c63 100644
--- a/src/backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/multi_event_stream.hpp
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 #include <ostream>
 #include <utility>
-#include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
 #include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
 #include <generic_event.hpp>
 #include <algorithms.hpp>
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace multicore {
 template <typename Event>
 class multi_event_stream {
-    using size_type = cell_size_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
     using event_type = Event;
     using event_time_type = ::arb::event_time_type<Event>;
@@ -44,9 +45,9 @@ public:
         remaining_ = 0;
-        util::fill(span_begin_, 0u);
-        util::fill(span_end_, 0u);
-        util::fill(mark_, 0u);
+        util::fill(span_begin_, 0);
+        util::fill(span_end_, 0);
+        util::fill(mark_, 0);
     // Initialize event streams from a vector of events, sorted by time.
@@ -72,10 +73,10 @@ public:
         EXPECTS(n_streams() == span_end_.size());
         EXPECTS(n_streams() == mark_.size());
-        size_type ev_begin_i = 0;
-        size_type ev_i = 0;
+        index_type ev_begin_i = 0;
+        index_type ev_i = 0;
         for (size_type s = 0; s<n_streams(); ++s) {
-            while (ev_i<n_ev && event_index(staged[ev_i])<s+1) ++ev_i;
+            while ((size_type)ev_i<n_ev && (size_type)(event_index(staged[ev_i]))<s+1) ++ev_i;
             // Within a subrange of events with the same index, events should
             // be sorted by time.
@@ -196,9 +197,9 @@ public:
     std::vector<event_time_type> ev_time_;
-    std::vector<size_type> span_begin_;
-    std::vector<size_type> span_end_;
-    std::vector<size_type> mark_;
+    std::vector<index_type> span_begin_;
+    std::vector<index_type> span_end_;
+    std::vector<index_type> mark_;
     std::vector<event_data_type> ev_data_;
     size_type remaining_ = 0;
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb75c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/multicore_common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#pragma once
+// Storage classes and other common types across
+// multicore back end implementations.
+// Defines array, iarray, and specialized multi-event stream classes.
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <simd/simd.hpp>
+#include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
+#include "multi_event_stream.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+template <typename V>
+using padded_vector = std::vector<V, util::padded_allocator<V>>;
+using array  = padded_vector<fvm_value_type>;
+using iarray = padded_vector<fvm_index_type>;
+using deliverable_event_stream = arb::multicore::multi_event_stream<deliverable_event>;
+using sample_event_stream = arb::multicore::multi_event_stream<sample_event>;
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp b/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1588692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <constants.hpp>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <simd/simd.hpp>
+#include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include "multi_event_stream.hpp"
+#include "multicore_common.hpp"
+#include "shared_state.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+constexpr unsigned simd_width = simd::simd_abi::native_width<fvm_value_type>::value;
+using simd_value_type = simd::simd<fvm_value_type, simd_width>;
+using simd_index_type = simd::simd<fvm_index_type, simd_width>;
+// Pick alignment compatible with native SIMD width for explicitly
+// vectorized operations below.
+// TODO: Is SIMD use here a win? Test and compare; may be better to leave
+// these up to the compiler to optimize/auto-vectorize.
+inline unsigned min_alignment(unsigned align) {
+    unsigned simd_align = sizeof(fvm_value_type)*simd_width;
+    return math::next_pow2(std::max(align, simd_align));
+using pad = util::padded_allocator<>;
+// ion_state methods:
+    ion_info info,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area,
+    unsigned align
+    alignment(min_alignment(align)),
+    node_index_(cv.begin(), cv.end(), pad(alignment)),
+    iX_(cv.size(), NAN, pad(alignment)),
+    eX_(cv.size(), NAN, pad(alignment)),
+    Xi_(cv.size(), NAN, pad(alignment)),
+    Xo_(cv.size(), NAN, pad(alignment)),
+    weight_Xi_(iconc_norm_area.begin(), iconc_norm_area.end(), pad(alignment)),
+    weight_Xo_(econc_norm_area.begin(), econc_norm_area.end(), pad(alignment)),
+    charge(info.charge),
+    default_int_concentration(info.default_int_concentration),
+    default_ext_concentration(info.default_ext_concentration)
+    EXPECTS(node_index_.size()==weight_Xi_.size());
+    EXPECTS(node_index_.size()==weight_Xo_.size());
+void ion_state::nernst(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    // Nernst equation: reversal potenial eX given by:
+    //     
+    //     eX = RT/zF * ln(Xo/Xi)
+    //
+    // where:
+    //     R: universal gas constant 8.3144598 J.K-1.mol-1
+    //     T: temperature in Kelvin
+    //     z: valency of species (K, Na: +1) (Ca: +2)
+    //     F: Faraday's constant 96485.33289 C.mol-1
+    //     Xo/Xi: ratio of out/in concentrations
+    // 1e3 factor required to scale from V -> mV.
+    constexpr fvm_value_type RF = 1e3*constant::gas_constant/constant::faraday;
+    simd_value_type factor = RF*temperature_K/charge;
+    for (std::size_t i=0; i<Xi_.size(); i+=simd_width) {
+        simd_value_type xi(;
+        simd_value_type xo(;
+        auto ex = factor*log(xo/xi);
+        ex.copy_to(;
+    }
+void ion_state::init_concentration() {
+    for (std::size_t i=0u; i<Xi_.size(); i+=simd_width) {
+        simd_value_type weight_xi(;
+        simd_value_type weight_xo(;
+        auto xi = default_int_concentration*weight_xi;
+        xi.copy_to(;
+        auto xo = default_ext_concentration*weight_xo;
+        xo.copy_to(;
+    }
+void ion_state::zero_current() {
+    util::fill(iX_, 0);
+// shared_state methods:
+    fvm_size_type n_cell,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_to_cell_vec,
+    unsigned align
+    alignment(min_alignment(align)),
+    alloc(alignment),
+    n_cell(n_cell),
+    n_cv(cv_to_cell_vec.size()),
+    cv_to_cell(math::round_up(n_cv, alignment), pad(alignment)),
+    time(n_cell, pad(alignment)),
+    time_to(n_cell, pad(alignment)),
+    dt_cell(n_cell, pad(alignment)),
+    dt_cv(n_cv, pad(alignment)),
+    voltage(n_cv, pad(alignment)),
+    current_density(n_cv, pad(alignment)),
+    deliverable_events(n_cell)
+    // For indices in the padded tail of cv_to_cell, set index to last valid cell index.
+    if (n_cv>0) {
+        std::copy(cv_to_cell_vec.begin(), cv_to_cell_vec.end(), cv_to_cell.begin());
+        std::fill(cv_to_cell.begin()+n_cv, cv_to_cell.end(), cv_to_cell_vec.back());
+    }
+void shared_state::add_ion(
+    ion_info info,
+    const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+    const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area)
+    ion_data.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
+        std::forward_as_tuple(info.kind),
+        std::forward_as_tuple(info, cv, iconc_norm_area, econc_norm_area, alignment));
+void shared_state::reset(fvm_value_type initial_voltage, fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    util::fill(voltage, initial_voltage);
+    util::fill(current_density, 0);
+    util::fill(time, 0);
+    util::fill(time_to, 0);
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.reset(temperature_K);
+    }
+void shared_state::zero_currents() {
+    util::fill(current_density, 0);
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.zero_current();
+    }
+void shared_state::ions_init_concentration() {
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.init_concentration();
+    }
+void shared_state::ions_nernst_reversal_potential(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+    for (auto& i: ion_data) {
+        i.second.nernst(temperature_K);
+    }
+void shared_state::update_time_to(fvm_value_type dt_step, fvm_value_type tmax) {
+    for (fvm_size_type i = 0; i<n_cell; i+=simd_width) {
+        simd_value_type t(;
+        t = min(t+dt_step, simd_value_type(tmax));
+        t.copy_to(;
+    }
+void shared_state::set_dt() {
+    for (fvm_size_type j = 0; j<n_cell; j+=simd_width) {
+        simd_value_type t(;
+        simd_value_type t_to(;
+        auto dt = t_to-t;
+        dt.copy_to(;
+    }
+    for (fvm_size_type i = 0; i<n_cv; i+=simd_width) {
+        simd_index_type cell_idx(;
+        simd_value_type dt(simd::indirect(, cell_idx));
+        dt.copy_to(;
+    }
+std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> shared_state::time_bounds() const {
+    return util::minmax_value(time);
+std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> shared_state::voltage_bounds() const {
+    return util::minmax_value(voltage);
+void shared_state::take_samples(
+    const sample_event_stream::state& s,
+    array& sample_time,
+    array& sample_value)
+    for (fvm_size_type i = 0; i<s.n_streams(); ++i) {
+        auto begin = s.begin_marked(i);
+        auto end = s.end_marked(i);
+        // (Note: probably not worth explicitly vectorizing this.)
+        for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {
+            sample_time[p->offset] = time[i];
+            sample_value[p->offset] = *p->handle;
+        }
+    }
+// (Debug interface only.)
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const shared_state& s) {
+    using util::csv;
+    out << "n_cell " << s.n_cell << "\n----\n";
+    out << "n_cv " << s.n_cv << "\n----\n";
+    out << "cv_to_cell:\n" << csv(s.cv_to_cell) << "\n";
+    out << "time:\n" << csv(s.time) << "\n";
+    out << "time_to:\n" << csv(s.time_to) << "\n";
+    out << "dt:\n" << csv(s.dt_cell) << "\n";
+    out << "dt_comp:\n" << csv(s.dt_cv) << "\n";
+    out << "voltage:\n" << csv(s.voltage) << "\n";
+    out << "current_density:\n" << csv(s.current_density) << "\n";
+    for (auto& ki: s.ion_data) {
+        auto kn = to_string(ki.first);
+        auto& i = const_cast<ion_state&>(ki.second);
+        out << kn << ".current_density:\n" << csv(i.iX_) << "\n";
+        out << kn << ".reversal_potential:\n" << csv(i.eX_) << "\n";
+        out << kn << ".internal_concentration:\n" << csv(i.Xi_) << "\n";
+        out << kn << ".external_concentration:\n" << csv(i.Xo_) << "\n";
+    }
+    return out;
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a95605c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/shared_state.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <constants.hpp>
+#include <event_queue.hpp>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <simd/simd.hpp>
+#include <util/enumhash.hpp>
+#include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include "matrix_state.hpp"
+#include "multi_event_stream.hpp"
+#include "threshold_watcher.hpp"
+#include "multicore_common.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+ * Ion state fields correspond to NMODL ion variables, where X
+ * is replaced with the name of the ion. E.g. for calcium 'ca':
+ *
+ *     Field   NMODL variable   Meaning
+ *     -------------------------------------------------------
+ *     iX_     ica              calcium ion current density
+ *     eX_     eca              calcium ion channel reversal potential
+ *     Xi_     cai              internal calcium concentration
+ *     Xo_     cao              external calcium concentration
+ */
+struct ion_state {
+    unsigned alignment = 1; // Alignment and padding multiple.
+    iarray node_index_; // Instance to CV map.
+    array iX_;          // (nA) current
+    array eX_;          // (mV) reversal potential
+    array Xi_;          // (mM) internal concentration
+    array Xo_;          // (mM) external concentration
+    array weight_Xi_;   // (1) concentration weight internal
+    array weight_Xo_;   // (1) concentration weight external
+    int charge;    // charge of ionic species
+    fvm_value_type default_int_concentration; // (mM) default internal concentration
+    fvm_value_type default_ext_concentration; // (mM) default external concentration
+    ion_state() = default;
+    ion_state(
+        ion_info info,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area,
+        unsigned align
+    );
+    // Calculate the reversal potential eX (mV) using Nernst equation
+    void nernst(fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+    // Set ion concentrations to weighted proportion of default concentrations.
+    void init_concentration();
+    // Set ionic current density to zero.
+    void zero_current();
+    void reset(fvm_value_type temperature_K) {
+        zero_current();
+        init_concentration();
+        nernst(temperature_K);
+    }
+struct shared_state {
+    unsigned alignment = 1;   // Alignment and padding multiple.
+    util::padded_allocator<> alloc;  // Allocator with corresponging alignment/padding.
+    fvm_size_type n_cell = 0; // Number of distinct cells (integration domains).
+    fvm_size_type n_cv = 0;   // Total number of CVs.
+    iarray cv_to_cell;        // Maps CV index to cell index.
+    array  time;              // Maps cell index to integration start time [ms].
+    array  time_to;           // Maps cell index to integration stop time [ms].
+    array  dt_cell;           // Maps cell index to (stop time) - (start time) [ms].
+    array  dt_cv;             // Maps CV index to dt [ms].
+    array  voltage;           // Maps CV index to membrane voltage [mV].
+    array  current_density;   // Maps CV index to current density [A/m²].
+    std::unordered_map<ionKind, ion_state, util::enum_hash> ion_data;
+    deliverable_event_stream deliverable_events;
+    shared_state() = default;
+    shared_state(
+        fvm_size_type n_cell,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_to_cell_vec,
+        unsigned align
+    );
+    void add_ion(
+        ion_info info,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& iconc_norm_area,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& econc_norm_area);
+    void zero_currents();
+    void ions_init_concentration();
+    void ions_nernst_reversal_potential(fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+    // Set time_to to earliest of time+dt_step and tmax.
+    void update_time_to(fvm_value_type dt_step, fvm_value_type tmax);
+    // Set the per-cell and per-compartment dt from time_to - time.
+    void set_dt();
+    // Return minimum and maximum time value [ms] across cells.
+    std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> time_bounds() const;
+    // Return minimum and maximum voltage value [mV] across cells.
+    // (Used for solution bounds checking.)
+    std::pair<fvm_value_type, fvm_value_type> voltage_bounds() const;
+    // Take samples according to marked events in a sample_event_stream.
+    void take_samples(
+        const sample_event_stream::state& s,
+        array& sample_time,
+        array& sample_value);
+    void reset(fvm_value_type initial_voltage, fvm_value_type temperature_K);
+// For debugging only:
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const shared_state& s);
+} // namespace multicore
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp b/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f072a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include <cmath>
+#include <backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace multicore {
+class stimulus: public arb::multicore::mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "##builtin_stimulus";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "_builtin_stimulus"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return ::arb::mechanismKind::point; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new stimulus()); }
+    void nrn_init() override {}
+    void nrn_state() override {}
+    void nrn_current() override {
+        size_type n = size();
+        for (size_type i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+            auto cv = node_index_[i];
+            auto t = vec_t_[vec_ci_[cv]];
+            if (t>=delay[i] && t<delay[i]+duration[i]) {
+                // Amplitudes are given as a current into a compartment, so subtract.
+                vec_i_[cv] -= weight_[i]*amplitude[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void write_ions() override {}
+    void deliver_events(deliverable_event_stream::state events) override {}
+    std::size_t object_sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
+    mechanism_field_table field_table() override {
+        return {
+            {"delay", &delay},
+            {"duration", &duration},
+            {"amplitude", &amplitude}
+        };
+    }
+    mechanism_field_default_table field_default_table() override {
+        return {
+            {"delay", 0},
+            {"duration", 0},
+            {"amplitude", 0}
+        };
+    }
+    fvm_value_type* delay;
+    fvm_value_type* duration;
+    fvm_value_type* amplitude;
+} // namespace multicore
+template <>
+concrete_mech_ptr<multicore::backend> make_builtin_stimulus() {
+    return concrete_mech_ptr<multicore::backend>(new arb::multicore::stimulus());
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c1e9cd..00000000
--- a/src/backends/multicore/stimulus.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
-#include <mechanism.hpp>
-#include <algorithms.hpp>
-#include <util/indirect.hpp>
-#include <util/pprintf.hpp>
-namespace arb{
-namespace multicore{
-template<class Backend>
-class stimulus : public mechanism<Backend> {
-    using base = mechanism<Backend>;
-    using value_type  = typename base::value_type;
-    using size_type   = typename base::size_type;
-    using array = typename base::array;
-    using iarray  = typename base::iarray;
-    using view   = typename base::view;
-    using iview  = typename base::iview;
-    using const_view = typename base::const_view;
-    using const_iview = typename base::const_iview;
-    using ion_type = typename base::ion_type;
-    static constexpr size_type no_mech_id = (size_type)-1;
-    stimulus(const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, iarray&& node_index):
-        base(no_mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(node_index))
-    {}
-    using base::size;
-    std::size_t memory() const override {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    std::string name() const override {
-        return "stimulus";
-    }
-    mechanismKind kind() const override {
-        return mechanismKind::point;
-    }
-    typename base::ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind k) const override {
-        return {false, false, false};
-    }
-    void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i, std::vector<size_type>const& index) override {
-        throw std::domain_error(
-                arb::util::pprintf("mechanism % does not support ion type\n", name()));
-    }
-    void nrn_init() override {}
-    void nrn_state() override {}
-    void net_receive(int i_, value_type weight) override {
-        throw std::domain_error("stimulus mechanism should never receive an event\n");
-    }
-    void set_parameters(
-        const std::vector<value_type>& amp,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& dur,
-        const std::vector<value_type>& del)
-    {
-        amplitude = amp;
-        duration = dur;
-        delay = del;
-    }
-    void set_weights(array&& w) override {
-        EXPECTS(size()==w.size());
-        weights.resize(size());
-        std::copy(w.begin(), w.end(), weights.begin());
-    }
-    void nrn_current() override {
-        if (amplitude.size() != size()) {
-            throw std::domain_error("stimulus called with mismatched parameter size\n");
-        }
-        auto vec_t = util::indirect_view(util::indirect_view(vec_t_, vec_ci_), node_index_);
-        auto vec_i = util::indirect_view(vec_i_, node_index_);
-        size_type n = size();
-        for (size_type i=0; i<n; ++i) {
-            auto t = vec_t[i];
-            if (t>=delay[i] && t<delay[i]+duration[i]) {
-                // use subtraction because the electrod currents are specified
-                // in terms of current into the compartment
-                vec_i[i] -= weights[i]*amplitude[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    std::vector<value_type> amplitude;
-    std::vector<value_type> duration;
-    std::vector<value_type> delay;
-    std::vector<value_type> weights;
-    using base::vec_ci_;
-    using base::vec_t_;
-    using base::vec_v_;
-    using base::vec_i_;
-    using base::node_index_;
-} // namespace multicore
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp b/src/backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp
index ad97a5e8..5a000385 100644
--- a/src/backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp
+++ b/src/backends/multicore/threshold_watcher.hpp
@@ -1,51 +1,37 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
 #include <math.hpp>
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include "multicore_common.hpp"
 namespace arb {
 namespace multicore {
-template <typename T, typename I>
 class threshold_watcher {
-    using value_type = T;
-    using size_type = I;
-    using array = memory::host_vector<value_type>;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    using iarray = memory::host_vector<size_type>;
-    using const_iview = typename iarray::const_view_type;
-    /// stores a single crossing event
-    struct threshold_crossing {
-        size_type index;    // index of variable
-        value_type time;    // time of crossing
-        friend bool operator== (
-            const threshold_crossing& lhs, const threshold_crossing& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.index==rhs.index && lhs.time==rhs.time;
-        }
-    };
     threshold_watcher() = default;
-            const_iview vec_ci,
-            const_view vec_t_before,
-            const_view vec_t_after,
-            const_view vals,
-            const std::vector<size_type>& indxs,
-            const std::vector<value_type>& thresh):
-        cv_to_cell_(vec_ci),
-        t_before_(vec_t_before),
-        t_after_(vec_t_after),
-        values_(vals),
-        cv_index_(memory::make_const_view(indxs)),
-        thresholds_(memory::make_const_view(thresh)),
-        v_prev_(vals)
+        const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell,
+        const fvm_value_type* t_before,
+        const fvm_value_type* t_after,
+        const fvm_value_type* values,
+        const std::vector<fvm_index_type>& cv_index,
+        const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& thresholds
+    ):
+        cv_to_cell_(cv_to_cell),
+        t_before_(t_before),
+        t_after_(t_after),
+        values_(values),
+        n_cv_(cv_index.size()),
+        cv_index_(cv_index),
+        is_crossed_(n_cv_),
+        thresholds_(thresholds),
+        v_prev_(values_, values_+n_cv_)
-        is_crossed_ = iarray(size());
+        EXPECTS(n_cv_==thresholds.size());
@@ -60,7 +46,7 @@ public:
     /// calling, because the values are used to determine the initial state
     void reset() {
-        for (auto i=0u; i<size(); ++i) {
+        for (fvm_size_type i = 0; i<n_cv_; ++i) {
             is_crossed_[i] = values_[cv_index_[i]]>=thresholds_[i];
@@ -73,7 +59,7 @@ public:
     /// Crossing events are recorded for each threshold that
     /// is crossed since the last call to test
     void test() {
-        for (auto i=0u; i<size(); ++i) {
+        for (fvm_size_type i = 0; i<n_cv_; ++i) {
             auto cv     = cv_index_[i];
             auto cell   = cv_to_cell_[cv];
             auto v_prev = v_prev_[i];
@@ -101,30 +87,30 @@ public:
-    bool is_crossed(size_type i) const {
+    bool is_crossed(fvm_size_type i) const {
         return is_crossed_[i];
-    /// the number of threashold values that are being monitored
+    /// The number of threshold values that are monitored.
     std::size_t size() const {
-        return cv_index_.size();
+        return n_cv_;
-    /// Data type used to store the crossings.
-    /// Provided to make type-generic calling code.
-    using crossing_list =  std::vector<threshold_crossing>;
-    const_iview cv_to_cell_;
-    const_view t_before_;
-    const_view t_after_;
-    const_view values_;
-    iarray cv_index_;
-    array thresholds_;
-    array v_prev_;
-    crossing_list crossings_;
-    iarray is_crossed_;
+    /// Non-owning pointers to cv-to-cell map, per-cell time data,
+    /// and the values for to test against thresholds.
+    const fvm_index_type* cv_to_cell_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* t_before_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* t_after_ = nullptr;
+    const fvm_value_type* values_ = nullptr;
+    /// Threshold watcher state.
+    fvm_size_type n_cv_ = 0;
+    std::vector<fvm_index_type> cv_index_;
+    std::vector<fvm_size_type> is_crossed_;
+    std::vector<fvm_value_type> thresholds_;
+    std::vector<fvm_value_type> v_prev_;
+    std::vector<threshold_crossing> crossings_;
 } // namespace multicore
diff --git a/src/builtin_mechanisms.cpp b/src/builtin_mechanisms.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2187987e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/builtin_mechanisms.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+#include <backends/builtin_mech_proto.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+template <typename B>
+concrete_mech_ptr<B> make_builtin_stimulus();
+mechanism_catalogue build_builtin_mechanisms() {
+    mechanism_catalogue cat;
+    cat.add("_builtin_stimulus", builtin_stimulus_info());
+    cat.register_implementation("_builtin_stimulus", make_builtin_stimulus<multicore::backend>());
+    cat.register_implementation("_builtin_stimulus", make_builtin_stimulus<gpu::backend>());
+    return cat;
+const mechanism_catalogue& builtin_mechanisms() {
+    static mechanism_catalogue cat = build_builtin_mechanisms();
+    return cat;
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/builtin_mechanisms.hpp b/src/builtin_mechanisms.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2bdd700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/builtin_mechanisms.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+const mechanism_catalogue& builtin_mechanisms();
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/cell.cpp b/src/cell.cpp
index 12380329..470af08d 100644
--- a/src/cell.cpp
+++ b/src/cell.cpp
@@ -1,33 +1,23 @@
 #include <cell.hpp>
 #include <morphology.hpp>
 #include <tree.hpp>
-#include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
 namespace arb {
-int find_compartment_index(
-    segment_location const& location,
-    compartment_model const& graph
-) {
-    EXPECTS(unsigned(location.segment)<graph.segment_index.size());
-    const auto& si = graph.segment_index;
-    const auto seg = location.segment;
-    auto first = si[seg];
-    auto n = si[seg+1] - first;
-    auto index = std::floor(n*location.position);
-    return index<n ? first+index : first+n-1;
+cell::cell() {
     // insert a placeholder segment for the soma
-cell::size_type cell::num_segments() const
+void cell::assert_valid_segment(index_type i) const {
+    if (i>=num_segments()) {
+        throw std::out_of_range("no such segment");
+    }
+cell::size_type cell::num_segments() const {
     return segments_.size();
@@ -35,69 +25,40 @@ cell::size_type cell::num_segments() const
 // note: I think that we have to enforce that the soma is the first
 //       segment that is added
-soma_segment* cell::add_soma(value_type radius, point_type center)
-    if(has_soma()) {
-        throw std::domain_error(
-            "attempt to add a soma to a cell that already has one"
-        );
-    }
-    // add segment for the soma
-    if(center.is_set()) {
-        segments_[0] = make_segment<soma_segment>(radius, center);
+soma_segment* cell::add_soma(value_type radius, point_type center) {
+    if (has_soma()) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("cell already has soma");
-    else {
-        segments_[0] = make_segment<soma_segment>(radius);
-    }
+    segments_[0] = make_segment<soma_segment>(radius, center);
     return segments_[0]->as_soma();
-cable_segment* cell::add_cable(cell::index_type parent, segment_ptr&& cable)
-    // check for a valid parent id
-    if(cable->is_soma()) {
-        throw std::domain_error(
-            "attempt to add a soma as a segment"
-        );
+cable_segment* cell::add_cable(cell::index_type parent, segment_ptr&& cable) {
+    if (!cable->as_cable()) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("segment is not a cable segment");
-    // check for a valid parent id
-    if(parent>num_segments()) {
-        throw std::out_of_range(
-            "parent index of cell segment is out of range"
-        );
+    if (parent>num_segments()) {
+        throw std::out_of_range("parent index out of range");
     return segments_.back()->as_cable();
-segment* cell::segment(index_type index)
-    if (index>=num_segments()) {
-        throw std::out_of_range(
-            "attempt to access a segment with invalid index"
-        );
-    }
+segment* cell::segment(index_type index) {
+    assert_valid_segment(index);
     return segments_[index].get();
-segment const* cell::segment(index_type index) const
-    if (index>=num_segments()) {
-        throw std::out_of_range(
-            "attempt to access a segment with invalid index"
-        );
-    }
+segment const* cell::segment(index_type index) const {
+    assert_valid_segment(index);
     return segments_[index].get();
-bool cell::has_soma() const
+bool cell::has_soma() const {
     return !segment(0)->is_placeholder();
@@ -109,64 +70,37 @@ const soma_segment* cell::soma() const {
     return has_soma()? segment(0)->as_soma(): nullptr;
-cable_segment* cell::cable(index_type index)
-    if(index>0 && index<num_segments()) {
-        return segment(index)->as_cable();
-    }
-    return nullptr;
+cable_segment* cell::cable(index_type index) {
+    assert_valid_segment(index);
+    auto cable = segment(index)->as_cable();
+    return cable? cable: throw std::runtime_error("segment is not a cable segment");
-cell::value_type cell::volume() const
-    return
-       std::accumulate(
-            segments_.begin(), segments_.end(),
-            0.,
-            [](double value, segment_ptr const& seg) {
-                return seg->volume() + value;
-            }
-       );
+cell::value_type cell::volume() const {
+    return util::sum_by(segments_,
+            [](const segment_ptr& s) { return s->volume(); });
-cell::value_type cell::area() const
-    return
-       std::accumulate(
-            segments_.begin(), segments_.end(),
-            0.,
-            [](double value, segment_ptr const& seg) {
-                return seg->area() + value;
-            }
-       );
+cell::value_type cell::area() const {
+    return util::sum_by(segments_,
+            [](const segment_ptr& s) { return s->area(); });
-std::vector<segment_ptr> const& cell::segments() const
-    return segments_;
-std::vector<cell::size_type> cell::compartment_counts() const
+std::vector<cell::size_type> cell::compartment_counts() const {
     std::vector<size_type> comp_count;
-    for(auto const& s : segments()) {
+    for (const auto& s: segments()) {
     return comp_count;
-cell::size_type cell::num_compartments() const
-    auto n = 0u;
-    for(auto& s : segments_) {
-        n += s->num_compartments();
-    }
-    return n;
+cell::size_type cell::num_compartments() const {
+    return util::sum_by(segments_,
+            [](const segment_ptr& s) { return s->num_compartments(); });
-compartment_model cell::model() const
+compartment_model cell::model() const {
     compartment_model m;
     m.tree = tree(parents_);
@@ -177,30 +111,15 @@ compartment_model cell::model() const
     return m;
-void cell::add_stimulus(segment_location loc, i_clamp stim)
-    if(!(loc.segment<num_segments())) {
-        throw std::out_of_range(
-            util::pprintf(
-                "can't insert stimulus in segment % of a cell with % segments",
-                loc.segment, num_segments()
-            )
-        );
-    }
+void cell::add_stimulus(segment_location loc, i_clamp stim) {
+    (void)segment(loc.segment); // assert loc.segment in range
     stimuli_.push_back({loc, std::move(stim)});
-void cell::add_detector(segment_location loc, double threshold)
+void cell::add_detector(segment_location loc, double threshold) {
     spike_detectors_.push_back({loc, threshold});
-std::vector<cell::index_type> const& cell::segment_parents() const
-    return parents_;
 // Rough and ready comparison of two cells.
 // We don't use an operator== because equality of two cells is open to
 // interpretation. For example, it is possible to have two viable representations
@@ -210,14 +129,11 @@ std::vector<cell::index_type> const& cell::segment_parents() const
 //  - number and type of segments
 //  - volume and area properties of each segment
 //  - number of compartments in each segment
-bool cell_basic_equality(cell const& lhs, cell const& rhs)
-    if (lhs.num_segments() != rhs.num_segments()) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (lhs.segment_parents() != rhs.segment_parents()) {
+bool cell_basic_equality(const cell& lhs, const cell& rhs) {
+    if (lhs.parents_ != rhs.parents_) {
         return false;
     for (cell::index_type i=0; i<lhs.num_segments(); ++i) {
         // a quick and dirty test
         auto& l = *lhs.segment(i);
diff --git a/src/cell.hpp b/src/cell.hpp
index a4d81592..ff286e00 100644
--- a/src/cell.hpp
+++ b/src/cell.hpp
@@ -1,36 +1,53 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <map>
-#include <mutex>
+#include <unordered_map>
 #include <stdexcept>
-#include <thread>
 #include <vector>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <tree.hpp>
+#include <constants.hpp>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
 #include <morphology.hpp>
 #include <segment.hpp>
-#include <stimulus.hpp>
-#include <util/debug.hpp>
-#include <util/pprintf.hpp>
+#include <tree.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
 namespace arb {
-/// wrapper around compartment layout information derived from a high level cell
-/// description
-struct compartment_model {
-    arb::tree tree;
-    std::vector<tree::int_type> parent_index;
-    std::vector<tree::int_type> segment_index;
+// Location specification for point processes.
+struct segment_location {
+    segment_location(cell_lid_type s, double l):
+        segment(s), position(l)
+    {
+        EXPECTS(position>=0. && position<=1.);
+    }
+     bool operator==(segment_location other) const {
+        return segment==other.segment && position==other.position;
+    }
+    cell_lid_type segment;
+    double position;
-int find_compartment_index(
-    segment_location const& location,
-    compartment_model const& graph
+// Current clamp description for stimulus specification.
+struct i_clamp {
+    using value_type = double;
+    value_type delay = 0;      // [ms]
+    value_type duration = 0;   // [ms]
+    value_type amplitude = 0;  // [nA]
+    i_clamp(value_type delay, value_type duration, value_type amplitude):
+        delay(delay), duration(duration), amplitude(amplitude)
+    {}
 // Probe type for cell descriptions.
 struct cell_probe_address {
     enum probe_kind {
         membrane_voltage, membrane_current
@@ -42,16 +59,35 @@ struct cell_probe_address {
 // Global parameter type for cell descriptions.
-struct specialized_mechanism {
-    std::string mech_name; // underlying mechanism
+struct cell_global_properties {
+    const mechanism_catalogue* catalogue = &global_default_catalogue();
+    // TODO: consider making some/all of the following parameters
+    // cell or even segment-local.
+    // 
+    // Consider also a model-level dictionary of default values that
+    // can be used to initialize per-cell-kind info?
+    //
+    // Defaults below chosen to match NEURON.
+    // Ion species currently limited to just "ca", "na", "k".
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, ion_info> ion_default = {
+        {"ca", { ionKind::ca, 2, 5e-5, 2.  }},
+        {"na", { ionKind::na, 1, 10.,  140.}},
+        {"k",  { ionKind::k,  1, 54.4, 2.5 }}
+    };
-    // parameters specify global constants for the specialized mechanism
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> parameters;
+    double temperature_K = constant::hh_squid_temp; // [K]
+    double init_membrane_potential_mV = -65; // [mV]
-struct cell_global_properties {
-    // Mechanisms specialized by mechanism-global parameter settings.
-    std::map<std::string, specialized_mechanism> special_mechs;
+/// Wrapper around compartment layout information derived from a high level cell
+/// description.
+struct compartment_model {
+    arb::tree tree;
+    std::vector<tree::int_type> parent_index;
+    std::vector<tree::int_type> segment_index;
 /// high-level abstract representation of a cell and its segments
@@ -64,7 +100,7 @@ public:
     struct synapse_instance {
         segment_location location;
-        mechanism_spec mechanism;
+        mechanism_desc mechanism;
     struct stimulus_instance {
@@ -144,11 +180,9 @@ public:
     /// the total number of compartments over all segments
     size_type num_compartments() const;
-    std::vector<segment_ptr> const& segments() const;
-    /// return reference to array that enumerates the index of the parent of
-    /// each segment
-    std::vector<index_type> const& segment_parents() const;
+    std::vector<segment_ptr> const& segments() const {
+        return segments_;
+    }
     /// return a vector with the compartment count for each segment in the cell
     std::vector<size_type> compartment_counts() const;
@@ -173,7 +207,7 @@ public:
     // synapses
-    void add_synapse(segment_location loc, mechanism_spec p)
+    void add_synapse(segment_location loc, mechanism_desc p)
         synapses_.push_back(synapse_instance{loc, std::move(p)});
@@ -196,7 +230,16 @@ public:
         return spike_detectors_;
+    // Checks that two cells have the same
+    //  - number and type of segments
+    //  - volume and area properties of each segment
+    //  - number of compartments in each segment
+    // (note: just used for testing: move to test code?)
+    friend bool cell_basic_equality(const cell&, const cell&);
+    void assert_valid_segment(index_type) const;
     // storage for connections
     std::vector<index_type> parents_;
@@ -213,12 +256,6 @@ private:
     std::vector<detector_instance> spike_detectors_;
-// Checks that two cells have the same
-//  - number and type of segments
-//  - volume and area properties of each segment
-//  - number of compartments in each segment
-bool cell_basic_equality(cell const& lhs, cell const& rhs);
 // create a cable by forwarding cable construction parameters provided by the user
 template <typename... Args>
 cable_segment* cell::add_cable(cell::index_type parent, Args&&... args)
diff --git a/src/cell_group_factory.cpp b/src/cell_group_factory.cpp
index f1f9711f..fbdd4dd9 100644
--- a/src/cell_group_factory.cpp
+++ b/src/cell_group_factory.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <cell_group.hpp>
 #include <domain_decomposition.hpp>
 #include <dss_cell_group.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
 #include <lif_cell_group.hpp>
 #include <mc_cell_group.hpp>
 #include <recipe.hpp>
@@ -13,18 +13,10 @@
 namespace arb {
-using gpu_fvm_cell = mc_cell_group<fvm::fvm_multicell<gpu::backend>>;
-using mc_fvm_cell = mc_cell_group<fvm::fvm_multicell<multicore::backend>>;
 cell_group_ptr cell_group_factory(const recipe& rec, const group_description& group) {
     switch (group.kind) {
     case cell_kind::cable1d_neuron:
-        if (group.backend == backend_kind::gpu) {
-            return make_cell_group<gpu_fvm_cell>(group.gids, rec);
-        }
-        else {
-            return make_cell_group<mc_fvm_cell>(group.gids, rec);
-        }
+        return make_cell_group<mc_cell_group>(group.gids, rec, make_fvm_lowered_cell(group.backend));
     case cell_kind::regular_spike_source:
         return make_cell_group<rss_cell_group>(group.gids, rec);
diff --git a/src/communication/gathered_vector.hpp b/src/communication/gathered_vector.hpp
index 19c51fb9..3f5b5505 100644
--- a/src/communication/gathered_vector.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/gathered_vector.hpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <numeric>
 #include <vector>
-#include <algorithms.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
 namespace arb {
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ public:
-        EXPECTS(std::is_sorted(partition_.begin(), partition_.end()));
-        EXPECTS(std::size_t(partition_.back()) == values_.size());
+        EXPECTS(util::is_sorted(partition_));
+        EXPECTS(partition_.back() == values_.size());
     /// the partition of distribution
diff --git a/src/constants.hpp b/src/constants.hpp
index 02da7014..a761f369 100644
--- a/src/constants.hpp
+++ b/src/constants.hpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace constant {
 // Universal gas constant (R)
-constexpr double gas_constant = 8.3144598;  //  J.°K^-1.mol^-1
+constexpr double gas_constant = 8.3144598;  //  J.K^-1.mol^-1
 // Faraday's constant (F)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ constexpr double faraday = 96485.33289;     // C.mol^-1
 // Temperature used in original Hodgkin-Huxley paper
 //      doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1952.sp004764
-constexpr double hh_squid_temp = 6.3+273.15; // °K
+constexpr double hh_squid_temp = 6.3+273.15; // K
 } // namespace arb
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/domain_decomposition.hpp b/src/domain_decomposition.hpp
index 52173d2c..166822f2 100644
--- a/src/domain_decomposition.hpp
+++ b/src/domain_decomposition.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <recipe.hpp>
 #include <util/optional.hpp>
 #include <util/partition.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
 #include <util/transform.hpp>
 namespace arb {
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ struct group_description {
     group_description(cell_kind k, std::vector<cell_gid_type> g, backend_kind b):
         kind(k), gids(std::move(g)), backend(b)
-        EXPECTS(std::is_sorted(gids.begin(), gids.end()));
+        EXPECTS(util::is_sorted(gids));
diff --git a/src/epoch.hpp b/src/epoch.hpp
index b5410197..3f9eb4f8 100644
--- a/src/epoch.hpp
+++ b/src/epoch.hpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
 namespace arb {
diff --git a/src/event_generator.hpp b/src/event_generator.hpp
index 60819ef9..393e391a 100644
--- a/src/event_generator.hpp
+++ b/src/event_generator.hpp
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ struct vector_backed_generator {
-        if (!std::is_sorted(events_.begin(), events_.end())) {
+        if (!util::is_sorted(events_)) {
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ struct seq_generator {
-        EXPECTS(std::is_sorted(events_.begin(), events_.end()));
+        EXPECTS(util::is_sorted(events_));
     postsynaptic_spike_event next() {
diff --git a/src/fvm_layout.cpp b/src/fvm_layout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90d65097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fvm_layout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+#include <set>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fvm_layout.hpp>
+#include <util/enumhash.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/partition.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <util/transform.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+using util::count_along;
+using util::make_span;
+using util::subrange_view;
+using util::transform_view;
+using util::value_by_key;
+// Convenience routines
+template <typename ResizableContainer, typename Index>
+void extend_to(ResizableContainer& c, const Index& i) {
+    if (util::size(c)<=i) {
+        c.resize(i+1);
+    }
+// Cable segment discretization
+// ----------------------------
+// Each compartment i straddles the ith control volume on the right
+// and the jth control volume on the left, where j is the parent index
+// of i.
+// Dividing the comparment into two halves, the centre face C
+// corresponds to the shared face between the two control volumes,
+// the surface areas in each half contribute to the surface area of
+// the respective control volumes, and the volumes and lengths of
+// each half are used to calculate the flux coefficients that
+// for the connection between the two control volumes and which
+// is stored in `face_conductance[i]`.
+//  +------- cv j --------+------- cv i -------+
+//  |                     |                    |
+//  v                     v                    v
+//  ____________________________________________
+//  | ........ | ........ |          |         |
+//  | ........ L ........ C          R         |
+//  |__________|__________|__________|_________|
+//             ^                     ^
+//             |                     |
+//             +--- compartment i ---+
+// The first control volume of any cell corresponds to the soma
+// and the first half of the first cable compartment of that cell.
+// Face conductance computation
+// ----------------------------
+// The conductance between two adjacent CVs is computed as follows,
+// computed in terms of the two half CVs on either side of the interface,
+// correspond to the regions L–C and C–R in the diagram above.
+// The conductance itself is approximated by the weighted harmonic mean
+// of the mean linear conductivities in each half, corresponding to
+// the two-point flux approximation in 1-D.
+// Mean linear conductivities:
+//     g₁ = 1/h₁ ∫₁ A(x)/R dx
+//     g₂ = 1/h₂ ∫₂ A(x)/R dx
+// where A(x) is the cross-sectional area, R is the bulk resistivity,
+// and h is the width of the region. The integrals are taken over the
+// half CVs as described above.
+// Equivalently, in terms of the semi-compartment volumes V₁ and V₂:
+//     g₁ = 1/R·V₁/h₁
+//     g₂ = 1/R·V₂/h₂
+// Weighted harmonic mean, with h = h₁+h₂:
+//     g = (h₁/h·g₁¯¹+h₂/h·g₂¯¹)¯¹
+//       = 1/R · hV₁V₂/(h₂²V₁+h₁²V₂)
+fvm_discretization fvm_discretize(const std::vector<cell>& cells) {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    fvm_discretization D;
+    util::make_partition(D.cell_segment_bounds,
+        transform_view(cells, [](const cell& c) { return c.num_segments(); }));
+    std::vector<index_type> cell_comp_bounds;
+    auto cell_comp_part = make_partition(cell_comp_bounds,
+        transform_view(cells, [](const cell& c) { return c.num_compartments(); }));
+    D.ncell = cells.size();
+    D.ncomp = cell_comp_part.bounds().second;
+    D.face_conductance.assign(D.ncomp, 0.);
+    D.cv_area.assign(D.ncomp, 0.);
+    D.cv_capacitance.assign(D.ncomp, 0.);
+    D.parent_cv.assign(D.ncomp, index_type(-1));
+    D.cv_to_cell.resize(D.ncomp);
+    for (auto i: make_span(0, D.ncell)) {
+        util::fill(subrange_view(D.cv_to_cell, cell_comp_part[i]), static_cast<index_type>(i));
+    }
+    std::vector<size_type> seg_comp_bounds;
+    for (auto i: make_span(0, D.ncell)) {
+        const auto& c = cells[i];
+        auto cell_graph = c.model();
+        auto cell_comp_ival = cell_comp_part[i];
+        auto cell_comp_base = cell_comp_ival.first;
+        for (auto k: make_span(cell_comp_ival)) {
+            D.parent_cv[k] = cell_graph.parent_index[k-cell_comp_base]+cell_comp_base;
+        }
+        // Compartment index range for each segment in this cell.
+        seg_comp_bounds.clear();
+        auto seg_comp_part = make_partition(
+            seg_comp_bounds,
+            transform_view(c.segments(), [](const segment_ptr& s) { return s->num_compartments(); }),
+            cell_comp_base);
+        const auto nseg = seg_comp_part.size();
+        if (nseg==0) {
+            throw std::invalid_argument("cannot discretrize cell with no segments");
+        }
+        // Handle soma (first segment and root of tree) specifically.
+        const auto soma = c.segment(0)->as_soma();
+        if (!soma) {
+            throw std::logic_error("First segment of cell must be soma");
+        }
+        else if (soma->num_compartments()!=1) {
+            throw std::logic_error("Soma must have exactly one compartment");
+        }
+        segment_info soma_info;
+        size_type soma_cv = cell_comp_base;
+        value_type soma_area = math::area_sphere(soma->radius());
+        D.cv_area[soma_cv] = soma_area;                  // [µm²]
+        D.cv_capacitance[soma_cv] = soma_area*soma->cm;  // [pF]
+        soma_info.proximal_cv = soma_cv;
+        soma_info.distal_cv = soma_cv;
+        soma_info.distal_cv_area = soma_area;
+        D.segments.push_back(soma_info);
+        // Other segments must all be cable segments.
+        for (size_type j = 1; j<nseg; ++j) {
+            const auto& seg_comp_ival = seg_comp_part[j];
+            const auto ncomp = seg_comp_ival.second-seg_comp_ival.first;
+            segment_info seg_info;
+            const auto cable = c.segment(j)->as_cable();
+            if (!cable) {
+                throw std::logic_error("Non-root segments of cell must be cable segments");
+            }
+            auto cm = cable->cm;    // [F/m²]
+            auto rL = cable->rL;    // [Ω·cm]
+            auto divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_integrator>(cable, ncomp);
+            seg_info.parent_cv = D.parent_cv[seg_comp_ival.first];
+            seg_info.parent_cv_area = divs(0).left.area;
+            seg_info.proximal_cv = seg_comp_ival.first;
+            seg_info.distal_cv = seg_comp_ival.second-1;
+            seg_info.distal_cv_area = divs(ncomp-1).right.area;
+            D.segments.push_back(seg_info);
+            for (auto i: make_span(seg_comp_ival)) {
+                const auto& div = divs(i-seg_comp_ival.first);
+                auto j = D.parent_cv[i];
+                auto h1 = div.left.length;       // [µm]
+                auto V1 = div.left.volume;       // [µm³]
+                auto h2 = div.right.length;      // [µm]
+                auto V2 = div.right.volume;      // [µm³]
+                auto h = h1+h2;
+                auto linear_conductivity = 1/rL*h*V1*V2/(h2*h2*V1+h1*h1*V2); // [S·cm¯¹·µm²] ≡ [10²·µS·µm]
+                constexpr double unit_scale = 1e2;
+                D.face_conductance[i] =  unit_scale * linear_conductivity / h; // [µS]
+                auto al = div.left.area;         // [µm²]
+                auto ar = div.right.area;        // [µm²]
+                D.cv_area[j] += al;              // [µm²]
+                D.cv_capacitance[j] += al * cm;  // [pF]
+                D.cv_area[i] += ar;              // [µm²]
+                D.cv_capacitance[i] += ar * cm;  // [pF]
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Number of CVs per cell is exactly number of compartments.
+    D.cell_cv_bounds = std::move(cell_comp_bounds);
+    return D;
+// Build up mechanisms.
+// Processing procedes in the following stages:
+//   I.  Collect segment mechanism info from the cell descriptions into temporary
+//       data structures for density mechanism, point mechanisms, and ion channels.
+//   II. Build mechanism and ion configuration in `fvm_mechanism_data`:
+//       IIa. Ion channel CVs.
+//       IIb. Density mechanism CVs, parameter values; ion channel default concentration contributions.
+//       IIc. Point mechanism CVs, parameter values, and targets.
+fvm_mechanism_data fvm_build_mechanism_data(const mechanism_catalogue& catalogue, const std::vector<cell>& cells, const fvm_discretization& D) {
+    using util::assign;
+    using util::sort_by;
+    using util::optional;
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    using string_set = std::unordered_set<std::string>;
+    using string_index_map = std::unordered_map<std::string, size_type>;
+    fvm_mechanism_data mechdata;
+    // I. Collect segment mechanism info from cells.
+    // Temporary table for density mechanism info, mapping mechanism name to tuple of:
+    //     1. Vector of segment indices and mechanism parameter settings where mechanism occurs.
+    //     2. Set of the names of parameters that are anywhere modified.
+    //     3. Pointer to mechanism metadata from catalogue.
+    struct density_mech_data {
+        std::vector<std::pair<size_type, const mechanism_desc*>> segments; // 
+        string_set paramset;
+        const mechanism_info* info = nullptr;
+    };
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, density_mech_data> density_mech_table;
+    // Temporary table for point mechanism info, mapping mechanism name to tuple:
+    //     1. Vector of point info: CV, index into cell group targets, parameter settings.
+    //     2. Set of the names of parameters that are anywhere modified.
+    //     3. Mechanism parameter settings.
+    struct point_mech_data {
+        struct point_data {
+            size_type cv;
+            size_type target_index;
+            const mechanism_desc* desc;
+        };
+        std::vector<point_data> points;
+        string_set paramset;
+        const mechanism_info* info = nullptr;
+    };
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, point_mech_data> point_mech_table;
+    // Built-in stimulus mechanism data is dealt with especially below.
+    // Record for each stimulus the CV and clamp data.
+    std::vector<std::pair<size_type, i_clamp>> stimuli;
+    // Temporary table for presence of ion channels, mapping ionKind to _sorted_
+    // collection of segment indices.
+    std::unordered_map<ionKind, std::set<size_type>, util::enum_hash> ion_segments;
+    auto update_paramset_and_validate =
+        [&catalogue]
+        (const mechanism_desc& desc, const mechanism_info*& info, string_set& paramset)
+    {
+        auto& name =;
+        if (!info) {
+            if (!catalogue.has(name)) {
+                throw std::out_of_range("No mechanism "+name+" in mechanism catalogue");
+            }
+            info = &catalogue[name];
+        }
+        for (const auto& pv: desc.values()) {
+            if (!paramset.count(pv.first)) {
+                if (!info->parameters.count(pv.first)) {
+                    throw std::out_of_range("Mechanism "+name+" has no parameter "+pv.first);
+                }
+                if (!info-> {
+                    throw std::out_of_range("Value out of range for mechanism "+name+" parameter "+pv.first);
+                }
+                paramset.insert(pv.first);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    auto cell_segment_part = D.cell_segment_part();
+    size_type target_id = 0;
+    for (auto cell_idx: make_span(0, D.ncell)) {
+        auto& cell = cells[cell_idx];
+        auto seg_range = cell_segment_part[cell_idx];
+        for (auto segment_idx: make_span(seg_range)) {
+            for (const mechanism_desc& desc: cell.segments()[segment_idx-seg_range.first]->mechanisms()) {
+                const auto& name =;
+                density_mech_data& entry = density_mech_table[name];
+                update_paramset_and_validate(desc,, entry.paramset);
+                entry.segments.emplace_back(segment_idx, &desc);
+                for (const auto& ion:>ions) {
+                    ion_segments[ion.first].insert(segment_idx);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (const auto& cellsyn: cell.synapses()) {
+            const mechanism_desc& desc = cellsyn.mechanism;
+            size_type cv = D.segment_location_cv(cell_idx, cellsyn.location);
+            const auto& name =;
+            point_mech_data& entry = point_mech_table[name];
+            update_paramset_and_validate(desc,, entry.paramset);
+            entry.points.push_back({cv, target_id++, &desc});
+            size_type segment_idx = D.cell_segment_bounds[cell_idx]+cellsyn.location.segment;
+            for (const auto& ion:>ions) {
+                ion_segments[ion.first].insert(segment_idx);
+            }
+        }
+        for (const auto& stimulus: cell.stimuli()) {
+            size_type cv = D.segment_location_cv(cell_idx, stimulus.location);
+            stimuli.push_back({cv, stimulus.clamp});
+        }
+    }
+    // II. Build ion and mechanism configs.
+    // Shared temporary lookup info across mechanism instances, set by build_param_data.
+    string_index_map param_index;
+    std::vector<std::string> param_name;
+    std::vector<value_type> param_default;
+    auto build_param_data =
+        [&param_name, &param_index, &param_default](const string_set& paramset, const mechanism_info* info)
+    {
+        assign(param_name, paramset);
+        auto nparam = paramset.size();
+        assign(param_default, transform_view(param_name,
+            [info](const std::string& p) { return info->; }));
+        param_index.clear();
+        for (auto i: make_span(0, nparam)) {
+            param_index[param_name[i]] = i;
+        }
+        return nparam;
+    };
+    // IIa. Ion channel CVs.
+    for (auto& ionseg: ion_segments) {
+        auto& ion = mechdata.ions[ionseg.first];
+        for (size_type segment: ionseg.second) {
+            const segment_info& seg_info = D.segments[segment];
+            if (seg_info.has_parent()) {
+                index_type cv = seg_info.parent_cv;
+                optional<std::size_t> parent_idx = util::binary_search_index(, cv);
+                if (!parent_idx) {
+          ;
+                    ion.iconc_norm_area.push_back(D.cv_area[cv]);
+                    ion.econc_norm_area.push_back(D.cv_area[cv]);
+                }
+            }
+            for (auto cv: make_span(seg_info.cv_range())) {
+      ;
+                ion.iconc_norm_area.push_back(D.cv_area[cv]);
+                ion.econc_norm_area.push_back(D.cv_area[cv]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // IIb. Density mechanism CVs, parameters and ionic default concentration contributions.
+    // Ameliorate area sum rounding areas by clamping normalized area contributions to [0, 1]
+    // and rounding values within an epsilon of 0 or 1 to that value.
+    auto trim = [](value_type& v) {
+        constexpr value_type eps = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon()*4;
+        v = v<eps? 0: v+eps>1? 1: v;
+    };
+    for (const auto& entry: density_mech_table) {
+        const std::string& name = entry.first;
+        fvm_mechanism_config& config = mechdata.mechanisms[name];
+        config.kind = mechanismKind::density;
+        auto nparam = build_param_data(entry.second.paramset,;
+        // In order to properly account for partially overriden paramaters in CVs
+        // that are shared between segments, we need to track not only the area-weighted
+        // sum of parameter values, but also the total area for each CV for each parameter
+        // that has been overriden — the remaining area demands a contribution from the
+        // parameter default value.
+        std::vector<std::vector<value_type>> param_value(nparam);
+        std::vector<std::vector<value_type>> param_area_contrib(nparam);
+        const auto& info = *; // TODO: C++14, use lambda capture with initializer
+        auto& ion_configs = mechdata.ions;     // TODO: C++14 ditto
+        auto accumulate_mech_data =
+            [&param_index, &param_value, &param_area_contrib, &config, &info, &ion_configs]
+            (size_type index, index_type cv, value_type area, const mechanism_desc& desc)
+        {
+            for (auto& kv: desc.values()) {
+                int pidx =;
+                value_type v = kv.second;
+                extend_to(param_area_contrib[pidx], index);
+                param_area_contrib[pidx][index] += area;
+                extend_to(param_value[pidx], index);
+                param_value[pidx][index] += area*v;
+            }
+            for (auto& ion: info.ions) {
+                fvm_ion_config& ion_config = ion_configs[ion.first];
+                size_type index = util::binary_search_index(, cv).value();
+                if (ion.second.write_concentration_int) {
+                    ion_config.iconc_norm_area[index] -= area;
+                }
+                if (ion.second.write_concentration_ext) {
+                    ion_config.econc_norm_area[index] -= area;
+                }
+            }
+            extend_to(config.norm_area, index);
+            config.norm_area[index] += area;
+        };
+        for (auto& seg_entry: entry.second.segments) {
+            const segment_info& seg_info = D.segments[seg_entry.first];
+            const mechanism_desc& mech_desc = *seg_entry.second;
+            if (seg_info.has_parent()) {
+                index_type cv = seg_info.parent_cv;
+                optional<std::size_t> parent_idx = util::binary_search_index(, cv);
+                if (!parent_idx) {
+                    parent_idx =;
+          ;
+                }
+                accumulate_mech_data(*parent_idx, cv, seg_info.parent_cv_area, mech_desc);
+            }
+            for (auto cv: make_span(seg_info.cv_range())) {
+                size_type idx =;
+      ;
+                value_type area = cv==seg_info.distal_cv? seg_info.distal_cv_area: D.cv_area[cv];
+                accumulate_mech_data(idx, cv, area, mech_desc);
+            }
+        }
+        // Complete parameter values with default values.
+        config.param_values.resize(nparam);
+        for (auto pidx: make_span(0, nparam)) {
+            value_type default_value = param_default[pidx];
+            config.param_values[pidx].first = param_name[pidx];
+            auto& values = config.param_values[pidx].second;
+            values.resize(;
+            for (auto i: count_along( {
+                value_type v = param_value[pidx][i];
+                value_type cv_area = D.cv_area[[i]];
+                value_type remaining_area = cv_area-param_area_contrib[pidx][i];
+                values[i] = (v+remaining_area*default_value)/cv_area;
+            }
+        }
+        // Normalize norm_area entries.
+        for (auto i: count_along( {
+            config.norm_area[i] /= D.cv_area[[i]];
+            trim(config.norm_area[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    // Normalize ion norm_area entries.
+    for (auto& entry: mechdata.ions) {
+        auto& ion_config = entry.second;
+        for (auto i: count_along( {
+            auto cv_area = D.cv_area[[i]];
+            ion_config.iconc_norm_area[i] /= cv_area;
+            trim(ion_config.iconc_norm_area[i]);
+            ion_config.econc_norm_area[i] /= cv_area;
+            trim(ion_config.econc_norm_area[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    // II.3 Point mechanism CVs, targets, parameters and stimuli.
+    for (const auto& entry: point_mech_table) {
+        const std::string& name = entry.first;
+        const auto& points = entry.second.points;
+        auto nparam = build_param_data(entry.second.paramset,;
+        std::vector<std::vector<value_type>> param_value(nparam);
+        // Permute points in this mechanism so that they are in increasing CV order;
+        // cv_order[i] is the index of the ith point by increasing CV.
+        mechdata.ntarget += points.size();
+        std::vector<size_type> cv_order;
+        assign(cv_order, count_along(points));
+        sort_by(cv_order, [&](size_type i) { return points[i].cv; });
+        fvm_mechanism_config& config = mechdata.mechanisms[name];
+        config.kind = mechanismKind::point;
+        assign(,     transform_view(cv_order, [&](size_type j) { return points[j].cv; }));
+        assign(, transform_view(cv_order, [&](size_type j) { return points[j].target_index; }));
+        config.param_values.resize(nparam);
+        for (auto pidx: make_span(0, nparam)) {
+            value_type pdefault = param_default[pidx];
+            const std::string& pname = param_name[pidx];
+            config.param_values[pidx].first = pname;
+            auto& values = config.param_values[pidx].second;
+            assign(values, transform_view(cv_order,
+                [&](size_type j) { return value_by_key(points[j].desc->values(), pname).value_or(pdefault); }));
+        }
+    }
+    // Sort stimuli by ascending CV and construct parameter vectors.
+    if (!stimuli.empty()) {
+        fvm_mechanism_config& stim_config = mechdata.mechanisms["_builtin_stimulus"];
+        using cv_clamp = const std::pair<size_type, i_clamp>&;
+        auto stim_cv_field = [](cv_clamp p) { return p.first; };
+        sort_by(stimuli, stim_cv_field);
+        assign(, transform_view(stimuli, stim_cv_field));
+        stim_config.param_values.resize(3);
+        stim_config.param_values[0].first = "delay";
+        assign(stim_config.param_values[0].second,
+                transform_view(stimuli, [](cv_clamp p) { return p.second.delay; }));
+        stim_config.param_values[1].first = "duration";
+        assign(stim_config.param_values[1].second,
+            transform_view(stimuli, [](cv_clamp p) { return p.second.duration; }));
+        stim_config.param_values[2].first = "amplitude";
+        assign(stim_config.param_values[2].second,
+            transform_view(stimuli, [](cv_clamp p) { return p.second.amplitude; }));
+    }
+    return mechdata;
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/fvm_layout.hpp b/src/fvm_layout.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22c1cf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fvm_layout.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <cell.hpp>
+#include <compartment.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <mechinfo.hpp>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+#include <util/deduce_return.hpp>
+#include <util/enumhash.hpp>
+#include <util/span.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+// Discretization data for an unbranched segment.
+struct segment_info {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    value_type parent_cv_area = 0;
+    value_type distal_cv_area = 0;
+    static constexpr index_type npos = -1;
+    index_type parent_cv = npos; // npos => no parent.
+    index_type proximal_cv = 0;  // First CV in segment, excluding parent.
+    index_type distal_cv = 0;    // Last CV in segment (may be shared with other segments).
+    bool has_parent() const { return parent_cv!=npos; }
+    // Range of CV-indices for segment, excluding parent.
+    std::pair<index_type, index_type> cv_range() const {
+        return {proximal_cv, 1+distal_cv};
+    }
+    // Position is proportional distal distance along segment, in [0, 1).
+    index_type cv_by_position(double pos) const {
+        index_type n = distal_cv+1-proximal_cv;
+        index_type i = static_cast<index_type>(n*pos+0.5);
+        if (i>0) {
+            return proximal_cv+(i-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            return parent_cv==npos? proximal_cv: parent_cv;
+        }
+    }
+// Discretization of morphologies and electrical properties for
+// cells in a cell group.
+struct fvm_discretization {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type; // In particular, used for CV indices.
+    size_type ncell;
+    size_type ncomp;
+    // Note: if CV j has no parent, parent_cv[j] = j. TODO: confirm!
+    std::vector<index_type> parent_cv;
+    std::vector<index_type> cv_to_cell;
+    std::vector<value_type> face_conductance; // [µS]
+    std::vector<value_type> cv_area;          // [µm²]
+    std::vector<value_type> cv_capacitance;   // [pF]
+    std::vector<segment_info> segments;
+    std::vector<size_type> cell_segment_bounds; // Partitions segment indices by cell.
+    std::vector<index_type> cell_cv_bounds;      // Partitions CV indices by cell.
+    auto cell_segment_part() const
+        DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::partition_view(cell_segment_bounds))
+    auto cell_cv_part() const
+        DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::partition_view(cell_cv_bounds))
+    size_type segment_location_cv(size_type cell_index, segment_location segloc) const {
+        auto cell_segs = cell_segment_part()[cell_index];
+        size_type seg = segloc.segment+cell_segs.first;
+        EXPECTS(seg<cell_segs.second);
+        return segments[seg].cv_by_position(segloc.position);
+    }
+fvm_discretization fvm_discretize(const std::vector<cell>& cells);
+// Post-discretization data for point and density mechanism instantiation.
+struct fvm_mechanism_config {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    mechanismKind kind;
+    // Ordered CV indices where mechanism is present; may contain
+    // duplicates for point mechanisms.
+    std::vector<index_type> cv;
+    // Normalized area contribution in corresponding CV (density mechanisms only).
+    std::vector<value_type> norm_area;
+    // Synapse target number (point mechanisms only).
+    std::vector<index_type> target;
+    // (Non-global) parameters and parameter values across the mechanism instance.
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<value_type>>> param_values;
+// Post-discretization data for ion channel state.
+struct fvm_ion_config {
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    // Ordered CV indices where ion must be present.
+    std::vector<index_type> cv;
+    // Normalized area contribution of default concentration contribution in corresponding CV.
+    std::vector<value_type> iconc_norm_area;
+    std::vector<value_type> econc_norm_area;
+struct fvm_mechanism_data {
+    // Mechanism config, indexed by mechanism name.
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, fvm_mechanism_config> mechanisms;
+    // Ion config, indexed by ionKind.
+    std::unordered_map<ionKind, fvm_ion_config, util::enum_hash> ions;
+    // Total number of targets (point-mechanism points)
+    std::size_t ntarget = 0;
+fvm_mechanism_data fvm_build_mechanism_data(const mechanism_catalogue& catalogue, const std::vector<cell>& cells, const fvm_discretization& D);
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/fvm_lowered_cell.hpp b/src/fvm_lowered_cell.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66c04b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fvm_lowered_cell.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends.hpp>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <recipe.hpp>
+#include <sampler_map.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+struct fvm_integration_result {
+    util::range<const threshold_crossing*> crossings;
+    util::range<const fvm_value_type*> sample_time;
+    util::range<const fvm_value_type*> sample_value;
+// Common base class for FVM implementation on host or gpu back-end.
+struct fvm_lowered_cell {
+    virtual void reset() = 0;
+    virtual void initialize(
+        const std::vector<cell_gid_type>& gids,
+        const recipe& rec,
+        std::vector<target_handle>& target_handles,
+        probe_association_map<probe_handle>& probe_map) = 0;
+    virtual fvm_integration_result integrate(
+        fvm_value_type tfinal,
+        fvm_value_type max_dt,
+        std::vector<deliverable_event> staged_events,
+        std::vector<sample_event> staged_samples,
+        bool check_physical = false) = 0;
+    virtual fvm_value_type time() const = 0;
+    virtual ~fvm_lowered_cell() {}
+using fvm_lowered_cell_ptr = std::unique_ptr<fvm_lowered_cell>;
+fvm_lowered_cell_ptr make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind p);
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp b/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2529be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <backends.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#ifdef ARB_HAVE_GPU
+#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+fvm_lowered_cell_ptr make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind p) {
+    switch (p) {
+    case backend_kind::multicore:
+        return fvm_lowered_cell_ptr(new fvm_lowered_cell_impl<multicore::backend>);
+    case backend_kind::gpu:
+#ifdef ARB_HAVE_GPU
+        return fvm_lowered_cell_ptr(new fvm_lowered_cell_impl<gpu::backend>);
+        ; // fall through
+    default:
+        throw std::logic_error("unsupported back-end");
+    }
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp b/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22b8550c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+#pragma once
+// Implementations for fvm_lowered_cell are parameterized
+// on the back-end class.
+// Classes here are exposed in a header only so that
+// implementation details may be tested in the unit tests.
+// It should otherwise only be used in `fvm_lowered_cell.cpp`.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <builtin_mechanisms.hpp>
+#include <fvm_layout.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <matrix.hpp>
+#include <profiling/profiler.hpp>
+#include <recipe.hpp>
+#include <sampler_map.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <util/transform.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+template <class Backend>
+class fvm_lowered_cell_impl: public fvm_lowered_cell {
+    using backend = Backend;
+    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
+    using index_type = fvm_index_type;
+    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
+    void reset() override;
+    void initialize(
+        const std::vector<cell_gid_type>& gids,
+        const recipe& rec,
+        std::vector<target_handle>& target_handles,
+        probe_association_map<probe_handle>& probe_map) override;
+    fvm_integration_result integrate(
+        value_type tfinal,
+        value_type max_dt,
+        std::vector<deliverable_event> staged_events,
+        std::vector<sample_event> staged_samples,
+        bool check_physical = false) override;
+    value_type time() const override { return tmin_; }
+    // Host or GPU-side back-end dependent storage.
+    using array = typename backend::array;
+    using shared_state = typename backend::shared_state;
+    using sample_event_stream = typename backend::sample_event_stream;
+    using threshold_watcher = typename backend::threshold_watcher;
+    std::unique_ptr<shared_state> state_; // Cell state shared across mechanisms.
+    // TODO: Can we move the backend-dependent data structures below into state_?
+    sample_event_stream sample_events_;
+    array sample_time_;
+    array sample_value_;
+    matrix<backend> matrix_;
+    threshold_watcher threshold_watcher_;
+    value_type tmin_ = 0;
+    value_type initial_voltage_ = NAN;
+    value_type temperature_ = NAN;
+    std::vector<mechanism_ptr> mechanisms_;
+    // Host-side views/copies and local state.
+    decltype(backend::host_view(sample_time_)) sample_time_host_;
+    decltype(backend::host_view(sample_value_)) sample_value_host_;
+    void update_ion_state();
+    // Throw if absolute value of membrane voltage exceeds bounds.
+    void assert_voltage_bounded(fvm_value_type bound);
+    // Throw if any cell time not equal to tmin_
+    void assert_tmin();
+    // Assign tmin_ and call assert_tmin() if assertions on.
+    void set_tmin(value_type t) {
+        tmin_ = t;
+        EXPECTS((assert_tmin(), true));
+    }
+    static unsigned dt_steps(value_type t0, value_type t1, value_type dt) {
+        return t0>=t1? 0: 1+(unsigned)((t1-t0)/dt);
+    }
+template <typename Backend>
+void fvm_lowered_cell_impl<Backend>::assert_tmin() {
+    auto time_minmax = state_->time_bounds();
+    if (time_minmax.first != time_minmax.second) {
+        throw std::logic_error("inconsistent times across cells");
+    }
+    if (time_minmax.first != tmin_) {
+        throw std::logic_error("out of synchronziation with cell state time");
+    }
+template <typename Backend>
+void fvm_lowered_cell_impl<Backend>::reset() {
+    state_->reset(initial_voltage_, temperature_);
+    set_tmin(0);
+    for (auto& m: mechanisms_) {
+        m->nrn_init();
+    }
+    update_ion_state();
+    // NOTE: Threshold watcher reset must come after the voltage values are set,
+    // as voltage is implicitly read by watcher to set initial state.
+    threshold_watcher_.reset();
+template <typename Backend>
+fvm_integration_result fvm_lowered_cell_impl<Backend>::integrate(
+    value_type tfinal,
+    value_type dt_max,
+    std::vector<deliverable_event> staged_events,
+    std::vector<sample_event> staged_samples,
+    bool check_physical)
+    using util::as_const;
+    // Integration setup
+    PE(advance_integrate_setup);
+    threshold_watcher_.clear_crossings();
+    auto n_samples = staged_samples.size();
+    if (sample_time_.size() < n_samples) {
+        sample_time_ = array(n_samples);
+        sample_value_ = array(n_samples);
+    }
+    state_->deliverable_events.init(std::move(staged_events));
+    sample_events_.init(std::move(staged_samples));
+    EXPECTS((assert_tmin(), true));
+    unsigned remaining_steps = dt_steps(tmin_, tfinal, dt_max);
+    PL();
+    // TODO: Consider devolving more of this to back-end routines (e.g.
+    // per-compartment dt probably not a win on GPU), possibly rumbling
+    // complete fvm state into shared state object.
+    while (remaining_steps) {
+        // Deliver events and accumulate mechanism current contributions.
+        PE(advance_integrate_events);
+        state_->deliverable_events.mark_until_after(state_->time);
+        PL();
+        PE(advance_integrate_current);
+        state_->zero_currents();
+        for (auto& m: mechanisms_) {
+            m->deliver_events();
+            m->nrn_current();
+        }
+        PL();
+        PE(advance_integrate_events);
+        state_->deliverable_events.drop_marked_events();
+        // Update event list and integration step times.
+        state_->update_time_to(dt_max, tfinal);
+        state_->deliverable_events.event_time_if_before(state_->time_to);
+        state_->set_dt();
+        PL();
+        // Take samples at cell time if sample time in this step interval.
+        PE(advance_integrate_samples);
+        sample_events_.mark_until(state_->time_to);
+        state_->take_samples(sample_events_.marked_events(), sample_time_, sample_value_);
+        sample_events_.drop_marked_events();
+        PL();
+        // Integrate voltage by matrix solve.
+        PE(advance_integrate_matrix_build);
+        matrix_.assemble(state_->dt_cell, state_->voltage, state_->current_density);
+        PL();
+        PE(advance_integrate_matrix_solve);
+        matrix_.solve();
+        memory::copy(matrix_.solution(), state_->voltage);
+        PL();
+        // Integrate mechanism state.
+        PE(advance_integrate_state);
+        for (auto& m: mechanisms_) {
+            m->nrn_state();
+        }
+        PL();
+        // Update ion concentrations.
+        PE(advance_integrate_ionupdate);
+        update_ion_state();
+        PL();
+        // Update time and test for spike threshold crossings.
+        PE(advance_integrate_threshold);
+        memory::copy(state_->time_to, state_->time);
+        threshold_watcher_.test();
+        PL();
+        // Check for non-physical solutions:
+        if (check_physical) {
+            PE(advance_integrate_physicalcheck);
+            assert_voltage_bounded(1000.);
+            PL();
+        }
+        // Check for end of integration.
+        PE(advance_integrate_stepsupdate);
+        if (!--remaining_steps) {
+            tmin_ = state_->time_bounds().first;
+            remaining_steps = dt_steps(tmin_, tfinal, dt_max);
+        }
+        PL();
+    }
+    set_tmin(tfinal);
+    const auto& crossings = threshold_watcher_.crossings();
+    sample_time_host_ = backend::host_view(sample_time_);
+    sample_value_host_ = backend::host_view(sample_value_);
+    return fvm_integration_result{
+        util::range_pointer_view(crossings),
+        util::range_pointer_view(sample_time_host_),
+        util::range_pointer_view(sample_value_host_)
+    };
+template <typename B>
+void fvm_lowered_cell_impl<B>::update_ion_state() {
+    state_->ions_init_concentration();
+    for (auto& m: mechanisms_) {
+        m->write_ions();
+    }
+    state_->ions_nernst_reversal_potential(temperature_);
+template <typename B>
+void fvm_lowered_cell_impl<B>::assert_voltage_bounded(fvm_value_type bound) {
+    auto v_minmax = state_->voltage_bounds();
+    if (v_minmax.first>=-bound && v_minmax.second<=bound) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto t_minmax = state_->time_bounds();
+    throw std::out_of_range("voltage solution out of bounds for t in ["+
+        std::to_string(t_minmax.first)+", "+std::to_string(t_minmax.second)+"]");
+template <typename B>
+void fvm_lowered_cell_impl<B>::initialize(
+    const std::vector<cell_gid_type>& gids,
+    const recipe& rec,
+    std::vector<target_handle>& target_handles,
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle>& probe_map)
+    using util::any_cast;
+    using util::count_along;
+    using util::make_span;
+    using util::value_by_key;
+    using util::keys;
+    std::vector<cell> cells;
+    const std::size_t ncell = gids.size();
+    cells.reserve(ncell);
+    for (auto gid: gids) {
+        cells.push_back(any_cast<cell>(rec.get_cell_description(gid)));
+    }
+    auto rec_props = rec.get_global_properties(cell_kind::cable1d_neuron);
+    auto global_props = rec_props.has_value()? any_cast<cell_global_properties>(rec_props): cell_global_properties{};
+    const mechanism_catalogue* catalogue = global_props.catalogue;
+    initial_voltage_ = global_props.init_membrane_potential_mV;
+    temperature_ = global_props.temperature_K;
+    // Mechanism instantiator helper.
+    auto mech_instance = [&catalogue](const std::string& name) {
+        auto cat = builtin_mechanisms().has(name)? &builtin_mechanisms(): catalogue;
+        return cat->instance<backend>(name);
+    };
+    // Discretize cells, build matrix.
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    EXPECTS(D.ncell == ncell);
+    matrix_ = matrix<backend>(D.parent_cv, D.cell_cv_bounds, D.cv_capacitance, D.face_conductance, D.cv_area);
+    sample_events_ = sample_event_stream(ncell);
+    // Discretize mechanism data.
+    fvm_mechanism_data mech_data = fvm_build_mechanism_data(*catalogue, cells, D);
+    // Create shared cell state.
+    // (SIMD padding requires us to check each mechanism for alignment/padding constraints.)
+    unsigned data_alignment = util::max_value(
+        util::transform_view(keys(mech_data.mechanisms),
+            [&](const std::string& name) { return mech_instance(name)->data_alignment(); }));
+    state_ = util::make_unique<shared_state>(ncell, D.cv_to_cell, data_alignment? data_alignment: 1u);
+    // Instantiate mechanisms and ions.
+    for (auto& i: mech_data.ions) {
+        ionKind kind = i.first;
+        if (auto ion = value_by_key(global_props.ion_default, to_string(kind))) {
+            state_->add_ion(ion.value(),, i.second.iconc_norm_area, i.second.econc_norm_area);
+        }
+    }
+    target_handles.resize(mech_data.ntarget);
+    for (auto& m: mech_data.mechanisms) {
+        auto& name = m.first;
+        auto& config = m.second;
+        unsigned mech_id = mechanisms_.size();
+        mechanism::layout layout;
+ =;
+        layout.weight.resize(;
+        // Mechanism weights are F·α where α ∈ [0, 1] is the proportional
+        // contribution in the CV, and F is the scaling factor required
+        // to convert from the mechanism current contribution units to A/m².
+        if (config.kind==mechanismKind::point) {
+            // Point mechanism contributions are in [nA]; CV area A in [µm^2].
+            // F = 1/A * [nA/µm²] / [A/m²] = 1000/A.
+            for (auto i: count_along( {
+                auto cv =[i];
+                layout.weight[i] = 1000/D.cv_area[cv];
+                // (builtin stimulus, for example, has no targets)
+                if (! {
+                    target_handles[[i]] = target_handle(mech_id, i, D.cv_to_cell[cv]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            // Density Current density contributions from mechanism are in [mA/cm²]
+            // (NEURON compatibility). F = [mA/cm²] / [A/m²] = 10.
+            for (auto i: count_along( {
+                layout.weight[i] = 10*config.norm_area[i];
+            }
+        }
+        auto mech = mech_instance(name);
+        mech->instantiate(mech_id, *state_, layout);
+        for (auto& pv: config.param_values) {
+            mech->set_parameter(pv.first, pv.second);
+        }
+        mechanisms_.push_back(mechanism_ptr(mech.release()));
+    }
+    // Collect detectors, probe handles.
+    std::vector<index_type> detector_cv;
+    std::vector<value_type> detector_threshold;
+    for (auto cell_idx: make_span(ncell)) {
+        cell_gid_type gid = gids[cell_idx];
+        for (auto detector: cells[cell_idx].detectors()) {
+            detector_cv.push_back(D.segment_location_cv(cell_idx, detector.location));
+            detector_threshold.push_back(detector.threshold);
+        }
+        for (cell_lid_type j: make_span(rec.num_probes(gid))) {
+            probe_info pi = rec.get_probe({gid, j});
+            auto where = any_cast<cell_probe_address>(pi.address);
+            auto cv = D.segment_location_cv(cell_idx, where.location);
+            probe_handle handle;
+            switch (where.kind) {
+            case cell_probe_address::membrane_voltage:
+                handle = state_->;
+                break;
+            case cell_probe_address::membrane_current:
+                handle = state_->;
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw std::logic_error("unrecognized probeKind");
+            }
+            probe_map.insert({, {handle, pi.tag}});
+        }
+    }
+    threshold_watcher_ = threshold_watcher(state_->, state_->,
+        state_->, state_->, detector_cv, detector_threshold);
+    reset();
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/fvm_multicell.hpp b/src/fvm_multicell.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2049c294..00000000
--- a/src/fvm_multicell.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1256 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithms.hpp>
-#include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <cell.hpp>
-#include <compartment.hpp>
-#include <constants.hpp>
-#include <event_queue.hpp>
-#include <ion.hpp>
-#include <math.hpp>
-#include <matrix.hpp>
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
-#include <profiling/profiler.hpp>
-#include <recipe.hpp>
-#include <sampler_map.hpp>
-#include <segment.hpp>
-#include <stimulus.hpp>
-#include <util/meta.hpp>
-#include <util/partition.hpp>
-#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
-#include <util/span.hpp>
-namespace arb {
-namespace fvm {
-inline int find_cv_index(const segment_location& loc, const compartment_model& graph) {
-    const auto& si = graph.segment_index;
-    const auto seg = loc.segment;
-    auto first = si[seg];
-    auto n = si[seg+1] - first;
-    int index = static_cast<int>(n*loc.position+0.5);
-    index = index==0? graph.parent_index[first]: first+(index-1);
-    return index;
-template<class Backend>
-class fvm_multicell {
-    using backend = Backend;
-    /// the real number type
-    using value_type = fvm_value_type;
-    /// the integral index type
-    using size_type = fvm_size_type;
-    /// the container used for values
-    using array = typename backend::array;
-    using host_array = typename backend::host_array;
-    /// the container used for indexes
-    using iarray = typename backend::iarray;
-    using view = typename array::view_type;
-    using const_view = typename array::const_view_type;
-    /// the type (view or copy) for a const host-side view of an array
-    using host_view = decltype(memory::on_host(std::declval<array>()));
-    // handles and events are currently common across implementations;
-    // re-expose definitions from `backends/event.hpp`.
-    using target_handle = ::arb::target_handle;
-    using probe_handle = ::arb::probe_handle;
-    using deliverable_event = ::arb::deliverable_event;
-    fvm_multicell() = default;
-    void resting_potential(value_type potential_mV) {
-        resting_potential_ = potential_mV;
-    }
-    // Set up data structures for a fixed collection of cells identified by `gids`
-    // with descriptions taken from the recipe `rec`.
-    //
-    // Lowered-cell specific handles for targets and probes are stored in the
-    // caller-provided vector `target_handles` and map `probe_map`.
-    void initialize(
-        const std::vector<cell_gid_type>& gids,
-        const recipe& rec,
-        std::vector<target_handle>& target_handles,
-        probe_association_map<probe_handle>& probe_map);
-    void reset();
-    // fvm_multicell::deliver_event is used only for testing.
-    void deliver_event(target_handle h, value_type weight) {
-        mechanisms_[h.mech_id]->net_receive(h.mech_index, weight);
-    }
-    // fvm_multicell::probe is used only for testing.
-    value_type probe(probe_handle h) const {
-        return backend::dereference(h); // h is a pointer, but might be device-side.
-    }
-    // Initialize state prior to a sequence of integration steps.
-    // `staged_events` and `staged_samples` are expected to be
-    // sorted by event time.
-    void setup_integration(
-        value_type tfinal, value_type dt_max,
-        const std::vector<deliverable_event>& staged_events,
-        const std::vector<sample_event>& staged_samples)
-    {
-        PE(advance_integrate_setup);
-        EXPECTS(dt_max>0);
-        tfinal_ = tfinal;
-        dt_max_ = dt_max;
-        compute_min_remaining();
-        EXPECTS(!has_pending_events());
-        n_samples_ = staged_samples.size();
-        events_.init(staged_events);
-        sample_events_.init(staged_samples);
-        // Reallocate sample buffers if necessary.
-        if (sample_value_.size()<n_samples_) {
-            sample_value_ = array(n_samples_);
-            sample_time_ = array(n_samples_);
-        }
-        PL();
-    }
-    // Advance one integration step.
-    void step_integration();
-    // Query integration completion state.
-    bool integration_complete() const {
-        return min_remaining_steps_==0;
-    }
-    // Access to sample data post-integration.
-    decltype(memory::make_const_view(std::declval<host_view>())) sample_value() const {
-        EXPECTS(sample_events_.empty());
-        host_sample_value_ = memory::on_host(sample_value_);
-        return host_sample_value_;
-    }
-    decltype(memory::make_const_view(std::declval<host_view>())) sample_time() const {
-        EXPECTS(sample_events_.empty());
-        host_sample_time_ = memory::on_host(sample_time_);
-        return host_sample_time_;
-    }
-    // Query per-cell time state.
-    // Placeholder: external time queries will no longer be required when
-    // complete integration loop is in lowered cell.
-    value_type time(size_type cell_idx) const {
-        refresh_time_cache();
-        return cached_time_[cell_idx];
-    }
-    value_type min_time() const {
-        return backend::minmax_value(time_).first;
-    }
-    value_type max_time() const {
-        return backend::minmax_value(time_).second;
-    }
-    bool state_synchronized() const {
-        auto mm = backend::minmax_value(time_);
-        return mm.first==mm.second;
-    }
-    /// Set times for all cells (public for testing purposes only).
-    void set_time_global(value_type t) {
-        memory::fill(time_, t);
-        invalidate_time_cache();
-    }
-    void set_time_to_global(value_type t) {
-        memory::fill(time_to_, t);
-        invalidate_time_cache();
-    }
-    /// Following types and methods are public only for testing:
-    /// the type used to store matrix information
-    using matrix_type = matrix<backend>;
-    /// mechanism type
-    using mechanism = typename backend::mechanism;
-    using mechanism_ptr = typename backend::mechanism_ptr;
-    /// stimulus type
-    using stimulus = typename backend::stimulus;
-    /// ion species storage
-    using ion_type = typename backend::ion_type;
-    /// view into index container
-    using iview = typename backend::iview;
-    using const_iview = typename backend::const_iview;
-    const matrix_type& jacobian() { return matrix_; }
-    /// return list of CV areas in :
-    ///          um^2
-    ///^2
-    ///^2
-    const_view cv_areas() const { return cv_areas_; }
-    /// return the voltage in each CV
-    view       voltage()       { return voltage_; }
-    const_view voltage() const { return voltage_; }
-    /// return the current density in each CV: A.m^-2
-    view       current()       { return current_; }
-    const_view current() const { return current_; }
-    std::size_t size() const { return matrix_.size(); }
-    /// return reference to in iterable container of the mechanisms
-    std::vector<mechanism_ptr>& mechanisms() { return mechanisms_; }
-    /// return reference to list of ions
-    std::map<ionKind, ion_type>&       ions()       { return ions_; }
-    std::map<ionKind, ion_type> const& ions() const { return ions_; }
-    /// return reference to sodium ion
-    ion_type&       ion_na()       { return ions_[ionKind::na]; }
-    ion_type const& ion_na() const { return ions_[ionKind::na]; }
-    /// return reference to calcium ion
-    ion_type&       ion_ca()       { return ions_[ionKind::ca]; }
-    ion_type const& ion_ca() const { return ions_[ionKind::ca]; }
-    /// return reference to pottasium ion
-    ion_type&       ion_k()       { return ions_[ionKind::k]; }
-    ion_type const& ion_k() const { return ions_[ionKind::k]; }
-    /// flags if solution is physically realistic.
-    /// here we define physically realistic as the voltage being within reasonable bounds.
-    /// use a simple test of the voltage at the soma is reasonable, i.e. in the range
-    ///     v_soma \in (-1000mv, 1000mv)
-    bool is_physical_solution() const {
-        auto v = voltage_[0];
-        return (v>-1000.) && (v<1000.);
-    }
-    /// Return reference to the mechanism that matches name.
-    /// The reference is const, because this information should not be
-    /// modified by the caller, however it is needed for unit testing.
-    util::optional<const mechanism_ptr&> find_mechanism(const std::string& name) const {
-        auto it = std::find_if(
-            std::begin(mechanisms_), std::end(mechanisms_),
-            [&name](const mechanism_ptr& m) {return m->name()==name;});
-        return it==mechanisms_.end() ? util::nullopt: util::just(*it);
-    }
-    //
-    // Threshold crossing interface.
-    // Used by calling code to perform spike detection
-    //
-    /// types defined by the back end for threshold detection
-    using threshold_watcher = typename backend::threshold_watcher;
-    using crossing_list     = typename backend::threshold_watcher::crossing_list;
-    /// Forward the list of threshold crossings from the back end.
-    /// The list is passed by value, because we don't want the calling code
-    /// to depend on references to internal state of the solver, and because
-    /// for some backends the results might have to be collated before returning.
-    crossing_list get_spikes() const {
-       return threshold_watcher_.crossings();
-    }
-    /// clear all spikes: aka threshold crossings.
-    void clear_spikes() {
-       threshold_watcher_.clear_crossings();
-    }
-    /// number of distinct cells (integration domains)
-    size_type ncell_;
-    threshold_watcher threshold_watcher_;
-    /// resting potential (initial voltage condition)
-    value_type resting_potential_ = -65;
-    /// final time in integration round [ms]
-    value_type tfinal_ = 0;
-    /// max time step for integration [ms]
-    value_type dt_max_ = 0;
-    /// minimum number of integration steps left in integration period.
-    // zero => integration complete.
-    unsigned min_remaining_steps_ = 0;
-    void compute_min_remaining() {
-        auto tmin = min_time();
-        min_remaining_steps_ = tmin>=tfinal_? 0: 1 + (unsigned)((tfinal_-tmin)/dt_max_);
-    }
-    void decrement_min_remaining() {
-        EXPECTS(min_remaining_steps_>0);
-        if (!--min_remaining_steps_) {
-            compute_min_remaining();
-        }
-    }
-    /// event queue for integration period
-    using deliverable_event_stream = typename backend::deliverable_event_stream;
-    deliverable_event_stream events_;
-    bool has_pending_events() const {
-        return !events_.empty();
-    }
-    /// sample events for integration period
-    using sample_event_stream = typename backend::sample_event_stream;
-    sample_event_stream sample_events_;
-    /// sample buffers
-    size_type n_samples_ = 0;
-    array sample_value_;
-    array sample_time_;
-    mutable host_view host_sample_value_; // host-side views/copies of sample data
-    mutable host_view host_sample_time_;
-    /// the linear system for implicit time stepping of cell state
-    matrix_type matrix_;
-    /// cv_areas_[i] is the surface area of CV i [µm^2]
-    array cv_areas_;
-    /// the map from compartment index to cell index
-    iarray cv_to_cell_;
-    /// the per-cell simulation time
-    array time_;
-    /// the per-cell integration period end point
-    array time_to_;
-    // the per-compartment dt
-    // (set to dt_cell_[j] for each compartment in cell j).
-    array dt_comp_;
-    // the per-cell dt
-    // (set to time_to_[j]-time_[j] for each cell j).
-    array dt_cell_;
-    // Maintain cached copy of time vector for querying by
-    // cell_group. This will no longer be necessary when full
-    // integration loop is in lowered cell.
-    mutable std::vector<value_type> cached_time_;
-    mutable bool cached_time_valid_ = false;
-    void invalidate_time_cache() { cached_time_valid_ = false; }
-    void refresh_time_cache() const {
-        if (!cached_time_valid_) {
-            memory::copy(time_, memory::make_view(cached_time_));
-        }
-        cached_time_valid_ = true;
-    }
-    /// the transmembrane current density over the surface of each CV [A.m^-2]
-    ///     I = i_m - I_e/area
-    array current_;
-    /// the potential in each CV [mV]
-    array voltage_;
-    /// the set of mechanisms present in the cell
-    std::vector<mechanism_ptr> mechanisms_;
-    /// the ion species
-    std::map<ionKind, ion_type> ions_;
-    /// Compact representation of the control volumes into which a segment is
-    /// decomposed. Used to reconstruct the weights used to convert current
-    /// densities to currents for density channels.
-    struct segment_cv_range {
-        // the contribution to the surface area of the CVs that
-        // are at the beginning and end of the segment
-        std::pair<value_type, value_type> areas;
-        // the range of CVs in the segment, excluding the parent CV
-        std::pair<size_type, size_type> segment_cvs;
-        // The last CV in the parent segment, which corresponds to the
-        // first CV in this segment.
-        // Set to npos() if there is no parent (i.e. if soma)
-        size_type parent_cv;
-        static constexpr size_type npos() {
-            return std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
-        }
-        // the number of CVs (including the parent)
-        std::size_t size() const {
-            return segment_cvs.second-segment_cvs.first + (parent_cv==npos() ? 0 : 1);
-        }
-        bool has_parent() const {
-            return parent_cv != npos();
-        }
-    };
-    // perform area and capacitance calculation on initialization
-    segment_cv_range compute_cv_area_capacitance(
-        std::pair<size_type, size_type> comp_ival,
-        const segment* seg,
-        const std::vector<size_type>& parent,
-        std::vector<value_type>& face_conductance,
-        std::vector<value_type>& tmp_cv_areas,
-        std::vector<value_type>& cv_capacitance
-    );
-    // TODO: This process should be simpler when we can deal with mechanism prototypes and have
-    // separate initialization.
-    //
-    // Create possibly-specialized mechanism and add to mechanism set.
-    // Weights are unset, and should be set specifically with mechanism::set_weights().
-    mechanism& make_mechanism(
-        const std::string& name,
-        const std::map<std::string, specialized_mechanism>& special_mechs,
-        const std::vector<size_type>& node_indices)
-    {
-        std::string impl_name = name;
-        std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> global_params;
-        if (special_mechs.count(name)) {
-            const auto& spec_mech =;
-            impl_name = spec_mech.mech_name;
-            global_params = spec_mech.parameters;
-        }
-        size_type mech_id = mechanisms_.size();
-        auto m = backend::make_mechanism(impl_name, mech_id, cv_to_cell_, time_, time_to_, dt_comp_, voltage_, current_, {}, node_indices);
-        if (impl_name!=name) {
-            m->set_alias(name);
-        }
-        for (const auto& pv: global_params) {
-            auto field = m->field_value_ptr(pv.first);
-            if (!field) {
-                throw std::invalid_argument("no scalar parameter "+pv.first+" in mechanism "+m->name());
-            }
-            m.get()->*field = pv.second;
-        }
-        mechanisms_.push_back(std::move(m));
-        return *mechanisms_.back();
-    }
-    // Throwing-wrapper around mechanism (range) parameter look up.
-    static view mech_field(mechanism& m, const std::string& param_name) {
-        auto p = m.field_view_ptr(param_name);
-        if (!p) {
-            throw std::invalid_argument("no parameter "+param_name+" in mechanism ";
-        }
-        return m.*p;
-    }
-//////////////////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////////
-template <typename Backend>
-typename fvm_multicell<Backend>::segment_cv_range
-    std::pair<size_type, size_type> comp_ival,
-    const segment* seg,
-    const std::vector<size_type>& parent,
-    std::vector<value_type>& face_conductance,
-    std::vector<value_type>& tmp_cv_areas,
-    std::vector<value_type>& cv_capacitance)
-    // precondition: group_parent_index[j] holds the correct value for
-    // j in [base_comp, base_comp+segment.num_compartments()].
-    auto ncomp = comp_ival.second-comp_ival.first;
-    segment_cv_range cv_range;
-    auto cm = seg->cm;
-    auto rL = seg->rL;
-    if (auto soma = seg->as_soma()) {
-        // confirm assumption that there is one compartment in soma
-        if (ncomp!=1) {
-            throw std::logic_error("soma allocated more than one compartment");
-        }
-        auto i = comp_ival.first;
-        auto area = math::area_sphere(soma->radius());
-        tmp_cv_areas[i] += area;
-        cv_capacitance[i] += area*cm;
-        cv_range.segment_cvs = {comp_ival.first, comp_ival.first+1};
-        cv_range.areas = {0.0, area};
-        cv_range.parent_cv = segment_cv_range::npos();
-    }
-    else if (auto cable = seg->as_cable()) {
-        // Loop over each compartment in the cable
-        //
-        // Each compartment i straddles the ith control volume on the right
-        // and the jth control volume on the left, where j is the parent index
-        // of i.
-        //
-        // Dividing the comparment into two halves, the centre face C
-        // corresponds to the shared face between the two control volumes,
-        // the surface areas in each half contribute to the surface area of
-        // the respective control volumes, and the volumes and lengths of
-        // each half are used to calculate the flux coefficients that
-        // for the connection between the two control volumes and which
-        // is stored in `face_conductance[i]`.
-        //
-        //
-        //  +------- cv j --------+------- cv i -------+
-        //  |                     |                    |
-        //  v                     v                    v
-        //  ____________________________________________
-        //  | ........ | ........ |          |         |
-        //  | ........ L ........ C          R         |
-        //  |__________|__________|__________|_________|
-        //             ^                     ^
-        //             |                     |
-        //             +--- compartment i ---+
-        //
-        // The first control volume of any cell corresponds to the soma
-        // and the first half of the first cable compartment of that cell.
-        auto divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_integrator>(cable, ncomp);
-        // assume that this segment has a parent, which is the case so long
-        // as the soma is the root of all cell trees.
-        cv_range.parent_cv = parent[comp_ival.first];
-        cv_range.segment_cvs = comp_ival;
-        cv_range.areas = {divs(0).left.area, divs(ncomp-1).right.area};
-        for (auto i: util::make_span(comp_ival)) {
-            const auto& div = divs(i-comp_ival.first);
-            auto j = parent[i];
-            // Conductance approximated by weighted harmonic mean of mean
-            // conductances in each half.
-            //
-            // Mean conductances:
-            // g₁ = 1/h₁ ∫₁ A(x)/R dx
-            // g₂ = 1/h₂ ∫₂ A(x)/R dx
-            //
-            // where A(x) is the cross-sectional area, R is the bulk
-            // resistivity, h is the length of the interval and the
-            // integrals are taken over the intervals respectively.
-            // Equivalently, in terms of the semi-compartment volumes
-            // V₁ and V₂:
-            //
-            // g₁ = 1/R·V₁/h₁
-            // g₂ = 1/R·V₂/h₂
-            //
-            // Weighted harmonic mean, with h = h₁+h₂:
-            //
-            // g = (h₁/h·g₁¯¹+h₂/h·g₂¯¹)¯¹
-            //   = 1/R · hV₁V₂/(h₂²V₁+h₁²V₂)
-            //
-            // the following units are used
-            //  lengths : μm
-            //  areas   : μm^2
-            //  volumes : μm^3
-            auto h1 = div.left.length;
-            auto V1 = div.left.volume;
-            auto h2 = div.right.length;
-            auto V2 = div.right.volume;
-            auto h = h1+h2;
-            auto conductance = 1/rL*h*V1*V2/(h2*h2*V1+h1*h1*V2);
-            // the scaling factor of 10^2 is to convert the quantity
-            // to micro Siemens [μS]
-            face_conductance[i] =  1e2 * conductance / h;
-            auto al = div.left.area;
-            auto ar = div.right.area;
-            tmp_cv_areas[j] += al;
-            tmp_cv_areas[i] += ar;
-            cv_capacitance[j] += al * cm;
-            cv_capacitance[i] += ar * cm;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        throw std::domain_error("FVM lowering encountered unsuported segment type");
-    }
-    return cv_range;
-template <typename Backend>
-void fvm_multicell<Backend>::initialize(
-    const std::vector<cell_gid_type>& gids,
-    const recipe& rec,
-    std::vector<target_handle>& target_handles,
-    probe_association_map<probe_handle>& probe_map)
-    using memory::make_const_view;
-    using util::any_cast;
-    using util::assign_by;
-    using util::make_partition;
-    using util::make_span;
-    using util::size;
-    using util::sort_by;
-    using util::transform_view;
-    using util::subrange_view;
-    ncell_ = size(gids);
-    std::size_t targets_count = 0u;
-    // Handle any global parameters for these cell groups.
-    // (Currently: just specialized mechanisms).
-    std::map<std::string, specialized_mechanism> special_mechs;
-    util::any gprops = rec.get_global_properties(cell_kind::cable1d_neuron);
-    if (gprops.has_value()) {
-        special_mechs = util::any_cast<cell_global_properties&>(gprops).special_mechs;
-    }
-    // Take cell descriptions from recipe. These are used initially
-    // to count compartments for allocation of data structures, and
-    // then interrogated again for the details for each cell in turn.
-    std::vector<cell> cells;
-    cells.reserve(gids.size());
-    for (auto gid: gids) {
-        cells.push_back(std::move(any_cast<cell>(rec.get_cell_description(gid))));
-    }
-    auto cell_num_compartments =
-        transform_view(cells, [](const cell& c) { return c.num_compartments(); });
-    std::vector<cell_lid_type> cell_comp_bounds;
-    auto cell_comp_part = make_partition(cell_comp_bounds, cell_num_compartments);
-    auto ncomp = cell_comp_part.bounds().second;
-    // initialize storage from total compartment count
-    current_ = array(ncomp, 0);
-    voltage_ = array(ncomp, resting_potential_);
-    cv_to_cell_ = iarray(ncomp, 0);
-    time_ = array(ncell_, 0);
-    time_to_ = array(ncell_, 0);
-    cached_time_.resize(ncell_);
-    cached_time_valid_ = false;
-    dt_cell_ = array(ncell_, 0);
-    dt_comp_ = array(ncomp, 0);
-    // initialize cv_to_cell_ values from compartment partition
-    std::vector<size_type> cv_to_cell_tmp(ncomp);
-    for (size_type i = 0; i<ncell_; ++i) {
-        util::fill(util::subrange_view(cv_to_cell_tmp, cell_comp_part[i]), i);
-    }
-    memory::copy(cv_to_cell_tmp, cv_to_cell_);
-    // TODO: mechanism parameters are currently indexed by string keys; more efficient
-    // to use the mechanism member pointers, when these become easily accessible via
-    // the mechanism catalogue interface.
-    // look up table: mechanism name -> list of cv_range objects and parameter settings.
-    struct mech_area_contrib {
-        size_type index;
-        value_type area;
-    };
-    struct mech_info {
-        segment_cv_range cv_range;
-        // Note: owing to linearity constraints, the only parameters for which it is
-        // sensible to modify are those which make a linear contribution to currents
-        // (or ion fluxes, etc.)
-        std::map<std::string, value_type> param_map;
-        std::vector<mech_area_contrib> contributions;
-    };
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<mech_info>> mech_map;
-    // look up table: point mechanism (synapse) name -> list of CV indices, target numbers, parameters.
-    struct syn_info {
-        cell_lid_type cv;
-        cell_lid_type target;
-        std::map<std::string, value_type> param_map;
-    };
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<syn_info>> syn_mech_map;
-    // initialize vector used for matrix creation.
-    std::vector<size_type> group_parent_index(ncomp);
-    // setup per-cell event stores.
-    events_ = deliverable_event_stream(ncell_);
-    sample_events_ = sample_event_stream(ncell_);
-    // Create each cell:
-    // Allocate scratch storage for calculating quantities used to build the
-    // linear system: these will later be copied into target-specific storage.
-    // face_conductance_[i] = area_face  / (rL * delta_x);
-    std::vector<value_type> face_conductance(ncomp); // [µS]
-    /// cv_capacitance_[i] is the capacitance of CV membrane
-    std::vector<value_type> cv_capacitance(ncomp);   // [µm^2*F*m^-2 = pF]
-    /// membrane area of each cv
-    std::vector<value_type> tmp_cv_areas(ncomp);     // [µm^2]
-    // used to build the information required to construct spike detectors
-    std::vector<size_type> spike_detector_index;
-    std::vector<value_type> thresholds;
-    // Iterate over the input cells and build the indexes etc that descrbe the
-    // fused cell group. On completion:
-    //  - group_paranet_index contains the full parent index for the fused cells.
-    //  - mech_to_cv_range and syn_mech_map provide a map from mechanism names to an
-    //    iterable container of compartment ranges, which are used later to
-    //    generate the node index for each mechanism kind.
-    //  - the tmp_* vectors contain compartment-specific information for each
-    //    compartment in the fused cell group (areas, capacitance, etc).
-    //  - each probe, stimulus and detector is attached to its compartment.
-    for (auto i: make_span(0, ncell_)) {
-        const auto& c = cells[i];
-        auto gid = gids[i];
-        auto comp_ival = cell_comp_part[i];
-        auto graph = c.model();
-        for (auto k: make_span(comp_ival)) {
-            group_parent_index[k] = graph.parent_index[k-comp_ival.first]+comp_ival.first;
-        }
-        auto seg_num_compartments =
-            transform_view(c.segments(), [](const segment_ptr& s) { return s->num_compartments(); });
-        const auto nseg = seg_num_compartments.size();
-        std::vector<cell_lid_type> seg_comp_bounds;
-        auto seg_comp_part =
-            make_partition(seg_comp_bounds, seg_num_compartments, comp_ival.first);
-        for (size_type j = 0; j<nseg; ++j) {
-            const auto& seg = c.segment(j);
-            const auto& seg_comp_ival = seg_comp_part[j];
-            auto cv_range = compute_cv_area_capacitance(
-                seg_comp_ival, seg, group_parent_index,
-                face_conductance, tmp_cv_areas, cv_capacitance);
-            for (const auto& mech: seg->mechanisms()) {
-                mech_map[].push_back({cv_range, mech.values()});
-            }
-        }
-        for (const auto& syn: c.synapses()) {
-            const auto& name =;
-            cell_lid_type syn_cv = comp_ival.first + find_cv_index(syn.location, graph);
-            cell_lid_type target_index = targets_count++;
-            syn_mech_map[name].push_back({syn_cv, target_index, syn.mechanism.values()});
-        }
-        //
-        // add the stimuli
-        //
-        // TODO: use same process as for synapses!
-        // step 1: pack the index and parameter information into flat vectors
-        std::vector<size_type> stim_index;
-        std::vector<value_type> stim_durations;
-        std::vector<value_type> stim_delays;
-        std::vector<value_type> stim_amplitudes;
-        std::vector<value_type> stim_weights;
-        for (const auto& stim: c.stimuli()) {
-            auto idx = comp_ival.first+find_cv_index(stim.location, graph);
-            stim_index.push_back(idx);
-            stim_durations.push_back(stim.clamp.duration());
-            stim_delays.push_back(stim.clamp.delay());
-            stim_amplitudes.push_back(stim.clamp.amplitude());
-            stim_weights.push_back(1e3/tmp_cv_areas[idx]);
-        }
-        // step 2: create the stimulus mechanism and initialize the stimulus
-        //         parameters
-        // NOTE: the indexes and associated metadata (durations, delays,
-        //       amplitudes) have not been permuted to ascending cv index order,
-        //       as is the case with other point processes.
-        //       This is because the hard-coded stimulus mechanism makes no
-        //       optimizations that rely on this assumption.
-        if (stim_index.size()) {
-            auto stim = new stimulus(
-                cv_to_cell_, time_, time_to_, dt_comp_,
-                voltage_, current_, memory::make_const_view(stim_index));
-            stim->set_parameters(stim_amplitudes, stim_durations, stim_delays);
-            stim->set_weights(memory::make_const_view(stim_weights));
-            mechanisms_.push_back(mechanism_ptr(stim));
-        }
-        // calculate spike detector handles are their corresponding compartment indices
-        for (const auto& detector: c.detectors()) {
-            auto comp = comp_ival.first+find_cv_index(detector.location, graph);
-            spike_detector_index.push_back(comp);
-            thresholds.push_back(detector.threshold);
-        }
-        // Retrieve probe addresses and tags from recipe for this cell.
-        for (cell_lid_type j: make_span(0, rec.num_probes(gid))) {
-            probe_info pi = rec.get_probe({gid, j});
-            auto where = any_cast<cell_probe_address>(pi.address);
-            auto comp = comp_ival.first+find_cv_index(where.location, graph);
-            probe_handle handle;
-            switch (where.kind) {
-            case cell_probe_address::membrane_voltage:
-                handle =;
-                break;
-            case cell_probe_address::membrane_current:
-                handle =;
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw std::logic_error("unrecognized probeKind");
-            }
-            probe_map.insert({, {handle, pi.tag}});
-        }
-    }
-    // set a back-end supplied watcher on the voltage vector
-    threshold_watcher_ =
-        threshold_watcher(cv_to_cell_, time_, time_to_, voltage_, spike_detector_index, thresholds);
-    // store the geometric information in target-specific containers
-    cv_areas_ = make_const_view(tmp_cv_areas);
-    // initalize matrix
-    matrix_ = matrix_type(
-        group_parent_index, cell_comp_bounds, cv_capacitance, face_conductance, tmp_cv_areas);
-    // Keep cv index list for each mechanism for ion set up below.
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<size_type>> mech_to_cv_index;
-    // Keep area of each cv occupied by each mechanism, which may be less than
-    // the total area of the cv.
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<value_type>> mech_to_area;
-    // Working vectors (re-used per mechanism).
-    std::vector<size_type> mech_cv(ncomp);
-    std::vector<value_type> mech_weight(ncomp);
-    for (auto& entry: mech_map) {
-        const auto& mech_name = entry.first;
-        auto& segments = entry.second;
-        mech_cv.clear();
-        mech_weight.clear();
-        // Three passes are performed over the segment list:
-        //   1. Compute the CVs and area contributions where the mechanism is instanced.
-        //   2. Build table of modified parameters together with default values.
-        //   3. Compute weights and parameters.
-        // The mechanism is instantiated after the first pass, in order to gain
-        // access to default mechanism parameter values.
-        for (auto& seg: segments) {
-            const auto& rng = seg.cv_range;
-            seg.contributions.reserve(rng.size());
-            if (rng.has_parent()) {
-                auto cv = rng.parent_cv;
-                auto it = algorithms::binary_find(mech_cv, cv);
-                size_type pos = it - mech_cv.begin();
-                if (it == mech_cv.end()) {
-                    mech_cv.push_back(cv);
-                }
-                seg.contributions.push_back({pos, rng.areas.first});
-            }
-            for (auto cv: make_span(rng.segment_cvs)) {
-                size_type pos = mech_cv.size();
-                mech_cv.push_back(cv);
-                seg.contributions.push_back({pos, tmp_cv_areas[cv]});
-            }
-            // Last CV contribution may be only partial, so adjust.
-            seg.contributions.back().area = rng.areas.second;
-        }
-        auto nindex = mech_cv.size();
-        EXPECTS(std::is_sorted(mech_cv.begin(), mech_cv.end()));
-        EXPECTS(nindex>0);
-        auto& mech = make_mechanism(mech_name, special_mechs, mech_cv);
-        // Save the indices for ion set up below.
-        mech_to_cv_index[mech_name] = mech_cv;
-        // Build modified (non-global) parameter table.
-        struct param_tbl_entry {
-            std::vector<value_type> values; // staged for writing to mechanism
-            view data;                      // view to corresponding data in mechanism
-            value_type dflt;                // default value for parameter
-        };
-        std::map<std::string, param_tbl_entry> param_tbl;
-        for (const auto& seg: segments) {
-            for (const auto& pv: seg.param_map) {
-                if (param_tbl.count(pv.first)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                // Grab default value from mechanism data.
-                auto& entry = param_tbl[pv.first];
-       = mech_field(mech, pv.first);
-                entry.dflt =[0];
-                entry.values.assign(nindex, 0.);
-            }
-        }
-        // Perform another pass of segment list to compute weights and (non-global) parameters.
-        mech_weight.assign(nindex, 0.);
-        for (const auto& seg: segments) {
-            for (auto cw: seg.contributions) {
-                mech_weight[cw.index] += cw.area;
-                for (auto& entry: param_tbl) {
-                    value_type v = entry.second.dflt;
-                    const auto& name = entry.first;
-                    auto it = seg.param_map.find(name);
-                    if (it != seg.param_map.end()) {
-                        v = it->second;
-                    }
-                    entry.second.values[cw.index] += cw.area*v;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Save the areas for ion setup below.
-        mech_to_area[mech_name] = mech_weight;
-        for (auto& entry: param_tbl) {
-            for (size_type i = 0; i<nindex; ++i) {
-                entry.second.values[i] /= mech_weight[i];
-            }
-            memory::copy(entry.second.values,;
-        }
-        // Scale the weights by the CV area to get the proportion of the CV surface
-        // on which the mechanism is present. After scaling, the current will have
-        // units A.m^-2.
-        for (auto i: make_span(0, mech_weight.size())) {
-            mech_weight[i] *= 10/tmp_cv_areas[mech_cv[i]];
-        }
-        mech.set_weights(memory::make_const_view(mech_weight));
-    }
-    target_handles.resize(targets_count);
-    // Create point (synapse) mechanisms.
-    for (auto& map_entry: syn_mech_map) {
-        size_type mech_id = mechanisms_.size();
-        const auto& mech_name = map_entry.first;
-        auto& syn_data = map_entry.second;
-        auto n_instance = syn_data.size();
-        // Build permutation p such that p[j] is the index into
-        // syn_data for the jth synapse of this mechanism type as ordered by cv index.
-        auto cv_of = [&](cell_lid_type i) { return syn_data[i].cv; };
-        std::vector<cell_lid_type> p(n_instance);
-        std::iota(p.begin(), p.end(), 0u);
-        util::sort_by(p, cv_of);
-        std::vector<cell_lid_type> mech_cv;
-        std::vector<value_type> mech_weight;
-        mech_cv.reserve(n_instance);
-        mech_weight.reserve(n_instance);
-        // Build mechanism cv index vector, weights and targets.
-        for (auto i: make_span(0u, n_instance)) {
-            const auto& syn = syn_data[p[i]];
-            mech_cv.push_back(;
-            // The weight for each synapses is 1/cv_area, scaled by 100 to match the units
-            // of 10.A.m^-2 used to store current densities in current_.
-            mech_weight.push_back(1e3/tmp_cv_areas[]);
-            target_handles[] = target_handle(mech_id, i, cv_to_cell_tmp[]);
-        }
-        auto& mech = make_mechanism(mech_name, special_mechs, mech_cv);
-        mech.set_weights(memory::make_const_view(mech_weight));
-        // Save the indices for ion set up below.
-        mech_to_cv_index[mech_name] = mech_cv;
-        // Update the mechanism parameters.
-        std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<cell_lid_type, value_type>>> param_assigns;
-        for (auto i: make_span(0u, n_instance)) {
-            for (const auto& pv: syn_data[p[i]].param_map) {
-                param_assigns[pv.first].push_back({i, pv.second});
-            }
-        }
-        for (const auto& pa: param_assigns) {
-            view field_data = mech_field(mech, pa.first);
-            host_array field_values = field_data;
-            for (const auto &iv: pa.second) {
-                field_values[iv.first] = iv.second;
-            }
-            memory::copy(field_values, field_data);
-        }
-    }
-    // build the ion species
-    for (auto ion : ion_kinds()) {
-        // find the compartment indexes of all compartments that have a
-        // mechanism that depends on/influences ion
-        std::set<size_type> index_set;
-        for (auto const& mech : mechanisms_) {
-            if(mech->uses_ion(ion).uses) {
-                auto const& ni = mech_to_cv_index[mech->name()];
-                index_set.insert(ni.begin(), ni.end());
-            }
-        }
-        std::vector<size_type> indexes(index_set.begin(), index_set.end());
-        const auto n = indexes.size();
-        if (n==0u) continue;
-        // create the ion state
-        ions_[ion] = indexes;
-        std::vector<value_type> w_int;
-        w_int.reserve(n);
-        for (auto i: indexes) {
-            w_int.push_back(tmp_cv_areas[i]);
-        }
-        std::vector<value_type> w_out = w_int;
-        // Join the ion reference in each mechanism into the cell-wide ion state.
-        for (auto& mech : mechanisms_) {
-            const auto spec = mech->uses_ion(ion);
-            if (spec.uses) {
-                const auto& ni = mech_to_cv_index[mech->name()];
-                const auto m = ni.size(); // number of CVs
-                const std::vector<size_type> sub_index =
-                    util::assign_from(algorithms::index_into(ni, indexes));
-                mech->set_ion(ion, ions_[ion], sub_index);
-                const auto& ai = mech_to_area[mech->name()];
-                if (spec.write_concentration_in) {
-                    for (auto i: make_span(0, m)) {
-                        w_int[sub_index[i]] -= ai[i];
-                    }
-                }
-                if (spec.write_concentration_out) {
-                    for (auto i: make_span(0, m)) {
-                        w_out[sub_index[i]] -= ai[i];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Normalise the weights.
-        for (auto i: make_span(0, n)) {
-            w_int[i] /= tmp_cv_areas[indexes[i]];
-            w_out[i] /= tmp_cv_areas[indexes[i]];
-        }
-        ions_[ion].set_weights(w_int, w_out);
-    }
-    // Note: NEURON defined default values for reversal potential as follows,
-    //       with units mV:
-    //
-    // const auto DEF_vrest = -65.0
-    // ena = 115.0 + DEF_vrest
-    // ek  = -12.0 + DEF_vrest
-    // eca = 12.5*std::log(2.0/5e-5)
-    //
-    // Whereas we use the Nernst equation to calculate reversal potentials at
-    // the start of each time step.
-    ion_na().default_int_concentration = 10;
-    ion_na().default_ext_concentration =140;
-    ion_na().valency = 1;
-    ion_k().default_int_concentration =54.4;
-    ion_k().default_ext_concentration = 2.5;
-    ion_k().valency = 1;
-    ion_ca().default_int_concentration =5e-5;
-    ion_ca().default_ext_concentration = 2.0;
-    ion_ca().valency = 2;
-    // initialize mechanism and voltage state
-    reset();
-template <typename Backend>
-void fvm_multicell<Backend>::reset() {
-    memory::fill(voltage_, resting_potential_);
-    set_time_global(0);
-    set_time_to_global(0);
-    // Update ion species:
-    //   - clear currents
-    //   - reset concentrations to defaults
-    //   - recalculate reversal potentials
-    for (auto& i: ions_) {
-        i.second.reset();
-    }
-    for (auto& m : mechanisms_) {
-        m->set_params();
-        m->nrn_init();
-        m->write_back();
-    }
-    // Update reversal potential to account for changes to concentrations made
-    // by calls to nrn_init() in mechansisms.
-    for (auto& i: ions_) {
-        i.second.nernst_reversal_potential(constant::hh_squid_temp); // TODO: use temperature specfied in model
-    }
-    // Reset state of the threshold watcher.
-    // NOTE: this has to come after the voltage_ values have been reinitialized,
-    // because these values are used by the watchers to set their initial state.
-    threshold_watcher_.reset();
-    // Reset integration state.
-    tfinal_ = 0;
-    dt_max_ = 0;
-    min_remaining_steps_ = 0;
-    events_.clear();
-    sample_events_.clear();
-    EXPECTS(integration_complete());
-    EXPECTS(!has_pending_events());
-template <typename Backend>
-void fvm_multicell<Backend>::step_integration() {
-    EXPECTS(!integration_complete());
-    PE(advance_integrate_events);
-    // mark pending events for delivery
-    events_.mark_until_after(time_);
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_current);
-    memory::fill(current_, 0.);
-    // clear currents and recalculate reversal potentials for all ion channels
-    for (auto& i: ions_) {
-        auto& ion = i.second;
-        memory::fill(ion.current(), 0.);
-        ion.nernst_reversal_potential(constant::hh_squid_temp); // TODO: use temperature specfied in model
-    }
-    // deliver pending events and update current contributions from mechanisms
-    for (auto& m: mechanisms_) {
-        m->deliver_events(events_.marked_events());
-        m->nrn_current();
-    }
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_events);
-    // remove delivered events from queue and set time_to_
-    events_.drop_marked_events();
-    backend::update_time_to(time_to_, time_, dt_max_, tfinal_);
-    invalidate_time_cache();
-    events_.event_time_if_before(time_to_);
-    // set per-cell and per-compartment dt (constant within a cell)
-    backend::set_dt(dt_cell_, dt_comp_, time_to_, time_, cv_to_cell_);
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_samples);
-    // take samples if they lie within the integration step; they will be provided
-    // with the values (post-event delivery) at the beginning of the interval.
-    sample_events_.mark_until(time_to_);
-    backend::take_samples(sample_events_.marked_events(), time_, sample_time_, sample_value_);
-    sample_events_.drop_marked_events();
-    PL();
-    // solve the linear system
-    PE(advance_integrate_matrix_build);
-    matrix_.assemble(dt_cell_, voltage_, current_);
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_matrix_solve);
-    matrix_.solve();
-    memory::copy(matrix_.solution(), voltage_);
-    PL();
-    // integrate state of gating variables etc.
-    PE(advance_integrate_state);
-    for(auto& m: mechanisms_) {
-        m->nrn_state();
-    }
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_ionupdate);
-    for(auto& i: ions_) {
-        i.second.init_concentration();
-    }
-    for(auto& m: mechanisms_) {
-        m->write_back();
-    }
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_events);
-    // update time stepping variables
-    memory::copy(time_to_, time_);
-    invalidate_time_cache();
-    PL();
-    PE(advance_integrate_threshold);
-    // update spike detector thresholds
-    threshold_watcher_.test();
-    PL();
-    // are we there yet?
-    decrement_min_remaining();
-    EXPECTS(!integration_complete() || !has_pending_events());
-} // namespace fvm
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/io/exporter.hpp b/src/io/exporter.hpp
index 9cf817f3..9435cea6 100644
--- a/src/io/exporter.hpp
+++ b/src/io/exporter.hpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ public:
     // Returns the status of the exporter
     virtual bool good() const = 0;
+    virtual ~exporter() {}
 } //communication
diff --git a/src/ion.hpp b/src/ion.hpp
index 3d64d037..b0bd0c3c 100644
--- a/src/ion.hpp
+++ b/src/ion.hpp
@@ -1,154 +1,29 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <array>
-#include <constants.hpp>
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
-#include <util/indirect.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
 namespace arb {
-  Ion channels have the following fields, whose label corresponds to that
-  in NEURON. We give them more easily understood accessors.
+// Fixed set of ion species (to be generalized in the future):
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    label   Ca      Na      K   name
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    iX      ica     ina     ik  current
-    eX      eca     ena     ek  reversal_potential
-    Xi      cai     nai     ki  internal_concentration
-    Xo      cao     nao     ko  external_concentration
-    gX      gca     gna     gk  conductance
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-/// enumerate the ion channel types
 enum class ionKind {ca, na, k};
-inline static
-std::string to_string(ionKind k) {
-    switch(k) {
-        case ionKind::na : return "sodium";
-        case ionKind::ca : return "calcium";
-        case ionKind::k  : return "pottasium";
+inline std::string to_string(ionKind k) {
+    switch (k) {
+    case ionKind::ca: return "ca";
+    case ionKind::na: return "na";
+    case ionKind::k:  return "k";
+    default: throw std::out_of_range("unknown ionKind");
-    return "unkown";
-/// a helper for iterting over the ion species
-constexpr std::array<ionKind, 3> ion_kinds() {
-    return {ionKind::ca, ionKind::na, ionKind::k};
-/// storage for ion channel information in a cell group
-template<typename Backend>
-class ion {
-public :
-    using backend = Backend;
-    // expose tempalte parameters
-    using value_type = typename backend::value_type;
-    using size_type = typename backend::size_type;
-    // define storage types
-    using array = typename backend::array;
-    using iarray = typename backend::iarray;
-    using view = typename backend::view;
-    using const_iview = typename backend::const_iview;
-    ion() = default;
-    ion(const std::vector<size_type>& idx) :
-        node_index_{memory::make_const_view(idx)},
-        iX_{idx.size(), std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN()},
-        eX_{idx.size(), std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN()},
-        Xi_{idx.size(), std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN()},
-        Xo_{idx.size(), std::numeric_limits<value_type>::quiet_NaN()},
-        valency(0),
-        default_int_concentration(0),
-        default_ext_concentration(0)
-    {}
-    // Set the weights used when setting default concentration values in each CV.
-    // The concentration of an ion species in a CV is a linear combination of
-    // default concentration and contributions from mechanisms that update the
-    // concentration. The weight is a value between 0 and 1 that represents the
-    // proportion of the CV area for which the default value is to be used
-    // (i.e. the proportion of the CV where the concentration is prescribed by a
-    // mechanism).
-    void set_weights(const std::vector<value_type>& win, const std::vector<value_type>& wout) {
-        EXPECTS(win.size()  == size());
-        EXPECTS(wout.size() == size());
-        weight_Xi_ = memory::make_const_view(win);
-        weight_Xo_ = memory::make_const_view(wout);
-    }
-    view current() {
-        return iX_;
-    }
-    view reversal_potential() {
-        return eX_;
-    }
-    view internal_concentration() {
-        return Xi_;
-    }
-    view external_concentration() {
-        return Xo_;
-    }
-    view internal_concentration_weights() {
-        return weight_Xi_;
-    }
-    view external_concentration_weights() {
-        return weight_Xo_;
-    }
-    void reset() {
-        // The Nernst equation uses the assumption of nonzero concentrations:
-        EXPECTS(default_int_concentration > value_type(0));
-        EXPECTS(default_ext_concentration > value_type(0));
-        memory::fill(iX_, 0); // reset current
-        init_concentration(); // reset internal and external concentrations
-        nernst_reversal_potential(constant::hh_squid_temp); // TODO: use temperature specfied in model
-    }
-    /// Calculate the reversal potential for all compartments using Nernst equation
-    /// temperature is in degrees Kelvin
-    void nernst_reversal_potential(value_type temperature) {
-        backend::nernst(valency, temperature, Xo_, Xi_, eX_);
-    }
-    void init_concentration() {
-        backend::init_concentration(
-            Xi_, Xo_, weight_Xi_, weight_Xo_,
-            default_int_concentration, default_ext_concentration);
-    }
-    const_iview node_index() const {
-        return node_index_;
-    }
-    std::size_t size() const {
-        return node_index_.size();
-    }
-    iarray node_index_;
-    array iX_;          // (nA) current
-    array eX_;          // (mV) reversal potential
-    array Xi_;          // (mM) internal concentration
-    array Xo_;          // (mM) external concentration
-    array weight_Xi_;   // (1) concentration weight internal
-    array weight_Xo_;   // (1) concentration weight external
+// Ion (species) description
-    int valency;    // valency of ionic species
-    value_type default_int_concentration; // (mM) default internal concentration
-    value_type default_ext_concentration; // (mM) default external concentration
+struct ion_info {
+    ionKind kind;
+    int charge; // charge of ionic species
+    double default_int_concentration; // (mM) default internal concentration
+    double default_ext_concentration; // (mM) default external concentration
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/math.hpp b/src/math.hpp
index 120b7fef..f5a8cfc3 100644
--- a/src/math.hpp
+++ b/src/math.hpp
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
 namespace arb {
@@ -80,6 +81,53 @@ int signum(T x) {
     return (x>T(0)) - (x<T(0));
+// Next integral power of 2 for unsigned integers:
+// next_pow2(x) returns 0 if x==0, else returns smallest 2^k such
+// that 2^k>=x.
+template <typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<U>::value>::type>
+U next_pow2(U x) {
+    --x;
+    for (unsigned s=1; s<std::numeric_limits<U>::digits; s<<=1) {
+        x|=(x>>s);
+    }
+    return ++x;
+namespace impl {
+    template <typename T>
+    T abs_if_signed(const T& x, std::true_type) {
+        return std::abs(x);
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    T abs_if_signed(const T& x, std::false_type) {
+        return x;
+    }
+// round_up(v, b) returns r, the smallest magnitude multiple of b
+// such that v lies between 0 and r inclusive.
+// Examples:
+//     round_up( 7,  3) ==  9
+//     round_up( 7, -3) ==  9
+//     round_up(-7,  3) == -9
+//     round_up(-7, -3) == -9
+//     round_up( 8,  4) ==  8
+template <
+    typename T,
+    typename U,
+    typename C = typename std::common_type<T, U>::type,
+    typename Signed = typename std::is_signed<C>::type
+C round_up(T v, U b) {
+    C m = v%b;
+    return v-m+signum(m)*impl::abs_if_signed(b, Signed{});
 // Return minimum of the two values
 template <typename T>
 T min(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {
diff --git a/src/matrix.hpp b/src/matrix.hpp
index d8968b2f..949ebc7c 100644
--- a/src/matrix.hpp
+++ b/src/matrix.hpp
@@ -19,32 +19,28 @@ public:
     // define basic types
     using value_type = typename backend::value_type;
+    using index_type = typename backend::index_type;
     using size_type = typename backend::size_type;
     // define storage types
     using array = typename backend::array;
     using iarray = typename backend::iarray;
-    using const_view = typename backend::const_view;
-    using const_iview = typename backend::const_iview;
-    using host_array = typename backend::host_array;
     // back end specific storage for matrix state
     using state = State;
     matrix() = default;
-    matrix(const std::vector<size_type>& pi,
-           const std::vector<size_type>& ci,
+    matrix(const std::vector<index_type>& pi,
+           const std::vector<index_type>& ci,
            const std::vector<value_type>& cv_capacitance,
            const std::vector<value_type>& face_conductance,
            const std::vector<value_type>& cv_area):
-        parent_index_(memory::make_const_view(pi)),
-        cell_index_(memory::make_const_view(ci)),
+        parent_index_(pi.begin(), pi.end()),
+        cell_index_(ci.begin(), ci.end()),
         state_(pi, ci, cv_capacitance, face_conductance, cv_area)
-        EXPECTS(cell_index_[num_cells()] == parent_index_.size());
+        EXPECTS(cell_index_[num_cells()] == index_type(parent_index_.size()));
     /// the dimension of the matrix (i.e. the number of rows or colums)
@@ -58,10 +54,10 @@ public:
     /// the vector holding the parent index
-    const_iview p() const { return parent_index_; }
+    const iarray& p() const { return parent_index_; }
     /// the partition of the parent index over the cells
-    const_iview cell_index() const { return cell_index_; }
+    const iarray& cell_index() const { return cell_index_; }
     /// Solve the linear system.
     void solve() {
@@ -69,12 +65,12 @@ public:
     /// Assemble the matrix for given dt
-    void assemble(const_view dt_cell, const_view voltage, const_view current) {
+    void assemble(const array& dt_cell, const array& voltage, const array& current) {
         state_.assemble(dt_cell, voltage, current);
     /// Get a view of the solution
-    const_view solution() const {
+    typename State::const_view solution() const {
         return state_.solution();
diff --git a/src/mc_cell_group.cpp b/src/mc_cell_group.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d96f9062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mc_cell_group.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#include <functional>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <cell.hpp>
+#include <cell_group.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <cell_group.hpp>
+#include <event_binner.hpp>
+#include <event_queue.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
+#include <mc_cell_group.hpp>
+#include <recipe.hpp>
+#include <sampler_map.hpp>
+#include <sampling.hpp>
+#include <spike.hpp>
+#include <util/filter.hpp>
+#include <util/partition.hpp>
+#include <profiling/profiler.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+mc_cell_group::mc_cell_group(std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids, const recipe& rec, fvm_lowered_cell_ptr lowered):
+    gids_(std::move(gids)), lowered_(std::move(lowered))
+    // Default to no binning of events
+    set_binning_policy(binning_kind::none, 0);
+    // Build lookup table for gid to local index.
+    for (auto i: util::make_span(0, gids_.size())) {
+        gid_index_map_[gids_[i]] = i;
+    }
+    // Create lookup structure for target ids.
+    util::make_partition(target_handle_divisions_,
+            util::transform_view(gids_, [&rec](cell_gid_type i) { return rec.num_targets(i); }));
+    std::size_t n_targets = target_handle_divisions_.back();
+    // Pre-allocate space to store handles, probe map.
+    auto n_probes = util::sum_by(gids_, [&rec](cell_gid_type i) { return rec.num_probes(i); });
+    probe_map_.reserve(n_probes);
+    target_handles_.reserve(n_targets);
+    // Construct cell implementation, retrieving handles and maps. 
+    lowered_->initialize(gids_, rec, target_handles_, probe_map_);
+    // Create a list of the global identifiers for the spike sources
+    for (auto source_gid: gids_) {
+        for (cell_lid_type lid = 0; lid<rec.num_sources(source_gid); ++lid) {
+            spike_sources_.push_back({source_gid, lid});
+        }
+    }
+    spike_sources_.shrink_to_fit();
+void mc_cell_group::reset() {
+    spikes_.clear();
+    sample_events_.clear();
+    for (auto &assoc: sampler_map_) {
+        assoc.sched.reset();
+    }
+    for (auto& b: binners_) {
+        b.reset();
+    }
+    lowered_->reset();
+void mc_cell_group::set_binning_policy(binning_kind policy, time_type bin_interval) {
+    binners_.clear();
+    binners_.resize(gids_.size(), event_binner(policy, bin_interval));
+void mc_cell_group::advance(epoch ep, time_type dt, const event_lane_subrange& event_lanes) {
+    time_type tstart = lowered_->time();
+    PE(advance_eventsetup);
+    staged_events_.clear();
+    // skip event binning if empty lanes are passed
+    if (event_lanes.size()) {
+        for (auto lid: util::make_span(0, gids_.size())) {
+            auto& lane = event_lanes[lid];
+            for (auto e: lane) {
+                if (e.time>=ep.tfinal) break;
+                e.time = binners_[lid].bin(e.time, tstart);
+                auto h = target_handles_[target_handle_divisions_[lid]];
+                auto ev = deliverable_event(e.time, h, e.weight);
+                staged_events_.push_back(ev);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    PL();
+    // Create sample events and delivery information.
+    //
+    // For each (schedule, sampler, probe set) in the sampler association
+    // map that will be triggered in this integration interval, create
+    // sample events for the lowered cell, one for each scheduled sample
+    // time and probe in the probe set.
+    //
+    // Each event is associated with an offset into the sample data and
+    // time buffers; these are assigned contiguously such that one call to
+    // a sampler callback can be represented by a `sampler_call_info`
+    // value as defined below, grouping together all the samples of the
+    // same probe for this callback in this association.
+    struct sampler_call_info {
+        sampler_function sampler;
+        cell_member_type probe_id;
+        probe_tag tag;
+        // Offsets are into lowered cell sample time and event arrays.
+        sample_size_type begin_offset;
+        sample_size_type end_offset;
+    };
+    PE(advance_samplesetup);
+    std::vector<sampler_call_info> call_info;
+    std::vector<sample_event> sample_events;
+    sample_size_type n_samples = 0;
+    sample_size_type max_samples_per_call = 0;
+    for (auto& sa: sampler_map_) {
+        auto sample_times =, ep.tfinal);
+        if (sample_times.empty()) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        sample_size_type n_times = sample_times.size();
+        max_samples_per_call = std::max(max_samples_per_call, n_times);
+        for (cell_member_type pid: sa.probe_ids) {
+            auto cell_index =;
+            auto p = probe_map_[pid];
+            call_info.push_back({sa.sampler, pid, p.tag, n_samples, n_samples+n_times});
+            for (auto t: sample_times) {
+                sample_event ev{t, cell_index, {p.handle, n_samples++}};
+                sample_events.push_back(ev);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Sample events must be ordered by time for the lowered cell.
+    util::sort_by(sample_events, [](const sample_event& ev) { return event_time(ev); });
+    PL();
+    // Run integration and collect samples, spikes.
+    auto result = lowered_->integrate(ep.tfinal, dt, staged_events_, std::move(sample_events), util::is_debug_mode());
+    // For each sampler callback registered in `call_info`, construct the
+    // vector of sample entries from the lowered cell sample times and values
+    // and then call the callback.
+    PE(advance_sampledeliver);
+    std::vector<sample_record> sample_records;
+    sample_records.reserve(max_samples_per_call);
+    for (auto& sc: call_info) {
+        sample_records.clear();
+        for (auto i = sc.begin_offset; i!=sc.end_offset; ++i) {
+           sample_records.push_back(sample_record{time_type(result.sample_time[i]), &result.sample_value[i]});
+        }
+        sc.sampler(sc.probe_id, sc.tag, sc.end_offset-sc.begin_offset,;
+    }
+    PL();
+    // Copy out spike voltage threshold crossings from the back end, then
+    // generate spikes with global spike source ids. The threshold crossings
+    // record the local spike source index, which must be converted to a
+    // global index for spike communication.
+    for (auto c: result.crossings) {
+        spikes_.push_back({spike_sources_[c.index], time_type(c.time)});
+    }
+void mc_cell_group::add_sampler(sampler_association_handle h, cell_member_predicate probe_ids,
+                                schedule sched, sampler_function fn, sampling_policy policy)
+    std::vector<cell_member_type> probeset =
+        util::assign_from(util::filter(util::keys(probe_map_), probe_ids));
+    if (!probeset.empty()) {
+        sampler_map_.add(h, sampler_association{std::move(sched), std::move(fn), std::move(probeset)});
+    }
+void mc_cell_group::remove_sampler(sampler_association_handle h) {
+    sampler_map_.remove(h);
+void mc_cell_group::remove_all_samplers() {
+    sampler_map_.clear();
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/mc_cell_group.hpp b/src/mc_cell_group.hpp
index a377358b..e98fc159 100644
--- a/src/mc_cell_group.hpp
+++ b/src/mc_cell_group.hpp
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
-#include <algorithms.hpp>
 #include <backends/event.hpp>
 #include <cell_group.hpp>
 #include <cell.hpp>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <event_binner.hpp>
 #include <event_queue.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
 #include <recipe.hpp>
 #include <sampler_map.hpp>
 #include <sampling.hpp>
@@ -28,189 +28,21 @@
 namespace arb {
-template <typename LoweredCell>
 class mc_cell_group: public cell_group {
-    using lowered_cell_type = LoweredCell;
-    using value_type = typename lowered_cell_type::value_type;
-    using size_type  = typename lowered_cell_type::value_type;
     mc_cell_group() = default;
-    mc_cell_group(std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids, const recipe& rec):
-        gids_(std::move(gids))
-    {
-        // Default to no binning of events
-        set_binning_policy(binning_kind::none, 0);
-        // Build lookup table for gid to local index.
-        for (auto i: util::make_span(0, gids_.size())) {
-            gid_index_map_[gids_[i]] = i;
-        }
-        // Create lookup structure for target ids.
-        build_target_handle_partition(rec);
-        std::size_t n_targets = target_handle_divisions_.back();
-        // Pre-allocate space to store handles, probe map.
-        auto n_probes = util::sum_by(gids_, [&rec](cell_gid_type i) { return rec.num_probes(i); });
-        probe_map_.reserve(n_probes);
-        target_handles_.reserve(n_targets);
-        // Construct cell implementation, retrieving handles and maps. 
-        lowered_.initialize(gids_, rec, target_handles_, probe_map_);
-        // Create a list of the global identifiers for the spike sources
-        for (auto source_gid: gids_) {
-            for (cell_lid_type lid = 0; lid<rec.num_sources(source_gid); ++lid) {
-                spike_sources_.push_back({source_gid, lid});
-            }
-        }
-        spike_sources_.shrink_to_fit();
-    }
+    mc_cell_group(std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids, const recipe& rec, fvm_lowered_cell_ptr lowered);
     cell_kind get_cell_kind() const override {
         return cell_kind::cable1d_neuron;
-    void reset() override {
-        spikes_.clear();
-        reset_samplers();
-        for (auto& b: binners_) {
-            b.reset();
-        }
-        lowered_.reset();
-    }
-    void set_binning_policy(binning_kind policy, time_type bin_interval) override {
-        binners_.clear();
-        binners_.resize(gids_.size(), event_binner(policy, bin_interval));
-    }
-    void advance(epoch ep, time_type dt, const event_lane_subrange& event_lanes) override {
-        EXPECTS(lowered_.state_synchronized());
-        time_type tstart = lowered_.min_time();
-        PE(advance_eventsetup);
-        staged_events_.clear();
-        // skip event binning if empty lanes are passed
-        if (event_lanes.size()) {
-            for (auto lid: util::make_span(0, gids_.size())) {
-                auto& lane = event_lanes[lid];
-                for (auto e: lane) {
-                    if (e.time>=ep.tfinal) break;
-                    e.time = binners_[lid].bin(e.time, tstart);
-                    auto h = target_handles_[target_handle_divisions_[lid]];
-                    auto ev = deliverable_event(e.time, h, e.weight);
-                    staged_events_.push_back(ev);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        PL();
-        // Create sample events and delivery information.
-        //
-        // For each (schedule, sampler, probe set) in the sampler association
-        // map that will be triggered in this integration interval, create
-        // sample events for the lowered cell, one for each scheduled sample
-        // time and probe in the probe set.
-        //
-        // Each event is associated with an offset into the sample data and
-        // time buffers; these are assigned contiguously such that one call to
-        // a sampler callback can be represented by a `sampler_call_info`
-        // value as defined below, grouping together all the samples of the
-        // same probe for this callback in this association.
-        struct sampler_call_info {
-            sampler_function sampler;
-            cell_member_type probe_id;
-            probe_tag tag;
-            // Offsets are into lowered cell sample time and event arrays.
-            sample_size_type begin_offset;
-            sample_size_type end_offset;
-        };
-        PE(advance_samplesetup);
-        std::vector<sampler_call_info> call_info;
-        std::vector<sample_event> sample_events;
-        sample_size_type n_samples = 0;
-        sample_size_type max_samples_per_call = 0;
-        for (auto& sa: sampler_map_) {
-            auto sample_times =, ep.tfinal);
-            if (sample_times.empty()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            sample_size_type n_times = sample_times.size();
-            max_samples_per_call = std::max(max_samples_per_call, n_times);
-            for (cell_member_type pid: sa.probe_ids) {
-                auto cell_index = gid_to_index(pid.gid);
-                auto p = probe_map_[pid];
-                call_info.push_back({sa.sampler, pid, p.tag, n_samples, n_samples+n_times});
-                for (auto t: sample_times) {
-                    sample_event ev{t, cell_index, {p.handle, n_samples++}};
-                    sample_events.push_back(ev);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Sample events must be ordered by time for the lowered cell.
-        util::sort_by(sample_events, [](const sample_event& ev) { return event_time(ev); });
-        PL();
+    void reset() override;
-        // Run integration.
-        lowered_.setup_integration(ep.tfinal, dt, staged_events_, std::move(sample_events));
-        while (!lowered_.integration_complete()) {
-            lowered_.step_integration();
-            if (util::is_debug_mode() && !lowered_.is_physical_solution()) {
-                std::cerr << "warning: solution out of bounds  at (max) t "
-                          << lowered_.max_time() << " ms\n";
-            }
-        }
+    void set_binning_policy(binning_kind policy, time_type bin_interval) override;
-        // For each sampler callback registered in `call_info`, construct the
-        // vector of sample entries from the lowered cell sample times and values
-        // and then call the callback.
-        PE(advance_sampledeliver);
-        std::vector<sample_record> sample_records;
-        sample_records.reserve(max_samples_per_call);
-        auto sample_time = lowered_.sample_time();
-        auto sample_value = lowered_.sample_value();
-        for (auto& sc: call_info) {
-            sample_records.clear();
-            for (auto i = sc.begin_offset; i!=sc.end_offset; ++i) {
-                sample_records.push_back(sample_record{time_type(sample_time[i]), &sample_value[i]});
-            }
-            sc.sampler(sc.probe_id, sc.tag, sc.end_offset-sc.begin_offset,;
-        }
-        PL();
-        // Copy out spike voltage threshold crossings from the back end, then
-        // generate spikes with global spike source ids. The threshold crossings
-        // record the local spike source index, which must be converted to a
-        // global index for spike communication.
-        PE(advance_spikes);
-        for (auto c: lowered_.get_spikes()) {
-            spikes_.push_back({spike_sources_[c.index], time_type(c.time)});
-        }
-        // Now that the spikes have been generated, clear the old crossings
-        // to get ready to record spikes from the next integration period.
-        lowered_.clear_spikes();
-        PL();
-    }
+    void advance(epoch ep, time_type dt, const event_lane_subrange& event_lanes) override;
     const std::vector<spike>& spikes() const override {
         return spikes_;
@@ -220,28 +52,12 @@ public:
-    const std::vector<cell_member_type>& spike_sources() const {
-        return spike_sources_;
-    }
     void add_sampler(sampler_association_handle h, cell_member_predicate probe_ids,
-                     schedule sched, sampler_function fn, sampling_policy policy) override
-    {
-        std::vector<cell_member_type> probeset =
-            util::assign_from(util::filter(util::keys(probe_map_), probe_ids));
+                     schedule sched, sampler_function fn, sampling_policy policy) override;
-        if (!probeset.empty()) {
-            sampler_map_.add(h, sampler_association{std::move(sched), std::move(fn), std::move(probeset)});
-        }
-    }
+    void remove_sampler(sampler_association_handle h) override;
-    void remove_sampler(sampler_association_handle h) override {
-        sampler_map_.remove(h);
-    }
-    void remove_all_samplers() override {
-        sampler_map_.clear();
-    }
+    void remove_all_samplers() override;
     // List of the gids of the cells in the group.
@@ -251,7 +67,7 @@ private:
     std::unordered_map<cell_gid_type, cell_gid_type> gid_index_map_;
     // The lowered cell state (e.g. FVM) of the cell.
-    lowered_cell_type lowered_;
+    fvm_lowered_cell_ptr lowered_;
     // Spike detectors attached to the cell.
     std::vector<cell_member_type> spike_sources_;
@@ -269,11 +85,9 @@ private:
     event_queue<sample_event> sample_events_;
     // Handles for accessing lowered cell.
-    using target_handle = typename lowered_cell_type::target_handle;
     std::vector<target_handle> target_handles_;
     // Maps probe ids to probe handles (from lowered cell) and tags (from probe descriptions).
-    using probe_handle = typename lowered_cell_type::probe_handle;
     probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map_;
     // Collection of samplers to be run against probes in this group.
@@ -281,31 +95,6 @@ private:
     // Lookup table for target ids -> local target handle indices.
     std::vector<std::size_t> target_handle_divisions_;
-    // Build handle index lookup tables.
-    void build_target_handle_partition(const recipe& rec) {
-        util::make_partition(target_handle_divisions_,
-            util::transform_view(gids_, [&rec](cell_gid_type i) { return rec.num_targets(i); }));
-    }
-    // Get target handle from target id.
-    target_handle get_target_handle(cell_member_type id) const {
-        return target_handles_[target_handle_divisions_[gid_to_index(id.gid)]+id.index];
-    }
-    void reset_samplers() {
-        // clear all pending sample events and reset to start at time 0
-        sample_events_.clear();
-        for (auto &assoc: sampler_map_) {
-            assoc.sched.reset();
-        }
-    }
-    cell_gid_type gid_to_index(cell_gid_type gid) const {
-        auto it = gid_index_map_.find(gid);
-        EXPECTS(it!=gid_index_map_.end());
-        return it->second;
-    }
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/mechanism.hpp b/src/mechanism.hpp
index b0c41052..8b4f2fd5 100644
--- a/src/mechanism.hpp
+++ b/src/mechanism.hpp
@@ -1,180 +1,94 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
-#include <backends/event.hpp>
-#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
 #include <ion.hpp>
-#include <util/indirect.hpp>
-#include <util/meta.hpp>
-#include <util/make_unique.hpp>
+#include <mechinfo.hpp>
 namespace arb {
-struct field_spec {
-    enum field_kind {
-        parameter, // defined in 'PARAMETER' block and a 'RANGE' variable.
-        global,    // defined in 'PARAMETER' block and a 'GLOBAL' variable.
-        state,     // defined in 'STATE' block; run-time, read only values.
-    };
-    enum field_kind kind = parameter;
-    std::string units;
-    fvm_value_type default_value = 0;
-    fvm_value_type lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<fvm_value_type>::lowest();
-    fvm_value_type upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<fvm_value_type>::max();
-    // Until C++14, we need a ctor to provide default values instead of using
-    // default member initializers and aggregate initialization.
-    field_spec(
-        enum field_kind kind = parameter,
-        std::string units = "",
-        fvm_value_type default_value = 0.,
-        fvm_value_type lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<fvm_value_type>::lowest(),
-        fvm_value_type upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<fvm_value_type>::max()
-     ):
-        kind(kind), units(units), default_value(default_value), lower_bound(lower_bound), upper_bound(upper_bound)
-    {}
+enum class mechanismKind {point, density};
+class mechanism;
+using mechanism_ptr = std::unique_ptr<mechanism>;
-enum class mechanismKind {point, density};
+template <typename B> class concrete_mechanism;
+template <typename B>
+using concrete_mech_ptr = std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>>;
-/// The mechanism type is templated on a memory policy type.
-/// The only difference between the abstract definition of a mechanism on host
-/// or gpu is the information is stored, and how it is accessed.
-template <typename Backend>
 class mechanism {
-    struct ion_spec {
-        bool uses;
-        bool write_concentration_in;
-        bool write_concentration_out;
+    mechanism() = default;
+    mechanism(const mechanism&) = delete;
+    // Description of layout of mechanism across cell group: used as parameter in
+    // `concrete_mechanism<B>::instantiate` (v.i.)
+    struct layout {
+        std::vector<fvm_index_type> cv;     // Maps in-instance index to CV index.
+        std::vector<fvm_value_type> weight; // Maps in-instance index to compartment contribution.
-    using backend = Backend;
-    using value_type = typename backend::value_type;
-    using size_type = typename backend::size_type;
-    // define storage types
-    using array = typename backend::array;
-    using iarray = typename backend::iarray;
-    using view = typename backend::view;
-    using iview = typename backend::iview;
-    using const_view = typename backend::const_view;
-    using const_iview = typename backend::const_iview;
+    // Return fingerprint of mechanism dynamics source description for validation/replication.
+    virtual const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const = 0;
-    using ion_type = ion<backend>;
+    // Name as given in mechanism source.
+    virtual std::string internal_name() const { return ""; }
-    using deliverable_event_stream_state = multi_event_stream_state<deliverable_event_data>;
+    // Density or point mechanism?
+    virtual mechanismKind kind() const = 0;
-    mechanism(size_type mech_id, const_iview vec_ci, const_view vec_t, const_view vec_t_to, const_view vec_dt, view vec_v, view vec_i, iarray&& node_index):
-        mech_id_(mech_id),
-        vec_ci_(vec_ci),
-        vec_t_(vec_t),
-        vec_t_to_(vec_t_to),
-        vec_dt_(vec_dt),
-        vec_v_(vec_v),
-        vec_i_(vec_i),
-        node_index_(std::move(node_index))
-    {}
+    // Does the implementation require padding and alignment of shared data structures?
+    virtual unsigned data_alignment() const { return 1; }
-    std::size_t size() const {
-        return node_index_.size();
-    }
+    // Memory use in bytes.
+    virtual std::size_t memory() const = 0;
-    const_iview node_index() const {
-        return node_index_;
-    }
+    // Width of an instance: number of CVs (density mechanism) or sites (point mechanism)
+    // that the mechanism covers.
+    virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
-    // Save pointers to data for use with GPU-side mechanisms;
-    // TODO: might be able to remove this method if we separate instantiation
-    // from initialization.
-    virtual void set_params() {}
-    virtual void set_weights(array&& weights) {} // override for density mechanisms
+    // Cloning makes a new object of the derived concrete mechanism type, but does not
+    // copy any state.
+    virtual mechanism_ptr clone() const = 0;
-    virtual std::string name() const = 0;
-    virtual std::size_t memory() const = 0;
-    virtual void nrn_init()     = 0;
-    virtual void nrn_state()    = 0;
-    virtual void nrn_current()  = 0;
-    virtual void deliver_events(const deliverable_event_stream_state& events) {};
-    virtual ion_spec uses_ion(ionKind) const = 0;
-    virtual void set_ion(ionKind k, ion_type& i, const std::vector<size_type>& index) = 0;
-    virtual mechanismKind kind() const = 0;
+    // Parameter setting
+    virtual void set_global(const std::string& param, fvm_value_type value) = 0;
-    // Used by mechanisms that update ion concentrations.
-    // Calling will copy the concentration, stored as internal state of the
-    // mechanism, to the "global" copy of ion species state.
-    virtual void write_back() {};
+    // Non-global parameters can be set post-instantiation:
+    virtual void set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& values) = 0;
-    // Mechanism instances with different global parameter settings can be distinguished by alias.
-    std::string alias() const {
-        return alias_.empty()? name(): alias_;
-    }
+    // Simulation interfaces:
+    virtual void nrn_init() = 0;
+    virtual void nrn_state() = 0;
+    virtual void nrn_current() = 0;
+    virtual void deliver_events() {};
+    virtual void write_ions() = 0;
-    void set_alias(std::string alias) {
-        alias_ = std::move(alias);
-    }
+    virtual ~mechanism() = default;
-    // For non-global fields:
-    virtual view mechanism::* field_view_ptr(const char* id) const { return nullptr; }
-    // For global fields:
-    virtual value_type mechanism::* field_value_ptr(const char* id) const { return nullptr; }
+    // Per-cell group identifier for an instantiated mechanism.
+    fvm_size_type mechanism_id() const { return mechanism_id_; }
-    // Convenience wrappers for field access methods with string parameter.
-    view mechanism::* field_view_ptr(const std::string& id) const { return field_view_ptr(id.c_str()); }
-    value_type mechanism::* field_value_ptr(const std::string& id) const { return field_value_ptr(id.c_str()); }
+    // Per-cell group identifier for an instantiation of a mechanism; set by
+    // concrete_mechanism<B>::instantiate()
+    fvm_size_type mechanism_id_ = -1;
-    // net_receive() is used internally by deliver_events(), but
-    // is exposed primarily for unit testing.
-    virtual void net_receive(int, value_type) {};
+// Backend-specific implementations provide mechanisms that are derived from `concrete_mechanism<Backend>`,
+// likely via an intermediate class that captures common behaviour for that backend.
-    virtual ~mechanism() = default;
+template <typename Backend>
+class concrete_mechanism: public mechanism {
+    using backend = Backend;
-    // Mechanism identifier: index into list of mechanisms on cell group.
-    size_type mech_id_;
-    // Maps compartment index to cell index.
-    const_iview vec_ci_;
-    // Maps cell index to integration start time.
-    const_view vec_t_;
-    // Maps cell index to integration stop time.
-    const_view vec_t_to_;
-    // Maps compartment index to (stop time) - (start time).
-    const_view vec_dt_;
-    // Maps compartment index to voltage.
-    view vec_v_;
-    // Maps compartment index to current.
-    view vec_i_;
-    // Maps mechanism instance index to compartment index.
-    iarray node_index_;
-    std::string alias_;
+    // Instantiation: allocate per-instance state; set views/pointers to shared data.
+    virtual void instantiate(fvm_size_type id, typename backend::shared_state&, const layout&) = 0;
-template <class Backend>
-using mechanism_ptr = std::unique_ptr<mechanism<Backend>>;
-template <typename M>
-auto make_mechanism(
-    typename M::size_type mech_id,
-    typename M::const_iview vec_ci,
-    typename M::const_view vec_t,
-    typename M::const_view vec_t_to,
-    typename M::const_view vec_dt,
-    typename M::view vec_v,
-    typename M::view vec_i,
-    typename M::array&& weights,
-    typename M::iarray&& node_indices
-DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::make_unique<M>(mech_id, vec_ci, vec_t, vec_t_to, vec_dt, vec_v, vec_i, std::move(weights), std::move(node_indices)))
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/mechcat.cpp b/src/mechcat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83360802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mechcat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/make_unique.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+using util::value_by_key;
+using util::make_unique;
+void mechanism_catalogue::add(const std::string& name, mechanism_info info) {
+    if (has(name)) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("mechanism '"+name+"' already exists in catalogue");
+    }
+    info_map_[name] = mechanism_info_ptr(new mechanism_info(std::move(info)));
+const mechanism_info& mechanism_catalogue::operator[](const std::string& name) const {
+    if (const auto& deriv = value_by_key(derived_map_, name)) {
+        return *(deriv->derived_info.get());
+    }
+    else if (auto p = value_by_key(info_map_, name)) {
+        return *(p->get());
+    }
+    throw std::invalid_argument("no mechanism with name +'"+name+"' in catalogue");
+const mechanism_fingerprint& mechanism_catalogue::fingerprint(const std::string& name) const {
+    std::string base = name;
+    while (auto deriv = value_by_key(derived_map_, base)) {
+        base = deriv->parent;
+    }
+    if (const auto& p = value_by_key(info_map_, base)) {
+        return p.value()->fingerprint;
+    }
+    throw std::invalid_argument("no mechanism with name +'"+name+"' in catalogue");
+void mechanism_catalogue::derive(const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& global_params) {
+    if (has(name)) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("mechanism with name '"+name+"' already exists in catalogue");
+    }
+    if (!has(parent)) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("no mechanism with name '"+parent+"' in catalogue");
+    }
+    derivation deriv = {parent, {}, nullptr};
+    mechanism_info_ptr info = mechanism_info_ptr(new mechanism_info((*this)[deriv.parent]));
+    for (const auto& kv: global_params) {
+        const auto& param = kv.first;
+        const auto& value = kv.second;
+        if (auto p = value_by_key(info->globals, param)) {
+            if (!p->valid(value)) {
+                throw std::invalid_argument("invalid value for parameter '"+param+"' in mechanism '"+name+"'");
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            throw std::invalid_argument("mechanism '"+name+"' has no global parameter '"+param+"'");
+        }
+        deriv.globals[param] = value;
+        info-> = value;
+    }
+    deriv.derived_info = std::move(info);
+    derived_map_[name] = std::move(deriv);
+void mechanism_catalogue::remove(const std::string& name) {
+    if (!has(name)) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("no mechanism with name '"+name+"' in catalogue");
+    }
+    if (is_derived(name)) {
+        derived_map_.erase(name);
+    }
+    else {
+        info_map_.erase(name);
+        impl_map_.erase(name);
+    }
+    // Erase any dangling derivation map entries.
+    std::size_t n_delete;
+    do {
+        n_delete = 0;
+        for (auto it = derived_map_.begin(); it!=derived_map_.end(); ) {
+            const auto& parent = it->second.parent;
+            if (info_map_.count(parent) || derived_map_.count(parent)) {
+                ++it;
+            }
+            else {
+                derived_map_.erase(it++);
+                ++n_delete;
+            }
+        }
+    } while (n_delete>0);
+std::unique_ptr<mechanism> mechanism_catalogue::instance_impl(std::type_index tidx, const std::string& name) const {
+    // Find implementation associated with this name or its closest ancestor.
+    auto impl_name = name;
+    const mechanism* prototype = nullptr;
+    for (;;) {
+        if (const auto mech_impls = value_by_key(impl_map_, impl_name)) {
+            if (auto p = value_by_key(mech_impls.value(), tidx)) {
+                prototype = p->get();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // Try parent instead.
+        if (const auto p = value_by_key(derived_map_, impl_name)) {
+            impl_name = p->parent;
+        }
+        else {
+            throw std::invalid_argument("missing implementation for mechanism named '"+name+"'");
+        }
+    }
+    std::unique_ptr<mechanism> mech = prototype->clone();
+    // TODO: make recursive lambda without std::function in C++14
+    std::function<void (std::string, mechanism*)> apply_globals =
+        [this, &apply_globals](const std::string& name, mechanism* mptr)
+    {
+        if (auto p = value_by_key(derived_map_, name)) {
+            apply_globals(p->parent, mptr);
+            for (auto& kv: p->globals) {
+                mptr->set_global(kv.first, kv.second);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    apply_globals(name, mech.get());
+    return mech;
+void mechanism_catalogue::register_impl(std::type_index tidx, const std::string& name, std::unique_ptr<mechanism> mech) {
+    const mechanism_info& info = (*this)[name];
+    if (mech->fingerprint()!=info.fingerprint) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("implementation fingerprint does not match schema");
+    }
+    impl_map_[name][tidx] = std::move(mech);
+void mechanism_catalogue::copy_impl(const mechanism_catalogue& other) {
+    info_map_.clear();
+    for (const auto& kv: other.info_map_) {
+        info_map_[kv.first] = make_unique<mechanism_info>(*kv.second);
+    }
+    derived_map_.clear();
+    for (const auto& kv: other.derived_map_) {
+        const derivation& v = kv.second;
+        derived_map_[kv.first] = {v.parent, v.globals, make_unique<mechanism_info>(*v.derived_info)};
+    }
+    impl_map_.clear();
+    for (const auto& name_impls: other.impl_map_) {
+        std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::unique_ptr<mechanism>> impls;
+        for (const auto& tidx_mptr: name_impls.second) {
+            impls[tidx_mptr.first] = tidx_mptr.second->clone();
+        }
+        impl_map_[name_impls.first] = std::move(impls);
+    }
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/mechcat.hpp b/src/mechcat.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e30eb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mechcat.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <typeindex>
+#include <vector>
+#include <mechinfo.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+// Mechanism catalogue maintains:
+// 1. Collection of mechanism metadata indexed by name.
+// 2. A further hierarchy of 'derived' mechanisms, that allow specialization of
+//    global parameters and implementations.
+// 3. A map taking mechanism names x back-end class -> mechanism implementation
+//    prototype object.
+// Implementations for a backend `B` are represented by a pointer to a 
+// `concrete_mechanism<B>` object.
+// References to mechanism_info and mechanism_fingerprint objects are invalidated
+// after any modification to the catalogue.
+// There is in addition a global default mechanism catalogue object that is
+// populated with any builtin mechanisms and mechanisms generated from
+// module files included with arbor.
+namespace arb {
+class mechanism_catalogue {
+    using value_type = double;
+    mechanism_catalogue() = default;
+    mechanism_catalogue(mechanism_catalogue&& other) = default;
+    mechanism_catalogue& operator=(mechanism_catalogue&& other) = default;
+    // Copying a catalogue requires cloning the prototypes.
+    mechanism_catalogue(const mechanism_catalogue& other) {
+        copy_impl(other);
+    }
+    mechanism_catalogue& operator=(const mechanism_catalogue& other) {
+        copy_impl(other);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void add(const std::string& name, mechanism_info info);
+    bool has(const std::string& name) const {
+        return info_map_.count(name) || is_derived(name);
+    }
+    bool is_derived(const std::string& name) const {
+        return derived_map_.count(name);
+    }
+    // Read-only access to mechanism info.
+    const mechanism_info& operator[](const std::string& name) const;
+    // Read-only access to mechanism fingerprint.
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint(const std::string& name) const;
+    // Construct a schema for a mechanism derived from an existing entry,
+    // with a sequence of overrides for global scalar parameter settings.
+    void derive(const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>& global_params);
+    // Remove mechanism from catalogue, together with any derived.
+    void remove(const std::string& name);
+    // Clone the implementation associated with name (search derivation hierarchy starting from
+    // most derived) and set global parameters according to derivations.
+    template <typename B>
+    std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>> instance(const std::string& name) const {
+        mechanism_ptr mech = instance_impl(std::type_index(typeid(B)), name);
+        return std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>>(dynamic_cast<concrete_mechanism<B>*>(mech.release()));
+    }
+    // Associate a concrete (prototype) mechanism for a given back-end B with a (possibly derived)
+    // mechanism name.
+    template <typename B>
+    void register_implementation(const std::string& name, std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>> proto) {
+        mechanism_ptr generic_proto = mechanism_ptr(proto.release());
+        register_impl(std::type_index(typeid(B)), name, std::move(generic_proto));
+    }
+    using mechanism_info_ptr = std::unique_ptr<mechanism_info>;
+    template <typename V>
+    using string_map = std::unordered_map<std::string, V>;
+    // Schemata for (un-derived) mechanisms.
+    string_map<mechanism_info_ptr> info_map_;
+    struct derivation {
+        std::string parent;
+        string_map<value_type> globals;  // global overrides relative to parent
+        mechanism_info_ptr derived_info;
+    };
+    // Parent and global setting values for derived mechanisms.
+    string_map<derivation> derived_map_;
+    // Prototype register, keyed on mechanism name, then backend type (index).
+    string_map<std::unordered_map<std::type_index, mechanism_ptr>> impl_map_;
+    // Concrete-type erased helper methods.
+    mechanism_ptr instance_impl(std::type_index, const std::string&) const;
+    void register_impl(std::type_index, const std::string&, mechanism_ptr);
+    // Perform copy and prototype clone from other catalogue (overwrites all entries).
+    void copy_impl(const mechanism_catalogue&);
+// Reference to global default mechanism catalogue.
+const mechanism_catalogue& global_default_catalogue();
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/mechinfo.hpp b/src/mechinfo.hpp
index cd40c387..6e64bd88 100644
--- a/src/mechinfo.hpp
+++ b/src/mechinfo.hpp
@@ -1,108 +1,79 @@
 #pragma once
-/* Mechanism schema classes, catalogue and parameter specification.
- *
- * Catalogue and schemata have placeholder implementations, to be
- * completed in future work.
- *
- * The `mechanism_spec` class is the public interface for describing
- * a mechanism and its (non-global) parameters in cable1d_cell
- * recipes. It presents a map-like interface for accessing and querying
- * parameter values, and parameter assignments will be validated
- * against a corresponding schema when that infrastructure is in
- * place.
+/* Classes for representing a mechanism schema, including those
+ * generated automatically by modcc.
+#include <limits>
 #include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include <ion.hpp>
+#include <util/enumhash.hpp>
 namespace arb {
-struct mechanism_schema_field {
-    void validate(double) const {}
+struct mechanism_field_spec {
+    enum field_kind {
+        parameter,
+        global,
+        state,
+    };
+    enum field_kind kind = parameter;
+    std::string units;
     double default_value = 0;
+    double lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
+    double upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+    bool valid(double x) const { return x>=lower_bound && x<=upper_bound; }
+    // TODO: C++14 - no need for ctor below, as aggregate initialization
+    // will work with default member initializers.
+    mechanism_field_spec(
+        enum field_kind kind = parameter,
+        std::string units = "",
+        double default_value = 0.,
+        double lower_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
+        double upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
+     ):
+        kind(kind), units(units), default_value(default_value), lower_bound(lower_bound), upper_bound(upper_bound)
+    {}
-struct mechanism_schema {
-    const mechanism_schema_field* field(const std::string& key) const {
-        static mechanism_schema_field dummy_field;
-        return &dummy_field;
-    }
-    static const mechanism_schema* dummy_schema() {
-        static mechanism_schema d;
-        return &d;
-    }
+struct ion_dependency {
+    bool write_concentration_int;
+    bool write_concentration_ext;
-class mechanism_spec {
-    struct field_proxy {
-        mechanism_spec* m;
-        std::string key;
+// A hash of the mechanism dynamics description is used to ensure that offline-compiled
+// mechanism implementations are correctly associated with their corresponding generated
+// mechanism information.
+// Use a textual representation to ease readability.
+using mechanism_fingerprint = std::string;
-        field_proxy& operator=(double v) {
-            m->set(key, v);
-            return *this;
-        }
+struct mechanism_info {
+    // Global fields have one value common to an instance of a mechanism, are
+    // constant in time and set at instantiation.
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, mechanism_field_spec> globals;
-        operator double() const {
-            return m->get(key);
-        }
-    };
+    // Parameter fields may vary across the extent of a mechanism, but are
+    // constant in time and set at instantiation.
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, mechanism_field_spec> parameters;
+    // State fields vary in time and across the extent of a mechanism, and
+    // potentially can be sampled at run-time.
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, mechanism_field_spec> state;
+    // Ion dependencies.
+    std::unordered_map<ionKind, ion_dependency, util::enum_hash> ions;
-    // implicit
-    mechanism_spec(std::string name): name_(std::move(name)) {
-        // get schema pointer from global catalogue, or throw
-        schema_ = mechanism_schema::dummy_schema();
-        if (!schema_) {
-            throw std::runtime_error("no mechanism "+name_);
-        }
-    }
-    // implicit
-    mechanism_spec(const char* name): mechanism_spec(std::string(name)) {}
-    mechanism_spec& set(std::string key, double value) {
-        auto field_schema = schema_->field(key);
-        if (!field_schema) {
-            throw std::runtime_error("no field "+key+" in mechanism "+name_);
-        }
-        field_schema->validate(value);
-        param_[key] = value;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    double operator[](const std::string& key) const {
-        return get(key);
-    }
-    double get(const std::string& key) const {
-        auto field_schema = schema_->field(key);
-        if (!field_schema) {
-            throw std::runtime_error("no field "+key+" in mechanism "+name_);
-        }
-        auto it = param_.find(key);
-        return it==param_.end()? field_schema->default_value: it->second;
-    }
-    field_proxy operator[](const std::string& key) {
-        return {this, key};
-    }
-    const std::map<std::string, double>& values() const {
-        return param_;
-    }
-    const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
-    std::string name_;
-    std::map<std::string, double> param_;
-    const mechanism_schema* schema_; // non-owning; schema must have longer lifetime
+    mechanism_fingerprint fingerprint;
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/memory/array.hpp b/src/memory/array.hpp
index c5e358e6..4382b965 100644
--- a/src/memory/array.hpp
+++ b/src/memory/array.hpp
@@ -6,22 +6,28 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <cstdlib>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <type_traits>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
 #include <util/range.hpp>
 #include "definitions.hpp"
 #include "util.hpp"
+#include "allocator.hpp"
 #include "array_view.hpp"
 namespace arb {
-namespace memory{
+namespace memory {
 // forward declarations
-template<typename T, typename Coord>
+template <typename T, typename Coord>
 class array;
+template <typename T, class Allocator>
+class host_coordinator;
 namespace util {
     template <typename T, typename Coord>
     struct type_printer<array<T,Coord>>{
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ public:
     template <
         typename It,
-        typename = arb::util::enable_if_t<arb::util::is_forward_iterator<It>::value> >
+        typename = arb::util::enable_if_t<arb::util::is_random_access_iterator<It>::value> >
     array(It b, It e) :
         base(coordinator_type().allocate(std::distance(b, e)))
@@ -219,8 +225,13 @@ public:
                   << "\n  this  " << util::pretty_printer<array>::print(*this) << "\n";
                   //<< "\n  other " << util::pretty_printer<Other>::print(other) << std::endl;
-        //auto canon = arb::util::canonical_view(rng);
-        std::copy(b, e, this->begin());
+        // Only valid for contiguous range, but we can't test that at compile time.
+        // Can check though that taking &*b+n = &*e where n = e-b, while acknowledging
+        // this is not fail safe.
+        EXPECTS(&*b+(e-b)==&*e);
+        using V = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type;
+        coordinator_.copy(const_array_view<V, host_coordinator<V, aligned_allocator<V>>>(&*b, e-b), view_type(*this));
     // use the accessors provided by array_view
diff --git a/src/memory/device_coordinator.hpp b/src/memory/device_coordinator.hpp
index f710d6bd..ff45f286 100644
--- a/src/memory/device_coordinator.hpp
+++ b/src/memory/device_coordinator.hpp
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 #include <exception>
 #include <util/debug.hpp>
-#include <backends/gpu/fill.hpp>
 #include "allocator.hpp"
 #include "array.hpp"
 #include "definitions.hpp"
+#include "fill.hpp"
 #include "gpu.hpp"
 #include "util.hpp"
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ template <typename T, class Allocator>
 class host_coordinator;
 namespace util {
     template <typename T, typename Allocator>
     struct type_printer<device_coordinator<T,Allocator>>{
         static std::string print() {
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ public:
     // fill memory
     void set(view_type &rng, value_type value) {
         if (rng.size()) {
-            arb::gpu::fill<value_type>(, value, rng.size());
+            gpu::fill<value_type>(, value, rng.size());
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/ b/src/memory/
similarity index 100%
rename from src/backends/gpu/
rename to src/memory/
diff --git a/src/backends/gpu/fill.hpp b/src/memory/fill.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from src/backends/gpu/fill.hpp
rename to src/memory/fill.hpp
diff --git a/src/memory/memory.hpp b/src/memory/memory.hpp
index fe5f9b70..4e9d393f 100644
--- a/src/memory/memory.hpp
+++ b/src/memory/memory.hpp
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ template <typename T>
 using host_vector = array<T, host_coordinator<T>>;
 template <typename T>
 using host_view = array_view<T, host_coordinator<T>>;
+template <typename T>
+using const_host_view = const_array_view<T, host_coordinator<T>>;
 template <typename T>
 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, host_view<T> const& v) {
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ template <typename T>
 using device_vector = array<T, device_coordinator<T, cuda_allocator<T>>>;
 template <typename T>
 using device_view = array_view<T, device_coordinator<T, cuda_allocator<T>>>;
+template <typename T>
+using const_device_view = const_array_view<T, device_coordinator<T, cuda_allocator<T>>>;
 #ifdef WITH_KNL
diff --git a/src/profiling/meter_manager.cpp b/src/profiling/meter_manager.cpp
index aa869108..d745db6b 100644
--- a/src/profiling/meter_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/meter_manager.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include <algorithms.hpp>
 #include <communication/global_policy.hpp>
 #include <util/hostname.hpp>
 #include <util/strprintf.hpp>
diff --git a/src/recipe.hpp b/src/recipe.hpp
index caaddadd..a03518fd 100644
--- a/src/recipe.hpp
+++ b/src/recipe.hpp
@@ -74,9 +74,10 @@ public:
         throw std::logic_error("no probes");
     // Global property type will be specific to given cell kind.
     virtual util::any get_global_properties(cell_kind) const { return util::any{}; };
+    virtual ~recipe() {}
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/schedule.hpp b/src/schedule.hpp
index 06937357..3f7788c2 100644
--- a/src/schedule.hpp
+++ b/src/schedule.hpp
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ inline schedule regular_schedule(time_type dt) {
 // Schedule at times given explicitly via a provided sorted sequence.
 class explicit_schedule_impl {
-    template <typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<Seq>>
+    template <typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<const Seq&>>
     explicit explicit_schedule_impl(const Seq& seq):
         times_(std::begin(seq), compat::end(seq))
diff --git a/src/segment.hpp b/src/segment.hpp
index 6c2e2e2b..43f8b21e 100644
--- a/src/segment.hpp
+++ b/src/segment.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <cmath>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithms.hpp>
@@ -11,9 +14,60 @@
 #include <mechinfo.hpp>
 #include <point.hpp>
 #include <util/make_unique.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
 namespace arb {
+// Mechanism information attached to a segment.
+struct mechanism_desc {
+    struct field_proxy {
+        mechanism_desc* m;
+        std::string key;
+        field_proxy& operator=(double v) {
+            m->set(key, v);
+            return *this;
+        }
+        operator double() const {
+            return m->get(key);
+        }
+    };
+    // implicit
+    mechanism_desc(std::string name): name_(std::move(name)) {}
+    mechanism_desc(const char* name): name_(name) {}
+    mechanism_desc& set(const std::string& key, double value) {
+        param_[key] = value;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    double operator[](const std::string& key) const {
+        return get(key);
+    }
+    field_proxy operator[](const std::string& key) {
+        return {this, key};
+    }
+    double get(const std::string& key) const {
+        auto optv = util::value_by_key(param_, key);
+        return optv? *optv: throw std::out_of_range("no field "+key+" set");
+    }
+    const std::unordered_map<std::string, double>& values() const {
+        return param_;
+    }
+    const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
+    std::string name_;
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, double> param_;
 // forward declarations of segment specializations
 class soma_segment;
 class cable_segment;
@@ -80,13 +134,13 @@ public:
         return false;
-    util::optional<mechanism_spec&> mechanism(const std::string& name) {
+    util::optional<mechanism_desc&> mechanism(const std::string& name) {
         auto it = std::find_if(mechanisms_.begin(), mechanisms_.end(),
-            [&](mechanism_spec& m) { return; });
+            [&](mechanism_desc& m) { return; });
         return it==mechanisms_.end()? util::nullopt: util::just(*it);
-    void add_mechanism(mechanism_spec mech) {
+    void add_mechanism(mechanism_desc mech) {
         auto m = mechanism(;
         if (m) {
             *m = std::move(mech);
@@ -96,11 +150,11 @@ public:
-    const std::vector<mechanism_spec>& mechanisms() {
+    const std::vector<mechanism_desc>& mechanisms() {
         return mechanisms_;
-    const std::vector<mechanism_spec>& mechanisms() const {
+    const std::vector<mechanism_desc>& mechanisms() const {
         return mechanisms_;
@@ -112,7 +166,7 @@ protected:
     segment(section_kind kind): kind_(kind) {}
     section_kind kind_;
-    std::vector<mechanism_spec> mechanisms_;
+    std::vector<mechanism_desc> mechanisms_;
 class placeholder_segment : public segment {
@@ -218,11 +272,10 @@ public:
     cable_segment(section_kind k, std::vector<value_type> r, std::vector<value_type> lens):
         segment(k), radii_(std::move(r)), lengths_(std::move(lens))
-        assert(kind_==section_kind::dendrite || kind_==section_kind::axon);
+        EXPECTS(kind_==section_kind::dendrite || kind_==section_kind::axon);
     cable_segment(section_kind k, value_type r1, value_type r2, value_type len):
-        //cable_segment{k, std::vector<value_type>{r1, r2}, std::vector<value_type>{len}}
         cable_segment{k, {r1, r2}, decltype(lengths_){len}}
@@ -231,7 +284,7 @@ public:
     cable_segment(section_kind k, std::vector<value_type> r, std::vector<point_type> p):
         segment(k), radii_(std::move(r)), locations_(std::move(p))
-        assert(kind_==section_kind::dendrite || kind_==section_kind::axon);
+        EXPECTS(kind_==section_kind::dendrite || kind_==section_kind::axon);
@@ -393,17 +446,4 @@ DivCompClass div_compartments(const cable_segment* cable) {
     return DivCompClass(cable->num_compartments(), cable->radii(), cable->lengths());
-struct segment_location {
-    segment_location(cell_lid_type s, double l):
-        segment(s), position(l)
-    {
-        EXPECTS(position>=0. && position<=1.);
-    }
-    friend bool operator==(segment_location l, segment_location r) {
-        return l.segment==r.segment && l.position==r.position;
-    }
-    cell_lid_type segment;
-    double position;
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/simd/avx.hpp b/src/simd/avx.hpp
index dfef7c0a..ae3dd27e 100644
--- a/src/simd/avx.hpp
+++ b/src/simd/avx.hpp
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ struct simd_traits<avx_double4> {
 struct avx_int4: implbase<avx_int4> {
     // Use default implementations for: element, set_element, div.
+    using implbase<avx_int4>::cast_from;
     using int32 = std::int32_t;
     static __m128i broadcast(int32 v) {
@@ -64,6 +66,14 @@ struct avx_int4: implbase<avx_int4> {
         return ifelse(mask, _mm_castps_si128(d), v);
+    static __m128i cast_from(tag<avx_double4>, const __m256d& v) {
+        return _mm256_cvttpd_epi32(v);
+    }
+    static int element0(const __m128i& a) {
+        return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(a);
+    }
     static __m128i negate(const __m128i& a) {
         __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
         return _mm_sub_epi32(zero, a);
@@ -172,12 +182,23 @@ struct avx_int4: implbase<avx_int4> {
     static __m128i min(const __m128i& a, const __m128i& b) {
         return _mm_min_epi32(a, b);
+    static int reduce_add(const __m128i& a) {
+        // Add [a3|a2|a1|a0] to [a2|a3|a0|a1]
+        __m128i b = add(a, _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, 0xb1));
+        // Add [b3|b2|b1|b0] to [b1|b0|b3|b2]
+        __m128i c = add(b, _mm_shuffle_epi32(b, 0x4e));
+        return element0(c);
+    }
 struct avx_double4: implbase<avx_double4> {
     // Use default implementations for:
     //     element, set_element, fma.
+    using implbase<avx_double4>::cast_from;
     using int64 = std::int64_t;
     // CMPPD predicates:
@@ -216,6 +237,14 @@ struct avx_double4: implbase<avx_double4> {
         return ifelse(mask, d, v);
+    static __m256d cast_from(tag<avx_int4>, const __m128i& v) {
+        return _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(v);
+    }
+    static double element0(const __m256d& a) {
+        return _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm256_castpd256_pd128(a));
+    }
     static __m256d negate(const __m256d& a) {
         return _mm256_sub_pd(zero(), a);
@@ -348,6 +377,15 @@ struct avx_double4: implbase<avx_double4> {
         return _mm256_and_pd(x, _mm256_castsi256_pd(m));
+    static double reduce_add(const __m256d& a) {
+        // add [a3|a2|a1|a0] to [a1|a0|a3|a2]
+        __m256d b = add(a, _mm256_permute2f128_pd(a, a, 0x01));
+        // add [b3|b2|b1|b0] to [b2|b3|b0|b1]
+        __m256d c = add(b, _mm256_permute_pd(b, 0x05));
+        return element0(c);
+    }
     // Exponential is calculated as follows:
     //     e^x = e^g · 2^n,
@@ -650,11 +688,17 @@ protected:
 #if defined(__AVX2__) && defined(__FMA__)
-// Same implementation as for AVX.
-using avx2_int4 = avx_int4;
+struct avx2_int4;
 struct avx2_double4;
+template <>
+struct simd_traits<avx2_int4> {
+    static constexpr unsigned width = 4;
+    using scalar_type = std::int32_t;
+    using vector_type = __m128i;
+    using mask_impl = avx_int4;
 template <>
 struct simd_traits<avx2_double4> {
     static constexpr unsigned width = 4;
@@ -663,12 +707,34 @@ struct simd_traits<avx2_double4> {
     using mask_impl = avx2_double4;
+// Note: we derive from avx_int4 only as an implementation shortcut.
+// Because `avx2_int4` does not derive from `implbase<avx2_int4>`,
+// any fallback methods in `implbase` will use the `avx_int4`
+// functions rather than the `avx2_int4` functions.
+struct avx2_int4: avx_int4 {
+    using implbase<avx_int4>::cast_from;
+    // Need to provide a cast overload for avx2_double4 tag:
+    static __m128i cast_from(tag<avx2_double4>, const __m256d& v) {
+        return _mm256_cvttpd_epi32(v);
+    }
 // Note: we derive from avx_double4 only as an implementation shortcut.
 // Because `avx2_double4` does not derive from `implbase<avx2_double4>`,
 // any fallback methods in `implbase` will use the `avx_double4`
 // functions rather than the `avx2_double4` functions.
 struct avx2_double4: avx_double4 {
+    using implbase<avx_double4>::cast_from;
+    using implbase<avx_double4>::gather;
+    // Need to provide a cast overload for avx2_int4 tag:
+    static __m256d cast_from(tag<avx2_int4>, const __m128i& v) {
+        return _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(v);
+    }
     static __m256d fma(const __m256d& a, const __m256d& b, const __m256d& c) {
         return _mm256_fmadd_pd(a, b, c);
@@ -705,11 +771,11 @@ struct avx2_double4: avx_double4 {
         return _mm256_castsi256_pd(_mm256_sub_epi64(zero, _mm256_cvtepi8_epi64(r)));
-    static __m256d gather(avx2_int4, const double* p, const __m128i& index) {
+    static __m256d gather(tag<avx2_int4>, const double* p, const __m128i& index) {
         return _mm256_i32gather_pd(p, index, 8);
-    static __m256d gather(avx2_int4, __m256d a, const double* p, const __m128i& index, const __m256d& mask) {
+    static __m256d gather(tag<avx2_int4>, __m256d a, const double* p, const __m128i& index, const __m256d& mask) {
         return  _mm256_mask_i32gather_pd(a, p, index, mask, 8);
diff --git a/src/simd/avx512.hpp b/src/simd/avx512.hpp
index 4b1a877e..6f123612 100644
--- a/src/simd/avx512.hpp
+++ b/src/simd/avx512.hpp
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ struct simd_traits<avx512_int8> {
 struct avx512_mask8: implbase<avx512_mask8> {
+    using implbase<avx512_mask8>::gather;
+    using implbase<avx512_mask8>::scatter;
+    using implbase<avx512_mask8>::cast_from;
     static __mmask8 broadcast(bool b) {
         return _mm512_int2mask(-b);
@@ -207,6 +211,10 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
     // to __mmask8 seem to produce a lot of ultimately unnecessary
     // operations. 
+    using implbase<avx512_int8>::gather;
+    using implbase<avx512_int8>::scatter;
+    using implbase<avx512_int8>::cast_from;
     using int32 = std::int32_t;
     static __mmask8 lo() {
@@ -237,6 +245,10 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
         return _mm512_mask_loadu_epi32(v, mask, p);
+    static int element0(const __m512i& a) {
+        return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm512_castsi512_si128(a));
+    }
     static __m512i negate(const __m512i& a) {
         return sub(_mm512_setzero_epi32(), a);
@@ -312,6 +324,20 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
         return _mm512_abs_epi32(a);
+    static int reduce_add(const __m512i& a) {
+        // Add [...|a7|a6|a5|a4|a3|a2|a1|a0] to [...|a3|a2|a1|a0|a7|a6|a5|a4]
+        //__m512i b = add(a, _mm512_shuffle_i32x4(a, a, 0xb1));
+        __m512i b = add(a, _mm512_shuffle_i32x4(a, a, _MM_PERM_CDAB)); // 0xb1
+        // Add [...|b7|b6|b5|b4|b3|b2|b1|b0] to [...|b6|b7|b4|b5|b2|b3|b0|b1]
+        //__m512i c = add(b, _mm512_shuffle_epi32(b, 0xb1));
+        __m512i c = add(b, _mm512_shuffle_epi32(b, _MM_PERM_CDAB)); // 0xb1
+        // Add [...|c7|c6|c5|c4|c3|c2|c1|c0] to [...|c5|c4|c7|c6|c1|c0|c3|c2]
+        //__m512i d = add(c, _mm512_shuffle_epi32(c, 0x4e));
+        __m512i d = add(c, _mm512_shuffle_epi32(c, _MM_PERM_BADC)); // 0x4e
+        return element0(d);
+    }
     // Generic 8-wide int solutions for gather and scatter.
     template <typename Impl>
@@ -319,7 +345,7 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex,
               typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static __m512i gather(ImplIndex, const int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static __m512i gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         int32 o[16];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m512i*>(o);
@@ -328,7 +354,7 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex,
               typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static __m512i gather(ImplIndex, __m512i a, const int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
+    static __m512i gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512i& a, const int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
         int32 o[16];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m512i*>(o);
@@ -337,7 +363,7 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex,
               typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const __m512i& s, int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512i& s, int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         int32 o[16];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m512i*>(o);
@@ -346,7 +372,7 @@ struct avx512_int8: implbase<avx512_int8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex,
               typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const __m512i& s, int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512i& s, int32* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
         int32 o[16];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m512i*>(o);
@@ -376,6 +402,10 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
     // Use default implementations for:
     //     element, set_element.
+    using implbase<avx512_double8>::gather;
+    using implbase<avx512_double8>::scatter;
+    using implbase<avx512_double8>::cast_from;
     // CMPPD predicates:
     static constexpr int cmp_eq_oq =    0;
     static constexpr int cmp_unord_q =  3;
@@ -411,6 +441,10 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
         return _mm512_mask_loadu_pd(v, mask, p);
+    static double element0(const __m512d& a) {
+        return _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm512_castpd512_pd128(a));
+    }
     static __m512d negate(const __m512d& a) {
         return _mm512_sub_pd(_mm512_setzero_pd(), a);
@@ -477,13 +511,24 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
         return _mm512_castsi512_pd(_mm512_and_epi64(_mm512_castpd_si512(x), m));
+    static double reduce_add(const __m512d& a) {
+        // add [a7|a6|a5|a4|a3|a2|a1|a0] to [a3|a2|a1|a0|a7|a6|a5|a4]
+        __m512d b = add(a, _mm512_shuffle_f64x2(a, a, 0x4e));
+        // add [b7|b6|b5|b4|b3|b2|b1|b0] to [b5|b4|b7|b6|b1|b0|b3|b2]
+        __m512d c = add(b, _mm512_permutex_pd(b, 0x4e));
+        // add [c7|c6|c5|c4|c3|c2|c1|c0] to [c6|c7|c4|c5|c2|c3|c0|c1]
+        __m512d d = add(c, _mm512_permute_pd(c, 0x55));
+        return element0(d);
+    }
     // Generic 8-wide int solutions for gather and scatter.
     template <typename Impl>
     using is_int8_simd = std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<int, typename Impl::scalar_type>::value && Impl::width==8>;
     template <typename ImplIndex, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static __m512d gather(ImplIndex, const double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static __m512d gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         int o[8];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(o);
@@ -491,7 +536,7 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static __m512d gather(ImplIndex, __m512d a, const double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
+    static __m512d gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512d& a, const double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
         int o[8];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(o);
@@ -499,7 +544,7 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const __m512d& s, double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512d& s, double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         int o[8];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(o);
@@ -507,7 +552,7 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
     template <typename ImplIndex, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_int8_simd<ImplIndex>::value>::type>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const __m512d& s, double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const __m512d& s, double* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const __mmask8& mask) {
         int o[8];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
         auto op = reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(o);
@@ -572,8 +617,7 @@ struct avx512_double8: implbase<avx512_double8> {
         auto gg = mul(g, g);
         // Compute the g*P(g^2) and Q(g^2).
-        auto odd = mul(g, horner(gg, P0exp, P1exp, P2exp));
+auto odd = mul(g, horner(gg, P0exp, P1exp, P2exp));
         auto even = horner(gg, Q0exp, Q1exp, Q2exp, Q3exp);
         // Compute R(g)/R(-g) = 1 + 2*g*P(g^2) / (Q(g^2)-g*P(g^2))
diff --git a/src/simd/implbase.hpp b/src/simd/implbase.hpp
index f5b968f9..9253add1 100644
--- a/src/simd/implbase.hpp
+++ b/src/simd/implbase.hpp
@@ -51,6 +51,19 @@
 namespace arb {
 namespace simd {
+// Constraints on possible index conflicts can be used to select a more
+// efficient indexed update, gather or scatter.
+enum class index_constraint {
+    none = 0,
+    // For indices k[0], k[1],...:
+    independent, // k[i]==k[j] => i=j.
+    contiguous,  // k[i]==k[0]+i
+    constant     // k[i]==k[j] ∀ i, j
 namespace simd_detail {
 // The simd_traits class provides the mapping between a concrete SIMD
@@ -65,6 +78,13 @@ struct simd_traits {
     using mask_impl = void;
+// The `tag` template is used to dispatch gather, scatter and cast_from
+// operations that involve a (possibly) different SIMD implemenation
+// class.
+template <typename I>
+struct tag {};
 template <typename I>
 struct implbase {
     constexpr static unsigned width = simd_traits<I>::width;
@@ -77,6 +97,31 @@ struct implbase {
     using store = scalar_type[width];
     using mask_store = bool[width];
+    template <typename ImplFrom>
+    static vector_type cast_from_(tag<ImplFrom>, const typename ImplFrom::vector_type& v, std::true_type) {
+        store a;
+        ImplFrom::copy_to(v, a);
+        return I::copy_from(a);
+    }
+    template <typename ImplFrom>
+    static vector_type cast_from_(tag<ImplFrom>, const typename ImplFrom::vector_type& v, std::false_type) {
+        using other_scalar_type = typename simd_traits<ImplFrom>::scalar_type;
+        other_scalar_type b[width];
+        ImplFrom::copy_to(v, b);
+        store a;
+        std::copy(b, b+width, a);
+        return I::copy_from(a);
+    }
+    template <
+        typename ImplFrom,
+        typename other_scalar_type = typename simd_traits<ImplFrom>::scalar_type
+    >
+    static vector_type cast_from(tag<ImplFrom> tag, const typename ImplFrom::vector_type& v) {
+        return cast_from_(tag, v, typename std::is_same<scalar_type, other_scalar_type>::type{});
+    }
     static vector_type broadcast(scalar_type x) {
         store a;
         std::fill(std::begin(a), std::end(a), x);
@@ -89,6 +134,10 @@ struct implbase {
         return a[i];
+    static scalar_type element0(const vector_type&v) {
+        return element(v, 0);
+    }
     static void set_element(vector_type& v, int i, scalar_type x) {
         store a;
         I::copy_to(v, a);
@@ -329,7 +378,7 @@ struct implbase {
     template <typename ImplIndex>
-    static vector_type gather(ImplIndex, const scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static vector_type gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         typename ImplIndex::scalar_type o[width];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
@@ -341,7 +390,7 @@ struct implbase {
     template <typename ImplIndex>
-    static vector_type gather(ImplIndex, const vector_type& s, const scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const mask_type& mask) {
+    static vector_type gather(tag<ImplIndex>, const vector_type& s, const scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const mask_type& mask) {
         mask_store m;
         mask_impl::mask_copy_to(mask, m);
@@ -355,10 +404,10 @@ struct implbase {
             if (m[i]) { a[i] = p[o[i]]; }
         return I::copy_from(a);
-    };
+    }
     template <typename ImplIndex>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const vector_type& s, scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const vector_type& s, scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index) {
         typename ImplIndex::scalar_type o[width];
         ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
@@ -371,7 +420,7 @@ struct implbase {
     template <typename ImplIndex>
-    static void scatter(ImplIndex, const vector_type& s, scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const mask_type& mask) {
+    static void scatter(tag<ImplIndex>, const vector_type& s, scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, const mask_type& mask) {
         mask_store m;
         mask_impl::mask_copy_to(mask, m);
@@ -386,6 +435,54 @@ struct implbase {
+    template <typename ImplIndex>
+    static void compound_indexed_add(tag<ImplIndex> tag, const vector_type& s, scalar_type* p, const typename ImplIndex::vector_type& index, index_constraint constraint) {
+        switch (constraint) {
+        case index_constraint::none:
+            {
+                typename ImplIndex::scalar_type o[width];
+                ImplIndex::copy_to(index, o);
+                store a;
+                I::copy_to(s, a);
+                for (unsigned i = 0; i<width; ++i) {
+                    p[o[i]] += a[i];
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case index_constraint::independent:
+            {
+                vector_type v = I::add(I::gather(tag, p, index), s);
+                I::scatter(tag, v, p, index);
+            }
+            break;
+        case index_constraint::contiguous:
+            {
+                p += ImplIndex::element0(index);
+                vector_type v = I::add(I::copy_from(p), s);
+                I::copy_to(v, p);
+            }
+            break;
+        case index_constraint::constant:
+            {
+                p += ImplIndex::element0(index);
+                *p += I::reduce_add(s);
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    static scalar_type reduce_add(const vector_type& s) {
+        store a;
+        I::copy_to(s, a);
+        scalar_type r = a[0];
+        for (unsigned i=1; i<width; ++i) {
+            r += a[i];
+        }
+        return r;
+    }
     // Maths
     static vector_type abs(const vector_type& u) {
@@ -399,11 +496,11 @@ struct implbase {
     static vector_type min(const vector_type& s, const vector_type& t) {
-        return ifelse(cmp_gt(t, s), s, t);
+        return I::ifelse(I::cmp_gt(t, s), s, t);
     static vector_type max(const vector_type& s, const vector_type& t) {
-        return ifelse(cmp_gt(t, s), t, s);
+        return I::ifelse(I::cmp_gt(t, s), t, s);
     static vector_type sin(const vector_type& s) {
@@ -458,7 +555,7 @@ struct implbase {
     static vector_type exprelr(const vector_type& s) {
         vector_type ones = I::broadcast(1);
-        return ifelse(cmp_eq(ones, add(ones, s)), ones, div(s, expm1(s)));
+        return I::ifelse(I::cmp_eq(ones, I::add(ones, s)), ones, I::div(s, I::expm1(s)));
     static vector_type pow(const vector_type& s, const vector_type &t) {
diff --git a/src/simd/simd.hpp b/src/simd/simd.hpp
index a7a1c655..17922040 100644
--- a/src/simd/simd.hpp
+++ b/src/simd/simd.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <array>
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <simd/implbase.hpp>
@@ -17,40 +19,41 @@ namespace simd_detail {
     struct simd_mask_impl;
-// Forward declarations for top-level maths functions.
-// (these require access to private simd_impl<Impl>::wrap method).
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> abs(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> sin(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> cos(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> exp(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+namespace simd_detail {
+    template <typename Impl, typename V>
+    struct indirect_expression {
+        V* p;
+        typename simd_traits<Impl>::vector_type index;
+        index_constraint constraint;
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> log(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        indirect_expression() = default;
+        indirect_expression(V* p, const simd_impl<Impl>& index_simd, index_constraint constraint):
+            p(p), index(index_simd.value_), constraint(constraint)
+        {}
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> expm1(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        // Simple assignment included for consistency with compound assignment interface.
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> exprelr(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        template <typename Other>
+        indirect_expression& operator=(const simd_impl<Other>& s) {
+            s.copy_to(*this);
+            return *this;
+        }
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> pow(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        // Compound assignment (currently only addition and subtraction!):
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> min(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        template <typename Other>
+        indirect_expression& operator+=(const simd_impl<Other>& s) {
+            Other::compound_indexed_add(tag<Impl>{}, s.value_, p, index, constraint);
+            return *this;
+        }
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> max(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>&);
+        template <typename Other>
+        indirect_expression& operator-=(const simd_impl<Other>& s) {
+            Other::compound_indexed_add(tag<Impl>{}, (-s).value_, p, index, constraint);
+            return *this;
+        }
+    };
-namespace simd_detail {
     template <typename Impl>
     struct simd_impl {
         // Type aliases:
@@ -72,7 +75,10 @@ namespace simd_detail {
         static constexpr unsigned width = simd_traits<Impl>::width;
         template <typename Other>
-        friend class simd_impl;
+        friend struct simd_impl;
+        template <typename Other, typename V>
+        friend struct indirect_expression;
         simd_impl() = default;
@@ -101,6 +107,23 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             value_ = Impl::copy_from_masked(a, m.value_);
+        // Construct from a different SIMD value by casting.
+        template <typename Other, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<Other>::width>::type>
+        explicit simd_impl(const simd_impl<Other>& x) {
+            value_ = Impl::cast_from(tag<Other>{}, x.value_);
+        }
+        // Construct from indirect expression (gather).
+        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
+        explicit simd_impl(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, scalar_type> pi) {
+            copy_from(pi);
+        }
+        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
+        explicit simd_impl(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, const scalar_type> pi) {
+            copy_from(pi);
+        }
         // Copy constructor.
         simd_impl(const simd_impl& other) {
             std::memcpy(&value_, &other.value_, sizeof(vector_type));
@@ -124,10 +147,25 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             Impl::copy_to(value_, p);
+        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
+        void copy_to(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, scalar_type> pi) const {
+            Impl::scatter(tag<IndexImpl>{}, value_, pi.p, pi.index);
+        }
         void copy_from(const scalar_type* p) {
             value_ = Impl::copy_from(p);
+        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
+        void copy_from(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, scalar_type> pi) {
+            value_ = Impl::gather(tag<IndexImpl>{}, pi.p, pi.index);
+        }
+        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
+        void copy_from(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, const scalar_type> pi) {
+            value_ = Impl::gather(tag<IndexImpl>{}, pi.p, pi.index);
+        }
         // Arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, fma.
         simd_impl operator-() const {
@@ -202,18 +240,6 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             return *this;
-        // Gather and scatter.
-        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
-        void gather(const scalar_type* p, const simd_impl<IndexImpl>& index) {
-            value_ = Impl::gather(IndexImpl{}, p, index.value_);
-        }
-        template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
-        void scatter(scalar_type* p, const simd_impl<IndexImpl>& index) {
-            Impl::scatter(IndexImpl{}, value_, p, index.value_);
-        }
         // Array subscript operations.
         struct reference {
@@ -245,6 +271,12 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             return Impl::element(value_, i);
+        // Reductions (horizontal operations).
+        scalar_type sum() const {
+            return Impl::reduce_add(value_);
+        }
         // Masked assignment (via where expressions).
         struct where_expression {
@@ -272,14 +304,16 @@ namespace simd_detail {
                 data_.value_ = Impl::copy_from_masked(data_.value_, p, mask_.value_);
+            // Gather and scatter.
             template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
-            void gather(const scalar_type* p, const simd_impl<IndexImpl>& index) {
-                data_.value_ = Impl::gather(IndexImpl{}, data_.value_, p, index.value_, mask_.value_);
+            void copy_from(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, scalar_type> pi) {
+                data_.value_ = Impl::gather(tag<IndexImpl>{}, data_.value_, pi.p, pi.index, mask_.value_);
             template <typename IndexImpl, typename = typename std::enable_if<width==simd_traits<IndexImpl>::width>::type>
-            void scatter(scalar_type* p, const simd_impl<IndexImpl>& index) {
-                Impl::scatter(IndexImpl{}, data_.value_, p, index.value_, mask_.value_);
+            void copy_to(indirect_expression<IndexImpl, scalar_type> pi) const {
+                Impl::scatter(tag<IndexImpl>{}, data_.value_, pi.p, pi.index, mask_.value_);
@@ -287,19 +321,49 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             simd_impl& data_;
-        // Maths functions are implemented as top-level functions, but require
-        // access to `wrap`.
+        // Maths functions are implemented as top-level functions; declare as friends
+        // for access to `wrap` and to enjoy ADL, allowing implicit conversion from
+        // scalar_type in binary operation arguments.
-        friend simd_impl abs<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl sin<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl cos<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl exp<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl log<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl expm1<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl exprelr<Impl>(const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl min<Impl>(const simd_impl&, const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl max<Impl>(const simd_impl&, const simd_impl&);
-        friend simd_impl pow<Impl>(const simd_impl&, const simd_impl&);
+        friend simd_impl abs(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::abs(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl sin(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::sin(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl cos(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::cos(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl exp(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::exp(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl log(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::log(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl expm1(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::expm1(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl exprelr(const simd_impl& s) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::exprelr(s.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl pow(const simd_impl& s, const simd_impl& t) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::pow(s.value_, t.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl min(const simd_impl& s, const simd_impl& t) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::min(s.value_, t.value_));
+        }
+        friend simd_impl max(const simd_impl& s, const simd_impl& t) {
+            return simd_impl::wrap(Impl::max(s.value_, t.value_));
+        }
         vector_type value_;
@@ -422,7 +486,7 @@ namespace simd_detail {
         simd_mask_impl(const vector_type& v): base(v) {}
-        template <class> friend class simd_impl;
+        template <class> friend struct simd_impl;
         static simd_mask_impl wrap(const vector_type& v) {
             simd_mask_impl m;
@@ -430,6 +494,40 @@ namespace simd_detail {
             return m;
+    template <typename To>
+    struct simd_cast_impl {};
+    template <typename ImplTo>
+    struct simd_cast_impl<simd_impl<ImplTo>> {
+        static constexpr unsigned N = simd_traits<ImplTo>::width;
+        using scalar_type = typename simd_traits<ImplTo>::scalar_type;
+        template <typename ImplFrom, typename = typename std::enable_if<N==simd_traits<ImplFrom>::width>::type>
+        static simd_impl<ImplTo> cast(const simd_impl<ImplFrom>& v) {
+            return simd_impl<ImplTo>(v);
+        }
+        static simd_impl<ImplTo> cast(const std::array<scalar_type, N>& a) {
+            return simd_impl<ImplTo>(;
+        }
+    };
+    template <typename V, std::size_t N>
+    struct simd_cast_impl<std::array<V, N>> {
+        template <
+            typename ImplFrom,
+            typename = typename std::enable_if<
+                N==simd_traits<ImplFrom>::width &&
+                std::is_same<V, typename simd_traits<ImplFrom>::scalar_type>::value
+            >::type
+        >
+        static std::array<V, N> cast(const simd_impl<ImplFrom>& s) {
+            std::array<V, N> a;
+            s.copy_to(;
+            return a;
+        }
+    };
 } // namespace simd_detail
 namespace simd_abi {
@@ -465,57 +563,29 @@ struct is_simd: std::false_type {};
 template <typename Impl>
 struct is_simd<simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>>: std::true_type {};
-// Top-level maths functions: forward to underlying Impl.
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> abs(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::abs(s.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> sin(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::sin(s.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> cos(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::cos(s.value_));
+// Casting is dispatched to simd_cast_impl in order to handle conversions to
+// and from std::array.
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> exp(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::exp(s.value_));
+template <typename To, typename From>
+To simd_cast(const From& s) {
+    return simd_detail::simd_cast_impl<To>::cast(s);
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> log(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::log(s.value_));
+// Gather/scatter indexed memory specification.
+template <
+    typename IndexImpl,
+    typename PtrLike,
+    typename V = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*std::declval<PtrLike>())>::type
+simd_detail::indirect_expression<IndexImpl, V> indirect(
+    PtrLike p,
+    const simd_detail::simd_impl<IndexImpl>& index,
+    index_constraint constraint = index_constraint::none)
+    return simd_detail::indirect_expression<IndexImpl, V>(p, index, constraint);
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> expm1(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::expm1(s.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> exprelr(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::exprelr(s.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> pow(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& t) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::pow(s.value_, t.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> min(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& t) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::min(s.value_, t.value_));
-template <typename Impl>
-simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl> max(const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& s, const simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>& t) {
-    return simd_detail::simd_impl<Impl>::wrap(Impl::max(s.value_, t.value_));
 } // namespace simd
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/simd/simd_io.hpp b/src/simd/simd_io.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cc4c841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simd/simd_io.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#pragma once
+// Overloads for iostream formatted output for SIMD value classes.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <simd/simd.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace simd {
+namespace simd_detail {
+template <typename Impl>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const simd_impl<Impl>& s) {
+    using Simd = simd_impl<Impl>;
+    typename Simd::scalar_type data[Simd::width];
+    s.copy_to(data);
+    o << data[0];
+    for (unsigned i = 1; i<Simd::width; ++i) {
+        o << ' ' << data[i];
+    }
+    return o;
+} // namespace simd_detail
+} // namespace simd
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/stimulus.hpp b/src/stimulus.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 071966c6..00000000
--- a/src/stimulus.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace arb {
-class i_clamp {
-    public:
-    using value_type = double;
-    i_clamp(value_type del, value_type dur, value_type amp)
-    :   delay_(del),
-        duration_(dur),
-        amplitude_(amp)
-    {}
-    value_type delay() const {
-        return delay_;
-    }
-    value_type duration() const {
-        return duration_;
-    }
-    value_type amplitude() const {
-        return amplitude_;
-    }
-    void set_delay(value_type d) {
-        delay_ = d;
-    }
-    void set_duration(value_type d) {
-        duration_ = d;
-    }
-    void set_amplitude(value_type a) {
-        amplitude_ = a;
-    }
-    // current is set to amplitude for time in the half open interval:
-    //      t \in [delay, delay+duration)
-    value_type amplitude(double t) {
-        if(t>=delay_ && t<(delay_+duration_)) {
-            return amplitude_;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    private:
-    value_type delay_     = 0; // [ms]
-    value_type duration_  = 0; // [ms]
-    value_type amplitude_ = 0; // [nA]
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/tree.hpp b/src/tree.hpp
index 96f90043..75a9cac2 100644
--- a/src/tree.hpp
+++ b/src/tree.hpp
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ std::vector<tree::int_type> make_parent_index(tree const& t, C const& counts)
     using int_type = tree::int_type;
     constexpr auto no_parent = tree::no_parent;
-    if (!algorithms::is_positive(counts) || counts.size() != t.num_segments()) {
+    if (!algorithms::all_positive(counts) || counts.size() != t.num_segments()) {
         throw std::domain_error(
             "make_parent_index requires one non-zero count per segment"
diff --git a/src/util/compat.hpp b/src/util/compat.hpp
index 977bce12..7784f047 100644
--- a/src/util/compat.hpp
+++ b/src/util/compat.hpp
@@ -27,8 +27,14 @@ constexpr bool using_gnu_compiler(int major=0, int minor=0, int patchlevel=0) {
 // std::end() broken with (at least) xlC 13.1.4.
+namespace impl {
+    using std::end;
+    template <typename T>
+    auto end_(T& x) -> decltype(end(x)) { return end(x); }
 template <typename T>
-auto end(T& x) -> decltype(x.end()) { return x.end(); }
+auto end(T& x) -> decltype(impl::end_(x)) { return impl::end_(x); }
 template <typename T, std::size_t N>
 T* end(T (&x)[N]) { return &x[0]+N; }
diff --git a/src/util/index_into.hpp b/src/util/index_into.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41ed48ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/index_into.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#pragma once
+// Iterator and range that represents the indices within a super-sequence
+// of elements in a sub-sequence.
+// It is a prerequisite that the elements of the sub-sequence do indeed
+// exist within the super-sequence with the same order.
+// Example:
+// Given sequence S = { 1, 3, 5, 5, 2 }
+// and T = { 0, 5, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 8 },
+// then index_into(S, T) would present the indices
+// { 3, 4, 8, 8, 13 }.
+#include <iterator>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <util/compat.hpp>
+#include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+namespace arb {
+namespace util {
+template <typename Sub, typename Sup, typename SupEnd>
+struct index_into_iterator {
+    using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Sup>::difference_type;
+    using difference_type = value_type;
+    using pointer = const value_type*;
+    using reference = const value_type&;
+    using iterator_category = typename
+        std::conditional<
+            std::is_same<Sup, SupEnd>::value
+                && is_bidirectional_iterator_t<Sup>::value
+                && is_bidirectional_iterator_t<Sub>::value,
+            std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,
+            std::forward_iterator_tag
+        >::type;
+    index_into_iterator(const Sub& sub, const Sub& sub_end, const Sup& sup, const SupEnd& sup_end):
+        sub(sub), sub_end(sub_end), sup(sup), sup_end(sup_end), idx(0)
+    {
+        align_fwd();
+    }
+    value_type operator*() const {
+        return idx;
+    }
+    index_into_iterator& operator++() {
+        EXPECTS(sup!=sup_end);
+        ++sub;
+        align_fwd();
+        return *this;
+    }
+    index_into_iterator operator++(int) {
+        auto keep = *this;
+        ++(*this);
+        return keep;
+    }
+    index_into_iterator& operator--() {
+        if (sub==sub_end) {
+            // decrementing one-past-the-end iterator
+            idx = std::distance(sup, sup_end)-1;
+            sup = std::prev(sup_end);
+        }
+        --sub;
+        align_rev();
+        return *this;
+    }
+    index_into_iterator operator--(int) {
+        auto keep = *this;
+        --(*this);
+        return keep;
+    }
+    template <typename A, typename C, typename D>
+    friend struct index_into_iterator;
+    template <typename OSub>
+    bool operator==(const index_into_iterator<OSub, Sup, SupEnd>& other) const {
+        return sub==other.sub;
+    }
+    template <typename OSub>
+    bool operator!=(const index_into_iterator<OSub, Sup, SupEnd>& other) const {
+        return !(*this==other);
+    }
+    Sub sub;
+    Sub sub_end;
+    Sup sup;
+    SupEnd sup_end;
+    difference_type idx;
+    void align_fwd() {
+        if (sub!=sub_end) {
+            while (sup!=sup_end && !(*sub==*sup)) {
+                ++idx;
+                ++sup;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void align_rev() {
+        while (idx>0 && !(*sub==*sup)) {
+            --idx;
+            --sup;
+        }
+        EXPECTS(*sub==*sup);
+    }
+template <
+    typename Sub,
+    typename Super,
+    typename Canon = decltype(canonical_view(std::declval<Sub>()))
+auto index_into(const Sub& sub, const Super& sup)
+    -> range<
+           index_into_iterator<
+                typename sequence_traits<Canon>::const_iterator,
+                typename sequence_traits<Super>::const_iterator,
+                typename sequence_traits<Super>::const_sentinel
+           >
+       >
+    using iterator =
+        index_into_iterator<
+            typename sequence_traits<Canon>::const_iterator,
+            typename sequence_traits<Super>::const_iterator,
+            typename sequence_traits<Super>::const_sentinel
+        >;
+    using std::begin;
+    auto canon = canonical_view(sub);
+    iterator b(begin(canon), compat::end(canon), begin(sup), compat::end(sup));
+    iterator e(compat::end(canon), compat::end(canon), begin(sup), compat::end(sup));
+    return range<iterator>(b, e);
+} // namespace util
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/util/maputil.hpp b/src/util/maputil.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6dd91b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/maputil.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <util/deduce_return.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/optional.hpp>
+#include <util/transform.hpp>
+// Convenience views, algorithms for maps and map-like containers.
+namespace arb {
+namespace util {
+// View over the keys (first elements) in a sequence of pairs or tuples.
+template <typename Seq>
+auto keys(Seq&& m) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::transform_view(std::forward<Seq>(m), util::first))
+// Is a container/sequence a map?
+namespace impl {
+    template <
+        typename C,
+        typename seq_value = typename sequence_traits<C>::value_type,
+        typename K = typename std::tuple_element<0, seq_value>::type,
+        typename V = typename std::tuple_element<0, seq_value>::type,
+        typename find_value = decay_t<decltype(*std::declval<C>().find(std::declval<K>()))>
+    >
+    struct assoc_test: std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<seq_value, find_value>::value> {};
+template <typename Seq, typename = void>
+struct is_associative_container: std::false_type {};
+template <typename Seq>
+struct is_associative_container<Seq, void_t<impl::assoc_test<Seq>>>: impl::assoc_test<Seq> {};
+// Find value in a sequence of key-value pairs or in a key-value assocation map, with
+// optional explicit comparator.
+// If no comparator is given, and the container is associative, use the `find` method, otherwise
+// perform a linear search.
+// Returns optional<value> or optional<value&>. A reference optional is returned if:
+//   1. the sequence is an lvalue reference, and
+//   2. if the deduced return type from calling `get` on an entry from the sequence is an lvalue reference.
+namespace impl {
+    // import std::get for ADL below.
+    using std::get;
+    // TODO: C++14 use std::equal_to<void> for this.
+    struct generic_equal_to {
+        template <typename A, typename B>
+        bool operator()(A&& a, B&& b) {
+            return std::forward<A>(a)==std::forward<B>(b);
+        }
+    };
+    // use linear search
+    template <
+        typename Seq,
+        typename Key,
+        typename Eq = generic_equal_to,
+        typename Ret0 = decltype(get<1>(*std::begin(std::declval<Seq&&>()))),
+        typename Ret = typename std::conditional<
+            std::is_rvalue_reference<Seq&&>::value || !std::is_lvalue_reference<Ret0>::value,
+            typename std::remove_reference<Ret0>::type,
+            Ret0
+        >::type
+    >
+    optional<Ret> value_by_key(std::false_type, Seq&& seq, const Key& key, Eq eq=Eq{}) {
+        for (auto&& entry: seq) {
+            if (eq(get<0>(entry), key)) {
+                return get<1>(entry);
+            }
+        }
+        return nullopt;
+    }
+    // use map find
+    template <
+        typename Assoc,
+        typename Key,
+        typename FindRet = decltype(std::declval<Assoc&&>().find(std::declval<Key>())),
+        typename Ret0 = decltype(get<1>(*std::declval<FindRet>())),
+        typename Ret = typename std::conditional<
+            std::is_rvalue_reference<Assoc&&>::value || !std::is_lvalue_reference<Ret0>::value,
+            typename std::remove_reference<Ret0>::type,
+            Ret0
+        >::type
+    >
+    optional<Ret> value_by_key(std::true_type, Assoc&& map, const Key& key) {
+        auto it = map.find(key);
+        if (it!=std::end(map)) {
+            return get<1>(*it);
+        }
+        return nullopt;
+    }
+template <typename C, typename Key, typename Eq>
+auto value_by_key(C&& c, const Key& k, Eq eq)
+   DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(impl::value_by_key(std::false_type{}, std::forward<C>(c), k, eq))
+template <typename C, typename Key>
+auto value_by_key(C&& c, const Key& k)
+        impl::value_by_key(
+            std::integral_constant<bool, is_associative_container<C>::value>{},
+            std::forward<C>(c), k))
+// Find the index into an ordered sequence of a value by binary search;
+// returns optional<size_type> for the size_type associated with the sequence.
+// (Note: this is pretty much all we use algorthim::binary_find for.) 
+template <typename C, typename Key>
+optional<typename sequence_traits<C>::difference_type> binary_search_index(const C& c, const Key& key) {
+    auto strict = strict_view(c);
+    auto it = std::lower_bound(strict.begin(), strict.end(), key);
+    return it!=strict.end() && key==*it? util::just(std::distance(strict.begin(), it)): util::nullopt;
+// Key equality helper for NUL-terminated strings.
+struct cstr_equal {
+    bool operator()(const char* u, const char* v) {
+        return !std::strcmp(u, v);
+    }
+} // namespace util
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/util/meta.hpp b/src/util/meta.hpp
index 18820aa9..e4ed6bbc 100644
--- a/src/util/meta.hpp
+++ b/src/util/meta.hpp
@@ -7,11 +7,19 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <util/compat.hpp>
+#include <util/deduce_return.hpp>
 namespace arb {
 namespace util {
-// Until C++14 ...
+// The following classes and functions can be replaced
+// with std functions when we migrate to later versions of C++.
+// C++14:
+// result_of_t, enable_if_t, decay_t, size, cbegin, cend.
+// C++17:
+// void_t, empty, data, as_const
 template <typename T>
 using result_of_t = typename std::result_of<T>::type;
@@ -26,26 +34,47 @@ template <typename T>
 using decay_t = typename std::decay<T>::type;
 template <typename X>
-std::size_t size(const X& x) { return x.size(); }
+constexpr std::size_t size(const X& x) { return x.size(); }
 template <typename X, std::size_t N>
-constexpr std::size_t size(X (&)[N]) { return N; }
+constexpr std::size_t size(X (&)[N]) noexcept { return N; }
+template <typename C>
+constexpr auto data(C& c) -> decltype( { return; }
+template <typename C>
+constexpr auto data(const C& c) -> decltype( { return; }
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr T* data(T (&a)[N]) noexcept { return a; }
 template <typename T>
-constexpr auto cbegin(const T& c) -> decltype(std::begin(c)) {
-    return std::begin(c);
+void as_const(T&& t) = delete;
 template <typename T>
-constexpr auto cend(const T& c) -> decltype(compat::end(c)) {
-    // COMPAT: use own `end` implementation to work around xlC 13.1 bug.
-    return compat::end(c);
+constexpr typename std::add_const<T>::type& as_const(T& t) {
+    return t;
+// Wrap cbegin in inner namespace in order to properly invoke ADL.
+namespace impl {
+    using std::begin;
+    template <typename T>
+    constexpr auto cbegin_(const T& c) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(begin(c))
+template <typename T>
+constexpr auto cbegin(const T& c) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(impl::cbegin_(c))
+template <typename T>
+constexpr auto cend(const T& c) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(compat::end(c))
 // Use sequence `empty() const` method if exists, otherwise
 // compare begin and end.
-namespace impl {
+namespace impl_empty {
     template <typename C>
     struct has_const_empty_method {
         template <typename T>
@@ -56,13 +85,11 @@ namespace impl {
         using type = decltype(test<C>(0));
-    // For correct ADL on begin and end:
     using std::begin;
-    using std::end;
     template <typename Seq>
     constexpr bool empty(const Seq& seq, std::false_type) {
-        return begin(seq)==end(seq);
+        return begin(seq)==compat::end(seq);
     template <typename Seq>
@@ -73,7 +100,7 @@ namespace impl {
 template <typename Seq>
 constexpr bool empty(const Seq& seq) {
-    return impl::empty(seq, typename impl::has_const_empty_method<Seq>::type{});
+    return impl_empty::empty(seq, typename impl_empty::has_const_empty_method<Seq>::type{});
 template <typename T, std::size_t N>
@@ -83,18 +110,34 @@ constexpr bool empty(const T (& c)[N]) noexcept {
 // Types associated with a container or sequence
+namespace impl_seqtrait {
+    using std::begin;
+    template <typename Seq, typename = void>
+    struct data_returns_pointer: std::false_type {};
+    template <typename T>
+    struct data_returns_pointer<T, void_t<decltype(util::data(std::declval<T>()))>>:
+        public std::is_pointer<decltype(util::data(std::declval<T>()))>::type {};
+    template <typename Seq>
+    struct sequence_traits {
+        using iterator = decltype(begin(std::declval<Seq&>()));
+        using const_iterator = decltype(begin(std::declval<const Seq&>()));
+        using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type;
+        using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::reference;
+        using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type;
+        using size_type = decltype(size(std::declval<Seq&>()));
+        // For use with heterogeneous ranges:
+        using sentinel = decltype(compat::end(std::declval<Seq&>()));
+        using const_sentinel = decltype(compat::end(std::declval<const Seq&>()));
+        static constexpr bool is_contiguous = data_returns_pointer<Seq>::value;
+    };
 template <typename Seq>
-struct sequence_traits {
-    using iterator = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<Seq&>()));
-    using const_iterator = decltype(util::cbegin(std::declval<Seq&>()));
-    using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type;
-    using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::reference;
-    using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type;
-    using size_type = decltype(size(std::declval<Seq&>()));
-    // for use with heterogeneous ranges
-    using sentinel = decltype(std::end(std::declval<Seq&>()));
-    using const_sentinel = decltype(util::cend(std::declval<Seq&>()));
+using sequence_traits = impl_seqtrait::sequence_traits<Seq>;
 // Convenience short cuts for `enable_if`
@@ -137,7 +180,7 @@ struct is_iterator<T, void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category
     public std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
-using is_iterator_t = typename is_iterator<T>::type;
+using is_iterator_t = typename util::is_iterator<T>::type;
 // Random access iterator test
@@ -152,7 +195,7 @@ struct is_random_access_iterator<T, enable_if_t<
     >> : public std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
-using is_random_access_iterator_t = typename is_random_access_iterator<T>::type;
+using is_random_access_iterator_t = typename util::is_random_access_iterator<T>::type;
 // Bidirectional iterator test
@@ -171,7 +214,7 @@ struct is_bidirectional_iterator<T, enable_if_t<
     >> : public std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
-using is_bidirectional_iterator_t = typename is_bidirectional_iterator<T>::type;
+using is_bidirectional_iterator_t = typename util::is_bidirectional_iterator<T>::type;
 // Forward iterator test
@@ -194,7 +237,7 @@ struct is_forward_iterator<T, enable_if_t<
     >> : public std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
-using is_forward_iterator_t = typename is_forward_iterator<T>::type;
+using is_forward_iterator_t = typename util::is_forward_iterator<T>::type;
 template <typename I, typename E, typename = void, typename = void>
@@ -204,33 +247,27 @@ template <typename I, typename E>
 struct common_random_access_iterator<
-    void_t<decltype(false ? std::declval<I>() : std::declval<E>())>,
-    enable_if_t<
+    void_t<decltype(false? std::declval<I>(): std::declval<E>())>,
+    util::enable_if_t<
-            decay_t<decltype(false ? std::declval<I>() : std::declval<E>())>
+            decay_t<decltype(false? std::declval<I>(): std::declval<E>())>
 > {
-    using type = decay_t<
+    using type = util::decay_t<
         decltype(false ? std::declval<I>() : std::declval<E>())
 template <typename I, typename E>
-using common_random_access_iterator_t = typename common_random_access_iterator<I, E>::type;
-namespace impl {
-    /// Helper for SFINAE tests that can "sink" any type
-    template<typename T>
-    using sink = void;
+using common_random_access_iterator_t = typename util::common_random_access_iterator<I, E>::type;
 template <typename I, typename E, typename V=void>
 struct has_common_random_access_iterator:
     std::false_type {};
 template <typename I, typename E>
-struct has_common_random_access_iterator<I, E, impl::sink<typename common_random_access_iterator<I, E>::type>>:
+struct has_common_random_access_iterator<I, E, void_t<util::common_random_access_iterator_t<I, E>>>:
     std::true_type {};
 template<typename T, typename V=void>
@@ -238,12 +275,11 @@ struct is_sequence:
     std::false_type {};
 template<typename T>
-struct is_sequence<T, impl::sink<decltype(cbegin(std::declval<T>()))>>:
+struct is_sequence<T, void_t<decltype(std::begin(std::declval<T>()))>>:
     std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
-using enable_if_sequence_t =
-    enable_if_t<is_sequence<T>::value>;
+using enable_if_sequence_t = util::enable_if_t<util::is_sequence<T>::value>;
 // No generic lambdas in C++11, so some convenience accessors for pairs that
 // are type-generic
diff --git a/src/util/padded_alloc.hpp b/src/util/padded_alloc.hpp
index 679e918e..9dfe7ea3 100644
--- a/src/util/padded_alloc.hpp
+++ b/src/util/padded_alloc.hpp
@@ -15,31 +15,27 @@
 // Any alignment `n` specified must be a power of two.
-// Assignment does not change the alignment property of the
-// allocator on the left hand side of the assignment, so that
+// Assignment operations propagate the alignment/padding, so that
 // e.g.
 // ```
 //     std::vector<int, padded_allocator<int>> a(100, 32), b(50, 64);
 //     a = b;
-//     assert(a.get_allocator().alignment()==32);
+//     assert(a.get_allocator().alignment()==64);
 // ```
-// will pass, and the vector `a` will not require reallocation.
-// For move assignment, this means we cannot allow a simple ownership
-// transfer if the left hand side has a stronger alignment guarantee
-// that the right hand side. Correspondingly, we have to return `false`
+// will pass, and the vector `a` will require reallocation.
+// Correspondingly, we have to return `false`
 // for the allocator equality test if the alignments differ.
 namespace arb {
 namespace util {
-template <typename T>
+template <typename T = void>
 struct padded_allocator {
     using value_type = T;
     using pointer = T*;
-    using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::false_type;
-    using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::false_type;
-    using propagate_on_container_swap = std::false_type;
+    using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::true_type;
+    using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
+    using propagate_on_container_swap = std::true_type;
     using is_always_equal = std::false_type;
     padded_allocator() noexcept {}
diff --git a/src/util/range.hpp b/src/util/range.hpp
index 34eac57a..7e36e6d1 100644
--- a/src/util/range.hpp
+++ b/src/util/range.hpp
@@ -63,9 +63,27 @@ struct range {
         left(std::forward<U1>(l)), right(std::forward<U2>(r))
+    template <
+        typename U1,
+        typename U2,
+        typename = enable_if_t<
+            std::is_constructible<iterator, U1>::value &&
+            std::is_constructible<sentinel, U2>::value>
+    >
+    range(const range<U1, U2>& other):
+        left(other.left), right(other.right)
+    {}
     range& operator=(const range&) = default;
     range& operator=(range&&) = default;
+    template <typename U1, typename U2>
+    range& operator=(const range<U1, U2>& other) {
+        left = other.left;
+        right = other.right;
+        return *this;
+    }
     bool empty() const { return left == right; }
     iterator begin() const { return left; }
@@ -108,6 +126,13 @@ struct range {
         return (*this)[n];
+    // Expose `data` method if a pointer range.
+    template <typename V = iterator, typename W = sentinel>
+    enable_if_t<std::is_same<V, W>::value && std::is_pointer<V>::value, iterator>
+    data() const {
+        return left;
+    }
 #ifdef ARB_HAVE_TBB
     template <
         typename V = iterator,
@@ -176,16 +201,18 @@ auto canonical_view(const Seq& s) ->
 // iterators. Note: O(N) behaviour with forward iterator ranges or sentinel-terminated ranges.
 template <typename Seq>
-auto strict_view(Seq& s) -> range<decltype(std::begin(s))>
+auto strict_view(Seq&& s) -> range<decltype(std::begin(s))>
-    return make_range(std::begin(s), std::next(util::upto(std::begin(s), std::end(s))));
+    return make_range(std::begin(s), std::begin(s)==std::end(s)? std::begin(s): std::next(util::upto(std::begin(s), std::end(s))));
+#if 0
 template <typename Seq>
 auto strict_view(const Seq& s) -> range<decltype(std::begin(s))>
-    return make_range(std::begin(s), std::next(util::upto(std::begin(s), std::end(s))));
+    return make_range(std::begin(s), std::begin(s)==std::end(s)? std::begin(s): std::next(util::upto(std::begin(s), std::end(s))));
 } // namespace util
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/util/rangeutil.hpp b/src/util/rangeutil.hpp
index e9f70699..1979380c 100644
--- a/src/util/rangeutil.hpp
+++ b/src/util/rangeutil.hpp
@@ -34,19 +34,23 @@ range<const T*> singleton_view(const T& item) {
 // Non-owning views and subviews
 template <typename Seq>
-range<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::iterator, typename sequence_traits<Seq>::sentinel>
-range_view(Seq& seq) {
+range<typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::iterator, typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::sentinel>
+range_view(Seq&& seq) {
     return make_range(std::begin(seq), std::end(seq));
+template <typename Seq, typename = enable_if_t<sequence_traits<Seq&&>::is_contiguous>>
+auto range_pointer_view(Seq&& seq)
+    DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(make_range(util::data(seq), util::data(seq)+util::size(seq)))
 template <
     typename Seq,
     typename Offset1,
     typename Offset2,
-    typename Iter = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::iterator
+    typename Iter = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::iterator
 enable_if_t<is_forward_iterator<Iter>::value, range<Iter>>
-subrange_view(Seq& seq, Offset1 bi, Offset2 ei) {
+subrange_view(Seq&& seq, Offset1 bi, Offset2 ei) {
     Iter b = std::begin(seq);
     std::advance(b, bi);
@@ -59,11 +63,11 @@ template <
     typename Seq,
     typename Offset1,
     typename Offset2,
-    typename Iter = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::iterator
+    typename Iter = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::iterator
 enable_if_t<is_forward_iterator<Iter>::value, range<Iter>>
-subrange_view(Seq& seq, std::pair<Offset1, Offset2> index) {
-    return subrange_view(seq, index.first, index.second);
+subrange_view(Seq&& seq, std::pair<Offset1, Offset2> index) {
+    return subrange_view(std::forward<Seq>(seq), index.first, index.second);
 // helper for determining the type of a subrange_view
@@ -74,13 +78,7 @@ using subrange_view_type = decltype(subrange_view(std::declval<Seq&>(), 0, 0));
 // Fill container or range.
 template <typename Seq, typename V>
-void fill(Seq& seq, const V& value) {
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    std::fill(canon.begin(), canon.end(), value);
-template <typename Range, typename V>
-void fill(const Range& seq, const V& value) {
+void fill(Seq&& seq, const V& value) {
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     std::fill(canon.begin(), canon.end(), value);
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ Container& append(Container &c, const Seq& seq) {
 template <typename AssignableContainer, typename Seq>
 AssignableContainer& assign(AssignableContainer& c, const Seq& seq) {
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    c.assign(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon));
+    c.assign(canon.begin(), canon.end());
     return c;
@@ -114,7 +112,8 @@ namespace impl {
         // This requires that C supports construction from a pair of iterators
         template <typename C>
         operator C() const {
-            return C(std::begin(ref), std::end(ref));
+            auto canon = canonical_view(ref);
+            return C(canon.begin(), canon.end());
         const Seq& ref;
@@ -140,29 +139,15 @@ AssignableContainer& assign_by(AssignableContainer& c, const Seq& seq, const Pro
 // Note that a const range reference may wrap non-const iterators.
 template <typename Seq>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort(Seq& seq) {
+enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::reference>::value>
+sort(Seq&& seq) {
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon));
 template <typename Seq, typename Less>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort(Seq& seq, const Less& less) {
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon), less);
-template <typename Seq>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort(const Seq& seq) {
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon));
-template <typename Seq, typename Less>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort(const Seq& seq, const Less& less) {
+enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::reference>::value>
+sort(Seq&& seq, const Less& less) {
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon), less);
@@ -170,21 +155,9 @@ sort(const Seq& seq, const Less& less) {
 // Sort in-place by projection `proj`
 template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort_by(Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
-        [&proj](const value_type& a, const value_type& b) {
-            return proj(a) < proj(b);
-        });
-template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-sort_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
+enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::reference>::value>
+sort_by(Seq&& seq, const Proj& proj) {
+    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::value_type;
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     std::sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
@@ -196,21 +169,9 @@ sort_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
 // Stable sort in-place by projection `proj`
 template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-stable_sort_by(Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    std::stable_sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
-        [&proj](const value_type& a, const value_type& b) {
-            return proj(a) < proj(b);
-        });
-template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::reference>::value>
-stable_sort_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
+enable_if_t<!std::is_const<typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::reference>::value>
+stable_sort_by(Seq&& seq, const Proj& proj) {
+    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::value_type;
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     std::stable_sort(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
@@ -238,7 +199,7 @@ bool any_of(const Seq& seq, const Predicate& pred) {
 template <
     typename Seq,
     typename Proj,
-    typename Value = typename transform_iterator<typename sequence_traits<Seq>::const_iterator, Proj>::value_type
+    typename Value = typename transform_iterator<typename sequence_traits<const Seq&>::const_iterator, Proj>::value_type
 Value sum_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj, Value base = Value{}) {
     auto canon = canonical_view(transform_view(seq, proj));
@@ -250,21 +211,9 @@ Value sum_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj, Value base = Value{}) {
 //   value of `proj(*i)`.
 template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-typename sequence_traits<Seq>::iterator
-max_element_by(Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
-    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
-    return std::max_element(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
-        [&proj](const value_type& a, const value_type& b) {
-            return proj(a) < proj(b);
-        });
-template <typename Seq, typename Proj>
-typename sequence_traits<Seq>::iterator
-max_element_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
-    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type;
+typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::iterator
+max_element_by(Seq&& seq, const Proj& proj) {
+    using value_type = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::value_type;
     auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
     return std::max_element(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon),
@@ -284,7 +233,7 @@ max_element_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj) {
 template <
     typename Seq,
-    typename Value = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type,
+    typename Value = typename sequence_traits<const Seq&>::value_type,
     typename Compare = std::less<Value>
 Value max_value(const Seq& seq, Compare cmp = Compare{}) {
@@ -308,7 +257,7 @@ Value max_value(const Seq& seq, Compare cmp = Compare{}) {
 template <
     typename Seq,
-    typename Value = typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type,
+    typename Value = typename sequence_traits<const Seq&>::value_type,
     typename Compare = std::less<Value>
 std::pair<Value, Value> minmax_value(const Seq& seq, Compare cmp = Compare{}) {
@@ -332,10 +281,14 @@ std::pair<Value, Value> minmax_value(const Seq& seq, Compare cmp = Compare{}) {
     return {lower, upper};
-// View over the keys in an associative container.
+// Range-wrapper for std::is_sorted.
+template <typename Seq, typename = util::enable_if_sequence_t<const Seq&>>
+bool is_sorted(const Seq& seq) {
+    auto canon = canonical_view(seq);
+    return std::is_sorted(std::begin(canon), std::end(canon));
-template <typename Map>
-auto keys(Map& m) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::transform_view(m, util::first));
 // Test if sequence is sorted after apply projection `proj` to elements.
 // (TODO: this will perform unnecessary copies if `proj` returns a reference;
@@ -344,7 +297,7 @@ auto keys(Map& m) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::transform_view(m, util::first));
 template <
     typename Seq,
     typename Proj,
-    typename Compare = std::less<typename std::result_of<Proj (typename sequence_traits<Seq>::value_type)>::type>
+    typename Compare = std::less<typename std::result_of<Proj (typename sequence_traits<const Seq&>::value_type)>::type>
 bool is_sorted_by(const Seq& seq, const Proj& proj, Compare cmp = Compare{}) {
     auto i = std::begin(seq);
@@ -390,6 +343,18 @@ C make_copy(Seq const& seq) {
     return C{std::begin(seq), std::end(seq)};
+// Present a view of a finite sequence in reverse order, provided
+// the sequence iterator is bidirectional.
+template <
+    typename Seq,
+    typename It = typename sequence_traits<Seq&&>::iterator,
+    typename Rev = std::reverse_iterator<It>
+range<Rev, Rev> reverse_view(Seq&& seq) {
+    auto strict = strict_view(seq);
+    return range<Rev, Rev>(Rev(strict.right), Rev(strict.left));
 } // namespace util
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/util/simple_table.hpp b/src/util/simple_table.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d6ee42..00000000
--- a/src/util/simple_table.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <iterator>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <utility>
-// Linear lookup of values in a table indexed by a key.
-// Tables are any sequence of pairs or tuples, with the key as the first element.
-namespace arb {
-namespace util {
-namespace impl {
-    struct key_equal {
-        template <typename U, typename V>
-        bool operator()(U&& u, V&& v) const {
-            return std::forward<U>(u)==std::forward<V>(v);
-        }
-        // special case for C strings:
-        bool operator()(const char* u, const char* v) const {
-            return !std::strcmp(u, v);
-        }
-    };
-// Return pointer to value (second element in entry) in table if key found,
-// otherwise nullptr.
-template <typename PairSeq, typename Key, typename Eq = impl::key_equal>
-auto table_lookup(PairSeq&& seq, const Key& key, Eq eq = Eq{})
-    -> decltype(&std::get<1>(*std::begin(seq)))
-    for (auto&& entry: seq) {
-        if (eq(std::get<0>(entry), key)) {
-            return &std::get<1>(entry);
-        }
-    }
-    return nullptr;
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace arb
diff --git a/src/util/span.hpp b/src/util/span.hpp
index 6767ba34..7a572cbc 100644
--- a/src/util/span.hpp
+++ b/src/util/span.hpp
@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <util/counter.hpp>
+#include <util/deduce_return.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
 #include <util/range.hpp>
 namespace arb {
 namespace util {
+// TODO: simplify span-using code by:
+// 1. replace type alias `span` with `span_type` alias;
+// 2. rename `make_span` as `span`
+// 3. add another `span(I n)` overload equivalent to `span(I{}, n)`.
 template <typename I>
 using span = range<counter<I>>;
@@ -26,6 +33,13 @@ span<typename std::common_type<I, J>::type> make_span(std::pair<I, J> interval)
     return span<typename std::common_type<I, J>::type>(interval.first, interval.second);
+template <typename I>
+span<I> make_span(I right) {
+    return span<I>(I{}, right);
+template <typename Seq>
+auto count_along(const Seq& s) DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE(util::make_span(util::size(s)))
 } // namespace util
 } // namespace arb
diff --git a/tests/common_cells.hpp b/tests/common_cells.hpp
index 088967db..4f5b6b39 100644
--- a/tests/common_cells.hpp
+++ b/tests/common_cells.hpp
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ inline cell make_cell_simple_cable(bool with_stim = true) {
     double gbar = 0.000025;
     double I = 0.1;
-    mechanism_spec pas("pas");
+    mechanism_desc pas("pas");
     pas["g"] = gbar;
     for (auto& seg: c.segments()) {
diff --git a/tests/global_communication/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/global_communication/CMakeLists.txt
index 88061eec..bd7c32d2 100644
--- a/tests/global_communication/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/global_communication/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ add_executable(global_communication.exe ${COMMUNICATION_SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
 set(TARGETS global_communication.exe)
 foreach(target ${TARGETS})
-    target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC arbor gtest)
+    target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC gtest)
+    target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC ${ARB_LIBRARIES})
     target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC ${EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/tests/global_communication/test_communicator.cpp b/tests/global_communication/test_communicator.cpp
index a914befc..90d19913 100644
--- a/tests/global_communication/test_communicator.cpp
+++ b/tests/global_communication/test_communicator.cpp
@@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ TEST(communicator, gather_spikes_variant) {
     // Parameter used to scale the number of spikes generated on successive
     // ranks.
-    const auto scale = 10;
+    constexpr int scale = 10;
     // Calculates the number of spikes generated by the first n ranks.
     // Can be used to calculate the index of the range of spikes
     // generated by a given rank, and to determine the total number of
     // spikes generated globally.
-    auto sumn = [scale](int n) {return scale*n*(n+1)/2;};
+    auto sumn = [](int n) {return scale*n*(n+1)/2;};
     const auto n_local_spikes = scale*rank;
     // Create local spikes for communication.
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ TEST(communicator, ring)
     // last cell in each domain fires
     EXPECT_TRUE(test_ring(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return (g+1)%n_local == 0u;}));
     // even-numbered cells fire
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_ring(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==0;}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(test_ring(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==0;}));
     // odd-numbered cells fire
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_ring(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==1;}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(test_ring(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==1;}));
 template <typename F>
@@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ TEST(communicator, all2all)
     // every cell fires
     EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return true;}));
     // only cell 0 fires
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return g==0u;}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return g==0u;}));
     // even-numbered cells fire
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==0;}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==0;}));
     // odd-numbered cells fire
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [n_local](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==1;}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(test_all2all(D, C, [](cell_gid_type g){return g%2==1;}));
diff --git a/tests/modcc/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
index 261e9b2b..64d5e06c 100644
--- a/tests/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/modcc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ set(MODCC_TEST_SOURCES
+    test_prefixbuf.cpp
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ set(MODCC_TEST_SOURCES
 add_executable(test_modcc ${MODCC_TEST_SOURCES})
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_prefixbuf.cpp b/tests/modcc/test_prefixbuf.cpp
similarity index 83%
rename from tests/unit/test_prefixbuf.cpp
rename to tests/modcc/test_prefixbuf.cpp
index b211c816..a4a90d8c 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_prefixbuf.cpp
+++ b/tests/modcc/test_prefixbuf.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-#include "../gtest.h"
 #include <cstring>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <string>
 #include <sstream>
-#include <util/prefixbuf.hpp>
+#include "io/prefixbuf.hpp"
+#include "test.hpp"
-using namespace arb::util;
+using namespace io;
 // Test public std::stringbuf 'put' interfaces on prefixbuf.
@@ -49,6 +48,36 @@ TEST(prefixbuf, prefix) {
     EXPECT_EQ(expected, s.str());
+// A prefixbuf can be configure to emit or not emit the
+// prefix for empty lines.
+TEST(prefixbuf, empty_lines) {
+    auto write_sputn = [](std::streambuf& b, const char* c) {
+        b.sputn(c, std::strlen(c));
+    };
+    std::stringbuf s;
+    prefixbuf p1(&s, false); // omit prefix on blank lines
+    p1.prefix = "1> ";
+    write_sputn(p1, "hello\n\nfishies!\n\n");
+    prefixbuf p2(&s, true); // include prefix on blank lines
+    p2.prefix = "2> ";
+    write_sputn(p2, "hello\n\nbunnies!\n");
+    std::string expected =
+        "1> hello\n"
+        "\n"
+        "1> fishies!\n"
+        "\n"
+        "2> hello\n"
+        "2> \n"
+        "2> bunnies!\n";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, s.str());
 // Test `pfxstringstream` basic functionality:
 //   1. `rdbuf()` method gives pointer to `prefixbuf`.
diff --git a/tests/modcc/test_printers.cpp b/tests/modcc/test_printers.cpp
index 1160cbbe..410c0b18 100644
--- a/tests/modcc/test_printers.cpp
+++ b/tests/modcc/test_printers.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 #include <regex>
 #include <string>
+#include <sstream>
 #include "test.hpp"
-#include "cprinter.hpp"
-#include "cudaprinter.hpp"
+#include "printer/cexpr_emit.hpp"
+#include "printer/cprinter.hpp"
 #include "expression.hpp"
-#include "textbuffer.hpp"
+#include "symdiff.hpp"
+// Note: CUDA printer disabled until new implementation finished.
+//#include "printer/cudaprinter.hpp"
 struct testcase {
     const char* source;
@@ -32,6 +36,26 @@ static std::string strip(std::string text) {
     return text;
+TEST(scalar_printer, constants) {
+    testcase testcases[] = {
+        {"1./0.",      "INFINITY"},
+        {"-1./0.",     "-INFINITY"},
+        {"(-1)^0.5",   "NAN"},
+        {"1/(-1./0.)", "-0."},
+        {"1-1",        "0"},
+    };
+    for (const auto& tc: testcases) {
+        auto expr = constant_simplify(parse_expression(tc.source));
+        ASSERT_TRUE(expr && expr->is_number());
+        std::stringstream s;
+        s << as_c_double(expr->is_number()->value());
+        EXPECT_EQ(std::string(tc.expected), s.str());
+    }
 TEST(scalar_printer, statement) {
     std::vector<testcase> testcases = {
         {"y=x+3",            "y=x+3"},
@@ -64,14 +88,16 @@ TEST(scalar_printer, statement) {
-            auto printer = make_unique<CPrinter>();
+            std::stringstream out;
+            auto printer = make_unique<CPrinter>(out);
-            std::string text = printer->text();
+            std::string text = out.str();
             verbose_print(e->to_string(), " :--: ", text);
             EXPECT_EQ(strip(tc.expected), strip(text));
+#if 0
             TextBuffer buf;
@@ -84,27 +110,26 @@ TEST(scalar_printer, statement) {
             verbose_print(e->to_string(), " :--: ", text);
             EXPECT_EQ(strip(tc.expected), strip(text));
-TEST(CPrinter, proc) {
+TEST(CPrinter, proc_body) {
     std::vector<testcase> testcases = {
             "PROCEDURE trates(v) {\n"
             "    LOCAL k\n"
-            "    minf=1-1/(1+exp((v-k)/k))\n"
-            "    hinf=1/(1+exp((v-k)/k))\n"
-            "    mtau = 0.6\n"
+            "    minf = 1-1/(1+exp((v-k)/k))\n"
+            "    hinf = 1/(1+exp((v-k)/k))\n"
+            "    mtau = 0.5\n"
             "    htau = 1500\n"
-            "void trates(int i_, value_type v) {\n"
             "value_type k;\n"
             "minf[i_] = 1-1/(1+exp((v-k)/k));\n"
             "hinf[i_] = 1/(1+exp((v-k)/k));\n"
-            "mtau[i_] = 0.6;\n"
+            "mtau[i_] = 0.5;\n"
             "htau[i_] = 1500;\n"
-            "}"
@@ -124,12 +149,14 @@ TEST(CPrinter, proc) {
         auto& proc = (globals[procname] = symbol_ptr(e.release()->is_symbol()));
-        auto v = make_unique<CPrinter>();
-        proc->accept(v.get());
+        std::stringstream out;
+        auto v = make_unique<CPrinter>(out);
+        proc->is_procedure()->body()->accept(v.get());
+        std::string text = out.str();
-        verbose_print(proc->to_string());
-        verbose_print(" :--: ", v->text());
+        verbose_print(proc->is_procedure()->body()->to_string());
+        verbose_print(" :--: ", text);
-        EXPECT_EQ(strip(tc.expected), strip(v->text()));
+        EXPECT_EQ(strip(tc.expected), strip(text));
diff --git a/tests/modcc/test_simd_backend.cpp b/tests/modcc/test_simd_backend.cpp
index f01fc2c5..8f2ac112 100644
--- a/tests/modcc/test_simd_backend.cpp
+++ b/tests/modcc/test_simd_backend.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+#if 0
+// Disabled pending new SIMD printer code.
 #include "backends/simd.hpp"
 #include "textbuffer.hpp"
 #include "token.hpp"
@@ -61,3 +64,4 @@ TEST(avx512, emit_unary_op) {
     simd_backend::emit_load_index(tb, "&a");
     EXPECT_EQ("_mm256_lddqu_si256(&a)", tb.str());
diff --git a/tests/performance/io/disk_io.cpp b/tests/performance/io/disk_io.cpp
index 562ab2c9..a3bec2b8 100644
--- a/tests/performance/io/disk_io.cpp
+++ b/tests/performance/io/disk_io.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <communication/communicator.hpp>
 #include <communication/global_policy.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
 #include <io/exporter_spike_file.hpp>
 #include <profiling/profiler.hpp>
 #include <spike.hpp>
diff --git a/tests/simple_recipes.hpp b/tests/simple_recipes.hpp
index ef6e04fc..9830dee0 100644
--- a/tests/simple_recipes.hpp
+++ b/tests/simple_recipes.hpp
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ namespace arb {
 class simple_recipe_base: public recipe {
+    simple_recipe_base():
+        catalogue_(global_default_catalogue())
+    {
+        cell_gprop_.catalogue = &catalogue_;
+    }
     cell_size_type num_probes(cell_gid_type i) const override {
         return probes_.count(i)? 0;
@@ -31,22 +37,23 @@ public:
         pvec_.push_back({probe_id, tag, std::move(address)});
-    void add_specialized_mechanism(std::string name, specialized_mechanism m) {
-        cell_gprop.special_mechs[name] = std::move(m);
-    }
     util::any get_global_properties(cell_kind k) const override {
         switch (k) {
-            case cell_kind::cable1d_neuron:
-            return cell_gprop;
+        case cell_kind::cable1d_neuron:
+            return cell_gprop_;
             return util::any{};
+    mechanism_catalogue& catalogue() {
+        return catalogue_;
+    }
     std::unordered_map<cell_gid_type, std::vector<probe_info>> probes_;
-    cell_global_properties cell_gprop;
+    cell_global_properties cell_gprop_;
+    mechanism_catalogue catalogue_;
 // Convenience derived recipe class for wrapping n copies of a single
diff --git a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
index 5133c896..adaae900 100644
--- a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,21 +17,24 @@ build_modules(
 # Unit test sources
+    test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp
+    test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp
+    test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp
+    test_spikes_gpu.cpp
     # unit test driver
     # unit tests
@@ -48,14 +51,17 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES
-    test_fvm_multi.cpp
-    test_lif_cell_group.cpp
+    test_fvm_layout.cpp
+    test_fvm_lowered.cpp
+    test_lif_cell_group.cpp
+    test_maputil.cpp
+    test_mechcat.cpp
@@ -65,7 +71,6 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES
-    test_prefixbuf.cpp
@@ -76,7 +81,6 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES
-    test_stimulus.cpp
@@ -93,13 +97,10 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES
-    list(APPEND TEST_SOURCES test_intrin.cpp)
-set(TARGETS test.exe)
+set(targets test.exe)
-add_executable(test.exe ${TEST_SOURCES})
+add_executable(test.exe ${test_sources})
+target_compile_options(test.exe PRIVATE ${CXXOPT_ARCH})
 target_compile_definitions(test.exe PUBLIC "-DDATADIR=\"${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data\"")
@@ -109,11 +110,11 @@ endif()
 target_include_directories(test.exe PRIVATE "${mech_proto_dir}/..")
-    set(TARGETS ${TARGETS} test_cuda.exe)
-    cuda_add_executable(test_cuda.exe ${TEST_CUDA_SOURCES})
+    list(APPEND targets test_cuda.exe)
+    cuda_add_executable(test_cuda.exe ${test_cuda_sources})
-foreach(target ${TARGETS})
+foreach(target ${targets})
     target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC gtest)
     target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC ${ARB_LIBRARIES})
     target_link_libraries(${target} LINK_PUBLIC ${EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/tests/unit/common.hpp b/tests/unit/common.hpp
index ad6c6873..7f9b73d9 100644
--- a/tests/unit/common.hpp
+++ b/tests/unit/common.hpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 namespace testing {
-// string ctor suffix (until C++14!)
+// String ctor suffix (until C++14!).
 namespace string_literals {
     inline std::string operator ""_s(const char* s, std::size_t n) {
@@ -21,9 +21,13 @@ namespace string_literals {
-// sentinel for use with range-related tests
+// Sentinel for C-style strings, for use with range-related tests.
 struct null_terminated_t {
+    bool operator==(null_terminated_t) const { return true; }
+    bool operator!=(null_terminated_t) const { return false; }
     bool operator==(const char *p) const { return !*p; }
     bool operator!=(const char *p) const { return !!*p; }
@@ -120,10 +124,74 @@ int nomove<V>::copy_ctor_count;
 template <typename V>
 int nomove<V>::copy_assign_count;
+// Subvert class access protections. Demo:
+//     class foo {
+//         int secret = 7;
+//     };
+//     int foo::* secret_mptr;
+//     template class access::bind<int foo::*, secret_mptr, &foo::secret>;
+//     int seven = foo{}.*secret_mptr;
+// Or with shortcut define (places global in anonymous namespace):
+//     ACCESS_BIND(int foo::*, secret_mptr, &foo::secret)
+//     int seven = foo{}.*secret_mptr;
+namespace access {
+    template <typename V, V& store, V value>
+    struct bind {
+        static struct binder {
+            binder() { store = value; }
+        } init;
+    };
+    template <typename V, V& store, V value>
+    typename bind<V, store, value>::binder bind<V, store, value>::init;
+} // namespace access
+#define ACCESS_BIND(type, global, value)\
+namespace { using global ## _type_ = type; global ## _type_ global; }\
+template struct ::testing::access::bind<type, global, value>;
 // Google Test assertion-returning predicates:
-// Assert two sequences of floating point values are almost equal.
+// Assert two values are 'almost equal', with exact test for non-floating point types.
 // (Uses internal class `FloatingPoint` from gtest.)
+template <typename FPType>
+::testing::AssertionResult almost_eq_(FPType a, FPType b, std::true_type) {
+    using FP = testing::internal::FloatingPoint<FPType>;
+    if ((std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b)) || FP{a}.AlmostEquals(FP{b})) {
+        return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+    }
+    return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "floating point numbers " << a << " and " << b << " differ";
+template <typename X>
+::testing::AssertionResult almost_eq_(const X& a, const X& b, std::false_type) {
+    if (a==b) {
+        return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+    }
+    return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "values " << a << " and " << b << " differ";
+template <typename X>
+::testing::AssertionResult almost_eq(const X& a, const X& b) {
+    return almost_eq_(a, b, typename std::is_floating_point<X>::type{});
+// Assert two sequences of floating point values are almost equal, with explicit
+// specification of floating point type.
 template <typename FPType, typename Seq1, typename Seq2>
 ::testing::AssertionResult seq_almost_eq(Seq1&& seq1, Seq2&& seq2) {
     using std::begin;
@@ -136,7 +204,6 @@ template <typename FPType, typename Seq1, typename Seq2>
     auto e2 = end(seq2);
     for (std::size_t j = 0; i1!=e1 && i2!=e2; ++i1, ++i2, ++j) {
-        using FP = testing::internal::FloatingPoint<FPType>;
         auto v1 = *i1;
         auto v2 = *i2;
@@ -144,10 +211,8 @@ template <typename FPType, typename Seq1, typename Seq2>
         // Cast to FPType to avoid warnings about lowering conversion
         // if FPType has lower precision than Seq{12}::value_type.
-        if (!(std::isnan(v1) && std::isnan(v2)) && !FP{v1}.AlmostEquals(FP{v2})) {
-            return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "floating point numbers " << v1 << " and " << v2 << " differ at index " << j;
-        }
+        auto status = almost_eq((FPType)(v1), (FPType)(v2));
+        if (!status) return status << " at index " << j;
     if (i1!=e1 || i2!=e2) {
@@ -194,6 +259,7 @@ template <typename Seq1, typename Seq2>
 // Assert elements 0..n-1 inclusive of two indexed collections are exactly equal.
 template <typename Arr1, typename Arr2>
 ::testing::AssertionResult indexed_eq_n(int n, Arr1&& a1, Arr2&& a2) {
     for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
@@ -208,8 +274,23 @@ template <typename Arr1, typename Arr2>
     return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+// Assert elements 0..n-1 inclusive of two indexed collections are almost equal.
+template <typename Arr1, typename Arr2>
+::testing::AssertionResult indexed_almost_eq_n(int n, Arr1&& a1, Arr2&& a2) {
+    for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
+        auto v1 = a1[i];
+        auto v2 = a2[i];
+        auto status = almost_eq(v1, v2);
+        if (!status) return status << " at index " << i;
+    }
+    return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
 // Assert two floating point values are within a relative tolerance.
 inline ::testing::AssertionResult near_relative(double a, double b, double relerr) {
     double tol = relerr*std::max(std::abs(a), std::abs(b));
     if (std::abs(a-b)>tol) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/instrument_malloc.hpp b/tests/unit/instrument_malloc.hpp
index b36b8f83..825d4df9 100644
--- a/tests/unit/instrument_malloc.hpp
+++ b/tests/unit/instrument_malloc.hpp
@@ -25,6 +25,19 @@
+// Disable if using address sanitizer though:
+// This is how clang tells us.
+#if defined(__has_feature)
+#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
+// This is how gcc tells us.
+#if defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
 namespace testing {
@@ -35,6 +48,10 @@ namespace testing {
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#pragma warning push
+#pragma warning disable 1478
 // Totally not thread safe!
 struct with_instrumented_malloc {
@@ -119,6 +136,9 @@ private:
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#pragma warning pop
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_algorithms.cpp b/tests/unit/test_algorithms.cpp
index c3fe55ba..230fd0af 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_algorithms.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_algorithms.cpp
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
+#include <forward_list>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <random>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include "../gtest.h"
 #include <algorithms.hpp>
-#include "../test_util.hpp"
+#include <util/compat.hpp>
 #include <util/debug.hpp>
+#include <util/index_into.hpp>
 #include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
 /// tests the sort implementation in threading
 /// is only parallel if TBB is being used
 TEST(algorithms, parallel_sort)
@@ -176,28 +181,39 @@ TEST(algorithms, is_strictly_monotonic_decreasing)
-TEST(algorithms, is_positive)
-        arb::algorithms::is_positive(
-            std::vector<int>{}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_positive(
-            std::vector<int>{3, 2, 1}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_positive(
-            std::vector<int>{3, 2, 1, 0}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_positive(
-            std::vector<int>{-1}
-        )
-    );
+TEST(algorithms, all_positive) {
+    using arb::algorithms::all_positive;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_positive(std::vector<int>{}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_positive(std::vector<int>{3, 2, 1}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_positive(std::vector<int>{3, 2, 1, 0}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_positive(std::vector<int>{-1}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_positive((double []){1., 2.}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_positive((double []){1., 0.}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_positive((double []){NAN}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_positive((std::string []){"a", "b"}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_positive((std::string []){"a", "", "b"}));
+TEST(algorithms, all_negative) {
+    using arb::algorithms::all_negative;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_negative(std::vector<int>{}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_negative(std::vector<int>{-3, -2, -1}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative(std::vector<int>{-3, -2, -1, 0}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative(std::vector<int>{1}));
+    double negzero = std::copysign(0., -1.);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_negative((double []){-1., -2.}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative((double []){-1., 0.}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative((double []){-1., negzero}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative((double []){NAN}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative((std::string []){"", "b"}));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(all_negative((std::string []){""}));
 TEST(algorithms, has_contiguous_compartments)
@@ -332,50 +348,6 @@ TEST(algorithms, is_unique)
-TEST(algorithms, is_sorted)
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{100}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{0,1,2}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{0,2,100}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{0,0}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{0,1,2,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,5}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{0,1,2,1}
-        )
-    );
-        arb::algorithms::is_sorted(
-            std::vector<int>{1,0}
-        )
-    );
 TEST(algorithms, child_count)
@@ -543,41 +515,130 @@ struct test_index_into {
+template <typename Sub, typename Sup>
+::testing::AssertionResult validate_index_into(const Sub& sub, const Sup& sup) {
+    using namespace arb;
+    auto indices = util::index_into(sub, sup);
+    auto n_indices = util::size(indices);
+    auto n_sub  = util::size(sub);
+    if (util::size(indices)!=util::size(sub)) {
+        return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
+             << "index_into size " << n_indices << " does not equal sub-sequence size " << n_sub;
+    }
+    using std::begin;
+    using compat::end;
+    auto sub_i = begin(sub);
+    auto sup_i = begin(sup);
+    auto sup_end = end(sup);
+    std::ptrdiff_t sup_idx = 0;
+    for (auto i: indices) {
+        if (sup_idx>i) {
+            return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "indices in index_into sequence not monotonic";
+        }
+        while (sup_idx<i && sup_i!=sup_end) ++sup_idx, ++sup_i;
+        if (sup_i==sup_end) {
+            return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "index " << i << "in index_into sequence is past the end";
+        }
+        if (!(*sub_i==*sup_i)) {
+            return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
+                << "value mismatch: sub-sequence element " << *sub_i
+                << " not equal to super-sequence element " << *sup_i << " at index " << i;
+        }
+        ++sub_i;
+    }
+    return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+template <typename I>
+arb::util::range<std::reverse_iterator<I>> reverse_range(arb::util::range<I> r) {
+    using reviter = std::reverse_iterator<I>;
+    return arb::util::make_range(reviter(r.end()), reviter(r.begin()));
 TEST(algorithms, index_into)
-    using C = std::vector<int>;
+    using ivector = std::vector<std::ptrdiff_t>;
     using arb::util::size;
-    // by default index_into assumes that the inputs satisfy
-    // quite a strong set of prerequisites
-    auto tests = {
-        std::make_pair(C{}, C{}),
-        std::make_pair(C{100}, C{}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{0,4,6,7,11}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{0}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{11}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{4}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{0,11}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{4,11}),
-        std::make_pair(C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11}, C{0,1,3,4,6,7,10,11})
+    using arb::util::index_into;
+    using arb::util::assign_from;
+    using arb::util::make_range;
+    using arb::util::all_of;
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>>> vector_tests = {
+        // Empty sequences:
+        {{}, {}},
+        {{100}, {}},
+        // Strictly monotonic sequences:
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {0, 4, 6, 7, 11}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {0}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {11}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {4}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {0, 11}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {4, 11}},
+        {{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}, {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11}},
+        // Sequences with duplicates:
+        {{8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 13}, {8, 10, 13}},
+        {{8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 13}, {10, 10, 13}},
+        // Unordered sequences:
+        {{10, 3, 7, -8, 11, -8, 1, 2}, {3, -8, -8, 1}}
-    test_index_into tester;
-    for(auto& t : tests) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(
-            tester(t.second, t.first, arb::algorithms::index_into(t.second, t.first))
-        );
+    for (auto& testcase: vector_tests) {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(validate_index_into(testcase.second, testcase.first));
-    // test for arrays
-    int sub[] = {2, 3, 5, 9};
-    int sup[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
-    auto idx = arb::algorithms::index_into(sub, sup);
-    EXPECT_EQ(size(sub), size(idx));
-    auto it = idx.begin();
-    for (auto i: sub) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(i, *it++);
+    // Test across array types.
+    int subarr1[] = {2, 3, 9, 5};
+    int suparr1[] = {10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 5, 9, 3, 5, 10};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(validate_index_into(subarr1, suparr1));
+    // Test bidirectionality.
+    auto arr_indices = index_into(subarr1, suparr1);
+    ivector arridx = assign_from(arr_indices);
+    ivector revidx;
+    for (auto i = arr_indices.end(); i!=arr_indices.begin(); ) {
+        revidx.push_back(*--i);
+    std::vector<std::ptrdiff_t> expected(arridx);
+    std::reverse(expected.begin(), expected.end());
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, revidx);
+    int subarr2[] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8};
+    int suparr2[] = {8};
+    auto z_indices = index_into(subarr2, suparr2);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_of(z_indices, [](std::ptrdiff_t n) { return n==0; }));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, z_indices.back());
+    // Test: strictly forward sequences; heterogenous sequences; sentinel-terminated ranges.
+    std::forward_list<double> sup_flist = {10.0, 2.1, 8.0, 3.8, 4.0, 4.0, 7.0, 1.0};
+    std::forward_list<int> sub_flist = {8, 4, 4, 1};
+    auto flist_indices = index_into(sub_flist, sup_flist);
+    ivector idx_flist = assign_from(flist_indices);
+    EXPECT_EQ((ivector{2, 4, 4, 7}), idx_flist);
+    const char* hello_world = "hello world";
+    const char* lol = "lol";
+    auto sup_cstr = make_range(hello_world, testing::null_terminated);
+    auto sub_cstr = make_range(lol, testing::null_terminated);
+    auto cstr_indices = index_into(sub_cstr, sup_cstr);
+    ivector idx_cstr = assign_from(cstr_indices);
+    EXPECT_EQ((ivector{2, 4, 9}), idx_cstr);
 TEST(algorithms, binary_find)
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_backend.cpp b/tests/unit/test_backend.cpp
index 44142922..f3d846c1 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_backend.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_backend.cpp
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
 #include <type_traits>
-#include <backends/fvm.hpp>
-#include <memory/memory.hpp>
+#include <backends.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
 #include <util/config.hpp>
 #include "../gtest.h"
-TEST(backends, gpu_is_null) {
-    using backend = arb::gpu::backend;
+using namespace arb;
-    static_assert(std::is_same<backend, arb::null_backend>::value || arb::config::has_cuda,
-        "gpu back should be defined as null when compiling without gpu support.");
-    if (not arb::config::has_cuda) {
-        EXPECT_FALSE(backend::is_supported());
-        EXPECT_FALSE(backend::has_mechanism("hh"));
-        EXPECT_THROW(
-            backend::make_mechanism("hh", 0, backend::const_iview(), backend::const_view(), backend::const_view(), backend::const_view(), backend::view(), backend::view(), {}, {}),
-            std::runtime_error);
+TEST(backends, gpu_test) {
+    if (!arb::config::has_cuda) {
+        EXPECT_ANY_THROW(make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind::gpu));
+    }
+    else {
+        EXPECT_NO_THROW(make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind::gpu));
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_cell.cpp b/tests/unit/test_cell.cpp
index 58981bfa..fee64731 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_cell.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_cell.cpp
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ TEST(cell, clone)
     c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.2, 0.15, 20);
-    c.add_synapse({1, 0.3}, mechanism_spec("expsyn"));
+    c.add_synapse({1, 0.3}, "expsyn");
     c.add_detector({0, 0.5}, 10.0);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_fvm_layout.cpp b/tests/unit/test_fvm_layout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd4774f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_fvm_layout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include <cell.hpp>
+#include <fvm_layout.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/optional.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include <util/span.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "../common_cells.hpp"
+using namespace arb;
+using namespace testing::string_literals;
+using util::make_span;
+using util::count_along;
+using util::value_by_key;
+std::vector<cell> two_cell_system() {
+    std::vector<cell> cells;
+    // Cell 0: simple ball and stick (see common_cells.hpp)
+    cells.push_back(make_cell_ball_and_stick());
+    // Cell 1: ball and 3-stick, but with uneven dendrite
+    // length and heterogeneous electrical properties:
+    //
+    // Bulk resistivity: 90 Ω·cm
+    // capacitance:
+    //    soma:       0.01  F/m² [default]
+    //    segment 1:  0.017 F/m²
+    //    segment 2:  0.013 F/m²
+    //    segment 3:  0.018 F/m²
+    //
+    // Soma diameter: 14 µm
+    // Some mechanisms: HH (default params)
+    //
+    // Segment 1 diameter: 1 µm
+    // Segment 1 length:   200 µm
+    //
+    // Segment 2 diameter: 0.8 µm
+    // Segment 2 length:   300 µm
+    //
+    // Segment 3 diameter: 0.7 µm
+    // Segment 3 length:   180 µm
+    //
+    // Dendrite mechanisms: passive (default params).
+    // Stimulus at end of segment 2, amplitude 0.45.
+    // Stimulus at end of segment 3, amplitude -0.2.
+    //
+    // All dendrite segments with 4 compartments.
+    cell c2;
+    segment* s;
+    s = c2.add_soma(14./2);
+    s->add_mechanism("hh");
+    s = c2.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 1.0/2, 1.0/2, 200);
+    s->cm = 0.017;
+    s = c2.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.8/2, 0.8/2, 300);
+    s->cm = 0.013;
+    s = c2.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.7/2, 0.7/2, 180);
+    s->cm = 0.018;
+    c2.add_stimulus({2,1}, {5.,  80., 0.45});
+    c2.add_stimulus({3,1}, {40., 10.,-0.2});
+    for (auto& seg: c2.segments()) {
+        seg->rL = 90.;
+        if (seg->is_dendrite()) {
+            seg->add_mechanism("pas");
+            seg->set_compartments(4);
+        }
+    }
+    cells.push_back(std::move(c2));
+    return cells;
+void check_two_cell_system(std::vector<cell>& cells) {
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, cells[0].num_segments());
+    ASSERT_EQ(cells[0].segment(1)->num_compartments(), 4u);
+    ASSERT_EQ(cells[1].num_segments(), 4u);
+    ASSERT_EQ(cells[1].segment(1)->num_compartments(), 4u);
+    ASSERT_EQ(cells[1].segment(2)->num_compartments(), 4u);
+    ASSERT_EQ(cells[1].segment(3)->num_compartments(), 4u);
+TEST(fvm_layout, topology) {
+    std::vector<cell> cells = two_cell_system();
+    check_two_cell_system(cells);
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    // Expected CV layouts for cells, segment indices in paren.
+    //
+    // Cell 0:
+    //
+    // CV: |  0        | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4|
+    //     [soma (0)][  segment (1)   ]
+    // 
+    // Cell 1:
+    //
+    // CV: |  5        | 6 | 7 | 8 |  9  | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13|
+    //     [soma (2)][  segment (3)   ][  segment (4)       ]
+    //                                 [  segment (5)       ]
+    //                                   | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17|
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, D.ncell);
+    EXPECT_EQ(18u, D.ncomp);
+    unsigned nseg = 6;
+    EXPECT_EQ(nseg, D.segments.size());
+    // General sanity checks:
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncell, D.cell_segment_part().size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncell, D.cell_cv_part().size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncomp, D.parent_cv.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncomp, D.cv_to_cell.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncomp, D.face_conductance.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncomp, D.cv_area.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(D.ncomp, D.cv_capacitance.size());
+    // Partitions of CVs and segments by cell:
+    using spair = std::pair<fvm_size_type, fvm_size_type>;
+    using ipair = std::pair<fvm_index_type, fvm_index_type>;
+    EXPECT_EQ(spair(0, 2),    D.cell_segment_part()[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(spair(2, nseg), D.cell_segment_part()[1]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(0, 5),       D.cell_cv_part()[0]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(5, D.ncomp), D.cell_cv_part()[1]);
+    // Segment and CV parent relationships:
+    using ivec = std::vector<fvm_index_type>;
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({0,0,1,2,3,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,9,14,15,16}), D.parent_cv);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(D.segments[0].has_parent());
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, D.segments[1].parent_cv);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(D.segments[2].has_parent());
+    EXPECT_EQ(5, D.segments[3].parent_cv);
+    EXPECT_EQ(9, D.segments[4].parent_cv);
+    EXPECT_EQ(9, D.segments[5].parent_cv);
+    // Segment CV ranges (half-open, exclusing parent):
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(0,1), D.segments[0].cv_range());
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(1,5), D.segments[1].cv_range());
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(5,6), D.segments[2].cv_range());
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(6,10), D.segments[3].cv_range());
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(10,14), D.segments[4].cv_range());
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipair(14,18), D.segments[5].cv_range());
+    // CV to cell index:
+    for (auto ci: make_span(D.ncell)) {
+        for (auto cv: make_span(D.cell_cv_part()[ci])) {
+            EXPECT_EQ(ci, (fvm_size_type)D.cv_to_cell[cv]);
+        }
+    }
+TEST(fvm_layout, area) {
+    std::vector<cell> cells = two_cell_system();
+    check_two_cell_system(cells);
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    // Note: stick models have constant diameter segments.
+    // Refer to comment above for CV vs. segment layout.
+    std::vector<double> A;
+    for (auto ci: make_span(D.ncell)) {
+        for (auto si: make_span(cells[ci].num_segments())) {
+            A.push_back(cells[ci].segment(si)->area());
+        }
+    }
+    unsigned n = 4; // compartments per dendritic segment
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[0]+A[1]/(2*n), D.cv_area[0]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[1]/n,     D.cv_area[1]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[1]/n,     D.cv_area[2]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[1]/n,     D.cv_area[3]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[1]/(2*n), D.cv_area[4]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[2]+A[3]/(2*n), D.cv_area[5]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[3]/n,     D.cv_area[6]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[3]/n,     D.cv_area[7]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[3]/n,     D.cv_area[8]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ((A[3]+A[4]+A[5])/(2*n), D.cv_area[9]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[4]/n,     D.cv_area[10]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[4]/n,     D.cv_area[11]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[4]/n,     D.cv_area[12]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[4]/(2*n), D.cv_area[13]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[5]/n,     D.cv_area[14]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[5]/n,     D.cv_area[15]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[5]/n,     D.cv_area[16]);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[5]/(2*n), D.cv_area[17]);
+    // Confirm proportional allocation of surface capacitance:
+    // CV 9 should have area-weighted sum of the specific
+    // capacitance from segments 3, 4 and 5 (cell 1 segments
+    // 1, 2 and 3 respectively).
+    double cm1 = cells[1].segment(1)->cm;
+    double cm2 = cells[1].segment(2)->cm;
+    double cm3 = cells[1].segment(3)->cm;
+    double c = A[3]/(2*n)*cm1+A[4]/(2*n)*cm2+A[5]/(2*n)*cm3;
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(c, D.cv_capacitance[9]);
+    // CV 5 should be a weighted sum of soma and first segment
+    // capacitcance from cell 1.
+    double cm0 = cells[1].soma()->cm;
+    c = A[2]*cm0+A[3]/(2*n)*cm1;
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(c, D.cv_capacitance[5]);
+    // Confirm face conductance within a constant diameter
+    // segment equals a/h·1/rL where a is the cross sectional
+    // area, and h is the compartment length (given the
+    // regular discretization).
+    cable_segment* cable = cells[1].segment(2)->as_cable();
+    double a = cable->volume()/cable->length();
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(math::pi<double>()*0.8*0.8/4, a);
+    double h = cable->length()/4;
+    double g = a/h/cable->rL; // [µm·S/cm]
+    g *= 100; // [µS]
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(g, D.face_conductance[11]);
+TEST(fvm_layout, mech_index) {
+    std::vector<cell> cells = two_cell_system();
+    check_two_cell_system(cells);
+    // Add four synapses of two varieties across the cells.
+    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, "expsyn");
+    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, "expsyn");
+    cells[1].add_synapse({2, 0.4}, "exp2syn");
+    cells[1].add_synapse({3, 0.4}, "expsyn");
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    fvm_mechanism_data M = fvm_build_mechanism_data(global_default_catalogue(), cells, D);
+    auto& hh_config ="hh");
+    auto& expsyn_config ="expsyn");
+    auto& exp2syn_config ="exp2syn");
+    using ivec = std::vector<fvm_index_type>;
+    using fvec = std::vector<fvm_value_type>;
+    // HH on somas of two cells, with CVs 0 and 5.
+    // Proportional area contrib: soma area/CV area.
+    EXPECT_EQ(mechanismKind::density, hh_config.kind);
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({0,5}),;
+    fvec norm_area({cells[0].soma()->area()/D.cv_area[0], cells[1].soma()->area()/D.cv_area[5]});
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(norm_area, hh_config.norm_area));
+    // Three expsyn synapses, two 0.4 along segment 1, and one 0.4 along segment 5.
+    // 0.4 along => second (non-parent) CV for segment.
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({2, 2, 15}),;
+    // One exp2syn synapse, 0.4 along segment 4.
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({11}),;
+    // There should be a K and Na ion channel associated with each
+    // hh mechanism node.
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.ions.count(ionKind::na));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.ions.count(ionKind::k));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, M.ions.count(ionKind::ca));
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({0,5}),;
+    EXPECT_EQ(ivec({0,5}),;
+TEST(fvm_layout, synapse_targets) {
+    std::vector<cell> cells = two_cell_system();
+    // Add synapses with different parameter values so that we can
+    // ensure: 1) CVs for each synapse mechanism are sorted while
+    // 2) the target index for each synapse corresponds to the
+    // original ordering.
+    const unsigned nsyn = 7;
+    std::vector<double> syn_e(nsyn);
+    for (auto i: count_along(syn_e)) {
+        syn_e[i] = 0.1*(1+i);
+    }
+    auto syn_desc = [&](const char* name, int idx) {
+        return mechanism_desc(name).set("e",;
+    };
+    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.9}, syn_desc("expsyn", 0));
+    cells[0].add_synapse({0, 0.5}, syn_desc("expsyn", 1));
+    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, syn_desc("expsyn", 2));
+    cells[1].add_synapse({2, 0.4}, syn_desc("exp2syn", 3));
+    cells[1].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, syn_desc("exp2syn", 4));
+    cells[1].add_synapse({3, 0.4}, syn_desc("expsyn", 5));
+    cells[1].add_synapse({3, 0.7}, syn_desc("exp2syn", 6));
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    fvm_mechanism_data M = fvm_build_mechanism_data(global_default_catalogue(), cells, D);
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.mechanisms.count("expsyn"));
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.mechanisms.count("exp2syn"));
+    auto& expsyn_cv ="expsyn").cv;
+    auto& expsyn_target ="expsyn").target;
+    auto& expsyn_e = value_by_key("expsyn").param_values, "e"_s).value();
+    auto& exp2syn_cv ="exp2syn").cv;
+    auto& exp2syn_target ="exp2syn").target;
+    auto& exp2syn_e = value_by_key("exp2syn").param_values, "e"_s).value();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted(expsyn_cv));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted(exp2syn_cv));
+    using uvec = std::vector<fvm_size_type>;
+    uvec all_target_indices;
+    util::append(all_target_indices, expsyn_target);
+    util::append(all_target_indices, exp2syn_target);
+    util::sort(all_target_indices);
+    uvec nsyn_iota;
+    util::assign(nsyn_iota, make_span(nsyn));
+    EXPECT_EQ(nsyn_iota, all_target_indices);
+    for (auto i: count_along(expsyn_target)) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(syn_e[expsyn_target[i]], expsyn_e[i]);
+    }
+    for (auto i: count_along(exp2syn_target)) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(syn_e[exp2syn_target[i]], exp2syn_e[i]);
+    }
+// TODO: migrate tests for proportional parameter setting.
+namespace {
+    double wm_impl(double wa, double xa) {
+        return wa? xa/wa: 0;
+    }
+    template <typename... R>
+    double wm_impl(double wa, double xa, double w, double x, R... rest) {
+        return wm_impl(wa+w, xa+w*x, rest...);
+    }
+    // Computed weighted mean (w*x + ...) / (w + ...).
+    template <typename... R>
+    double wmean(double w, double x, R... rest) {
+        return wm_impl(w, w*x, rest...);
+    }
+TEST(fvm_layout, density_norm_area) {
+    // Test area-weighted linear combination of density mechanism parameters.
+    // Create a cell with 4 segments:
+    //   - Soma (segment 0) plus three dendrites (1, 2, 3) meeting at a branch point.
+    //   - HH mechanism on all segments.
+    //   - Dendritic segments are given 3 compartments each.
+    //
+    // The CV corresponding to the branch point should comprise the terminal
+    // 1/6 of segment 1 and the initial 1/6 of segments 2 and 3.
+    //
+    // The HH mechanism current density parameters ('gnabar', 'gkbar' and 'gl') are set
+    // differently for each segment:
+    //
+    //   soma:      all default values (gnabar = 0.12, gkbar = .036, gl = .0003)
+    //   segment 1: gl = .0002
+    //   segment 2: gkbar = .05
+    //   segment 3: gkbar = .07, gl = .0004
+    //
+    // Geometry:
+    //   segment 1: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cylinder.
+    //   segment 2: 200 µm long, diameter linear taper from 1 µm to 0.2 µm.
+    //   segment 3: 150 µm long, 0.8 µm diameter cylinder.
+    //
+    // Use divided compartment view on segments to compute area contributions.
+    std::vector<cell> cells(1);
+    cell& c = cells[0];
+    auto soma = c.add_soma(12.6157/2.0);
+    c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.1, 200);
+    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.4, 0.4, 150);
+    auto& segs = c.segments();
+    double dflt_gkbar = .036;
+    double dflt_gl = 0.0003;
+    double seg1_gl = .0002;
+    double seg2_gkbar = .05;
+    double seg3_gkbar = .0004;
+    double seg3_gl = .0004;
+    for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i) {
+        segment& seg = *segs[i];
+        seg.set_compartments(3);
+        mechanism_desc hh("hh");
+        switch (i) {
+        case 1:
+            hh["gl"] = seg1_gl;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            hh["gkbar"] = seg2_gkbar;
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            hh["gkbar"] = seg3_gkbar;
+            hh["gl"] = seg3_gl;
+            break;
+        default: ;
+        }
+        seg.add_mechanism(hh);
+    }
+    int ncv = 10;
+    std::vector<double> expected_gkbar(ncv, dflt_gkbar);
+    std::vector<double> expected_gl(ncv, dflt_gl);
+    double soma_area = soma->area();
+    auto seg1_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[1]->as_cable());
+    auto seg2_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[2]->as_cable());
+    auto seg3_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[3]->as_cable());
+    // CV 0: mix of soma and left of segment 1
+    expected_gl[0] = wmean(soma_area, dflt_gl, seg1_divs(0).left.area, seg1_gl);
+    expected_gl[1] = seg1_gl;
+    expected_gl[2] = seg1_gl;
+    // CV 3: mix of right of segment 1 and left of segments 2 and 3.
+    expected_gkbar[3] = wmean(seg1_divs(2).right.area, dflt_gkbar, seg2_divs(0).left.area, seg2_gkbar, seg3_divs(0).left.area, seg3_gkbar);
+    expected_gl[3] = wmean(seg1_divs(2).right.area, seg1_gl, seg2_divs(0).left.area, dflt_gl, seg3_divs(0).left.area, seg3_gl);
+    // CV 4-6: just segment 2
+    expected_gkbar[4] = seg2_gkbar;
+    expected_gkbar[5] = seg2_gkbar;
+    expected_gkbar[6] = seg2_gkbar;
+    // CV 7-9: just segment 3
+    expected_gkbar[7] = seg3_gkbar;
+    expected_gkbar[8] = seg3_gkbar;
+    expected_gkbar[9] = seg3_gkbar;
+    expected_gl[7] = seg3_gl;
+    expected_gl[8] = seg3_gl;
+    expected_gl[9] = seg3_gl;
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    fvm_mechanism_data M = fvm_build_mechanism_data(global_default_catalogue(), cells, D);
+    // Check CV area assumptions.
+    // Note: area integrator used here and in `fvm_multicell` may differ, and so areas computed may
+    // differ some due to rounding area, even given that we're dealing with simple truncated cones
+    // for segments. Check relative error within a tolerance of (say) 10 epsilon.
+    double area_relerr = 10*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(D.cv_area[0],
+        soma_area+seg1_divs(0).left.area, area_relerr));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(D.cv_area[1],
+        seg1_divs(0).right.area+seg1_divs(1).left.area, area_relerr));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(D.cv_area[3],
+        seg1_divs(2).right.area+seg2_divs(0).left.area+seg3_divs(0).left.area, area_relerr));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(D.cv_area[6],
+        seg2_divs(2).right.area, area_relerr));
+    // Grab the HH parameters from the mechanism.
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, M.mechanisms.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.mechanisms.count("hh"));
+    auto& hh_params ="hh").param_values;
+    auto& gkbar = value_by_key(hh_params, "gkbar"_s).value();
+    auto& gl = value_by_key(hh_params, "gl"_s).value();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected_gkbar, gkbar));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected_gl, gl));
+TEST(fvm_layout, ion_weights) {
+    // Create a cell with 4 segments:
+    //   - Soma (segment 0) plus three dendrites (1, 2, 3) meeting at a branch point.
+    //   - Dendritic segments are given 1 compartments each.
+    //
+    //         /
+    //        d2
+    //       /
+    //   s0-d1
+    //       \.
+    //        d3
+    //
+    // The CV corresponding to the branch point should comprise the terminal
+    // 1/2 of segment 1 and the initial 1/2 of segments 2 and 3.
+    //
+    // Geometry:
+    //   soma 0: radius 5 µm
+    //   dend 1: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //   dend 2: 200 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //   dend 3: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //
+    // The radius of the soma is chosen such that the surface area of soma is
+    // the same as a 100µm dendrite, which makes it easier to describe the
+    // expected weights.
+    auto construct_cell = [](cell& c) {
+        c.add_soma(5);
+        c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+        c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 200);
+        c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+        for (auto& s: c.segments()) s->set_compartments(1);
+    };
+    using uvec = std::vector<fvm_size_type>;
+    using ivec = std::vector<fvm_index_type>;
+    using fvec = std::vector<fvm_value_type>;
+    uvec mech_segs[] = {
+        {0}, {0,2}, {2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {3}
+    };
+    ivec expected_ion_cv[] = {
+        {0}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 3}
+    };
+    fvec expected_iconc_norm_area[] = {
+        {1./3}, {1./3, 1./2, 0.}, {1./4, 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 0., 0.}, {3./4, 0.}
+    };
+    for (auto run: count_along(mech_segs)) {
+        std::vector<cell> cells(1);
+        cell& c = cells[0];
+        construct_cell(c);
+        for (auto i: mech_segs[run]) {
+            c.segments()[i]->add_mechanism("test_ca");
+        }
+        fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+        fvm_mechanism_data M = fvm_build_mechanism_data(global_default_catalogue(), cells, D);
+        ASSERT_EQ(1u, M.ions.count(ionKind::ca));
+        auto& ca =;
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected_ion_cv[run],;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<fvm_value_type>(expected_iconc_norm_area[run], ca.iconc_norm_area));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(util::all_of(ca.econc_norm_area, [](fvm_value_type v) { return v==1.; }));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_fvm_lowered.cpp b/tests/unit/test_fvm_lowered.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72f305c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_fvm_lowered.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include "../gtest.h"
+#include <algorithms.hpp>
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp>
+#include <cell.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp>
+#include <load_balance.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <simulation.hpp>
+#include <recipe.hpp>
+#include <sampler_map.hpp>
+#include <sampling.hpp>
+#include <schedule.hpp>
+#include <segment.hpp>
+#include <util/meta.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "../common_cells.hpp"
+#include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
+using namespace testing::string_literals;
+using backend = arb::multicore::backend;
+using fvm_cell = arb::fvm_lowered_cell_impl<backend>;
+// Access to fvm_cell private data:
+using shared_state = backend::shared_state;
+ACCESS_BIND(std::unique_ptr<shared_state> fvm_cell::*, private_state_ptr, &fvm_cell::state_)
+using matrix = arb::matrix<arb::multicore::backend>;
+ACCESS_BIND(matrix fvm_cell::*, private_matrix_ptr, &fvm_cell::matrix_)
+ACCESS_BIND(std::vector<arb::mechanism_ptr> fvm_cell::*, private_mechanisms_ptr, &fvm_cell::mechanisms_)
+arb::mechanism* find_mechanism(fvm_cell& fvcell, const std::string& name) {
+    for (auto& mech: fvcell.*private_mechanisms_ptr) {
+        if (mech->internal_name()==name) {
+            return mech.get();
+        }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+// Access to mechanism-internal data:
+using mechanism_global_table = std::vector<std::pair<const char*, arb::fvm_value_type*>>;
+using mechanism_field_table = std::vector<std::pair<const char*, arb::fvm_value_type**>>;
+using mechanism_ion_index_table = std::vector<std::pair<arb::ionKind, backend::iarray*>>;
+    mechanism_global_table (arb::multicore::mechanism::*)(),\
+    private_global_table_ptr,\
+    &arb::multicore::mechanism::global_table)
+    mechanism_field_table (arb::multicore::mechanism::*)(),\
+    private_field_table_ptr,\
+    &arb::multicore::mechanism::field_table)
+    mechanism_ion_index_table (arb::multicore::mechanism::*)(),\
+    private_ion_index_table_ptr,\
+    &arb::multicore::mechanism::ion_index_table)
+// TODO: C++14 replace use with generic lambda
+struct generic_isnan {
+    template <typename V>
+    bool operator()(V& v) const { return std::isnan(v); }
+} isnan_;
+using namespace arb;
+TEST(fvm_lowered, matrix_init)
+    algorithms::generic_is_positive ispos;
+    algorithms::generic_is_negative isneg;
+    arb::cell cell = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
+    ASSERT_EQ(2u, cell.num_segments());
+    cell.segment(1)->set_compartments(10);
+    std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
+    fvm_cell fvcell;
+    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(cell), targets, probe_map);
+    auto& J = fvcell.*private_matrix_ptr;
+    EXPECT_EQ(J.size(), 11u);
+    // Test that the matrix is initialized with sensible values
+    fvcell.integrate(0.01, 0.01, {}, {});
+    auto n = J.size();
+    auto& mat = J.state_;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::any_of(util::subrange_view(mat.u, 1, n), isnan_));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::any_of(mat.d, isnan_));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::any_of(J.solution(), isnan_));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::any_of(util::subrange_view(mat.u, 1, n), ispos));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::any_of(mat.d, isneg));
+TEST(fvm_lowered, target_handles) {
+    using namespace arb;
+    arb::cell cells[] = {
+        make_cell_ball_and_stick(),
+        make_cell_ball_and_3stick()
+    };
+    EXPECT_EQ(cells[0].num_segments(), 2u);
+    EXPECT_EQ(cells[1].num_segments(), 4u);
+    // (in increasing target order)
+    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, "expsyn");
+    cells[0].add_synapse({0, 0.5}, "expsyn");
+    cells[1].add_synapse({2, 0.2}, "exp2syn");
+    cells[1].add_synapse({2, 0.8}, "expsyn");
+    cells[1].add_detector({0, 0}, 3.3);
+    std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
+    fvm_cell fvcell;
+    fvcell.initialize({0, 1}, cable1d_recipe(cells), targets, probe_map);
+    mechanism* expsyn = find_mechanism(fvcell, "expsyn");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(expsyn);
+    mechanism* exp2syn = find_mechanism(fvcell, "exp2syn");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(exp2syn);
+    unsigned expsyn_id = expsyn->mechanism_id();
+    unsigned exp2syn_id = exp2syn->mechanism_id();
+    EXPECT_EQ(4u, targets.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ(expsyn_id, targets[0].mech_id);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, targets[0].mech_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, targets[0].cell_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(expsyn_id, targets[1].mech_id);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, targets[1].mech_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, targets[1].cell_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(exp2syn_id, targets[2].mech_id);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, targets[2].mech_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, targets[2].cell_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(expsyn_id, targets[3].mech_id);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, targets[3].mech_index);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, targets[3].cell_index);
+TEST(fvm_lowered, stimulus) {
+    // Ball-and-stick with two stimuli:
+    //
+    //           |stim0 |stim1
+    // -----------------------
+    // delay     |   5  |    1
+    // duration  |  80  |    2
+    // amplitude | 0.3  |  0.1
+    // CV        |   4  |    0
+    std::vector<cell> cells;
+    cells.push_back(make_cell_ball_and_stick(false));
+    cells[0].add_stimulus({1,1},   {5., 80., 0.3});
+    cells[0].add_stimulus({0,0.5}, {1., 2.,  0.1});
+    const fvm_size_type soma_cv = 0u;
+    const fvm_size_type tip_cv = 4u;
+    // now we have two stims :
+    //
+    //
+    // The implementation of the stimulus is tested by creating a lowered cell, then
+    // testing that the correct currents are injected at the correct control volumes
+    // as during the stimulus windows.
+    fvm_discretization D = fvm_discretize(cells);
+    const auto& A = D.cv_area;
+    std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
+    fvm_cell fvcell;
+    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(cells), targets, probe_map);
+    mechanism* stim = find_mechanism(fvcell, "_builtin_stimulus");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(stim);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, stim->size());
+    auto& state = *(fvcell.*private_state_ptr).get();
+    auto& J = state.current_density;
+    auto& T = state.time;
+    // Test that no current is injected at t=0.
+    memory::fill(J, 0.);
+    memory::fill(T, 0.);
+    stim->nrn_current();
+    for (auto j: J) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(j, 0.);
+    }
+    // Test that 0.1 nA current is injected at soma at t=1.
+    memory::fill(J, 0.);
+    memory::fill(T, 1.);
+    stim->nrn_current();
+    constexpr double unit_factor = 1e-3; // scale A/m²·µm² to nA
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-0.1, J[soma_cv]*A[soma_cv]*unit_factor);
+    // Test that 0.1 nA is again injected at t=1.5, for a total of 0.2 nA.
+    memory::fill(T, 1.);
+    stim->nrn_current();
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-0.2, J[soma_cv]*A[soma_cv]*unit_factor);
+    // Test that at t=10, no more current is injected at soma, and that
+    // that 0.3 nA is injected at dendrite tip.
+    memory::fill(T, 10.);
+    stim->nrn_current();
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-0.2, J[soma_cv]*A[soma_cv]*unit_factor);
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(-0.3, J[tip_cv]*A[tip_cv]*unit_factor);
+// Test derived mechanism behaviour.
+TEST(fvm_lowered, derived_mechs) {
+    // Create ball and stick cells with the 'test_kin1' mechanism, which produces
+    // a voltage-independent current density of the form a + exp(-t/tau) as a function
+    // of time t.
+    //
+    // 1. Default 'test_kin1': tau = 10 [ms].
+    //
+    // 2. Specialized version 'custom_kin1' with tau = 20 [ms].
+    //
+    // 3. Cell with both test_kin1 and custom_kin1.
+    std::vector<cell> cells(3);
+    for (int i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
+        cell& c = cells[i];
+        c.add_soma(6.0);
+        c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+        c.segment(1)->set_compartments(4);
+        for (auto& seg: c.segments()) {
+            if (!seg->is_soma()) {
+                seg->as_cable()->set_compartments(4);
+            }
+            switch (i) {
+            case 0:
+                seg->add_mechanism("test_kin1");
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                seg->add_mechanism("custom_kin1");
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                seg->add_mechanism("test_kin1");
+                seg->add_mechanism("custom_kin1");
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    cable1d_recipe rec(cells);
+    rec.catalogue().derive("custom_kin1", "test_kin1", {{"tau", 20.0}});
+    cell_probe_address where{{1, 0.3}, cell_probe_address::membrane_current};
+    rec.add_probe(0, 0, where);
+    rec.add_probe(1, 0, where);
+    rec.add_probe(2, 0, where);
+    {
+        // Test initialization and global parameter values.
+        std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+        probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
+        fvm_cell fvcell;
+        fvcell.initialize({0, 1, 2}, rec, targets, probe_map);
+        // Both mechanisms will have the same internal name, "test_kin1".
+        using fvec = std::vector<fvm_value_type>;
+        fvec tau_values;
+        for (auto& mech: fvcell.*private_mechanisms_ptr) {
+            EXPECT_EQ("test_kin1"_s, mech->internal_name());
+            auto cmech = dynamic_cast<multicore::mechanism*>(mech.get());
+            ASSERT_TRUE(cmech);
+            auto opt_tau_ptr = util::value_by_key((cmech->*private_global_table_ptr)(), "tau"_s);
+            ASSERT_TRUE(opt_tau_ptr);
+            tau_values.push_back(*opt_tau_ptr.value());
+        }
+        util::sort(tau_values);
+        EXPECT_EQ(fvec({10., 20.}), tau_values);
+    }
+    {
+        // Test dynamics:
+        // 1. Current at same point on cell 0 at time 10 ms should equal that
+        //    on cell 1 at time 20 ms.
+        // 2. Current for cell 2 should be sum of currents for cells 0 and 1 at any given time.
+        std::vector<double> samples[3];
+        sampler_function sampler = [&](cell_member_type pid, probe_tag, std::size_t n, const sample_record* records) {
+            for (std::size_t i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
+                double v = *util::any_cast<const double*>(records[i].data);
+                samples[pid.gid].push_back(v);
+            }
+        };
+        float times[] = {10.f, 20.f};
+        auto decomp = partition_load_balance(rec, hw::node_info{1u, 0u});
+        simulation sim(rec, decomp);
+        sim.add_sampler(all_probes, explicit_schedule(times), sampler);
+, 1.f/1024);
+        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[0].size());
+        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[1].size());
+        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[2].size());
+        // Integration isn't exact: let's aim for one part in 10'000.
+        double relerr = 0.0001;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][0], samples[1][1], relerr));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][0]+samples[1][0], samples[2][0], relerr));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][1]+samples[1][1], samples[2][1], relerr));
+    }
+// Test area-weighted linear combination of ion species concentrations
+TEST(fvm_lowered, weighted_write_ion) {
+    // Create a cell with 4 segments (same morphopology as in fvm_layout.ion_weights test):
+    //   - Soma (segment 0) plus three dendrites (1, 2, 3) meeting at a branch point.
+    //   - Dendritic segments are given 1 compartments each.
+    //
+    //         /
+    //        d2
+    //       /
+    //   s0-d1
+    //       \.
+    //        d3
+    //
+    // The CV corresponding to the branch point should comprise the terminal
+    // 1/2 of segment 1 and the initial 1/2 of segments 2 and 3.
+    //
+    // Geometry:
+    //   soma 0: radius 5 µm
+    //   dend 1: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //   dend 2: 200 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //   dend 3: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
+    //
+    // The radius of the soma is chosen such that the surface area of soma is
+    // the same as a 100µm dendrite, which makes it easier to describe the
+    // expected weights.
+    cell c;
+    c.add_soma(5);
+    c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 200);
+    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
+    for (auto& s: c.segments()) s->set_compartments(1);
+    const double con_int = 80;
+    const double con_ext = 120;
+    // Ca ion reader test_kinlva on CV 1 and 2 via segment 2:
+    c.segments()[2] ->add_mechanism("test_kinlva");
+    // Ca ion writer test_ca on CV 1 and 3 via segment 3:
+    c.segments()[3] ->add_mechanism("test_ca");
+    std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
+    fvm_cell fvcell;
+    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
+    auto& state = *(fvcell.*private_state_ptr).get();
+    auto& ion =;
+    ion.default_int_concentration = con_int;
+    ion.default_ext_concentration = con_ext;
+    ion.init_concentration();
+    std::vector<unsigned> ion_nodes = util::assign_from(ion.node_index_);
+    std::vector<unsigned> expected_ion_nodes = {1, 2, 3};
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_ion_nodes, ion_nodes);
+    std::vector<double> ion_iconc_weights = util::assign_from(ion.weight_Xi_);
+    std::vector<double> expected_ion_iconc_weights = {0.75, 1., 0};
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_ion_iconc_weights, ion_iconc_weights);
+    auto test_ca = dynamic_cast<multicore::mechanism*>(find_mechanism(fvcell, "test_ca"));
+    auto opt_cai_ptr = util::value_by_key((test_ca->*private_field_table_ptr)(), "cai"_s);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(opt_cai_ptr);
+    auto& test_ca_cai = *opt_cai_ptr.value();
+    auto opt_ca_index_ptr = util::value_by_key((test_ca->*private_ion_index_table_ptr)(), ionKind::ca);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(opt_ca_index_ptr);
+    auto& test_ca_ca_index = *opt_ca_index_ptr.value();
+    double cai_contrib[3] = {200., 0., 300.};
+    for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i) {
+        test_ca_cai[i] = cai_contrib[test_ca_ca_index[i]];
+    }
+    std::vector<double> expected_iconc(3);
+    for (int i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
+        expected_iconc[i] = math::lerp(cai_contrib[i], con_int, ion_iconc_weights[i]);
+    }
+    ion.init_concentration();
+    test_ca->write_ions();
+    std::vector<double> ion_iconc = util::assign_from(ion.Xi_);
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_iconc, ion_iconc);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_fvm_multi.cpp b/tests/unit/test_fvm_multi.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0245ae1e..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/test_fvm_multi.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "../gtest.h"
-#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
-#include <cell.hpp>
-#include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
-#include <load_balance.hpp>
-#include <math.hpp>
-#include <simulation.hpp>
-#include <recipe.hpp>
-#include <sampler_map.hpp>
-#include <sampling.hpp>
-#include <schedule.hpp>
-#include <segment.hpp>
-#include <util/meta.hpp>
-#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
-#include "common.hpp"
-#include "../common_cells.hpp"
-#include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
-#include "mechanisms/multicore/test_ca_cpu.hpp"
-using fvm_cell =
-    arb::fvm::fvm_multicell<arb::multicore::backend>;
-TEST(fvm_multi, cable)
-    using namespace arb;
-    arb::cell cell=make_cell_ball_and_3stick();
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(cell), targets, probe_map);
-    auto& J = fvcell.jacobian();
-    // 1 (soma) + 3 (dendritic segments) × 4 compartments
-    EXPECT_EQ(cell.num_compartments(), 13u);
-    // assert that the matrix has one row for each compartment
-    EXPECT_EQ(J.size(), cell.num_compartments());
-    // assert that the number of cv areas is the same as the matrix size
-    // i.e. both should equal the number of compartments
-    EXPECT_EQ(fvcell.cv_areas().size(), J.size());
-TEST(fvm_multi, init)
-    using namespace arb;
-    arb::cell cell = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
-    const auto m = cell.model();
-    EXPECT_EQ(m.tree.num_segments(), 2u);
-    auto& soma_hh = (cell.soma()->mechanism("hh")).value();
-    soma_hh.set("gnabar", 0.12);
-    soma_hh.set("gkbar", 0.036);
-    soma_hh.set("gl", 0.0003);
-    soma_hh.set("el", -54.3);
-    cell.segment(1)->set_compartments(10);
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(cell), targets, probe_map);
-    // This is naughty: removing const from the matrix reference, but is needed
-    // to test the build_matrix() method below (which is only accessable
-    // through non-const interface).
-    //auto& J = const_cast<fvm_cell::matrix_type&>(fvcell.jacobian());
-    auto& J = fvcell.jacobian();
-    EXPECT_EQ(J.size(), 11u);
-    // test that the matrix is initialized with sensible values
-    //J.build_matrix(0.01);
-    fvcell.setup_integration(0.01, 0.01, {}, {});
-    fvcell.step_integration();
-    auto& mat = J.state_;
-    auto test_nan = [](decltype(mat.u) v) {
-        for(auto val : v) if(val != val) return false;
-        return true;
-    };
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_nan(mat.u(1, J.size())));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_nan(mat.d));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test_nan(J.solution()));
-    // test matrix diagonals for sign
-    auto is_pos = [](decltype(mat.u) v) {
-        for(auto val : v) if(val<=0.) return false;
-        return true;
-    };
-    auto is_neg = [](decltype(mat.u) v) {
-        for(auto val : v) if(val>=0.) return false;
-        return true;
-    };
-    EXPECT_TRUE(is_neg(mat.u(1, J.size())));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(is_pos(mat.d));
-TEST(fvm_multi, multi_init)
-    using namespace arb;
-    arb::cell cells[] = {
-        make_cell_ball_and_stick(),
-        make_cell_ball_and_3stick()
-    };
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[0].num_segments(), 2u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[0].segment(1)->num_compartments(), 4u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[1].num_segments(), 4u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[1].segment(1)->num_compartments(), 4u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[1].segment(2)->num_compartments(), 4u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(cells[1].segment(3)->num_compartments(), 4u);
-    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, "expsyn");
-    cells[0].add_synapse({1, 0.4}, "expsyn");
-    cells[1].add_synapse({2, 0.4}, "exp2syn");
-    cells[1].add_synapse({3, 0.4}, "expsyn");
-    cells[1].add_detector({0, 0}, 3.3);
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0, 1}, cable1d_recipe(cells), targets, probe_map);
-    EXPECT_EQ(4u, targets.size());
-    auto& J = fvcell.jacobian();
-    EXPECT_EQ(J.size(), 5u+13u);
-    // check indices in instantiated mechanisms
-    for (const auto& mech: fvcell.mechanisms()) {
-        if (mech->name()=="hh") {
-            // HH on somas of two cells, with group compartment indices
-            // 0 and 5.
-            ASSERT_EQ(mech->node_index().size(), 2u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[0], 0u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[1], 5u);
-        }
-        if (mech->name()=="expsyn") {
-            // Three expsyn synapses, two in second compartment
-            // of dendrite segment of first cell, one in second compartment
-            // of last segment of second cell.
-            ASSERT_EQ(mech->node_index().size(), 3u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[0], 2u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[1], 2u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[2], 15u);
-        }
-        if (mech->name()=="exp2syn") {
-            // One exp2syn synapse, in second compartment
-            // of penultimate segment of second cell.
-            ASSERT_EQ(mech->node_index().size(), 1u);
-            EXPECT_EQ(mech->node_index()[0], 11u);
-        }
-    }
-// test that stimuli are added correctly
-TEST(fvm_multi, stimulus)
-    using namespace arb;
-    // the default ball and stick has one stimulus at the terminal end of the dendrite
-    auto cell = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
-    // ... so add a second at the soma to make things more interesting
-    cell.add_stimulus({0,0.5}, {1., 2., 0.1});
-    // now we have two stims :
-    //
-    //           |stim0 |stim1
-    // -----------------------
-    // delay     |   5  |    1
-    // duration  |  80  |    2
-    // amplitude | 0.3  |  0.1
-    // CV        |   4  |    0
-    //
-    // The implementation of the stimulus is tested by creating a lowered cell, then
-    // testing that the correct currents are injected at the correct control volumes
-    // as during the stimulus windows.
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(cell), targets, probe_map);
-    auto ref = fvcell.find_mechanism("stimulus");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ref) << "no stimuli retrieved from lowered fvm cell: expected 2";
-    auto& stims = ref.value();
-    EXPECT_EQ(stims->size(), 2u);
-    auto I = fvcell.current();
-    auto A = fvcell.cv_areas();
-    auto soma_idx = 0u;
-    auto dend_idx = 4u;
-    // test 1: Test that no current is injected at t=0
-    memory::fill(I, 0.);
-    fvcell.set_time_global(0.);
-    fvcell.set_time_to_global(0.1);
-    stims->set_params();
-    stims->nrn_current();
-    for (auto i: I) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(i, 0.);
-    }
-    // test 2: Test that current is injected at soma at t=1
-    fvcell.set_time_global(1.);
-    fvcell.set_time_to_global(1.1);
-    stims->nrn_current();
-    // take care to convert from A.m^-2 to nA
-    EXPECT_EQ(I[soma_idx]/(1e3/A[soma_idx]), -0.1);
-    // test 3: Test that current is still injected at soma at t=1.5.
-    //         Note that we test for injection of -0.2, because the
-    //         current contributions are accumulative, and the current
-    //         values have not been cleared since the last update.
-    fvcell.set_time_global(1.5);
-    fvcell.set_time_to_global(1.6);
-    stims->set_params();
-    stims->nrn_current();
-    EXPECT_EQ(I[soma_idx]/(1e3/A[soma_idx]), -0.2);
-    // test 4: test at t=10ms, when the the soma stim is not active, and
-    //         dendrite stimulus is injecting a current of 0.3 nA
-    fvcell.set_time_global(10.);
-    fvcell.set_time_to_global(10.1);
-    stims->nrn_current();
-    EXPECT_EQ(I[soma_idx]/(1e3/A[soma_idx]), -0.2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(I[dend_idx]/(1e3/A[dend_idx]), -0.3);
-// test that mechanism indexes are computed correctly
-TEST(fvm_multi, mechanism_indexes)
-    using namespace arb;
-    // create a cell with 4 sements:
-    // a soma with a branching dendrite
-    // - hh on soma and first branch of dendrite (segs 0 and 2)
-    // - pas on main dendrite and second branch (segs 1 and 3)
-    //
-    //              /
-    //             pas
-    //            /
-    // hh---pas--.
-    //            \.
-    //             hh
-    //              \.
-    cell c;
-    auto soma = c.add_soma(12.6157/2.0);
-    soma->add_mechanism("hh");
-    // add dendrite of length 200 um and diameter 1 um with passive channel
-    c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-    auto& segs = c.segments();
-    segs[1]->add_mechanism("pas");
-    segs[2]->add_mechanism("hh");
-    segs[3]->add_mechanism("pas");
-    for (auto& seg: segs) {
-        if (seg->is_dendrite()) {
-            seg->rL = 100;
-            seg->set_compartments(4);
-        }
-    }
-    // generate the lowered fvm cell
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
-    // make vectors with the expected CV indexes for each mechanism
-    std::vector<unsigned> hh_index  = {0u, 4u, 5u, 6u, 7u, 8u};
-    std::vector<unsigned> pas_index = {0u, 1u, 2u, 3u, 4u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u};
-    // iterate over mechanisms and test whether they were assigned to the correct CVs
-    // TODO : this fails because we do not handle CVs at branching points (including soma) correctly
-    for(auto& mech : fvcell.mechanisms()) {
-        auto const& n = mech->node_index();
-        std::vector<unsigned> ni(n.begin(), n.end());
-        if(mech->name()=="hh") {
-            EXPECT_EQ(ni, hh_index);
-        }
-        else if(mech->name()=="pas") {
-            EXPECT_EQ(ni, pas_index);
-        }
-    }
-    // similarly, test that the different ion channels were assigned to the correct
-    // compartments. In this case, the passive channel has no ion species
-    // associated with it, while the hh channel has both pottassium and sodium
-    // channels. Hence, we expect sodium and potassium to be present in the same
-    // compartments as the hh mechanism.
-    {
-        auto ni = fvcell.ion_na().node_index();
-        std::vector<unsigned> na(ni.begin(), ni.end());
-        EXPECT_EQ(na, hh_index);
-    }
-    {
-        auto ni = fvcell.ion_k().node_index();
-        std::vector<unsigned> k(ni.begin(), ni.end());
-        EXPECT_EQ(k, hh_index);
-    }
-    {
-        // calcium channel should be empty
-        EXPECT_EQ(0u, fvcell.ion_ca().node_index().size());
-    }
-namespace {
-    double wm_impl(double wa, double xa) {
-        return wa? xa/wa: 0;
-    }
-    template <typename... R>
-    double wm_impl(double wa, double xa, double w, double x, R... rest) {
-        return wm_impl(wa+w, xa+w*x, rest...);
-    }
-    // Computed weighted mean (w*x + ...) / (w + ...).
-    template <typename... R>
-    double wmean(double w, double x, R... rest) {
-        return wm_impl(w, w*x, rest...);
-    }
-// Test area-weighted linear combination of density mechanism parameters.
-TEST(fvm_multi, density_weights) {
-    using namespace arb;
-    // Create a cell with 4 segments:
-    //   - Soma (segment 0) plus three dendrites (1, 2, 3) meeting at a branch point.
-    //   - HH mechanism on all segments.
-    //   - Dendritic segments are given 3 compartments each.
-    //
-    // The CV corresponding to the branch point should comprise the terminal
-    // 1/6 of segment 1 and the initial 1/6 of segments 2 and 3.
-    //
-    // The HH mechanism current density parameters ('gnabar', 'gkbar' and 'gl') are set
-    // differently for each segment:
-    //
-    //   soma:      all default values (gnabar = 0.12, gkbar = .036, gl = .0003)
-    //   segment 1: gl = .0002
-    //   segment 2: gkbar = .05
-    //   segment 3: gkbar = .07, gl = .0004
-    //
-    // Geometry:
-    //   segment 1: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cylinder.
-    //   segment 2: 200 µm long, diameter linear taper from 1 µm to 0.2 µm.
-    //   segment 3: 150 µm long, 0.8 µm diameter cylinder.
-    //
-    // Use divided compartment view on segments to compute area contributions.
-    cell c;
-    auto soma = c.add_soma(12.6157/2.0);
-    c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.1, 200);
-    c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.4, 0.4, 150);
-    auto& segs = c.segments();
-    double dflt_gkbar = .036;
-    double dflt_gnabar = 0.12;
-    double dflt_gl = 0.0003;
-    double seg1_gl = .0002;
-    double seg2_gkbar = .05;
-    double seg3_gkbar = .0004;
-    double seg3_gl = .0004;
-    for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i) {
-        segment& seg = *segs[i];
-        seg.set_compartments(3);
-        mechanism_spec hh("hh");
-        switch (i) {
-        case 1:
-            hh["gl"] = seg1_gl;
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            hh["gkbar"] = seg2_gkbar;
-            break;
-        case 3:
-            hh["gkbar"] = seg3_gkbar;
-            hh["gl"] = seg3_gl;
-            break;
-        default: ;
-        }
-        seg.add_mechanism(hh);
-    }
-    int ncv = 10;
-    std::vector<double> expected_gkbar(ncv, dflt_gkbar);
-    std::vector<double> expected_gnabar(ncv, dflt_gnabar);
-    std::vector<double> expected_gl(ncv, dflt_gl);
-    double soma_area = soma->area();
-    auto seg1_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[1]->as_cable());
-    auto seg2_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[2]->as_cable());
-    auto seg3_divs = div_compartments<div_compartment_by_ends>(segs[3]->as_cable());
-    // CV 0: mix of soma and left of segment 1
-    expected_gl[0] = wmean(soma_area, dflt_gl, seg1_divs(0).left.area, seg1_gl);
-    expected_gl[1] = seg1_gl;
-    expected_gl[2] = seg1_gl;
-    // CV 3: mix of right of segment 1 and left of segments 2 and 3.
-    expected_gkbar[3] = wmean(seg1_divs(2).right.area, dflt_gkbar, seg2_divs(0).left.area, seg2_gkbar, seg3_divs(0).left.area, seg3_gkbar);
-    expected_gl[3] = wmean(seg1_divs(2).right.area, seg1_gl, seg2_divs(0).left.area, dflt_gl, seg3_divs(0).left.area, seg3_gl);
-    // CV 4-6: just segment 2
-    expected_gkbar[4] = seg2_gkbar;
-    expected_gkbar[5] = seg2_gkbar;
-    expected_gkbar[6] = seg2_gkbar;
-    // CV 7-9: just segment 3
-    expected_gkbar[7] = seg3_gkbar;
-    expected_gkbar[8] = seg3_gkbar;
-    expected_gkbar[9] = seg3_gkbar;
-    expected_gl[7] = seg3_gl;
-    expected_gl[8] = seg3_gl;
-    expected_gl[9] = seg3_gl;
-    // Generate the lowered fvm cell.
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
-    // Check CV area assumptions.
-    // Note: area integrator used here and in `fvm_multicell` may differ, and so areas computed may
-    // differ some due to rounding area, even given that we're dealing with simple truncated cones
-    // for segments. Check relative error within a tolerance of (say) 10 epsilon.
-    auto cv_areas = fvcell.cv_areas();
-    double area_relerr = 10*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(cv_areas[0],
-        soma_area+seg1_divs(0).left.area, area_relerr));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(cv_areas[1],
-        seg1_divs(0).right.area+seg1_divs(1).left.area, area_relerr));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(cv_areas[3],
-        seg1_divs(2).right.area+seg2_divs(0).left.area+seg3_divs(0).left.area, area_relerr));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(cv_areas[6],
-        seg2_divs(2).right.area, area_relerr));
-    // Grab the HH parameters from the mechanism.
-    EXPECT_EQ(1u, fvcell.mechanisms().size());
-    auto& hh_mech = *fvcell.mechanisms().front();
-    auto gnabar_field = hh_mech.field_view_ptr("gnabar");
-    auto gkbar_field = hh_mech.field_view_ptr("gkbar");
-    auto gl_field = hh_mech.field_view_ptr("gl");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected_gnabar, hh_mech.*gnabar_field));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected_gkbar, hh_mech.*gkbar_field));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected_gl, hh_mech.*gl_field));
-// Test specialized mechanism behaviour.
-TEST(fvm_multi, specialized_mechs) {
-    using namespace arb;
-    // Create ball and stick cells with the 'test_kin1' mechanism, which produces
-    // a voltage-independent current density of the form a + exp(-t/tau) as a function
-    // of time t.
-    //
-    // 1. Default 'test_kin1': tau = 10 [ms].
-    //
-    // 2. Specialized version 'custom_kin1' with tau = 20 [ms].
-    //
-    // 3. Cell with both test_kin1 and custom_kin1.
-    specialized_mechanism custom_kin1 = {"test_kin1", {{"tau", 20.0}}};
-    cell cells[3];
-    for (int i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
-        cell& c = cells[i];
-        c.add_soma(6.0);
-        c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-        c.segment(1)->set_compartments(4);
-        for (auto& seg: c.segments()) {
-            if (!seg->is_soma()) {
-                seg->as_cable()->set_compartments(4);
-            }
-            switch (i) {
-            case 0:
-                seg->add_mechanism("test_kin1");
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                seg->add_mechanism("custom_kin1");
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                seg->add_mechanism("test_kin1");
-                seg->add_mechanism("custom_kin1");
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    cable1d_recipe rec(cells);
-    rec.add_specialized_mechanism("custom_kin1", custom_kin1);
-    cell_probe_address where{{1, 0.3}, cell_probe_address::membrane_current};
-    rec.add_probe(0, 0, where);
-    rec.add_probe(1, 0, where);
-    rec.add_probe(2, 0, where);
-    {
-        // Test initialization and global parameter values.
-        std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-        probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-        fvm_cell fvcell;
-        fvcell.initialize({0, 1, 2}, rec, targets, probe_map);
-        std::map<std::string, fvm_cell::mechanism*> mechmap;
-        for (auto& m: fvcell.mechanisms()) {
-            // (names of mechanisms should _all_ be 'test_kin1', but aliases will differ)
-            EXPECT_EQ("test_kin1", m->name());
-            mechmap[m->alias()] = m.get();
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(2u, mechmap.size());
-        EXPECT_NE(0u, mechmap.count("test_kin1"));
-        EXPECT_NE(0u, mechmap.count("custom_kin1"));
-        // Both mechanisms are of the same type, so we can use the
-        // same member pointer.
-        auto fptr = mechmap.begin()->second->field_value_ptr("tau");
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fptr);
-        EXPECT_EQ(10.0, mechmap["test_kin1"]->*fptr);
-        EXPECT_EQ(20.0, mechmap["custom_kin1"]->*fptr);
-    }
-    {
-        // Test dynamics:
-        // 1. Current at same point on cell 0 at time 10 ms should equal that
-        //    on cell 1 at time 20 ms.
-        // 2. Current for cell 2 should be sum of currents for cells 0 and 1 at any given time.
-        std::vector<double> samples[3];
-        sampler_function sampler = [&](cell_member_type pid, probe_tag, std::size_t n, const sample_record* records) {
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
-                double v = *util::any_cast<const double*>(records[i].data);
-                samples[pid.gid].push_back(v);
-            }
-        };
-        float times[] = {10.f, 20.f};
-        auto decomp = partition_load_balance(rec, hw::node_info{1u, 0u});
-        simulation sim(rec, decomp);
-        sim.add_sampler(all_probes, explicit_schedule(times), sampler);
-, 1.f/1024);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[0].size());
-        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[1].size());
-        ASSERT_EQ(2u, samples[2].size());
-        // Integration isn't exact: let's aim for one part in 10'000.
-        double relerr = 0.0001;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][0], samples[1][1], relerr));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][0]+samples[1][0], samples[2][0], relerr));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::near_relative(samples[0][1]+samples[1][1], samples[2][1], relerr));
-    }
-// Test synapses with differing parameter settings.
-TEST(fvm_multi, synapse_parameters) {
-    using namespace arb;
-    cell c;
-    c.add_soma(6.0);
-    c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.4, 0.4, 100.0);
-    c.segment(1)->set_compartments(4);
-    // Add synapses out-of-order, with a parameter value a function of position
-    // on the segment, so we can test that parameters are properly associated
-    // after re-ordering.
-    struct pset {
-        double x; // segment position
-        double tau1;
-        double tau2;
-    };
-    pset settings[] = {
-        {0.8, 1.5, 2.5},
-        {0.1, 1.6, 3.7},
-        {0.5, 1.7, 3.6},
-        {0.6, 0.8, 2.5},
-        {0.4, 0.9, 3.4},
-        {0.9, 1.1, 2.3}
-    };
-    for (auto s: settings) {
-        mechanism_spec m("exp2syn");
-        c.add_synapse({1, s.x}, m.set("tau1", s.tau1).set("tau2", s.tau2));
-    }
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1u, fvcell.mechanisms().size());
-    auto& exp2syn_mech = *fvcell.mechanisms().front();
-    auto tau1_ptr = exp2syn_mech.field_view_ptr("tau1");
-    auto tau2_ptr = exp2syn_mech.field_view_ptr("tau2");
-    // Compare tau1, tau2 values from settings and from mechanism, ignoring order.
-    std::set<std::pair<double, double>> expected;
-    for (auto s: settings) {
-        expected.insert({s.tau1, s.tau2});
-    }
-    unsigned n = exp2syn_mech.size();
-    ASSERT_EQ(util::size(settings), n);
-    std::set<std::pair<double, double>> values;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
-        values.insert({(exp2syn_mech.*tau1_ptr)[i], (exp2syn_mech.*tau2_ptr)[i]});
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected, values);
-struct handle_info {
-    unsigned cell;
-    std::string mech;
-    unsigned cv;
-// test handle <-> mechanism/index correspondence
-// on a two-cell ball-and-stick system.
-void run_target_handle_test(std::vector<handle_info> all_handles) {
-    using namespace arb;
-    arb::cell cells[] = {
-        make_cell_ball_and_stick(),
-        make_cell_ball_and_stick()
-    };
-    EXPECT_EQ(2u, cells[0].num_segments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(4u, cells[0].segment(1)->num_compartments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(5u, cells[0].num_compartments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(2u, cells[1].num_segments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(4u, cells[1].segment(1)->num_compartments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(5u, cells[1].num_compartments());
-    std::vector<std::vector<handle_info>> handles(2);
-    for (auto x: all_handles) {
-        unsigned seg_id;
-        double pos;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(x.cell==0 || x.cell==1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(<5);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(x.mech=="expsyn" || x.mech=="exp2syn");
-        if ( {
-            // place on soma
-            seg_id = 0;
-            pos = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            // place on dendrite
-            seg_id = 1;
-            pos =;
-        }
-        if (x.cell==1) {
-   += 5; // offset for cell 1
-        }
-        cells[x.cell].add_synapse({seg_id, pos}, x.mech);
-        handles[x.cell].push_back(x);
-    }
-    auto n = all_handles.size();
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-    fvm_cell fvcell;
-    fvcell.initialize({0, 1}, cable1d_recipe(cells), targets, probe_map);
-    ASSERT_EQ(n, util::size(targets));
-    unsigned i = 0;
-    for (unsigned ci = 0; ci<=1; ++ci) {
-        for (auto h: handles[ci]) {
-            // targets are represented by a pair of mechanism index and instance index
-            const auto& mech = fvcell.mechanisms()[targets[i].mech_id];
-            const auto& cvidx = mech->node_index();
-            EXPECT_EQ(h.mech, mech->name());
-            EXPECT_EQ(, cvidx[targets[i].mech_index]);
-            EXPECT_EQ(h.cell, targets[i].cell_index);
-            ++i;
-        }
-    }
-TEST(fvm_multi, target_handles_onecell)
-    {
-        SCOPED_TRACE("handles: exp2syn only on cell 0");
-        std::vector<handle_info> handles0 = {
-            {0, "exp2syn",  4},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  4},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  3},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  2},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  0},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  1},
-            {0, "exp2syn",  2}
-        };
-        run_target_handle_test(handles0);
-    }
-    {
-        SCOPED_TRACE("handles: expsyn only on cell 1");
-        std::vector<handle_info> handles1 = {
-            {1, "expsyn",  4},
-            {1, "expsyn",  4},
-            {1, "expsyn",  3},
-            {1, "expsyn",  2},
-            {1, "expsyn",  0},
-            {1, "expsyn",  1},
-            {1, "expsyn",  2}
-        };
-        run_target_handle_test(handles1);
-    }
-TEST(fvm_multi, target_handles_twocell)
-    SCOPED_TRACE("handles: expsyn only on cells 0 and 1");
-    std::vector<handle_info> handles = {
-        {0, "expsyn",  0},
-        {1, "expsyn",  3},
-        {0, "expsyn",  2},
-        {1, "expsyn",  2},
-        {0, "expsyn",  4},
-        {1, "expsyn",  1},
-        {1, "expsyn",  4}
-    };
-    run_target_handle_test(handles);
-TEST(fvm_multi, target_handles_mixed_synapse)
-    SCOPED_TRACE("handles: expsyn and exp2syn on cells 0");
-    std::vector<handle_info> handles = {
-        {0, "expsyn",  4},
-        {0, "exp2syn", 4},
-        {0, "expsyn",  3},
-        {0, "exp2syn", 2},
-        {0, "exp2syn", 0},
-        {0, "expsyn",  1},
-        {0, "expsyn",  2}
-    };
-    run_target_handle_test(handles);
-TEST(fvm_multi, target_handles_general)
-    SCOPED_TRACE("handles: expsyn and exp2syn on cells 0 and 1");
-    std::vector<handle_info> handles = {
-        {0, "expsyn",  4},
-        {0, "exp2syn", 2},
-        {0, "exp2syn", 0},
-        {1, "exp2syn", 4},
-        {1, "expsyn",  3},
-        {1, "expsyn",  1},
-        {1, "expsyn",  2}
-    };
-    run_target_handle_test(handles);
-// Test area-weighted linear combination of ion species concentrations
-TEST(fvm_multi, ion_weights) {
-    using namespace arb;
-    // Create a cell with 4 segments:
-    //   - Soma (segment 0) plus three dendrites (1, 2, 3) meeting at a branch point.
-    //   - Dendritic segments are given 1 compartments each.
-    //
-    //         /
-    //        d2
-    //       /
-    //   s0-d1
-    //       \.
-    //        d3
-    //
-    // The CV corresponding to the branch point should comprise the terminal
-    // 1/2 of segment 1 and the initial 1/2 of segments 2 and 3.
-    //
-    // Geometry:
-    //   soma 0: radius 5 µm
-    //   dend 1: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
-    //   dend 2: 200 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
-    //   dend 3: 100 µm long, 1 µm diameter cynlinder
-    // The radius of the soma is chosen such that the surface area of soma is
-    // the same as a 100µm dendrite, which makes it easier to describe the
-    // expected weights.
-    std::vector<std::vector<int>> seg_sets = {
-        {0}, {0,2}, {2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {3}
-    };
-    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> expected_nodes = {
-        {0}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 3},
-    };
-    std::vector<std::vector<fvm_value_type>> expected_wght = {
-        {1./3}, {1./3, 1./2, 0.}, {1./4, 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 0., 0.}, {3./4, 0.}
-    };
-    double con_int = 80;
-    double con_ext = 120;
-    auto construct_cell = [](cell& c) {
-        c.add_soma(5);
-        c.add_cable(0, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-        c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 200);
-        c.add_cable(1, section_kind::dendrite, 0.5, 0.5, 100);
-        for (auto& s: c.segments()) s->set_compartments(1);
-    };
-    for (auto run=0u; run<seg_sets.size(); ++run) {
-        cell c;
-        construct_cell(c);
-        for (auto i: seg_sets[run]) {
-            c.segments()[i]->add_mechanism(mechanism_spec("test_ca"));
-        }
-        std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-        probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-        fvm_cell fvcell;
-        fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
-        auto& ion = fvcell.ion_ca();
-        ion.default_int_concentration = con_int;
-        ion.default_ext_concentration = con_ext;
-        ion.init_concentration();
-        auto& nodes = expected_nodes[run];
-        auto& weights = expected_wght[run];
-        auto ncv = nodes.size();
-        EXPECT_EQ(ncv, ion.node_index().size());
-        for (auto i: util::make_span(0, ncv)) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(nodes[i], ion.node_index()[i]);
-            EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(weights[i], ion.internal_concentration_weights()[i]);
-            EXPECT_EQ(con_ext, ion.external_concentration()[i]);
-            EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0, ion.external_concentration_weights()[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    // Check correct indexing when writing mechanism nodes are a subset
-    // of ion nodes.
-    {
-        cell c;
-        construct_cell(c);
-        // reader on CV 1 and 2 via segment 2:
-        c.segments()[2] ->add_mechanism(mechanism_spec("test_kinlva"));
-        // test_ca writer on CV 1 and 3 via segment 3:
-        c.segments()[3] ->add_mechanism(mechanism_spec("test_ca"));
-        std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-        probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
-        fvm_cell fvcell;
-        fvcell.initialize({0}, cable1d_recipe(c), targets, probe_map);
-        auto& ion = fvcell.ion_ca();
-        ion.default_int_concentration = con_int;
-        ion.default_ext_concentration = con_ext;
-        ion.init_concentration();
-        //auto ni = ion.node_index();
-        std::vector<unsigned> ion_nodes = util::assign_from(ion.node_index());
-        std::vector<unsigned> expected_ion_nodes = {1, 2, 3};
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_ion_nodes, ion_nodes);
-        std::vector<double> ion_iconc_weights = util::assign_from(ion.internal_concentration_weights());
-        std::vector<double> expected_ion_iconc_weights = {0.75, 1., 0};
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_ion_iconc_weights, ion_iconc_weights);
-        multicore::mechanism_test_ca<multicore::backend>* test_ca =
-            dynamic_cast<multicore::mechanism_test_ca<multicore::backend>*>(
-                fvcell.find_mechanism("test_ca").value().get());
-        double cai_contrib[3] = {200., 0., 300.};
-        for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i) {
-            test_ca->cai[i] = cai_contrib[test_ca->ion_ca.index[i]];
-        }
-        std::vector<double> expected_iconc(3);
-        for (int i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
-            expected_iconc[i] = math::lerp(cai_contrib[i], con_int, ion_iconc_weights[i]);
-        }
-        ion.init_concentration();
-        test_ca->write_back();
-        std::vector<double> ion_iconc = util::assign_from(ion.internal_concentration());
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_iconc, ion_iconc);
-    }
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 214a8612..18d9c180 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
-#include <backends/gpu/kernels/stack.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/stack.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/stack_cu.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/managed_ptr.hpp>
 using namespace arb;
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 5787b0bd..a5203bc9 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 #include <limits>
-#include <backends/gpu/intrinsics.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/cuda_atomic.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/math.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/managed_ptr.hpp>
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
@@ -24,19 +25,19 @@ namespace kernels {
     void test_min(double* x, double* y, double* result) {
         const auto i = threadIdx.x;
-        result[i] = min(x[i], y[i]);
+        result[i] = arb::gpu::min(x[i], y[i]);
     void test_max(double* x, double* y, double* result) {
         const auto i = threadIdx.x;
-        result[i] = max(x[i], y[i]);
+        result[i] = arb::gpu::max(x[i], y[i]);
     void test_exprelr(double* x, double* result) {
         const auto i = threadIdx.x;
-        result[i] = exprelr(x[i]);
+        result[i] = arb::gpu::exprelr(x[i]);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_maputil.cpp b/tests/unit/test_maputil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17e86938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_maputil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#include "../gtest.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
+using namespace arb;
+using namespace testing::string_literals;
+using testing::nocopy;
+using testing::nomove;
+// TODO: Add unit tests for other new functionality in maputil.
+TEST(maputil, keys) {
+    {
+        std::map<int, double> map = {{10, 2.0}, {3, 8.0}};
+        std::vector<int> expected = {3, 10};
+        std::vector<int> keys = util::assign_from(util::keys(map));
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
+    }
+    {
+        struct cmp {
+            bool operator()(const nocopy<int>& a, const nocopy<int>& b) const {
+                return a.value<b.value;
+            }
+        };
+        std::map<nocopy<int>, double, cmp> map;
+        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(11, 2.0));
+        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(2,  0.3));
+        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(2,  0.8));
+        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(5,  0.1));
+        std::vector<int> expected = {2, 5, 11};
+        std::vector<int> keys;
+        for (auto& k: util::keys(map)) {
+            keys.push_back(k.value);
+        }
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
+    }
+    {
+        std::unordered_multimap<int, double> map = {{3, 0.1}, {5, 0.4}, {11, 0.8}, {5, 0.2}};
+        std::vector<int> expected = {3, 5, 5, 11};
+        std::vector<int> keys = util::assign_from(util::keys(map));
+        util::sort(keys);
+        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
+    }
+TEST(maputil, is_assoc) {
+    using util::is_associative_container;
+    EXPECT_TRUE((is_associative_container<std::map<int, double>>::value));
+    EXPECT_TRUE((is_associative_container<std::unordered_map<int, double>>::value));
+    EXPECT_TRUE((is_associative_container<std::unordered_multimap<int, double>>::value));
+    EXPECT_FALSE((is_associative_container<std::set<int>>::value));
+    EXPECT_FALSE((is_associative_container<std::set<std::pair<int, double>>>::value));
+    EXPECT_FALSE((is_associative_container<std::vector<std::pair<int, double>>>::value));
+// Sub-class map to check that find method is being properly used.
+namespace {
+    struct static_counter {
+        static int count;
+    } S;
+    int static_counter::count = 0;
+    template <typename K, typename V>
+    struct check_map: std::map<K, V>, static_counter {
+        using typename std::map<K, V>::value_type;
+        using typename std::map<K, V>::iterator;
+        using typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator;
+        check_map(): std::map<K, V>() {}
+        check_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> init): std::map<K, V>(init) {}
+        const_iterator find(const K& key) const {
+            ++count;
+            return std::map<K, V>::find(key);
+        }
+        iterator find(const K& key) {
+            ++count;
+            return std::map<K, V>::find(key);
+        }
+    };
+    template <typename X>
+    constexpr bool is_optional_reference(X) { return false; }
+    template <typename X>
+    constexpr bool is_optional_reference(util::optional<X&>) { return true; }
+TEST(maputil, value_by_key_map) {
+    using util::value_by_key;
+    check_map<std::string, int> map_s2i = {
+        {"fish", 4},
+        {"sheep", 5},
+    };
+    S.count = 0;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(value_by_key(map_s2i, "deer"));
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, S.count);
+    // Should get an optional reference if argument is an lvalue.
+    S.count = 0;
+    auto r1 = value_by_key(map_s2i, "sheep");
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, S.count);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(r1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(5, r1.value());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(is_optional_reference(r1));
+    r1.value() = 6;
+    EXPECT_EQ(6, value_by_key(map_s2i, "sheep").value());
+    // Should not get an optional reference if argument is an rvalue.
+    S.count = 0;
+    auto r2 = value_by_key(check_map<std::string, int>(map_s2i), "fish");
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, S.count);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(r2);
+    EXPECT_EQ(4, r2.value());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(is_optional_reference(r2));
+    // Providing an explicit comparator should fall-back to serial search.
+    S.count = 0;
+    auto str_cmp = [](const std::string& k1, const char* k2) { return k1==k2; };
+    auto r3 = value_by_key(map_s2i, "fish", str_cmp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, S.count);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(r3);
+    EXPECT_EQ(4, r3.value());
+TEST(maputil, value_by_key_sequence) {
+    using util::value_by_key;
+    // Note: value_by_key returns the value of `get<1>` on the
+    // entries in the map or sequence.
+    using entry = std::tuple<int, std::string, char>;
+    std::vector<entry> table = {
+        entry(1, "one",   '1'),
+        entry(3, "three", '3'),
+        entry(5, "five",  '5')
+    };
+    EXPECT_FALSE(value_by_key(table, 2));
+    auto r1 = value_by_key(table, 3);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(r1);
+    EXPECT_EQ("three"_s, r1.value());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(is_optional_reference(r1));
+    r1.value() = "four";
+    EXPECT_EQ("four"_s, value_by_key(table, 3).value());
+    auto r2 = value_by_key(std::move(table), 1);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(r2);
+    EXPECT_EQ("one", r2.value());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(is_optional_reference(r2));
+TEST(maputil, binary_search_index) {
+    using util::binary_search_index;
+    const int ns[] = {2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 113, 114, 114, 116};
+    for (int x: {7, 1, 117}) {
+        EXPECT_FALSE(binary_search_index(ns, x));
+    }
+    for (int x: {114, 3, 5, 2, 116}) {
+        auto opti = binary_search_index(ns, x);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(opti);
+        EXPECT_EQ(x, ns[*opti]);
+    }
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_math.cpp b/tests/unit/test_math.cpp
index 37e38594..88e979ed 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_math.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_math.cpp
@@ -140,6 +140,89 @@ TEST(math, signum) {
     EXPECT_EQ(-1, signum(-infinity<float>()));
+TEST(math, next_pow2) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, next_pow2(0u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, next_pow2(1u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(2u, next_pow2(2u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(4u, next_pow2(3u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(4u, next_pow2(3u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(64u, next_pow2(53u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, next_pow2(unsigned(-1)));
+    auto unsigned_bits = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits;
+    unsigned big = 1u<<(unsigned_bits-1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(big, next_pow2(big));
+    EXPECT_EQ(big, next_pow2(big-1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(big/2, next_pow2(big/2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(big/2, next_pow2(big/2-35));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, next_pow2(big+1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, next_pow2(big+big/2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0ull, next_pow2(0ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(1ull, next_pow2(1ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(2ull, next_pow2(2ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(4ull, next_pow2(3ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(4ull, next_pow2(3ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(64ull, next_pow2(53ull));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0ull, next_pow2((unsigned long long)(-1)));
+    auto ull_bits = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits;
+    unsigned long long bigll = 1ull<<(ull_bits-1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(bigll, next_pow2(bigll));
+    EXPECT_EQ(bigll, next_pow2(bigll-1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(bigll/2, next_pow2(bigll/2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(bigll/2, next_pow2(bigll/2-35));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0ull, next_pow2(bigll+1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0ull, next_pow2(bigll+bigll/2));
+TEST(math, round_up) {
+    // signed tests
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, round_up(0, 23));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, round_up(0, -23));
+    EXPECT_EQ(99, round_up(99, 1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(99, round_up(99, -1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-99, round_up(-99, 1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-99, round_up(-99, -1));
+    int base1 = 100;
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base1, round_up(5*base1, base1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base1, round_up(5*base1-1, base1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base1, round_up(4*base1+1, base1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-5*base1, round_up(-5*base1, base1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-5*base1, round_up(-5*base1+1, base1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-5*base1, round_up(-4*base1-1, base1));
+    int base2 = -23;
+    EXPECT_EQ(7*base2, round_up(7*base2, base2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(7*base2, round_up(7*base2+1, base2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(7*base2, round_up(6*base2-1, base2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-7*base2, round_up(-7*base2, base2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-7*base2, round_up(-7*base2-1, base2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-7*base2, round_up(-6*base2+1, base2));
+    // unsigned tests
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, round_up(0u, 23u));
+    EXPECT_EQ(99u, round_up(99, 1u));
+    unsigned base3 = 100;
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base3, round_up(5*base3, base3));
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base3, round_up(5*base3-1, base3));
+    EXPECT_EQ(5*base3, round_up(4*base3+1, base3));
+    // promotion works?
+    ASSERT_GT(sizeof(unsigned long long), sizeof(int));
+    unsigned long long v = 1ull << (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits-1);
+    int base = 4;
+    EXPECT_EQ(v, round_up(v, base));
+    EXPECT_EQ(v-base, round_up(v-base-1, base));
 TEST(quaternion, ctor) {
     // scalar
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_matrix.cpp b/tests/unit/test_matrix.cpp
index 643c9146..aa5d17e7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_matrix.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_matrix.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <math.hpp>
 #include <matrix.hpp>
 #include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
 #include "common.hpp"
@@ -13,29 +14,29 @@
 using namespace arb;
 using matrix_type = matrix<arb::multicore::backend>;
-using size_type  = matrix_type::size_type;
+using index_type = matrix_type::index_type;
 using value_type = matrix_type::value_type;
 using vvec = std::vector<value_type>;
 TEST(matrix, construct_from_parent_only)
-    std::vector<size_type> p = {0,0,1};
+    std::vector<index_type> p = {0,0,1};
     matrix_type m(p, {0, 3}, vvec(3), vvec(3), vvec(3));
     EXPECT_EQ(m.num_cells(), 1u);
     EXPECT_EQ(m.size(), 3u);
     EXPECT_EQ(p.size(), 3u);
     auto mp = m.p();
-    EXPECT_EQ(mp[0], 0u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mp[1], 0u);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mp[2], 1u);
+    EXPECT_EQ(mp[0], index_type(0));
+    EXPECT_EQ(mp[1], index_type(0));
+    EXPECT_EQ(mp[2], index_type(1));
 TEST(matrix, solve_host)
     using util::make_span;
-    using memory::fill;
+    using util::fill;
     // trivial case : 1x1 matrix
@@ -52,12 +53,12 @@ TEST(matrix, solve_host)
     // matrices in the range of 2x2 to 1000x1000
-        for(auto n : make_span(2u,1001u)) {
-            auto p = std::vector<size_type>(n);
+        for(auto n : make_span(2, 1001)) {
+            auto p = std::vector<index_type>(n);
             std::iota(p.begin()+1, p.end(), 0);
             matrix_type m(p, {0, n}, vvec(n), vvec(n), vvec(n));
-            EXPECT_EQ(m.size(), n);
+            EXPECT_EQ(m.size(), (unsigned)n);
             EXPECT_EQ(m.num_cells(), 1u);
             auto& A = m.state_;
@@ -87,20 +88,20 @@ TEST(matrix, zero_diagonal)
     // elements should be ignored).
     // These submatrices should leave the rhs as-is when solved.
-    using memory::make_const_view;
+    using util::assign;
     // Three matrices, sizes 3, 3 and 2, with no branching.
-    std::vector<size_type> p = {0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5};
-    std::vector<size_type> c = {0, 3, 5, 7};
+    std::vector<index_type> p = {0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5};
+    std::vector<index_type> c = {0, 3, 5, 7};
     matrix_type m(p, c, vvec(7), vvec(7), vvec(7));
     EXPECT_EQ(7u, m.size());
     EXPECT_EQ(3u, m.num_cells());
     auto& A = m.state_;
-    A.d =   make_const_view(vvec({2,  3,  2, 0,  0,  4,  5}));
-    A.u =   make_const_view(vvec({0, -1, -1, 0, -1,  0, -2}));
-    A.rhs = make_const_view(vvec({3,  5,  7, 7,  8, 16, 32}));
+    assign(A.d,   vvec({2,  3,  2, 0,  0,  4,  5}));
+    assign(A.u,   vvec({0, -1, -1, 0, -1,  0, -2}));
+    assign(A.rhs, vvec({3,  5,  7, 7,  8, 16, 32}));
     // Expected solution:
     std::vector<value_type> expected = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ TEST(matrix, zero_diagonal_assembled)
     // test case from CV data.
     using util::assign;
-    using memory::make_view;
+    using array = matrix_type::array;
     // Combined matrix may have zero-blocks, corresponding to a zero dt.
     // Zero-blocks are indicated by zero value in the diagonal (the off-diagonal
@@ -125,22 +126,22 @@ TEST(matrix, zero_diagonal_assembled)
     // These submatrices should leave the rhs as-is when solved.
     // Three matrices, sizes 3, 3 and 2, with no branching.
-    std::vector<size_type> p = {0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5};
-    std::vector<size_type> c = {0, 3, 5, 7};
+    std::vector<index_type> p = {0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5};
+    std::vector<index_type> c = {0, 3, 5, 7};
     // Face conductances.
     vvec g = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2};
     // dt of 1e-3.
-    vvec dt(3, 1.0e-3);
+    array dt(3, 1.0e-3);
     // Capacitances.
     vvec Cm = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3};
     // Intial voltage of zero; currents alone determine rhs.
-    vvec v(7, 0.0);
+    array v(7, 0.0);
     vvec area(7, 1.0);
-    vvec i = {-3000, -5000, -7000, -6000, -9000, -16000, -32000};
+    array i = {-3000, -5000, -7000, -6000, -9000, -16000, -32000};
     // Expected matrix and rhs:
     // u   = [ 0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -2]
@@ -151,11 +152,11 @@ TEST(matrix, zero_diagonal_assembled)
     // x = [ 4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
     matrix_type m(p, c, Cm, g, area);
-    m.assemble(make_view(dt), make_view(v), make_view(i));
+    m.assemble(dt, v, i);
     vvec x;
-    assign(x, on_host(m.solution()));
+    assign(x, m.solution());
     std::vector<value_type> expected = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
     EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<double>(expected, x));
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ TEST(matrix, zero_diagonal_assembled)
     dt[1] = 0;
     v[3] = 20;
     v[4] = 30;
-    m.assemble(make_view(dt), make_view(v), make_view(i));
+    m.assemble(dt, v, i);
     assign(x, m.solution());
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 5222bb1b..a24863ac 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
 #include "common.hpp"
+#include <algorithms.hpp>
 #include <math.hpp>
 #include <matrix.hpp>
-#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
-#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/cuda_common.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/matrix_state_flat.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/matrix_state_interleaved.hpp>
-#include <backends/gpu/kernels/interleave.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/matrix_interleave.hpp>
 #include <cuda.h>
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ using testing::seq_almost_eq;
 using std::begin;
 using std::end;
-// will test the flat_to_interleaved and interleaved_to_flat operations for the
+// Test the flat_to_interleaved and interleaved_to_flat operations for the
 // set of matrices defined by sizes and starts.
 // Applies the interleave to the vector in values, and checks this against
 // a reference result generated using a host side reference implementation.
@@ -203,118 +204,16 @@ TEST(matrix, interleave)
-// Test that matrix assembly works.
-// The test proceeds by assembling a reference matrix on the host and
-// device backends, then performs solve, and compares solution.
-// limitations of test
-//  * matrices all have same size and structure
-TEST(matrix, assemble)
-    using gpu_state = gpu::backend::matrix_state;
-    using mc_state  = multicore::backend::matrix_state;
-    using T = typename gpu::backend::value_type;
-    using I = typename gpu::backend::size_type;
-    using gpu_array  = typename gpu::backend::array;
-    using host_array = typename multicore::backend::array;
-    // There are two matrix structures:
-    //
-    // p_1: 3 branches, 6 compartments
-    //
-    //           3
-    //          /.
-    // 0 - 1 - 2
-    //          \.
-    //           4
-    //            \.
-    //             5
-    //
-    // p_2: 5 branches, 8 compartments
-    //
-    //             4
-    //            /.
-    //           3
-    //          / \.
-    // 0 - 1 - 2   5
-    //          \.
-    //           6
-    //            \.
-    //             7
-    // The parent indexes that define the two matrix structures
-    std::vector<std::vector<I>>
-        p_base = { {0,0,1,2,2,4}, {0,0,1,2,3,3,2,6} };
-    // Make a set of matrices based on repeating this pattern.
-    // We assign the patterns round-robin, i.e. so that the input
-    // matrices will have alternating sizes of 6 and 8, which will
-    // test the solver with variable matrix size, and exercise
-    // solvers that reorder matrices according to size.
-    const int num_mtx = 8;
-    std::vector<I> p;
-    std::vector<I> cell_index;
-    for (auto m=0; m<num_mtx; ++m) {
-        auto &p_ref = p_base[m%2];
-        auto first = p.size();
-        for (auto i: p_ref) {
-            p.push_back(i + first);
-        }
-        cell_index.push_back(first);
-    }
-    cell_index.push_back(p.size());
-    auto group_size = cell_index.back();
-    // Build the capacitance and conductance vectors and
-    // populate with nonzero random values.
-    auto gen  = std::mt19937();
-    auto dist = std::uniform_real_distribution<T>(1, 2);
-    std::vector<T> Cm(group_size);
-    std::generate(Cm.begin(), Cm.end(), [&](){return dist(gen);});
-    std::vector<T> g(group_size);
-    std::generate(g.begin(), g.end(), [&](){return dist(gen);});
-    std::vector<T> area(group_size, 1e3);
-    // Make the reference matrix and the gpu matrix
-    auto m_mc  = mc_state( p, cell_index, Cm, g, area); // on host
-    auto m_gpu = gpu_state(p, cell_index, Cm, g, area); // on gpu
-    // Set the integration times for the cells to be between 0.1 and 0.2 ms.
-    std::vector<T> dt(num_mtx);
-    auto dt_dist = std::uniform_real_distribution<T>(0.1, 0.2);
-    std::generate(dt.begin(), dt.end(), [&](){return dt_dist(gen);});
-    // Voltage and current values
-    m_mc.assemble(on_host(dt), host_array(group_size, -64), host_array(group_size, 10));
-    m_mc.solve();
-    m_gpu.assemble(on_gpu(dt), gpu_array(group_size, -64), gpu_array(group_size, 10));
-    m_gpu.solve();
-    // Compare the GPU and CPU results.
-    // Cast result to float, because we are happy to ignore small differencs
-    std::vector<float> result_h = util::assign_from(m_mc.solution());
-    std::vector<float> result_g = util::assign_from(on_host(m_gpu.solution()));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(seq_almost_eq<float>(result_h, result_g));
 // test that the flat and interleaved storage back ends produce identical results
 TEST(matrix, backends)
-    using T = typename gpu::backend::value_type;
-    using I = typename gpu::backend::size_type;
+    using T = fvm_value_type;
+    using I = fvm_index_type;
     using state_flat = gpu::matrix_state_flat<T, I>;
     using state_intl = gpu::matrix_state_interleaved<T, I>;
-    using gpu_array  = typename gpu::backend::array;
+    using gpu_array  = memory::device_vector<T>;
     // There are two matrix structures:
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp b/tests/unit/test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b4959be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_matrix_cpuvsgpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include <numeric>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+#include "../gtest.h"
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include <algorithms.hpp>
+#include <math.hpp>
+#include <matrix.hpp>
+#include <memory/memory.hpp>
+#include <util/span.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+using namespace arb;
+using util::make_span;
+using util::assign_from;
+using memory::on_gpu;
+using memory::on_host;
+using testing::seq_almost_eq;
+using std::begin;
+using std::end;
+// Test that matrix assembly works.
+// The test proceeds by assembling a reference matrix on the host and
+// device backends, then performs solve, and compares solution.
+// limitations of test
+//  * matrices all have same size and structure
+TEST(matrix, assemble)
+    using gpu_state = gpu::backend::matrix_state;
+    using mc_state  = multicore::backend::matrix_state;
+    using T = fvm_value_type;
+    using I = fvm_index_type;
+    using gpu_array  = typename gpu::backend::array;
+    using host_array = typename multicore::backend::array;
+    // There are two matrix structures:
+    //
+    // p_1: 3 branches, 6 compartments
+    //
+    //           3
+    //          /.
+    // 0 - 1 - 2
+    //          \.
+    //           4
+    //            \.
+    //             5
+    //
+    // p_2: 5 branches, 8 compartments
+    //
+    //             4
+    //            /.
+    //           3
+    //          / \.
+    // 0 - 1 - 2   5
+    //          \.
+    //           6
+    //            \.
+    //             7
+    // The parent indexes that define the two matrix structures
+    std::vector<std::vector<I>>
+        p_base = { {0,0,1,2,2,4}, {0,0,1,2,3,3,2,6} };
+    // Make a set of matrices based on repeating this pattern.
+    // We assign the patterns round-robin, i.e. so that the input
+    // matrices will have alternating sizes of 6 and 8, which will
+    // test the solver with variable matrix size, and exercise
+    // solvers that reorder matrices according to size.
+    const int num_mtx = 8;
+    std::vector<I> p;
+    std::vector<I> cell_index;
+    for (auto m=0; m<num_mtx; ++m) {
+        auto &p_ref = p_base[m%2];
+        auto first = p.size();
+        for (auto i: p_ref) {
+            p.push_back(i + first);
+        }
+        cell_index.push_back(first);
+    }
+    cell_index.push_back(p.size());
+    auto group_size = cell_index.back();
+    // Build the capacitance and conductance vectors and
+    // populate with nonzero random values.
+    auto gen  = std::mt19937();
+    auto dist = std::uniform_real_distribution<T>(1, 2);
+    std::vector<T> Cm(group_size);
+    std::generate(Cm.begin(), Cm.end(), [&](){return dist(gen);});
+    std::vector<T> g(group_size);
+    std::generate(g.begin(), g.end(), [&](){return dist(gen);});
+    std::vector<T> area(group_size, 1e3);
+    // Make the reference matrix and the gpu matrix
+    auto m_mc  = mc_state( p, cell_index, Cm, g, area); // on host
+    auto m_gpu = gpu_state(p, cell_index, Cm, g, area); // on gpu
+    // Set the integration times for the cells to be between 0.1 and 0.2 ms.
+    std::vector<T> dt(num_mtx);
+    auto dt_dist = std::uniform_real_distribution<T>(0.1, 0.2);
+    std::generate(dt.begin(), dt.end(), [&](){return dt_dist(gen);});
+    // Voltage and current values
+    m_mc.assemble(host_array(dt.begin(), dt.end()), host_array(group_size, -64), host_array(group_size, 10));
+    m_mc.solve();
+    m_gpu.assemble(on_gpu(dt), gpu_array(group_size, -64), gpu_array(group_size, 10));
+    m_gpu.solve();
+    // Compare the GPU and CPU results.
+    // Cast result to float, because we are happy to ignore small differencs
+    std::vector<float> result_h = util::assign_from(m_mc.solution());
+    std::vector<float> result_g = util::assign_from(on_host(m_gpu.solution()));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(seq_almost_eq<float>(result_h, result_g));
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group.cpp b/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group.cpp
index 92d4f415..4bef1559 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
-#include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends.hpp>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <epoch.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
 #include <mc_cell_group.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
@@ -12,31 +12,39 @@
 #include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
 using namespace arb;
-using fvm_cell = fvm::fvm_multicell<arb::multicore::backend>;
-cell make_cell() {
-    auto c = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
+namespace {
+    fvm_lowered_cell_ptr lowered_cell() {
+        return make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind::multicore);
+    }
+    cell make_cell() {
+        auto c = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
-    c.add_detector({0, 0}, 0);
-    c.segment(1)->set_compartments(101);
+        c.add_detector({0, 0}, 0);
+        c.segment(1)->set_compartments(101);
-    return c;
+        return c;
+    }
+    std::vector<cell_member_type> mc_cell_group::*,
+    private_spike_sources_ptr,
+    &mc_cell_group::spike_sources_)
 TEST(mc_cell_group, get_kind) {
-    mc_cell_group<fvm_cell> group{{0}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()) };
+    mc_cell_group group{{0}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()), lowered_cell()};
-    // we are generating a mc_cell_group which should be of the correct type
     EXPECT_EQ(cell_kind::cable1d_neuron, group.get_cell_kind());
 TEST(mc_cell_group, test) {
-    mc_cell_group<fvm_cell> group{{0}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()) };
+    mc_cell_group group{{0}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()), lowered_cell()};
     group.advance(epoch(0, 50), 0.01, {});
-    // the model is expected to generate 4 spikes as a result of the
-    // fixed stimulus over 50 ms
+    // Model is expected to generate 4 spikes as a result of the
+    // fixed stimulus over 50 ms.
     EXPECT_EQ(4u, group.spikes().size());
@@ -55,12 +63,12 @@ TEST(mc_cell_group, sources) {
     std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids = {3u, 4u, 10u, 16u, 17u, 18u};
-    mc_cell_group<fvm_cell> group{gids, cable1d_recipe(cells)};
+    mc_cell_group group{gids, cable1d_recipe(cells), lowered_cell()};
     // Expect group sources to be lexicographically sorted by source id
     // with gids in cell group's range and indices starting from zero.
-    const auto& sources = group.spike_sources();
+    const auto& sources = group.*private_spike_sources_ptr;
     for (unsigned j = 0; j<sources.size(); ++j) {
         auto id = sources[j];
         if (j==0) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c5a2e11..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "../gtest.h"
-#include <backends/gpu/fvm.hpp>
-#include <common_types.hpp>
-#include <epoch.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
-#include <mc_cell_group.hpp>
-#include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
-#include "../common_cells.hpp"
-#include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
-using namespace arb;
-using fvm_cell = fvm::fvm_multicell<arb::gpu::backend>;
-cell make_cell() {
-    auto c = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
-    c.add_detector({0, 0}, 0);
-    c.segment(1)->set_compartments(101);
-    return c;
-TEST(mc_cell_group, test)
-    mc_cell_group<fvm_cell> group({0u}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()));
-    group.advance(epoch(0, 50), 0.01, {});
-    // the model is expected to generate 4 spikes as a result of the
-    // fixed stimulus over 50 ms
-    EXPECT_EQ(4u, group.spikes().size());
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp b/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..841db8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_mc_cell_group_gpu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "../gtest.h"
+#include <backends.hpp>
+#include <common_types.hpp>
+#include <epoch.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell.hpp>
+#include <mc_cell_group.hpp>
+#include "../common_cells.hpp"
+#include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
+using namespace arb;
+namespace {
+    fvm_lowered_cell_ptr lowered_cell() {
+        return make_fvm_lowered_cell(backend_kind::gpu);
+    }
+    cell make_cell() {
+        auto c = make_cell_ball_and_stick();
+        c.add_detector({0, 0}, 0);
+        c.segment(1)->set_compartments(101);
+        return c;
+    }
+TEST(mc_cell_group, test)
+    mc_cell_group group({0}, cable1d_recipe(make_cell()), lowered_cell());
+    group.advance(epoch(0, 50), 0.01, {});
+    // the model is expected to generate 4 spikes as a result of the
+    // fixed stimulus over 50 ms
+    EXPECT_EQ(4u, group.spikes().size());
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_mechanisms.cpp b/tests/unit/test_mechanisms.cpp
index a49557f7..1c991d59 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_mechanisms.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_mechanisms.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
+// TODO: Amend for new mechanism architecture
+#if 0
 // Prototype mechanisms in tests
 #include "mech_proto/expsyn_cpu.hpp"
 #include "mech_proto/exp2syn_cpu.hpp"
@@ -237,3 +240,5 @@ using mechanism_types = ::testing::Types<
 INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(mechanism_types, mechanisms, mechanism_types);
+#endif // 0
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_mechcat.cpp b/tests/unit/test_mechcat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7f6db96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/test_mechcat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <backends/fvm_types.hpp>
+#include <mechanism.hpp>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
+#include <mechinfo.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
+using namespace arb;
+using namespace testing::string_literals;
+// Set up a small system of mechanisms and backends for testing,
+// comprising:
+// * Two mechanisms: burble and fleeb.
+// * Two backends: foo and bar.
+// * Three implementations of fleeb:
+//   - Two for the foo backend: fleeb_foo and special_fleeb_foo.
+//   - One for the bar backend: fleeb_bar.
+// * One implementation of burble for the bar backend, with
+//   a mismatched fingerprint: burble_bar.
+// Mechanism info:
+using field_kind = mechanism_field_spec::field_kind;
+mechanism_info burble_info = {
+    {{"quux",  {field_kind::global, "nA", 2.3,   0, 10.}},
+     {"xyzzy", {field_kind::global, "mV", 5.1, -20, 20.}}},
+    {},
+    {},
+    {},
+    "burbleprint"
+mechanism_info fleeb_info = {
+    {{"plugh", {field_kind::global, "C",   2.3,  0, 10.}},
+     {"norf",  {field_kind::global, "mGy", 0.1,  0, 5000.}}},
+    {},
+    {},
+    {},
+    "fleebprint"
+// Backend classes:
+template <typename B>
+struct common_impl: concrete_mechanism<B> {
+    void instantiate(fvm_size_type id, typename B::shared_state& state, const mechanism::layout& l) override {
+        width_ =;
+        // Write mechanism global values to shared state to test instatiation call and catalogue global
+        // variable overrides.
+        for (auto& kv: overrides_) {
+            state.overrides.insert(kv);
+        }
+    }
+    std::size_t memory() const override { return 10u; }
+    std::size_t size() const override { return width_; }
+    void set_parameter(const std::string& key, const std::vector<fvm_value_type>& vs) override {}
+    void set_global(const std::string& key, fvm_value_type v) override {
+        overrides_[key] = v;
+    }
+    void nrn_init() override {}
+    void nrn_state() override {}
+    void nrn_current() override {}
+    void deliver_events() override {}
+    void write_ions() override {}
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, fvm_value_type> overrides_;
+    std::size_t width_ = 0;
+struct foo_backend {
+    struct shared_state {
+        std::unordered_map<std::string, fvm_value_type> overrides;
+    };
+using foo_mechanism = common_impl<foo_backend>;
+struct bar_backend {
+    struct shared_state {
+        std::unordered_map<std::string, fvm_value_type> overrides;
+    };
+using bar_mechanism = common_impl<bar_backend>;
+// Fleeb implementations:
+struct fleeb_foo: foo_mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "fleebprint";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "fleeb"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return mechanismKind::density; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new fleeb_foo()); }
+struct special_fleeb_foo: foo_mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "fleebprint";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "special fleeb"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return mechanismKind::density; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new special_fleeb_foo()); }
+struct fleeb_bar: bar_mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "fleebprint";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "fleeb"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return mechanismKind::density; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new fleeb_bar()); }
+// Burble implementation:
+struct burble_bar: bar_mechanism {
+    const mechanism_fingerprint& fingerprint() const override {
+        static mechanism_fingerprint hash = "fnord";
+        return hash;
+    }
+    std::string internal_name() const override { return "burble"; }
+    mechanismKind kind() const override { return mechanismKind::density; }
+    mechanism_ptr clone() const override { return mechanism_ptr(new burble_bar()); }
+// Implementation register helper:
+template <typename B, typename M>
+std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>> make_mech() {
+    return std::unique_ptr<concrete_mechanism<B>>(new M());
+// Mechinfo equality test:
+namespace arb {
+static bool operator==(const mechanism_field_spec& a, const mechanism_field_spec& b) {
+    return a.kind==b.kind && a.units==b.units && a.default_value==b.default_value && a.lower_bound==b.lower_bound && a.upper_bound==b.upper_bound;
+static bool operator==(const ion_dependency& a, const ion_dependency& b) {
+    return a.write_concentration_int==b.write_concentration_int && a.write_concentration_ext==b.write_concentration_ext;
+static bool operator==(const mechanism_info& a, const mechanism_info& b) {
+    return a.globals==b.globals && a.parameters==b.parameters && a.state==b.state && a.ions==b.ions && a.fingerprint==b.fingerprint;
+mechanism_catalogue build_fake_catalogue() {
+    mechanism_catalogue cat;
+    cat.add("fleeb", fleeb_info);
+    cat.add("burble", burble_info);
+    // Add derived versions with global overrides:
+    cat.derive("fleeb1",        "fleeb",         {{"plugh", 1.0}});
+    cat.derive("special_fleeb", "fleeb",         {{"plugh", 2.0}});
+    cat.derive("fleeb2",        "special_fleeb", {{"norf", 11.0}});
+    cat.derive("bleeble",       "burble",        {{"quux",  10.}, {"xyzzy", -20.}});
+    // Attach implementations:
+    cat.register_implementation<bar_backend>("fleeb", make_mech<bar_backend, fleeb_bar>());
+    cat.register_implementation<foo_backend>("fleeb", make_mech<foo_backend, fleeb_foo>());
+    cat.register_implementation<foo_backend>("special_fleeb", make_mech<foo_backend, special_fleeb_foo>());
+    return cat;
+TEST(mechcat, fingerprint) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    EXPECT_EQ("fleebprint", cat.fingerprint("fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_EQ("fleebprint", cat.fingerprint("special_fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_EQ("burbleprint", cat.fingerprint("burble"));
+    EXPECT_EQ("burbleprint", cat.fingerprint("bleeble"));
+    EXPECT_THROW(cat.register_implementation<bar_backend>("burble", make_mech<bar_backend, burble_bar>()),
+        std::invalid_argument);
+TEST(mechcat, derived_info) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    EXPECT_EQ(fleeb_info,  cat["fleeb"]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(burble_info, cat["burble"]);
+    mechanism_info expected_special_fleeb = fleeb_info;
+    expected_special_fleeb.globals["plugh"].default_value = 2.0;
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_special_fleeb, cat["special_fleeb"]);
+    mechanism_info expected_fleeb2 = fleeb_info;
+    expected_fleeb2.globals["plugh"].default_value = 2.0;
+    expected_fleeb2.globals["norf"].default_value = 11.0;
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_fleeb2, cat["fleeb2"]);
+TEST(mechcat, queries) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("special_fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("fleeb1"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("fleeb2"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("burble"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("bleeble"));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(cat.has("corge"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.is_derived("special_fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.is_derived("fleeb1"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.is_derived("fleeb2"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.is_derived("bleeble"));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(cat.is_derived("fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(cat.is_derived("burble"));
+TEST(mechcat, remove) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    cat.remove("special_fleeb");
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(cat.has("fleeb1"));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(cat.has("special_fleeb"));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(cat.has("fleeb2")); // fleeb2 derived from special_fleeb.
+TEST(mechcat, instance) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    EXPECT_THROW(cat.instance<bar_backend>("burble"), std::invalid_argument);
+    // All fleebs on the bar backend have the same implementation:
+    auto fleeb_bar_mech = cat.instance<bar_backend>("fleeb");
+    auto fleeb1_bar_mech = cat.instance<bar_backend>("fleeb1");
+    auto special_fleeb_bar_mech = cat.instance<bar_backend>("special_fleeb");
+    auto fleeb2_bar_mech = cat.instance<bar_backend>("fleeb2");
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_bar), typeid(*fleeb_bar_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_bar), typeid(*fleeb1_bar_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_bar), typeid(*special_fleeb_bar_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_bar), typeid(*fleeb2_bar_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ("fleeb"_s, fleeb2_bar_mech->internal_name());
+    // special_fleeb and fleeb2 (deriving from special_fleeb) have a specialized
+    // implementation:
+    auto fleeb_foo_mech = cat.instance<foo_backend>("fleeb");
+    auto fleeb1_foo_mech = cat.instance<foo_backend>("fleeb1");
+    auto special_fleeb_foo_mech = cat.instance<foo_backend>("special_fleeb");
+    auto fleeb2_foo_mech = cat.instance<foo_backend>("fleeb2");
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_foo), typeid(*fleeb_foo_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(fleeb_foo), typeid(*fleeb1_foo_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(special_fleeb_foo), typeid(*special_fleeb_foo_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(special_fleeb_foo), typeid(*fleeb2_foo_mech.get()));
+    EXPECT_EQ("fleeb"_s, fleeb1_foo_mech->internal_name());
+    EXPECT_EQ("special fleeb"_s, fleeb2_foo_mech->internal_name());
+TEST(mechcat, instantiate) {
+    // Note: instantiating a mechanism doesn't normally have that mechanism
+    // write its specialized global variables to shared state, but we do in
+    // these tests for testing purposes.
+    mechanism::layout layout = {{0u, 1u, 2u}, {1., 2., 1.}};
+    bar_backend::shared_state bar_state;
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    cat.instance<bar_backend>("fleeb")->instantiate(0, bar_state, layout);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(bar_state.overrides.empty());
+    bar_state.overrides.clear();
+    cat.instance<bar_backend>("fleeb2")->instantiate(0, bar_state, layout);
+    EXPECT_EQ(2.0,"plugh"));
+    EXPECT_EQ(11.0,"norf"));
+TEST(mechcat, copy) {
+    auto cat = build_fake_catalogue();
+    mechanism_catalogue cat2 = cat;
+    EXPECT_EQ(cat["fleeb2"], cat2["fleeb2"]);
+    auto fleeb2_instance = cat.instance<foo_backend>("fleeb2");
+    auto fleeb2_instance2 = cat2.instance<foo_backend>("fleeb2");
+    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(*fleeb2_instance.get()), typeid(*fleeb2_instance.get()));
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_mechinfo.cpp b/tests/unit/test_mechinfo.cpp
index 1e92ba08..ab832924 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_mechinfo.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_mechinfo.cpp
@@ -2,25 +2,24 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "mechinfo.hpp"
+#include <cell.hpp>
+//#include "mechinfo.hpp"
 #include "../gtest.h"
 #include "../test_util.hpp"
-// TODO: expand tests when we have exported mechanism schemata
-// from modcc.
+// TODO: This test is really checking part of the recipe description
+// for cable1d cells, so move it there. Make actual tests for mechinfo
+// here!
 using namespace arb;
-TEST(mechanism_spec, setting) {
-    mechanism_spec m("foo");
+TEST(mechanism_desc, setting) {
+    mechanism_desc m("foo");
     m.set("a", 3.2);
     m.set("b", 4.3);
-    auto dflt = m["c"];
-    EXPECT_EQ(0., dflt); // note: 0 default is artefact of dummy schema
     EXPECT_EQ(3.2, m["a"]);
     EXPECT_EQ(4.3, m["b"]);
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp
similarity index 92%
rename from tests/unit/
rename to tests/unit/test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp
index 7e1d1719..62bffa02 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/test_multi_event_stream_gpu.cpp
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
 #include <random>
 #include <vector>
-#include <cuda.h>
 #include "../gtest.h"
 #include <backends/event.hpp>
 #include <backends/gpu/multi_event_stream.hpp>
-#include <backends/gpu/time_ops.hpp>
 #include <memory/wrappers.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
@@ -65,33 +63,20 @@ TEST(multi_event_stream, init) {
-void copy_marked_events_kernel(
+// CUDA kernel wrapper:
+void run_copy_marked_events_kernel(
     unsigned ci,
     deliverable_event_stream::state state,
     deliverable_event_data* store,
     unsigned& count,
-    unsigned max_ev)
-    // use only one thread here
-    if (threadIdx.x || blockIdx.x) return;
-    unsigned k = 0;
-    auto begin = state.ev_data+state.begin_offset[ci];
-    auto end = state.ev_data+state.end_offset[ci];
-    for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {
-        if (k>=max_ev) break;
-        store[k++] = *p;
-    }
-    count = k;
+    unsigned max_ev);
 std::vector<deliverable_event_data> copy_marked_events(int ci, deliverable_event_stream& m) {
     unsigned max_ev = 1000;
     memory::device_vector<deliverable_event_data> store(max_ev);
     memory::device_vector<unsigned> counter(1);
-    copy_marked_events_kernel<<<1,1>>>(ci, m.marked_events(),, *, max_ev);
+    run_copy_marked_events_kernel(ci, m.marked_events(),, *, max_ev);
     unsigned n_ev = counter[0];
     std::vector<deliverable_event_data> ev(n_ev);
     memory::copy(store(0, n_ev), ev);
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed9bd83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
+#include <backends/multi_event_stream_state.hpp>
+using namespace arb;
+using stream_state = multi_event_stream_state<deliverable_event_data>;
+namespace kernel {
+void copy_marked_events_kernel(
+    unsigned ci,
+    stream_state state,
+    deliverable_event_data* store,
+    unsigned& count,
+    unsigned max_ev)
+    // use only one thread here
+    if (threadIdx.x || blockIdx.x) return;
+    unsigned k = 0;
+    auto begin = state.ev_data+state.begin_offset[ci];
+    auto end = state.ev_data+state.end_offset[ci];
+    for (auto p = begin; p<end; ++p) {
+        if (k>=max_ev) break;
+        store[k++] = *p;
+    }
+    count = k;
+void run_copy_marked_events_kernel(
+    unsigned ci,
+    stream_state state,
+    deliverable_event_data* store,
+    unsigned& count,
+    unsigned max_ev)
+    kernel::copy_marked_events_kernel<<<1,1>>>(ci, state, store, count, max_ev);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_padded.cpp b/tests/unit/test_padded.cpp
index 4bdb453d..ebe2049b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_padded.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_padded.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 #include <cstdint>
-#if (__GLIBC__==2)
-#include <malloc.h>
 #include <util/padded_alloc.hpp>
 #include "../gtest.h"
@@ -52,23 +47,24 @@ TEST(padded_vector, allocator_propagation) {
     EXPECT_EQ(1u, pb.alignment());
     EXPECT_NE(pa, pb);
-    // Don't propagate on copy- or move-assignment:
+    // Propagate on copy- or move-assignment:
     b = a;
-    EXPECT_EQ(pb.alignment(), b.get_allocator().alignment());
-    EXPECT_NE(pb.alignment(), pa.alignment());
+    EXPECT_NE(pb.alignment(), b.get_allocator().alignment());
+    EXPECT_EQ(pa.alignment(), b.get_allocator().alignment());
     pvector<double> c;
     c = std::move(a);
-    EXPECT_NE(c.get_allocator().alignment(), pa.alignment());
+    EXPECT_EQ(c.get_allocator().alignment(), pa.alignment());
 struct alloc_data {
     unsigned n_malloc = 0;
     unsigned n_realloc = 0;
     unsigned n_memalign = 0;
+    unsigned n_free = 0;
     std::size_t last_malloc = -1;
     std::size_t last_realloc = -1;
@@ -93,6 +89,10 @@ struct count_allocs: testing::with_instrumented_malloc {
         data.last_memalign = size;
+    void on_free(void*, const void*) override {
+        ++data.n_free;
+    }
     void reset() {
         data = alloc_data();
@@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ TEST(padded_vector, instrumented) {
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_realloc);
     EXPECT_EQ(expected_v1_alloc, mdata.last_memalign);
-    // Move assignment: v2 has differing alignment guarantee, so cannot
-    // take ownership of v1's data. We expect that v2 will need to allocate.
+    // Move assignment: allocators propagate, so we do not expect v2
+    // to perform a new allocation.
     pvector<double> v2p32(10, pad32);
     v2p32 = std::move(v1p256);
     mdata =;
-    EXPECT_EQ(1u, mdata.n_memalign);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_memalign);
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_malloc);
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_realloc);
@@ -148,12 +148,13 @@ TEST(padded_vector, instrumented) {
     EXPECT_EQ(expected_v5_alloc, mdata.last_memalign);
-    v5p32 = v3p256; // different alignment, but enough space, so shouldn't reallocate.
+    v5p32 = v3p256; // enough space, but different alignment, so should free and then allocate.
     mdata =;
-    EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_memalign);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, mdata.n_free);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1u, mdata.n_memalign);
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_malloc);
     EXPECT_EQ(0u, mdata.n_realloc);
-#endif // ifdef INSTRUMENT_MALLOC
+#endif // ifdef CAN_INSTRUMENT_MALLOC
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_path.cpp b/tests/unit/test_path.cpp
index 350f1b29..4fc98e58 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_path.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_path.cpp
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ TEST(path, posix_native) {
     EXPECT_EQ(qs, qs_bis);
     // cstr
-    const char *c = posix_path{ps}.c_str();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(!std::strcmp(c, ps.c_str()));
+    posix_path ps_path{ps};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(!std::strcmp(ps_path.c_str(), ps.c_str()));
 TEST(path, posix_generic) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_probe.cpp b/tests/unit/test_probe.cpp
index 38a279e3..92ff46dd 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_probe.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_probe.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
+#include <backends/event.hpp>
 #include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
 #include <common_types.hpp>
 #include <cell.hpp>
-#include <fvm_multicell.hpp>
+#include <fvm_lowered_cell_impl.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
 #include "../common_cells.hpp"
 #include "../simple_recipes.hpp"
 using namespace arb;
+using fvm_cell = fvm_lowered_cell_impl<multicore::backend>;
+using shared_state = multicore::backend::shared_state;
-TEST(probe, fvm_multicell)
-    using fvm_cell = fvm::fvm_multicell<arb::multicore::backend>;
+ACCESS_BIND(std::unique_ptr<shared_state> fvm_cell::*, fvm_state_ptr, &fvm_cell::state_);
+TEST(probe, fvm_lowered_cell) {
     cell bs = make_cell_ball_and_stick(false);
     i_clamp stim(0, 100, 0.3);
@@ -30,8 +33,8 @@ TEST(probe, fvm_multicell)
     rec.add_probe(0, 20, cell_probe_address{loc1, cell_probe_address::membrane_voltage});
     rec.add_probe(0, 30, cell_probe_address{loc2, cell_probe_address::membrane_current});
-    std::vector<fvm_cell::target_handle> targets;
-    probe_association_map<fvm_cell::probe_handle> probe_map;
+    std::vector<target_handle> targets;
+    probe_association_map<probe_handle> probe_map;
     fvm_cell lcell;
     lcell.initialize({0}, rec, targets, probe_map);
@@ -43,20 +46,24 @@ TEST(probe, fvm_multicell)
     EXPECT_EQ(20,{0, 1}).tag);
     EXPECT_EQ(30,{0, 2}).tag);
-    fvm_cell::probe_handle p0 ={0, 0}).handle;
-    fvm_cell::probe_handle p1 ={0, 1}).handle;
-    fvm_cell::probe_handle p2 ={0, 2}).handle;
+    probe_handle p0 ={0, 0}).handle;
+    probe_handle p1 ={0, 1}).handle;
+    probe_handle p2 ={0, 2}).handle;
     // Expect initial probe values to be the resting potential
     // for the voltage probes (cell membrane potential should
     // be constant), and zero for the current probe.
-    auto resting = lcell.voltage()[0];
+    auto& state = *(lcell.*fvm_state_ptr).get();
+    auto& voltage = state.voltage;
+    auto resting = voltage[0];
     EXPECT_NE(0.0, resting);
-    EXPECT_EQ(resting, lcell.probe(p0));
-    EXPECT_EQ(resting, lcell.probe(p1));
-    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, lcell.probe(p2));
+    // (Probe handles are just pointers in this implementation).
+    EXPECT_EQ(resting, *p0);
+    EXPECT_EQ(resting, *p1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, *p2);
     // After an integration step, expect voltage probe values
     // to differ from resting, and between each other, and
@@ -65,15 +72,13 @@ TEST(probe, fvm_multicell)
     // First probe, at (0,0), should match voltage in first
     // compartment.
-    lcell.setup_integration(0.1, 0.0025, {}, {});
-    lcell.step_integration();
-    lcell.step_integration();
+    lcell.integrate(0.01, 0.0025, {}, {});
-    EXPECT_NE(resting, lcell.probe(p0));
-    EXPECT_NE(resting, lcell.probe(p1));
-    EXPECT_NE(lcell.probe(p0), lcell.probe(p1));
-    EXPECT_NE(0.0, lcell.probe(p2));
+    EXPECT_NE(resting, *p0);
+    EXPECT_NE(resting, *p1);
+    EXPECT_NE(*p0, *p1);
+    EXPECT_NE(0.0, *p2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lcell.voltage()[0], lcell.probe(p0));
+    EXPECT_EQ(voltage[0], *p0);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_range.cpp b/tests/unit/test_range.cpp
index 956c85d6..cb0a3c63 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_range.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_range.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 using namespace arb;
-using namespace  testing::string_literals;
+using namespace testing::string_literals;
 using testing::null_terminated;
 using testing::nocopy;
 using testing::nomove;
@@ -194,6 +194,40 @@ TEST(range, strictify) {
     EXPECT_TRUE((std::is_same<decltype(ptr_range), util::range<const char *>>::value));
     EXPECT_EQ(cstr, ptr_range.left);
     EXPECT_EQ(cstr+11, ptr_range.right);
+    std::vector<double> empty;
+    auto empty_vec_range = util::strict_view(empty);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty_vec_range.size());
+    EXPECT_EQ(empty_vec_range.begin(), empty_vec_range.end());
+TEST(range, range_view) {
+    double a[23];
+    auto r1 = util::range_view(a);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::begin(a), r1.left);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::end(a), r1.right);
+    std::list<int> l = {2, 3, 4};
+    auto r2 = util::range_view(l);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::begin(l), r2.left);
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::end(l), r2.right);
+TEST(range, range_pointer_view) {
+    double a[23];
+    auto r1 = util::range_pointer_view(a);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&a[0], r1.left);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&a[0]+23, r1.right);
+    std::vector<int> v = {2, 3, 4};
+    auto r2 = util::range_pointer_view(v);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&v[0], r2.left);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&v[0]+3, r2.right);
 TEST(range, subrange) {
@@ -465,7 +499,7 @@ TEST(range, sum_by) {
 TEST(range, is_sequence) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(arb::util::is_sequence<int[8]>::value);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(arb::util::is_sequence<int (&)[8]>::value);
 TEST(range, all_of_any_of) {
@@ -499,41 +533,26 @@ TEST(range, all_of_any_of) {
     EXPECT_TRUE(util::any_of(cstr("87654x"), pred));
-TEST(range, keys) {
-    {
-        std::map<int, double> map = {{10, 2.0}, {3, 8.0}};
-        std::vector<int> expected = {3, 10};
-        std::vector<int> keys = util::assign_from(util::keys(map));
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
-    }
+TEST(range, is_sorted) {
+    // make a C string into a sentinel-terminated range
+    auto cstr = [](const char* s) { return util::make_range(s, null_terminated); };
-    {
-        struct cmp {
-            bool operator()(const nocopy<int>& a, const nocopy<int>& b) const {
-                return a.value<b.value;
-            }
-        };
-        std::map<nocopy<int>, double, cmp> map;
-        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(11, 2.0));
-        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(2,  0.3));
-        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(2,  0.8));
-        map.insert(std::pair<nocopy<int>, double>(5,  0.1));
-        std::vector<int> expected = {2, 5, 11};
-        std::vector<int> keys;
-        for (auto& k: util::keys(map)) {
-            keys.push_back(k.value);
-        }
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
-    }
+    std::vector<int> s1 = {1, 2, 2, 3, 4};
+    std::vector<int> s2 = {};
-    {
-        std::unordered_multimap<int, double> map = {{3, 0.1}, {5, 0.4}, {11, 0.8}, {5, 0.2}};
-        std::vector<int> expected = {3, 5, 5, 11};
-        std::vector<int> keys = util::assign_from(util::keys(map));
-        util::sort(keys);
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected, keys);
-    }
+    std::vector<int> u1 = {1, 2, 2, 1, 4};
+    using ivec = std::vector<int>;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted(ivec{}));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted(ivec({1,2,2,3,4})));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::is_sorted(ivec({1,2,2,1,4})));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted(cstr("abccd")));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted("abccd"_s));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::is_sorted(cstr("hello")));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(util::is_sorted("hello"_s));
 template <typename C>
@@ -633,6 +652,17 @@ TEST(range, is_sorted_by) {
     EXPECT_TRUE(util::is_sorted_by(seq, [](int x) { return x+2; }, std::greater<int>{}));
+TEST(range, reverse) {
+    // make a C string into a sentinel-terminated range
+    auto cstr = [](const char* s) { return util::make_range(s, null_terminated); };
+    std::string rev;
+    util::assign(rev, util::reverse_view(cstr("hello")));
+    EXPECT_EQ("olleh"_s, rev);
 #ifdef ARB_HAVE_TBB
 TEST(range, tbb_split) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index a226a558..ad662fe0 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #include <vector>
-#include <backends/gpu/kernels/reduce_by_key.hpp>
+#include <backends/gpu/reduce_by_key.hpp>
 #include <memory/memory.hpp>
 #include <util/span.hpp>
 #include <util/rangeutil.hpp>
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_schedule.cpp b/tests/unit/test_schedule.cpp
index 0281d647..504d50cf 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_schedule.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_schedule.cpp
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ double poisson_schedule_dispersion(int nbin, double mean_dt, RNG& G) {
 // random sequence were allowed to vary freely.
 TEST(schedule, poisson_uniformity) {
-    // Run Poisson dispersion test for N=101 with two-sided
+    // Run Poisson dispersion test for N=1001 with two-sided
     // χ²-test critical value α=0.01.
     // Test based on: N·dispersion ~ χ²(N-1) (approximately)
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_simd.cpp b/tests/unit/test_simd.cpp
index f22de961..1cec58f7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_simd.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_simd.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <iterator>
 #include <random>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include <simd/simd.hpp>
 #include <simd/avx.hpp>
@@ -510,7 +514,55 @@ TYPED_TEST_P(simd_value, maths) {
-REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(simd_value, elements, element_lvalue, copy_to_from, copy_to_from_masked, construct_masked, arithmetic, compound_assignment, comparison, mask_elements, mask_element_lvalue, mask_copy_to_from, mask_unpack, maths);
+TYPED_TEST_P(simd_value, reductions) {
+    // Only addition for now.
+    using simd = TypeParam;
+    using scalar = typename simd::scalar_type;
+    constexpr unsigned N = simd::width;
+    std::minstd_rand rng(1041);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
+        scalar a[N], test = 0;
+        // To avoid discrepancies due to catastrophic cancelation,
+        // keep f.p. values non-negative.
+        if (std::is_floating_point<scalar>::value) {
+            fill_random(a, rng, 0, 1);
+        }
+        else {
+            fill_random(a, rng);
+        }
+        simd as(a);
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) { test += a[j]; }
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::almost_eq(test, as.sum()));
+    }
+TYPED_TEST_P(simd_value, simd_array_cast) {
+    // Test conversion to/from array of scalar type.
+    using simd = TypeParam;
+    using scalar = typename simd::scalar_type;
+    constexpr unsigned N = simd::width;
+    std::minstd_rand rng(1032);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
+        std::array<scalar, N> a;
+        fill_random(a, rng);
+        simd as = simd_cast<simd>(a);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::indexed_eq_n(N, as, a));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_eq(a, simd_cast<std::array<scalar, N>>(as)));
+    }
+REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(simd_value, elements, element_lvalue, copy_to_from, copy_to_from_masked, construct_masked, arithmetic, compound_assignment, comparison, mask_elements, mask_element_lvalue, mask_copy_to_from, mask_unpack, maths, simd_array_cast, reductions);
 typedef ::testing::Types<
@@ -841,17 +893,16 @@ TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, gather) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
         scalar array[buflen];
-        index indirect[N];
+        index offset[N];
         fill_random(array, rng);
-        fill_random(indirect, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
-        simd s;
-        s.gather(array, simd_index(indirect));
+        simd s(indirect(array, simd_index(offset)));
         scalar test[N];
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
-            test[j] = array[indirect[j]];
+            test[j] = array[offset[j]];
         EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, s));
@@ -873,21 +924,21 @@ TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, masked_gather) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
         scalar array[buflen], original[N], test[N];
-        index indirect[N];
+        index offset[N];
         bool mask[N];
         fill_random(array, rng);
         fill_random(original, rng);
-        fill_random(indirect, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
         fill_random(mask, rng);
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
-            test[j] = mask[j]? array[indirect[j]]: original[j];
+            test[j] = mask[j]? array[offset[j]]: original[j];
         simd s(original);
         simd_mask m(mask);
-        where(m, s).gather(array, simd_index(indirect));
+        where(m, s).copy_from(indirect(array, simd_index(offset)));
         EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, s));
@@ -907,21 +958,21 @@ TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, scatter) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
         scalar array[buflen], test[buflen], values[N];
-        index indirect[N];
+        index offset[N];
         fill_random(array, rng);
         fill_random(values, rng);
-        fill_random(indirect, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<buflen; ++j) {
             test[j] = array[j];
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
-            test[indirect[j]] = values[j];
+            test[offset[j]] = values[j];
         simd s(values);
-        s.scatter(array, simd_index(indirect));
+        s.copy_to(indirect(array, simd_index(offset)));
         EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
@@ -942,47 +993,182 @@ TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, masked_scatter) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
         scalar array[buflen], test[buflen], values[N];
-        index indirect[N];
+        index offset[N];
         bool mask[N];
         fill_random(array, rng);
         fill_random(values, rng);
-        fill_random(indirect, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
         fill_random(mask, rng);
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<buflen; ++j) {
             test[j] = array[j];
         for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
-            if (mask[j]) { test[indirect[j]] = values[j]; }
+            if (mask[j]) { test[offset[j]] = values[j]; }
         simd s(values);
         simd_mask m(mask);
-        where(m, s).scatter(array, simd_index(indirect));
+        where(m, s).copy_to(indirect(array, simd_index(offset)));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
+    }
+TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, add_and_subtract) {
+    using simd = typename TypeParam::simd;
+    using simd_index = typename TypeParam::simd_index;
+    constexpr unsigned N = simd::width;
+    using scalar = typename simd::scalar_type;
+    using index = typename simd_index::scalar_type;
+    std::minstd_rand rng(1011);
+    constexpr std::size_t buflen = 1000;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
+        scalar array[buflen], test[buflen], values[N];
+        index offset[N];
+        fill_random(array, rng);
+        fill_random(values, rng);
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<buflen; ++j) {
+            test[j] = array[j];
+        }
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
+            test[offset[j]] += values[j];
+        }
+        indirect(array, simd_index(offset)) += simd(values);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
+        fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<buflen; ++j) {
+            test[j] = array[j];
+        }
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
+            test[offset[j]] -= values[j];
+        }
+        indirect(array, simd_index(offset)) -= simd(values);
         EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
+template <typename X>
+bool unique_elements(const X& xs) {
+    using std::begin;
+    std::unordered_set<typename std::decay<decltype(*begin(xs))>::type> set;
+    for (auto& x: xs) {
+        if (!set.insert(x).second) return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+TYPED_TEST_P(simd_indirect, constrained_add) {
+    using simd = typename TypeParam::simd;
+    using simd_index = typename TypeParam::simd_index;
+    constexpr unsigned N = simd::width;
+    using scalar = typename simd::scalar_type;
+    using index = typename simd_index::scalar_type;
+    std::minstd_rand rng(1011);
+    constexpr std::size_t buflen = 1000;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
+        scalar array[buflen], test[buflen], values[N];
+        index offset[N];
+        fill_random(array, rng);
+        fill_random(values, rng);
+        auto make_test_array = [&]() {
+            for (unsigned j = 0; j<buflen; ++j) {
+                test[j] = array[j];
+            }
+            for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
+                test[offset[j]] += values[j];
+            }
+        };
+        // Independent:
+        do {
+            fill_random(offset, rng, 0, (int)(buflen-1));
+        } while (!unique_elements(offset));
+        make_test_array();
+        indirect(array, simd_index(offset), index_constraint::independent) += simd(values);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
+        // Contiguous:
+        offset[0] = make_udist<index>(0, (int)(buflen)-N)(rng);
+        for (unsigned j = 1; j<N; ++j) {
+            offset[j] = offset[0]+j;
+        }
+        make_test_array();
+        indirect(array, simd_index(offset), index_constraint::contiguous) += simd(values);
-REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(simd_indirect, gather, masked_gather, scatter, masked_scatter);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test, array));
+        // Constant:
+        for (unsigned j = 1; j<N; ++j) {
+            offset[j] = offset[0];
+        }
+        // Reduction can be done in a different order, so 1) use approximate test
+        // and 2) keep f.p. values non-negative to avoid catastrophic cancellation.
+        if (std::is_floating_point<scalar>::value) {
+            fill_random(array, rng, 0, 1);
+            fill_random(values, rng, 0, 1);
+        }
+        make_test_array();
+        indirect(array, simd_index(offset), index_constraint::constant) += simd(values);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(::testing::indexed_almost_eq_n(N, test, array));
+    }
+REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(simd_indirect, gather, masked_gather, scatter, masked_scatter, add_and_subtract, constrained_add);
 typedef ::testing::Types<
 #ifdef __AVX__
     simd_and_index<simd<double, 4, simd_abi::avx>,
                    simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx>>,
+    simd_and_index<simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx>,
+                   simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx>>,
 #ifdef __AVX2__
     simd_and_index<simd<double, 4, simd_abi::avx2>,
                    simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx2>>,
+    simd_and_index<simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx2>,
+                   simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx2>>,
 #ifdef __AVX512F__
     simd_and_index<simd<double, 8, simd_abi::avx512>,
                    simd<int, 8, simd_abi::avx512>>,
+    simd_and_index<simd<int, 8, simd_abi::avx512>,
+                   simd<int, 8, simd_abi::avx512>>,
     simd_and_index<simd<float, 4, simd_abi::generic>,
@@ -999,3 +1185,73 @@ typedef ::testing::Types<
 > simd_indirect_test_types;
 INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(S, simd_indirect, simd_indirect_test_types);
+// SIMD cast tests
+template <typename A, typename B>
+struct simd_pair {
+    using simd_first = A;
+    using simd_second = B;
+template <typename SI>
+struct simd_casting: public ::testing::Test {};
+TYPED_TEST_P(simd_casting, cast) {
+    using simd_x = typename TypeParam::simd_first;
+    using simd_y = typename TypeParam::simd_second;
+    constexpr unsigned N = simd_x::width;
+    using scalar_x = typename simd_x::scalar_type;
+    using scalar_y = typename simd_y::scalar_type;
+    std::minstd_rand rng(1011);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i<nrounds; ++i) {
+        scalar_x x[N], test_x[N];
+        scalar_y y[N], test_y[N];
+        fill_random(x, rng);
+        fill_random(y, rng);
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j<N; ++j) {
+            test_y[j] = static_cast<scalar_y>(x[j]);
+            test_x[j] = static_cast<scalar_x>(y[j]);
+        }
+        simd_x xs(x);
+        simd_y ys(y);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test_y, simd_cast<simd_y>(xs)));
+        EXPECT_TRUE(testing::indexed_eq_n(N, test_x, simd_cast<simd_x>(ys)));
+    }
+REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(simd_casting, cast);
+typedef ::testing::Types<
+#ifdef __AVX__
+    simd_pair<simd<double, 4, simd_abi::avx>,
+              simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx>>,
+#ifdef __AVX2__
+    simd_pair<simd<double, 4, simd_abi::avx2>,
+              simd<int, 4, simd_abi::avx2>>,
+#ifdef __AVX512F__
+    simd_pair<simd<double, 8, simd_abi::avx512>,
+              simd<int, 8, simd_abi::avx512>>,
+    simd_pair<simd<double, 4, simd_abi::default_abi>,
+              simd<float, 4, simd_abi::default_abi>>
+> simd_casting_test_types;
+INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(S, simd_casting, simd_casting_test_types);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_spikes.cpp b/tests/unit/test_spikes.cpp
index e8df09d5..2cc38509 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_spikes.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_spikes.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 using namespace arb;
-// This source is included in ``, which defines
+// This source is included in `test_spikes_gpu.cpp`, which defines
 // USE_BACKEND to override the default `multicore::backend`
 // used for CPU tests.
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ using backend = USE_BACKEND;
 TEST(spikes, threshold_watcher) {
-    using size_type = backend::size_type;
     using value_type = backend::value_type;
+    using index_type = backend::index_type;
     using array = backend::array;
     using iarray = backend::iarray;
-    using list = backend::threshold_watcher::crossing_list;
+    using list = std::vector<threshold_crossing>;
     // the test creates a watch on 3 values in the array values (which has 10
     // elements in total).
     const auto n = 10;
-    const std::vector<size_type> index{0, 5, 7};
+    const std::vector<index_type> index{0, 5, 7};
     const std::vector<value_type> thresh{1., 2., 3.};
     // all values are initially 0, except for values[5] which we set
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ TEST(spikes, threshold_watcher) {
     list expected;
     // create the watch
-    backend::threshold_watcher watch(cell_index, time_before, time_after, values, index, thresh);
+    backend::threshold_watcher watch(,,,, index, thresh);
     // initially the first and third watch should not be spiking
     //           the second is spiking
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/test_spikes_gpu.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/unit/
rename to tests/unit/test_spikes_gpu.cpp
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_stimulus.cpp b/tests/unit/test_stimulus.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b706767c..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/test_stimulus.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "../gtest.h"
-#include <stimulus.hpp>
-TEST(stimulus, i_clamp)
-    using namespace arb;
-    // stimulus with delay 2, duration 0.5, amplitude 6.0
-    i_clamp stim(2.0, 0.5, 6.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.delay(), 2.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.duration(), 0.5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(), 6.0);
-    // test that current only turned on in the half open interval
-    // t \in [2, 2.5)
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(0.0), 0.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(1.0), 0.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(2.0), 6.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(2.4999), 6.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(2.5), 0.0);
-    // update: delay 1.0, duration 1.5, amplitude 3.0
-    stim.set_delay(1.0);
-    stim.set_duration(1.5);
-    stim.set_amplitude(3.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.delay(), 1.0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.duration(), 1.5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stim.amplitude(), 3.0);
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_swcio.cpp b/tests/unit/test_swcio.cpp
index a27572ee..6f415c39 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_swcio.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_swcio.cpp
@@ -473,9 +473,9 @@ TEST(swc_io, cell_construction) {
     EXPECT_EQ(4u, cell.num_segments());
-    EXPECT_EQ(norm(points[1]-points[2]), cell.cable(1)->length());
-    EXPECT_EQ(norm(points[2]-points[3]), cell.cable(2)->length());
-    EXPECT_EQ(norm(points[2]-points[4]) + norm(points[4]-points[5]),
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(norm(points[1]-points[2]), cell.cable(1)->length());
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(norm(points[2]-points[3]), cell.cable(2)->length());
+    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(norm(points[2]-points[4]) + norm(points[4]-points[5]),
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_synapses.cpp b/tests/unit/test_synapses.cpp
index 45e423fa..a5559409 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_synapses.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/test_synapses.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,47 @@
 #include "../gtest.h"
-#include "../test_util.hpp"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
 #include <cell.hpp>
+#include <constants.hpp>
+#include <mechcat.hpp>
 #include <backends/multicore/fvm.hpp>
+#include <backends/multicore/mechanism.hpp>
+#include <util/optional.hpp>
+#include <util/maputil.hpp>
+#include <util/range.hpp>
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "../test_util.hpp"
+using namespace arb;
+using backend = ::arb::multicore::backend;
+using shared_state = backend::shared_state;
+using value_type = backend::value_type;
+using size_type = backend::size_type;
+// Access to mechanisms protected data:
+using field_table_type = std::vector<std::pair<const char*, value_type**>>;
+ACCESS_BIND(field_table_type (multicore::mechanism::*)(), field_table_ptr, &multicore::mechanism::field_table)
+util::range<const value_type*> mechanism_field(std::unique_ptr<multicore::mechanism>& m, const std::string& key) {
+    if (auto opt_ptr = util::value_by_key((m.get()->*field_table_ptr)(), key)) {
+        const value_type* field = *opt_ptr.value();
+        return util::make_range(field, field+m->size());
+    }
+    throw std::logic_error("internal error: no such field in mechanism");
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/expsyn_cpu.hpp>
-#include <mechanisms/multicore/exp2syn_cpu.hpp>
+ACCESS_BIND(const value_type* multicore::mechanism::*, vec_v_ptr, &multicore::mechanism::vec_v_)
+ACCESS_BIND(value_type* multicore::mechanism::*, vec_i_ptr, &multicore::mechanism::vec_i_)
-// compares results with those generated by nrn/
-TEST(synapses, add_to_cell)
+TEST(synapses, add_to_cell) {
     using namespace arb;
-    arb::cell cell;
+    ::arb::cell cell;
     // Soma with diameter 12.6157 um and HH channel
     auto soma = cell.add_soma(12.6157/2.0);
@@ -38,129 +67,110 @@ TEST(synapses, add_to_cell)
     EXPECT_EQ(syns[2], "expsyn");
-TEST(synapses, expsyn_basic_state)
-    using namespace arb;
-    using memory::make_const_view;
-    using size_type = multicore::backend::size_type;
+template <typename Seq>
+static bool all_equal_to(const Seq& s, double v) {
+    return util::all_of(s, [v](double x) {
+        return (std::isnan(v) && std::isnan(x)) || v==x;
+    });
+TEST(synapses, syn_basic_state) {
+    using util::fill;
     using value_type = multicore::backend::value_type;
+    using index_type = multicore::backend::index_type;
-    using synapse_type = multicore::mechanism_expsyn<multicore::backend>;
     int num_syn = 4;
     int num_comp = 4;
     int num_cell = 1;
-    synapse_type::iarray cell_index(num_comp, 0);
-    synapse_type::array time(num_cell, 0);
-    synapse_type::array time_to(num_cell, 0.1);
-    synapse_type::array dt(num_comp, 0.1);
+    auto multicore_mechanism_instance = [](const char* name) {
+        return std::unique_ptr<multicore::mechanism>(
+            dynamic_cast<multicore::mechanism*>(
+                global_default_catalogue().instance<backend>(name).release()));
+    };
-    std::vector<size_type> node_index(num_syn, 0);
-    std::vector<value_type> weights(num_syn, 1.0);
-    synapse_type::array voltage(num_comp, -65.0);
-    synapse_type::array current(num_comp,   1.0);
+    auto expsyn = multicore_mechanism_instance("expsyn");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(expsyn);
-    auto mech = make_mechanism<synapse_type>(0, cell_index, time, time_to, dt, voltage, current, make_const_view(weights), make_const_view(node_index));
-    auto ptr = dynamic_cast<synapse_type*>(mech.get());
+    auto exp2syn = multicore_mechanism_instance("exp2syn");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(exp2syn);
-    auto n = ptr->size();
-    using view = synapse_type::view;
+    auto align = std::max(expsyn->data_alignment(), exp2syn->data_alignment());
+    shared_state state(num_cell, std::vector<index_type>(num_comp, 0), align);
-    // parameters initialized to default values
-    for(auto e : view(ptr->e, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(e, 0.);
-    }
-    for(auto tau : view(ptr->tau, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(tau, 2.0);
-    }
+    state.reset(-65., constant::hh_squid_temp);
+    fill(state.current_density, 1.0);
+    fill(state.time_to, 0.1);
+    state.set_dt();
-    // current and voltage vectors correctly hooked up
-    for(auto v : view(ptr->vec_v_, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(v, -65.);
-    }
-    for(auto i : view(ptr->vec_i_, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(i, 1.0);
-    }
+    std::vector<index_type> syn_cv(num_syn, 0);
+    std::vector<value_type> syn_weight(num_syn, 1.0);
-    // should be initialized to NaN
-    for(auto g : view(ptr->g, n)) {
-        EXPECT_NE(g, g);
-    }
+    expsyn->instantiate(0, state, {syn_cv, syn_weight});
+    exp2syn->instantiate(1, state, {syn_cv, syn_weight});
-    // initialize state then check g has been set to zero
-    ptr->nrn_init();
-    for(auto g : view(ptr->g, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(g, 0.);
-    }
+    // Parameters initialized to default values?
-    // call net_receive on two of the synapses
-    ptr->net_receive(1, 3.14);
-    ptr->net_receive(3, 1.04);
-    EXPECT_EQ(ptr->g[1], 3.14);
-    EXPECT_EQ(ptr->g[3], 1.04);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(expsyn, "e"),   0.));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(expsyn, "tau"), 2.0));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(expsyn, "g"),   NAN));
-TEST(synapses, exp2syn_basic_state)
-    using namespace arb;
-    using memory::make_const_view;
-    using size_type = multicore::backend::size_type;
-    using value_type = multicore::backend::value_type;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "e"),    0.));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "tau1"), 0.5));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "tau2"), 2.0));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "A"),    NAN));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "B"),    NAN));
-    using synapse_type = multicore::mechanism_exp2syn<multicore::backend>;
-    int num_syn = 4;
-    int num_comp = 4;
-    int num_cell = 1;
+    // Current and voltage views correctly hooked up?
-    synapse_type::iarray cell_index(num_comp, 0);
-    synapse_type::array time(num_cell, 0);
-    synapse_type::array time_to(num_cell, 0.1);
-    synapse_type::array dt(num_comp, 0.1);
+    const value_type* v_ptr;
+    v_ptr = expsyn.get()->*vec_v_ptr;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(util::make_range(v_ptr, v_ptr+num_comp), -65.));
-    std::vector<size_type> node_index(num_syn, 0);
-    std::vector<value_type> weights(num_syn, 1.0);
-    synapse_type::array voltage(num_comp, -65.0);
-    synapse_type::array current(num_comp,   1.0);
+    v_ptr = exp2syn.get()->*vec_v_ptr;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(util::make_range(v_ptr, v_ptr+num_comp), -65.));
-    auto mech = make_mechanism<synapse_type>(0, cell_index, time, time_to, dt, voltage, current, make_const_view(weights), make_const_view(node_index));
-    auto ptr = dynamic_cast<synapse_type*>(mech.get());
+    const value_type* i_ptr;
+    i_ptr = expsyn.get()->*vec_i_ptr;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(util::make_range(i_ptr, i_ptr+num_comp), 1.));
-    auto n = ptr->size();
-    using view = synapse_type::view;
+    i_ptr = exp2syn.get()->*vec_i_ptr;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(util::make_range(i_ptr, i_ptr+num_comp), 1.));
-    // parameters initialized to default values
-    for(auto e : view(ptr->e, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(e, 0.);
-    }
-    for(auto tau1: view(ptr->tau1, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(tau1, 0.5);
-    }
-    for(auto tau2: view(ptr->tau2, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(tau2, 2.0);
-    }
+    // Initialize state then check g, A, B have been set to zero.
-    // should be initialized to NaN
-    for(auto factor: view(ptr->factor, n)) {
-        EXPECT_NE(factor, factor);
-    }
+    expsyn->nrn_init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(expsyn, "g"), 0.));
-    // initialize state then check factor has sane (positive) value
-    // and A and B are zero
-    ptr->nrn_init();
-    for(auto factor: view(ptr->factor, n)) {
-        EXPECT_GT(factor, 0.);
-    }
-    for(auto A: view(ptr->A, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(A, 0.);
-    }
-    for(auto B: view(ptr->B, n)) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(B, 0.);
-    }
+    exp2syn->nrn_init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "A"), 0.));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(all_equal_to(mechanism_field(exp2syn, "B"), 0.));
+    // Deliver two events (at time 0), one each to expsyn synapses 1 and 3
+    // and exp2syn synapses 0 and 2.
+    std::vector<deliverable_event> events = {
+        {0., {0, 1, 0}, 3.14f},
+        {0., {0, 3, 0}, 1.41f},
+        {0., {1, 0, 0}, 2.71f},
+        {0., {1, 2, 0}, 0.07f}
+    };
+    state.deliverable_events.init(events);
+    state.deliverable_events.mark_until_after(state.time);
-    // call net_receive on two of the synapses
-    ptr->net_receive(1, 3.14);
-    ptr->net_receive(3, 1.04);
+    expsyn->deliver_events();
+    exp2syn->deliver_events();
-    EXPECT_NEAR(ptr->A[1], ptr->factor[1]*3.14, 1e-6);
-    EXPECT_NEAR(ptr->B[3], ptr->factor[3]*1.04, 1e-6);
+    using fvec = std::vector<fvm_value_type>;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<fvm_value_type>(
+        fvec({0, 3.14f, 0, 1.41f}), mechanism_field(expsyn, "g")));
+    double factor = mechanism_field(exp2syn, "factor")[0];
+    EXPECT_TRUE(factor>1.);
+    fvec expected = {2.71f*factor, 0, 0.07f*factor, 0};
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<fvm_value_type>(expected, mechanism_field(exp2syn, "A")));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(testing::seq_almost_eq<fvm_value_type>(expected, mechanism_field(exp2syn, "B")));
diff --git a/tests/validation/convergence_test.hpp b/tests/validation/convergence_test.hpp
index 6cbb945d..610d4abb 100644
--- a/tests/validation/convergence_test.hpp
+++ b/tests/validation/convergence_test.hpp
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ inline std::vector<float> stimulus_ends(const cell& c) {
     std::vector<float> ts;
     for (const auto& stimulus: c.stimuli()) {
-        float t0 = stimulus.clamp.delay();
-        float t1 = t0+stimulus.clamp.duration();
+        float t0 = stimulus.clamp.delay;
+        float t1 = t0+stimulus.clamp.duration;
diff --git a/tests/validation/validate_synapses.cpp b/tests/validation/validate_synapses.cpp
index 527262ec..e69934ec 100644
--- a/tests/validation/validate_synapses.cpp
+++ b/tests/validation/validate_synapses.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void run_synapse_test(
     cell c = make_cell_ball_and_stick(false); // no stimuli
-    mechanism_spec syn_default(syn_type);
+    mechanism_desc syn_default(syn_type);
     c.add_synapse({1, 0.5}, syn_default);
     // injected spike events