From 4b07e613e5df4c771ab80f6118a240627810ec7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Cumming <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 13:04:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Move implementation of communicator to separate TU (#790)

 arbor/CMakeLists.txt                 |   1 +
 arbor/communication/communicator.cpp | 223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arbor/communication/communicator.hpp | 204 ++----------------------
 3 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arbor/communication/communicator.cpp

diff --git a/arbor/CMakeLists.txt b/arbor/CMakeLists.txt
index 936aa2d9..923a4c97 100644
--- a/arbor/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/arbor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ set(arbor_sources
+    communication/communicator.cpp
diff --git a/arbor/communication/communicator.cpp b/arbor/communication/communicator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50acd362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arbor/communication/communicator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <arbor/assert.hpp>
+#include <arbor/common_types.hpp>
+#include <arbor/domain_decomposition.hpp>
+#include <arbor/recipe.hpp>
+#include <arbor/spike.hpp>
+#include "algorithms.hpp"
+#include "communication/gathered_vector.hpp"
+#include "connection.hpp"
+#include "distributed_context.hpp"
+#include "execution_context.hpp"
+#include "profile/profiler_macro.hpp"
+#include "threading/threading.hpp"
+#include "util/partition.hpp"
+#include "util/rangeutil.hpp"
+#include "util/span.hpp"
+#include "communication/communicator.hpp"
+namespace arb {
+communicator::communicator(const recipe& rec,
+                          const domain_decomposition& dom_dec,
+                          execution_context& ctx)
+    distributed_ = ctx.distributed;
+    thread_pool_ = ctx.thread_pool;
+    num_domains_ = distributed_->size();
+    num_local_groups_ = dom_dec.groups.size();
+    num_local_cells_ = dom_dec.num_local_cells;
+    // For caching information about each cell
+    struct gid_info {
+        using connection_list = decltype(std::declval<recipe>().connections_on(0));
+        cell_gid_type gid;              // global identifier of cell
+        cell_size_type index_on_domain; // index of cell in this domain
+        connection_list conns;          // list of connections terminating at this cell
+        gid_info() = default;           // so we can in a std::vector
+        gid_info(cell_gid_type g, cell_size_type di, connection_list c):
+            gid(g), index_on_domain(di), conns(std::move(c)) {}
+    };
+    // Make a list of local gid with their group index and connections
+    //   -> gid_infos
+    // Count the number of local connections (i.e. connections terminating on this domain)
+    //   -> n_cons: scalar
+    // Calculate and store domain id of the presynaptic cell on each local connection
+    //   -> src_domains: array with one entry for every local connection
+    // Also the count of presynaptic sources from each domain
+    //   -> src_counts: array with one entry for each domain
+    // Record all the gid in a flat vector.
+    // These are used to map from local index to gid in the parallel loop
+    // that populates gid_infos.
+    std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids;
+    gids.reserve(num_local_cells_);
+    for (auto g: dom_dec.groups) {
+        util::append(gids, g.gids);
+    }
+    // Build the connection information for local cells in parallel.
+    std::vector<gid_info> gid_infos;
+    gid_infos.resize(num_local_cells_);
+    threading::parallel_for::apply(0, gids.size(), thread_pool_.get(),
+        [&](cell_size_type i) {
+            auto gid = gids[i];
+            gid_infos[i] = gid_info(gid, i, rec.connections_on(gid));
+        });
+    cell_local_size_type n_cons =
+        util::sum_by(gid_infos, [](const gid_info& g){ return g.conns.size(); });
+    std::vector<unsigned> src_domains;
+    src_domains.reserve(n_cons);
+    std::vector<cell_size_type> src_counts(num_domains_);
+    for (const auto& g: gid_infos) {
+        for (auto con: g.conns) {
+            const auto src = dom_dec.gid_domain(con.source.gid);
+            src_domains.push_back(src);
+            src_counts[src]++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Construct the connections.
+    // The loop above gave the information required to construct in place
+    // the connections as partitioned by the domain of their source gid.
+    connections_.resize(n_cons);
+    connection_part_ = algorithms::make_index(src_counts);
+    auto offsets = connection_part_;
+    std::size_t pos = 0;
+    for (const auto& cell: gid_infos) {
+        for (auto c: cell.conns) {
+            const auto i = offsets[src_domains[pos]]++;
+            connections_[i] = {c.source, c.dest, c.weight, c.delay, cell.index_on_domain};
+            ++pos;
+        }
+    }
+    // Build cell partition by group for passing events to cell groups
+    index_part_ = util::make_partition(index_divisions_,
+        util::transform_view(
+            dom_dec.groups,
+            [](const group_description& g){return g.gids.size();}));
+    // Sort the connections for each domain.
+    // This is num_domains_ independent sorts, so it can be parallelized trivially.
+    const auto& cp = connection_part_;
+    threading::parallel_for::apply(0, num_domains_, thread_pool_.get(),
+        [&](cell_size_type i) {
+            util::sort(util::subrange_view(connections_, cp[i], cp[i+1]));
+        });
+std::pair<cell_size_type, cell_size_type> communicator::group_queue_range(cell_size_type i) {
+    arb_assert(i<num_local_groups_);
+    return index_part_[i];
+time_type communicator::min_delay() {
+    auto local_min = std::numeric_limits<time_type>::max();
+    for (auto& con : connections_) {
+        local_min = std::min(local_min, con.delay());
+    }
+    return distributed_->min(local_min);
+gathered_vector<spike> communicator::exchange(std::vector<spike> local_spikes) {
+    PE(communication_exchange_sort);
+    // sort the spikes in ascending order of source gid
+    util::sort_by(local_spikes, [](spike s){return s.source;});
+    PL();
+    PE(communication_exchange_gather);
+    // global all-to-all to gather a local copy of the global spike list on each node.
+    auto global_spikes = distributed_->gather_spikes(local_spikes);
+    num_spikes_ += global_spikes.size();
+    PL();
+    return global_spikes;
+void communicator::make_event_queues(
+        const gathered_vector<spike>& global_spikes,
+        std::vector<pse_vector>& queues)
+    arb_assert(queues.size()==num_local_cells_);
+    using util::subrange_view;
+    using util::make_span;
+    using util::make_range;
+    const auto& sp = global_spikes.partition();
+    const auto& cp = connection_part_;
+    for (auto dom: make_span(num_domains_)) {
+        auto cons = subrange_view(connections_, cp[dom], cp[dom+1]);
+        auto spks = subrange_view(global_spikes.values(), sp[dom], sp[dom+1]);
+        struct spike_pred {
+            bool operator()(const spike& spk, const cell_member_type& src)
+                {return spk.source<src;}
+            bool operator()(const cell_member_type& src, const spike& spk)
+                {return src<spk.source;}
+        };
+        // We have a choice of whether to walk spikes or connections:
+        // i.e., we can iterate over the spikes, and for each spike search
+        // the for connections that have the same source; or alternatively
+        // for each connection, we can search the list of spikes for spikes
+        // with the same source.
+        //
+        // We iterate over whichever set is the smallest, which has
+        // complexity of order max(S log(C), C log(S)), where S is the
+        // number of spikes, and C is the number of connections.
+        if (cons.size()<spks.size()) {
+            auto sp = spks.begin();
+            auto cn = cons.begin();
+            while (cn!=cons.end() && sp!=spks.end()) {
+                auto sources = std::equal_range(sp, spks.end(), cn->source(), spike_pred());
+                for (auto s: make_range(sources)) {
+                    queues[cn->index_on_domain()].push_back(cn->make_event(s));
+                }
+                sp = sources.first;
+                ++cn;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            auto cn = cons.begin();
+            auto sp = spks.begin();
+            while (cn!=cons.end() && sp!=spks.end()) {
+                auto targets = std::equal_range(cn, cons.end(), sp->source);
+                for (auto c: make_range(targets)) {
+                    queues[c.index_on_domain()].push_back(c.make_event(*sp));
+                }
+                cn = targets.first;
+                ++sp;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+std::uint64_t communicator::num_spikes() const {
+    return num_spikes_;
+cell_size_type communicator::num_local_cells() const {
+    return num_local_cells_;
+const std::vector<connection>& communicator::connections() const {
+    return connections_;
+void communicator::reset() {
+    num_spikes_ = 0;
+} // namespace arb
diff --git a/arbor/communication/communicator.hpp b/arbor/communication/communicator.hpp
index 38613f4e..2cc98a78 100644
--- a/arbor/communication/communicator.hpp
+++ b/arbor/communication/communicator.hpp
@@ -1,29 +1,16 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <random>
-#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include <arbor/assert.hpp>
 #include <arbor/common_types.hpp>
 #include <arbor/domain_decomposition.hpp>
 #include <arbor/recipe.hpp>
 #include <arbor/spike.hpp>
-#include "algorithms.hpp"
 #include "communication/gathered_vector.hpp"
 #include "connection.hpp"
-#include "distributed_context.hpp"
 #include "execution_context.hpp"
-#include "profile/profiler_macro.hpp"
-#include "threading/threading.hpp"
-#include "util/double_buffer.hpp"
 #include "util/partition.hpp"
-#include "util/rangeutil.hpp"
-#include "util/span.hpp"
 namespace arb {
@@ -44,129 +31,19 @@ public:
     explicit communicator(const recipe& rec,
                           const domain_decomposition& dom_dec,
-                          execution_context& ctx)
-    {
-        distributed_ = ctx.distributed;
-        thread_pool_ = ctx.thread_pool;
-        num_domains_ = distributed_->size();
-        num_local_groups_ = dom_dec.groups.size();
-        num_local_cells_ = dom_dec.num_local_cells;
-        // For caching information about each cell
-        struct gid_info {
-            using connection_list = decltype(std::declval<recipe>().connections_on(0));
-            cell_gid_type gid;              // global identifier of cell
-            cell_size_type index_on_domain; // index of cell in this domain
-            connection_list conns;          // list of connections terminating at this cell
-            gid_info() = default;           // so we can in a std::vector
-            gid_info(cell_gid_type g, cell_size_type di, connection_list c):
-                gid(g), index_on_domain(di), conns(std::move(c)) {}
-        };
-        // Make a list of local gid with their group index and connections
-        //   -> gid_infos
-        // Count the number of local connections (i.e. connections terminating on this domain)
-        //   -> n_cons: scalar
-        // Calculate and store domain id of the presynaptic cell on each local connection
-        //   -> src_domains: array with one entry for every local connection
-        // Also the count of presynaptic sources from each domain
-        //   -> src_counts: array with one entry for each domain
-        // Record all the gid in a flat vector.
-        // These are used to map from local index to gid in the parallel loop
-        // that populates gid_infos.
-        std::vector<cell_gid_type> gids;
-        gids.reserve(num_local_cells_);
-        for (auto g: dom_dec.groups) {
-            util::append(gids, g.gids);
-        }
-        // Build the connection information for local cells in parallel.
-        std::vector<gid_info> gid_infos;
-        gid_infos.resize(num_local_cells_);
-        threading::parallel_for::apply(0, gids.size(), thread_pool_.get(),
-            [&](cell_size_type i) {
-                auto gid = gids[i];
-                gid_infos[i] = gid_info(gid, i, rec.connections_on(gid));
-            });
-        cell_local_size_type n_cons =
-            util::sum_by(gid_infos, [](const gid_info& g){ return g.conns.size(); });
-        std::vector<unsigned> src_domains;
-        src_domains.reserve(n_cons);
-        std::vector<cell_size_type> src_counts(num_domains_);
-        for (const auto& g: gid_infos) {
-            for (auto con: g.conns) {
-                const auto src = dom_dec.gid_domain(con.source.gid);
-                src_domains.push_back(src);
-                src_counts[src]++;
-            }
-        }
-        // Construct the connections.
-        // The loop above gave the information required to construct in place
-        // the connections as partitioned by the domain of their source gid.
-        connections_.resize(n_cons);
-        connection_part_ = algorithms::make_index(src_counts);
-        auto offsets = connection_part_;
-        std::size_t pos = 0;
-        for (const auto& cell: gid_infos) {
-            for (auto c: cell.conns) {
-                const auto i = offsets[src_domains[pos]]++;
-                connections_[i] = {c.source, c.dest, c.weight, c.delay, cell.index_on_domain};
-                ++pos;
-            }
-        }
-        // Build cell partition by group for passing events to cell groups
-        index_part_ = util::make_partition(index_divisions_,
-            util::transform_view(
-                dom_dec.groups,
-                [](const group_description& g){return g.gids.size();}));
-        // Sort the connections for each domain.
-        // This is num_domains_ independent sorts, so it can be parallelized trivially.
-        const auto& cp = connection_part_;
-        threading::parallel_for::apply(0, num_domains_, thread_pool_.get(),
-            [&](cell_size_type i) {
-                util::sort(util::subrange_view(connections_, cp[i], cp[i+1]));
-            });
-    }
+                          execution_context& ctx);
     /// The range of event queues that belong to cells in group i.
-    std::pair<cell_size_type, cell_size_type> group_queue_range(cell_size_type i) {
-        arb_assert(i<num_local_groups_);
-        return index_part_[i];
-    }
+    std::pair<cell_size_type, cell_size_type> group_queue_range(cell_size_type i);
     /// The minimum delay of all connections in the global network.
-    time_type min_delay() {
-        auto local_min = std::numeric_limits<time_type>::max();
-        for (auto& con : connections_) {
-            local_min = std::min(local_min, con.delay());
-        }
-        return distributed_->min(local_min);
-    }
+    time_type min_delay();
     /// Perform exchange of spikes.
     /// Takes as input the list of local_spikes that were generated on the calling domain.
     /// Returns the full global set of vectors, along with meta data about their partition
-    gathered_vector<spike> exchange(std::vector<spike> local_spikes) {
-        PE(communication_exchange_sort);
-        // sort the spikes in ascending order of source gid
-        util::sort_by(local_spikes, [](spike s){return s.source;});
-        PL();
-        PE(communication_exchange_gather);
-        // global all-to-all to gather a local copy of the global spike list on each node.
-        auto global_spikes = distributed_->gather_spikes(local_spikes);
-        num_spikes_ += global_spikes.size();
-        PL();
-        return global_spikes;
-    }
+    gathered_vector<spike> exchange(std::vector<spike> local_spikes);
     /// Check each global spike in turn to see it generates local events.
     /// If so, make the events and insert them into the appropriate event list.
@@ -178,79 +55,16 @@ public:
     /// in the list.
     void make_event_queues(
             const gathered_vector<spike>& global_spikes,
-            std::vector<pse_vector>& queues)
-    {
-        arb_assert(queues.size()==num_local_cells_);
-        using util::subrange_view;
-        using util::make_span;
-        using util::make_range;
-        const auto& sp = global_spikes.partition();
-        const auto& cp = connection_part_;
-        for (auto dom: make_span(num_domains_)) {
-            auto cons = subrange_view(connections_, cp[dom], cp[dom+1]);
-            auto spks = subrange_view(global_spikes.values(), sp[dom], sp[dom+1]);
-            struct spike_pred {
-                bool operator()(const spike& spk, const cell_member_type& src)
-                    {return spk.source<src;}
-                bool operator()(const cell_member_type& src, const spike& spk)
-                    {return src<spk.source;}
-            };
-            // We have a choice of whether to walk spikes or connections:
-            // i.e., we can iterate over the spikes, and for each spike search
-            // the for connections that have the same source; or alternatively
-            // for each connection, we can search the list of spikes for spikes
-            // with the same source.
-            //
-            // We iterate over whichever set is the smallest, which has
-            // complexity of order max(S log(C), C log(S)), where S is the
-            // number of spikes, and C is the number of connections.
-            if (cons.size()<spks.size()) {
-                auto sp = spks.begin();
-                auto cn = cons.begin();
-                while (cn!=cons.end() && sp!=spks.end()) {
-                    auto sources = std::equal_range(sp, spks.end(), cn->source(), spike_pred());
-                    for (auto s: make_range(sources)) {
-                        queues[cn->index_on_domain()].push_back(cn->make_event(s));
-                    }
-                    sp = sources.first;
-                    ++cn;
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                auto cn = cons.begin();
-                auto sp = spks.begin();
-                while (cn!=cons.end() && sp!=spks.end()) {
-                    auto targets = std::equal_range(cn, cons.end(), sp->source);
-                    for (auto c: make_range(targets)) {
-                        queues[c.index_on_domain()].push_back(c.make_event(*sp));
-                    }
-                    cn = targets.first;
-                    ++sp;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+            std::vector<pse_vector>& queues);
     /// Returns the total number of global spikes over the duration of the simulation
-    std::uint64_t num_spikes() const { return num_spikes_; }
+    std::uint64_t num_spikes() const;
-    cell_size_type num_local_cells() const {
-        return num_local_cells_;
-    }
+    cell_size_type num_local_cells() const;
-    const std::vector<connection>& connections() const {
-        return connections_;
-    }
+    const std::vector<connection>& connections() const;
-    void reset() {
-        num_spikes_ = 0;
-    }
+    void reset();
     cell_size_type num_local_cells_;